The Mystery of Satan and The Devil - B F Jackson
The Mystery of Satan and The Devil - B F Jackson
The Mystery of Satan and The Devil - B F Jackson
by B.F. Jackson
Have you ever wondered what Jewry’s Luciferian priesthood mean in protocol No. 14 which says: "Our
philosophers will discuss all the shortcomings of the various beliefs of the non-Jews. But no one will bring under
discussion our faith from its true point of view since this will be learned by none save ours, who will never dare
betray its secret"?
What is that "faith"? What is its true point of view? We are told it is Judaism which rests on the foundation of the
belief in the God of the Old Testament Israel and Jewish Freemasonry, the latter of which is the practical
application of the theory of the brotherhood of man, fraternity, equality and liberalism for the maximum
harmony in human relations; and the Masonic rituals are the dramatization of the construction of King
Solomon’s Temple which symbolizes the construction of the above-mentioned spiritual and ethical qualities in
God’s chosen people of Israel, or Jewry.
What is so mysterious about that, that it frightens enlightened Jews into silence? The answer is concealed behind
the spiritually-black veil of Vishnu, Jewry’s Asiatic god of deception.
Parting the veil, instead of observing the mystical Temple of Solomon illuminated with the spiritual light of God
we see the spiritually-gloomy upside down Synagogue of Satan, called the Great White Lodge in "heaven",
illuminated by the flickering ghost light of Lucifer.
The Synagogue of Satan is world Jewry. It is the tribunal of heaven and tribunal of earth mentioned in the first
paragraph of the Kol Nidre prayer recited to the Devil by every adult Jew during Yom Kippur. The Temple of
God (Yahweh) is Christian Israel. The Synagogue of Satan was constructed diametrically opposite to the Temple
of God, because Jewry exists in the lowest depths of the dimension of spiritual upside-downness and they
constructed the synagogue upside down, and in the interior, what should be the ceiling is the floor and what
should be the floor is the ceiling in the center of which the Master Destroyers left an uncovered pit which is the
exposed belfry, extending to the lowest depths of the dimension of spirit. That belfry, or pit, is manifest in this
world as the brain cavity of world Jewry void of any spiritual light. In that upside down edifice Jewry says it
worships Jehovah, and it is Israel, yet enlightened Jews know the truth that Jewry’s so-called god is Lucifer;
Jewry is the Devil’s race, and Jewry was never of Israelite extraction.
When we pass beyond the veil of Vishnu we observe the base of so-called Judaism is Oriental Freemasonic-
Communism which evolved from pilfered, incomplete portions of the Adamic, Messianic Prophecy foretold by
Enoch of the Adamic line of Seth about 3043 B.C. The doctrine of Luciferianism, and Freemasonry is
synonymous with Kalism in Asia, which is an international subversive organization of religious cutthroats and
murderers masquerading under the bogus cloak of humanitarianism.
Kalism is built around Kali, the Brahmanist moon-goddess of blood-shed. The Serpent Secret says she was the
wife of Kambu. Now Kambu was the Cain of our Bible, and Kali was the daughter of the Devil, or the Serpent in
Gen. 3. In ancient Assyria and Babylon, dominated by Cain’s household, Cain’s wife was called Ishtar. In Egypt
she was Isis. In Jewry’s Talmud —the Devil’s bible — she is Lilith, and Easter, in Acts 12:4, was a festival
commemorating Ishtar’s birthday, forced upon the House of Judah Israelites by the Cainite-Akkad-Amalek-
Idumean mongrels who got control of Palestine in 37 B.C.
Lillith-Kali-Isis-Ishtar is the wife of Cain in Gen. 4:17, the ancestral mother of the Serpent race of Jews. It is a
counterfeit race not created by Yahweh. Their white blood corpuscles are not human, they do not have a "floating
rib", their fingerprints are formed differently from man’s, their mind power is diametrically opposed to man’s
and they do not have the corona of light around the brain nerve fibers as in man. It is the Devil’s offspring. In
India, he has always been Naga. In Assyria and Babylonia, he was Akki. In Egypt, he was Naka. In Hebraic, he
was Nachash. It means Satan, or the Devil, yet called the supreme being.
Jewry’s Luciferian religion is in two sections as Political and Spiritual Zionism, with the blaspheming Talmud
being the spiritual guide of both. The religion encompasses the synagogic religion of Freemasonry exclusively
for Jews. No non-Jew can become a member of Jewry’s exclusive Masonic Lodges. The pretext for the isolation
is that, Jewry is "God’s chosen people", and the Grand Orient Freemasonic Lodge of B’nai B’rith is the "Sons of
God's Covenant made by Jehovah exclusively to Abraham for his sons of 'Jewry' alone" to be the leaders of man.
In reality B’nai B’rith is the Sons of Satan’s Covenant of his race to destroy God’s influence in human relations.
That is Jewry’s sole reason for being; to regulate man to abject fear which Jewry calls man’s worship of Jewry,
the race of gods, whose destiny calls for the enslavement of the entire world in a World Empire with a Jew
exalted to the zenith of power as god-emperor of the world, of whom protocol No. 2 of what Jewry’s Luciferian
priest calls their "King-Despot of the blood of Zion, whom we are preparing for the world."
Preparing a god!
Spiritual Zionism is merely a screen of Vishnu erected to deceive Christians into believing certain sections of
that parasitical race are good Jews worshipping God in accordance with the Mosaic Law; and Spiritual Zionists
have no affinity for Political Zionists’ grandiose conspiracy to destroy Christianity. Yet, hiding behind that screen
is the fact that every rabbi is a member of B’nia B’rith and comes under the jurisdiction of the Luciferian priest's
Cahilla Beth Den court which no Jew dares to repudiate because of fear that non-Jews would discover the truth
that Communism and Judaism are synonymous, and therefore would extirpate Jewry from the face of the earth.
In order to become a rabbi it is an absolute "must" for aspirants to major in the black magic of Jewry’s political,
financial, economical science, which is an occult science beyond and above anything taught to non-Jews in
which the most subtle methods of cheating and intrigue have to be mastered in order for rabbis to advise lay
Jews and the most astute international conspirators and bankers in order to create wars in which to compel man
to commit mass bloodshed for his own destruction while our people who are not in government believe the
entire turmoil is the exclusive business of our leaders inveigled (won over by flattery) into evilness by an
intangible Satan, or the Devil, in order to secure power, prestige and to satisfy the lust to acquire treasure at the
expense of shedding blood to get it. There is absolutely nothing spiritual about Jewry’s synagogic religion.
While being masters of the lowest form of skullduggery it is essential for rabbis to appear the essence of
piousness, because Jewry worships evilness with sincere enthusiasm as Christians strive for the maximum good
and harmony in human relations. It is Luciferian "piousness" behind which stands a murderous mind that
sincerely believes destruction of everything cherished by Christians is doing the will of God (Just as the apostle
Paul before his conversion) in accordance with the Talmud at Jor Deah 151 of the Schulchen Aruch which says:
"It is a great sin to make a present to a non-Jew. But it is permissible to give alms to the poor of the non-Jews, to
visit their sick and poor, and give the last honors to their deceased and to console their relatives because of the
peace, so that the non-Jews may think the Jews are good friends."
In Asia, the B’nia B’rith Lodges are Kali temples, in both of which the degree work is the same. Black magic
comprises the major part of the ritual work. The Supreme Grand Lodge was in Lhasa, Tibet prior to 1950. Yet,
there is now reason to believe it has been shifted to Tel Aviv, Palestine. Wherever its current location is, human
sacrifices are made to Kali at the moment of the rising of the first full moon in spring. The ritual was pilfered
from the one perfected from the Adamic Messianic Prophecy. It is commensurate (equal in measure or extent)
with our Easter. The sacrificial ritual symbolizes the reincarnation of Lucifer as the ultimate immortality of the
Serpent race of Jews.
However, the Adamic Messianic Prophetic ritual dramatized the birth, ministry, the new covenant, death,
resurrection, ascension and return of God’s Christ-Son of Righteousness in God’s House on earth. In the
sacrament phase of the ritual the wine and bread brought out of the dimension of spirit by the high priest of the
Order of Melchizedek was eaten and drunk to dramatize the consummation of God’s New Covenant with His
Kingdom people. The wine and bread symbolizing the Blood and Body of the Christ-Son of Righteousness
would be sacrificed by Jehovah (Yahweh) by permitting the Devil to kill Him as the price to redeem His
Kingdom from the Devil. Eating the bread and drinking the wine symbolized the Kingdom people receiving their
spiritual nourishment from God for spiritual health and strength.
Cain pilfered incomplete portions of the Messianic Eucharist ritual from the Sethites who mongrelized with the
Satanic Serpent race during the Era of Jarad, and the sacrament was converted into a human sacrifice. Since time
immemorial the B’nai B’rith Cabinet of the senior uncrowned king of the Serpent race (the Devil) in Lhasa,
Tibet prior to 1950, drank the blood and ate the flesh of the sacrificed human in order to symbolize that Jewry
would attain immortality by absorbing the life force and substance of man at the end of the Era of Kali (1953
A.D.). That is the occult meaning of the statement made by Jew Karl Heinrich Mordecai, alias Karl Marx of Jew
Baruch Levy in a letter which said: "In the new organization of humanity the sons of Israel, spread over the
surface of the globe, will become everywhere without opposition the directing element, especially if they
succeed in imposing upon the working classes of those among them. The governments of the nations forming
this universal republic will all pass without effort into Jewish hands under the cover of the victory of the
proletariat. Private property will then be suppressed by the Rulers of the Jewish Race who will everywhere
control the public funds. Thus will be realized the promise of the Talmud — that when the time of the Messiah
will arrive the Jews will possess the goods of all the people of the earth."
That universal slave state, as Jewry’s Satanic World Empire, is shaping up in the so-called United Nations in
which every strategic post is occupied by Jews who are working harmoniously with Jews in Washington, D.C. to
destroy the independence of the United States before the end of Jewry’s Era of Kali. Jewry has already more than
80% of America’s industry and economy which was pilfered from us in the Jew-planned wars, depressions,
inflation's and deflation's; and now Eastern European Jews who immigrated over here after World War II as
portions of the "6,000,000 killed by Hitler", are pilfering our best real estate and paying for it with counterfeit
paper currency printed in East Germany by Jews using our plates, paper and ink given to Russia by Jew Henry
Morgenthau Jr. while Secretary of Treasury. Congress is doing nothing whatever to stop that counterfeit money
from entering America by the trunk-load. Jewry also has complete control of all international monetary systems.
Jewry’s god, mentioned by Karl Marx, is none other than the Asiatic Turko-Mongol black Jew, Prince Abdul
Baraba Baha. The time for him to come forth to be proclaimed god-emperor of the world is at the end of Jewry’s
Era of Kali in 1953.
According to Enoch’s Messianic Prophecy, the archangel, Helel, was cast into the lowest depths of the
dimension of spirit about 35,000 B.C. He was then Satan who transposed himself from the dimension of spirit to
the dimension of the material in direct violation of Divine Law. He was then the Devil in tangible form of a
As some Christians believe, the Trinity is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost as One God, inasmuch as the
Christ-Son is the reflection of the Father, or image of the Father, the Father is the source of Light, the Light is the
Son, the Holy Ghost of Creative Energy emanates from the Father for the glory of the Son as One Living
Spiritual God.
Jewry’s Luciferian Doctrine, however, says Lucifer, Satan and the Devils (as Christians know them) claim to be
the one god. In a Kali temple in Asia they are the same, yet under different names because of the difference in
language. They are Brahma, Krishna and Vishnu as the trinity of Siva and Shaitan the Serpent of divine wisdom
as the one superior god. When displayed thus, the idol is a four-headed man whose heads are Siva, Brahma,
Krishna and Vishnu whose body is Shaitan. It symbolizes the Luciferian race of god-men.
In an Asiatic Kali temple Lucifer is Siva. In those josh (sic.) houses Siva is present only in spirit and denoted by
a chair on the north side of the Lodge room yet no presiding officer occupies it. That is because Lucifer died and
the chair is ready to receive him when he returns as the so-called Messiah of the Serpent race. In B’nai B’rith
Lucifer is also present in spirit only, and his absence is symbolized by the north side of the Lodge room not
containing a chair for a presiding officer. The Master of the Lodge sits in the east. He represents Vishnu, Jewry’s
god holding the keys of so-called divine wisdom. To Christians, however, he is the evil spirit of deception. He is
mentioned in Jewry’s Luciferian priests’ protocols No. 12 and 17, the latter of which says: "Our kingdom (note
— world Empire of the Devil) will be an apologia (defense of one’s opinions or actions) of the divinity Vishnu,
in whom is found its personification."
In B’nai B’rith, the chair of the Master of the Lodge symbolizes Shaitan the Serpent of divine wisdom. The
Senior Warden sits in the west. He represents Brahma, Jewry’s god of reincarnation. His chair symbolizes the
three-headed Brahmanist elephant god, Airvata, who the Serpent Secret says, is Brahma’s steed on which he rode
to earth from Indra’s heaven to re-populate the earth with the Luciferian race after material Indra’s heaven sank
in the Milky Sea. That "heaven" was the Luciferian Continent in the Pacific Ocean known to the ancient Greeks
as Saturnia — the Continent of Saturn, or Satan — and the Milk Sea is the Pacific Ocean into which Saturnia
sank about 11,400 B.C. according to Enoch of the Adamic line of Seth. The Junior Warden sits in the south. He
represents Krishna, Jewry’s god of propagation. To Christians, however, he is the evil spirit of sexual perverts. In
a Kali temple, Kali’s throne is in the north alongside the throne of Siva, yet in B’nai B’rith both thrones are
absent, yet Kali’s presence is symbolized by Jew women being allowed to become members of B’nai B’rith.
That international Lodge of murder and conspiracy against God and man symbolizes Lucifer’s Great White
Lodge in "heaven" located in the astronomical constellation Draconis, or the Dragon. Astronomically, Lucifer, or
Siva, is the sun, Kali-Ishtar is the moon, Shaitan is Saturn, Brahma is Jupiter, Vishnu is Taurus, and Krishna is
Orion. It is the Luciferian "host of heaven" in II Kings 17:16; 21:3, 5; 25:5; II Chron. 33:3, 5 and the "Queen of
Heaven" (Kali-Ishtar-Isis-Lilith), as the moongoddess, as in Jer. 7:17; 44:19, 25. They were represented in
Assyria and Babylon as Jewry’s Devil-gods from Cain and his wife, Ishtar, to Darius III. Nergal-Shar-Usur, a son
of King Nebuchadnezzar II (the one in Daniel), claimed to be the reincarnation of Lucifer, yet he called himself
"God." He claimed to be the god of heaven and the nether regions of (the earth) who passed judgment on man
after death. From him is where Jewry obtained the idea of a material heaven and hell then slipped it over the
head of Christendom.
In an Asiatic Kali temple are the Devil’s symbols. One hangs on the north wall above Siva’s throne. It is a pure
red gold circle cast with a Greek cross of red gold in the center. It has two meanings. First, it symbolizes the
above five principle Jew gods who are supposed to contain within themselves the divine wisdom of the universe.
The circle symbolizes Shaitan the Serpent of divine wisdom as the divine principle. The arms of the cross
symbolize Brahma, Vishnu, Krishna and Siva. Second, it symbolizes Shaitan encompassing the universe, with
his personalities of the adversary, an opposing spirit, the hater, and the accuser of man, governing an equal
portion of the universe.
Another symbol is on the east wall above the chair of the Master of the Lodge. It is a pure red gold circle cast as
a cobra with its tail in its mouth. Within the coil is the symbol of Satan’s kingdom in the center of which is the
symbol of Kali’s power, the latter of which is a golden caduceus (wand or staff) in the center of two interlocking
pyramids forming a six-pointed star. One pyramid stands on its apex. It is painted black. The other stands on its
base. It is burnished red gold. The black pyramid symbolizes material Jewry. The golden one symbolizes the
spirit of Jewry. The caduceus symbolizes occult science, of black magic, witch-craft. Collectively, it symbolizes
the power and glory of the world as occult science, the racial spirit, mind and body of the Serpent race of Jews as
the Devil’s household. All of which is surrounded with the sullen red glow of Luciferian wisdom.
That symbol hangs on the east wall above the chair of the Master of the Lodge in B’nai B’rith in Christendom.
Its meaning is the same as the one in an Asiatic Kali josh (sic.) house. The star is not the symbol of Solomon’s
Seal. The over-all symbol is the Devil’s Seal, and Jewry has removed the cobra and caduceus from those he
permits Christians to see.
The paralleling meaning of that Satanic symbol is, the golden cobra symbolizes Shaitan the Serpent of divine
wisdom. The star and caduceus symbolize Siva and Kali (Cain and Ishtar), the father and mother of the Cainite
race of Jews in "heaven." In it, Shaitan and Siva (the Devil and Cain) merged as one god in Kali (Ishtar), the
mother of the race, which the Serpent Secret says, in the beginning there was only impenetrable black chaotic
nothingness in which reposed the divine principal thought of creation. The thought moved and began expanding.
