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The Sons of The Serpents-The Nephilim

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The passage discusses the traditions of serpent worship and their connection to various gnostic groups from antiquity. It also outlines how these traditions may have spread from Egypt, Greece, and Mesopotamia to other parts of Europe and Asia.

Groups discussed in relation to serpent worship traditions include the Ophites, Sethians, Naasseni, Carpocratians, Phibionites, Borborites, Nusairi, Harranians, Druzes, Yezidis, Rose+Croix, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Illuminati, and Thelemites.

Locations mentioned in relation to the spread of these traditions include Egypt, Syria, the Euphrates River region, Greece, Athens, Baghdad, Cutha, and Opis.



Legacy of The Nephilim
by Jonathan Sellers


"Part One is classic gnostic scripture, authoritative works read by an ancient group that called
themselves 'gnostics' -- 'people fit to have acquaintance(GNOSIS) with God.' The name 'gnostic'
most properly applies to members of this group. In modern scholarship they are sometimes called
scripture comes down to us in an obviously Christian or Christianized form. The received Christian
form is what is translated here. Some scholars consider the Christian elements to be foreign to the
original text."
-- Bentley Layton, The Gnostic Scriptures. Introduction, p. xv

-- The Holy Book of the Great Invisibl e Spi rit (The Gospel of the Egypti ans)

-- The Holy Book of the Great Invisibl e Spi rit (The Gospel of the Egypti ans)
"Snakes of Light become Grim Reapers" -- song lyric from "Sincerity" by Dave Ball and (the former)
Genesis P.-Orridge.

IT is probably no great exaggeration to state that the subjects we are covering in our work have
inspired the pens of so many hack writers, the result being that tons of rubbish have been printed in
the years since Gutenberg revolutionized moveable type. The subjects of this chapter, the Ophites,
and, in general, the Serpent Cult, is no exception. The Serpent Cult is no dead artifact: it survives
today. It is not some heinous bogey-man, out to lure innocent people away from the truth, whoever
they are, and what ever THAT is.
Serpent worship figures prominently in J udaeo-Christianity, even tho the so-called Christian of today
is discouraged from it and told that the Serpent is the symbol of humankind's eternal damnation.
Yet, were that the case, why was the Brazen Serpent a prominent feature in the religion of the
Israelites until Hezekiah, the fanatic, destroyed it? And, if Serpent Worship is evil, as today's
Christian is told to believe, by those responsible for telling them to believe it, then why did the Lord
J esus say to be wise as serpents? Or, why did he say that even as Moses lifted up the Serpent in
the wilderness, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up? If anything, he was alluding to a fact of the
Kabbalah, known to the Wise: that the Serpent =NaChaSh =358 =MaShICh =Messiah. True,
Gematria did not come into vogue until much later, but the Sethian Ophites regarded Seth as the
Anointed One, the Messiah; and Seth, we have seen, is syncretized with Agathodaimon, by the
It is, then, in the sect of Ophites that we find the earliest forms of the "Authentic Christianity" -- or,
should we say, The Authentic Tradition in Christianity -- as far as the Initiatic Tradition is concerned.
The Ebionites represented the Exoteric, public movement. The Esoteric current is that we have
spoken of concerning the traditions that pass from the Ophites to the Dositheans to the Simonians
to the Naasseni, to the Carpocratians, to the Phibionites, to the Sethians, to the Sethian Ophites, to
the Barbelo-Gnostics, to the Borborites; to the Nusairi, to the Harranians, Druzes, and Yezidis: and
from these again, to the Rose+Croix (SION +The Temple); to the Rosicrucians, Freemasons,
Illuminati, the Asiatic Brethren; to the Thelemites and to ourselves, a composite of all of the above.
We could try and make bogus claims for ourselves if we wanted to, only to find them verified in the
end. What we write is no exaggeration: We are the Heirs of this Ancient Gnosis.
In the same way that the tearing up of the rain forests has brought us into contact with exotic pests
and diseases of which no known cure exists, the break-up of once-stable empires helped to spread

