Overview On Ayurveda Prakasha - A Text of PDF
Overview On Ayurveda Prakasha - A Text of PDF
Overview On Ayurveda Prakasha - A Text of PDF
Abstract: Ayurveda Prakasha is one of the important ancient texts on ancient Indian Alchemy
written by Shrimad Madhava Upadhyaya in circa 16th-17th century AD. Three commentaries are
available on this text. It is a summarized book along with some of its own important contributions.
Subject matter of the text contains total 1693 verses which are divided into 6 chapters. There is
elaborate description of Dhatuvada (conversion of base metals into noble metals) and Dehavada
(therapeutic usage of metals and minerals) of Mercury (Parada), processing of mercury, its use in
along with description and processing, therapeutic aspects of Minerals, Metals and poisonous
herbs and their conversion into therapeutically useful forms.
Rasashastra descriptions are found in main stream through Chaukhambha Orientalia publications
Ayurveda literature. The name of the script Varanasi (Ayurveda Prakasha, 2007).
suffixed as Prakasha indicates that this book The pattern of classification of Mineral
belongs to the period of Bhava Prakasha, Arka drugs (Rasavarga dravya) is found unique in
Prakasha text. Description of Firanga which is nature.
included as separate chapter under disease
treatment in texts Bhava Prakasha, therefore Subject matter
their period may be considered as same (Ayurveda Subject matter of the text is divided into 6
Prakasha, 2007). chapters which contain total 1693 verses.
The author compiled the subject matter 1st Chapter : Suta Sadhanadhyaya
from various classical texts like Rasa Ratna This chapter is dedicated for Parada
samucchaya, Rasa Paddhati, Rasa Ratnakara, (Mercury). Dosha, samskara, drugs (individual
Rasa Prakasha Sudhakara, Rasa Hrdaya Tantra, and group with description), used in Parada
Rasa Chintamani, Sharangdhara Samhita, samskara, formulations required for (Vida, Satva,
Rasaraja Lakshmi, Harita Samhita, Bhava Bija grasa, Druti etc), Parada bandha,
Prakasha, Raja Nighantu, Rasa Manjiri, murcchana, Bhasma etc., methods of
Laghuyoga Tarangini, Yoga Tarangini, consumption of Mercury and its formulations,
Bhalukitantra, Vishnu purana, some un named Anupana, Pathya-Apathya (wholesome and
texts and given opinion of Acharya Nagarjuna, unwholesome diet), Rasajirna lakshana and its
Shri Narayana, Garut, Gauri, Devendra giri and treatment, Rasajirna Lakshana (in Dehavada and
Guru sampradaya. According to some scholars in Dhatuvada), Hemavati vidya (fabrication of
(Bhanuprakash, 1997; Ayurvediya Rasashastra, artificial gold from various minerals and Mercury)
2005; Ayurveda ka Vaigyanika Itihas, 2009) are mentioned.
Ayurveda Prakasha belongs to 17th century. Two classifications (3 and 5 types in each)
Hence its period is considered as circa 16-17th of sagandha murcchna and 5 types of Dhatu
century AD. There is no mentioning of Ayurveda Pishti are mentioned. Features of acceptable
Prakasha by P.C.Roy in his text History of Hindu Mercury, Bandhana, mrita suta and short, easy
Chemistry (Virupaksha Gupta K.L. et al., methods of Parada samskara are mentioned.
2011) Property of Dantagre Kachakachabhava (lack
of metallic sensation in the teeth) for properly
Author details and commentaries prepared mruta suta is explained. Different types
Ayurveda Prakasha was written by of Kupi, method of plastering of Kupi, Yantra
Shrimad Acharya Madhava Upadhyaya of (Assemblies). Sahasra vedhi Parada, description,
Sarasvata kula, a resident of Saurashtra. The types, examples and uses of vida, features of
author of this work is different from the author Tapta khalva, uses of various types of Abhraka,
of Madhava Nidana and other 21 Authors with features of Garbha druti are mentioned. Different
similar name. Another text “Pakavali” written types of khota, various effects of sequential
by Madhavopadhyaya is also available. Original Grasana on Parada and 26 types of bandha are
text was published by Acharya Yadavji Trikamji quoted by Author. Author explains Samukha
through Ayurvediya Granthamala. Later on this Jarana, 2 Types of Abhraka Jarana-
was edited with Hindi commentary by Vaidya Patrabhraka Jarana, and Abhraka Satva Jarana,
Somadeva Sharma, the Arthavidyotini and Artha features of Garbha Druti and uses of various
Prakashini Samskrit & Hindi commentaries types of Abhraka in this chapter.
respectively by Shri Gularaja Sharma Mishra
Ayurveda Prakasha - A Text of Indian Alchemy 31
Quantity for Grasa, different effects of 3 gunja respectively. The text describes benefits
sequential administration of Grasa on Parada, of consumption of Hema, Rajataa, Shulva,
importance of Abhraka, Loha, Tamra Jarana Tikshna Jarit Parada in increasing doses for
for Dhatuvada, different effects after Jarana of longevity. Features of Rasa Jirna, Rasa Ajirna
various Rasavarga dravya, importance of Tikshna and its treatment are mentioned. It is mentioned
Loha Jarana for preparation of Swarna, Four that Parada consumed by wrapping in betel leaf
types of Swarna Grasa as per quantity of grasa doesn’t causes Vidabandha which is treated with
are mentioned for preparation of Shatavedhi Kana and Amruta.