At the limit of expansion, it divided into two equal parts. The division produced a spark of light (wisdom) out of
which came an active creative creature element equally divided between the two particles. One particle remained
stationary but the other began expanding until it became tangible. At that stage it ceased expanding, because the
divine principle contained within itself all wisdom equally balanced between the central force of inertia and the
positive orbit of stability in active creative element.
The circular golden cobra symbolizes the divine wisdom of Lucifer whose central mass is Satan. The two in one
is Jewry whose orbit, or limit of expansion is Lucifer, the son of the morning, the infinite god, whose central
power is Satan, the life force of the infinite.
In an Asiatic Kali temple, Vishnu’s throne is in the shape of the 12 headed cobra Shaitan, the Serpent of divine
wisdom. The multi-headed hood of the Serpent acts as a canopy of divine wisdom above the head of the Master
of the Lodge. On the under-side of the multi-headed hood is the pilfered Adamic symbolic dot in the circle. The
dot is a ball-like circle with three outer rings. It has two meanings. First, the dot and circles symbolize Siva,
Brahma, Vishnu and Krishna in the heart of Shiatan the Serpent. Second, the ball symbolizes man surrounded by
the three branches of the Serpent race as the gods and devils in the Era of Kali (1913-1953 A.D.) when Jewry
would surround man and crush God’s influence out of human relations in order to rear on the debris the World
Empire of the Devil. The overall symbol means, during the Era of Kali the gods would withdraw their patronage
from man, the devils would then move in and utterly corrupt man’s spiritual, mental, ethical and material fiber,
and in the chaos, man would be annihilated.
The annihilation is for God’s (Yahweh’s) Kingdom of Christian Israel in wars and mongrelization. Accordingly,
international Jewry threw Christendom into World Wars I, II and now has started III in Korea. Since 1913 Jewry
has caused the death of more than 144,000,000 people, and now since the end of World War II, the white people
of Issachar Israel in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been almost mongrelized to death by Jews in control of
Russia deporting every able-bodied man to slave labor in Russia and Siberia then moved Mongol men into the
vacant homes to act as studs in order to annihilate Issachar Israel in mongrelization in one generation. Jewry is
now working on Anglo-Saxondom. Jew Anna Rosenburg, Assistant Secretary of Defense, has already proposed a
Bill to bring into the United States 5,000,000 Negroes from the West Indies to "fill the gap in war production"
made vacant by drafting our white men of Israel to die on foreign battlefields such as Korea. Yet Rosenburg’s
plot is to bleed this Nation white then turn our own Negro citizens along with the imported ones loose on our
own white women to destroy our race in one generation. The so-called gods and devils in the Era of Kali are
international Jews. The "gods" are international Jew bankers, and the devils are lay Jews. Indeed, the "gods" of
finance have withdrawn their patronage after pilfering our gold and silver and now have absolute control of
money in the United States and the entire world, the "little" Jew Devils have moved in with their Communism
and every form of evil from the bottomless pit and have corrupted us utterly.
A portion of the chaos is sponsored by Christ-hating Jews in the National Council of Churches and the National
Conference of Christians and Jews; and Jews in B’nai B’rith supply the money while simultaneously preaching
tolerance for Jews and while dangling before the mentally-dead Christians the lie that Jesus Christ (Yahshua the
Messiah) was a Jew as we consider Jews.
Is there any wonder, therefore, why enlightened Jews dare not reveal the secret about the true basis of Jewry’s
Communistic-Freemasonic religion of bloodshed and conspiracy against God (Yahweh) and man?
Irrespective of whether or not a Jew in Christendom is Sephardic or Ashkenazim-Khazar all of them claim
descent from the Jews in the New Testament who were enemies of Jesus Christ (Yahshua) and His disciples, and
who murdered all of them. Those anti-Christ (anti-Messiah, anti-anointed One) Jews were of one recognized
group. Their descendants today have never lost their identity. As a racial body, they know they are the same
people who gave Jesus Christ (Yahshua) all the trouble. The average Christian will also know these facts, if they
ever wake up to the truth. Therefore, observe! In Matt. 3:7; 12:34; 23:33 and Luke 3:7 Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
and John the Baptist accuse them of being a generation (race) of vipers. Gennema is Greek for the word
"generation." It means, a progeny, or descendant in a continuous line. Viper, is echidna, a female viper.
According to Assyrian records now in the British Museum, London, England that female viper was Ishtar, the
daughter of Akki, the water-god of lustration.
Now "Akki" is what Christians know as Lucifer, Satan or the Devil, and the Akki, father of Ishtar, was the
Serpent in Gen. 3, who, according to the Sethite Enoch in his Book of Enoch, was called Azazel. He is the
"scapegoat" of Lev. 16:8 which says: "And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the Lord, and the
other for the scapegoat."
The word "scapegoat" is AZAZEL, in Hebraic. The word "cast" is nathan, appoint. Upon is al pene, in the face
of. Lot is goral, lot as the fate of one on whom falls the will of God.
The scene in Lev. 16 took place after God (Yahweh) appointed our Israelite progenitors for His Kingdom on
earth. ... The goats symbolized that all non-Israelites are the goat-nations and Israel is Yahweh’s sheep
Nations. ... The goat set free for the scapegoat (not as one, but FOR him) symbolized God (Yahweh) offers no
salvation for Azazel’s race of Jews, inasmuch as in Lev. 16:10 the word "be" is amah, confirm. Atonement, is
kaphar, pitch as arranging one’s fate. With, is eth, always. For is bead, in behalf of.
Therefore, Yahweh says: But the goat, on which the will of Yahweh fell, to confirm the Devil (Azazel), shall be
presented alive before Yahweh, to make an arrangement of his fate always, and to let him (the goat) go in behalf
of a Devil (or one of Azazel’s household).
In book III of this study we will present the entire record that shows Yahweh offers no salvation to Azazel’s race
of the Jews, whose human ancestral father (Cain) was Sargon, according to Assyrian records, who was adopted
by Akki for Akki’s own son. Cain married Ishtar, Akki’s daughter, and sealed the union in the ritual of the
righthand shake, known as the Bel-pack. Bel, Beel, or Baal, are other names of the Devil. The son of Ishtar and
Cain-Sargon was Marduk, the Enoch in Gen. 4:17. Cain founded the Akkad Dynasty in 3501 B.C. Akkadia was
the Devil’s Kingdom extending from the Tigres-Euphrates Rivers to the Indus River in the east.
Matt. 23:33, 35 and Luke 11:51 prove Jewry is the progeny of Cain and Ishtar. The "Generation" in Matt. 23:36
is genea, nation. The "damnation" in verse 33 is krisis, condemnation. The "hell" is Gehenna, the Valley of
Hinnon immediately south of Jerusalem where the Cainite-Akkad-Amalek-Idumean mongrels murdered the
children of Israel as sacrifices to Ishtar and Moloch, and Jewry cannot escape the condemnation.
Satan, as the Devil, has always been a Jew. In Book III of this study we will show the genealogical record of the
Royal Satanic line from the current Devil to the Serpent of Gen. 3. Today, he is the Asiatic Turco-Mongol Jew,
Prince Abdul Baraba Baha, the illegitimate son of the deposed Sultan of Turkey (Abdul Hamid II, deposed in
1909), born to a Jew whore in Mecca, Arabia in 1894. He exalted himself as Almighty God in 1928 while living
in Iraq. Apparently he went to Moscow, Russia in 1943 in order to proclaim "God" for Jewry in Russia by his
Turko-Mongol kinsman Jew Joseph Vissarionvitch Djugashvili, alias Joseph Stalin and his Jew Cabal in the
Kremlin of which Mr. James C. Hollenbeck alludes in his treatise, "Jesus Christ and Anti-Christ",in which he
says: "Some time ago in a great gathering of the World Dignitaries and Diplomats in London, Mr. (Jew) Molotov
arose and said to a tired group of statesmen from all the United Nations Organization, ‘that there was not a
statesman anywhere in the world that had the power or was capable of bringing PEACE TO THE WORLD’, but
That "WE" is world Jewry, not the Russian people. That "MAN" is not Joseph Stalin or his successor. Instead, he
is Prince Abdul Baraba Baha who was brought to these Christian United States of America in 1950 by Jew Owen
Lattimore, and Jewry’s Supreme Grand Orient Freemasonic Lodge of B’nai B’rith in New York City proclaimed
him to be Jewry’s god in the Western Hemisphere. He was then enshrined temporarily in John Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland under the alias of Diluwa Hutuktu. It is believed he is now in Asia or Russia
waiting for B’nai B’rith to pull the last string taut in order for him to give the command to utterly cripple
America by industrial strikes called by Jews in high places of labor unions, then force President Truman or his
successor to declare the situation constitutes national emergency in which Jews will take control of the very
heart beat of our Nation in the pretext of preventing anarchy and bloodshed — the victory of the proletariat. Yet
the blue-print shows if that disaster cannot be created, then Prince Abdul Baraba Baha stands ready to command
the Jews in the Kremlin to start dropping atomic bombs on America’s cities in order to create an international
emergency so he can come forth to be proclaimed god-emperor of the world for "miraculously" bringing the war
to an end to prevent annihilation of man by telling Jewry the war has gone far enough.
In his book, "The Super Deceiver on the World Horizon", Mr, James C. Hollenbech says as early as 1929: "In
connection with the building of the Temple of Solomon many world prominent Jewish people have already made
a secret covenant with Prince Abdul Baraba Baha. They fully believe he is their Messiah and will set up temple
worship and will rule from the city of Jerusalem."
Without question, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha is the Gog in Ezek. 38 and 39 who the prophet says, in this era
would be the chief prince of Meshech, Magog and Tubal. In the Hebraic "Gog" means high, mountain (mount),
in which the word "high" is al, most high. Mountain (mount), is rum, exalt self. That word "chief" is rosh, ruler,
and the "prince" is nasi, exalted. Meshech was the ancient name of Moscow; Magog was the ancient name of
Russia, Mongolia, Manchuria and Siberia. Tubal was the ancient name of Tobolsk, Siberia. Thus Gog would
exalt himself the most high god as the exalted ruler of Eurasia in the latter days, and Prince Abdul Baraba Baha
has done that very thing. Moreover, he and world Jewry is the "he" in Ezek. 17:11-16 in who were the Cainite-
Akkad mongrels who absorbed Esau to become the "Idumeans" of God’s curse in Isa. 34:5 out of whom came
Prince Abdul Baraba Baha and Jewry today who have Eurasia in the palms of their hands to use and destroy
God’s (Yahweh’s) Kingdom of Christian Israel.
Christians know the awfulness of intangible Satan, yet when realizing he is amidst us in tangible form, the
awfulness is magnified to what it is. (The Jews are actually devils in shoe leather.) It is so awful it is similar to
one being locked in a dark house with a sinister monster which at any moment may reach out and rend one from
limb to limb. Jewry is that sinister skulking Beast. His presence in our racial House is the reason, and the only
reason, there is spiritual and physical death amidst our people. Any old-fashioned Christian preacher knows the
wages of sin is spiritual death. They know the awfulness of spiritual death, yet only a few know about the
profound sinister forces which cause spiritual death. It is caused by us being forced to exist in the Satanic Beast
System conjured up by the Serpent race of Jews on purpose to destroy man. That System is what one observes in
Revelation 13:4 which says: "Who is like unto the Beast? who is able to make war with him?" Then, in protocol
No. 4 of Jewry’s Luciferian priests those prophesied words come forth in plain English when it says: "Who and
what is in position to observe an invisible force? And that is precisely what our force is." Xx x
That Beast System is the rascal in Rev. 17 which says he is , and is not, and yet is. In other words, he is so
enormous, silent and sinister the average person does not know he exists, because they cannot see him for his
bigness. That skulking Beast is Jewry’s apostate Christian ecclesiastical, Oriental occult religious-political-
economical-financial system of the Serpent, Red Dragon, Devil or Satan. His power emanated from Jewry’s
Luciferian priests known in Christendom as the Learned Elders Of Zion. He is a shadowy Beast System of
confusion conjured up to be the Devil and his Beast race of Jews among whom he forces us to live because our
own Israelite leaders violate Divine Law by permitting Jewry to live amidst us. The contamination of our
spiritual and mental atmosphere by that Beast System causes us to think erroneously. Erroneous thinking was
Adam’s sin which spiritually-killed him, although he was alive in the body. He was created spiritually-perfect,
and today any child not of the Satanic race of Jews is born into this manifest world spiritually-alive. When he
becomes of age in which he knows right from wrong as such, the erroneous thought effort generates in his brain
cavity a destructive electro-cosmic field of oscillatory disequilibrium which thrusts him out of conscious contact
with God and spiritually-kills him. That is the reason Jesus Christ (Yahshua) says it is absolutely essential for
one to born again (to be born from above) in order to live in the hereafter. ... Moreover scientists know the
presence of the destructive field of oscillatory disequilibrium is the reason, and the only reason why our bodies
gradually deteriorate and eventually die of "old age" even though we may have never been ill one moment of our
lives; and death in any form is caused by our race ... being out of synchronism with Yahweh.
In Enoch’s Divine Revelation constructed into the Great Pyramid of Gizeh Israel’s extent of displacement from
God (Yahweh) is constructed as a mathematical factor of 286.1022156 Pyramid inches (a Pyramid inch is
1.001064 over the British inch). It is located everywhere the sublime symbolism shows a relation between things
spiritual and things material. It is known as the displacement factor. It is man’s mortal mental veil which shatters
in our consciousness the omnipresent spiritual light of God’s Christ-Son of Righteousness. That veil is also
symbolized in the Great Pyramid as the Granite Leaf at the entrance of the Ante-Chamber, or the Chamber of the
Triple Veils before the Throne of God. Our veil is woven by erroneous thinking and it consciously displaces us
from God. Jewry’s Beast System is the source of that erroneous thought effort in order for the Devil and his
Satanic race of Jews to spiritually-kill man in order to get revenge against God (Yahweh). In addition, in all the
annals of history, wars in civilization have been Jewry’s special business to kill on vast scales as many humans
as possible, in order for that Satanic race to get further revenge against God because the Devil cannot be God
and his Beast race lesser gods. Without Jewry contaminating our spiritual and mental atmosphere there would
have never been any wars between Israel’s Christian Nations after Israel arrived in the Appointed Place of North-
west Europe and the British Isles as prophesied by II Sam. 7:10 and 1 Chron. 17:9 and Jewry brags about being
the engineer, financier and fomenter of all wars in Christendom. Jewry, alone, is responsible for all bloodshed in
murder, suicide and otherwise amidst our race in between wars (Matt. 23:45: Luke 11:51; Rev. 17:1-6). He
accomplishes it by forcing us to exist in His Beast System which makes living conditions so contrary to Divine
Law we attempt to get relief from the unseen pressure by reckless living, dissipation, greed, graft, lies, gambling,
robbery, deceit, and betrayal of our Nation.
Termination of death from Satan and his counterfeit race of Jews is the reason, and the only reason, God
(Yahweh) came into the material plane as Jesus Christ (Yahshua) of Nazareth. The record states: "Forasmuch as
the children (of Yahweh, Israel) are the partakers of the flesh and blood, He Himself likewise took part of the
same; that through death, He might destroy him that had power of death, that is the Devil"(Heb. 2:14 confirmed
by I John 3:8)
If the Devil is merely a spiritual being, then why was Yahweh, as Jesus Christ of Nazareth born of a woman?
David says in Psalms 139:8 if he had made his bed in hell, Yahweh would have been there. If that is true, and
hell is what the clergy has been telling us about, then what was keeping Yahweh from destroying the Devil if
Yahweh could descend into hell? It the Devil is not tangible, then why did Yahweh become tangible in order to
draw up a new contract for the children of Israel to destroy the Devil? This is why:
Yahweh created our Adamic progenitors especially to destroy the Devil and his race. They, however, were
spiritually-sabotaged by that Beast race and came under the power of Satanic death. Out of the remnants of that
sabotaged race Yahweh took one man and his family out of whom He created our Israelite progenitors for His
third Kingdom on earth to destroy the Satanic race. Israel, however, was also sabotaged and destroyed before she
could even commence to really learn Divine Law. ... To conquer spiritual and physical death, therefore, it was
essential for Yahweh to come into the plane of things material in order to draw up a new contract with our race
then sign it with His Blood to confirm it in accordance with Heb. 2:14; Matt. 14:24 and I John 3:8. We, the
White men of Anglo-Saxon-Celto Israel, are the ones vested with that contract, and it is time for the Christian
clergy to stand up and be counted.
The word "Satanic", however has four meanings: The hater, an accuser, an adversary, an opposing spirit. In I
Chron 21:1 Satan is the spirit of opposition in David which caused him to number the children of Israel after
Yahweh warned him against it in order to keep the Devil’s Serpent race ignorant of Israel’s numerical weakness.
The record in Job 1:7 says: "Yahweh said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered Yahweh, and
said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." On the surface, that record seems
to infer the Devil is a jolly old fellow rambling over the earth fiddling away his time while enjoying the scenery.
