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General Earthwork Procedures: PT Aurecon Indonesia Procedure

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PT Aurecon Indonesia
DATE : SHEET : 1 of 2


PT Aurecon Indonesia

1.1. Scope
1.2. References
1.3. Terminology
1.4. Submittal
1.5. Quality Assurance

2.1. Materials
2.2. Mixtures

3.1. Preceding Work
3.2. Preparation
3.3. Protection
3.4. Control of Water.
3.5. Hauling, Excavation, Backfill, and Compaction
3.6. Open Drainage structure
3.7. Fills and Embankments
3.8. Site Restoration
3.9. Inspection

1.1. Scope
This specification prescribes the requirements for the following:
1.1.1. The excavation, fill, and embankment construction required to achieve the Site
finished grades indicated on plans or otherwise required by the Contract.
1.1.2. The excavation required for construction of footings, foundations, and other
structures and the placement and compaction of backfill to restore finished grade
around completed structures.
1.1.3. The excavation, bedding, backfilling, and compaction required for installing
underground piping, culverts, and associated appurtenances.
1.1.4. The disposal of unsatisfactory and surplus excavated materials.
1.1.5. The furnishing, placement, and compaction of selected backfill material when
1.1.6. The furnishing of borrow, when sufficient quantity of satisfactory backfill
materials is not available from onsite sources.
1.1.7. The control of surface runoff and groundwater as necessary for the safe and
efficient execution of the Work.

1.2. References

1.2.1. Related Specification/Procedure

The following specifications prescribe item of related work :
SP-CI-GG-002 : General Specification for Civil and Structural
PP-CI-GG-005 : Civil Inspection and Testing Services
SP-CI-RL-001 : Field Road and Piping Corridor
PP-CI-GG-001 : General Earthwork
PP-CI-SV-001 : Surface Investigation Procedure

Coordinate work prescribed by this specification with work prescribed by the above
list specifications. When there is a discrepancy between the specification and
reference, the most stringent will govern.

1.2.2. Codes and Standard

The publications listed below form part of this specification. Each publication shall be
the latest revision and addendum in effect at the time of the project's execution unless
noted otherwise. Except as modified by the requirements specified herein or the
details of the drawings, all work included in this specification shall conform to
applicable provisions of these publications.

 AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation

AASHTO T194 Determination of Organic Matter in Soils by Wet Combustion.

 ASTM (American Standard of Testing and Materials), the last Edition of :

a) ASTM C33 : Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates
b) ASTM C150 : Standard Specification for Portland Cement
c) ASTM D1556 : Standard Test Method for Density of & Unit Weight of Soil
in Place by Sand Cone Method
d) ASTM D1557 : Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction
Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-
e) ASTMD2216 : Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of
Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
f) ASTM D2487 : Standard Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes
g) ASTM D2488 : Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils
(Visual-Manual Procedure)
h) ASTM D2922 : Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-
Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)
i) ASTM D3017 : Standard Test Method for Water Content of Soil and Soil-
Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)
j) ASTM D4253 : Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density & Unit
Weight of Soils Using a Vibratory Table
k) ASTM D4254 : Standard Test Methods for Minimum Index Density & Unit
Weight of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density

 OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

OSHA Construction Industry Standards, Title 29, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 1926, Safety and Health Regulations for Construction

1.3. Terminology
In this specification, the following words and terms shall have the meanings hereby
assigned to them, unless noted otherwise.

1.3.1. COMPANY
Refers to PT. AURECON INDONESIA, as the ultimate user and owner, the
authorized representative of COMPANY or COMPANY third party inspection.

Refers to company selected by COMPANY, which may be responsible for the
detailed engineering design, material and equipment procurement, and construction as
specified in Contract, Scope of Work, or Work Order.

1.3.3. VENDOR
Refers to the company selected by COMPANY or CONTRACTOR, which is
responsible for the purchase agreement or purchase order of the goods/services
specified in this specification

For EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) project purposes: The
terminology shall have the meanings as above.
For "Direct Procurement" by COMPANY purposes: Vendor shall also be responsible

1.4. Conflicting Requirements

1.4.1. In case of conflict between this Specification and its associated Specifications
and the above Codes and Standards, the Vendor shall bring the matter to the
COMPANY'S attention for resolution and approval in writing. However, the
most stringent requirement shall apply.
1.4.2. Should conflicts exist between this specification and other documents, the
following order of precedence shall govern:
 Scope of Work
 Data Sheets.
 This Specification
 Other COMPANY Specifications
 Other Referenced Publications
 Approved for Construction Drawings
 Vendor's Code

1.5. Submittals
1.5.1. Safety Plan
When required by the Contract documents, a safety plan for excavation and trenching
shall be submitted for COMPANY review and approval before starting the excavation
or trenching operations. The plan shall indicate the systems, methods, and techniques
to be used to ensure that excavation or trench sidewalls will be properly guarded to
protect personnel, existing facilities, and structures in the vicinity of the Work.

