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3, AUGUST 2005

Lightning Induced Disturbances in Buried

Cables—Part I: Theory
E. Petrache, Member, IEEE, F. Rachidi, Senior Member, IEEE, M. Paolone, C. A. Nucci, Senior Member, IEEE,
V. A. Rakov, Fellow, IEEE, and M. A. Uman, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we present a review of theoretical meth- both solutions to experimental waveforms obtained using triggered
ods to compute lightning induced currents and voltages on buried lightning.
cables. The evaluation of such induced disturbances requires the
calculation of the electric field produced by lightning along the ca- Index Terms—Buried cables, electromagnetic coupling,
ble path. We show that the Cooray’s simplified formula is capable lightning-induced voltages, modeling.
of predicting accurately the horizontal electric field penetrating
the ground, at distances as close as 100 m. Regarding the param-
eters of the buried cable, a comparison of several approximations I. INTRODUCTION
of the ground impedance is presented. We show that the Pollaczek
ENSITIVE electronic components have been increasingly
expression corresponds to the Sunde general expression, when the
displacement current is neglected. The analysis shows also that all
the proposed approximations provide very similar results for the
S used lately both in power and communication systems.
These components, compared to the electromechanical ones
considered range of frequencies (up to 30 MHz). Most of the ap- used in the past, may suffer logic upset or damage at signif-
proximate formulas neglect the contribution of the displacement icantly lower levels of induced electromagnetic interferences.
current and, therefore, predict values for the ground impedance
which tend to infinity at higher frequencies. This corresponds in
As a result, the evaluation of lightning induced disturbances
the time domain to a singularity of the ground transient resistance on buried cables has recently attracted considerable attention
at t = 0. By analogy to the Sunde approximation for the ground (e.g., [1], [2]). Typical examples are submarine fiberoptic ca-
impedance of overhead lines, we propose a logarithmic approxi- bles and buried telecommunication cables which include re-
mation for the ground impedance of a buried cable. In addition, peater power supply cables. Concerning submarine cables, long
unlike most of the considered approximations, the proposed for-
mula has an asymptotic behavior at high frequencies; therefore,
buried sections (up to 20 km) are running from the shore to the
the corresponding transient ground resistance in the time domain supply units and are exposed to lightning threat.
has no singularity at t = 0. It is also demonstrated that within the The aim of this paper is to present efficient calculation meth-
frequency range of interest, the wire impedance can be neglected, ods to estimate lightning induced disturbances on buried cables
due to its small contribution to the overall longitudinal impedance in both time and frequency domains.
of the line. The ground admittance, however, can play an impor-
tant role at high frequencies (1 MHz or so) especially in the case
The paper is organized as follows: In Section II, we will
of poor ground conductivity. The ground admittance needs to be consider the general expressions for the field penetrating in
taken into account in the calculation of lightning induced currents the ground [3] and we will discuss the approximate formula
and voltages on buried cables. This is in contrast with the case for the electric field below the ground surface recently pro-
of overhead lines in which its contribution is generally negligible, posed by Cooray [4]. In Sections III and IV, we will analyze
even in the MHz range.
We also investigate the time-domain representation of field-to-
the field-to-buried transmission line coupling equations in the
transmission line coupling equations. The coupling model includes frequency domains. In particular, we will discuss expressions
the effect of ground admittance which appears in terms of an proposed by different authors to describe the so-called ground
additional convolution integral. An analytical expression for the impedance. The relative importance of line parameters for the
ground transient resistance in the time domain is also proposed case of buried cable is then analyzed in Section V. Time do-
which is shown to be sufficiently accurate and nonsingular. Fi-
nally, we present a time domain solution of field-to-buried cable
main and frequency domain solutions of field-to-transmission
coupling equations using the point-centered finite difference time line coupling equations will be presented in Sections VI and
domain (FDTD) method, and a frequency domain solution using VII. Finally, a conclusion and recommendations will be given
Green’s functions. In our companion paper (Part II), we compare in Section VIII.

Manuscript received October 20, 2004. This work was supported in part by
Alcatel Submarine Network Division and by NSF Grant ATM-0346164.
E. Petrache is with the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3G4, Canada IN THE GROUND
(e-mail: emanuel.petrache@ieee.org).
F. Rachidi is with the Power Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Insti- The determination of lightning induced currents and volt-
tute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, 1015 Switzerland (e-mail: farhad. ages in buried cables requires the knowledge of lightning return
rachidi@epfl.ch). stroke electromagnetic field below the ground surface. Consid-
M. Paolone and C. A. Nucci are with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, 40136 Italy (e-mail: mario. ering the lightning channel as a vertical antenna and the ground
paolone@mail.ing.unibo.it; carloalberto.nucci@unibo.it). as a uniform half-space characterized by constant conductivity
V. A. Rakov and M. A. Uman are with the Department of Electrical and σg and relative permittivity εr g , the general expressions in the
Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-6200 USA
(e-mail: rakov@ece.ufl.edu; uman@ece.ufl.edu). frequency domain for the vertical dEz and horizontal dEr elec-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEMC.2005.853161 tric fields radiated by an elementary dipole located at height z 
0018-9375/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