However, me-ayim is the Hebraic for that word "whence." There is no adequate English for it, yet one definition
for our "whence" is from what? In Hebraic, that compound word is la-mah, what good? The Hebraic for Job’s
word "comest" is bo, attain. The words "to" and "fro" are synonymous as shub, to pervert. Earth is erets,
humanity. The second word "from" is midde, sufficiently. Walking is halak, habitually. In, is dai, for. It, is hu, the
The Adamites (the sons of God, Job 1:6) had assembled to celebrate the Messianic ritual of Spiritual Renewal of
Yahweh’s Kingship amidst them. The ritual was celebrated every 30 years. During the ceremony, Satan went
amidst them in order to observe the high priest of the Order of Melchizedek bring life-sustaining bread and wine
out of the dimension of spirit, because if Satan could have learned the secret he could have used it to "prove" he
was "God." Satan was challenged by the Presence of God, who possibly was Melchizedek as Yahshua the
Messiah Himself, who said to that rascal: "What good do you attain?" Satan answered: "From despising and
perverting humanity sufficiently to form a habit for the same."
That passage further proves the Devil and his race of Jews have, from the beginning, exalted evilness as a virtue,
which we observed in the original of II Peter 2:12 on page 14 of Book I of this study: These living dead things,
are conceived and brought forth in child birth with the idea born in them to speak evil of things they understand
not, and to capture man and corrupt him utterly. That is the purpose of Jew Freemasonry — to teach Lucifer’s
"divine wisdom" in order to destroy man while posing as his benefactor and while Jewry expands into the
grandiose image of Lucifer as the perfection of perfect spiritual depravity (666).
In Psalm 109:6 Satan is a human who David wanted to act as an adversary against his Serpent enemies. In Zech.
3:1, 2 Satan in modern Jewry declaring our faults are the extent of our faith in Yahweh. Joshua symbolizes the
House of Israel as Yahweh’s Royal Priesthood Nation of Exo. 19:6 and I Peter 2:5, 9 who is now almost ready to
receive new spiritual garments and a crown of glory for our National Rule With God.
In Matt. 4:10; Mark 1:13 and Luke 4:8 Satan is the King of the Jews for that era. He was as tangible as any
material object. His name was Artabanus II. He reigned as King of Parthia from 10 to 40 A.D. He was of the
Turanian branch of the Serpent in Isa. 14:29 whose dynasty was founded the Devil, Balae-astarus (Assyrian
name), who was the Devil, Baalizebub, the Prince of the Shades, of II Kings 1:2, 3, 6, 16. He was none other
than Ethbaal in I Kings 16:31, father of the female Devil Jezebel. wife of King Ahab of the House of Israel in
When Yahshua the Messiah was in the material plane Satan’s seat of conspiracy against Yahweh and man was
Pergamos, Greece (Bergama, Turkey, today). It is recorded in Rev. 2:12, 13. He made Pergamos his headquarters
in 429 B.C. That is why Yahshua in Rev. 2:12, 13 says Pergamos was Satan’s seat and home town. During the
reign of the Devil, Attalus (241-197 B.C.) Pergamos rose to the zenith of power as the political and cultural
capital of Asia Minor. Its splendor was reached in the decade between 197 and 159 B.C. under the Devil
Eumeneas II, who ruled over Mysia, Lydia and the greater part of Phrygia and Caria.
While checking Prince Abdul Baraba Baha’s personal genealogical record with the ancient historians we observe
his "god" ancestor, Phraates III, was murdered in 57 B.C. by his legitimate son, Mathradates III, and his
illegitimate son, Ordos I, in order for the latter to reign as "God." He masqueraded as such until 37 B.C., then
exalted his son Phraates IV. His wife of the latter Devil was called the goddess Musa. Their eldest son,
Phraataces, was appointed by Phraates IV to succeed as God", yet Musa murdered him in 4 B.C. then exalted her
illegitimate son Phraates V, as "God." In 5 A.D., however, Musa and "god" were murdered by the Luciferian
priests who then proclaimed the bastard, Ordos II, was "God." He reigned from 5 to 7 A.D. then was murdered
by Vonones I who reigned as "God" until 11 A.D. when in turn he was murdered by Artabanus II, the tempter of
Jesus Christ in Matt. 4, Mark 1 and Luke 4 who had proclaimed himself "God" the previous year after murdering
all of the Arsacid princes except Vonones I who was eliminated in 11 A.D. Knowing his crooked record, we
observe he did it in order to attempt restoration of the Kingdom of Iran and possibly a World Empire after the
one fell in 330 B.C. with the conquest of the Persain Empire by the Israelite Danite, Alexander the Great when
the Serpent’s sceptre was broken in accordance with Isa. 14:29. The Roman Governor of Armenia enlisted the
service of the Scythian Israelites to destroy the Devil’s power threatening the Roman Empire. They defeated him
in 27 A.D., yet, he bribed the Israelite tribes of Sacae and Danae and made another effort to defeat Rome.
The record does not show from what place the Devil, Artabanus II, went in order to go to Jerusalem and cut
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) off from the Father. The record in Matt. 3:7 proves he believed John the Baptist was the
Messiah Son of God (Yahweh), and he sent his spies to ascertain whether or not that was true. John, however,
spurned them and said: "O generation of vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come?" We
formerly observed those rascals were in the progeny of Cain and Ishtar. The word "wrath" in Matt. 3:7 is orge, in
the Greek. It means vengeance. John was referring to the vengeance coming to those rascals when the Messiah
would re-organize the Kingdom of God by bringing dispersed Israel back to Palestine (the children of God
scattered abroad, John 11:52) then destroy the Devils kingdom of Jewry. (Probably speaking of Rome in 70
When that report was made to the Devil, Artabanus II, he went to Jerusalem in order to locate Jesus Christ then
went there to make black magic in order to generate a tremendous electro-cosmic field of oscillatory
disequilibrium and cut Jesus Christ off from the Father. That fact is denoted in Matt. 4, Mark 1 and Luke 4 by the
words "tempted" and "of" (the Devil). Tempted, is peirazo, attack. Of, is hupo, under. Therefore Jesus Christ was
under attack by the Devil, Artabanus II, who brought the power of his black magic to bear in the first magnitude
in order to destroy Christ’s Mind and drive Him insane and thus cut him off from the Father.
Now if one questions that situation, then consider the fact that, temptation from an intangible Satan is manifest
in us by evil thoughts that come forth in evil deeds and words of our own free will. For an intangible Satan to
tempt Jesus Christ as the surface appearance of the record in Matt. 4, Mark 1 and Luke 4 stands, Jesus Christ
would have been guilty of erroneous thinking which is sin in the first magnitude, inasmuch as erroneous thinking
is that which generates the force that consciously cuts man off from God and spiritually-kills him. For that
reason, we cannot see things spiritual — we are displaced 286.1022156 spiritual degrees from spiritual center. If
Christ had wanted to display His Cosmic Powers by changing stones into bread it would have been sin, because
to perform a miracle in that order would be in direct violation of Divine Law. He also would have had evil
thoughts if He had contemplated using His Cosmic Force to conquer the world. Another sin would have been for
Him to think about climbing to the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem then casting Himself down in order to
prove to the people He was God by not being killed.
Jesus Christ was the manifestation of Yahweh on earth in tangible form. He never had one evil thought in all of
His existence in the spiritual and material planes, because three of His seven Spirits are Divine Truth, Divine
Order and Divine Principle. To think evil the source would have to be in His Being .
Therefore Yahshua the Messiah was under attack from the Devil, Artabanus II. Yahshua was conscious of that
barrier being thrown around Him by the Devil, because He could feel its oppressive force on His brain, and if He
had remained in the radius of that destructive force it would have destroyed his ability to think rationally.
Therefore, He went into the desert to get out of its influence. He had not begun His Ministry and the Father’s
Cosmic Powers had not been vested in Him, yet the 40-day fast prepared Him to receive it. Therefore, He could
not have been thinking about using the Power for materialistic purposes. He received that Power after the
temptation and the Devil had departed and the angels came to minister to Him. That fact is observed in the word
"minister" in Matt 4:11 and Mark 1:13 which is diakoneo, in the Greek. It means serve as supplying heat and
light. We know heat and light are spiritual forces, and in the case of Yahshua the Messiah, the heat and light were
the Father’s Cosmic Forces of the universe controlled by the Mind of Yahshua the Messiah.
The electro-cosmic field generated by the Devil was similar to that which was generated by the Devil, called "the
Great Lord Marduk" by Cyrus, King of Persia, which was so powerful it even restrained the archangel Michael,
and Daniel recorded it in 10:13. The Devil was attempting to destroy Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar II
because Daniel had been placed at the head of the University of the Magi and Nebuchadnezzar II had destroyed
the Cainite-Akkad Dynasty and terminated the Kingdom of Assyria in 606 B.C. To add insult to injury, Nergal-
Shar-Usar, a son of Nebuchadnezzar II, had usurped the Devil's (Murduk) exalted position as "God" and
enshrined himself as such in his temple in Kutha. The black magic drove Nebuchadnezzar II insane and he
remained insane for seven years. Those fields are invisible, and while they are breaking down one’s ability to
think rationally one feels as though one is being boxed-in with powerful walls slowly closing in on one.
Another manifestation of those fields is visible as clouds of blackness so opaque they even shut off the sun light
at high noon. Those clouds were precisely what was manifest recently in New York City when a black cloud
engulfed the Empire State building in which Jewry’s Luciferian priests had convened in order to draw all strings
taut for the extirpation (destruction) of Christianity and the white race of Israel from the face of the earth. Later,
another cloud settled over the entire city while the Luciferian priests were conferring in the Waldorf Astoria
Hotel in order to consolidate the plot. They were not vapor nor smoke clouds. They were visible fields of occult
power as the manifestation of the presence of the Devil bringing to bear his black magic in the first magnitude.
They had an eerie feeling to army aviators sent aloft to investigate the nature of the blackness. In the Hebraic and
Aramaic, the name of those clouds is anan. It is variously used as; bring a cloud, sorceries, enchanter, soothsayer,
black magic, and witch-craft.
When Artabanus II failed in cutting Jesus Christ off from the Father he went to Christ and attempted to persuade
Him to renounce His exalted position then join him and both conquer the world and rule together in "peace." He
wanted Christ to demonstrate His power in converting stones into bread, obviously, in order to learn the secret
and use it to "prove" he was a god, in similar manner as his ancestor in Job 1:6-8 and 2:1-7. Artabanus II then
drew a mental picture of taking Yahshua up to the "pinnacle of the temple in the holy city" then casting Himself
down, and if He was truly the Christ-Son, the Father would not permit Him to be killed when striking the
pavement. It means Artabanus explained to Yahshua that he would make Him King of the House of Israel — the
holy city of God. The temple is Israel’s Soul-seat of consciousness, Mind and body (I Cor. 3:16, 17; 6:19; II Cor.
6:16; Ehp. 2:21) of which the Devil, Artabanus II, promised Yahshua to exalt Him to the zenith of power, and by
He being the Christ-Son in charge of things spiritual, and he, the Luciferian son, "in charge" of things material,
Yahweh would sanction the union. The words "fall, down, worship" used by the Devil are: fall, is pipto, to fail.
Down, is kato, beneath. Worship, is proskun, to touch. Thus the Devil told Yahshua the Messiah if He would fail
to re-organize the Kingdomof Yahweh exclusively for Himself as Yahweh had sent Him to do, then lower
Himself beneath him by accepting the junior position in the kingship of the World Empire then shake hands
(touch) in the Bel-pact to seal that partnership, the political-priestly position would be His by right that He was
his adopted son: the same as Cain became the co-regent with the Devil after sealing the partnership in the Bel-
If Yahshua had accepted that proposition it would have been the manifestation of Him casting Himself down
from the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem — casting Himself down below His dignity and his high position as
Mighty-One and King of Israel to the ground of the lowest position in the entire universe as the adopted son of
the Devil. That Beast was offering Yahshua the very thing He had in His hands — precisely as he has done to
man in all his existence, because the Devil and his Serpent race of Jews never possessed anything in all their
existence but what they inveigled (won over or got by flattery) man into depriving himself of while thinking he
was getting a bargain, which is precisely the thing Jewry in America is offering us while inveigling us to
relinquish the sovereignty of the United States of America — Abolish the United States in lieu of a One World
Government for "peace" for which the bogus United Nations is merely the screen behind which stands slavery,
chains and death for our race (Israel) and all other White nations who refuse to worship the Jew as Almighty
God. The United Nations is the "bogy" in protocol No. 5 of Jewry’s Luciferian priests who say in it: "In the place
of the rulers of today we shall set up a bogy which will be called the Super-Government Administration. Its
hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it
cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world."
Accordingly, that Jew "bogy" is gradually usurping power and enslaving our people to the Devil’s race of Jews
by Eurasian Jews at the head of every office working hand in glove with Jews in Washington, D.C. who are
blackmailing stupid U.S. Congressmen, President Truman, and Dean Acheson, Secretary of State, into doing
Jewry’s very bidding in a deliberate pre-meditated conspiracy to destroy the United States of America. Our
membership in that anti-Yahshua, anti-Messiah, anti-man Luciferian organization is our covenant with death
(hell) and agreement with hell as prophesied by Isaiah in the 28th chapter of his Book, of which the Honorable
John T. Wood, U.S. Congressman from Idaho, warned our people over the radio from Nampa, Idaho 16 Dec.
1951 and his speech was published on page A-244 of the Congressional Record for 17 Jan. 1952 under the
heading of "Our Greatest National Perils", a portion of which says:
"During the past three years, the original conception of the United Nations as a league of sovereign nations,
organized for the preservation of world peace, has tended to be displaced by that of a one-world government,
within which 60 nations we shall have but one vote. Such a setup, when completed, will completely do away
with our present conception of republican form of government in the United States, substituting therefor our
inclusion into a hybrid and mongrelized group of "have not" nations, who are slavering ravenously for the
balance of the wealth amassed through the strivings and savings of several generations of industrious Americans,
who have constituted and carried forward the very special genius of the ideal we have been very proud to call the
American way of life, which has been the envy of the world.
"... little by little the powers delegated to the Federal Government by the sovereign people of the United States
are either being usurped by that body, or granted to them by a government set-up in Washington, which is either
ignorant of the fact it is granting powers to the United Nations which the citizens of the United States granted to
it alone, or that each and every department of the Federal Government granting such powers is criminally
recreant (cowardly, unfaithful) to the oath each took upon assumption of office to support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies from within or without the United States."
"The constitution certainly never contemplated that any of its terms should authorize the selling out of our hard-
won freedoms to a one-world aggregation, which is even now 51-percent Communist by population, and which
is aiming to completely supplant our sovereign system of constitutional republican government, under which we
have lived and prospered for the past 164 years.
This one-world government already partially set up within the United Nations, is even now exercising the
following powers granted to the Federal Government alone by the Constitution.
"The sole right of Congress to declare war, and prosecute it to a speedy, and successful conclusion.
"The sole right of Congress to establish post offices. The United Nations now has its own post office, free from
the supervision of the Federal Government.
"The sole right of Congress to levy taxes upon all American citizens. All employees of the United Nations are
free from Federal taxation.
"The sole right of Congress to coin money and regulate the value thereof. This right was abrogated to the Chief
Executive in 1933 by Congress who apparently never knew they were granting to him that which had been
delegated to them alone, as a sacred trust, by the American people. It was nullified a second time by the Bretton
Woods monetary agreement, without which the conception of the United Nations could never have been brought
to birth.
"The sole right of Congress to supervise immigration. The United Nations may now admit, and is admitting
whomsoever it pleases, and there is nothing we can do about i
"The right of Congress to levy duty on imports. All goods and material imported by the U.N. or its employees
come in duty free.
"The right of the Chief Executive with his Cabinet, by and with the consent of Congress, to direct and regulate
foreign affairs. This right has been more or less completely usurped by the State Department, which now acts
conjointly with the United Nations, of which it has become an integral part, in the determination and direction of
our foreign policies.
"The right of our soldiers to serve in wars solely declared by the Congress, and only under our banner, the Stars
and Stripes, to be buried beneath its sacred folds, and to be under the command of none but American officers.
"The sole right of Congress to levy taxes upon the American people. The United Nations levied a tax of
$19,000,000,000 annually upon the people of Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and the nations
of Western Europe this year (1951), our share of which was the $8,000,000,000 appropriated by Congress in
October of this year.
"The right of the United States to remain master of its own house. The Defense Production Administration is
given the first allotment of our products, which is as it should be. Foreign allocations of these goods receive the
second preference, and these are determined by our State Department, again acting conjointly with the United
Nations. Our national economy receives the third share of it, if any. This is the real cause of our tremendous
shortages of steel, copper, tin, zinc, rubber, and other such materials, while at the same time Belgium is shipping
into this country an abundance of steel from the Ruhr valley in Germany, and selling it at twice the domestic
price, while she is receiving her steel from us as a gratuity ...
"They long for peace — with chains, and a security nowhere possible except within the squalid confines of a
slave barricade or the grim, guarded walls of a penitentiary. The closing words of Patrick Henry’s immortal
speech are much more sorely needed at this fateful time than when they were uttered: ‘Is life so dear, or peace so
sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?’
