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Shiga University (No.


SHIGA University (Shiga Prefecture)

Under the guidance of their faculty advisors, students will attend classes, seminars and lectures in their field of study as well
as other related fields. Students will participate in various academic activities such as supervised practice teaching, visiting
various schools and institutes, etc.

◇University Overview ◇ Outline of the Course for Teacher Training ◇Accommodation

○ Characteristics and history ○ On Campus accommodation:.
○ Characteristics of the Program 28 single rooms for men and 39 single
Shiga University has two campuses. The Graduate The Graduate School of Shiga University is placing emphases rooms for women.
School of Economics is in Hikone Campus and the on studies in teaching methodology, lesson analysis and
Graduate School of Education is in Otsu Campus. curriculum development on primary education, secondary ○ Monthly rent
education and teacher education. Shiga University, situated About ¥14,000 and electricity
The Graduate School of Education at Shiga
University is comprised of three fields of at the shore of Lake Biwa, has historically strong research ○ Facilities
specialization : School Education, Special Education backgrounds in environmental sciences education, Sharing bathroom and kitchen.
and Subject Studies. The Otsu Campus is located community environmental studies and Limnology. Students
○ Off-campus accommodation:
near the southern end of Lake Biwa. There are particularly wishing to study in these areas is encouraged to
Many apartments available for rent near
many cultural events and historic spots in and apply for the program.
Campus(within 10 minutes walk)
around Otsu. ○ Number of Students to be accepted: A total of 5 students
The monthly rent is about ¥40,000 ~
○ Outline of the course
○ International Exchange ¥50,000 including management charge.
・Japanese Language education
・Number of International students 2013.10~2014.3 ○ Information for Daily Life
(as of May 1, 2012) :191
Study basic Japanese in preparation for the academic work at The campus is close to supermarkets, banks,
・Number of Teacher Training Program students: 1 Japanese Language institute designated by MEXT. post office and convenience store. The
2014.4~2015.3 campus is about 10 minutes from the
Foreign students will occasionally be offered supplementary nearest JR station by public bus.
Shiga University has agreements for a series of Japanese Language courses at the Faculty of Education.
cooperative programs with the following ◇Contact section
・Specialized training 2014.4~2015.3
universities : Michigan State University in the U.S.A., Student Affairs Section
Deakin University in Australia, Xiangtan University Each student will major in one of the fields of specialization
Faculty of Education
in China, Dongbei University of Finance and offered by the Graduate School of Education. Students will Shiga University
Economics in China, Chiang Mai University in attend classes, seminars and lectures in their field of study,
Thailand, 40 Rajabhat Universities in Thailand, Ha as well as other related fields Address : 5-1 Hiratsu 2-chome, Otsu
Noi University of Education in Vietnam,University of ・ Participatory subjects such as field trips and regional exchanges 520-0862 Japan
Guanajuato in Mexico, Humanities University Under the guidance of their faculty advisors they will
TEL : +81-77-537-7708
Mongolia in Mongolia and Keimyung University in participate in various academic activities such as supervised
Korea. practice teaching, visiting various schools and institutes, etc. FAX : +81-77-537-7861
◇ Follow-up for graduates E-mail : soudan@edu.shiga-u.ac.jp
Shiga University has a inviting program for graduates
students to participate in a seminar or lectures. Homepage address :
- 99 -

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualification and, etc.

Graduate School of Education

Number of
Course Qualification and Requirement for students. Number
Name of adviser E-mail Teaching field(s) Course Description students to
be accepted of students in past 5 years.

Professor To have language ability to speak and write

28001 -------
Takeshi Inoue Cognitive Psychology Memory, cognitive processes Japanese

28002 Professor 1
Nobuyuki Kina kina@edu.shiga-u.ac.jp History of Education History of Japanese education

28003 Professor kodama@edu.shiga- Developmental

Noriko Kodama u.ac.jp Psychology Early Experience

28004 Professor suga@edu.shiga- Cognitive development of young 1 To have language ability to speak and write English
Masako Suga u.ac.jp Child Development children

28005 Associate Professor okuda@edu.shiga- Early Education/Child 1

Enji Okuda u.ac.jp Preschool Education Development and disorder of
mental To have language ability to speak and write
28006 Professor kuroda@edu.shiga- Developmental retardation, autism and learning 1
Japanese or English Ghana 1
Yoshitaka Kuroda u.ac.jp Disorders disabilities
Neuropsychological investigation
28007 Professor ------- Psychology of of developmental disabilities and 1
Fumisato Kondo Handicapped Children brain damaged children
Styles of calligraphy. To have language ability to speak and write
28008 Professor shirou@edu.shiga- Comparative analysis of teaching 1
Shiro Nakamura u.ac.jp Calligraphy methods for calligraphy
Associate Professor matumaru@edu.shiga- Sociolinguistics To have language ability to speak and write
28009 1
Michio Matsumaru u.ac.jp Dialectology Language Change Japanese or English

28010 Professor minoruk@edu.shiga- Social studies and citizenship 1

Minoru Kishimoto u.ac.jp Social Studies education in Japan

28011 Professor sugie@edu.shiga- Algebraic Curves and Number

Toru Sugie u.ac.jp Algebra Theory
Professor takazawa@edu.shiga- Mathematics Epistemological research in To have language ability to speak and write
Shigeki Takazawa u.ac.jp Education Mathematics Education Japanese

28013 Professor kohyama@edu.shiga- 1

Tamotsu Kohyama u.ac.jp Statistical Physics Statistical Physics

28014 Associate Professor ohyama@edu.shiga- Sun, Solar phenomena 1

Masamitsu Ohyama u.ac.jp and Astronomy Study on solar phenomena

- 100 -
Shiga University (No.28)

Number of
Course Qualification and Requirement for students. Number
code Name of adviser E-mail address Teaching field Course Description students to
of students in past 5 years.
be accepted

28015 Professor inubushi@edu.shiga- 1

Sumiko Inubushi u.ac.jp Music (Piano) Piano performance
Professor norioka@edu.shiga- Study on teaching materials of To have language ability to take courses in
28016 1
Yoshiko Sugie u.ac.jp Music Education School Music Japanese

28017 Professor wakabaya@edu.shiga- Composition 1

Chiharu Wakabayashi u.ac.jp Theory of Music Theory of Music

28018 Associate Professor hayashi@edu.shiga- Study on Music Education and 1

Mutsumi Hayashi u.ac.jp Music Education Community Engagement

28019 Professor oshima@edu.shiga- Theory and Method of A Study of spatial structure in 1

Akira Oshima u.ac.jp Painting Painting

28020 Professor tanita@edu.shiga- History of Modern Art Art of the Victorian Era in 1 To have language ability to speak and write English
Hiroyuki Tanita u.ac.jp in Europe England Mexico 1

28021 Professor niizeki@edu.shiga- Materials development in Art 1

Shinya Niizeki u.ac.jp Art Education Education

28022 Associate Professor mtachiba@edu.shiga- A Study of teaching materials 1 To have language ability to speak and write
Michiko Tachibana u.ac.jp Art Education cultivating creative faculties Japanese

28023 Associate Professor fujitama@edu.shiga- Figurative Sculpture Workshop and social participation 1
Masahiro Fujita u.ac.jp in modeling through art

28024 Associate Professor yonoi@edu.shiga- Systematical designing in 1

Yoshio Yonoichi u.ac.jp Graphic design typography

28025 Professor ntsuji@edu.shiga- Pedagogy of Physical Methodological Principle of 1 Brazil 1

Nobuhiro Tsuji u.ac.jp Education Problem-Solution Learning

28026 Professor hirai@edu.shiga- Social and cultural analysis of 1

Hajime Hirai u.ac.jp Sociology of Sport sports and leisure activities
28027 Associate Professor miura@edu.shiga- kinemorphological Study about 1
Mikio Miura u.ac.jp Movement Theory Movement form (gestalt) in Sports

28028 Professor murayama@edu.shiga- The Theory of The Theory of Japanese Martial 1 Brazil 1
Kinji Murayama u.ac.jp Japanese Martial Arts Arts


- 101 -
Shiga University (No.28)

Number of
Course Qualification and Requirement for students. Number
code Name of adviser E-mail address Teaching field Course Description students to
of students in past 5 years.
be accepted

28029 Professor isonishi@edu.shiga- Material Science 1 To have language ability to speak and write
Kazuo Isonishi u.ac.jp Powder Metallurgy Creation of new materials Japanese
Information Advanced Information Oriented
28030 Professor matsubar@edu.shiga- Technology Society and Information 1 To have language ability to speak and write
Shinichi Matsubara u.ac.jp Education Technology Education Japanese
28031 Associate Professor Technology The Development of web 1 To have language ability to speak and write English
Kenichi Iwai iwai@edu.shiga-u.ac.jp Education applications in school education Philippine 1

28032 Professor hayakawa@edu.shiga- Local Government, Local Politics 1

Hiroyuki Hayakawa u.ac.jp Sociology Local Culture in Japan

28033 Professor ------- Environmental Curriculum/Program development 1

Satoshi Ichikawa Education for Environmental Education

- 102 -
Kyoto University of Education (No.29)

Kyoto University of Education(Kyoto Prefecture)

Learn about Japanese and World Education in the richly historical, international city of Kyoto

◇ University overview ◇ Outline of the course for Teacher ◇ Accommodations

○ Summary Training students
Beginning in 1876 as Kyoto Prefectural Normal
○ Program Features Upon first arriving in Japan, as a general rule,
School, the Kyoto University of Education has been
Meticulous guidance tailored to the individual’s orientation. Active students are accommodated at the Mukaijima Student
endowed with 136 years of history and tradition.
exchange with Japanese tutors in support of training and living. Center.
Although a college for teacher training, it is a
comprehensive educational university with thirteen ○ Number of students to be accepted: eight students ○ Number of rooms: 10 single rooms
undergraduate departments, including Educational ○ Outline of the course 1 family room
Science, Japanese Language, Social Studies, ・Japanese language education ○ Monthly rent: Single room: 22,000JPY/month
Science Education, Art Education, Music Education, The applicants who need to learn Japanese Language are to attend Family room: 60,500JPY/month
and Physical Education. Our Graduate Schools offer Japanese Language Course at Kyoto University for 6 months. ○ Facilities: Each room is equipped with an air-
two courses: the Graduate School’s for master’s Applicants already having an advanced level of Japanese language conditioner/heater unit, a hot water system, a bath
degrees and the United Graduate School of ability may proceed directly to their specialized research studies. and toilet, curtains and basic furnishings.
Professional Teacher Education’s course for special ○ Information for Daily Life: A shopping mall, a
・Specialized training
educational academic degrees. hospital, a park and a library are close to the
SUPERVISED STUDY: Under guidance of an advising instructor, a final accommodations.
The campus is the south of Kyoto City, a city
research paper concerning one’s desired area of study and individual It takes about 30 minutes by train to the Kyoto
that not only represents, as the old capital,
research is to be submitted. University of Education campus, and about one hour
Japanese traditional culture with its many World
SPECIAL CLASSES FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT: EDUCATION to the center of the city. Upon completing Japan
Heritage sites, cultural assets and rich spiritual
AROUND THE WORLD: International students can learn about the Language courses, if room is available, it is possible to
culture, but also Japanese modern culture, with its
education of Japan and other countries all around the world. (Classes live in the university’s lodgings, which are about 15
famous Kyoto Station and Manga Museum—a city in
are conducted in Japanese). minutes on foot.
which one can experience both historical and
contemporary Japanese culture. ・Participatory Study Tours and Community Exchange
Participation to classes at affiliated schools are conducted. They may
○ International Exchange also participate in school visit programs sponsored by the Kyoto City
・ Number of International students International Foundation. ◇ Contact
・ Others Address: 1 Fukakusa Fujinomori-cho, Fushimi,
Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Over-night Study Tours (twice a year). Kyoto 6128522
Foreign Students 36 52 55 56 68
Office:International Student Exchange Section
・ Number of Teacher Training students ◇ Follow-up for graduates Phone: +81-75-644-8159
Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Consultation with one’s advisor after completing one’s research is Fax: +81-75-644-8169
Teacher Trainees 6 10 12 7 16 by mail. E-mail: intel<AT>kyokyo-u.ac.jp
Taking advantage of their achievements, students who have Please replace <AT> with @
completed their courses are active in schools of all countries. Others URL: http://gakusei.kyokyo-u.ac.jp/ehp
apply to graduate schools to further advance their careers /to-this/ttp/

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Kyoto University of Education (No.29)
Kyoto University of Education(No.29)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Research Division of Education

Course Qualification and Requirement for students. Number

Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) Number of students to be accepted
Description of students in past 5 years.

MUNEYUKI Shuzo Studies of Classic Japanese Sufficient classic language ability to be able to receive
29001 muneyuki 1.Studies of Classic Japanese Literature 1 Student
Professor Literature guidance from research advisers in Japanese.

Must have one year or longer prior experience of teaching

Teaching Japanese as a Japanese or directing foreign language program. Sufficient
HAMADA Mari Second Language 1.Studying approaches and contents of TJSL language ability to be able to receive guidance from research
29002 hamadam 1 Student
Professor Intercultural Education 2.Studying intercultural contact situation advisers in Japanese, OR must have TOEFL score of 61 or
more on the Internet-Based Testing , or approximate level of
English proficiency.(From past 5 years Acceptance Records 5)

TANIGUCHI Tadashi 1.Studies of Chinese Prose and Poetry Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29003 tadashi Chinese Studies in Japan 1 Student
Professor Written by Japaness Writers research advisers in Japanese.

AMANO Chisa Studies of Modern Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29004 amano 1.Studies of Modern Japanese Literature 1 Student
Associate Prof. Japanese Literature research advisers in Japanese.

NAKAMATA Naoki 1.Linguistics of Japanese, Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29005 nakamata Linguistics of Japanese 1 Student
Lecturer Japanese Language Education research advisers in Japanese.

1.Deepen the basic understanding of present

day Philosophy and Ethics and subsequent
HIRAISHI Takatoshi Social Philosophy Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29006 hiraishi issues. 1 Student
Professor Applied Ethics research advisers in Japanese.
2.Specialized readings related to research

1.Studies on the Social Sciences

Chosen Field of study and field of specialty must be the same.
contemporary Japanese
Must be at least an elementary level teacher.
YAMASHITA Hirobumi Social Science Education Citizenship Education and Environmental
29007 mountain 1 Student Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
Professor Environmental Education Education
research advisers
2.Practical training in Elementary & Junior
in Japanese.
High Schools

1.Basic understanding of Social Studies,

Social Studies Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
MIZUYAMA Mitsuharu Citizenship and Environmental Education
29008 mizuyama Citizenship Education 1 Student research advisers
Professor 2.Practical research in primary and
Environmental Education in Japanese.(From past 5 years Acceptance Records 2)
secondary schools

Research theme must relate to chosen field of Study.

KAGAWA Takashi 1.Deepen the understanding about Japanese
29009 kagawa Urban Geography 1 Student Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
Professor cities
research advisers in Japanese.

Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from

TAOKA Fumio 1.Contemporary Japanese Economy
29010 taoka Japanese Economy 1 Student research advisers
Professor 2.Modern History of Japanese Economy
in Japanese.

Chosen Field of study must be the same.

ISHIKAWA Makoto Environmental 1.Studies of Environmental Economics and
29011 ishikawa 1 Student Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
Professor economics Policy
research advisers in Japanese.

KIRIKI Shin 1.Non hyperbolic dynamical systems and

29012 skiriki Dynamical systems 1 Student
Professor chaotic behavior

1.Developments in Teaching Material for

Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
SHIBAHARA Hiroyasu Science Education Education.(Microscale Chemistry
29013 shiba 1 Student research advisers in Japanese or a score of more than 61 in
Professor (Chemistry) Experiments)
TOEFL(Internet-Based Testing).
2.Study and Observation of Science Class
in Japan

- 104 -
Kyoto University of Education (No.29)
Course Qualification and Requirement for students. Number
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) Number of students to be accepted
Description of students in past 5 years.

1.Research works of animal development,

especially Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29014 kajiwara Biology of mammalian development 1 Student research advisers
2.Reading of the textbooks related to in Japanese.
developmental biology

Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from

TANAKA Satoshi Earth Science
29015 stanaka 1.Study and observation of Geology in Japan 1 Student research advisers
Professor (Geology)
in Japanese.

1.Decent the understanding of Japanese Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29016 taka Music Music 1 Student research advisers in Japanese, or Must have score of more
Culture and its History than 79~80 in TOEFL(Internet-Based Testing).

1.Deepen the understanding of Arts

MURATA Toshihiro Education in Japan Research topic must relate to chosen field of study.
29017 tomurata Arts Education 1 Student
Professor 2.Teaching Methods (From past 5 years Acceptance Records 2)

1.Comparison of sports environments of

child in Japan and home country
Sport Managenent 2.Comparison of policies to promote sports
Chosen Field of study and research topic must be related.
NAKA Hiroshi Growth and motor in Japan and home country
29018 gori 1 Student Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
Professor development 3.Comparison development of children and
research advisers in Japanese.
Sport Policy young people in Japan and home country
4.Comparison of school physical education
curriculums in Japan and home country

1.Deepen the understanding of Physical

Education in Japan Chosen Field of study and field of specialty must be the same.
ITANI Keiko Health and
29019 itani 2.Research related to research topic 1 Student Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
Professor Physical Education
3.Practical research in Elementary and research advisers in Japanese.
Secondary Schools

Chosen Field of study and field of specialty must be the same.

1.Deepen the understanding of Health
Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
INOUE Fumio Education in Japan
29020 finoue School Health 1 Student research advisers in Japanese or a score of more than 61 in
Professor 2.Readings of thesis related to research
TOEFL(Internet-Based Testing).
(From past 5 years Acceptance Records 1)

Must have corresponding research topic..

ITO Shinichi Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29021 itoh Information Science 1.Computational Physics 1 Student
Associate Prof. research advisers in Japanese or a score of more than 61 in
TOEFL(Internet-Based Testing).

1.Physiological and phycological responses

Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
FUKAZAWA Takako Clothing physiology , of human in thermal environmental
29022 fukazawa 1 Student research advisers in Japanese or a score of more than 65 in
Associate Prof. Environmental ergonomics 2.Relevance of clothing to health and
TOEFL(Internet-Based Testing).
safety in human
Chosen Field of study and field of specialty must be the same.
INOUE Eriko 1.Studies of Japanese Home Economics
29023 eriko Home Economics Education 1 Student Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
Associate Prof. Education
research advisers in Japanese

Chosen Field of study and field of specialty must be the same.

English Language Education 1.Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29024 yuitsu Language 2 Students research advisers in Japanese or a score of more than 79~80
Vygotsky studies 2.Vygotsky's Cultural - Historical Theory in TOEFL(Internet-Based Testing).
(From past 5 years Acceptance Records 3)

GOMA Hideyo Physiology and Pathology of 1.Therapy and Education for chldren with
29025 goma 1 Student
Professor children with disabilities disabilities

- 105 -
Kyoto University of Education (No.29)
Course Qualification and Requirement for students. Number
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) Number of students to be accepted
Description of students in past 5 years.

Chosen Field of study and field of specialty must be the same.

1.Teaching English as a Foreign or Second
English Language Education Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
IZUMI Emiko Language
29026 emiko 1 Student research advisers in Japanese or a score of more than 79~80
Professor 2.Teaching and Evaluating for the
Applied Linguistics in TOEFL(Internet-Based Testing).
Communicative Competence
(From past 5 years Acceptance Records 3)

1.History of Japanese Education and Chosen field of study and field of specialty must be the same.
OKABE Mika Educational history Educational Thoughts Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29027 okabe 1 Student research advisers in Japanese.(From past 5 years Acceptance
Associate Prof. Educational Anthropology 2.Historical and Anthropological Study on
Childhood Records 2)

1.Studies on Motivation, Learning Process and

ITO Takamichi Educational Psychology Self-Regulated Learning Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29028 taito 1 Student
Associate Prof. Learning research advisers in Japanese.
2.Stuidies on Peer Learning

Chosen field of study and field of specialty must be the same.

HOMMA Tomomi 1.Study of Clinical Psychology in Japan
29029 honma Clinical Psychology 1 Student Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
Professor 2.Study and observation of counseling
research advisers in Japanese.

Chosen field of study and field of specialty must be the same.

Horticultural 1.Studies of Horticultural Science, and
YANAGAWA Tadashi Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
29030 yanagawa Science, Plant tissue Environmental Education 1 Student
Professor research advisers in Japanese or a score of more than 61 in
culture 2.Study of Plant Tissue Culture
TOEFL(Internet-Based Testing).

1.Deepen the understanding of School

Sufficient language ability to be able to receive guidance from
Mental health.
MORI Takahiro research advises in Japanese.
29031 morit School Mental Health 2.Readings of thesis related to the study 2 Student
Professor Sufficient reading ability to be able to comprehend the treatise
themes such as Eating Disorders(in
written in one of French , Italian or English.
English, French or Italian)

The United Graduate school of Professional Teacher

Education at Kyoto University of Education
Course Qualification and Requirement for students. Number
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) Number of students to be accepted
Description of students in past 5 years.
Naomasa, Sasaki
Associate Prof. nsasaki@kyokyo- Course for Teaching
(Manager for Foreign u.ac.jp Improvement
Student) <Procedure> Sufficient Japanese language ability to take classes , obsevate
Particpants choose the one course among 3 at various edcational insutitution and receive guidance in
coueses(Teaching, Guidance, School Management research.
Takahiro,Komatsu Improvement) according their own research interests. Approval of Primary or Junior High School ranking instructor
renkoku@kyokyo- Course for Guidance Adviser are selected from 21 educators of faculty or educational administrators.
Associate Prof.
u.ac.jp Improvement considering their own teaching fields. Web site of The United Graduate School of Professional
29032 (Course manager) 3 persons
<Contents> Teacher Education.
Particpants take classes. Classes include fildwork at
schools, casestudies, debates and discussion. http://renjissen.kyokyo-u.ac.jp/index.html
Particpants observation at various educational insutitution. E-mail renkoku@kyokyo-u.ac.jp
Tomoaki,Chikusa Particpantion in various events we organize. Participantion Particpant 2010year 4persons, 2011year 2persons, 2012year
renkoku@kyokyo- Course for School
Professor in international education at primary or junior high schools. 3persons, 2013year 1person
u.ac.jp Management Improvement
(Course manager)

Add “@kyokyo-u.ac.jp” to instructors listed e-mail address name.

- 106 -
Osaka University (No.30)

Osaka University (Osaka Prefecture)

Intensive advanced Japanese training and Japanese language pedagogy program for overseas
Japanese language professionals
◇ Outline of the course for Teacher Training
◇ University overview students ◇Accommodations
【Osaka University Tsukumodai International
○Profile of Osaka University ○ Characteristics of the program Student Dormitory】
Osaka University, originally founded as an During the first six months students can study ・Number of Rooms: Several Rooms
Imperial University, has traditionally attached Japanese Language intensively according to ・payments
high value to liberal ways of thinking, novelty, their proficiency level at the Center for
foresight and advanced academic research. It has an Admission fee:15,000yen*, Rent:30,000 yen
International Education and Exchange on Suita Deposit:30,000yen*
outstanding reputation, internationally and locally,
as an excellent center of education and research, Campus. In the next one year students are offered *Cash payment only when you move-in
in its close cooperation with industry, government, special training at the Studies in Japanese ・Period of Residence:For 6 months
and academic institutions. As such a distinguished Language and Culture, Graduate School of Language ・Facilities: (Public Facilities) Desk, Bed,
research institution, the University, through its and Culture.
education based on high-quality research in various Closet, Refrigerator, Air Conditioner
○ Number of students to be accepted: 6 ・Neighborhood Information for Daily life:
disciplines, seeks to produce prominent graduates
whose leadership is required in the highly advanced ○ Outline of the course Supermarket,Hospital
information society of the 21st century. In ・Japanese language education ・Commuting Time to School: About 15 minutes
academic and research fields, society needs (October, 2013-March,2014) to Suita campus and about 60 minutes to Minoh
professionals who are not only dedicated to their Six-month intensive language training is
expertise and disciplines, but who also have broad Campus by train and walk.
offered at the Center for International ※Please note that you might have to find
and interdisciplinary perspectives. The University
prides itself in producing such professionals and Education and Exchange. Students may audit private housing in case there is no room
researchers through in its distinguished education subjects related to Japanese linguistics available.
and research environment. offered by the Graduate School of Language and 【Private Housing】(Average rent near Campus)
Osaka University merged with Osaka University of Culture.
Foreign Studies (OUFS) into the new Osaka ・Rent: 30,000 to 50,000 yen
・Specialized training (April,2014-March,2015) ・Security Deposit : 200,000 to 300,000 yen
University in Oct. 2007. As a consequence it now
boasts 11 schools and faculties, 16 graduate Students should select courses offered at the ・Other Information:
schools, and 5 research institutes, as well as Graduate School of Language and Culture. A guarantor is required for a lease agreement.
libraries, 2 hospitals, and over 30 research Advising professors will give students academic (Osaka University will be a guarantor.)
facilities. It has an enrollment of around 24,400 advice to meet each student’s needs.
students and 9,000 staff members. The University Rooms are basically unfurnished.
・Others A lease agreement is concluded at private
has three campuses in three cities: Suita, Toyonaka,
and Minoh. The Teacher Training Program is carried Advising professors will give students academic housing agencies after you come to Japan.
out by the Graduate School of Language and Culture advice to meet each student’s needs.
on Minoh Campus. Special field trips for international students ◇Contact
are planned twice a year. Department of International Affairs,
○International Exchange The students take specialized training courses International Student Affairs Division,Osaka
・Number of International Students: University
1,924 (May 1st , 2012 ) with Japanese students as classmates.
・Number of Students in this program: ◇ Follow-up for graduates Address: Yamadaoka 1-1, Suita, Osaka 565-9871,
0 (2011) Students will have opportunities to participate Japan
3 (2012) in academic meetings and symposia on Japanese Phone: +81-6-6879-7103 Fax:+81-6-6879-8964
(except students in Intensive Japanese Language language and culture organized by Osaka E-mail:kenkyou-r@ml.office.osaka-u.ac.jp
program) URL:http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/index.html
- 107 -
Osaka University (No.30)
Osaka University(№31)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Language and Culture

Number of
Teaching students to Qualification and Requirement for students. Number
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Course Description be
Field(s) of students in past 5 years.
Professor suzukimu@lang.osa Japanese Language competence not asked, 2007 - 1 (Indonesia) , 2009
Language Japanese Language Education 2
Mutsumi Suzuki ka-u.ac.jp Education - 1 (Indonesia) ,2012-1(R.O.K.)
Professor jmajima@world- Language competence not asked,2008-1(China) , 2010 - 1
31001 Junko Majima lang.osaka-u.ac.jp
Language Japanese Language Education 2
(China), 2012-1(China.)
Associate Professor tsutsui@world- Language competence not asked, 2007 - 1(Chile), 2008-
Language Japanese Language Education 2
Sayo Tsutsui lang.osaka-u.ac.jp Education 1(Indonesia), 2012-1(R.O.K.)

