Examination Overview - Year 7 Computer Science
Examination Overview - Year 7 Computer Science
Examination Overview - Year 7 Computer Science
On The Day
Permitted Resources:
• One A4 double-sided notes sheet, containing glossary terms & definitions, code snippets, etc.
• Access to the PyAngelo Editor will be provided.
Examinable Material
• General
o understand what a programming language is
o read and write Python code
o gain knowledge of the use and importance of indentation in Python
o using commands (eg print, input, text size and colour)
• Debugging
o identify ‘bugs’ in Python code
o troubleshoot and fix errors
• Operators
o understand what the ‘assignment operator’ is used for and how it works
o understand and use mathematical operators
o understand the function of 'comparison operators'
• Variables
o understand what variables are and what they are used for
o using variables to capture input from the user
o displaying information from variables
o applying suitable naming conventions when naming variables
o understand how number variables are different from text/string variables
o understand and work with calculations involving variables
o understand how to change the data type of a variable
o understand Boolean variables
• Decision Making (Conditional Statements)
o understand how to use if and elif statements to handle three or more options
o understand how to use the else statement to handle all other cases or when input
doesn't make sense
• Repetition (Loops)
o understand how to have parts of the code repeat over again until something
o understanding the difference between a loop and an infinite loop
o understand how to use while loops to create infinite loops
o write while loops that will eventually stop
• Modules (Libraries)
o understand that there are libraries of Python code that can be used in our programs
o understand how to import modules
o know how to use the random module to generate random numbers
myLearning Quizzes:
• Practice Examination (to be completed in class)
• Glossary