"The time is indeed short to reverse our present Roosevelt-Truman-Acheson brand of politics, and get back as
quickly and as thoroughly as we can to sound constitutional government"
Thus, and as the Devil, Artabanus II, was offering Jesus Christ the very things He had in His hands, so is Jewry’s
current god Abdul Baraba Baha, offering Israel the very things we have in our hands —Christian American
Republican Constitutional Government in which we are free to worship God in spirit and in truth in accordance
with the blue-print drawn by Yahweh Himself, Yahshua the Messiah. Yet, if traitorous Members of Congress
were to sell this Nation into Jewry’s trap for "peace", Jewry’s protocol No. 11 says: "... in no case shall we take
any account of them ... Then in fear and trembling they will close their eyes to everything, and be content to wait
the end of it all." In protocol N. 23 they continue: "Then will it be possible for us to say to the people of the
world: ‘Give thanks to God (Prince Abdul Baraba Baha) and bow the knee before him who bears on his front the
seal of the predestination of man.’
Further proof that the Devil is tangible is given by the Assyriologist, Prof. A. H. Sayce, in his book "Babylonian
and Egyptian Life", in which he says: "the claimant of the sovereignty took the hand of Bel, and then became the
adopted son of the god. Until this ceremony, however much he might be king de facto he was not so de jure ...
The legal title could be given by Bel and by Bel only."
Bel’s title was Marduk as a descendant of Cain and Ishtar’s son Enoch whose Akkad name was Marduk, and
Cyrus, King of Persia, says in his personal record now in the British Museum, Marduk rode by the side of Cyrus
when he entered Babylon, and the people kissed the feet of Marduk to show their respect to the "god", who was
just an ordinary looking "Jew" with all his usual distinct appearance and demeanor, supreme grand master of
black magic.
II Esdras 4:36, 37 of the Apocrypha shows the reason why the Bible does not directly name the current Devils.
Esdras says: "For He (God) hath weighed the world in the balance, by measure hath He measured the times, and
by number hath numbered the times; and He doth not move nor stir them, until the said measures be fulfilled."
Then Yahshua the Messiah assures us that is correct, and when those measures are full Yahshua says in Matt.
10:26: "Fear them (the Cainite Jews) not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and
hid, that shall not be known."
Consequently, the sacred and secular records do not directly name Bel, or the Devil, yet they do show his title
was Marduk and others, and the names of the reigning kings of the Serpent race were his adopted sons, because
it was the law handed down from Cain when he shook hands with the Devil, Azazel, the Serpent in Gen 3, after
entering a partnership with him to rule the world as his adopted son and to rule enslaved man as a "god" who
married the Devil’s daughter Ishtar, and became the father of another "god", Marduk, to carry on the Royal line
of the Devil in which the life force in the bone marrow had been rejuvenated by that of Cain.
In Jude 9, the Greek for the word "devil" is diabolos. It holds for Matt. 4:1, 5, 8, 11; Luke 4:2, 3, 5, 6 and John
6:70. The latter Devil was Judas Iscariot, which graphically shows the Devil in the other passages were tangible
beings we know as Jews. Jude says the Devil was attempting to get possession of the dead body of Moses.
According to the personal genealogical record of Prince Abdul Baraha Baha, the Devil in Jude 9 was the Cainite-
Akkad-Amalek-Idumean mongrel, Prince Butur. If he had been merely an intangible Satan, then what use could
he have made with the dead body of Moses? None whatever! Yet, because he was tangible, he could use his
black magic and given animation to the body for his own advantage, the same as Prince Abdul Baraba Baha is
capable of doing. His power has been observed by Mr. James C. Hollenbeck, who says in his book, "The Super
Deceiver on the World Horizon."
"In the case of the experience with the Prince, the man in question had been dead for four days. He had been
declared dead by medical doctors. Like Lazarus, decomposition had already set in. I saw the man myself and his
body was turning black, or the color of death. Not only that, but the odor was enough to convince anyone that he
was surely dead. The Prince, carrying out the same principles as Jesus did, stood beside the corpse and said:
"Musa, come forth.’ To my utter amazement, the man did so ... The man immediately showed signs of life.
Within a minute or two, he was standing on his feet. The color of death had left the body and the man seemed
normal in every way. But here is a singular thing. As soon as the man was restored to life, he gave every
evidence of confusion. He wept and implored in his own words to be permitted to remain on the earth again. His
face began to show signs of mental anguish, and he kept repeating: ‘I DON’T WANT TO GO BACK, OH
Now wait a minute! You people of Israel, don’t get excited! Jesus Christ Himself in Matt. 24:24 and Mark 13:22
says the Devil would even attempt to seduce the very elect of Israel by performing feats of black magic.
Therefore, observe: God (Yahweh), alone is capable of resurrecting the dead, because Life is one of His Seven
Spirits. The Devil is in no way shape or form a part of God. Jesus Christ raised the dead to vigorous life by
making use of His complete working knowledge of Mind over matter, and His cognizance of the knowledge
quality in atoms which has its source in the Mind of God of whom Jesus Christ was the manifestation on earth.
Since time immemorial, Jewry’s Supreme Grand Orient Freemasonic Lodge of B’nai B’rith was located in
Lhasa, Tibet in which is Lucifer’s library containing text books giving instructions on incomplete knowledge of
God’s Cosmic Powers handed down from Lucifer in the Garden of Eden before he committed suicide by
violating Divine Law. The working knowledge of that limited Power is kept active by the Supreme Grand Master
of B’nai B’rith in Lhasa, and they demonstrated their power during the rituals. Black magic is also used in the
ritual in B’nai B’rith in Christendom in order for brilliant Jews to master that occult science and possibly
become a member of the Devil’s Cabinet when death makes a vacancy. From the beginning, the Devil has been
an ordinary Jew supreme grand master of black magic. The only difference between THE DEVIL and a Jew junk
dealer is , THE DEVIL has succeeded in breaking the seal on black magic in the first magnitude then murdered
any other Jew in cognizance of the power in order to be "god."
The ability of Prince Abdul Baraba Baha to apparently give life to the dead is his knowledge of Mind over
matter in which he can concentrate his thought patterns in order to generate an electro-cosmic field of oscillatory
disequilibrium of sufficient strength and wave length which reacts on the de-arranged atoms of the dead body
and temporarily adjust them in the manner they were in life, and the body takes on the appearance of actual life.
It is not alive, however. It is only a vampire controlled by the Devil’s black magic, and the body will collapse
immediately after being removed beyond the radius of the field generated by the diabolical mind of Prince Abdul
Baraba Baha, or he terminates the field himself by concentrating his mind on something else. Mr. Hollenbeck
alludes to the face that he did not believe the man was actually alive.
Correct use of God’s Cosmic Forces is known as white magic. Erroneous use of it is black magic. The former
was used in turn by Adam, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, Christ and His apostles. Erroneous use of it is what Gen. 3:22
refers to. In that verse God is talking to our Mother-spirit, Adam’s "wife." That fact will be demonstrated later on
in this study, because it is a subject in itself. In Gen. 3:22 God says to our Mother-spirit: "Behold, the Adam (the
man, as the physical racial body of people) is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put
forthhis hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever."
Those emphasized words and their meaning are: Put is shalach, cast. Forth, is me-al, off. Hand, is yad, ministry.
Take, is leqach, learning. Also, is aph, even. Of, is el, concerning. Tree, is ets, Staff. Eat, is akal, indeed.
That "tree" is the ankh as the sceptre of the high priest of the Order of Melchizedek given by Yahweh to the
leader of the Adamic race in Gen. 3:21 when He ordained him for that position. The coats of skin in that verse
were white lamb-skin tunics extending from the shoulders to the feet in order to symbolize the former brilliant
spiritual illumination of the race as the visible spirit of the race, the "woman" and the "Image of God." The word
"clothed" in that verse is labash, in Hebraic, and it is synonymous with peribollio (clothed) in Rev. 10:1 and
12:1, meaning. arrayed in. In the latter Yahshua and the same "woman", as our Mother-spirit, are arrayed in the
atomical construction of the microcosmical order of the material body of our race.
Then, originally, Gen. 3:22 says after God arrayed the Adam in white lamb-skin tunics and instructed them
concerning His plan to send the Christ-Son of Righteousness into his House to make a new covenant through
which our race would be restored to the former tangible spiritual condition we were before the Serpent
spiritually-sabotaged us in the Garden of Eden, He told our Mother-spirit: "Behold, the Adam has become as one
of us, to know good and evil (knowing Divine Law and how to use it erroneously): and now, lest he cast off his
ministry, and learning even concerning the ankh (staff) of life, and indeed live forever."
Yahweh then isolated our Adamic progenitors out in the Tarim Basin in Eastern Turkistan in order to get out of
the Garden (the four colored races), because if Adam had let go of the Doctrine of Melchizedek concerning the
Messiah then became ambitious to impersonate himself as the Messiah in order for enslaved man to worship
him, he could have used the power of the ankh and indeed became immortal in a body displaced 286.1022156
spiritual degrees from God (Yahweh). We would have been a race of immortal Devils, not the sons of God
destined to be immortal tangible spirit in direct communication with God and spiritually and mentally-
synchronized with Him after the Kingdom is consummated in accordance with I Cor. 15:51-56; Rev. 21.
The apparent voice of the dead man heard by Mr. Hollenbeck was that of Prince Abdul Baraba Baha in similar
manner as any ventriloquist-hypnotist can cause a person to apparently speak while under the influence of the
occult scientist. Prince Abdul’s power is the same as that of his Devil ancestor, Butur, who wanted to get
possession of the dead body of Moses in order to cause our Israelite progenitors to go all-out for that Devil
instead of the invisible God by Butur giving animation to the body then throwing his voice into the dead mouth
and apparently causing it to speak and telling the children of Israel the lie that Butur was God as the prophesied
Messiah. Therefore, the archangel, Michael, took Moses into the dimension of spirit where the Devil could not
touch the body. It was accomplished by Michael changing the intensity of the vibratory impulses of the atomical
construction of the microcosmical order of the body, and he was translated in similar manner as Jesus Christ.
Enoch, Elijah and possibly St. John which John 21:22, 23 alludes to.
Matt. 12:24 says Beelzebub was the Prince of the Devils. "Beelzebub" is the conjunction of Beel (Baal) and
zebub. The former means, lord, master. The latter means fly. Therefore, Beelzebub was the god of flies as the
chief witch doctor who used blow-fly maggots to clean wounds so they could heal. According to Assyrian
records, that position, and performing black magic tricks during religious rituals, was the Devil’s (Marduk) sole
sphere of activity. He, as Baalzebub, is recorded in II Kings 1:2, 3, 6, 16 which says he was god of Ekron.
According to Assyrian records his name, or title, was Balea-astarus. He was none other than Ethbaal, father of
Jezebel, wife of King Ahab of Samaria. That female Devil was the mother of King Ahaziah who was critically
wounded and he sent for his witch-doctor grand-father to bring his maggots to clean the wounds before blood-
poisoning set in. The rascal in Ezek. 28 was of Ethbaal’s Royal line out of which came the Cockatrice of Isa.
14:29 and Beelzebub of Matt. 10:25; 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15, 18, 19. He was Artabanus II, called
Beelzebub, Prince of the Devils, in which the word "devils" is Shades of death.
Now the Shades are the Rephaim in Gen. 14:5; 15:22 and the "dead" of Job 26:5 in which the "dead" is
Rephaim, Shades of spiritual and physical death. They are the twice dead "trees" in Jude 12, and the living-dead
things in the original of II Peter 2:12. We know them as Jews, yet those called Rephaim in the Old Testament
were giants of the Serpent race. They became extinct in Asia Minor during David’s time, and in subsequent
centuries, the perfidious Luciferian Doctrine of the Canite mongrels twisted the truth around to make it seem the
Shades were disembodied spirits of those Rephaim who took up residence in people and caused them to become
epileptic, insane, deaf, dumb, and blind. Those extinct Rephaim are worshipped today, in China, as "gods" who
left the earth and now live in "heaven." The Cainite Devils accused Jesus Christ of being the reincarnation of the
Prince of the Shades in order to discredit Him in the sight of the House of Judah Israelites. The Cainites,
however, knew the Prince of the Shades was Artabanus II, because he and they were the Living-dead Shades,
and those belonging to the Sadducee cults of Cainite Euchite, Cainite Essene, Cainite Sabeast, and Cainite
Gnostics kept the truth alive that they were the Shades as the Luciferian race of god-men. The secret was
confined to the inner sanctuary of the temple in Jerusalem in which no one but the Cainites could enter because
they said the oracles of God were therein. The oracles of God, however, have been transported to Ulster, Ireland
in 583 B.C. by Jeremiah and his scribe Baruch.
The fact that the inner sanctuary was Jewry’s Luciferian Freemasonic Lodge room came to light when Yahweh
split the veil in the temple by the earth-quake. He set in motion when His Christ-Son of Righteousness died on
the cross, and the Father showed His indignation in the earthquake. The Israelites could then see into the inner
sanctuary through the opening in the veil, and from that moment until they abandoned Palestine 23 August 70
A.D. they never set foot in the temple.
In Matt. 12:34 those Luciferian Cainites are accused of being Serpents of the Devil’s household. The first Satan
in verse 26 was Artabanus II, Christ’s chief adversary. The second Satan is the unclean condition of the people
cured by Christ bringing to bear His Holy Ghost of Creative Energy. The diseases were, and are, devils as
opposing spirits, (Satan) to the Creative Energy, and if the Devil cast them out of man, he would destroy the fruit
of his own kingdom.
In Matt. 16:23 and Mark 8:33 Jesus Christ accuses St. Peter of being Satan. He means Peter’s reluctance to stand
by and permit the Satanic Jews to murder Him was an opposing spirit to the plan of the Father, which Heb. 2:14
speaks of.
In Mark 4:15 Satan is the Cainite-Akkad-Amalek-Idumean mongrels. Their blond line shows when Jesus Christ
says in verses 11 and 12, He speaks in parables so they cannot understand lest they be converted and their sins be
forgiven. Now epistrepho is the Greek for that word "converted." It means, to come again. Forgiven, is aphiemi,
suffer. Therefore, Christ symbolized His Kingdom Message to the Israelites in order to confuse the Serpents of
Cain’s household so they would not come again, for if they could understand, their evilness would not suffer, or
tolerate, Him to continue. They are the ones in verse 15, and when they hear Christ, Satan — their genealogical
trait in II Peter 2:12 — takes away all understanding.
In Luke 13:11-13 is a woman who Christ cured of a spirit of infirmity. Astheneia is the Greek for the word
"infirmity." It means wickedness. Inasmuch as Satan in verse 17 afflicted her, it is obvious, that Satan was a
Cainite witch doctor administering drugs which drained away her strength in order to hold her in his power and
force her to pay money for the drugs — the same as the Assyriologist, Prof. Sayce, says in his book, "Religions
of Ancient Assyria and Babylon", was practiced by the priesthood (witches) attached to Ishtar’s staff in her
temple in Ur of the Chaldees. We know them today as the leaders of the diabolical narcotic traffic, who
according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, are all Jews who have more than 200,000 government workers
in Washington, D.C. alone, addicted to heroin (the deadliest of narcotics, because there in no cure for an addict)
in accordance with protocol No. 8 of Jewry’s Luciferian priests who say: "For a time, until there will no longer
be any risk in entrusting responsible posts IN OUR STATES to our brother-Jews, we shall put them in the hands
of persons whose past reputations are such that between them and the people lies an abyss, persons who, in case
of disobedience to our instructions, must face criminal charges of disappear (murder) — this in order to make
them defend our interest to their last gasp."
In Luke 22:3 and John 13:2, 27 it seems Satan and the Devil are one as an evil spirit. However, Luke 22:3 says:
"Then entered Satan into Judas." John 13:2 puts it this way: "And supper being ended, the Devil having now put
into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray Him." In Luke 22:3 the word "entered" is eiserchomi, in
the Greek. It means, come into. Into, is eis, wherein as in the course of. In John 13:2 having, is echo, could have.
Now, is ede, already.
Thus, Satan in Luke 22:3 and the Devil in John 13:2 are one as Artabanus II, and Satan in John 13:27 is the
opposing spirit in Judas Iscariot who was a Devil — diabolos, John 6:70. Then, when we coordinate the record
we observe in Luke 22:1, 2 the Feast of the Passover was drawing nigh, and the Cainite Luciferian priests
conferred on ways to put Jesus Christ to death before He could reorganize the Kingdom of God on earth.
Artabanus II, was called from Pergamos, Greece to give advice because he was the god in Cain’s household in
Jerusalem. Satan, as Artabanus II, in the course of the conference came unto the Cainite Judas Iscariot, because
he was one of the disciples, and instructed him to notify the high priest, Caiaphas, as soon as possible after
Christ declared He was ready for the people to claim Him King then re-organize the Kingdom of God in order
for Caiphas to use that information as an act of treason against Rome then kill Him to prevent themselves from
being banished from control of the Roman Empire through blackmail, murder and gold. The contract with Judah
and Israel, as the New Testament made through the sacrament during the Last Supper was what Judas concluded
was Christ’s intentions of proclaiming Himself King of the children of Israel then setting up His Kingdom during
the Passover.
