DataWarehouseInterview Part1
DataWarehouseInterview Part1
DataWarehouseInterview Part1
A Datawarehouse is the repository of a data and it is used for Management decision support system.
What is OLTP?
OLTP is abbreviated as On-Line Transaction Processing, and it is an application that modifies the data
whenever it received and has large number of simultaneous users.
What is OLAP?
OLAP is abbreviated as Online Analytical Processing, and it is set to be a system which collects,
manages, processes multi-dimensional data for analysis and management purposes.
Data is from original data source Data is from various data sources
What is ETL?
ETL is abbreviated as Extract, Transform and Load. ETL is a software which is used to reads the data
from the specified data source and extracts a desired subset of data. Next, it transform the data
using rules and lookup tables and convert it to a desired state.
Then, load function is used to load the resulting data to the target database.
What is VLDB?
VLDB is abbreviated as Very Large Database and its size is set to be more than one terabyte
database. These are decision support systems which is used to server large number of users.
What is Datamart?
A Datamart is a specialized version of Datawarehousing and it contains a snapshot of operational
data that helps the business people to decide with the analysis of past trends and experiences. A
data mart helps to emphasizes on easy access to relevant information.
What is ER Diagram?
ER diagram is abbreviated as Entity-Relationship diagram which illustrates the interrelationships
between the entities in the database. This diagram shows the structure of each tables and the links
between the tables.
What is SCD?
SCD is defined as slowly changing dimensions, and it applies to the cases where record changes over
What is Metadata?
Metadata is defined as data about the data. The metadata contains information like number of
columns used, fix width and limited width, ordering of fields and data types of the fields.