13-PAS-ADMIN-Exercise Guide (v10.3) (New UI) PDF
13-PAS-ADMIN-Exercise Guide (v10.3) (New UI) PDF
13-PAS-ADMIN-Exercise Guide (v10.3) (New UI) PDF
Exercise Guide
© Cyber-Ark® Software Ltd - No part of this material may be disclosed to any person or firm or reproduced by any means, electronic
and mechanical, without the express prior written permission of Cyber-Ark® Software Ltd.
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
USING SKYTAP...............................................................................................................................................................6
INTERNATIONAL USERS ...................................................................................................................................................8
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Testing Dual Control ...........................................................................................................................................61
EXCLUSIVE PASSWORDS WITH AUTOMATED RELEASE AND ONE-TIME USE ..............................................................................65
Adding a Master Policy exception for Exclusive Passwords ...............................................................................65
Adding a Master Policy exception for One-Time Passwords ..............................................................................66
Reducing the Minimum Validity Period ..............................................................................................................67
Testing Exclusive Passwords ...............................................................................................................................67
MANAGING AN ORACLE ACCOUNT ..................................................................................................................................70
Adding a Safe .....................................................................................................................................................70
Duplicating a Platform .......................................................................................................................................70
Adding an Account .............................................................................................................................................72
MANAGING A LINUX ACCOUNT WITH SSH KEY ..................................................................................................................73
Generate a Key-Pair ...........................................................................................................................................73
Verify You Are Able to Log in with the Private Key .............................................................................................78
Duplicating a Platform .......................................................................................................................................80
Add an Account with an SSH key ........................................................................................................................81
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and mechanical, without the express prior written permission of Cyber-Ark® Software Ltd.
COMMON ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS ................................................................................................................... 129
USAGES ...................................................................................................................................................................146
Manage a Scheduled Task Usage .....................................................................................................................146
Managing a Configuration File Usage ..............................................................................................................151
CUSTOM FILE CATEGORIES...........................................................................................................................................155
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CyberArk University Exercise Guide page 5
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Using Skytap
Before beginning exercises, here are a few tips to help you navigate the labs more
There are two ways to access the virtual machines: directly via the browser or through
Click directly on the screen icon to access the virtual machine directly in your
Click on the RDP button in the upper right-hand corner of the VM box.
If you are using any keyboard other than a standard US, then it is strongly recommended
that you use an RDP connection rather than the HTML 5 client directly in the browser.
When using RDP, all you need to do is set the keyboard language in Windows and
everything should work fine.
Go to the section for International Users for instructions on changing the keyboard.
1. Click the large monitor icon to connect with the HTML 5 client.
2. If HTML does not work try direct RDP. Inform your instructor if you do this, because
some actions will not work as shown in the book.
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3. Use the Ctrl-Alt-Del button on the tool bar to send a Ctrl-Alt-Del to the machine.
4. The clipboard icon will allow you to copy and paste text between your computer and
your lab machine.
5. The full screen icon will resize your lab machine to match your computer’s screen
settings to avoid scrolling.
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International Users
By default, the lab machines are configured to us a US English keyboard layout. If you
use a machine from a country other than the US, you may experience odd behavior from
your lab machines. The solution is to install the keyboard layout for your keyboard on our
lab machines. Follow the process below to find and configure the correct keyboard layout
for your keyboard.
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10. With the option English (United States) selected, click the Move down button. This
will make your language the default. Don’t remove US English altogether as your
instructor may need it if he/she connects to your machine.
Note: If you use an alternate keyboard layout (e.g. AZERTY, Dvorak) you can click options
next to your language to install that. Otherwise, close the Language window.
11. In the system tray, click ENG, then choose your keyboard layout. You may switch
back and forth between keyboard layouts. Your instructor may need to switch back
to ENG to help you with exercises, occasionally.
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User Management
In this first exercise, you will create a custom user mapping that will map a group of ‘Power
Users’. This group will have the ability to modify the Master Policy and platforms, view
reports, and reset users’ passwords, but will not be able perform other Vault functions,
such as adding safes.
1. On the Components Server, open the PrivateArk Client and log in to the Prod
Vault as the Administrator user with the password Cyberark1.
2. You will probably see a message like the one below. This appears because the user
Administrator has not connected to the system recently. Just click Yes to clear
expired history.
3. Go the Tools pull down, select Administrative tools, then select Directory
4. On the Directory Mapping for Server Prod screen, press the Add button.
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5. On the New/Update Directory Map in the Map Name field, enter Vault Power Users
and check the Users check box.
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8. Check the following boxes: Audit Users, Reset Users’ Passwords, Activate Users,
and Manage Server File Categories.
10. Click on the pull-down and examine the Authentication methods options available.
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12. Back on the New/Update Directory Map press the Add... button to create a new rule.
15. Expand the directory so that you can see the contents. Then press Select.
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Note: This “Power Users” query is available in the LDAPQueries.txt file on the Desktop of
the Components server along with other sample queries.
17. Press the Test button to confirm that the query returns include “CN=poweruser01”.
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18. If the query results include “power user” entries, continue on to the next step.
19. Press OK and then OK again to exit the New/Update Directory Map window.
** You may receive an error message that the Vault does not support PKI **
If you get the error message above, go back to your user template, select the
Authentication tab, click on the pull-down and specifically choose LDAP authentication
for your Authentication method, even though it may already be selected.
20. After adding the new mapping, press the Close button.
21. You will receive a message asking ‘Are you sure you want to update Map order?’
Press Cancel.