The sacrament ritual is first observed in Gen. 14:18, and it was retained down the centuries in the Order of
Melchizedek known in Palestine as John the Baptist Order of the Essene in which Jesus Christ was ordained by
John the Baptist as the Supreme Grand Master because, He was Melchizedek as the Son of God. The Cainite-
Akkad mongrels purloined (stole) incomplete portions of the sacrament ritual from the Sethite mongrels who
learned its significance from their incomplete knowledge of Enoch’s Messianic Prophecy and the rituals
perfected around the prophesied Christ-Son of God. One portion of the Messianic ritual is observed by Abraham
in Gen. 15:9, 10, 17. The Cainites, however, perverted the sacrament ritual into cannibalistic human sacrifices in
order to pretend it was originally theirs and it symbolized Lucifer’s new covenant with his race (B’nai B’rith, the
Sons of Satan’s Covenant). Judas Iscariot knew the significance of the sacrament performed by Jesus Christ
(Yahshua), and because he knew Christ was God, not Lucifer, in accordance with the Messianic Prophetic ritual.
Yet, by Christ being flesh, Judas believed that by killing Him, it would end the chances of re-organizing His
Kingdom, and if Christ would be "reincarnated", the Cainites could again murder Him after He made His
appearance. Then in John 13:2 the Last Supper is ended and John says the Devil (Artabanus II) could have
already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot the incentive to betray Christ. Verse 27 shows when Christ handed
Judas the sop (psomion — morsel of food) the gesture disclosed him as being a Cainite Devil as a Gestapo agent
of Caiaphas, and he was "insulted" because his treachery was exposed and he resolved to get revenge by
betraying Christ, yet he could not even do that until Christ gave him permission.
Now Satan, in Luke 22:31 is Peter’s rebellious spirit which would shake his faith in Christ, yet Christ tells him
He will give him strength to carry on the kingdom work. In Acts 5:3 Satan is the opposing spirit in Ananias to
the pure faith in Christ. He was carnal minded and a hypocrite. Satan is the same type of adversary in Acts
26:18, yet Satan in Rom. 16:20 is Jewry. He was bruised in 70 A.D. when the Romans killed thousands of the
Cainite-Akkad-Amalek-Idumean Devils in the "Jewish War." His power in Palestine was broken in 135 A.D. and
all Cainite Devils were forbidden to set foot in Jerusalem.
I Cor. 5:5 says: "To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in
the Day of the Lord Jesus."
That passage has been interpreted so erroneously that innumerable people have been killed by the "Church"
officials in actions believed to be efforts to save a backslider from hell fire in the hereafter. The doctrine is
wrong! because the word "flesh" in that passage is sarx, in the Greek. It means carnal minded. Spirit is pneuma,
spirit as a force of a movement. Saved is sozo, keep sound. In, is en, to.
The people on I Cor. 5:5 had became "Christian" for materialistic purposes. They were Gnostics whose
Luciferian Doctrine taught the lie that Jesus Christ sponsored Communism in which women were common
community property, and a sly "Christian" could lead a life of leisure by sucking his living out of the wealth
incorporated into Church property. That is what St. Paul is discoursing about in I Cor. 5. He said for true
Christians to kick the Communist out of the Church and let them go to Satan, for their opposition to Christ, in
which their parasitical living would be cut off and they would be compelled to find employment in which their
carnal mindedness would be destroyed by coming in contact with men who would not tolerate Communism or
permit their women to become community property subject to any man’s brutal desires. Where Christ says for
the people to sell all of their possessions and follow Him while pooling everything, He meant if for a test of their
faith in Him, and also to have a pool of supplies and money to assist unfortunate Christians deprived of making a
living by the Cainites who had passed laws barring anyone from gainful employment if they professed faith in
Jesus Christ being the Son of God. That is the extent of His "Communism." Then by kicking the Communist out
of the Church, the spirit of Christ’s Doctrine would remain sound to the Day of the Lord Jesus. That day is on us
now, the Communists are back in force, the genuine Church is dead, because carnal mindedness has superseded
Christ’s Doctrine.
In I Cor. 7:5 Satan is the spirit of opposition in people to remain faithful to Christ if forbidden to marry. Satan,
in II Cor, 2:11 is a Jew always ready to take advantage of human weakness and pull one away from Christ. Satan
in II Cor. 11:14 has become an angel of light. "Angel", in the Greek is aggelos. It means, messenger, agent.
Today, as of yore, that Satanic angel of the Devil is Jews in our "Churches" superimposing the disguised
Luciferian Doctrine upon the Doctrine of Christ in order to destroy the latter while the angel from hell poses as a
pious Christian. Today, that "light" is the "spiritual" illumination of the National Council of Churches, the
National Conference of Christians and Jews, Modernism, High Criticism and all forms of "scientific
Christianity", and the lie that God has became a Christian and He wants to merge Christianity and Judaism for
"peace, unity, harmony, brotherhood" then top if off with the "beauty" of mongrelization.
Satan, in II Cor. 12:7 would have been St. Paul’s opposition to Christ if he had glorified himself as being a
Christian too "pure" to associate with other people.
In II Thess. 2:3-9 the man of sin is Jewry’s current god, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha, notwithstanding the Jew lie
that, "the man of sin" has been the Roman Catholic Church and the Popes down through the centuries. Satan, in
verse 9 is the Wandering Jew Devil of Rev. 12:12 who came to the United States in 1928 from Leningrad Russia.
The last account we had of him he was on Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. His presence was manifest by
his signature, or symbol, of a cobra’s head drawn on houses on the avenue, the same as wherever he stopped
from 429 B.C. in Pergamos, Greece where it was first observed and recorded in history. It is the symbol of the
Serpent in the first paragraph of protocol No. 3 of Jewry’s Luciferian priests. The word "coming" in II Thess. 2:9
is parausia, presence. After, is kata, through. Paul ,therefore, prophesied that Prince Abdul Baraba Baha’s
presence in our House would be through the work of the Wandering Jew Devil and his Jew Freemasons in B’nai
B’rith. One not mentally-dead can see the presence of those two Devils has produced everything prophesied by
Paul, because B’nai B’rith did exalt Prince Abdul as God in the Temple of God, which is Manasseh Israel’s great
Christian Anglo-Saxon-Celtic, Scandinavian and Nordic people in the United States, where Prince Abdul exalted
himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped. He is the one withholding the truth from Israel that,
she is the Kingdom of God in order to deceive sincere Christians into believing this world is not their home, they
are just passing through and surrendering their birthright to the Devil’s counterfeit race of Jews on the sole
strength of his lies that he is the correct owner of this world.
Satan, in I Tim. 1:20 and 5:15 is in opposition to Christ. The Synagogue of Satan in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 is world
Jewry. The word "Jews" in those verses originally was Judah. Today, Jewry indeed, tells us they are the sons of
Judah and all of Israel remaining, yet in the dark confines of his Luciferian Clubs (Hellel Clubs) in every big city
in America, the rabbis and B’nai B’rith Freemasons are teaching "little" Jews the truth that Jewry is NOT Judah,
or even of Israelite extraction, but JEW, THE LUCIFERIAN RACE.
In Rev. 3:9 the word "worship" is proskun, and "before" is enopion. When used together as they are in Rev. 3:9 it
means, to fall down before. Yes, Jewry will fall down before the feet of Israel, the Kingdom of God, in 1953 and
shed Crocodile tears as prophesied in Isaiah 27:1; Zech. 12:12-14 and Christ in Rev. 3:9 then beg us not to
banish him into Mongolia and Tibet as pay for all the bloodshed in God’s House since the Devil spiritually-
sabotaged our Adamic propenitorst (sic. maybe penitent propensity), Matt 23;35; Luke 11:51; Zech. 14:21; Rev.
In Rev. 2:13, 24 Satan was Artabanus II, King of the Parthian Devils and the Cainite-Akkad-Amalek-Idumeans
in the New Testament, who were enemies of Christ and His disciples. In Rev. 12:9 Satan is the succeeding King
of the Serpent race from 35 A.D. unto today, and in Rev. 20:1-3 he is the current Devil Prince Abdul Baraba
Baha, and Jewry standing on the brink of being banished from God’s Christian House of Israel forever in order
for Christ Jesus to consummate His Kingdom a tangible spiritual reality as portrayed in I Cor. 15:51-56; Rev. 21
and 22. After Jewry is banished from Christendom, the Devil, as Satan, will be the succeeding King of the Jews
isolated from Christendom during the Millennial Reign of Christ Jesus on the Throne of David in the House of
Israel. Today, that Throne is the Throne of England. After 1,000 years of peace in God’s House, Satan as Jewry
and his king as Gog, of Rev. 29:7 will come forth again with all Northern East Asia (Magog, verse 8) for cannon
fodder in another effort to annihilate God’s Kingdom. When that occurs, however, Satan and his parasitical race
of Jews will be extirpated from the face of the earth.
Now THE Devil, in the original Books of the New Testament, is Diabolos, meaning, calumniator as a malicious
accuser. It is used, only, for THE Devil and his race. Therefore, we will leave "Satan" and take "Diabolos" apart
and examine him in order to terminate this effort to correct the error in reasoning that, THE Devil is merely an
evil angel in the dimension of spirit, in the hearts of man, or down in the heart of the earth, or in the atmosphere.
In Matt. 13:25-30 Christ Jesus speaks about a field of mixed seed. It is a wheat field in which an enemy has
sown tares (cockle). When the servants want to remove the tares the master says to let them grow in order to
prevent pulling up the wheat whose roots are fouled by the roots of the tares. Christ says He speaks in parables
about things kept hidden since the foundation of the world. That "world" is kosmos, arrangement. The wheat, at
that occasion, was the House of Judah arranged in Jewry’s Beast system in 37 B.C. The tares are Cain’s
household. Christ sowed the wheat and the Devil sowed the tares. The parable extends on into today during
which time the Devil has been the succeeding Kings of the Jews down to Abdul Baraba Baha today. After the
Jew-Khazar Empire was destroyed in 1016, the Devil sowed his tares in God's field of Christendom in order for
the parasites to suck their living out of Israel while sabotaging and destroying our Christian faith in God. The
wheat is now ripe and ready for harvest, and before the end of 1953 Jewry will be gathered out of Christendom
and burned (verses 39-40) before the rapture, or harvest. <interruption>
"Then (after Jewry is removed) shall the righteous (Israel) shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father"
verse 43. ...
The Devil and his angels in Matt. 25:41 is the Jew king and his Jew angels of hell. We know it, because the word
"curse" in that verse is katara, to wish a curse against one. It is synonymous with the curse in Isa. 34:5 which is
cherem, in Hebraic. It means, things that should have been utterly destroyed, and that word "things" is nephesh,
beast. Isaiah calls them Idumea because the Cainite-Akkad-Amalek Beast absorbed Esau in mongrelization then
called themselves Idumea, or the Edomites; and the counterfeit race is the Beast race as the mangy renegade
In Luke 8:12 the Devil is the King of the Jews working through Jews and non-Jew stooges to establish occult
religious cults in order to destroy Christianity in the hearts of all entering the doors. Today, some of those cults
are Luciferian Christian Mysticism commonly known as Theosophy, "scientific Christianity", Modernism, High
Criticism, Yogaism, Asiatic Self Realization.
In John 6:70 Jesus Christ says one of His disciples was a Devil. He was Judas Iscariot, a Cainite-Akkad-
Amalek-Idumean mongrel descendent of Cain and Ishtar, whose ancestral grandfather was Azazel, the Serpent in
Gen. 3, and in John 8:44 Jesus Christ accuses those twice dead Beasts of being the literal offspring of the Devil,
Aazael, and in verse 33 they admit they are not Israelite.
In Acts 10:36 the Devil was Arabanus II who we have previously observed. In Acts 13:5-10 is a Cainite Jew
black magic artist who Paul, in verse 10, accuses of being a Devil. The Devil in Eph. 4:27 is still a king of the
Cainite household. The date in the margin is 64 A.D. At that time Volgases I, King of Partha, was THE Devil. He
was pulling the last string taut for the Jewish War (66-70 A.D.) which Flavius Josephus tells about when he says,
that Devil attempted to extirpate the House of Judah from the face of the earth. Dion Cassius, in his book
"Roman History", further says, that Devil was attempting to wipe out Christianity in Continental Europe and
Palestine and Druidism and Christianity in the British Isles. He is the same Devil in Eph. 6:11, and girding on the
whole armor of God, cited by Paul in Eph. 6:13-17, including the naked sword of God’s Word that the Ephesians
were Israelites of the House of Dan; and today the sword is the same as God’s Word that, the Anglo-Saxon-
Celtic Scandinavian and Nordic people, in the majority are the House of Israel as God’s Kingdom on earth.
In I Tim. 3:7 Timothy shows the conduct, becoming to a Bishop of the Church, or any preacher today not
regarded especially as a Bishop. They are to hold that position only after becoming seasoned Christians, which is
denoted in the word "novice" in verse 6, which is neophutos, newly planted. Because, if he were not a seasoned
Christian he would fall into condemnation to the Devil, who is the same Beast as Jewry’s king teaching apostasy
to Christians through Jewry’s Beast System. If the preacher does not have a good report for those not in his
denomination, he will fall into the snare of the Devil set by Jews to discredit the clergy and ruin their influence.
The modern trap was set and baited by Rabbi Reichorn in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1869 when he informed a
convention of the Luciferian priests: "Naturally we must commence by discrediting the ministry of this religion
(Christianity). Let us declare open war on them; suggest suspicions as to their devotion, of their private life. And
by ridicule and jest, we shall get the better of the consideration attaching to the State and to the cloth." Then, in
Paris, France, February 1936 the Grand Master of Jewry’s Grand Orient Freemasonic Lodge of B’nai B’rith
reviewed the result of the trap when he informed another convention of the Luciferian priests (convened in order
to draw all strings taut for World War II), and the Paris publication "Le Reveil du Peuple" quoted him: "We have
turned the Clergy into objects of hatred and ridicule, we have subjected them to the contempt of the crowd. We
have caused the practice of the catholic Religion to be considered out of date and a mere waste of time.
"And the non-Jews, in their stupidity, have proven easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect
more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no more than a herd of sheep." Formerly, in the
same speech he said: "We must always bear in mind that the catholic Church is the only institution which has
stood and which will, as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way. The catholic Church, with her
methodical work, and her edifying and moral teaching, will always keep her children in such a state of mind, as
to make them too self-respecting to yield to our domination and to bow before our future King of Israel."
That king of false Israel in 1936 and today is the Turko-Mongol Jew, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha, whose
condemnation and trap the average preacher in America has fallen into despite the fact that Timothy warned of
its location when he wrote his great letters, yet by being willingly ignorant of the mysteries of God’s Kingdom of
Israel and our position in the world, they have gone to hell and seem to like it. But if God peradventure will give
them repentance (change of mind) to the knowledge of the truth; that they may recover themselves out of the
snare of the Devil who are taken captive by him at his will (II Tim 2:25, 26) they could save this Nation of
Manasseh Israel from pending sorrows dished out by the Devil’s race of Jews in their final attempt to extirpate
the Kingdom of God (Yahweh) from the face of the earth or perish in the attempt.
The word "repentance" in II Tim. 2:25 is metanoia, a change of mind. James 4:7 says resist the Devil and he will
flee from you. James 1:1 proves he is writing to the 12 tribes of Israel. Israel, today, is the Christian Nations —
the White man's civilization. Today, as during James’ time, the "world" in James 4:4 is kosmos, in the Greek.It
means, arrangement. The word "resist" in verse 7 is SATAN. It means, hate, accuse, to oppose. That Devil is
Jewry as the racial body of the Beast. The "world" around and impregnating Israel’s Christian Nations is the
arrangement of our people in Jewry’s Beast System. Resistance against the Jew Devil is everything Christian,
which builds strong faith in God, strong morals, character, harmonious home, community, national life ..., strong
nationalism, strong patriotism, pride in one’s race, sound Republican Constitutional Christian Government,
thrift, prosperity, and abundance of the first necessities of life. In other words, it creates a strong, healthy
national life on which the parasitical Jew Devils cannot feed and he will flee from the individual and the Nation
to a weaker national plant without strength to resist the penetration of the parasites. God (Yahweh), however, did
not choose Israel in order for us to build ourselves into that healthy plant so the parasitical Devil would flee to
other people and suck his living out of them for their destruction. Instead, He chose Israel and gave her His Laws
on how to build herself first into a strong body on which the Jew parasites would perish if they attempted to
absorb our strength into themselves — the same as any parasitical insect will not feed on healthy vegetation.
They choose unhealthy vegetation, because there are certain qualities in robust vegetation that are poisonous to
insect parasites. ... Without a plant on which the Jew Devils would be capable of feeding, they would be
compelled to withdraw to themselves and suck their living out of one another in order for God to permit the
Devil and his race to destroy themselves and free man of evil and death.
However, our ancestors showed their weakness by permitting the Jew Devils to penetrate our Nations. While
sucking their living out of our people, we, however. continued growing into a powerful material State. Yet, today,
under the surface of that material strength, the heart of our national tree is dead, the trunk has been encircled
under the bark and the leaves and fruit have been devoured by the parasitical Jew palm-worms, grasshoppers,
canker-worms and caterpillars as prophesied by Joel 1:4, and today the world stands in trembling fear of being
devoured by larva of Bessie bugs.
