The Magnetic Field Induced by A Lightning Strike's Indirect Effect Double Exponential Current Waveform
The Magnetic Field Induced by A Lightning Strike's Indirect Effect Double Exponential Current Waveform
The Magnetic Field Induced by A Lightning Strike's Indirect Effect Double Exponential Current Waveform
ISSN 1549-3644
© 2010 Science Publications
Abstract: Problem statement: Develop a new formula which describes the magnetic field induced by
a lightning strike’s indirect effect double exponential current waveform. Approach: A novel approach
for developing a closed-form solution for the magnetic field from the indirect effect double
exponential current waveform will be presented. In the literature, models typically employ the pulse
waveform to derive the corresponding electromagnetic fields. However, given the Department of
Defense (DoD) has incorporated the double exponential current waveform as part of their
“Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements For Systems”, we felt it important to develop a
solution for the magnetic field which utilized this waveform. In order to facilitate the integration
required for deriving the field, Taylor series expansion was used for all variable dependent exponential
terms. In many publications, the dipole and monopole techniques have been used when solving for the
magnetic field. However, for this study the dipole technique was deemed the preferred method for
evaluating the field. A derivation of the magnetic field will be presented along with a graphical
illustration of the field’s distribution over time. Results: The equation presented utilized Taylor series
to augment the integration required to solve for the magnetic field. Conclusion: A new method for
deriving the magnetic field induced by a lightning strike’s indirect effect double exponential has been
presented. By approximating the variable dependent exponential terms, we were able to minimize the
complexity of the mathematics required to solve for the magnetic field in closed-form.
Key words: Magnetic field, double exponential waveform, lightning and dipole technique
∇ ⋅ µ0H = 0 µ I ( rs , t − R / c ) dz '
(5) dA z ( rs , t ) = (11)
4π R
Given Eq. 5, one can solve for the magnetic field in
Note: By canceling out the areas we can write the
terms of the vector potential alone. Upon utilizing
current density per unit area J in terms of I and dV’ in
some substitutions and vector identities one would
terms of dz’.
Upon substituting (11) into (9), one can develop a
general expression for the magnetic field at any point in
µ0H = ∇ × A (6)
(r, z) space such that:
( ct − β z ) ± ( z − βct ) + (1 − β2 ) r 2
h =β (18)
1 − β2
R= ( z − z ') + r2
i ( z ', t − R / c ) = I0 e −αt ⋅ e ( )
(16) α R / c + z '/ v β ( R /c + z '/ v )
−e −βt ⋅ e
⋅ u ( t − R / c − z '/ v )
one can derive an equation in terms of some height h.
Plugging (16) into (15), setting z’ equal to an arbitrary
Given (21), we can make the following
height h and solving for t one would obtain:
(z − h) + r2
h R z'
t= + (17) xα = α + (22)
c v c v
J. Math. & Stat., 6 (3): 221-225, 2010
1 r ∂i ( t − R / c ) r
and: dH Φ = + 3 i ( t − R / c ) dz ' (27)
4π cR 2 ∂t R
R z'
xβ = β + (23)
c v Next, substitute (25, 26) into the second and first
terms of (27) respectively. Upon doing so, one will
Therefore, one can leverage the first two terms arrive at:
from (19) where (22, 23) equal the variable x as given
( ( )
by: I 0dz ' r
dH Φ = βe −βt − αe −αt + β 2 e −βt − α 2 e −αt
4 π cR 2
R z'
i ( z ', t − R / c ) = I0 e −αt ⋅ 1 + α + R z'
c v ⋅ + ⋅ u (t − R / c − z ' / v )
c v
R z '
−e −βt ⋅ 1 + β +
c v
cR 2
( (
e −αt − e −βt + αe −αt − βe −βt )
⋅ u ( t − R / c − z '/ v ) (28)
R z'
⋅ + ⋅ δ(t − R / c − z ' / v )
c v
Upon regrouping the “like” terms, (24) can now be
written as: +
r −αt
e ( (
− e −βt + αe −αt − βe −βt )
i ( z ', t − R / c ) = I0 e −αt − e −βt + ( αe −αt − βe −βt ) R z'
⋅ + ⋅ u (t − R / c − z ' / v )]
(25) c v
R z'
⋅ + ⋅u ( t − R / c − z '/ v )
c v
Note the additional term added to (28) is due in
with differentiated form of (25) being: part to the following product rule:
( αe −αt
− βe −βt )
⋅ 1 −
Realizing a departure existed between the modified and
unmodified waveforms, warranted the use of a
v h + r
2 2
correction factor to recapture its original form. Doing
so ensured the magnetic fields which followed, would
Figure 3 illustrates how the magnetic field’s tend to more closely model those from the original
magnitude is distributed as time varies from 0-1×10−5 unmodified current waveform.
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