rites, practices, ideas, and cultures all over the known world in times past. One of the earliest
examples of this trend is that of the Indo-European invasions of the early second millennium B.C.E.
Over the centuries, this cooled down, and it was not until the 10th Century B.C.E. that we find
another major period of stress. Then, for about seven centuries the Near-East is rife with conflict,
until Alexander the Great conquers it all and claims it as a prize. This is short-lived, of course, as his
sons are inept managers of their respective inheritances and the Romans take advantage of the
situation. Thus a new world order is created, with the Emperor at the top. This fares well for several
centuries, until the system becomes over-burdened and bankrupt, and destroyed by the various
barbarian tribes who become the new inheritors.
Then, after this has barely calmed down into the slow murky night of the dark ages, a new empire
arises in Arabia. Islam, in one short century, owns most of the old Roman Empire, including all of
Palestine. This lasts for nearly three centuries, until the Turks press down from the Northeast, as
their sundry group of predecessors did to the Romans. Islam wanes, but does not go away. The
Turks, after all, are Moslems, and use the new religion as a weapon against the Eastern Roman
Empire and to scare the West. The smarter Arabs flee for Spain, where they bring with them the lost
arts and sciences that once belonged to the Graeco-Roman legacy, and they have evolved nicely
under the tutelage of their new caretakers. On and on, through the centuries, has this occurred; until
very, very recently, the world is much more stable and peaceful than ever in its turbulent history.
While the Mandaeans may appear on the surface to be the group that met the Templars, we see no
reason to accept it as proven fact. Even if Palaprat maintained it to be the case, since there is
evidence that points to at least one other group of people, and possibly to others as well. The Rose
+Croix tradition owes more to the Thebaid Solitaries and their relations in Syria; to the Harranians
(who WERE Sabians), and to the Nusairis.
So, in the 10th Century B. C. E., the Ethiopians gained control of Egypt. The New Kingdom was
over and done with. In the 10th Century B. C. E., the wandering guilds of builders and craftsmen
known as the Dionysian Artificers appear in Athens, first, then move on to Ionia, Phoenicia, and
Israel. In the 10th Century B. C. E., Solomon's Temple is built. In the 10th Century B. C. E., the
Qadosh Fathers migrate north, from Egypt and settle in Israel, and probably in Phoenicia and the
Greek Isles. This is when (perhaps a bit earlier) the action begins in the tale we excerpt below from
Hargrave J ennings, in a once exceedingly rare book entitled Ophiolatrei a.

THE following comes from Chapter 1 of Ophiolatreia, anonymously written by Hargrave J ennings:
In Egypt was a serpent named Thermuthis, which was looked upon as very sacred; and the natives
are said to have made use of it as a royal tiara, with which they ornamented the statues of Isis. We
learn from Diodorus Siculus that the kings of Egypt wore high bonnets, which terminated in a round
ball, and the whole was surrounded by figures of asps. The priests, likewise, upon their bonnets had
the representation of serpents. The ancients had a notion that when Saturn devoured his own
children, his wife Ops deceived him by substituting a large stone in lieu of one of his sons, which
stone was called Abadir. But Ops and Opis, represented here as a feminine, was the serpent deity,
and Abadir is the same personage under a different denomination. Abadir seems to be a variation of
Ob-Adur, and signifies the serpent god Orus. One of these stones, which Saturn was supposed to
have swallowed instead of a child, stood, according to Pausanias, at Delphi. It was esteemed very
sacred, and used to have libations of wine poured upon it daily; and upon festivals was otherwise
honoured. The purport of the above was probably this: it was for a long time a custom to offer
children at the altar of Saturn; but in process of time they removed it, and in its room erected a
stone pillar, before which they made their vows, and offered sacrifices of another nature. This stone
which they thus substituted was called Ab-Adar, from the deity represented by it. The term Ab
generally signifies a father, but in this instance it certainly relates to a serpent, which was
indifferently styled Ab, Aub, and Ob. Some regard Abadon, or, as it is mentioned in the Book of the
Revelation, Abaddon, to have been the name of the same Ophite god, with whose worship the
world had been so long infected. He is termed Abaddon, the angel of the bottomless pit - the prince
of darkness. In another place he is described as the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil, and
Satan. Hence the learned Heinsius is supposed to be right in the opinion which he has given upon
this passage, when he makes Abaddon the same as the serpent Pytho.

