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Ibg Eddyvisor

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Digital eddy current test instrument for nondestructive testing
of components, mass produced parts and semi-finished products
for cracks, pores and grinder burn using Preventive
Multi-Filter Technology and for material properties such as
hardness, case depth, structure, tensile strength, heat treatment
or alloy using Preventive Multi-Frequency Technology.

High power modular instrument concept

with max. 16 independent crack detection channels,
max. 32 structure test channels and their combinations.


The eddyvisor distinguishes itself with its high perfor- new standard for quality in crack and grinder burn
mance modular concept with max. 16 independently detection by the eddy current method.
working crack detection channels and max. 32 struc-
During material data recording (calibration) with PMFT,
ture test channels all in a very compact design. Addi-
surface areas of several good parts are scanned. The
tionally, it offers unique features for the realization of
good surface eddy current “noise“ is recorded simul-
sophisticated test tasks using the eddy current tech-
taneously in each of 30 band pass filters. Tolerance
nique, combining that with the well known ibg test
zones, enveloping 360 degrees, are automatically
reliability and ease of operation.
created within each filter band, capturing the allow-
The ergonomic interface enables easy and simple opera- able eddy current “noise“ from good parts. Good
tion via touch screen. All functions and test results are part noise signals result from allowable variations in
captured at a glance. Digital processing of the mea- surface roughness and material properties. Thus, the
suring signal with unique processors, immediately af- thirty tolerance zones store the part specific finger-
ter the pre-amplifier guarantees the greatest possible print of the good parts. Edge effects, hardness profile
stability of test results. run out, eccentricity, etc. of the good parts are cali-
brated during material data recording. Thus, pseudo
The eddyvisor is based on the long proven ibg sys-
rejects are reduced considerably without losing visi-
tem concept. All coils, probes, rotating heads and
bility to real flaws.
other system components are standardized world-
wide. So eddyvisor is the solution for new tasks and The unique “good-part-only-concept“ enables setup
to upgrade existing production machines to equip within a few minutes. Simply scan and record an ad-
them with state of the art eddy current technology. equate number of good parts. Tolerance zones within
each of the 30 PMFT filter bands are automatically
In the field of crack and grinder burn detection, the
generated capturing the allowable noise from the
need for trained experts to perform the sophisticat-
good parts to form good part finger prints in each of
ed and time consuming tasks of manual determina-
the 30 PMFT filter bands. After material data record-
tion and setting of suitable filter band, phase angle
ing, one key press switches to Preventive Multi-Filter
and gain is eliminated by ibg’s exclusively developed
Test, and the test can start. Done! Faster starting yet
Preventive Multi-Filter Technology (PMFT), which au-
more reliable eddy current testing is not possible.
tomatically creates tolerance zones by simply scan-
ning good parts. This quantum leap in eddy current
technology, unique to ibg worldwide, establishes a
Crack and grinder burn detection
Efforts to reduce content of valuable raw materials and
of energy bring reduced cross sections in high volu-
me components in the fields of mechanical enginee-
ring and automobile components. The resulting re-
duced cross sections and stricter material properties
requirements have incentivized manufacturers to gu-
arantee correct structure and crack and grinder burn
free condition by increased nondestructive testing.
The eddy current test method can be applied for all
materials with electrical conductivity or magnetic con-
ductivity (permeability). This includes all metallic ma-
terials. The eddy current crack and grinder burn test
can be adapted to many test tasks by selecting the
suitable crack detection probe and transmitter fre-
quency. As a matter of principle, mainly surface open Crack detection probe box for contacting testing on ec-
or flaws close to surface and pores are detected. centric parts like camshaft lobes for cracks and grinder
burn; large diameter range is covered; up to 300 rpm
The test resolution and effective scan width of a crack (depending of part geometry), ceramic supports for long
detection probe is dependent on core size and type life-time. Solutions for structure test on camshafts on re-
(between 0.5 and 5.0 mm). When testing, a relative quest.
movement of probe to surface of test part is always
required. In order to test rotationally symmetrical parts
for cracks, either the test part is rotated and the probe
stands still or the test part stands still and the pro- more complicated mechanical handling systems. Our
be is rotated around the part by means of a rotating own special machine manufacturing group is always
head. If more than one line shall be tested additio- pleased to work with you to design and build a test
nal feed forward is needed. Thus complete surfaces system for your 100 % testing.
can be scanned. More complicated surfaces require

Steering nut in an automatic ibg test system. Detection of cracks and grinder burn defects on the race inside. With camera inspection
system to capture part type specific QR-code.

