Clinitek Status Plus Operator Manual PDF
Clinitek Status Plus Operator Manual PDF
Clinitek Status Plus Operator Manual PDF
Operator’s Manual
REF 10379682
Operator’s Manual
Origin: UK
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.
Tarrytown, NY 10591-5097 USA
5 Instrument Set Up ..................................................... 5-1
Instrument Set Up ......................................................... 5-1
Language Settings ........................................................ 5-2
Password ...................................................................... 5-3
Operator and Patient Information .................................. 5-4
Date and Time Settings ............................................... 5-14
Test Sequence Number ............................................... 5-16
Instrument Settings ..................................................... 5-17
Restore Default Settings ............................................. 5-33
Diagnostics .................................................................. 5-34
Sample Interference Notes ......................................... 5-35
System Information ..................................................... 5-36
10 Appendices............................................................ 10-1
Appendix A: Local Technical Support Providers
and Distributors ........................................................... 10-1
Appendix B: Tables of Results .................................... 10-2
Appendix C: Specifications ......................................... 10-8
Appendix D: Instrument Default Settings – English .... 10-10
Appendix E: System Overview & Principles .............. 10-12
Appendix F: Training & Educational Materials .......... 10-18
Appendix G: Sample Interference Notes .................. 10-19
Appendix H: Safety Information ................................ 10-20
Appendix I: Clinitek Status®+ Intended Use
and Indications for Use ............................................. 10-22
A Brief Description
NOTE: Feature availability may Do I have to calibrate?
vary by geography due to regulatory
registration. You do not have to do anything
to calibrate. The instrument
NOTE: Due to software changes, performs a system test each time it
some screens on the instrument is turned on. Then, each time a test
may appear slightly different from is run, the instrument automatically
those in this manual. calibrates. The white calibration bar
(on the test table) provides NIST
What does the analyzer do? traceable calibration.
A Brief Description
How do I get results? the analyzer, use it for your daily
Siemens urinalysis and Clinitest
Results will be displayed on the immunoassay testing and keep it in
touch screen and printed (if good working condition.
desired). The results can also be
transferred to a computer using a As you read through the
9-pin null modem serial cable and Operator’s Manual, you will find
the RS-232 serial port on the back these symbols:
of the instrument.
The analyzer stores results from
950 patient tests. You are able to NOTES: contain useful tips
recall past patient test results on on using the analyzer. Notes
the analyzer using the Recall appear in italicized type.
Results function.
CAUTION: should be
How is the analyzer powered? followed carefully to ensure your
analyzer operates correctly and
The analyzer can be plugged is not damaged. Cautions
into an electrical outlet for use on appear in bold type.
the bench top, or it can be powered
by batteries and freely moved from
one testing site to another. The In the Operator’s Manual, you will
batteries fit into an opening on the notice some text is in bold/italic or
bottom of the instrument. bold.
Understanding the Symbols and Display Icons
Instrument and Labeling Symbols
This section describes the symbols that appear on the exterior of the
Clinitek Status+ analyzer, the power supply provided with the instrument,
the carton in which the instrument was delivered and the supplies of
reagent strips and cassettes which you will use with the instrument.
Class 111 Identifies that the instrument is class 111 type equipment,
which is equipment for connection to SELV (Separated Extra
Low Voltage), i.e. a power supply
Understanding the Symbols and Display Icons
Use by YYYY MM
Catalog number
Serial number
Batch code
Understanding the Symbols and Display Icons
Keep dry
Understanding the Symbols and Display Icons
Display Icons
There are seven icons which display in the top left of the display to show
the mode of the instrument. They also appear on the selection area for
each function. The icons are:
Instrument Set Up
This is displayed when the instrument is being set up to suit the
users’ requirements.
Results recall
Used to show that results are being recalled from the
instrument’s memory.
This icon is displayed when results are being printed.
Used when an error is being displayed.
There are two icons which may appear in the title bar.
Battery power
This has a maximum of four segments which show the level of
battery power. It will be shown in the top right corner of the title
bar when the instrument is battery powered.
Paper out
Appears in the top of the title bar when the printer paper/label
roll needs replacing.
1 Unpacking & Set Up
1 4
1 Unpacking & Set Up
Set Up
Set Up
3 Analyzer Set Up
The best temperature for using
Place the instrument on a level the instrument is between 22°C and
work surface where the 26°C (72°F and 79°F). Do not place
the analyzer outside or near
temperature and humidity are fairly windows, ovens, hot plates, or
constant. radiators.