1.5.2. Water Control Plan

When required by the Contract documents, a Water Control Plan shall be
submitted for COMPANY review and approval before starting the earthwork
operations. The plan shall indicate the methods and techniques to be used for control
water (both surface runoff and ground water) during the Work.

1.6. Quality Assurance

A testing and inspection will be retained by CONTRACTOR to perform field and
laboratory testing and soil evaluation to verify compliance of the Work with the
requirements of this specification and to ensure the achievement of the intents and purposes of
the Work.


2.1. Materials
2.1.1. Borrow Material
Borrow material shall meet the requirement specified for satisfactory fill materials
per ASTM D2487 or ASTM D2488 and shall be free from refuse, or other material
that might prevent proper compaction or cause the completed backfill to have
insufficient bearing capacity for the expected superimposed load.
2.1.2. Granular Bedding Material
Well-graded sand, gravel, or manufactured aggregate containing no particles larger
than 1/2-inch, and free from roots, debris, or any other substance that would harm the
pipe or might impair the performance of the material as bedding for the pipe.
2.1.3. Portland Cement
Portland Cement shall be in accordance with ASTM C150 Type I.
2.1.4. Sand
Sand shall be fine aggregate per ASTM C33.
2.1.5. Select Granular Backfill
Backfill shall be well graded soil classified per ASTM D2487 or ASTM D2488.

2.2. Mixtures
2.2.1. Lean Concrete
A mixture containing 1-part (by volume) of Portland cement, 2-parts of sand, and
water. The amount of water shall be the minimum necessary to produce a mixture with
a consistency suitable for proper placement.


3.1. Preceding Work

3.1.1. Clearing and Grubbing General
 Avoid damage to the Site and to existing facilities, trees, peat, and
shrubs designated to remain.
 Protect benchmarks, baseline monuments, property corners, and
other temporary or permanent survey markers in the vicinity of the
Work from destruction or disturbance.
 Within the area to be cleared, properly relocate survey markers that
interfere with the Work, or witness the markers and then restore
them after completing the Work.
 Before starting clearing operations, erect protective barriers around
trees, shrubs, and other facilities designated to remain. Erect barriers
at or outside of the tree or shrub drip line. Do not use the area within
protective barriers for traffic, storage, or any other purpose. After
clearing and grubbing work is complete, properly remove and
dispose of protective barriers. Survey Work

 Preliminary survey location of road, piping corridor, gathering
station, and other facilities shall be done using Total Station tools.
 Surveying shall be started from recommended GPS benchmarks and
one other reference benchmark. From these two benchmarks, activity
shall be continued to surveying of road and corridor centerline with
minimum two survey points at both ends for every centerline. After
obtain two reference points, activity shall be continued to the cutting
line and stake out works. Output of preliminary survey is a general
situation and preliminary stake out for guidance on detail survey.
 Move existing or master of benchmarks to the project site and built-
up the local benchmarks or benchmark monument permanently. Local
benchmark will be checked periodically to ensure the accuracy of
elevations and coordinates. Benchmarks shall be protected from
object disturbances.
 At least one local benchmark monument shall be provided for a
quadrant. Additional benchmark monument shall be provided if one
monument is not adequate.
 Theodolite and leveling shall be employed in surveying coordinates
and elevations. Closed-polygon per quadrant method shall be used in
surveying coordinates.
 Distance of stake out shall be 165 feet (50 m) up to 330 feet (100 m),
identified by bamboo or wooden dolken, and marked by red color for
easy identification. Temporary or permanent marker shall be
protected from destruction or disturbance.
 All instruments shall be calibrated before used. Clearing & Grubbing