In the past the eddy current crack test would be set to be produced. However, there are physical limits of
to optimally detect an artificially generated (EDM) the eddy current crack detection relative to that wish.
defect master. But artificial defect masters show dif- We have committed ourselves to move these limits
ferent eddy current behaviour (i.e., phase shift, etc.) further in the direction of smaller, detectable “discon-
than natural defects. Thus, natural defects could go tinuities” without increases in pseudo rejects and un-
undetected. Now the ibg technique with its eddyvi- der production conditions. The exploitable sensitivity
sor instrument family walks on new paths. Thanks to of the eddy current crack test depends on several
the Preventive Multi-Filter Technology the instrument parameters:
is not set to an artificial defect anymore but to the
• Surface roughness - detection of small defects is
eddy current pattern of “healthy” surfaces of several
better the smoother the surface is. The limit is at de-
OK parts. Automatically 30 tolerance zones over the
fect depth equal to 5 times roughness depth, but not
entire spectrum of filter bands are formed which in
less than 50 μm.
fact picture the “healthy” surfaces in the test instru-
ment. As soon as one of these tolerance zones are • Material - use of differential probes generally sup-
exceeded by the eddy current signal a NG signal is presses noise inherent to different materials. But the
triggered, no matter if caused by an artificial or by a material tested is a factor. For example, the detection
natural defect. limit for lamellar cast iron can increase to approx. 150
μm due to carbon needles in this material.
For proof of test sensitivity, an artificial defect is put into an
OK part by EDM processes. This defect must be 100 % • Distance probe to surface - increasing probe dis-
detected by the instrument for validation of the me- tance reduces sensitivity, while decreasing probe di-
thod and of the test system. The limit defect of your stance enhance sensitivity to surface roughness and
application is determined beforehand in our lab du- eccentricity of the test part. A good compromise for
ring a feasibility study. It results in definition of directi- most applications is the ibg standard probe distance
on and dimension of the smallest reproducible defect of 0.7 mm.
that must be 100 % detected without or without sig-
• Direction of defects - the direction of a defect re-
nificant pseudo rejects.
lative to the probe trace direction also influences the
The well-known note “surface to be free from cracks” test sensitivity. This can be influenced by choosing
on drawings suggests a wish for perfection of the part the suitable ibg probe system.

ibg lathe for lab tests, feasibility studies and small series in crack detection with eddyvisor. Speed max. 850 rpm, chuck up to 68 mm
diameter, with trigger sensor, flexible probe movement.
ibg mainly applies differential probes for crack They are also relatively immune to variations in test
detection. The differential principle reduces the part structure such as different batches, allowable
very large receiver signal almost to zero by use heat teat variations, etc. These characteristics are im-
of two compensating counter rotating recei- portant for avoidance of pseudo rejects when doing
ver windings. This enables very high amplifi- 100 % testing.
cation of very small signals from flaws without
overloading the input of the test instrument. Further-
more, ibg places high standards for precision for its
own probe manufacturing, further enabling higher
amplifications. On the noise side, ibg instruments
employ extremely low noise signal processing, ear-
liest possible digitalization and smart signal proces-
ses. Thus, ibg is able to combine very high flaw signal
amplification with very low noise signal processing
allowing larger distances between test probe and test
surface without loss of test sensitivity. The advantage
realized is that ibg test probes can be held 0.7 mm
off of tested surfaces without sacrifice of test sensiti-
vity and test resolution. The small flaws are detected. Simulation of the eddy current density generated by a dif-
Other manufacturers only guarantee similar sensitivi- ferential probe on the surface of a roller. It shows disruption
ty with 0.2 - 0.3 mm probe distance. But probes so of the eddy current caused by an EDM crack as detected
close see more good part noise, and there are more by a crack detection probe. Left: typical Spec crack with
3 x 0,1 x 0,1 mm. Right: same crack, but with a length of
pseudo rejects of good parts. In general, differential
only 1 mm.
probes are highly sensitive for local surface defects.

