1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 OBJECTIVE.............................................................................................................2
1.2 DEFINITION.............................................................................................................2
1.3 SCOPE OF SERVICES............................................................................................3
2 SURVEY SERVICES.......................................................................................................3
2.1 GENERAL...............................................................................................................3
2.2 DOCUMENTS MUTUALLY EXPLANOTORY..........................................................4
2.3 FACILITIES FOR THE S.O......................................................................................4
2.4 REMOVALOF IMPROPER WORKS........................................................................4
3 FIELDWORK.................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 INSPECTION OF SITE............................................................................................4
3.2 APPROVAL FROM LOCAL AUTHORITY...............................................................5
3.3 INTERFERENCE WITH TRAFFIC...........................................................................5
3.4 CORRIDOR WIDTH.................................................................................................5
3.5 TEMPORARY ACCESS...........................................................................................5
3.6 SUPPLY OF PLANT AND LABOUR........................................................................5
3.7 WATCHING AND LIGHTING...................................................................................6
3.8 WORKMEN’S ACCOMODATION............................................................................6
3.9 INSPECTION OF WORKS.......................................................................................6
3.10 RESULT TO BE DELIVERED..................................................................................6
4 MAPPING....................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 PLANIMETRIC AND HEIGHT CONTROL...............................................................7
4.2 SITE SURVEY (GRID LEVEL WITH DETAILS).......................................................8
4.3 MONUMENTING......................................................................................................8
5 ACCURACY OF SURVEY............................................................................................10
5.1 GENERAL............................................................................................................. 10
5.2 DISTANCE DISCLOSURE.....................................................................................10
5.3 LEVELING ERROR...............................................................................................10
6 PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF PLANS AND DATA.......................................10
6.1 FORMAT AND SCALES........................................................................................11
6.2 LAND ACQUISITION PLAN..................................................................................11
6.3 SUBMISSION OF SURVEY PLANS AND RECORDS...........................................12
8 WORK SCHEDULE......................................................................................................13
9 SURVEYOR AND GOVERNMENT INDEMNITY...........................................................13
10 REMUNERATION......................................................................................................13
Terms of Reference
The purpose of engineering survey works is to provide the necessary data and information
required to design irrigation and drainage system under the project Kerja Ukur
The abbreviation ‘S.O.’ means the Superintending Officer who shall be the
Pengarah, Bahagian Pengairan dan Saliran Pertanian (BPSP) and his
successors in office.
(a) ‘S.O’s Representative’ means any person or persons deputed or
authorized from time to time by the S.O. to perform any or all the duties of
the S.O.
(b) ‘Surveyor’ means the person or persons in partnership, firm or
company appointed to provide the services and include the Surveyor’s
representatives and successors.
(c) The ‘Site’ means the area in which the Survey is to be carried out and
includes any space used from any purpose designated in this Contract.
(d) The ‘Survey’ means the survey works specified in this Contract and
include all or any portion of the work whether the same may be on the Site
or not.
(e) The ‘Plant’ wherever used herein shall mean all equipment, tools
accessories, expentable goods or things required in or for the execution and
completion of the Survey.
(f) ‘JKPTG’ means Jabatan Ketua Pengarah Tanah Dan Galian.
(g) ‘PTG’ means Pejabat Tanah dan Galian Negeri.
(h) ‘LA Plans’ means Land Acquisition Plans.
(i) ‘R.O.W.’ means Right Of Way.
(j) ‘MADA’ mean Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda
(k) “Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructures” means waterways, bund,
road, and structures.
Terms of Reference
The scope of services to be provided by the Surveyor shall include but not
limited to the following:
(a) Discussion with BPSP/JPS KEDAH and other relevant authorities
before commencement of physical work on site.
(b) Study all relevant information and maps provided/available and obtain
additional data/information if necessary for the proper execution of work.
(c) Consult the S.O./S.O.’s Representative and obtain instructions.
(d) Carry out engineering survey including planimetric and height control,
longitudinal and cross-sectional survey of existing irrigation and drainage
infrastructures, topographical survey of paddy field areas and site survey as
(e) Preparation of survey plans and report for the work undertaken.