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The mapping order is important for users who belong to multiple groups/mappings. For
example, if a user belongs to both Power Users and Vault Admins mappings, the user will
receive the privileges for the first mapping listed. If Power Users was listed first, a user
who is also a Vault Admin user would only receive the subset of vault authorizations,
instead of the full set provided by the Vault Admins mapping.
22. Highlight the Vault Power Users mapping and press the down button to move it
below the Vault Admins Mapping.
24. This time, you can press Yes when asked ‘Are you sure you want to update the Map
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Nesting the Power Users group under the built-in CyberArk groups
In this section, we will place the mapped LDAP group CyberArk Power Users under the
CyberArk internal groups Vault Admins and PVWAMonitor.
Next you will nest the LDAP group CyberArk Power Users under the internal Vault Admins
group. This will allow members of the Power Users group to view the POLICIES and
3. Press Update…
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5. Press Add from LDAP (You may not see all of the groups shown below).
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6. In the Filter field of the Find External User/Group screen, enter “cyberark p”. This will
find the Power Users. Press Search.
8. Press OK until you return to the Users and Groups on Server Prod window.
Next you will nest the LDAP group CyberArk Power Users under the internal
PVWAMonitor group. This will allow members of the Power Users group to view the
REPORTS tab in the PVWA.
1. Within the Users and Groups on Server Prod window, highlight PVWAMonitor and
press Update…
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5. Press OK, to confirm the addition of CyberArk Power Users to the PVWAMonitor
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7. Press Close to close the ‘Users and Groups on Server Prod’ window and complete
the nesting process.
Viewing the differences between Vault Admins and Power Users groups
Next, you will login to the PVWA to view the differences between Vault Admins and
CyberArk Power Users directory mappings within the PVWA.
Up to this point we have been logging in with users who were created on the CyberArk
system and authenticated by CyberArk.
Since the LDAP integration has already been configured, we will log in to the PVWA with
Active Directory credentials and be authenticated with LDAP. From this point forward, you
will use LDAP Authentication for all users except Administrator. The Administrator user will
use CyberArk Authentication.
Note: For the duration of this class, all passwords for all users and accounts will be Cyberark1,
unless otherwise noted.
9. Open Chrome, go to the PVWA and choose LDAP as the authentication method.
10. Enter vaultadmin01 and Cyberark1 as the password. Press Sign in.
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11. Confirm that your LDAP authentication was successful and you are able to view the
Policies, Reports, and Administration screens. This verifies that the LDAP user
(vaultadmin01) has the correct Vault Admins and PVWAMonitor privileges.
12. Go to POLICIES > Access Control (Safes) and verify that you can see the Add
Safe button in the upper right hand corner of the window. This confirms that the
vaultadmin01 user has been provided the Add Safes vault authorization.
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13. Log out of the PVWA and log back in as poweruser01 using LDAP as the
authentication method.
Note: This user should have access to the Policies, Accounts, Applications, Reports,
and Administration tabs because the CyberArk Power Users group was nested
under the Vault Admins and PVWAMonitor groups. However, it does not have
access to the Add Safe button because it was not provisioned as part of the ‘Power
Users’ user mapping.
14. Go to POLICIES > Access Control (Safes) and verify you do not see the Add Safes
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Please note:
Some features may require the use of the UI´s classic interface: In order to access this,
you may need to select “Additional details & actions in classic interface”
In this step, you will use the PVWA to modify the Master Policy to:
1. Launch the PVWA and using LDAP authentication and log in as vaultadmin01.
3. Choose Require users to specify reason for access and then click Edit Settings.
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4. Change the Basic Policy Rule Require users to specify reason for access from
Active to Inactive.
7. In the right-hand pane, click the pencil icon to edit the Value.
8. Change the value from 7 days to 1 and click the diskette icon to save the change.
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CyberArk Privileged Account Security – Administration
In this section, we will perform the basic tasks required to manage a privileged account on
a Linux server that we connect to using SSH. We will create a Safe to securely store the
account and a Platform to manage the account. We will then add the new account, verify
that we can connect with it, and see how an auditor can monitor the account activity.
Adding a Safe
1. If you are not already logged in, log in to the PVWA as vaultadmin01.
5. Press Save.
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6. Press Add Member to grant other users access to the new safe.
7. Enter linuxad in the Search field, select cyber-ark-demo.local in the Search In field
and press Search. Select LinuxAdminsFin and press Add.
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Note: You should now see that the LinAdminsFin group has been added to the newly
created Linux Finance safe. Also note that the user logged in is the creator of the
safe and is granted full permissions to the safe by default.
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Duplicating a Platform
Next, you will create a platform to manage Linux accounts that connect with SSH.
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3. Enter Linux SSH 30 in the Name field and optionally something like Linux servers via
SSH, rotate passwords every 30 days for a description and then press Save &
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6. Change ImmediateInterval to 1.
Warning: Changing the ImmediateInterval field to 1 is only suitable for testing but should set to
5 or higher in a real environment.
7. Change AllowedSafes to Linux (case sensitive). This determines which safes can
use this platform.
8. Click Apply twice to save your changes, but do not exit the platform just yet.
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10. Now go to Password Change and change the value of the parameter
PerformPeriodicChange from No to Yes. This will enable the application of the
Master Policy rule Require password change every X days to accounts managed by
this platform.
Now you will create your first Linux account and store it in the Linux Finance safe and
manage it with the Linux SSH 30 platform.
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User Name: logon01
Password: Cyberark1
Confirm Password: Cyberark1
5. On the Account page press the Verify button to confirm that you created the account
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Note: You will see a message saying that ‘The account is scheduled for immediate
7. After a few minutes the message should disappear and the Last verified field will be
Note: You can speed up the process by restarting the CyberArk Password Manager
service in the Windows Services console. This is not something you would
normally do in a production environment.
