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The Anti-Expert System: Hypotheses An AI Program Should Have Seen Through

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The Anti-Expert System:

Hypotheses an AI Program Should
Have Seen Through

Joshua Lederberg

One of the most difficult steps in the development of an expert system is

the recruitment and exploitation of the domain wizards. Almost always it is
necessary to establish teams of specialists to deal with the programming is-
sues and the user interfaces as well as the incorporation of domain specific
knowledge. Experts will communicate how they read a gel, or what is the
canonical biological interpretation of DNA sequences conserved over phylet-
ically diverse organisms. The computer scientist will rarely have an indepen-
dent base of knowledge and experience for critical judgments about the wis-
dom thus received.
Therein may lie the greatest hazards from the proliferation of expert sys-
tems; for much of that expertise is fallible.
It is 14 years since I have been actively involved in the collaborations that
led to the DENDRAL and MOLGEN projects; and I am just now at an early
stage of planning a resumption of research on theory formation and valida-

tion, as applied to molecular biology. But I recall how easily the most primi-
tive errors could become locked into firm rules – which would sometimes
persist for a long time until revealed by lucky accident. For example, we had
what we called a badlist in DENDRAL, intended to filter out substructures
that experience told were unstable or otherwise untenable. This can give
enormous economy in pruning back a combinatorial explosion. One such
rule was quite plausible: badlist included a proscription against substructures
with 2 -NH2 (amino) groups pendant on a single carbon; C..(NH2)2 can be
expected to split off ammonia. But one of us overlooked two outstanding ex-
ceptions, namely urea (NH 2 )-C=O-(NH 2 ) and guanidine,
(NH2)-C=NH-(NH2). We were too fixated on prohibitions that would apply
successfully to much larger molecules.
I intend, however, to put that self-skepticism to a larger, constructive pur-
pose. My first target is an examination of many of the central doctrines in the
history of micro- and molecular biology, especially those that we have
learned to have led us to egregious error. I call those the “Myths we have
lived and died by.” By and large they are half-truths whose domain of veraci-
ty and application was perceived to go far beyond the evidentiary basis that
led to their adoption. And we cannot live with prolonged suspension of dis-
belief in these myths, or we would be practicing nothing but an unremitting
I will examine the logical structures that founded the adoption of these be-
liefs, and again the data and reconstructions that led to their demise. This
will require a system of knowledge representation that will enable a more
formal examination of these theories, and in turn a computer based system
for critical scrutiny (theorem-proving) and new hypothesis generation. All of
this work is a direct extrapolation of the DENDRAL effort, which used es-
sentially the same approach for “theories” (postulated chemical structures) in
the more readily formalizable domain of organic chemical analysis. There
the data came originally from mass spectrometry and NMR; later we devel-
oped a more flexible interactive system (CONGEN) that enabled all source
inputs. One of the interesting uses of CONGEN was as a theorem-prover,
namely to reexamine the purported proofs of structure that had been pub-
lished in a leading journal of organic chemistry. You guessed it, many of
those proofs were at least formally defective; and in at least one case that had
eluded the human reviewer, substantively so.
My intention is to review the principal doctrinal themes of molecular biol-
ogy from a similar perspective. But armed with an easy retrospectroscope, I
thought it only fair to be put on the line for some as yet unsubstantiated fu-
ture revulsions of thought. These are to illustrate objectives. As yet I have
done no explicit programming on this issue. Nevertheless, I have found great
value in the style of thinking that is evoked in the context of designing the
computer systems. (Harking back to DENDRAL, it also led to a style of crit-

ical mental chemistry that matches in importance the first order assistance
from the machine.)
So here are two intended bona fides—Contradictions to the existing
regime of thought that, I believe, will be experimentally tested in the near fu-
ture. Both of them are deeply embedded in the conventional wisdom!
1. The 3-dimensional shape and functionality of (folded) proteins is fully
determined by the primary amino-acid sequence, and this in turn by the
nucleotide sequence of the gene. [The latter part of this statement is al-
ready eroded by knowledge of messenger RNA splicing, and further by
some remarkable examples of post-transcriptional editing of RNA]. This
doctrine has been essential for the development of mechanistic ideas of
cell and organelle assembly, and especially for our modern views of anti-
body formation.
But this is probably an overstatement. My counter-prediction is that we
will discover examples where ambiguous and divergent patterns of folding
will enable a given primary protein sequence to fold into two or more well
defined, and biologically distinctive final conformations. It is hard for me
to imagine that evolution has not exploited this potentiality for flexibility
in use of a given blueprint. Evidence for this has been counter-selected,
and often discarded as precipitates or “noise”. A number of experts of
folding have agreed, that “yes”, this should be more carefully considered.
2. The germ line in multicellular animals is completely segregated from the
soma. This Weismann’s doctrine is the foundation of the refutation of
lamarckian and lysenkoist ideas, and perhaps for that reason has never
been critically examined, except with the crude anatomical methods of the
last century. It is certainly very nearly true! However exceptions could be
of critical importance, for evolution, pathology, and biotechnology.
I am seeking a still more systematic way to discover issues where a com-
puter-aided custodian could be a help, not of mere incremental advance, but
of further scientific and technological revolutions. The following list is a
brief history of biological myths that took substantial effort to overthrow.
Could a computer program help us overthrow today’s myths faster?
1. Bacteria are Schizomycetes i.e., divide only by fission. But Lederberg
[1946] showed they had sex.
2. Bacteria reproduce sexually was a radical revision, but Lederberg
[1951] took it too literally and missed the unique mechanisms of pro-
gressive DNA transfer (takes 100 minutes!) discovered by Jacob.
3. Toxins kill is an important paradigm in history of infectious disease. But
the world (and Koch in particular) was misled for 80 years in searching
for the “cholera toxin” as an agent lethal by parenteral assay. That toxin