Grinder burn detection

As per ISO 14104, grinder burn is a local overheating

of surfaces. Heat impact during the grinding process
was too much and effected localized annealing or, if
heat impact was still stronger, there can be re-harde-
ning zones. Depending on part surface quality and
geometric influences, the ibg PMFT detects grinder
burn with detection beginning at the level of mere
change in residual stress or beginning of annealing
zones in the microstructure.
A method applied by ibg to produce reference
samples for grinder burn detection is laser burn: heat,
defined and locally applied to the surface of the test
part. Thus, producing defined artificial defects of dif-
ferent intensity in metallic parts which show analogue
features like real damage. They can widely be pro-
duced and reproduced at defined spots according
to requirements (kind and depth of structure change,
spacial dimension) and they serve as master part for
validation of automatic test machine as well as for de-
termination of sensitivity of a test system.

ibg crack and grinder burn master with EDM cracks and
pores for simulation of surface open defects and with laser
defects for simulation of grinder burn; intensity mere residu-
al stress (cutting far left) and beginning annealing zone (left).

Features crack and grinder burn detection

• Probes • Displays
A selection of probes for crack detection is avail- Display of test results as bargraph, xy-diagram with
able which vary in trace width, sensitivity and shape. tolerance zones and x(t) and y(t) or three-dimensional
Customised probes for special applications are de- C-scan display can be selected. The C-scan (or water-
signed and manufactured in house. Compact and fall diagram) is a rotationally synchronized display of
highly precise ibg rotating heads eddyscan H and test signal from part circumference enabling local al-
eddyscan F are available, in many cases installed for location of defects on the surface.
optimization of cycle time. They work together with
the test instrument eddyvisor. Cable break monitor- • Frequency range
ing offers high security in continuous operation. The carrier frequency is selectable within a range of
3 kHz to 10 MHz in 21 steps. The filter frequencies
• Probe distance of the 30 band pass filters distribute in the range of
ibg probes are by default manufactured for a large 6 Hz to 20 kHz.
probe/part distance of 0.7 mm. Thus, demands on
part exactness and test mechanic are relaxed con- • Trigger of test
siderably. Manually on the instrument, via PLC or by optional
start button.
• Lift-off compensation
If a part is very eccentric, the distance of probe to
test part may be additionally balanced electronically
by use of the optional lift-off compensation. Special
lift-off compensation probes are supplied for this

• Suspend
The suspend function blanks out areas not to be
tested like holes or similar.

Highest test reliability and sensitivity - different kinds of probes for crack and grinder burn detection. Back left a rotating head eddyscan
H for testing a string of parts and bars, back right a rotating head eddyscan F for testing of boreholes and surfaces.

Crack detection of a wheel hub at six locations on inside and outside. Each location has its own reference
data generated from good parts. View of the test areas and their results colour highlighted on the screen.

Left: eddy current signals from grinder burn chatter is detected in a high filter frequency range.Test is on
bearing ring.
Right: signals of the same test on the same bearing ring but in a lower filter frequency range detect additional
grinder burn signals at two opposite locations on part circumference. These signals are due to grinder burn
caused by ovality of the inner diameter. Due to the Preventive Multi-Filter Technology with 30 simultaneously
working band pass filters, unexpected as well as expected defects are detected. Such unexpected defects
would be passed as OK by conventional instruments with only one frequency band.

