Tarot Ebook
Tarot Ebook
Tarot Ebook
Discovering an ancient
– yet still current –
divination method!
Discovering an ancient
– yet still current –
divination method!
RECOMMENDED TAROT SPREADS.....................................................................5
THE MEANING OF THE MAJOR ARCANA..........................................................8
0 – The Fool..................................................................................................8
I – The Magician.........................................................................................10
Ii – The High Priestess.................................................................................12
Iii – The Empress.........................................................................................14
Iv – The Emperor........................................................................................15
V – The Hierophant.....................................................................................16
Vi – The Lovers ..........................................................................................18
Vii – The Chariot.........................................................................................20
Viii – Strength ............................................................................................22
Ix – The Hermit...........................................................................................24
X – The Wheel Of Fortune..........................................................................26
Xi – Justice .................................................................................................28
Xii – The Hanged Man................................................................................29
Xiii – Death.................................................................................................31
Xiv – Temperance.......................................................................................33
Xv – The Devil............................................................................................35
Xvi – The Tower..........................................................................................37
Xvii – The Star............................................................................................39
Xviii – The Moon........................................................................................41
Xix – The Sun..............................................................................................43
Xx – Judgment ..........................................................................................45
Xxi – The World .........................................................................................46
There are a few differences between the meaning and the illustrations of some
of the cards when you compare the Rider-Waite-Smith arcana with those found
in earlier decks like the Marseille, but the vast majority of currently produced
and designed tarot decks have followed the RWS structure since it was first
published in the early 20th century.
This tarot is also known as the Rider tarot, the Waite tarot, the Waite-Coleman-
Smith tarot, the Waite-Smith tarot, and other variations.
As a matter of fact, we will use the Rider-Waite-Smith name (or RWS) throughout
your initiation; Rider was the publisher, Alexander Edward Waite was the author,
and Pamela Coleman Smith was the illustrator.
Pamela Coleman Smith’s gorgeous illustrations for this tarot deck (as a work
for hire funded by the tarot creator, A.E. Waite) indeed deserve some homage
and praise.
While the Rider-Waite-Smith deck was first published in 1910, some academics argue
that the history of tarot reading can be traced back to the dawn of time, either to the
Sumerians, or Ancient Egypt (see various studies about the Thoth tarot deck).
Using tarot decks for divinatory purposes began a long, long tome ago. According to
tradition, the Tarot was already in used during the time of the Pharaohs. According to
Egyptian myths, it was a gift to humans from the god Thoth through 22 engravings.
Moses, who followed the teachings of the Egyptian high priests, supposedly shared that
knowledge with his people during his flight from Egypt as an alphabet of 22 letters.
These letters are the basis of Jewish Kabbalah, esoteric teachings that are meant,
through study, to spiritually connect humankind with the Divine.
The word Tarot appeared in the late 16th century, from the Italian “tarocchi”. This Ital-
ian word might be derived from the Arabic “tariqa”, meaning a path of mystical or eso-
teric knowledge. This term was in turn inspired by the name of the female bodhisattva
(or goddess) associated with knowledge and learning in Tibetan Buddhism: Tara!
Historically, the first Tarot decks appeared in their current structure over the course of
the 15th century during the Renaissance in northern Italy.
The tarot is an allegorical representation of the secrets of the visible and invisible
worlds, a support for learning based on symbols that take into account the spiritual
and psychological dimensions of the universe and of humankind.
The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck follows the usual 78-card structure of the tarot, divid-
ed into 22 major arcana (another name for the cards) and 56 minor arcana.
What is notable about the illustrations on the cards of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck is
that contrary to most of the earlier decks like the Marseille, every single card (major
and minor arcana) is illustrated, instead of just the 22 major arcana.
This tarot was first published in November 1909 in London, published by the publisher
William Rider & Son. It was designed by Arthur Edward Waite (1857-1942), an Ameri-
can-born occultist who lived most of his life in England.
A.E. Waite was a grandmaster in a secret society called the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn, dedicated to magic, mysticism, and esoteric knowledge.
In 1910, A.E. Waite published a guide called “the Key to the Tarot”, provided with a
deck of cards, and explaining its history by talking about the traditions it was drawn
from, providing the required explanations to interpret its arcana.
In 1911 the final revised version of the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck was published with
“The Pictorial Key to the Tarot” that included black and white versions of the 78 cards.
The explanations you will find in this book are largely drawn from that one.
There were several versions published through the years, including one published in
2009 by US Games System Inc to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of this tar-
ot’s initial publication.
In that version of the deck called “Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck”, the cards
were published using the original colors that the illustrator Pamela Coleman Smith
originally chose.
How to use this simplified version?
The method detailed here will only focus on the interpretation of the 22 major arcana
of this tarot deck, even if it is normally based on the use of the entire range of the 78
arcana for this deck.
The major arcana usually represent particularly striking elements or events that will
have a powerful impact on your life, where minor arcana provide finer details and pro-
vide greater clarity to a generic reading.
There are four suits in the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck, and they are all connected to
one of the natural elements
• The suit of Swords is connected to Air
• The suit of Pentacles is connected to Earth
• The suit of Cups is connected to Water
• The suit of Wands is connected to Fire
Each suit follows the same 14 card pattern, with numbers from 1 to 10 and four court
cards: the Page, Knight, Queen, and King.
The method unveiled in this book will already provide you with a lot of information to
guide you with your choices in every domain.
Once you are familiar with this short version, you will then have more than enough time
do grow comfortable with using the full Rider-Waite-Smith deck, including the minor
The author of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, occultist A.E. Waite, wanted a clear break
from earlier, Christian-heavy themed arcana like the Marseille deck, and replaced them
with more universal or pagan illustrations.
This is why the Pope became a Hierophant, and the Popess became the High Priestess.
Likewise, the House of God was replaced with the Tower.
The symbolism in the deck draws heavily from the teachings of Eliphas Levi, a famous
occultist from the 19th century.
There were also slight alterations to the numbering of the arcana, differing from the
Marseille. Justice is the eighth arcanum in the Marseille deck but the eleventh one in
the Rider-Waite-Smith. Conversely, Strength is number 11 in the Marseille and 8 in the
There are many ways to use the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck in a reading. Here are the
three easiest ones for your initiation to this divination tool.
