Who Rules The World - 2.noah
Who Rules The World - 2.noah
Who Rules The World - 2.noah
Following on from Part One, in this the second part in the series, we
will attempt to establish whether the Satanic Bloodline survived the
Great Flood, and if so how. Then in the Final Part, we will discover
who and what the Illuminati is, and how it's `web` connects with that
great and awful evil force whose influence appears to permeate all
the institutions of our sad planet these days. Finally taking all we
have discussed, we will decide as to whether the eternal adversary of
God and man, the great deceiver, Lucifer/Satan, is indeed the driving
force behind the creation of the World Tyranny which has been
erected methodically and systematically around our lives.
But before we can arrive at that point, we must traverse the `Flood.`
Without proving that the Satanic Bloodline survived the deluge of
water sent by God, then this hypothesis falls flat on it's face; so in
order for that not to happen, it is to that one critical event we must
now turn all our attention to, at least for the next few pages. So, to the
The Bible appears to tell us that the the flood destroyed not only the
`Giants,` but also the entire line of Cain? That it was only Noah and
his three sons who began the antediluvian age of mankind. But if we
read Genesis Chapter Six and take it literally, then it seems to state
clearly that there were also Nephilim, or their descendants at least,
after the flood. Furthermore, the Book Of Jubilees [1] also tells us that
the children of the Nephilim, known as the Anakim were not entirely
annihilated by the flood, recounting how a remnant of that evil race of
giants were spared, and that sometime after the waters had receded,
Noah learned that these `evil spirits, born of the Fallen Angels were
seducing and misleading his grandchildren, and even killing some of
And what's more there is good reason to believe that the line of Cain
also survived!
The theme of a great and destructive flood is not unique to the Bible.
Flood myths with many similarities to the Genesis account appear
widely in subsequent Ancient Near Eastern mythologies: including
the Atrahasis myth, the Utnapishtim episode in the Sumerian Epic of
Gilgamesh[3], and the ancient Greeks also had a very similar flood
myth. In all of these stories, deities (or a deity) create the animals and
human beings, but people anger the god(s), so they decide to wipe
out all of the people and animals with a flood. A divine being warns
one pious person of the impending deluge and tells him to build a
very large boat, and with it he preserves humankind, and usually the
animals, from extinction. In the end the god(s) reward him for his
Parallel legends were told in other parts of the Middle East at an early
date. The Mesopotamian version was probably brought to Canaan,
the land where the Israelites settled, by the patriarch Abraham, who
hailed from Ur in what was at one time Sumer, and was subsequently
transmitted down through Isaac, and Jacob. The original tale was
undoubtedly reshaped many times, not least by the Sumerians and
Akkadians themselves, to fit with their own pantheon. It is very likely
also that later Hebrew writers did likewise.
The Quran, written in the 7th century AD, gives a similar account to
that of the Genesis flood story, the major differences being that only
Noah and a small number of believers enter the ark. The Quranic
flood is purely local, sent to punish those people around Noah who
worshipped Idols and became corrupt-ors in the earth. In the Islamic
version, Allah sends the Flood to punish those who refuse to listen to
Noah's preaching of the oneness of Allah. The Quranic ark comes to
rest on Mount Judi, which has been traditionally identified with a
mountain near Mosul in modern Iraq. The name appears to derive
from the name of the local Kurdish people, although this is not
Returning to the Bible, part of this mistaken idea about the `flood` is
due to the many mistranslations found in the King James version. In
Genesis Chapter Six, we read that God found the people so corrupt,
that he regretted having ever created them, so he determined that he
would wipe them out by a flood. He warned righteous Noah of the
coming deluge and told him to build a great boat, or ark, in which he
and his family might find safety and where they might preserve a few
of each kind of the animals from that area. Then in Genesis Chapter
Seven, it says:
"And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood
were upon the earth.
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the
seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of
the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened.
And the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights. And the
waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the
ark went upon the waters. And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon
the earth; and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven
were covered. 15 cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the
mountains were covered. And all flesh died that moved upon the
earth, both of fowl and of cattle, and of beast and of every creeping
thing that creepeth upon the earth; and every man.
And the waters prevailed upon the earth 150 days. And God
remembered Noah and every living thing, and all the cattle that was
with him in the ark; and God made a wind to pass over the earth and
the water assuaged. And the waters returned from off the earth
continually and after the end of the 150 days the waters were abated.
And the ark rested, in the 7th month, on the 17th day of the month,
upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually
until the 10th month; in the 10th month, on the 1st day of the month,
were the tops of the mountains seen." KJV Gen 7:11-
In Genesis 4:14, when God drove Cain away in punishment for killing
Abel, the KJV has Cain saying, "Behold, Thou hast driven me out this
day from the face of the earth." But Cain's line is recorded for six
whole generations up to the time of the flood, so he can hardly have
suffered that fate.
