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JET - 36 - Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools Update

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JET Manual 36

Coiled Tubing
Downhole Tools
Version 1.0
JET Manual 36 CT Downhole Tools
InTouch Content ID# 4221770
Version: 1.0
Release Date: February 6, 2007
Owner: Well Services Training & Development, IPC

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Table of Contents

1.0  Introduction 7
1.1 Learning objectives 7
2.0  Materials, Threads, and Seals 9
2.1 Material choice for downhole tools 9
2.1.1 Normal service and acid service 9
2.1.2 H2S service  10
2.1.3 High temperature, H2S, and acid service 10
2.1.4 CO2 service 10
2.1.5 Summary of material properties 10
2.2 Thread specifications 11
2.2.1 Choice of thread 12
2.2.2 Thread-locking compounds 13
2.2.3 Thread prejob planning 14
2.2.4 Thread descriptions 14
2.3 O-rings  20
2.3.1 Material 20
2.3.2 Hardness 21
2.3.3 Best practices for installing O-rings 21
3.0 Basic CT Tools 23
3.1 Connectors  23
3.1.1 Considerations in choosing a connector 23
3.1.2 Accessories for making up connectors 25
3.1.3 Preparation of the CT string  28
3.1.4 External dimple connector 30
3.1.5 External slip connector 33
3.1.6 External combined slip and set screw connector 36
3.1.7 Internal slip connector 36
3.1.8 Internal dimple connector 37
3.1.9 Roll-on connector 39
3.1.10 Double roll-on connector 41
3.1.11 Other connectors 41
3.1.12 Connector performance comparison summary  43
3.2 Check valves 43

JET 36 - Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  iii

3.2.1 Dual flapper check valve 44
3.2.2 Double ball inline check valves 46
3.2.3 Double barrier pumpout plug 47
3.2.4 Double pumpout check valves  47
3.3 Disconnect tools  48
3.3.1 Disconnect properties  48
3.3.2 Hydraulic ball-drop disconnect 51
3.3.3 Differential pressure disconnect 55
3.3.4 Mechanical disconnect 56
3.3.5 Multicycle disconnect (MCD) 58
3.4 Circulation valve 59
3.5 Dual circulation valve 60
3.5.1 Operation 60
3.5.2 Points to note 61
3.5.3 Redress procedure (dual circulation valve with
nonpressure-balanced piston) 61
3.6 Motorhead assembly (MHA) 63
3.7 Nozzles 63
3.7.1 Size and number of ports 64
3.7.2 Position and direction of the ports 64
3.7.3 PowerCLEAN nozzle 64
3.8 Quick connects 66
3.9 Centralizers 66
3.9.1 Features 66
3.9.2 Rigid centralizers 66
3.9.3 Bow-spring centralizers 67
3.9.4 Link-arm centralizers 68
4.0  Advanced CT Tools 69
4.1 Blaster 69
4.1.1 Shorty MHA 70
4.1.2 Downhole filter 70
4.1.3 Swivel 71
4.1.4 Drift ring 72
4.2 Fishing tools 74
4.2.1 Retrieval tools: spears and overshots 75
4.2.2 Jars, accelerators, and impact hammers 83
4.2.3 Auxiliary fishing tools 85
4.3 Motors and mills 86

iv  |  Table of Contents

4.3.1 Motors 87
4.3.2 Mills and bits 89
4.3.3 Underreamer 91
4.4 Packers and bridge plugs 91
4.4.1 Cup packer 91
4.4.2 Mechanical packers 93
4.4.3 Hydraulic set packers 95
4.4.4 Inflatable packers 95
4.4.5 Bridge plug  97
4.5 CT wired applications  98
4.5.1 CT logging 98
4.5.2 BHA for CT logging 99
4.5.3 CT logging support tools 103
4.5.4 CT perforation 104
4.5.5 BHA for CT perforation 105
4.6 CoilFRAC 107
4.6.1 OptiSTIM MP  108
4.6.2 OptiSTIM ST 109
4.7 DepthLOG CT 110
4.7.1 Casing collar locator (CCL)  113
4.7.2 Processor 113
4.7.3 Signaler 113
4.7.4 Battery 113
4.8 Discovery MLT multilateral tool 113
4.8.1 Operation 114
4.8.2 Tool description 114
5.0  Tool Deployment 117
5.1 Requirements of deployment system 117
5.2 Lubricator deployment 117
5.3 Tower deployment 118
5.4 Bar deployment system 119
5.4.1 Safety standard requirements 122
5.4.2 Surface equipment requirements 123
5.4.3 Downhole deployment equipment 124
5.5 CIRP system 125

JET 36 - Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  

5.5.1 Safety standard requirements 125
5.5.2 Surface equipment requirements 126
5.5.3 Downhole deployment equipment: CIRP connector 127
5.5.4 CIRP deployment sequence 128
6.0  CT Tool Management 131
6.1 Tool identification and tracking 131
6.2 Maintenance 131
6.3 Before running in hole 131
6.4 BHA schematics 132
6.5 Postjob and storage guidelines 134
6.6 Spares management 134
6.7 Workshop requirements 134
7.0  Glossary 135
8.0  References 137
9.0  Check Your Understanding 139

vi  |  Table of Contents

1.0  Introduction

Coiled tubing (CT) is a long, continuous • providing contingency operations (for

length of pipe wound on a spool. The pipe is example, disconnecting if a tool is stuck).
straightened before pushing it into a wellbore
This training manual introduces the most
and recoiled to spool it back onto the transport
common CT downhole tools. Redress and
and storage spool. Depending on the pipe
makeup procedures are included for the basic
diameter (1 in to 4 1/2 in) and the spool size,
tools, which all equipment operators will need
coiled tubing can range from 2,000 ft to
to understand. For the more advanced and less
15,000 ft, or greater, in length.
common tools, an overview is given.
CT operation is a generic term relating to the
More information on all the downhole tools
use of a CT string and associated equipment.
described in this JET manual is available at
As a well-intervention method, CT techniques
offer several key benefits over alternative
well-intervention technologies. The ability to
work safely under live well conditions with a 1.1 Learning objectives
continuous string enables fluids to be pumped
at any time regardless of the position or Upon completion of this training, you should be
direction of travel. This ability is a significant able to do the following:
advantage in many applications. Installing
an electrical conductor or hydraulic conduit • Understand the selection of tool materials
further enhances the capability of a CT string and threads.
and enables relatively complex intervention • Describe the function of general CT
techniques to be applied safely. downhole tools.
• Prepare CT string and make up different
All CT operations use downhole tools. These
types of connectors.
downhole tools are the individual components
of the CT bottomhole assembly (BHA). In CT • Redress basic tools.
operations, the CT is the means of conveying
• Explain the function and basic operation of
tools to the bottom of the hole, and the
several advanced tools.
downhole tools perform several functions:
• Compile BHA schematics and fishing
• intervention (for example, milling, fishing, diagrams.
• protecting equipment and personnel (for
example, check valves controlling the fluid

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  

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  |  Introduction
2.0  Materials, Threads, and Seals

The material used for the downhole tools is

critical. Conditions downhole are often harsh
and will corrode or damage many materials. Note:
The threads and seals used to connect tools If acid is pumped through this
are equally critical. If a tool disconnects tool, it is important to ensure that
downhole, an expensive fishing operation must sufficient corrosion inhibitor is in
be performed, and the tool may be lost and the acid mix and that the tool is
the well damaged or destroyed. None of these thoroughly flushed of all acid after
scenarios are acceptable. the operation.

2.1 Material choice for downhole tools A thin Xylan® coating (similar to Teflon®) can
be applied to reduce the effect of the acid on
When manufacturing downhole tools, the
the tool. However, this coating will deteriorate
choice of the material is based on the downhole
when pipe wrenches are used on the tool.
environment where the tool will be used. When
ordering new tools, it is important to understand
the well conditions in the local fields, to make
the correct choice for those conditions. Note:

The main information required when selecting Hardness and Strength

downhole tool material is provided by the Be careful not to confuse
following questions: hardness and strength. They are
often related, but do not directly
• Is hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas present? correspond. Hardness is normally
• Is carbon dioxide (CO2) gas present? measured using the Rockwell
C scale. The hardness of a tool
• Will acid be pumped through the tool?
depends on the heat treatment
• What is the downhole temperature of the process.
Yield strength is measured in psi
2.1.1 Normal service and acid service (pounds per square inch). The
strength of material depends on
The tool is specified normal service if the wells
the original material and the heat
do not contain H2S or CO2 and the temperature
treatment process.
is less than 80 degC [176 degF]. If the same
conditions exist and acid may be pumped When steel is heat treated to make
through the tool, it is specified acid service. it harder, yield strength increases
somewhat, but the brittleness of
Normal service and acid service tools are made the steel also quickly increases.
from 4140 steel, with a hardness of HRC 30 to Increased hardness also reduces
36. the ability to withstand H2S.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  

2.1.2 H2S service 2.1.3 High temperature, H2S, and acid
H2S will corrode normal service tools. Tools service
that will be used in a H2S environment need If acid is pumped in a H2S environment
to be made of a softer metal to withstand this at high temperatures, the environment is
corrosion. extremely corrosive for downhole tools. In this
case, Inconel® or 17-4 PH® metal is used,
H2S service tools are generally made of 4140 sometimes with a nickel coating for increased
steel, but a different heat treatment is used to resistance. These metals are harder than
give a softer material (HRC 18 to 22). standard 4140 steel tools.

However, the softer material can lead to galling Tools made of Inconel or 17-4 PH are much
of the threads. The threads can be coated with more expensive than standard 4140 tools and
Xylan to reduce galling. are only specified where they are truly needed.

Note: 2.1.4 CO2 service

Galling is a phenomenon that For a CO2 environment, stainless steels such
happens with softer metals and as 13-Chrome (SS 410) or 9-Chrome/1 Mo are
refers to the plastic deformation of needed.
the steel. When threads are forced
together with excess force, heat is Tools built for CO2 service typically cost 35%
generated through friction and the more than standard service tools. Therefore,
threads weld together. they are only used in CO2 environments where
they are required.
For this reason, drilling rigs have
special procedures for making up Stainless steel is a soft metal that is subject
chrome tubing. to thread galling. Extreme care must be taken
when making up threads of CO2 service tools.

A well with a potentially corrosive level of H2S Monel K500® can also be used, but it is even
is termed a sour well. This level is generally more expensive than stainless steel.
considered to be a H2S partial pressure of 0.05
psi. Above this level, H2S service tools should CO2 service tools are recommended in wells
be used. with a CO2 partial pressure above 32 psi. To
calculate the partial pressure of CO2 in a well,
To calculate the partial pressure of H2S in a you need to know: the percentage of CO2 in the
well, you need to know the concentration of wellbore fluid (%), and the BHP. Then calculate
H2S in parts per million (ppm) and the well
bottomhole pressure (BHP). Then you can • partial pressure of CO2 (psi)
calculate = CO2 concentration (%) x BHP (psi)/100.

• partial pressure of H2S (psi) 2.1.5 Summary of material properties

= H2S concentration (ppm) x BHP (psi)
Table 2-1 summarizes the typical material
properties for downhole tools for different

10  |  Materials, Threads, and Seals

Table 2-1. Summary of Material Properties for Downhole Tools
Service Material Rockwell Yield Strenght Comments
Hardness (psi)
Normal service 4140 steel 30–36 >110,000

Acid service 4140 steel 30–36 >110,000 Xylan coating recommended

H2S service 4140 steel 18–22 >80,000 Xylan coat on threads to reduce
H2S and acid 4140 steel 18–22 >80,000 Xylan coating recommended
High-temperature, Inconel 40 (max) >130,000 Most expensive option
acid, and H2S
or 17-4 PH 30 (max) >105,000
CO2 service Stainless steel 22 (max) >80,000 Galling problem with threads on
(13% Cr) stainless steel tools, more expensive
than normal service tools
Stainless steel 22 (max) >80,000
(9% Chrome)

Monel K500 35 (max) >100,000 Very expensive

It is important to know local well
conditions when choosing the
material for your downhole tools.

2.2 Thread specifications

When describing a downhole tool, one of the
most important features is the type of thread on
the top and bottom of the tool. Figure 2-1 shows
various threads.

Figure 2-1. Threads Commonly Used in CT Downhole Tools

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  11

production tubing, because a 2 3/8-in PAC
Note: thread has a OD of 2 7/8 in.
Threads other than shown in • torsional yield strength: When running a
Fig.  2-1 may also be encountered, downhole motor or other rotating downhole
such as the National Pipe thread tool, it is important to check the torsional
(NPT), which is commonly used on yield strength of the threads and the
all types of oilfield equipment. maximum torque that the motor can deliver.
Most motors run on CT deliver a maximum
torque of less than 1,000 lbf.ft. A common
thread for motor applications is 2 3/8-in
PAC, which has a torsional yield strength of
2.2.1 Choice of thread 4,500 lbf.ft. You would never use a 1 1/4‑in
AMMT for motor applications because
Several types of threads are commonly used it has a torsional yield strength of only
for CT tools, and the factors important in 758 lbf.ft.
choosing the type you need are:
• tensile yield strength: The tensile yield
• outer diameter (OD) of tool: Each common strength limits the amount of overpull
size of downhole tool (1 11/16 in, 2 1/8 in, and setdown weight we can apply to the
2 3/8 in, 2 7/8 in, 3 1/8 in, etc.) has a typical threads or the tool.
thread size, which is as large as possible • recommended makeup torque: Applying
without exceeding the tool OD. the correct makeup torque to a thread is
Table 2-2 shows some typical thread important. Too little torque can result in the
choices for two different tool ODs. connection backing off; too much torque
Table 3-2. Typical Thread Choices for Two Tool ODs can cause galling damage to the thread
body and reduce the strength and integrity
Tool OD AMMT DS 10SA Hydril CS©
of the connection. Using a torque gauge
1 11/16 in 1.0 in 1.5 in 1 in with some Come Along™ winches or a
set of hydraulic power tongs (see Fig. 2-2)
2 1/8 in 1.5 in 1.81 in 1 1/4 in may be required to measure and make up
threads that require very high torque in
motor applications.
• inner diameter (ID) required on tool:
Threads can limit the ID of the tool, which
can be a problem if ball-activated tools
are in the toolstring. For example, a small
tool joint such as the 1-in American MT
(AMMT) has an ID of ½ in, but a 5/8-in ball
is a common size for some tools and does
not fit through it. Obviously, a larger thread
will be needed if a 5/8-in ball is to be used.
• minimum restriction in well: The ID of the
minimum restriction in well limits the OD of
thread as well as the OD of the BHA itself.
For example, 2 3/8-in Phil A. Cornell (PAC)
threads can never be used in a 2 7/8-in

12  |  Materials, Threads, and Seals

Torque = Length x Force

For example: If you can apply 100 lbf on a 3 ft

pipe wrench, you are applying torque of

100 x 3 = 300 lbf.ft.

If you apply the same 100 lbf on a 4-ft pipe

wrench, you are applying torque of

100 x 400 = 400 lbf.ft.

Apply 100 lbm

3-ft pipe wrench

Figure 2-2. Power Tongs

Tool OD
What is torque and how do we
measure it?
Torque is the measure of rotational Figure 2-3. Example of Torque
force applied when making up
downhole tools. Most small The recommended makeup torques for different
downhole tool threads can be made type of threads can be found in Table 3-3.
up by hand using pipe wrenches;
however, some larger threads
require the use of Come Along 2.2.2 Thread-locking compounds
winches or a torque machine.
It is recommended to use a thread-locking
compound, usually referred to simply as thread
lock, on BHAs that will be subject to high
It is important to know the recommended
rotational forces, such as milling BHAs. Thread
makeup torque for the threads you are making
lock is used to glue in threaded connections
up. Too little torque might result in the thread
and give them added resistance to backing off
backing off (unscrew itself) downhole, while too
downhole. Common thread-locking compounds
much torque might result in galling of the
are Baker-Lok® and Lok-Tite®.
threads, and then the tool may have to be
scrapped because you cannot unscrew it.

Torque depends on the size of the force

applied and the distance from the tool at which
this force is applied. Figure 2-3 illustrates the
following equation:

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  13

ensure the suitability and compatibility of the
Note: thread for the planned operation. This task
The most important factor in begins with having a schematic of the planned
ensuring a strong connection is the BHA, including the description of all the
application of the correct torque. threads.
If insufficient torque is applied,
applying thread lock will not be At a minimum, you should
sufficient and the connection may
• physically confirm the threads on schematic
back off downhole.
are correct
• check that you have all required crossovers

If using thread lock, the following makeup • physically check thread and crossover
procedure is recommended: connections before loadout by making up
the threads (hand-tight only)
• Clean threads on both the pin and the box • determine if high makeup torques will be
thoroughly–any residue of oil, water, or required on site and if a torque gauge is
grease may reduce the effectiveness of the available
thread-locking compound. Contact cleaner
is recommended. • protect threads with thread protectors for
the trip.
• Apply thread lock according to the
manufacturer’s instructions on the box and
2.2.4 Thread descriptions
the pin.
Many different threads are available. A box with
• Torque up the connection to the
one type of thread will not connect to a pin with
recommended torque for that particular
a different type of thread so care must be taken
thread, using a torque machine if possible,
to match the threads of connections.
or at least a torque gauge.
• Allow enough time for the thread lock to
cure before running the tool in the well. American MT (AMMT) threads
The disadvantages of using thread lock are AMMT threads are a very common thread in
CT applications. The tapered coarse thread
• Threads become very difficult to break (see Fig. 2-4) make AMMT threads some of the
out and some products require heat to easiest threads to make up. The AMMT thread
break out the connection. The use of has no O-rings and seals metal‑to-metal.
unnecessary torque and high temperatures
to break out connections can damage the The American Petroleum Institute (API)
tool and its components. recommends AMMT threads for CT fishing
applications because of its high yield strength
• Threads need to cleaned thoroughly before and relatively large ID.
and after use to remove all residue and any
remaining thread lock. The Schlumberger CoilTOOLS* coiled tubing
intervention and solutions division recommends
2.2.3 Thread prejob planning AMMT threads for all standard CT applications.
One of the most important tasks of checking
a BHA before traveling to a CT operation is to

14  |  Materials, Threads, and Seals

The DS Stub Acme threads feature an easily
machined standard Acme connection and
double O-ring seals.

The advantages of the DS Stub Acme thread

are its relatively high tensile yield and torsional
strength, and large size of ID relative to the OD.

The main disadvantage of the DS Stub Acme

thread is the difficulty of making it up. Because
it is a straight thread (unlike the tapered
AMMT), the pin and box must be perfectly
aligned to make them up without damaging the
Figure 2-4. AMMT Threads threads. Also, the fine threads are sensitive to
any debris.
AMMT threads are available in 1-in, 1 1/4-in,
1 1/2-in, and 2.06-in sizes, although the 2.06-in A modified version of the DS Stub Acme
size is not common. thread exists: the 1.7 in NS 10 SA, which has
a single O-ring seal at the base of the thread.
This thread is often referred to as the 1.7 North DS Stub Acme thread
Sea 10 Stub Acme. This is a shorter thread to
The Dowell Schlumberger (DS) Stub Acme reduce tool length.
thread was designed by Schlumberger and
has become widely used in the industry (see
Fig. 2‑5). Note:
A DS 10 SA thread may pass a
pressure test even when it is only
partially made up, because it seals
with O-rings. For this reason,
special care needs to be taken to
ensure that it truly is completely
made up.

Figure 2-5. DS Stub Acme Thread

Three standard versions exist: 1.50 in, 1.81 in,

and 2.06 in.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  15 CS/Hydril CS™ Threads
Hydril CS™ is a CS type of thread developed Note:
by the Hydril thread company. CS and Hydril The tip of CS or Hydril CS threads
CS threads are compatible. Figure 2-6 are quite thin compared to the
illustrates the Hydril CS thread. AMMT or DS 10 Stub Acme
threads and therefore they are
easier to damage. PAC threads

This connection was designed by American
Iron & Machine for the Phil A. Cornell (PAC)
Rental Tool Company and is used primarily as
a drill collar connection (see Fig. 2‑7).

Figure 2-6. Hydril CS Thread

CS threads are less common in CT applications

than AMMT and DS 10 Stub Acme threads are.

The most common sizes of CS threads for CT

applications are 1 in, 1 1/4 in and 1 1/2 in, and
they provide the maximum ID possible for a
given tool size. The large ID, together with the
absence of O-rings, makes a CS thread a good
choice for CT completion applications.

The tapered profile means that it is an

easy thread to make up. It seals on three
metal‑to‑metal surfaces and only seals
Figure 2-7. PAC Thread
completely when properly torqued up. The fact
that it has a metal-to-metal seal (rather than
PAC threads are very robust, available in
an O-ring seal) means that it can be used at
2 3/8‑in and 2 7/8-in sizes. They are often used
high temperatures and that it is less sensitive to
in larger CT tools for heavy-duty applications,
corrosive fluids than threads using O-ring seals
such as downhole motors, underreamers, jars,
and accelerators.

The thread has a tapered profile that helps

make it up. It has a high makeup torque, which
means that Come Along winches or a torque
machine are needed to make and break a

16  |  Materials, Threads, and Seals

RTJ threads are very tapered, which makes
Note: them very easy to stab and make up the
It is highly recommended to use tool joint. However, the ID of this tool joint is
a semipermanent thread-locking significantly less than the ID of other common
chemical compound with PAC CT threads is.
threads. This compound prevents
the tool joint from becoming loose Sucker rod threads
or backing off.
Sucker rod threads are normally used on
wireline and slickline tools. This thread has low
PAC threads with an additional O-ring seal are torque and tensile ratings because wireline and
referred to as PAC DSI threads. slickline interventions do not generate the high
forces that are experienced in CT interventions.
Figure 2-9 illustrates sucker rod threads. Rotating tubing joint threads
Rotating tubing joint (RTJ) threads (Fig. 2-8)
are a very common type of drilling thread.
Two connections used for CT applications
are described as regular RTJs. These are the
1 1/4‑in regular flush joint (FJ) thread and the
2 3/8-in API regular thread.

Figure 2-9. Sucker Rod Thread

This type of thread is commonly used to run

Memory PLT™ or other slickline tools on CT.
Generally, standard CT threads would be used
Figure 2-8. RJT Thread for the upper BHA (connector, check valve,
disconnect, etc.) and then a crossover adapter
to the sucker-rod thread would be used.

The most common size is 15/16-in 10 UNS


JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  17

Sucker rod threads generally do not
have a bore for pumping through,
as this feature is not required for
wireline or slickline operations. The
crossover sub is often ported to
allow pumping capability. External upset end 8RD threads

External upset end (EUE) threads are easily
recognized because the pin end of the
connection is larger than the tubing body (see
Fig. 2-10).

Figure 2-10. EUE Thread

The EUE thread is available in 1.90-in, 2 3/8-in

and 2 7/8-in sizes, but the larger sizes are most
common on larger downhole tools.

18  |  Materials, Threads, and Seals Summary of Threads
Table 2-3 summarizes the threads and their properties.

