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This is to certify that Master Ritik kumar of

class XII-A has successfully completed the
project on “ Senior citizen fitness test (Rikli
& Jones)” under the guidance of Respected
Mr. Praveen kumar sir during the year
2019-20 in partial fulfillment of physical
education assignment conducted by C.B.S.E


(signature of teacher)

I would like to express a deep sense of thanks and

gratitude to My project Guide Mr. Praveen Kumar
sir for guiding me immensely through the course
of the project. He always evinced keen intrest in
my work. His constructive advice & constant
motivation have been responsible for the successful
completion of this project.

My sincere thanks go to Mrs. DR. MANJU

GAUR , Our principal mam , for her coordination
in extending every possible support for the
completion of this project.



I hereby declare that project work

entitled “senior citizen fitness test”
submitted to Department of physical
education , GURUKUL PUBLIC
SCHOOL is prepared by me.


Class XII science.


Rikli & Jones : Senior citizen fitness tests

Rikli & Jones prepared various tests to test the functional fitness
for citizens in 2001, which are known as senior citizen fitness
test or Fullerton Test. Senior citizen can’t do hectic workouts still
fitness is very important even in old age. Therefore, the tests are
made to check the muscular strength , function of limbs and
different body parts. These tests are designed to acess the
functional fitness of older adults with the help of simple activities
like getting up from a chair , walking , bending , and stretching.

These tests are safe, enjoyable and designed according to

scientific standards of reliability and validity. They measure
aerobic fitness , muscular strength , flexibility , of limbs using
inexpensive equipments.

The senior citizens test is comprised of the following tests

1. Chair stand test.
The chair stand Test is a part of the senior fitness test protocol
and is designed to test the functional fitness of seniors. This test
is designed to check the fitness of lower body.

Purpose This test measures the lower body strength mainly leg
strength and endurance power of senior citizens.

Equipments Required A straight chair without arm rests (seat 17

inches / 44 cm high ) and a stopwatch.

Procedure :

>Place the chair against a wall or otherwise stablise it for safety.

>The senior citizen then sits on the seat of the chair with feet
shoulder width apart flat on the floor.
>The arms are to be crossed at the wrists and held close to the
>If the person has completed a full stand from the sitting
position just at the finishing time , then that is also counted.
2. Arm curl test.
The arm curl test is designed to check the upper body strength
of senior citizen or old people. This test also measures the
functional fitness of the senior citizens. Upper body strength is
require to perform household activities like moving something by
using hands, carrying weight , etc.

Purpose This test measures upper body strength and endurance.

Equipments required 5 pounds weight for women , 8 pound

weight for men , a chair without arms rests and a stopwatch.

Procedure :

>The objects is to do as many arm curls as possible in 30 sec.

>This test is conducted on the dominant arm side.
>The elder person sits on the chair holding the weight in the
hand using a suitcase grip with the arm in a vertically down
position beside the chair.
>The upper arm is held close to the body so that only the lower
arms moves.
>Curl the arm up and down slowly while holding the weight. The
arm must be fully bent and then fully straightened at the elbow.
>Repeat this action as many times as possible within 30 seconds.

Scoring The scoring is total number of completed arm curls

performed in 30 sec. The table below shows the recommended
ranges of this test based on age group

3. Chair sit & reach test.
Flexibility of lower body is very essential in old age. The chair sit
and reach test is a part of the senior fitness test and is designed
to test the functional fitness of seniors. It is a variation of the
traditional sit and reach flexibility test . This kind of flexibility is
is needed to do household chores, getting in out of the car ,
bending for trying shoe laces , etc.

Purpose This test measures lower body flexibility and

coordination of the lower muscles.

Procedure :

>The older person sits on the chair placed against a wall of safety
>One foot must remain flat on the floor while the other leg
extended forward with the knee straight , heel touching the floor
and ankle bent at 90 degree.
>Place one hand on top of the other by keeping the tips of the
middle fingers even.
>Exhale and bend forward to reach toward thr toes by bending
at the hip. Keep the back straight and head up.
>Avoid any quick movement and never stretch to the point of
>Keep the knee straight and hold the reach for 2 sec. The
distance to be measured is between the fingers tips and the toes.

Scoring The score is recorded as negative or positive score to the

nearest ½ inch or 1 cm . Record which leg was used for
measurement . Below is a table showing the recommended
ranges ( in inches ) for this test based on age .
4. Back scratch test.
After testing the flexibility of lower body , next test the measure
the flexibility of upper body. This is a simple flexibility test to
determine if the hands can be brought together behind the back
particularly the shoulders to check the stretchability of the

The upper body shoulder helps in performing various tasks such

as putting on overhead garments , reaching for something
overhead , etc . This test is part of the fitness programme as an
alternative to the back saver sit and reach test.

Purpose : This test measures upper arm and shoulder girdle


Equipments required : Ruler


> This test is done in the standing position.

> Place one hand behind the head and back over and shoulder
reach as far as possible down the middle of your back , the palm
should touch the body and fingers directed downwards.
> Place the other arm behind your back , palm facing outward
and fingers upward and reach up as far as possible , attempting
to touch the fingers of the other hand.

> The tester can direct the person so that the fingers of both
hands are aligned.

Note if subject can touch his fingers . Test the left and right.

Scoring The score is recorded as either yes or no , for each side .

However , the best score is recorded to the near 1/2 inch.
5. Six minute walk test.
The Six minute walk test is a part of Senior fitness test protocol
is designed to test the functional fitness of seniors. Functional
fitness in this test is measured by testing aerobic endurance
which means the ability to carry on a particular physical activity.
Endurance is required to walk for long distances , climbing stairs
etc . It is an adaption of the cooper 12-minute run for people
who use orthopaedic devices when walking as well as people who
have difficulty in balancing.

Purpose This test measures aerobic fitness or aerobic endurance.

Equipments required Measuring tape to mark out the track

distances , stopwatch and chairs positioned for testing.

Procedure :

>The waliking course is laid out in a 50 yard rectangular area

with cones placed at regular intervals to indicate distance walked

>The aim of this test is to walk quickly as possible for six minutes
to cover as much ground as possible. Senior citizen are to set
their own pace and they are allowed to stop for a rest if they
Scoring Measure the distance walked in 6 minute to nearest

Below is a table showing the recommended ranges for distance

covered during the test.

1. Chair stand test.

2. Arm curl test.
3. Chair sit & reach test
4. Back scratch test.
5. Six minute walk test.
[ SESSION: 2019-20 ]

Student’s name : Ritik kumar

Class : XII-A

Subject : P.H.E Project

Roll no. : 19

Submitted to : Mr. Praveen Sir

Submitted by : Ritik kumar

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