Death came to our tree after the parasitical Jew Devils got control of our Press then radio and television through
which he put forward subtle hidden suggestions for us to follow and arrange ourselves in the Beast System for
our own destruction, yet we blamed it all on an intangible Devil standing behind us while silently whispering
inaudible instructions. James 1:14, 15, however, proves those instructions are our own evil thoughts emanating
from lusting after the slimy spiritually and mentally-sabotaging baubles (trinkets) dangled before our eyes by the
Jew Devil.
The only power a Jew Devil has over our people is FEAR on our part of what the Jew MIGHT do to us
personally or to our national finances and economy. In the political, he uses blackmail to create fear of what he
might do to one in office who has erred in judgment in the past and is ashamed of it. The Jew Devils discovered
the error, then through subtle propaganda they caused us to vote the man into office where the Jew Devils use
FEAR to compel the man to do the very bidding of the Devils for the ultimate destruction of our Nation in
accordance with Jewry’s protocol No. 8 which says it is done "in order to make them defend our interest to their
last gasp.
Resist the Devil: hate him because of his crawly parasitical evilness. Accuse him publicly of being a traitor.
Openly oppose his subversive blackmailing, murderous methods of boycotting, ransacking, sabotaging and
destruction of our people and Nation. Stand up like men, you Congressmen in Washington, D.C.! You
Congressmen who are being blackmailed into voting the Jew Devil's ticket to abolish the United States, our
Constitution, our Flag, our Armed Forces and force our people into a mongrelized world of heathens in which
our sisters, mothers, wives and sweethearts would become common community property subject to the whims of
any Asiatic beast, stand up like men! Go on the radio and tell our people: "Yes, I have been in error in the past. I
was ashamed of it, but I believed I could erase it through service to our Nation. However, I have increased the
error by betraying our Nation because I have been blackmailed by Jews, and the fear of being removed from
office has kept me silent and a traitor. My fear of the Jew is now past. My only fear now is anxiety that our
Nation will be destroyed. I have work to do in Congress to prevent as far as my ability the destruction of our
Nation. If you have lost confidence in me because my secret has been revealed by blackmailing Jew
commentators masquerading as patriotic citizens, it is your Constitutional right to remove me in the next
election. Yet, as long as I remain in Congress I shall devote my entire time and ability in efforts to preserve our
The Jew Devil could do nothing about it. Your fear of him would be broken, his power over you would be gone,
and when the work to save America is finished, our people would have forgotten long ago about your secret, or
had forgiven it out of due respect of a job well done.
The Jew Devil is the most nauseating coward ever to stand amidst men. It is his Mark of Cain, and the flight of
the Cockatrice and Crocodile in Isa. 14:29 and 27:1. He has no more courage than a sick chicken. His apparent
bravery is your FEAR of what he MIGHT do. With the truth going out over the radio, television and Press telling
our people that, Jewry and Communism are synonymous; Jewry, alone pushed us into the Revolutionary War, the
war of 1812, the Civil War, a Jew assassinated President Lincoln, pushed us into World Wars I and II and the so-
called police action in Korea in order to destroy our Christian faith in God and our race; the truth that Jews
murdered James Forrestal, General George S. Patton and Walton H. Walker because they were in cognizance of
Jewry’s communistic conspiracy to destroy Christendom and they were contemplating on telling our people
about it; the truth that Jews in Washington, D.C. working hand in glove with Jews in the Kremlin ordered
General Douglas MacArthur stripped of his command because he was winning the war in Korea which the Jew
Devil does not want us to win.
With that truth going into every home in America on the radio and television, Jewry would not dare to murder
another patriotic Christian American or blackmail our Press into further silence.
The power vested in the United States Congress by the Constitution of the United States is real POWER. It is a
portion of the "hands" of the living creatures in Ezek. 1 and Rev. 4 and the "power of the holy people" in Dan.
12:7. Yet, today, the "hands" are down, and the Jew Devil has all but destroyed the power. The minor power
allowed our people by the blackmailing Jew Devil is a portion of that real power. Yet, in the face of Jewry’s
power, over the United States government, Jewry’s strength seems greater. However, Jewry’s apparently great
power is absolutely nothing. It is a false power based on lies and fear, and they rely entirely on lies and fear for
their domineering position. Jewry admits they are a nation within our Nation and a state within every state of our
Union, and now is even a colonial Power. The colony is the illegitimate State of Israeli. Therefore, Jewry’s very
presence in the United States directly violates Article IV, Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States.
Therefore, why tolerate the Jew Devil's blackmailing subversiveness any longer? By Divine Law and the Law of
the United States Constitution they should be disenfranchised then kicked out of our Nation. The little power
remaining in the hands of the United States Congress and our people in general, and Jewry’s false power is
precisely what Christ Jesus is speaking about in Matt. 13:12 which says: "For whosoever hath, to him shall be
given, and he shall have more abundance, but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he
There will occur before the end of 1953 — the end of Jacob’s Trouble brought down on us by the Jew Devils Era
of Kali in which they purpose to extirpate the Kingdom of God (Yahweh) from the face of the earth in
accordance with Psalm 2:1-4 which says: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The
kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed,
saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall
laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision."
"Bands" in that Psalm is moser, in Hebraic. It means, fetter. Cord, is aboth, band, or cord. Form, is panim, in the
face of. Those fetters, bands and cords are one as the cable tow tied around the neck of the lion of Judah. It is
held in the hands of Michael, the Archangel of Divine Truth, the Great Prince of Israel, in order to restrain the
lion. It is the shock-absorber for David's Throne. It is the blood-line of Israel in Manasseh’s great people.
Manasseh is the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic, Scandinavian and Nordic people in the United States of America. David’s
Throne is the Throne of England, and the lion is the Royal House of Britain.
In Psalm 2:1 the word "people" is leom, nation. In 2:2 earth, is erets, a certain land. That certain land and the
nation is Jewry’s Soviet Union and all countries behind Jewry’s "iron curtain" in which a Jew is at the head of
every government. Those heathenish Jews are the consummation of the ten kings of Rev. 17:12, 13 as the power
of the Jew Beast of Desolation crushing in his coil Hungry, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia. Czechoslovakia, Poland,
Rumania, Bulgaria, China-Manchuria and Mongolia. Those Jews have one mind, and give all their power and
strength to the Beast. All are conspiring against the Lord and His anointed of Israel. While drawing the last string
taut, the Jew Devil believes he cannot fail and he walks about America like a roaring lion seeking to devour
everyone in cognizance of his conspiracy to destroy Christendom and rear on the debris the World Empire of
THE Devil Prince Abdul Baraba Baha, as I Peter 5:8 prophesies.
I John 3:8 is confirmation of Heb. 2:14 and all of Israel’s prophets in the Old Testament that, Jesus Christ came
into the material plane to make a new covenant with the children of Israel in order for us to destroy the Devil and
his race of Jews. In verse 10 of I John it says, In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the
Devil. Now that "children" is teknon, in the Greek. It means one born, and it further proves our people are the
children of God and Jewry is the children of the Devil, inasmuch as an Israelite cannot be born of the Devil
unless a Jew is his father or mother, yet even then, the mongrel is not an Israelite, because the Satanic deadness
of the Jew blast out of the child everything human. It is no more possible for a mongrel of a non-Jew and Jew
parentage to have a spiritual body than you can parallel a direct current generator with an alternator and expect
to generate normal power: The direct current and the alternating current are diametrically opposite, and any
attempt to parallel them will inevitably result in a destructive explosion. Relative conditions are in humans and
Jews: The cosmic force of a human is direct and positive. In a Jew, it is diametrically opposite, and electronic
instruments prove it, and also prove the force in Jews is destructive. When one attempts to parallel the two forces
in mongrelization the direct force of the human imparted in the conception is blasted by the destructive force of
the Jew. Electronic instruments also prove the latter, and it is further manifested in the mongrel child by the bone
marrow being incapable of generating red blood corpuscles, and the ability to generate red blood came from the
non-Jew parent. If the mongrel and his subsequent line withdraw within the Satanic race, that ability to generate
red blood will gradually become weaker and in 360 years that line will perish.
That mongrel is a Devil and one born of THE Devil. An Israelite cannot be spiritually-born of the Devil because
Israel’s children are born into this manifest world spiritually-alive and a child of God; ... but Jewry is born
spiritually-dead from the womb, and there is no spiritual salvation for him.
In Rev. 2:10 the Devil was Artabanus II. Down the centuries he has been the Wandering Jew Devil of Rev. 12:12.
In 35 A.D. his seat of conspiracy against God and man was Pergamos, Greece. He remained there until 79 when
God chased him out by destroying the city with the earthquake He set in motion by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
He then moved to Byzantium (Constantinople) where he remained until 1552 then moved to Madrid Spain. In
1790 he went from Madrid to Paris, France where he remained until 1814 then moved to London England. In
1871 he left London and went to Berlin, Germany where he lived until 1881 then moved to St. Petersburg,
Russia. He remained in the latter city until December 1927 and January 1928 he moved to the United States of
America and inscribed his signature of a black king cobra’s head on houses on Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.
It is not known by us whether or not he is still alive, yet we do know the current Devil is Prince Abdul Baraba
Baha as THE Devil or his co-regent. Whatever position Prince Abdul occupies he claims to be Almighty God
and is the king of fierce countenance in Dan. 8:23-25, the Jew god in Zech. 8:23, the king of all Jew anti-Christs
in Matt. 24:24; the current Jew god in John 5:43; the man of sin, the embodiment of all evil in II Thess. 2:3-9
and the Dragon in Rev. 13:13-18.
Now the "devils" cast out of the non-Jews in the New Testament record by Jesus Christ and His disciples were
manifest as unclean spirits of pernicious habits, epilepsy, insanity, deafness, blindness and dumbness. In most
instances the record makes that delineation quite distinct. In the Greek, those devils are daimonion, which means
demon, Shades. We have observed the Shades relative to Beelzebub, yet the Devil in John 10:20, 21 is one of
them. The "Jews" in verse 19 are Cainites, which we will prove in Book IV of this study when we take the "Jew"
apart in order to show the difference between an Israelite who was a Jew only because he made a curse of his
worship in the sight of the nations and a Jew by blood who was, and is, cursed by God. In John 10:20 Christ
Jesus is accused by the Cainite Jews of being the reincarnation of a Rephaim (Shade), yet the Israelites, as the
"others" in verse 21 say: "Can a Rephaim (Shade—devil) open the eyes of the blind?" In many sections of
Anglo-Saxondom today, that type of devil is known as a haunt, or ghost. Yet in ancient Palestine the Israelites
had been subject to the Cainite Luciferian Doctrine so long they believed the shady devils were disembodied
spirits seeking humans to live in.
The places where the demons of unclean pernicious habits, epilepsy. insanity, deafness, blindness, and
dumbness are found are: Matt. 4:24; 7:22; 8:16, 28, 33; 9:32-34; 10:8; 11:18; 12:22, 24,27,28; 17:18; Mark 1:32,
34, 39; 3:15, 22; 5:15, 18; 6:13; 7:26, 29, 30; 9:38; 16:9, 17; Luke 4:33, 35, 41; 7:33; 8:2, 27, 30, 33, 35, 36, 38;
9:1, 42, 49; 10:17; 11:14, 15, 18-20; 13:32; John 7:20; 8:48, 49, 52; I Cor. 10:20, 21; I Tim 4:1; James 2:19; and
Rev. 9:20 says we should not worship the Shades (devils).
One illustration will suffice to show the nature of those devils. We select the record in Matt. 8, Mark 5 and Luke
8 where an insane man is cured by Jesus Christ bringing to bear His Holy Ghost of Creative Energy which
purged the devils and they entered a herd of hogs which ran into a lake and drowned. The man was so mad he
was a pernicious beast. The Greek for the devil in Mark 5:15, 16, 18 is diamonizomai, to be demonized. That
goes to show the man had been hypnotized into insanity and he acquired habits of a rabid animal. The power of
demonizing in that era was handled only by Cainite Jews making use of black magic. In verse 12 the devils are
daimon, deified spirits, which shows they were spirits of religious fanaticism. They were truly devils and
spiritually-tangible in their dimension as the man was materially-tangible in this world. It is denoted in Matt.
8:29 where the devils ask Jesus Christ: "Art thou come hither to torment us before our time?" That word
"torment" is basanizo, in the Greek. It means pain. The "time" is kairos, opportunity. It graphically shows the
opportunity in which Christ would have to pain those devils of insanity would be when He passed back into the
dimension of spirit where the Divine radiation from His Being would pain those living in the lowest depths of
the dimension of spirit to escape the light of God. That spiritual region is shown in Luke 8:31 as the "deep",
which is abussos, bottomless pit.
The conversation of those demons is manifest through the voice of the man who had delusions of being the
reincarnation of several so-called gods he formerly worshipped while under the influence of the Luciferian
priests of the cults in which he had been snared. The manifestation of Christ giving the demons permission to
enter the hogs can be observed today: When hogs are frightened, they utter a hoarse sound for an alarm, and the
sows and pigs will scamper for cover, yet the boars will stand and attack anything in sight. A human uttering the
same sound can obtain the same results, and if the boars cannot discover the source of the sound they, too,
become frightened and will flee away with the others. That sound made by humans, obviously, sets in motion
spiritual energy of sufficient strength and wave length which reacts on the brains of the hogs and excites them
into momentary madness, because, if prolonged at frequent intervals, domesticated hogs become so excited they
will even crash through barbed-wire fence totally oblivious of the pain produced by the rending barbs. Jesus
Christ uttered the coughing sound to demonstrate to the man that his demons were only a mental condition.
When the man saw the hogs fleeing away and were drowned, he collapsed with fatigue, and Christ then restored
sanity to the man by bringing His Holy Ghost of Creative Energy to bear on the wounded brain cells which
restored them to their former healthy condition. A mild form of the healing today is known as "faith healing", yet
some of the "healers" are in league with the Devil even though they cure the patient in the Name of Jesus Christ.
That is done through black magic, and when the person is cured by what he believes is the power of Christ, his
faith is gradually perverted through the philosophy of the cult, and the person becomes a thorough Luciferian
disciple believing in a deity diametrically opposed to Christ’s Doctrine. Thus, by Satan falsely curing in the
Name of Christ, the Devil drags another human away from Christ and spiritually-kills him if he was not already
spiritually-dead. The doctrine of the cult is the distinguishing mark of whether it is Christian or Luciferian
masquerading as Christian.
In the Old Testament THE Devil when recorded under that name appears only at Deut. 32:17 and Psalm 106:37
in which the word "devil" is Shed. It means the Destroyer. It shows the theory of an intangible Devil come into
usage in the fourth century when occultism was first introduced into the Church by Jews, because our ancient
progenitors knew the Devil was tangible. The Devils were called by their clan names of Emin, Zumzummim,
Anakim, Amalekites, Akkads (accads). They were known as the Nephilim and Rephaim most of whom were
giants, yet others were the size of humans who have come down to us today as the living-dead, Shades, whom
we know as Jews. In Lev. 17:7 and II Chron. 11:15 the word "devils" is sair, in Hebraic. It is nothing more than a
hairy goat.
In conclusion, the devils in Rev. 16:14 and 18:2 are damons. defiled spirits. <interruption>
Those in 16:14 are Anarchistic-Bolshevism, Communistic-Socialism and Fabianism which came out of the
mouth of the Red Dragon, or Serpent, of Jewry, out of the mouth of the Jew Beast System and out of the mouth
of the False Prophet who is Jewry’s current god, Prince Abdul Baraba Baha, who is prophesying that, before the
end of 1953 he will destroy God’s Kingdom of Israel and rear on its debris his Satanic World Empire.
The unclean defiled spirits in Rev. 18:2 are the above Jew isms and every species of bats, owls and vultures
evilness born, hatched and reared in the spiritually-dark belfry of the upside down Synagogues of Satan, namely
Jewry’s head. They exist in the lowest depths of the dimension of spirit in order to escape the Light of Christ,
because if they were to come up to the high planes of spirit they would perish in the Divine radiation, which
would be manifest in the material plane by Israel repudiating and totally rejecting Jewry’s abominable evilness.
However, I Cor. 2:14 seems to declare our race is naturally evil. The word "natural" in that verse, however, is
psuchikos, in the Greek, meaning, sensuous. Thus, St. Paul says a sensuous person receives not things spiritual
that are the Spirit of God, because such are foolishness to him. A sensuous person in our race, however, at this
hour on God’s time table, desires things material above things spiritual, only, because we have been so
mercilessly mentally debilitated by the Satanic race of Jews until the average person does not know how to think
about anything concerning the destiny of our race and Nation. Purge Christendom of that parasitical counterfeit
race and Jer. 31:33, 34 would be consummated with ease, because the dormant spiritual seed put in our race by
God would automatically sprout and draw our race as one person to God, and evilness would die of starvation.