“merely” promotes the secretion of water into the gut. The misunder-
standing has cost tens of millions of lives that could have been saved by
feeding salt water.
4. DNA → RNA. True enough, but it overlooked the reverse transcriptase
(DNA ← RNA), which earned a Nobel Prize for Baltimore and Temin.
5. Colinearity of DNA with protein (1:1 theory) and enzymes are proteins
were the key ideas in the classic work of Beadle and Tatum; Benzer; and
Yanofsky. However, they overlooked mRNA processing and introns,
which earned Cech a Nobel prize (for ribozymes).
6. Only germ cells mate. But somatic cells can be fused too [Lederberg
1955], and enable somatic cell genetic analysis; see the second “future
myth,” above.
7. Mutations are deleterious. This was long believed, but based on entirely
circular reasoning, namely: most visible mutations are visible. But 99%
of nucleotide substitutions are invisible. This myth delayed the evolu-
tionary theory of drift [Kimura, 1991] and engendered gross miscalcula-
tions of the genetic disease load attributable to mutation.
8. Mutations are spontaneous. But they are chemical changes in DNA, and
this is by no means homogeneous in molecular structure throughout the
genome. In addition, DNA is deformed in a wide variety of ways as part
of the mechanisms of regulation of gene expression. There is abundant
chemical evidence that “activated” DNA is more accessible to reagents
like dimethyl sulfate and DNAse-1; but the biological consequences of
this differential reactivity have scarcely been examined.
9. Genes have a fixed locus and segregate 1:1 (Mendel onward) But some
genes jump! (McClintock) Segregation is not so rarely perturbed by
“gene conversion”
10. Infinitude of antibodies and Pauling’s instructionist theories. These ideas
slowed the development of clonal selection theory, which is now the ac-
cepted explanation of antibody formation.
11. Tetranucleotide DNA - P.A. Levene’s model was at most a tentative re-
capitulation of primitive data, but it was taken too rigidly, and greatly
delayed the recognition of DNA as the genetic material
12. Chemicals cause cancer. Some do, but this idea greatly oversimplifies
the multifactorial basis of carcinogenesis, and leads to enormous misfo-
cus in managing environmental hazards.
13. Life evolved on earth - (Oparin, Miller-Urey). but chemical evolution
probably started with cosmic condensation. Open possibility: all organic

material on earth is derived from cometary and meteoritic infall, may

now be leading hypothesis.
With a few exceptions I have been personally involved in these bifurca-
tions. At least once (2, above) to my chagrin!!

Detailed accounts and bibliographies of the cases mentioned can be found
in the following sources:
Brock, T.D. 1990 The Emergence of Bacterial Genetics. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Buss, L.W. 1987. The Evolution of Individuality. Princeton University Press.
Friedland, P. and Kedes, L. 1985. Discovering the Secrets of DNA. Comm. ACM 28:1164-
Kimura, Motoo, 1991 Recent Development of the Neutral Theory Viewed from the Wright-
ian Tradition of Theoretical Population Genetics. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 5969-5973.
Lederberg J. 1956. Prospects for the Genetics of Somatic and Tumor cells. Ann. N.Y. Acad.
Sci. 63: 662-665.
Lederberg J., Cowie D.B. 1958. Moondust. Science 127: 1473-1475
Lederberg, J. 1987. How DENDRAL was Conceived and Born. In ACM Conference on the
History of Medical Informatics. pp. 5-24. Association for Computing Machinery, N.Y., 1987.
Lederberg, J. 1988. The Ontogeny of the Clonal Selection Theory of Antibody Formation:
Reflections on Darwin and Ehrlich: Ann. NYAS 546:175-187. 1988
Lederberg, J. 1991. The Gene (H. J. Muller 1947). Genetics 129:313-316.
Lindsay, R.K., B.G. Buchanan, E. A. Feigenbaum and J. Lederberg Applications of Artificial
Intelligence for Organic Chemistry: The Dendral Project. McGraw-Hill Book Co., (1980).
McClintock, 1983. The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge. Les Prix
Nobel. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
Stefik, M. 1981. Planning with Constraints MOLGEN .1. Artificial Intelligence 16: 111-139
Stryer, L. 1988. Biochemistry (3d. ed.) New York: W. H. Freeman.

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