 Clearing shall be done on all areas, which is included borrow pit,
road, corridor, and gathering station before starting the filling work.
 Clearing includes removal and proper disposal of trees, bushes,
stumps, rubbish, and other vegetation resting on or protruding
through the ground surface area to be cleared, without removing its
roots. Clearing shall be performed at all back fill area without
geotextile on base.
 All garbage material shall be stored at adjacent or destination area
and shall not be burned.
 Stripping at borrow pit area includes cutting of topsoil up to
maximum 1-foot depth. Topsoil shall be stored around borrow pit
 Grubbing includes removal and disposal of roots, stumps, bushes and
other obstruction materials, which protruding through the ground
surface. Grubbing may include cutting of topsoil up to 4-inches (10-
cm) depth if required. Grubbing shall be performed at strong surface
only. Grubbing at peat area shall not be performed.
 Especially for gathering station & other plant areas, depth of
excavation shall follow the approval engineering drawing.
 Dozer D6/D7 and motor grader shall be used in clearing and grubbing
 Disposal materials shall be stored at adjacent location around 165 feet
(50 m) from original location.
 Trees with minimum 4" diameter shall be selected from disposal
materials and shall be used as corduroy material. These selected trees
shall be stored in dry area before the installation.
 Other disposal materials such as topsoil, debris, and roots shall be
spread around the location without disposing them outside the project
area. This location shall be replanted. Smoothing of Terrain

 Remove from the project Site and dispose of debris resulting from
clearing and grubbing operations.
 After clearing and grubbing have been completed, eliminate stump
holes, depressions, ridges, and other irregular surface features by
grading and backfilling to achieve a surface suitable for subsequent
construction operations. Shape the resulting surface for positive
drainage of surface runoff.
 Areas to be excavated immediately after clearing and grabbing is
completed, need not to be smoothed.

3.1.2. Topsoil Removal and Stockpiling Topsoil is generally representative of agriculturally productive soil.

Topsoil shall be free from subsoil and objectionable material that would
hinder plant growth or maintenance and shall not contain more than 5%
by volume of stones larger than 1-inch. Remove materials only to such depth that it meets the definition of
topsoil. Strip and stockpile removed topsoil in areas to be excavated
separately from other excavated materials. Protect topsoil stockpiles
from contamination during progress of the work until their materials
have been used in finish operations. Conserve acceptable topsoil from
the Site sufficiently to cover areas requiring planting.

3.2. Preparation

3.2.1. Preliminary Site Examination

Prior the excavation, thoroughly examine the area to be excavated to verify the
locations of features indicated on the drawings and to ascertain the existence and
location of any underground structure or other item not shown that might interfere
with the new structure or pipe installation. To notify COMPANY of any obstructions
that will prevent accomplishment of the Work. Take protective measurement to
prevent existing facilities within the work area that are not designated to be removed
from being damaged by the Work.

3.2.2. Fills and Embankments

Where the structure or pipeline is to be installed in an area of fill or embankment, verify
that such work has been completed to an elevation at least 2-feet above the bottom of
the structure to be installed or at least 3-feet above the top of the pipeline to be
installed. No concrete base/slabs and trenches shall be placed on area of fill or
embankment when the settlement processes still exist unless they are adequately
supported on piles.

3.2.3. Construction Layout

Unless otherwise stipulated elsewhere in the Contract documents, the Work covered
by this specification includes the performance of all calculations, and the setting of all
mark and stakes necessary to ensure that the Work conforms to the required lines,
grades, and dimensions. Related such layout to the coordinate grid system, elevation
datum and related survey control monuments and benchmarks identified on the
drawings or elsewhere in the Contract documents.

3.2.4. Erosion, Sedimentation and Dust Control

Before starting earthwork operation on any particular area of the project Site, install
measures for the control, prevention, and abatement of erosion and sedimentation for
that area as required. Schedule and conduct construction operations in such a manner
and sequence that erosion, sedimentation, and dust on the project Site is minimized.
Coordinate the installation of temporary erosion control features with the construction
of the permanent erosion control features to the extent necessary to ensure effective
and continuous control of erosion throughout the period of Work. Measures to
control dusting include routine watering and seeding of stockpiled soils. All erosion,
sedimentation, and dust control facilities shall be installed as indicated on the drawing
when required, checked after each rainfall, and maintained in order to continue to
perform efficiently.

3.2.5. Excavation Safety

Plan for and assemble materials and equipment required to stabilize excavation
sidewalls as necessary to ensure the safety of personnel working in the excavation
and to protect existing facilities and structures in the vicinity of the Work from
damage. The systems, methods, and techniques used shall meet or exceed all
applicable requirements of the OSHA Construction Industry Standards, and all
other local codes and regulations. Barriers and warning devices shall be placed
around all excavations, especially where excavations are unattended, to indicate a
hazard exists, in the immediate vicinity.