- 108 -
Osaka Kyoiku University (No.31)

Osaka Kyoiku University (Osaka Prefecture)

Come to Osaka and Join OKU, one of the leading educational universities in Japan

◇ Outline of the course for Teacher Training students c) Student Tutoring

◇ University overview
○ Characteristics of the program Each student will be assigned a Japanese student as
○ Characteristics and history Students will visit OKU affiliated schools to observe classes and his/her tutor to get supports for academic and daily
Osaka Kyoiku university (OKU) is one of the exchange opinions with teachers. Following courses and centers admit matters.
leading educational universities in Japan, which has teacher training students. (Refer to the attached sheet for details.) Participatory subjects such as field
more than 140 years of history and tradition. There trips and regional exchanges:
Courses: School Education, Special Needs Education,
is an Evening Program for Elementary School - Overnight field trips (once a year)
Japanese Language Education, English Education, Social
Teacher Training, which is the only national program - Bus Tour in Kansai area (twice a year)
Studies Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education,
of its kind in Japan for working students and in- - Home-visit experience with Japanese families
Home Economics Education, Engineering and Technology
service teachers. OKU has two campuses in - Japanese culture experiences (kimono,
Education, Music Education, Art Education, Health and
Kashiwara and Tennoji, and also 8 affiliated schools Tea ceremony, baseball game)
Physical Education, School Nursing and Health Education,
and a kindergarten. Graduate School of Education - Final report presentation & Farewell ceremony
(Master’s program) offers 18 courses. Pure and Applied Sciences, Research and Development Center
Local area surrounding the university for Teacher Education, International Center ◇ Accommodations
The main campus (Kashiwara Campus) is located ○ Number of students to be accepted: 12 students ○ Number of rooms (Campus dormitory)
about 20 km east of the center of Osaka, inside the 40 rooms (single occupancy) 12 square meters
Kongo-Ikoma Quasi-National Park in Kashiwara-city. ○ Outline of the course ○ Monthly rent: 5,900 yen (utility [electricity, gas,
The city has a long history with beautiful ・Japanese Language Education and water] bills excluded)
surroundings commanding verdant mountains. a) Students will take intensive Japanese language lessons *Rent may go up while staying.
○ International Exchange for 6 months at a language institute designated by ○ Facilities
OKU first received its international students in Monbukagakusho (MEXT). -Private Facilities:
1969, currently establishing exchange agreements b) Language Lessons (6-8 hrs/wk, Apr-Jan) desk, bed, bathroom,
with 25 institutions in 13 countries and areas -Elementary level: conversation, grammar, and kanji A/C, internet
including China, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, U.S.A, -Intermediate level:conversation, intermediate grammar, etc -Common Facilities:
Australia, Germany, Sweden, France, England, and c) Study on Japanese Educational System (Apr-Jul) kitchen, shower, TV
Finland. Learn basic knowledge and terminologies of the Japanese laundry machine
・ Numbers of International students: 137 educational system by using Japanese and English textbooks ○ Information for Daily Life
(21 countries and region as of Dec. 2012) ・ Research Program On-campus services:
・ Total numbers of Teacher Training a) Course of Studies cafeteria, book store, ATM,…etc
Students in the past 5 years: 19 While attending lectures, teacher training students will receive ◇ Contact
Facts independent studies to conduct research of their field under their Address : International Office
Faculties: 262 academic faculty’s supervision. Students are required to submit a 4-698-1 Asahigaoka, Kashiwara-shi,
Students: final report and make presentation about their report. Osaka 582-8582 Japan
b) Classes taught in English TEL : +81-72-978-3300
4,217 undergraduate FAX : +81-72-978-3348
423 graduate An omnibus style class to learn various aspects of Japan will be
E-mail : isc@cc.osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp
24 postgraduate held in English. Themes are:”Teacher education in Japan,”“Bulling in URL : http://osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp/
Japanese Schools,”Japanese School Counseling,””International International Center:
Education in Japan”, etc. http://osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp/ic/en

- 109 -
Osaka Kyoiku University (No.31)
Osaka Kyoiku University(No.32)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Education

Qualification and
Number of
Name of Course Requirement for students.
Course code Teaching Field(s) students to
Adviser Description Number of students
be accepted
in past 5 years.

To hold B.A. or
Ryuhei HAYASHI M.A.(psychology desirable),
32001 (Professor)
Educational Psychology Cognitive Psychology and Instruction 1
Ability to understand
Japanese (China 2)
kanemitu@cc.osaka- Ability to understand
32002 (Associate
Moral education Moral education in Japanese school 1
Japanese (Kenya 1)

Special Needs Education (inclusive

Yukio ISAKA isaka@cc.osaka- Special Needs Education (inclusive education), No specific requirement
32003 (Professor) kyoiku.ac.jp
education), Education for the Hearing
Education for the Hearing Impaired
(Fiji 1)

Haruyo YOSHIDA Ability to understand
32004 (Professor)
English Education (TOESOL) English Education using Media 1
Japanese or English

Tetsuya KAGATA Ability to understand English
32005 (Professor)
English Education English Education 1
(Madagascar 1)
Yuri HASEGAWA Japanese Language Education, Japanese Language Education, To hold B.A. or M.A., Ability
32006 (Professor) Japanese Laguage Studies Japanese Laguage Studies
to understand Japanese

Aoi NAKAYAMA To hold B.A. or M.A., Ability
32007 (Associate Cross-cultural Understanding Cross-cultural Understanding 1 to understand Japanese (China
Professor) 1)
Akihide MINE mine@cc.osaka- Lesson research and development of Social Ability to understand English
32008 (Professor) kyoiku.ac.jp
Social Studies Education
(Philippines 1)
Ability to understand
Keiji MIZUNO mizuno@cc.osaka-
32009 (Professor) kyoiku.ac.jp
Geography Geographic Education, Physical Geography 1 Japanese
(Mongolia 1)

Lesson Research and Development of Mathematics Ability to understand English
32010 YANAGIMOTO Mathematics Education
Education in Japan
(Thailand 1, Venezuela 1)

To hold B.A. or M.A., Ability
32011 (Associate Science Education, Environmental Education Science Education, Environmental Education 1
to understand English
Yasuhiko MUKAI ymukai@cc.osaka- Genetics, Genome Analysis, Chromosome Science Ability to understand English
32012 (Professor) kyoiku.ac.jp
in Plants
or Japanese
Hiroyasu NAKATA hynakata@cc.osaka- Ability to understand English
32013 (Professor) kyoiku.ac.jp
Physics Optical Physics of Solid 1
or Japanese (Thai 1)

To hold B.A. or M.A., Ability
32014 (Lecturer)
Painting・Art Education Painting・Art Education in Japan 1 to understand English (India

Objectives, Contents, and Method of Motor Ability to understand English
32015 AKAMATSU Health and Physical Education
or Japanese

- 110 -
Hyogo University of Teacher Education (No.32)

Hyogo University of Teacher Education

Special Features of the Course The Hyogo University of Teacher Education has specialists in a variety of educational fields
supporting its “Graduate School for Teaching Staff”. Research of timely and essential concern at the schools is conducted in
collaboration with elementary, middle, and senior high school teaching staff.
◇Introduction to Hyogo University of ◇ Outline of the Course ◇Accommodations
Teacher Education The teacher-training program at Hyogo University of Teacher Education (HUTE) is designed ● As a new arrival to Hyogo University of
(1) Outline and Characteristics for school teachers from foreign countries (referred to as international school teachers) Teacher Education, international school
Hyogo University of Teacher Education was founded seeking for higher levels of pedagogical competence and abilities. This program provides a teachers are guaranteed a furnished room
in October 1978, and mainly in both our graduate broad range of opportunities for interdisciplinary study and research in school education. The the private bathroom and balcony
School of Education (master’s course),which Graduate School teaching staff are experts in all fields of school education and provide (28 Single Units, 8 Couple’s Units, 4
conserves opportunities for advanced research and
research opportunities to meet the needs and interests of the international school teachers. family’s Units) at Hyogo University of
study in depth of school education by in-service
teachers, and the School of Education, which fosters (1) Students acceptable : 7 Teacher Education International House,
elementary school educators. Furthermore in April (2) Japanese language training: October 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014 (6 months) located on the main university campus.
1995, the Joint Graduate Schools in School Education The international school teachers are required to take the Japanese Language Course at an ● Rents for Researchers/Per Month
at Hyogo University of Teacher Education established institute (usually at Kobe University) for 6 months: October 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014. Then, Single Unit: ¥ 4,700
the first doctoral program in the field of teacher supplementary classes for Japanese language are offered at HUTE (once a week): May, 2014 - Couple's Unit: ¥ 11,900
training in Japan. March, 2015. “Japanese and Japanese Culture” (30 hours) and “Current State of Education in Family's Unit: ¥ 14,200
We, Hyogo University of Teacher Education are the Japan” (30hours) are also provided in the Graduate School: April 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015. ● Equipment and Fitting in Living
university with approximately 1,600 students study in
(3) Professional studies: April 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015 (One year) Accommodation
our undergraduate and graduate programs and with
teaching staff experts in a wide range of fields Each international school teacher pursues his or her professional training according to his (example; couple’s Unit)
or her individual program; taking classes with Japanese graduate/undergraduate students, Unit bathroom, hot water supply, air-
(2) International Exchange special classes in English, if necessary, a special seminar under the guidance of the conditioner (cooling/heating), beds, desk,
international school teacher’s academic supervisor, and educational practicum at the chair, bookshelf, closet, shoe box, lounge
・ Total number of international Students university’s attached elementary and secondary schools. The program is based on the set, dining table and chairs, cupboard, wash
Fiscal year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 international teachers’ academic interests, Japanese language ability, and professional stand, washing machine, TV, cs-tuner, VCR
79 114 120 98 91 competence. Since most classes are conducted in Japanese, it is desirable to achieve a certain with DVD player, microwave oven,
level of Japanese language ability through the six months of language training in Japan. It is refrigerator, gas range, desk lamp, cleaner,
・ Number of international Teachers in possible, however, to complete studies in English in some fields. electro-thermos, umbrella stand,
“Teacher-training” Program (4) Study Tours, Fieldtrips, and other Educational Activities wastebasket, telephone.
Fiscal year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 The Kato City International Exchange Association and volunteer organizations provide ● The time required to get to university
6 6 7 7 5 international school teacher study tours, cultural fieldtrips, and exchange parties and meetings. About 5minutes on foot from the
International House to campus.
◇ Follow-up for graduates ◇ Inquires
After the graduation, we keep in touch through E-mail, Social Network Student Support Division
Service and so on, pursuing their careers. Hyogo University of Teacher Education
942-1, Shimokume, Kato-city, Hyogo
673-1494 JAPAN
Tel: +81-795-44-2043
Fax: +81-795-44-2049
E-mail: office-ryugaku-t@hyogo-u.ac.jp
Web: http://www.hyogo-u.ac.jp/

- 111 -
Hyogo University of Teacher Education (No.32)
Hyogo University of Teacher Education(No.33)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

School Education Research

Course Number of students to be Qualification and Requirement for students. Number of students
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s)
Description accepted in past 5 years.

WATANABE Takanobu History of Educational Thought in Europe, History of Educational Thought in Europe,
33001 watataka@hyogo-u.ac.jp Ability to read academic Japanese texts
(Professor) Teacher Education Teacher Education
33002 nasukawa@hyogo-u.ac.jp Childhood Education Early Childhood Education, Nursery School
ASAKAWA Kiyoshi School Counseling, Childhood, School Adjustment, Development, Career
33003 kasa@hyogo-u.ac.jp School Psychology
(Professor) Development
TORIGOE Takashi Psychology of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, Sign Language, Language
torigoe@hyogo-u.ac.jp Psychology of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Ability to read academic English texts
(Professor) Instruction
KAWAAI Yoshio Pedagogy of Disabilities, Policy and Administration of
nba00147@hyogo-u.ac.jp Pedagogy of Disabilities, Education Policy, Educational Administration Ability to read academic Japanese texts
(Professor) Special Support Education
SHIBATA Hirokazu Psychology of Children with Disabilities,Visual Impairment,Experience of
33004 hshibata@hyogo-u.ac.jp Psychology of Children with Disabilities Ability to read academic Japanese and English texts
(Professor) Disabilities,Sighted Guide,Braille
ISAWA Shinzo
isawa@hyogo-u.ac.jp Psychology of Children with Developmental Disabilities Developmental Disabilities, Autism, Applied Behavior Analysis Ability to read academic English texts
(Associate Professor)
ISHIKURA Kenji physically disabled person, severe disabled person, psychological
kenji@hyogo-u.ac.jp Rehabilitation Psychology Ability to read academic Japanese or English texts
(Associate Professor) rehabilitation program
MAEDA Sadaaki
sadm@hyogo-u.ac.jp Japanese Literature Japanese Modern Literature Ability to read academic Japanese and to speak in Japanese.
SUZUKI Toshio Chinese Classic Literature, Teaching Chinese Classic Literature,
tosuzuki@hyogo-u.ac.jp Chinese Classic Literature Ability to read academic Japanese and understanding of Chinese text, Korea
(Professor) Translation of Chinese Classic Literature
Curriculum Development of Japanese Languages L1, Assessment of
yujhorie@hyogo-u.ac.jp Curriculum Development of Japanese Language Japanese Language, Development of New Learning Activities for Japanese A maximum of seven students may Philippines
Language Teaching be admitted as a total number

TANAKA Masakazu Historical Japanese Linguistics,

tnkms@hyogo-u.ac.jp Japanese Linguistics Ability to read academic Japanese, and Japanese classics
(Professor) Medieval Japanese, Wakankonkobun

33005 YAMAGUCHI Makoto

makyama@hyogo-u.ac.jp Japanese Classical Literature Medieval Literature, Narrative, Tale, Japanese Buddhism Ability to read academic Japanese to read Japanese classics

SUGAI Kazumi Cognitive Processing of Language, Contrastive Study with Japanese,

ksugai@hyogo-u.ac.jp Japanese Linguistics, Theoretical Linguistics
(Associate Professor) Japanese Grammar, Dynamism of Japanese Language

hoshima@hyogo-u.ac.jp English Literature English Novel Victorian Age Ability to read academic English texts
UDO Mariko English Linguistics, Linguistic theories and
mariudo@hyogo-u.ac.jp English Linguistics, Theoretical Linguistics
(Professor) Education, Language Acquision and Bodiliness
YOSHIDA Tatsuhiro
tyoshida@hyogo-u.ac.jp Teaching English as a Foreign Language TEFL/TESL, Curriculum Design, Methodology Ability to speak in English, Afghanistan
(Associate Professor)
yoshimo7@hyogo-u.ac.jp Geography Human Geography, Map Study
NANBA Yasuhiko
namba@hyogo-u.ac.jp Economics Economic Theory, Japanese Economy Ability to read academic Japanese texts
seiharad@hyogo-u.ac.jp Japanese History Japanese Modern History, Modern Village Formation History
MORI Hideki
hmori@hyogo-u.ac.jp Philosophy Philosophy(Modern philosophy ), Cultural Theory, Citizenship Education
(Associate Professor)

- 112 -
Hyogo University of Teacher Education (No.32)
KUNIOKA Takahiro Curriculum Development of School Mathematics, Teaching Methods for
kunioka@hyogo-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Ability to read academic Japanese texts, Brunei
(Associate Professor) Mathematics, Lesson Study of Arithmetics/Mathematics Class

Chemistry (Physical Chemistry of Solution, Analytical Study of Contents of Chemical Education. Development of Teaching
ozeki@hyogo-u.ac.jp Chemistry, Electrochemistry), Chemical Education, Materials relating Chemistry, Environmental Education from the Earth Level Ability to read academic English texts and speak in English, Samoa, East Timor
33007 Environmental Chemistry and Region Level.

ATSUMI Shigeaki Science Education - Contents Theory - Teaching Material Development -

atsumi@hyogo-u.ac.jp Biogical Education, Botany Ability to read academic English texts
(Professor) Plant-Tropism, - Plant Physiology.
YOSHIOKA Hidefumi Biogical Education, Zoological Science (especially
hyoshi@hyogo-u.ac.jp Sex differentiation, Morphogenesis, Transcriptional Factor, Growth Factor Ability to read academic English texts
(Professor) Developmental Biology)
SHIBUE Yasuhiro Rocks, Minerals, Earth Systems Education, Science Literacy, Contents
yshibue@hyogo-u.ac.jp Earth Science Education, Petrology and Mineralogy Ability to read academic Japanese texts
(Professor) Theory
NOMOTO Tatsuhito Voice Lessons, Teaching Methods of Voice Lessons, Instruction Methods
tnomoto@hyogo-u.ac.jp Vokal, Vokal Pedagogy, Choral Pedagogy Ability to read academic Japanese and to speak in Japanese
(Associate Professor) of Chorus
stakeuti@hyogo-u.ac.jp Music Education Pedagogy of Music Education, School Band Philippines

33008 History of Art, Museology, Education for Appreciation of Ability to read academic Japanese or English texts. Italian-speaking-student also is
KITAMURA Akari (Professor) kiarart@hyogo-u.ac.jp History of Art, Museology, Education for Appreciation of Visual Art
Visual Art welcomed.

TAKAGI Atuko takagi@hyogo-u.ac.jp Art Educathion Art Educathion Ability to read academic Japanese and to speak in Japanese.
A maximum of seven students may
KAWACHI Isami be admitted as a total number
ikawachi@hyogo-u.ac.jp Instrumental Music (Clarinet) Clarinet Playing,Clarinet Pedagogy,School Band English, Japanese
NAGASE Hisaaki
hisac@hyogo-u.ac.jp Educational Technology Training of Communication by using Machine Translation Ability to speak in Japanese
ODA Toshiaki Health&Sports Sciences, Biomechanics, Training Health and Physica ability, Sports Sciences, Biomechanics, Trainning
toda@hyogo-u.ac.jp Linguistic Capability (English or JAPANESE)
(Associate Professor) Scieneces, Physical Education Sciences, Physical Education
ASANO Ryoichi School Management
royasano@hyogo-u.ac.jp School Management, Human Resources Development
(Professor) Human Resources Development
Oono Yasuki School Management, Educational Administration,
ohnoy@hyogo-u.ac.jp School Management, Educational Reform, Educational System Indonesia,Yemen
(Associate Professor) Educational System
33011 kuroiwa@hyogo-u.ac.jp Educational Psychology Learning Instruction and Evaluation Ability to read academic Japanese and English texts
TANIDA Masayuki
tanida@hyogo-u.ac.jp Moral Education Value, Morality, Ethics
hiroki@hyogo-u.ac.jp Adult and Community Education Community Education, Adult Education, Home Education Ability to read academic Japanese and English texts
(Associate Professor)
ARAI Hajime
33012 araiha@hyogo-u.ac.jp Student Guidance Teacher's Burnout, Student Guidance Ability to read academic Japanese and English texts
tmatsumt@hyogo-u.ac.jp Counseling Counseling, Reclusiveness and Unsociability Ability to read academic Japanese and English texts
(Associate Professor)
KOGAWA Masafumi
kogawa@hyogo-u.ac.jp Career Education Career Education, School Accommodation Ability to read academic Japanese and English texts

- 113 -
- 114 -
Kobe University (No.33)

KOBE University (Hyogo Prefecture)

Students have many chances of visiting and teaching fieldwork at our attached schools.

◇ Follow-up for graduates

◇ University overview ◇ Outline of the course for Teacher Students who have completed this course are
○ Characteristics and history Training students included in our Alumni database, which we use to
send information to students about further study
Kobe University has more than 100 years of history, ○ Characteristics of the program opportunities and career advice.
started as Higher education institutions in 1902.
Currently, as a national university there are in 11 In addition to classroom training, participating in Experiential learning ◇ Accommodations
faculties, 14 graduates,1 research office, 1 institute in education, Public tours of the facility and Japanese cultural events
Kobe University can only provide limited
with several centers. in the region.
accommodation in university dormitories due
Reflecting the cosmopolitan atmosphere of Kobe ○ Number of students to be accepted: total 2 students (each corse: to a sharp increase in the number of
City, Kobe University has always placed a great international students.
1 student)
emphasis on academic exchanges with foreign Kobe University is not able to provide accommodation
universities in various fields and has received a high ○ Outline of the course
for couples.
academic reputation. ・ Japanese language education 1. Kobe University (International Residence and 3
more dorms)
○ International Exchanges (1) Period of program : October, 2013 ~ March, 2014
・Period of stay is 1 year
(2) Contents : First 6 months, you will take Japanese Studies and
The university has concluded agreements on ・Rent is ¥5,900 ~ 18,000 per month
Fundamental Japanese Language Study at International Student
academic exchange with 220 prestigious universities *May be required : common service charge, etc
Center, Kobe University.
and institutions from 47 countries world wide. ・Commuting time to university 30 ~ 50 minutes
・ Specialized training by train
・ Number of International students
2.Public apartments : Monthly rent is around
(As of May, 2012) (1) Period of program : April, 2014 ~ March, 2015
¥50,000 per month
Undergraduate students 108 (2) Contents : You will research attending lectures to your study
*The rent does, not include utility costs
Graduate students 740 under an academic professor. And some teacher-trainees may
*Deposits (shikikin and Reikin) are necessary as
Research students 284 conduct research by attending a public school in Kobe city with an
part of the Japanese system for renting apartments.
Total 1,132 (from 77 regions) assistance and guidance of an cademic professor.

・ Number of Teacher Training students Apr to Jul : Spring Semester (Social gathering in June) ◇ Contact
Aug to Sep: Vacation (Regional exchange events etc)
2012 year 2 students Address:3-11, Tsurukabuto, Nada-ku, Kobe,
Oct to Mar: Fall Semester (Day trip, Japanese Cultural events)
2011 year 0 student 657-8501, JAPAN
Dec : Submit reports
2010 year 0 student Feb : Presentation of your research Department: Academic and Student Affairs section,
2009 year 0 student Mar : Completion ceremony Graduate school of Human Development and
2008 year 2 students Environment
2007 year 1 student ・ Participatory subjects such as field trips and regional TEL: +81-78-803-7924 / FAX: +81-78-803-7929
exchanges : Part of the lesson.
E-mail: hudev-kyomu@office.kobe-u.ac.jp
・ Others : Visiting schools, public facilities such as public halls and
URL : http://www.kobe-u.ac.jp
. museums, and companies

- 115 -
Kobe University (No.33)
KOBE University (No.34)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Human Development and Environment

Qualifications and
Requirements for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) Course Description Number of students to be accepted Number of students in past 5
1.Educational Administration
Educational Administration/Policy/ Japanese(Basic) conversation or
WATANABE Akio 2.Educational Policy/System
34001 akiowtnb@port.kobe-u.ac.jp System/Management in Japan (including 1 Beginner's English (2 from Mexico,
(Professor) 3.Educational Management
Special Needs Education) 1 from Egypt, 2 from China)
4..Special Needs Education

TERAKADO Yasutaka Age determination of rock and regional Japanese(Basic) conversation or

34002 terakado@kobe-u.ac.jp Geology 1
(Professor) geology Beginner's English

- 116 -
Nara University of Education (No.34)

Nara University of Education (NARA Prefecture) ボルマーク

The university has established since 1888 as a teacher training college. You can not only learn some theories in the
campus but also learn any practical things in our three attached schools.

◇ University overview ◇ Outline of the course for Teacher ◇ Accommodations

○Characteristics and history Training students We are prepare the university dormitories
Our university is located in Nara ○ Characteristics of the program for you. It is a single room.
Prefecture richly endowed with the fragrance ・Our university is the teacher training center and has
○ Monthly rent
of tradition and culture since the period three attached schools where the students can
of the ancient Japanese capital named practically learn how to teach children while they ・ 13,500-16,000 yen (plus own utility cost)
“Heijokyo” and have sent many graduates develop their studies at the university.
○ Facilities
to the educational world as a teacher’s ・Though the university is comparatively small, the
college. professors of various research fields can afford to ・ A desk, chair, wardrobe and bed.
The university has history of 120 years offer classes satisfactory to every student of his/her
・Shared Kitchen, shower and laundry
since the establishment as Nara Normal major.
School for Teachers in 1888. ○ Information for Daily Life
○ Number of students to be accepted: 11
We always spend consistent efforts on the
・ The environment etc. : It is whereabouts in
improvement and assurance of our education ○ Outline of the course
a still residential quarter in the vicinity
in training future teachers like the
・Japanese language education of Nara Park. It is from Kintetsu-Nara
foundation of the School of Professional
Period: Full one year Stations in on foot and the bus to about 20
Development in Education in 2008 with the
+ Japanese language: 4 hours /week minutes. 10 minutes’ walk to the university
mission to train excellent teachers.
+ Japanese Culture: 2 hours /week (in English
(Characteristics of Nara Prefecture)
according to the students' background)
Nara is a famous city for the first and
・Specialized training
ancient capital in Japan between 710 and
Academic advisors of the students guide them which
794(or 784), and is a kind of treasure house,
classes to attend and may have one office hour for
which has many cultural assets, like Horyuji
their independent studies.
temple, one of the World Heritage Sites as
Special program is offered at the education of science
the oldest wooden architecture in the world.
and mathematics.
You can also approach to many cultural
・Participatory subjects such as field trips and
properties which appear in Japanese history
regional exchanges ◇ Contact
because Nara is located within easy reach of
Students have the opportunity to go on a study trip ADDRESS: Takabatake-cho, NARA, Japan
Kyoto and Osaka.
and to get information on joining and / or seeing
○International exchanges
We are proud to welcome 9 Teacher Training
historical events held in Nara. OFFICE: Student Affairs Section
Students since 2008. Now there are ◇ Follow-up for graduates TEL: 0742-27-9148
approximately 80 international students from
22 countries such as CHILE, THAILAND, FRANCE, We provide the information necessary to research, teach, FAX: 0742-27-9146
COLUMBIA, SOUTH SUDAN, China to NUE. and practice in their countries for Teacher Training
students mainly by E-mail. And also our instructors provide
E-mail: ryugaku@nara-edu.ac.jp
consultation for them. URL: http://www.nara-edu.ac.jp

- 117 -
Nara University of Education (No.34)
Nara University of Educatio(No.35)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Education

Qualification and Requirement for

Course Number of students to be
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students. Number of students
Description accepted
in past 5 years.
SHIBUYA Maki shibuya Study on the Identity Construction of
35001 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
School Education
the Children in the Multicultural Society

TOYOTA Hiroshi htoyota

35002 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
School Education Study of Encoding in Memory 1

Study on the Education of Kanji and

TANAHASHI Hisako tanahasi
35003 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Japanese Language Education Vocabulary,Study on the Image at Japanese 1
Language Education

KATO Hisao katohs

35004 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Japanese Linguistics/ Japanese Language Teaching Syntax and Semantics in Japanese 1 Thailand 1

MAEDA Hiroyuki maedah Theoretical and Descriptive Study on

35005 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Japanese Language Education
Japanese Phonology

IWAMOTO Hiromi iwamoto Geographical Education and

35006 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Geographical Education
Environmental Education in Japan

SANO Makoto sano Law,State and Religion in Modern

35007 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Social Studies Education

KONDOU Yutaka ykondo

35008 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Mathematics Education Mathematics Education 1 Ghana 1, South Sudan 1

KAWASAKI Ken-ichiroh kawaken

35009 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
algebra Commutative Algebra 1

KAWAKAMI Satoshi kawakami Study on Operator Algebras and

35010 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
analysis, applied mathematics

TAKAGI Yoshiji takagi Asymptotic optimality for statistical

35011 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
probability, statistic
estimation and statistical testing

ITO Naoharu naoharu Study on Information and Mathematical

35012 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Applied mathematics
Systems Theory

MORIMOTO Koichi morimoto Development of Teaching Material for

35013 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Science Education
Biology Education
1 Myanmar 2

YAMAZAKI Shoko yamazaks Development of New Synthetic

35014 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Organic Chemistry

TSUNETA Taku tsuneta Solid State Physics, Nano Science &

35015 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Solid State Physics

HOTTA Hiroki hotta Development of novel analytical

35016 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Surface Chemistry
methodologies for surface chemistry

MATSUI Kiyoshi kmatsui Reproductive Ecology of Trees and

35017 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp

ISHIDA Masaki masaki

35018 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Biology Cell Biology of Protozoa 1

HIRAGA Shozo hiragas Thermoluminescence Dating of Active

35019 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp

- 118 -
Nara University of Education (No.34)
KIKUCHI Jun-ichi kikuchi
35020 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Biology Biology 1

WADA Yutaka ywada Physical Volcanology and Geology by

35021 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Physical Volcanology and Geology
Field and Laboratory Methods

FUJII Tomoyasu fujii Physical Limnology and Aquatic

35022 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Physical Limnology and Aquatic Environmental Study
Environmental Study

KANEHARA Masaaki kanehara

35023 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Life and Earth Science Studies on Environmental Archaeology 1

MAEDA Noriko maeda Piano Performance, Piano

35024 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Instrumental music

FUKUMITSU Sakon fukumitu Studies on Chinese and Japanese

35025 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp

OKAZAWA Yoshinori okazawa Study on Teaching Skills in Physical

35026 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Health and Sports Science Education

TAKAHASHI Hidesato takahasi

35027 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Health and Sports Science Education Sociological Study of Sport Fans 1