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Note: You will see a message saying ‘Account is marked for change.
Hint: You can restart the CyberArk Password Manager service to move things along.
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9. After a few minutes press Refresh. The message should disappear and the ‘Last
modified’ field will be updated.
In this step you will review all of the activity related to the logon01 account.
1. Sign out of the PVWA and using LDAP Authentication, sign back in as auditor01.
2. On the Accounts page, click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner, to
search for all accounts the auditor has permissions to view.
4. Click on the Activities tab to view the detailed activities log for this account.
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CyberArk Privileged Account Security – Administration
In this section, we will be performing the tasks for managing a Windows domain account.
We will again duplicate an appropriate platform (though one adapted to managing
Windows domain accounts), add a safe, and then add the account.
Duplicating a Platform
4. Enter as the name Windows Domain Admins 15 (optionally you can give it a
meaningful description) and then press Save & Close.
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5. Select the Windows Domain Admins 15 platform and press the Edit button.
Note: This setting will prompt the CPM to automatically verify the password whenever a
new account assigned to this platform is added.
8. Press Apply.
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Reminder: This setting restricts the safes to which this platform can be applied to those safes
with the string “Win-Dom-Admins” included in the name. This field is case sensitive
14. Finally, go to Generate Password. Here, we are going to modify the password
length and complexity to give us more secure passwords for our domain admin
accounts. Set the values as follows:
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PasswordLength 12
MinUpperCase 3
MinLowerCase 3
MinDigit 2
MinSpecial 2
Note: The sum of the various complexity parameters must be less than or equal to
PasswordLength in order for password change to function. However, the system
does not check the values for you.
Add a Safe
Now you will create a safe in which to store Windows domain accounts.
3. Enter Win-Dom-Admins the Safe name. You can provide a meaningful description.
Leave the other values at their defaults and press Save.
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4. On the Safe Details page, click the Add Member button to grant other users access
to this safe.
5. Enter win in the Search field, select cyber-ark-demo.local in the Search In field, and
click Search.
6. Select WindowsAdmins.
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3. Select the newly created account from the list and then click on Additional details &
actions in classic interface to open the account in the classic interface.
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Note: Because AutoVerifyOnAdd was set to Yes, the account will be scheduled for
immediate verification.
5. Copy the Safe name and the Name values to Notepad (we’ll be using these values
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In this section we will configure two options for our platform Linux SSH 30:
1. Go to POLICIES > Master Policy > Privileged Access Workflows, select Require
dual control password access approval, and press Add Exception.
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3. Click Active. Review the options available. When ready, press Finish.
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1. Back in the Master Policy page, again under Privileged Access Workflows, select
the option Require Users to specify reason for access and press Add Exception.
Password Management
Based on what you have already learned, you should now be able to add Password
Management exceptions for the two platforms we created in the section Password
Management – Part 1. Add the following exceptions
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Log-on accounts
Windows server local admin accounts with reconciliation
Dual control workflow
Exclusive and one-time passwords
Unix via SSH keys account (optional)
In this exercise you will add to our CyberArk PAS implementation a Linux privileged
account that is prevented by the host platform’s security policy from accessing the server
via SSH. You will then associate a ‘logon’ account with this new account, allowing you to
manage the password despite the SSH restriction. The logon account establishes the
connection to the target machine and executes a switch user operation to the privileged
account in order to change the password.
Note: In the Unix/Linux world, the account that is typically prevented from connecting to a
server remotely is the root account. Here in CyberArk training, we are going to use
an account named user01 and we will use the account we created earlier, logon01,
as the log-on account.
4. Press Add.
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5. On the Account Details page, press the Verify button and select OK to the pop up
to confirm. The status will appear as ‘This account is scheduled for immediate
Note: Remember, restarting the service CyberArk Password Manager will speed things
up. Press Refresh to update. After a few minutes, you should receive a message
stating that ‘The Central Policy Manager failed to verify the password’.
In the background the CPM received an ‘Access Denied’ message because the user01
accounts are restricted from logging in via SSH.
6. Open the account details page using the Additional details & actions in classic
interface option
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8. Highlight the logon01 account (created earlier - you may need to search to see this
user) and click Associate.
9. Press the Verify button and click OK to confirm. If you receive the following
message, press OK.
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Note: After a few minutes, the account should be verified. In the background the CPM
connected to the server as logon01 and switched to the user01 account to verify the
In this exercise you will create a Windows local server account for which the correct
password is unknown. In order to bring this account under management, you will
associate it with a domain administrator account (admin01) that can perform a password
Duplicating a Platform
3. Enter Windows Server Local Admins 45 as the platform name, you may optionally
add a description like “Rotate password every 45 days”, and press Save & Close.
5. Go to UI & Workflows.
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7. Go to Automatic Password Management > General and set both the Interval and
ImmediateInterval to 1.
Note: Once again, we are modifying these values for training purposes only, enabling us
to move a little faster. A one-minute immediate interval is suitable for testing but
should be set to five in a production environment. The Interval parameter should
never be set to 1 in a production environment.
8. Enter Win-Srv in the AllowedSafes field to limit the accounts against which this
platform will be applied. Click Apply to save your change.
RCAutomaticReconcileWhenUnsynced: Yes
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ReconcileAccountSafe: Win-Dom-Admins
ReconcileAccountName: Operating System-Windows-Domain-
(you can copy this from the notepad file
that you created earlier)
Note: Don’t forget to enable automatic password change and verification. Also, think
about what would be appropriate values for password length and complexity.
Create a Safe
Now we are going to create a Safe for our Windows server local administrator accounts.