In time domain, (6) and (7) read, respectively,

Ez (t, r, d) = Ez (t − τ, r, 0)Ψ(τ ) dτ (8)
Er (t, r, d) = Er (t − τ, r, 0)Y (τ ) dτ (9)

where Ψ(t) and Y(t) are the inverse Fourier transforms of

(ε0 exp(−kg d))/(σg + jωε0 εr g ) and exp(−kg d), respectively,
and they are given by 1 [4]
Ψ(t) = Ψ1 (t − τ )Y (τ ) dτ (10)
Fig. 1. Geometry for the calculation of electromagnetic field below the ground 1
surface radiated by a vertical lightning channel. Ψ1 (t) = exp(−at) (11)
εr g
exp(−at/2)atz a t2 − t2z
above ground at a distance r and at a depth d are given by the Y (t) =  I1 u(t − tz )
following equations (see Fig. 1 for the relevant geometry) [3]. 2 t2 − t2z 2

jωµ0 I(z  )dz  ∂ 2 V (r, d, z  ) + exp(−atz /2)δ(t − tz ) (12)

dEr (r, d, z  ) = (1)
4π ∂r∂z in which
jωµ I(z )dz σg √
dEz (r, d, z  ) =
a= and tz = d µ0 ε0 εr g .
4π ε0 εr g
∂  At the air–soil interface, when d = 0, (12) reduces to
× + k 2
g V (r, d, z ) (2)
∂z 2 Y (t)|d=0 = δ(t), assuring the continuity of the horizontal elec-
tric field at the air-soil interface.
in which
In (8) and (9), the vertical and horizontal electric field com-
 exp(γg d − γ0 z  )J0 (λr)λ dλ ponents at ground surface Ez (t, r, 0) and Er (t, r, 0) can be
V (r, d, z ) = (3) calculated with reasonable accuracy assuming a perfectly con-
0 kg2 γ0 + k02 γg
ducting ground for the vertical electric field component [7], and
where k0 and kg are propagation constants in the air and in the the Cooray–Rubinstein approximation for the horizontal com-
ground, given respectively by ponent [8], [9].
Fig. 2 presents a comparison between the horizontal electric
k02 = ω 2 µ0 ε0 , kg2 = ω 2 µ0 ε0 εr g + jωµ0 σg (4) field calculated using Cooray’s simplified expressions and the
γ02 = λ2 − k02 , γg2 = λ2 − kg2 . (5) nearly exact numerical solutions of (1) published by Zeddam
in [10]. The results are for an observation point located 100 m
Equation (3) is the so-called Sommerfeld integral which re- from the stroke location at two different depths, namely 1 m
quires time-consuming algorithms (e.g., [5], [6]) for its numer- and 10 m, for two values for ground conductivity (0.01 S/m and
ical evaluation. 0.001 S/m). As seen in Fig. 2, the simplified approach proposed
To obtain the incident electric field in the time domain, the by Cooray yields satisfactory results.
integration of (1) and (2) along the lightning channel followed
by an inverse Fourier transformation is also required. Therefore, III. COUPLING OF AN EXTERNAL ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD TO
the direct use of (1) and (2) can be very costly in terms of com- A BURIED CABLE
putation time, particularly in view of the fact that for coupling
Consider a horizontal buried cable of length L (cylindrical
calculations, the fields are to be determined not at a single point
conductor with an insulated jacket) located along the x-axis
but along the whole buried cable.
at depth d. Assuming that the vertical component of electric
Simplified expressions for the determination of the electric
field can be neglected below the ground surface [8], voltages
fields below the ground surface produced by a vertical lightning
and currents along the cable induced by a nearby lightning
channel, as a function of the electric field at the air-soil interface,
can be calculated using the field-to-transmission line equations
has been recently proposed in [4] by Cooray. The expressions
expressed in the frequency domain [2], [10], [11],
proposed by Cooray for the vertical and horizontal components
of the electric field in the frequency domain are given by dV (x)
+ Z  I(x) = Exe (x, z = −d) (13)
ε0 exp(−kg d)
Ez (jω, r, d) = Ez (jω, r, 0) (6)
σg + jωε0 εr g
1 Note that (11) and (12), slightly different from the original equations (20)
Er (jω, r, d) = Er (jω, r, 0) exp(−kg d). (7) and (21) in [4], are the correct expressions for Ψ1 (t) and Y(t).