Again, while using reversed card is a common feature among Rider-Waite-Smith users,
as a beginner it is recommended to shuffle the cards and only focus on the upright
meanings of the arcana for your early interpretations.
This kind of reading is useful whenever you need an answer for something specific.
Ask your question, shuffle the cards, and then…
• You can either draw a single card from the facedown deck in your hand,
• Or you can spread the cards facedown in front of you on a table, then pick one.
• Interpret the card you have drawn according to your question.
As your question, shuffle the deck, and then…
• Spread the cards facedown before you on a table, then draw three,
• Put the first one on your left. It represents the past.
• Put the second one in the middle, it will represent the present.
• Put the third one on your right, it will represent the future.
• Interpret the cards you have drawn according to your question.
• The past card will indicate the mistakes that have been made so far, which pre-
vented your finding a solution to the problem or the achievement of your desire.
• The present card will indicate what you need to do in order to solve your
problem or satisfy your desire.
• The future card will indicate what will happen once the problem has been
solved, or once you have achieved what you wanted.
Card drawn #3
Card drawn #4 6
Once you have shuffled the deck, cut it with your left hand and draw a random card
after asking yourself “Should I perform a reading now?”
Flip the card you have drawn. If you have a good first impression, proceed with the
If not, consider doing it later.
If you had a positive answer, put your hand back in the deck, hold it in your right hand,
and mentally come up with a number between 1 and 22.
Count the cards in the deck until you reach the number you have selected (in the order
they have been shuffled in, don’t try to look for the arcanum with that number on the
Keep it facedown and place it on your left. It represents the consultant or Querent,
which means you if you are performing a reading on your own.
Proceed in the same way with a second card, which you will put on the right of the first
one. It represents your current environment.
Do it again with a third card, which you will place on top, above the middle of the hori-
zontal line connecting the first two cards. It symbolizes the path that must be taken, or
the evolution of your current situation.
Finally, draw a fourth card and place it below the horizontal line between the first two
arcana. It indicates the resolution of this situation.
The four cards should now be displayed in a cross shape (see figure above). Now flip
the cards over…
You can then start your interpretation according to the meaning of these arcana.
The Meaning of the
Major Arcana
0 - The Fool
The Fool arcanum represents a young enthusiastic man
wearing luxury clothes, standing close to the edge of a
cliff, with a dog that can represent our animal nature.
He does not seem bound to the limits of our terrestrial
world, and his eyes are looking up to the divine and ce-
lestial planes, showing his aspiration to rise up spiritually even when you sometimes
need to jump into the unknown.
He is ready for it, because he is supported by his conviction that Divine Providence will
help him to improve his human condition.
Clearly numbered 0 in the RWS, this arcanum sometimes has no printed number at all,
leading to several divergent interpretations (some tarot scholars put it in a different
place in the succession of arcana).
The sun that shines behind him is meant to illuminate the path that should be taken,
and protect him as he works towards his goals.
Anyway, the Fool represents the arrival of the irrational in the life of the person who
draws this card. In the many common interpretation, the Fool represents wandering,
folly, spontaneity, and delirium…
In some drawings, connected to more negative cards, it can also represent incoher-
ence, madness, doubts, and instincts or emotions that are out of control.
In that case, the Fool acts as an amplifier and negative card in every aspect: Love,
Work, Health, Money, Luck…
It is then a sign of confusion and indecision that will affect ongoing or upcoming pro-
jects. Likewise, the Querent might be full of new ideas that might make it harder to
make an informed decision.
Others see the Fool as the ultimate symbol of supreme initiation. With this interpreta-
tion he is the true Initiate, reaching for Ultimate knowledge.
With this interpretation, in a reading it might indicate that the subject of the reading is
about to undergo deep spiritual changes, or is standing at the crossroads of something
important in their life.
The Fool will bring them into a world of spirituality, where they may find Knowledge
out of most people’s reach.
With this interpretation, the Fool symbolizes a need for freedom and independence. It
indicates a positive evolution on a path of wisdom. The Fool will allow you to achieve
both spiritual and material aspirations.
I – The Magician
The Magician is represented by the silhouette of a
young man wearing the robes of a mage, seer, or
clairvoyant… He looks like Apollo and is as beautiful
as the Greek god.
His head (and mind) is crowned with a floating, rotat-
ed 8 symbol that symbolizes infinity, life, and divine
The belt he wears around his waist represents a ser-
pent biting its own tail, a common representation of
The Magician holds a magic wand in his right hand,
pointed up towards the Sky, while his left hand is
pointing at the Earth. In this, he acts as an interme-
diary between the celestial and terrestrial worlds, and echoes the famous occult
saying, “As above, so below”.
With this gesture, the Magician indicates his mission, aiming to share celestial
grace with Humankind while helping them keep their feet on the ground.
The Magician symbolizes sharing the powers of Will with Humankind, so that it
might achieve its true purpose on earth.
On the table before him you can see the symbols of the four suits that compose
the minor arcana of the tarot (the Sword, Cup, Pentacle, and Wand) representing
the four natural elements (Air, Water, Earth, and Fire). The Magician can combine
them any way he wants to.
The garden of roses and lilies under the table symbolizes the materialization of
your ideas and imagination on the terrestrial plane.
The card itself symbolizes the presence of the Divine within you, and how impor-
tant it is to unite the celestial and the terrestrial within you. It means that you must
achieve unity between all the separate parts of your being (physical, psychologi-
cal, and spiritual).
The Magician is among the positive major arcana. Its presence in a drawing usu-
ally forecasts favorable events. It symbolizes new beginnings, initiation, and team
spirit. It is the triumph of mind over matter, and a sign of great willpower and skill.
An upright Magician will be a positive sign most of the time, in any context.
The Magician is an extremely interesting arcanum because it means that you are un-
der the most favorable conditions to succeed in any new project… provided you ad-
here to a certain mental discipline and think before you act or you might lose focus!
The Magician shows you which way to go, but you need to do the walking, and
then make the right decisions. The cards won’t do it for you.