Structure test
A difficult problem for in process inspection of mass
parts is supervision of heat treatment results. Verifi-
cation of features like correct case depth and hard-
ness are of prime importance for meeting the quality
standards of the final product. These features can be
monitored by destructive methods like sampling but
with concurrent high personnel and financial effort.
Moreover, a sampling inspection is sensible for statis-
tically distributed defects only. During heat treat pro-
cesses in furnaces or induction hardening, accidents
involving single parts and that violate statistical distri-
bution laws happen. These “unexpected” defects can ID coil for structure test on a continuous velocity joint
be missed by sampling. 100% testing is required to for correct case depth and position of hardness zone.
reliably detect them.
Eddy current structure test utilizing the well known
Preventive Multi-Frequency Technology (PMFT) by compared with these good parts. That means that
ibg guarantees maximum test reliability in 100 % no artificial defects are required for calibration, only
testing. Heat treatment results in serial testing can known good parts. Due to the high test speed and
be monitored cost efficiently, quickly and reliably, and the easy setup a new test task is ready to start within
unexpected defects are detected with highest reli- shortest time. Another advantage is the multi-dimen-
ability. The eight test frequencies of the fundamen- sional analysis of ibg test instruments. An individual
tal wave as well as analysis of two harmonics of the tolerance zone is formed for each test frequency. If
PMFT guarantee highest reliability. The field of appli- all tolerance zones are satisfied, one can assume that
cation for PMFT with simultaneous harmonic analysis the tested part is okay. Even one single not satisfied
is very wide and includes testing surface hardness, tolerance zone classifies the part as not good.
case depth, intermediate structure, material mix-up
and others. Eddy current tests are always comparative tests with
yes/no answer. Very small deviations in the group of
Setting of the instrument is done with good parts parts can be detected. Eddy current cannot answer
only. Ten to 20 parts are presented to the instru- why there is a deviation. In case of a bad part anoth-
ment, and tolerance zones are formed automatically. er test is recommended like metallurgical methods to
Eddy current signals from subsequent parts are now inspect the structure (cut) or a classic hardness test.

Fixture for manual eddy current structure test in the lab.

NEW: Simultaneous Harmonic Analysis iSHA harmonics of the 3, 5, 7 or 9 times frequency. The
analysis of these harmonics supplies a more detailed
The relative permeability is strongly influenced by heat view of the magnetic features of the part and thus
treatment processes. Hardened structures have a lower more exact information on the formation of microstruc-
permeability than soft. Because the ibg Preventive ture. In addition, it offers significant advantages when
Multi-Frequency Technology tests with small magnetic suppressing interferences like batch scattering, part
fields hardened OK parts show no saturation effects. geometry and part temperature or positioning effects.
It’s within the linear range of the hysteresis curve. Harmonic signals are very small. That’s why immense
electronic effort is needed in order to distinguish them
Harmonics occur by each hysteresis of the magne-
from the basic noise. Such small signals can be detec-
tisation curve of a test part in the coil arrangement.
ted clearly and processed robustly by ibg’s unique
The sinusoidal current in the exciter coil leads to a si-
digital eddyvisor instrument family.
nusoidal field strength which induces a magnetic flux
in the test part. Its chronological sequence, however, An essential innovation is iSHA (ibg’s Simultaneous
is (depending on formation of permeability) not sinusoi- Harmonic Analysis) - combined with ibg’s PMFT it
dal anymore. Therefore the sequence of the magnetic guarantees highest possible test reliability. It enables
flux in the receiver coil induces a distorted voltage, simultaneous calculation of vectors of the fundamen-
deviating from the real sine even at small field strengths. tal wave at eight frequencies and of two harmonics
without extension of test time. It additionally uses high
The fundamental waves, having been distorted by frequencies and their harmonics for a better solution
hysteresis, contain higher frequency harmonics. Fou- of even smallest structure differences. Thus iSHA
rier analysis of the distorted fundamental waves re- greatly enlarges the possibilities of the well-known
veals the higher frequency harmonics, more precisely Preventive Multi-Frequency Technology.