Fig. 3. Differential equivalent coupling circuit for a buried cable illuminated

by an external field.

Fig. 4. Geometry of the buried cable (cylindrical conductor of radius a with

an insulating jacket).

+ Y  V (x) = 0 (14)
where the longitudinal impedance is

Z  = jωL + Zw + Zg (15)

and the transversal admittance is:

(G + jωC  ) · Yg
Y = (16)
(G + jωC  ) + Yg
in which (see Figs. 3 and 4)
— L and C  are respectively the per-unit-length longitudinal
inductance and transverse capacitance of the cable
µo b
L = ln (17)
2π a
2πε0 εr i
C = (18)

— G is the per-unit-length transverse conductance of the

G = C (19)
ε0 εr i
— Zw is the per-unit-length internal impedance of the con-
Fig. 2. Comparison between the horizontal electric field calculated at two ductor (wire). Assuming an axial symmetry for the current,
different depths (1 m and 10 m) and for two different ground conductivities the following expression can be adopted [12]:
(0.01 S/m and 0.001 S/m) using the Cooray formula (9) (solid line) and the
nearly exact numerical solutions of (1) (circles), taken from [10]. Observation
γw I0 (γw a)
point is 100 m from the stroke location. Lighting return stroke current peak is Zw = (20)
15 kA. 2πaσw I1 (γw a)

where γw = jωµ0 (σw + jωε0 εr w ) is the propagation B. Other Expressions for the Ground Impedance Found in the
constant in the wire and the εr w relative permittivity of Literature
the wire. Vance formula [11]: Vance developed the following formula
— Zg and Yg are the per-unit-length ground impedance and for the ground impedance considering the ground as a lossy
ground admittance, respectively. These two quantities are cylindrical dielectric surrounding the cable
related through the following expression [13]:
ωµ0 H0 (jγg b)
γg2 Zg = (25)
Yg ∼
= (21) 2πbγg H (1) (jγg b)
(1) (1)
where H0 and H1 are Hankel functions.
where γg is the propagation constant
 in the ground, which Semlyen and Wedepohl formula. The following expression
can be expressed as γg = jωµ0 (σg + jωε0 εr g ), and for the ground impedance was reported in [16]
equations for Zg are discussed in Section IV.  
 jωµ0 1
Zg = ln b + (26)
2π mb

A. Pollaczek and Sunde’s Expressions where m = jωµ0 σg is the propagation constant of the
ground, neglecting the displacement current.
The best known model for the ground impedance was pro- Saad–Gaba–Giroux formula. Approximating the Pollaczek
posed by Pollaczek [14] in 1926 integral, Saad, Gaba and Giroux [17] obtained the following
jωµ0 b 2d  
Zg = K0 − K0 +J (22) ρm2 2
2π p p Zg = K0 (mb) + · exp(−2du) (27)
2π 4 + m2 b2
where m is the same as in (26), K0 is the same as in (22) and ρ
 +∞ exp −2d β 2 + p12 is the ground resistivity.
J= exp(jωb) dβ Bridges formula: Starting from the rigorous scattering so-
−∞ |β| + β 2 + p12 lution for a buried cable, Bridges [18] derived a frequency
domain integral equation for cable current and a general ex-
is the so-called Pollaczek Integral, in which K0 is the modified pression for the ground impedance. Using the transmission
Bessel function of second class and zeroorder, p is the complex line approximation and neglecting the displacement current,
depth of the skin effect layer p = 1/ jωµ0 σg , and d is the Bridges [18] derived the following approximate formula for the
depth of the cable. ground impedance:
Sunde [15] proposed an expression for the mutual inductance  
 jωµ0 Γ
of two buried cables located at the same depth d and separated Zg = − ln γg b (28)
by a distance y, which is given by 2π 2

 where Γ = 1.7811 . . . and γg ∼
= jωµ0 σg .
jωL = K0 (γg y) − K0 (γg y 2 + 4d2 )