The Magician opens new opportunities and grants you a certain mastery over the
unknown and the unexpected. Since it is, by definition, quite unpredictable, you
should do a lot of thinking before you commit to any specific course.
II – The High Priestess
The High Priestess is sitting with a moon crescent at
her feet and a crown with two horns and a globe on her
head. She is wearing a sun cross around her neck.
The High Priestess holds a scroll in her hands, with the
word “Tora”, representing the ultimate Great Secret
Law, one of the sacred texts of Judaism.
This sacred scroll is partially hidden under the toga worn
by the High Priestess, which means that some principles
are clear and obvious while others require initiation or
personal efforts to be discovered.
The High Priestess is sitting between the two pillars (one
black, one white) of the entrance of the Secret Temple
of Knowledge. The entrance itself is hidden behind a veil embroidered with pome-
granates and palm trees.
The High Priestess wears thin and flowing clothes, symbolizing light and divine grace.
The High Priestess is a symbol for the Occult Science you need to acquire in order to
be granted access to the Temple of Knowledge, also called the Temple of Isis.
She represents a Spiritual Fiancée and the Divine Mother guarding the door or en-
trance to the Temple of Knowledge. She is the Queen of Light and the symbol of the
Moon, breastfed by the Great Supreme Mother.
The High Priestess is also a symbol of Shekinah, the presence of God among us in
Jewish theology.
The High Priestess is a positive arcanum symbolizing the importance of thought dur-
ing a slow setup for a project.
If you have the High Priestess in your drawing, it will allow you to reach your goals,
but it will require more efforts than the Magician arcanum would.
The High Priestess is also a card that stresses the importance of intuition, inspiration,
patience, and stability.
In a professional context, it will put any desire for a raise, a promotion, or a different
job… on the right track!
The High Priestess asks for a long time spent thinking about any decision before you
make it. It also indicates that your ongoing project will be achieved, but not in the
short term.
The danger that should be avoided is to isolate yourself to make your decisions, to
be content with your loneliness and live in seclusion.
Do not make any decision on your own. Ask the people involved in your project for
input. Do not make every decision for them.
Iii – The Empress
The Empress is represented by a majestic and regal look-
ing woman sitting down and wearing luxury clothes rep-
resenting the daughter of Heaven and Earth.
She wears a crown in the shape of a tiara on her head, a
sign of royalty, with twelve star-shaped jewels. The shield
on the left side bears the sign of Venus, a circle with an
inverted cross, which also represents femininity. She
holds a scepter with the globe in her right hand.
You can see a growing cornfield at her feet, and on the
right side there is a forest, with a river flowing between
the trees.
She symbolizes the Garden of Eden, or Heaven on Earth,
but also according to some interpretations; desire, or the Sanctum sanctorum, the holy
of holies, in other words: the most sacred part of a temple where only the high priest
is allowed to enter.
The Empress card represents being granted access to true knowledge, truth beyond
appearances, a path of access to genuine life, coming from the heart.
The Empress is an extremely favorable arcanum. This is a very good sign in every do-
main: love, finances, health, material comfort, luck, money…
The Empress is a sign of sharp intelligence, creativity, and ambition. It facilitates mak-
ing your projects and ideas come true.
The Empress indicated that your ideas should finally be realized in the material plane.
This is not a time for reflection, but for successful action driven by intelligence. Your
mind will be full of original ideas.
The Empress is also a sign of fertility and growth, so in a romantic context, it may indi-
cate the arrival of a long lasting love, a pregnancy, or a favorable period to conceive
and have children.
The Empress is the upcoming materialization of your ongoing projects: professional
contracts, association with other people, finding a job, intellectual achievements, so-
cial recognition, or political success.
IV - The Emperor
V - The Hierophant
The Hierophant wears the Triple Crown on his head, sit-
ting between two pillars of the Temple, the seat of Su-
preme Knowledge.
The Triple Crown is a very important esoteric symbol,
because it highlights the importance of the number 3 in
several spiritual beliefs and religions. This number can
also symbolize the three aspects of God.
As such, you have the Holy Trinity in Christianity (the Fa-
ther, Son, and Holy Ghost), or the holy trinity of the gods
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva in Hinduism.
He is using his left hand to perform a gesture represent-
ing the difference between, the exoteric (or unveiled
meaning of Supreme Knowledge) and the esoteric (hidden meaning that must be dis-
covered through personal initiation) aspects of knowledge.
There are two crossed keys at the feet of the Hierophant, and two kneeling priests ech-
oing the earlier aspect of this arcanum as the Pope like in the Marseille deck.
The Hierophant represents material power used in the exoteric knowledge clearly re-
vealed within a religion, where the High Priestess represented the esoteric knowledge
that had to be accessed through initiation.
It is often said that the Hierophants both manifests and preaches literal teachings, the most
obvious reading of religious texts found in holy books (like Judaism, Christianity, or Islam).
The Hierophant is tasked with overseeing holy writings, personalizing all the positive
aspects of a tradition or religion, and to ensure the triumph of Good over Evil.
He is the supreme authority of his tradition, and the keeper of Knowledge. He is a
channel for Divine Grace, a Shepherd tasked with steering Humanity towards Good.
The Hierophant is a symbol of a middle-aged man, of wisdom, and of the Ancient pro-
viding wise advice.
The arcanum bears the number 5, an odd number that is a sign of movement. The Hi-
erophant is respectable. You listen to his advice and instructions and you follow them.
He protects ongoing projects by granting his blessing. He provides mighty protection
and ensures favorable conditions for the fulfillment of your projects. His benevolence
and wisdom facilitate the fulfillment of all your projects.
Drawing this arcanum should bolster your confidence in your own abilities. One of the
core elements to a successful life is believing in yourself, or you can’t achieve anything.
The Hierophant tells you that you can start new endeavors with confidence. It does not
mean that you won’t have anything to do, but that all your actions will have positive
effects that will be crowned with success.
The Hierophant has a positive influence on matters related to work or health, slightly
less so for matters related to love or material comfort.
The Hierophant indicates that your mind will be your best asset to succeed. It also in-
dicates that you will have the appropriate talent to see the bigger picture, take things
into consideration, and make the right decisions.
However, you will not overcome hostile forces opposing your success unless you can
show your righteousness, without trying to crush others on your way.
