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Our study focuses on the interpretation of wire-line logs to evaluate the hydrocarbons potential of sandstone reservoir in the
Kadanwari gas field, Sindh, Pakistan. We have considered wire-line logs of four drilled wells (K-01, K-03, K-10, and K-11) in the
research area and interpreted 13 reservoir zones. Analytical reservoir analysis includes the shale content (Vsh), effective porosity
(Øeff), hydrocarbon and water saturation (Shc and Sw), and net pay thickness variations. Hydrocarbon-bearing zone characterized
by high resistivity values, porosity high, permeability high, saturation of water low, and less Vsh suggest clean sand. The
petrophysical analysis revealed the hydrocarbon potential of lower Goru sandstone packages at different levels (2886–
3797 m). The petrophysical parameters of sub-reservoirs were carefully analyzed which are ranked as good quality sand
reservoirs with average effective porosities ranging from 0.11–0.44%, average water saturation ranging from 0.18–0.45%,
hydrocarbon saturation averaging between 0.59–0.86%, and permeability ranging from 10.539 to 477.76 m Darcy. Water
saturation for heterogeneous shaly sand reservoirs was successfully tested by Indonesian model which suggests that Sw in each
well is fewer than 60% therefore over all the region bearing good quality of hydrocarbon potential of the targeted formation and
selected zones. The vertical and horizontal variations of reservoir parameters are studied through constructing the litho-saturation
cross-plots and isoparametric maps of the petrophysical parameters, respectively. The isoparametric maps help to visualize the
geographical distribution of reservoir configuration in the subsurface. The petrophysical estimates of this study appraise the
national conventional fuel treasure of lower Goru formation in Kadanwari gas fields and suggest new prospects to drill more
wells on the central portion of the southwestern part of the study area. The neighboring area to the south of Kadanwari-01 is
economically viable for hydrocarbon exploration. The northeastern side of the study area is avoided due to the high concentration
of water and excessive shale content.
Introduction (Nazeer et al. 2016). The Kadanwari gas field (KGF) located
in Khairpur district of Sind province. KGF lies to the west of
Borehole petrophysics is regarded as a one-dimensional study the NNW/SSE trending Jacobabad-Khairpur high (Fig. 1).
of reservoir and hydrocarbon systems in geological environ- KGF located in the middle Indus basin, a prolific gas-prone
ments (Khan et al. 2017). Petrophysical measurements are basin of Pakistan (Kazmi and Jan 1997). The gas was discov-
made on cores in the laboratories and/or in open boreholes ered in 1989 through the Kadanwari-01 well, which encoun-
to determine the major reservoir properties which include po- tered gas in lower Goru sandstone of Cretaceous age and
rosity, permeability, fluid saturations, and capillary pressure brought on stream on May 1995 (Ahmad and Chaudhry
Editorial handling: Reza Barati KGF consists a number of low relief faults, forming dip
closures in the subsurface which provides a stratigraphic trap-
* Muhammad Jahangir Khan ping component (Khan and Khan 2018; Ahmad and
mjahangir.bukc@bahria.edu.pk Chaudhry 2002). Fault seal is believed to be due to cataclasis
and is apparently capable of withholding pressure differentials
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Bahria University of c. 3500 psi during production (Ahmad et al. 2007). The
(Karachi Campus), Karachi, Pakistan reservoir packages were deposited in Cenomanian (97.0 to
215 Page 2 of 12 Arab J Geosci (2019) 12:215
90.4 Ma) as lower Goru formation shoreface sands, with trans- 69° 06′ 00″ to 69° 21′00 north) used in this study to determine
gressive marine shales providing the top seal (Azeem et al. the formation evaluation through a systematic process of
2017; Ahmad et al. 2004). The trapping mechanism is a com- petrophysical analysis. The raw data was in LAS file format
plex combination of structural dip, sealing faults, and loss of and well top in notepad file format. Identification of lithology
reservoir quality to the north (Ahmad et al. 2007). Three tec- of the targeted zone (permeable beds), effective porosity of
tonic events are responsible for the structural configuration of sand, and pore-fluid types are the key goals. For the
KGF, namely, Late Cretaceous uplift and erosion, Late petrophysical logs interpretation, the data need to be in a good
Paleocene wrench faulting, and Late Tertiary to Recent condition. The borehole circumstances and mud types can
uplift/inversion of the Jacobabad High (Kazmi and Jan effect on the quality of the logs and make some problem in
1997; Kadri 1995). The wrench faults are particularly signif- log interpretation or cause stationary reading of logs which are
icant since they divide the KGF into reservoir compartments not correct and lead to misunderstanding of logs (Cudjoe et al.
