Ra 9266
Ra 9266
Ra 9266
1. Architecture is the art, science or profession of planning, designing and constructing buildings
in their totality taking into account their environment, in accordance with the
principles of utility, strength and beauty;
3. ARCHITECT OF RECORD who is directly and professionally responsible for the total design of the project
for the client
4. ARCHITECT IN CHARGE OF directly and professionally responsible and liable for the
CONSTRUCTION construction supervision of the project
5. CONSULTING ARCHITECT who is professionally and academically qualified and with exceptional or
recognized expertise or specialization in any branch of architecture
6. GEN. PRACTICE OF the act of planning and architectural designing, structural conceptualization,
ARCHITECTURE specifying, supervising and giving general administration and responsible
direction to the erection, enlargement or alterations of buildings
7. SCOPE OF THE PRACTICE encompasses the provision of professional services in connection with site,
OF ARCHITECTURE physical and planning and the design, construction, enlargement,
conservation, renovation, remodeling, restoration or alteration of a building or
group of buildings.
8. STRUCTURAL act of conceiving, choosing and developing the type, disposition, arrangement
CONCEPTUALIZATION and proportioning of the structural elements of an
architectural work
14. INTEGRATED & ACCREDITED existing official national organization of all architects of the Philippines
15. CONTINUING PROFFESIONAL sustaining and progressive learning process that maintains, enhances, or
DEVELOPMENT increases the knowledge and continuing ability of architects
18. ASSOCIATION any formal grouping of two or more architects or architectural firms
working in joint venture on a project basis.
19. ARCHITECTURAL COMPANY means a juridical entity that shall be synonymous with an
Architectural Partnership registered with the SEC
20. ARCHITECTURE CORPORATION means a group of professionals in architecture and allied professions,
incorporated with Architects for the purpose of delivering professional service in
architecture and allied professions
21. ARCHITECTURAL DOCUMENTS means an architectural drawings, specifications, and other outputs of an
22. ARCHITECTURAL INTERIORS a detailed planning and design of the indoor/enclosed areas of any proposed
23. ARCHITECTURAL PARTNERSHIP a group of two or more Architects duly registered with the SEC and then with the
Board of Architecture
25. BUILDING a structure for the purpose and function of habitation and other uses
27. CODE OF ETHICAL CONDUCT contains the norms and principles governing the practice of the profession of
architecture in the highest standards of ethical conduct
31. DIVERSIFIED ARCHITECTURAL post-baccalaureate, pre-licensure experience of two (2) years required of a
EXPERIENCE graduate of architecture
32. FOREIGN ARCHITECT architect who is not a Filipino citizen nor an Architect registered and licensed in
the Philippines
33. FILIPINO COUNTERPART local Philippine architect, partnership or corporation that must work in
association with a foreign architect, partnership or corporation, on a project on
Philippine soil
34. OWNERSHIP proprietary rights to an architectural work such as plans, designs and other
36. PHYSICAL PLANNER an Architect who specializes in the detailed physical planning of land or property
37. PHYSICAL PLANNING the detailed physical planning of land or property on which
vertical structures are to be proposed.
39. PROFESSIONAL ID CARD a document bearing the registration number, date of issuance with an expiry
date, due for periodic renewal.
40. SITE PLANNING the detailed site development planning of all areas surrounding a
41. STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL defines all aspects of professional service, prescribes minimum basic fees
PRACTICE and establishes the rights and obligations of both the Architect and the client
42. SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP individual Architect practicing and delivering architectural services, duly
registered with the DTI, BOA and the PRC
44. SYLLABI the outlines embodying topics and concepts of major subjects
45. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER contracts or arrangements involving the transfer of systematic knowledge for the
manufacture of a product, the application of a process, or rendering
of a service
(h) Hear and decide administrative cases involving violations of R.A. No. 9266, the “IRR
SECTION 22. Refusal to Issue Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card
person who has falsely sworn or misrepresented himself/herself in his/her application for examination
or to any person convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of a criminal offense involving moral
turpitude or guilty of immoral and dishonorable conduct or to any person of unsound mind.
SECTION 26. Vested Rights. Architects Registered When This Law is Passed
All architects registered at the time this law takes effect shall automatically be registered
SEC. 32. Signing and Sealing of Architectural Plans, Specifications, Architectural Permit
and Other Contract Documents
SECTION 35. Positions in Government Requiring the Services of Registered and Licensed
PLSS :) 051514