4 Plugging Analyzer In
5 Installing Batteries
1 Unpacking & Set Up
Set Up
8 Interfacing to a Computer
1 Unpacking & Set Up
Set Up
9 Interfacing to the
Clinitek Status Connector
7. Close the printer and paper roll The analyzer uses ordinary
covers by clicking them into thermal paper as provided, or label
position. stock (for ordering information see
Appendix A, Local Technical
Support Providers and Distributors).
The analyzer is set up to
automatically print the results (to
turn off the automatic print function
see Section 5, Instrument Set Up).
1 Unpacking & Set Up
Set Up
12 Warranty Registration
1 Unpacking & Set Up
Powering Up
Powering Up
1 Unpacking & Set Up
Powering Down
Powering Down
2 Interacting with the Touch Screen
Instrument Set Up
Recall Results
QC Test
Cassette Test
Strip Test
2 Interacting with the Touch Screen
Round Buttons
These buttons typically appear on
screens that require a selection
among several items. The button
with a filled circle is the current
2 Interacting with the Touch Screen
Boxed Areas
These are areas on the screen
enclosed in boxes. Simply touch
any area within the box to activate
that function.
2 Interacting with the Touch Screen
Press to switch to
numeric keyboard
Using the Alpha-Numeric
Keyboard Back Space/
Data Entry Box
Erase key
2 Interacting with the Touch Screen
3 Start-Up Wizard
4 Testing
Quick Tests
Quick Tests
4 Testing
Quick Tests
4 Testing
Quick Tests
4 Testing
Quick Tests
4 Testing
Quick Tests
4 Testing
Quick Tests
4 Testing
Quick Tests
Cassette Test
BIOHAZARD Wear personal protective
equipment. Use universal precautions.
Refer to Appendix H for recommended
precautions when working with
biohazardous materials.
4 Testing
Quick Tests
4 Testing
Quick Tests
4 Testing
Quick Tests
4 Testing
Quick Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
Cassette Test
BIOHAZARD Wear personal protective
equipment. Use universal precautions.
Refer to Appendix H for recommended
precautions when working with
biohazardous materials.
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
4 Testing
Full Tests
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Set Up
Instrument Set Up
Use the up and down arrows to
scroll through the Choose
Settings screen.
5 Instrument Set Up
Language Settings
Language Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Set Password
Enter a password into the data
entry box using the alphabetic and/
or numeric keyboards (maximum
12 characters).
Keep a record of the password to
be sure to have access to Instrument
Set Up when required.
Remove Password
Once a password has been entered
the option will change from Set
Password to Remove Password.
5 Instrument Set Up
Operator and Patient Information
Quick Test
A test without any operator or
patient information required. The
test will be identified by a
sequential test number when the
results are displayed or printed.
Full Test
The operator will be prompted to
enter the following data during
Operator Name
Patient’s Name
Patient Identification
Sample Appearance (Color
and Clarity) of urine
sample, when testing with
a urinalysis strip.
Custom Set Up
This allows you to customize the
data to be entered when
conducting a test.
5 Instrument Set Up
Operator and Patient Information
5 Instrument Set Up
Operator and Patient Information
Custom Settings
Touch the round button in the
Custom Set Up box to customize
selections for data entry. Touch
Screen 1 of 5
Operator Name – allows you to
choose whether Operator Name
will be required for running a test –
Enabled (on) or Disabled (off).
5 Instrument Set Up
Operator and Patient Information
Screen 2 of 5
Patient Name – allows you to
choose whether patient name will
be required for running a test –
Enabled (on) or Disabled (off).
Screen 3 of 5
Choose which to show in
Results list – allows you to choose
whether Patient Name or Patient
ID will be included in the list of
5 Instrument Set Up
Operator and Patient Information
Screen 4 of 5
Choose which to record during a
strip test – allows you to select
which sample details you would like
to be recorded during a strip test –
Color and Clarity, Color only,
Clarity only or None (no sample
Screen 5 of 5
Custom Field – allows you to
name the custom field in order to
customize data entry.
5 Instrument Set Up
Operator and Patient Information
5 Instrument Set Up
Operator and Patient Information
5 Instrument Set Up
Operator and Patient Information
5 Instrument Set Up
Operator and Patient Information
3. Touch Enter.
The Sample Appearance-Select
colors screen 3 of 3 displays.