Table 2-3. Summary of Threads, Properties, and Makeup Torques

Thread Minimum Maximum Tensile Strength Torsional Strength Recommended
OD (in) ID (in) (lbf) † (lbf) † Makeup Torque
(lbf) †
1-in AMMT 1.562 0.812 57,217 665 399

1 1/4-in 1.75 1.00 58,424 758 455

1 1/2-in 2 1.156 77,305 1119 672
2.06-in 2.33 1.25 113,426 1830 1098
1.5-in DS 1 11/16 0.937 38,459 493 296
1.81-in DS 2 1/8 1.25 89,625 1330 798
2.06-in DS 2 9/16 1.32 154,963 2537 1522
1-in CS 1 11/16 0.875 54,000 1405 400–500

1 1/4-in CS 2 18 1.25 70,000 1699 600–750

1 1/2-in CS 2 9/16 1.53 100,000 3451 800–1000

2 3/8-in CS 3 1/2 1.945 143,000 1300–1500

2 3/8-in PAC 2 7/8 1.375 245,931 4,489 2,693

2 7/8-in PAC 3 1/8 1.50 279,777 5,879 3,527

1 1/4-in 2.25 0.625 152,391 2,248 1,349

Regular FJ
2 3/8-in API 3.125 1.00 382,847 4,847 2,908
15/16-in 0.936 none 29,425 140
sucker rod
1.90-in EUE 2.50 1.61

2 38-in EUE 3.063 2.00 143,000 1350–2250

2 7/8-in EUE 3.668 2.441 199,300 1730–2880

†All values are based on 110,000-psi minimum material yield strength.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  19

2.3 O-rings The various materials used are listed below:
O-rings are very important to seal connections. • Nitrile rubber (NBR) is the most basic
Figure 2-11 illustrates O-rings. material generally considered. It is used
for standard service in low temperature
(up to 121 degC [250 degF]), nonharsh
applications. It should not be used in H2S
environments or with solvents such as
toluene. It can be used with dilute acids
only; do not use it with concentrated acids.
• Hydrogenated NBR (HNBR) is a better
alternative to NBR in medium hot
environments (up to 162 degC [325 degF]),
and it can be used in the presence of
H2S. Because of its versatility, it is the
first‑choice material in many locations.
• Fluorocarbon (FKM), more commonly
known as Viton®, can be used for
temperatures up to 204 degC [400 degF].
However, Viton is not as tough as NBR
Figure 2-11. O-Rings
and tends to lose its shape and tear
more easily. Viton is often the first choice
2.3.1 Material for long-duration applications at higher
temperatures, where the physical stresses
The downhole conditions in a well influence are not too severe.
the type of material used for O-rings and
elements. The factors influencing the choice for • AFLAS® is the common name for
a particular application include tetrafluorethylene-propilene (TFEP).
AFLAS can be used for higher-temperature
• temperature applications up to 227 degC [440 degF],
and is recommended whenever any
• pressure amine‑based corrosion inhibitor is used at
• chemical compatibility with wellbore fluid high temperatures.
• chemical compatibility with oilfield • Perfluoroelastomers (FFKM) can be
chemicals used in extreme temperatures, such
as in geothermal (steam) wells. Special
• presence of H2S or CO2 materials, such FFKM. These materials are
• presence of steam rated to 316 degC [600 degF]. However,
these materials are extremely expensive
• ease of installation
(each O-ring costs several hundred dollars)
• cost and perform poorly at lower temperatures.
• time downhole.

20  |  Materials, Threads, and Seals

2.3.2 Hardness • At greater pressures, a back-up ring
is often advisable or even mandatory.
The hardness of a particular elastomer plays Follow equipment/tool manufacturer
an important role in limitations on pressure. recommendations.
In general, for any given material, the harder
that material is, the higher the pressure limit is.
The hardness is measured in duro. The typical
range for O-rings 70 to 90 duro.

2.3.3 Best practices for installing O-rings

The following are guidelines for handling
O-rings when assembling tools.

• Store O-rings in their black plastic

shipping bags until they are used. This
practice helps avoid ozone and ultra-violet
degradation and reduces the risk of mixing
O-ring sizes.
• Examine the O-ring visually. It should be
free of scratches or dimples.
• Stretch the O-ring with your fingers
(do not overstretch!) to ensure that no
manufacturing flaws exist.
• Lubricate the O-ring lightly with a high-
temperature sealing grease (such as Shell
Darina™ or Lubriplate 930-A4. Do not use
thread lubricants or regular greases or
• Check that the O-ring fits tightly in its
groove and that it does not move freely.
• Install the O-ring using another O-ring as a
pulling tool, to avoid damaging it.
• Use a brass spatula to remove O-rings. Do
not use a screwdriver, steel pick tool, or
cut with a razor blade. Any of these might
damage the O-ring groove permanently.
• Always have at least twice the number of
O-rings estimated to be needed in backup
stock, to provide for O-rings damaged
during installation.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  21

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22  |  Materials, Threads, and Seals

3.0 Basic CT Tools

This section describes the functions and main CT string and the tool OD is the same as or
types of each of the following basic CT tools. only slightly larger as the CT string.

• connectors
3.1.1 Considerations in choosing a
• check valves
• disconnects
When you are choosing what type of connector
• circulation subs to use, the factors discussed in the following
• motor-head assemblies sections must be considered.

• nozzles
• quick connects. Connector OD or ID
The decision to use an external or internal
It explains the advantages and disadvantages
connector will depend on the size of CT being
of the different types of tools for various
used and the size restriction in the wellbore.
An external connector will generally be the
3.1 Connectors first choice, but if only a small clearance exists
between the CT string and the tubing, you may
The main function of a connector is to attach have to use an internal connector. Figure 3‑1
the CT string to various downhole tools. It must illustrates a situation where the OD of an
mechanically hold and seal on the CT string external connector is greater than the OD of the
and provide a threaded connection to connect CT string. An internal connector can form part
downhole tools below it. of a slick BHA, where the BHA has the same
maximum OD as the CT for access through
Connectors are available in a wide range small restrictions (see Fig. 3-2).
of designs. Three types of connectors are
commonly used with CT services:
• dimple or setscrew (external or internal) Care must be taken not to pull a
• slip (external or internal) slick BHA through the stripper.

• roll-on (internal only).

The most common type of connector used is
an external connector, which grips on the OD
of the CT string and is therefore larger than the
CT string OD. For situations where the larger
OD is not acceptable, an internal connector can
be used. This connector grips on the ID of the

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  23

Figure 3-1. OD of External Connector Greater Figure 3-2. OD of Internal Connector Same
than OD of CT String as OD of CT String

Note: Material

If the tools below the connector
The choice of material will determine how much
require that a ball be pumped from
force can be exerted when pulling and setting
the surface (such as a hydraulic
down and in which type of environment the tool
disconnect), it is important to verify
can be used (acid service, H2S, and CO2, etc.).
that the ball can pass through the
Downhole tool material selection was described
connector. An internal connector
in greater detail in Section 2.1.
has a smaller ID than an external
Forces are calculated by the engineer before
the job.

24  |  Basic CT Tools Tensile rating External dimpling tool
The tensile rating of the tool is the maximum The external dimpling tool (see Fig. 3-3) is
amount of pulling force for which it is designed. used to accurately produce the indentations or
The choice of material, the type of thread, and dimples in the CT string wall. It is required when
the style of connector will influence the tensile using a dimple external connector.
rating of the connector. Section 2.1 discusses
the tensile rating of the materials. The dimples are produced by screwing the
round-headed cap screws into the tubing wall,
each by the same number of turns of the screw. Torque resistance The slide hammer aids installation and removal
For applications involving downhole tools that of the tool.
rotate, a dimple connector is preferred because
it is unlikely to rotate. It is important to check with the dimple tool
supplier to determine how deep the dimple
A slip connector will offer less torque should be (counting the number of turns of
resistance, although enough resistance for the screw). Ensure that all screw dimples are
most applications. A roll-on type connector made up to the same depth. Otherwise, the
provides very little torque resistance. load amongst the set screws on the connector
will be unequal, which may lead to failure of the
connection. Ease of makeup
The various types of connector offer varying
ease of makeup. The following lists the
connectors in order of ease of makeup.

a. slip connector

b. roll-on connector

c. dimple connector, which requires a

dimpling tool and set screws.

3.1.2 Accessories for making up

Various accessories are required to make up
the various connectors. Be sure to have the
right accessories available at the site of a CT
operation—you don’t want to have to run back
to the district for an accessory in the middle of
a job.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  25

Rounded nose on caphead screws forms
dimples for the connector set screws Threaded box to match
the BHA connection of
the connector

Dimple tool screw pattern Slide hammer to aid installation

exactly matching that of the and removal of the tool

Figure 3-3. External Dimpling Tool

A mechanical or hydraulic dimpling tool is Internal dimpling tool made up around the CT string with the internal
An internal dimpling tool (see Fig. 3-4) deforms connector already in place inside the CT string.
the CT string wall into the indentations on the The dimpling tool is lined up with a mark on the
internal dimple connector. connector to ensure that the dimpling screws
are lined up with the dimples on the tool.

The dimpling screws are then tightened to

deform the CT string into the indentations on
Coiled tubing
the tool. Depending on the model, this may
be done with hydraulic pressure from a hand
Yoke Jig pump, or by mechanically turning the screws.

Be sure to turn each screw the
same number of times.

Stage 4

Figure 3-4. Internal Dimpling Tool

26  |  Basic CT Tools Weld bead removal tool
Before installing an internal connector, the ID of
the CT must be dressed out with the weld bead
removal tool (see Fig. 3‑5). This tool removes
the internal weld bead that is present from the Crimping tool
manufacture of the CT string, leaving a smooth
ID to which the O-rings on the connector will
seal. The tool is inserted into the CT string with
the internal weld bead at the groove. The tool
is then rotated using a pipe wrench. The weld
bead is broken out.
Cutting wheel Crimping wheel

Groove to accept Figure 3-6. Crimping Tool

weld bead

Bead cutting Pull test plate

takes place here
The pull test plate is an accessory that is
screwed onto the connector to allow the
operator to test whether the connector can
withstand the expected tensile forces that it will
experience downhole.

The large diameter allows pull tests to be

carried out against the stripper or lubricator.
This feature is particularly useful for internal
Figure 3-5. Weld Bead Removal Tool
connectors, which cannot be pulled directly
against the stripper because they are the same Crimping tool OD as the CT string.
The crimping tool (see Fig. 3-6) has two
interchangeable wheels. One is a cutting wheel
that can be used to cut the CT string. The other
wheel is used to swage the CT string onto the
roll-on connector.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  27

Some models of pull test plates can also be stabbed through the injector head. This cut
used for pressure testing the connector to should be made using a pipe-cutting tool, which
ensure that it is creating a pressure seal against will ensure a clean, square end.
the CT pipe. These models can be pumped
through and include a needle valve at the Step 02 File the end of the CT string
bottom (Fig. 3-7). to remove any sharp edges that may cut
the O‑rings and damage the pressure seal
(Fig. 3‑8).

Figure 3-8. Filing End of CT String

Step 03 Smooth the bottom 15 cm [6 in]

of the CT OD with emery paper (Fig. 3-9). This
smoothing ensures that the O-ring seals on a
Figure 3-7. Pull Test Plate with smooth sealing surface. The CT string is now
Pressure Test Facility Capability ready to have the external connector made up.

3.1.3 Preparation of the CT string

For all connectors, the end of the CT string
must be prepared correctly to ensure that
the connector provides a reliable and secure
mechanical connection and seal. External connectors

Follow this procedure to prepare the end of the
CT string for an external connector.

Step 01 Cut the tubing to remove any Figure 3-9. Smoothing with Emery Paper
distorted tubing caused when the CT was

28  |  Basic CT Tools Internal connectors
Follow this procedure to prepare the end of the
Remember that internal weld beads
CT string for an internal connector.
are hard to remove if the CT has a
thick wall and high hardness (e.g.,
Step 01 If the end of the CT string is 0.195 in wall thickness of QT 1000).
damaged, use a cutting tool to cut off the
damaged piece.

Step 02 The internal weld must be Step 03 Using a rounded file or small
removed to allow the connector to fit inside cylindrical attachment to a hand grinder,
the CT string (Figs. 3-10 and 3-11). Use a weld smooth off the ID of the CT string where the
bead removal tool to cut out the weld to the O‑rings will seal (Fig. 3-12).
depth that the CT connector will go inside.

Figure 3-12. Smoothing ID with Hand Grinder

Figure 3-10. Removing Internal Weld, View 1

Figure 3-11. Removing Internal Weld, View 2

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  29

Step 04 File the end of the CT string
to remove any sharp edges that may cut
the O‑rings and damage the pressure seal
(Fig. 3- 13).

Figure 3-13. Filing End of CT with Round File

The CT string is now ready to have the

connector made up on it.

3.1.4 External dimple connector

The external dimple connector is made up to
the CT string with set screws (see Fig. 3-14).
It is a robust connector and is suitable for all
types of applications. It is the recommended
connector for motor applications because it
provides high torque strength.

Figure 3-14. External Dimple Connector

A dimpling tool is used to create dimples on
the CT string (described in the section External
dimpling tool), into which the set screws are
tightened. These dimples reduce the ID of the
CT string slightly. For this reason, it is important
to check that drop balls can still pass after

30  |  Basic CT Tools Makeup
Follow this procedure to make up an external
dimple connector.

Step 01 Prepare the end of the CT string

as described in Section, External

Step 02 Slide the dimpling tool onto

the end of the CT until the shoulder bottoms
against the end of the CT string. The dimpling
tool is a tight fit on the CT string, so you may
need to use the sliding hammer on the dimpling Figure 3-16. CT String After Dimpling
tool to get it in place.

Step 03 Using the appropriate allen Step 05 Ensure that new, lightly lubricated
wrench, tighten each dimple screw half a turn O-rings are fitted on the CT connector.
at a time, working around the dimpling tool until
the correct number of turns as instructed by
the manufacturer have been made (Fig. 3-15).
Step 06 Check that all the set screws
in the connector are in good condition and
This process will result in even, correctly sized
the correct length. The set screws should be
backed out completely to allow the tubing end
to slip freely into the connector.

Step 07 Align the set screw holes on the

connector with the dimples on the CT string
(Fig. 3-17).

Figure 3-15. Making Up Dimple


Step 04 Remove all the dimple screws

and remove the tool using the slide hammer.
The CT string is now ready to make up the Figure 3-17. Aligning Connector
connector (Fig. 3-16). with Dimples on CT

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  31

mark is a reference point to check whether the
Step 08 Slide the connector onto the CT
connector moves during the pull test.
until it shoulders on the end of the CT string.

Step 09 Install the set screws and tighten

according to the manufacturer’s instructions
(Fig. 3-18). Do not overtighten. Overtightening
reduces the ID and weakens the CT string.
Tighten the screws a turn each in a star pattern
to ensure a good connection (see Fig. 3-19).

Figure 3-20. Marking String Before Pull Test

Step 11 Pull test the connector to 5,000 lbf

above the maximum expected load or a
minimum of 10,000 lbf against the stripper
(Fig. 3-21). For fishing or similar applications
where heavy loading of the connector is
expected, the pull test may use a higher load.

Figure 3-18. Installing Set Screws

Figure 3-21. Pull Test Plate Made Up

Step 12 Release the load on the connector

and check whether the connector moved from
the mark put on the string earlier. If it has
moved, you will need to cut off the connector
and make it up again.
Figure 3-19. Tightening Pattern for Set Screws
Step 13 Remove one set screw and check
Step 10 Place a small mark on the CT whether the set screws have slid up or the tip
string just above the connector (Fig. 3-20). This has rounded off. If either has occurred, you will

32  |  Basic CT Tools

need to cut off the connector and make it up
again. If neither has occurred, reinstall the set

Step 14 For small ID CT, check whether

the drop ball can pass after the dimple
connector has been installed and tested. Removal
Follow this procedure to break out the

Step 01 Cut the CT string approximately

30 cm [12 in] above the connector to allow easy
handling of the tool.

Step 02 Remove all set screws using an

allen wrench.

Step 03 Slide the connector off the CT

string. If additional force is needed, use the
hammer of the dimpling tool.

Step 04 Remove all O-rings and discard

them appropriately.

Step 05 Thoroughly clean all parts. Figure 3-22. External Slip Connector
The slip connector can hold tremendous tensile
Step 06 Inspect the tool for damage and loads, which in most cases exceed the yield
replace parts as necessary. point of the CT string. These connectors can
be used in applications where high impacts are
Step 07 Coat all parts of the tool in oil to generated and in most motor applications.
minimize corrosion damage.
The slip connector does not restrict the ID of
the CT string, which means that there is no
3.1.5 External slip connector
restriction for any pigs or balls pumped through
The external slip (or grapple) connector is the CT string.
made up to the CT string with slips that bite
into the CT string (see Fig. 3-22). The wedge The slip connector is easier and quicker to
design ensures that the more you pull on the make up than the dimple connector because it
connector, the deeper it bites into the CT string does not require a dimpling tool or set screws.
and thus the stronger it holds. However, care must be taken with the makeup

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  33

because poor procedure can cause a downhole STep 05 Slide the bottom sub onto the CT
failure of the connector. string until it shoulders on the bottom of the CT
string (Fig. 3-24).
The slip connector should not be used on CT
grades above HS-90 because the teeth on
the slips will not bite into the harder grades of
metal. Top sub

The setscrews in this connector prevent the top Slips

and bottom subs from backing off relative to Bearing
each other. They do not secure the connector
to the CT string itself.
Bottom sub Makeup
Use the following procedure to make up an
external slip connector (see Fig. 3-22).
Figure 3-24. Sliding Bottom Sub into Place
STep 01 Prepare the end of the CT string
as described in Section STep 06 Lower the top sub and make it up
to the bottom sub with 300 to 400 lbf.ft or the
STep 02 Check the O-rings for any equivalent of the maximum motor output torque
scratches or tears (Fig. 3-23). (Fig. 3-25).

Figure 3-23. Installing O-Ring Figure 3-25. Making Up Top and

Bottom Subs

STep 03 Slide the top sub, the slips (with

the slip bevel facing upwards), and the bearing STep 07 Pull test the connection to
onto the CT string. 5,000 lbf more than the anticipated load or
a minimum of 10,000 lbf to fully set the slips
STep 04 Hold the top assembly up and (Fig. 3-26).
grease the end of the CT string.

34  |  Basic CT Tools

STep 01 Cut the CT string approximately
30 cm [12 in] above the connector to allow easy
handling of the connection.

STep 02 Remove set screws using the

allen wrench.

STep 03 With the top sub in the vise, back

off the bottom sub.

STep 04 Pull the top sub up, releasing the

Figure 3-26. Preparing Slip
Connector for Pull Test STep 05 Slide the bottom sub off the CT
STep 08 Retorque the bottom sub to take
up slack between the top and bottom subs. STep 06 Slide the top sub, slips, and
This step is important to prevent the slip later bearing off the CT string.
working loose. Do not overtorque; a gap of as
much as 3 mm [1/8 in] between the top and STep 07 Remove all O-rings. Thoroughly
bottom subs is normal. clean all parts. Inspect for damage and replace
parts as necessary. Coat all parts in oil to
STep 09 Make up the set screws to prevent minimize corrosion damage.
the top and bottom sub backing off (Fig. 3-27).

Figure 3-27. Making Up Set Screws Removal
To remove the connection, follow this

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  35

3.1.6 External combined slip and set 3.1.7 Internal slip connector
screw connector The internal slip (or grapple) connector is made
A combination of the dimple and slip connectors up to the CT string through the use of slips
provides the maximum security for fishing that bite into the inside of the CT string (see
jobs and milling operations (see Fig. 3‑28). Fig. 3‑29.) Like the external slip connector, the
One example of this is the CoilTOOLS EZ‑Set more you pull on the connector, the deeper it
connector. bites into the CT string.

Figure 3-28. External Combination Connector

Figure 3-29. Internal Slip Connector
The tool primarily works on the slip and is
made up to the CT string the same way that a The internal slip connector is easy and quick to
slip connector is made up. The set screws are make up after the end of the CT is prepared.
tightened into the CT string as the very last step However, care must be taken because poor
in the makeup procedure. The CT string cannot makeup procedure can cause a downhole
be predimpled because the connector moves failure of the connector. As with all internal
while setting the slips and it is not possible to connectors, the weld bead inside the CT string
space out the dimples perfectly to match this must be removed before installation.

36  |  Basic CT Tools

Making up this connector is quite simple
Note: because it has a one-piece construction.
The slip connector should not be However, the makeup can take some time
used on CT grades above HS-90, because you must use the dimpling tool.
because the teeth on the slips will
not bite into the harder grades of The internal dimple connector restricts the ID
metal. of the CT string, and it is important to check
that any balls that are needed to function in the
lower elements of the BHA can pass through
All internal connectors restrict the ID of the CT the connector. This test can be done before the
string. It is important to check that any balls connector is made up.
needed to function in the lower elements of the
BHA can pass through the connector.
Unlike external connectors, internal connectors All internal connectors are made
are made for a specific CT string wall thickness. for a specific CT string wall
This wall thickness must be specified when thickness. This wall thickness must
ordering the internal connectors. be specified when ordering the
3.1.8 Internal dimple connector
The internal dimple connector is made up to
the CT string using a mechanical or hydraulic
dimpling tool to deform the CT string into a
dimpled profile on the internal connector (see
Fig. 3-30). The result is a robust connector with
good tensile capacity and torque resistance.

Figure 3-30. Internal Dimple Connector

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  37 Make up STep 04 Make up the dimpling tool around
Follow this procedure to make up an internal the CT string, matching the mark on the
dimple connector (see Fig. 3-31). connector with that on the tool. This mark aligns
the dimples with the dimpling tool.

STep 05 Dimple the CT string either

hydraulically or mechanically, according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.

STep 06 Remove the dimpling tool.

STep 07 Using a pull test plate, perform a

pull test to 5,000 lbf more than the anticipated
load, or a minimum of 10,000 lbf, to fully set the
Coiled tubing

Yoke Jig Removal

Removing an internal dimple connector can be
difficult and time consuming. Great care must
be taken not to damage the connector during
Step 01 Cut the CT string at least 15 cm
[6 in] above the end of the connector, for ease
of handling.

Step 02 With the connector firmly clamped

in a vise, cut the CT string lengthwise along the
length of the connector.

Figure 3-31. Making Up Internal Dimple Connector

STep 01 Prepare the end of the CT string Appropriate PPE must be worn and
as described in Section, including the safety guidelines of the cutting
removing the internal weld bead. equipment must be followed.

STep 02 Check O-rings for any damage.

STep 03 Slide the internal dimple Note:

connector into the CT string until it shoulders on Take care not to cut into the
the end of the string. It should be a tight fit, and connector itself.
you may need to tap it with a hammer to get it
to go in.

38  |  Basic CT Tools

3.1.9 Roll-on connector Make up
The roll-on connector is an internal connector Follow these procedures to make up a roll-on
made up to the CT string by deforming the connector.
string into a profile on the connector with the
aid of a crimping tool (see Fig. 3-32). This is the
most basic type of connector.
STep 01 Prepare the end of the CT string
as described in Section, including
removing the internal weld bead.

STep 02 Check O-rings for damage.

STep 03 Holding the connector against the

end of the CT string, make a mark where the
CT will need to be crimped (Fig. 3-33).

Figure 3-32. Internal Roll-On Connector

Figure 3-33. Marking Grooves on String
The roll-on connector is easy to make up.
However, it is weak in terms of tensile strength STep 04 Insert the connector into the CT
and can rotate if torque is applied. It can be string until it bottoms against the end of the
used for applications such as N2 lifts, acid string.
washes, and fill removal.