(K-7/K-9 and K-4 in the south and K-1, K-3, K-6, and K-10, 2016; Nazeer et al. 2016). The permeable zones are recog-
K-11 in the north, but overall loss of reservoir quality to the nized by the existence of mud cake, the separation between
north (Fig. 2). Ahmad and Chaudhry (2002) revealed that deep resistivity (LLD) and micro-spherically focused (MSF)
additional compartments and sub-reservoirs within the pro- logs and formations with high porosity and low gamma-ray
duction area have yet to be tested, which motivated us to work and density-neutron reading alike porosity (Khan and Khan
more on an established gas-prone zone. The aim of this study 2018; Azeem et al. 2017). The petrophysical logs have qual-
is to evaluate the hydrocarbons potential of lower Goru reser- ities without any evidence of stationary readings (Fig. 4).
voir in KGF. We have considered wire-line logs, from four The well data imported on BPrizm^ utility of Geographic
drilled wells (K-01, K-03, K-10, and K-11) in the research discovery software for petrophysical studies, whereas the spa-
area and interpreted for petrophysical evaluation of lower tial variation of results was contoured on BGeoAtlas^ utility of
Goru sandstone reservoir (LGSR) zones. The wells located the same suit. Well tops help out to customize the LGSR and
in largely flat sand dunes topography, cut by various irrigation zone definition in open hole wire-line logs. The process of
canals associated with river Indus flowing to the east. reservoir evaluation is structured on wire-line logs analyses
The final tectonic event of Late Tertiary to Recent is an rely on pre-established calculations/formulae, cross-plots and
inversion of the Jacobabad–Khairpur High which has a major charts widely adopted for estimation of petrophysical param-
influence on the Kadanwari area. This is an important event as eters especially concerning to lithology, effective porosity
it has effectively placed the distal parts of the lower Goru (Øeff), volume of shale (Vsh), saturation of water (Sw), and
depositional sequences at structurally higher elevations than saturation of hydrocarbon or gas (Shc or Sg) through the com-
the more proximal and better reservoir quality, shoreface top puter application (Geographic Discovery). The permeability
sets (Nazeer et al. 2016; Kadri 1995). The combination of (K) of the reservoir zone, bulk volume of water (BVW) in the
stratigraphic and structural traps to occur along the flanks of reservoir zone of LGSR, and bulk volume of gas (BVG) have
the present day high (Ahmad et al. 2004; Milan and Rodgers been estimated from Sw and related factors. Picket plot charts
1993). The oldest Cretaceous strata in the Kadanwari area are (LLD VS Øeff cross-plot) are prepared to define the resistivity
the organic-rich shales of the Sembar formation, which is the of formation water (Rw) which it used to find out the empirical
presumed source of much of the gas in the middle Indus basin value of Sw and then Shc of the proposed zones. The vertical
(Baig et al. 2016). This is overlain by the sandy lower Goru dispersal of hydrocarbon existences is defined and presented
and the shaly upper Goru formations. The reservoir section at through the construction of the litho-saturation cross-plots.
Kadanwari belongs to the lower Goru sand while the sealing is Litho-saturation cross-plots depict the content of rock and
provided the upper Goru shaly sequence (Fig. 3). The source content of fluids with depth through the studied wells. The
of the Goru sands considered to be the Indian shield to the content of reservoir rock includes matrix and shale, while
south and east (Khan and Khan 2018; Nazeer et al. 2016). The the content of fluids includes hydrocarbon and water.
depositional strike of the shoreline sands is assumed to be
approximately north–south, although this may be largely a
function of the present north–south well distribution in the Results and discussion
Kadanwari area (Azeem et al. 2017; Baig et al. 2016).