NEW: Temperature adaptive structure test iTAS tested, and this leads to an erroneous NG sorting.
ibg’s new Temperature Adaptive Structure Test (iTAS)
Eddy current testing is based upon the electric con-
considers the influence of temperature fluctuation on
ductivity and the magnetic permeability characteri-
the measuring values. If the temperature of the test
sing the material to be tested. Different materials and
parts is precisely enough captured by an on-site ex-
microstructures lead to little variations that can be de-
ternal sensor which is directly connected to the eddy-
tected. However, both sizes also show a temperature
visor, the influence of the temperature may almost be
dependency. The electric conductivity decreases, for
entirely compensated. Test parts appear as if tested
example, by 4 % per 10°C. Slow variations (e.g. of
at the same temperature. Pseudo reject is reduced
the ambient temperature) are compensated by ibg by
and the test will be more precise. The iTAS visualisa-
means of the differential coil principle where the test
tion enables quick cognition how big the temperature
part is compared with the compensation part.
influence is in comparison with other parameter fluc-
Test parts are often heated up due to the production tuations (batch and dimension differences etc.) at a
process, they cool down during pauses of producti- concrete test application.
on and have a different temperature when they are

Features of structure test

• Tolerance zones
During material data recording the eddyvisor auto-
matically generates elliptic tolerance zones calcu-
lated for reliable testing. A tolerance zone editor is
integrated for special situations in the structure test
field, a skilful operator may freestyle the fields as
rectangle, or ellipse, reduced or expanded, rotated
or moved, etc.

• Test speed
High speed testing within milliseconds. Us-
ing eight test frequencies and standard set-
ting (25 Hz - 25 kHz), 141 milliseconds only NEW: the rapid AutoStart enables a much speedier and more
precise automatic triggering than up to now. An additional
are needed for the test. In high speed mode
graphic display eases the setting significant also for fast or
only 1 ms is needed for one test frequency dynamic tests.
> 5 kHz. This ease above all dynamic tests.


• iSHA harmonics analysis • Test frequencies

Eight test frequencies of the fundamental wave plus Eight frequencies in a range of 5 Hz to 3 MHz are
two harmonics (2nd to 9th arbitrary) for each of the selectable.
eight test frequencies can be utilized without exten-
sion of test time. The standard setting is evaluation • Classification
of the 3rd and 5th harmonic on each of the eight Sorting of different materials and testing of mixed
fundamental waves. batches can be accomplished with the ibg classifi-
cation function (OR-conjunction). Up to seven good
• Display part types with different characteristic can be taught
Display of test results as bargraph diagram, single and during testing compared to the taught types
ellipse or multiple ellipse display selectable. and classified according to their part type.

• Coils • Bar and tube test (option)

A multitude of standard encircling coils up to a di- Bars, tubes and wire can be tested in line to verify
ameter of approx. 500 mm and probes for structure material, heat treatment and density differences as
test are available for standard applications. Special well as structure changes. Two proximity switches
applications may be solved by custom designed in- are used to trigger start and end of test. Nearly the
ner diameter I.D. coils or by rectangular coils which entire bar/tube length is tested. An integrated sta-
are designed and manufactured in house. Monitor- tistical evaluation of the good versus not good tests
ing of coil and cable failure as well as 50/60 Hz noise (absolute and percentage) is automatically updated.
suppression can be activated. A threshold for an allowable percentage (adjustable)
of not good tests can be utilized to eliminate rejects
• Triggering of test caused by irrelevant local material property varia-
Start of test can be done manually at touch screen, tions (e.g. from cold working from handling).
via PLC or optional start button. There is an au-
to-start function that detects the part in the test coil
and activates testing immediately or after an adjust-
able delay time.

Highest test reliability and temperature stability - coils and probes offered by ibg.

