General Earthwork Procedures: PT Aurecon Indonesia Procedure
General Earthwork Procedures: PT Aurecon Indonesia Procedure
General Earthwork Procedures: PT Aurecon Indonesia Procedure
PT Aurecon Indonesia
DATE : SHEET : 1 of 2
PT Aurecon Indonesia
1.1. Scope
1.2. References
1.3. Terminology
1.4. Submittal
1.5. Quality Assurance
2.1. Materials
2.2. Mixtures
3.1. Preceding Work
3.2. Preparation
3.3. Protection
3.4. Control of Water.
3.5. Hauling, Excavation, Backfill, and Compaction
3.6. Open Drainage structure
3.7. Fills and Embankments
3.8. Site Restoration
3.9. Inspection
1.1. Scope
This specification prescribes the requirements for the following:
1.1.1. The excavation, fill, and embankment construction required to achieve the Site
finished grades indicated on plans or otherwise required by the Contract.
1.1.2. The excavation required for construction of footings, foundations, and other
structures and the placement and compaction of backfill to restore finished grade
around completed structures.
1.1.3. The excavation, bedding, backfilling, and compaction required for installing
underground piping, culverts, and associated appurtenances.
1.1.4. The disposal of unsatisfactory and surplus excavated materials.
1.1.5. The furnishing, placement, and compaction of selected backfill material when
1.1.6. The furnishing of borrow, when sufficient quantity of satisfactory backfill
materials is not available from onsite sources.
1.1.7. The control of surface runoff and groundwater as necessary for the safe and
efficient execution of the Work.
1.2. References
Coordinate work prescribed by this specification with work prescribed by the above
list specifications. When there is a discrepancy between the specification and
reference, the most stringent will govern.
1.3. Terminology
In this specification, the following words and terms shall have the meanings hereby
assigned to them, unless noted otherwise.
1.3.1. COMPANY
Refers to PT. AURECON INDONESIA, as the ultimate user and owner, the
authorized representative of COMPANY or COMPANY third party inspection.
Refers to company selected by COMPANY, which may be responsible for the
detailed engineering design, material and equipment procurement, and construction as
specified in Contract, Scope of Work, or Work Order.
1.3.3. VENDOR
Refers to the company selected by COMPANY or CONTRACTOR, which is
responsible for the purchase agreement or purchase order of the goods/services
specified in this specification
For EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) project purposes: The
terminology shall have the meanings as above.
For "Direct Procurement" by COMPANY purposes: Vendor shall also be responsible
1.5. Submittals
1.5.1. Safety Plan
When required by the Contract documents, a safety plan for excavation and trenching
shall be submitted for COMPANY review and approval before starting the excavation
or trenching operations. The plan shall indicate the systems, methods, and techniques
to be used to ensure that excavation or trench sidewalls will be properly guarded to
protect personnel, existing facilities, and structures in the vicinity of the Work.
2.1. Materials
2.1.1. Borrow Material
Borrow material shall meet the requirement specified for satisfactory fill materials
per ASTM D2487 or ASTM D2488 and shall be free from refuse, or other material
that might prevent proper compaction or cause the completed backfill to have
insufficient bearing capacity for the expected superimposed load.
2.1.2. Granular Bedding Material
Well-graded sand, gravel, or manufactured aggregate containing no particles larger
than 1/2-inch, and free from roots, debris, or any other substance that would harm the
pipe or might impair the performance of the material as bedding for the pipe.
2.1.3. Portland Cement
Portland Cement shall be in accordance with ASTM C150 Type I.
2.1.4. Sand
Sand shall be fine aggregate per ASTM C33.
2.1.5. Select Granular Backfill
Backfill shall be well graded soil classified per ASTM D2487 or ASTM D2488.
2.2. Mixtures
2.2.1. Lean Concrete
A mixture containing 1-part (by volume) of Portland cement, 2-parts of sand, and
water. The amount of water shall be the minimum necessary to produce a mixture with
a consistency suitable for proper placement.