There is no merit in humiliating an opponent or adversary, it only breeds resentment
that will eventually find its way back to you!
The Hierophant gives his assent to unions and associations. He offers a way out of a
conflict. He elevates those who know how to work with him astutely.
VI – The Lovers
The two lovers look like the representation of Adam
and Eve in the Bible before Eve ate the Apple, lead-
ing to their exile from Eden.
The sun is shining above them at the zenith, and a
winged being hovers in the Heavens with open arms.
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil can be seen
behind the woman. This scene happens before she
plucks the apple and eats it under advise from the
Serpent, symbol of Evil, wrapped around the tree
trunk. The Tree of Life with twelve fruits can be seen
behind the man.
The two lovers represent youth, innocence, and pure
and disinterested love, before any earthly sexual desire of flesh.
This arcanum symbolizes earthly love between people, and the fact that men and
women are constantly facing an inner struggle between vice and virtue.
The Woman symbolizes desire and attraction to material life. She is a symbol of
temptation for Man, the reason behind the fall from Eden, but also the representa-
tion of his redemption.
According to the author of the Rider-Waite, the Fall was not random or a result of
the Woman’s will, but was the manifestation of a secret divine plan, as looking for
God’s forgiveness through redemption will let Humankind discover its own nature.
Just like many other Tarot arcana, you should not put your trust in that card’s name
to draw conclusions regarding its actual meaning, because drawing this arcanum
is not necessarily positive, particularly on a romantic context!
The Lovers arcanum can also symbolize hesitation, passivity, or indecision for the
person concerned by the reading, should they have a hard time making a deci-
sion, or hesitate between several solutions.
This card expresses a kind of uncertainty, a challenge with no obvious solution
because there are various possibilities that might offer a way to overcome that
challenge, but none seem clearly superior to the others.
The Lovers are rather negative for anything related to material comfort, your job,
and they are rather neutral when it comes to romances and health.
This arcanum is a sign of a wait-and-see attitude, doubts, weakness, and incon-
sistencies. It symbolizes a kind of passivity in the way they behave rather then
spending themselves thin.
Someone drawing the Lovers might undergo slight emotional discomfort as they
make a decision, one way or another.
They should avoid making a decision in urgency under the yoke of emotions, be-
cause it won’t be a good one, either for your family or your loved ones. This might
trigger disastrous consequences for your family and friends.
This arcanum is often drawn by people who don’t have enough experience in life
yet, not knowing which way to turn, which makes their advice so potentially dan-
gerous. This is the case for people who are currently evolving, subject to changes
in every aspect. With experience, their decisions will be more mature.
The constant dance of hesitation is gnawing at these beings that have, or can
develop, a fragile health, both physically and emotionally, and also suffer from a
troubled romantic situation.
When you draw the Lovers it usually means that you have a decision to make, and
you need to make it fast either way. The longer you wait before you make your
decision, the worse the situation will get.
VII – The Chariot
The Chariot arcanum represents a young and proud
prince. He is holding a sword and stands on a chariot
drawn by two sphinxes, a black and a white one.
The young prince is wearing two faces in a crescent
moon on his shoulders, representing Urim and Thum-
These two symbols are drawn from the Jewish tradi-
tion, symbolizing the gift of revelation of Supreme
Knowledge granted to the young prince, which in turn
must share it with humankind.
The Urim and Thummim also indicate that the young
prince masters all earthly and human knowledge, in every domain.
The presence of the two sphinxes indicates that the young prince managed to
solve the sphinx’s riddle, granting access to Supreme Knowledge and truths that
are out of reach from most mortal beings.
According to Greek mythology, Oedipus was the son of king Laius and queen Jo-
casta, and had to solve the riddle of the Sphinx, a creature with a lion body and a
woman’s chest, to avoid being devoured by the beast.
The question is: “What walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon
and three at night?” and the answer is: a man, who walks on four legs when he is
a toddler, on two legs as an adult, and three when old and using a cane.
By answering the riddle of the Sphinx, the prince shows that sometimes you need
logic to overcome certain challenges in life.
The Chariot is an auspicious arcanum, a symbol of success, willpower, action, cour-
age, and power.
If you draw the Chariot you can undertake a project without worrying. However,
you need to act because things will not happen on their own if you want to achieve
your goals.
The Chariot highlights your vast potential for success, urging you to express it.
You will meet your goals through your courage, pugnacity, and willpower. Do not
throw the towel and you will successfully overcome any challenge on your path.
Don’t forget that everything is in constant motion, and that a positive phase could
be transitory, eventually replaced by a more complicated period… and so on and
so forth. So make the most of your current chances and enjoy the time of favorable
conditions provided by the Chariot.
Do not worry about any obstacle or challenge you need to overcome, because
they are much easier to deal with than you might expect.
Do not let yourself be influenced by your emotions, which provide you with a dis-
torted image of the real importance of your problem through a magnifying glass.
You will overcome every obstacle far more easily than you might think because
you benefit from the energy of the Chariot.
Among the major arcana, the Chariot is a sign that important changes are to be
expected in certain areas of your life.
You will endure strong waves of emotions that you will need to handle and control
if you want to move forward. Do not hesitate to express your creativity through
any form of art in order to materialize the strong flow of emotions that will run
through you.
You will meet your goals if you work on your memories of your personal history.
The Chariot facilitates the rise of memories and research. An arcanum of move-
ment, the Chariot can also herald a holiday or business trip, or moving house…
but always with a favorable outcome for you.
VIII - Strength
The arcanum of Strength represents a young woman try-
ing to close a lion’s mighty jaw. The symbol of eternity
(the rotated 8) hovers above her head.
It won’t be too hard for her to do it since the lion, receiv-
ing a flower necklace, is looking at her with kind eyes.
This arcanum represents moral strength more than pure
physical strength, and can overcome any challenge,
granting access to divine mysteries and Supreme Knowl-
edge, parting the veil of illusions hiding the truth of the
real world.
The flower necklace represents divine Law being easier
to apply on earth if it is accepted freely, and applied with
The lion represents the passions and emotions that need to be handled before you can
materialize divine law upon the terrestrial world
The arcanum of Strength is a symbol of power, will, energy, and courage. It provides
you with enough self-control to overcome your obstacles and problems. It ensures that
your projects will be successful.