To comply with data protection regulation, we are going to organize our safes so that only
US admins can access the passwords for US safes.
2. Name the Safe Win-Srv-US. Leave the default values for the rest.
3. Add the AD group WindowsAdmins to the Safe with standard user rights.
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Adding an Account
Here we will add a local administrator account for your target Windows server.
Remember, we don’t know what the password is, so you could put anything in the
password fields (although they must match).
1. Log in again to the PVWA as vaultadmin01, go to the ACCOUNTS page, and press
Add Account.
Note: After adding the account, you should see a message stating ‘This account is
scheduled for immediate change’. This is because you set AutoChangeOnAdd to
Yes in the policy. Also note that there is a reconcile account already associated
with this new account.
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3. Press Refresh. Because the password for this account was not Cyberark1, the
password change will fail.
4. Press Refresh again and after a short time and you should receive a message
saying that the account was successfully reconciled. The first time an account is
reconciled it can take a longer time than anticipated.
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In this section, we will configure dual control for access to Linux accounts. The ability to
receive e-mails is required in order to test the full functionality of dual control.
Dual control is configured in the Master Policy. To enable it for Linux machines only, you
must add an exception to the Master Policy, based on the appropriate Platform.
The workflow process is configured through safe membership, so we will need to add a
manager to the existing safe so that he/she can approve requests. We do not, however,
want the manager to be able to use the passwords, so we will remove that capability.
What might be the result if no one has been assigned the responsibility to respond to a
workflow request?
4. Enter mgr01 in the Search field, select cyber-ark-demo.local in the Search In field,
and press Search.
6. Under Access, uncheck Use accounts and Retrieve accounts for this user. List
accounts should be checked.
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7. Scroll down and expand the Workflow link to access the Authorize account requests
check box. Check the Authorize account requests safe authorization box with
Level 1 selected.
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Testing this workflow requires us to wear a number of hats. We configured the system as
a vault administrator – vaultadmin01 – now we are going to become ordinary users of the
We will first log in as a user who has the right to access a password, but only with
manager approval – linuxuser01.
We will then put on our manager hat and check our email, notice that we have a
notification for an approval request pending, log into the PVWA as that manager
user – mgr01 – using the link provided, and approve the request.
Finally, we will return to the PVWA as linuxuser01, find the approval notification,
and access the target system with the password.
Note: Because we will be changing users, you might want to use two browsers or separate
browser sessions. You can also use incognito mode to open two separate sessions
with two separate users.
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2. Log back in as the LDAP user linuxuser01 with the password Cyberark1.
3. Leaving the Search field blank, click on the magnifying glass icon to search for all
5. Enter a reason to access. Turn on the Timeframe and specify the current date
through the last day of the class. Turn on Multiple access is required and then press
on the Send Request button.
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6. Sign out of this session and close the browser, to ensure that the linuxuser01
session has ended (otherwise the next steps will not work properly). Alternatively,
you can use a different browser or a private session.
7. Open a new browser session and open the email client at http://cyber-ark-
8. Login as mgr01. You should have received an e-mail with the new request (if you do
not receive an email, make sure the ENE service is running on the Vault).
Note: Our email server is currently unable to convert URLs to clickable links, you will have
to copy and paste the URL into your browser’s address window. This is not an issue
with most commercial email clients.
10. Go to Accounts and select Incoming Requests. Locate the incoming request from
linuxuser01 and press the Confirm button.
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12. Sign out, and close the browser to terminate the mgr01 session.
14. Login to the PVWA as linuxuser01, password Cyberark1 to see the Account Details
page. Notice the Status of the request is now confirmed. You are now be able to
show the password and access the previously requested account.
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In this exercise, you will configure the Windows Local accounts added earlier for exclusive
access with an automatic release based on the Minimum Validity Period.
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4. Press the Active button to enable Enforce check-in/check-out exclusive access and
click Finish.
To allow for an automatic release of a checked-out password, you will need to enable
Enforce one-time password access for the platform Windows Server Local Admins 45.
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3. Press Active to enable one-time password access for this platform and then click
Note: This next step is for testing/training purposes only and should not be used in a
production environment.
We will set the Minimum Validity Period to 5 minutes, so that we can see our results more
quickly. The MinValidityPeriod parameter is configured in the Platform.
3. Set MinValidityPeriod to 5.
4. Press Apply and OK to close the Platform and then sign out of the PVWA.
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2. Login to the PVWA as the LDAP user ‘will’ with the password Cyberark1.
3. Go to ACCOUNTS and press the magnifying glass to search for all accounts.
4. Click on the localadmin01 account and click the Show button. Will has now checked
out the password.
Note: Will or an admin can release the account manually by using the “Check-in” option,
however we will not use this option as we want to see the system release it
automatically at the end of the Minimum Validity Period.
5. Log out and log back in as vaultadmin01. You should notice a lock icon next to the
localadmin01 account.
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6. Hover over the lock icon, it should say “The object is locked by will”.
After several minutes (remember the minimum validity period was set to 5 min), the
vaultadmin01 user will be able to access the password and the CPM will have changed the
If the account is not released after several minutes, run the restart.bat file and check
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Adding a Safe
Duplicating a Platform
In this section, we are going to create a Platform dedicated to managing accounts used to
access Oracle databases, such as a DBA account.
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Note: Take a good look at the image above. You may notice that the only active platforms
are those that we have created. This image illustrates why it is a good idea to
deactivate unused platforms. Furthermore, the inactive platforms are not shown
when adding accounts, so you don’t have to scroll through a long list to find the one
you want (and possibly make a mistake).