3.2. Preparation
3.3. Protection
3.3.1. Slope Stabilization Stabilize the sides of excavations as necessary to prevent slope failure or
any other earth movement that might injure personnel, or damage
existing buildings, structures, or other facilities in the vicinity of the
Work. Earth retainers, such as shoring and sheet piling, shall be installed
where required. The stabilization method employed shall comply with
pertinent requirements of the OSHA Construction Industry Standards,
and other applicable local codes and regulations. Remove sheeting, bracing, and shoring systems employed for slope
stabilization as the progress of the Work eliminates their need, unless
they are permitted or required to remain by other provisions of these
specifications or the other Contract documents. Carefully remove such
systems in order to prevent subsidence or other soil movement that might
damage existing or newly constructed structures or other facilities.
3.4.3. Groundwater
When the bottom of the excavation must be carried to an elevation below the
groundwater piezometric surface, or to such proximity to the piezometric surface that
the excavation bottom will become soft due to its being saturated by
groundwater,take measures to lower the piezometric surface sufficiently to maintain
the stability of the excavation bottom. Design the groundwater control system using
accepted professional methods of design and engineering consistent with the best
modern practice. The system shall include trenches and sumps with pumps, well
points, and such other equipment, appurtenances, and related earthwork necessary
to achieve the groundwater control needs of the Work. Carefully design and operate
the system to avoid damage to existing structures and other facilities in the vicinity of
the Work.
3.5.2. Hauling
Dump Truck with adequate capacity & number shall be used for hauling dirt
materials. Each Dump Truck group shall be supported by excavator, dozer, and
compactor at project site. If hauling distance less than 1 km using Scrapper shall be
considered for hauling dirt materials.
Dump truck shall be maintained periodically in maximum 3 months usage. Before
starting the work, driver or mechanic shall perform daily equipment check to ensure
the ability of equipment. CONTRACTOR shall propose the parking area of dump
truck to COMPANY for approval. Dump truck is not allowed to leave the project
site without CONTRACTOR instruction. Fuel shall be supplied by fuel truck and
stored in the temporary tank at parking area.
Other earth moving equipment such as dozer, excavator, compactor, and grader
shall be parked in adjacent to the job site. Fuel shall be supplied to this location by
fuel track.
Access roads route of hauling material from borrow pit area or stockpile area to the
project site shall be proposed by CONTRACTOR and submit to COMPANY for
approval. CONTRACTOR shall periodically maintain the access roads at project
site only. Compaction
Except in areas of load bearing sub grade, compact final backfill
composed of satisfactory materials from the original trenching to a density
equal to or greater than that of the existing undisturbed material
immediately adjacent to the trench. Where the excavated material is
unsatisfactory for use as backfill and, therefore, imported materials are
used, compact the backfill to no less than 92% of Modified Proctor
Carefully place oversize rocks and boulders incorporated into fills and
embankments following this provision so that no voids are created
3.9. Inspection
3.9.1. The following tests shall be carried out by CONTRACTOR as required under the
supervision of responsible COMPANY'S engineers :
Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil
Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3), as described in ASTM D1557-64.
Standard Test Method for Density of & Unit Weight of Soil in Place by Sand
Cone Method, as designed in ASTM D1556-64.
Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by
Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) as described in ASTM D2922 may be
3.9.2. The above-mentioned tests shall be made at least one test for every 840 square meters
of a layer, with a minimum of two tests per layer. Maximum thickness per each layer
is 25 cm.
3.9.3. CONTRACTOR shall submit the adequate record of all tests for COMPANY'S
3.9.4. Record of test for moisture density relations to soils shall include :
Optimum Moisture Content.
Maximum Dry Density.
Lab Proctor curve for every 1,000 m or whenever material visibly changes (color,
grain size, plasticity). Otherwise, lab proctor curve could be classified in some
category that could be representative.
Sand cone test for every 1,000 m2 or 300 m3 with reference to the lab proctor
curve. Otherwise, the number of sand cone test may be reduced or limited for
only some test at specific location that could be representative.
3.9.5. Record of test for density of soil in place shall include:
Dry Density
% Compaction = ------------------------------------------------ x 100%
Maximum Laboratory Dry Density"