Soapstone Theme
Soapstone Theme
Soapstone Theme
Cp English Honors 2
SOAPSTone + Theme
Speaker In the novel, Lords of the Flies, the narrator speaks in an omniscient view.
Speaking in a third person’s point of view. Golding instructs the narrator to
switch back and forth between quotes and character ideas. Allowing readers to
understand the mind tricks and plans hidden behind the thought process of
each character. The reader can comprehend plans, beliefs, and relationships
Ch.1 #10 between each person in the story. Provided in the text, “Ralph disentangled
himself cautiously and stole away through the branches. In a few seconds the
fat boy’s grunts were behind him and he was hurrying toward the screen that
still lay between him and the lagoon.” The narrator is merely stating and
describing what events are happening in the story. He/ she is not siding or
supporting a character in particular. The narrator is not providing personal
thoughts and comments to persuade the reader. Instead, the narrator is
overseeing the occurring events without a biased filter.
Occasion Taking place around 1950, a fictional atomic war was occurring near the
deserted island. The reason the plane crashed was believed to be shot down
because of the harsh conditions of World War ll. The island is in the middle of
the Pacific Ocean, Goding does not describe the scenery because he wants to
surprise the viewers. The more the characters travel through the piece of land,
the more the audience is aware of the surroundings. Having the boys discover
different places in the island at the same time the reader does, placing the
Ch. 1#33 followers in their shoes. “We’re explorers. We’ll go to the end of the island,
said Ralph. And look around the corner. If it is an island.” This quote shows the
readers the description in the beginning of the story A dull basic illustration,
merely a piece of land.
Audience Golding includes a large amount of gory and violence in his novels believed to
be taught in high school English classes, shown to be young adult literature.
Despite the young adults standing as his modern audience, Golding wrote this
novel keeping his mother and his father in mind. Aiming for an adult audience.
Purpose Occurring a year following the entrance of England in WW ll, Golding decided
to join the Royal Navy. His experience differentiated his view of humanity and
evil. Based on Golding’s experience and ideas of human evil, brutality and real
life violence from WWll, Golding relates to the novel with his own memories
during his service. Placing the boys into his own experiences of free from
supervision and rules, exposed to savagery and power. As for the boys
stranded on the island itself. Comparing the world to an island. Portraying
fundamental human struggles and civilizing instincts. For instance, obeying
rules, behave morally and acting awfully against brute power, selfishness, to
scorn moral rules, and engagement in violence. Resulting in his first novel,
Lord of the Flies, which came out 1954. Remaining a, “respected and
distinguished” author for the rest of his life. Awarded with a Nobel Prize for
Literature in 1983.
Subject A fight against civilized and savagery, Golding exemplifies the disagreement
and split of the the two sides increasing over time. Jack and Roger are the
monsters roaming the island, while Piggy and Ralph is the humane structure
keeping a handful of the boys civilized. Greedy for power, Jack tries to take
over after he disowns the laws and orders created to restrain the boys. Ralph
gathers ideas and collect the boys for work. For rescue and survival, Jack
instructs them to safety. With two opposing side, foreshadowing a conflict, the
boys result in savagery. The process shown over time as the boys first arrive
on the island compared to the end scene shown the shame and guilt as the
boys are aware of their loss in innocence. Glady engaging in violence and
torture, Jack and Roger are blinded by reality giving no mercy towards the
other boys. Golding’s experiences are compared and brought to life as his
understanding of the world around him before and after.
Tone Tone is how the author feels deep inside when writing a piece of literature.
Giving the readers a new perspective of living on an island alone without
supervision. Towards the nature of man, Golding expresses the way he feels
about the subject. The tone can vary within the story, most common in Piggy’s
and Simon’s death. The description of the floating dead bodies sounds bad
Ch.9 #105 as “ dead bodies”, but the narrator has the power to change the tone.
“Softly, surrounded by a fringe of inquisitive bright creatures, itself a silver
shape beneath the steadfast constellations, Simon's dead body moved out
toward the open sea.” Golding changes the negative tweaking twitching
bodying horribly murder by the boys, into a beautiful funeral as the waves and
sea creatures act as the participants of the event.
Thematic In, Lord of the Flies, Golding displays the benefits of power, leadership and
Statements cooperation amongst the unsupervised civilized boys.
In, Lord of the Flies, Golding illustrates the dangers of the power, leadership
and the relationship amongst each unsupervised savage beast.