The ID of the CT string is restricted by a roll-on

connector, so it is important to check that any
balls needed to activate lower elements of the
BHA can pass through the connector.

Roll-on connectors are made for a specific CT

string wall thickness. This wall thickness must
be specified when ordering the connectors.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  39

STep 05 Use the crimping tool to make Removal
crimps around the CT at the points marked Removing an internal dimple connector can be
(Figs. 3-34 and 3-35). difficult and time consuming.

Take great care not to damage the
connector during removal.

Wear appropriate PPE and follow
the safety guidelines of the cutting

Figure 3-34. Aligning Crimping Tool with Marks

Step 01 Cut the CT string at least 15 cm

[6 in] above the end of the coil.

Step 02 With the connector firmly clamped

in a vise, cut the CT string lengthwise along the
length of the connector.

Take care not to cut into the
connector itself.

Figure 3-35. Crimping CT

STep 06 Using a pull test plate, perform a

pull test to 5,000 lbf more than the anticipated
load, or a minimum of 10,000 lbf.

40  |  Basic CT Tools

3.1.10 Double roll-on connector 3.1.11 Other connectors
A double roll-on connector works on the Some less common types of connectors are
same principle as the roll-on connector and is briefly described in the following sections.
installed in the same way (see Fig. 3-36). Double slip connector (external)

This is a double internal slip-type connector,
which can be used to mechanically join two CT
strings (see Fig. 3-37). This connector can be
used for the recovery of CT completions, such
as velocity strings, but should not be used for
running in hole.

The body has one left-hand thread and one

right-hand thread, which allows the two
sections to be made up simultaneously.

Figure 3-36. Double Roll-On Connector

This connector is used to connect and seal

two lengths of CT. They are primarily used in
emergencies where a length of CT has to be
retrieved from a well.

It is specific for a particular wall thickness of CT

string, so that information will be needed when
ordering the connections.

It is recommended to keep a
double roll-on connector in the tool
box for each wall thickness in case
of an emergency.

Figure 3-37. Double Slip

Follow the same procedures for makeup and
removal as you would for a roll-on connector.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  41 Threaded connectors Welded connectors
This type of connector is made up to the CT Welded connectors have several disadvantages
string by cutting a thread (typically a NPT) on and no practical advantages. Successful
the end of the string (see Fig. 3-38). welded connections (see Fig. 3-39) are difficult
and dangerous to make.

This thread weakens the CT string Note:
and can initiate a tensile failure; The use of welded connectors
therefore, the use of threaded is not recommended within
connectors is not recommended Schlumberger.
within Schlumberger. This
information is here only for

Coiled tubing

Coiled tubing
Weld bead

Pressure sealing thread

(typically NPT) cut on
tubing end


Threaded connection
for CT BHA

Threaded connection
for CT BHA Figure 3-39. Welded Connector

Figure 3-38. Threaded Connector

42  |  Basic CT Tools

3.1.12 Connector performance comparison The main types of check valves used are
• flapper
Table 3-1 presents a summary of the
connectors. • ball.
The following fulfill the need for a double barrier
in CT operations:
3.2 Check valves
The function of a check valve is to prevent • double plug barrier
wellbore fluids from entering the CT string, • pumpout check valves.
while allowing fluid pumped through the CT
string to enter the wellbore. According to These barriers are normally run at the
Well Services Safety Standard 22 (InTouch downhole end of a velocity or other
Content ID# 3829976), a tandem check valve recompletion string.
is mandatory in every job except CoilFRAC
stimulation or with an approved exemption.

If the CT string has a pinhole, the downhole

check valve assembly is the primary well
control barrier. It is generally run directly below
the connector.

Table 3-1. Summary of Connector Performance

Connector External External Combined Internal Internal dimple Roll-on
type dimple/ slip type set screw/ slip type
set (grapple) slip
Assembly 10 5 10 5 10 10
time (min)
Disassembly 5 5 5 10 30 30
time (min)
Torque Exceeds 600 Exceeds CT 50 §
resistance CT string string value
Tensile 25,000† 40,000† 40,000 40,000 10,000
strength (lbf)

The tensile strength of a slip connector is higher than that of a dimple connector because the axial forces are acting over
the entire area of the slips, as opposed to only the small surfaces of the set screws.

The dimple-type connector has the highest torque resistance and it exceeds the tubing value torque resistance; therefore, it
is the preferred connector for motor applications.
The roll-on connector has minimum torque resistance and should never be used for motor applications.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  43

3.2.1 Dual flapper check valve The flappers can be integral or cartridge
type. The cartridge type is preferred because
The recommended and most commonly it allows you to change out only the flapper
used check valve is the double flapper check cartridge, rather than having to replace the
valve (see Fig. 3-40). This valve consists of whole tool.
two flappers that are held closed by separate
springs. The design of the flappers ensures that The double flapper check valve is designed to
well pressure closes them and thus prevents provide near-fullbore access when the flapper
wellbore fluid from entering the CT string. is open. This access is important to allow the
However, when fluid is pumped through the CT maximum pump rate as well as to reduce
string, the flappers open, allowing the pumped the risk that it plugs. It also allows balls to be
fluid to enter the wellbore. pumped through to activate tools in the BHA
below the check valve.

It is important to drift the ball
through the check valve on the
surface to ensure that it can pass
through. Redress procedure

Use this procedure to redress the valve.

Step 01 Grip the check valve assembly in

a soft jaw vise and remove the set screws that
hold the top and bottom subs in place.

Step 02 Break out the top and bottom

subs and remove the two flapper cartridges
with the aid of a rod if necessary. Figure 3‑41
shows the five main components after

Figure 3-41. Top: Flapper Cartridge Housing , Left to Right:

Top Sub, Two Flapper Cartridges, Bottom Sub.
Figure 3-40. Double Flapper Check Valve

44  |  Basic CT Tools

Step 03 Check the O-ring on the top sub Step 05 Grease the two flapper cartridges
and replace if necessary. Grease the thread (Fig. 3-44).
(Fig. 3-42) and make up to the flapper cartridge
housing again (Fig. 3-43).

Figure 3-44. Greasing Flapper Cartridge

Figure 3-42. Greasing Thread on Top Sub

Step 06 Replace the flapper cartridges
in the tool (Fig. 3-45), ensuring that they are
replaced facing the correct direction. You will
need to push them into position; the top one
should butt against the top sub (Fig. 3-46).

Figure 3-43. Making Up Top Sub to Housing

Step 04 Check the cartridges: Figure 3-45. Replacing Flapper Cartridge

• Clean the inside of the cartridges to

remove any debris. Check for corrosion
or damage on the flapper and seat and
change if necessary.
• Check that the flapper springs are working.
Replace the springs if necessary. Figure 3-46. Pushing Flapper Cartridge into Position
• Replace the O-ring on the cartridges,
taking care not to damage them.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  45

step 07 Check the O-ring on the bottom the check balls keeps the balls against the
sub and replace if necessary. Grease the seats when there is no flow.
thread and make up to the flapper cartridge
housing again (Fig. 3-47).

Figure 3-47. Making Up Bottom Sub to Housing

step 08 Make up the set screws to hold

the top and bottom subs in place.

step 09 Replace the O-ring on the pin of

the tool (depending on the thread), taking care
not to damage it.
Figure 3-48. Double Ball
step 10 Verify the flapper direction by In-Line Check Valve
dropping a ball from top to bottom or using a
brass bar. The ball check valves come in smaller sizes
than flapper valves because of slimmer design,
step 11 Grease the tool lightly for storage. and are generally cheaper.

The ball check valve was the most popular type

step 12 Put a green tag on the tool with in the past when flapper valves were unreliable.
your name and the date. However, improved design and material
specification has made the flapper valve very
3.2.2 Double ball inline check valves reliable and it is now the most popular valve.
Another type of check valve is the double ball The main disadvantages of a ball check valve
inline check valve (see Fig. 3-48). This valve compared with a flapper check valve follow:
consists of two balls in series, which are held
in their seats by separate springs. Pressuring • The balls prevent the use of drop balls to
down the CT string will push the check balls activate tools in the BHA below the check
off the seats, allowing flow to pass around valve.
the balls. If pressure below the check balls
increases, the balls are more firmly seated • The springs are easily attacked by H2S.
against the polished metal seats above them, • The valves are more easily plugged by
thereby shutting off flow. The spring supporting solids because the flow path is smaller.

46  |  Basic CT Tools Redressing
When redressing the ball check valve, inspect
the condition of the springs, washers, and balls
for corrosion. They should be replaced if any
damage is seen.

3.2.3 Double barrier pumpout plug

This type of double barrier is used for CT
velocity string applications. This application
involves hanging off a CT string in a well
permanently as part of the completion. When
installed, the string must be fully open to
the flow of wellbore fluids. According to Well
Services Safety Standard 22, the CT string
cannot be run in hole openended; however, a
standard flapper or ball check valve will prevent
the flow of wellbore fluids into the CT string.

The answer to this problem is to use this double

barrier pumpout plug (see Fig. 3-49). This tool
provides two independent pressure barriers at
the end of the CT string while running in hole,
Figure 3-49. Double Barrier
but these barriers can be ejected when the Pumpout Plug
string is installed by pressuring up the string
to break shear pins in the tool. The pressure 3.2.4 Double pumpout check valves
needed to pumpout the plugs depends on the
Double pumpout check valves are typically
amount and material of the shear pins holding
used in velocity string applications. Similar
the plugs in place. Ejecting the barriers leaves
to the function of the double barrier pumpout
a fully open flow path.
plugs, they provide well control during the CT
operation, but they can be ejected when the
The disadvantage of this design is that you
CT string has been installed, as part of the
cannot pump through the CT string while
completion. The difference between the two
running the string into the well. If you need this
types of valve is that the pumpout check valves
function, use double pumpout check valves
work as a standard ball check valve, until a ball
(see next section).
is pumped to eject the sleeve containing the
ball valves.

Figure 3-50 shows a single pumpout check

valve. Two of these are run in series to provide
a double barrier, which is required by WS
Safety Standard 22.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  47

Figure 3-51. Disconnect Tool (Left) and Lower Fishing Tool
after Activation (Right)
Figure 3-50. Single Pumpout Check Valve
The pumpout check valve is attached to the
bottom of the CT. Before running the CT in, Note:
the pressure that will be required to pump it Each time a disconnect tool is run
out is adjusted by varying the number and inhole on CT, it is important to have
type of shear screws installed in the tool. the correct fishing tool on location.
Upon reaching final depth, a ball is circulated You may have to release the BHA
to a seat on the check valve. Pressure is then in a contingency, and then you
pumped in the CT string to shear the screws, will have to retrieve it as soon as
pushing the check valve cartridge out of the possible.

3.3 Disconnect tools

3.3.1 Disconnect properties
A disconnect in a CT BHA provides a means
of releasing from the lower BHA in a controlled The following properties are used to
manner (see Fig. 3-51). The release may be differentiate between different types of
a contingency operation, such as if the BHA disconnect. The choice of disconnect depends
is stuck downhole, or it may be a planned on the specific application, the toolstring,
release, such as disconnecting from a packer. the CT string limitations, and the wellbore
Disconnects are designed to leave a standard conditions.
profile at the top. A matching retrieval tool is
designed to latch to this profile to retrieve the
released BHA if required.

48  |  Basic CT Tools Activation method Fishing neck
The most common types of disconnects used When a disconnect is activated, the upper
in CT applications are section releases from the lower section, leaving
a standard profile, called a fishing neck, at the
• hydraulic disconnect (activated by a ball or top of the BHA in the hole.
CT pressure)
Most disconnects use a type of internal fishing
• mechanical disconnect (activated by pulling
neck called a GS style (see Fig. 3-53). In an
tension, or a combination of CT string
internal fishing neck, the standard profile is on
cycling and tension).
the inside of the tool. The matching fishing tool,
called a GS spear, goes inside the tool to latch Torque resistance onto it.
Disconnects can be either rotationally locked
or nonrotationally locked. This term refers to
whether the disconnect is designed to prevent
rotation between the upper and lower sections,
making it torque resistant, or whether it is free
to rotate. The rotationally locked model should
be used as a standard tool for all normal
applications. The castle-lock disconnect (see
Fig. 3-52) allows torque to be transmitted and
should be used for motor applications.

Figure 3-53. Internal Fishing Neck

The castle-lock design

prevents rotation at
interface of upper and
lower subs.

Figure 3-52. Rotationally Locked Castle Lock Disconnect

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  49
Some disconnects use an external fishing neck Pressure-balanced vs.
(see Fig. 3-54), where the standard profile is on nonpressure-balanced tools
the outside of the tool. The matching fishing tool
is called an overshot and it fits over the tool. Pressure balance refers to the effect of internal
The overshot has a latching mechanism inside tool pressure on the force needed to release
the body to latch onto the fishing profile. the tool.

The force required to release a

pressure‑balanced tool is independent of
tool internal pressure, whereas tool internal
pressure will change the force required to
disconnect a nonpressure-balanced tool.

The principle is illustrated in Fig. 3-55, where

the internal piston for a Mark IV disconnect and
a TP disconnect are shown.

• Pressure-balanced tools. The Mark IV

has a balanced piston area (area above,
Aa, = area below, Ab). Thus, internal
Figure 3-54. External Fishing Neck
pressure in the tool will not create a
differential pressure acting from the top to
shear the tool. The only way to disconnect

Aa Aa

Piston Piston

Mark IV TP
disconnect disconnect

Ab Ab
Aa = Ab Aa > Ab
Aa= area above Ab= area below

Figure 3-55. Pressure-Balanced and Nonpressure-Balanced


50  |  Basic CT Tools

is to drop a ball, plug the seat, and
pressure up enough to shear the pins.
• Nonpressure-balanced tools. The TP
disconnect has a larger surface area at
the top than at the bottom (area above,
Aa > area below, Ab). Internal pressure in
the tool creates force acting from the top
to shear the tool because the pressure
generates a larger force on the large top
surface than it does on the smaller bottom
surface. Sufficient internal pressure can
cause the piston to break the shear pins
and effect a disconnect without dropping a

3.3.2 Hydraulic ball-drop disconnect

The hydraulic ball-drop disconnect (see
Fig. 3‑56) is the most common type of
disconnect used in CT applications. It is
sometimes referred to as a BOSS tool, or
ball‑operated shear sub. Operation
To operate the disconnect, the correct size of
ball should be pumped through the CT string
and allowed to seat in the disconnect. This
ball blocks off the flow through the tool. As
increased pressure is applied through the CT Figure 3-56. Hydraulic Ball-Drop
string, the shear screws holding the seat and Disconnect
sleeve will shear, shifting them downwards
and uncovering the collet. The upper section Circulation is immediately returned to the
of the tool can then release from the lower toolstring. Circulation indicates on surface that
section. A straight pick-up then separates the the disconnect has released. The sleeve and
two halves of the disconnect to allow retrieval drop ball are retrieved to the surface as part of
of the CT string and the upper section of the the upper BHA, leaving a standard GS internal
BHA. A small overpull of approximately 500 lbf fishing neck on the BHA in the bottom for
is normal. retrieval purposes.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  51 Points to note pressure over time can cause weakening
and premature shearing of the pins.
Some items you should keep in mind when
working with a hydraulic ball-drop disconnect • ability to circulate. The operation of the
follow. hydraulic drop-ball disconnect relies on the
ability to pump the ball from the surface. If
• drifting CT string and BHA. Before running the BHA is stuck and the circulation ports
any ball-drop-operated tool, ensure that are blocked, there is no way to pump the
the CT string is not plugged. Pump a pig ball through the CT string. The most widely
or the ball through the CT string before the used contingency for this situation is to run
operation. a dual circulation sub below the disconnect.
This tool can be activated by overpressure
It is also important to drift the ball through to open circulation ports (see Section 3.4,
the entire BHA to make sure the ball for the Circulation valves, for details).
disconnect passes through the connector
and tandem check valve until it lands on Note:
the seat. Some models of drop ball
• other ball-operated tools in the string. If the disconnect are nonpressure-
BHA contains more than one ball-drop- balanced and can be also be
operated tool, ensure that the tool with the activated by pressuring up the CT
biggest ball seat is on top and the smallest string if the circulating ability is lost.
ball seat is at the bottom.

Always measure the ball size before

• fishing tool available. Ensure that you
pumping it to ensure that the correct
have a clear record of the fishing neck
tool will be activated. There should be a
profile in the BHA schematic and that the
minimum difference of 3 mm [1/8 in] in the
appropriate fishing tool is available on
ball sizes for the different tools to ensure
location, in case of a contingency release.
that the smaller ball (intended for the
You will need to recover the BHA as soon
bottommost tool) does not lodge in the seat
as possible in such a situation.
of a tool closer to the top.

In most models of hydraulic ball-drop Redress procedure (CoilTOOLS

disconnect, the drop ball size can be varied Mark IV disconnect)
to suit the desired toolstring requirements
Follow this procedure to redress the
by changing the piston sleeve.
CoilTOOLS* Mark IV disconnect. This is the
• shear pins. The pressure needed to release most common hydraulic ball-drop disconnect,
may vary from 250 to 7,000 psi by varying and the procedure is much the same for any
the number or material of the shear screws hydraulic ball-drop disconnect.
holding the seat and sleeve. Refer to the
manufacturer’s specifications to determine
how many screws you need for a given
Step 01 Disassemble the components,
taking care to remove set screws before
release pressure.
breaking out threads. When disassembled, the
components of the hydraulic disconnect can be
Replace the shear pins after multiple runs
seen individually (see Fig. 3-57):
with high pump rates because differential

52  |  Basic CT Tools

1 2

4 5

Figure 3-57. Components of Hydraulic Disconnect

• 1-top sub
• 2-bottom sub
Figure 3-58. Installing Seat into Collet
• 3-collet
• 4-seat step 04 Make up the lower sleeve to the
• 5-lower sleeve. bottom of the seat (Fig. 3-59). Tighten up the
thread and install the set screw between the
step 02 Remove all O-rings, thoroughly lower sleeve and the seat (Fig. 3-60).
clean all parts, inspect for damage and replace
parts as necessary, and install new O-rings.
Coat all parts in oil to minimize corrosion
damage (see Fig. 3-58).

Figure 3-59. Making Up Lower Sleeve to Seat

Figure 3-61. Greasing Seat

step 03 With the collet in a vise, install

the greased seat until the thread on the bottom
Figure 3-60. Tightening Thread
protrudes from the bottom of the collet (see
Fig. 3-58).

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  53

step 05 With the bottom sub in the vise,
install the collet/seat/lower sleeve assembly
(Fig. 3-61). Hammer downward on the collet
(using a rubber mallet) to fully engage the collet
into the bottom sub until it shoulders (Fig. 3-62).

Figure 3-64. Installing O-Ring on Seat

Figure 3-61. Installing Assembly Inside Lower Sub

step 07 Tap the sleeve downwards into
the collet (Fig. 3-65), just enough to begin
making up the threads of the top sub to the
collet. Do not tap down all the way.

Figure 3-62. Hammering Assembly Home

step 06 Shift the seat fully upward by Figure 3-65. Tapping Seat Downward
tapping on the lower sleeve (Fig. 3-63). Install
the O-ring in the upper groove of the seat
(Fig. 3-64). step 08 Make up the top sub to the collet
(Fig. 3-66). This step positions the seat so that
the shear groove (lower groove) of the seat
lines up with the shear screws in the collet.

Figure 3-63. Tapping Lower Sleeve Upwards to Expose Top of


Figure 3-66. Installing Top Sub

54  |  Basic CT Tools

step 09 Install the shear screws in the 3.3.3 Differential pressure disconnect
collet and seat (Fig. 3-67). Visually check the The differential pressure disconnect is used
shear screw hole to ensure that the O-ring is when the ability to disconnect without dropping
not under the hole. If it is, it would indicate that a ball is required. One example of this is the
the seat or sleeve is in the wrong position and Schlumberger Model TP disconnect (see
must be moved upwards before installing the Fig. 3-68).
shear screws.

Figure 3-67. Installing Shear Screws

step 10 Install the set screws in the collet

to prevent the top sub thread backing off.

Figure 3-68. TP Differential Pressure


The TP disconnect is typically used in one of

the following situations:

• where a ball seat cannot be used because

of the requirements for internal operations
lower in the string
• where the BHA is plugged at the bottom
for certain types of application, usually
recompletion operations such as running a
velocity string
• when it is difficult to introduce a ball into the

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  55 Operation • shear pins. The pressure release value
may be varied from 200 to 6,000 psi by
The TP disconnect is operated by differential varying the number and type of shear
pressure. To activate it, you must pressure up screws holding the release sleeve.
the inside of the CT string. The tool contains
a nonbalanced piston. The piston has a larger Check the shear pins after each run and
surface area on top than on bottom, which replace if necessary because differential
causes a net downward force on the piston pressure over time can cause weakening
when pressure is applied inside the tool, and and premature shearing of the pins.
the pressure causes the piston to shift. The
piston will break the shear screws, which allows • backup function. The TP disconnect can
the locking collet to release. Straight pick-up also be used with a drop ball, in which
then separates the two halves of the disconnect case a lower pressure will be required to
to allow retrieval of the CT string and the disconnect.
upper section of the BHA. A small overpull • fishing tool available. Ensure that you
of approximately 500 lbf is normal. For more have a clear record of the fishing neck
information on nonpressure-balanced tools, profile in the BHA schematic and that the
see Section, Pressure-balanced vs. appropriate fishing tool is available on
nonpressure-balanced tools. location, in case of a contingency release.
You will need to recover the BHA as soon
The top of the lower section of the tool is a as possible in such a situation.
standard GS internal fish neck for retrieval
3.3.4 Mechanical disconnect
Mechanical disconnects (see Fig. 3-69) are Points to note used for special CT applications where
Keep these points in mind when working with
differential pressure disconnects. • differential pressure cannot be applied to
• other pressure-operated tools in the string. • drop balls cannot be used.
If other pressure-operated tools are in the
BHA, it is important to plan the shear pin Because these disconnects can be parted
settings in each tool to ensure that they are accidentally, they are generally only used
activated in the correct order. where hydraulic disconnects cannot be used.
Mechanical disconnects should be avoided
For example, if a TP disconnect is being when conducting CT operations that involve
used to release a velocity string and a jarring or impact or where a large differential
double barrier pumpout plug is at the pressure may exist. They are most widely
end of the CT string, the tools must be used in CT logging and CoilFRAC stimulation
configured so that the disconnect is the operations. The biggest disadvantage, although
first tool to be activated (at a relatively low they are simple and inexpensive, is that these
pressure) and the pumpout plug is then type of disconnects are prone to parting
ejected at a higher pressure. If the tools are prematurely.
pinned to shear at similar pressures, the
tools may release in reverse order, which
will cause operational problems.

56  |  Basic CT Tools

Great care needs to be taken not to
prematurely release the tool.

A pressure-balanced mechanical disconnect

was designed for CoilFRAC stimulation
applications and is available in 3 1/4-in and
3 3/4-in ODs. As the name suggests, the CT
treating pressure does not affect the disconnect
release force. Points to note

Keep the following items in mind when working
with mechanical disconnects.