C. Proposed Logarithmic Approximation
exp(−2du) cos uy
+2 du (23) The Sunde’s general formula (24) being expressed in terms of
0 α+u Bessel functions and infinite integrals, we propose the following
logarithmic approximation for the ground impedance:
where α = u2 + γg2 .  
 jωµ0 1 + γg b
The ground impedance of a single buried cable can be ob- Zg = ln . (29)
tained using (23), by replacing y with b, the cable radius. This 2π γg b
yields This expression is proposed by analogy with overhead lines,
 where it has been shown [7] that the Sunde’s logarithmic
Zg = K0 (γg b) − K0 (γg b2 + 4d2 ) approximation is in excellent agreement with the general ex-
2π pression for the ground impedance.
Fig. 5 presents a comparison between the various proposed
exp(−2du) cos ub
+2 du . (24) approximations for a cable of 2.4 cm diameter, buried 1 m below
0 α+u
the ground surface. Two different values for ground conductivity
Comparing (22) with (24), one can see that the Pol- have been considered, namely, σg = 0.01 S/m and σg = 0.001
laczek’s expression (22) corresponds to Sunde’s expression S/m. The ground relative permittivity is assumed to be εr g = 10.
when the displacement current is neglected.
Indeed, if It can be seen that for the considered frequency range,
γg = jωµ0 (σg + jωε0 εr g ) is replaced by γg ∼
= jωµ0 σg , 1 kHz–30 MHz, all the considered expressions for the ground
(24) reduces to (22). impedance provide similar results. Therefore, for the analysis

[7] and [19]) that

1 µ0
lim Zg = (30)
ω →∞ 2πb ε0 εr g
and, therefore, the early-time response of the transient
ground resistance, defined as ξg = F−1 {Zg /jω}, is given
by the initial value theorem

Zg 1 µ0
ξg (t = 0) = lim jω = . (31)
ω →∞ jω 2πb ε0 εr g


A. Longitudinal Parameters
Fig. 6 presents a comparison among longitudinal parame-
ters of a buried cable, namely the ground impedance, the wire
impedance, and the inductive impedance ωL .
The results are obtained for a cable having the following geo-
metrical parameters: a = 1 cm, b = 1.2 cm, relative permittivity
of the insulating jacket εr i = 3, cable depth d = 1 m.
Two different values for ground conductivity were consid-
ered, namely 0.01 S/m in Fig. 6(a) and 0.001 S/m in Fig. 6(b).
The ground permittivity is fixed at εr g = 10. The results show
that, within the frequency range 1 kHz–30 MHz, the major con-
tribution to the longitudinal impedance comes from the ground
impedance. Further, the wire impedance is much smaller than
the ground impedance and hence can be neglected.

B. Transverse Parameters
If one neglects the transverse conductance, the transverse
admittance per-unit-length becomes
jωC  · Yg
Y = . (32)
jωC  + Yg
The expression for the transverse admittance can be written
in a more convenient form as follows:
(jωC  )2
Y  = jωC  + Yadd

where Yadd =− . (33)
jωC  + Yg
Fig. 5. Comparison between different closed form approximations for ground
impedances and Sunde’s general formula (24), for a buried cable having an
external radius b = 1.2 cm placed at a depth d = 1 m. (a) σ g = 0.01 S/m, Fig. 7 presents a comparison between 1/|Yg | and 1/ωC  as
εr g = 10. (b) σ g = 0.001 S/m, εr g = 10. a function of frequency, for two values of ground conductivity.
It can be seen that at low frequencies, the major contribution
of lightning induced disturbances, which are characterized by to the transverse admittance comes from the capacitance. On
significant frequency components not exceeding 10 MHz or so, the contrary, at higher frequencies the ground admittance con-
any of the above approximate formulas can be employed. How- tribution becomes more significant. For a ground conductivity
ever, the use of the logarithmic formula (29) is suggested for the of 0.001 S/m, for example, the effect of ground admittance
following reasons: becomes dominant at frequencies above 100 kHz. This is in
— It is in excellent agreement with the general Sunde’s ex- contrast with typical overhead lines in which the effect of the
pression. ground admittance can be neglected for the frequency range of
— Its implementation is very simple and does not require any interest [20].
numerical treatment.
— Finally, unlike most of the considered approximations, it
has an asymptotic behaviour at high frequencies. Hence, VI. TIME-DOMAIN ANALYSIS OF FIELD-TO-BURIED CABLE
the corresponding transient ground resistance in time do-
main has no singularity at t = 0 [7], [19]. Indeed, it is easy A time domain representation of field-to-transmission line
to show (see similar developments for overhead lines in coupling equations is sometimes preferable because it allows

Fig. 6. Comparison of the magnitudes of the components of the longitudinal

impedance of a buried cable having the following parameters: a = 1 cm, b = Fig. 7. Comparison between the components of the transverse admittance
1.2 cm, εr i = 3, εr g = 10. (a) σ g = 0.01 S/m. (b) σ g = 0.001 S/m. of a buried cable having the following parameters: a = 1 cm, b = 1.2 cm,
εr i = 3, εr g = 10. (a) σ g = 0.01 S/m. (b) σ g = 0.001 S/m.

