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Cupping Tester: With PC Software For Advance Analysis and Database Creation For Comparision

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Model- 92NM



Cupping Test

Deep Draw Cup Test

Bore Expansion Test

Automatic Sheet & Strip Metal Testing l Electro-hydraulic driven
Machine with Digital readout for Cupping,
Deep Drawing and Deep Draw Bore l Automatic Test Sequence
Expanding Tests in accordance with
l High accuracy precision upto 0.1 / 0.01 (optional)
International Standard (Din 50s 101, Din
50 102, BS 38 55, EN 14-58 & 67, ISO 8490) l Conforms to international standards.

Lloyds Research Foundation, Inc Tel: +91-22-2877 8635

Sales, Service & Laboratory : Telefax: +91-22-2877 8636
308, 309 Vijay Industrial Estate,
Email: sales@lloydsresearch.com
Mind Space, Link Road,
Malad West, Mumbai 400064. India ISO 9001-2008
Web: www.Lloydsresearch.com
The Product The results of cupping test provide information on
quality and sheet suitability for drawing, giving
Lloyds Sheet and Strip Metal Testing Machine – Model valuable information to users and producers of sheet
The test in accordance to DIN 50 101 and DIN 50 102,
and corresponding national and international The few important reasons for using Lloyds Cupping
standards) Tester – Model 92N for quality assurance are:

The Application t Determining the appropriate balance between

price and thickness for particular drawn work
Electro-hydraulically driven sheet metal testing
machine (cupping tester). Suitable for the medium
thickness range (0.1 mm to 4 mm approx.) of sheet t Sorting of material at inward, to ensure
metal and preferred particularly by sheet metal prescribed specification without need for
producers and users for quick quality control and special test.
t Spot check for reducing manufacturing cost of
Model 92NM is suitable for The Cupping Test all on drawing quality at various stages of
ferrous and non-ferrous metals in accordance to production/process.
following national and international standards.
t The formation of crack and the surface
ISO 8490 JIS Z-7729 roughness grain size) also provide information
EN 14-58 UNI 3037 on the quality of the sheet metal and its
EN 14-67 UNE 7080 suitability for drawing, giving valuable
DIN 50 101/50 102 GOST 10 510 information especially to metal producers.
BS 38 55 ICONTEC 21
NF A 03-602 SIS 11 26 35
NF A 03-652 SABS 0132-197
ASTM 643-84 The construction
The testing machine consists of a sturdy design
The Deep Drawing Cup Test for determination of sheet metal housing into which the test cylinders,
the ear forming tendency and maximum drawing ratio test tools, electrical, electronics and hydraulics
according to systems are integrated.
DIN EN 1669
DIN 50 155 The excellent functional layout of all the system
UNI 6124-67 functions makes the system user friendly. Operators
MSZ 5731-68 without any previous knowledge and experience can
be trained in few minutes for system operations.
The Bore Expanding Test (KWI) in accordance with
Siebel and Pomp Setting up of different tools in the test cylinder can
be done quickly and easily to meet timing demands
The Purpose of today's high speed production cycle.

Qualitative test of sheet by means of Lloyds Cupping The sturdy system design and hydraulic system
Test provides a basis of communication between the employed ensures minimum wear and repeatable
sheet metal producers and users. results over long period of time

Manufactured by: Lloyds Research Foundation, Inc. 308-314 Vijay Industrial Estate, Mind Space, Link Road,
Malad West, Mumbai 400064. Tel No: +91-22-28778635 TeleFax: +91-22-28778636
Email: sales@lloydsresearch.com Website: www.lloydsresearch.com
The Description The machine is provided with sturdy folding table on
the left side of the machine to accommodate
The sheet metal strip to be tested is placed in the continuous specimen test during mass production
opening of Test Head of hydraulic compound cylinder, testing.
and centralized by locating it diagonally. The specimen
is hold and released rapidly by turning the course The machine can also be provided with a Blanking