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7. Set ImmediateInterval to 1.
9. Press Apply.
10. In the Generate Password section, add the equal sign character (‘=’ without the
quotes) to the PasswordForbiddenChars field. Make sure you add the new character
without deleting any of the existing characters.
Adding an Account
1. Go the ACCOUNTS tab, click Add Account and enter the following:
Port: 1521
Database: xe
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Password: Cyberark1
2. Press Add.
Note: Because the policy was set to AutoChangeOnAdd=Yes, the account will be set for
immediate change.
3. Press refresh until the ‘This account is schedule for immediate change’ message
In this section, we will perform the tasks required to manage a Linux account that connects
to its target server with a public-private key-pair.
Generate a Key-Pair
1. On the Components server launch puttygen from the Taskbar and click Generate.
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2. As instructed, you need to make random mouse movements in the blank area to
generate random data for the key.
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4. Click Yes to store they key without a passphrase. The CPM does not support private
keys with passphrases.
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7. Select all the text in the ‘Public key for pasting into Open SSH authorized keys file’
box and copy it to your clipboard.
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vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
11. Press i (or the Insert button on your keyboard) to enter insert mode.
12. Right click inside the editor to paste the key. Verify that the key pasted correctly.
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Warning! It can be a bit tricky to copy and paste into a terminal window. Make sure that your
key text beging with the string “ssh-rsa “ and that it ends with “rsa-key-date” where
date is today’s date.
15. Make sure the Key appears in the authorized_keys file (and that all characters were
pasted properly) by using the cat command:
cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Note: If you need help with the vi editor, you can read the tutorial at:
Now we will test that we are able to authenticate with the private key.
2. Type in the Host Name box, but do not connect yet. Navigate to
Connection > Data.
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5. Click Browse and browse to the ppk file you created earlier.
6. Now click Open and verify that you are able to log on without supplying a username
and password.
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Duplicating a Platform
2. Highlight Unix via SSH Keys (make sure that you choose “Unix via SSH Keys”
platform, not the “Unix via SSH” platform).
3. Press Duplicate.
4. Name your platform Linux via KEY 90 and click Save & Close. We won’t make any
modifications to this platform.
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1. Got to the ACCOUNTS tab and click the Add SSH Key button.
2. Add an account with the following properties. If you do not see the SSH Key
configuration area, you may have duplicated the wrong platform.
3. Click Save.
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4. Click Change and select Rotate the SSH key immediately (by the CPM).
6. Once the change completes verify that you are NOT able to connect with putty using
the SSH key.
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Onboarding Accounts
In the following exercises you will use the Accounts Feed feature as well Password Upload
Utility to onboard accounts to the system.
Accounts Feed
In the next exercise you will use the Accounts Feed feature to automatically onboard
In this section you will configure automatic Onboarding Rules in order to onboard newly
discovered accounts automatically, and provision them in the Vault without any human
Go to Accounts > Accounts Feed > Onboarding Rules and click on Create rule
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10. Review your rule, and if everything seems to be in order click on Create rule
The Accounts Discovery process requires an account to login to the domain and scan the
individual machines. You can use the existing admin01 account.
1. Go to Accounts > Accounts Discovery. You may have to scroll up a little to see the
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5. The Discovery process will automatically search for accounts in the cyber-ark-
demo.local domain. Click admin01 and press Select account.
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8. Under What recurring pattern to set for this Discovery? Select Onetime, then
click Done.
9. You will receive a message saying that the Windows discovery has been added.
Press OK.
Note: Here you can also speed up the process by restarting a service. Not the CyberArk
Password Manager service, but the CyberArk Central Policy Manager Scanner
service, which is the service responsible for executing account discovery scans.
10. Press the Refresh icon to update the status. You may need to back out of the
window and go back in to see the state change. This can take a few minutes.
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11. You should see the status change from Pending to Running
Note: You may get an error message - Because many of the machines in the lab
environment are not running, the Accounts Discovery will fail to access them and
will return an error. However, the machines that we need should be available and
successfully scanned.
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13. Go to Accounts > Accounts View. If you configured your automatic rules properly,
you should be able to see all the “discoveryXX” accounts in the accounts view. If you
assigned a reconcile account to the platform, the accounts added should also be
scheduled for immediate reconciliation.
16. Select the resulting localadmin02 account and press the Onboard Accounts button
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19. You should receive a message saying “Successfully onboarded 1 account(s) and
related dependencies. Press Done.
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20. Go to the ACCOUNTS page and search (press the magnifying glass icon top
right) for the newly created account. Because the platform was configured for
automatic reconciliation, you will see that the account was successfully reconciled.
In this exercise, we are going to run the CyberArk Password Upload Utility, a command-
line tool for performing bulk uploads of accounts into the system. For convenience, we will
run the Password Upload Utility using the CyberArk administrator account.
We will be adding the new accounts to a new Safe that we create with the PUU –
The administrator does not have any custom safe authorizations and so cannot even see
the safes that we have created so far. We want to use our existing Linux Finance safe as
a template safe (basically a standard safe that provides parameters not given during the
execution of the PUU), so we just need to add the administrator to the Linux Finance safe
as a member before starting the Password Upload Utility process.
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2. First let’s look at the sample file provided with the PUU. Double-click the
passwords.csv file.
3. On the Text Import screen make sure that the file is only Separated by…Comma.
4. Press OK.
5. Review the contents of this file to see the options available for uploading accounts.
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6. Close the file when you are done (Note, we will use a preformatted file to perform the
actual import).