NAKATANI Akira akira Glucose and Fat Metabolism in Skeital

35028 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Health and Sports Science Education

HORIHATA Masahiko horihata Plastic Forming Technology and

35029 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Metal Forming
Mechanism for Metalic Material

SUZUKI Yoko suzukiy Study on Curriculum and Teaching Skills

35030 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Home Economics Education
in Home Economics Education

SUGIYAMA Kaoru sugiyama Study on Antioxidative Ability of Food

35031 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Home Economics Education

SATO Rintaro rintaro@nara-

35032 (Associate Professor) edu.ac.jp
English Education English Education 1 East Timor 1

English Romantic Poetry, English Novels

KADOTA Mamoru kadotam
35033 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
English and American Literature in the 18th-19th Century, and British 1
IKUTA Shuji ikuta Theoretical and Practical Study on
35034 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Human Rights Education

ITO Takekazu takekazu Research and Development of The

35035 (Associate Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Educational Technology
Learning Environment
1 Philippines 1

MATSUYAMA Toyoki matsuyat Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Gravity

35036 (Professor) @nara-edu.ac.jp
Research Center for Science and Mathmatics Education
and Nonlinear Science

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Nara Women's University (No.35)

Nara Women’s University (NARA)

・Practical training in collaboration with the attached and neighboring schools
・Well-managed small group education according to the research themes of students

◇ University overview ◇ Outline of the course for Teacher ◇ Accommodations

Training students 【Japanese language education (Osaka International
○ Characteristics and history House 1)】
○ Characteristics of the program Please note that you might have to find private
Nara Women’s University has its beginning in the ・Trainees will be accepted to the Faculty of Letters or Graduate housing in case there is no room available.
former Nara Women’s Higher Normal School School of Humanities and Sciences. 【Academic Training (International House or
founded in 1908, and had entered its 100th ・Cooperation of professors in the Course of Education - International Student House)】
anniversary in May of 2009. Since its foundation, Philosophical Anthropology. Both are available if there are vacancies.
Nara Women’s University has fulfilled our role as an ・Small group seminars and individual instruction . ○ Number of rooms
institute providing women with education at the ・Practical training through the cooperation with the attached and ・ Single room:36 in International House
highest level. neighboring schools. (Kindergarten, Primary School and 32 in International Student House
Our campus is located in the central part of Nara Secondary School) ・ Couple room:1 in International House
City where many historical legacies have been found. ○ Number of students to be accepted: 3 ・ Family room: 1 in International House
Within such beautiful sites, the university is ○ Outline of the course ○ Monthly rent
comprised of three undergraduate faculties, the ・ Japanese language education International House (for single):Deposit ¥10,000-,
Faculty of Letters, the Faculty of Science, and the ・Preparatory lessons for six months in the institution offering Cleaning fee ¥ 10,000-(payable at moving-in),
Faculty of Human Life and Environment. We also Japanese course Rent ¥5,900/month
have the Graduate School of Humanities and ・Japanese classes (intermediate to advanced) in Nara International Student House:Rent ¥4,700/month,
Sciences, offering high level of academic research Women’s University Communal fee ¥1,200/month
education. While small in scale, we strive for an ・Tutoring to study Japanese language and other special field Fees for light water and gas are not included in
individualized approach to education and research. of study by graduate students with English ability the rent.
In 2004, the International Exchange Center was set ・Introduction Japanese, Business Japanese classes in Nara ○ Facilities
up to promote international exchange activities. We Women’s University. Bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, closet, toilet and bath.
have concluded exchange agreements with 29 ・ Specialized training Kitchen and washing machine room are shared.
universities overseas, and about 150 international a) Course, type of teaching, etc. ○ Information for Daily Life
students are currently enrolled. ・Lectures, seminars, reading, special research studies Both are located within 5 minutes walk from the
○ International Exchange ・Individual instruction according to their research themes campus. A train station is also within 5 minutes walk.
b) Subjects or courses taught in English Shops are also many around the station.
・ Number of International students: 145(as of ・Special seminar on “Japanese education” for the teacher
October 1, 2012) training students
・ Number of teachers trained in the past 10 ・Reading exercise in the original languages (two levels) ◇ Contact
years: total 6 c) Others Kitauoya Higashimachi, Nara 630-8506
Number by country: ・Practical research at the attached schools. International Students Section, International Division
Myanmar (4), Australia (1) , China (1) Tel: 0742-20-3240 Fax: 0742-20-3309
◇ Follow-up for graduate E-mail: ryugakusei@cc.nara-wu.ac.jp
URL: http://www.nara-wu.ac.jp/
・Consultation by email

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Nara Women's
Nara Women's University (No.35)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Faculty of Letters,
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences
Number of Qualification and Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to Number of students
be accepted in past 5 years.
FUJII Yasuyuki Basic scholarship of special subject,
36001 yakororin@yahoo.co.jp Music Education Training of music education
Associate Professor English reading, writing and speaking ability is required.

ITO Kazuya k.ito@cc.nara-wu. Training of study on philosophy of Basic scholarship of special subject,
36002 Philosophy of Education
Associate Professor ac.jp education English reading, writing and speaking ability is required.

KUNUGI Toshio kunugi@cc.nara-wu. Training of study on history of body Basic scholarship of special subject,
36003 History of Body Culture
Professor ac.jp culture English reading, writing and speaking ability is required.

YANAGISAWA Yugo y-yanagi@cc.nara- Training of theory and application of Basic scholarship of special subject,
36004 Ethics total 3
Professor wu.ac.jp ethics English reading, writing and speaking ability is required.

NISHIMURA Takuo takuo@cc.nara-wu. Training of study on history of education Basic scholarship of special subject,
36005 History of Education
Professor ac.jp and action research in schools English reading, writing and speaking ability is required.

SUZUKI Koshi kosuzu@cc.nara- Basic scholarship of special subject,

36006 Body Culture Training of studies on body culture
Associate Professor wu.ac.jp English reading, writing and speaking ability is required.

YASUDA Takashi tyasuda@cc.nara- Training of study on sociology of Basic scholarship of special subject,
36007 Sociology of Education
Associate Professor wu.ac.jp education English reading, writing and speaking ability is required.

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Wakayama University (No.36)

Wakayama University (Wakayama Pref.)

A curriculum that meets individual students’ desires & joint advisory system
by teaching and administrative staff
◇ University overview ◇ Outline of the course for Teacher
○Characteristics and history ◇ Accommodations
Wakayama University was established in Training students
May 1949 as a new style of university In the ○ Characteristics of the program
○ Number of rooms
beginning, there were two faculties - the ・A curriculum will be arranged to meet the demands of the
・ Single room 24
Faculty of Liberal Arts (currently the Faculty students with the aid of the supervisor.
・ Couple room 0
・Practical Teaching will be offered in cooperation with our Attached
of Education), and the Faculty of Economics. In ・ Family room 0
Schools and other educational institutions.
October 1995, Faculty of Systems Engineering ・Advice and instruction will be given to the students about their
was established, and in April 2008,Faculty of ○ Monthly rent
study and research, as well as about their daily life.
Tourism was established. Wakayama University ¥9,500/mo.〔rent¥5,900+maintenance costs
○ Number of students to be accepted: 16
¥3,600(including water)〕
has been marking another step in the healthy ○ Outline of the course
development as the only national university in ・ Japanese language education
○ Facilities
Wakayama Prefecture. Preparatory Japanese Language Education (at Osaka
bed, table, desk, locker, shoe box, mini kitchen,
Graduate School of Education is in charge University in six month )
unit bath and toilet, air circulation system. Internet
of this program. The School has 12 master's JapaneseⅠA~ⅠD
programs in two graduate courses: School ○ Information for Daily Life
Japanese Culture & Business Japanese
Education and Development Support Education Location:Nishitakamatsu Wakayama-City
Japanese Culture and Affairs
in the School Education course; and Japanese (centrally located.bay bus to the campus
Extra courses of Japanese Language Education
teaching, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, 30-40 minutes)
・ Specialized training
Music, Arts, Physical Education, Technology, Academic advisor will give students some advice to
House holding and English Education in the meet their needs. Students may audit courses of their
Subject-Oriented Education. Many of the interest including those outside of their field of study. ◇ Contact
graduate students are teacher-trainees. ・Participatory subjects such as field trips and regional exchanges Wakayama University
The University is located in Wakayama City, Japanese Culture and Affairs, JAPAN STUDY Center for International Education & Research
which has about 370,000 population. It takes
・ Others Address: 930 Sakaedani, Wakayama-shi,
Trip for International Students Wakayama 640-8510
about 1 hour from Osaka and about 30 minutes Japanese Speech Contest
from KANSAI International Airport. This is a Japanese Cultural Experience(Summer & Winter) TEL: 81-73-457-7524 FAX:81-73-457-7520
comfortable place to learn and live in, ◇ Follow-up for graduates E-mail: kokusai@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp
surrounded by beautiful landscape. “International Student Forum” Website:this website provides
○ International Exchange URL:http://www.wakayama-u.ac.jp/
information about the IER Center such as, program notices, and
・ Number of International students much more. It can also be accessed by students who have
177(9 countries) already returned home after completing their program with us.
・ Number of Teacher Training students We also assist our graduates with career path-finding and job
3(2008), 2(2011),1(2012) acquisition upon graduation.
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Wakayama University (No.36)
Wakayama University(No.37)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Education

Number of
Course Qualification and Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to be
Description Number of students in past 5 years.
Kubo Fumio : Professor kubofumi@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Educational Administration, School Management
School Practice Guidance, Study of School
Matsuura Yoshimitsu: Professor matsuura@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp
Funagoshi Masaru: Professor funakosm@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Guidance, Moral Education Gabon 1(2012)
Japanese language enough
37001 Koshino Shoji: Associate Professor koshinos@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Thoughts and Theories about Modern Education Pedagogy, History of Education and Issues in education 1 Mongolia 1(2007)
level to execute research
Toyoda Michitaka: Associate Professor toyoda@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp ICT Education Philippine 1(2007)

Ninomiya Shuichi: Associate Professor nshuichi@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Curriculum Study, Educational Methods

Hirata Tomomi: Associate Professor thirata@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Educational Assessment, Lesson Study

Takeda Mariko: Professor takedam@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Suga Sensaku: Professor suga@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp School Psychology; Educational Psychology, Indonesia 1(2007)
Students can also learn in
37002 Psychology Developmental Psychology, Educational Clinical 1
Yonezawa Yoshifumi: Professor yonezawa@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Psychology

Norisada Yuriko: Associate Professor norisada@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Eda Yusuke: Professor eda@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Yamazaki Yukari: Professor yukari25@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Various Fields of special needs education for children
Students can also learn in
37003 Ono Jiro: Professor onoj@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Special Education for Children with Disabilities with disabilities: ①Pedagogy②Psychology ③Medicine 1 Brazil 1(2008)
④Educational Method ⑤Social Welfare
Takeda Tetsuro: Professor takeda7@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Furui Katsunori: Associate Professor kfurui@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Study on instruction method of Japanese in school

Maruyama Noritaka: Associate Professor noritaka@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Japanese teaching as mother tongue
education (mainly for junior high /high school )
Understanding of Japanese Literature and Culture by
Japanese teaching as mother tongue, Japanese reading classical to modern Japanese Literature
Kikukawa Keizo: Professor kikukawa@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp
Literature Analysis of Japanese Literature as educational
Study of classical to modern Japanese
Kashiwabara Suguru: Professor kashiwbr@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp
Language/modern Japanese dialect
Japanese Language Japanese language enough
37004 1
Sawamura Miyuki: Lecturer msawa@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp level to execute research.

Ohashi Naoyoshi: Associate Professor naohashi@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Japanese Literature

Study on modern and current Japanese

Sato Kazumasa: Professor satoh@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Modern Japanese Literature
Literature(mainly novels and critical essays)

Study of ancient to modern Chinese philosophy,

Matsumura Takumi: Professor matsu28@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Chinese Philosophy and Literature religion, literature or culture and comparative research
between Japanese and Chinese cultures.

Understanding of the trends and characteristics of

Kawamoto Haruo: Professor kawamoto@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Education of Social Studies
Social Studies Education in Japan

Study on pedagogy of social studies mainly for junior Language competence not
Iwano Kiyomi: Lecturer iwano@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Education of Social Studies
high shool asked

- 124 -
Wakayama University (No.36)
Fujimoto Seijiro: Professor fujisei@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp
Japanese History
Kaizu Ichiro: Professor kaizu@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Japanese History of the Medieval Period
Japanese language enough
Trend and Characteristic of studies on the world history level to excute research.
Mishina Hidenori: Associate Professor mishina@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp World History Philippine 1(2008)
in Japan

Obara Jun: Associate Professor obara@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

37005 1 Language competence not
Shimazu Toshiyuki: Professor shimazu@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Human Geography Human geography in general
Yamagami Tatsuya: Associate Professor yamagami@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Human Geography Geographical study on population and urbanization
Have learned the related
Understanding and making practical use of basic notions
Uchida Midori: Associate Professor midoriu@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Political Science major/field more than 1
of political science.
Understanding and making practical use of basic
Yoneda Yoritsugu: Professor 7yoneda@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Sociology
sociological theories and methods
Language competence not
Amano Masao: Professor mamano@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Comparative culture and comparative philosophy
Studies of occidental and Japanese philosophy and
Ozeki Ayako: Associate Professor ozeki@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Kataoka Kei: Professor kataoka@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Tagawa Hiroyuki: Professor tagawa@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Katayama Soichiro: Professor katayama@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp The foundation of Mathematics; Algebra, Geometry, Language competence not
37006 Mathematics/Mathematics Education 1
Analysis, Mathematics Education asked
Kawakami Tomohiro: Associate Professor kawa@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Kitayama Hidetaka: Lecturer hkitayam@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Nishiyama Hisashi: Lecturer h2480@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Ishizuka Wataru: Professor ishizuka@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp To have the experience of

teaching Physics or natural
37007 Kisoda Kenji: Professor kisoda@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Physics/Science Education Physics/Education of Physics 1 science, or to have majored Philippine 1(2007)
Physics at higher education
Gu Ping: Professor guping@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp institutions

Kanda Wakako: Professor kanda@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Science Education Philippine 1(2011)

Chemical experiments and researches/ Education in Language competence not
37008 Yamaguchi Masanori: Associate Professor masayama@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp 1 Myanmar 1(2008)
chemistry asked
Science Education/Chemistry
Kimura Noriyoshi: Associate Professor nkimura@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Takasu Hideki: Professor takasu@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Study on Animal physiology (mainly fishes), Animal
Language competence not
37009 Makiko Kajimura: Associate Professor kajimur@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Biology behavior/ecology (mainly crabs) or Plant morphology/ 1
ecology(mainly high plants)
Koga Tsunenori: Professor tkoga@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Hisatomi Kunihiko: Professor hisatomi@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Sedimentology

Have learned the related
37010 Konomatsu Masahiko:Professor matsu@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Pale ecology/Disaster Education Seminars, Lectures and Experiments 1 major/field more than 1
Tomita Akihiko: Professor atomita@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Astronomy/Astronomy Education

Kan Michiko: Professor kan@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Music Education

Omoto Kazunori: Associate Professor omotok@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Vocal Music

Japanese language enough
37011 Yamana Jin: Professor yamana@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Keyboard The basics of music and music education 1 level to read texts and the
encyclopedia of music
Kotera Kana: Lecturer coteraka@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp brass instrument/Euphonium

Izumi Ken: Professor izumi@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Musicology

Nagamori Motoki: Professor nagamori@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Art Education

Choji Kaoru: Associate Professor kchoji@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Art Education

- 125 -
Wakayama University (No.36)
Takagi Eiichi: Professor takagi@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Painting
Have learned the related
37012 Naganuma Tadayoshi: Associate Professor naganuma@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Sculpture Art/Education of Art 1 major/field more than 2
Yamazaki Naohide: Professor yamazaki@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Design

Terakawa Takeo: Professor terakawa@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Crafts

Takahashi Kenichi: Associate Professor kenichit@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Art Theory & Art History

Murase Koji: Lecturer murasek@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Katabuchi Mihoko: Associate Professor mkata@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Historical study on an idea of health and body
Physical Education
Ikeda Takuto: Associate Professor takuto@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Historical study on Judo in modern Japan

Study the movement of human body in sports or daily

Kato Hiroshi: Professor katotai@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp
life physiology and biomechanical (Kinesio Logically)
37013 Exercise and Sports Physiology 1
An analysis of JUDO technique and the teaching
Yano Suguru: Professor yano@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Exercise prescription for developing and maintaining

Motoyama Mitsugi: Professor motoyama@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Health Science cardio respiratory and muscular fitness in middle aged
or elderly subjects

Hikoji kei: Lecturer kei23@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

An empirical study of vocational and technical education

Sato Fumito: Professor satofumi@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Vocational & Technical Education
in secondary level

Working environment according to processing by

Ikegiwa Hiroyuki: Professor ikegiwa@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Wood Processing Language competence not
37014 woodworking machinery 1
Electrical and Electronic Engineering/ Electronics and mechatronics for design and
Ijima Hiroshi: Associate Professor ijima@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp
Mechatronics manufacturing

Minamiyama Yasuhiro: Associate Professor minami@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Plant Breeding/Agronomy Study on plant breeding and agricultural education

Study on development of teaching materials and

Akamatsu Junko: Professor akamatsu@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Home Economics Education
consumer education

Yamamoto Nami: Associate Professor namiyama@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Food Science/Home Economics Education Study on cookery science and dietary education
Language competence not
37015 1
Imamura Ritsuko: Professor ritsuko@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Science of Clothing & Textiles Study on clothing related to living and environment asked

Murata Junko: Professor jmurata@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Housing and Living Science Study on dwelling style and living environment

Motomura Megumi: Associate Professor motomura@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp Science of Family Relations Study on family relationships and citizenship education

Erikawa Haruo: Professor erikawa@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

English Education English education
Onoe Toshimi: Associate Professor onoe@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Doi Hitoshi: Professor jindoi@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Sakamoto Masao: Professor sakamoto@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp British and American Literature

English linguistics, English & American literature,
Imamura Takao: Professor imamura@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp
linguistic information
Students can also learn in
37016 Nishiyama Atsuko: Associate Professor nishi@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp 1 Myanmar 1(2011)
English/ French/German
English Linguistics
Matsuyama Tetsuya: Associate Professor matsuya@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Ogurisu Hitoshi: Professor ogurisu@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp French French language and literature

Nagai Kunihiko: Professor nagaiku@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

Hyodo Toshiki: Associate Professor hyodo@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp German German language and literature

Chida Maya: Associate Professor chida@center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

- 126 -
Tottori University (No.37)

Tottori University (Tottori Prefecture)

You can carry out educational research aimed at solving the variety of and academic issues which local
Communities face at the regional level

◇ Accommodations
◇ University overview ○ Number of students to be accepted: 4
○ Number of rooms
○ Characteristics and history ○ Outline of the course
Tottori University emphasizes the importance of its ・ Single room : 50
・ Japanese language education
relation with the communities, promoting practical ・ Double-occupancy room : 6
studies. Hence, The educational policy of Tottori a) Term: October 1st, 2013 thru March 31st, 2014(6 months)
University is "Fusion of Knowledge and Practice." b) Curriculum: ・ Triple-occupancy room : 3
Tottori University has four faculties: Regional Intensive courses for learning basic communication skills ○ Monthly rent
Sciences, Medicine, Engineering and Agriculture. include 'Basic Japanese,' 'Chinese characters and
Every year research programs are adopted by COE, writing,' 'General Japanese,‘ ‘Japanese and Computer,' ・ Single room : 5000~6000yen
which shows its activities are evaluated highly. and ‘Japanese culture.' ・ Double-occupancy room : 12000yen
The Graduate School of Regional Science aims to c) Examination and evaluations systems
train high-level career specialists in the specialized Quiz, Mid Term Exam, Presentation, Attendance ・ Triple-occupancy room :15000yen
fields of regional policy, regional culture, regional ○ Facilities
・ Specialized training
environment and regional education as well as to
invigorate and develop regional societies through a)Term: April 1st, 2013 thru March 31st, 2014 (1 year) A bed, a desk, an air-conditioner, a bookshelf, a
educational research aimed at solving the varieties locker, a shoes box in each room.
of practical and academic issues which local A shower room, a laundry, a kitchen, a Japanese style
Same with the programs for the full-time graduate students,
communities face at the regional level. room for common use.
including individual studies with the supervising
○ International Exchange professor. ○ Information for Daily Life
・ Number of International students ・Participatory subjects such as field trips and There are clinics and supermarkets in the
168 (from 27 countries) neighborhood.
regional exchanges
・ Number of Teacher Training students
The class of “Japanese culture” will provide It takes about 15 minutes to walk to the University.
2012:1 2011:0 2010:0 2009:0 2008:0
opportunities to observe local industry and have cultural
◇ Outline of the course for experiences. ◇ Contact
・ Others Address:Tottori University, 4-101 Minami,
Teacher Training students Visit to local facilities and schools, ski tours, Koyama-cho Tottori-shi 680-8551
○ Characteristics of the program experiences with kimono, speech contest in Japanese
In this program, you can learn about broad Department:Tottori University Faculty of Regional
and other activities are offered.
fields, such as internationalization and Science
computerization of education, lifelong education, TEL:0857-31-5178
environmental education, and welfare education, in ◇ Follow-up for graduates FAX:0857-31-5076
consideration of the local characteristic of the San- University records their personal data for follow-up. E-mail:reg-kyoumu@adm.tottori-u.ac.jp
in district and the Japan Sea rim area.

- 127 -
Tottori University (No.37)
Tottori University(No.38)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Regional

Sciences Master's Degree Program
Number of
Course Qualification and Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to
Description be Number of students in past 5 years.
Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
Alexander Kippen kcates@rstu.jp applied Linguistics Gloval Education
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Professor Those who have majored in Japanese Classical
tanaka-h@rstu.jp Japanese Literature Japanese Classical Literature
Hitoshi TANAKA Literature.
Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
hnaito@rstu.jp Musicology Musicology
Hisako NAITO Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
nomad@rstu.jp Urbanology Urban Culture and Development
Kunihiro NODA Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Associate Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
ibaraki@rstu.jp Cultural Anthropology Culture and Society in West Africa
Toru IBARAKI Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Professor Japanese Linguistics(History of
enoki@rstu.jp Japanese Linguistics Those who have majored in Japanese Linguistics.
Hisashige ENOKI Phonology)
Associate Professor
kishimoto@rstu.jp Japanese History Modern and Early Modern Japanese History Those who have majored in History.
Associate Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
fukiko@rstu.jp Japanese Literature Modern Japanese Literature
Fukiko KITAGAWA Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Associate Professor Those who have majored in British/American
38001 Hiromi NAGARA
nagara@rstu.jp British Literature Modern and Contemporary English Novels 1
Associate Professor History of the English Language, Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
fukumoto@rstu.jp English Linguistics
Hiroji FUKUMOTO Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
Kunimitsu k.yanagi@rstu.jp European History French Revolution
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
ishitani@rstu.jp Sculpturing Study and practice of Sculpturing
Koji ISHITANI Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
niikura@rstu.jp Composition Musical Conducting
Ken NIIKURA Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Professor Dance Education, Movement and Dance Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
saburi@rstu.jp Dance
Ikuyo SABURI for handicapped Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
ciachi@rstu.jp Vocal Vocal Education
Ciaki NISHIOKA Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
hirai@rstu.jp Design Study and practice of Design
Satoru HIRAI Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Associate Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
tgoto@rstu.jp Arts Management Arts Management in performing arts
Tomoko GOTO Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
andoh@rstu.jp Physics Solid State Phisics Applicants should major in Physics.
Yoshikazu ANDOH

- 128 -
Tottori University (No.37)
Tottori University(No.38)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Regional

Sciences Master's Degree Program
Number of
Course Qualification and Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to
Description be Number of students in past 5 years.
jtamura@rstu.jp Organic Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry Applicants should major in Organic Chemistry.
Jun-ichi TAMURA
ntsuru@rstu.jp Zoology Systematics, Evolutionary Biology Students majoring in Biology are Preferable.
nisikori@rstu.jp Japanese History History of medieval Japan Students majoring in Japanese History are Preferable.
yano@rstu.jp Geology Stratigraphy, Structural Geology Students majoring in Geology
Takao YANO
kodama@rstu.jp Geomorphology Geomorphological Processes Students majoring in Physical Geography
Yoshinori KODAMA
38002 1
Associate Professor
takata@rstu.jp Archaeology Yayoi, Kofun period, Cultural Heritage Students majoring in Archaeology
Ken-ichi TAKATA
Associate Professor
nakahara@rstu.jp Archaeology Environmental Archaeology, Archaeobotany Students majoring in Archaeology
Junior Associate Professor Microbially Influenced Corrosion of
leesy@rstu.jp Conservation Science
Archaeological iron objects
Students majoring in Conservation Science
Soyeon LEE
Associate Professor
tagawa@rstu.jp Physics Reneable Energy Techeniques Students majoring in Physics are Preferable.
Associate Professor
daina@rstu.jp Botany Plant Ecology, Conservation Biology Students majoring in Biology are Preferable.
Associate Professor Environmental biological inorganic
Sawako HORAI
horais@rstu.jp Inorganic Chemistry
Applicants should major in Irganic Chemistry.

Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of

Tatsuya KOEDA
koeda@rstu.jp Neurophysiology Neurophysiology
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Kenichiro TAKATORI
takatori@rstu.jp Educational Psychology Piaget's and Vygotsky's Psychology Having majored in Psychology is desirable.

Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of

Toshiki YAMANE
haruhi@rstu.jp Educational Method Educational Evaluation, Curriculum
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Professor Early Childhood Environment of Early Childhood Education Having majored in Early Chilhood Education and Care is
Hitoshi SHIONOYA Education and Care and Care desirable
Associate Professor History of Education.Studies of Human Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
ichimori@rstu.jp History of Education
Makoto ICHIMORI Rights Education Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Associate Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
38003 Akira KOJIMA
akirak@rstu.jp Sociology of Education Sociology of Education 1
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Associate Professor History of Educational Having majored in pedagogy is desirable.The person
tkawai@rstu.jp Historical Reseach on Educational Ideas
Tsutomu KAWAI Ideas interested in historical reseach on educational ideas.