God’s Kingdom would then be ready for consummation in which our people would be changed in the twinkle of
an eye to tangible, visible, living spirit as Paul proves in I Cor. 15:51-56, which cannot be consummated as long
as there is sensuousness in our House, because that condition will have to come through racial spiritual
Now as we have observed in this study, one has no Biblical authority to further believe the Devil is purely a
spiritual being. The Bible proves he is tangible, and the word "Satan" is applicable to humans in opposition to
good or evil. The word "Devil" (Diabolos, Shed), however, can be applied only to THE Devil and his race of
counterfeit humans. Nowhere in the Bible is it recorded that, God created the Devil. However Ezek. 28 alludes to
the fact that, God created Lucifer. We Have observed Lucifer was the eighth good archangel. God created him
even though He knew Lucifer would rebel against Divine Law and become His adversary in the spiritual plane
then transpose himself to the material plane deliberately to create chaos in human relations in order to get
revenge against God by destroying man. Then why did God create Lucifer? Some say he was created in order for
God to obtain a victory, and without a Devil, victory could not be obtained. No!, That was not the reason God
created Lucifer! There was no need for a victory, because there was perfect harmony in the spiritual and material
planes before God created Lucifer. Desire on God’s part to destroy that peace and harmony by creating a Devil to
do it at the expense of pain, torture, tears, sorrow and death unto man, a creature of God’s hand, in order to
obtain a victory was not God’s purpose for creating Lucifer. Instead, the four colored races (symbolized in Gen.
2:10-14 as four rivers) were created materially-perfect, yet to consummate the Kingdom it was essential to
"polish" man and make him spiritually-perfect in order for him to be spiritually and mentally-synchronized with
God so he would be living, tangible, spiritual light in the image of God. The "polishing" had to be composed in
three stages. Lucifer was created for the governor of the first stage. However, he failed to accomplish anything,
and after being cut off from God and cast into the lowest depths of the dimension of spirit he transposed himself
from the dimension of spirit as a tangible material Beast then enslaved the four colored races and exalted himself
as God. That Beast was the Devil who proposed to prevent God from consummating His Kingdom by destroying
God’s influence in human relations by destroying everyone not worshipping him. God then set in motion the
second phase of His Great plan for man’s ultimate destiny and created our Adamic progenitors spiritually-perfect
from the start. They were the first White men (Adamites) on earth. The Devil then destroyed that portion of
God’s plan, yet God (Yahweh) created out of the Adam our Israelite progenitors and sent His Christ-Son of
Righteousness into that House to start the third phase of the plan, at the end of which God’s Kingdom will be
consummated a tangible spiritual reality by Israel doing God’s work in human relations and destroying the Devil.
II Esdras 4:36, 37 shows why God permitted our former Jew-imposed idea of the Devil to stand — the
"polishing" of man required time, and He measured those "times" according to number, and until the "times" had
run their course, our former idea of the Devil served God’s purpose to teach Israel doctrine for reproof unto
righteousness, which was a portion of the work of Israel’s Master Masons building the Temple of God and
polishing the outer spiritual casing stones for the edifice.
Despite those facts, however, perhaps one is not yet convinced, and still believes the Devil is an angel, and
Christ Jesus says the angels are sexless. Therefore, it would have been impossible for the Devil to mongrelize
with women in order to father children for an exclusive race of destroyers. Perhaps one will also point to Eph.
4:9 which says Christ Jesus descended into hell after death in order to conquer the Devil, then after gaining the
victory He preached to the imprisoned spirits of the people drowned in the deluge in 2345 B.C., which I Peter
3:19, 20 tells about. Again one may point to Eph. 2:2 and declare there is proof positive that the Devil is the
prince of the air above the earth whose power Christians are wrestling with as recorded in Eph. 6:12. Again, one
may go back to the Serpent in Gen. 3 and declare Adam named the tempter of Mother Eve, serpent, because he
was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord had created. The word "any" makes him a BEAST of
the field. He (Nachash), therefore, was named after the Serpent, the Devil, because of his craftiness. Therefore,
the serpent in Gen. 3 is a snake given the faculty of talking in human voice. Again, one may point to Isa. 45:7
which says God creates evil and Isa. 54:16 says He created the waster to destroy, and Ezek 28 says god created
the Devil.
Now the purpose of this expose is to construct a beacon in the jungle of Satanic confusion in order to illuminate
the inner court of God’s Temple during the darkness of the death watch from 2400 midnight, until 0600 (6:00
a.m.) at the dawn of the New Age (22 Jan, 1952 to Aug. 1953 (Joel 2:2) Therefore, let us observe the above
citations which may bring on disagreements and we remain in darkness until the Devil and his Rephaim strike us
down without us knowing what hit us.
Eph. 4:9 says: "Now that He (Christ) ascended, what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of
the earth?" Now "tis" is the Greek for that word "what." It means, who. But, is ei, if not. Descended, is
katabaino, come down. First, is proton, at the beginning. Into, is els, unto. The first "the" is hoti, that. Lower, is
katoteros, lowest. Parts, is meros, portion. The second "the" is tauten, this. Earth, is ge, world.
Thus, the original translation of Eph. 4:9 is: Now that He ascended, who is it if not (He) that also came down at
the beginning unto that lowest portion of the world? He who descended (came down) is the same also that
ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things (verse 10).
The lowest portion of this world was the two-tribed House of Judah as the heel of the seed of our Mother-spirit
(Gen. 3:15) bruised by the head of the Serpent race who was the Devil. Artabanus II, who bruised the Israelite
House of Judah through the tyranny of the Cainite-Akkad-Idumean Herodian Dynasty who usurped power over
Judah in 37 B.C., and relegated that portion of God’s Kingdom of the lowest position of any nation in the Roman
Empire in order to spiritually and mentally-debilitate them so thoroughly they would be unfit for Yahweh to send
His Christ-Son of Righteousness into that House in order to re-organize His Kingdom on earth to destroy the
Devil and his kingdom.
Then, I Peter 3:19 says: "By which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison." Poreuomai is the
Greek for the word "went." It means to pass on. Preached, is kerusso, a herald. The, is taita, these. Spirits. is
pneuma, lives. In, is en, within. Prison, is phulake, ward as protection. In verse 20 "sometime" is poti, even yet.
Were, is enimi, are.
Now let us review that passage from verse 15 through 20 and observe what Peter is talking about: "But sanctify
the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the
hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as
of evildoers. they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. For it is better, if the
will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins,
the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death, in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit:
By which also He passed on a herald unto these lives within protection (of God). Which even yet are
disobedient, which once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing,
wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water."
Thus, we observe instead of Christ Jesus descending into hell down in the bowels of the earth to fight and
conquer the Devil then preached to disembodied spirits languishing in hell fire since 2345 B.C., He descended
into the House of Judah, His death and resurrection passed on a herald of His return unto the children of Israel
within God’s protection who even yet were, and are today, disobedient unto that herald even as the mongrelized
Adamites were disobedient unto God’s warning while Noah prepared the ark.
Then, Eph. 2:2 says: Wherein in times past ye walked according to the course of the world, according to the
prince of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience." Aion is the Greek for the word
"course." It means, beginning. World, is kosmos, arrangement. Prince, is archon, magistrate as a person with
power of Jurisdiction. Power, is dunamis, ability. Spirit, is pneuma, spirit of a movement — like the "spirit" of
Christianity", "an enthusiastic spirit of something." Air, is aer, yet it is not air as the expanse of space, known as
the atmospheric zone, extending a few miles above the earth in which it is said the demons exist. In the Greek,
that zone is the "air" (ouranos) in Matt. 6:26; 8:20; 13:32; Mark 4:4, 32; Luke 8:5; 9:53; 13:19; Acts 10:12; 11:6.
The Greek "ouranos" is synonymous with the Hebraic "shamayim." They refer also to the dimension of spirit or
heaven, yet when the latter is meant, it is things spiritually exalted to the high planes of spirit in which is the
spiritual portion of God’s Kingdom built there by the material hands of God’s Kingdom people of Israel doing
His work in human relations—our Christian endeavor. On the other hand, the "air" in Eph. 2:2 is synonymous
with the Hebraic "ruach", meaning, Mind. It is the "air" in I Thess. 4:17; Rev. 9:2; 10:17. In I Thess. 4:16 "the"
(dead in Christ) is hosos, all. Dead is nekros. It means, spiritual death. In, is en, unto. Shall, is mello, be at point.
Rise, is anistemi, rising. First, is protos, before. In verse 17, alive, is zao, active. Remain, is perileipomai,
around.Be, is ginomai, be ordained to. The compound word "caught up" is anatello, spring. In, is eis, into. Cloud,
is nephele, fine mist. It is synonymous with the cloud in Rev. 10:1 and the "heaven" (shachaq) in Psalm 89:6, 37
and the "cloud" (shachaq) in Job 35:5 meaning, fine dust. In other words, it is the atomical construction of the
microcosmical order of things material.
Thus, I Thess. 4:16, 17 says: "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven (the dimension of spirit) with a
shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and all spiritually-dead unto Christ (will) be at
(the) point (of) rising before (the return of Christ): Then we which are active around (in the National Rule With
God) shall be ordained to spring into (spiritual illumination — changed in the twinkle of an eye, I Cor. 15:51,
52) together with them into the changed atomical construction of our bodies to meet the Lord in the Mind: and
so shall we ever be with the Lord.
In other words, at the moment of Christ Jesus’ return our entire race will be at a point of spiritual discernment in
which the mortal mental veil will drop forever and the dimension of spirit and the dimension of the material will
be merged in our consciousness as one dimension of tangible spirit in which we will be spiritually and mentally
synchronized with God, yet formerly (as now) the veil separates the two dimensions in our consciousness, but
after the veil drops we will fully know the truth and observe our bodies suddenly changed to living tangible,
brilliant spiritual light. It is the rapture (but not as taught by present day churches). It will be the consummation
of father Jacob’s dream of the ladder extending from the dimension of spirit to the dimension of the material
with angels walking up and down on it as recorded in Gen. 28:12-15. It is also the city of God (Israel)
symbolized as coming down from heaven in Rev. 21.
Thus, and while the advent of the Messiah in the House of Judah, His Ministry, death, resurrection and ascension
herald His return to consummate the Kingdom after all things are arranged in the spiritual and material planes, as
prevailed for our Adamic progenitors (Acts 3:21). The heel of our Mother-spirit was still bruised in Eph. 2:2 and
the House of Judah (heel), according to the beginning of the bruising in 37 B.C., when the Cainite Herodian
Serpents arranged the House of Judah under the jurisdiction of the Devil, Phraates IV, whose Satanic ability
forced Mind-control upon the House of Judah, by abolishing all the Scripture teaching in public schools in order
for the spirit of the Luciferian Doctrine to permeate the entire thought pattern of the House of Judah, in order to
divert them into disobedience unto God. After Christ began His Ministry, the Cainite Devils intensified the
Mind-control by passing laws which forbid anyone from being gainfully employed if they professed faith in
Jesus Christ (Yahshua) being the Messianic Son of God (Yahweh), which is further denoted in John 7:13 which
says: "Howbeit no man spake openly of Him for fear of the "Jews." Those "men" were Israelites of the House of
Judah, and the "Jews" (Judaists) were the Cainite Devils.
Now in respect to St. Paul, in Eph. 6:12, declaring Christians are wrestling with a spiritual Devil as an evil angel,
we observe in that verse the word "wrestle" is pale estine. It means, the wrestling is. Principalities, is arche,
magistrate as a political jurisdiction. Power, is dunamis, ability for action. Rulers, is kosmokrator, world rulers.
Darkness, is skotos, spiritual destitution. World is aion, age. Wickedness, is poneria, malignity. In, is en, with.
High is epouranios, heavenly as perfect bliss.
Therefore, Paul says: "For us, the wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against political jurisdiction,
against ability for action, against the world rulers of the spiritual destitution of this age, against spiritual
malignity with perfect bliss."
Who were those world rulers, endowed with political jurisdiction, and ability for action against the Christian
faith in God, in order to keep the age submerged in spiritual destitution, while forcing their spiritual malignity on
man with perfect blissfulness? The Jew whore, Poppaea Sabina, Emperor Nero’s concubine. Nero's adviser, Jew
Attilius. whose first lieutenants were Jews Alrelius, Andreas and Artemon in North Africa and on the Isle of
Cyprus, and Jew Gassius Florus, Governor General of Palestine, all of whom were given political jurisdiction
and ability for action by THE Devil, Volgases I, King of Partha, to extirpate the faith in God and the two-tribal
House of Judah from the face of the earth. Those seven Devils wove the pattern for seven modern Devils to
attempt for the last time to annihilate our Christian faith in God and the entire House of Israel or perish in the
attempt. The seven modern Devils are: Jew Anna M. Rosenburg, Assistant Secretary of Defense in the United
States of America; Jew Felix Frankfurter, United States Supreme Court Justice; U. S. Senator, Jew Herbert H.
Lehman; the Prince of the Jews for the Western Hemisphere, Bernard Mannes Baruch; Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,
ex-secretary of State and the engineer of the Marshall Plan to extirpate the German people from the face of the
earth; Jew James P. Warburg of the international banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. who has $22,000,000,000
to spend on conspiracy, blackmail, bribery and manipulation of labor unions in order to destroy God’s Christian
House of Israel. Those Jews are the head of THE Devil’s government behind the government of the United
States of America, who are given political jurisdiction and ability for action by THE Devil, Jew Prince Abdul
Baraba Baha, who informed Mr. James C. Hollenbeck in 1929, and the latter recorded it in his book, "The super
Deceiver on the World Horizon.": ‘I am the channel for I am He (note — meaning God), and I am the One who
personally controls the Destinies of Nations and their Rulers as well: The world rulers are like clay in my hands.
I control every situation: I make and break human lives at will. They must do my bidding. I give them my power,
and if they fail to carry out my wishes, I remove them accordingly.’ "
Now in respect to the Devil being an angel— as we understand the meaning of "angel"— we have observed the
sacred record and a limited portion of the secular record which prove the contrary. However, "angel" is aggelos,
in the Greek, and malak, in the Hebraic and Aramaic. They mean messenger, agent, yet the "angels" in Psalm
78:25 is abbair. It means, mighty ones. Those mighty ones were Cainite-Akkad-Idumean Jews of the Devil’s
household in control of everyone except the children of Israel. The "angels’ food" in that Psalm was manna,
which we know as honey dew — food of the Cainite-Akkad-Idumean "god."
In Matt. 25:41 and Rev. 12:7 the Devil and Dragon are one as Artabanus II and his successors on down to Prince
Abdul Baraba Baha today whose angels of destruction were and are Jews as the agents of hell — hades as
conditions not observed beforehand by Israel yet subsequent to 375, Israel forgot that, Jewry is the Devil’s
agents and taught the Jew-imposed falsehood that, the Devil was a spiritual being. In Rev. 12:7 the war in heaven
is manifest in the material plane by the unending conflict of heathen Jewry with Christian Israel (Michael’s
agents, or messengers of truth) in efforts to destroy God’ Kingdom while our people were kept ignorant of being
Israel, the Kingdom of God, by the uncrowned King of the Jews as THE Devil and the Man of Sin in II Thess.
2:3-9 withholding the truth all down the centuries while his Satanic household piously declared they were the
chosen people of God. We will clarify the war in heaven of Rev. 12:7 in Book V of this study under the subject
of the Mystery of the Flying Roll.
In II Peter 2;4 and Jude 6 the angels who sinned were the Cainites, which fact Peter carries on into verse 8 to
show they became the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah. In Jude 6 "first estate" is principally, beginning.
Habitation is oiketerion, house, as a family. The beginning of Cain is recorded in Gen. 4:1 which (we will clarify
in Book III of this study) says the tangible wife of the one man, Adam, the leader of the race (not the Adam in
Gen. 1; 2; 3. He was the racial man) said: "By reason of the Lord God I added an individual clod-buster (farmer)
to our family." In the beginning of the white race, Cain’s house was the House of Adam. The "hell" into which
those former messengers of God were cast is "tartaroo", to send into Tartarus. The latter region is today Eastern
Siberia, Manchuria and Mongolia. From the Greek "Tartarus" evolved "Tarter."
In book 1 of this study, we observed the meaning for the Serpent in Gen. 3. If Adam had called the Devil a
serpent as a snake for a curse unto snakes, or to symbolize that a snake is as subtle as the Devil, the word
"serpent" would have been zachal. Yet the Serpent in Gen. 3 is a Nachash. Adam, however, did not call that
talking rascal, or even the snake which God created, a nachash. Adam called that rascal Azazel, which was his
name in the same order as "Adam" was the name of our progenitors. Enoch of the Adamic line of Seth, in his
Book of Enoch, also calls the rascal, Azazel, and he also says Cain’s eldest son was named Azazel in "honor" of
his grand-father, the Serpent, or the Devil, in Gen 3 who was called Akki in Assyrian and Babylonian records.
Moses was the one to call the Devil a Serpent, because "Nashash" was Hebraic for the Serpent race of the Devil
and the Devil himself. The record does not show when the Hebraic "Nachash" came into usage, yet it does show
the giant cannibals of the Satanic race were the Nephilim and Rephaim. They were Devils, and they mongrelized
with some of the Sethite women during the Era of Jarad, and Gen. 6:4 is the sacred record.