handling in a straightforward manner nonlinear phenomena such

as the presence of nonlinear protective devices at the line termi-
nals [20]. On the other hand, frequency dependent parameters,
ξg (t) transient ground resistance defined as the inverse
such as the ground impedance and ground admittance, need to
Fourier transform of (Zg /jω);
be represented using convolution integrals, which require time
⊗ convolution product;
consuming algorithms.
ηg (t) transient ground conductance defined as the inverse
The field-to-transmission line coupling equations (13) and  
Fourier transform of (Yadd )/(jω), where Yadd is de-
(14) can be converted into the time domain to obtain the follow-
fined by (33).
ing expressions:
∂v(x, t) ∂i(x, t) ∂i(x, t) A. Transient Ground Resistance and Conductance in
+ L + ξg (t) ⊗ = Exe (x, −d, t)
∂x ∂t ∂t the Time Domain
(34) The general expression for the ground impedance in the fre-
∂i(x, t) ∂v(x, t) ∂i(x, t) quency domain (24) does not have an analytical inverse Fourier
+ C + ηg (t) ⊗ =0 (35) transform. Thus, elements of the transient ground resistance
∂x ∂t ∂t

Fig. 9.  /jω in the early-time region.

The inverse Fourier transform of Y add
Fig. 8. Transient ground resistance of a conductor located 1 m below the earth
surface. Ground electrical parameters: σ g = 0.01 S/m, εr g = 10. Comparison
between the inverse Fourier transform of (29) (F −1 {Z g /jω}) and the proposed
expression (37).
to be determined using a numerical inverse Fourier transform.
It is worth noting that using the logarithmic approximation (29)
in the time domain are, in general, to be determined using a
for the computation of ground admittance, the ground transient
numerical inverse Fourier transform algorithm.
conductance tends to an asymptotic value when t tends to zero.
For the case of an overhead wire located at a height h above
Indeed, using the same approach as for the transient ground re-
ground, however, the following analytical expressions are shown 
sistance, an asymptotical value of the Yadd can be calculated in
to be reasonable approximations to the numerical values ob-
frequency domain:
tained using an inverse FFT [19].
2π(ε0 εr i )2 µ0
overhead ∼ min 1
(t) =

1 τg 
lim Yadd =−  2 (39)
ω →∞
2πh ε0 εr g πτg 2 π t b(ε0 εr g µ0 )3/2 ln ab

1 g τg 1
+ exp erfc − (36) and applying the initial value theorem, we get
4 t t 4

Yadd 2π(ε0 εr i )2 µ0
where τg = h2 µ0 σg , and erfc is the complementary error func- ηg (t = 0) = lim jω =−  2 . (40)
ω →∞ jω
tion. b(ε0 εr g µ0 )3/2 ln b a
Again, by analogy with overhead lines, we can replace h in
(36) by b and adapt the above analytical approximation to the Fig. 9 presents ηg (t) in the early-time region obtained by

case of an underground cable inverse Fourier transformation of Yadd /jω, for an underground
   cable with the following characteristics: b = 1.2 cm, a = 1 cm,
 ∼ 1 µ0 µ0 1 τg
ξg (t) = min , √ and εr i = 5. It can be seen that the transient ground conductance
2πb ε0 εr g πτg 2 π t at t = 0 tends to an initial value of about −30 S/m, which
 corresponds to the value predicted by (40) for the considered
1 g τg 1
+ exp erfc − (37) parameters.
4 t t 4
The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) solutions of the
where τg = b2 µ0 σg . coupling equations are presented in the Appendix.
Fig. 8 presents a comparison between the numerical inverse
Fourier transform of (29) (F −1 {Zg /jω}) and the proposed ex-
pression (37). It can be seen that (37) is in excellent agreement
with the numerical inverse Fourier transform of (29). One method to solve the field-to-transmission line equations
The time-domain ground transient conductance is defined as (13) and (14) in the frequency domain is to use the expressions
   for the line voltage and current for a point voltage source and
 −1 Yadd
ηg (t) = F . (38) current source, respectively, that is, the Green’s functions. For
jω an arbitrary incident field exciting the cable (vertical electric
To the best of our knowledge, analytical expressions for the field component underground is neglected), the solutions for
inverse Fourier transform are not available for the ground tran- the cable current and voltage at an arbitrary position x on the
sient conductance. Thus, the ground transient conductance has cable can be written as the following integrals of the Green’s

functions [13]: TABLE I

I(x) = GI (x, xs )Vs dxs (41)
V (x) = GV (x, xs )Vs dxs (42)

where GI and GV represent the Green’s functions for the cable

current and voltage, respectively, which are given by [13]

GI (x, xs )
  −γ (x −L ) 
 e −γ L
 e s
− ρ2 eγ (x s −L )

