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TeacherTrainingProgram Mext2016 en PDF

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Ibaraki University (Ibaraki Prefecture)

Teaching based on a weekly tutorial according to students’ interests, and seminars

◇ University overview
○ Local Characteristics (Mito campus)
○ Characteristics and history ・ Specialized training
•Ibaraki University is located in Mito city, which has been developing as
The University was established in 1949 and has the political/economical/cultural center of Ibaraki Prefecture since Course style: Can enroll MA courses in lectures,
been developing as a university which has five ever. Kairakuen, one of the three most beautiful Japanese gardens all seminars, practice activities, school visits, etc.
colleges of Humanities, Education, Sciences, over Japan, is in the central area of Mito city. In spring, many visitors They have a weekly two-hour tutorial.
Engineering, and Agriculture and four graduate can enjoy its plum blooms. Kairakuen is a place of rest and relaxation Subjects or courses taught in English: Lectures
schools of these areas (Natural Sciences and for the citizens of this area in all seasons. in graduate courses are conducted in Japanese
Engineering being combined as one school). in principle. English is used partly in other
Emphasis is put on practical teaching about courses.
current and local issues, many of which are done
in Engineering and School of Agriculture which is ・Participatory subjects such as field trips and
a co-institute with Tokyo University of Agriculture ◇ Outline of the course for regional exchanges
and Technology.
・All enrolled students: 8,113 (As of May 1 2015)
Teacher Training students Frequent opportunities will be available to
trainees to observe and participate in
Undergraduates:7,039 / Postgraduates:1,074 classrooms and at the Faculty of Education’s
○ Characteristics of the program
attached schools.
○ International Exchange Our program gives students a weekly tutorial on an individual basis
Overseas Partner Universities: 39 universities according to their interests, and seminars consisting of a small
number of graduate students.
・ Number of International students and number
of Teacher Training students ○ Number of students to be accepted: ◇ Follow-up for graduates
Overseas students 2015 2014 2013 Japanese Language Teaching・・・1
Undergraduates: 176 182 181
Teaching of Social Studies ・・・・・1 On graduates’ requests, the facility staff can be
Graduates: 97 94 103
willing to support and counsel on their research by
Teacher’s Training: 1 1 1 English Language Teaching ・・・・1 E-mail.
○ Outline of the course
・ Japanese language education
Basic course: Can attend courses in the Japanese language and
Japanese culture, offered at the International Student Center and
College of General Education. Also the Department of Japanese
language teaching of the College of Education has its own courses.
◇ Accommodations ◇ Contact
Address: 2-1-1 Bunkyo, Mito-shi,
○ Number of rooms Ibaraki-ken 310-8512 Japan
・ Single room Department: Student Exchange Division
38(Bldg A,B) , 12(Bldg D), 23 (Bldg EFGHI) TEL: +81-29-228-8056
・ Couple room 2(Bldg C) FAX: : +81-29-228-8594
・ Family room : 2(Bldg C) E-mail: yumiko.akatsu.m@vc.ibaraki.ac.jp
URL: : http://www.ibaraki.ac.jp/
○ Monthly rent
Bldg A,B: 5,900yen
Bldgs. DEFGHI: 20,400yen
Bldg C: 14,200yen

○ Facilities
Prefabricated bath, kitchen, bed, desk, chair,
bookshelf, refrigerator, air conditioner

○ Information for Daily Life

About 15-minute walk from the university

MEXT scholarship students are given priority for

living in a university dormitory. In the unlikely event
that no room is available, students need to rent a
private apartment near the campus
(monthly rents are within the range of 30,000 yen
to 35,000 yen).
Ibaraki University(No.08)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Education

Number of Qualification and Requirement for students.

Name of Course
Course code E-mail Teaching Field(s) Language students to be Number of students
Adviser Description
accepted in past 5 years.
・Students should have teaching experience of five or more
Yoshihiro Shoji Japanese language Japanese language lesson research
08001 Professor
Teaching including lesson observation
Japanese 1 ・Students should have abilities to teach in Japanese at
elementary and junior high schools

Katsuhiko Kimura Teaching of Social Social-studies lesson research ・Upper-intermadiate level of Japanese proficiency
08002 Professor
Studies including lesson observation
・The teacher in charge of social studies
Tomoko Murayama Teaching of Social Social-studies lesson research ・Upper-intermadiate level of Japanese proficiency
08003 Professor
Studies including lesson observation
・The teacher in charge of social studies

Shin'ichi Inoi English Language Attendance on MA courses and ・No requirement

08004 Professor
Teaching tutorial

Junichi Kimizuka A weekly tutorial and a seminar for

08005 Professor
junichi.kimizuka.kimi616@vc.ibaraki.ac.jp American Literature
MA students
Japanese ・Basic knowledge of American Literature
Hidetoshi Saitou
English Language Attendance on MA courses and
08006 Associate hidetoshi.saito.cldwtr@vc.ibaraki.ac.jp
Teaching tutorial
Japanese ・No requirement
Hidemi Kobayashi
Attendance on MA courses and
08007 Associate hidemi.kobayashi.phd@vc.ibaraki.ac.jp British Literature
Japanese ・Basic knowledge of British Literature

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