It is said that in the ritual of Zoroaster the great expanse of the heavens, and even nature itself, was
described under the symbol of a serpent. [Note: Eusebius.] The like was mentioned in the
Octateuch of Ostanes; and moreover, in Persia and in other parts of the East they erected temples
to the serpent tribe, and held festivals to their honour, esteeming them the supreme of all Gods,
and the superintendants of the whole world. The worship began among the people of Chaldea.
They built the city Opis upon the Tigris, and were greatly addicted to divination and to the worship of
the serpent. From Chaldea the worship passed into Egypt, where the serpent deity was called
Canoph, Caneph, and C'neph. It had also the name of Ob, or Oub, and was the same as the
Basilicus, or Royal Serpent; the same also as the Thermuthis, and in like manner was made use of
by way of ornament to the statues of their Gods. The chief Deity of Egypt is said to have been
Vulcan, who was also styled Opas, as we learn from Cicero. He was the same as Osiris, the Sun;
and hence was often called Ob-El, or Pytho-Sol; and there were pillars sacred to him, with curious
hieroglyphical inscriptions, which had the same name. They were very lofty, and narrow in
comparison of their length; hence among the Greeks, who copied from the Egyptians, everything
gradually tapering to a point was styled Obelos, and Obeliscus. Ophel (Oph-El) was a name of the
same purport, and many sacred mounds, or Tapha, were thus denominated from the serpent Deity,
to whom they were sacred.
Sanchoniathon makes mention of a history which he once wrote upon the worship of the serpent.
The title of this work, according to Eusebius, was Ethothion, or Ethothia. Another treatise upon the
same subject was written by Pherecydes Tyrus, which was probably a copy of the former; for he is
said to have composed it from some previous accounts of the Phoenicians. The title of his book was
the Theology of Ophion, styled Ophioneus, and his worshippers were called Ophionidae. Thoth and
Athoth were certainly titles of the Deity in the Gentile world; and the book of Sanchoniathon might
very possibly have been from hence named Ethothion, or more truly, Athothion. But, from the
subject upon which it was written, as well as from the treatise of Pherecydes, we have reason to
think that Athothion, or Ethothion, was a mistake for Ath-Ophion, a title which more immediately
related to that worship of which the writer treated. Ath was a sacred title, as we have shewn, and we
imagine that this dissertation did not barely relate to the serpentine Deity, but contained accounts of
his votaries, the Ophites, the principal of which were the sons of Chus. The worship of the serpent
began among them, and they were from thence denominated Ethiopians, and Aithopians, which the
Greeks rendered Aithiopes. They did not receive this name from their complexion, as has
sometimes been surmised, for the branch of Phut and the Luhim, were probably of a deeper dye;
but they were most likely so called from Ath-Ope, and Ath-Opis, the God which they worshipped.
This may be shewn from Pliny. He says that the country Ethiopia (and consequently the people),
had the name of Aethiop, from a personage who was a Deity - ob Aethiope Vul cani filio. The
Aethiopes brought these rites into Greece, and called the island where they first established them
Ellopia, Soli s Serpenti s insula. It was the same as Euboea, a name of the like purport, in which
island was a region named Ethiopium. Euboea is properly Oub-Aia, and signifies, the Serpent
Island. The same worship prevailed among the Hyperboreans, as we may judge from the names of
the sacred women who used to come annually to Delos; they were priestesses of the Tauric
Goddess. Hercules was esteemed the chief God, the same as Chronus, and was said to have
produced the Mundane egg. He was represented in the Orphic theology under the mixed symbol of
a lion and a serpent, and sometimes of a serpent only.

The Cuthites, under the title of Heliadae, having settled at Rhodes, as they were Hivites, or Ophites,
the island was in consequence named Ophiusa. There was likewise a tradition that it had once
swarmed with serpents. (Bochart says the island is said to have been named Rhodus from Rhad, a
Syriac word for a serpent). The like notion prevailed almost in every place where they settled. They
came under the more general titles of Leleges and Pelasgi; but more particularly of Elopians,
Europians, Oropians, Asopians, Inopians, Ophionians, and Aethiopes, as appears from the names
which they bequeathed; and in most places where they resided there were handed down traditions
which alluded to their original title of Ophites. In Phrygia, and upon the Hellespont, whither they sent
out colonies very early, was a people styled the Ophiogeneis, or the serpent breed, who were said
to retain an affinity and correspondence with serpents; and a notion prevailed that some hero, who
had conducted them, was changed from a serpent to a man. In Colchis was a river Ophis, and
there was another of the same name in Arcadia. It was so named from a body of people who
settled upon its banks, and were said to have been conducted by a serpent.
It is said these reptiles are seldom found in islands, but that Tenos, one of the Cyclades, was
supposed to have once swarmed with them. [Note: Aristoph.]
Thucydides mentions a people of Aetotia, called Ophionians; and the temple of Apollo at Petara, in
Lycia, seems to have had its first institution from a priestess of the same name. The island of
Cyprus was called Ophiusa, and Ophiodes, from the serpents with which it was supposed to have
abounded. Of what species they were is nowhere mentioned, excepting only that about Paphos
there was said to have been a kind of serpent with two legs. By this is meant the Ophite race, who
came from Egypt, and from Syria, and got footing in this island. They settled also in Crete, where
they increased greatly in numbers; so that Minos was said by an unseemly allegory, ophei s
ouresai , serpentes, minxi sse. The island Seriphus was one vast rock, by the Romans called
saxum seriphium, and made use of as a large kind of prison for banished persons. It is
represented as having once abounded with serpents, and it is styled by Virgil, serpentifera, as the
passage is corrected by Scaliger.