3.3. Protection
3.3.1. Slope Stabilization Stabilize the sides of excavations as necessary to prevent slope failure or
any other earth movement that might injure personnel, or damage
existing buildings, structures, or other facilities in the vicinity of the
Work. Earth retainers, such as shoring and sheet piling, shall be installed
where required. The stabilization method employed shall comply with
pertinent requirements of the OSHA Construction Industry Standards,
and other applicable local codes and regulations. Remove sheeting, bracing, and shoring systems employed for slope
stabilization as the progress of the Work eliminates their need, unless
they are permitted or required to remain by other provisions of these
specifications or the other Contract documents. Carefully remove such
systems in order to prevent subsidence or other soil movement that might
damage existing or newly constructed structures or other facilities.

3.3.2. Working at Existing or Complete Utilities.

Carefully move machinery and equipment over existing or newly installed pipes and
utilities during construction so as not to damage completed work. For work
immediately adjacent to, or excavation exposing an existing utility or other
structure, use manual or light equipment excavating techniques. Do not use power
driven equipment to excavate closer than 2-feet from any existing utilities or
structures. Support uncovered pipes and other existing work affected by the excavation
until they are properly supported by backfill. Report immediately any damage to
utility lines or other subsurface facilities.

3.3.3. Working at Structures and Surfaces

Protect newly backfilled areas and adjacent structures, slopes, or grades from damage.
Repair and re-establish damaged grades and slopes. Protect existing streams, ditches,
and other storm water facilities from silt accumulation and erosion

3.4. Control of Water

3.4.1. General
Prevent or control water flow into excavations, or water accumulation in excavations,
to ensure that the bottoms and sides of excavations remain firm and stable throughout
construction operations.
3.4.2. Surface Water Run Off
Plan and conduct excavation operations so as to minimize the disruption of storm
water drainage in the vicinity of the Work. Provide diversion ditches, dikes, and other
suitable measures to control and direct runoff around and away from the excavation.
Protect the sides of excavations from erosion and sloughing caused by storm water
runoff. Promptly remove storm water accumulations in excavations. The systems and
equipment for controlling surface water shall be of sufficient capacity to accommodate
the runoff rate expected from the 2-years (50 percent annual chance) rainfall event,
with no significant disruption of the construction schedule, or damage to existing
features or facilities in the vicinity of the Work.
Run-off water at borrow pit area shall be managed by open ditch at every 164 feet x
164 feet minimum area. Borrow pit area shall be sloped 10% minimum and run-off
water shall be drained through open ditch to existing canal. Dimension of canal shall
be determined on site. Excavation layout and drainage layout of borrow pit area shall
be submitted to COMPANY for information.

3.4.3. Groundwater
When the bottom of the excavation must be carried to an elevation below the
groundwater piezometric surface, or to such proximity to the piezometric surface that
the excavation bottom will become soft due to its being saturated by
groundwater,take measures to lower the piezometric surface sufficiently to maintain
the stability of the excavation bottom. Design the groundwater control system using
accepted professional methods of design and engineering consistent with the best
modern practice. The system shall include trenches and sumps with pumps, well
points, and such other equipment, appurtenances, and related earthwork necessary
to achieve the groundwater control needs of the Work. Carefully design and operate
the system to avoid damage to existing structures and other facilities in the vicinity of
the Work.

3.4.4. Disposal of Removed Water

Convey water removed by the water control systems to an existing storm water
drainage facility that has sufficient capacity to accommodate the flow rates involved
without damage. Secure permits or other approvals required from authorities having
jurisdiction for such storm water discharge.

3.4.5. System Removal

After completing construction operations needing water control, remove materials,
equipment, and other facilities used for that purpose, and clean up and restore affected
areas as required

3.5. Hauling, Excavation, Backfill, and Compaction

3.5.1. General
Remove soil, rock, and other materials as necessary to achieve the finished grades,
sub grades, or other limits of excavation indicated. Use satisfactory materials
resulting from excavation work in the construction of fills and embankments, and
for the replacement of removed unsuitable materials. After the excavation to the
required Finish grade is completed, re-compact materials that are to remain but
have been loosened or otherwise disturbed by the excavation operations, to a firm,
stable condition, and to a density equal to or greater than the surrounding
undisturbed material.

