E Contract
E Contract
E Contract
You bought:
Fibre Broadband
T VIVID 50 H 12 Months
678300803 21
T Virgin Media Hub 3.0*
Contract number:
* indicated items included on your package price.
Contract date:
About you:
Main account holder's name:
One-off items and charges: This section includes one-off charges or credits that are applied to your account.
This contract and your first bill: Just so you know, your bill amount may not be the same as this contract. Please go to
virginmedia.com/BillExplainer for further details.
Non-Direct Debit and paper bill charges: If you do not pay by Direct Debit, Virgin Media Payments Ltd will charge you a payment
handling fee of up to £5 per month. If you want to receive a paper bill, you will be charged £1.75 a month. To get free online billing
simply sign in or register at virginmedia.com/myvirginmedia.
* For details about how much it costs to call our team from a Virgin Media home phone, visit virginmedia.com/callcosts. Call costs from other networks and mobiles vary.