Strength is a positive arcanum to achieve success in any domain: love, health, work, or
the acquisition of material goods…
The Strength arcanum grants you the energy you need to come on top of any situation.
It will lead you to victory provided that you are fully dedicated to the goal you have set
for yourself
It won’t be too hard for you to achieve your goals, since this arcanum will provide you with
great physical and mental vitality, great self-control, and confidence in your own abilities.
Strength is particularly auspicious for jobs with a competitive spirit: business, advertis-
ing, independent doctors and lawyers…
Anyone drawing this card can be sure of their own inner strength, that they will triumph
on their own over any obstacle or problem on earth.
Strength is the card of vitality, good health, and great mental and physical shape. It
highlights a taste for taking risks, and of fighting against someone who will drive them
to constantly further their own limits.
That person does not like things that are too easy to get. They are motivated by things
that are hard to obtain. The journey matters more than the final end goal.
This is one of the best cards you can draw in a reading to get whatever you need on a
spiritual level.
Strength highlights a desire to master your own destiny, a need to choose the path you
will take instead of obeying the whims of fate.
Confidence is a great way to reduce or even annihilate fear. Strength shows a will to
be a winner, the impulse to overcome adversity. It lest you conquer new territories,
figuratively (overcoming your own weaknesses) and literally (winning some sort of com-
petition, securing new clients or market shares, being better than the competition…)
IX - The Hermit
Here the Hermit is represented by an old man holding
a lamp with a shining star inside. The Hermit stands on
a hill and shines his lamp for the entire world, symboliz-
ing his reaching a state of supreme Knowledge, implying
that anyone can do it too if they really want it.
The Hermit represents a card symbolizing your being in
a phase where you can reach your goals and make your
dreams come true by looking for the light – and the an-
swers you need – within you, drawing from the lessons of
experience that you will collect in time.
The Hermit’s cloak also implies that truth is often hidden
behind the veil of appearances, and that it can come into
the light thought the lamp of truth.
You need to look for it as hard as you can, because divine mysteries are often hard to
access for common people.
The Hermit is the arcanum of solitude, perseverance, discretion, and prudence. Draw-
ing this card will usually mean slowing down the pace of ongoing projects and achieve-
He represents taking a short break away from your hopes and dreams to focus on the
big picture. If you have the Hermit in a tarot reading, you should be careful and keep
your eyes open in anything you undertake.
You might know a period of isolation and loneliness. This might trigger some mental
blocks, weariness about wasted efforts and energy, and even send you feelings of sad-
ness and discouragement!
This will be a rough period, because extra delays in a project might hamper or even
completely erase the initial enthusiasm you felt. Consequently, you will need to work
even harden that usual to meet your goals.
This time will nonetheless allow you to develop the virtues of patience and reflection.
This will grant you greater wisdom if you know how to learn your lesson from the up-
coming trials.
Once again, even if some of the major arcana might seem negative at first sight, re-
member that there is no notion of Good or Evil in the Tarot.
Things are as they are, that’s it. Any emotion you choose to associate with some words,
thoughts, or actions comes from you.
Failure is usually a better teacher than success, because you get to re-evaluate your-
self. Likewise, if the Hermit might look like a negative arcanum at first sight, it is not the
case if you know how to interpret it and make the most of the advice it has to share.
So anyone drawing this card in a reading will end up on a quest for wisdom. They
might feel lonely for a while, but they will end up stronger than they used to be.
They will have to make a decision between being open to the world, or isolated
like… the Hermit!
The Hermit always brings a positive development to the card that comes before it, in
hindsight. A rather negative card meaning might be softened through the use of care-
ful planning and thought.
X - The Wheel Of
According to the author of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck,
the inspiration behind this arcanum comes from ancient
Egypt. The snake represents Typhon, the monster found
in Greek mythology, on the left of the Wheel of Fortune.
The symbol of the snake can nonetheless be found in
many traditions because the four creatures at the four
corners of the card are also drawn from it: the winged
lion and winged bull at the bottom, and the angel and
eagle at the top.
These four mythical creatures are quoted in a parable
from the Ancient Testament in the Book of Ezekiel, a famous Bible prophet.
In a vision, he saw divine creatures: a winged lion, winged bull, an angel, and an ea-
gle. They represent the various aspects that God uses to manifest before humankind
in the Bible.
Apart from these four divine creatures, you can notice a sphinx at the top of the
wheel, symbolizing the balance that must be found in all things, and the immutable
aspect of truth.
The Wheel of Fortune is a symbol of life constantly in motion, and that growth re-
quires movement and not immobility.
The Wheel of Fortune has no direct connection to the notion of financial wealth. It
indicates movement and upcoming opportunities.
This is a dynamic arcanum symbolizing managing risk and taking the initiative. If you
draw this card, you are urged to be bold, because the Wheel of Fortune has positive
effects in every domain; love, money, work, health…
The Wheel of Fortune is constantly spinning. It can provide solutions to all your prob-
lems and let you overcome many obstacles. The Fortune in the name does not refer
to wealth, but to luck.
It brings positive changes, success, and achievements. This arcanum puts transom
chance and providence on your side. It has a positive influence on professional activ-
ities, contracts, business, travels, and the arts.
Anyone drawing this arcanum should nonetheless beware the siren’s call of honors
and success and make sure they do not spend more than they own.
A certain carelessness can be overlooked, however, because courage, willpower and
enthusiasm will let them overcome many obstacles.
This does not mean that everything will be easy, because there is no big success
without risks and efforts.
Being successful requires that you give it your best, and avoid giving up at the first
sign of trouble. No one ever succeeds on the first try.
Every famous person or celebrity will agree. Read biographies about famous people
that you admire and you will see all the hardships they had to overcome before they
became successful.
If you are going through a rough patch, the Wheel of Fortune heralds a more favora-
ble time period, or a happy conclusion to your problem.
However, if you were in a favorable situation, you might brace yourself for the up-
coming storm, with a few upcoming challenges that you should be able to overcome
in order to have a better life.