3.5.2. Hauling
Dump Truck with adequate capacity & number shall be used for hauling dirt
materials. Each Dump Truck group shall be supported by excavator, dozer, and
compactor at project site. If hauling distance less than 1 km using Scrapper shall be
considered for hauling dirt materials.
Dump truck shall be maintained periodically in maximum 3 months usage. Before
starting the work, driver or mechanic shall perform daily equipment check to ensure
the ability of equipment. CONTRACTOR shall propose the parking area of dump
truck to COMPANY for approval. Dump truck is not allowed to leave the project
site without CONTRACTOR instruction. Fuel shall be supplied by fuel truck and
stored in the temporary tank at parking area.
Other earth moving equipment such as dozer, excavator, compactor, and grader
shall be parked in adjacent to the job site. Fuel shall be supplied to this location by
fuel track.
Access roads route of hauling material from borrow pit area or stockpile area to the
project site shall be proposed by CONTRACTOR and submit to COMPANY for
approval. CONTRACTOR shall periodically maintain the access roads at project
site only.

3.5.3. Stockpiling and Disposal of Materials

Stockpile excavated satisfactory materials that are surplus to the quantity needed
for construction of required fills and embankments, or for replacement of
unsuitable. Stockpiles shall be neatly shaped and free draining, with sides sloped at
4 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter. Dispose of excavated materials that are
unsatisfactory for use as fill or backfill or are surplus to that needed for backfilling,
in a safe and proper manner off the project Site or in areas of the project Site
designated for that purpose.

3.5.4. Rock Excavation

Remove rock encountered in areas requiring excavation using mechanical methods
(such as ripping, wedging, or impacting) to reduce the rock to manageable sized
Except as otherwise shown, required, or specified, excavate rock to a depth of no
less than 12-inches below the indicated finished grade. Backfill undercut areas with
satisfactory materials placed and compacted in accordance with the requirements
for fills and embankments. In areas to be paved, remove rock to a depth of no less
than 3-inches below the pavement sub grade surface. The remaining rock surface
shall be free of projecting ribs or points, and shaped so that positive drainage of the
surface is provided and no water will be pocketed at any point. Grout crevices in
the surface with lean concrete. Backfill undercut areas with cohesionless,
satisfactory material, placed and compacted in accordance with the requirements for
fills and embankments.

3.5.5. Excavation for Shallow Foundation Excavate the surface ground down to at least 3-feet depth below the
natural ground surface. Remove any lose or soft pocked of soil or organic material and replace
with structural fill and shall be compacted to 95% of maximum dry
density modified proctor test. Re-compact the exposed surface to 95% of maximum dry density
modified proctor test. Re-compaction shall reach a depth of 10-inches
thickness preferably by putting structural bedding and shall be in free
draining saturated condition before placing the footing.

3.5.6. Compaction and Moisture Control Compact satisfactory backfill material to a uniform dry density of no less than
92% of Modified Proctor Density (ASTM D1557) unless otherwise
stipulated elsewhere in specification herein. The top 12-inches of sub grade beneath structurally loaded areas such as slab
and foundations shall be compacted not to less than 95% of Modified
Proctor Density. Compact each layer to a firm, stable condition using vibratory or impact type
compaction equipment suitable for the material and lift thickness and operated
in accordance with manufacturer's instruction. Adjust the moisture content as necessary to achieve a condition suitable for
compaction. For cohesive materials, the moisture content at the time of
compaction shall be within 2 percentage points of optimum. When water must be added, distribute it uniformly over the surface of the
layer, and thoroughly incorporate it into the soil to achieve a uniform
distribution of moisture throughout the material. When the moisture content
is excessive, defer compaction until the material has dried to suitable moisture
content. The Sand-Cone Method may be used to determine the in-place density and
unit weight of any soil that can be excavated to a stable condition with hand
tools. The use of this test method is generally limited to soil in an unsaturated
condition without appreciable amounts of rock or coarse materials more than
1.5 in (38mm) in diameter. This method is not
recommended for soils that are soft or in a moisture condition. The test is
performed according to ASTM D1556. In area of unsuitable sub grade with low bearing strength such as peat or
organic soils, a bridging fill approximately 0.75 to 1.0 meters may be
placed with no compaction criteria with COMPANY approval.

