Ametani1994 PDF
Ametani1994 PDF
Ametani1994 PDF
IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 141, No. 4, July I994 339
where In the self-impedance case, the following formula is
obtained by substitution ofd = ri, h, = h, and h, = h, for
S = J((y; - yj)’ + (xi - ~ j ) ’ )= J(d2 + ( x ;- x,)’) the conductor i
S = J(d’ + (xi - xi)’) pii= In [(J(r: + X’) + X )
X ; ; = h, - h, X j j = h, - h, Xij = (Xi; + Xjj)/2 x {J(r: + ( H - 2X)’) + (H - 2 X ) }
hi = h, + 2h, h: = h, + 2h, h, = J(pJjwp) i ri{J(r: + ( H - X)’)+ ( H - X ) } ]
Since Neumann’s inductance formula is based on a quasi-
static field condition, an applicable frequency range of
+ ( H f 2 X )In [{,/(r: + ( H - X)’) + ( H - X)}’
eqn. 1 is restricted to less than 10 MHz. It is a question of + (J(rf + H’) + H )
whether the idea of the complex penetration depth is
applicable to short conductors with vertical orientation.
x {J(rf + ( H - 2X)’) + (H - 2X)}]
+ (1/2X){2ri+ J(r: + H’) + J ( r f + ( H - 2X)’)
- 2J(rf + X2)- 2,/(r: + (H - X)’)} (4)
H = 2(h +he), h = h, = h,, h -X = h, = h,
When the conductors i and j are at the same vertical
position, i.e. h, = h,, h, = h,, eqn. 3 is simplified in the
following form
P, = In [(J(d’ + X’) + X )
x {J(d2 + ( H - 2X)’) + ( H - 2 X ) }
- d{J(d’ + ( H - X)’)+ ( H - X)}]
+ ( H / 2 X ) In [ { J ( d Z + ( H - X)’) + ( H - X)}’
- (J(d’ + H’) H )+
x { J ( d Z + ( H - 2X)’) + (H - 2X)}]
+ (1/2X){2d + J(d’ + H’) + J(d’ + ( H - 2X)’)
- 2J(d2 + X’) - 2J(d2 + ( H - X)’)} (5)
If the earth is assumed to be perfectly conducting, the
above equation is further simplified
Fig. 1 Vertical multiconductor system
Poi, = In [(J(d’ + X’) + X )
The idea should be applicable to the vertical conductors x + +
{ J ( d Z 4(h - X)’) 2(h - X ) }
because the penetration depth is independent of the con- - d{J(d’ + (2h - X)’) + (2h - X ) }
ductor height. Also, it can be applied as an approx-
imation to the short conductors above an imperfectly + ( h / X )In [{J(d’ + (2h - X)’) + (2h - X)}’
conducting earth as far as an image theory assuming a i(J(d2 + 4h’) + 2h)
perfectly conducting earth is applicable to the short con-
ductors. Considering the fact that there exists no pract- x {J(d’ + 4(h - X)’) + 2(h - X ) } ]
ical approach to obtain the earth return impedance of the
short conductors above the imperfectly conducting earth,
+ (1/2X){2d + J(d’ + 4h’) + J(dz + 4(h - X)’)
we adopt the approach of eqns. 1 and 2. - 2J(d2 + X 2 )- 2J(d2 + (2h - X)’)} (6)
Solving the above equations, the following mutual
impedance between conductors i and j is obtained, which The self-impedance for the above case is given by substi-
differs from that given in Reference 14 by variables h, to tution of d = r.
h, expressing the distance between one conductor and 3 Line parameters
the image of the adjacent conductor.
Pi, = (1 - 2Xij)[- h, In A, + h, In A, The impedance formula given in the previous Section is
for a steady state with an arbitrary frequency of sinus-
+ h, In A , - h, In A, + a , - a2 - a3 + a, oidal excitation. In a perfectly conducting conductor
- (h, In A, - h, In A , - h, In A, system, it is well known that the product of series imped-
ance matrix [a] = j w [ L o ] and the shunt admittance
+ h, In A, - a s + a6 + a, - a,)] (3) matrix Cy3 =j w [ q of the conductor system becomes
diagonal with negative real elements which are a function
where of space permeability po and permittivity e o .
h, = h, - h,, h, = h, - h,, h3 = h, - h, C ~ I C Y I= - ( w 2 & o P o ) c q (7)
h, h, - h,, hs h,+ h, + 2h,, h, = h, + h, + 2h, where
h, = h, + h, + 2h,, h, = h, + h, + 2h, [U= unit matrix
a, = J(hz + d’), A, = a, + hk (k = 1, 2, .,,, 8) w = angular frequency
340 I E E Proc.-Gener. Transrn Distrib., Vol. 141, No. 4, July 1994
[q= capacitance matrix in comparison with the measured results. Jordan’s
[Lo] = (po/2a)[Po] = inductance matrix formula [4] also shows a high accuracy. It is worth
[Po] = matrix corresponding to potential coefficient noting that the proposed formula, eqn. 10 with eqn. 6 for
a single conductor, becomes identical to Jordan’s formula
The capacitance matrix can be obtained from the above under the condition that the bottom of the conductor is
equation in the following form on the earth surface (h - X = 0) with the assumption of a
[q= 27TEo[p0]-’ (8) perfectly conducting earth (p, = 0) and r 6 h, i.e.