• release force setting. The release force

required can be varied. For example, with
the Schlumberger mechanical disconnect
with a fishing neck model, the release
force required may be varied from 1,110 to
15,200 lbf by varying the number and type
of shear screws.
Figure 3-69. Mechanical Disconnect Operation It is very important to choose the correct

number of shear screws:
Mechanical disconnects are available in a
range of designs, but they all operate on a ○ If you use too many shear screws, you
similar principle. The disconnect is the weak may not be able to pull it apart when you
point in the toolstring. Any load on the tool is need to.
carried by a variable number of shear pins or ○ If you select too few shear screws,
screws. When the tensile load exceeds the you may pull it apart prematurely or by
capacity of the shear pins or screws and they accident.
shear, the top and bottom sections of the tool
can separate. A CT engineer will use CoilCADE software
to predict the forces and choose the
In nonpressure-balanced models of mechanical correct number of screws. You will get
disconnect, the release force is affected by this information from the job program; for
the pressure inside the CT string. Changing example, “dress the mechanical disconnect
pressure can increase or decrease the tensile with X brass shear pins.”
force required to shear the pins, and too much
internal pressure can shear the pins even
without applying any tension.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  57

The MCD is not pressure balanced,
so a high differential pressure may
break the tensile weak point.

Note: Operation

Remember that differential The MCD is operated by a combination of
pressure on the tool can increase tension and a sequence of cycling (picking the
or decrease the force required to string up and setting it down again repeatedly).
release a mechanical disconnect. Very little movement will be noticeable on the
surface; the weight indicator will be used to
show the cycling. This operation occurs when
BHA is stuck; therefore, the CT string is only
• jarring action or impact. Avoid using
being stretched and relaxed.
mechanical disconnects with jars or
impact hammers, or it may disconnect
The load is initially taken on a tensile weak
point rated between 8,000 and 30,000 lbf to
• replacing shear pins. Check the shear pins achieve a disconnect, a backup set of bronze
after each run and replace if necessary, shear pins must also be sheared, as well as
because tensile load over time can cause performing several up-down cycles of the tool.
premature shearing of the pins. Having a backup set of shear pins means
that the tool remains connected even if the
• fishing tool available. Ensure that you
perforation shock breaks the tensile weakpoint.
have a clear record of the fishing neck
profile in the BHA schematic and that the
The disconnect sequence is as follows:
appropriate fishing tool is available on
location, in case of a contingency release.
1. The tensile weak point breaks when the
You will need to recover the BHA as soon
tensile force pulling on it surpasses its
as possible in such a situation.

3.3.5 Multicycle disconnect (MCD) 2. The disconnect now engages in a J-slot

Standard mechanical disconnects cannot be mechanism.
used for perforation jobs because the shock of
the gun detonation will often break the shear 3. Each pick up and slack-off of the CT
pins and release the tool. Hydraulic disconnects toolstring constitutes a cycle of the
cannot be used for wired applications because multicycle disconnect, and each cycle
the cable inside the CT string means that a ball unscrews a releasing nut with large
cannot be pumped through the CT string. threads.

The Schlumberger multicycle disconnect is 4. After 2 1/2 cycles, a second set of

a mechanical disconnect specially designed bronze shear pins is engaged. This set
to prevent premature release in wired CT of pins must be sheared before the tool
perforating operations. can continue to cycle. If they are not

58  |  Basic CT Tools

sheared, the tool will not continue with
the disconnect process. Note:
The key to the selection is a good
5. At 5 1/2 cycles, a set of circulation CoilCADE coiled tubing design and
ports are opened, allowing fluids to evaluation.
flow through the CT into the wellbore.
The resulting pressure drop on surface
informs the crew that the disconnect will
release in two more cycles. • replacing weak points. The weak point
should be examined after each run and
6. At 7 1/2 cycles, the tool will disconnect. replaced if necessary. It should be checked
It leaves behind a standard GS fishing for any visible damage. The length must be
neck for retrieval purposes. compared with that of a standard unused
weakpoint to check if it has stretched from
the load. Stretching the weak point will Points to note reduce its tensile rating.
Keep the following items in mind when working • fishing tool available. Ensure that you
with multicycle disconnects. have a clear record of the fishing neck
profile in the BHA schematic and that the
• release force setting. Different values appropriate fishing tool is available on
for the tensile weak point are available location, in case of a contingency release.
between 8,000 and 30,000 lbf for the You will need to recover the BHA as soon
2 3/8 in model. as possible in such a situation.

Up to 12 shear pins can be used, with an 3.4 Circulation valve

individual rating of 2,350 lbf each. This
rating means that the rating of the set of A circulation valve in a CT BHA provides
shear pins can be between 2,350 and a means of opening circulation ports in a
28,200 lbf, depending on the number of controlled manner. Circulation ports can be
pins used. used to provide additional flow area (and
therefore allow higher pump rates) in many
The tensile weak point rating and the types of applications, for example, in a milling
number of shear screws are selected BHA. After milling is complete, the circulating
based on the known downhole forces in valve opens to allow higher flow rate without
a particular well. This selection is very rotating the motor. This action achieves better
important because of the following: hole cleaning and minimizes wear on the motor
and mill.
○ If you use too strong a weak point or too
many setscrews, you may not be able to A circulation valve may also be needed if the
break it when you need to. existing ports in a BHA become plugged and
○ If you use too weak a weak point or you need to restore circulation.
too few setscrews, you may break it by
accident. While some circulation valve models can be
activated by high flowrate or tension, the most
common type of circulation valve is activated by
hydraulic pressure.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  59

Circulation valves are typically run in all but the 3.5 Dual circulation valve
most basic BHAs. They are normally placed
below the disconnect in the toolstring. The dual circulation valve (see Fig. 3-70) is the
most common type of circulation valve used in
CT applications. It is typically run below a ball-
drop type disconnect.


Burst disc

Figure 3-70. Dual Circulation Valve

3.5.1 Operation
There are two ways to operate the tool: ball
drop and differential pressure. To use a ball
drop, a correctly sized ball should be pumped
through the CT string to seat in the circulation
valve. This ball blocks off the flow through the
tool. As increased pressure is applied through
the CT string, the shear screws holding the seat
will shear, shifting it downwards and uncovering
the circulation ports. The increased flow area
allows increased pump rate through the CT

60  |  Basic CT Tools

All the flow will now take place through the happened, you would not be able to
circulation ports on the side of the tool. No activate the disconnect.
further flow will pass the ball into the lower
• You must ensure that the drop ball for the
circulation valve is smaller than the drop
ball for the disconnect, because it must
If there is no circulation through the CT string,
pass through the disconnect seat. The ball
because of a blocked nozzle, for example, there
must be a minimum of 1.5 mm [1/16 in]
is no way to circulate a ball through the string
smaller than the minimum restriction in
to activate the circulation valve. In this situation,
all the tools above it. Drift the ball for the
circulation can be achieved by increasing the
circulation valve through all parts of the
CT string pressure until it ruptures the burst
BHA that will be above it in the toolstring to
disk in the tool.
test the fit before running it downhole.
In some models, the burst disk is replaced
by a nonpressure-balanced piston, which will 3.5.3 Redress procedure (dual circulation
break the shear pins and shift to expose the valve with nonpressure-balanced
circulation ports when the pressure inside the piston)
tool reaches a certain level. This model is used
Follow this procedure to redress the dual
to avoid problems with a burst disk bursting
circulation valve (nonpressure-balanced piston

3.5.2 Points to note Disassembly
Keep the following items in mind when working
with dual circulation valves. step 01 Remove the shear screws holding
the piston in place and discard (Fig. 3-71).
• Up to 6 shear pins can be used, with an
individual rating of 400 lbf. This means that
the rating of the set of shear pins can be
between 400 and 2,400 lbf, depending on
the number of pins used.
• For the 2 1/8-in model, burst disks are
available in several ratings between 3,000
and 6,000 psi. Figure 3-71. Removing the Shear Screws

Always use extreme care when handling

the burst disk. Any mark or dent will
step 02 Remove the set screws holding
the top and bottom subs together. Break out the
decrease the rupture pressure.
top sub from the bottom sub.
• The circulation valve must always be
placed below the disconnect in the BHA. step 03 Remove the piston from the
If it was above the disconnect, you might bottom sub.
not be able to put enough pressure on the
disconnect to release it without opening
the ports of the circulation valve. If this
step 04 Remove all O-rings. Thoroughly
clean all parts, inspect for damage, and replace
as necessary.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  61

step 05 Install new O-rings. step 02 Make up the top sub to the bottom
sub (Fig. 3-74).
The following components of the circulation
valve can be seen individually (Fig. 3-72).

• top sub
• bottom sub
• nonpressure-balanced piston.

Figure 3-72. Components of Circulation Valve

Figure 3-74. Making Up Top Sub Assembly
step 03 Tighten the connection between
step 01 Place the greased piston into the the top and bottom subs (Fig. 3-75). Install
bottom sub, but do not tap down all the way shear screws, according to the next job
(Fig. 3-73). program.

Figure 3-75. Tightening Connection

Figure 3-73. Installing Piston

62  |  Basic CT Tools

part of the Blaster* services kit (see Section
Step 04 Install set screws to prevent the
4.1 for more information about Blaster).
thread from backing off (Fig. 3-76).

“E-Z” connector

Double flapper
check valve

Figure 3-76. Installing Set Screws Disconnect/

circulating valve

3.6 Motorhead assembly (MHA)

The MHA (see Fig. 3-77) is a single tool that
combines CT connector, double flapper check
valve, release joint, and circulation valve all in
one package. The MHA tool length is shorter Figure 3-77. MHA
than the individual tools made up are, and there
are fewer connections to fail. 3.7 Nozzles
The standard MHA comes in the following Nozzles and jetting tools form the
configuration: downhole end of the CT BHA. For simple
applications, they are usually simple in
• slip type connector design and construction and are often locally
manufactured. The position and size of the
• double flapper check valves nozzle ports is often determined by the required
• ball-drop hydraulic disconnect jetting action for a specific application or
• circulation valve (with optional burst disk or
nonpressure-balanced circulation sleeve).
The design features of a particular nozzle will
Schlumberger manufactures two main types of often be the result of trials and modifications
MHA: conducted locally over several similar
operations. When designing nozzles for any
• the standard MHA with an overall length of purpose, several considerations must be taken
approximately 1.1 m [3.5 ft] into account.
• the Shorty MHA with an overall length of
0.76 m [2.5 ft]. The 1 11/16-in OD version
of the Shorty MHA comes as a standard

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  63

3.7.1 Size and number of ports • centralization. Side nozzles help prevent
the end of the CT BHA from following the
The proper size and number of ports machined tubular wall where they are most likely to
into a nozzle are determined by the intended encounter obstructions.
application. In general, these tools will fall into
one of the two categories: circulating or jetting. • turbulence induction. Turbulence, most
commonly induced by the side-facing
Nozzles used on operations where fluids are to jet configuration, is desirable for several
be circulated with jetting action will have a large reasons:
port area. This area may comprise several ○ More even distribution of removed solids
small ports or a few large ports. in the carrier fluid improves the efficiency
when removing solids.
The efficiency of a jetting nozzle is largely
dependent on the fluid velocity through the ○ A cleaner interface and reduced
ports. To generate the required velocity, an channeling are more easily achieved
adequate flow rate and pressure drop across when displacing fluids of differing
the nozzle must be maintained. density.
○ Improved dispersion of the treating fluid
is possible, where required.
3.7.2 Position and direction of the ports
The position, shape, and direction of the jet Maintenance
ports all affect the jetting action of the nozzle,
and in most cases will be determined by the Simple nozzles require little maintenance
intended application. besides a check to ensure that the thread is in
good condition and that the body and orifices
are not worn. Down jets
Nozzles ported with down jets are generally 3.7.3 PowerCLEAN nozzle
used where it is necessary to penetrate fill
or settled solids. Because some fill may be The PowerCLEAN* nozzle is a single-piece
encountered in most operations, most nozzles tool with no moving parts (see Fig. 3-78).
will be equipped with at least one down-jet port. Specially angled holes in the body of the nozzle
create a swirling effect that produces a fluid
vortex to carry particles to the surface. The Side jets PowerCLEAN nozzle is the recommended
nozzle for all cleanout applications.
Nozzles ported with jets acting towards the
casing or tubing wall may be designed to
perform several functions.

• casing/perforation jetting. The mechanical

action of the jetted fluid is intended to
remove deposits from the well tubulars and

64  |  Basic CT Tools

Rear jets Front jets Numerous cleanout tests have shown
that PowerCLEAN nozzles have superior
performance over other nozzle types, allowing
complete removal of solids at lower flow rates.
The PowerCLEAN nozzle is the recommended
nozzle for all cleanout applications.

PowerCLEAN nozzles are available in a range

of ODs and with different thread connections.
Front jets When ordering a PowerCLEAN nozzle, the
Figure 3-78. PowerCLEAN Nozzle following characteristics must also be selected:

The nozzle is designed as follows: • low or high flow

• regular or high strength.
• The front jets are located on the nose of
the nozzle and are designed to agitate the High-flow and low-flow nozzles
fill as the nozzle penetrates the pack.
For best nozzle performance, it is
• The two rows of side jets are designed to recommended to use a low-flow PowerCLEAN
move the fill from the front of the nozzle to nozzle. Low-flow PowerCLEAN nozzles have
the rear of the nozzle. smaller nozzle ports that provide more jetting
• The rear jets are designed to keep the fill power and faster cleanouts. However, this
behind the nozzle as the CT is pulled out of design can lead to more nozzle erosion and
the well. shorter nozzle life compared to that of high-flow
nozzles. The low-flow nozzles work well when
Figure 3-79 illustrates the spray.
the flow rate through the CT is less than
320 L/min [2.0 bbl/min] or when cleaning a very
large casing (7.0 in and larger) with flow rates
below 480 L/min [3 bbl/min].

The high-flow nozzles are designed to work

with larger CT strings and when the expected
flow rate through the CT is greater than
320 L/min [2.0 bbl/min] or when cleaning a
small casing. These nozzles have larger ports
and lower power jets than the low-flow nozzles. Material strength

Figure 3-79. Spray from PowerCLEAN Nozzle PowerCLEAN nozzles can be ordered in
regular-strength or high-strength material. If
As the CT and nozzle are pulled out of the high erosion and/or abrasion is experienced or
wellbore, both the side jets and the rear jets aid expected, the more expensive high-strength
in sweeping the particle bed deposited on the material can be used to reduce the nozzle
lower side of the wellbore. damage.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  65

In general, high levels of erosion and abrasion Using a quick connect means that only the
of the nozzle are expected when the space locking nut needs to be rotated to make up the
between the nozzle and the casing during the toolstring. Without it, the entire BHA would have
cleanout job is small and when the flow rate is to be rotated.
Most new quick connects have an antirotational
design to allow them to transmit torque and be
3.8 Quick connects used in applications such as milling.
A quick connect is a tool designed to assist
with making up toolstrings, where it is difficult
to rotate the tools to engage the threads.
3.9 Centralizers
It is particularly suited for long toolstring Centralizers are fitted to or are included in a CT
applications. See Fig. 3-80 for an example of toolstring to help keep the tool or nozzle away
an open quick connect. from the tubular wall; that is, they centralize
the tool or nozzle in the tubular. This could be
desired for any of the following reasons:

• prevent the tool from hanging up on the

tubular/well bore profile
• assist in locating fish or retrievable tools
• keep logging tool in center of wellbore
• provide stability when milling, drilling, or
• improve the displacement of fluids.

3.9.1 Features
The centralizing device or mechanism
commonly used in CT operations may be
configured in one of three ways:
Figure 3-80. Open Quick Connect
• as an integral part of the tool it is
By using a quick connect in a BHA, the string supporting
can be divided into smaller, more manageable • slipping on or clamping on to the toolstring
sections. Each section can be made up
individually before loading into the riser or • as a separate tool in the string.
lubricator section.
3.9.2 Rigid centralizers
Using the quick connect, each section of the
Rigid centralizers are generally configured
toolstring can be stabbed in and latched before
with three or four fins extending from a
tightening a locking nut to lock the two sections
short housing (see Fig. 3-81). The OD of the
together. A set screw prevents the primary
fins must be slightly less than the ID of the
collar from backing off.
smallest tubing or restriction through which the

66  |  Basic CT Tools

centralizer will be run. This simple device is to become effective in large diameters offers a
adequate for most purposes. significant advantage over rigid centralizers.

Figure 3-82. Bow Spring Centralizer

Care must be taken when running
through restrictions to avoid
Figure 3-81. Rigid Centralizer
damaging the relatively weak bow
Some centralizer fins are designed with rollers
or balls on the outside edge. Theoretically,
these will reduce the friction between the Before running a bow-spring centralizer into a
centralizer and tubing wall, thereby reducing the well, the centralizer OD must be confirmed by
forces required to push a heavy toolstring along running a gauge ring over it.
a highly deviated or horizontal well.

Before running a centralizer into a well, the Note:

OD of a rigid centralizer must be confirmed by Bow-spring centralizers designed
running a gauge ring over it. for small ID completions often have
relatively weak body sections. Care
must be taken to avoid subjecting
3.9.3 Bow-spring centralizers the tool to excessive tension or
As the name suggests, bow-spring centralizers compression.
(Fig. 3-82) generally have three bow springs.
The flexibility of the bow springs allows the
centralizer to be effective over a range of IDs.
The ability of bow-spring centralizers to pass
through restricted diameters and then expand

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  67

3.9.4 Link-arm centralizers
Link-arm centralizers (Fig 3-83) are similar to
Link-arm centralizers designed for
bow-spring centralizers in that their flexibility
small ID completions often have
allows effective operation over a range of
relatively weak body sections. Care
IDs and they may be operated below an ID
must be taken to avoid subjecting
the tool to excessive tension or

Before running a link-arm centralizer into a

well, the centralizer OD must be confirmed by
Link arm running a gauge ring over it.


Figure 3-83. Link Arm Centralizer

The tool is centralized by four arms that are

held against the tubular wall by a spring force.

Care must be taken when running
through restrictions to avoid
damaging the relatively weak link

Many of the link-arm centralizing tools provide

a secondary function as a tubing end-locating

68  |  Basic CT Tools

4.0  Advanced CT Tools

The tools described in the previous section The optimum jetting head and nozzles can be
were relatively simple tools. In this section, you selected for each particular situation.
will learn about some more advanced tools,
capable of some complex functions. The tool can be used for a range of applications
Redress procedures for the advanced tools
will not be covered in the JET manual series. • acid washes
These are covered in the technical manuals for
• solvent washes
each tool, which can be found on
www.intouchsupport.com. • scale removal
• screen cleaning
4.1 Blaster • formation cleaning
The Blaster* multilateral reentry stimulation • perforation cleaning.
and scale removal tool (MLT) is a rotating
The system replaces traditional jetting and
high-pressure jetting tool for conveying fluid
wash tools that are useful only for cleaning
and/or abrasives downhole for many different
out loose fill. The Blaster also replaces the
applications (see Fig. 4-1).
more aggressive mill/motor or impact hammer
combinations, which can damage the tubulars
and downhole completion hardware.

A special abrasive, called sterling beads, can

be pumped through the Blaster to remove hard,
insoluble scale. The round bead shape allows
abrasive action on the scale without damaging
the tubing wall.

Depending on the application, the Blaster may

be used in the following:

• Jet Blaster* jetting scale removal service

• Scale Blaster* engineered approach to
scale removal service
• Screen Blaster
• Bridge Blaster* bridge and scale removal
Figure 4-1. Blaster
The following describe the various components
of a Blaster kit.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  69

4.1.1 Shorty MHA
The Shorty MHA is a short MHA designed to
be run above a Blaster system.

The Shorty MHA comprises three

subassemblies, each containing four tools:

• a CoilTOOLS EZ Set connector

(combination slip and dimple type
• double flapper check valve
• hydraulic disconnect (ball-drop)
• dual circulating valve (ball-drop or
differential pressure).
The Shorty MHA is a remarkably compact tool
at 76 cm [30 in] in overall length.

Section 3.5 provides more information on


4.1.2 Downhole filter

The downhole filter module (see Fig. 4-2) is
used to prevent the nozzles from being plugged
by debris. The gaps in the filter screen are
1.02 mm [0.040 in]. The module includes a
bypass burst disk (500 psi), which will rupture if
the filter clogs.

Figure 4-2. Downhole Filter Module with Burst Disk

The burst disk should be
replaced after every job where
acid is pumped. Refer to the
manufacturer’s documentation or
look on www.intouchsupport.com
for more information.

70  |  Advanced CT Tools

4.1.3 Swivel The offset design of the nozzles produces a
rotation force, which powers the swivel.
The swivel module is designed to provide
reliable, controlled rotation of the head (see The optimum rotation speed for the Blaster
Fig. 4-3). tool is <200 rpm. The speed of the swivel is
controlled by a viscous silicone fluid brake,
which resists the rotation of the swivel. The
brake fluid selected depends on the downhole
temperature. If a low-temperature brake fluid
is used in a high-temperature application,
the fluid will become too thin because of the
temperature. The head will then rotate too fast
because the thinned fluid will not resist the

On the other hand, if high-temperature brake

fluid is used in a low-temperature application,
the fluid will remain too viscous. The head will
then rotate very slowly, or may fail to rotate at

Figure 4-3. Swivel Module

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  71

4.1.4 Drift ring Without a drift ring, repeated passes would be
required to ensure removal of all scale.
The drift ring provides a drift of the well to a
certain size during operations. A drift is often The drift ring nose has slots to control the size
performed on slickline–a tool of a certain OD is of the cuttings that pass the ring. The drift ring
run into and out of a well to confirm that the well protects the spinning nozzle head and prevents
is open to this ID. The tool is generally a gauge head stalls from contact with the bore of the
cutter. deposit or tubulars.
When using the Blaster system to remove scale A different drift ring is required for each
from the tubing wall, the drift ring will sit on the combination of completion ID and nozzle head
deposit and prevent the tool from penetrating OD. Integral drift rings are used for ring ODs
further until the deposit has been removed to less than 70 mm [2.75 in]. Separable drift rings
the OD of the drift ring (see Fig. 4-4). are used for drift ring ODs greater than this

The standard drift ring nose should be used

for optimum cleaning performance. However,
a chamfered nose ring (see Fig. 4-5) should
be available as a contingency if difficulty is
encountered passing downhole completion

Figure 4-5. Chamfered Drift Ring

Figure 4-4. Blaster Drift Ring

This design allows the Blaster system to

perform one-pass cleaning to a certain OD.

72  |  Advanced CT Tools

4.1.5 Nozzle head Nozzle heads of 54 mm [2.125 in] diameter and
larger have replaceable carbide steel nozzles;
The nozzle head contains the jetting nozzles smaller heads have permanent nozzle inserts
that provide the jetting action that drive the or drilled nozzles.
rotation of the tool (see Fig. 4-6). The head
module comprises the drift ring and the nozzle Generally, the largest possible nozzle head
head. The diameters of the nozzle head and the that can still run inside the smallest scale
drift ring are dependent on the well completion drift diameter is selected. Heads configured
and the drift diameter of the deposit. with a down nozzle can be used to remove
unconsolidated or relatively soft deposit

The nozzle head MUST be smaller
than the drift ID of the deposit when
attempting to remove scale.

