Rubia Cordifolia
Rubia Cordifolia
Rubia Cordifolia
Acne is one of the most prevalent skin ailment affecting almost all teenagers, as it is chronic with frequent remission and
exacerbations is often associated with negative psychological consequences, diminished self-esteem and social withdrawal.
The Modern measures regarding the treatment of acne are more or less failure. Further it has some limitations, cost
effective and many side effects. To overcome from all these, a good herbal approach should be reached. Manjistha (Rubia
cordifolia) can be proven a best remedy to cure acne, due to its Varnya, Raktashodhak, Vishaghna, Rasayana, Krimighna
properties. Certain research papers has also proven that it possess anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and ant-
androgenic effects as these are important Pharmacotherapeutic agent to break the pathogenesis of acne.
Key Words: Manjistha, Acne, Varnya, Anti- inflammatory, Rubia cordifolia
Rubia cordifolia Linn. commonly known as Indian healing skin tissues damaged by injury or infection. The
Maddar is a perennial, herbaceous prickly climber with root powder mixed with ghee, for the medicament of
long and cylindrical root with a thin red bark, well acne.[7] Vanraji tribes of Kumaun Himalaya use the
known for its versatile action. It is distributed in the whole plant pulp rubbed with honey as a cure for acne
Himalayas from Kashmir eastwards and Nilgiris and and dark spots on face.[8]
other hilly districts of India.[1] One of its unique action is
Acne, as a family of skin disorder is one of the most
anti-acne effect through anti-bacterial, anti-
prevalent dermatologic diseases in the world. It usually
inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-androgen action.
affects almost everybody during the life.[9] The
The roots and stems are well known source of
pathogenesis of acne is complex but dependent on four
Anthraquinones, the roots have also been reported as
key factors including androgen-mediated stimulation of
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer,
sebaceous gland activity, follicular hyperkeratinisation,
immunomodulator and hepatoprotective and are
colonization of the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes
extensively used against blood, urinary and skin
and inflammation.[10]Mainly three types of acne:
diseases.[2,3] In ancient world, Manjistha is reputed as
comedonal, nodular and papulopustular. Comedonal is
an efficient blood purifier and hence is extensively used
non- inflammatory while nodular and papulopustular
against blood, skin and urinary diseases.[4 ] Externally,
are the inflammatory types.[11] There is a variety of
Manjistha was applied on major burns, mixed with
medication for acne vulgaris including topical agents,
honey on freckles and blemishes. It remained a potent
oral antibiotics, oral retinoid and oral hormonal
drug for obstinate skin diseases, erysipelas,
therapies. The use of natural remedies, particularly
leucoderma, and oedema also used as febrifuge and
herbal medicine, dates back thousands of years. Over
against blood disorders in Ayurveda. Traditionally, it is
the last decade, in view of increasing resistance to
used in many polyherbal formulations for various
existing anti-microbial agents, side effects and
ailments and cosmetic preparations because of its
sometimes high cost of treatment, interest in medicinal
inflammatory, antiseptic and galacto-purifier activity.[5]
herbs has been progressively increased.[12,13] There are
Root is used externally and internally to gain lustre and
so many herbal drugs for ant- acne effect, which shows
glow of the skin and aids to remove pimples, freckles
and discoloration.[6] Traditionally the roots are used to 1 2
Junior Resident, Professor & Head. Department of Rasa Shastra,
treat various systemic problems and pigmentation Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu
anomalies of skin and is an excellent aid in the University, Varanasi, UP, India.
Corresponding author email address:
promotion of complexion. Dried and crushed orange
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peels, powders of sandal, turmeric and Manjistha Published by Atreya Ayurveda Publications under the license CC-
makes an excellent face pack. The finely crushed root by-NC.
powder along with little honey applied to face for Received on: 12/03/15, Revised on: 21/03/15, Accepted on:
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-III, Issue-II
broadly four mechanism i.e. anti-inflammatory, anti- Manjistha is found to be one of the ingredients in
oxidant, anti-bacterial and ant- androgenic, among majority of the formulas available in market like
them Manjistha is one of important herbal remedy Manjisthadi kwatha, Mahamanjisthadi kwatha,
showing all four properties. Manjisthadyarka, Aravindasava, Aswagandharistha,
Usirasava, Candanasava, Manjisthadi taila,
Kadiradikutika. Therapeutic indications of Manjistha
The following are the process and eligibility criteria for mentioned in Ayurvedic Materia Medica are showing in
the inclusion of data pertaining to this review: table-2.[40]
Information extracted from various Ayurvedic treatises,
Research Revelation of Manjistha
text books of Ayurvedic and modern pharmaceutics,
Pharmacopoeias (Ayurvedic Formulary of India, 1. Anti-acne property
Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India), available
Methanol extract of Rubia cordifolia inhibit proliferation
dissertations/thesis were also investigated. A search
of P. acne.[41] It is moderately effective against TNF-
was undertaken in Google scholar, MEDSCAPE, BMC,
alpha and show low activity against IL-8. It is regarded
Science Direct, MEDLINE (
as astringent and useful in external inflammations like
database, SCOPEMED, and other relevant databases,
ulcers and skin diseases.[42]The anthraquinone rich
using keywords like manjistha, rubia cordifolia, acne,
fraction of R.cordifolia in a gel formulation showed The
ayurveda etc.