8. Make sure that the file is Separated by…Comma and press OK.
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Note: This is a pre-formatted file with all the necessary information to upload into
9. If you would like to experiment, you can add a line or two to the file. Adding the
information below would add a single new account in a separate Safe named
Password_name: linuxadmin01
TemplateSafe: Linux Finance
Folder: Root
CPMUser: PasswordManager
Safe: LinuxPU2
Password: Cyberark1
DeviceType: Operating System
PolicyID: Linux SSH 30
UserName: linuxadmin01
10. Save and close the file when done. Be sure to maintain the same CSV format.
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12. In the address field, enter the IP address your vault server (make sure you use the
IP address of your Vault Server).
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15. Scroll down to the Mandatory parameters section, enter the following:
PasswordFile: pu_passwords.csv
DefaultTemplateSafe: Linux Finance
PasswordUpload.exe conf.ini
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20. If configured correctly, you will see messages indicating that each password is being
21. When complete, you will receive a message displaying the total number of
passwords uploaded or updated.
23. Go to the ACCOUNTS page and search for all accounts to verify that the new users
have been added.
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7. Press Add Exception again. Select Oracle DBA 30 and press Next.
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Note: Prior to testing PSM, you can choose to wait approximately 20 minutes for all
components to refresh their configurations or you can restart all the CyberArk
services so the PSM and PVWA will see all the configuration changes immediately.
9. Sign out of the PVWA, and double-click the restart-services batch file on the desktop
of the components server.
2. Go to the ACCOUNTS page and locate user01. Press the Connect button.
4. After pressing OK, you will download an RDP file. Choose to open it with Remote
Desktop Connection (default) and press OK
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You may receive the following pop-up error messages. Clear the pop-ups and retry the
connection component.
If everything was configured correctly, you should see a message that your session is
being recorded.
Optionally, run some Linux commands. In the example below the user is running:
cat /var/log/messages
mkdir user16
rm –R user16
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5. You should see a message stating that your session is being recorded.
If you receive a Remote Desktop Connect pop-up, “Your Remote Desktop Services
session has ended”, retry the connection component. You may have to connect a couple
of times before seeing the message.
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Later in the lab exercise, you will be logging in as an auditor and looking for any sessions
that issued commands with the word salary.
Note: The commands below will not produce any results because the table “scott.salary”,
does not exist. The purpose of this step is to allow the auditor to see someone tried
to access a salary table.
Next, you will configure Secure Connect, which allows you to launch a PSM connection
against unmanaged accounts. You will first need to switch to the classic UI and enable the
relevant platform.
1. Login to the PVWA as vaultadmin01 and press on Additional details & actions in
classic interface.
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Client: WinSCP
User Name: root01
Password: Cyberark1
Map Local Drives: Checked
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15. Optional: When you have connected to WinSCP, copy a file from the PSM server to
target machine the local client.
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In this section, we are going to look at some of the audit information that was gathered by
CyberArk PAS during our PSM testing. To do so, we will need to connect as a user who is
a member of the Auditors group – auditor01.
3. Enter salary in the Search for Command and Events field and press Apply. Once
you locate the recording, click on Play.
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5. Click on the session line for more detail and find the command “select * from
Note that the recording will now start at the command selected.
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Note: Because the PTA server can become unpredictable in the Skytap environment if it
gets suspended, it has been configured not to start automatically. To perform these
next steps, you will need to start your PTA server manually in Skytap.
In this section you will observe how the PTA detects when privileged accounts are being
used and then check if they are being managed by CyberArk. If the account is not
managed, the PTA will generate a security alert and add the account to the list of Pending
Accounts. The Vault Administrator can then onboard the account to the relevant safe.
First, we need to establish an SSH session to the target Linux server to create an alert on
the PTA, which we will review using the new Security pane in the PVWA.
1. Open PuTTy from the Components server and open an SSH session to
as root02 (password: Cyberark1).
Login to the PVWA as vaultadmin01 and go to Security > Security Events and
Verify that you can see the “Unmanaged privileged access” alert related to root02.
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2. Go to Accounts Discovery > Pending Accounts. Select root02 from the list (use
“Refine By” to search for the account if needed) and click on Onboard Accounts.
3. Onboard the account to the Linux Finance safe and associate the account with the
Linux SSH 30 platform.
Note: “root.*” is defined by default as a privileged user in the PTA. You can add other
usernames (using regular expressions) that should also be detected by the PTA as
privileged accounts which should be managed by CyberArk PAS. To add additional
usernames login to the PTA and go to SETTINGS > Privileged Groups and Users
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In this section you will configure the PTA to detect when privileged accounts are being
used without first retrieving the password from PAS, and trigger the CPM to initiate a
password change.
2. Click on Add Member and search for the PTAUser in the Vault. Select the PTAUser.
Keep the default permissions and expand Account Management. Select “Initiate
CPM account management operations” and click on Add.
3. Repeat the above step to add the PTAAppUser to the Linux Finance safe as well
(including the “Initiate CPM account management operations” permission.
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5. Once again, open PuTTy from the Components server and open an SSH session to as root02 (password: Cyberark1).
6. Login to the PVWA as vaultadmin01 and go to Security > Security Events and
Verify that you can see the “Suspected Credentials Theft” alert related to root02.
7. In the PVWA, go to the root02 account and verify the CPM changed the password.
8. Open the “Activities” tab to verify that the CPM changed the password after the PTA
detected the suspected credential theft alert and under Activities added the relevant
file category for Immediate Change.
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In this section you will configure the PTA to detect when a password is being changed
manually, bypassing the CPM, and have the PTA trigger the CPM to reconcile the
For this exercise to work, you must associate a reconcile account with root02. You may
use the root01 account (based on SSH key) you created previously.