The results of this study are primarily based on a petrophysical
evaluation of selected zones of LGSR. The semi-quantitative
Data and methods and qualitative interpretations could be grouped into a)
Interpretation of Lithology of selected LGSR and b)
Wire-line logs data of four wells namely K-01, K-03, K-10, Petrophysical parameter examination of the reservoir.
and K-11 located in Kadanwari concession block (situated
between latitude 27° 18′ 00″ to 27° 00′ 00″ east and longitude 1. Interpretation of lithology
Arab J Geosci (2019) 12:215 Page 3 of 12 215
Interpretation of borehole lithology is the primary informa- it is claimed that there is a shale formation according to high
tion usually done by wire-line logs (GR, CALI, SP, NPHI, values for gamma ray, density log, and neutron log, but resis-
RHOB, DT, and LLD, LLS, MSFL) (Cudjoe et al. 2016; tivity logs increase, in this circumstance, the sharp increase in
Asquith et al. 2004). We have interpreted the lithology of the resistivity logs is due to a diagenetic process like compaction
zone of interests LGSR from a combination of wire-line logs or cementation and there is no water content in this condition
(GR, CALI, LLD, NPHI, RHOB, MSFL, etc.) which is a between water bearings decrease the resistivity (Fig. 6).
reconnaissance kind of information in formation evaluation
procedures. The caliper log is always related to the bit size 2. Petrophysical parameters
log. If it shows a lower value than the bit size, the formation is
permeable zone; otherwise, the formation is affected by the In petroleum exploration, the knowledge of petrophysical
breakout/washout effects and is an impermeable zone (Fig. 5). parameters such as Vsh, ∅eff, Sw, and Shc are significant.
The formation lithology in the well is interpreted using the
natural gamma ray, which is used for differentiating between (a) Estimation of shale content of the reservoir
clean sands formations and shale formations. The more
impеrmeable zones show shale intervals with a high value of We have adopted Dolan’s (1990) method to estimate the
the concentration of clay minerals which decrease the perme- shale content of the selected zones of LGSR by utilizing the
ability and effective porosity. Permeable zones are expected to GR log. The GR index is a ratio defined in Eq. (1). The value
be one of the leading mineralogies (sandstone/limestone/do- of GR shale ranged (140–250) API and GR clean sand ranged
lomite), but in this research, sandstones are the only leading (2–130) API.
mineralogy in permeable portion (Mahbaz 2011; Olurotimi
GR log–GRmin
2013). According to the density/neutron logs, approximately Gamma ray index ¼ ð1Þ
most of the formations have clay contents. In some conditions, GR max–GRmin
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The shale content is variable in the selected zones in the are unavailable for lower Goru formation (Khan and Khan
understudy boreholes. The Bshale-profile^ highlights the in- 2018). The unavailability of temperature log and mud filtrate
fluence of clay or shale in tens of meter of LGSR zones. resistivity, we adopted the Pickett plot method to know a, m,
and n and formation water salinity in each well. Determination
(b) Estimation of effective porosity of the reservoir of the petrophysical exponents Bn^, Ba,^ and Bm^ are demand-
ing for the accurate estimation of water saturation. In this
Data for density log and neutron log is not reliable as many method, water saturation BSw^ and resistivity index BI^ are
zones affected by borehole irregularities (washout/breakout). calculated from log–log plot of deep resistivity (LLD) vs po-
The data quality is not too good evident by caliper log (Fig. 4, rosity (∅eff). This technique not only gives an estimation of
track 4), so we have calculated porosity from the sonic log. water saturation but also help in the determination of (1) for-
The porosity of the selected zones of LGSR is computed from mation water resistivity (Rw) and cementation factor Bm^ and
Sonic–Raymer porosity model (Eq. 2) applied on each zone in matrix parameter for porosity logs. The Pickett plot method
each well. The results are detracted from shale volume and based on the observation that true resistivity is a function of
shale porosity to get trustworthy results where the density porosity, water saturation, and cementation factor. In this
curve is badly affected by washouts (Rider 1990; Asquith study, different values of Bm^ are ranging from 1.70 to 1.82
and Krygowski 1982). which indicate the presence of consolidated sandstones and
ΔT –ΔTma increase the cementation factor that reduces the porosity.
Sonic porosity ¼ ØSonic ¼ ð2Þ
ΔTf –ΔTma Formation water resistivity (Rw) was estimated from the resis-
tivity of sodium chloride solutions as depicted in standard
ΔTsh–ΔTma Schlumberger chart at reservoir temperature (180 °F) and for-
Shale porosity ¼ Øsh ¼ ð3Þ
ΔTf –ΔTma mation water salinity, which found equivalent to 0.03 (ohm
Once porosities have been determined from both Eqs. (2) m). The cementation exponent (m), saturation exponent (n),
and (3) than we calculated total effective porosity from Eq. (4) tortuosity factor (a). and the salinity value of 200,000 ppm
sodium chloride was tested and matched using the Pickett plot
Øeff Sonic ¼ ðØSonic −V sh ØSH Þ ð4Þ for each well as shown in Fig. 7. The values of these param-
eters given in Table 1.