Using logic and reason as our basis, if the whole earth was covered
by six miles of water as the translators will have us believe, then all
nations at that time must have been completely exterminated. Yet
Babylonian, Egyptian and Chinese history runs right through this
period without a break. The Bible gives the date of the flood as
commencing in 2345 B.C. and ending in 2344 B.C. (roughly
corresponding to the time frame given in the Sumerian account) In
lower Sumer, later called `Chaldea` (which occupied the same
`Plains of Shinar` to which Noah's family journeyed after the flood),
the city of Ur of the Chaldees was the pre-eminent `metropolis` from
about 2400 B.C. until about 2285 B.C. and its history is not broken by
any flood during this period.
Further north, Babylon was rising to power from about 2400 B.C. and
reached a great height of civilization under the famous King
Hammurabi, who lived at the same time as the Hebrew patriarch
Abraham (about 2250 B.C.), and again there is no break in this
history due to a flood either. In Egypt, the Eleventh Dynasty began to
reign about 2375 B.C. `over a great and powerful nation.` The
Eleventh Dynasty ruled to about 2212 B.C., and was followed by the
Twelfth Dynasty, which ruled to about 2000 B.C.. There was no break
in the Eleventh Dynasty at the time of Noah's flood, 2345 B.C.. The
nation continued to be large and powerful throughout this period.
Tracing Footsteps:
To identify the location of the deluge, we will have to start with Adam
and Eve and trace where they and their descendants went. Pastor
Comparet in his article tracks their movements beginning with their
departure from Eden:
"When Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden,
Genesis 3:24, tells us that God placed cherubim with a flaming sword
at the east side of the Garden, to keep Adam and Eve from returning
and having access to the `tree of life.` If this guard was to accomplish
anything, it must have been placed between Adam and the Garden of
Eden. So we see that Adam and Eve were driven out to the east.
From Eden, Adam's course would naturally have led him across
northern Iran, around the southern end of the Caspian Sea, into what
was formerly called Chinese Turkistan and today is known as
Sinkiang province in the extreme west of China. It was here , in a
mountain rimmed basin, which was then a fertile and well populated
land, that Adam and Eve, or at least their descendants of a few
generations later, settled."
When Cain murdered Abel, and was banished from the land where
Adam and Eve lived, Genesis 4:16 tells us that Cain "went out from
the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the Land of Nod, on the east of
Eden." The Hebrew word `nod` means wandering. That, I would
suggest would mean his wandering along the upper Tigris and
Euphrates valleys, at the north of Eden[4]. It was here in the land
then known as `Sumer,` and later called `Chaldea` that Cain likely
settled. The Bible calls it, "the Plain of Shinar." That indicates that
Cain travelled westward from where Adam and Eve had settled,
(which we will see means he avoided the flood and escaped
extermination for himself and his line?)
In short, the basin, through which flows the Tarim River and which is
sometimes known as the Tarim Basin[5] in southern Sinkiang, can be
reasonably identified as being the the site of Noah's flood.
But Genesis 8:4, reads, "And the ark rested in the 7th month, on the
17th day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat?" Most
understand this to mean Mount Ararat, in Armenia, some 1,600 miles
west of the Tarim Basin. But this is NOT what the Bible says. First of
all, note that it says "mountains of Ararat," mountains being in the
plural, while Mount Ararat, in Armenia, is only a single peak.
Furthermore, the Hebrew word `Ararat` means `the tops of the hills.`
Therefore correctly translated, Genesis 8:4 actually tells us that the
Ark came to rest upon the tops of the high hills, some of the lower
mountains which were within the valley.
Adding weight to our thesis that the Biblical Flood was localised,
there is no suggestion anywhere in the Epic Of Gilgamesh, that their
great deluge was anything other than local.
In Part One, we concluded that it was likely that the `Sethites` had
mixed their blood with those of the Cainites. According to Hebrew
Apocryphal texts, the race of the Anakim was continued through the
descendants of one of Noah's grandsons; Canaan, the son of Ham.
In Genesis 9:20-24 we read:
So, when Noah awoke from his wine and became sober, he
pronounced a curse upon Ham in the person of his youngest son
Canaan. To Ham himself he could do no harm, for God had conferred
a blessing upon Noah and his three sons as they departed from the
ark. Therefore he put the curse upon the last-born son of the son that
had prevented him from fathering a younger son than the three he
Certain heretical Jewish texts state that Noah's wife was a Cainite?
