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P. Scott Hollander Tarot For Beginners

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Tarot Reading Starts Here

Your Tarot deck can answer not only the simple ques­
tions you many ask a fortuneteller, but also the deeper
questions that ultimately direct your life. And if you
begin an intense study of the Tarot for the purpose of per­
sonal spiritual development, you will eventually develop
your own interpretations of the visual images on the
But you need to start somewhere. You need to
know the basic meanings of the cards before the Tarot
can really "speak" to you in your own language. T hat's
how Tarot for Beginners can help-by clearly describ­
ing and interpreting the symbolism of each of the 22
Major Arcana cards and the 56 Minor Arcana cards, and
by showing you how to lay out the cards and interpret
them in relation to each other.
The final judge of the true meaning of the Tarot is
you. The Tarot is a key-and where there's a key, there's
a door. Somewhere on the other side of this particular
door, you will find the answers to all of your questions,
whether simple or complex, secular or religious, spiri­
tual or mundane. Let P. Scott Hollander-a student,
teacher and reader of the Tarot for more than 20 years­
show you what doors the Tarot can open for you.
About the Author
P. Scott Hollander has studied and used the Tarot for more
than 20 years. Over the years, she has done more readings
than she can count, both face to face and at long distance. She
has also used the cards for counseling and some magical
operations and has taught their use as meditation tools. (She
feels she has reached the level of The Star in her own studies.)
A professional freelance writer, she has been writing and
publishing books, articles, and short stores for more than 25
years. She has been writing full-time since 1989. Her non-fic­
tion texts and articles primarily cover arcane subjects, includ­
ing a 1991 Llewelyn release, Reading Between the Lines: The
Basics of Handwriting Analysis.

To Write the Author

If you wish to contact the author or would like more infor­
mation about this book, please write in care of Llewellyn
Worldwide, and we will forward your request. Both the
author and publisher appreciate hearing from you and learn­
ing of your enjoyment of this book and how it helped you.
Llewellyn Worldwide cannot guarantee that every letter to
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write to:

P. Scott Hollander
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Tarot for
An Easy Guide to Understanding
& Interpreting the Tarot

P. Scott Hollander

Llewellyn Publications
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0383
Tarot for Beginners. Copyright© 1995 by P. Scott Hollander.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any man­
ner whatsoever without written permission from Llewellyn
Publications except in the case of brief quotations embodied
in critical articles and reviews.

Second Printing, 1995

Cover design by Anne Marie Garrison

Cover cards (from left to right) Rider-Waite Tarot, Legend: The
Arthurian Tarot, The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot
Interior design and editing by Laura Gudbaur
Section page illustration by Anne Marie Garrison
Rider-Waite Tarot card illustrations reproduced from the
designs by Pamela Colman Smith in the 1922 reprint of the
original 1910 edition of The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by
Arthur Edward Waite, William Rider & Son Ltd., London.
Other decks included: Witches Tarot by Ellen Cannon Reed and
Martin Cannon, The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot Deck by
Sandra Tabatha Cicero, The Tarot of the Orishas by Zolrak
and Diirkon, Legend: The Arthurian Tarot by Anna Marie Fer­
guson, The Healing Earth Tarot by Jyoti and David McKie, all
published by Llewellyn Publications.

Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hollander, P. Scott
Tarot for beginners: an easy guide to understanding &
interpreting the tarot/ by P. Scott Hollander. -- 1st ed.
p. em.
ISBN 1-56718-363-8
1. Tarot. 2. Fortune telling by cards. 3. Divination. I. Title
BF1879.T2H63 1995
133.3'2424--dc20 94-43321
Llewellyn Publications
A Division of Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.
P.O. Box 64383, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383
A prisoner devoid of books, had he a Tarot of which he knew
how to make use, might in a few years possess a universal
science, and discourse on all possible subjects with an
u nequalled doctrine and inexhaustible eloquence.

-Eliphas Levi
For, my mom, Florence Hollander, who helped me look
inside my soul and find my own path.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Before You Begin ix

�!� PART ONE: The Major Arcana ��

Trumps: Introduction to the Major Arcana 3

Trumps One: The Magician 15
Trumps Two: The High Priestess 21
Trumps Three: The Empress 25
Trumps Four: The Emperor 29
Trumps Five: The High Priest 33
Trumps Six: The Lovers 39
Trumps Seven: The Chariot 45
Trumps Eight: Justice 49
Trumps Nine: The Hermit 53
Trumps Ten: The Wheel of Fortune 57
Trumps Eleven: Strength 63
Trumps Twelve: The Hanged Man 67
Trumps Thirteen: Death 71
Trumps Fourteen: Temperance 75
Trumps Fifteen: The Devil 79
Trumps Sixteen: The Falling Tower 85
Trumps Seventeen: The Star 91
Trumps Eighteen: The Moon 97
viii • Table of Contents

