SLT-H Questions
SLT-H Questions
SLT-H Questions
(b) In the Fringe episode “Power hungry”, the human body is described as an electro-
magnetic machine due to brain and muscle activity. These fields are amplified in a
certain person, and he starts radiating powerful fields. Electronics around him go
haywire and people in his vicinity are electrocuted. Is this possible?
(c) In Breaking Bad episode “Live Free or Die”, the semi-sympathetic Walter White
and colleagues destroy the hard drive of a laptop that contains movies incriminating
them. From a distance of tens of meters, they wipe the computer inside a police-
guarded storage unit by using a gigantic electromagnet. Feasible or myth?
(d) The Delorean from “Back to the future” uses a Flux Capacitor to travel through
time. The name of this device implies it is able to store magnetic flux. Can this be
(e) In the movie “Pacific Rim”, an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is used to try to take
out two fighting robots. The EMP only succeeds to disable one - the older robot is
immune to EMP pulses due to its analog electronics opposed to the new digitally-
based fighter. Is this true?
2. In this course, infinitesimally small electric and magnetic dipoles are considered, i.e.
point dipoles, where the exciting currents are uniform along the antenna. But of course,
not every antenna is that small. In a lengthy antenna, the currents are no longer the
same at any point in the structure, but follow a distribution. The effects this has on the
radiation patterns are determined in this question.
A finite length dipole of length ℓ is oriented in the z-direction and fed at the origin by a
sinusoidal current with amplitude I0 . Hence, the current is now position-dependent, as
can be seen in Figure 1. It can be shown [1] that the far magnetic field in the far field
is equal to
−jI0 exp(−jkr)[cos(k 2ℓ cos(θ) − cos(k 2ℓ ))]
H FF (r, ω) = aφ . (1)
2πr sin(θ)
(a) Prove that the electric far field is equal to
−jI0 Z exp(−jkr)[cos(k 2ℓ cos(θ)) − cos(k 2ℓ )]
E FF (r, ω) = aθ . (2)
2πr sin(θ)
Hint: Remember that in the far field, only the dominant components of E remain.
(c) The radiation resistance of a finite length dipole can be proven to increase with
an order 4 with antenna length Rr ∼ ℓ4 [1]. Explain what the radiation resistance
represents and whether such an increase is desired.
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(d) Sketch/plot the radiation pattern for ℓ = 0.5λ and for ℓ = 1.5λ in the xy-plane
and the xz-plane (e.g. using Matlab’s polarplot function). You can normalize each
separate radiation pattern to its maximum for easy comparison. Compare the ra-
diation patterns with each other and with the pattern of an electric point dipole
(also normalized). What do you notice? Explain.
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Figure 2: Inside Microwave Oven.
Let’s start in this exercise with the analysis of the waveguide. The waveguide is a WR-
340 waveguide presented with a frequency of 2.45 GHz and you can consider the walls
to be perfect electric conductors. The waveguide is excited with a TE10 mode.
(a) Why do TEM waves not propagate in a rectangular waveguide as they do in a
parallel-plate waveguide?
(b) Assuming that the wave propagates in the +z direction, the equation for the mag-
netic field is defined as
( mπ ) ( pπ )
Hz (x, y, z) = C cos x cos y exp[−γz]
d d
Find the electric field components of the TE10 mode.
(c) Plot a curve for the real part of the surface charge density ρs induced in the bottom
wall y = 0 at x = d/2 and γz = [0; π]. You can assume a real-valued constant C.
(d) What is the bandwidth of the waveguide? The dimensions of a waveguide are stan-
dardized and can be found in, for example,
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with both terminations short-circuited. We identify
Ez = [Ax sin(κm x) + Bx cos(κm x)][Ay sin(κn y) + By cos(κn y)][Az sin(κp z) + Bz cos(κp z)]
where V is the volume of the cavity, f is the frequency and c0 is the speed of light
in vacuum.
(c) Write a code that calculates the difference in frequency between two consecutive
resonant modes (of either family) in a rectangular cavity resonator. The code must
plot the histogram of these differences. Investigate different aspect ratios for cavities
and its influence on the shape of the histogram.
(d) Bonus question: confront the obtained histogram with two probability density func-
tions: the exponential and the Rayleigh distribution. Which of these two seems to
represent the distribution of the differences better?1
This exercise starts to belong to a fascinating topic about wave chaos in resonant enclosures. If you’re
curious about it and want to know more, contact the lecturer.
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Figure 3: A prism made of paraffin wax is illuminated by microwaves. Will TIR occur?
(c) A second prism of identical properties is brought next to the original one, according
to the schematic in Fig. 4. The two hypotenuses are separated a distance d between
them. Make a plot of the relative amplitude of the electric field at the microwave
receiver (relative to the amplitude of the field received at the receiver for no gap,
i.e. |Er (d)| = |E(d)|/|E(d = 0)|)) as a function of d.
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Figure 4: Two prisms trying to frustrate TIR
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