Bargraph display of the latest test result of Survey of all test results of eight fundamental
eight fundamental waves (large) and the third waves in the relating tolerance zone
and fifth harmonic (small)

History of test results Parts counter

Single ellipse display of all test results at one Bargraph display of test result
fundamental wave frequency

General features

• Ergonomic design • View of test part

All functions and test results including for com- At stations with at least two and maximum 22 loca-
plex systems are clearly arranged to be viewed at tions a picture of the test part created by customer
a glance. This enables correct and easy operation may be included. The test result of the single loca-
even for inexperienced operators. tions of the station is visualised by colouration of the
test part picture. A huge help for the operator espe-
• Stations and locations cially in test system with complex setup. These test
The eddyvisor offers a unique station and loca- part pictures can be displayed in the survey of all
tion concept for solution of complex applications. stations as well (however, w/o colouration of result).
Maximum eight stations can be defined which
may include up to 32 locations. All test loca- • Part types
tions of one station belong to the same part and Maximum 100 part types (at more than eight loca-
are summed up in a station result. This result can tions max. 50) in crack detection and max. 250 part
be taken for sorting. The part must be tested at types in structure test with all settings and refer-
all locations of that station in order to get a valid ence data can be stored in the device memory and
station result. Stations are independent from oth- switched over manually or via PLC for automated
er stations. Different stations can take different processes.
operating conditions. For exapmle, one station
can be testing parts, and another station can be • Part ID
recording new calibration data or being adjusted. Test data for individual parts can be allocated to the
part. The eddyvisor can be informed before the test
In addition, each location has its own set of refer- of an alphanumeric serial number from a PLC or an-
ence data and tolerance zones. For crack detection, other system (QR-code reader or similar). This iden-
for instance, it is possible to define different areas of tity is connected with the related test data, stored in
a test part (faces, radii, undercuts etc.) and to test the eddyvisor and additionally written via the eddy-
each of them with different settings switchable via Logger Software or as Q-DAS compliant set of data.
PLC on the fly. So each area of a test part, including Indispensable for back tracing individual parts.
areas with high basic noise (e.g. radii) or with very
low basic noise (e.g. high precision machined or su-
per finished surfaces) can be tested with the setting
optimised for that area without disturbing testing of
the other areas.

crack channels Combination of channels

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 eddyvisor
structure channels

30 realised with one eddyvisor
32 a second instrument is required

• History of reference parts

The histogram displays the test results of all ref-
erence parts at a glance. When after recording of
reference parts and afterwards crosschecking in
the laboratory it is determined that a part is still not
good, it can be removed from the reference parts
with one keystroke.

• History of sorting parts

The multi-coloured histogram displays the test re-
sults of up to 1000 sorted parts and additionally the
last 100 bad parts, so they can be observed at a
glance and evaluated later. Test results of question-
able rejected parts can be recorded as tentative ref-
erence parts and later destructively cross checked
in the laboratory. If such questionable rejected parts
are later found to be good, they can be added to the
reference parts with one keystroke. Pseudo rejects Crack and grinder burn detection on a bearing ring using a
can be diminished. spherical X-type differential probe manufactured by ibg.

• AQDEF quality data export

QDAS standard compliant (option)
Test data are transferred after termination of each test automatically as soon as a preset value of tested
part via Ethernet to a protocol computer where the parts is reached. The operator changes the contain-
free eddyLogger Q-DAS software receives the data ers and reset the counter, testing starts again auto-
and provides them AQDEF compliantly to the QS- matically.
STAT interface. The software allows the user an indi-
vidual configuration. The following options are avail- • Remote control
able per test station: selection of data to be stored; The eddyvisor is remote controlled by each network
storage with K-field or abbreviated separator spelling; PC via VNC viewer software.
memory format as DFD/DFX or DFQ files; free choice
of amount of test parts to be stored per file. The ed- • Access protection
dyLogger software may record and administrate par- The instrument offers a multi-level access authorisa-
allel the test data of several ibg instruments within one tion concept that operates by keyswitch.
Ethernet network so that one acquisition computer is
able to supervise several eddyvisor and/or eddyliner • Help function
instruments. The user always has access to a context sensitive
help function on the device screen which often ren-
• Data storage in general ders a look into the manual unnecessary.
Test results, part types and instrument settings are
stored internally on a tough flash-memory and ex- • Languages
ternally via USB stick. Test results may be addition- Included are: German, English, Spanish, French,
ally logged via network. A ring buffer logfile records Italian, Czech, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese, Hunga-
all internal failures and allows fast debugging for ry, Japanese, Korean and Russian. Other languages
service. as option.