- 129 -
Tottori University (No.37)
Tottori University(No.38)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Regional

Sciences Master's Degree Program
Number of
Course Qualification and Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to
Description be Number of students in past 5 years.
Junior Associate
Developmental Early Childhood Psychology and
Professor c-takahashi@rstu.jp Having majored in Psychology or Education is desirable.
Psychology Education
Cognitive and
Associate Professor Experimental Approach for Cognitive
tanaka@rstu.jp Developmental Applicants should have majored in Psychology
Daisuke TANAKA Development and Cognitive Systems
Associate Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
hmiki@rstu.jp Special Education Teaching in Special Education
Hirokazu MIKI Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Junior Associate
Child Welfare Child Welfare or Early Childhood Having majored in Child Welfare or Early Chilhood
Professor hata@rstu.jp
Education and Care Education and Care is desirable
Chizuno HATA
To meet the application qualification in the Ministry of
kaz@rstu.jp English Education Theory and practice of English Education Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Acceptance in the past.
Associate Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
suzuki@rstu.jp Music Education Music Education
Shinichiro SUZUKI Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
38004 Students majoring in Physics and Science Education.
sugi@rstu.jp Science Education Curriculum and Instruction Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
sumikawa@rstu.jp Calligraphy Practical Skill Instruction Calligraphy
Hideaki SUMIKAWA Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
takahashi@rstu.jp Science Education Biology Biology Education, Science Education Students majoring in Biology or Science Education.
Professor The person who studied pedagogy or educational
doi@rstu.jp Technology Education The purpose of Technology Education
Kosaku DOI psychology, during university enrollment in school.
Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
tsyabe@rstu.jp Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching Mathematics
Toshiaki YABE Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Associate Professor Japanese Language Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
taku@rstu.jp Practical Research on Education
Taku OGASAWARA Education Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
38004 1
Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
kikuyama@rstu.jp Art Education Material Development for Art Education
Satoru KIKUYAMA Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Physical Education,
Associate Professor Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
sekikoji@rstu.jp Health and Sport Physiology and Coaching
Koji SEKI Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Associate Professor Home Economics Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
k-fukuda@rstu.jp Education
Material Development for Home Economics Education
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Associate Professor Development of learnigs and teaching Satisfy an application qualification in the Ministry of
ktakahasi@rstu.jp Social Studies Education
materials for social studies Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

- 130 -
Shimane University (No.38)

Shimane University
((Shimane Prefecture))

Train Closely with the Local Education Community Amid the Deeply Rooted Traditional Culture of Provincial Japan

◇ University overview ◇Accommodations

◇ Outline of the course for Teacher
○ Characteristics and history ○ Number of rooms
Training students ・ Single room : 26 rooms
As a mid-sized university, students at Shimane ・ Couple room : 1 room
University have the opportunity to learn in a warm and ○ Monthly rent
○Characteristics of the program
friendly environment more typically associated with Single room: 5,900yen/month
Personal coaching related to schools
smaller colleges. Professors provide kind support and
andd educational
d ti l facilities
f iliti in
i neighborhood
i hb h d Double room: 9,500yen/month
9 500yen/month
guidance to all students, and are readily available to
foster enduring professional relationships through ○ Facilities
○ Number of students to be accepted:10 Personal shower, shared kitchen, wireless LAN, and
seminars, laboratory work and field work. This is but one
of the many positive characteristics of Shimane so on.
○ Outline of the course
University. ・ Japanese Language Education ○Information for daily life
Matsue cityy is surrounded byy abundant natural beauty,y Within a 55-minute
minute walk
walk, University campus bus stop,
Students are requested to take Japanese Language Course at
including the Sea of Japan, Lake Shinji, and the Chugoku around-the-clock supermarket, various restaurants
University designated by Monbukagakusho for the first six
Mountains. It’s also well- known as an International
months. Shimane University also offers Japanese Language and so on.
Culture Tourist City that retains many historical sites
and traditional culture, such as Matsue Castle, shrines, Lesson.
temples, hot springs, and Japanese tea and sweets. ・Specialized Training
◇Contact Address
International Student Section
Since there are few foreign
g residents livingg in Shimane,, A Special curriculum and individual tutoring will be carefully
studying at Shimane University provides an excellent International Exchange Division
planed to help students carry on their research most efficiently.
opportunity for applicants to immerse themselves in the 1060 Nishikawatsu, Matsue, Shimane 690-8504
・Participatory subjects such as field trips and regional
Japanese language and culture. The international Tel:+81-(0)852-32-6106
students of Shimane University are able to enjoy a wide Fax:+81-(0)852-32-6481
variety of activities and international events with International Students can participate in field trips to a variety
E-mail: gak-ryugaku@jn.shimane-u.ac.jp
p students both on and off campus.
p Matsue is of sites (historical and cultural sites, government and education
H P htt
H.P: http://www.shimane-u.ac.jp/
// hi j /
also a very safe city, especially when compared to other institutions, etc.) and local homestays.
major cities. Climate-wise, Matsue is very temperate.
While it may snow occasionally during the winter, the ◇ Follow-up for graduates
weather is quite comfortable throughout the year. All graduates will receive
Matsue Castle
their certificate.
○ International Exchange(As of Oct. 1, 2012) Izumo
・ Number of International Students: 170 Taisha
・Number of Teacher Training students : (2003-2012)
Indonesia, Mexico 3, Paraguay, Philippines2,
Traditional local dance: Dojo- Iwami
Myanmar, Thai, Kenia, Belarus, Morocco
Sukui (Fish Catch Dance) Silver

- 131 -
Shimane University (No.38)
Shimane University(No.39)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate Course and Unvergraduate Course of Education

Qualification and
E-mail Course Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser Teaching Field(s) Number of students to be accepted
@edu.shimane-u.ac.jp Description Number of students
in past 5 years.
TOMITAKE Toru Bachelor degree in this field、
tomitake@ Mathematics Education Mathematical Thinking 1
(Professor) Sufficient Japanese language skill
GONDO Seigo Teaching and Learning Daily conversation skill in Japanese
gondo@ Method of Education 1
(Assoc.Professor) Process or in English
KATO Toshiaki Bachelor degree in this field、
kato@ Social Studies Education Social Studies Education 1
(Assoc.Professor) Sufficient Japanese language skill
KAWAJI Sumito Inquiy Method of Art Bachelor degree in this field、
kawaji@ Art Education 1
(Assoc.Professor) Education Sufficient Japanese language skill
HIROKANE Shiho Physical Education/Dance Bachelor degree in this field、
39001 shiho-h@ Physical Education 1
(Assoc.Professor) Education Sufficient Japanese language skill
MATSUMOTO Ichiro Mineralogy, Petrogy, Daily conversation skill in Japanese
chromim@ Geological Education 1
(Assoc.Professor) Environmental Education or in English
MARUHASHI Shizuka Home Economics Education, Philosophy of Home Economics Education, Daily conversation skill in Japanese
inoues@ 1
(Assoc.Professor) Education Philosophy of Education or in English
YURITA Makito Teacher Teaching, Teaching Daily conversation skill in English
yurita@ Teacher Teaching, Teaching Philosophy 2
(Assoc. Professor) Philosophy or in Japanese
ISHINO Yoko Bachelor degree in this field、
yoko-ishino@ Developmental Psychology Developmental Psychology 2
(Assoc. Professor) Sufficient Japanese language skill
Bachelor degree in this field, daily
HIGO Koichi
higo@ Educational Clinical Psycology Educational Clinical Psycology 1 conversation skill in Japanese or in
39002 IWAMIYA Keiko Bachelor degree in this field,
iwamiya@ Clinical Psychology Clinical Psychology 1
(Professor) sufficient Japanese language skill
Child and Adolescent
Child and Adolescent Pyschiatry
INAGAKI Takuji Daily conversation skill in Japanese
inagaki@ 1
(.Professor) Pyschiatry or in English
FUKUDA Akimichi
afukuda@ Japanese Classical Literature Japanese Classical Literature 1 Sufficient Japanese language skill
FUKUDA Tetsuyuki
t-fukuda@ Calligraphic Studies Calligraphic Studies 1 Basic Command of JPN
takeda@ Chinese Classics Chinese Classics 1 Basic Command of JPN
Bachelor degree in this field,
HAYASHI Takanori
hayashit@ Linguistics Semantics, Pragmatics 1 sufficient skill in Japanese and

39003 Bachelor degree in a related field,

OTANI Midori English Education and
otani@ Intercultural Communication 1 sufficient skill in Japanese and
(Assoc,Profess0r) Communication

- 132 -
Shimane University (No.38)
Qualification and
E-mail Course Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser Teaching Field(s) Number of students to be accepted
@edu.shimane-u.ac.jp Description Number of students
in past 5 years.
Theoretical Linguistics, Bachelor degree in this field,
NAWATA Hiroyuki
nawata@ Linguistics Generative Grammer, 1 sufficient skill in Japanese and
Historical Syntax English
History of Japanese, Lexical
Yasuharu yhyakutome@ Japanese Linguistics 1 Basic Command of JPN
Bachelor degree in a related field,
NEKODA Hidenobu Language Testing,
nekodah@ English Language Teaching 1 sufficient skill in Japanese and
(Assoc.Professor) Curriculum Development
Geomorphology, Natural
HAYASHI Masahisa Daily conversation skill in Japanese
hayashim@ Physical Geography Environment, Regional 1
(Professor) or in English
MORIMOTO Naoto Social Studies Practice Secondary School Social Studies Practice
morimoto@ 1 Daily conversation skill in Japanese

Social History, History of

(Professor) Level Secondary School Level
MAKIHARA Shigeru Daily conversation skill in Japanese
makihara@ Modern European History 1
(Professor) Modern France or in French
hasegawai@ Japanese history Medieval history of Japan 1 Daily conversation skill in Japanese
39004 TOMIZAWA Yoshia Chinese Contemporary
y-tomi@ Chinese Contemporary History 1 Daily conversation skill in Japanese
(Professor) History

Agricultural and Rural
SAKUNO Hirokazu Daily conversation skill in Japanese
hsakuno@ Human Geography Development, Human
(Assoc.Professor) or in English
Theoretical Sociology,
MOROOKA Ryousuke Daily conversation skill in Japanese
morooka@ Sociology Research in Contemporary 1
(Assoc.Professor) or in English
Contemporary Political Daily conversation skill in Japanese
Masakazu matsumoto@ Political Science 1
Science or in English
TSUJI Takumi
tsuji@ Statistics, Combinatorics Statistics, Combinatorics 1 Skill in Japanese or in English
IZUMI Makoto
idzumi@ Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics 1 Skill in Japanese or in English
NOMURA Ritsuo Field science, Environmental
nomura@ Geological Education 1 Skill in Japanese or in Engilish
(Professor) school science
AKISHIGE Yukikuni Energy and Environment Skill in Japanese or in Engilish
akishige@ Physics Education 1
(Professor) Education (Indonesia 1)
A Taxonomy of Freshwater
ohtani2458@ Biological Education Algae, Development of 1 Skill in Japanese or in English
39006 Teaching Materials
The person who majored in the
same field at the university.
KAYANO Akihide
a_kayano@ science education Science education 1 The person who have a sufficient
ability to read and write in
katsura_nishiyama@ Physics Chemistry Chemistry Education 1 Skill in Japanese or in English
Teaching Method and
TATANO Michiko Teaching Method and Curriculum of Family &
tatano@ Curriculum of Family & 1 Skill in Japanese or in English
(Professor) Consumer Sciences
Consumer Sciences

- 133 -
Shimane University (No.38)
Qualification and
E-mail Course Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser Teaching Field(s) Number of students to be accepted
@edu.shimane-u.ac.jp Description Number of students
in past 5 years.
ttetsuya@ Clothing Science Clothing Science 1 Skill in Japanese or in English

kfunaki@ Biological Education Cytogenetics 1 Skill in Japanese or in English
sachi@ Housing Science Housing Science 1 Skill in Japanese or in English
YOKO Tsurunaga
ytsurunaga@ Food Science Food Science 1 Skill in Japanese or in English

Bachelor degree in this field、

SAITO Shigenori Physical Education as School
saitoh-s@ Physical Education as School Subject 1
(Professor) Subject Sufficient Japanese language skill
Masayoshi nakayama@ Sociology of Sport Sociology of Sport 1 Bachelor degree in this field

Bachelor degree in this field、

HIRAI Shou Physical Education as School Subject, Physical Education as School
hiraisho@ 1
(Professor) Philosophy of Sport Subject, Philosophy of Sport Sufficient Japanese language skill

39008 ITO Toyohiko Bachelor degree in this field、

itotoyo@ Sport Psychology Sport Psychology 1
(Professor) Sufficient Japanese language skill
SAKAI Hidetoshi Movement Theory of Sport( Bachelor degree in this field、
sakaihi@ Movement Theory of Sport ( Budo) 1
(Professor) Budo) Sufficient Japanese language skill
NISHIMURA Satoru Bachelor degree in this field、
satoru-n@ Health Education Health Education 1
(Assoc.Professor) Sufficient Japanese language skill
HARA Taketaka Bachelor degree in this field、
thara@ Exercise Physiology Exercise Physiology 1
(Assoc.Professor) Sufficient Japanese language skill

NAGAMI Nobuhisa
nagami@ Instrumental Music Violin Viola 1 Skill in Japanese
Masakuni taka@ Crafts Metal Works 1 Skill in Japanese
simahata@ Instrumental Music Piano 1 Skill in Japanese

ARAI Tomoo Daily conversation skill in Japanese

arai@ Painting Painting 1
(Professor) or in English

39009 kawasoi@ Composition Composition 1 Skill in Japanese or in English

kofujii@ Music Education Music Education 1 Skill in Japanese or in English

hidekif@ Sculpture Sculpture 1 Skill in Japanese

KOTANI Mitsuru
kotani@ Design Design 1 Skill in Japanese

n-sasaki@ Vocal Music Vocal Music 1 Skill in Japanese

- 134 -
Okayama University (No.39)

OKAYAMA UNIVERSITY(Okayama prefecture)

Characteristics of the Course
The course is divided into three terms: Term 1 forces on the teaching of the Japanese language and culture while Term 2
and 3 emphasize the teaching of academic subjects.

◇ University Overview ◇ Outline of the Course in brief ◇ Catching up

(1)Characteristics and History Okayama Characteristics of the Course: The first 6 months Okayama University held the inaugural ceremony of
University was founded in 1949 on the basis of its focuses on the mastering of Japanese language and the Okayama University nternational Alumni Association
predecessor, Okayama Medical College and Sixth High culture for the beginners and in the remaining one year on 22nd October 2011. The Okayama University
School, which were founded in 1922 and 1900 trainees have a teaching-training to achieve the aims International Alumni Association will serve as a way to
respectively. It now has 11 faculties and 7 graduate of own specialties. disseminate information between alumni association
schools and is one of the biggest national universities members and International students at Okayama
in Japan. One of its characteristics lies in its (1) Number of Students to be Accepted: up to 12 University in addition to providing alumni who do not
emphasis on international exchanges. The Language (2) Preparatory Japanese Language Education belong to the association a way to stay connected with
Education Center provides Japanese language courses a) Basic Course Okayama University.
to International Students and the International Center From October to March, for 6 months,
supports their living in Japan. Preparatory Japanese Language is taught at ◇ Accommodations
(2)Numbers of Students(as of May 1, 2012): Language Education Center, totaling 600 Okayama University has a dormitory for international
Undergraduate students 10,243 hours. students (The International House).
Postgraduate students 3,163 Different classes are prepared depending on The International House is conveniently located within
(3)International exchanges: the student’s proficiency level and their use about 5-10 minutes’ walking distance from the
Overseas students 474 of Chinese characters in their mother tongue. Tsushima Campus, main campus of the University.
(38countries, as of May 1, 2012) b) Supplementary Course Teacher trainees have a priority to reside in the
We have been accepting one to eight teacher Supplementary Course is provided for each International House during the training.
trainees from abroad every year since 1980, totaling level. Rent and Utility Bills
125 trainees from 16 countries. Rent 8,000-18,000 yen per month
(4) Characteristics of Okayama Prefecture (3) Teaching Training Besides the fees of electricity,water and gas
Okayama city, where Okayama University is located, a) Course,Type of Teaching, etc. will be charged.
Is the capital of Okayama Prefecture and one of major Each student supervised by one or more
political, economic, commercial, educational and academic advisers for 2,4 and 6 hours a week ◇ Contact
Cultural centers of the Chugoku region. Okayama in Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 respectively. Teacher and Student Supporting Group,
city's population is approximately700,000. It is a Graduate School of Education, Okayama University
Convenient key city in the transportation network. By b) Subjects or Courses Taught in English, if any. Address: 3-1-1 Tsushima-naka Kita-Ku Okayama
using Super Express (Shinkansen), it is about 3.5 hours English is used in some lectures if requested. Zip: 700-8530
from Tokyo and 45 minutes from Shin-Osaka. Phone: 086(251)7588 Fax: 086(251)7586
E-mail: yamaoka-h@adm.okayama-u.ac.jp
URL: http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp

- 135 -
Okayama University (No.39)

- 136 -
Okayama University (No.39)
moro@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Musicology Musical theory and history,etc. 1 Graduates from university ,Brazil 1

Takeshi SAITO Professor saitake@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp

Composition and
Composition and Conduct method 1

An oil painting, design drawing, appreciation
izumiya@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Oil Painting It is needed to be able to speak Japanese.
Hisatoshi UETA
Research of a sculpture method of instruction
hisa@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Sculpture and a workshop, molding activity support It is needed to be able to speak Japanese

research of a disabled person
40006 Design education. Visual design based on 1
Design It is needed to be able to speak Japanese
Rikako AKAGI Associate

Art Education, Art
rikako@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Arts and Crafts Education It is needed to be able to speak Japanese, Philippines 1

Associate Professor
The wood craft, the method of processing
kazuyama@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Wood Craft It is needed to be able to speak Japanese.
Masaru KAGA Professor mkaga@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Kinematics Biomechanics 1 Can speak English or Japanese.
Toshifumi TOKUNAGA
ttokunag@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Sport Sociology Sports for All and Community Sport 1 Can speak Japanese.
School Health
40007 adachi@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Health Education and Preventive Medicine 1 Can speak Japanese

School Health
tyama@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Health Education and Anti-Smoking Education 1 Can speak and read Japanese or English
Yuichi HARA
Tetsunori KAWATA
Physical Education Physical Education 1 Can speak Japanese.

Professor kawatat@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Food Science Nutritional chemistry Can speak Japanese .

Sono SATO Professor Home Economics

ssono@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Home Economics Education Can speak Japanese .

Lee Kyonwon Associate


40008 Home 1
Family Relation Can speak Japanese.

Associate Professor
sw20@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Clothing science Laundering and finishing Can speak Japanese .
Can speak Japanese .
In manufacturing systems engineering and
Housing Science Housing management system

Kazumasa OHASHI manufacturing education; topics include process


Professor planning and skill training system in production

Engineering Japanese ability for enough understanding contents of lectures. Fundamental
kazumasa@okayama-u.ac.jp 1
(Manufacturing knowledge in the field you wish to work in.

Method of technology education: Teaching method,


Development of educational resources and

Technology education in consideration of the
Method of
Seiji HIRATA Professor environment.
Wood processing: Development of hand tool,
technology Japanese ability for enough understanding contents of lectures.
40009 s-hirata@okayama-u.ac.jp 1

Relationships between wood and education, Visual

education, Fundamental knowledge in the field you wish to work in.

effect of wood on VDT work

Wood processing

Takashi IRIE Professor

Method of data acquisition and its analysis on Japanese ability for enough understanding contents of lectures. Indonesia 1
irie@okayama-u.ac.jp Data processing 1
Toshinobu KASAI
the basis of measurements. Fundamental knowledge in the field you wish to work in.

Associate Professor
Information Technology Education, Uses of Japanese ability for enough understanding contents of lectures.
kasai@okayama-u.ac.jp Computer Science 1
Information Technology in Education Fundamental knowledge in the field you wish to work in.

English Language
eng_taka@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Communication Strategies Research 1
Shintetsu FUKUNAGA

Reading of English Literature Centred around
shinfuku@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp British Literature 1 Students are advised to be an independent learner of English.
Kazuya OKADA
Victorian Novels

Associate Professor
kazokada@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp British Literature English Poetry 1 Good English Proficiency

Yukito SETA Professor

Comparative Study On the Relation between Language and Culture
40010 yseta@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp 1 Students should have a good command of English or Japanese.
of Cultures ―From a Lexical Viewpoint
Associate Professor
Study on the language and style of eighteenth- Students should be able to understand English or Japanese at advanced
English Philology 1
Takashi KOYAMA
century British literary works level,El Salvador 1

English Language Research on Listening Comprehension in Students should be able to communicate either in English or in Japanese,El
tkoyama@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp 1
Education English Salvador 1 Omar 1

Associate Professor
English (Academic) English Writing, Intercultural
scott@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp 1
Communication Communication, Bakhtinian Dialogue

- 137 -
Okayama University (No.39)
Satoru SATO Professor
Psychology of Theory and practice of education for students
sato2ru@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp 1 Students should be able to communicate in Japanese.
Satoshi SANADA
Disability with mild disabilities (e.g., ADHD, LD, AS)

Pathology of the
kabasan@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Underlying pathology of Autism,ADHD and LD 1 It is for to some extent a condition to be able to speak Japanese.

Psychology of Attitude for the handicapped/Cognitive
yanagi@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp 1 Students should be able to communicate in Japanese.
Disability development in the handicapped
Curriculum and
Instruction in
Akitaka NAKAYA Special Education Developing effective lesson plans for students
40011 1 Students should be able to communicate in Japanese.
Professor for students with with disabilities
Curriculum and Exploring current issues regarding special
Yoshihisa OHTAKE
ohtake@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Instruction in education for students with developmental 1 Students should be able to communicate in Japanese.
Special Education disabilities in Japan
Special Education Analyzing laws and policies promoting inclusive
YOSHITOSHI yositosi@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp 1 Students should be able to communicate in Japanese.
Law and Policy education in the world
Associate Professor

kajitani@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Kinematics Sport Methodology 1 Can speak Japanese.
A lecture about cooperation education of
Childcare contents expression of an infant, words, environment,
Toshiyuki TAKAHASI studies,Juvenile juvenile culture, childcare practice, home
foxbat@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp 1 It is for to some extent a condition to be able to speak Japanese.
Professor culture studies,Art training, a kindergarten and an elementary
40012 pedagogics school, elementary school home economics
Mika KATAYAMA Developmental A study about the psychosocial support in
kmika@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp 1 It is needed to be able to read and understand Japanese articles.
Associate Professor Clinical Psychology childhood

Associate Professor
Research on infant education
yokoma@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Infant education 1 Ability to speak Japanese to some extent

takase@okayama-u.ac.jp Management and
Atsushi TAKASE A study on Educational Administration and
1 It is needed to be able to read and understand Japanese articles.

History of Education
Associate Professor System in Japan and Russia
Yoshikazu YAMANAKA yama_na@.okayama-u.ac.jp
in Japan
Masanobu ONOUE History of Western
Studies in the History of Education in Japan 1 It is needed to be able to read and understand Japanese articles.
Professor Education
Review of Studies in Japan about History of
1 It is needed to be able to read and understand Japanese articles.
Shinnosuke KUMAGAI
Education in France
kumagai@okayama-u.ac.jp Adult Education
Associate Professor
A Study on Adult Education and Lifelong
1 It is needed to be able to read and understand Japanese articles.

Kenji YAMAGUCHI Sociology of

Learning in Japan
Associate Professor Education
Sociological approach to the systems of
1 It is needed to be able to read and understand Japanese articles.
Taku OJIMA Associate
Japanese education
ojitaku@okayama-u.ac.jp Educational Methods A Study on Educational Methods in Japan
Yuichi FURUICHI School Clinical
1 It is needed to be able to read and understand Japanese articles, Indonesia1

Professor Psychology
furuichi@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Behavior Problems of Pupils in Japan It is needed to be able to read and understand Japanese articles.

terasawa@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Learning Psychology Mechanism of Human Learning and Memory
Communication ability in either Japanese or English is required

Tsuyoshi YAMADA
Evaluation and
Associate Professor
40014 1 It is needed to be able to speak either English or Japanese. Manmar 1
tyamada@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Educational measurement & psychometrics

hajimu@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Developmental
Associate Professor
Cognitive developmental psychology It is needed to be able to speak either English or Japanese.

Greif counseling
tsutomy@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Clinical Psychology Students should be able to communicate in Japanese.

Tuichiro KAMIJI
School counseling

ykamiji@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Clinical Psychology Psychotherapy for personality disorders Students should be able to communicate in Japanese.
Mitsuhiko TOJO
Mikayo ANDO Associate
40015 tojo_m@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Clinical Psychology Cognitive behavior therapy 1 Students should be able to communicate in Japanese.

Clinical health psychology
miando@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Clinical Psychology Students should be able to communicate in Japanese.


Senior Assistant
harukuwa@cc.okayama-u.ac.jp Clinical Psychology Psychotherapy Students should be able to communicate in Japanese.

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Hiroshima University (No.40)


Towards the Integration of Theory and Practice in Education

◇ University Overview ◇ Outline of the Course for Teacher Training Students ◇ Accommodation
○ Characteristics and History The increase in the number of International
In 1949, Hiroshima College of Literature and Science ○ Characteristics of the Program: students at Hiroshima University has meant that it is
and Hiroshima School of Education were merged, and Hiroshima University has accepted a total number of 305 overseas no longer always possible to find a place in one of
Hiroshima University was born. Hiroshima University teachers from different countries since this program started. the university’s international student dormitories.
has a reputation as a leading university among Individual guidance and instruction are the basis of the education There are cases when some students have to rent a
education universities in Western Japan, as well as for overseas teachers. They can also take Japanese Language, regular private apartment.
being prominent among all the universities of Japan for Japanese State of Affairs, and Japanese Culture in this program.
its large number of students. On Campus Housing for International Students at
Hiroshima University consists of 11 faculties and 11 ○ Number of overseas teachers to be accepted: 30 Hiroshima University:
graduate schools, and is performing the education and
research activities corresponding to various demands International House: Room size 13.3 ㎡ , Rent
in modern society such as informatization, ○ Outline of the Course ¥ 5,900/month; Common House Expenses
internationalization, lifelong learning, and international Preparatory Japanese language education: ¥ 2,500/month Walking time to International Center
cooperation. Aside from the undergraduate programs, a) Basic course: 20mins, Cycling time 7 mins
Hiroshima University offers a variety of unique A six-month special intensive course for overseas students and
research centers including the Research Institute for teachers is offered by Japanese language professors (about 30 hours Student Public Housing (In Higashi-Hiroshima City):
Higher Education, Institute for Peace Science, of instruction per week).
International Center, and the Research Institute for b) Supplementary course: Sunsquare Higashi Hiroshima: Room size 17.46 ㎡,
Radiation Biology and Medicine. Rent - ¥ 20,000/month, Common expense charge -
The Faculty of Education and Graduate School of If there are any students and teachers who would like to take
Education are prestigious institutes in the area of intermediate and/or advanced course of Japanese, they are advised ¥ 2,500/month, Furniture/Equipment Use Charge -
education in Japan, developed from Hiroshima Higher to take 'Intermediate Japanese and Japanese State of Affair ¥ 1,000/month, Deposit - ¥ 60,000 Traveling Time
Normal School (1902), Hiroshima University of to International Center: Bus – 15mins, Bicycle –
Literature and Science (1929), and School of Academic training: 40mins
Education (1943), etc. These schools have produced In addition to individual guidance, the university provides special
not only a great number of leading teachers for lectures and, if necessary, special programs for fieldworks and Private Apartments
preschools, primary schools, junior and senior high
schools, and special needs schools, but also surveys will be organized, such as observation of classroom teaching Size 15-17 ㎡ , Rent ¥ 25,000 – 45,000/month;
researchers in the areas of school education, at schools. At the end of the course the participants are required to Common expenses charge - ¥ 1,000-3,000/mth,
educational studies, psychology, teaching Japanese as submit their report as part of their course work. Deposit 1-3 mths rent, Move-in fee ~1 months rent,
a second language, and etc. Agent fee 1 mths rent
In 1995, Hiroshima University was moved from Others
Hiroshima City to Higashi-Hiroshima, apart from the Special recreation and cultural programs with Japanese In order to cover living expenses and set-up costs
Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry which remain in students will be organized for overseas teachers and until the time of the first scholarship payment, it is
Hiroshima City. Separated from the bustling city and suggested that students bring a minimum of
surrounded by abundance of nature, the vast Higashi- students, for example, cultural exchanges, home-stay
Hiroshima Campus provides the perfect study programs, trips to historic places in Japan, etc. ¥ 100,000 with them to Japan.
environment. ◇ Contact
Faculties: Integrated Arts and Sciences, Literature, ◇ Follow-up for Graduates
Education, Law, Economics, Science, Medicine, Main supervisor will conduct follow-up activities for Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
Dentistry, Pharmacy ,Engineering, Applied Biological graduates rather than institutional activities. Every
Science graduate are actively working in their own country as a Address: 1-1-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi- Hiroshima City,
Graduate Schools: School of Integrated Arts and Hiroshima
Sciences, School of Literature, School of Education, leading teachers with high expertise.
School of Social Sciences, School of Science, School 739-8524, Japan
of Advanced Sciences of Matter, School of Phone : +81-82-424-6719
Engineering, School of Biosphere Sciences, School of
Biomedical and Health Sciences, School for Fax : +81-82-424-7108
International Development and Cooperation, and Law
School. E-mail: kyoiku-gaku-sien@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
○ International Exchange URL: http://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/ed/
Number of International Students 1081
Number of Teacher-Training Students 8
All figures as at 1 November 2012
- 139 -
Hiroshima University (No.40)
Hiroshima University(No.41)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Education

Number of Qualification and Requirement for students.

Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to Number of students
be accepted in past 5 years.