The survey services to be provided by the Surveyor are as listed below and as
detailed in subsequent paragraphs:
(a) Discussion with BPSP/JPS KEDAH and other relevant authorities
before commencement of physical work on site.
(b) Study all relevant information, official search (carian rasmi), maps and
plans provided and obtain additional data if necessary for the proper
execution of the work.
(c) Field survey and picking up details according to format compatible to
Computer Based Program or any other format as requested by S.O.
Terms of Reference
The Surveyor shall grant within reasonable limits, the use of the Surveyor’s plant
and equipment to the S.O. or his representatives whenever required.
The S.O. shall during the progress of the Survey, have the powers to order in
(a) The removal and substitution of plant which, in the opinion of the S.O., are
not in accordance with the specified requirements.
(b) The proper re-execution (notwithstanding any previous acceptance or
interim payment thereof) of any portion of the Survey which is not, in the
opinion of the S.O., in accordance with the specifications
The surveyor shall inspect and examine the Site and its surroundings and shall
satisfy himself before submitting his quotations as to the nature of the Site, the
scope and nature of the Survey, Plant and materials necessary for the
completion of the Survey, and in general shall himself obtain all necessary
Terms of Reference
The Surveyor shall be solely responsible for obtaining approval from the Local
Authority to bring any Plant into the Site.
All operation necessary for the execution of the Survey and the construction of
any temporary works shall, so far as compliance with the requirements of the
Contract permits, be carried out so as not to interfere unnecessarily or
improperly with the public convenience or the access to the use and occupation
of public or private roads, footpaths and waterways.
The Surveyor shall pick up maximum 20 meter for corridor width extended from
boundary of the project without any additional cost.
The Surveyor shall provide all temporary access at his own expense, which may
be required for execution of the Survey.
Except where otherwise specified, the Surveyor shall at his own expense supply
and provide all the Plant and labour including the supervision thereof, transport
to or from the site and in and about the Site and other things of any kind such as
providing platform, markers, etc. that may be necessary for carrying out this
Survey. All plants/equipment to be used in the Survey shall be calibrated and
fully function. The Surveyor may be required to use more than one recording
meter/equipment concurrently as determined by the S.O/S.O’s Representative.
Surveyor shall employ the most expeditious measures and act with utmost
promptness of the Survey within the time and schedule specified. All technical
staff employed by the Surveyor for the execution of the works shall be suitably
qualified and experienced.
Terms of Reference
The Surveyor shall in connection with the Survey, provide and maintain at his
own cost all lights, guards, fencing and watching when and where necessary or
as required by the S.O/S.O’s Representative or by any relevant statutory or
other authority for the protection of the Survey or for the safety and convenience
of the public or others.
The Surveyor shall be responsible for the proper housing of his labour force to
the satisfaction of the Government Health Office. Surveyor shall comply with all
the rules and regulations in force at the time with the orders of the Health Office,
regarding provision of latrines, cooking and bathing places, anti malarial works
and other health or amenity measures. Surveyor shall be responsible for
maintaining the temporary accommodation, sanitary convenience etc., in a clean
and tidy condition.
Upon completion of the field works, the Surveyor may be required to conduct a
site visit with the S.O/S.O.’s Representative and show them the position of all
Temporary Bench Marks permanent monuments which have been established
and located.
The Surveyor shall supply a copy of the following results to the Government on
completion of fieldwork and adjustment:-
(a) Schedules of all Permanent Ground Markers (IP's, RM's, SM's, TBM's) giving the
reference numbers, coordinates and heights with reference to r land survey and
tied the readings with Survey Department’s Datum.
(b) Descriptions of Permanent Ground Markers by providing the types of marker
constructed and location sketches.
(c) Copies of the most recently available descriptions for each station used for the
Works, by providing the reference number, coordinates, height with reference
and description of its position.
Terms of Reference
(d) Where applicable, description of the Local or State grid giving the origin, scale
factor, and parameters used for transformation from the Local Grid to the
National Grid.
The Surveyor shall supply to the S.O or any other relevant parties requested by
the S.O. immediately after initial completion, advance copies of the above results
in order for the S.O. to carry out a proving survey.