Parada and it is stated as an essential stage
before Sarana samskara. It is mentioned that ChurnaRatna churna yoga by Putapaka
Chatuha shashti Jirna Parada with Swarna method is distinct entity mentioned in the text.
becomes Dhumavedhi, Sparshavedhi, Chumbaka Loha is said to be useful for Parada
Avlokavedhi and Shabdavedhi. samajirna- karma.
Shatavedhi, dwiguna jirna- Sahastravedhi,
Ayutvedhi, Lakshavedhi and Kotivedhi 2nd Chapter : Gandhakadi Uparasa
respectively. Nyunajirna parada is used for sadhanadhyaya
patralepana (Dhatuvada). Author quoted different Detailed description of 20 Uparasa,
types of khota as per different classics, Bahya mishraka gana, Amla varga, Dravana varga,
Druti, Sarana and reference of Jarana for seven sneha varga, panchamrta, yantra, Bhavana, Puta,
times for preparation of kotivedhi Parada. Bhasma Pariksha are given. Six drugs under
Simultaneously the author accepted difficulty in Sadharana Rasa, 9 under Dhatu and 7 under
preparation of Sarana and Jarana too. Upadhatu explained in Rasa Dravya classification.
Fourteen formulations of sulphur are mentioned.
Different methods of preparation of Uses of Shukti as per its type, definition of Dhatu,
Jarana, Vedhana, Ranjan through Khota Bandha, description, vida dravya explained in detail.
definition of Bandha, and 26 types of bandha
are mentioned. Kshetrikarana and complications Distinctive features
of consumption of Parada (failure of deha Highest numbers of drugs among then
kramana) without preceding Kshetrikarana are available texts i.e. 20 are included under Uparasa.
mentioned. After Kshetrikarana it is mentioned Chumbaka is mentioned under Uparasa by this
to consume Parada which is Jarita with 1/4th author only. Gandhaka is considered as
part of Abhraka Satva, ½ part of kanta Loha Satvasvarupa and Sutendra viryaprada, Sutajita.
Bhasma and equal parts of Tikshna Loha Bhasma Kurmaputa vidhi is mentioned for Gandhaka
and then use Arota (shuddha Parada). For Shodhana (with ghrita, kanji as liquids for
Kshetrikarana it is stated to follow snehana (3 Dhalana apart from commonly used Godugdha).
days), Swedana, virechana and kitapatana in Bhrungaraja shodhita Gandhaka is said to be
sequence or to undergo at least virechana. comparatively much safer. Visha hara property
Agnisthayee Parada is mentioned as capable for and Gandhanashana vidhi of Gandhaka are
converting lower metals into Swarna and Rajata. mentioned. Duration of consumption Gandhaka
is mentioned as from 1 month - 6 month.
Mentioned method of consumption of Marana of Hingula is mentioned.
Parada kalpa, doses of Parada as 1 valla (2 or Total dose of Abhraka is mentioned as
3 ratti), animal dose- 12 masha and doses of 100 Pala. Marana of Abhraka with only one
Jirna Parada as per other texts as 1 gunja to 1 Puta and use of only Tankana for marana,
masha, and dose of Hema jirna, Rajata Jirna making Abhraka devoid of lustre by Dhalana
and Tamra Jirna Parada is quoted as 1, 2 and and peshana processes, criteria for selection of
Ayurveda Prakasha - A Text of Indian Alchemy 33
and practical utility from other texts e.g. quoted Author had adopted easy, practically
Suddha Suta Lakshana as reduction to 1/8th after applicable methods only e.g. he suggests using
samskara, acquisition of semisolid nature of Loha churna in place of Patra for processing
Parada after Swedana Samskara, and opines to collect it with the help of chumbaka.