The three standard nozzle diameters are

• 2.36 mm [0.093 in]

• 3.18 mm [0.125 in]
• 3.96 mm [0.156 in].
The JetAdvisor* scale removal software
is used to select the proper nozzle size to
maximize rate of penetration (ROP) and nozzle

Generally, nozzle pressure should be from

1,500 to 3,000 psi.

Figure 4-6. Blaster Nozzle Head

There are four standard nozzle head diameters:

• 30.2 mm [1.188 in]

• 38.1 mm [1.500 in]
• 54.0 mm [2.125 in]
• 79.4 mm [3.125 in].

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  73

4.1.6 Surface filter operations. Each fishing job is unique and may
require tools and techniques be modified to
The surface filter module (Fig. 4-7) is suit the application. For complex operations, a
assembled into the high-pressure line between specialized fishing company is often contracted
the pump and the CT reel to prevent pumping to provide special tools and supervise the
large particles (>1.02 mm [0.040-in]) into the operation, because experience is important in
downhole toolstring. This filtering prevents fishing operations.
plugging the small nozzles in the Blaster
system. Details of the fish, wellbore tubulars, well
condition, and surface equipment need to be
Like the downhole filter, the surface filter taken into consideration. When planning to
includes a bypass burst disk that ruptures if the retrieve a fish, it is very important to match the
filter clogs. The burst disk is rated for 500 psi. fishing tool exactly to the fish downhole. This is
why it is important to have a detailed schematic
The tool incorporates a Weco adaptor to allow it
of all toolstrings run in hole, so that you have a
to be made up into the high-pressure line.
good fishing diagram if anything is accidentally
left in the hole.
4.2 Fishing tools
When a tool or downhole device is left in
the hole, it is called a fish. Fishing may be a
planned operation such as the removal of a
temporary bridge plug or pulling a plug from
a downhole nipple. Alternatively, fishing can
refer to the retrieval of a toolstring that was
accidentally lost downhole.

CT fishing is a method of retrieving fish from

a wellbore with a CT string. There are many
different methods and tools used in CT fishing


Figure 4-7. Surface Filter Module with Weco Union

74  |  Advanced CT Tools

4.2.1 Retrieval tools: spears and
overshots CT connector
The tool that latchs onto the fish downhole is Back pressure
often called a retrieval tool. There are two main
types of retrieval tool: disconnect

• spears: to latch into an internal fishing neck Accelerator

profile (Fig. 4-8) tool

• overshots: to latch onto an external fishing Weight bars

neck profile (Fig 4-9).

CT connector
Back pressure
Hydraulic Hydraulic
disconnect release overshot

Weight bars Figure 4-9. Fishing Tool with Overshot

Spears and overshots can also be used as

running tools to run a matching plug or lock into
Jar position in a wellbore and release from the tool
downhole hydraulically or mechanically.

release spear Spear retrieval tools
A fish with an internal profile will be fished with
Fish a spear retrieval tool, which goes inside the fish
and engages into the profile.
Figure 4-8. Fishing Tool with Spear Most internal fishing necks have a similar
profile and are loosely termed as GS profiles.
However, GS™ spears are manufactured by
Baker Oil Tools, and the dimensions of the latch
profile referred to in the field as GS profiles vary
between manufacturers. For this reason, care
should be taken with using the terminology GS
between different suppliers of tools. If possible,
it is recommended to physically confirm that
the retrieval tool matches the fish profile before

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  75

running the tool in hole or to an identical tool as
the one that is downhole.

It is important to make sure you have the

correct pulling tool because most pulling tools
look alike. It is frustrating and nonproductive to
run a fishing tool in and attempt to latch onto
the fish, only to discover you have the wrong
fishing tool.

As an example, the fishing neck latch profile in

a Mark IV hydraulic disconnect is deeper than
the TP hydraulic disconnect. The reason for a
deeper latching profile is to have more material Figure 4-10. Hydraulic Release
to jar on. Mark IV disconnects therefore require GS Spear Retrieval Tool
a retrieval tool with longer dogs. The Mark III
retrieval tool has been developed especially to
retrieve the Mark IV disconnect.

The Mark II-A retrieval tool, however, has

shorter dogs and can only be used to fish for
a fishing neck with a profile close at the top,
e.g., the fishing neck of the TP disconnect and
mechanical disconnect. It is not long enough
to fish the deeper profile of the Mark IV fishing

A spear retrieval tool also exists for latching

internally on fish with no fishing profile. This tool
uses slips that bite into the ID of a cylindrical
Figure 4-11. Mark II-A and Mark III Retrieval
Tools Hydraulic release fishing tool
The most common type of spear retrieval tool The tool is released from the fish by pumping
run on CT is the hydraulic release retrieval tool through the CT string. The flow through an
(see Figs. 4-10 and 4-11). Using this type of orifice at the bottom of the tool creates an
tool, you can latch and relatch many times in a internal pressure in the tool. This pressure
single run. moves a piston, pulling the locking dogs
upwards, into the release position. Different
orifice sizes can be chosen when redressing
the tool: a large orifice requires a high pump
rate to achieve tool release, whereas a small
orifice will allow release at low pump rates.

76  |  Advanced CT Tools

When the flow is stopped, a spring pushes the Step 02 Wait 1 min to ensure the dogs
piston and the dogs spring back into the latched move into the release position. Pick up the
position. string enough to pull out of the fishing neck.
Latching procedure
Follow this procedure to use the hydraulic
release retrieval tool to latch onto a fish. Overpull must be slacked off before
pumping. If overpull is maintained
on the fish, the dogs are held
Step 01 Run CT to depth just above the against the fishing neck and cannot
item to be retrieved. slide upward to collapse when
circulation is started.
Step 02 Begin circulation through the CT
string to remove any sand or debris which may
prevent latching the fishing neck of the fish.
Points to note
Step 03 Gently set down on the fishing Keep these points in mind whenever using a
neck until a reduction in weight is observed. hydraulic release retrieval tool.

• surface test. It is important to perform a

Note: function test at the surface before running
Do not run inhole rapidly and the tool in hole. A medium-high rate
impact the fish. for release should be selected to allow
circulation at minimum rate while pulling
out of hole (POOH) with the fish. On the
Step 04 Stop pumping. Wait for 1 min other hand, the release rate must not be
to ensure the dogs move into the latched-in too high or it might not be achievable under
position. downhole conditions.

Step 05 Take a moderate upstrain on With the retrieval tool made up to the CT,
the workstring to verify latching has occurred. pump at increments of 40 l/min
When assured of latching the fish, continue to [0.25 bbl/min]. and record the pump rate
pick-up to retrieve the fish. Upward jarring may and pressure at which the dogs on the tool
be required for stuck fish. move into the release position.  Release procedure If the rate required to release is too high,

use a smaller orifice; if the rate required to
Use this procedure to release a fish that the release is too low, use a larger orifice.
tool has latched onto.
• circulation during POOH. After the fish
is latched, it is possible to circulate
Step 01 Slack off the overpull on the fish while coming out of the hole at a rate
and begin to circulate at a pump rate above and pressure that is lower than the
the predetermined release rate (the release predetermined release rate.
rate should be tested before running the tool in

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  77 Mechanical release fishing tool Step 04 Put a moderate upstrain on the
A second type of retrieval tool that can be run CT to verify latching has occurred. You will be
on CT is the mechanical release retrieval tool, able to see from the weight gauge on surface
which operates similarly to the slickline fishing that the weight of the string has increased.
tools. The disadvantage of this type of tool is
that you can latch a fish only one time in a run. Step 05 When you are assured that the
If the fish must be released for any reason, it fish is latched, continue to pick up the CT
cannot be relatched on the same run and the to retrieve the fish. Upward jarring may be
tool must be pulled to the surface for redressing required for stuck fish.
before another attempt at retrieval can be
made. Release procedure
Follow this procedure to release a fish latched
The tool can be released from the fish by on a mechanical release retrieval tool.
setting down the weight to shear the pins of the
safety mechanism. Once the safety mechanism
is sheared off, the dogs are held in the release Step 01 Slack off weight or jar downward
position until the mechanism is redressed on on the fish to shear pins in retrieval tool.
the surface.
Step 02 Pull the retrieval tool out of the
Latching procedure fishing neck and bring it to the surface for
Follow this procedure to latch a fish with the redressing.
mechanical release retrieval tool.
Point to note
It is important to perform a CoilCADE* tubing
Step 01 Run the CT to a depth just above
forces simulation before running a mechanical
the fish.
release type retrieval tool to predict the
downward force on the tool that can be
Step 02 Circulate through the CT string achieved at the location of the fish. The number
to remove any sand or debris that may prevent and type (brass or steel) of shear pins needed
latching the fishing neck of the fish. can be selected based on this information.

Step 03 Gently set down the retrieval tool After each use of the retrieval tool, the shear
on the fishing neck until a small reduction in pins should be replaced even if they have
weight is observed. not sheared. If the pin is partially sheared or
weakened, the possibility of an accidental
release of the retrieval tool will be increased
Note: during the next operation.
Do not run the CT inhole rapidly
and impact the fish or set heavy
weight on the retrieval tool when
engaged in the fishing neck. Either
action may shear the safety release
pins in the retrieval tool.

78  |  Advanced CT Tools Overshot retrieval tools it is recommended to physically confirm that
the retrieval tool matches the fish profile. It
A fish with an external profile will be retrieved is important to ensure before running a tool
with an overshot retrieval tool. This tool fits downhole that it is the correct retrieval tool
over the top of the fish and engages onto the because most retrieval tools look alike.
external profile (see Figs. 4-11 and 4-12).
It is also common to use an overshot to retrieve
a slick fish, which means a fish with no fishing
profile. This type of overshot will have a slips
assembly to grip the cylindrical fish on the
outside. Different sizes of slips (or grapples)
can be used in an overshot body, depending on
the OD of the fish. This type of overshot can be
used to retrieve a parted CT string. Hydraulic release JDC pulling tool

The most common type of overshot run on CT
is the hydraulic release JDC pulling tool. Using
this type of tool, you can latch and relatch many
times in a single run.

The tool operates similarly to the hydraulic

release spear. It can be released from the
fish by pumping through the CT string. The
flow through an orifice at the bottom of the
tool creates an internal pressure in the tool.
Figure 4-12. Hydraulic Release Overshot Latched on Fish This pressure moves a piston, pulling the
locking dogs upwards and outwards into the
release position. Different orifice sizes can
be chosen when redressing the tool: a large
orifice requires a high pump rate to achieve
tool release, whereas a small orifice will allow
release at low pump rates.

When the flow is stopped, a spring pushes

the piston and the dogs back into the latched

Figure 4-13. External Fishing Neck Profile

Most external fishing necks have a similar

profile; however, the dimensions of the latch
profile vary between manufacturers. If possible,

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  79

Latching procedure
This is the procedure to latch onto a fish with a Note:
hydraulic release JDC pulling tool. Weight must be slacked off before
pumping to release the dogs. If
overpull is maintained on the fish,
Step 01 Run the CT to a depth just above
the dogs are held against the
the item to be retrieved.
fishing neck and cannot collapse to
release the tool when circulation is
Step 02 Begin circulation through the CT started.
string to remove any sand or debris that may
prevent latching the fishing neck of the fish.
Points to note

Step 03 Gently set down on the fishing Keep these points in mind when using a
neck until a reduction in weight is observed. hydraulic release JDC pulling tool.

• surface test. It is important to perform a

function test at the surface before running
the tool in hole. A medium-high rate
Do not run at a rapid rate and
for release should be selected to allow
impact the fish.
circulation at minimum rate while pulling
out of hole (POOH) with the fish. On the
other hand, the release rate must not be
Step 04 Stop pumping. Wait for 1 min to too high or it might not be achievable under
ensure the dogs move into the latched position. downhole conditions.

Step 05 Pull a moderate upstrain on the With the retrieval tool made up to the
CT string and watch the weight gauge to verify CT, pump at increments of 40 L/min
that latching has occurred. When assured the [0.25 bbl/min]. and record the pump rate
fish is latched, continue to pick up the string and pressure at which the dogs on the tool
to retrieve the fish. Upward jarring may be move into the release position.
required for stuck fish.
If the rate required to release is too high,
Release procedure: use a smaller orifice; if the rate required to
release is too low, use a larger orifice.
This is the procedure to release a fish latched
with a hydraulic release TDC pulling tool. • circulation during POOH. After the fish
is latched, it is possible to circulate
while coming out of the hole at a rate
Step 01 Slack off weight on the fish and
and pressure that is lower than the
begin to circulate at a pump rate above the
predetermined release rate.
predetermined release rate (the release rate
should have been tested before RIH).

Step 02 Wait 1 min to ensure the dogs

move into release-in position. Pick up the CT
string and pull the tool out of the fishing neck.

80  |  Advanced CT Tools Mechanical release overshot Step 04 Take a moderate overpull on the
retrieval tool CT string and watch the weight gauge to verify
The mechanical release overshot retrieval tool latching has occurred. When assured the fish is
operates similarly to the mechanical release latched, continue to pick up the string to retrieve
spear. The disadvantage of this type of tool is the fish. Upward jarring may be required for
that you can latch a fish only one time in a run. stuck fish.
If the tool must be released for any reason, the
fish cannot be relatched on the same run and Release procedure:
the retrieval tool must be pulled to the surface Follow this procedure to release a fish latched
for redressing. by a mechanical release overshot retrieval tool.

The tool can be released from the fish by

setting down the weight on the tool to shear the Step 01 Slack off weight or jar downward
pins of the safety mechanism. When the safety on the fish to shear the pins in the retrieval tool.
mechanism is sheared off, the dogs are held in
the release position, which prevents relatching Step 02 Pull the tool out of the fishing
on the same run. neck. You will need to bring the tool to the
surface for redressing before you can latch the
Latching procedure fish again.
Follow this procedure to latch a fish with a Points to note
mechanical release overshot retrieval tool.
Keep these points in mind when working with a
mechanical release overshot retrieval tool.
Step 01 Run the CT to a depth just above
the item to be retrieved. • CoilCADE simulation. It is important that
a CoilCADE tubing forces simulation be
Step 02 Circulate through the CT string performed before running a mechanical
to remove any sand or debris that may prevent release type retrieval tool to predict the
latching the fishing neck. downward force on the tool that can be
achieved at the location of the fish. The
Step 03 Gently set down weight on the number and type (brass or steel) of shear
fishing neck until a small reduction in weight is pins needed can be selected based on this
observed. information.
• mechanical release. After each use of the
retrieval tool, the shear pins should be
Note: replaced even if they have not sheared. If
Do not run at a rapid rate and the pin is partially sheared or weakened,
impact the fish or set heavy weight the possibility of an accidental release of
on the retrieval tool when engaged the retrieval tool will be increased during
in the fishing neck. Any of these the next operation.
actions may result in shearing the
safety release pins in the retrieval

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  81 Bowen overshot retrieval tool
A Bowen overshot retrieval tool is used to
engage slick fish (fish without a fishing profile)
externally. Its primary advantage is that it
can catch a wide range of fish sizes, which is
particularly useful when the exact fish OD is not

The Bowen overshot was designed to be run

on jointed pipe rather than on CT. The release
mechanism involves right-hand rotation, which
cannot be achieved with CT. For this reason,
Bowen overshots are not used in standard CT
fishing, but are sometimes used to bait the fish.
Baiting the fish refers to replacing a difficult
fishing profile with a profile that is easier to fish.

In this case, this means that a difficult fish, such

as a parted CT string, may be latched with a Figure 4-14. Barbs on Body OD of Wireline Grab
Bowen overshot, which is good at retrieving
such a fish. A ball would then be dropped to
activate a disconnect higher up in the fishing
string, leaving the Bowen overshot engaged
to the fish. This procedure will leave a GS
fishing neck that can be latched easily with
conventional flow release tools. Wireline grab

A wireline grab is a slickline tool for retrieving
parted slickline or wireline cable, which is
sometimes run on CT.

The tool consists of a number of barbs on the

body OD and/or ID that are designed to catch
onto the loose cable (see Figs. 4-14 and 4-15).
The tool often features a wire pusher at the top
of the tool. This part of the tool is very close
to the same size as the ID of the tubing, and it
pushes the cable down in front of it. Figure 4-15. Barbs on Body ID of Wireline Grab

The tool is cycled up and down in the area

where the cable is suspected to be, in hopes of
snagging the cable.

82  |  Advanced CT Tools

4.2.2 Jars, accelerators, and impact
Note: hammers
Exercise caution when attempting A jar is a tool that delivers a sudden upward or
to fish wireline–it is notoriously downward impact force to the toolstring below
difficult to accomplish and the jar. Jars are run in most fishing toolstrings in
attempting to do so can result in case additional force is required to free the fish.
stuck CT.
Many jars release in one direction only.
However, dual-direction tools exist that can Continuous tubing overshot jar up and down. CT jars operate on either a
A continuous tubing overshot is used to retrieve mechanical or hydraulic principle.
a CT string. The assembly of slips inside the
overshot bites into the slick fish OD when Jars must always be used in conjunction with
tension is pulled on the toolstring. a compatible accelerator to ensure maximum
efficiency (see Fig. 4-16). The jar manufacturer
This type of overshot cannot be released once documentation will give details of suitable
it is latched. matching accelerators. Snipper overshot

A snipper overshot is used to dress the top of
an irregular-shaped fish, such as the top of a
parted CT string. Dressing the fish is a term
meaning to prepare the top of the fish to make it
more easily fished.

This type of overshot latches over the fish and

when pulled into tension, bites through the fish,
cutting off the top. It leaves a clean internal and
external profile for easier fishing.

The tool is then retrieved to surface with the

cut pipe inside it. Another type of tool, such as
a continuous tubing overshot, is then run to
retrieve the dressed fish. Continuous tubing high-pressure

The continuous tubing high-pressure packoff is
Figure 4-16. Jar (Blue) with Accelerator (Red)
designed to be run above a continuous tubing
or snipper overshot. It creates a pressure
seal between the workstring and the fish.
This pressure seal allows circulation to be
established through the fish.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  83 Hydraulic jars Accelerator
The operating principle of most hydraulic jars is An accelerator must always be placed in the
similar. When tension is applied to the tool, the toolstring above the jar assembly for both
inner mandrel tries to extend. This movement hydraulic and mechanical jars. Its main function
is restricted by a seal assembly fixed to the is to store the energy that will be released when
mandrel that restricts the flow of the oil through the jar fires. It also helps protect the upper
a narrow annular gap. The mandrel/seal slowly toolstring and the CT string from the shock load
travels to a trip point with a larger bore, at which caused by the jar impact.
time the flow of fluid and corresponding travel
of the mandrel are no longer restricted. The Accelerators for CT operations may be either
mandrel will then stroke suddenly. At the limit of mechanical or hydraulic. Hydraulic accelerators
travel, the hammer strikes the anvil. are often called intensifiers.

By forcing the oil through a restricted passage,

the flow is slowed enough to delay the stroke by Weight bar
1 to 2 min from the time tension is pulled on the A weight bar is a straight piece of heavy wall
jar. pipe, 1 to 2 m (3 to 6 ft) long, with standard CT
threads on both top and bottom. Whenever
The jar can be recocked by applying minimum possible, a weight bar should be run in the
setdown force to the tool. On the closing stroke, toolstring between the jar and accelerator.
the passage of oil is unrestricted. The additional weight between the jar and
accelerator increases the output force of the jar.
The output force of a hydraulic jar is dictated
by the force applied before the jar fires. The
greater the upward pull or downward push that Impact hammers
is applied to the jar, the quicker the jar will fire An impact hammer creates a repeated high-
and the greater the resultant impact will be. The impact force in the up or down direction. It is
output force is typically 5 to 10 times the size of activated by pumping fluid and simultaneously
the CT input force. applying pull or push force on the tool,
depending on the impact direction desired. Mechanical jars
The level of the impact force can be adjusted
The operating principle of most mechanical jars by controlling the pull or compression weight on
is similar. The tool must overcome the force tool. An impact hammer can typically generate
of an internal spring to be released to fire. For impact forces of 30,000 lbf for a 2,000-lbf
an upward jarring force, the tool is pulled in setdown force with the CT string. Impact
tension. Additional overpull is required until the frequency can be several times per second.
internal spring force is overcome; at this point
the jar fires. Like a jar, impact hammers are generally run
with an accelerator to minimize the forces
The output force of the mechanical jar varies transmitted to the CT string.
with the pretensioning of the spring and cannot
be varied downhole. The tool output force is
set on the tool on surface by the amount of
pretension put on the internal spring; thus, it is
less flexible than a hydraulic jar.

84  |  Advanced CT Tools

4.2.3 Auxiliary fishing tools
Various auxiliary fishing tools are described in
the following sections. Venturi junk basket

In many cases, debris or sand on top of the
fishing neck can prevent latching.

Small debris such as sand can be circulated

from the well with CT. However, larger particles
such as metal debris or large chunks of scale
cannot be lifted to surface through cleanout
methods. Instead, a reverse circulating
Venturi™ junk basket is used. This tool acts as
a downhole vacuum cleaner.

The configuration of the tool creates a fluid

flow path that draws fluid into the empty bottom
chamber of the tool, creating a suction that
draws any debris immediately below the tool
into the chamber (see Fig. 4-17). Spring-loaded
fingers of flutter cages hold the debris inside
the tool. After some time jetting, the tool is
retrieved to surface and the debris can be
emptied from the tool.

If much debris is expected to be collected,

extension barrels can be added to the lower
chamber to provide additional capacity.
However, the number of extensions that can
be used is limited because increased length
reduces the suction. Figure 4-17. Flow of Debris into Venturi Tool

It is good practice to run a Venturi™ junk basket

in the hole if there is any indication that debris
is on top of a fish.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  85 Knuckle joints Lead impression block
Knuckle joints are placed in a CT toolstring A lead impression block (LIB) is used to give
if flexibility is required, as they allow a visual image of a downhole fishing neck or
approximately 10 degrees of angular movement obstruction (see Fig. 4-19). The tool is generally
(see Fig. 4-18). When used in a fishing run on slickline because it is much more
toolstring, they are generally located between sensitive to downhole forces than CT. However,
the jar and fishing tool. if it is run before a CT fishing run, it can give
valuable information.

Rotationally Nonrotationally
locked. The castle locked Figure 4-19. Impression of Downhole Obstruction
lock prevents the
The LIB consists of a housing filled with the soft
metal lead. An impression of the fishing neck or
any wellbore obstruction can be created in the
soft metal by running the tool into the fish neck
at high speed.

The results of LIBs are often open to

interpretation as downhole completion
hardware can create marks on the lead
surface. Experience and a good knowledge
of the particular wellbore are often required to
interpret a LIB result.
Figure 4-18. Knuckle Joint with Angular Movement

For operations that involve torque in the 4.3 Motors and mills
downhole toolstring, the splined version of the
knuckle joint should be used. The standard Milling is the name given to the removal of an
nonsplined version allows rotation of the obstruction in the wellbore with a downhole
toolstring at the flexible joint. motor and a milling bit. The obstruction is worn
away by the rotating action of the abrasive bit.