Trumps Nineteen: The Sun 103

Trumps Twenty: Judgement 109
Trumps Twenty-One: T he World 115

Trumps Zero: The Fool 121

Notes: More on t he Major Arcana 127

�� PART TWO: The Minor Arcana ��

Minor Arcana: Introduction 133

Minor Arcana: Interpretation 151
Swords: The Suit of Swords 165
Cups: The Suit of Cups 195
Coins: The Suit of Coins 229
Wands: The Suit of Wands 263

�� PART THREE: Divining with the Tarot ��

Reading the Tarot: How to Tell Fort unes 301

Tarot Spreads: Three Ways to
Get Answers 323
Conclusion: Your Future in Your Cards 351


If you're like most people who have just begun a study

of the Tarot (pronounced Ta-row), what you find most
confusing is that there are so many different deck styles,
and so many different interpretations of the cards.
Where do you start? Whose interpretation is the one
you should use?
It's not as complicated as it looks. The basic mean­
ings of each of the cards are fairly standard. The reason
different systems vary so much is because nearly every­
one who uses a Tarot deck eventually develops their
own interpretations of the imagery and symbolism
shown on the cards.
As you will find, once you've chosen your own
deck and a system you find compatible, the Tarot
"speaks" to you. What's more, it speaks to you in your
own language. Tarot imagery translates itself for you
into whatever philosophical or religious viewpoint you
need in order to understand and use your deck.

x Tarot for Beginners

How different your personal interpretations will

be depends on what you use your deck for. If you only
want to use the Tarot to read fortunes, then all you need
do is find an already existing system that makes sense
to you (and gives you intelligible answers), and follow
it. But the Tarot, especially the Major Arcana, can also
be used as a path to your personal spiritual develop­
ment. And if you begin an intense study of the Tarot for
that purpose, you will eventually develop your own
interpretations of the visual images on the cards.
What I'm going to do in this book is help you get
started. I'll describe each of the cards in a standard Tarot
deck, and give you its basic meaning. I will show you not
only how to use your deck as a fortune-telling tool, but also
how to begin to use it as a path to spiritual enlightenment.
Where you go from there is up to you. But you will
find, if you do begin a serious study of the Tarot, that
your deck can answer not only the simple questions
you ask a fortuneteller, but also the real questions that
ultimately direct your life.

The Tarot Deck

There are 78 cards in a Tarot deck, divided into the
Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The word
"Arcana" (singular: Arcanum) comes from the Latin
arcanus, meaning closed or secret. In the context of the
Tarot, it means a secret or a mystery, and is usually used
in the plural form.
The Major Arcana, or trump suit, consists of
twenty-two cards. Each card has a different picture
which illustrates an action, behavior and/ or event.
Introduction xi

Each card also has a label, which is a name, a title, or a

description of the picture on the card.
All the cards in the Major Arcana except one are
numbered, from One to Twenty-One. The Fool, which is
the only unnumbered card, is generally considered to
be number Zero.
In a readin�. the Maior Arcana reoresents states of
being-your mentaL emotional. and/or spiritual condi­
tion at the time of the reading, or in terms of the situa­
tion bein� descrihed.
The remaining fifty-six cards in your deck are
called the Minor Arcana. These are divided into four
suits: Swords, Cups, Coins, and Wands. There are four­
teen cards in each suit: ten numbered (or pip) cards,
from Ace to Ten, and four face (or court) cards: Page,
Knight, Queen, and King.
In the reading, the Minor Arcana describes events or
situatian.s.._and each suit focuses on. a different area of your

life. In general, Swords describe your mental or intellec­

tual state, and Cups your emotiot�al. life. Coins corre�..

spond to your physical or material status, and Wands to

career, abilities, or potentials. The court cards sometimes
represent actual people in your life1 or they may have the
same kind oiinterpretation as_ the pip cards.
It is the cards of the Minor Arcana which corre­
spond to today's modern deck of playing cards. In the
modern deck, the Knight was eliminated, and the Page
became the Jack, leaving only three court cards to each
suit. The Tarot's Swords have become Spades; Cups
became Hearts; Coins are called Diamonds; and Wands
are Clubs. The only card from the Major Arcana that has
xii Tarot for Beginners

made the transition from the Tarot to the playing deck

is The Fool, which has become The Joker.