3.5.7. Excavation, Backfill, and Compaction for Structures Base General
Excavation pits for constructing cast-in-place concrete foundations,
footings, and other structures to permit the placement of each monolithic
element of the structure to the full width and length required with a full
horizontal bed. If the excavation sidewalls are to be used to form the sides
of the structure, take special care during excavation to secure a true surface
conforming to the lines and dimensions indicated on the plans for the
structure. Corners and edges of the excavation shall be true and square,
not rounded or undercut. Foundation Material Other than Rock

When the bottom of the foundation is to rest on an excavated surface other
than rock, take special care to avoid disturbing the virgin soil at the
bottom of the excavation, and to protect the soil from the changes in
moisture content. To accomplish this, do not excavate the final 6-inches of
material until just before the structure is to be placed. When the bottom of
the excavation must be exposed for an extended period of time, during
which time inclement weather may damage it, lower the bottom of the
excavation approximately 2-inches below the indicated bottom of the
structure, and backfill the over excavated sea with lean concrete. If the
bottom of the excavation is not firm and stable, notify COMPANY
immediately so that appropriate corrective measure may be developed and
implemented. Rock Foundation Material

When the bottom of the structure is to rest on rock or other unyielding
material, clean the bearing surface of loose material, and cut to a firm,
level bed that is stepped, keyed, or serrated. Backfill and Compaction

 As soon as practical after completing construction of the related
structure, including expiration of the specified minimum curing
period for cast-in-place concrete, backfill the excavation to restore the
required finished grade. Backfill by placing and compacting
satisfactory backfill material or select granular backfill material,
when required, in uniform horizontal layers of no greater than 6
inches loose thickness.
 Insofar as possible, place and compact backfill symmetrically about
the structure to avoid the development of unbalanced earth pressure
loads on the structure.
 Do not place backfill around new cast-in-place concrete structures
until the concrete has cured for at least 3-days; or, when the backfill
will result in the development of unbalanced earth pressure loads on
the structure, do not start backfilling until the concrete has cured for
at least 7-days or compressive strength test indicated the concrete has
achieved more than 80 percent of its specified compressive strength.
 Step excavation side slope with each layer of backfill to avoid the
development of unnecessary loads against the structure caused by
backfill wedging between the structure and the excavation sidewalls.

3.5.8. Excavation, Backfill, and Compaction for Underground Piping General
Carefully excavate trenches to the minimum depths and widths necessary
for installing the pipeline and associated appurtenances in accordance
with the requirements of this specification, and the lines and grades
indicated on the plans or elsewhere in the Contract documents. In the pipe
embedment zone, the trench sidewalls shall be as nearly vertical as
practical. From the top of the pipe embedment zone to the surface, the
trench sidewalls shall be either sloped sufficiently to prevent sloughing or
cave-in, or shall be properly supported. Stockpile excavated materials in
an orderly manner a sufficient distance from the trench sidewalls to avoid
endangering the stability of the bank. Unstable Natural Grade

When soft, yielding, or otherwise unstable natural soil conditions are
encountered at the required trench bottom elevation, over excavate the
trench to a depth of no less than 12-inches below the required pipe bottom
elevation, and backfill with granular bedding material. If conditions are so
severe that over excavating and backfilling will not achieve a stable
condition, notify COMPANY immediately so that appropriate corrective
measures may be identified. No underground facilities/utilities shall be
placed or embedded in area of fill or embankment when the settlement
processes still exist unless they are adequately supported on piles. Unyielding Natural Grade

Whenever rock, stone, masonry, or other hard, unyielding material is
encountered at or above the required trench bottom elevation, remove it to
provide a clearance of no less than 6-inches below and on each side of
pipes and associated fittings, \alves, and other appurtenances. Backfill the
over excavated area with granular bedding material. Previous Excavations

In the event that the trench passes over a sewer or through any other
previous excavation, carefully compact the bottom of the trench to a
density equal to or greater than that of the native soil adjacent to the
previous excavation. Perform this compaction carefully to avoid
damaging the previously installed facility. Excavation for Appurtenances

 Excavation for pre-cast manholes, catch basins, drainage inlets, and
other similar structures shall be of sufficient size to permit proper
placement of the structures in their intended positions, and to permit
proper placement and compaction of backfill around the structures
after their placement. For cast-in-place appurtenances, excavation
shall be of sufficient size to permit placement and removal of
necessary formwork.
 When concrete is to be placed against the bottom or sides of an
excavation, take care not to disturb the native soils that the concrete
bears against. Excavate to final line and grade just before the concrete
or masonry is to be placed. Remove loose or unstable materials.
Clean rock of loose material and other debris, and cut to a firm and
stable surface that is either level, stepped, or serrated; remove loose
or deteriorated rock and thin strata. Bedding
After excavation reaches the required trench bottom elevation and any
unsatisfactory sub grade conditions are corrected as specified, prepare the
bottom of the trench for placement of the pipe by spreading in the trench a
layer of loose granular bedding material to attain a level just above the
required grade of the outside of the bottom of the pipe. Carefully shape
the surface of this layer of loose material to ensure that uniform and
continuous support is provided to the bottom quadrant of each pipe
section along its entire length. In the prepared trench bottom, excavate
small depressions (bell holes) of the minimum size necessary to allow
removing the pipe handling slings, to allow assembly of pipe joints, and to
avoid the development of bearing loads on the pipe bells or flanges. Initial Backfill