The element Poijof the above matrix [Po] is given in eqn. Po = In [{,/(r2 + h2) + h)’/{,/(r2 + 4h2) + 2h}r]
6. A well known capacitance of a distributed parameter
line such as a power transmission line is for a perfectly
+ {,/(r2 + 4h2) + 3r/2 - 2,/(r2 + h2)}/h (11)
conducting earth, and is widely used even for an imper- With r 4 h, the above equation is further simplified
fectly conducting earth. Thus, the above capacitance of a
vertical conductor system can be used for the imperfectly Po + In (4h2/4hr) - (h - 2h)/h
conducting earth case. = In (h/r) - 1 = In @/er) (12)
Having obtained the impedance and the admittance of
a vertical conductor system, line parameters such as a where
propagation constant r and a characteristic impedance e = 2.71828
Z , are readily obtained based on a theory of a distrib-
uted parameter circuit. For the surge impedance case, from eqn. 10
cu2 = c z l c y l cz0i2= c ~ I c Y ~ C- ~~ I=- ~ C Z(9)
I Z , = 60{ln (h/r) - 1) = Jordan’s formula (13)
The characteristic impedance (surge impedance) for a Results calculated by the formula of Reference 9 also
perfectly conducting earth is given in the following simple agree well with the measured results. This is quite reason-
form [l5] able because the formula has been derived experimentally
[Z,] = 60[Po] or Zsij= 6OPoij (10) from the measured results. It is interesting that the
experimental formula agrees well with eqn. 13 by
rewriting as follows
4 Single-conductor model
Z , = 60{ln (2,/(2)h/r) - 2)
A basic model of a tower is a vertical single conductor. A
number of experiments have been carried out to measure = 60{1n (h/r) - 0.96)
the surge impedance of such a tower [3, 7, 91. Results
calculated by the proposed formula in the paper will be
= 60{ln (h/r) - 1) + 2.4 (14)
compared with the measured results, and a propagation The above fact, i.e. the fact that an experimental formula
characteristic of the vertical single conductor will be dis- agrees well with the proposed formula (eqn. 13), might
cussed in this Section. prove the high accuracy of the proposed formula com-
pared with the measured results. As is observed in Table
4.1 Comparison with measured results 1, the measured surge impedance Z,,, is roughly pro-
Table 1 shows a comparison of measured and calculated portional to the parameter In @/er). This fact is another
surge impedances of a vertical single conductor with proof of the high accuracy of the proposed formula,
height h and radius r. Included in the Table are results because the formula is directly proportional to In @/e,).
calculated by various formulae given in References 5, 7, 9 As far as a cylindrical conductor is concerned, the
and 11. It is clear in the Table that the accuracy of the surge impedance formula recommended by CIGRE [111
proposed formula is highest among the various formulae shows a poor accuracy as is clear from Table 1. The
IEE Proc.-Gew. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 141, No. 4, July 1994 341
CIGRE formula is given in the following form approximated in the following form
Z, = 60 In [cot 0.5{tan-'(R,,,/h)}] r = J((R +jwL)wC) = R/2Zs -+j w J ( L C ) = a +jjl
{(h + J(h2 + R~J)/RaV8}
= 60 In (15) :. a = R/2Z, U = o/jl = I/ J(Lc) (17)
where h = h, + h, is the tower height (m), R,,, = (R,h, In the above equation, Z , = J(L/C)is the surge imped-
+ R, h + R3 h,)/h is the average tower radius (m), R, = ance given in eqns. 10 and 13 as an approximation, which
d1/2 is the tower top radius, R, = d,/2 is the tower mid- is independent of frequency. Thus, the resistance and the
section radius, R , = d,/2 is the tower base radius, h, is attenuation constant are linearly proportional.
the height from midsection to top and h, is the height The propagation velocity ranges from 270 m/ps to
from base to midsection (seeFig. 5). 300m/ps, which is a light velocity in free space. It is
The above formula is rewritten in the cylindrical con- almost constant and nearly proportional to the ratio of
ductor case with R,, = 2r by the conductor height and radius h/r in the frequency
ranges up to about 1 Mhz. Then, it increases rapidly and
Z, = 60 In [cot {0.5 tan-'(2r/h)}] reaches the light velocity. The above characteristic is
= 60 In {(h + J(h2 + 4r2))/2r} similar to that of the inductance as is known from eqn.