Dvandvamelaka Aushadhi, physical effects of As the author accepts scarcity of Kanta therefore
sequential increment in quantity of Grasa in he had mentioned Chumbaka in Uparasa
Parada, use of Kashaya of drugs mentioned for separately inspite of mentioning the prior one
mardana samskara of parada for Kanchuka under Dhatu varga. Alternative methods for
harana and Shodhana of Shilajatu with water, Parada Shodhana are found as Svedana,
detailed description of process of Shilajatu Mardana, urdhvapatana and patasarana or
Shodhana etc. washing with sour gruel or urdhvapatana if one
fails to do Ashta samskara, quoted Utthapana of
Author had given details of some Parada by washing with hot water too. Author
Alchemical processes and explored hidden rules had purposefully avoided Marana of precious
in ancient Indian Alchemy, pharmaceutics, Ratna and permitted to use their small pieces,
pharmacokinetics, toxicology and pharmaco particles generated during their shaping.
therapeutics. It contains important subject matter Mentioned method of Drutikarana of Loha,
of pharmaceutical technology engineering, Svarna, Rajata etc.
instrumentation, mineralogy, metallurgy useful in
Alchemy and therapeutics. There are 11 different types of Yantra
along with their subtypes explained in the text.
At the start of each chapter the reason for Author had discussed and cleared some
its order is quoted. Author had quoted various controversies in the subject and given explanations
Rasavarga by their popular names in society. too e.g. For removal of physical impurities in
shilajatu apply method of washing with water,
Parada Jarana and Samskara are explained then use common method of shodhana and for
in detail with practically applicable easy and gunotkarsha as per indication use of Bhavana
optional methods e.g. Swedana, Mardana along with Swarasa is advocated.
with Utthapana are given as optional methods
for Parada Ashta Samskara. Many references Processes in the book are well described
of Druti, Satva of individual drugs and their e.g. in 1st chapter while describing Garbha druti
processing are mentioned. Criteria of for preparation of Marita Bija, author clearly
classification of Rasa varga dravya is taken as mentioned methods of preparation of its
importance of drugs for their use in Parada ingredients i.e. Naga and Tapya Bhasma whose
karma and procedures on Rasavarga dravya. methods of preparation are elaborated in
subsequent chapters.
Various types of common procedures on
Rasavarga dravya i.e. Drutikarana of sarva Loha, According to the author, those who can
Ratna, Satva patana, Shodhana and Marana of demonstrate the use of mercury before the
Satva of many Rasa varga dravya, Shodhana of disciple alone are eligible to be preceptors, the
Sadharana Rasa, different method of Dhatu rest are frauds. This shows that Rasavidya was
Shodhana, Drutimelana etc. are mentioned. Dose, difficult to learn. No work other than this deals
duration of administration, wholesome and with the process of making gold in to foils.
unwholesome diet during consumption of Rasa Alchemy slowly lost its ground; there was
kalpa, is explained in detail. increased tendency to keep it confidential, the
therapeutic aspect alone survived even that was
36 Sharma et al.
confined to few Guru shishya parampara in the considered failures, complexities in experiments
country. and availability of the drugs, importance of the
subject matter in view of its practical utility. The
Present Scenario text if elaborated properly had potential to change
Today many ancient, recent scripts, many concepts of science in current practice. It
compilation scripts and academic text books on can be a useful consultative text for undergraduate
Indian alchemy written in different era modified and post graduate scholars of Rasashastra.
as per recent advances, need and availability of
drugs are available but very little part of it is in References
practice since more than 3 centuries. Every text 1. Ayurveda ka vaigyanika itihas: Sharma P.V.
Choukhamba orientalia, Varanasi, Reprint Ed., 468
has some speciality and the same process is
explained with various methods in different texts. 2. Ayurveda Prakasha: Gularaja Sharma Mishra.
This lag in practical utility of the knowledge of Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Reprint edition,
ancient alchemy is one of the barriers in Varanasi, Reprint Ed., preface: 13 (2007).
understanding some aspects of subject. 3. Ayurveda Prakasha: commentary of Acharya
Gularaja Sharma Mishra, Chaukhamba Bharati
Academy, Varanasi. Ed. preface: 4-5 (2007).
4. Ayurvediya Rasashastra: Jha C.B. Choukhamba
Ayurveda Prakasha is an important text surbharathi Prakashan, Varanasi. 54 (2005).
on Ancient Indian Alchemy and therapeutics 5. Bhanuprakash: Use of metals in Ayurvedic
written after golden age of both the braches Medicine. Indian Journal of History of Science.
which were then well practiced. It is a vol 32: 1-28 (1997).
compilation text along with many important 6. Rasendra Sara Samgraha: preface and
commentary by Satyartha Prakasha Krishnadasa
creations and modifications of its own. The
Academy, Varanasi. 1st Ed. foreword : na: (1994).
subject matter of the text is focused on practical 7. Virupaksha Gupta K.L., Pallavi Gupta, Patgiri
applicability, ease in performance and alternative BJ: History of Hindu Chemistry is not a lost
methods of experimentation. Author had legacy, Ancient Science of Life. 30(3): 92-93 (2011).
Address for correspondence: Dr. Rohit Sharma, Department of RS & BK, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved
University, Jamnagar -361008 Gujarat (India) email dhanvantari86@gmail.com
UID 82-1332768257