1. Login to the PVWA as vaultadmin01 and go to Accounts > Accounts View and
select the root02 account. Using the classic UI, associate root01 as the reconcile
account for root02.
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Go to Accounts > Accounts View and select root02 again and launch an SSH
connection via the PSM.
Type the following command to change the password of root02 back to Cyberak1:
passwd root02
Go back to the PVWA as vaultadmin01, and go to Security > Security Events. You
should be able to see two new alerts. One for a “Suspicious activities detected in a
privileged session”, and one for “Suspicious password change”.
Verify you can see the “Suspicious password change” alert and that an automatic
password reconciliation was initiated.
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Go to Accounts > Accounts View and select root02. Verify that root02 was indeed
reconciled by the CPM.
In this section you will configure the PTA to detect when risky commands are being used
in a privileged session and to suspend a session automatically in case a risky command is
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3. Configure the risk to a score of 90 and the response to “Suspend Session”. Click on
4. Go to Accounts > Accounts View and select the root02 account. Launch a
privileged session by clicking on the connect button. (If the session does not open,
make sure the Cyber-Ark Privileged Session Manager service is running).
5. After the session opens, try to run the passwd root02 command again. The session
should be suspended immediately and a disclaimer should appear letting the user
know the session was suspended.
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6. Login to the PVWA as auditor01. Go to Security > Security Events and verify you can
see the “Suspicious activities detected in a privileged session” alert. Verify the
session got a score of 90. Click on Resume to resume the suspended session.
7. Click on the session link and verify it takes you to the session details in the
Monitoring pane. If the session is still in progress, you should see the options to
terminate or monitor the session. If you already closed the session you should be
able to play the recording.
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Note: Auditor01 has access to the Security pane as it was added manually by us to the
Security Admins and Security Operators groups. Auditor01 was able to resume the
session as it was added manually by us to the PSMLiveSessionTerminators group.
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In this section you will be asked to create three types of reports
1. Login to the PVWA as vaultadmin01 and go to the Reports tab and then click on
Generate Report.
3. Review the options to filter the report but keep the default values, then click Next.
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5. Select the refresh icon at the bottom of the page until the report status shows
“Done”. Open the report by clicking on the Excel icon.
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7. After going over the report, save the new report in the folder you created earlier in the
shared drive. If you are asked if you want to save the document in its current format,
click Keep Current Format.
2. Under Tools > Reports, click on Safes List to generate a safes list report
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3. Click Report Output and save the new report to the folder you created. (If you
cannot save it directly to the network drive, save it locally)
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6. Click OK
7. After reviewing the report, save a copy of the report to the folder you created in the
shared drive.
9. Repeat these steps creating a Users List report and copy the report to the folder you
created in the shared drive.
10. By the end of this exercise you should have 3 reports in your named folder in the
shared drive. These reports are “Privileged Accounts Inventory”, “Safes List” and
“Users List”.
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Again for the sake of convenience, we will be using our Administrator account to perform a
number of tasks during backup and restore.
We will begin by enabling two additional CyberArk accounts: Backup, which we will use to
execute the back up; and DR, the disaster recovery account that has authority to restore
objects, create Safes, etc.
For this section of the exercise, you will log in to the PrivateArk Client on the
Components server in order to enable the users required to run a backup.
3. Highlight the Backup user (located under System) and press Update.
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5. On the Authentication tab enter Cyberark1 in the Password and Confirm fields.
6. Press OK.
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7. Repeat the above steps in order to enable the DR user as well. For convenience, the
DR user will be used to restore the safes.
2. Double-click setup.exe.
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3. Accept all of the default parameters to complete the installation. On the first screen
enter Next.
5. Enter CyberArk for the user and company names and press Next.
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11. In the Vault.ini file, enter “Vault” for the VAULT parameter.
12. Enter the IP address of your vault server in the address parameter.
VAULT = “Vault”
CreateCredFile.exe user.ini
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17. Press enter to accept the defaults for the remaining questions.
2. Press Add Safe. Enter Linux02 as the Safe Name and press Save.
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Note: The target machine does not exist. This is just a dummy account to test
Back-up and Restore.
Running a Backup
If the backup is successful, you should see a number of messages indicating that that files
are being replicated with a final message stating that the replication process has ended.
1. Making sure you are logged into the PVWA as the administrator user, go to
POLICIES > Access Control (Safes).
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3. Press Yes to confirm that you would like to delete the safe and contents.
4. You will receive a message that the Root folder cannot be deleted for 7 days.
However, the contents of the safe should have been removed.
5. To confirm that the contents of the Linux02 safe have been deleted go to the
Accounts page.
6. Enter root in the search box and press the Search button.
7. The root account that you created earlier in this exercise using address,
should not appear.
Running a Restore
You will be prompted for the password for the DR user, which should be Cyberark1.
2. You should receive a message stating that the restore process has ended.
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4. You should now see the root account using address, residing in safe
Note: The Target Safe (/LinuxRestore) is the name of the restored Safe to create. The
restore process does not overwrite an existing Safe – it creates a new one.
Therefore, this name must not correspond with an existing Safe.
1. Logon to the Vault server with the local user Administrator and password Cyberark1.
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3. Open the PARagent.ini file and add the IP address of your components server to the
“RemoteStationIPAddress” parameter. (
6. Open a command line window from this location. You can do this by holding the Shift
key and right-clicking in a blank space in the folder, then selecting “Open command
window from here”.