 γx2Z c (1−ρ 1 ρ 2 e −2γ L )
· (e − ρ1 e−γ x ) , for x < xs
= e −γ L
 −γ (x−L )  (43)

 e − ρ2 eγ (x−L )
 2Z c (1−ρ 1 ρ 2 e 2γ L )
 γ xs
· (e − ρ1 e−γ x s ) , for x < xs therefore, the corresponding transient ground resistance in the
time domain has no singularity at t = 0.
GV (x, xs )
 It is also demonstrated that within the frequency range of
−e −γ L
 −γ (x −L ) 

 e s
− ρ2 eγ (x s −L ) interest, the wire impedance can be neglected due to its small

 γx2(1−ρ 1 ρ 2 e −2γ L )
· (e + ρ1 e−γ x ) , for x < xs contribution to the overall longitudinal impedance of the line.
= −γ L   (44) The ground admittance, however, can play an important role at
 2(1−ρe ρ e −2γ L ) e−γ (x−L ) + ρ2 eγ (x−L )

 γ xs 1 2 high frequencies (1 MHz or so), especially in the case of poor
· (e − ρ1 e−γ x s ) , for x < xs
ground conductivity. The ground admittance needs to be taken
√ into account in calculations of lightning induced currents and
where γ = Z  Y  is the  line complex propagation constant
along the cable and Zc = Z  /Y  is the cable characteristic voltages on buried cables. This is in contrast with the case of
impedance. overhead lines in which its contribution is generally negligible
A frequency domain solution is particularly useful when one even in the megahertz range.
is interested in calculating the inner response of a shielded cable, We have also investigated the time-domain representation
which involves the cable transfer function, a highly frequency of field-to-transmission line coupling equations. The coupling
dependent quantity. model includes the effect of ground admittance which appears
in terms of an additional convolution integral. An analytical
expression for the ground transient resistance in the time do-
VIII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS main has also been proposed which is shown to be sufficiently
A review of theoretical methods to compute lightning induced accurate and nonsingular.
currents and voltages on buried cables has been presented. The Finally, we presented a time-domain solution of field-to-
evaluation of such induced disturbances requires the calculation buried cable coupling equations using the point centered FDTD
of the electric field produced by lightning along the cable path. method, and a frequency-domain solution using Green’s func-
In Section II of the paper, we have shown that the Cooray’s tions. In our companion paper (Part II), we will compare both
simplified formula is capable of predicting accurately the hori- solutions to experimental waveforms obtained using triggered
zontal electric field penetrating the ground, at distances as close lightning.
as 100 m. Table I presents a summary of the approximate methods dis-
Regarding the parameters of the buried cables, a comparison cussed in the paper that we recommend for the determination of
of several approximations of the ground impedance has been the electric field and transmission line parameters in calculating
presented and discussed. We have shown that Pollaczek’s ex- lightning induced currents and voltages on buried cables.
pression corresponds to Sunde’s general expression, when the
displacement current is neglected. The analysis has also shown
that all the proposed approximations provide very similar results APPENDIX
for the considered range of frequencies (1 kHz–30 MHz). Most FDTD SOLUTIONS OF THE COUPLING EQUATIONS
of the approximate formulas neglect the contribution of the dis-
The coupling equations written in the time domain, taking
placement current, and therefore predict values for the ground
into account the transient ground resistance and conductance,
impedance which tend to infinity at higher frequencies. This
are reproduced here for convenience:
corresponds in the time domain to a singularity of the ground
transient resistance at t = 0. By analogy to the Sunde’s approx-
∂v(x, t) ∂i(x, t)
imation for the ground impedance of overhead lines, we have + R i(x, t) + L
proposed a logarithmic approximation for the ground impedance ∂x ∂t
of a buried cable. In addition, unlike most of the considered ap- ∂i(x, τ )
proximations, it has an asymptotic behavior at high frequencies; + ξg (t − τ ) dτ = Exs (x, −d, t) (A1)
0 ∂τ

V s[(k − 1/2)∆x, n∆t] = V snk
 n ∆t
∂i[(k − 1/2)∆x, τ ]
= ξg [n∆t − τ ] dτ.
0 ∂τ
Using the trapezoidal method for solving the integral, V snk can
be written as
n −1
1   n −m −1  m +1   
V snk = ξ ik − im
k + ξ n −m im m −1
k − ik .
2 m =0
Rearranging (A5), we get
n −1
1 n0    
V snk = ξ ik − i−1
k + ξ n −m im m −1
k − ik
2 m =1

