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Ballistic Simulation of Bullet Impact On A Windscreen Made of Floatglass and Plexiglass Sheets PDF

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ISSN (O): 2393-8609

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Volume 1 – No.1, September 2014

Ballistic Simulation Of Bullet Impact on a Windscreen

Made of Floatglass and Plexiglass Sheets
Vaibhav Dangwal Saurabh Gairola
Automotive Design Engineering Student Automotive Design Engineering Student
UPES, Dehradun UPES, Dehradun
Uttrakhand, India. Uttrakhand, India.
vaibhavdangwal@gmail.com gairola.saurabh@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT gridless numerical methods. A set of partial differential equations

for conservation of mass, momentum and energy is solved
The paper reports on numerical simulation of impact problems
together with the constitutive equations using an explicit time
on an assembly of Floatglass and Plexiglass sheets arranged
integration scheme. An additional relationship between pressure,
alternatively. The ballistic impact caused by bullet of AK47 rifle volume and energy from an equation of state specific to the
is analyzed to obtain an estimate for the global damage. All material provides a solvable set describing the purely
estimates have been carried out using the finite difference hydrodynamic portions of stresses and strains. These, together
numerical code AUTODYN-3D. Resulting simulations predicts with a material model and a set of initial and boundary
the deformation and damage of the cumulative assembly and conditions, define the complete solution of the problem.
ballistic performance.
Linear Transient Dynamics, Ballistic-Bullet Impact, Plexiglass, 2.1 CAD Modelling and Assembly of Parts
Floatglass . Total 7 CAD models are made in Catia V5, which are of, lead
core and outer shell (see fig.1) and 3 similar sheets of Floatglass
1. INTRODUCTION (each 7.62 mm thick), and 2 sheets of Plexiglass (each 7.62 mm
There are a large number of affecting factors like shape of thick). Floatglass and Plexiglass sheets have been arranged
colliding objects, relative velocity of objects, location of contact, alternatively (see fig.2), with Floatglass sheet at both top and
masses, relative stiffnesses, boundary conditions, material bottom.
characteristics, etc, which makes calculations of impact problems
very complex and time taking. Further, these problems increase The dimensions of bullet have been kept similar to the bullet of
when different materials are involved, as because of different AK47, an assault rifle. The outer shell was assigned ‘cartridge
materials, different modes of failure occur, as resulting dynamic brass’ as material. Lead core has been assigned ‘lead’ as
behavior is a function of material properties. Thus, designing and material. Floatglass and plexiglass sheets were assigned materials
testing an assemblage, that too, for a bullet impact test would of same name.
require a very large number of experimental tests, which may
consume both time and resources. 2.2 Simulation of Bullet Impact
With the recent advancement in various testing and modeling Simulation of impact has been done in Ansys Autodyn. The
softwares (e.g Ansys Autodyn and Catia), the understanding of finished product after modeling and assembly in Catia V5 was
damage mechanisms and mechanics of different materials in imported as geometry in Ansys Explicit Dynamics Workbench.
different shapes assembled together – altogether in a dynamic After selection of materials from material library, it was opened
environment, has become simpler, and thus use of such softwares in Autodyn for loading of impact conditions. Both the lead core
offer the possibility of avoiding many of the experimental tests and outer shell are connected and are given a velocity of 700 m/s.
which otherwise needs to be done practically. Thus, keeping the The bullet is initially touching the assemblage of sheets (see
same in mind, the modeling of objects, and the assembly of all fig.2). As the high velocity impact phenomenon is of localized
the components was done in Catia V5. The impact simulation nature, the boundary conditions do not influence the results and
was done in Explicit Dynamics Workbench of Ansys Autodyn. therefore only a square region of all the sheets (200 x 200 mm)
was modeled. After finalizing the loading conditions, and output
The objective of this paper is to report on experimental numerical as Total Deformation and Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress, solver
simulation of impact problems on sheets Floatglass and was run.
Plexiglass (placed together alternatively) and to illustrate the
performance of the simulation, laying ground for predictions 2.3 Materials Used.
solely based on numerical models.
Float glass has a refractive index of 1.52, while Plexiglass has
All the simulations presented in the paper have been carried out refractive index of 1.49. When two different transparent
by using the AUTODYN, specially designed for non-linear materials are placed together to form a single product, then to
transient dynamic events such as ballistic impact, penetration and maintain transparency through it, it is very important that the
blast problems. refractive indexes of both materials should be almost equal.
The software is based on explicit finite difference, finite volume
and finite element techniques, which use both grid based and

ISSN (O): 2393-8609

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Volume 1 – No.1, September 2014

Table 1. General Properties of Materials Used.

Von Mises Stress on Each Component at time of
Density Poisson’s impact.
Part Material Modulus
(Kg/m3) Ratio 1 Bullet after impact.
Outer Cart
16 8450 0.34
Shell Brass

Lead 16 11340 0.44

Plexiglass 2.4-3.3 1186 0.35-0.40

Floatglass 8.5±0.05 2530 0.20±0.01

The bullet was unable to pierce the assemblage in the simulation
test. Bullet was assigned a velocity of 700 m/s and an impact
angle of 15° from normal to plate. A maximum deformation of 2 1st plate – Floatglass.
0.0834 m took place, and overall, the screen gave good bullet
resistant characteristics. The analysis was run for 0.0018
seconds. Below are the test results :

3.1 Von Mises Stress Distribution

3 2nd Plate – Plexiglass.

3.2 Von Mises Stress Distribution on Each

Von Mises Stress Distribution of each component has been
shown using screenshots from the Autodyn Workbench. See
table 2.

ISSN (O): 2393-8609

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Volume 1 – No.1, September 2014
4 3 Plate – Float Glass. Deformation of Each Part
1 Bullet

5 4th Plate – Plexiglass.

2 1st Plate – Floatglass

6 5th Plate – Floatglass

3 2nd Plate – Plexiglass

Table 2 : Stress distribution on each plate (isometric view).

4 3rd Plate – Floatglass

3.3 Deformation on each component.

Table 3 shows deformation undergone by each component in
side view.

ISSN (O): 2393-8609

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Volume 1 – No.1, September 2014

Table 4. Total deformation.

5 4th Plate – Plexiglass

Fig. 4: Initial Setting

6 5th Plate – Floatglass

Fig. 5: Deformation after impact.

This assemblage made of floatglass and plexiglass sheets
arranged in alternate order can take a bullet impact, without
getting damaged significantly. It can thus be incorporated in car
windows, windscreens, offices, etc, where bullet resistant
charecterstics are desired. It has a total thickness of 1.5 inches
(each plate is 7.62 mm thick), which is optimum keeping in
mind that plexiglass is a cheaper substitute of polycarbonate –
which is usually used with glass for bullet proofing solutions,
when extereme strength is required and is expensive.

ISSN (O): 2393-8609

International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Volume 1 – No.1, September 2014

5. ACKNOWLEDGMENT [3] Jingzhou (James) Yang and Jichang Dai’s “Simulation-

The work was fully supported by Mr. Sandeep Sharma, Based Assessment of Rear Effect to Ballistic Helmet
Technical Head – Aerosphere, support included both technical Impact”
guidance, and resources. [4] http://blogs.howstuffworks.com/transcript/how-does-
[1] http://www.precisionsteel.com/technical- [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poly(methyl_methacrylate)
[2] http://science.howstuffworks.com/question476.htm


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