Do not edit a custom color that
already exists because doing so
deletes all patient records stored on
the system.
5 Instrument Set Up
Intrument Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Date and Time Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Date and Time Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Test Sequence Number
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
Instrument Settings
Results Format
System Settings
Display Contrast
Select Urinalysis Test
Authorized Operator
Printer Settings
QC Settings
Results Format
This allows you to select the format
in which you would like the results
to be displayed and printed.
Choose Format
Screen 1 of 2
Units Selection – allows you to
select the format in which you
would like results by touching the
round button next to the
appropriate type of format.
Screen 2 of 2
Mark Positive Results – allows
you to choose whether positive
results should be marked with an
asterisk (see Appendix B for results
to be shown as positive).
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
System Settings
This allows selections regarding the
printer, power and sound.
System Settings
Screen 1 of 2
Printer – allows you to select the
preferred printing option by
touching the round button.
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
Screen 2 of 2
Sound – allows you to adjust the
sound by highlighting and selecting
a level.
Sound on – The instrument
will use a range of audible
Display Contrast
This allows the contrast of the
display to be increased or
decreased to suit the work area in
which it is being operated. Use the
up and down arrows to sample the
contrast settings and touch Select
to set and return to the Instrument
Settings screen.
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
You can connect the instrument to
a PC or host computer, or, if you
have a Clinitek Status connector, to
an LIS using an Ethernet or
wireless network. If you are using
the connector, refer to the
Clinitek Status Connect System
Operator's Guide for more
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
Connectivity Settings
Screen 1 of 3
Baud rate – Touch a round button
to select the correct Baud rate and
Next to move to the next screen.
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
Screen 2 of 3
Parity rate – Touch a round button
to select the correct Parity rate and
Next to move to the next screen.
Screen 3 of 3
Stop Bits – Touch a round button
to select the number of Stop Bits.
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
Once the Operator ID and Operator
Name settings are made, do not
change the Operator ID setting.
If you change the Operator
ID setting, all patient results are
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
If the instrument uses the operator
list sent by the LIS, do not
power down the system. If the
connector loses power, the
operator names are erased.
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Instrument Settings
Quality Control
5 Instrument Set Up
Restore Default Settings
5 Instrument Set Up
Touch Screen
Test Table
Light Source
Check Cassette
These diagnostics tests should
only be conducted when instructed
by your local representative. The
representative will lead you through
the test procedures (see Appendix
A for Local Technical Support
Providers and Distributors).
5 Instrument Set Up
Sample Notes
5 Instrument Set Up
System Information
5 Instrument Set Up
System Information
6 Recall Results
Patient Results
Patient Results
6 Recall Results
Patient Results
6 Recall Results
Sending Data to a PC
Sending Data to a PC
7 Troubleshooting
Other Errors
There are certain errors which need
to be corrected to enable testing of
samples but do not prevent other
instrument functions from being
used. You will need to carry out the
corrective action to enable testing.
7 Troubleshooting
Battery Power Icon Dashes may appear next to Color
and Clarity on test result printouts.
This occurs when the instrument is
powered by batteries. Color and
The battery icon indicates the Clarity are selected in the
power level of the battery. Power Instrument Set Up, but no
can be reduced while testing selections have been recorded on
continues, with an advisory the Select Appearance screens
message displayed on the main before time-out.
Select screen. If battery level falls
too low to power the analyzer, all The time-out on these screens is
selection areas on the display will designed to ensure that battery life
be disabled until the batteries are is preserved. The Color and Clarity
replaced (if you require detailed description may be added to the
instructions regarding how to printout in writing if needed.
change the batteries see Section 9,
Cleaning and Maintenance). Irregular or Slow Movement of
Test Table
Paper-out Icon If movement of the test table is
irregular or slow, this may be
caused by:
Dashes in Displays
Dashes are displayed in the
Results screens and on printouts
when no text has been entered for
a field enabled in Instrument Set
7 Troubleshooting
7 Troubleshooting
Lists of Errors and Advisory Messages
E10 or E48 Loss of test results 1. Switch the instrument off by pressing the
on/off button for 2 seconds. 2. Switch the
instrument on again by pressing the on/off
button. 3. Repeat the test.