History of the Tarot

There are many theories about the origin of the Tarot,
but no one knows for certain where and how the cards
were first developed. Some authorities claim the Tarot
evolved from the yarrow sticks used with the Chinese
divination system called I Ching; others say that it was
adapted from the legendary Book of Thoth. Still others
place its origin as recently as fourteenth or fifteenth cen­
tury Europe, since the earliest known complete deck
dates from that time.
The most popular theory is that the Tarot was
invented in ancient Egypt, and brought to Europe
around the fourteenth century by wandering tribes of
Gypsies. According to these scholars, the allegorical illus­
trations shown on the cards of the Major Arcana were
derived from the teachings of the secret schools of Egypt.
Papus, in Key to Occult Science, explains that the
kingdom was in danger of being overthrown, so the
priests of ancient Egypt designed the Tarot as one way of
preserving their secrets for initiates of future ages. The
Major Arcana portrayed the stages of personal develop­
ment required of initiates as they progressed toward the
status of adept. By recording their teachings in a sym­
bolic manner, it would be available to serious students of
the occult arts, yet the Tarot deck itself would appear to
be only an amusing game to the uninitiated.
Other schools of thought also theorize that the
Major Arcana is a record of the secret teachings of vari­
ous underground religious groups. One such group to
Introduction xiii

whom the origin of the Tarot is attributed is the Gnos­

tics, early Christian sects often considered heretical for
their spiritual beliefs, who were indeed forced to take
their faith underground to escape persecution.
Another theory suggests that the Tarot philoso­
phy was derived from that of the Cabala. The order of
the Major Arcana is indeed based on the Hebrew sys­
tem of letters and numbers.
The Cabala is a mystical Jewish tradition which
teaches that it is possible, through symbolic interpretation
of ancient texts, to raise your consciousness above the
level of mundane knowledge and lead you to an under­
standing of and union with the Divine. In this teaching,
letters and numbers are not merely a way of writing
down thoughts and events, but rather reservoirs of divine
power which contain volumes of information and
enlightenment accessible to the adept. (It is interesting to
note that the Greek neo-Pythagorean school also taught
that letters and numbers were divine beings which pos­
sessed their own supernatural powers.)
Many of the teachings of the Cabalists were never
written down; they were passed from teacher to student
by word of mouth and kept secret from outsiders. The
kind of symbolism used in the Major Arcana is a way of
preserving those secrets without making them readily
available to the uninitiated. In this theory, then, the Tarot
is an allegorical representation of the path to enlighten­
ment, which again would be understandable only to
those who were trained in this symbolic method of study.
The origin of the Minor Arcana is also in ques­
tion. Some researchers believe they were part of the
original Egyptian deck; others say they were added
xiv · Tarot for Beginners

around the fourteenth century from an Italian card

game known as tarocchi.
In fact, even the origin of the name "Tarot" is in
doubt. One simple explanation is that the name was
derived from the crossed lines which appear on the
back of the cards, a design called tarotee. Others say the
name comes from the tarrochi, which supplied the cards
of the Minor Arcana.
Etteilla, a great exponent of the Tarot, explains that
the name derives from the Egyptian words tar, "a path,"
and ro or ros, "royal," meaning together "the royal path
of life." J.F. Vaillent (in Les Romes, histoire vraie des vraise
Bohemiens, 1857), states that "the great divinity
Ashtaroth, As-Taroth, is no other than the Indo-Tarter
Tan-tara, the Tarot, the Zodiac." And still other authori­
ties teach that both the Tarot and the Book of Thoth
derive their names from the Egyptian word taru, mean­
ing "to require an answer" or "to consult."
Whatever the origin of the Tarot, it is clear that the
symbolism on the cards is universal, speaking to many
different cultures and philosophies. People of all reli­
gious, ethnic, or national backgrounds have used the
Tarot, and developed their own versions of the deck.
And the one point on which all authorities agree is that
the Tarot, especially the Major Arcana, contains a com­
plete book of occult knowledge which can lead dedi­
cated students to an understanding of both themselves
and the mysteries of creation-if only you can learn to
decipher their true meaning.
Introduction xv

Using the Tarot for Divination and Meditation

In the last section of this text, I'll show you several ways
to lay out your cards for fortune-telling with a Tarot
deck, and how to make sense of the readings you get.
At this point, however, it's important to understand
how the Tarot works to find answers to your questions.
Though you may not believe it, you do have the
innate ability to find the answers you need. But most of
us can't access that ability on command. You use the
Tarot-or any divination tool-as a way to focus your
clairvoyance: to make it work when you want it to, and
to make it help you find the truth on demand.
Think of your conscious mind as a kind of back­
seat driver, the sort of busybody who always has all the
answers--even when it doesn't know what it's talking
about. In this case, of course, your back-seat driver is
someone upon whose advice you usually do depend,
which only makes it harder to ignore its unhelpful
Now you are driving on an unfamiliar road
toward a place neither you, nor your backseat driver
has ever been before.
You know that if you could just concentrate-on
the road signs, on the positions of the sun and stars, on
your own inner sense of direction-you could reach
your destination with a minimum of trouble.
You're not allowed to concentrate, however. Every
time you almost know which way to go, your back-seat
driver chimes in with advice and instructions that
throw you off.
The only way to effectively silence that back-seat
driver is to give it something else to do; something that
xvi Tarot for Beginners