HIGUCHI Satoshi, Ph.D. higuchis@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Philosophy and Aesthetics of Education Educational Thoughts in Japan 1 English, Japanese
INOUE Wataru, Ph.D. winoue@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Developmental Psychology 1 English, Japanese

SHIBA Kazumi, Ph.D. kashiba@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Science Education Science Curriculum 1 Japanese

Curriculum and Teaching Method in

KIHARA Seiichiro, Ph.D. kiharas@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Physical Education 1 English, Japanese 2(China)
Physical Education

ASAKURA Atsushi, Ph.D. aasakura@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Living Environment Studies Education Living Environment Studies Education 1 English, Japanese 1(Mexico)

KIMURA Hirokazu, Ph.D. hkimura@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Social Studies in Elementary School Social Studies in Elementary School 1 English, Japanese 1 (Korea)

Teaching and Learning of Elementary

41002 UEDA Atsumi, M.Ed. aueda@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Elementary School Mathematics Education 1 English, Japanese 4(Kenya, Mexico,Philippines)
School Mathematics
YAMASAKI Takahito,
tyamasa@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Science Education Science Education 1 English,Japanese

GONDO Atsuko, M.A. gondoat@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Music Education Music Education 1 English,Japanese 1(China)

terauchi@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Music Education Music Making 1 English,Japanese
knakamur@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Art and Crafts in Elementary School Elementary Art Education 1 English,Japanese 1(Philippine)
9(Mexico, China, Korea,
Teaching Children with Special Education
OCHIAI Toshiro, M.Ed. tochiai@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Special Education 1 English Philippines,England,Thailand,
wakama@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Education for Intellectual Disabilities Education for Autistic Disorder 1 Japanese
KAWAI Norimune, Ph.D., 1. Speech-Language Pathology Fluency Disorders Communication
nkawai@hiroshima-u.ac.jp 1 English, Japanese 1 (Russia)
CCC-SLP 2. Special Education Disorders in general
tatsumi@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Special Education Education for Visually Impaired 1 Japanese 1(Brazil)

- 140 -
Hiroshima University (No.40)
Number of Qualification and Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to Number of students
be accepted in past 5 years.
TSUTAOKA Takanori,
tsutaok@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Physics Education Teaching Materials, Physics Education 1 English, Japanese 1 (Kenya)
YAMASAKI Hirofumi, Teaching Materials in Earth Science
hnmn@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Earth Science Education 1 English・Japanese
D.Sc. Education
MAEHARA Toshinobu, Development of teaching Materials in
tmaehar@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Physics Education 1 English 1(Myanmar)
D.Sc. Physics
KOGA Development of Chemistry
nkoga@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Chemistry Education 1 English 2(Mexico,Malaysia)
Nobuyoshi, Ph.D. Teaching Materials

MIYOSHI Miori, Ph.D miorim@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Science Education Curriculum Studies of Secondary Science 1 English・Japanese 1(Myanmar)

Natural Environment & Disaster Prevention Development of Teaching for Natural

HAYASHI Takehiro, D.Sc. neko@hiroshima-u.ac.jp 1 English 3(Indonesia,Cambodia)
Education Environment and Disaster Prevention

IWASAKI Hideki, Ph.D. hiwasaki@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Mathematics Education 1 English, Japanese 3(Philippine, China)

4 (China,Philippines,
KOYAMA Masataka, Ph.D. mkoyama@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Methodology of Mathematics Education 1 English, Japanese
Indonesia, Madagascar)
IRIKAWA Yoshikatsu,
yirikawa@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Mathematics Education 1 English, Japanese
teragai@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Geometry Education Teaching Contents in Geometry 1 English

IKEHATA Ryo, D.Sc. ikehatar@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Analysis Basic Analysis 1 English, Japanese

kkageya@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Mathematics Education 1 English, Japanese 1(Mongol)
English, Japanese and
IKENO Norio, Ph.D. nikeno@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Social Studies Education Teaching History, Teaching Civics 1 1 (Honduras)
Social Studies in Elementary and Scondary
KOBARA Tomoyuki, Ph.D. tkobara@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Social Studies Education 1 English and Japanese 3 ( Philippines)

41006 MIYAKE Tsugunobu, Ph.D. tumiyake@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Modern Japanese History Modern Japanese History 1 Japanese

shimoken@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Ancient Japanese History Ancient Japanese History 1 Japanese 1(China)
kusahara@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Social Studies Education Curriculum & Instruction of Geography 1 English and Japanese 2(Myanmar, Argentina)

FUKAZAWA Seiji, Ph.D. sfukaza@hiroshima-u.ac.jp English Language Education English Language Education 1 English and Japanese 2 (China) 2 (Thailand)

41007 TSUIDO Kazuaki, Ph.D. tsuido@hiroshima-u.ac.jp English Language Education English Language Education 1 English and Japanese

KANESHIGE Noboru, M.A. kanesige@hiroshima-u.ac.jp English Language Education English Language Education 1 English and Japanese

- 141 -
Hiroshima University (No.40)
Number of Qualification and Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to Number of students
be accepted in past 5 years.
Intercultural/Transcultural Education,
KURACHI, Akemi, Ph.D. akemi@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Intercultural/Transcultural Education 1 Japanese (the First Class)
Cultural Learning, Educational Ethnography

SAKAI Hiromu, Ph.D. hsakai@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Contrastive Linguistics, Psycholinguistics Contrastive Linguistics, Psycholinguistics 1 English

hshirak@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Japanese Pedagogical Grammar 1 Japanese (the First Class)
NAKAMURA Shunsaku,
shunsaku@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Japanese Culture Japanese Philosophy Japanese Culture Japanese Philosophy 1 Japanese (the First Class) 2(Korea,Indonesia)
Second Langauge Acquisition, Japanese
HATASA, Yukiko, Ph.D. yhatasa@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Japanese Language Education 1 Englisha & Japanese 1(Indonesia)
Language Education
Second Language Learning, Bilingual
41008 MATSUMI Norio, Ph.D. nmatsu@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Cognitive Processes of Second Language 1 English,German,Japanese

NAGATA Ryota, Ph.D. ryota@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Sociolinguistics Discourse Analysis 1 Japanese (the First Class)

NISHIHARA Daisuke, Modern Japanese Literature, Modern Modern Japanese Literature, Modern
west@hiroshima-u.ac.jp 3 English,Japanese,Chinese
Ph.D. Japanese Paintings Japanese Paintings
Cultural Sociology on Modern and
NISHIMURA Hiroshi, Ph.D. hnishi@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Cultural Sociology, Japanese Culture 1 Japanese (the First Class)
Contemporary Japan
yanagisa@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Japanese Rhetoric Rhetoric 1 Japanese (the First Class) 2(Korea,Indonesia)
tomokow@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Japanese Language Education Japanese Language Education 1 Japanese 2(Korea,Thailand)

MATSUO Chiaki, Ph.D. chima@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Physical Education Dance Education 1 Japanese

41009 UEDA Takeshi,Ph.D. tueda@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Physical Education Sports Physiology 1 Japanese

yahigas@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Physical Education Sports Sociology, Athletics 1 Japanese
Home Management in Home Economics
HIRATA Michinori, D.Eng. mihirata@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Human Life Sciences Education 1 English, Japanese

SHIBA Shizuko, Ph.D. szshiba@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Human Life Sciences Education Education of Home Economics 1 Japanese

kinosita@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Human Life Sciences Education Clothing Science 1 Japanese
Household Economics and Consumer
41010 YOKOTA Akiko, Ph.D. yokota@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Human Life Sciences Education 1 Japanese 2(China)

IMAKAWA Shinji,Ph.D. imakawa@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Human Life Sciences Education Life Long Education 1 Japanese

kmatsuba@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Human Life Sciences Education Food and Nutritional Sciences Education 1 English, Japanese

TAKATA Hiroshi, D.Eng. takatah@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Human Life Sciences Education Housing 1 Japanese

- 142 -
Hiroshima University (No.40)
Number of Qualification and Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to Number of students
be accepted in past 5 years.

MIMURA Mayumi, Ph.D. mimuram@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Music Education History of Japanese Music Education 1 Japanese

HAMAMOTO Yoshiyasu,
yhamamo@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Instrumental music Piano playing 1 Japanese, Italian

EDAGAWA Kazuya, M.A. edagawak@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Singing Seminar in vocal music 1 Japanese, Italian

41011 TAKAHATA Kenji, K.E. kent-violin@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Instrumental music Violin playing 1 Japanese, German

TOKUNAGA Takashi, M.A. t-tokunaga@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Music Composition Composition of Contemporary Music 1 Japanese

ITO Shin, Ph.D. itoshin@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Music Education Methodology of Music Education 1 Japanese

ONOUTI Ai M.A Singing Seminar in vocal music 1 Japanese

SUGAMURA Toru, M.A. storu@hiroshima-u.ac.jp History of Japanese Art Research on History of Japanese Art 1 Japanese

41012 MINE Kazunami, M.Ed. kmine@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Art Education Art Education 1 Japanese

HACHIYA Masayuki, Ph.D. mhachiya@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Art Education Art Education 1 Japanese

SAKAKOSHI Masaki, Principle of

sakakosi@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Moral Education 1 English 1(Paraguay)
Ph.D. Education
English,Japanese, and
OTSUKAYutaka, Ph.D. yotsuka@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Comparative Education Comparative Education 2
YAMASAKI Hirotoshi, Sociological Study of Schools and
hyamasak@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Sociology of Education 1 English
Ph.D. Universities
English,Indonesian, 6(Thailand,Malaysia,Afganist
41013 NAKAYA Ayami, Ph.D. anakaya@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Comparative and International Education Cross Cultural Studies of Education 2
Japanese an,Costalica,Russia,China)
Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood
NANAKIDA Atsushi, Ph.D. nanakida@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Early Childhood Education 1 English, Japanese
NAKATSUBO Fuminorii,
nakatsub@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Early Childhood Education and Care Early Childhood Education and Care 1 English, Japanese 1(Malaysia)
TSUNEMATSU Naomi, Gender Theories, International
ntsunema@hiroshima-u.ac.jp Comparative and International Education 1 English, Japanese

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- 144 -
Naruto University of Education (No.41)

Naruto University of Education (Tokushima)

Naruto University of Education offers a core subjects “Education and Culture in Japan” designated for Teacher Trainees. Academic supervisors
are ready to help the trainees to meet their individual needs for professional development, and the trainees may attend regular graduate courses
of his/her specialization.

◇University Overview ◇Outline of the Course Offered ○Activities

Study Tour: one-day and overnight study tour
○Outline and Characteristics of the University ○Characteristics of the Program Cultural Activities, Ceremonies, events, etc:
Naruto University of Education (NUE) was NUE offers a core subject "Education and Culture in Japan" Opening Ceremony, school visit, international party,
established on October 1, 1981 by the Japanese designated for Teacher Trainees, which builds the foundation for Japanese culture experience, health check, presentation,
government to respond with a new approach to their professional development at NUE. The purpose of the subject is Closing Ceremony, etc...
social demands. It is designed to retrain teachers to get cutting edge information about Japanese education and to
from nationwide schools through advanced course experience Japanese culture. In the core subject, the trainees will
◇ Follow-up for graduates
work and research in graduate programs as well as learn history of education and school system in Japan, visit NUE sends email-newsletters in Japanese and English to
to train elementary and secondary school teachers create and maintain a network for former trainees.
in undergraduate programs. university affiliated schools, and experience Japanese traditional
About two thirds of the graduate-school capacity culture. Academic supervisors are ready to help the trainees to meet ◇Accommodations
is allotted to applicants who have three or more their individual needs for professional development, and the trainees The students dormitories are installed for the purpose of
years of experience as elementary or secondary may attend regular graduate courses of his/her specialization. offering the learning conducive environment for all students.
school teachers. Master’s program aims to
produce elementary and secondary school teachers Comfortable and inexpensive dormitories on campus are
○Number of students to be accepted about 10 students
who have specialized knowledge concerning the available for Teacher Trainees.
areas and subjects and enough teaching ○Japanese Language Education
competence. Professional degree course aims to
produce elementary and secondary school teachers Type No. of rooms Rent
who have problem solving abilities and will be After completion of 6 month intensive Japanese language training
at Tokushima University, those trainees who have been assigned to Singles (male)10 ㎡ 160 rooms 4,300yen
leaders in their schools and communities.
NUE may attend the following classes of regular graduate program Singles (female)10㎡ 240 rooms 4,300yen
depending on their willingness and ability.
・Geographical Setting of University: JapaneseⅠ,JapaneseⅡ (1st Semester : Apr.-Jul.) Families 40 ㎡ 40 rooms 9,500yen
Naruto is in Tokushima Prefecture on Shikoku JapaneseⅢ,JapaneseⅣ,Japanese Culture (2nd Semester : Oct.-
Island. The campus is located about 4 km from the Families 52 ㎡ 40 rooms 11,900yen
city center, surrounded by the beautiful sea and Feb.)
hilly country. It is an ideal surrounding for study and Supplementary Japanese Courses (1st and 2nd Semester) (notes) Rent is a monthly amount. (as of Apr.1,2012)
research. Furthermore, the city is conveniently ・Equipment and fixtures (Singles)
accessible from Naruto, with the Kobe-Osaka- ○Professional Education desk, chair, bookshelf, locker for clothing, bed and storage
Kyoto being within a couple of hours trip. space, light, TV wiring, telephone wiring, internet wiring
Education and Culture in Japan (1st Semester)
・Number of students (as of Oct.1, 2012) The purpose of the course is to get cutting edge information about
Undergraduate 461 Japanese education and to experience Japanese culture. ◇For Further Information
Graduate (Master of Education) 550 Examples of topics: historical overview of japanese family, school International Services Office,
○International Exchanges(as of Oct.1,2012) system, curriculum, textbook administration, teacher preparation and Naruto University of Education
student teaching, school visits, etc.
748 Nakajima, Takashima, Naruto-cho, Naruto-shi Tokushima
Overseas universities with faculty/student Individual Professional Development
Academic supervisor will give individual guidance to the trainees JAPAN 772-8502
exchange agreement 15
International Students enrolled 52 and trainees may attend regular graduate courses of his/her Phone: +81-88-687-6116 Fax: +81-88-687-6107
Teacher Training Program Students specialization. English translation is available for "Education and E-mail: kokusai@naruto-u.ac.jp
(Professional Education) Culture in Japan". Some mathematics and science education URL: http://www.naruto-u.ac.jp/
5(2004), 3(2005), 6(2006), 5(2007), 5(2008), courses are taught in English or English/Japanese. URL(for syllabus Japanese only):
9(2009), 9(2010), 3(2011), 5(2012) http://www.naruto-u.ac.jp/campuslife/04/004.html

- 145 -
Naruto University of Education (No.41)
Naruto University of Education(No.42)
◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Number of
School of Education
Qualification and Requirement for students.
students to be
Number of students in past 5 years.
Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) Course Description
Having a good command
Prof. KIUCHI Youichi kiuchi@naruto-u.ac.jp Philosophy of Education Comparative Study on History and Structure of Education 1
of German
Having a good command
Prof. BAN Tsunenobu bann@naruto-u.ac.jp Sociology of Education Comparative Study on Moral Socialization 1
of English
42001 Psychological Study on Cultural Activity for Human Having a good command
Prof. MINAGAWA Naohiro minagawa@naruto-u.ac.jp Cognitive Psychology of Education 1
Development of English
Having a good command
Prof. YAMASAKI Katsuyuki ky341349@naruto-u.ac.jp Developmental Health Psychology Preventive Education at School for Health and Adaptation 1
of English
Same special field of
A.P. KAJII Kazuaki kkajii@naruto-u.ac.jp History of Education History of Japanese and Foreign Education 1
Same special field of
42002 Prof. TAMURA Takahiro takatam@naruto-u.ac.jp Psychology of Young Children The Acquisition of Language in Young Children 1
Prof. OTA Naoya ota@naruto-u.ac.jp Human Science Usefulness of Literature and Art in Education
Prof. KONISHI Masao masao@naruto-u.ac.jp Human Science Intercultural Studies and Intercultural Education 2(subject to
A.P. TANIMURA Chie tanimura@naruto-u.ac.jp Human Science Philosophy of Education, Studies on Media change
Same special field of
42003 Information Sociology, Information Education, Remote according to
A.P. FUJIMURA Yuichi fujimura@naruto-u.ac.jp Information Sociology and Information Education Education, and Development of Information System for applicants'
Education fields)
L. TAMURA Kazuyuki ktamura@naruto-u.ac.jp Environmental Education Environmental Education
Prof. AIHARA Ryohzoh raihara@naruto-u.ac.jp School Counseling, Clinical Psychology School Counseling, Clinical Psychology
Prof. KASAI Makiko mkasai@naruto-u.ac.jp School Counseling, Clinical Psychology Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology Fiji(1, '10)
Prof. YOSHII Kenji kyoshii@naruto-u.ac.jp School Counseling, Clinical Psychology School Counseling, Clinical Psychology Same special field of
42004 A.P. IMADA Yuzo yimada@naruto-u.ac.jp School Counseling, Clinical Psychology School Counseling, Adolescent Psychiatry 1 study,Having an ability of
counseling in Japanese
A.P. NAKATSU Ikuko inakatsu@naruto-u.ac.jp School Counseling, Clinical Psychology School Counseling, Early Childhood Education
L. OGURA Masayoshi mogura@naruto-u.ac.jp School Counseling, Clinical Psychology School Counseling, Clinical Psychology
L. KUME Teiko tkume@naruto-u.ac.jp School Counseling, Clinical Psychology School Counseling, Clinical Psychology
Same special field of
42005 Prof. TANAKA Junichi tanakaj@naruto-u.ac.jp Cognitive Brain Science Neural Basis on Learning and Memory 1

L2 Teaching Methodology & Cross-cultural Understanding

English Language Education
Mexico(1, '08) Brazil(1,
'10) Paraguay(1, '10)
Prof. ITO Harumi itohh@naruto-u.ac.jp
Education Indonesia(1, '11)
Mexico(1, '12)

Prof. MAEDA Kazuhiro kmaeda@naruto-u.ac.jp American Literature 20th Century American Literature
Having a good command
42006 Prof. YABUSHITA Katsuhiko yabuchan@naruto-u.ac.jp English Linguistics, Linguistics Theoretical Linguistics (Formal Semantics) 2
of English required
AP. SUGIURA Yuko yuko.sugi@naruto-u.ac.jp English Literature Early Modern English Dramas
L2 Teaching Methodology & English Language
Mexico(1, '08)
A.P. YAMAMORI Naoto yamamori@naruto-u.ac.jp English Language Education Yemen(1, '09)
Education:Comparing Japan with Other Countries
Korea(1, '12)
L. MANO Miho mmano@naruto-u.ac.jp English Linguistics, Linguistics Syntax, Contrastive Linguistics
Prof. UMEZU Masami umezu@naruto-u.ac.jp Social Studies Social Studies
Prof. OISHI Masaaki oishi@naruto-u.ac.jp Japanese History Medieval History of Japan
Prof. SAIKI Testuro saiki@naruto-u.ac.jp Oriental Philosophy and Ethics Chinese Philosophy
Prof. TATUOKA Yuuzi tatuoka@naruto-u.ac.jp Human Geography Human Geography
Prof. YAMAMOTO Jun jun@naruto-u.ac.jp Sociology Sociology
42007 A.P. AOBA Nobuko aoba@naruto-u.ac.jp Economics Economics, Insurance, Uncertainty, Public Economics 2 English
A.P. ASO Tamon tamon@naruto-u.ac.jp Constitution of Japan Constitutionalism
A.P. ITHO Naoyuki naoyuki@naruto-u.ac.jp Social Studies Social Studies
AP. INOUE Naho ninoue@naruto-u.ac.jp Social Studies Social Studies
A.P. HARADA Masahiro mharada@naruto-u.ac.jp Western History European Modern History
A.P. MACHIDA Tetsu machida@naruto-u.ac.jp Japanese History Early-modern History of Japan

- 146 -
Naruto University of Education(No.42) Naruto University of Education (No.41)

Number of
School of Education
Qualification and Requirement for students.
students to
Number of students in past 5 years.
be accepted
Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) Course Description
Indonesia(1, '10)
Prof. AKITA Miyo akitam@naruto-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Teaching and Education Method, Teaching Materials
Mongolia(1, '12)
Prof. NARUKAWA Kimiaki knaru@naruto-u.ac.jp Analysis Nonlinear Analysis, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Prof. HIRANO Yasuyuki yahirano@naruto-u.ac.jp Algebra Elementary Number Theory, Abstract Algebra Advice and guidance East Timor(1, '12)
provided in English
42008 7 Philippines(1, '07)
Prof. MATSUOKA Takashi matsuoka@naruto-u.ac.jp Geometry Topology, Dynamical Systems Good Command of English
Mexico(1, '09)
Teaching Materials, Mathematics Education by Using
A.P. SAEKI Akihiko asaeki@naruto-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Uganda(1, '10)
A.P. SAKAI Takeshi tsakai@naruto-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Teaching Method, Teaching Materials Kenya(1, '12)
A.P. MIYAGUCHI Tomoshige tmiyaguchi@naruto-u.ac.jp Mathematical Science Nonlinear Dynamics, Probability Theory
Geology, Paleontology, Elementary and Lower Secondary
Prof. KOZAI Takeshi kozai@naruto-u.ac.jp Earth Science, Science Education
Prof. SATO Katsuyuki kksato@naruto-u.ac.jp Biology, Science Education Biology, Science Education Parao(1, '10)
42009 Prof. TAKEDA Kiyoshi takeda@naruto-u.ac.jp Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry 2 English
Prof. MURATA Mamoru atarumm@naruto-u.ac.jp Earth Sciences Geology, Petrology
A.P. AWATA Takaaki tawata@naruto-u.ac.jp Physics Radiation Physics, Solid State Physics
A.P. KUDO Shinichi skudo@naruto-u.ac.jp Evolutionary Biology Behavioral Ecology
Prof. KOROYASU Toshihide koro@naruto-u.ac.jp Vocal Music Studies on Singing Expression 1 German
Serbia(1, '09)
Prof. NAGASHIMA Makoto nagashi@naruto-u.ac.jp Music Education Curriculum Study of Music Education 1 English
Sweden(1, '10)
42010 Prof. MATSUOKA Takashi matuoka@naruto-u.ac.jp Composition Composition and Music Theory 1 German or English
Prof. YAMANE Hidenori yamane@naruto-u.ac.jp Oboe Studies on Wind Instrument 1
A.P. MORI Tadashi morishou@naruto-u.ac.jp Piano Piano Performance and the Teaching Methods 1 German
A.P. YAMADA Hiroaki hyamada@naruto-u.ac.jp Conducting Methods of Conducting and Ensemble 1
English, Spanish and
Prof.OGAWA Masaru ogawa@naruto-u.ac.jp Art History Theoretical Studeies in Arts 1
42011 Prof. YAMAKI Asahiko yamaki@naruto-u.ac.jp Art Education Art Education in Japan 1 English
A.P. KURIHARA Kei kkurihara@naruto-u.ac.jp Craft Studies on Ceramics 1 English
A.P. NAITOU Takashi takashin@naruto-u.ac.jp Design Studies on Design 1 English
Prof. INUI Nobuyuki inui@naruto-u.ac.jp Motor Control, Motor Learning Kinesiology
Prof. UMENO Keiji umeno@naruto-u.ac.jp Sports Pedagogy Sports Pedagogy, Teaching in Physical Education
Prof. KIHARA Motohiro kihara12@naruto-u.ac.jp Sociology of Physical Education Sociology of Physical Education, Martial Art
Prof. TANAKA Hiroyuki tanakah@naruto-u.ac.jp Sport Physiology Kinesiology
Prof. HIROSE Masao hirose@naruto-u.ac.jp School Health School Health
42012 2 English
Prof. YOSHIMOTO Sachiko Ysachiko@naruto-u.ac.jp School Health School Health
Prof. WATAHIKI Katsumi watahiki@naruto-u.ac.jp Sport Motor Theory Sport Pedagogy
A.P. FUJITA Masafumi fijitam@naruto-u.ac.jp Management of Physical Education Management of Physical Education
A.P. MATSUI Atsunori matsui@naruto-u.ac.jp Sport Biomechanics Human Movement Science
A.P. MINAMI Takahisa minami@naruto-u.ac.jp Outdoor Activity Human Movement Science

- 147 -
Naruto University
Naruto University of Education (No.41)
of Education(No.42)

Number of
School of Education
Qualification and Requirement for students.
students to be
Number of students in past 5 years.
Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) Course Description
Prof. ITO Yosuke ito@naruto-u.ac.jp Information Science Information Science
Prof. OZAKI Shiro ozakis@naruto-u.ac.jp Wood Machining, Technology Education Wood Machining, Technology Education
Prof. KIKUCHI Akira kikuchi@naruto-u.ac.jp Information Science Information Science
Prof. HATANAKA Nobuo nhatanaka@naruto-u.ac.jp Metal Processing Metal Forming, FEM

42013 Prof. MIYASHITA Koichi miyasita@naruto-u.ac.jp Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering 2 English Solomon (1, '11)

A.P. SONE Naoto Information Science Information Science
A.P. HAYASHI Hidehiko Knowledge Science Knowledge Science

A.P. MIYAMOTO Kenji kmiyamot@naruto-u.ac.jp Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering
A.P. YONENOBU Hitoshi Wood Science Wood Science, Dendrochronology
Study on the Dwelling Style and System, Study on the
Dwelling Culture in East Asia, The Theory of Dwelling Planning
Prof. KIM Jeong-Gyun kim@naruto-u.ac.jp Dwelling Science 1 English or Korean
Viewed from Network Residence, The Problem of Housing
42014 Prof. KUROKAWA Kinuyo kinuyo@naruto-u.ac.jp Family Relations Family and Child Studies, Gender Studies 1
A.P. NISHIKAWA Kazutaka nishikw@naruto-u.ac.jp Food and Nutrition Food Education, Dietary Culture 1
AP. HAYAMI Takako thayami@naruto-u.ac.jp Home Economics Education Home Economics Education 1 English

A.P. FUKUI Michiyo fukui@naruto-u.ac.jp Textiles and Clothing Education Development of a Teaching Material on Textiles and Clothing 1

Having a good command
Prof. OZAWA Hiroaki Geology, Science Education Geology, Science Education of Primary and Secondary School 1
of English
Having a good command Myanmar(1, '07)
Prof. CHIKAMORI Kensuke chika@naruto-u.ac.jp Environmental Education Environmental Education 1
of English South Africa(1, '08)
A.P. ISHIZAKA Hiroki hishizaka@naruto-u.ac.jp Educational Research, Education Policy International Education, Statistics 1 English, French, Spanish
Having a good command
A.P. ISHIMURA Masao maishim@naruto-u.ac.jp Teacher Education, Education Policy Educational System in Japan and Other Countries 1 Latvia(2, '09, '10)
of English or French
Number of students to be accepted (total) 10
A.P. = Associate Prof. L. = Lecturer

- 148 -
Kagawa University (No.42)

Each course offers students the opportunity to pursue their interests individually

◇University overview Teacher Training course outline (cont.) ◇ Follow-up for graduates
Literature, Social Studies, Mathematics, Natural Science, Music, Art The Kagawa University Foundation provides
Characteristics and history
and Design, Health and Physical Education, Industrial Arts, Computer fellowship opportunities for excellent students to
Kagawa University was established in 1949 as a Science, Home Economics, English Language and Literature ) . Each return to Kagawa University and continue their
national university. course offers students the opportunity to pursue their interests research after completion of the above teacher
individually. training course.
In October 2003, Kagawa University merged with
Kagawa Medical University to form the new -number of students to be accepted : ◇ Accommodation
comprehensive ‘Kagawa University’. Currently, the 5 students annually Kagawa University International House
university has six faculties ( Education, Law,
-number of (single) rooms: 32
Economics, Medicine, Engineering, and Agriculture). Course Outline
-monthly rent: ¥5,900
All the six faculties have their respective master’s ・ Japanese language education (excluding electricity, water, and gas bills)
programs. In addition, the university offers two Preparatory Japanese Language Education (spanning the first six Facilities:
professional master’s programs ( MBA and Law months from October 2013 to March 2014) shall be conducted under common space: kitchen, laundry room, event hall,
School ) . Doctoral programs are offered in only the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Technology. shower room.
three faculties (Medicine, Agriculture and Engineering). Courses comprising Japanese Language and Japanese Affairs are private space: wardrobe, bookshelf, chair, desk,
University International Exchange (as of May 2012) tailored to match the students’ language abilities. air conditioner, refrigerator, bed
(Either of the following). Distance from the Faculty of Education:
・ numbers of international students in 2012
・ Basic course: 12 classes per week -40 minutes by bicycle
undergraduate students: 42 ・ Intermediate course: 12 classes per week -35 minutes by local train (incl. walking time)
graduate students: 85 ・ Advanced course: 12 classes per week When rooms are not available at Kagawa University
research students: 48 International House, the university cooperative will
・ Specialized training help students to find a room in a private apartment
・ Teacher Training Numbers 2008 – 2012
After language training, academic training in the major subject will be near the campus. N.B. Rent is usually about ¥30,000
2008: 1, 2009: 1, 2010: 2, 2011: 2 , 2012: 2 conducted for one year (April 2014 to March 2015). per month.
◇ Teacher Training course outline Students shall receive dedicated supervision from their academic
◇ Contacting us
supervisor. In addition, students are welcomed to sit in on any
Characteristics of the program International Office, Kagawa University
graduate or undergraduate courses that are of interest to them as
The Graduate School of Education consists of well as taking part in other aspects of courses, such as field trips and Address: 1-1 Saiwai-cho, Takamatsu, Kagawa,
Educational Sciences (Pedagogy and Psychology ), regional exchanges. There are also opportunities for teaching at the 760-8521, Japan.
Studies in Education or Special Needs Children, faculty’s attached, and local, schools from kindergarten to high Phone: +81-87-832-1149
Fax: +81-87-832-1192
School and Clinical Psychology and Courses for school level. Students are also encouraged to attend the attached
E-mail: soryugat@jim.ao.kagawa-u.ac.jp
Curriculum Studies ( Japanese Language and schools’ workshops and conferences.
URL: http://www.kagawa-u.ac.jp
- 149 -
Kagawa University (No.42)
KAGAWAUniversity(No.43 )

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.