threaded die holder capstan screw. The driving motor system (optional) whereby 40 Kg/Sq. mm and up to
75 mm diameter can be blanked. Thicker sheets of
is switched on by a push button, and hydraulic power
lower tensile strength of smaller diameter can also
pack circuit comes into action and immediately effect
be blanked. Blanking tools for other diameter can
the specimen to be clamped at pre-selected
also be supplied on request.
(adjustable up to 12 kN in accordance to the standard)
sheet holder force, which can be read on a clamping High precision Electro -hydraulic and electronic
force dial gauge calibrated in Kilo Newton (kN) on the controlled gear and overload protection values for
front panel. The sheet holder pressure remains the hydraulic system makes the internal installation
constant during the entire draw. for correct, reliable and continuous functioning of
the Testing Machine and as the working medium is
The start and control of the draw up to the point of hydraulic oil, the Testing Machine Model 92N suffers
failure at the desired drawing speed is variable during almost no wear. The accuracy which is essential to
the entire operation by a speed control lever, which achieve consistent results is therefore maintained for
controls the speed of the drawing tool from 5 mm/min. a very long working life.
to 20 mm/min. in accordance to the International
standards. The retract, i.e., return of drawing tool to Specification
the starting position, clamping and cupping action is
controlled by a single lever of radial action gear electro l Drawing force:
hydraulic switches. max. 30 kN (Model 92NML, sheets thickness up to
On formation of initial crack on the specimen the load
max. 60 kN (Model 92NM, sheets thickness up to
indicator stops moving and for thicker material it is 3.5mm)
necessary continuing with the drawing operation for a l Blank Holder Force: max. 12 kN
number of seconds to form a hairline crack and then to l Sheet holder force: 0 to 5 kN
be switched off or after instant falling-off the pressure l Drawing speed: max. 150 mm/min
on the cupping force dial indicator, calibrated in Kilo- l Punch stroke, max.: approx. 45 mm
Newton (kN) located on the panel with a maximum l Indication of punch stroke: digital (Accuracy 0.1
indicator pointer, indicating the load at which the mm, standard supply)
failure of specimen takes place. The (Erichsen) l Hydraulic tank capacity and HY. Oil:5 Liters,
Cupping Value (ECV) in mm are directly indicated on ENCLO - 57
the highly sensitive and accurate Electronic Digital l Dimensions: W 1066 mm X D 585 mm X H 1250
depth gauge readout with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. mm
An extra Electro-mechanical depth digital counter is l Net weight: approx. 300 kg
also provided in the same panel for added working l Power supply:400 V 3~, 50 Hz
safety of the machine. l Power consumption: 0.50 kW

Manufactured by: Lloyds Research Foundation, Inc. 308-314 Vijay Industrial Estate, Mind Space, Link Road,
Malad West, Mumbai 400064. Tel No: +91-22-28778635 TeleFax: +91-22-28778636
Email: sales@lloydsresearch.com Website: www.lloydsresearch.com
The Accessories Digital Microscope

Special digital microscope up to 100X with holder

The Lloyds Testing Machine can be supplied with
and illumination for optical observation of the test
various tools and advancement to increase the
spectrum of the test results and analysis to meet procedure on PC. Additional special software for
today's industrial demand. data storing facility on computer.

Test Tools for the Cupping Test

Data Acquisition System
Test tools for the ERICHSEN Cupping Test in Includes,
accordance with DIN 50 101 and 50 102, on narrow
t Special Transducer for drawing force.
strips and thicker sheet metal specimens
t Special Software for stroke movement and
t Test Dies Set No. 40 according to DIN 510101
drawing force.
For sheets more than 90mm wide and from
t Software under Windows (95 and above)
2.0mm to 4.0 mm thick set comprises of
clamping die and drawing die set.

t Capstan test die holder unit with magnifying

glass for 40mm Ø

t Spare test dies set no : 27 according to DIN

510101 For sheet 90 mm wide and up to 2.0
mm thick. The set comprises of clamping die
and drawing die.

t Test Dies Set & Drawing Tool No. 21 According

To DIN510102 For Strips 55 mm – 90 mm
Wide & 0.2 - 2.0 mm Thick, Ball Punch Dia 15
mm and Die Set Comprising Clamping Die and
Drawing Die.

t Test Die Set and Drawing Tool No. 11

According to DIN 510102 For Strips 30 – 55
mm Wide & 0.2 – 1.0 mm Thick. Ball Punch
Dia 8mm and Clamping Die and Drawing Die

t Test Tools for the Deep Drawing Cup Test

(available on request)

t Test Tools for the Deep Draw Bore Expanding

Test (available on request)

Manufactured by: Lloyds Research Foundation, Inc. 308-314 Vijay Industrial Estate, Mind Space, Link Road,
Malad West, Mumbai 400064. Tel No: +91-22-28778635 TeleFax: +91-22-28778636
Email: sales@lloydsresearch.com Website: www.lloydsresearch.com
Data Acquisition Software

The Lloyds Cupping Test (in accordance with DIN 50 The software enables the continuous acquisition of
101 and DIN 50 102, and corresponding to national measured values with simultaneous display of the
and international standards) is a test providing simple force vs. displacement diagram throughout the
and quick means of assessing the multi-axis ductility forming process.
of sheet and strip using a procedure that relates
closely to practical processes. The depth range Once the maximum force has been reached, the
movement of the drawing punch is stopped
reached at failure is, however, only an initial guide to
the valuation of the forming properties of the sheet automatically and Simultaneously during the
measurement the peak cupping force, Speed and the
cupping value up to the point of formation of neck for
The sheet metal testing machine Model 92 NM unlike breaking is measured and evaluated in the software
all modern testing equipment of next generations can during the test operations.
as an option be equipped with digital measuring
outputs for drawing punch movement and C u p p i n g This data is presented immediately on the computer
force screen on completion of the test alongside the graph
of the force against displacement.
These digital measuring signals are transmitted to a
PC via an integrated amplifier and an A/D converter Advance features of the software enables the user to
create and maintain database of the test result and
along with the latest generation microprocessor based
electronics and a force/displacement diagram appears also compare unlimited test results for future
on the computer screen for further analysis.

Manufactured by: Lloyds Research Foundation, Inc. 308-314 Vijay Industrial Estate, Mind Space, Link Road,
Malad West, Mumbai 400064. Tel No: +91-22-28778635 TeleFax: +91-22-28778636
Email: sales@lloydsresearch.com Website: www.lloydsresearch.com

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