It is said by the Greeks that Medusa's head was brought by Perseus; by this is meant the serpent
Deity, whose worship was here introduced by people called Peresians. Medusa's head denoted
divine wisdom, and the island was sacred to the serpent, as is apparent from its name. The
Athenians were esteemed Serpentiginae, and they had a tradition that the chief guardian of their
Acropolis was a serpent.
It is reported of the goddess Ceres that she placed a dragon for a guardian to her temple at Eleusis,
and appointed another to attend upon Erectheus. Aegeus of Athens, according to Androtion, was of
the serpent breed, and the first king of the country is said to have been a dragon. Others make
Cecrops the first who reigned. He is said to have been of a two-fold nature, being formed with the
body of a man blended with that of a serpent.
Diodorus says that this was a circumstance deemed by the Athenians inexplicable; yet he labours to
explain it by representing Cecrops as half a man and half a brute, because he had been of two
different communities. Eustathius likewise tries to solve it nearly upon the same principles, and with
the like success. Some have said of Cecrops that he underwent a metamorphosis, being changed
from a serpent to a man. By this was meant, according to Eustathius, that Cecrops by coming into
Hellas divested himself of all the rudeness and barbarity of his country, and became more civilised
and human. This is declared by some to be too high a compliment to be paid to Greece in its infant
state, and detracts greatly from the character of the Egyptians. The learned Marsham therefore
animadverts with great justice, "it is more probable that he introduced into Greece the urbanity of his
own country, than that he was beholden to Greece for anything from thence." In respect to the
mixed character of this personage, we may easily account for it. Cecrops was certainly a title of the
Deity, who was worshipped under this emblem. Something of the like nature was mentioned of
Triptolemus and Erichtonius, and the like has been said of Hercules. The natives of Thebes in
Boeotia, like the Athenians, esteemed themselves of the serpent race. The Lacedaemonians
likewise referred themselves to the same original. Their city is said of old to have swarmed with
serpents. The same is said of the city Amyelae in Italy, which was of Spartan origin. They came
hither in such abundance that it was abandoned by the inhabitants. Argos was infested in the same
manner till Apis came from Egypt and settled in that city. He was a prophet, the reputed son of
Apollo, anda person of great skill and sagacity, and to him they attributed the blessing of having
their country freed from this evil. Thus the Argives gave the credit to this imaginary personage of
clearing their land of this grievance, but the brood came from the very quarter from whence Apis
was supposed to have arrived. They were certainly Hivites from Egypt, and the same story is told of
that country. It is represented as having been of old over-run with serpents, and almost depopulated
through their numbers. Diodorus Siculus seems to understand this literally, but a region that was
annually overflowed, and that too for so long a season, could not well be liable to such a calamity.
They were serpents of another nature with which it was thus infested, and the history relates to the
Cuthites, the original Ophitae, who for a long time possessed that country. They passed from Egypt
to Syria, and to the Euphrates, and mention is made of a particular breed of serpents upon that
river, which were harmless to the natives but fatal to anybody else. This can hardly be taken
literally; for whatever may be the wisdom of the serpent it cannot be sufficient to make these
distinctions. These serpents were of the same nature as the birds of Diomedes, and the dogs in the
temple of Vulcan; and the histories relate to Ophite priests, who used to spare their own people and
sacrifice strangers, a custom which prevailed at one time in most parts of the world. The Cuthite
priests are said to have been very learned; and, as they were Ophites, whoever had the advantage
of their information was said to have been instructed by serpents.
As the worship of the serpent was of old so prevalent, many places, as well as people, from thence
received their names. Those who settled in Campania were called Opici, which some would have
changed to Ophici, because they were denominated from serpents. They are in reality both names
of the same purport, and denote the origin of the people.
We meet with places called Opis, Ophis, Ophitaea, Ophionia, Ophioessa, Ophiodes, and Ophiusa.
This last was an ancient name by which, according to Stephanus, the islands Rhodes, Cynthus,