Place and compact initial backfill from the spring line of the pipe to the
top of the pipe embedment zone in uniform horizontal lift of not over 6-
inches loose thickness. Bring up the level of backfill uniformly on
opposite sides of the pipe along the full length of each pipe section. Take
care not to damage the pipe or any protective coating it may have. Final Backfill

Place and compact satisfactory backfill material in 8-inches maximum
loose thickness lifts to restore the required finished surface grade. During
final backfill for plastic or other non-ferrous pipelines, install plastic
marking tape above the pipeline at a depth of 1-feet to 2-feet below the
required finished grade. Compaction
Except in areas of load bearing sub grade, compact final backfill
composed of satisfactory materials from the original trenching to a density
equal to or greater than that of the existing undisturbed material
immediately adjacent to the trench. Where the excavated material is
unsatisfactory for use as backfill and, therefore, imported materials are
used, compact the backfill to no less than 92% of Modified Proctor

3.5.9. Excavation, Backfill, and Compaction for Roads Earthwork includes excavation, fill and removal of unusable materials
(such as vegetation, topsoil, and any other soft soil layer), diversion of
surface run-off and temporary shoring when necessary. The level of site fill
shall be above the highest flood level that is defined to be equal to the
elevation of well pad area. Road sub grade shall be established by cut or fill to the required level as
shown on construction drawings. Sub grade level shall be properly shaped
to the required profile by motor graders, and shall be rolled and compacted
to design requirement. Compaction requirement is not less than 95% of
Modified Proctor Density. In area of unsuitable sub grade with low bearing strength such as peat or
organic soils, a bridging fill approximately 0.75 to 1.0 meters may be
placed with no compaction criteria with COMPANY approval.

3.5.10. Excavation for canals Site preparation works consist of clearing and grubbing, setting out the
canal centerline in accordance with the construction drawing and
establishing benchmark and grade staking as necessary to carry out
construction. Earthwork includes excavation, fill and removal of unusable materials
(such as vegetation, topsoil, and any other soft soil layer), diversion of
surface run-off and temporary shoring when necessary. Adjust canal centerline, if necessary to avoid existing facility, as long as it
does not change energy line and wet area of canal. Cutting work shall use
excavator with suitable requirements so the excellent work will be
performed, dredging equipment shall not be used. Finishing work for canal walls can be done by using excavator or manual
workman. Excavated material shall be stored at both sides of canal, with maximum
embankment up to 3-feet (1 m). Slope of embankment shall be 1 depth : 2
width. Use soil reinforcement such as geotextile, riprap etc. for the canal
embankment protection if necessary. Minimum slope of canal shall be 1-foot depth by 1-foot width. If slope is
not indicated on the design drawing, dimension of slope shall be
justified on field. Canal re-shaping is required to recover the capacity back to its original
design capacity. Re-shaping canal principally covers activities as
 Cutting work a heap in the middle of canal.
 Reshaping bottom and wall of canal.
 Repair canal dikes.
 Widening canal at some location referred to design drawing.
Considering that reshaping work at main canal will encounter high
obstacles due to the width of canal, it is recommended to use
mechanical digging equipment.

3.6. Open Drainage structure

Construct new and modified open drainage structure such as: ditches and channels to
conform to the lines, grades, and cross sections indicated on the plans or otherwise required by
the Contract documents. Trim and dress roots, slumps, rock, and other foreign materials
exposed by the work to conform to the required surface. Do not over-excavate. Backfill to
grade any excessive excavation using either satisfactory material thoroughly compacted to the
density required for fills and embankments or place stone or cobble to form an erosion resistant
ditch lining. If the soil bearing capacity is bad, soil improvement shall be done on drainage
structure position to eliminate or reducing settlements.