86  |  Advanced CT Tools

Some of the common applications of milling are 4.3.1 Motors
• removal of hard scale from a wellbore Downhole motors convert the hydraulic power
of the pumped fluid into rotation motion. For
• milling out a nipple in completion to gain milling applications, the fluid is generally water
access to the lower wellbore or brine, although some motors can run on
• removing a downhole valve that will not nitrified fluids.
The most common type of downhole
• milling out a composite temporary bridge motor used in CT operations is the positive
plug after a fracture job displacement motor (PDM) (see Fig. 4-21).
• washover an external fishing neck that The motors used in CT interventions generally
cannot be latched with a fishing tool. Used range in size from 1 11/16-in to 3 3/8-in OD.
for stuck CT or tubing, washover refers to
milling away formation, scale, and sand
around the fish.
• milling out cement plugs.
Figure 4-20 shows a typical milling BHA.

Rotor 1 Stage
CT connector

Dual flapper
check valve


Hydraulic disconnect
(fluid flow)
Dual circulation sub

Downhole motor

Junk millt

Figure 4-21. PDM

Figure 4-20. Typical Milling BHA

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  87

A PDM comprises two main parts: the stator • The increase in circulation pressure is
and the rotor. The rotor is a helical-shaped drive called the differential pressure across the
shaft that fits inside the fixed stator, forming motor. The torque applied increases with
a tight seal. The stator is a steel tube with an increasing differential pressure.
internally bonded elastomer.
As the bit mills through the object, the CT
weight returns to the original weight and the
Pumping fluid through the PDM forces the rotor
differential pressure and torque decrease. The
to turn inside the stator. The rotation of the
CT weight can therefore be used as a torque
motor is transmitted through a coupling and
a bearing assembly that turns the milling bit
without rotating the rest of the toolstring. The
bit box is the only external moving part of the Stalling
Excess WOB will cause motor stalling and,
During the motor operation, about 5% of consequently, a decrease in the life of the PDM.
the drilling fluid is diverted into the bearing Stalling can be identified by a sharp increase
compartment to cool and lubricate the bearing in circulating pressure. Circulation through a
assembly. stalled PDM motor or repeated stalling will
seriously damage the stator elastomer liner and
Different configurations of output speed other components within the motor.
(rpm) and torque are available, and the motor
selection depends on the application: Typically 500 to 1,000 lbm WOB is maintained
when drilling cement or scale. If the tools stall
• High torque-low speed motors are normally frequently, it may be necessary to reduce the
used for milling harder surfaces or objects WOB to 100 to 200 lbm for short intervals.
like hard scale such as barium sulfate, Since stalls can damage the BHA, it is better
cement and tubings. to drill with less WOB and fewer stalls than
to apply a higher WOB and increase the
• Low torque-high speed motors are used frequency of stalls.
for milling softer object/surface such as a
compacted sand bridge for higher ROP. If the stalled bit is picked up off the bottom
when in a drilling mode, the trapped Operation torque within the toolstring will be released
uncontrollably, potentially causing damage to
It is important to apply weight to the toolstring
downhole components or causing connections
very slowly and allow the tool to mill away the
to unscrew themselves.
object before reapplying weight. The circulating
pressure should be monitored at all times to
When a stall condition occurs, the following
detect a motor stall.
procedure should be followed immediately:
When the milling bit comes in contact with the
object to be milled, the CT weight will drop and Step 01 Stop pumping and allow the
the circulation pressure will increase. pressure to bleed off, to ensure that the motor
is stopped completely.
• This lost weight is converted into weight
on bit (WOB) and some additional friction Step 02 Pick up the BHA 5 to 10 m off the
along the CT string. bottom.

88  |  Advanced CT Tools

Step 03 Restart the pump. • Bladed mills are generally used on
stationary objects in the wellbore such as
cement plugs or drillable bridge plugs (see
Step 04 Slowly run the mill back down to Fig. 4-23).
bottom, reducing the final WOB.

4.3.2 Mills and bits

A mill is a very simple type of bit with a drag
cutting structure and no moving parts. Mills are
manufactured in various shapes and designs
for specific applications. Mills can also be
custom built for specific purposes.

The mill’s cutting structure is usually an

abrasive face of tungsten carbide chips welded
to the body of the mill. Some of the most
common mill types are described briefly below.

• Step mills are widely used in removal of

nipple profiles and scale removal (such as
barium sulfate), using low-torque output
motors. The stepped profile of the mill
Figure 4-23. Bladed Mill
allows it to gradually open up a restriction,
as shown in Fig. 4-22.

Figure 4-22. Step Mill

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  89

• Bladed junk mills with extra long mill heads
reducing risk of casing damage are used
for milling stationary and nonstationary
objects, and have a rugged design for
milling loose junk (metal debris inside the
wellbore) (see Fig. 4-24).

Figure 4-25. Rotary Shoe, or Washover Shoe

• Watermelon mills can be used to elongate
casing windows during whipstock
operations, and to remove tight spots,
restrictions, or doglegs in casing (see
Fig. 4-26).

Figure 4-24. Bladed Junk Mill

• Rotary shoes (or washover shoes) are

hollow cylindrical milling tools with a cutting
structure on the internal bore, the bottom,
and the OD. Used for stuck CT or tubing,
they can be used to mill away formation,
scale, and sand around the fish. They
can also be used to mill away the slips on
packers and bridge plugs to release them
(see Fig. 4-25).

Figure 4-26. Watermelon Mill

90  |  Advanced CT Tools

4.3.3 Underreamer 4.4 Packers and bridge plugs
An underreamer is a tool run below a downhole Packers and bridge plugs are used to
motor to clean out below a restriction or through temporarily or permanently isolate zones
tubing applications (Fig. 4-27). Because the downhole. Typical applications of such zonal
blades of the underreamer can be extended to isolation are
effectively increase the tool OD, it can be used
to pass through the production tubing and to • zone testing
mill scale or a fish in the lower completion.
• zone shutoff or abandonment
• selective stimulation
• leak detection
• cement plugs
• velocity strings
• recompletions and workovers
• well control.

4.4.1 Cup packer

Cup isolation tools are the simplest type of
packers (see Fig. 4-28). This type of packer is
often set across a set of perforations to pump
a treatment fluid, such as acid. The cup system
isolates one section of wellbore and ensures
that the fluid enters the selected perforations
Figure 4-27. Underreamer

The blades of the underreamer remain inside

the tool for accessing through restrictions. Then
they expand by centrifugal and hydraulic force
when pumping begins and the downhole motor
begins to turn. For recovery, the blades are
retracted again by stopping pumping.

Common applications for underreaming are

cement removal after squeeze operations
and scale removal. When fitted with specially
hardened knives, the underreamer can be used
for cutting tubing.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  91


Frac ports


In sub



Figure 4-29. OptiSTIM ST

Figure 4-28. Cup Packer

These packers are only used in shallow wells.

The cups wear as they rub along the inside
of the tubulars and are damaged by nipple
profiles. The cups do not expand; therefore,
they cannot be set in a casing that is larger than
the tubing above it.

The cup packer can be set multiple times in

a single CT run. The OptiSTIM ST* straddle
packer for stimulation tool used for CoilFRAC
stimulation applications is a cup tool (see
Fig. 4-29).

92  |  Advanced CT Tools Operation They are commonly used for stimulation
operations, or for permanently hanging off
When fluid is pumped through the CT string, velocity strings or tailpipe extensions. When
it exits the ports between the cups. The used for velocity string applications, the weight
differential pressure across the cups forces the of the CT string hanging below the packer
cups to seal against the tubing wall, forcing the keeps it under tension and set.
fluid into the perforations. The cups relax again
when pumping is stopped for retrieval. The OptiSTIM MP* used for fracturing
operations is a mechanical packer with some
If required, the tool can then be moved to additional features (see Fig. 4-31).
cover another set of perforations and reset by
pumping again.

4.4.2 Mechanical packers

Mechanical packers require an adequate load
on the packer to keep it set. Depending on the
packer, the load can be tension or compression.
Figure 4-30 shows a mechanical packer.

Figure 4-30. Mechanical Packer in Tension-Set


Mechanical packers have a relatively low

expansion ratio, and as such, are generally set
in tubing or used in monobore completions.
They can be set multiple times in one run.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  93 Operation position. Therefore, the setting and releasing
procedure is exactly the opposite of the tension-
A tension-set mechanical packer is set by set packer.
pulling tension on the CT string. When the
toolstring moves upwards, the drag springs are Similarly, a compression-set packer is set by
pulled downwards by friction with the tubing setting a load on the packer and it is released
wall. This motion moves the slips downwards by pulling upwards on the CT string.
over a tapered cone that expands the slips until

Tapered cone
Slips are drives slips
relaxed outwards to bite
into tubing wall

element is Pressure
relaxed Packing differential can
element is now be applied
compressed across packing
and creates a element
hydraulic seal

Figure 4-31. OptiSTIM MP

they bite into the tubing wall and set the packer.
The movement also compresses the packing
element, providing a pressure seal.

The packer can be released by relaxing the

tension. The tapered cone moves downwards,
allowing the slips to disengage from the tubing
and the packing assembly to release.

A compression-set packer is essentially a

tension-set packer run in the upside-down

94  |  Advanced CT Tools

4.4.3 Hydraulic set packers To retrieve the packer, pulling vertically on the
string will shear release screws, allowing the
The majority of hydraulic packers are slips and element to retract. Before retrieving, it
double‑grip packers, which means that is best to allow the pressures on either side of
they include two sets of slips to grip in both the packer to equalize. This equalization helps
directions. Hydraulic‑set packers are commonly to prevent blowing off the packing element as
used in gravel packs, patches, and gas lift the packer unsets.
installations. Figure 4-32 shows a hydraulic
4.4.4 Inflatable packers
Through-tubing inflatable packers, such as the
CoilFLATE inflatable packer, are designed to
seal in a casing section that is larger than the
tubing above it. The packer is small enough
to run and retrieve through the tubing, but
when set, it can expand to two or three times
its original diameter. The higher the possible
expansion is, the lower the pressure differential
that it can withstand will be. The Schlumberger
CoilFLATE inflatable packer has the highest
differential pressure of comparable packers
commercially available.

Inflatable packers have several applications for

well treatments. They can be used as

• retrievable bridge plugs: The packer is set

in the well for temporary abandonment and
water shutoff operations, and is usually
retrieved from the well after the operation
with a retrieval tool.
• cement retainers: The packer is set and
cement is pumped into place above or
Figure 4-32. Model B Hydraulic Double-Grip Packer
below the packer. The CT is disconnected
from the packer and it is left in the hole. Operation
• treatment packers: Chemicals are pumped
A hydraulic set packer is set by slowly applying into a zone above or below the set packer.
internal pressure to the CT string. This pressure The packer remains attached to the CT
compresses the sealing element and forces the at all times and is retrieved after the
slips outward to set against the tubing wall. As stimulation.
the packer sets, the shifting mechanism is held
in place by a body lock ring or ratchet, so that
when the pressure differential is released, the
packer remains set.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  95 Operation CoilFLATE
When pressure is applied to an inflatable The CoilFLATE inflatable packer was
packer through the CT string, the inflatable developed by Schlumberger to perform reliable
element (bladder) expands to the walls of the through-tubing zonal isolation. This system
tubing, providing a pressure seal. Hydraulic includes a hydraulic-set CoilFLATE packer, as
valves in the tool trap the setting pressure well as tension and pressure operated running
inside the inflatable element, holding the packer tools. The system is designed to perform
in place even when the CT pressure is reduced. single-trip, single-set zonal isolations. The
Figure 4-33 shows an inflatable element CoilFLATE packer can be run in deep, deviated
inflating. and horizontal wells. No rotation or drop balls
are required to operate the CoilFLATE; all
operations are achieved through pressure or
vertical movement (tension/compression).

Features and Benefits

The CoilFLATE packer has the highest
differential pressure of comparable packers
commercially available. The 2 1/8-in CoilFLATE
packer is capable of expansion ratios of over
3:1 to set in a casing size up to 7 5/8 in and
29.7 lbm at a differential pressure of up to
2000 psi. Differential pressures across the
element of up to 5000 psi are permitted for
lower expansion ratios.

The CoilFLATE packer can operate in

aggressive chemical environments at
temperatures up to 325 degF while providing
reliable anchoring with applied differential
pressures from either above or below the
element. The element cannot be reused.

Additional features of the CoilFLATE include

Figure 4-33. Inflation Sequence for CoilFLATE Packer
• single-set
To release the packer, overpull should be
applied to the packer. This force shears the • packer is retrievable and millable
deflate shear screws, allowing the bladder • set hydraulically with no rotation or drop
pressure to release and the packer element to balls, therefore wireline CT strings can be
relax for retrieval. A second method of deflating used
the packer is by overpressuring the element
• large-bore mandrel (3/4 in) allows higher
until the rupture disk bursts. The element
pump rates
should be allowed to relax for 30 min before
retrieving the inflatable, to allow it to return • pressure rated at 5000 psi differential for
to its original size so that it will fit through the expansion ratios up to 2:1 and 2000 psi for
tubulars. 3:1 inflation at 325 degF

96  |  Advanced CT Tools

• can be set in vertical, deviated, and
horizontal wells
• improved anchoring because of long slat
Rubber seal
• can be inflated with water, brines, diesel,
mud, and 60%/40% methanol/water
Slat carcass
• resistant to various treatment fluids
including mud acid, clay acid, MSR
100/150, HCL to 28%, appropriate Figure 4-34. CoilFLATE Packer in Set Position
cements, 60% methanol/40% water, diesel
(40 API or heavier), mutual solvents,
aromatic solvents (toluene, xylene), and 4.4.5 Bridge plug
DGS water control system Bridge plugs (see Fig. 4-35) are available in
can be set on perforations up to 1-in diameter retrievable and permanent designs.
at full inject pressure, and 1 ½-in perforations at
3500 psi • Retrievable bridge plugs can be fished
again and are used to temporary isolate a
• can be retrieved through a 2.205-in nipple well for operations such as wellhead repair
with less than 3000 lbf overpull. or upper zone stimulations.
Inflatable Element • Permanent bridge plugs are used to plug
depleted zones or for abandonment.
The CoilFLATE inflatable element consists of
Cast iron or composite bridge plugs are
four major components: bladder, slat carcass,
sometimes used because they are easily
end fittings, and cover.
drillable and can be removed by drilling
them out.
The bladder is a rubber tube that contains
the inflation fluid which causes the element
carcass to expand. The bladder is compression
molded from a carefully developed and tested
elastomer, which has excellent properties in
high temperature and chemically aggressive
environments. The swelling of the bladder
forces the slat carcass and rubber seal against
the wall, anchoring the packer and creating a
hydraulic seal respectively.

The slat carcass is an array of thin, overlapping

metal strips that prevent extrusion of the
bladder and anchor the packer to the casing
wall. The CoilFLATE packer has 22 in of
anchoring slats on either side of the cover for
reliable nonslip performance with differential
pressure from either above or below the
CoilFLATE element.

Figure 4-35. Bridge Plug

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  97
When a well is fractured multiple times using Generally, logging tools are run into an oil or
a drilling rig, drillable bridge plugs are often gas well on wireline. Wireline is a conductive
used to isolate previous fractured zones before cable that allows signals to be transmitted in
fracturing the next zone. When all zones have both directions. As the tool is run across the
been fractured, the bridge plugs can be drilled zone of interest, the tool gathers data and
out with CT. Drillable bridge plugs can be made sends it back to surface (see Fig. 4-36). This
from cast iron or a composite material. procedure can be conducted in wells with
deviations up to 65 degrees.
The slips on bridge plugs grip in both directions.
They have a relatively low expansion ratio, so
they must be sized reasonably closely to the
point at which they are to plug the well. Operation
Many bridge plugs can be run on drillpipe, CT,
or wireline. A hydraulic setting tool is used for
setting a bridge plug using CT, while a wireline
setting tool is used for wireline applications.

Most hydraulic setting tools set the packer by

dropping a ball and pressuring up the CT string.
Figure 4-36. Engineer Reviewing Real-Time Log

4.5 CT wired applications However, in highly deviated or horizontal wells,

CT wired applications refers to those the tools cannot be conveyed to the bottom of
applications that utilize an electric cable the well using wireline, as wireline cannot push
inside the CT string to perform typical wireline them. In this case, logging tools can be made
functions on CT. The main applications are up to the downhole end of the CT string and
run in the hole just as is done in a normal CT
• CT logging run. CT can be pushed into horizontal sections
because of its strength and rigidity.
• CT perforating.
While the same functions are required for both A wireline cable inside the CT string is
applications, different suites of CT downhole connected to the wireline unit on the surface,
tools are used for each because of the higher allowing the log to be carried, monitored,
level of force seen in perforation applications. and recorded in the same way as a wireline
log. Figure 4-37 shows a typical setup for CT
4.5.1 CT logging
Logging refers to the downhole surveys carried
out with very specialized electronic tools to
gather detailed information on the formation
and wellbore.

98  |  Advanced CT Tools

CT unit equipped
with CTL reel

Optional safe tool

deployment system Logging unit

CTL string
CTL support tools
Logging tools

Figure 4-37. Wireline Logging Setup

4.5.2 BHA for CT logging CT logging head

Downhole tools and equipment for CT logging As CT logging services have evolved, several
operations can be categorized as follows: types and designs of logging heads have
been developed, both internal and external to
• CT logging heads: CT modular head the Schlumberger organization. Regardless
(CTMH) of the type or design of the CT logging head
and its associated support tools, the following
• CT logging disconnects
key functions should be included in the basic
○ CT wired disconnect (CTWD) toolstring required to conduct safe CT logging
○ CT tension disconnect (CTTD) operations.

• CT logging support tools • mechanical connection to the CT string:

○ CT quick stab (CTQS) The logging head must provide a means
of mechanical connection to the CT
○ CT deployment bar (CTDB). The mandrel string. Some tools include an integral CT
on the CTDB has the same OD as the connector as part of the tool; others are
CT string.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  |  99

made up to a separate CT connector by a multiconductor or monoconductor wireline tools
standard CT thread. by using various CT adapter heads (CTAH) at
the lower end. The 1.68-in OD CTMH-B is for
• double check valve assembly: Double
use only with monoconductor wireline tools.
flapper check valves are mandatory in CT
logging. A special model must be used for
Upper end connected
CT logging because a sealed bypass is to CT connector
required for the electrical cable.
• allow fluid circulation: Fluid circulation ports
allow fluid or nitrogen circulation or N2
lifting as part of the program.
• contingency release: A disconnect releases
the logging toolstring if it becomes stuck
and cannot be recovered. Ball-activated
disconnect tools cannot be used because
Cable anchor
of the electrical cable inside. Generally,
mechanical disconnects are used. These
can be released by pulling a known amount
of overpull on the stuck tool.
• secure logging cable: The electrical cable
inside the CT string can move up and down
during operations. The logging head needs
to secure the logging cable to ensure it
Check valves
does not move because moving will break
the electrical connection with the wireline
Fluid circulation
• electrical connections between cable and ports
Fluid flow
toolstring: The number of connections Internal electrical through check
valves exiting
required will depend on the logging connection
through ports in
toolstring requirements and the type of Pressure
the check valve
logging cable installed in the CT string. housing
Mono connection  CT modular head (CTMH) (multiple conductor
options available)
The CTMH was designed to provide a reliable
and easily assembled connection between wireline logging
standard Schlumberger wireline tools and a CT tool connection
logging string. The tool has standard wireline Figure 4-38. CTMH-A
logging tool connections on the lower end of
the tool. The upper end is connected to the CT Typically, multiconductor wireline tools are used
connector. for openhole logging, while monoconductor
wireline tools are used for production logging.
The CTMH has a modular construction
and is available in two sizes (2.17-in and The CTMH incorporates a double flapper check
1.68‑in OD). The 2.17-in OD CTMH-A tool (see valve assembly that includes a bypass for the
Fig. 4‑38) can be configured for use with either electric cable. Fluid pumped through the CT

100  |  Advanced CT Tools

string exits the CTMH via ports in the check For routine CT logging operations, the most
valve housing, below the flappers. commonly used disconnects are

The CTMH does not incorporate a CT • CTWD: recommended (see Fig. 4-39)
connector or disconnect mechanism. Therefore,
• CTTD (see Fig. 4-40).
separate support tools must be in the toolstring
to provide these essential functions. The CTWD is the preferred disconnect tool for
CT logging operations because of the reduced
A key feature of the CTMH is that some chance of accidental disconnect. The CTTD
of the components can be preassembled should only be used on applications where the
before rigging up the CT equipment at the CTWD is not available.
wellsite. This preassembly can save significant
operating time and enable a thorough check The CTWD and CTTD should never be used
and testing process to be completed without on perforating applications. The shock force
affecting operating time. applied as the guns are fired may cause
unintentional release of the tool or weakening
of the release mechanism, possibly resulting in Disconnects for CT logging accidental disconnect.
Disconnects for CT logging are required to
provide a means of controlled CT toolstring
release if the logging tools become stuck in the

Since the CT string contains an electric cable,

balls, darts, or similar activation devices
cannot be circulated through the CT string
to operate the release mechanism. In most
cases, disconnects for CT wired applications
are activated by applying tension to the CT
string to break a weak point. Some models of
disconnect require that pressure and tension be
applied at the same time, and others require a
combination of tension and tool cycling.

With the weak point activated, the upper

toolstring can be recovered to surface and
preparation made for fishing the stuck lower
toolstring using a specifically designed fishing
BHA. Most release mechanisms expose a
known profile or fishing neck in the lower tool
assembly to latch the stuck toolstring with the
fishing BHA.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 101  CTWD The CTWD release sequence is activated by
applying sufficient tension to break the weak
The CTWD (Fig. 4-39) incorporates a
point that has been installed in the tool. The
tension‑activated device with a mechanism that
CT string must then be picked up and slacked
requires a sequence of CT string movements
off seven cycles, which unscrews a dizzy nut
to give a predictable and controlled release.
assembly to release the tool. Releasing the tool
The tool can be dressed to release at a setting
exposes a standard GS fishing profile in the
between 5,000 and 20,000 lbf.
lower assembly.

The CTWD can be configured with mono- or

Spline mandrel multiconductor logging tool connections on
the top and bottom of the assembly. In most
cases, the CTWD will be located close to or
immediately below the CTMH.
Spline housing CTTD
Upper balance seal The CTTD (Fig. 4-39) is activated by the
application of tension to the CT string. The
CTTD assembly will release when a tensile
force greater than the weakpoint rating is
applied to the toolstring. The CTTD can be
dressed to provide release settings of between
Dizzy nut assembly
5,000 and 20,000 lbf.

When activated, a standard GS fishing profile is

Mandrel coupler exposed in the lower CTTD assembly.

Balance mandrel

Weak point sub

Weak point

Figure 4-39. CTWD

102  |  Advanced CT Tools

Upper adapter CT quick stab (CTQS)
The CTQS (Fig. 4-41) provides a safe and
reliable mechanical and electrical connection
in the toolstring when the toolstring cannot
Spline mandrel
be rotated. This tool is very convenient when
installing or breaking out long or heavy
Fishing neck profile

Connector rod sleeve

Spline housing

Split ring

Balance piston

Quick-stab adapter

Weak point
Connector rod sleeve

Weak point sub

Figure 4-41. CTQS-B

Lower adapter
It operates under the same principle as a quick
Figure 4-40. CTTD connect (see Section 3.7) but incorporates an
electrical connection. It is designed for use with
monoconductor toolstrings only.
4.5.3 CT logging support tools
The tools described in the following sections A split-ring assembly on the CTQS swivels to
are compatible with the CTMH and have been enable the connection to be made up without
developed for the following purposes: rotating the upper or lower tool assembly.