Besbicus, Tenos, and the whole continent of Africa, were distinguished. There were also cities so-
called. Add to these places denominated Oboth, Obona, and reversed, Onoba, from Ob, which was
of the same purport.
Clemens Alexandrinus says that the term Eva signified a serpent if pronounced with a proper
aspirate, and Epiphanius says the same thing. We find that there were places of this name. There
was a city Eva in Arcadia, and another in Macedonia. There was also a mountain Eva, or Evan,
taken notice of by Pausanias, between which and Ithome lay the city Messene. He mentions also an
Eva in Argolis, and speaks of it as a large town. Another name for a serpent, which we have not yet
noticed, was Patan, or Pitan. Many places in different parts were denominated from this term.
Among others was a city in Laconia, and another in Mysia, which Stephanus styles a city of Aeolia.
They were undoubtedly so named from the worship of the serpent, Pitan, and had probably
Dracontia, which were figures and devices relative to the religion which prevailed. Ovid mentions
the latter city, and has some allusions to its ancient history when he describes Medea as flying
through the air from Athea to Colchis. The city was situate upon the ruin Eva, or Evan, which the
Greeks rendered Evenus. According to Strabo it is compounded of Eve-Ain, the fountain or river of
Eva the serpent.
It is remarkable that the Opici, who are said to have been named from serpents, had also the name
of Pitanatae; at least, one part of that family was so-called. Pitanatae is a term of the same purport
as Opici, and relates to the votaries of Pitan, the serpent Deity, which was adored by that people.
Menelaus was of old called Pitanates, as we learn from Hesychius, and the reason of it may be
known from his being a Spartan, by which he was intimated one of the Serpentigenae, or Ophites.
Hence he was represented with a serpent for a device upon his shield. It is said that a brigade, or
portion of infantry, was among some of the Greeks named Pitanates, and the soldiers in
consequence of it must have been termed Pitanatae, undoubtedly, because they had the Pitan, or
serpent, for their standard. Analogous to this, among other nations there were soldiers called
Draconarii. In most countries the military standard was an emblem of the Deity there worshipped.
What has already been said has thrown some light upon the history of this primitive idolatry, and we
have shewn that wherever any of these Ophite colonies settled, they left behind from their rites and
institutions, as well as from the names which they bequeathed to places, ample memorials, by
which they may be clearly traced out.
- Ophiolatreia, pp. 3-9.
There are many themes presented above, which we have come across previously. We think it fair to
say that the Serpent Breed, or Serpent Tribe, is none other than the human offspring and/or
incarnations of the Anunnaki. Let us assume for a moment that what we have just quoted above is a
work of True History. That is, if True ESOTERIC History. Even today, we know precious little about
what actually happened in the past, especially in the past of, say, 3000 years ago. We know that
several kingdoms existed, such as Babylonia, Egypt, India, Phoenicia, and other places existed. But
- how did the Esoteric Cultus survive, from the days of Sumer, to today? And what is to account for
the conscious memory of Humankind suddenly coming to life in the 7th - 6th centuries B.C.E.?
This lengthy extract is basically a short account of what General Forlong devotes 230 pages in
volume one of his excellent survey, Ri vers of Life: to Tree and Serpent Worship.
Some of these things can be plotted on the map, and on the historical timeline. Perhaps a great
deal is fabulous, or at the least is "myth" - history turned into fiction for certain people of today to
regard as bunk. Well, we do not regard any of it as bunk.

One of the main strands of the story is given in this extract - that of the Aethiopes. We have come
across traces of this story in several different places. In fact, we can see a story that goes back to
the destruction of Sumer, to the migrations that followed that destruction, and to a survival of
various cults in the region to the North and West of India.
Eventually, some of these Priests are exiled and come across, by way of the Island of the Dioscuri -
Socotra. Some travel up the Incense Route, and end up in the Nabatean regions and in Palestine.
Some go across to Ethiopia, and from there to Egypt. By the time the Priesthood of the Solis
Serpentis reaches Egypt, we are getting close to the time of Akhnaten. After the demise of
Akhnaten, and his religion, some of our Priests migrate north, and across the Mediterranean, to
Euboea. We can take it from there in the next extract, below, from the Dionysian Artificers, by Da
It is necessary to go into the past, beyond the birth of the Gnosis, to the Near-Eastern Serpent
Cults, and to the Mystery Traditions, and perhaps to the oldest cults we can find traces of, in order
to view the Current as a continuous whole, a continuity as complete as the Ouroboros itself.