(c) The formation of water resistivity for water saturation (d) Water saturation of reservoir
Archie’s equation factors (tortuosity factor a, cementation Once ∅eff of the targeted zones has been calculated, we
factor m, and saturation exponent n) and formation resistivity have adopted the empirical computation proposed by
Arab J Geosci (2019) 12:215 Page 5 of 12 215
Poupon and Leveaux (1971) to estimate the water satu- (Asquith et al. 2004). The Indonesian equation for water sat-
ration. The Indonesian equation (Eq. 5) is applied to uration8is as
2 follow:
calculate Sw by utilizing the necessary values of vari- 0 1 12 39 −1n
> ! m >
< 6 V 2−V sh 2 B ∅ C 7>
> 1
ables derived in Table 1. Whereas, the values for shale 6 e 7
S w ¼ Rt 6 sh
þB C7
@ Rw A 5> ð5Þ
resistivity (Rsh) were manually picked from the logs for >
> 4 RSh >
every well. This technique was used effectively and ex- >
: >
tensively in petrophysical studies for the shaly sand res-
ervoir in the worldwide oil and gas fields, as more The numerical estimates of all proposed prospect zones
acceptable consequences acquired with this equation referred in Table 2. Sw in each well is fewer than 60%
215 Page 6 of 12 Arab J Geosci (2019) 12:215
Fig. 4 The conventional logs overview from the depth 3658 to 3680 m. reading which indicates the permeable zone. In track 7, the separation
There is no evidence of stationary reading. The pink shaded areas in the between LLD and MSFL shows the permeable zones. Tack 6 shows the
track 4 show the washout effect. The red shaded area in track 5 shows the volume of shale in percentage
borehole diameter increase with depth. In track 3 shows the gamma-ray
therefore over all the region bearing good quality of hydrocar- showing that LGSR treasured with hydrocarbon sub-
bon potential of the targeted formation and selected zones. reservoir intervals, where the mean value of water saturation
Water saturation for heterogeneous shaly sand reservoirs was is 38% and net pay of zone thickness is 8.23 m (Fig. 8). The
successfully tested by the Indonesian model. BVW (product of porosity and water saturation) has been
estimated from the Indonesian model’s water saturation of
(e) Hydrocarbon saturation of reservoir gas sands which range from 0.024 to 0.07 respectively.
Detailed results of BVW (product of porosity and gas satura-
The estimation of Shc of the targeted zones is the final goal. tion) are shown in the table. These values are indicating that
The quantitative estimate of Shc is made with reference to the the grain size of this reservoir sand is coarse to medium and
percentage weight of Sw in each zone encountered in each very fine, respectively.
well. Hydrocarbon-bearing zone characterized with high re- We have investigated understudy wells (K-01, K-03, K-10,
sistivity values, the separations of LLD, LLS, and MSFL sug- and K-11) and found 13 hydrocarbon zones. The numerical
gest the presence of hydrocarbon but discrimination between estimates of all proposed prospect zones are summarized in
fluid type (oil and gas) at this stage is still quizzing. ILD tool Table 2 which are further used for areal maps preparation
identifies hydrocarbon pays in water zones. Gas-bearing (isoparametric maps).
zones have higher log response than the water zones
(Olurotimi 2013). ILD normally has values less than 35
(ohm m) for the reservoir in the water zone. The deep and Lateral variation of petrophysical
short resistivity log is a good tool because their difference characteristics
discriminates the gas-bearing zone with the water zone and
the difference is greater in the permeable zone than the tight The isoperimetric maps of shale content of the reservoir, res-
zone. The hydrocarbon type (either gas or oil) is delineated ervoir porosity, water and hydrocarbon saturations, and gross
through neutron and density log crossover (Fig. 8, track-9) thickness are prepared to evaluate the spatial distribution of
and resistivity log analyses. Moreover, we have analyzed the hydrocarbons potential in the study area. Geographical distri-
litho-saturation cross-plot of targeted zones in understudy bution of petrophysical parameters estimated for various po-
wells. An exemplary display of K-01 well (3510–3530 m), tential zones demonstrated in Fig. 9.
