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wjpmr, 2017,3(8), 402-404 SJIF Impact Factor: 4.

Review Article
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

www.wjpmr.com WJPMR



Dr. Prasanna D. Ahire*1, Dr. Preeti S. Dasari2 and Dr. Parshuram Pawar3
P. G. Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna Vidyan, Shree Saptashrungi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Hospital,
Nashik, India.
HOD and Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vidyan, Shree Saptashrungi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Hospital,
Nashik, India.
Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vidyan, Shree Saptashrungi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Hospital, Nashik,

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Prasanna D. Ahire

P. G. Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna Vidyan, Shree Saptashrungi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Hospital, Nashik, India.

Article Received on 22/07/2017 Article Revised on 11/08/2017 Article Accepted on 01/09/2017

The “Aura” or energy of human is associated with multidimensional field & blockage of these field leads
disruption in the flow of energy. Consequently this process leads disease, emotional and mental disorders. The
ancient science of Indian system of medicine prescribed various healing approaches for the management of
different pathological conditions. Marma therapy is one of them which play significant role towards the healthy
well being. Marma are the vital areas of the body and damage to these Marma points may lead serious harmful
effect. Physiologically Marma point act as a junction where various types of muscles, veins, ligaments, bones or
joints meets with each other. As per the traditional text of ayurveda various diseases can be treated by Marma
therapy. There various locations or sthana where Marma found and this specificity of Marma enable physician to
treat various disease using Marma therapy; classically the Marma found in legs & feet region defined as Shakha
Marma, Marma associated with trunk area termed as Madhyamanga Marma while Marma found in neck & head
region mentioned as Jatrudhara Marma in classical text. This article described ayurveda perspective of Marma as
healing therapy.

KEYWORDS: Ayurveda, Marma, Healing Therapy, Prana.

INTRODUCTION marma points. Ayurveda also described use of medicated

massage oil & herbs prepared in sesame oil base for
The air which travels through the body; act as a vital
marma therapy. There are various remedies used in
element and termed as Prana in Ayurveda. This Prana
marmas therapy such as; marmalepan ghee, milk, mud,
resides in some specific parts of the body such as; heart,
mahanarayanataila & ksheerbalatailam etc.
brain, kidney and joints etc. These vital points are called
Marma & consideration of these Marma points help to
Gulpha Marma
control physiological disturbances. Based on importance
Gulpha Marma is anguli pramana may be used for
the Marma may be primary & secondary types. The
Siravedha and for ankle joint. It is resides in the Gulpha
injury to Marma points leads imbalanced Prana & vice-
region at junction of Pada and Jangha. The injury to this
versa consequently pathological conditions persisted.
point may leads symptoms such as: Ruja, khanjata and
The classical text of ayurveda described 107 Marmas
stabdha padata. Gulpha is Sandhi Marma associated with
the joint injury & use for the management of joint pain.
The aroma therapy is one of the important tools for
Adhipati Marma
treating marmas since aromatic oils possess ability to
Adhipati Marma is located in skull area it is a Sandhi
influence energy. The therapy help to penetrate aroma
marma since abundance of veins occurs at this area. It is
through marma region which are very sensitive points &
associated with sub arachnoid pressure on cerebral veins
these stimulating oils (camphor, eucalyptus or cinnamon)
which may lead symptoms such as; Murcha, Bhram &
therefore help to open up energy of marma points. There
are various approaches which utilized in marmas therapy
such as; therapeutic touch, massage and pressure to

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Indrabasti Marma through the various channels. Diseases such as;

Indrabasti marma is one of the Mamsa marma situated headache, bodyache, spinal alignment, joints pain and
around elbow and wrist. It mainly associated with muscular sprain may be treat using various healing
muscles. Injury to this region may lead blood loss. therapies along with Marma Chikitsa such as; Swedana,
Abhayanga, Pizhichil and Kizhi. There are various
Lohitaksha Marma specific Marma points used for the treatment of disease
Lohitaksha Marma is one of the Vaikalyakar Marma such as; Kshipra Marma, Manibandha Marma &
located in lower limb. It mainly associated with Sira. The Katikatharuna Marma, etc. Kshipra Marma found in
any distress to this point may result hemorrhage. hands & legs. Manibandha Marma found in upper limb
it associated with Sandhi. Katikatharuna Marma
Urvi Marma basically an Asthi Marma. Marma therapy offer
Urvi Marma is Sira Marma positioned at in adductor stimulation of specific points which removes blockages
canal mainly associated with femoral area and femoral from the vital shrotas & provide physical and
vein. This Marma help to manage pathological psychological relaxation. Marma therapy acts around
consequences associated with process of specific body parts such as; Asthi Snayu & Sandhi, etc.
transportation.[2,6] Marma mainly concentrate diseases pertaining to neuro-
muscular system, loco motor system, nervous system and
Classification of Marma on the basis of injury blood circulation systems.[5-10]
 Sadyah Pranahara Marma:
Injury to Marma due to the loss of Prana vayu. Some useful therapies of Marma under panchkarma
 Kalantara Pranahara Marma: are
Marmas result in kalanthara pranahara.  Abhayanga Unmardana
 Vishalyaghna:  Dharachikitsa
Foreign body affects Marma points.  Shirodhara
 Vaikalyakara:  Pindasveda
Involve Vikalya or Vaikalya means deformity.  Urobasti
 Rujakara Marma:  Pichudharana
Marmas result in ruja when get injured.  Kati basti

Marma and Vata Some Ayurveda formulation used

Marma is related to Prana which mainly associated with  Perondabhasma
Vata Dosha therefore Marma therapy predominantly  Kacchapaprishtabhasma
dealt with Vata Dosha. Prana Vata, Udana Vata, Vyana  Kapardikabhasma
Vata, Samana Vata and Apana Vata are considered for  Navjeevana rasa
Marma since each Vata possess specific Sthana &  Rajatabhasma
properties thus different Marma points are recommended  Jaharmoharapisti
for different Vata Vyadhi. The disturbances in Vata  Suvarnabhasma
Dosha may results Abhighata of the associated Marma.  Gorochanadigulika
 Marmagutika
The ayurveda mentioned importance of Marma therapy
which helps to clear the channels, pacify the vitiated Approach of Marma therapy in Parkinson’s disease
dosha & maintain circulation of Vata. The Marma Imbalance in Ucchi Marma leads Parkinson’s disease.
therapy may involve use of external stimulation, use of The Marma therapy may offer relief in Parkinson’s
medication, pulling techniques, panchkarma and massage disease. The therapy involves use of thumb over the nose
techniques etc. tip extending the palm over head and touching scalp with
the tip of middle finger. This all relaxes Ucchi marma
Marma as Healing Approach since injury to Ucchi Marma may lead symptoms of
 It opens blocked shrotas & thus improves process of Parkinson’s. Similarly Churiyadi Marma disturbances
circulation. may impart symptoms of parkinson’s disease therefore
 It helps to pacifies vata dosha & correct the Marma therapy relaxes such Marma & provide relief in
disturbed path of air transportation. disease symptoms.
 It improves physical & mental flexibility since it
removes ama & vitiated vata which may leads Marma may help to treat following pathological
rigidity. condition
 It helps to boost overall process of transportation 1. Muscular pain
and detoxification. 2. Joint pain
3. Respiratory obstructions
Marma for Disease 4. Nervous system disorders
Marma Chikitsa involves application of pressure on 5. Headaches & migraines
Marma points to induce the positive flow of prana along 6. Mental stress

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7. Fatigue
8. Vata vyadhi
9. Paralysis
10. Cervical Spondilitis

Figure 1: Marma Points on basis of location.

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