17, for the capacitance is constant.
= 60 In (h/r) for h b r (16) There are a number of discussions about the propaga-
The above equation indicates that the CIGRE formula is tion velocity in the vertical conductor [3-91. As far as the
greater by 60 f2 than the proposed formula in the cylin- calculated results in this paper are concerned, the velocity
drical conductor case. seems to be more than 90% or nearly the same as the
light velocity.
4.2 Propagation constant
As the impedance and the admittance have been given in 4.3 Characteristic impedance
Sections 2 and 3, the propagation characteristic of a ver- Fig. 2b shows the characteristic impedance. The charac-
tical conductor can be studied. Fig. 2a shows attenuation teristic impedance is almost constant and proportional to
constant a as a function of frequency for various conduc- h/r in the frequency range up to 1 MHz. Then, it grad-
tor heights, radii and earth resistivities. The attenuation ually decreases and reaches the value Z, given in eqns. 10
constant is observed to be heavily frequency-dependent. and 11 for a perfectly conducting earth.
The conductor height significantly affects the attenuation The limit value of characteristic impedance when the
constant, but the radius causes almost no effect. No fre- frequency reaches zero (o-+ 0) is obtained from eqns. 10
quency dependence is observed in the case of a perfectly and 4 with he + to
conducting earth. The above characteristic is the same as
that of the resistance of a vertical conductor and is Zo(w + 0) = ZJt + to) = Z,, = 60,/(Pd,Po)
readily explained. Assumed that resistance R is much Pdc = lim P i j = In {(J(r2 + h2) + h)/r}
smaller than reactance wL, the propagation constant r is e-0
having the same configuration, its characteristic3 imped- model is applied to each stair, and the total characteristic
ance matrix is evaluated by eqns. 5 and 9, or the surge impedance of a stair is obtained in the same manner as
impedance matrix by eqns. 6 and 10. When the cross- the above. Fig. 4b shows a simplified multistair model in
section of the leg is not circular, an equivalent cylindrical which each stair is approximated by an equivalent single
conductor (cylinder; model B) with radius re in eqn. 22.
If voltages across all the arching horns are required to
be calculated in a transmission line with vertical config-
uration, a four-stair model corresponding to the number
of arms is necessary.
re = s'(rJ(2)d3) (22) the proposed model with the field test results [l, 3, 8, lo]
Because distance X between adjacent arms and separa- is given in Table 2, together with dimensions of the
tion distance d between legs are different for every arm, a towers. Included in the Table are surge impedances cal-
multistair model (model A) for an actual tower as illus- culated by the CIGRE recommended model of which the
trated in Fig. 4a is required. Then, the multiconductor formula is given in eqn. 15.
0 b
Fig. 4 Multistair tower model
a Two stairs/four lep (model AZ) b Four stairsbquivdcnt cylinder (model B4)
IEE Prof.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 141, No.4, July 1994 343
Cass/vok. d, d, d, X, X, X, X. h, h,
8, 8,
urd A1 01 A2 02 84 1 2 Modified
(a) 11M)kV 4.8 8.0 25.0 11.0 20.0 20.0 88.0 57.5 81.5 1.6 6.0 138 144.2 141.1 147.4 144.2 144.3 187.1 166.4 127.8
(b) 5WkV 3.8 4.4 10.8 3.2 12.7 12.7 32.2 28.6 32.2 1.2 5.1 119 123.8 121.3 123.9 121.3 119.7 181.2 160.5 122.1
(C) 5WkV 5.0 6.5 13.9 11.4 14.3 11.6 28.4 37.3 28.4 2.3 7.9 86 117.7 113.3 119.8 116.5 116.5 171.0 154.0 112.2
modified 6.7 8.7 19.2 8.6 10.7 8.7 22.5 28.0 22.5 2.03.1 89.9 04.4 92.6 87.2 88.7 136.5 116.4 80.2
(d) 154kV 0.53 1.07 2.45 1.67 3.076 2.675 7.68 7.42 7.68 2.1 5.2 131 134.3 131.8 136.9 134.2 135.4 189.1 168.5 129.9
*model 1 ford = ZR, model 2 for J(2)d = ZR, modified for e,, = 2R'
5.2.1 I 1 0 0 kV tower: Fig. 6 illustrates the configuration evaluated, the four-stair model (model B4) is required
of a main leg (cylindrical steel pipe) of an 1100 kV trans- [l, 121. The surge impedance of each stair in this case is
mission tower in Japan [lo]. The tower is composed of evaluated as follows
Z 81 = Z sa = Z , , = 148.7R
--,- (X, = 11 m, X, = X 3 = 20 m)
Z, = 98.951 (X,= 88 m)
The surge impedance seen from the lowest arm was
measured during the field test [lo] and is 10051. The
above result Z,, agrees quite well with the measured
IEE Proc.-Gem. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 141, No. 4, July 1994 345