Arab J Geosci (2019) 12:215 Page 7 of 12 215
Fig. 5 Permeable zones are recognized from different depth. No presence of mud cake because of borehole irregularities. The most significant useful
wire-line logs for this purpose are GR, Vsh (track 3), DT (track 6), RHOB (track 6), and NPHI (track 6) logs validated by the resistivity response (track 5)
The volume of shale variation map (Fig. 9a) is a significant The distribution of water saturation shows (Fig. 9c) that the
indicator to evaluate reservoir distribution in the research area, maximum existence of Sw is noticed within the range of
with the low values of shale content 10.4% in Kadanwari-01 13.0% in Kadanweri-10 to 4.13% in Kadanwari-11. The con-
to 16.2% in Kadanwari-03. The content of shale reductions at centration of Sw originates at the southeastern and northern
a southwestern and northwestern portion, while the increase is portions in the research area while the lowermost value of
seen in the eastern and southeastern portion of the research water saturation is attributed to the northeastern and central
area. The data in a different well within the net pay interval portions.
averaged arithmetically and posted on a map for contouring/ The spatial distribution map (Fig. 9d) of hydrocarbon sat-
interpolation. uration of the selected zones ranges from 60 to 80% in the
Effective porosity distribution map shows (Fig. 9b) that the research area. Shc saturation is maximum in the eastern and
utmost recurrent porosity ranges between 8.6% at Kadanaweri- northeastern portions and reduces in the southwestern portion
01 to 19.1% at Kadanwari-10. The maximum value of effective of the understudy region (3510–3530 m), showing that lower
porosity is present at the northeastern portions of the research Goru formation (zone) reveals a lot of hydrocarbon sub-
area, while the lowermost value of effective porosity is at the reservoir intervals, where the mean value of water saturation
southeastern and southwestern portion. This might indicate the is 38%.
modification of porosity of rock with geological time and de- Reservoir thickness of net pay distribution shown (Fig. 9e)
positional environment into the rock which influences the po- that the net pay thickness of sub-reservoirs range between
rosity deficiency or vice versa. The petrographic analysis sug- 3.40 m in Kadanwari-11 to 8.23 m in Kadanwari-01. The
gests that this preservation of porosity and lack of cementation maximum net pay thickness zone is concentrated in the south-
are probably due to the presence of early diagenetic, grain-coat- ern part of the study area and reduced in the northwestern and
ing, chloritic clays, which inhibited cement growth (Ahmad northeastern parts of the research area. The distribution map of
et al. 2004). net pay thickness shows that the southern portion of the
215 Page 8 of 12 Arab J Geosci (2019) 12:215
Fig. 6 Lithology indicator logs for LGSR: the separation between LLD and MSFL and high porosity (according to acoustic log with low values), low
gamma ray, and similar porosity reading of density neutron are indicated the permeable zone
Fig. 7 Picket plots for knowing the water saturation parameters (a, m, and n) and formation water salinity for well K-01 of the understudied area
Arab J Geosci (2019) 12:215 Page 9 of 12 215
Table 1 The basic parameters estimated for lower Goru sandstone in trend of the direction of deposition of lower Goru is N-S
understudy wells
direction. The petrophysical estimations of the research area
Well ID Rw m a n suggest new prospects. Prospects are those potential zones
where exploration wells are recommended to drill based on
Kadanwari-01 0.30 1.80 0.68 2.0 four main constituents: a suitable trap, seal, reservoir, and a
Kadanwari-03 0.33 1.82 0.68 2.0 source rock maturation and migration of hydrocarbon to the
Kadanwari-10 0.22 1.76 0.68 2.0 trap (Vinassa et al. 2015).