When Moses wrote the Pentateuch he was not referring to the various species of animals and reptiles when he
says in Genesis 3:1 "beast of the field", for the word "field" is sadeh, in Hebraic. It means country. Beast, is
cheva and chai, meaning living creatures. It is synonymous with the living creatures in Ezek. 1 (chai) in which
each living creature is four tribes of the 12 tribes of Israel. Their torsos are the racial men of Israel. Their four
hands are power, law, order, and the ministry of Christ’s Gospel. Their four wings are the armed forces of Anglo-
Saxondom. They are the House of Israel on whose shoulders sit the chief ruler (the lion head as the Kings of
England), the honorable judge (the man head of Dan), the empire-builder (the calf head as England) and the
guardian of Christianity (the eagle head as the United States of America) carried over earth by the hind quarters
of Joseph’s bull (Ephraim-England, and Manasseh-United States of America). The wheels within wheels
alongside the racial men of Israel is the Kingdom movement bringing forth the spiritual and material fruit of
God’s Kingdom.
If Moses, in Gen. 3:1, had meant beasts as species of the lower animals, the various words he could have used
are: Chaiyah, living creatures as all wild animals. Behemah, cattle, quadruped. Beir, brute as a ferocious animal.
Tebach, slaughtered animal. Kairkaroth, camel, when called a beast, yet when calling him a camel, it is
gamel.Nebelah, the carcass of a beast (animal) that dies of itself. Nephesh, a breathing creature, when referring
to animals, birds, reptiles, created by God. They are all "living creatures" in Gen. 1:21, 24; 2:19; 9:10, 15, 16;
Lev. 11:16. The "moving creatures" in Gen. 1:20 is sherets, a swarming creature. "Nephesh" is also Hebraic for
the Devil’s counterfeit race of Jews, yet it is written differently from the above "nephesh."
Therefore, in Gen. 3:1 "the beast of the field", who were created by God, were humanity as the four colored
races living in a certain country. Moses does not say the Nephesh was created by God. Instead, he says the
Nachash was more subtle than any of the people of the colored races created by God. The Nachash was
counterfeit humans, when regarded as the race, or THE DEVIL if referring to an individual of that Satanic race
who were tangible Devils who the Sethite Enoch says were not created by God, and there is not one word in the
Bible repudiating him.
Our former idea of Lucifer, Satan and the Devil, as being entirely a spiritual being, is Jewish, to distract
Christian Israel from the truth that THE Devil has always been a Jew grand master of black magic, and Jewry
came out of the original Devil who Jewry calls "God." In that confusion, we have associated Lucifer, Satan and
the Devil as being one evil spirit, or angel, and demons were evil angels from hell. Beyond the "angels who
sinned" in II Peter 2:4 and Jude 6, and Satan as "an angel of Light" in II Cor. 11:14 which we have observed are
Jews., Psalm 78:49 shows evil angels. That word "angel" is malak. It means, messenger, agent, and the "evil" is
ra, calamity. Those angels of calamity swooped down on Egypt in 1447 B.C. They were tremendous cosmic
forces let loose when the earth passed through the tail of a comet, which has been proven by astronomers.
Nevertheless, it was the work of God sending His astronomical messengers, or agents, on the time appointed
when He created the universe to take place in March 1447 B.C. in order to carry to the Cainite Luciferian rulers
of Egypt a message from God in order to convince them that, He was God and no Cainite was, so they would
liberate the children of Israel so God could marry our Mother-spirit in order to raise a family as He promised
father Abraham, which is confirmed by Paul in Gal. 4:22-31. Moses knew the schedule of God’s time table for
the earth to pass through the tail of Mars, and he conformed it in accordance with Divine Law and went before
the King of Egypt at the periods in which he knew the earth would pass through certain strata of astronomical
gas which caused the tremendous phenomena recorded by him. The record says God (Yahweh) told Moses to
appear before the king at stated periods. That is true, and Moses heard the Voice in his consciousness, not his
ears, yet he (and one today) "heard" it as distinct as if the words had been received by the ears.
Now the current translation of Ezek. 28 seems to infer the King of Tyrus was in the Garden of Eden and God
created him perfect. Every Bible student knows that rascal was the Devil. That king was the Devil eliminated by
King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon in 568 B.C. He was a great-great-grandson of the Devil Ethbaal, father of
the female Devil, Jezebel. When Ezekiel says Yahweh created that rascal perfect, it shows he is referring to that
Beast’s Royal Luciferian household, and that Devil had descended directly from Lucifer (Helel) without one
break in the line through Satan then the Devil and on down through the centuries of mongrelization with the
colored races until our Adamic progenitors came on the scene a little under 6,000 years ago as God’s agents to
destroy that Satanic race.
The Adamic race was spiritually-sabotaged by the Devil and his Serpent race when Adam observed the black
magic of the Devils and erroneously believed Yahweh was not omnipotent. We do not have space here to explore
Enoch’s and Ezekiel’s revelation any further, yet we will thoroughly go over it in Book VI of this study after
opening up all holes in which the Devil and his counterfeit race of Jews are hiding from the light of the truth
then drag them out for inspection.
When one considers the fact that, two of the seven spirits of God are Divine Love and Divine Truth, one should
realize it is impossible for Him to create lies and evilness with which to torment man, a creature of His own
creation. To create lies and evilness they would have to have their source in Him. However Isa. 45:7 says: "I
form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
Now Yatsar is the Hebraic for the word "form." It means, frame. Light is "or", enlighten. Darkness, is choshek. It
is everything diametrically opposite to enlightening true knowledge. It is the same darkness in Isa. 5:20 which
says: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that
put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter." It is the dark and bitter-sweet perfidious Luciferian Doctrine of the
Devil and his Serpent race of Jews who exist in the lowest depths of the dimension of spirit where they walk on
the ceiling of the upside down Synagogue of Satan with their mental heads hanging down in the darkness, which
they call light, while beating out their brains with the ax of erroneousness, which they call divine wisdom.
In Isa. 45:7, the word "create" is bara, cut down. Evil, is ra, man-made evilness. Thus, instead of God creating
ignorance, lies and evilness, He says: "I frame enlightening knowledge, and cut down darkness: I make peace,
and cut down evil."
In Isa. 54:16 the word "waster" is shachath, grave as something momentous. Destroy, is shabal, pledge. In that
chapter, God Yahweh) is speaking of His wife, Israel. It is the greatest plea of love ever voiced, because Divine
Love Himself is making it in efforts to woo Israel out of her national amnesia. She is a prisoner in the dead-end
mental passageway of the upside down Synagogue of Satan. The Crown Prince of Hell, as the Wandering Jew
Devil of Rev. 12:12, imprisoned her in 1918 A.D. She is kept a prisoner by the Devil’s watch dogs which are the
National Council of Churches and the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Israel, however, is
awakening from her amnesia and observes her children around her. She looks at them and cries for joy: "Who
hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removed to and fro? and
who hath brought up these? Behold I was left alone: where had they been?" (Isa 49:21).
That woman is our racial Mother-spirit. God is the Father of her children. She thought she was left alone after
losing her identity. Those first leaving her went in 1776 A.D. in accordance with Isa. 49:20 which says: "The
children which thou shall have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, The place is too strait
for me: give place to me that I may dwell." The first one to leave was Manasseh as the Anglo-Saxons in the 13
North America Colonies who declared their independence in 1776. The others carved out the British Empire, and
in 1926 they became the Nation and Company of Nations as the British Commonwealth of Nations in
accordance with Gen. 35:11 and 48:19, 20. Who brought up Israel’s children while she was insensible to her
existence? The queens and kings as the nursing mothers and fathers of Isa. 49:22, 23. The original ones were
King Arviagus who welcomed Joseph of Arimathea, Lazarus, Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene
and Martha who arrived in Glastonbury, Avalon (England) in 38 A.D. after the Cainite Devils cast them adrift in
the Mediterranean Sea to die of starvation and exposure. King Bran, Caractacus, Caradoc and his Queen-wife,
Gladys, their sons, Prince Linus, Cyllinus, Cynon, and the daughters, Princesses Eugenia and Gladys, the latter
of whom was later adopted by the Roman Emperor Claudius who changed her name to Claudia — the same
Claudia in II Tim. 4:21. They were the ones who constructed the nursery for Mother Israel’s babies as the little
church house made of wattle in Glastonbury in 38 A.D. When they passed into the dimension of spirit to the
bosom of Father Abraham, the succeeding kings and queens of England retained the nursery and built others to
accommodate the millions of children born to Mother Israel of Christ. When Manasseh moved to himself, he
became the shock-absorber for David’s Throne after 1776. Men and women were hired for wet nurses and
chamber maids to take care of the nurseries and the babies. Who were those nurses and maids? Old-fashioned
fundamental Christian preachers in the thundering pulpits of Anglo-Saxondom. Today, the Throne of David is
the Throne of England, Ephraim is England and Manasseh is the United States of America and Canada, the
House of Joseph.
Mother Israel is awakening from her national amnesia. She is crying, Listen! Her husband softly whispers: "Thus
saith the Lord God, Behold I shall lift up my hand to the Gentiles (goi, a collective body as the Church and State
officials of Anglo-Saxondom), and set up My Standard (nes, sign — the cross of Christ) to the people: and they
shall bring thy sons in their arms and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders", (the wet nurses and
chamber maids, Isa. 49:22). I have created the momentous to pledge. "No weapon that is formed against thee
shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shall condemn. This is the heritage
of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, says the Lord" (Isa. 54:16 17).
When Yahweh says Israel shall condemn every tongue rising against her, He means anyone attempting to declare
the people of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic, Scandinavian, Nordic race are not Israel, or say, if they are Israel, what of it?,
we are to condemn that voice by showing the record, and opening the Bible and displaying all of the promises
made to our race as a people, not as the formal "church" organization that is regarded by the average preacher as
being supplanted in place of Old Testament Israel.
The Devil who is keeping our Mother spirit a prisoner is the black-skinned Turko-Mongol Jew, Prince Abdul
Baraba Baha. Ezekiel saw the same condition in our racial House, yet he recorded it in sublime symbolism as a
valley of dry bones in his 37th chapter. The Death Valley is Jewry’s evil occult power and economical bondage
called Sodom and Egypt in Rev. 11 where St. John saw the same condition in our own House and symbolized it
as the death of God’s Two Witnesses — the Church and State in Anglo-Saxondom.
In Ezek. 37:11 God (Yahweh) tells the prophet: "Son of Adam (man) these bones are the whole House of Israel."
They are dry mental bones — our race is mentally-dead, dry bones without sinews of flesh on them, and there is
no spirit in them while they lay in the Death Valley of the Devil’s evil occult power and economical bondage.
They read about the treason against our Nation, but they do not know the basic and fundamental reason for it. If,
however, truth appears by accident, they are so mentally-dry they cannot understand the awful sinister
seriousness of the situation. They do not know that they have been deliberately lured into the valley of death to
die from thirst of truth, and ruthlessly mentally-debilitated in order for our people to be incapable of
understanding truth while it is lying right under our noses, and they associate the treason, only, with our people
in accordance with Jewry’s protocol No. 13 which says: "Who will ever suspect then that all these people were
stage managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many
Therefore, the average one of our race has no idea about the basic and fundamental reason for Communism; the
reason for laws to be passed by our own mentally-dead Congress which forbids the Name of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ to be mentioned in our government schools, banning the Bible from those school buildings, and
even forbidding the singing of Christmas carols in our government schools and even on the streets of our cities:
President Truman’s Civil Rights Bill; U.S. Congressman Jew J. K. Javit’s subversive Bill to destroy our
immigration laws in order to bring over here 200,000,000 Eastern European undesirables — 50,000,000 to be
admitted as fast as ships could bring them over, give them American citizenship immediately in order to permit
them to vote in the November 1952 Presidential election so as to destroy the power of our race once and for all;
the Genocide Treaty; Jews in control of our Atomic Energy Commission; a foreign-born Jew (Anna M.
Rosenberg) being Assistant Secretary of Defense; the reason for Jew Freemasonry; Iran’s and Egypt’s
repudiation of their treaties with Great Britain; the founding of the illegitimate State of Israeli; the reason for the
Cairo, Casablanca, Yalta, Teheran and Potsdam secret agreement without consent of the United States Congress;
the reason for ratifying the Japanese Peace Treaty as it stood without reservations; violation of certain Articles
and Amendments of the Constitution of the United States by the congress of the United States; unification of our
armed forces; the assassination of patriotic Americans; the murder of high German civilians and military officers
after World War II for "crimes against humanity"; the death of more than 144,000,000 people throughout the
world in the past 39 years; Jews giving to Soviet Russia our atomic bomb secrets, and every other military and
naval secret that they can lay their hands on; the reason for the so-called United Nations Organization; the reason
for World Wars I and II, and the slaughter in Korea without permitting our young men to use every weapon we
have in our arsenals; Russia’s declaration to the world of her intentions to destroy Christendom; our recognition
of that anti-God, anti-Christ government after it made the declaration, and now continue carrying on friendly
relations with Russia while that government murders our people in Korea through the Communist Asiatics;
inflation in America; bankruptcy of England; handing China and Eastern Europe over to Soviet Russia after we
liberated those people from Japan and Germany; President Truman’s Point Four Program; the Marshal Plan to
utterly extirpate the German people from the face of the earth; shortages of everything in America in lieu of the
fact that we could produce for the entire world and feed it with ease; controls and subsidies of and for those
shortages in America; the Jew Baruch Plan to regiment every non-Jew in America; labor strikes that cripple our
national economy in war time as well as in peace time; the deliberate destruction of weapons and ammunition
after World War II sufficient to arm 60 divisions, and now inadequate national defense in lieu of the billions of
dollars appropriated by Congress since World War II to build the strongest military organization on earth;
taxation nigh unto confiscation, and now the Bill on President Truman’s desk calling for taxation of private
property and homes if a New or Fair Dealer is elected President of the United States in November 1952; the
honey-sweet soft soap being fed to our people by Christ-hating Jews in every walk of life; poisoned bone meal
fertilizer shipped in from Russia.
Yet the whole House of Israel knows something is wrong. They are crying for truth, but the average preacher
cannot supply it while the whole House of Israel is moaning; "Our bones are dry, and our hope is lost: we are cut
off from our parts" (Ezek. 37:11). It is manifest in our people's craving to be enlightened about the treason
against our Nation; and attending every patriotic meeting called in the Name of Christ, but the leaders of those
meetings do not tell our people what is the basic and fundamental reason for the treason from which only a
miracle will save us, and our Jew controlled Press and radio tell us nothing.
The basic and fundamental reason for it all is: Jewry knows the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic, Scandinavian and Nordic
people are the 12 families of Israel as God’s Kingdom on earth. Jewry also knows they are the kingdom of the
Devil who they calls "God" and the current Devil is the uncrowned King of the Jews, namely, Prince Abdul
Baraba Baha. Jewry also knows it is absolutely essential to destroy the white race of Israel and rear on the debris
the World Empire of the Devil before the end of 1953 or he will lose the opportunity forever.
Those are the basic and fundamental reasons why Jews, as American citizens purloined (stole) and gave to
Soviet Russia our secrets of how to manufacture the atomic bomb and all the bloodshed and turmoil in the world
since 1913 A.D. That year was the beginning of the Serpent’s Era of Kali. It ends in 1953. The Era of Kali
brought down on us Jacob’s Trouble as prophesied in Jer. 30:7 and confirmed by Jesus Christ in Luke 21:35.
However, in accordance with Isa. 54:16, 17 Yahweh is permitting Jewry to perfect their grandiose plot, and when
the momentous occasion arrives for them to throw Russia’s heathen armed might against the Kingdom of God,
or Jewry attempts to destroy the independence of our Nation and Christendom in general by an internal
Communist revolution brought on by a paralyzing series of labor strikes, Yahweh has promised us NO weapon
which the Devil of Jewry can bring to bear against us will prosper.
It is now time for some one to call a solemn assembly (Joel 1:14; 2:15-17) of the thinking Christians of this
Nation in order to receive the return of the spirit of Elijah who will cut down Jewry’s Luciferian priesthood and
put Christian men at the head of the nation then isolate Jewry from access to our people and government in order
to prevent further sabotage of our Nation and then go all-out for war mobilization for strength to withstand the
holocaust thrown at us by Satanic Jews in the Kremlin who will, for the last time, attempt an all-out blow to
destroy us or perish in the attempt, as every prophet in the Old Testament warns us against and as Jesus Christ
Himself says the conflict is inevitable; and as Jesus Christ says: When these things begin to come to pass, look
up, and lift up your heads; for your national redemption from the Devil and his counterfeit race of Jews draws
nigh; and what I say to you, I say to all, WATCH!
To watch, however, it is essential to come out of your graves of mental death and open your mental eyes in order
to see the truth that, you are up against Devils, not humans gone insane from the desire of obtaining power over
our fellow man. Open your eyes, Israel! Come out of your graves filled with dry mental bones, and observe the
truth that you are the Kingdom of God now ready to receive new spiritual garments and a crown in your
National Rule With God.
COUNTERFEIT HUMAN. At this moment he is a backed against the wall at the far end of the dead-ended
mental passageway of his upside down synagogue and striking out right and left in order to destroy everything
and everyone standing across his path to world domination as god-emperor of the world. Yet, Michael, the
Archangel of Divine Truth, the Great Prince of Israel, is advancing toward him with a naked sword of God’s
Word that you are Israel in his hands.