S 482
S 482
S 482
3. Coordination Compounds:
Werner’s Coordination Theory and its Experimental Verification, Effective
Atomic Number Concept, Chelates, Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds,
Isomerism in Coordination Compounds, VBT of Transition Metal Complexes.
Biological Role of Coordination Compounds-Haemoglobin and Myoglobin.
9. Chemistry of Actinides:
General Features and Chemistry of Actinides, Chemistry of Separation of Np, Pu,
Am from U, Similarities between later Actinides and later Lanthanides.
Reference Books:
1. Gurdeep Raj, Inorganic Chemistry, Krishna Publication
2. Malik Waheed, Inorganic Chemistry, S. Chand Publication
3. Madan R.D., Modern Inorganic Chemistry, S. Chand Publication
4. Satya Prakash, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, S. Chand Publication
5. Lee J.D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Blackwell Publication
6. Huheey James, Inorganic Chemistry, Addison Wesely Publication
7. Cotton & Wilkenson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley John Publication
8. Malik Waheed, Selected Topic in Inorganic Chemistry, S. Chand Publication.