3.7. Fills and Embankments

3.7.1. General Construct fills and embankments by placing and compacting satisfactory
materials in successive, uniform, horizontal lifts of no greater than 8-
inches loose thickness. Compact each lift to the specified density before
placing materials for the overlying lift. Where the required finished grade has a slope steeper than 1 vertical to 8
horizontal, overbuild the slope by no less than 2-feet (measured
horizontally) and trim back to finished grade after compaction.
3.7.2. Embankment Foundation Before placing the first layer of materials, scarify the surface of areas on
which fill is to be placed to a depth of no less than 6 inches, and then
compact it. Where the existing ground surface on which the fill or embankment is to be
constructed has a slope steeper than 1 vertical to 8 horizontal, benches the
surface so that each lift can be placed and compacted horizontally. Benching
shall be of sufficient width to permit the safe and effective operation of
placing and compacting equipment. Begin each horizontal
cut at the intersection of the original ground surface and the vertical slides of
the previous cut. Re-compact materials cut out for benching in conjunction
with the compaction of the new fill materials. Where the fill or embankment is to be placed on an inundated area or on low
swampy ground that will not support the weight of the hauling
equipment, construct the first lift by dumping successive loads of
satisfactory materials in a uniformly distributed layer, of a thickness not
greater than that necessary to support the hauling equipment while placing
materials for the subsequent lift. Compact the top of this special first lift to a
firm and stable condition. However, it need not be compacted to the
specified density, provided it is overlaid by at least 2 lifts that are placed and
compacted as required. If the conditions are such that 2 full lifts cannot be
properly placed over the special lift, notify COMPANY so appropriate
corrective measures may be developed and implemented
3.7.3. Large Rocks and Boulders
Rocks and boulders exceeding the maximum size allowed in satisfactory fill material
may be incorporated into deep fills and embankments subject to the following size and
depth limitations :

Depth Below Finished Grade Maximum Size Allowable

(Feet) (Inches)
3-5 6
Over 5 12

Carefully place oversize rocks and boulders incorporated into fills and
embankments following this provision so that no voids are created

3.8. Site Restoration

3.8.1. General
After completion of backfill placement and compaction, restore or replace
shrubbery, turf, fences, and other features, surfaces, and structures disturbed during
the work except as otherwise indicated. Return restored features and facilities to a
condition equal or superior to that which existed before the work began.
3.8.2. Finish Grading
At the completion of all construction work, the Site shall be graded to provide for
the runoff of surface drainage without trapping or pounding water. Trim and finish-
grade the surface of areas involved in work covered by this specification. The
resulting surface shall be reasonably smooth and free of ruts, ridges, depressions,
and other significant irregularities. Leave areas designated to be grassed in a
condition suitable for subsequent topsoiling, and seeding or sodding operations.
3.8.3. Clean up
Remove off the Site and properly dispose of surplus piping materials, soils,
temporary structures, and other debris resulting from the work. Leave the site in a
neat and clean condition, ready to receive topsoil, seeding, or whatever final surface
treatment is indicated.

3.9. Inspection
3.9.1. The following tests shall be carried out by CONTRACTOR as required under the
supervision of responsible COMPANY'S engineers :
 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil
Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3), as described in ASTM D1557-64.
 Standard Test Method for Density of & Unit Weight of Soil in Place by Sand
Cone Method, as designed in ASTM D1556-64.
 Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by
Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) as described in ASTM D2922 may be

3.9.2. The above-mentioned tests shall be made at least one test for every 840 square meters
of a layer, with a minimum of two tests per layer. Maximum thickness per each layer
is 25 cm.
3.9.3. CONTRACTOR shall submit the adequate record of all tests for COMPANY'S
3.9.4. Record of test for moisture density relations to soils shall include :
 Optimum Moisture Content.
 Maximum Dry Density.
 Lab Proctor curve for every 1,000 m or whenever material visibly changes (color,
grain size, plasticity). Otherwise, lab proctor curve could be classified in some
category that could be representative.
 Sand cone test for every 1,000 m2 or 300 m3 with reference to the lab proctor
curve. Otherwise, the number of sand cone test may be reduced or limited for
only some test at specific location that could be representative.
3.9.5. Record of test for density of soil in place shall include:

 Volume of Soil Sample.

 Percentage of Moisture Content.
 Moisture Density.
 Dry Density
 Percentage of Compaction.
The percentage of compaction is determined by using the following formula :

Dry Density
% Compaction = ------------------------------------------------ x 100%
Maximum Laboratory Dry Density"

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