(COURSE CODE: 3360503)
Chemical reactor design uses information, knowledge, and experience from a variety of areas
like thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, and
economics. Chemical reaction engineering is the synthesis of all these factors with the aim of
properly designing a chemical reactor. The basic concepts of chemical reaction engineering
are applied to the design and operation of various commercial reactors performing non
catalytic and catalytic reactions. This course enables the diploma engineer to some extent in
accomplish the task of selecting, sizing and determining the optimal operating conditions for
the reactor.
The course content should be taught and curriculum should be implemented with the aim to
develop required skills in the students so that they are able to acquire following competency:
Operate and maintain various chemical reactors to produce products of desired
quality with minimum cost.
Unit – II 2a. Derive the rate law 2.1 Rate equation/ Rate law
Kinetics 2b. Calculate rate constant 2.2 Concentration dependent term of
of 2c. Estimate Molecularity and rate
Homogeneous order of reaction Equation, Rate constant, Elementary
Reactions and non-elementary reactions
2.3 Molecularity and order of reaction
2d. Explain temperature 2.4 Temperature dependent term of rate
dependency Equation, Temperature dependency
from Arrhenius law from Arrhenius law
2e. Describe the significance 2.5 Activation energy
of activation energy
2f. Calculate activation energy
Unit – III 3a. Describe the methods for 3.1 Methods for analysis of kinetic data
Interpretation analysis of kinetic data Differential vs. Integral method
of 3b. Explain the relationships Half life method
batch reactor for constant volume batch 3.2 Relationship for constant volume
data reaction system batch reaction system
3.3 Total pressure of the system and the
partial pressure of reacting material
Concentration and Conversion
3c. Derive integrated rate 3.4 Integrated rate equation for different
equations order of irreversible reactions: Uni-
molecular first order, Bi-molecular,
Second order, Tri-molecular third
order, nth order, Zero order
In tutorials numerical or conceptual problems may be given to individual or group of students.
Students should be first allowed to struggle on their own to find the solution, and should try
their creativity. However, faculty should remain around the students and help them if they are
not able to proceed.
It is better if real life problems are case studies are given where different groups of students
may come with different solutions, which can be discussed in a larger group of student to
generate more discussions. Following is the suggestive list of exercises; concerned faculty may
change/add exercises to this list.
A) Books
S. Title of Books Author Publication
Third Edition,
1 Chemical Reaction Engineering Octave Levenspiel
John Wiley and Sons
Essentials of Chemical Reaction Fourth Edition,
2 H. Scott Fogler
Engineering Prentice Hall International
The Engineering of Chemical Second Edition,
3 Lanny D. Schmidt
Reactions Oxford University Press
C) Software/Learning Websites
i. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/103108097/
ii. http://www.umich.edu/~elements/toc/frames.htm
iii. http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/chemical-engineering/10-37-chemical-and-biological-