• to facilitate the installation and removal of

long or heavy toolstrings
• to deploy logging tools.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 103 CT deployment bar (CTDB) The CTDB center section is interchangeable
and is matched with the diameter of the CT
A CT deployment bar (CTDB) enables long string being used, so it can be hung in the pipe
toolstring deployment and retrieval under well and slip rams of the CT BOP. The pipe rams
pressure (Fig. 4-42). The bar temporarily holds provide a pressure seal on the CTDB, while
the logging toolstring in the BOP while the next the slip rams grip the CTDB to prevent it from
assembly of the logging string is made up. moving upward or downward.

Upper thread protector The center section of the CTDB can be

sheared by the CT BOP to provide an ultimate
contingency function, while the bar is secured
Upper head in the BOP during the toolstring makeup or
breakout process. Section 5 provides more
information about deployment.
Split threaded ring

4.5.4 CT perforation
Perforation is the process of shooting holes
in the wellbore cemented casing or liner to
enable oil or gas flow from the reservoir into
Mandrel the wellbore. Perforation is generally done with
explosives deployed in special perforation guns.
Figure 4-43 illustrates a perforation operation
performed on CT.
Conductor carrier

Lower head

Lower thread

Figure 4-42. CTDB

The CTDB is configured with standard logging

tool connections on top and bottom to ensure
reliable mechanical and electrical connections. Figure 4-43. Perforation Operation on CT
It is available with mono- and multiconductor

104  |  Advanced CT Tools

Like logging, perforation guns are run into CT logging head
an oil or gas well and activated on a wireline.
However, in highly deviated or horizontal wells, Regardless of the type or design of the CT
the guns cannot be conveyed to the bottom of logging head (CTLH) (see Fig. 4-44) and its
the well using wireline because wireline cannot associated support tools, the following key
push them. A second limitation of wireline is its functions should be included in the basic
low load capacity, which means it cannot run a toolstring required to conduct safe perforation
long and heavy gun string. In either case, CT operations.
can be used to convey the guns into the well.
1.810-10 Stub acme thread
(attaches to coiled tubing
If a CT string with an electric cable inside is connector)
available, it can be used to correlate depth Cable clamp/check valve
very accurately using a gamma ray/casing subassembly
collar locator (GR/CCL) tool and activate the
perforation guns, in one run. Weak-point mechanical
release subassembly

4.5.5 BHA for CT perforation

Downhole tools and equipment for wired CT
perforation operations can be categorized as
Monocable quick stab
• CT logging heads
○ CT logging head (CTLH) adapter
○ third-party logging head (qualified for
• CT disconnect
○ multicycle disconnect (MCD)
Deployment bar
○ third-party disconnect head (qualified for

Figure 4-44. Different Configurations of CTLH

• The logging head must provide a means

of mechanical connection to the CT
string. Some tools include an integral CT
connector as part of the tool; others are
made up to a separate CT connector by a
standard CT thread.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 105

• Double flapper check valves are The main components of the CTLH are
mandatory. A special model must be used
for wired CT operations because a sealed • cable clamp/check valve assembly: The
bypass for the electrical cable is required. cable clamp/check valve assembly is made
up to the CT connector (dimple connectors
• Fluid circulation ports allow fluid or nitrogen
are preferred). This assembly contains
circulation or N2 lifting as part of the
a cable clamp to hold the cable. It also
controls the wellbore fluids in the CT via
• A disconnect releases the toolstring if it a double flapper check valve and cable
becomes stuck and cannot be recovered. sealing device.
Ball-activated disconnect tools cannot be
• monocable MH-22 adapter. The monocable
used because of the electrical cable inside.
MH-22 adapter connects the monocable
Special attention needs to be paid to the
quick stab to the monocable toolstring.
contingency release system because of
the high shock loading experienced in • PEH-A heptacable adapter: The heptacable
perforation operations. adapter contains a standard wireline
PEH‑A connection on the downhole end for
• The electrical cable inside the CT string
connecting to a heptacable toolstring.
can move up and down during operations.
The logging head needs to secure the
cable to ensure it does not move and break Note:
the electrical connection with the wireline The weak-point mechanical release
toolstring. that comes as part of the CTLH kit
• The number of electrical connections may not be used for CT perforating
required between the cable and toolstring operations. It is only suitable for CT
will depend on the logging toolstring logging operations.
requirements and the type of electrical
cable installed in the CT string.  CTLH in perforations  Bakke logging head
The only Schlumberger logging head that is In some locations, the Bakke logging head is
currently approved for perforation is the CTLH. used for perforation. This head can be used
The CTLH is the predecessor of the CTMH with mono- and multiconductor wireline tools for
used for logging operations. CT logging and perforating.

Like the CTMH, the CTLH is a modular tool Technical information on the Bakke head
that provides the connection between standard should be obtained directly from Bakke Oil
Schlumberger wireline tools and a CT logging Tools.
string. The tool has standard wireline logging
tool connections on the lower end. The upper
end is connected to the CT connector.

The CTLH has a modular construction and

can be configured for mono- or multiconductor
tools. The multiconductor adapter has an OD of
3 3/8 in, and the monoconductor adapter has
an OD of 1 11/16 in.

106  |  Advanced CT Tools Disconnects for CT perforation  Bakke disconnect
(wired) The Bakke logging head incorporates a
Disconnects for CT perforation are required disconnect that uses a combination of
to provide a means of controlled CT toolstring flow‑activation and shear pins to activate
release if the guns become stuck in the the disconnect. When not pumping or when
wellbore. Balls, darts, or similar activation pumping below a predetermined rate, no load
devices cannot be circulated through the CT is on the shear pins. If you want to release the
string because of the presence of the cable. tool, you must pump above a predetermined
release rate, to allow the load to come onto
Disconnects for wired CT perforation are the shear pins, and then overpull the toolstring
activated by a combination of tension and tool above the rating of the shear pins.
cycling, or a combination of flow and tension.
For wired CT perforation, the most commonly Further technical information on the Bakke
used disconnects are head should be obtained directly from Bakke
Oil Tools.
• multicycle disconnect (MCD)
• Bakke logging head. 4.6 CoilFRAC
The CTWD and CTTD should never be used The main application of CoilFRAC stimulation
on perforating applications. The shock force through coiled tubing operations is in
applied as the guns are fired may cause multilayered reservoirs. Using CT, the client
accidental disconnect of the tool or weakening can treat many individual zones in a reservoir
of the release mechanism. in a time-efficient manner. Many zones cannot
be treated efficiently using conventional  MCD bullheading techniques.
For wired CT perforation operations, the
The ability to treat zones individually allows
only Schlumberger disconnect qualified for
the client to efficiently access and stimulate
perforation is the MCD (see Section 3.3.5).
small zones that previously would have been
neglected for economic reasons. This treatment
The MCD is operated by a combination of
increases the hydrocarbon reserves of the
tension and a sequence of cycling (picking up
well (the total amount of oil or gas that can be
and setting down), similar to the way the CTWD
produced from the well).
is operated.
Using CT allows the client to fracture multiple
The load is initially taken on a tensile weak
zones in one CT run.
point rated between 8,000 and 30,000 lbf. A
backup set of bronze shear pins must also be
Schlumberger has a range of tools used for
sheared to achieve a disconnect, as well as
CoilFRAC stimulation services, including
several up-down cycles of the tool. Having a
backup set of shear pins means that the tool
• OptiSTIM MP mechanical packer for
remains connected even if the perforation
shock breaks the tensile weakpoint.
• OptiSTIM ST straddle packer for

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 107

These tools are described in the following Spring-energized drag blocks provide the
sections. frictional force necessary for reliable shifting
of the mandrel relative to the J-slot housing
assembly, as well as centralizing the tool in the
4.6.1 OptiSTIM MP wellbore. The setting and releasing operation of
The OptiSTIM MP is a tension-set packer as the tool is similar to that of a tension-set packer
described in Section 4.4.2 (see also Fig. 4-29). described in
It has been designed with additional features to
optimize it for fracturing operations. Shear release
The tool is conveyed on CT and provides zonal The OptiSTIM MP features an additional safety
isolation between two zones, directing the mechanism that is not available on standard
pumped fracturing fluid and proppant into the tension-set packers: the emergency shear
zone below the set packer. For multiple zone release. The emergency shear release can be
stimulations, a mechanical plug such as a sand used if the packer becomes stuck in the set
or bridge plug can be used effectively to isolate position and cannot be moved up or down. This
lower zones. release is activated by pulling an overpull on the
packer. The shear release allows the cone to
drop away from the slips, releasing the packer Features slips and relaxing the pressure element.
The additional features of the OptiSTIM MP
over standard mechanical packers are After the shear is released, the tool is no longer
functional for stimulation purposes, but it can be
• element backup system. A special element retrieved to surface.
backup device gives reliable performance
at high pressure differentials. Extrusion of
the element is minimized, thus allowing it to
last longer.
• shear release system. The shear release
system allows the cone to drop away from
the slips for emergency release of the
• equalization feature. This feature allows
annulus and CT pressures to equalize
faster at the end of the stimulation
operation. Operation
The OptiSTIM MP operates with only up-and-
down motion and can be set and released
multiple times during a single run. The
controlling mechanism is a simple automatic
J-slot mechanism. This configuration allows
the tool to be mechanically set and released
without rotating the tubing.

108  |  Advanced CT Tools

4.6.2 OptiSTIM ST OptiSTIM ST chassis
The OptimSTIM ST tool is a cup straddle The OptiSTIM ST chassis is a cup tool that is
system used for selective stimulation operations used to straddle and treat a specific zone in
(Fig. 4-45). The typical treatments placed with a wellbore. When pumping commences, the
the tool are proppant fractures, acid fractures, differential pressure across the cups forces the
and N2 fractures. cups to seal against the tubing wall, forcing the
fluid into the perforations. The cups relax again
High when pumping stops.
The straddle has rubber cups located on both
Upper the uphole and the downhole ends of the tool.
bypass These allow straddle zone to be sealed.
Frac sub
(out) The OptiSTIM ST has additional features over
standard cup packer tools as described in
High Section 4.4.1.

• reverse lower cup: An additional cup

(reverse lower cup) is placed below the
lower straddle cup, facing in the opposite
direction of the lower straddle cup. The
In sub reverse lower cup prevents penetration
of the sealed straddle zone by formation
fluid that is produced from zones below the
bypass straddle packer. If the wellbore contains
ports fluid, the reverse cup can cause problems
Dump while running the tool in hole because the
valve fluid is pushed downwards like a piston.
Holes are often drilled through the lower
inverted cup to allow some fluid bypass.
Figure 4-45. OptiSTIM ST • internal bypass: The internal bypass allows
wellbore fluid to bypass the cups through
Because it is a straddle tool, additional barriers a flow port in the chassis. This bypass
are not needed between zones, such as sand limits the swab effect of running a cup tool
plugs or bridge plugs. Using a straddle system and reduces cup wear, giving the ability to
is the most efficient way of treating multiple perform operations at greater depths and
zones. extending tool life.

The complete OptiSTIM ST tool system • out/in: The out/in concept allows the
comprises three major components: straddle section to be cleaned without
reverse circulation. When cleaning the
• OptiSTIM ST chassis tool, the flow comes out the fracture sub,
down the straddle, into the in sub, and out
• pressure balanced disconnect (PBD) the dump valve. The out/in concept also
• multicycle dump valve (MCDV). reduces erosion to the exit ports of the
fracture sub and thus increases tool life.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 109 Pressure-balanced disconnect The MCDV can drastically reduce the amount
of fluid used for cleaning up the CT and tool at
the completion of each zonal treatment, while
The pressure-balanced disconnect (PBD) was reducing the risk of formation damage to zones
designed specifically for CoilFRAC stimulation above the treatment zone.
applications. The PBD is a mechanical
disconnect that is pressure balanced to internal
pressure, which prevents a tool release from 4.7 DepthLOG CT
the high treating pressures often seen in Certain types of CT operation require a very
fracturing operations. The release load must exact depth measurement, for example,
be determined with the CoilFRAC Advisor
software. • perforating
The PBD has two fishing contingencies if the • setting a packer or bridge plug to isolate a
tool must be left in hole. An overshot can latch zone.
the OD of the housing or a GS spear can latch Normal CT depth measurement uses
an internal GS fishing neck. measurements taken on the surface. Using a
universal tubing length monitor (UTLM, see
Fig. 4-46) can give an accuracy of 1 m/1,000 m, Multicycle dump valve (MCDV)
which is acceptable for normal operations, but
After a fracturing operation, the CT string this error may be unacceptable for perforation
generally contains excess proppant and jobs.
fracturing fluid. The OptiSTIM multicycle dump
valve (MCDV) enables CT pumping to flush the Environmental effects such as the following
fluid and proppant from the CT string into the all add error to the surface measurement
wellbore below the packer, instead of reverse technique:
circulating to surface.
• pressure
The MCDV is open by default and closes
• temperature
by flow activation. Once the tool is closed,
pressure maintains the closed position. It • pipe stretch
opens again when the pressure is bled off to
• helical buckling
a pressure specified by setting the tool before
running it in hole. • plastic deformation.

Operationally, this feature means that the

MCDV is open while running in hole. When
the pumping treatment begins, the flow will
shut the MCDV and will then flow only into the
perforations between the cups. At the end of
the treatment, the MCDV will open when the
pressure is bled to below a preset pressure. All
the fluid and proppant in the CT string will be
allowed to be flushed into the sump below the
OptimSTIM ST. When all the fluid and proppant
is out, the tool is ready to be moved to the next
zone to continue stimulation.

110  |  Advanced CT Tools

This technology moves the CT depth reading
from the surface to downhole. This shift
improves the accuracy and confidence in
performing depth-critical operations on CT.

The tool properties are as follows:

• invisible to the BHA below the tool

• OD = 2 1/8 in
• ID = 0.656 in (5/8-in ball can pass,
recommend 0.5 in)
• length = 140 in (3.6 M)
• qualified for perforation
• acid and H2S resistant.
The tool consists of four main sections
(Fig. 4‑48).

Figure 4-46. UTLM

The UTLM gives excellent surface depth

measurement. For critical applications, the
true downhole depth is required. In response
to this problem, Schlumberger developed
the DepthLOG* CT depth correlation tool,
an advanced tool that gives downhole depth
measurements. This electronic tool is based
on the wireline casing collar locator (CCL). It
recognizes the collars on the casing downhole
and uses pressure pulse technology to send
a signal to surface at each casing collar. The
pressure pulses produce a real-time CCL
correlation log at surface, enabling the operator
to accurately correlate depth in reference to the
baseline log (see Fig. 4-47).

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 111

Figure 4-47. DepthLOG CCL Compared to Baseline Log



Battery (power
for signaler and

Casing collar
locator (CCL)

Figure 4-48. DepthLOG Tool

112  |  Advanced CT Tools

4.7.1 Casing collar locator (CCL) Primary flow Baypass
path flow path
This section is a traditional wireline CCL tool
with flow-through capability. It recognizes the
collars on the casing downhole because of the
change of thickness of the metal. Orifice

4.7.2 Processor
This section monitors the output of the CCL
module. When it detects a casing collar
signal from the CCL, the processor issues a
command to the signaler. Downstream

4.7.3 Signaler
The signaler sends the pressure pulse to
surface when it receives the command from the Primary flow Baypass
path flow path

The signaler contains two flow paths: a primary

flow path and a secondary flow path containing Orifice
an orifice. When the processor sends a
command, the motorized signaler closes the Piston
primary flow path to divert flow through the
choked secondary path. After a predetermined
time, the motor again opens the primary flow
path, allowing the fluid to flow back through the
primary path (see Fig. 4-49).
Closing and opening the primary flow
path creates a pressure pulse, which can
Figure 4-49. Piston Effect Used by DepthLOG
be detected at the surface by monitoring
4.8 Discovery MLT multilateral tool
4.7.4 Battery Multilateral wells are wells comprising one
A lithium battery module powers both the main bore and several branches, or laterals.
processor and signaler. A high-temperature Drilling several laterals from one main wellbore
battery pack is needed for high-temperature increases the amount of oil that can be
applications. recovered from a reservoir.

On the surface, the data are processed and One of the disadvantages of multilateral
displayed in log format that can be printed at wells is that it is difficult to know which lateral
the wellsite. the CT string will enter during intervention.
The Discovery MLT* multilateral tool shown
in Fig. 4‑50 is a tool designed to provide

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 113

controlled, selective CT entry in multilateral When the bent sub enters the lateral, it
wells. It has the following properties: springs into the larger space, opening up the
bore of the tool and causing a change in the
• flow operated, no electrics pump pressure. The software will interpret
the pressure reaction during the passes
• orienting tool (OT) indexes 30 degrees
and instruct the operator which orientation
when flow rate cycles
corresponds with the lateral.
• controllable bent sub (CBS) pivoting elbow
provides pressure signal when junction is The orienting tool can then be cycled back to
located the chosen orientation and the bent sub will be
• custom software plots pressure signal and in the correct position to enter the lateral on the
records tool index position first attempt. Figure 4-51 shows the sequence
of pressure and orientation.
• can be used with almost all fluids (including
28% hydrochloric acid, solvents, etc.)
• can be used to convey wired logging
4.8.2 Tool description
tools by using a flowthrough housing The Discovery MLT has the following
with wireline BHA, followed by the MLT components.
assembly. Orienting tool
The orienting tool is in the upper part of the
Discovery MLT BHA and delivers the torque
required to rotate the lower part of the BHA.
The torque performance for both subs is
independent of tool depth (Fig. 4-52). Controllable bent sub

Figure 4-51. Discovery MLT Entering Well Lateral
The bent sub angle is controlled by varying the
surface pump rate. When the flow rate through
the sub exceeds the adjustable threshold rate,
4.8.1 Operation the sub changes its shape from straight to
The Discovery MLT consists of angled (Fig. 4-53).

• a bent sub that angles the nose of the tool

towards the wall of the well
• an orienting tool that turns the BHA by
stopping and restarting pumping.
The tool is run below the lateral junction and
several upward passes are made across the
junction level, while the pumping pressure is
monitored using special software. The orienting
tool is cycled before each pass to turn the BHA
by 30º.

114  |  Advanced CT Tools

Pressure Pressure Pressure

Figure 4-51. Discovery MLT Operation Sequence

Orienting sub indexes 30 deg when flow rate cycled

Figure 4-52. Orienting Sub Operation

Pump rate > threshold rate activates bent sub

Figure 4-53. Bent Sub Operation

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 115 Discovery MLT software
The Discovery MLT software displays several
essential parameters, such as the tool
orientation relative to the lateral window. It
also monitors previous rotations and guides
the operator through rotation cycles, providing
accurate real-time information on the downhole
situation (see Figs. 4-54 and 4-55).

Figure 4-54. Pressure Response as Logged by Discovery MLT Software

Figure 4-55. Orientation as Tracked by Discovery MLT Software

116  |  Advanced CT Tools

5.0  Tool Deployment

Tool deployment and reverse deployment refer

to the systems and procedures used to insert
and retrieve toolstrings in and from live wells
Injector head
• Deployment is needed for long toolstrings
and is common in applications such as CT Stripper
logging, perforation, and drilling, although it
may be used for any application.
• Reverse deployment refers to retrieving the
toolstring from the well. Assembled
height up to Wireline
60 ft lubricator
5.1 Requirements of deployment system
The main requirements of any deployment
system are

• provide necessary test and check facilities Quad BOP

for pressure testing before running in hole
• provide necessary contingency options,
such as annular seal redundancy Wellhead
• provide necessary pressure/fluid barriers
(for example, the North Sea field requires
two barriers at all times) Figure 5-1. Lubricator Deployment Equipment

• minimize exposure of personnel to risk (for The advantage is that the system utilizes
example, avoid fall and suspended load conventional equipment and tools–no special
hazards). equipment is needed.

The disadvantages are that

5.2 Lubricator deployment
The principle of lubricator deployment is • A large crane (capacity and height) is
to use a lubricator that is long enough to required to support the injector head,
accommodate the entire toolstring. Figure 5‑1 leading to dependence on a crane operator.
shows a lubricator and the deployment
• Operator visibility of all CT and pressure
control components is limited.
• Injector head and stripper access is

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 117

• Personnel are exposed to suspended load
hazards during the rigup.

5.3 Tower deployment

Tower deployment uses a long lubricator for
deployment similar to lubricator deployment;
however, the injector head is supported by a
purpose-built tower. This tower enables safe
deployment while providing a safe working
access to the injector head and platforms for
making up tools, etc. It also provides support
and stability for the long lengths or risers.
Figures 5-2 and 5-3 show different towers.

Figure 5-3. Tower Used in CT Operations

In most cases, the upper section of the tower

can be raised and lowered with hydraulic rams,
which makes breaking and making up the
lubricator connections safer than relying on a
crane operator. More advanced towers allow
the injector head to be skidded horizontally as
well as vertically. This flexibility allows easy
access to the wellbore if slickline or wireline
need to be run between CT operations.

Towers are generally modular and can be

built to the most convenient height for a given
operation. Towers are in use on land and
Figure 5-2. Deployment Tower Used in Germany offshore operations. The advantages and
disadvantages of towers are as follows:

• Personnel are not exposed to suspended

load hazards during the rigup or
deployment procedure.
• Personnel have full access to the injector
head and stripper.

118  |  Tool Deployment

• The crane is needed only to place the
injector head on the tower. It is not required
for support during the operation.
• The towers are very efficient for multirun
operations. Sheave wheel
and stuffing box
The disadvantages are

• a specially designed tower is required

• operator visibility of all CT and pressure
control components is limited.

5.4 Bar deployment system Wireline

This deployment system is used where the
toolstring length exceeds the capacity of the
lubricator section. By using this deployment
system, the BHA can be deployed in two or
more shorter sections, allowing the injector
Quad BOP
head to be operated at a reduced height.

The bar deployment system uses the standard

quad or combi BOPs and a deployment bar that
has the same OD as the CT. Wellhead

There are some variations, but the main steps

are as follows.

Figure 5-4. Installing the Toolstring for Bar Deployment

Step 01 Installing the toolstring (see
Fig. 5-4)

1. Rig up quad BOP on wellhead and

pressure test.

2. Rig up wireline lubricator on top of BOP

with CT toolstring (deployment bar on

3. Open wellhead valves and run CT

toolstring into well on slickline until
deployment bar sits across BOP.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 119

Step 02 Hanging off toolstring (see
Fig. 5‑5)

1. Hang off deployment bar in BOP: two

sets of pipe/slip rams (double pressure

2. Rig down slickline, leaving the top of

the deployment bar exposed above the

Blind rams

Quad Shear rams


Pipe/slip rams

Pipe/slip rams


Figure 5-5. Hanging Off the Toolstring for Bar Deployment

120  |  Tool Deployment

Step 03 Connecting the toolstring
(see Fig. 5-6)

1. Rig up the CT injector head. The upper

part of the BHA is made up to the CT

2. Connect the upper BHA and

deployment bar.