Number of Qualification and Requirement for

Course students. Number of students
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to be
Description in past 5 years.
accepted (Country:Number of students/Year)

YANAGISAWA Lecture and Seminar on School

School Administration Basic Knowledge about the specialized
43001 Yoshiaki yanayosi@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp Administration and Comparative 1
Comparative Education field required
(Professor) Education

Surface Science Experiment and

TAKAHASHI Naoshi Surface Science, Physics Education Basic Knowledge about the specialized
43002 naoshi@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp Physics Education based on 1
(Professor) (Experimental Physics) field required
Experimental Physics

TAKAGI Yumiko The Study of Chemical Education and Basic Knowledge about the specialized
43003 ytakagi@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp Organic Chemistry 1
(Professor) Experiment field required

Basic Knowledge about the specialized

ISODA Makoto
43004 misoda@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp elementary physics Theory of condensed matter physics 1 field required
(Republic of the Philippines :1/2009)

Basic Knowledge about the specialized
43005 Kazunori kmatsu@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp Animal Ecology Behavioral Ecology 1
field required
(Associate Professor)

KATOH Miyuki Characterization of flavor of traditional Basic Knowledge about the specialized
43006 kato@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp Food Science 1
(Professor) food field required

OGAWA Ikuko Basic Knowledge about the specialized

43007 ogawa@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp Consumer and family Science Education Clothing and textile Education 1
(Professor) field required

Basic Knowledge about the specialized

Teaching English Methodology in TEFL, History of
TAKENAKA, Tatsunori field required
43008 dragon-boo@circus.ocn.ne.jp as a Foreign English 1
(Professor) (Cambodia:1/2011, Honduras:1/2011,
Language Language Teaching
Indonesia:1 Person/2012)

SHINMI Osamu Geographical Hydrology and Basic Knowledge about the specialized
43009 shimmi@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp Geography 1
(Professor) Environmental Education field required

TAIRA Atsushi Basic Knowledge about the specialized

43010 taira@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp Human Geography, Area Study Human Geography, Area study 1
(Professor) field required

Basic Knowledge about the specialized

KAZAMA Kimie Subject Matter of Junior High School
43011 kazama@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education 1 field required
(Professor) Mathematics
(Peru :1/2010)

Development of Science Curriculum Basic Knowledge about the specialized

RYU Jumpei Science Education
43012 kazama@ed.kagawa-u.ac.jp Physics Education Research 1 field required
(Professor) Physics Education
Investigation in secondary science (Malaysia:1/2012)

- 150 -
Ehime University (No.43)

EHIME University (Ehime Prefecture)

Research, Language, Everyday Life: We provide total support.

1. Number of students we can accommodate: 5
◇University overview ◇Accommodations
2. General Program
1. General Information a) Survival Course: A 2-week course that will give you good start to Ehime University International House:
Ehime University is located in Matsuyama City. The life in Japan. The course includes both a Language Skills and a
20~30-minute bicycle ride to the main campus.
university has six faculties with a graduate school in Life Skills program.
All rooms are furnished and have a unit
each faculty: Law and Letters, Education, Science, b) Orientation: A two-day orientation for international students
bathroom, air conditioner, cooking stove,
Medicine, Engineering, and Agriculture. The university provides vital information for student life, a welcome party and
refrigerator and washing machine.
also has a kindergarten, elementary school, junior and activities where students can get to know each other.
senior high school and a school for disabled children. c) Intensive Japanese Language Course: This is a comprehensive
The university is recently placing greater emphasis on language program for one term, about 4 months. A class on Miyuki Dormitory:
faculty development and training. The newly Japanese culture is included. During this time a home stay 10~15-minute bicycle ride to the main campus
established Institute for International Relations reflects with a Japanese family is arranged in order to practice the All rooms are furnished and have a unit
the university’s international interests and Ehime Japanese you learned. bathroom, air conditioning, cooking
University is known for taking very good care of its d) Japanese Language Course: After completing the intensive course stove, refrigerator.,
international students. we offer higher level classes in which you can continue your Coin laundry and a store installed.
language study.
Matsuyama is a comfortable place to live and the main e) Study Trip: Once in two years we take our international students
campus is less than five minutes by bicycle to the city to experience snow, other years we go to places of historical Private Housing:
center. Being a flat city, the only transportation you or cultural interest, such as Kyoto and Nara. Ehime university COOP can introduce you to
need is a bicycle which is provide free by volunteer low-rent apartments near campus.
group 3. Academic Program
a) Teacher Training Program: Students are assigned to a supervisor in
2. Current number of international students: their field of study. After the intensive language course, the ◇Please feel free to contact us
32 countries 331 students students will work directly with their supervisor. The research
3 Teacher training program students schedule will be planned with the supervisor based on the Address: International Relation Support Division
proposal made by the student. Ehime University
b) Program Design: Your study program will be designed to your
◇Teacher Training Program needs as much as possible. According to your field of study, 3 Bunkyo-cho
Before beginning the academic training program, there you will conduct in field work, experiments, surveys and/or
is a special survival program to help students get classroom observation. At the end you will be expected to TEL 81-89-927-9157
settled quickly. Japanese students often help in the write a final report.
Japanese language classes, as a part of the Institute FAX 81-89-927-8967
c) Instruction in English: Classes on Japanese culture, Issues in
for International Relations J-Support program, Research Today, Global English Literature, & Intercultural E-mail kokuryu@stu.ehime-ac.jp
providing a chance to interact and make friends. Communication and more are taught in English. Many
professors are able to work with you on your research in
English and your final report can be submitted in English. https://campus.stu.ehime-
◇ After completing the program, supervisors follow up with students u.ac.jp/Portal/Public/Syllabus/SearchMain.aspx?
via email or skype. (syllabus)
- 151 -
Ehime University (No.43)
Ehime University(No.44)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Faculty of Education

Qualification and Requirement for

Course Number of students
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students. Number of students
Description to be accepted
in past 5 years.

Study of educational Audiology

Hajime Tachiiri tachiiri.hajime.mx@ehi Educational Audiology
44001 (ex. Auditory Learning 1
Professor me-u.ac.jp Hearing Handicapped
rehabilitation,hearing etc.)
Yoshimatsu yoshimatsu.yasufumi. Developmental disabilities and mind
44002 Developmental Disabilities 1
Associate mk@ehime-u.ac.jp reading
Heiwa Muko Basic biological investigation
44003 (Associate Science Education (Microscopic Observation,Experiment in 1 -
Professor) plants)
fukuyama.takao.mf@eh Experiments on plasma physics and
44004 (Associate Plasma Physics, Physics Education 1 -
ime-u.ac.jp physics education
Manabu Sumida Gifted Education in Science, Science To study theory and practice of
44005 (Associate Education for the Early Childhood Years, innovative scicence education with the 1 2 (Republic of the Philippines)
Professor) Curriculum and Instruction in Science collaboration of schools
kumagai.takashi.mb@e Developments of chemical teaching
44006 (Associate Chemistry, Chemical Education 1 -
hime-u.ac.jp materials
YOSHIMURA Mathematics Education, Teaching
naomichi@ehime- Ability to read academic Japanese
44007 Naomichi(Associate Mathematics Education Methods for Mathematics, Lesson Study 1
u.ac.jp texts
Professor) of Arithmetics/Mathematics Class

Faculty of Engeneering

Qualification and Requirement for

Course Number of students
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students. Number of students
Description to be accepted
in past 5 years.

English language ability or Japanese

Shinfuku Nomura shin_nomu@eng.ehime Heat Transfer,Thermo Dynamics for In-liquid Plasma Process, Sono-Process,
44008 1~2 Language
Professor -u.ac.jp Engineering Heat Transfer Enhancement

Yoshiyuki Aoyama
aaoyama@dpc.ehime- English language ability or Japanese
44009 Associate Thermofluid Dynamics Thermofluid Dynamics 1
u.ac.jp Language ability

- 152 -
Ehime University (No.43)

Qualification and Requirement for

Course Number of students
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students. Number of students
Description to be accepted
in past 5 years.

Hidetsugu Yagi yagi@dpc.ehime- English language ability or Japanese

44010 Nontraditional Machining Nontraditional machining 1
Professor u.ac.jp Language ability

Hiromichi Toyota
toyota@eng.ehime- English language ability or Japanese
44011 Associate Nontraditional Machining Plasma Process, Synthesis of Diamond 1~2
u.ac.jp Language ability,6(Malaysia)

Yoshio Yamada yamada@ee.ehime- English language ability or Japanese

44012 Image Processing Practical image processing 1
Professor u.ac.jp Language ability,1(China)

Hiroyuki Ichikawa
ichikawa@ehime- English language ability or Japanese
44013 Associate Optical Engineering Optical design and numerical simulation 1
u.ac.jp Language ability

Yoshihiro Okamoto okamoto@rec.ee.ehim Signal Processing for Information Storage English language ability or Japanese
44014 Information Storage System 1
Professor e-u.ac.jp Systems Language ability

Masafumi Jinno mjin@mayu.ee.ehime- Control and Diagnostics of Plasma, English language ability or Japanese
44015 Plasma Science, Lighting Science 1
Professor u.ac.jp Development of Light Sources Language ability

Mitsu Okamura okamura@cee.ehime- English language ability or Japanese

44016 Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical Engineering 2
Professer u.ac.jp Language ability

Makoto Ifuku ifuku@dpc.ehime- Flow structure and material transport in English language ability or Japanese
44017 Estuaring Engineering 1
Professor u.ac.jp estuary Language ability,1(Nepal)

Study and practice of computer

Mitao Ohga ohga@ehimegw.dpc.ehi English language ability or Japanese
44018 Structural Analysis structural 1
Professor me-u.ac.jp Language ability,1(Nepal)2(Srilanka)

Ryuichi Yatabe yatabe@dpc.ehime-

44019 Soil Engineering Soil Mechanics, Geo-disaster 1 1(Nepal)1(China)
Professor u.ac.jp

Isao Ujike iujike@cee.ehime- English language ability or Japanese

44020 concrete engineering Fandamental of concrete engineering 1
Professor u.ac.jp Language ability,1(Nepal)

Takayuki Nakamura nakamura@dpc.ehime- Design of Coastal and Offshore English language ability or Japanese
44021 Coastal and Ocean Engineering 1
Professor u.ac.jp Structures Language ability,1(Myanmar)

Toshio Yoshii yoshii@dpc.ehime- Traffic Engineering and Transportation English language ability or Japanese
44022 Traffic Engineering 1
Professor u.ac.jp Planning Language ability

- 153 -
Ehime University (No.43)

Qualification and Requirement for

Course Number of students
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students. Number of students
Description to be accepted
in past 5 years.

Kunimitsu Inouchi
English language ability or Japanese
44023 Associate inouchi@ehime-u.ac.jp Groundwater Hydrology Groundwater Simulation 1
Language ability

Shinichiro Mori
Earthquake Engineering,Disaster Structural and Geotechnical Earthquake English language ability or Japanese
44024 Associate mori@ehime-u.ac.jp 1
Management, Seismic Design Engineering and Seismic Design Language ability

Ryo Moriwaki
moriwaki@cee.ehime- English language ability or Japanese
44025 Associate Hydrology, Meteorology Urban climate, Watershed hydrology 1
u.ac.jp Language ability,1(Nepal)

Kozo Watanabe
44026 Associate Stream Ecology Stream Ecology 1 English language ability

Toshiro Tanaka English language ability or Japanese

44027 tanaka@ehime-u.ac.jp Advanced Ceramics Fundamental Advanced Ceramics 1
Professor Language ability,2(China)

Hiromichi Takebe takebe.hiromichi.mk@e Fundamental of Glass Science and English language ability or Japanese
44028 Functional Glasses 1
Professor hime-u.ac.jp Engineering Language ability

Masaharu Fujii fujii.masaharu.my@ehi Fundamental of Organic Electronics or English language ability or Japanese
44029 Organic Electronics or Electrical Breakdown 1
Professor me-u.ac.jp Electrical Breakdown Language ability

Shojun Hino hino@eng.ehime- Electronic properties of conductive English language ability or Japanese
44030 Solid State Chemistry 1~2
Professer u.ac.jp organic solids Language ability

Hiroshi Takahashi takahasi@cs.ehime-

44031 Computer Science Dependable Computing 1 English language ability
Professor u.ac.jp

Shinya Kobayashi Distributed Processing and Parallel English language ability or Japanese
44032 kob@cs.ehime-u.ac.jp Computer Science 1
Professor Processing Language ability, 2(Indonesia)

Hiroshi Ito Infinitesimal calculus and linear

44033 ito@ca.ehime-u.ac.jp Analysis Analysis 1
Professor algebra

Shun Ido
English or Japanese Abilities, Basic
44034 Senior Assistant ido@cs.ehime-u.ac.jp Image Processing, Virtual Reality Image Processing, Virtual Reality 1
Programming Skills

- 154 -
Kochi University (No.44)

Kochi University (Kochi Prefecture)

Each student will have an academic adviser, who will help him/her organize a curriculum, taking
his/her field of studies and interests into account.
◇ Outline of the Teacher Training Course
◇ University Overview ○ Characteristics of the program
◇ Accommodations
Each student will have an academic adviser, who will help him/her organize a curriculum,
○ Characteristics and history taking his/her field of studies and interests into account. (As of May 1, 2012)
Kochi University was founded ○ Number of students to be accepted: A few students
in 1949 as a new authorized ○ Outline of the course
・ Japanese language education [Asakura Campus]
national institution on the
Students are initially required to take Japanese language lessons for the first 6 months Female Dormitory (3 rooms)
amalgamated revision of Kochi
at the Center for International & Regional Collaboration (International Relations Rent about ¥7,500
Teacher Training School, Kochi
Section) at Kochi University. In addition, they are allowed to audit Japanese Language It takes 10 minutes from campus
High School and Kochi Young
classes offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Economics and by Common Education. to the dormitory by bicycle.
Men’s Teacher Training School,
merged with Kochi Medical ・ Specialized training
a) Courses, Types of Teaching, etc. *Dormitory: Table/ chair/ bed/
College in October 2003, and
A special curriculum, which consists of lectures, seminars, experiments, and individual locker/ bookshelf/ shared
started anew as National
tutoring will be provided to meet the requirements of each student. bathroom & kitchen
University Corporation Kochi
University in April 2004. Kochi b) Courses Taught in English
University aims at providing Basically, most classes are given in Japanese, except for some classes related to English. Many international students
・Participatory subjects such as field trips and regional exchanges live in private apartments near
higher education with Kochi’s
・Field trips to historical sites and cultural facilities (twice each semester) the campus.
free and generous spirit as its
・International exchanges in class and club activities in the affiliated primary school (Rent about ¥20,000~50,000)
Kochi Prefecture faces the and junior high school (monthly)
Pacific Ocean to the south ・Participation in a traditional festival procession in Otoyo Town ◇ Contact
against a backdrop of the ・Participation in a kimono trying-on event in Kochi City
Shikoku Mountain Range to the ・Participation in an exchange event with Kochi Prefecture International Exchange Office of
north, and is characterized by Association
International Relations
a climate of four distinct
◇ Follow-up for former international students
・ Academic staff visit sister universities, such as Anhui University, Donghai University, Address: 2-5-1
Dongguk University and Gothenburg University every year and discuss former Akebono-cho,
○ International Exchanges international students' current situation concerning studies Kochi 780-8520 JAPAN
(As of May 1,2012) ・ Conducted an exchange event for former international students and prospective
international students at Hanyang University in 2010 and 2011.
・ Number of International students ・ Conducted an exchange event for current Japanese and international students FAX:+81-88-844-8718
157 Students and former international students in Seoul, Korea in February 2012. E-MAIL:kt07@kochi-u.ac.jp
from 25 countries. ・ Published a seminar newsletter entitled Dynamic Vol. 17, which contains contributions URL:http://www.kochi-u.ac.jp/
from both current Japanese and international students and former international
・ Number of students. It aims at promoting further exchanges among them.
Teacher Training students ・ International students of the Faculty of Education are registered in the Kochi
1 Student University International Students Alumni Network and are taking active part in it.

- 155 -
Kochi University (No.44)
Kochi University(No.45)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Faculty of Education/ Graduate School of Integrated Arts and

Sciences(Studies in Education)
Number of Qualification and Requirement for students. Number of
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to students
be accepted in past 5 years.
Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof. Hideaki Okatani okatani@kochi-u.ac.jp Pedagogy Educational Phylosophy
discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.
kato-masayuki Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
A.Prof.Masayuki Kato Pedagogy Student Guidance
@kochi-u.ac.jp discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.
A.Prof. Nobuhiko Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
nyanagi@kochi-u.ac.jp Pedagogy Educational Administration
Yanagibayashi discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.
Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof. Junichi Uchida uchida@kochi-u.ac.jp Pedagogy Adult and community Education
discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.
Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
A.Prof. Sigeto Tanabe sigetou@kochi-u.ac.jp Pedagogy Moral education
discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.
45001 1~2
Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
Lecture.Takashi Yokoyama yokoyama@kochi-u.ac.jp Pedagogy Sociology of education
discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.
A.Prof. Motoharu Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
kanayama@kochi-u.ac.jp Psychology Developmental Psychology
Kanayama discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.
Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof. Naofumi Fujita fujita@kochi-u.ac.jp Psychology Educational Psychology
discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.
Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof. Youichi Babazono babazono@kochi-u.ac.jp Psychology Educational Psychology
discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.
Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
A Prof. Takashi Koguchi kogutaka@kochi-u.ac.jp Psychology Developmental Psychology
discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.

A Prof. Kanako Korenaga sverige@cc.kochi-u.ac.jp Special Needs Education Special Needs Education Daily Japanese conversation skills

Psychology For Children with

Prof. Shin-ichi Terada stera@cc.kochi-u.ac.jp Special Needs Education Japanese conversation skill for discussion ability to read in Japanese
Developmental Disabilities
45002 1~2
Teaching Methods for Children with
Lecturer.Keita Suzuki keita@kochi-u.ac.jp Special Needs Education Japanese conversation skill for discussion ability to read in Japanese
Developmental Disabilities
Psychopathology For Children with
Lecturer.Noriko Kitazoe kitazoe@kochi-u.ac.jp Special Needs Education Japanese conversation skill for discussion ability to read in Japanese
Developmental Disabilities

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Kochi University (No.44)
Number of Qualification and Requirement for students. Number of
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to students
be accepted in past 5 years.
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof.Harumi Watanabe h.watanabe@kochi-u.ac.jp Japanese Education Japanese Language Education
discussion ablity to read and write in Japanese
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
A.Prof.Yasutaka Takehisa takehisa@kochi-u.ac.jp Japanese Education Japanese Literature
discussion ablity to read and write in Japanese
45003 1
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
A.Prof.Naoyuki Tamaki ntamaki@kochi-u.ac.jp Japanese Education Chinese Literature
discussion ablity to read and write in Japanese
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof.Nobuhisa Kitagawa nobukita@kochi-u.ac.jp Japanese Education Calligraphy
discussion ablity to read and write in Japanese

Prof. Eiji Fujita efujita@kochi-u.ac.jp Social Studies Education Teaching Social Studies Japanese conversation skill for discussion

Prof. Takatoshi Endo endou@kochi-u.ac.jp Historical Science Chinese History Daily Japanese conversation skills

45004 Prof. Yoshihiro Fujitsuka fujituka@kochi-u.ac.jp Geography Urban Geography 2~3 Japanese conversation skill for discussion

A. Prof.Satoshi Yamazaki yamazaki@kochi-u.ac.jp Economics Economic thought Japanese conversation skill for discussion

Prof. Tomikazu Fujimoto tomikazu@kochi-u.ac.jp Law Japanese Constitution Ability to read books about law written in Japanese

Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for

Prof. Keiyu Kunimoto coonie@kochi-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Mathematics Education
discussion/ to read papaers written in Eng. on Math.Edu.
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof. Toshiyuki Nakano tnakano@kochi-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Mathematics Education
discussion/ to read papaers written in Eng. on Math.Edu.
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
45005 Prof. Susumu Oda ssmoda@kochi-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Algebra 1~2
discussion/ to read papaers written in Eng. on Math.Edu.
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof. Junro Sato junro@kochi-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Algebra
discussion/ to read papaers written in Eng. on Math.Edu.
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof. Toshihiro Yamaguchi tyamag@kochi-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education Geometry
discussion/ to read papaers written in Eng. on Math.Edu.

- 157 -
Kochi University (No.44)
Number of Qualification and Requirement for students. Number of
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to students
be accepted in past 5 years.

Lecturer.Mitsuru Nakajo mit-na@kochi-u.ac.jp Science Education Teaching Method of Science Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof. Shunichiro Koh koh@kochi-u.ac.jp Physics Solid-state physics Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof.Michio Fuki fuki@kochi-u.ac.jp Physics Cosmic-ray physics Daily Japanese conversation skills

45006 Prof. Keiji Gamoh kgamoh@kochi-u.ac.jp Chemistry Organic Analytical Chemistry 2~3 Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof. Tetsuo Harada itani@kochi-u.ac.jp Biology Insect Ecophysiology, Chronobiology Daily Japanese conversation skills

A.Prof. Gyo Itani haratets@kochi-u.ac.jp Biology Benthology. Marine Biology Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof. Tadashi Akamatsu akamatsu@kochi-u.ac.jp Geoscience Earth and Planetary Material Science Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof. Aya Yamanaka a-ymnk@kochi-u.ac.jp Music Education Music Education The fundamental ability to read and write Japanese

Prof.Soichi Wakioka ob39@kochi-u.ac.jp Instrumental music Oboe Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof. Shinji Miyata shmiyata@kochi-u.ac.jp Instrumental music Piano Daily Japanese conversation skills
45007 1
Prof. Joji Obara joji@kochi-u.ac.jp Vocal Music Vocal solo Daily Japanese conversation skills

A. Prof. Miki Takahashi mikitaka@kochi-u.ac.jp Musicology Folk music, Popular music The fundamental ability to read and write Japanese

A. Prof. Katsuji Maeda maedak@kochi-u.ac.jp Musical Composition Musical Composition Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof. Yoshimasa Kaneko ysms-k@kochi-u.ac.jp Art Education Art Education The fundamental ability to read and write Japanese

Prof. Takahiro Doihara doihara@kochi-u.ac.jp Painting European Art Daily Japanese conversation skills

Lecturer.Koichi Nozumi nozumi@kochi-u.ac.jp Painting Japanese Art Daily Japanese conversation skills
45008 1
Lecturer.Tetsutaro Abe tetsutaro@kochi-u.ac.jp Sculpture Modeling Daily Japanese conversation skills

A Prof. Kazuhiro Yoshioka yoshioka@kochi-u.ac.jp Design Graphic design Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof. Masayuki Yoshimitsu yosimitu@kochi-u.ac.jp Craftwork Japanese traditional woodwork art Daily Japanese conversation skills

- 158 -
Kochi University (No.44)
Number of Qualification and Requirement for students. Number of
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to students
be accepted in past 5 years.
Health and Physical Education. Class
Prof. Saburo Kariya skariya@kochi-u.ac.jp Health and Physical Education Pedagogy Daily Japanese conversation skills
Health and Physical Education. Class
Prof. Kazushige Kamiya kamiya@cc.kochi-u.ac.jp Health and Physical Education Pedagogy Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof. Hirshi Tujita tsujita@kochi-u.ac.jp Physical Exercise Sports management, Sports law Daily Japanese conversation skills

45009 A.Prof. Hiromitsu Yano h-yano@kochi-u.ac.jp Physical Exercise Sports psychology, Healthy psychology 1 Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof. Teruki Noji noji@kochi-u.ac.jp Athletics Coaching Method, Socce Coaching Daily Japanese conversation skills

Exercise physiology of Sports Phisical

Prof. Setsuo Komai komai@kochi-u.ac.jp Athletics Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof. Kiyoyasu Honma honma@kochi-u.ac.jp Health Science Lifestyle and Health Daily Japanese conversation skills

Technology Education,Environmental
Prof. Yoshihiro Masuo masuo@kochi-u.ac.jp Technology Education Daily Japanese conversation skills
education, Information education
Technology Education, Information
45010 Prof.Hirotaka Doho doho@kochi-u.ac.jp Technology Education
science, Electric education.
1 Daily Japanese conversation skills

Prof.Hiroshi Uragaki uragaki@kochi-u.ac.jp Mechanics Nondestructiveness measurement Daily Japanese conversation skills

Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for

Prof. Rumiko Kikuchi rumiko@kochi-u.ac.jp Home Economics Education Home Economics Pedagogy
discussion ablity to read and write in Japanese
Home Economist Pedagogy,Consumer Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof. Kyoko Kojima kkojima@kochi-u.ac.jp Home Economics Education
Sciences discussion ablity to read and write in Japanese
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
45011 Eri Shiba eri-shiba@kochi-u.ac.jp Home Economics Education Food Science and Education 1
discussion ablity to read and write in Japanese
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
Prof. Kazuko Tamura kotamu@kochi-u.ac.jp Home Economics Education Clothing Science
discussion ablity to read and write in Japanese
Daily Japanese conversation skills/ Japanese conversation skills for
A.Prof Misa Morita kaseim@kochi-u.ac.jp Home Economics Education Family Resource Management
discussion ablity to read and write in Japanese
Applicants are required to have an elementary level of Japanese/ Daily
Prof. Tsuneo Nasu nasu@kochi-u.ac.jp English Language Education English Language Education
Japanese conversation skills
Applicants are required to have an elementary level of Japanese/ Daily
A. Prof. Shizuya Tara tara@kochi-u.ac.jp English Language Education English Language Education
Japanese conversation skills
A. Prof. Fuminori Applicants are required to have an elementary level of Japanese/ Daily
45012 Matsubara
fuminori@kochi-u.ac.jp English Linguistics Syntax
Japanese conversation skills
Lecturer. Masayo Applicants are required to have an elementary level of Japanese/ Daily
m-hasegawa@kochi-u.ac.jp English Literature Britihsh Literature and Culture
Hasegawa Japanese conversation skills
Applicants are required to have proficiency in English but not in
Prof. Masaki Taniguchi tamasaki@kochi-u.ac.jp English Linguistics English Phonetics, Speech Communication 1
Daily Japanese conversation skill/ Japanese conversation skills for
45013 Lecturer.Nozomi Shimada nshimada@kochi-u.ac.jp Teaching Methods Teaching and Curriculum Design 1
discussion/ Understanding lectures where Japanese is used.