E11 Failure of test table 1. Make sure that the test table is in place.
Move the test table in or out of the instrument
slightly to reposition the test table. 2. If the
error remains, with the instrument powered
on, unplug the power cord from rear of
instrument and plug back in. Turn instrument
on by pressing the gray power button. 3. If the
error remains with the test table in place,
contact your local representative (contact
information is given in Appendix A).
7 Troubleshooting
Lists of Errors and Advisory Messages
E25, Failure of automatic Clean the calibration strip. If the error remains
calibration after cleaning, contact your local representative
E64 or
(contact information is given in Appendix A).
E27 Set Up failure 1. Switch the instrument off by pressing the
on/off button for 2 seconds. 2. Switch the
instrument on again by pressing the on/off
E28 Printer error Lift the printer cover and push the paper
holding arm back into position (see page 1 5,
Loading the Printer Paper or Label Roll for
location of paper holding arm).
Ensure that the strip type selected in Instrument Set
E50 Incorrect strip type
Up is being used (see 5 24, Select Urinalysis Test).
or tilted strip
Check that the strip is placed correctly on the test
table insert. If the correct type of strip is being used
and the strip is placed correctly, check the
instrument operation by running another test using:
a) a yellow and clear sample, or b) Chek Stix® (see
page 8 1, Quality Control Testing).
E52 Invalid barcode Repeat the test using the correct Siemens
E53 Strip Test Repeat the test using the Cassette Test
selected but routine (see page 4 6 or 4 19).
cassette detected
E54 Cassette Test Repeat the test using the Strip Test routine
selected but strip (see page 4 1 or 4 11).
E56 Incorrect size test Repeat the test using the correct test table
table (see page 4 1).
E57 Missing strip or Repeat the test ensuring that the strip or
cassette cassette is positioned on the test table (see
page 4 1 or 4 6 for strip or cassette testing).
7 Troubleshooting
Lists of Errors and Advisory Messages
E58 Misplaced strip Repeat the test ensuring that the strip is
correctly positioned on the test table (see
page 4 3). If error remains and you are testing
a urine dip strip, examine the test table insert
to insure that the small, white line located near
the tip of the strip (on strip side of insert) is
present and not damaged. If this line is
damaged or missing contact your local
representative (contact information is given in
Appendix A).
Inverted strip Repeat the test ensuring that the strip is
positioned on the correctly positioned on the test table (see
test table page 4 3).
E60 Tilted strip Repeat the test ensuring that the strip is
correctly positioned on the test table (see
page 4 3).
E61 Dry strip Repeat the test ensuring that the strip has been
in contact with the sample (see page 4 2).
E63 Failure to find end Repeat the test ensuring that the strip is
correctly positioned on the test table (see
of strip
page 4 3).
E67 or Insufficient sample A sample flow issue with the cassette test may
have been detected. One or more of the test
E68 indicator lines may be missing or indiscernible
from the background, or not enough sample
was applied to the cassette. Repeat the test
ensuring the pipette is correctly filled and the
correct volume of sample is dispensed into the
well of the cassette (see page 4 8).
7 Troubleshooting
Lists of Errors and Advisory Messages
7 Troubleshooting
Problem Checklist
Installation Date___________________________
1. Have you reviewed the error messages on pages 7-4
to 7-7?
4. If Question #3 is NO –
Is the power cord plugged into a live
electrical outlet, into the transformer, and
then into the analyzer?
If using batteries, are they fully charged and
correctly placed in the analyzer?
7 Troubleshooting
Problem Checklist
8. Is the name of the Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
urinalysis strip or Clinitest immunoassay cassette
shown on the display the same as the product being
8 Quality Control Testing
9 Cleaning and Maintenance
9 Cleaning and Maintenance
9 Cleaning and Maintenance
Disinfecting the Test Table and 2 Place the insert and/or test
Insert table into the solution, making
sure the white calibration bar on
1 Prepare one of the following the test table remains above
solutions in a tall, narrow the liquid level.
container (e.g., empty Multistix®
Be sure the solution does not
bottle) to a depth of about
come in contact with the white
4 inches (10 cm): calibration bar. Do not cover the
container while the test table is
• Presept, Cidex, soaking.
Theracide and Amphyl
solutions - prepare 3 Soak the table and insert for a
according to product minimum of 2 minutes and
directions. maximum of 10 minutes. Do not
soak longer than 10 minutes.
