Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 132, 149-158, 2012
Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 132, 149-158, 2012
Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 132, 149-158, 2012
G. Burlak*
Center for Research on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Autonomous
State University of Morelos, Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico
was 15 minutes.
In our approach the following steps have been used: (i) In first
one we calculated the time-spatial field dynamics that is raised by
the crossing electron bunch, Equations (1)–(3). (ii) In second step we
apply the Fourier analysis for the time dependencies calculated in the
first step in order to reveal the spectrum of internal excitations. The
following dimensionless parameters were used in our simulations: ωpe =
5, ωpm = 7, εh = 1.44, µh = 1, γe = γm = 10−4 , σe = σm = 10−7 ,
W = 3, q2 = 2. We varied the velocity v0 to study different regimes of
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1. (color online.) Snapshots of the field component Ex (r, t)
in plane (x, y, z = 80) for metamaterial with εh = 1.44, µh = 1
at time t = 200 and various particle velocity v0 . In (a) shown
the case of dispersiveless dielectric (θ is a light emission angle) with
ωpe = ωpm = 0, v0 = 0.52 and Re(n) = 1.2, while in panels (b),
(c), (d) are shown the cases of metamaterial with ωpe = 5, ωpm = 7.
(b) v0 = 0.52; (c) v0 = 0.4; (d) v0 = 0.35. The inset in (d) shows
the complementary angle θ1± for cases Re(n) > 0 and Re(n) < 0
respectively. The oscillations in the top of the figures exhibit the shock
waves (bremsstrahlung) arising by charged bunch at the beginning of
motion (see [27], Chapter 2).
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 132, 2012 153
0.4 0.1
Ey , Hz
-0.1 Ey
-0.4 -0.15
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
t t
(a) (b)
x 10
2.5 1
2 0.8
Ex (r , ω)
1.5 0.6
Px, y, z
1 Px 0.4
0.5 0.2
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 5 10 15 20
t ω
(c) (d)
Figure 2. (color online.) Time dynamics of fields in point r0 =
(50, 50, 80) of metamaterial with L3 , L = 100. (a) Ex (r0 , t); (b)
Ey (r0 , t) and Hz (r0 , t); (c) Components of Poynting vector Px (t), Py (t),
Pz (t) in output at plane x = 0; (d) Fourier spectrum of Ex (r0 , t) having
a resonance at ω0 = 4.08.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3. (color online.) (a), (b) Snapshots of the field component
Ex (r, t) in plane (x, y, z = 80) for metamaterial with εh = 1.44,
µh = 1 at time t = 400, particle velocity v0 = ccr = cc /nh = 0.475:
(a) ωpm = 7 > ωpe = 5; (b) ωpm = 5 < ωpe = 7. Frequency
dependence of the complex reflection index n(ω) and Ex (r0 , ω) for
(c) ωpm = 7 > ωpe = 5; (d) ωpm = 5 < ωpe = 7, where point
r0 = (50, 50, 80). Maximal frequency peaks of Ex (r0 , ω) are in (c)
at ω0 = 0.408, and (d) at ω0 = 0.565 respectively. See details in the
156 Burlak
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