Drawing the Wheel of Fortune indicates that you should not simply rely on luck to suc-
ceed, but combine it with personal efforts.
XI - Justice
Justice is represented by a queen holding the merciless
blade of justice, which can punish or reward the accused
according to their merits.
She sits between two pillars connected by a veil, a door-
way to a world of justice and balance if you are fair to
other people in your existence and do not cause them
Justice also indicates that you can only grow through vir-
tues like honesty and equity, having higher aspirations,
and expressing the natural gifts you have been granted
by Divine Providence.
This arcanum symbolizes order, strictness, discipline, in
other words: Justice! The balance has been unsettled and must be restored. Justice
symbolizes an upcoming decision that has to be made, but without giving in to emo-
Your decisions must be made according to your core beliefs, through honest reflection,
regardless of consequences.
If you find this arcanum in a reading, it means that you will need some courage to take
responsibility for yourself, even if you have to ignore your ego and stand ready to ad-
mit when you were wrong.
Even if a particular decision might seem hard to make, you will reap its benefits if you
hold on to your choice without fail.
Justice is a positive arcanum by nature, even if its consequences might seem hard to
bear sometimes. Your inner strength will be all the greater for it.
Above all, do not sacrifice your conscience or your core principles to make a decision
that would make it easier on your personal comfort or diminish your responsibilities,
because even if you can hide from others, you cannot hide from yourself. Even if you
managed to fool your audience, you would feel the pangs of your conscience should
you make a hasty decision that runs against what you believe in!
This card often heralds a confrontation with some institutions: public service, justice,
the authorities. It might be about upcoming exams or interviews. It also deals with
business practices, contracts, and signed agreements...
Remember, if you draw this card it means that some balance has been upset, and you
need to restore the harmony that was lost!
XII - The Hanged Man
not even try to do something about it, they will be in a submissive position, paralyzed
before they act by a force greater than they are. They will move from one failure to
the next.
This creates a vicious cycle that will be hard to break, a period of numerous moral and
material difficulties. They will be fragile and prone to fall ill or more generally feel weak.
People who do not take the Hanged Man into account in their reading will face more
troubles and challenges than their current psychic and organic weakness will bear in
their fight against adversity.
Fortunately, if they choose to react they will see that they have enough intellectual
resources to take the entire situation into account and overcome their obstacles by
looking at the big picture.
The Hanged Man is a symbol of lack of confidence, of an upcoming period of ob-
stacles that will require introspection and re-assessment in order to be overcome. It
might also herald a betrayal, a sacrifice that must be made, or any other kind of effort
required for success.
XIII - Death
Do not be fooled by appearances, as the arcanum of
Death does not mean physical death, but a state of
change and transition from one state to another, a nec-
essary evolution.
This is probably what led the author of the Rider-
Waite-Smith deck to avoid the grim skeleton with a
scythe image that could be found in earlier decks like
the Marseille.
This arcanum indicated that everything is constantly
evolving, and that you need to go beyond your mortal
condition to reach a higher spiritual state.
This is illustrated by the banner held by the knight with
a skeleton head on this arcanum: it is black, but with an embroidered rose used as a
symbol of life.
On the top right you can notice two pillars, with a bright and shining sun between them,
symbolizing the light of truth or Supreme Knowledge that can be achieved through
personal effort.
Death, here, is a mystical death that means you need to get rid of the ideas and princi-
ples that drag you down and prevent your evolution, in favor of new concepts that are
better suited to your spiritual growth.
Just like the Hanged Man, you should not focus on this card’s name or appearance that
might lead to hasty conclusions.
This card does not necessarily herald any catastrophe or dramatic even, unless it is
surrounded with other negative cards in the spread!
In the major arcana, Death is a warning for great upcoming changes, or the final con-
clusion of a problem. It can even often be a sign of the end of a very annoying situation.
This arcanum can also indicate upcoming brutal transformations that might be hard to
experience or negotiate.
This card is a symbol for metamorphosis, fate, material restrictions, breaking away from
the past, isolation…
Death imposes radical choice, so when you draw this arcanum you need to dive in.
Sometimes it implies that you need to get rid of (or abandon) useless elements to bet-
ter move forward.
This drawing usually calls for some changes in your way of life, in the way you think, or
in your usual behavior. You then know you have to break the routine that has lulled you
to sleep and prevented you from evolving.
The Death arcanum calls for intelligence, reflection, and reason in order to make the
right choices without any rush, but without excessive hesitation either.
This arcanum symbolizes the triumph of life over death, or even reincarnation. It hints
at some hidden spiritual potential, lying dormant in your soul, which has to be awak-
ened in order to move on.
This is a “positive” card that calls for some in-depth transformations, as well as thor-
ough introspection to find genuine solutions to a problem.
Death asks you not to worry or panic when facing the essential modifications that you
need to undertake if you do not want to miss out on life.
A great courage is the only thing that will allow you to untangle tough situations or
finally discover the true intentions of people you thought you knew well.
XIV - Temperance
The Temperance arcanum is represented by a winged
angel. He is pouring the waters of life equally from one
chalice to the next, calling for balance in all things in
order to grow on your spiritual path.
Likewise, he has a foot on the ground and one in the
water, strengthening the call for balance, and asking for
that balance between natural elements too, like Earth
and Water here.
The road on the left of the card is leading towards the
sun, indicating that balance will allow you to reach
spiritual enlightenment.
The angel’s simple garments, a plain white toga, indi-
cate that you need to get rid of all terrestrial attributes
to achieve it.
This allegory teaches that practicing temperance in all things lets you reach some inner
balance because it lets you master all your emotions and get rid of all your negativity
through the harmony of every part of your being.
Temperance is an arcanum of harmony, which can restore relationships. It is a symbol of
gentleness, calm, serenity, and restored balance. This card nonetheless asks for some
patience to restore well-being in a troubled relationship.
Indeed, often enough, solving certain problems or improving some situations require
spending some time to that effect, when most people tend to be too impatient. This
makes it hard to serenely deal with a tough problem.
When you draw this card, you are extremely likely to get out of a difficult situation.