- 159 -
- 160 -
Fukuoka University of Education (No.45)

Fukuoka University of Education (FUKUOKA)

We offer training in a wide variety of specialized fields such as Pedagogy, Literature, Law, Economy, Foreign Languages, Natural Science,
Engineering, Agriculture, Art, and Sports.

◇University overview ◇Outline of the course for Teacher ◇ Follow-up for graduates
Training students ・Individual advising is available for all graduates.

○ Characteristics and history: ○ Characteristics of the program

The university aims to be the “center of educational ◇ Accommodations :
Fukuoka University of Education is the
research in Asia.“ Many teachers from foreign
only university which specializes in ・Kyushu University International
countries have participated in our teacher-training
teacher-training and education in Kyushu. Students House (18room)
programs. Our purpose is to promote cultural
We are a comprehensive About rent and other fees:
university in which the specialized fields exchanges with foreign countries through education. Single: 15,200yen/month
include not only Pedagogy, but also Literature, Entrance fee: 8,400yen
Law, Economics, Foreign Languages, Natural ○ Number of students to be accepted: 21 Couple:15,400yen/month + Utilities
Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Art, and Entrance fee: 15,400yen
Sports. ○ Japanese Language education Equipment:Unit Bathroom, Refrigerator,
・Japanese language Western toilet, Bed, Desk, Chair,
1st semester Intermediate level, Advanced level Air conditioner, Wardrobe, Shoe cupboard
○ International Exchange (May 2012):
2nd semester Intermediate level, Advanced level Distance from university (by train): 40~50 minutes
・Number of International students:
80 ( 4 countries)
・Supplementary Japanese course ・Dormitory
・Number of students studying overseas
Supplementary classes are planned for 5 classes a About rent and other fees:
11( 3 countries)
week in 2013. Classes include Intermediate Girl’s dormitory 3,600yen + Utilities
・Number of Teacher Training students:
Reading, Kanji for students not familiar with Chinese Boy’s dormitory 4,800yen + Utilities
1 ( 1 countries)
characters, and Basic Japanese Course. Equipment:Bed, Desk, Chair
○ Number of students (May 2012) : Distance from university (walking):
Undergraduate: 2,860 ○ Specialized training Girl’s Dormitory 5 minutes
Graduate: 196 (a) Pedagogical training Boy’s Dormitory 40 minutes
Combination of special curriculum for overseas
students (70%) and tutorials and auditing regular ・Apartment houses
classes of the university (30%). Rent and other fees:20,000yen~40,000yen
Includes field trips to primary, junior-high and other ◇Contact
educational institutions, lectures and seminars in the Address : 1-1 Akamabunkyoumachi,
university. Munakata City, Fukuoka Pref.,
(b) Subjects or courses taught in English: 811-4192 JAPAN
Courses offered by the English Language Education, Science Promoting Cooperation Department
Education, and Special Education Departments may be TEL : +81-940-35-1247
partly taught in English. FAX : +81-940-35-1700
E-mail: ryugak01@fukuoka-edu.ac.jp
○ Other activities URL: http://www.fukuoka-edu.ac.jp
・Study tour ・Visit schools and museums etc.

- 161 -
Fukuoka University of Education (No.45)
Fukuoka University of Education(No.46)
◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted. Qualifications and, etc.
Research Division of Education

Number of Qualification and Requirement for students.

Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teachng Field(s) Course Description students
Number of students in past 5 years.
Living Environment Studies, The Educational Practice, Development of Curriculums
46001 Hiroshi TSUGAWA ― Period for Integrated Studies, ・Knowledge of Pedagogy

Pedagogical Sciences of Educational Production

Methods of Education
Moral Education; Philosophy of Education (The role of the
46002 Masayuki SAKAI ― China 2,Korea 1,Mexico 1
Moral Education, language in case of education)
Philosophy of Education Moral Education in Japan; Educational Thoughts in Modern
46003 Mariko KOBAYASHI ― Thai 1,Ghana 1,El Salvador1
46004 Ryusei KIUCHI ― Extra –class Activity Methods of Teaching(Extra-class Activity,Guidance and Philippines1,Peru1, Uzbekistan2
46005 Miho FUNAKOSHI ― Group Work)
Early Childhood Education History,Methods and Contents of Early Childhood Education
International Mutual
Understanding Inter Cultural Education(Historical study of educational 2
46006 Fumiya IIDA ― Education,History of relations between Japan and foreign countries)
46007 Toyohisa INOUE ― Social Education Social Education; Life-long Learning; Adult Education in
46008 Shinji AMANO ― Media Education Germany
Psychological study of teaching practice and information
46009 Seigo TERAOKA ― technology; Mathematical
History of Educational psychology
History of Education
46010 Hideyo TAKEMOTO ― History of Education, History of Japanese Education
Educational Management (Management of school; Job stress
46011 Kuniharu SUZUKI. ―
System of Education and burnout problems of teachers and school nurses )
46012 Shoko KAWACHI ― Education Law,Practical Education
Seiji NAGAE. ― ・Knowledge of Psychology
Yasunao OTUBO ―
Ikuo SASAYAMA ― Instructional/Learning Psychology, Developmental Psychology,
46013 Educational Psychology 1
Tomoko SUGIMURA ― Social Psychology in Education
Jun'ichi IKUTA ―
Masayuki KUROKAWA ―
46014 Junko ABE ― School Counseling,Play Therapy ・Knowledge of Clinical Psychology

46015 Shunya NAKAMURA ― Comparative Psychotherapy;Study on Cross-Cultural Contact

Masayoshi Educational Clinical Psychology Counseling (person-centered approach); humanistic 1

46016 ―
SAKANAKA psychology
46017 Yoshimi NAKASHIMA ― Clinical Psychology in the Schools; Rorschach Test
46018 Tomoko IWAHASHI ― A Process of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
46019 Yukiko TOMOKIYO ― School Counseling

- 162 -
Fukuoka University of Education (No.45)
Fukuoka University of Education(No.46)

Research Division of Education

Number of
Qualification and Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teachng Field(s) Course Description students
Number of students in past 5 years.
46020 Emiko IKARI ― Multiply handicapped
46021 Ikuyo ISHIZAKA ― Speech and language disorders ・Special Education, Physiolory of Children with
46022 Michinori FUJIKANE ― Developmentally Disabled,Applied Behavior Analysis disabilities, Psychology of Children with
46023 Takashi NAKAMURA ― Visual Impairment,dementia disabilities etc.
46024 Masamutsu KENJYO ― Speech and language disorders Brazil 1
Special Education 2
46025 Dan OHIRA ― Physically handicapped
46026 Tomio OHTA ― Speech and hearing disorders
46027 Takeshi NAKAYAMA ― LD,AD/HD
46028 Hiromitsu AIZAWA ― Hearing disorders
46029 Masakazu MIYATA ― Patholgy of Children with Disabilities
46030 Masahiro HOJO ― jurisprudence Criminal Law,Medical law,Legislation of social welfare ・Concerns with the social studies education
46031 Kamiyo KITA ― Sociology Sociological Theory, Gender Studies and literacy in the field of history,geography,
46032 Kiichiro KAMEI ― Japanese history (ancient times and medieval times) social sciences.
Japanese history
46033 Ayako OGAWA ― Japanese history (present age,modernization) Korea 1,Myanmar 1,

46034 Takahito KUROKI ― Physical geography Geomorphology

46035 Hiroyuki TAKESHIMA ― Political science History of political thought in modern Germany

46036 Shinji SUGIMURA ― Chinese history World history(East Asia)

46037 Sayoko TAMAKI ― European history World history(except East Asia)
46038 Tetsuji ISHIMARU ― Human geography Economic geography,Geographical education

46039 Tomoko KOBAYASHI ― International studies International history of East Asia

46040 Keiji TOYOSHIMA ― Social studies education Social studies education(Educatinal methods)
46041 Yasuji ODA ― Social studies education Social studies education(History of social studies education)
46042 Yutaka HORI ― Philosophy Chinese philosophy
46043 Norio SUZUKI ― Economics Economics of education

Masaaki HARADA ・Basic knowledge of Natural Science

46044 ― Science Education Science Education and Natural Science 2
and 21 others Mexico 1, Myanmar 1

- 163 -
Fukuoka University of Education (No.45)
Fukuoka University of Education(No.46)

Research Division of Education

Number of
Qualification and Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teachng Field(s) Course Description students
Number of students in past 5 years.
Shinji IIDA ― ・Ability to teach mathematics at least
46045 Norihiro SHIMIZU nshimizu@ Mathematics Education
Koji IWATA kiwata@ of the junior high school level
Mitsuo SHINAGAWA ― Myanmar 2
46046 Takanori SAKAMOTO sakamott@ Mathematics (Algebra)
Yasuhiro KISHI ―
Takatoshi SAKURAI ―
46047 Mathematics Education Mathematics (Geometry) 2
Takashi IWAMOTO ―
Kiyoharu NOHNO ―
46048 Takuya HARA ― Mathematics (Analysis)
Junichi SEGATA ―
Fumikazu TAMARI ―
46049 Mitsushi FUJIMOTO fujimoto@ Mathematics (Applied Mathematics)
Toshio NAKATA nakata@

Tsugihiro KIMURA ・Knowledge of Music Education and Musicology, and

46050 kimurat@ Music Education Music Education,Music Performance and Musicology 2
and 8 others practical abilities in musical performance
・Knowledge of Art Education and practical
Art Education(Art Shodo),Art,
Mamoru ABE abilities in art work/Knowledge of Shodo
46051 ― Fine Art Education (Drawing/Painting,Sculpture,Design and Crafts),Theory of 2
and 12 others Education and practical abilities in Shodo
Art,History of Art,Shodo and History of Shodo
work Fiji1
Junji NAKANISHI Health and Physical Education in School,Sport ・Basic knowledge of science about health,physical
46052 ― Health and Physical Education 2
and 11 others Science,Kinematics,and Health Education education, and sport
46053 Shuji ENDOU endou@ Electricity and Electronics ・Basic knowledge of Technology Education
46054 Kazuyuki NAGATA nagata@ Vocational guidance and Teaching method of technology and various fiels of science of technology
46055 Minoru FURUKAWA furukawm@ Metal working Hungary1
46056 Masato SHIRAISHI siraisi@ Information
Technology Education 1
46057 Makoto ARIKAWA arikawa@ Teaching method of technology
46058 Kenji HIRAO khirao@ Agronomy
46059 Takeshi OHUCHI tohuchi@ Wood working
46060 Takatoshi UMENO t-umeno@ Mechanical engineering
46061 Sumiko KAI kais@ Home Economics Education
46062 Noriko KISHI kishin@ Home Economics Education
46063 Yuko AKINAGA yukoaki@ Cookery Science and Eating Habits
・Basic knowledge and ability of understanding in the
46064 Yoshiko NAGAYAMA nagayamy@ Home Economics Education Textiles and Clothing ・Clothing Care and Management 2
field of Home Economics
46065 Masako HORI horimasa@ Textiles and Clothing ・Clothing physiology and Hygiene
46066 Sayo SUZUKI suzukis@ Housing and Living Design
46067 Miki ASONUMA asonuma@ Domestic Engineering
Teaching English as a Foreign Language,English/American
Mie GOTOH ・Basic knowledge of English language teaching
46068 ― English Language Education Literature,Linguistics,English Communication,Applied 1
and 8 others Myanmar 1, Filippines 2
Linguistics, British Culture, and Cross-cultural Communication
Number of students to be accepted(total) 21

- 164 -
Saga University (No.46)

SAGA University (SAGA Prefecture)

A program to promote the University Internationalization

◇ University overview ◇ Outline of the course for ◇ Accommodations
Teacher Training students ○ Number of rooms
○ Characteristics and history ・ Single room 40
○ Characteristics of the program ・ Couple room 3
Saga University, formed by the integration of the The Faculty of Education of the University was reorganized into ・ Family room 4
former Saga University and Saga Medical School, the Faculty of Culture and Education in April, 1997.
consists of five faculties: The Faculty of Culture and In this new faculty, from a wider perspective, teacher-training ○ Monthly rent
Education, The Faculty of Economics, The Faculty students can study a variety of subjects including art and music. ・ Single room 7,200 yen per month
of Medicine, The Faculty of Science and Engineering, ・ Couple room 11,000 yen per month
○ Number of students to be accepted: 6 ・ Family room 13,500 yen per month
and The Faculty of Agriculture. In addition, each
faculty has its own graduate school. ○ Outline of the course
○ Facilities
・ Japanese language education air-conditioner, hot water, kitchen, bathtub and
(Number of students)
a) Basic course toilet, bed, desk, gas range, furniture, etc.
6,222 undergraduate students
Teacher training students are required to take a Japanese
991 graduate students ○ Information for Daily Life
training course for the first 6 months. This course will provide
○ International Exchange you with an intensive fundamental Japanese language training. The lodgings surrounding includes the convenience
b) Supplementary course store, the electronics store, and the restaurant etc.
・ Number of International students
Supplementary Japanese classes are available if in need.
Saga University executes academic exchange Saga University International House has some
Advisors help students individually.
agreement with more than 144 universities all over limitations for moving in. If you cannot move into Saga
the world. ・ Specialized training University International House you may be able to fine
273 International students are enrolled. Course, type of classes: other accommodations at a reasonable price through
Seminar 1 other means such as International Lodging House
・ Number of Teacher Training students
Lecture 2 from NPO Corporation, Saga City public housing
We have accepted 1 International teacher-training
The following classes are provided in English: (Koudan), Saga Prefecture public housing (Koudan),
Special Seminar in American Literature and Culture and private apartments around Saga University.
・ Participatory subjects such as field trips and regional exchanges
Students participate in the field in order to get opportunities to ◇ Contact
experience Japanese culture and nature. Address: 1, Honjo-machi, Saga-shi, Saga JAPAN
・ Others
Department: International Affairs Division, Saga
◇ Follow-up for graduates TEL: 0952-28-8389
FAX: 0952-28-8819
International students have to let us know their home address (or
E-mail: ryugaku@mail.admin.saga-u.ac.jp
contact info.) when they return to their home country.
URL: http://www.saga-u.ac.jp

- 165 -
Saga University (No.46)
SAGA University(No.47)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Education

Number of Qualification and Requirement for students.

Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to Number of students
be accepted in past 5 years.
Takaaki SONODA
47001 sonodat@cc.saga-u.ac.jp Theory of Teaching Method Theory of teaching MethodCurriculum Theory 1 Japanese ability is highly required
Shoichi TANAKA
47002 tanaka@cc.saga-u.ac.jp English Linguistics English Linguistics Applied Linguistics 1 〃
Hironori HAYASE
47003 hayaseh@cc.saga-u.ac.jp American Literature American Literature and Culture 1 English ability is highly required
Keiko KITAGAWA ・Graduates of teachers colleges or with the similar level
47004 kitagake@cc.saga-u.ac.jp Social Work Gerontology 1
(Professor) ・Japanese ability is highly required
Tetsuo KURAMOTO School Management and School Management and ・Graduates of teachers colleges or with the similar level
47005 kuramoto@cc.saga-u.ac.jp 1
(Professor) Classroom Management Classroom Management ・Japanese ability is highly required
Kazuyo MATSUSITA ・Graduates of teachers colleges or with the similar level
47006 d5241@cc.saga-u.ac.jp Education of Human Rights Theory of Human Rights 1
(Associate Professor) ・Japanese ability is highly required
Yasuhiko KAWAKAMI ・Graduates of teachers colleges or with the similar level
47007 yasuh@cc.saga-u.ac.jp Administration of Education System of the Education 1
(Associate Professor) ・Japanese ability is highly required

- 166 -
Nagasaki University (No.47)

Nagasaki University (Nagasaki Prefecture)

The faculty of education offers on-the-job training and practical assistance to students to acquire a wide range of educational knowledge and
skills necessary in classrooms or teaching realities.

◇ University Overview the Faculty of Education. It aims to help ◇Accommodations

international students achieve success in their Nagasaki University has four dormitories prepared
○ Characteristics and History study or research. It also provides students with
parties, study tours, and various curriculums, and exclusively for international students, Nishimachi
Nagasaki University consists of the Faculties of International House Main Building, Building A, Building B, and
Education, Economics, Medicine, Dentistry, makes efforts to meet their everyday needs so that Sakamoto International House. When vacancies are not
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Engineering, Environmental they can lead a comfortable life in pursuing their available, students must rent private apartment.
Studies, and Fisheries. There are about 80 teachers goals.
in the Faculty of Education specialized in Japanese, The number of rooms available for international students is
○ Number of Students to be Accepted: 8 as follows.
Social Studies, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Music,
Art, Health and Physical Education, Technology, ○ Outline of the Course ○ The Number of Rooms
Home Economics, English, Educational Science, -Single room 64 rooms
Educational Psychology, Education for Handicapped ・Japanese Language Education -Two-bed room 4 rooms
Children, and Early Childhood Care and Education. An (2013. 10~2014. 3) -Three-bed room 8 rooms
elementary school, a lower secondary school, a
school for children with special education needs, and a) Course -Four-bed room 84 rooms
a kindergarten are also affiliated. International ○ Rent
students can visit those facilities to observe how Students are to study Japanese language -Single room ¥8,177 ¥11,384 ¥20,589
children are educated at Japanese schools. intensively for the first six months at the -Two-bed room ¥12,560/person
International Student Center. -Three-bed room ¥12,516/person
○ International Exchange
b) Supplementary Course -Four-bed room ¥19,275/person
・Number of International Students As of Oct. 1, 2012
Supplementary lessons are given 15 hours per ○ Equipment /Furnishings
7,546 undergraduate students and 1,457 graduate week at the International Student Center Air conditioner, Bed, Desk, Chair, Wardrobe, Reading lamp,
students are currently enrolled in the University. In according to students’ Japanese comprehension. Refrigerator, Shower, Toilet, Laundry room (shared), and
the Faculty of Education alone, there are 1,006 Dining room (shared).
undergraduate students and 71 graduate students. ・Specialized Training (2014. 4~2015. 3)
The University has 424 international students of ○ Surrounding Environment and Commute Time
which 53 students are enrolled in the Faculty of According to each student's specialized subject,
one or more faculty members will supervise Nishimachi International House is about 20 minutes on
Education. him/her. The student will take seminars and foot from Bunkyo Campus (main campus). It is located in a
・Number of Teacher Training Students lectures for a year under the supervision of the quiet neighborhood and housing for government workers is
professor(s). The student must submit a thesis near by. Sakamoto International House is located on the
Nagasaki University has academic exchange (Japanese or English) at the end of the course. university hospital property and is a few minutes on foot
programs with many overseas universities and is very from medical & dentistry schools and related institutes.
active in research and student exchange. It has ・Participatory Subjects Such As Field Trips and There is also a shopping area near Campus and the living
concluded academic agreement with 121 overseas Regional Exchanges environment is comfortable. It takes about 30 minutes to
institutes including National University of Singapore, Bunkyo Campus by electric tramway.
Pukyong National University, Chiang Mai University, Students will visit elementary schools and junior
China Pharmaceutical University, Leiden University, high schools in town and talk about their country,
Jeju National University, and Kyungpook National lifestyle, culture, customs, etc. By actually visiting ◇Contact
University. The total of 18 students have been schools, students can experience what the
Japanese education is like as well as deepen the International Exchange Division
enrolled in this program in the past 10 years, and
their origins include various countries such as understanding of the field of Japanese teaching Nagasaki University
Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico, through interaction with children and teachers. 1-14 Bunkyo‐machi, Nagasaki 852‐8521, Japan
and Sudan. ◇ Follow-up for Graduates TEL: 095‐819‐2121 FAX: 095-819‐2125
◇ Outline of the Teacher Training Program Email: ryugaku@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp
Supervisors always prepare themselves for URL: http//www.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/
○ Characteristics of the Program various academic questions from graduates
The Committee for International Students was through email, etc.
established with the cooperation of all members of

- 167 -
Nagasaki University (No.47)
Nagasaki University (No.48 )
Course Description and Terms of Admission
Graduate School of Education
Number of Terms of admission and
Name of Adviser
Course code e-mail address Teaching Fields Course Description students to Number of students accepted in the past 5
(Official Position)
be accepted years
48001 katumata Japanese Education Japanese Literature (Classic Literature) 1
48002 keiko-s Japanese Education Syodo Education 1
Takana NAKAJIMA Japanese Literature
48003 takanan Japanese Education 1
(Associate Professor) (Literature Written by Chinese Classics)
Masatake HIRASE
48004 masa-i Japanese Education Japanese Education 1
(Associate Professor)
Ken-ichi HORII
48005 horii History of Ancient Europe History of Classical Athens 1 Conducted in English
48006 seiji Economics Economic Theory or Mathematical Economics 1
Tomoyoshi IIZUKA
48007 iizuka Western Philosophy , Ethics Problems of Philosophy and Ethics 1
Masahiro FUKUDA
48008 fukuda Social Studies Education Development of Social Understanding 1
48009 fukutome History of Japan Political history at Japanese the early modern age 1
(Associate Professor)
yu-kita Mathematics Analysis
48010 kajimoto Mathematics Geometry 1 Conducted in English, Uganda 1(HIRAOKA)
khiraoka Mathematics Education Mathematics Education
48011 mkaori Mathematics Education Mathematics Education 1 Conducted in English
(Associate Professor)
Byungdug JUN
bdjun Web Information System GIS by WebGIS
48012 (Professor) 1 Conducted in English
Chiaki NAKAMURA (sonny@i.edu. Construction of Computer System for Ed
Computer and Network System
(Associate Professor) nagasaki-u.ac.jp) ucation
Yoshimasa HOSHINO Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry,
48013 hoshino Chemistry 1 Conducted in English
(Professor) Chemical Education
48014 masahiro Astronomy Astronomy, Astrophysics 1 Conducted in English
(Associate Professor)
Hiroaki YAMAJI
48015 yamaji Science Education Science Education 1
Shinya OBA
48016 ooba Zoology Zoology 1 Conducted in English, Korean 1
(Associate Professor)
Akifumi FUKUI
48017 a-fukui Music Education Study of music education 1
48018 horiuchi Pianoforte playing Basic principles in pianoforte playing 1
48019 mikami Composition Study of harmonistic theory 1
48020 miyamo Vocal Music Vocal Music 1
(Associate Professor)
Akiko KANO
48021 k-akiko Violin Playing Expression of violin playing 1
(Associate Professor)
Keisuke SATO
48022 keisuke Sculpture Sculpture (Art Education) 1
48023 nakagawa Art Education Art Education 1

- 168 -
Nagasaki University (No.47)
Nagasaki University (No.48 )
Course Description and Terms of Admission
Graduate School of Education
Number of Terms of admission and
Name of Adviser
Course code e-mail address Teaching Fields Course Description students to Number of students accepted in the past 5
(Official Position)
be accepted years
Hiroyuki KANNO
48024 kankan Art Education Ceramic 1
48025 aharikai Art Education History of Art 1
(Associate Professor)
Sho NISHIZAWA Research in Health and Physical Educat
48026 nishisho Health related Fitness 2 Conducted in English
(Professor) ion
Masaki YAMAUCHI Psychology of Physical Educati
48027 yamauchi Sports Psychology & Motor learning 1 Conducted in English
(Professor) on
Takayuki HATA Philosophy of Sport and Physical Educa
48028 hata Sport and Physical Education 1 Conducted in English or German
(Professor) tion
Takashi FUJIKI Distance Education, Technology
48029 t-fujiki Distance Education and Technology Education 1 Conducted in English
(Professor) Education
Noboru FUJIMOTO Environmental and Mechanical Environmental and Mechanical Technology and
48030 n-fuji 1
(Professor) Technology Education teaching method
akasaki Home economics Home economics Education
48031 (Professor) 1 Conducted in English
Yoshitugu SASANO
y-sasano Home economics Housing
(Associate Professor)
48032 tnobuko Household Economics Food Consumption 1 Conducted in English
48033 m-iijima Textile Materials Polymer Physics 1 Conducted in English
(Associate Professor)
48034 daichioi Food Function Lipid Nutrition 1 Conducted in English
(Associate Professor)
kmat English Linguistics Syntax
48035 Toshiya IKEDA 1 Myanmar 1 (INAGE)
t-ikeda British Literature Modern British literature
(Associate Professor)
Itsuro INAGE
inage English Language Teaching English Language Teaching
yasunori Educational Sociology Educationa Sociology
hitoshi Preschool Education Preschool Education
Katsumasa HIRATA Education for Children with
hirata Education for Children with Disabilities
(Professor) Disabilities Philippines 1 (YANAGIDA)
48036 Yasumi SUZUKI Psychophysiology of Children with 1 Mexico 1 (INOKUCHI)
ys11 Psychophysiology of Children with Disabilities
(Professor) Disabilities
Hiroshi GOYA Pedagogy, Pedagogy, Myanmar 2 (GOYA)
(Professor) Science Education Science Education
Ryuutaro SASAYAMA Education for Children with
sasayama Special Needs Education
(Associate Professor) Disabilities
kusuyama Educational System Educational System,Schooling System
(Assistant Professor)
Junji HARADA Educational Psychology,Social Psycholog
48037 harada Educational Social Psychology 1
(Professor) y
Tatsuro OBARA
48038 labo Health Education Child Science 1
48039 k-tera Educational Technology Media Education 1 Conducted in English, El Salvador 1
(Associate Professor)
. The domain in the e-mail address,@nagasaki-u.ac.jp,is omitted.

- 169 -
- 170 -
Kumamoto University (No.48)

Kumamoto University (Kumamoto Prefecture)

The goal of program is to give basic and professional knowledge and skills in various areas of Japanese

◇ University overview ◇ Outline of the course for ◇ Accommodations

○ Characteristics and history
Teacher Training students
International House, the dormitory for the international
Kumamoto University was established in May, 1949 in- ○ Characteristics of the program students, is located about 1.5 km east of main
corporating several institutions, including the Fifth The goal of Kumamoto University’s teacher education program is to (Kurokami ) Campus. More than 200 international
High School and Kumamoto Medical College. Now, it give basic and professional knowledge and skills in various areas of students and guest scholars reside there.
has seven undergraduate faculties and eight graduate Japanese education. Teacher Training students can live in the International
schools. There are about 10,000 undergraduate and The Faculty of Education conducts specialized courses for students House for one and a half years.
graduate students, and about 2,500 faculty and staff who wish to be kindergarten, elementary, junior, or senior high school
members. teachers in the following subjects: Japanese, social studies, ○ Monthly rent ※Utilities are not included.
mathematics, natural science, music, art, health and physical education, ・ Single room (147 rooms) : 17,000 yen
Graduate School of Education industrial technology, living sciences, English, special support education ・ Couple room (6 rooms) : 26,000 yen
In the Graduate School of Education, there are (pedagogy, psychology), and school health nursing education. ・ Family room A (3 rooms) : 36,000 yen
currently two majors: Educational Practices and ・ Family room B (4 rooms) : 34,000 yen
○ Number of students to be accepted : 30
School Subjects Methods and Practices. In addition you need deposit when you move in.
In addition to college graduates, the Graduate School ○ Outline of the course
of Education also accepts in-service school teachers. (1) Japanese language education (October 2013 to March 2014) ○ Facilities
Its goal is to improve the quality of teachers through Japanese for everyday living and for conducting research after entering Kitchen, Shower and Toilet, Air Conditioner, Bed,
general research related to achieving practical Kumamoto University. Refrigerator, Electric Cooker, Desk, Chair, Shoe Shelf,
educational results. From elementary to intermediate various classes are prepared. Telephone (receive only)
Internet access is available if you contract.
○ International Exchange (2) Specialized training (April 2014 to March 2015)
・ Number of international students : Mainly individual instruction from the student’s academic advisor. ○ Information for Daily Life
447 from 45 countries (as of Nov. 1, 2012) Students also take regular classes with other undergraduate or It takes about 10 minutes from the International
graduate students to deepen knowledge of their research subject. House to main campus by bicycle.
・ Number of Teacher Training students :
At the end of academic year, students are expected to present their
2012 : 3 (China, Korea, Myanmar) research achievement.
2011 : 4 (Indonesia, Myanmar, Uzbekistan, Sudan) ◇ Contact
2010 : 3 (Myanmar, Philippines) (3) Others International Affairs Division
・ Individual field trips with academic advisors Kumamoto University
・ On-site observations at schools Address: 2-40-1 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto
・ Field trip to cultural facilities and historic sites 860-8555 Japan
TEL: +81-96-342-2138 FAX: +81-96-342-2130
◇ Follow-up for graduates E-mail: gji-ryugaku@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
URL: http://www.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/
Students can consult with their supervisors as through email even after
completion of their training course.