Zecharia Sitchin points out that EnKi was given Africa, while EnLil had Mesopotamia, Inanna the
Indus Valley, and NinHarsag the Sinai Peninsula. Notice that the Ethiopians, according to J ennings,
were called the sons of Vulcan. This is the same appellation given to Adapa and Enmeduranki.
Vulcan is none other than Ptah, who is none other than EnKi, according to popular syncretization.
Interestingly, Im-Hetep, or Imouthis, is given as Ptah's son, in the Memphite Triad. Imouthis is also
known as Asklepios, who is also known as Agathodaimon. Also, I-M-Hetep is known as the first
important builder in Egyptian history, as well as being a physician. Interesting.
Also, the Cuthites may be like the Cuthans, mentioned above, but they are also confused with the
Cushites, or sons of Cush. The Cushites came from the Land of Cush, which is known to be Nubia
and Ethiopia.
It is stated that these Cuthites migrated from Egypt, to Syria, to the Euphrates. Also it is said that
the Aith-Opes or Ethiopians migrated to Greece, and brought the rites of Serpent worship with them.
Also, in connection with this it is said that Erectheus is the individual responsible for bringing the
rites of Eleusis to Greece, to Athens. Now, could these Cuthites be connected with the Babylonian

Priests we have spoken of, i.e., the Nergals of Cutha? Perhaps. We know that about 43 miles north
of Baghdad on the west bank of the Tigris river is the location of the ancient city of Opis, where at
least two crucial events took place. First, this is where the Persians, under the command of Cyrus,
overthrew Babylon and claimed the whole area as a satrapy. Second, this is where Alexander the
Great was said to have invited dignitaries from all over his empire for the purpose of feasting and so
that he could consolidate them all together and proclaim his New World Order.
As can be seen, these legendary stories may not be so legendary after all. Competent scholars are
confirming the legends bit by bit, even if they would regard these legends as little more than fictions.
The work we just quoted above may not have been written by an expert academician of high repute,
whatever that is supposed to indicate, but Brother J ennings was an Adept of high repute, and drew
from a wide variety of classical sources, some of which not everybody has access to, especially
today. The fact that a High Initiate wrote the above really should be no bar to its believability, or to
its credibility.
Interested parties (that is, those with agendas) including some Freemasons in the mix, as well as
their opponents continue to prefer denial of all stories of the past which conflict with their
preconceived notions. It is safer to assume that the Craft is somehow attached to the craft guilds of
the 17th century and became Freemasonry in 1717. It is safer to relegate history to something else,
far removed from our own roots.
For those of us in whom the Historical Tradition is The Path, and that by which we HAVE Attained
much, this is all rather ludicrous. That which is still condemned today as heresy, perhaps should be
condemned as heresy, or as false, in order to keep out the riff raff. Yet, our ancestors practiced the
same way as we do now, and when we are condemned as heretics, we can point to our traditional
lineage. And - we no longer have to hear people remark that this is all new heresy, either, for it has
a very ancient background.
Similarly, it is much safer for a fundamentalist to believe that the Bible as it exists today was
dictated as such by the finger of God, even though the King J ames version is not as accurate a
translation of the ancient texts as one can get, and even though Shakespearian English did not exist
2,000 and more years ago. And, the fundamentalist reader will believe our accounts when we speak
of things which they consider to be evil, but are grossly ignorant as to their true purport. Then we
get rocks thrown at us, when we attempt to show, that what has been considered evil throughout
the centuries, is actually not evil at all, and in fact is the legitimate truth, and that which has been
considered good is the real heresy, intended for the slaves to follow to their hearts' content.
So, when we speak of Pagan connections, Gnostic survivals and the like, we (and those that we are
really writing this material for) see Triumph, Praise, Truth. But when our adversaries see these
things in print, they are convinced we are antichrists and that we are perverted, doomed, and
Yet, they have had the blinds of ignorance (with the help of "saint" Paul and others of his ilk)
controlling all that they see, hear, or think, like the Control Voice on The Outer Limits. And their
ministers, or shepherds, control the vertical as well! But - we can see in all we have researched, and
all that we present here, a pattern that goes way back as far as we can reckon, and spreads from
Morocco, Spain and the British Isles east as far as China, Korea, and J apan. When we add the
"New World" to the mix, we can add North , Central, and South America as well, and while we're at
it, the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, too.

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