Give it some time and keep your spirits high, especially since Temperance is favorable
in every situation: Work, Love, Luck, Health…
Temperance indicates reaching a balance, middle ground, or harmony in difficult
Improving a difficult situation requires patience, an open mind, and a certain serenity.
Temperance requires a high capacity for adaptability and change, and high communi-
cation skills. It all goes together.
It can give you a lot of positive mental and physical energy to let you get on top of
any situation and deal with changes. It forecasts new private, professional, and friendly
relationships, and the birth of new projects that will end up in a better life.
Temperance brings harmony and urges you not to make any hasty decision and give
yourself enough time to think before you decide to change your ways.
Temperance says that it is time to look for some harmony in every aspect of your life,
striving for a full balance of your body, mind, and soul.
Temperance is a very spiritual arcanum, because it implies mastery over your passions
and emotions so that they do not dominate you.
This also asks you to solve your own contradictions, and you should not hesitate to
undertake a great introspective work to that regard.
Temperance says that you will know how to adapt to any situation. It will also allow you
to undergo vast improvements in your relationships with your loved ones. It will grant
you a sense of discernment, clearer thoughts, and great analysis skills.
XV – The Devil
less self-questioning and deep unquenched lack of satisfaction.
That person can manage to sate these desires, but there will be a price for it. The Devil
is associated with earthly pleasures of all kinds, and especially sexuality – including
some of its more sordid aspects – or the temptation to fall into vice.
That person is focused on their own pleasure, how much they will get from their actions
without worrying about the potential harm that might cause. They want immediate
satisfaction regardless of consequences.
The Devil arcanum sees that person’s desires like hard drugs that are hard to control.
They might fall into temptation’s clutches, driven to excesses of passion, sensuality,
and a thirst for power, corruption, and seduction.
XVI – The Tower
There can be numerous interpretations to the Tower
arcanum according to the author of the Rider-Waite-
Smith tarot deck.
It seems that one of the most accurate ones is about a
representation of the fall of the human spirit, “falling
from grace” both literally and figuratively, when they
understand that all the material principles they rely on
are nothing but illusions.
At the end of the material fall, the mind can then rise
up spiritually through the steady expression and incar-
nation of the supreme Truth hidden behind the false
appearances of the temptations of material life.
Another interpretation defended by A.E. Waite himself
claims that the fall represents the fall of Humankind when it gets lost in earthly temp-
tations and lets evil take over.
This representation also means that life has no meaning unless it is based on sincere
and honest values aiming to build the kingdom of Good on Earth.
If that person gives in to their egotism, pride, and the expression of their animal na-
ture, they will be responsible for their own decline and will hasten their own fall.
The Tower is a negative arcanum in almost every situation. It is a sign of failed pro-
jects. It can also warn about a great upcoming problem that will need to be dealt
The Tower can be a symbol of conflict, disagreement, and destruction. In this con-
text, it is a symbol of unpleasant events: bankruptcy, accident, breakup, failure, phys-
ical or psychological weakness…!
You thus need to be extremely careful whenever this card is drawn. It heralds the
arrival of unexpected events that will be hard to cope with.
Any aspect of life might be affected: Love, Work, Health, Money, Luck… leading to
troubled times.
The Tower can also be a sign of disagreement within your family, or in your relation-
ships with your friends, colleagues, or anyone you are in frequent contact with.
Drawing the Tower indicated that the lessons of your past failures have yet to be
learned. You might have to deal with the consequences of your mistakes and pay a
heavy price if you fail to learn something from them.
The Tower can be positive when you use is as an excuse to heed its warning. As the
saying goes, “Forewarned is forearmed”!
At least you have been warned. In order to get out of these expected hurdles, you
will need to control your psychic energy and focus it properly… by making relevant
changes to your plans, and putting them into practice. This is how you will avoid the
seemingly negative influence of a Tower draw.
The positive aspect that can be drawn from the Tower is that it acts as a warning
against potential dangers. This warning will not prevent the arrival of these problems,
but will let you better handle their consequences if you act in the right way and follow
the good resolutions you have made.
XVII – The Star
This arcanum represents a young naked girl, her left knee
on the ground, and her right foot in the water.
The young lady is pouring water equally on the ground
and in the pond. This water represents the Water of Life
that flows within us, irrigating the material world repre-
sented by the earth, and the psychic world represented
by the pond.
A yellow star with eight points shines above her head,
with seven white stars (also with eight points) represent-
ing the Light of Truth.
This arcanum symbolizes the energy and vitality of youth,
and the Star represents the hope that can be found in
everyone, to rise above their material conditions and reach the highest spheres of
spirituality and access eternal life.
This arcanum means that in order to become immortal, you need to follow the sign sent
through the divine Light represented by the stars. Following such divine aspirations will
guide that person to the highest spheres where Supreme Truth will be unveiled.
The Star is a symbol of hope, harmony, and gentleness. It will guide you to the fulfill-
ment of your aspirations. If your efforts are sincere then they will lead you to happiness
and success.
When you draw the Star in a spread, it means that you need to strongly believe in what
you want to achieve, and lady luck will smile. It is important to have faith in whatever
you are doing.
If you have the Star in a reading, you can believe in… your lucky star! The path of gen-
tleness and confidence will lead you straight to success.
You will benefit from a positive and protective influence and will lead you to the fulfill-
ment of your wishes. The Star is one of the most auspicious signs of good fortune. In a
reading, it is an opportunity to express what is best in you, your conscious and uncon-
scious qualities. You will also express a potential that might have been left untapped!
The Star heralds the improvement of your relationship skills and foreshadows an im-
portant professional or romantic meeting.
This is a turning point in your life. If you handle it well, your existence might change
Under the Star’s protection you will develop your harmony. It facilitates communica-
tion, deals, and smoothes out potential obstacles. The Star offers protection against
danger, and helps you overcome your problems. It makes it easier to feel positive emo-
tions, and can rekindle a dying flame.
It could be a sign of new love, even if you thought you would never fall in love again,
or if you had been living alone for a long while.
The Star can also facilitate inspiration, professionally or artistically. It is a rare sign of
enhanced and exceptional creativity.
It also heralds the end of troubles or challenges that you had a hard time dealing with.
It symbolizes the restoration of hope and trust.