anti-acne activity against Propionibacterium acne,
Literary observation of Mukhadushika (Acne) Staphylococcus epidermidis, Malassezia furfur when
compared with standard Clindamycin gel.[43]
In Ayurveda mukhadushika is described under the
heading of Ksudrarogas. These diseases are called 2. Anti-inflammatory activity
ksudra (minor) as they are of lesser severity in
The aqueous extract of R. cordifolia showed anti-
comparison to mahavyadhis or vyadhis (major or medium
inflammatory effect in rats.[44] The anti-inflammatory
diseases). The silk cotton tree thorn like eruption on the
action is because of the presence of rubimallin. The
face due to vitiation of kapha, vata and rakta which are
aqueous extract showed anti-inflammatory activity in
found on the face of adolescent are called as
rats with carrageenan paw oedema in a dose
mukhadushika or yauvan pidika. [14] In Ayurvedic
dependent manner, which is comparable to that of
samhitas a very short description is available about the
phenylbutazone.[45] It also inhibited the lipoxygenase
disease Mukhadushika. All the samhitas have pointed
enzyme pathway, which catalyses the production of
out kapha, vata, and rakta as the causative factor of the
various inflammatory mediators such as leukotrienes
disease. In Sharangadhara Samhita vakrasnigdhata
that are involved in asthma, arthritis, and other
(oily face) and pidika have been mentioned as due to
inflammatory disorders and the production of cumene
shukradhatumala while Bhavaprakasa mentioned due
hydroperoxides.[46] Notable nitric oxide scavenging
to svabhav.[15,16] The shalmali thorn like thick or hard
activity was exhibited in vitro by some extracts of R.
painful eruption, impregnated with meda, found on the
cordifolia.[47] A formulation of munjistin and purpurin
face of adolescent are called as mukhadushika. [17,18]
from cell culture manifested to have and ant-
Description of Manjistha in Ayurvedic texts proliferative action during the rapid development of a
model oedema.[48]
As per ‘Charaka Samhita’ the powdered dried roots
and fruits are taken internally for the treatment of skin 3. Anti-microbial activity
diseases and disorders of spleen.[19] Manjistha is also
Extract of R. cordifolia showed a significant inhibitory
mentioned in ten varnya [20] drugs and as Visaghna [21]
activity against P. acnes standardized culture. The
Jvarahara.[22] It is also prescribed for treatment of major
evaluation was carried out by both dilution method as
burns, fractures and dysentery,[23] to improve
suggested in MIC, there R. cordifolia extract was taken
complexion and to treat skin diseases and blood born
600 μg/ml. The evidence of anti-acne activity of R.
diseases.[24,25] Manjistha paste is used along with honey
cordifolia was further supported by Cup-plate
in Vyang.[26] It has properties of blood purifying agent
method.[49] Rubia cordifolia was effective against
and pigment stimulant, tonic and are used in skin and
Klebsiella pneumonia. The root extracts of R. cordifolia
blood diseases.[27] Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia of India
have been studied for their antimicrobial activity
therapeutically indicate it for Yoni roga (menstrual
against various pathogenic bacteria. Sitosterol and
disorder), Kustha (skin disease), Sarpavisa (snake bite),
daucosterol possess antibacterial activity. The root
Visarpa (herpes virus), Aksi roga (eye disease), Arsa
extracts constituents such as anthraquinones and
(haemorrhoids), Bhagna (Fracture).[28] Formulations
flavonoids suppressed the activity phytopathogens of
containing manjistha as main ingredient used for
Gossypium.[50] Aldehyde aceate, dihydromollugin and
treating skin disease are showing in table-1.[29-38]
rubimallin reported to have significant antibacterial
Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine
Volume-III, Issue-II
anion, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, lipid activities etc., which were comparable with that of the
peroxide and nitric oxide (NO) play an important role in combination of vitamin E and C.[79] Rubiadin prevented
inflammatory acne as well as in tissue injury. ROS lipid peroxidation induced by FeSO4 and butyl
hydroperoxide in a dose dependent manner.[80,81]
Table 2: Therapeutic indications of Manjistha
Hexane and ethyl acetate fraction of root showed
mentioned in Ayurvedic Materia Medica[40]
maximum free radical scavenging activity due to
Therapeutic effect in Therapeutic effect anthraquinones and their glycosides present in it. R.
S. No.
Sanskrit Term in Medical Term cordifolia extracts can protect peroxidation and
Improves reduced glutathione content in rat liver homogenate
1 Varnya compared with vitamin E and parabenzoquinone.[82]
2 Jvarahara Anti-pyretic CONCLUSION:
3 Vishaghna Remove toxins
4 Mutravirecana Diuretic In present scenario, there is a trend of prescribing
5 Raktasodhana Blood purifier combination therapy for many diseases including skin
disease. This leads to an increase chances of drug
6 Rasayana Rejuvenative
interaction and adverse effects, means there is need to
7 Vranaropaka Wound healing
evaluate individual herbal therapy. Manjistha (Rubia
9 Sonitasthapana Haemostatic cordifolia) has multiple actions to combat this problem
Pacifies pitta and this will become a new approach in the
10 Pittasamsamana
doshas management of acne. The role of Manjistha in
11 Asmaribhedana Lithagogue supporting skin health is evidenced by traditional and
Antibacterial and reported activities, which show that it act as potent
12 Krmighna
anthelmentic blood purifier, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-
13 Sothahara Anti-inflammatory stress, antimicrobial which can play an important role
14 Vedanasthapana Analgesic to cure acne and improve skin health.
15 Caksusya Improves vision REFERENCES:
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