Blind rams

Shear rams

Pipe/slip rams

Pipe/slip rams

Figure 5-6. Connecting the Toolstring for Bar Deployment

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 121

Step 04 Running the toolstring • Dual pressure barriers are in place
(see Fig. 5‑7) throughout operation.
The disadvantages of bar deployment systems
1. Make up the lubricator and equalize are as follows:
• There is a high dependency on crane
2. Open two sets of pipe/slip rams on the operator skills during crucial stages of the
BOP. operation.
• Injector head weight must be stabilized to
enable tool connection.
• Operators are exposed to suspended load
hazards during the rigup and rigdown
• This method is slower than lubricator or
tower deployment.
• Additional equipment is required.

Blind 5.4.1 Safety standard requirements

The Well Services Safety Standard 22 (InTouch
Shear Content ID# 3829976) has the following
requirements for bar deployment:
rams • Deployment/reverse deployment operations
are limited to 3,500-psi wellhead pressure
Pipe/slip (WHP).
• Dual pipe and slip functions are required to
engage the deployment bar.
• A dual barrier system is required.
• The shear function must be capable of
Figure 5-7. Running the Toolstring for Bar Deployment shearing the deployment bar.
• An equalization pressure test is required
The toolstring is ready to run inhole. each time a deployment stack connection
is made up.
The advantages of bar deployment systems are
as follows: • Only Schlumberger-approved deployment
bars are to be used.
• The system enables reduced height •
working for injector head.
• It requires minimal special equipment.
• Improved redundancy and contingency
options are available.

122  |  Tool Deployment

5.4.2 Surface equipment requirements Riser
The surface equipment includes the following: A wireline or slickline operation requires a riser
that is long enough to accommodate the length
• BOP of the toolstring to be deployed, including at
least a 1-m [3.3-ft] safety margin.
• lubricators and riser
• quick latch (optional)
• side door deployment tool (SDDT) Note:
(optional) For fishing operations, ensure that
you consider the additional length
• annular BOP (ABOP) (optional). of the fish that will be in the riser
during reverse deployment. BOP
The BOP selected must have an ID greater
than the largest OD of any tool to be run
A CT operation requires a riser that is long
through them.
enough to accommodate the length of the BHA
above the BOPs and the CT’s upper BHA.
A quad or a combi BOP with an extra set of
slips and pipes must be used to handle the
deployment bars. Typical BOP configurations Quick latch (optional)
are shown in Fig. 5-8.
A hydraulic quick latch will allow the equipment
to be easily manipulated and safer access to
the wellhead equipment.
bar Note:
For safety reasons, the only
approved hydraulic quick latch for
Shear/seal use in Well Services is the Texas
Oil Tool model. The hydraulic
quick latch must be operated
adaptor independently of the CTU hydraulic
systems–i.e. using the hand pump
Combi BOP 10K supplied by TOT. The hydraulic
dual pipe/slip
quick latch must not be hooked to
Wellhead the CTU hydraulics. See Must Do
Maintenance Bulletin 1196, Intouch
ID 4018478, for more information.

Figure 5-8. Typical BOP Configuration for Deployment

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 123 Side door deployment tool (SDDT) The deployment bar must be capable of being
sheared by the BOP in case of emergency, for
example, if a leak develops through the check
The SDDT is a hydraulic window within the valves when the string is positioned across the
pressure control equipment stack. It can be wellhead valves.
opened to allow the final BHA connection
be made up without breaking the lubricator A specially designed deployment bar for CT
stack. This feature allows access to the actual logging (CTDB) is discussed in Section
makeup of the tool without needing to work The CTDB has standard wireline connections
under a suspended load hazard. at the top and bottom to allow mechanical and
electrical continuity through the deployment bar. ABOP (optional)
An ABOP may be used to provide a second BHA pressure barrier—check
annulus pressure barrier instead of a second valves or Kelly cock valve
pipe ram. A double pressure barrier must be installed in
the BHA to prevent flow up through the BHA,
which would result in the loss of well control.
5.4.3 Downhole deployment equipment
This barrier typically consists of a check valve
The following downhole deployment equipment or a Kelly cock valve.
may be required:

• deployment bar Quick connect

• BHA pressure barrier, such as check To make up the connection between the upper
valves or a Kelly cock valve. BHA and the lower BHA hanging in the BOP, a
quick connect is needed because neither part Deployment bar of the toolstring can be rotated. A well-designed
quick connect will allow the toolstring to be
Deployment bars are a section of the tool that made up even if the two parts of the BHA are
will facilitate the handling of the toolstring in the not completely aligned.
BOP pipe and slip rams. The OD of the middle
section of the deployment bar is matched to See Section 4.7 for more detail on quick
the ID of the CT string being used, so that the connects.
same CT BOP can be used.

When hanging off the string, the bar should be

spaced so that the following apply:

• Two sets of pipe and slip rams can close

around the bar (either four separate rams
or two combi rams).
• The bar sits across the shear rams for
• There is access to the top of the
deployment bar above the BOP connection.

124  |  Tool Deployment

5.5 CIRP system 5.5.1 Safety standard requirements
Schlumberger has a special system for The pressure control equipment stackup
deploying long strings of perforation guns: the for a Category I CIRP operation is defined
CIRP* completion insertion and removal under in the Well Services Safety Standard 22
pressure system. (see Fig. 5‑9).

The CIRP system can be used with both

electric- and hydraulic-activated perforation. Stripper side door
or conventional
All Schlumberger carrier guns from 2 to 10,000 psi
4 1/2 in can be run using the CIRP system.
This system uses special connectors between BOP 10,000
psi BOP kill
the perforating guns and a modified BOP that inlet double
can mechanically make up and break these isolation
connectors under pressure. valves Pump in tee

Guns are added one or two at a time on CT or Riser

slickline. After each gun is added, that portion Gate valves 10k
of the string is hung off in the BOP.

The following are the advantages of a CIRP

deployment system:

• enables safe deployment and retrieval of

long perforating gun strings under pressure CIRP deployment
actuator 10k
• satisfies special requirements for
explosives handling Flanged spool 10k
• allows retrieval of spent gun string under Combi 10k shear/seal and
piper/slip function
• enables long intervals to be perforated in Well head adapter
one run
• avoids necessity for killing well and
associated damage to formation.

Figure 5-9. Minimum Requirements for Category I CIRP


JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 125

5.5.2 Surface equipment requirements • lower actuator
The following surface equipment is required. ○ no-go ram: positions snaplock with
respect to upper and lower rams
○ locking ram: secures snaplock and CIRP deployment stack
prevents string from rotating or moving
The modified BOP used for CIRP deployment is vertically.
called a CIRP deployment stack (Fig 5-10). This
The lock and rack allows connection or
deployment stack is not truly a BOP because
disconnection of the connector(s) under
it performs no pressure-sealing function. Each
pressure inside the lubricator assembly. Gun
of the two actuators on the deployment stack
string segments matching the lubricator length
performs two functions:
can be installed or removed using the gate
• upper actuator valve. The gate valve closes in the well before
bleeding off and opening the lubricator, during
○ guide ram: centers upper section each step of the operation.
of snaplock connector to facilitate
connecting or disconnecting
○ robot arm rack: engages and moves
breech lock sleeve to locked or unlocked

Guide ram actuator

Rack actuator

No go ram actuator

Lock actuator

CIRP connector


Figure 5-10. CIRP Deployment Stack Containing Guns

126  |  Tool Deployment Lubricators or riser 5.5.3 Downhole deployment equipment:
The deployment operation requires a lubricator CIRP connector
or riser long enough to accommodate the gun’s The specially developed CIRP snaplock
length and the pick-up and lay-down assembly, connectors (Fig. 5-11) consist of an internal
including at least a 1-m [3.3-ft] safety margin. sealed ballistic transfer (SBT) and an outer
mechanical breech lock connector. The SBT
Where possible, a long lubricator can be used permits the gun sections to be introduced into
to deploy two guns at a time. This ability will the well under pressure without flooding the
speed up the deployment procedure, for long guns.
gunstrings in particular.
Figure 5-11 shows the outer mechanical
assembly. The lower portion of the connector, Quick latch (optional) the deployment receiver, has two major
The use of a hydraulic quick latch will allow the components: the breech lock sleeve and the
equipment to be easily manipulated and offer fork sub. The upper portion of the connector
safer access to the wellhead equipment. consists of only the deployment stinger.

Pinion teeth Deployment




Fork sub

Latch spring

Figure 5-11. CIRP Connector

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 127

To assemble the upper and lower snaplock
sections, the breech lock sleeve is rotated to
the unlocked position with the deployment stack
robot arm. As the stinger is lowered into the
breech lock sleeve, the tapered ends guide the
stinger into the correct engagement.

When fully engaged, the sleeve is rotated to

the locked position. The female grooves in
the sleeve engage the male grooves on the
fork sub and the deployment stinger, securely
connecting the two snaplock sections.
Figure 5-12. Locate Slick Joint at No-Go Ram

5.5.4 CIRP deployment sequence

A special pick-up/lay-down assembly is
Step 02 The guide ram is then closed to
align the sections of the snaplock connector to
required to handle individual gun sections. The facilitate disconnection and connection. Next,
assembly typically consists of a standard pick- the robot arm rack is extended, which unlocks
up/lay-down sub, a short gun tube for weight, the breech lock sleeve.
and the upper section (deployment stinger) of a
snaplock connector. The pick-up/lay-down assembly is lifted,
withdrawing the deployment stinger from the
The step-by-step procedure for connecting gun receiver in the top of the gun. The robot arm
sections follows. rack maintains the breech lock sleeve in the
unlocked position for connection of the next gun
Step 01 The gun section is lowered and section (see Fig. 5-13).
the slick joint is positioned across the no-go
ram. The no-go ram is closed. The string is
lowered until the deployment receiver shoulders
on the no-go ram. The lock ram is extended,
locking the gun section in place. The CIRP
connector is now correctly positioned with
respect to the deployment stack rams and
locked in place (see Fig. 5-12).

Figure 5-13. Lock and Rotate Sleeve and Remove Stinger

128  |  Tool Deployment

step 03 The process of removing the
lubricator, connecting the next gun section to
the pick-up/lay-down assembly, and reinstalling
and testing the lubricator is performed.
Pressure isolation is achieved by closing the
gate valves above the deployment stack.

step 04 The second gun section is

lowered into the deployment stack (Fig. 5-14).
The deployment stinger on the new gun section
is stabbed into the deployment receiver secured
in the stack. The robot arm rack is retracted, Figure 5-15. Stab and Lock Connector
locking the two sections of the snaplock
connector together. Tension is applied to the
string to confirm that the two sections are step 05 With connection confirmed,
properly engaged; the no-go ram is still closed tension is released and the upper and lower
(see Fig. 5-15). rams are retracted. The string is lowered until
the next snaplock is positioned in the stack.
The no-go ram is closed and the process is
repeated until the entire string is assembled
(see Figs. 5-16 and 5-17).

Figure 5-14. Run in Next Length with Stinger

Figure 5-16. Run in to Next Connector

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 129

Figure 5-17. Locate Next Connector

To perform reverse deployment of the guns,

carry out the above steps in reverse.

The cycle of connecting one gun section

requires 20 to 30 minutes.

130  |  Tool Deployment

6.0  CT Tool Management

Each location needs a proper system for 6.2 Maintenance

managing the CT downhole tools. This system
should include procedures for The tools must be thoroughly maintained after
each use.
• tool tracking
• Thoroughly clean all parts.
• proper maintenance and storage
• Check and deburr all threads.
• prejob checks
• Use antigalling compound on all threads.
• BHA schematics
• Put downhole grease on all O-rings.
• postjob checks
• Inspect all O-rings for damage.
• spare parts control and ordering.
• Replace O-rings and consumables as
Some guidelines for implementing such a necessary.
system are given below.
• Coat all parts in oil to minimize corrosion
during storage
6.1 Tool identification and tracking • Green tag each tool when redressed and
Tools must be identified and tracked. record maintenance in the tool log sheet.

• Each tool should have a unique ID number 6.3 Before running in hole
assigned to it. This number should be
When a job is planned, all the tools must be
engraved onto the tool surface, not
checked and prepared.
stenciled. Stenciling may damage the
properties of the tool.
• Check for green tag to determine the
• A system should record the location of maintenance status.
each tool (workshop and wellsite X) every
• If in doubt as to whether the tool was
time it moves. This system can be a
properly maintained since the last use,
computer spreadsheet, a hand-written log,
disassemble it according to the appropriate
or a similar system.
technical manual and rebuild it.
• Each tool should have a log sheet, detailing
• Ensure that any required shear pins, shear
manufacturer, any maintenance performed,
screws, or weakpoints are in place. Confirm
jobs done, and parts replaced.
that the correct number and type of each
• Relevant technical manuals and drawings are in place for the proposed operation.
should be available for each tool.
• Ensure that any required burst disks are in
place. Confirm that the rating of the burst
disk is correct for the proposed operation
and that the surface is not damaged in any

JET 36 - Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 131

• Check all O-rings and seals. Lubricate with • fishing neck specification (GS, JDC, and
downhole grease. extended) and a schematic of the fishing
neck profiles. Many electronic templates for
• Reassemble tool and tighten all
BHAs are available locally or on InTouch.
• Drift IDs of all tools required to pass drop
balls. Note:
It is extremely important to make
• Ensure that correctly sized drop balls are as detailed a BHA schematic
available. as possible as part of the
• Create a BHA schematic as described in preparation with physically verified
section 6.1.4, BHA schematics. measurements. You never know
when you may accidentally leave a
• Confirm that the correct fishing tool is on
fish downhole and need to fish it.
location to retrieve the disconnect in this
particular toolstring.
• Ensure sufficient spares of all O-rings,
seals, burst disks, shear pins, shear
screws, and weakpoints are available on
site. Order to keep minimum stock well in
advance of a job.

6.4 BHA schematics

A fully detailed BHA schematic must be made
for each toolstring run in hole (see Fig. 6-1).
This schematic should contain the following
information at a minimum.

• description of each component, specific ID

• makeup length of individual components,
total length of tool
• OD of each component and toolstring
maximum OD
• ID of each component and toolstring
minimum OD
• crossover description and threads
• number and type of shear pins, with the
shearing pressure/tension of each pin and
the total of each connection
• ball size required for tool activation. If
toolstring includes multiple ball-operated
tools, ensure that the biggest ball seat is
uphole of the smallest ball seat.

132  |  CT Tool Management

Figure 6-1. Sample BHA Schematic

JET 36 - Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 133

6.5 Postjob and storage guidelines 6.6 Spares management
To maintain the tools postjob and store them, Spares should be kept available, especially in
follow these guidelines. locations where ordering replacements could
result in long waits for delivery.
• When the BHA is back on surface, wash
the BHA, inspect visually, and record any • Ensure spare consumables on jobs
damage. (O-rings and shear pins).
• Thoroughly clean, inspect, redress • Report usage of spare parts after each
according to the manual or STEM operation to allow for reordering.
guidelines, and replace damaged parts and
• Store rubber items appropriately in hot or
cold climates.
• File or sand out wrench marks with emery
paper. 6.7 Workshop requirements
• Green tag tools ready for next operation Follow these guidelines in the workshop.
with tool name, ID, trip ball size, your
signature, and the date. • Always use a soft grip vise to hold tools.
• Red tag tools to be redressed or repaired This practice will prevent marking or
at base. deforming the tools.

• Use thread protectors. • Use strap wrenches instead of pipe

• Spray with protection liquid to prevent rust.
• Update tool log sheet.

134  |  CT Tool Management

7.0  Glossary

ABOP Annular blowout preventer

AMMT American MT, type of thread
BHA Bottomhole assembly
BOP Blowout preventer
BOSS Ball operated shear sub
Box The part of the connection that is threaded on the inside
CCL Casing collar locator
CIRP Completion Insertion and Retrieval under Pressure: deployment system for long strings of
perforation guns
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CT Coiled tubing
CTDB CT deployment bar
CTLH Coiled tubing logging head
CTMH Coiled tubing modular head
CTQS CT quick stab
CTTD Coiled tubing tensile disconnect
CTWD Coiled tubing wired disconnect
EUE External upset end, type of thread
GR/CCL Gamma ray/casing collar locator
GS Type of fishing profile
H2 S Hydrogen sulfide
HNBR Hydrogenated nitrile rubber
HRC Unit of hardness Rockwell C
ID Internal diameter
JDC Type of overshot fishing tool
MCD Multicycle disconnect (disconnect for use in wired CT operations)
MCDV Multicycle dump valve (dump valve for use with OptiSTIM CT CoilFRAC tool)
MHA Motor head assembly
NBR Nitrile rubber
OD Outer diameter
PAC Type of thread, named after Phil A. Cornell Tool Rental Co.
PBD Pressure balanced disconnect

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 135

Pin The part of the connection that is threaded on the outside
POOH Pull out of hole
RIH Run in hole
SDDT Side door deployment tool
STEM Standard equipment maintenance
WOB Weight on bit
WHP Wellhead pressure

136  |  Glossary
8.0  References

Schlumberger employees must be familiar with

the relevant safety regulations and precautions
because of the many hazards involved in the
oilfield industry. The following are the minimum
documents you should review before attempting
to carry out any of the procedures described in
this document.

• Well Services Safety Standard 4: Facilities

and Workshops, InTouch Content
ID# 331367
• Well Services Safety Standard 5: Pressure
Pumping and Location Safety, InTouch
Content ID# 3313681
• STEM 1 DOT & Auxiliary Check
(STC‑3039G) Drivers Trip Report, InTouch
Content ID# 4248056
• JET 12, Coiled Tubing Handling and
Spooling, InTouch Content ID# 4221738
• JET 13, Coiled Tubing Pressure Control
Equipment, InTouch Content ID# 4221744
• JET 16, Introduction to Coiled Tubing
Operations, InTouch Content ID# 4221749
• JET 31, Coiled Tubing Units, InTouch
Content ID# 4221769
• CoilTOOLS technical manuals on www.

JET 36 -Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 137

This page left intentionally blank

138  |  References
9.0  Check Your Understanding

1. What is the most common material for 6. Which thread is commonly used for
normal service downhole tools? running slickline tools on CT?
a. 17-4 PH a. RTJ
b. 4140 steel b. PAC
c. Inconel c. sucker rod
2. H2S service tools need to be made of a
harder material than standard service. 7. In which case would you choose an
a. true internal connector?
b. false a. where high tensile forces are expected
b. where a restriction in the completion
3. Which of the following metals is most likely limits the tool OD
to gall during thread makeup? c. where high rotational forces are
a. 17-4 PH expected
b. 4140 steel d. where a ball-operated tool will be used
c. Inconel
8. Which type of connector is recommended
for motor applications?
4. The presence of which two gases affects
the choice of material for downhole tools? a. external dimple
a. N2 b. external slip
b. CO2 c. internal dimple
c. CH6 d. roll-on
d. H2S
9. Which type of connector has the highest
tensile load capacity?
5. What type of thread is recommended
by CoilTOOLS software for standard a. external dimple
applications? b. external slip
a. AMMT c. internal dimple
b. DS 10 Stub Acme d. roll-on
c. PAC
d. CS Hydril

JET 36 - Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 139

10. Which CT applications do not require 15. When using a pressure-balanced
check valves in the BHA as a standard? disconnect, the internal pressure will affect
a. PowerCLEAN the release pressure.
b. CoilFRAC a. true
c. nitrogen kickoff b. false
d. fishing
16. What is the most common type of
disconnect in CT applications?
11. Which type of double flapper valve allows
drop balls to pass? a. hydraulic ball-drop
a. double flapper check valve b. differential pressure
b. double ball check valve c. mechanical
c. double barrier pumpout plug
17. A differential pressure disconnect is
12. When running a velocity string, which
type of double barrier tool allows pumping a. pressure balanced
during RIH? b. nonpressure balanced
a. double barrier pumpout plug
b. double pumpout check valve 18. When running two ball-operated tools in
one toolstring, which ball seat should be
on top?
13. In what type of CT operation would you
choose a rotationally locked disconnect? a. the largest one
a. acid treatment b. the smallest one
b. nitrogen kickoff
c. cleanout 19. What type of disconnect should be
avoided for heavy impact operations?
d. milling
a. hydraulic ball-drop
b. differential pressure
14. Which two of the following statements are
true? c. mechanical
a. A GS retrieval tool is used to latch an
internal fishing neck. 20. Which of the following disconnects can be
b. An overshot retrieval tool is used to used for CT logging applications?
latch an internal fishing neck. a. hydraulic ball-drop
c. A GS retrieval tool is used to latch an b. mechanical
external fishing neck.
d. An overshot retrieval tool is used to
latch an external fishing neck.

140  |  Check Your Understanding

21. How many times can you use a burst disk 26. What component of the Blaster tool
for acid jobs in a dual circulation valve? prevents it from passing scale until it has
a. once been removed?
b. until it becomes damaged a. drift ring
c. as many times as you want b. nozzle head
c. swivel
22. The PowerCLEAN nozzle uses which type
of jets? 27. In fishing, all GS profiles are standard.
a. front a. true
b. side b. false
c. rear
d. all of them 28. What is the preferred type of retrieval tool
for CT applications?
23. Which is not a function of a centralizer? a. hydraulic release
a. preventing the tool from hanging up on b. mechanic release
the tubular
b. assisting in locating fish or retrievable 29. A JDC retrieval tool is a (an)
tools ____________ retrieval tool.
c. assisting in making up toolstring a. overshot
d. providing stability when milling, drilling, b. spear
or underreaming
30. Which type of retrieval tools can be
24. How many filters are used in the Jet latched and unlatched many times in one
Blaster system? CT run?
a. none a. hydraulic release
b. one b. mechanical release
c. two
d. three 31. Which tool should always be run with a
25. The swivel in the Jet Blaster tool is braked a. impact hammer
by a ____________. b. accelerator
a. mechanical brake c. Venturi junk basket
b. friction brake
c. viscous fluid brake 32. With which type of jar can you vary the
level of impact force downhole?
a. hydraulic jar
b. mechanical jar

JET 36 - Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools  | 141

33. What type of tool will be run to remove 38. What is the advantage of CT logging over
debris from the well? logging on wireline?
a. lead impression block a. cheaper
b. Venturi junk basket b. faster
c. knuckle joint c. can access deviated and horizontal
34. What are the two main components of a d. can be done in a live well
positive displacement motor (PDM)?
a. splined shaft 39. What is the recommended logging head
b. stator for CT logging?
c. swivel a. CTLH
d. rotor b. CTMH
c. Bakke
35. How can motor stalling be reduced?
a. redress the motor 40. Which logging head cannot be used for
CT perforation?
b. reduce the weight on bit (WOB)
c. increase pump rate
c. Bakke
36. Which type of packer can pass through
the production tubing and set in a larger
casing below it? 41. Which two types of disconnect are
a. mechanical approved for CT perforation?
b. cup a. CTLH
c. inflatable b. MCD
d. hydraulic set c. CTWD
d. Bakke
37. Which two of the following pack types can
be set multiple times in one CT run? 42. When using a dump valve in a CoilFRAC
a. mechanical application, where are the excess fluid
and proppant pumped to?
b. cup
a. into sump below packer
c. inflatable
b. reverse circulated to surface
d. hydraulic set
c. squeezed into formation

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43. The DepthLOG tool transmits the depth
signal through an electric cable inside the
CT string.
a. true
b. false

44. Which type of deployment can be done

without the assistance of a crane?
a. bar deployment
b. tower deployment
c. lubricator deployment

45. The CIRP system is used for deploying

a. logging tools
b. fishing toolstrings
c. perforation guns

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