B - Boehler NiMo 1-IG - de - en - 5
B - Boehler NiMo 1-IG - de - en - 5
B - Boehler NiMo 1-IG - de - en - 5
EN ISO 16834-A EN ISO 16834-B AWS A5.28 AWS A5.28M
G 55 6 M21 Mn3Ni1Mo G 62A 6 M21 3M1 N2M2T ER90S-G ER62S-G
G 55 4 C1 Mn3Ni1Mo G 626A 4 C1 3M1 N2M2T
All information provided is based upon careful investigation and intensive research. 03/2014
However, we do not assume any liability for correctness and information is subject to change without notice. www.voestalpine.com/welding