Again, this is only `myth or legend,` but for the purposes of this
hypothesis, it is worth investigating further. In the genealogy of Cain's
descendants, a woman by the name of Naamah is mentioned
(Genesis 4:22.) In the Bible record of genealogy, women were not
mentioned unless they played a significant role in the history of the
Hebrew people. So why was she named? Was Naamah the wife of
Noah? And if so, that would make her Ham's mother. In his book
`The Days Of Noah,` a scholarly compilation of the Books Of Enoch,
Jubilees and other Apocrypha, Author Jeremy Knapp writes:
"Unlike Istehar, the pious maiden, Naamah, the lovely sister of Tubal-
cain, led the angels astray with her beauty, and from her union with
the watcher Shamdon, sprang the devil Asmodeus. She was as
shameless as all the other descendants of Cain, and as prone to
bestial indulgences. Cainite women and Cainite men alike were in the
habit of walking abroad naked, and they gave themselves up to every
conceivable manner of lewd practices. Of such were the women
whose beauty and sensual charms tempted the angels from the path
of virtue. The angels, on the other hand, no sooner had they rebelled
against God and descended to Earth than they lost their
transcendental qualities, and were invested with sublunary bodies, so
that a union with the daughters of men became possible. The
offspring of these alliances between the angels and the Cainite
women were the giants, known for their strength and their sinfulness;
as their very name, the Emim, indicates, they inspired fear. They
have many other names. Sometimes they go by the name Rephaim,
because one encounter with them makes one's heart grow weak; or
by the name Gibborim, simply giants, because their size was so
enormous that their thigh measured nearly two ells; or by the name
Zamzummim, because they were great masters in war; or by the
name Anakim, because they touched the sun with their neck; or by
the name Ivvim, because, like the snake, they could judge of the
qualities of the soil; or finally, by the name Nephilim, because,
bringing the world to its fall, they themselves fell." The Days Of Noah
by Jeremy Knapp[6]
If this is the same Naamah, then Ham must have inherited the
Satanic Bloodline from her, and it would have been similarly the case
with Shem and Japheth. also.
So, we have the righteous Noah (of Seth's lineage) and his Cainite or
even hybrid wife, (considering the coupling of the Nephilim with `the
daughters of Cain`) who gave birth to three sons of mixed blood.
These sons, in turn, very likely would have married Cainite women, or
women also of mixed lineage. During that time, as we established in
part one, the earth was populated by pre Adamic people who had
been corrupted by Satan, before the arrival of Adam and Eve. These,
along with the Cainites and the Anakim are the "people who filled the
earth with wickedness, evil, and violence" (Genesis 6:1-13).
Evidence of The Anakim After The Flood:
"Many legends have grown up around the name of Nimrod. His name
appears to be a title, Nimrod is a Hebrew term. Nimrod was born in
Sumeria, c. 2250 BC. Consequently, his birth name would have been
Sumerian/Akkadian and not Hebrew. In post-biblical traditions,
Nimrod, the inciter of "rebellion" who ruled Babel, was identified as a
giant, (Anunnaki in Sumeria,) equivalent to the Anakim of
Deuteronomy, and the Anak of Numbers."He was the chief instigator
of the tower of Babel. This was a human revolt or rebellion, which led
to building a tower in the course of staging revenge against the
Hebrew god Yahweh (the Sumerian god Enlil), lest he flood the world
again. The tower was a symbol of worship and protection and
became well known by many as the ziggurat of Etemenanki, in honor
of the Babylonian supreme god MARDUK; the god of Mars."
According to the Bible, the Israelites were commanded by Yahweh to
possess the land of Canaan by literally exterminating the inhabitants.
Deuteronomy 9:1-2 reads:
The Bible Book Of Numbers 13:22, tells us that Moses sent out a
reconnaissance mission into Negeb and to Mount Hebron. Whilst
there, these ancient equivalents of Israeli Special Forces
encountered ` Arba` the son of Anak; founder of the city of Kiriath
Arba of Hebron. The Israelite spies likened him and his people to the
Giants of Genesis 6:4 and possibly the Rephaites. Below are some
further examples from the scriptures which clearly indicate that the
Anakim and their kind were still evident in the land of Canaan long
after the Flood:
Joshua's battle to annihilate the Anakim from the land set the stage
for future events. David was the second king of Judah and Israel
between 1010-962 B.C., The Bible tells of his vanquishing of the
Philistine giant Goliath, who was said to be between nine and eleven
feet tall, depending on the length of a cubit, and probably of the
Anakites. (Num. 13:33; Josh 11:22.)
Sippai in 1 Chron 20:4, who died in the battle of Gob; He was the
brother of Goliath, and the Gittite of Gath, a phenomenal man whose
name is not given "a giant with six fingers on each hand and six toes
on each foot, twenty-four in all."
Yahweh intended to utterly destroy the seed of Cain and that of the
Anakim once and for all. But his `chosen people,` just wouldn't listen,
and down through the ages since, humanity has suffered terribly, and
continues to do so because of that disobedience to the creator's