Height control shall be established by levelling from existing Bench Marks and
the positions of existing Bench Marks which have previously been established
by others shall be indicated on the survey plans. The levels of such Bench
Marks shall be obtained and recorded and their accuracy verified by the
Surveyor. All levels determined in the survey shall be in metric units.
A full listing of all traverse station with coordinates in the Malaysian Rectified
Skewed Orthomorphic (RSO) grid and reduced levels based on MADA’s “MR”
shall be tabulated and submitted to the S.O. on completion of the traverse. The
traverse station reference numbers coordinates, in the RSO grid system, and the
reduced levels shall be marked on copper plates embedded in the concrete at
each traverse point.
The data shall be reduced and checked by the Surveyor and this data shall be
made available to other surveyors. Traversing from a known point to a starting
point for the survey work shall provide planimetric control.
Terms of Reference
Topographic survey shall be tied to a base line established for the survey work
and undisturbed boundary stones. Spot levels at not more than 50 metres
intervals or as specified in both directions shall be taken over the area 1050
hectar. All salient features within the area shall be picked up.
The coordinates and dimensions for the topographic survey as shown in
attachment are to be used as a guide only. The exact location and extent of
the sites to be surveyed shall be verified with the S.O or his Representative
before commencement of work. In general, the total area to be surveyed for
the paddy fields shall include the whole area within the compound including
part of the main/secondary canal and the intake channel.
Existing canals and drains, whether along or incoming into the sites, including
their types of construction shall be surveyed with a minimum of three levels
(on their side slopes) and at 50m intervals along the waterways.
Existing water levels of canals and drains and their discharge directions (if
All lot numbers, boundary stones and boundaries within or adjacent to the site
must be plotted. The surveyor must verify with the Land Office to ensure that
the lot numbers and boundaries plotted are based on the latest record
available in the Land Office.
The Surveyors shall construct coordinates and level ground markers at the
required positions in accordance with the Specification Temporary Bench
Marks (TBM) shall be installed at interval not more than 2km apart along the
traverse route with intermediate concrete traverse markers established at
suitable points on permanent structures such as bridges, weirs, barrages
and major culverts. Other permanent features such as bed rock, concrete
steps, fire hydrant, concrete culverts or other solid points may be used for
these markers.
Terms of Reference
These ground markers are required to remain safe and stable. Sufficient
working space is to be available around each marker to enable the
necessary instruments to be erected and operated.
Where the traverse route follows an existing surface road, road nails shall be
used to mark the traverse line and the distance and chainage shall be
clearly marked with indelible paint at specified spacing.
The wooden peg shall consist of a 50mm x 50mm hardwood peg, painted
red, buried to a minimum depth of 450mm and projecting not less than
150mm above ground level.
In swampy area, longer pegs shall be used to ensure that they remain
visible and stable.
Surveyor Methods
Terms of Reference
All survey works shall conform to the standard of accuracy given below and any
work found not conforming to any of the following requirements shall be rejected
and re-surveyed without any additional charge.
The maximum allowable error of all measured distance shall not exceed 1 in
The maximum allowable error in all levels shall not exceed ± (0.02 √ K) meter,
where K is the distance in kilometre. A day’s work shall be tied back to the
starting point of the day.
The Surveyor shall supply all plans on stable based reproducible materials. The details
of submission of survey plan will be described in this section.
Terms of Reference
All drawings shall be in metric scale on standard A1/A0 metric drawing sheets.
The drawings shall have a title block at the bottom or as requested by S.O. The
surveyor shall prepare the following survey plans based on the data and
information of the field surveys:
(a) Key plans to scale of 1:10,000.
(b) Layout plans of the existing irrigation block including infrastructures to a
suitable scale such that the area can be put into a suitable standard A1
size sheet with names of land marks and roads indicated.
(c) Alignment plans to scale of 1:500.
(d) Longitudinal section plans to a scale of 1:100 vertically and 1:2000
(e) Cross-section surveys to a scale of 1:100 vertically and 1:100 horizontally.
(f) Topographical survey plan to a scale of 1:6336 and 1:1000
(g) For land acquisition plans, the following scales shall be applicable :
Details plan must be prepared to a scale of 1:3168 (size A1).
Layout plan must be prepared to a scale of 1:6336 (size A1/A0).
