Octopus Energy
Octopus Energy
Octopus Energy
On 4th March 2021 your previous balance was £561.08 Remember - it might be worth thinking
about switching your tariff or supplier.
Gas (estimated) 4th March 2021 - 1st June 2021 - £59.35 You could save £2.67 a year by switching to
our Super Green Octopus, a green fixed
tariff. Although as a green fixed tariff, it is
Electricity (estimated) 4th March 2021 - 1st June 2021 - £91.92
subject to slightly different terms to your
current variable tariff.
2. You have paid f you’d like to make the change, just drop
us an email to hello@octopus.energy and
Direct Debit collection - 30th March 2021 +£84.62 we’ll sort it for you.
Direct Debit collection - 28th April 2021 +£84.62
Direct Debit collection - 28th May 2021 +£84.62
For your electricity (on meterpoint 2000088888888)
Octopus Energy Limited Registered Office Registered in England & Wales No. 09263424
Please visit our website for advice on how to save If you have followed the above steps, but your
energy in your home. complaint remains unresolved after 8 weeks you can
contact the Ombudsman Service: Energy on 0330
440 1624 or
www.ombudsman-services.org/sectors/energy. This
is a free and independent service whose decisions we
must abide by.