- 171 -
Kumamoto University (No.48)
Kumamoto University (No.97)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Education

Qualification and
Number of
Course Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to
Description Number of students
be accepted
in past 5 years.
Problems of Japanese Classical
49001 Masaomi Horihata (Professor) horihata@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Japanese Linguistics 1 1(Korea)

49002 Naoki Haruta (Associate Professor) haruta@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Japanese History Regional History

49003 Mamoru Yamanaka (Professor) yamanaka@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Economics Econometric Analysis

Kozo Yamamoto
49004 kya@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Geography Human Geography 1
(Associate Professor)

49005 Hideyuki Yahata (Professor) yahata@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Ethics Problems of Ethics

49006 Rieko Ueda (Associate Professor) ueda@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Law Legal History

49007 Jin-ichi Itoh (Professor) j-itoh@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Mathematics Geometry 1 1 (Mongolia), 1 (Myanmar)

49008 Shin-ya Yamamoto (Professor) shinya@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Mathematics Mathematics teaching 1 1(China)

Botany, Education in Biological

49009 Kazumori Masamoto (Professor) masamoto@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Biology

49010 Tsutomu Tanabe (Professor) tanabe@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Biology Ecology, Zoology

Organic Chemistry , Environmental

49011 Hideaki Shimada (Professor) shimada@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Chemistry
Chemistry, Education in Chemistry

49012 Hitoshi Tanaka (Professor) hitoshi@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Geology Biostratigraphy, Education in geology

Yasuo Miyabuchi
49013 yasuo@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Earth Science Volcanology, Geomorphology
(Associate Professor)
Physics Education, Nonlinear
49014 Kazuhiro Fukushima (Professor) fksm@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Physics 3 (Myanmar)
Physics Education,
49015 Keita Kishigi (Associate Professor) kishigi@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Shigeyoshi Watanabe Science Education,
49016 shige@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Science Education
(Associate Professor) Biology Education

- 172 -
Kumamoto University (No.48)
Qualification and
Number of
Course Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to
Description Number of students
be accepted
in past 5 years.
49017 Takatsugu Hirawa (Professor) hirawa@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Music Education Voical Music

49018 Harue Kunieda (Professor) harue@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Music Education Composition

49019 Izumi Hakamada (Professor) izumy@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Music Education Instrumental Music

49020 Takashi Nakayama (Professor) nakayama@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Musicology Music Theory, History of Music

49021 Motohiro Umeda (Professor) umeda@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Art Education Construction, design 1

49022 Masaki Yokode (Professor) myokode@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Art Education Art Education 1

Takumi Matsunaga
49023 matsu@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Art Education Painting 1
(Associate Professor)
Nobuyuki Ogata
49024 nobuyuki@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Art Education Sculpture 1
(Associate Professor)
Teaching Theory of Physical
49025 Reiko Sakashita (Professor) reiko@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Health and Physical Education
Education, Dance, Gymnastics

49026 Yuji Ozawa (Associate Professor) phyj@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Sports Kinematics Sports Kinematics, JUDO
Teaching Theory of Physical
49027 Shiroh Norimoto (Professor) norimoto@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Health and Physical Education
Takahiro Goto (Associate
49028 goto5555@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Physical Education Sport Sociology
Management of Physical Education Management of Physical Education
49029 Yasutaka Nakagawa (Professor) nakagawa@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
And Sport And Sport
Takashi Karasugi
49030 karasugi@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Sports Kinematics Principles of Physical Education
(Associate Professor)
49031 Hirotoshi Ifuku (Professor) ifuku@kumamoto-u.ac.jp Sports Kinematics Exercise Physiology

49032 Yasuharu Ohishi (Professor) oishi@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Sports Kinematics Exercise Physiology

49033 Mitsuo Tsukamoto (Professor) tsuka@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Technology Education Metal Work 1

49034 Kimiko Numata (Professor) kimiko@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Home Economics Cooking Science, Dietary Habits 1

Ayako Yahata Home Management,

49035 ayako@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Home Economics 1
(Associate Professor) Principles of Home Economics
Mitsuko Miyase Homemaking Educationm,
49036 miyase@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Home Economics 1
(Associate Professor) Enviromental Education
49037 Tamami Soda (Professor) soda@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Home Economics 1
Clothing Construction
Home Economics Education, High Level Japanese Capacity
49038 Megumi Masuda (lecturer) mmsd@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Home Economics 1
Study of Nurture, Gender Studies 1(China)

- 173 -
Kumamoto University (No.48)
Qualification and
Number of
Course Requirement for students.
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to
Description Number of students
be accepted
in past 5 years.
49039 Tatsuhiko Toda (Professor) toda@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp English Language Teaching English Linguistics / Linguistics 1

Kenji Matsuse
49040 matsusek@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp English Language Teaching History of English 1
(Associate Professor)
Shiro Ikeda
49041 ikedash@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp English Language Teaching American Literature 1
(Associate Professor)
English Education 1 (Indonesia) , 1 (Myanmar)
49042 Hiroshi Shimatani (Professor) shima@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp English Language Teaching 1
(Teaching Method) 1 (Sudan)
Toshinobu Nagamine English Education
49043 English Language Teaching 1
(Associate Professor) (Teaching Method)
Teppei Kikuchi Psychology for Children with
49044 kikuchi@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Special Support Education 1
(Associate Professor) Disability
Shiho Fujihara Intervention for Student with
49045 fujihara@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Special Support Education 1
(Associate Professor) Disability

49046 Hiroko Furuta (Professor) fh91@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Special Support Education Education for Children with Disability 1

Intervention for Student with

49047 Takashi Hoshikawa (Professor) hosikawa@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Special Support Education 1

49048 Kotarou Hori (Professor) horiko@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Pedagogy History of Education

Educational Institution and

49049 Sadamu Iwanaga (Professor) siwanaga@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Pedagogy
Yoichi Shiraishi Basic knowledge of Japanese
49050 shiro@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Pedagogy Educational Method 2
(Associate Professor) 1(Philippines)

49051 Miho Fujii (Associate Professor) fujii@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Pedagogy Sociology of Education

Chiaki Yamashiro
49052 qianqiu@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Pedagogy Youth-Adult Education
(Associate Professor)

49053 Noriyuki Nagata (Professor) naga@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Pediatrics Pediatrics, School Health

Yogo Teacher's Education,

49054 Yosiko Matsuda (Professor) matsuda@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp School Health
School Health, Health Education

49055 Tomomi Gotoh (Professor) tomomi@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Basic Medical Sciences Molecular Biology

49056 Yuuko Honda (Associate Professor) honda@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Science of nurcing Health Education, Mental Health 1

Fumihiro Omasu
49057 fomasu@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Public Health Epidemiology , Physiology
(Associate Professor)
Yaeko Yamanashi Yogo Teacher’s Education,
49058 ynashiko@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp School Health
(Associate Professor) School Health, Health Education

49059 Hitoshi Iritani (Associate Professor) iritanib@educ.kumamoto-u.ac.jp School Health Health Education, School Hhealth

- 174 -
Oita University (No.49)

Oita University (Oita)

Oita University will foster people rich in creativity, social abilities, and humanity through education and research. In
addition, it will actively contribute to peace and development in the world. It will play an active role in promoting
human welfare and creating new culture.

◇ Overview of the University ◇ Outline of the Program ◇ Accommodations

Oita University consists of 4 faculties 〇About the program Oita University provides International House
and 5 graduate schools. The university and On-campus Dormitories for international
To meet the individual needs for professional
principles are: offering learner-based students.
development, academic supervisor will give
education, enhancing creativity, Internation
tutoring and guidance to each trainee. Research Name of the International Students
promoting internationality and al Students
on educational practice can be conducted at dormitory House Dormitory
contributing to society. Residence
primary school, junior-high school, kindergarten,
◇ Overview of Faculty of Education and and special needs education school which are Single 30 rooms 13 rooms 48 rooms
Welfare Science attached to Oita University. Couple
3 / 3 rooms None
Faculty of Education and Welfare Science 〇 Number of students to be accepted : 3
Monthly Rent
was founded in 1877. As a center of ¥20,000(11)
1. Japanese Program ¥5,900 ¥11,000
teachers’ training and local culture it for Single ¥25,000(2)
has produced many talented people for Center for International Education and Research Room
the fields of education, liberal arts (CIER) offers intensive Japanese courses of 7 Kitchen individual
and culture. It consists of three different levels for the first six months. Lavatory individual
courses; School Education Course, Students can take any of these language courses Shared in
Shower room individual
Computer Science, Society and Culture as well as the Japanese study courses according each floor
Course, and Human Society and Welfare to their interest and proficiency. Laundry individual shared
Science Course. The number of students Equipment in desk, chair, bookcase, desk lamp, closet,
2. Academic Training each room air conditioner
of the faculty is currently 1,072
30 min. by
undergraduate students and 74 graduate The students can take academic courses offered 3 minutes on 5 minutes
Commute time train and on
students. by the faculty and also private lessons are foot on foot
available according to their special curriculum.
◇ International Exchange Location city center on campus on campus
Most courses are offered in Japanese.
Oita University maintains international
3. Other Programs
exchange agreements with 69 universities
and research institutes in 20 countries. International students are encouraged to ◇ For Further Information
About 160 international students are participate in home-visit program, local International office
studying this year including 51 festivals, and other cultural exchange programs Address: 700 Dannoharu Oita-shi, 870-1192
international students in Faculty of on campus and off campus. Phone: +81-97-554-7444
Education and Welfare Science. ◇ Follow up after completion Fax : +81-97-554-7437
Oita University ask trainees to fill out E-mail: ryugaku@oita-u.ac.jp
Contact information sheet upon the completion of URL : http://www.oita-u.ac.jp/
the program. CIER’s Homepage: http://www.isc.oita-u.ac.jp/

- 175 -
Oita University (No.49)
OITA University(No.50)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate School of Education(Master Cource)

Number of Qualification and Requirement for

Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to students. Number of students
be accepted in past 5 years.

HIRATA Toshifumi
50001 hirata@oita-u.ac.jp Social Studies Study on citizenship education 1 6 months training of Japanese language,

Student should be able to daily conversation

SHIMADA Kazunori shimada-kazunori@oita-
50002 u.ac.jp technology education research of technology education 1 in Japanese, and speark native-level English.
Number of students : 0
Proficient in English. (TOEFL 550+ (PBT),
50003 (Associate English language teaching English language teaching in Japan 1
IELTS 7+) (0)
A study on linkage of school sports
50004 (Associate tyuichi@oita-u.ac.jp Sport Sociology 1 A highly ability of Japanese language
activities with actual community sports
Well Japapnese conversation capability,
KEMOTO Nobuyuki
50005 nkemoto@cc.oita-u.ac.jp Set Theoretic Topology Hyperspaces 1 Knowledge of metric spaces and topological
spaces, Number of students in past 5 years 0.
Japanese proficiency. 0 Students in past 5
50006 (Associate wwata@oita-u.ac.jp Clinical Psychology Clinical Psychology 1
SUZUKI Atsushi Academic Writing Skills in Japanese, English
50007 (Associate atsuzuki@oita-u.ac.jp Science of Education Theoretical Research on Education 1 or German Language. 0 Students in past 5
Professor) years.
SATO Shinji
Clinical Psychology, Special Clinical Psychology, Special Needs Japanese proficiency. 0 Students in past 5
50008 (Associate ssato@oita-u.ac.jp 1
Needs Education Education years.

- 176 -
University of Miyazaki (No.50)

University of Miyazaki (Miyazaki Prefecture)

Added to Japanese language classes, trainees will also take some regular classes in their major. They may also visit local
schools to experience directly how the Japanese education system works.

◇ University overview ◇ Accommodation

○International students:125 (from 19 countries) <Dormitory>
The University of Miyazaki is a national university Men’s dorm 100 rooms, Women’s dorm 100 rooms
which consists of four faculties(Education & Culture, ○Number of Teacher Training students: We have so far accepted 4
Medicine, Engineering and Agriculture) and six students by this program.
<International House>
graduate schools respectively attached to each Singles = 167 rooms
faculty. Couple & Families = 8 rooms
◇Outline of the courses for Teacher Training students
○Divisions and Departments
○Characteristics of the program <Boarding fee>
◇ Education & Culture (Divisions): Teacher
Training, Humanities and Social Sciences The University offers Japanese language and culture classes in Single=4700yen/month
accordance with the ability of the student. Additionally, classes in Couple= 9500yen/month,
◇ Medicine (Schools): Medicine, Nursing. major subjects are chosen by the students under the guidance of
their advisors. Students will have opportunities to visit elementary Families= 14200yen/month
◇ Engineering (Departments): and secondary schools and take part in cultural exchange activities
Environmental Robotics ,Applied Chemistry, with pupils at these schools.
Civil and Environmental Engineering, ○Number of students accepted: no more than 3
Each room has a bed, a desk, a chair and a closet.
Mechanical Design Systems Engineering, ○Outline of the course
After arriving in Japan, students receive Japanese language A kitchen, shower room and washing room are
Applied Physics and Electronic Engineering,
education for six months at another institution before the in-service provided for the common use.
Electrical and Systems Engineering, teacher training program, as explained below, starts at the
University of Miyazaki.
Computer Science and Systems Engineering
(a) Japanese Language education <Vicinity of the dorm>
◇ Agriculture (Departments): Agricultural and
*Intermediate Japanese I〜VI * Advanced Japanese I〜 IV Supermarket, Convenience store, Restaurant, etc.
Environmental Sciences, Forest and Environmental
*Japanese Culture I〜VI The dorms are on Kibana Campus.
Sciences, Biochemistry and Applied Biosciences,
*Tutoring will be provided if necessary
Marine Biological and Environmental Science, ◇ For further Information, contact:
(b) Specialized training
Animal and Grassland Sciences, Veterinary
*Major subject classes are chosen under the guidance of an Global Support Office, University of Miyazaki
advisor. A research plan will also be made with the help of an 1-1 Gakuen Kibanadai-nishi
○University Facilities: Center for Collaborative Miyazaki, 889-2192 JAPAN
Research & Community Center for Education and
Student Support, Frontier Science Research Center, (c) Class hours:15 classes per semester (30 hours) TEL: +81-985-58-7134
Center for International Relations, Center for (d) Field Trips and Events: Observation tour, etc. FAX: +81-985-58-7782
Animal Disease Control E-mail: ryugaku@of.miyazaki-u.ac.jp
○Number of teachers and students ◇ Follow-up URL: http://www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/
◇ undergrads: 4,775 ◇ graduates: 753 A follow-up to courses may be offered at the discretion of advisors. Syllabus:
◇ teachers: 715 ◇ officials: 1,063 http://www.of.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/gakumu/

- 177 -
University of Miyazaki (No.50)
University of Miyazaki(No.51)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.


Number of Qualification and Requirement for students. Number

Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to be of students
accepted in past 5 years.

With interest in Japanese art. Should be able to read

Japanese art history and appreciative Japanese academic works and documents.
51001 Chikako ISHIKAWA, Professor e06505u@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp Art theories, Art history 1
theories Experience in academic supervision of int'l students
but no teacher training students in the past.

Chinese language skills required. Basic Japanese

Chinese novels in the Ming Dynasaty. language would be desireble. Non-Chinese
Candidates will receive assistance in candidates with Chinese language proficiency may
51002 Noriko UEHARA, Asssociate Professor sydz@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp Chinese classical literature (novels) 1
accesssing ancient and historical Chinese be accepted. Experience in academic supervision of
books in Japan. int'l students but no teacher training students in the

JLPT N1 required. Should be able to read Japanese

Teaching Japanese as a foreign language, academic works and documents. Experience in
51003 Tomoko TOKUMARU, Professor tokumaru@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp Japanese-language education 1
Teacher training, Qualitative Research academic supervision of int’ l students but no
teacher training students.

Japanese or English skills required. Basic Japanese

Pedagogy in music education. Guidance and language would be desireble. Experience in
51004 Hiroshi SUGA, Associate Professor e05107u@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp Music education 1
supervision of music performance academic supervision of int'l students but no
teacher training students.

Japanese skills for academic study required.

Focuses on family, local community, and
51005 Shin-ichi TOSHIMA, Professor stoshima@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp Sociology 1 Experience in academic supervision of int'l students
environmental issues
but no teacher training students.

JLPT N1 required. Should be able to conduct

Language policies in modern China and his/her research critically and objectively.
51006 Kumiko FUJII, Associate Professor kumikofm@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp Socio-linguistics 1
Taiwan Experience in academic supervision of int'l students
but no teacher training students.

JLPT N1 required. Should be able to conduct

his/her research critically and objectively.
51007 Yoshiyasu FUJIMOTO, Professor fujigen@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp Carpentry timber processing and use 1
Experience in academic supervision of int'l students
but no teacher training students.

JLPT N1 required. Should be able to read Japanese

classical letters in its original style. Experience in
51008 Toshihiro YAMADA, Professor t-yamada@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp Prose in the Heian period Japanese classical literature and culture 1
academic supervision of int'l students but no
teacher training students.

JLPT N1 required. Should be able to conduct

Cultural and historical studies and practice in
his/her research critically and objectively.
51009 Nobuhiro YAMAMOTO, Lecturer n-yamamoto@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp Literature in Chinese, Calligraphy Chinese and other Asian characters and 1
Experience in academic supervision of int'l students
but no teacher training students.

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Kagoshima University (No.51)

Kagoshima University (Kagoshima Prefecture)

Detailed Individual Guidance for Trainees

◇ University overview ◇ Outline of the course for ◇ Accommodations

○ Characteristics and history

Teacher Training students ○ Number of rooms
Kagoshima University is one of Japan’s national ○ Characteristics of the program ・ Single room 122
universities and comprises nine faculties, ten Detailed guidance will be provided by advisors in each ・ Couple room 7
graduate schools and fourteen institutions department in accordance with the trainees’ field of study. ・ Family room 4
including the Research Center for the Pacific
Islands. The Faculty of Education traces back to ○ Number of students to be accepted: 3 ○ Monthly rent
Kagoshima Normal School founded in 1875. Since ○ Outline of the course ・Single room 4700 ~ yen
then, the faculty has contributed to the education ・Couple room 9500 ~ 11900yen
and research in the local community by sending ・ Japanese language education
・Family room 14200yen
forth many students of ability. In 1994, the Courses will be offered by the International Student Center of * Energy and utility bills will be charged
Graduate School of Education was established KU according to trainees’ level. In the Introductory Course, lectures separately.
and a lifelong education course was added to the are designed to learn basic Japanese skill. The Lecture on Life
undergraduate’s courses in 1997. The Faculty ○ Facilities
Abroad is also offered to help trainees adapt to the life in
seeks to cultivate active specialists in broad areas Kagoshima and deepen cross-cultural understanding. For those who ・Meeting Room, Kitchen
of academic study, arts and sports. Kagoshima have learned Japanese before, intermediate or advanced Japanese ・Desk, Bed & Linens, Closet
maintains a mild and comfortable climate classes are available depending on the their level.
throughout the year, guaranteeing a pleasant ○ Information for Daily Life
environment for student life. ・ Specialized training Twenty minutes walk from / to the Faculty of
○ International Exchange Trainees will be expected to attend lectures and seminars and Education.
have meeting with appointed supervisors. Under the instruction of
・ Number of International students supervisors, trainees will prepare a research paper.
Graduate students 171
Under graduate students 63 ・Participatory subjects such as field trips and ◇ Contact
Exchange students 40 regional exchanges International Student Office
Non degree students 18 1-21-24 Korimoto, Kagoshima
Trainees may attend excursions and various activities depending
・ Number of Teacher Training students on their research field. 890-8580, Japan
TEL: +81-99-285-3015
We have been accepting one teacher training
students every two years. (two students for 2012) ◇ Follow-up for graduates FAX: +81-99-285-7083
E-mail: ryugaku2@kuas.kagoshima-u.ac.jp
The university has been in touch with alumni by sending URL:
newsletters and e-mails. The university is due to delegate Kagoshima http://kokusai.kuas.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/kucip/
University ambassador to them to enhance the international exchange
and public relation activities.
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Kagoshima University (No.51)
Kagoshima University(No.52)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Faculty of Education ・Graduate School of Education

Qualification and Requirement for

Course Number of students
Course code Name of Adviser E-mail Teaching Field(s) students. Number of students
Description to be accepted
in past 5 years.
Masashi Koyanagi
52001 koyanagi@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Education Moral Education 1
Haruhiko Ohtsubo Educational Psychology; Cognitive
52002 ohtsubo@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Educational Psychology 1
(Professor) Psychology
Junsaburo Kamitani
52003 jkami@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Japanese Education Japanese Language Teaching 1
Hikaru Umezaki
52004 umezaki@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Japanese Education Japanese Linguistics 1
(Associate Professor)
Ken'ichi Shinmyozu Education of Language, Japanese
52005 shinmyo@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Japanese Education 1
(Professor) Literature
Shin Kamei
52006 turtle@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Japanese Education Japanese Literature 1
(Associate Professor)
Tadashi Ito
52007 ito@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Social Studies Western History 1
Yukinao Isokawa Mathematical Modeling and
52008 isokawa@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Mathematics Education 1
(Professor) Computer Simulation
Hiroshi Saito
52009 saitoh@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Music Education Vocal Music 1
Susumu Yamashita
52010 yamashita@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jpMusic Education Piano 1
Kazuki Oe
52011 oe@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Art and Design Education Art and Design 1
Sunao Ikegawa
52012 ikegawa@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Art and Design Education Carving and Modeling 1
Hiroaki Okeda
52013 okeda@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Art and Design Education Oil Painting 1
(Associate Professor)
Miho Shimohara
52014 miho@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Art and Design Education History of Japanese Art 1
Osamu Takaoka
52015 takaoka@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Physical Education Physical Education 1
(Associate Professor)
Seiichi Nakamori Signal Processing, Signal
52016 nakamori@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp Electronic and Information Engineering 1
(Professor) Estimation
Akihiko Higuchi
52017 higuti@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp English Linguistics TEFL in Japan, ESP 1
Ko-ichiro Hamasaki English Linguistics for English
52018 hamasaki@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp English Linguistics 1
(Professor) Teachers
Sachiko Nakajima Teaching of Japanese Language,
52019 sachikon@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp International Communication 1 Only the students who don't have Master degree
(Associate Professor) Intercultural Communication

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University of the Ryukyus (No.52)

University of the Ryukyus

(Okinawa Prefecture)

Teaching practically based on Okinawa’s geographical and cultural characteristics

◇ Outline of the course for Teacher Training ◇ Accommodations
◇ University overview Accommodation on campus is offered for trainee
students teachers in this program.
Introductions for private apartments near the campus
○ Characteristics and history ○ Characteristics of the program
will be made if there are no vacancies for on-campus
To meet individual needs for professional development, academic
The University of the Ryukyus was established under housing.
supervisors will give tutoring and guidance to the trainee teacher in his
United States military occupation in 1950 and became a ○ Number of rooms
or her laboratory. There will be frequent opportunities for information
national university of Japan in 1972. ・ Single room 46(International House)
exchange with Japanese students, including actual schoolteachers
At the time of our university’s founding we received 152(Dorms)
studying at the University as graduate students.
valuable guidance from Michigan State University. ・ Couple room 14(International House)
Today, we still try to uphold the very best traditions of ○ Number of students to be accepted: 8 or 9 people ・ Family room 12(International House)
the American university system with both local and ○ Monthly rent
global features. ○ Outline of the course ・Single rooms cost 5,000-15,000 yen per month,
The University currently consists of seven faculties ・ Japanese language education excluding maintenance fees
(Law & Letters, Tourism Sciences and Industrial a) Basic courses :Mainly for beginners of Japanese, trainee teachers ○ Facilities
Management, Education, Science, Medicine, Engineering, take intensive Japanese language courses on Basic Japanese ・International House: desk, chair, bed, shelf, kitchen,
and Agriculture), eight graduate schools (four Master and learn about Japanese society and culture. bathroom in each room.
Programs in Tourism Sciences, Education, Medicine and b) Japanese Language Classes for Research and Graduate Students: ・Dorms: desk, chair, bed and shelf in each room but
Agriculture; four Master and Doctoral Programs in Trainee teachers who so wish can take these classes, from kitchen, toilets and showers are shared. (Rooms in
Humanities and Social Sciences, Medicine, Health beginners‘ to the advanced level. new dorm building are fully equipped with kitchen,
Science, Engineering and Science; and one Doctoral ・ Specialized training toilet and shower)
Program at the United Graduate School of Agricultural a) Supervisors will give appropriate guidance for each trainee to ○ Information for Daily Life
Sciences, Kagoshima University), Special Support master the fundamentals of training in specialized fields of study. ・Both International House and dorms are located on
Education Programs, and a Juris Doctoral Program. While classroom instruction is delivered predominantly in Japanese, campus and are convenient. Also, hospitals,
There are approximately 8,400 students and 1,700 individual instruction may be given in English.
teaching and administrative staff. community services and supermarkets are close to
b) If interested, trainee teachers may participate in
the campus.
lectures/seminars at undergraduate or graduate level as auditors.
c)At the end of the period of study, each trainee teacher writes a ◇ Contact
○ International Exchange paper, and receives a certificate of attendance. Address: 1 Senbaru, Nishihara, Okinawa
・ Number of International students(As of May, 2012) ・ Others 903-0213, Japan
277 (from 50 Countries and Areas) a) The Elementary and Junior High Schools attached to the Faculty Department : International Affairs Section,
of Education are very useful for actual education training. Science and International Affairs Division,
・ Number of Teacher Training students(1993~): b) A Japanese tutor is assigned to help each trainee teachers not University of the Ryukyus
6 from Myanmar, 4 from Thailand, 1 from Samoa, only in their studies, but to adjust to their new environment for the
China, Brazil, Korea, Argentine, Mexico and Peru. first year. TEL: 81-98-895-8103 FAX: 81-98-895-8102
c) Trainee teachers may participate in various events such as the E-mail: koshogak@to.jim.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
International Student Festival, parties, etc. URL: http://www.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
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University of the Ryukyus (No.52)
University of the Ryukyus (No.53)

◇ Course Description, Number of students to be accepted, Qualifications and, etc.

Graduate Schools of Education ・Faculty of Education

Number of Qualification and Requirement for

Name of Course
Course code E-mail Teaching Field(s) students to be students. Number of students
Adviser Description
accepted in past 5 years.
Research is available to those who are
Development of Teaching-materials and
Tokuichi Yonemori school teachers with the ability of speaking
53001 (Professor)
yonemori@edu.u-ryukyu.ac.jp Computer assisted Training Technique using Computer in Elementary 1
and reading in English.1 from Argentina
School Education
This class is for elementary school teachers.
Ken Oshiro English Education in Elementary School in English Education in Elementary Schools in
53002 (Professor)
Japan Japan
1 Fluency in oral and written English is
preferred. 1 from Myanmar (2007).
The fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, This class is available to those students with
Yoichi Shimizu Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Measurement Technique and Deveropment of adequate basic knowledge of Mechanical
53003 (Professor)
Environmental Education Teaching Materials on Energy and
engineering. This class may be taken in
Environmental Education English.
This class is available to those students with
Development of curriculum of Technology
Hideaki Fukuda an adequate basic knowledge of technical
53004 (Professor)
fukudah@edu.u-ryukyu.ac.jp Technology Education, Wood Working Education, Manual making of Woodwork 1
education. This class may be taken in
Yutaka Kobayashi Designing and Implementing New School and
53005 Associate ppp@p.nifty.jp Fine Arts, public Art, environmental Art Community based Art Projects for Environment 1~2 Fluency in English or Japans is required
Professor and Ecology

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