Kadanwari-11 0.27 1.80 0.68 2.0
Fig. 8 Litho-saturation cross-plot of lower Goru formation (zone) in Kadanwari-01 well (3510–3530 m), showing that lower Goru formation (zone)
reveals a lot of hydrocarbon sub-reservoir intervals, where the mean value of water saturation is 38%
ranged from (1.8–1.85). These values were used for the in- increase in lower Goru formation increases at northeastern and
terpretation of well logs. Strict procedure used in calculating northwestern side.
values of (a, m, and n) in water saturation model because the
incorrect values may over/underestimates the producible/
poor zones. Nomenclature
& The deep and short resistivity log is a good tool because
their difference discriminates the gas-bearing zone with BVW bulk volume of water, percentage (%)
the water zone and the difference is greater in the perme- BVG bulk volume of gas, percentage (%)
able zone than the tight zone. Well 01, 03, 10, and 11 are CALI caliper log, bit size, inch
found to have main hydrocarbon zones. Gas-bearing DT sonic log, μs/ft.
zones have higher log response than the water zones. GR gamma ray log, API units
& The petrophysical analysis of KGF revealed that the field GRlog GR log reading at a definite point on log
is a prolific gas zone. Thirteen reservoir zones (well 01, GRmin gamma ray minimum on log
well 03, well 10, and well 11) were delineated with GRmax gamma ray maximum along log
petrophysical parameters evaluation (average porosities K permeability expressed in millidarcy.
ranging from 0.11–0.44, average water saturation ranging K-01 Kadanwari-01, well name
from 0.18–0.45, and hydrocarbon saturation averaging K-03 Kadanwari-03
between 0.59–0.86). K-10 Kadanwari-10
K-11 Kadanwari-11
KGF Kadanwari gas field
LGSR lower Goru sandstone reservoir
Recommendations LLD deep resistivity log, ohm m
m cementation factor, unitless
It is recommended to drill more wells into/for the central part n Archie constant
of the southwestern and southeastern part of the study area in NPHI neutron porosity log, p.u.
the south of Kadanwari-01 well, for more hydrocarbon pro- Phi_A average porosity, percentage (%)
duction from lower Goru, and for more favorable economic Phissh porosity of shale, percentage (%)
conditions. It is also suggested to avoid drilling into/for the 푅t true resistivity at 100% water saturation,
areas of high concentrations of water saturation northeastern ohm
and northwestern part of the area. Because the shale content 푅w water resistivity, ohm
Arab J Geosci (2019) 12:215 Page 11 of 12 215
Fig. 9 Lateral distribution of estimated petrophysical parameters in Hydrocarbon saturation map (measured in percentage) of the zone. e
LGSR zones. a Shale content variation map (measured in percentage) Net pay thickness map (measured in meter) of zones. f True vertical
of zones. b Effective porosity (measured in percentage) of zones. c thicknеss of reservoir map (measured in meter)
Water saturation map (measured in percentage) of zones. d
Rsh clay or shale resistivity, ohm Shc=Sg hydrocarbon (gas) saturation, percentage
RHOB density log, gm/cm3 (%)
SP spontaneous potential log, mV ΔTsh interval transit time of shale
Sw water saturation, percentage (%) Δtma interval transit time of matrix
215 Page 12 of 12 Arab J Geosci (2019) 12:215
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ØSonic=Phie_S effective porosity by sonic log, percentage Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, March 2016
(%) Dolan P (1990) Pakistan: a history of petroleum exploration and future
Øsh shale porosity by sonic log expressed in potential. In: Brooks J (ed) Classic petroleum provinces. Geological
Society, London, Special Publications, 50, pp 503–524
porosity units, p.u.
Kadri IB (1995) Petroleum geology of Pakistan. Pakistan Petroleum
Limited, Karachi
Kazmi AH, Jan MQ (1997) Geology and tectonics of Pakistan. Graphic
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the professional help of Publ., Karachi
geologist/petrophysicist of the Pakistan Petroleum Limited, Karachi. Khan MJ, Khan HA (2018) Petrophysical logs contribute in appraising
The authors are thankful to the potential reviewers for their critical insight productive sands of lower Goru formation, Kadanwari concession,
and positive criticism. The authors utilized the resources of Digital Pakistan. J Pet Explor Prod Technol 8:1089–1098. https://doi.org/
Geophysical Data Lab (founded by Professor Mubarik Ali as PPL 10.1007/s13202-018-0472-1
Chair), at Bahria Uni., Karachi Campus. Khan MJ, Ali M, Khan M (2017) Gamma ray-based facies modelling of
lower Goru formation: a case study in Hakeem Daho Well Lower
Indus Basin Pakistan. Bahria Univ Res J Earth Sci 2:40–45
Mahbaz S (2011) Optimization of reservoir cut-off parameters: a case
study in SW Iran. Pet Geosci 17:335–363
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