+ ξ 0 ink − ink −1 . (A6)
Fig. 10. FDTD 1st order integration scheme. (a) Schematic representation of Introducing (A6) in (A4), we obtain
the spatial discretization along the cable. (b) Time and spatial discretization.
vkn+1 − vkn in + ink −1 in − ink −1
+ R k + L k
∆x 2 ∆t
∂i(x, t) ∂v(x, t)
+ G v(x, t) + C    n −m  m
∂x ∂t
 t + ξ 0 ink − ink −1 + ξ ik − ijk−m = Ekn .
∂v(x, τ ) 2
ηg (t − τ )
m =1
+ dτ = 0. (A2)
0 ∂τ (A7)
To solve the transmission line coupling equations in the time The induced current can be expressed as
domain, we use the finite difference time domain (FDTD) tech- 
nique (e.g., [21]). In the following, the FDTD 1st order point 1 v n − vkn
centered integration scheme (see Fig. 10), applied to the case of ik =  
n  Ekn − k +1
a buried cable, is presented.
+R +ξ
∆t 2 2
The point-centered FDTD representation of (A1) for the node 
  n −1
((k − 1/2)∆x, n∆t) is given by L R ξ0  . (A8)
+ − + ink −1 − ξ n −j ijk − ijk−1
∂ ∆t 2 2 j =1
v((k − 1/2)∆x, n∆t) + R i((k − 1/2)∆x, n∆t)
Now, let us consider the point centered FDTD representation of
∂i((k − 1/2)∆x, n∆t) (A2) for the node ((k − 1)∆x, (n − 1/2)∆t):
+ L
 n ∆t ink −1 − ink −1
v n + vkn −1 v n − vkn −1
i((k − 1/2)∆x, n∆t) + G k + C k
+ ξg (n∆t − τ ) dτ ∆x 2 ∆t
= Exs ((k − 1/2)∆x, −d, n∆t). (A3) + η n −j vkj − vkj −1 = 0. (A9)
j =1
Using the following notations,
After the similar mathematical developments as for (A4), we
vkn = v((k − 1)∆x, n∆t) obtain:

ink = i((k − 1/2)∆x, (n + 1/2)∆t) 1 in −1 − ink −1
vkn =    − k
ξ n = ξg (n∆t) C
+G +η
∆t 2 2
Ekn = E((k − 1/2)∆x, −d, n∆t). 
  n −1

C G η0
(A3) can be written more compactly in the following form: + − + vkn −1 − η n −j vkj − vkj −1  . (A10)
∆t 2 2 j =1
vkn+1 − vkn in + ink −1 in − ink −1
+ R k + L k + V snk = Ekn The boundary conditions for the case of resistive terminations
∆x 2 ∆t
(A4) R0 and RL (Fig. 11) are given by

Combining (A16) and (A17) yields

3inN seg − inN seg−1
vN seg+1 = RL (A19)
Introducing (A19) into (A18) yields the sought expression

Fig. 11. Schematic representation of the spatial discretization along the cable
1 RL n
with resistive terminations.
inN seg =    EN n
seg + i
L  0
+ R + ξ + 3R L 2∆x N seg−1
∆t 2 2 2∆x
For x = 0  

vN L R ξ0
−v1n inN−1
+ + − +
in0 = (A11) ∆x ∆t 2 2 seg
R0 
the current in0 can be determined using a linear extrapolation: n −1
− ξ n −j ijN seg − ijN−1seg  . (A20)
3in − in2
in0 = 1 . (A12) j =1
Now, let us write (A8) for the spatial node 1

E1n − v2 − v1
n n
in1 =   
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 buried shielded conduits,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 40,
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+ − + in1 −1 − ξ n −j ij1 − ij1−1  . (A15) [8] V. Cooray, “Horizontal fields generated by return strokes,” Radio Sci.,
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[11] E. F. Vance, Coupling with Shielded Cables. New York: Wiley, 1978.
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1 vN
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[20] C. A. Nucci and F. Rachidi, “Interaction of electromagnetic fields gen- Carlo Alberto Nucci (M’91–SM’02) was born in
erated by lightning with overhead electrical networks,” in The Lightning Bologna, Italy, in 1956. He received the engineering
Flash, G. V. Cooray, Ed., London, U.K.: IEE, 2003. degree with honors in electrical engineering in 1982
[21] A. Taflove, Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time from the University of Bologna, Italy.
Domain Method. Boston, MA: Artech House, 1995. He joined the same university in 1982 as a re-
searcher in the Power Electrical Engineering Insti-
tute, became an Associate Professor in 1992, and a
Full Professor in Power Systems in 2000. He is author
Emanuel Petrache (S’02–M’04) was born in Con- or coauthor of more than 160 scientific papers pub-
stanta, Romania, in 1975. He received the M.S. de- lished in reviewed journals or presented at interna-
gree in electrical engineering from the University tional conferences. He is member of the IEEE work-
Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, in 1998, and the ing group “Lightning Performance of Distribution Lines,” the CIGRE Working
Ph.D. degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Tech- groups C4.4.01 “Lightning” (of which he is also convener), and C4.4.07 “Power
nology, Lausanne, in 2004. Quality Indices and Objectives.” His research interests concern power systems
Currently, he is with the Lightning Studies Group transients and dynamics, with particular reference to lightning impact on power
of the University of Toronto, Canada. He is au- lines, voltage collapse, power station simulators, and the study of power com-
thor or coauthor of many scientific papers presented ponents including medium voltage capacitors and traction batteries.
at international conferences. His research interests Mr. Nucci is the Chair of the Central & South Italy/North Italy IEEE PES
include numerical computation of electromagnetic Joint Chapter PE31 in Region 8.
fields, lightning, and EMP interaction with transmission lines.