XVIII – The Moon
The arcanum of the Moon deals with the mind and im-
agination. The path on the center of the card symbolizes
the road that must be taken to cross the pillars defining
access to the worlds of Supreme Truth hidden behind
the veil of appearances.
The face on the moon is calm, a sign of the great serenity
that can fill your mind when it rises above the turpitudes
of everyday life.
This is achievable when you go beyond your own ideas
and material conceptions, going further than the usual
perceptions of the senses.
The dog and the wolf represent the fear of the unknown,
your animal nature, and the fear that usually prevents you from going beyond your own
The Moon in a drawing advises the use of dreams and intuition to break the chains of
limitations from the material world.
Someone drawing this arcanum might struggle with apathy, slowing down their
thoughts and physical movements.
It will be hard to act, seduced by nonchalance, daydreaming, or a sudden drop in en-
thusiasm or vitality.
Doing anything will look like a great challenge, even for common everyday actions, as
it will be hard to find the energy you need.
The Moon is also a symbol of imagination and intuition that can set you free from your
own limitations. Someone drawing the Moon in a spread should have a sharp intuition,
and their mind will burst with creativity.
However, the Moon is also the world of dreams, illusions, fantasies, and lies. It might in-
dicate that you should beware when imagination runs too wild, and thus keep it in check.
Indeed, it is important to keep a certain level of reflection before you let yourself be
carried away by illusions regarding potential solutions to your problems.
The fertile imagination symbolized by the Moon does not mean you should withdraw
to an imaginary world and refuse to deal with your problems, but that using your crea-
tivity is a way to actually solve them.
This drawing also indicates a favorable intellectual period where you can find solutions
to problems that seemed impossible to overcome.
The Moon favors every activity or profession that uses your imagination: the world of
artistic creation, advertising, media content providers…
Beware of your own moral limitations before your try to fulfill your desires. Do not un-
dertake any action that might harm someone else, or you might have a price to pay in
return. Any evil would eventually find its way back to you one way or another.
Forbidden temptations will be very strong. Don’t fall into this trap urging you to ex-
press your negative and dark aspects.
Drawing this arcanum is a sign of a certain instability in social relationships, or human-
itarian activities.
The Moon can also highlight a difficult relationship with figures of authority, the admin-
istration, or politics.
The Moon is a sign of creative but boisterous times, because all your certitudes, preju-
dices, and ready-made ideas will be challenged in every aspect of your life.
The Moon urges you to get rid of the past and see the big picture in your life in order
to avoid repeating past mistakes that had led you into a dead end.
It can also herald an upcoming birth, which might be literal (a child) or figurative (intel-
lectual rebirth, a new and more positive state of mind).
XIX – The Sun
The main character represented on this arcanum is a
child riding a white horse with a red standard.
This young child represents the transition from the
world of earthly reality to the higher divine world of Su-
preme Truth.
He has been released from the contingencies of mate-
rial life and gone through the wall of illusions (as repre-
sented by the wall behind him).
The symbolism in the child means that you need to find
back the pure and innocent mind of childhood in order
to get rid of false beliefs acquired in life.
The Sun represents the supreme Light that must be
reached, but also the required awareness to do it. The restored childhood mind can
thus help you get rid of your animal nature and reach inner harmony.
Drawing the Sun is extremely favorable in a reading because it has a positive influ-
ence in every domain: love, work, health, and money. The Sun is a sign of success
and happiness in any endeavor.
Obstacles are fading away before you without asking for a lot of efforts. Everything
becomes easy as you find the required mental and physical resources to overcome
any situation.
You will also manage to fulfill your desires, even those that had been left unsatisfied
for so long.
You will enter a prosperous period, and you should make the most of it in order to
improve your romantic, financial, or social situation. If you draw this arcanum, you will
soon find numerous opportunities to improve your lot, and meet those who are most
able to help you in that regard.
This will grant you more confidence and willpower than you have ever experienced,
and you should move from one success to the next. You might become quite popular
or famous if you work in a public environment or in politics.
Couples should strengthen their connection in a romantic aspect. Single people are
likely to meet someone special. Sexuality should also be enhanced by this drawing
that should provide you with boundless imagination and a lot of energy.
The vitality enjoyed by the person concerned by the Sun arcanum in a reading will be
proportional to the joy they will get from it. The Sun heralds a time of construction,
where you can achieve your goals.
The Sun urges you to overcome your own fears and anxiety, and change your life for
the better in its light. It foreshadows a time of change and inner transformation that
will affect your material life.
XX – Judgment
Xxi – The World
This arcanum represents a young radiant woman sym-
bolizing the perfection of the world and the universe,
something you can be aware of when you overcome the
limitations of the human mind. The harmony of the uni-
verse finally appears clearly then.
This young woman also symbolizes the purity of the soul
that you get once you are rid of all the illusions of earthly
life, when you have actively contributed to the establish-
ment of the kingdom of Good in the material world.
Drawing the World is an extremely auspicious sign in every
domain: Love, Health, Money, Work… The World indicates
the arrival of a period of exceptional luck. When you draw
this arcanum, you can expect the favors of Divine Providence in anything you do.
Circumstances will be particularly favorable for your enlightenment and success, but
you should not passively wait for it!
You will need to take the initiative, but this will be easy to implement because you will
easily find the right ideas that will facilitate the realization of your projects.
If you want to travel, now is the right time for it because you will be under the protec-
tion of the invisible worlds.
The World in a tarot spread indicates that you are about to experience a great inner
harmony that will allow you to make the right decisions.
You will reach a rather rare and exceptional balance between your thoughts, words,
and actions that will all be in sync.
The World facilitates communication in every domain. You will meet people who will
be important for you. Any difficulty in expressing your thoughts will fade, leading you
on a path of inner transformation.
Any effort sincerely performed to do Good will be guided by a deep intuition that will
suggest what is right for you.
All your initiatives will be swiftly rewarded. However, you should make sure that you
won’t rest on your laurels and take the easy way out if you want your actions to be
crowned with success.
Likewise, just because life is about to smile at you does not mean you should forget the
limitations of the material world. Only commit to actions that you feel able to achieve.
If you manage to be enthusiastic and realistic at the same time, happiness awaits you
at the end of the road.