• Household Bleach (5%
sodium hypochlorite) – this 4 Rinse the test table and insert
can be used either full thoroughly with water.
strength or dilute with water
to as much as 1:20 5 Dry with a soft cloth and
(i.e., mix 5 mL bleach with replace test table and table
95 mL water for a total of insert in the analyzer (as
100 mL). described on the previous
Rinse away all bleach page).
residue, as remaining bleach
will affect several of the reagent
pad chemistries.
9 Cleaning and Maintenance
9 Cleaning and Maintenance
9 Cleaning and Maintenance
9 Cleaning and Maintenance
Changing Batteries
Changing Batteries
Battery-Powered Operation
The Clinitek Status+ analyzer is
designed to let you carry out the
maximum number of tests
(approximately 100) from a set of
batteries. To achieve this, the
Power Save feature is always
activated when the instrument is
powered by batteries.
9 Cleaning and Maintenance
Changing Batteries
10 Appendices
Appendix A: Local Technical Support Providers and Distributors
Legal Information
To contact the legal representative for Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
within the European community, contact the Siemens Authorized
Representative. To order supplies or replacement parts, or to obtain
service, contact your local technical support provider.
10 Appendices
Appendix B: Tables of Results
10 Appendices
Appendix B: Tables of Results
Cassette Test
* Clinitek Microalbumin 9
10 Appendices
Appendix B: Tables of Results
0.3 1+
Protein Negative 1.0 Negative 2+
(All other reagent PRO g/L Trace >=3.0 Trace 3+
strips) 0.3 1+
Urobilinogen 3.2 66
UBG µmol/L 16 >=131 No Difference
Nitrite NIT Negative Positive No Difference
Leukocytes Negative Ca 125 Negative 2+
LEU Leu/µL Ca 15 Ca 500 Trace 3+
Ca 70 1+
Albumin 10 80
ALB mg/L No Difference
30 150
Creatinine 0.9 17.7
CRE mmol/L 4.4 26.5 No Difference
Albumin:Creatinine <3.4 >33.9
(Clinitek Normal High
Microalbumin 2) A:C mg/mmol Abnormal No Difference
3.4 – 33.9
Albumin:Creatinine Normal Dilute Abnormal
(CT Malb 9*) <3.4 >33.9
A:C mg/mmol No Difference
Normal High
3.4-33.9 Abnormal
10 Appendices
Appendix B: Tables of Results
Cassette Test
Test Abbreviation Reported Results
Normal System Plus System
Human Chorionic hCG Negative hCG Positive
Borderline hCG
hCG No Difference
Test fresh sample
in 48-72 hours
* Clinitek Microalbumin 9
10 Appendices
Appendix B: Tables of Results
10 Appendices
Appendix B: Tables of Results
Cassette Test
Test Abbreviation Units Reported Results
Normal System Plus
Human hCG Negative hCG Positive
Chorionic hCG
Gonadotropin Borderline hCG
No Difference
Test fresh sample
in 48 72 hours
* Clinitek Microalbumin 9
10 Appendices
Appendix C: Specifications
Appendix C: Specifications
10 Appendices
Appendix C: Specifications
10 Appendices
Appendix D: Instrument Default Settings – English
10 Appendices
Appendix D: Instrument Default Settings – English
Baud Rate
Stop Bits
1 (one)
Sample Notes
Authorized Operator
10 Appendices
Appendix E: System Overview & Principles
10 Appendices
Appendix E: System Overview & Principles
The table and test strip are pulled Differences between the Human
into the instrument after the correct Eye and Instrumental Optics
placement of the test strip is There are inherent differences
confirmed. The table then moves between the colors that are
completely into the instrument perceived by the human eye and
closing the shutter. All test pads are that are detected by any instrument
read simultaneously at all six optical system. The human eye is
wavelengths. The test and capable of detecting minute
reference readings are then used to differences in shade and very small
determine presence and/or amount areas of color; whereas instrument
of each constituent in the urine optical systems are less sensitive
sample. to such small changes. Conversely,
instrument optics are capable of
Each time a cassette is read, the detecting certain colors that are
instrument positions the table masked by or blended with other
correctly and checks the electronics colors to the human eye.
and signals. It then takes reference
readings of the white calibration bar For this reason, exact agreement
on the test table. The readings are between visual results and
taken at two wavelengths (525 nm instrument results might not be
and 845 nm) and are then used to found. However, agreement is
calculate the sample readings. generally within one visual color
block or reported level and is equal
The table and cassette are pulled to or better than the agreement
into the instrument where the between two visual readers.
presence of the cassette is
confirmed. The table then pulls
completely into the instrument
closing the shutter and the
cassette “read area” is scanned at
two wavelengths. The test and
references readings are then used
to determine presence or absence
of hCG the urine sample.