Vladimir A. Rakov (SM’96–F’03) received the M.S.

and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
Tomsk Polytechnical University (Tomsk Polytech-
nic), Russia in 1977 and 1983, respectively.
From 1977 to 1979 he was an Assistant Professor
Farhad Rachidi (M’93–SM’02) was born in Geneva, of Electrical Engineering at Tomsk Polytechnic. In
Switzerland, in 1962. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. 1978 he became involved in lightning research at the
degrees in electrical engineering from the Swiss Fed- High Voltage Research Institute, a division of Tomsk
eral Institute of Technology, Lausanne, in 1986 and Polytechnic, where from 1984 to 1994 he held the
1991, respectively. position of Director of the Lightning Research Labo-
He worked at the Power Systems Laboratory of ratory. He is presently a Professor in the Department
the same institute until 1996. In 1997, he joined the of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Florida. He is the
Lightning Research Laboratory of the University of author or coauthor of over 30 patents, one book, and over 300 papers and tech-
Toronto in Canada and from April 1998 until Septem- nical reports on various aspects of lightning.
ber 1999, he was with Montena EMC in Switzer- Dr. Rakov is Chairman of the Technical Committee on Lightning of the bi-
land. He is currently ‘Maı̂tre d’Enseignement et de ennial International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, and
Recherche’ and head of the EMC group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Tech- former chairman of the AGU Committee on Atmospheric and Space Electric-
nology, Lausanne, Switzerland. His research interests concern electromagnetic ity. He is a Member of SAE, and is a Fellow of the American Meteorological
compatibility, lightning electromagnetics, and electromagnetic field interactions Society.
with transmission lines. He is the convener of the joint CIGRE-CIRED Working
Group “Protection of MV and LV networks against Lightning,” and a member
of various IEEE, CIGRE and CIRED working groups dealing with lightning. He Martin A. Uman (SM’73–F’88) received the Ph.D.
is member of the scientific committees of various international symposia (Inter- degree from Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, in
national Conference on Lightning Protection, International Zurich Symposium 1961.
on EMC, etc.). He is also the author or coauthor of over 180 scientific papers He was an Associate Professor of Electrical En-
published in reviewed journals and presented at international conferences. gineering at the University of Arizona, Tucson, from
1961 to 1964. He joined the University of Florida’s
(UF) faculty in 1971 after working for seven years as
a Fellow Physicist at Westinghouse Research Labs,
Pittsburgh, PA. He cofounded and served as Presi-
dent of Lightning Location and Protection Inc. (LLP),
Tucson, AZ, from 1975 to 1985. He was the Profes-
Mario Paolone was born in Campobasso, Italy, in sor and Chair of the UF Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
1973. He graduated with honors in electrical engi- from 1990–2003, and is now a Distinguished Professor. He has written four
neering and received the Ph.D. degree in electrical en- books on the subject of lightning, as well as a book on plasma physics, ten
gineering from the University of Bologna, Bologna, book chapters and encyclopedia articles on lightning, and has published over
Italy, in 1998 and 2002, respectively. 170 journal papers in reviewed journals. He holds five patents, four in the area
He is Assistant Professor of electrical power sys- of lightning detection.
tems at the University of Bologna and is currently Dr. Uman is the recipient of the 1996 IEEE Heinrich Hertz Medal for out-
working within the Power Systems Group of the same standing contributions to the understanding of lightning electromagnetics and
University. His research interests are power system its application to lightning detection and protection,” and the 2001 AGU John
transients, with particular reference to NEMP and Adam Fleming Medal for original research and technical leadership in geomag-
LEMP interaction with electrical networks, power netism, atmospheric electricity, space science, aeronomy, and related sciences:
systems dynamics, power system protection and electric vehicle batteries. He for outstanding contribution to the description and understanding of electricity
is the author or coauthor of some 50 scientific papers presented at international and magnetism of the Earth and its atmosphere.” He is a Fellow of the American
conferences or published in reviewed journals. Geophysical Union (AGU) and the American Meteorological Society (AMS).

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