• Automation without PLC • Screen

Direct control of sorting devices, paint marking sys- Tough 15” TFT touch screen, colour display, resolu-
tems or indicating lamps is possible with the inte- tion 1024 x 768 pixel, operable with gloves.
grated 24 Vdc (2.5 amps) power supply, together
with the autostart function providing a low cost solu-
tion for small automated systems without an addi-
tional PLC.

• Counter preset
The function “box counter” monitors the filling height
of containers to avoid overfilling. Testing is paused

Connections Housing
• IO ports • Two models of eddyvisor are available: Desktop
An optically insulated interface with 32 in- and 32 version eddyvisor D (with retractable feet, inclined)
outputs is available for PLC connection. As option, or as separated switch panel version with operating
a further module with additional 32 in- and 32 out- unit eddyvisor HMI and measuring unit eddyvisor M.
puts can be installed. An allocation of the signals to
the IOs is free in the eddyvisor. • completely sealed and thus suitable for rough pro-
duction environment.
• Gigabit-Ethernet network

The screen may be displayed on another screen by Technical data
means of the XVGA-interface. Essential for train-
ings. Mains: 100 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Ambient temperature: 0 - 45°C
• Printer (desktop version 0 - 40°C)
A usual printer can be connected via USB 2.0 or Relative humidity: max. 85 %, non-condensing
Ethernet to print screens or protocols.
Dimensions (w x h x d) / Weight:
• USB 2.0 eddyvisor D 430 x 335 x 271 mm / 13 kg
Two USB 2.0 ports at the front, one underneath for eddyvisor HMI 410 x 308 x 96 mm / 6 kg
data storage. eddyvisor M 410 x 308 x 175 mm / 7 kg

Rear side eddyvisor, equipped with (from left) crack detection module 4-channel, structure test module 8-channel, IO module, mains

eddyvisor desktop version





175,10 95,50



32 25

eddyvisor switch panel version


switch panel thickness

max. 3 mm

front panel

housing 5

Front USB front panel

keyswitch screws inside of outside of

4 x M6x55 switch cabinet switch cabinet


mains grounding USB to measuring unit Compact Flash

plug outlet


measuring unit
170 switch panel thickness
slots 1 - 4 for test boards 5
housing max. 3 mm
back panel housing
1 2 3 4


inside of outside of
switch cabinet switch cabinet 5

back panel

inside of outside of
17,50 switch cabinet switch cabinet


inside of
switch cabinet 4x M6x55

Slots 5-7 170

I/O plug 5 6 7 +1
391 0


mains inlet
cut for switch

panel mounting

outside of
switch cabinet
switch panel

ibg partners

Instruments Coils and Probes Automation

For more than 30 years, the ibg group has been The headquarters is situated in Ebermannstadt,
a market leader manufacturing eddy current test Upper Franconia, and together with subsidiaries
instruments and setting technology standards. in the US, Switzerland and Great Britain as
Whether for multi-frequency structure verification, well as a competent worldwide partner net-
automatic tolerance zone generation or multi-fil- work, we service our customers in industry and
ter crack and grinder burn detection - again and automotive engineering.
again innovations and inventions of the ibg devel-
opers shape the market and provide advanced
testing solution.

Headquarters Switzerland Great Britain USA

Subject to change without notice.

ibg Prüfcomputer GmbH ibg SWISS AG ibg UK Ltd. ibg NDT Systems Corp.
Pretzfelder Straße 27 Galgenried 6 33 Parkview Road 20793 Farmington Rd.
Copyright ibg 2014-04

91320 Ebermannstadt 6370 Stans Sutton Coldfield, Farmington Hills,

Germany Switzerland West Midlands B74 4PR MI 48336
Tel. +49 9194 7384 - 0 Tel. +41 41 612 26 50 Tel. +44 121 / 352 1188 Tel. +1 248 478-9490
Fax +49 9194 7384 -10 Fax +41 41 612 26 51 Tel. +44 121 / 352 1188 Fax +1 248 478-9491
info@ibgndt.de info@ibgndt.ch info@ibgndt.co.uk sales@ibgndt.com


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