Disclaimer: pilots are to maintain a high level of alertness when operating to and from the following Airstrips due to lack of accurate and
sufficient Aeronautical information from the Airfields below and take appropriate action to ensure safety of flight by maintaining continuous
listening watch on VHF unmanned frequency127.45 mhz. VHF emergency frequency 121.5MHZ.
Name 4 Latter Runway ARP RWY Runway FIX RMK
code characteristics Conditions
BELETUEN HCMN 04 22 044614N 04/22 ROCKEY BLETN Pilot to Excise caution
044531N 044625N 0451435E 2100Mx20M when operating in the
0451356E 0451440E 560 FT vicinity of the airstrip
111653N 0490950E
BUALE HCBU 06 24 011614N 06/24 CLAY HCBUS Pilot to Excise caution
011589N 011614N 0423544E 1000Mx20M when operating in the
0423505E 0423544E 360 FT vicinity of the airstrip
BURAO HCMV 04 22 093125N 04/22 COMACT HCMVS Pilot to Excise caution
093121N 093151N 0453302E 12000Mx22M SAND when operating in the
0453321E 0453328E 3409 FT vicinity of the airstrip
BUULABURDE HCBB 01 19 035333N 01/19 ROCKY GRASS HCBBS Pilot to Excise caution
035343N 035326N 0453501E 600Mx25M when operating in the
0453502E 0453460E 500 FT vicinity of the airstrip
CANDALA HCMC 04 22 112939N 04/22 ROCKY AND HCMCS Pilot to Excise caution
112928N 112947N 0495441E 1100Mx25M SAND when operating in the
0495421E 0495440E 09 FT vicinity of the airstrip
CONOCO HCCO 09 27 083210N 09/27 GRAVEL HCCOS Pilot to Excise caution
083212N 083214N 0484122E 1300x30M when operating in the
0484054E 0484149E 1300 FT vicinity of the airstrip
DAYNILE HCDE 05 23 05/23 HCDES Pilot to Excise caution
020696N 0451572E 900M when operating in the
vicinity of the airstrip
DIINSOOR HCDN 18 36 022543N 18/36 ROCKY HCDNS Pilot to Excise caution
022603N 022528N 0420516E 900Mx15M when operating in the
0425815E 0425818E 1080 FT vicinity of the airstrip
DOLOW HCHO 03 21 040857N 03/21 SANDY HCHOS Pilot to Excise caution
040857N 040915N 0420503E 1300Mx13M when operating in the
0420436E 0420456E 630 FT vicinity of the airstrip
Name 4 Latter code Runway ARP RWY Runway FIX RMK
characteristics Conditions
DUSA MAREB HCDM 01 19 052816N 01/19 SANDY AND HCDMS Pilot to Excise caution
052854N 052742N 0462137E 2800Mx30M GRASS when operating in the
0462137E 0462127EE 849 FT vicinity of the airstrip
EIL HCME 06 24 080610N 06/24 STONES AND HCMES Pilot to Excise caution
080611N 080610N 0494911E 900Mx20M HOLES when operating in the
0494912E 0494911E 638 FT vicinity of the airstrip
ERIGAVO HCMU 05 23 103832N 05/23 GRAVEL HCMUS Pilot to Excise caution
103808N 103849N 0472317E 1800Mx30M when operating in the
0472260E 0472340E 5900 FT vicinity of the airstrip
GALKAIO HCMR 05 23 064653N 05/23 ASPHALT HCMRS Pilot to Excise caution
064622N 064718N 0472715E 2000Mx30M when operating in the
0472641E 0472748E 975 FT vicinity of the airstrip
GARBAHARE HCGH 02 20 031922N 02/20 MURRAN HCGHS Pilot to Excise caution
031912N 031935N 0421248E 1000Mx20M when operating in the
0421247E 0421253E 750 FT vicinity of the airstrip
GAROWE HCGR 06 24 082405N 06/24 ASPHALT HCGRS Pilot to Excise caution
082431N 0482959E 0482910E 2600M when operating in the
1750 FT vicinity of the airstrip
GURIEL HCGU 05 23 051904N 05/23 SANDY HCGUS Pilot to Excise caution
051855N 051911N 0455906E 1100Mx30M when operating in the
0455859E 0455918E vicinity of the airstrip
HAFUN HCHF 04 22 102640N HCHFS Pilot to Excise caution
102647N 102635N 0511446E when operating in the
0511453E 0511440E vicinity of the airstrip
HUDUR HCHO 08 24 040732N 08/24 PACKED SAND HCHOS Pilot to Excise caution
040733N 060725N 0435203E 1300Mx30M AND STONES when operating in the
0435258E 043523E 1620 FT vicinity of the airstrip
Name 4 Latter Runway ARP RWY Runway FIX RMK
code characteristics Conditions
JOWHAR HCJH 07 25 025305N 07/25 HCJHS Pilot to Excise caution
025324N 025300N 0452803E 2000Mx30M LOOSE GRAVEL when operating in the
0452830E 0452743E 368 FT vicinity of the airstrip