8. You should now have a new file in the directory called: paragent.pass.
9. Go to the Services window in the Server Manager and start the PrivateArk Remote
Control Agent Service:
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Connecting with the Remote Control Client from the Components server:
2. Open a command line window from this location. You can do this by holding the Shift
key and right clicking in a blank space in the folder, then selecting “Open command
window from here. You may need to expand the window to find a large enough blank
4. After the DLLs have loaded you should see the PARCLIENT prompt:
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status Vault
6. Run the following command to set the debug level of the Vault:
You can also connect using a password file instead of typing the password in clear text.
2. Enter the same password you used before (Cyberark1) and confirm.
3. In order to connect to the PARAgent on the Vault Server using the newly created
password file, run the following command:
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3. Examine the ITA log and verify the Debug level settings have been applied.
All the CPM log files can be automatically uploaded to a Safe in the Vault on a periodic
basis, according to a predefined period of time in the CPM parameters file. Each time a log
file is uploaded to the Vault, it is copied to the History subfolder in the Log folder, and the
CPM begins writing to a new log file.
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4. Select Configuration > General and scroll down to set the following parameters.
LogCheckPeriod: 1
LogSafeName: CPM_Logs
5. Click OK
9. The Vault Admins group will now be able to access the CPM logs.
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There are some cases where you will need to log in to the Vault with the Master user. This
can be in case of an emergency or to give permissions to a user for safe when there are
no active users with the necessary permissions.
2. In order to use the Master user, the dbparm.ini file must point to the location of the
Recovery Private Key. By default this is the CD-ROM drive of the server. Because we
do not have a CD-ROM drive (we are using VMs for our lab exercises) you will need
to point it to the relevant location.
3. Update the RecoveryPrvKey parameter to point to the location of the file called
recprv.key in the Master CD folder:
4. Restart the Vault service (using the PrivateArk Server console with the stop light) as
any change to the dbparm.ini file requires a restart of the service.
7. In the Password field enter the password that was configured during the installation
process (Cyberark1).
10. You should notice that there are many more safes displayed when you were logged
in as the Master user.
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Optional Exercises
In this exercise, you will configure a usage, which allows you to manage applications
(services, scheduled tasks) that are dependent on the main account.
The virtual machine “Target Windows” (vfserver - server contains a scheduled
task, SchedTask01. The scheduled task is configured to send an email to the
vaultadmin01 account every time it is run.
We will be using the localadmin01 account for testing. We will modify the
MinValidityPeriod setting, so that the password does not change while we are trying to
use it by resetting it to its default value.
4. To test the scheduled task, run the following command from a command prompt.
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6. Now, go to the localadmin01 Account Details and locate the Scheduled Task tab.
Press Add.
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7. Enter SchedTask01 in the Task Name field and enter vfserver in the Address field.
Press Save.
Note: The localadmin01 account is unable to update the scheduled task remotely, so you
will associate the usage with a domain account that contains the required privileges
to perform the update.
9. We are now looking at the Account Details for the Scheduled Task. Press the
Associate button.
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10. Select admin01 and press Associate to associate the scheduled task with the
admin01 domain account
11. Next, go back to the localadmin01 Account Details window and change the
localadmin01 password.
12. Select Change the password immediately (by the CPM) and press OK.
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Note: The scheduled task is associated with a different platform than the localadmin01
account. After the localadmin01 account has been changed, the flag will be set for
the scheduled task to be changed. The entire process could take in excess of 10
minutes to complete.
14. After the Windows password has been changed, select the scheduled task and open
the Account Details. You will see that the usage password is now scheduled for
immediate change.
15. Wait for the usage password to change and then re-run the scheduled task from the
command prompt.
16. Now check your email. You should receive a message stating that “The scheduled
task is working”.
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In this exercise you will be using a usage to update a password in a text file whenever the
specified account’s password is changed.
The file app01.ini is located on the Linux server IP address in the /var/opt/app
3. Select Linux via SSH 30 and press Duplicate. Enter Linux Apps via SSH 90 as the
name and click Save.
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7. After selecting Add Usages, you will have a new ‘Usages’ entry at the end of the UI &
Workflows section. Right click Usages and select Add Usage.
9. In the interest of good practice, create a dedicated Safe for this purpose called Linux
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10. Go to ACCOUNTS and press Add Account and enter the following:
File Path: /var/opt/app/app01.ini
Password Regex Password=(.*)
Connection Type: SSH
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15. Go to the Account Details for the primary account (app-account01), click the
Change button page, and select Change the password immediately (by the CPM).
Note: This process can take several minutes to complete. The usage has interval settings,
just like the account. When the account changes, it scans the vault for usages,
marks those usages for change, and then according to those intervals the changes
take effect.
So it will be a few minutes between when the password changes and the file
16. After the password change is complete, connect to with the app-account01.
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File category is the CyberArk term for the attributes or fields available on accounts
(Address, User Name, etc.). This section will detail the steps required to create and use
custom file categories, allowing you to categorize accounts based your organization’s
1. Using the Components server, from the PrivateArk Client, log onto the Vault and go
to File > Server File Categories.
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Name: BusinessUnit
Type: List
4. After each value is added, select the Required Category checkbox and click OK.
Now we’ll make the new BuinessUnit File Category a required field for accounts assigned
to the Oracle DBA 30 platform.
9. Go to UI & Workflows > Properties > Required. Right-click and select Add
Property from the context menu.
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10. Enter BusinessUnit in the Name field and press Apply and OK. This will make
BusinessUnit a required field on any accounts attached to the Oracle DBA 30 policy.
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13. Enter BusinessUnit in the Name field and press Apply and OK. This will allow the
new file category to be searchable.
15. Run the restart-services batch file on the Components server Desktop.
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18. Click on the Edit button. Select Retail and press Save.
19. Enter retail in the Search field on the ACCOUNTS tab and press Go.
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