10 Appendices
Appendix E: System Overview & Principles
10 Appendices
Appendix E: System Overview & Principles
10 Appendices
Appendix E: System Overview & Principles
10 Appendices
Appendix E: System Overview & Principles
10 Appendices
Appendix F: Training & Educational Materials
10 Appendices
Appendix G: Sample Interference Notes
Sample Interference Notes inform the user about test results that can be
affected by components detected in the urine sample.
Depending upon the strip and sample, Sample Interference Notes include
the following:
High SG may cause falsely lowered GLU results.
Elevated GLU may cause falsely lowered LEU results.
Visibly bloody urine may cause falsely elevated PRO results.
High SG may cause falsely lowered LEU results.
High pH may cause falsely elevated PRO results.
10 Appendices
Appendix H: Safety Information
10 Appendices
Appendix H: Safety Information
10 Appendices
Appendix I: Clinitek Status®+ Intended Use and Indications for Use
11 Index
Analyzing screen Date and time
strip test, 4-4 settings, 5-14, 5-15
cassette tests, 4-11 Default
restore default settings, 5-33
B settings, 10-10
Batteries Diagnostic tests, 5-34
error messages, 7-5 display contrast, 5-20
installing/changing E
the batteries, 1-2, 9-8
troubleshooting, 7-1 Error(s)
Battery powered operation, 9-7 calling for assistance with an
Baud rate setting, 5-22 error, 7-3
Boxed areas, 2-2 dashes in display, 7-2
error codes, 7-4
C messages, 7-1
Cabling problem checklist, 7-8, 7-9
interfacing to a computer, 1-3 results alert, 7-1
Calibration, 4-3, 4-11 F
error messages, 7-4, 7-6
Cassette Full test
full test, 4-22 cassette test, 4-22
immunoassay cassette, 4-9 set up, 5-4
preparing a cassette, 4-9
testing error messages, 7-4 G
Cleaning General information, 7-1
disinfect the test table
and insert, 9-3 H
exterior cleaning, 9-6
periodic cleaning, 9-1 Help
routine cleaning, 9-1 cassette test, 4-8
Clock error message, 7-6
Connectivity, 5-21, 5-22
field entry, 5-6
information, 5-6
set up, 5-6
11 Index
Icons Parity setting, 5-23
battery power icon, 7-2 Password
display icons, vii, viii, x remove password, 5-3
paper-out icon, 7-2 set password, 5-3
Instrument Patient
diagnostics, 5-34 enter new patient
error messages, 7-4 identification, 4-16, 4-17, 4-25
settings, 5-17 information, 4-15, 4-25
Interfacing to a computer, 1-3 patient identification set up, 5-7
connectivity, 5-21, 5-22 recall identification, 4-15, 4-24
Internal checks, 10-12, 10-13 Positive results marked, 5-18
K inlet socket, 1-2
Keyboards on/off button, 1-8
alphabetic, 2-4 plugging analyzer in, 1-2
numeric, 2-4, 2-5 save, 5-19
set keyboard priority 5-6 supply, 1-1
Powering down, 1-8
L Powering up, 1-7
Language error messages, 7-4
select language, 5-2 loading the printer paper
or label roll, 1-5
M paper holding arm, 1-5
Mark positive results, 5-18 paper-out, 7-2
setting printing to automatic
O manual, 5-19
Printour of results
Operator full strip test, 4-21
last operator quick cassette test, 4-12
identification, 4-14, 4-22 quick strip test, 4-4
new operator identification, 4-23 Problem checklist, 7-8
set up of identification, 5-6
Optical system, 10-12
11 Index
11 Index
conventional units, 5-17
Unpacking, 1-1
Urinalysis test, 5-23, 5-24
Urine sample
clarity, 4-19
color, 4-18
settings, 5-8
visual appearance, 4-18, 4-19
Warranty, 7-3
registration card, 1-6