Details plan must be prepared to a scale of 1:500 (size A3).
Land acquisition plans shall be compiled from the Survey Department cadastral
sheet, and on the same scale. The plans shall fulfil the JKPTG/PTG
requirements and includes;
(a) Lot boundaries with coordinates or bearings within the surveyed corridor.
(b) Lot numbers, areas, name of province/town/district as stated in land
grants. The surveyor is responsible to trace and identify the status of all
lots to be acquired.
(c) Any other information normally shown on Survey Department cadastral
survey sheets.
The S.O. has the right to instruct the licensed surveyor to submit land acquisition
plan whenever the ‘carian rasmi’ has achieved more than 80% of the total lots.
The licensed surveyor is required to finalize the remaining lots within the
contract period.
Terms of Reference
Upon the satisfactory completion of the whole work to the approval of the S.O.
the Surveyor shall submit to the S.O. the survey plans, drawing and records as
(a) All drawings shall be prepared in an Autocad format (Release 2007 or later), and
the Surveyor shall supply it in CD-ROM or other agreed medium including geo-
referenced layouts indicating the traverse lines and cross-section values in X-Y-Z
(b) Three (3) complete sets of prints topographical survey plans, cross-section
surveys, longitudinal section and site survey plans, whichever applicable, shall
be provided;
(c) Four (4) CD’s containing all information of para (b).
(d) All relevant data field books/stadia records, drawings, calculation sheets,
revenue sheets, certified plans, etc. prepared or obtained in the execution of the
(e) All cross-section data shall also be submitted in the Microsoft Excel format for
chainage, distance and height measurements;
(f) Fifty five (55) set of land acquisition plans shall be provided as required in
Section 8 (APT 1960) for each relevant district and all parts of the lots involved
inclusive of CD’s;
(g) Three (3) set of R.O.W plans shall be provided;
(h) Three (3) set of detail layout plans shall be provided;
The Surveyor shall issue to the S.O. three (3) set of draft copies of the land
acquisition plans as and when required by the S.O. for the purpose of checking by
Consultant/BPSP/JPS KEDAH. Only after receiving the approval of the draft by the
S.O/S.O’s Representative, the Surveyor shall proceed to prepare and submit the final
copy of the plans.
All data on drawings shall be recorded and plotted in a format approved by the
S.O/S.O’s Representative.
All the above mentioned items submitted shall become the properties of the
Terms of Reference
Booking of survey and levelling or stadia records shall be done in proper books and in
accordance with good surveying practice. All field bookings or stadia records shall be
done in ink. Mistakes shall be clearly struck out and there will be no superimposed
writing and erasure. All field books or stadia records shall be made available to the
S.O’s Representative for inspection while the survey works is in progress.
Electronic stadia records and manual field books shall record all relevant information
such as observer, time/date, station instrument number, general sketch and description
at any point (a site datum, wooden pegs), and adverse weather and lights conditions.
The Surveyor shall follow closely the S.O.’s programme of work and complete the job
including submission of plans within the time given.
The Surveyor shall be solely responsible for any injury or damage to life and property
arising out of or caused by the execution of the work and shall take out all necessary
insurance cover to indemnify the Government against all claims, losses or proceedings
what so ever arising out of such injury or damage
The Surveyor shall be remunerated based on the latest Schedule of Fees for
Engineering Survey approved by the Treasury for rendering based on “Jadual Fee
Ukur Kejuruteraan 2001 (Pindaan Kepada Jadual Kejuruteraan 1980)”.
Reimbursement or out of pocket expenditure incurred are as follows:
Terms of Reference
(a) Actual expenses incurred in purchase of relevant documents, plans, maps, record
and etc.
(b) Actual expenses incurred for telegrams, fax, telex, telephone calls and etc.
(c) Hiring charge of special equipments and software packages as agreed with the
(d) Expenses incurred in travelling, accommodation and subsistence allowance shall
be as follows:
i) Travelling
Air Fare Actual
Mileage 50 sen per km
ii) Hotel Maximum RM 180.00 ++ per day
iii) Subsistence RM 85.00 per day
(e) Expenses incurred in the use of special transportation e.g. helicopter, boat etc as
agreed with the client.