will make your know-it-all (who actually knows noth­

ing useful in this case) feel useful-which is actually all
it wants! That way, it will stop distracting you so you
can get to where you're going.
You can't simply ignore these unwanted instruc­
tions, because your back-seat driver needs to be
included; in fact, it cannot stop interfering even if you
both want it to. So the best thing to do is hand your
back-seat driver the road map and let it be the one to
read off the directions to you.
That's whatany divination tool is for. It gives your
conscio_us mindsomething to do. so thatyour naturally
clairvovant unconscious mind ca.D concentrate on dri­
ving towa.rd your destination.
Of all road maps to self-awareness and spiritual
development, the Tarot is the most detailed, yet most
concise, available.
In the chapters that follow, I'll give you the basic
meanings of the cards in both Arcana. As I said when
we began, how you actually wind up interpreting these
cards, once you begin serious readings, will be up to
you. The longer you work with the Tarot, the more per­
sonal your interpretation of each card will become.
Let it happen. Let the cards speak to you. If a par­
ticular reading "feels like" it means something other
than what any book on Tarot suggests it should mean,
go with your feeling. The Tarot is designed to draw on
your own clairvoyant subconscious to help you under­
stand the truth.


Major Ar


cana ·




The Major Arcana, also called the trump suit, is the

heart of the Tarot. It is here, in these twenty-two picture
cards, that the primary teachings of the Tarot are
expressed. Whatever philosophy a given interpreter of
the Tarot may follow will influence the design of these
cards; further, that philosophy will also influence their
interpretation of the Minor Arcana.
Each of the illustrations of the Major Arcana is an
allegorical representation of a different state gf being...Q[
stgge of spiritual development. Taken as a unit, the
cards show the progression from neophyte, to initiate,
to adept, in the mysteries the Tarot teaches.
There is no question but that the meanings of each
of these illustrations are in fact both mystical and com­
plex. But it is not necessary to discourage new students
of the Tarot by using high-flown language to describe

4 • Tarot for Beginners

them. The basic meanings of the cards can be explained

in simple English.
What I will do here is tell you the story each card
illustrates, and give you a "starter 's guide" to invest­
igating the deeper philosophical implications of the
cards for yourself. This way, whether you want to use
the Tarot only for divination, or go on from there to
explore its mystical meanings, you've got a point of
departure for both.

How to Use This Guide

There are two ways you can use this text. If you want to
use your deck only for fortune-telling, then in each
chapter that follows skip to the section titled "In the
Reading" and start there. If you want to use this book to
begin a serious study of the Major Arcana, follow the
procedure outlined below, then read each chapter in full.
In the first part of this text, each of the cards of the
Major Arcana is described according to the same system.
First you'll be given the name of the card and its corre­
spondence: that is, both the number and the letter of the
Hebrew alphabet with which it is associated.
Next is a statement of what the card represents: a
brief explanation of the state of being, or stage of spiri­
tual development, that the picture on the card is meant
to illustrate.
Note that this is a very simplistic explanation of the
meaning of the card. It is intended only as a jumping-off
point for beginning your own investigation of the card's
true meaning. If you're using the Tarot for fortune­
telling, however, you can use this statement as a general
guide to your querent's state of mind or personal char­
acteristics in the situation the reading describes.
Trumps · 5

The next two sections of each chapter are intended

to help you get started on uncovering the deeper mean­
ings of the Major Arcana for yourself.
First there is a description of the illustration on
each card. It covers the basic elements that you should
notice and, where necessary, the underlying meaning of
those elements.
Note here that illustrations on all decks differ to
some degree. Some of these are superficial differences;
in costume, in the gender of the figures, and so forth.
Some of them are elements which have been added to
the illustration to complement or reinforce the basic
philosophy of the designer of any given deck.
But there are elements in the illustrations of the
Major Arcana which are the same-or should be the
same-in all decks. Those are the elements which are
described in these chapters. The "Description" section
assumes that you're working with only one deck and
therefore have no way to compare decks and see what
they have in common. So the primary purpose of this
section is simply to tell you which elements on each
card are so vital to the basic meaning of the Tarot that
they are repeated in all decks.
The second part of the meditation section, "Mean­
ing," explains the allegory the card represents. Here
again, an attempt has been made to eliminate any inter­
pretations that are specific to a given religious or philo­
sophical system, and just give you the basic, or
standard, interpretation of the cards.
As before, this description is just a starting point.
What you get from each card, in the end, should be
your own.
6 · Tarot for Beginners

How to Begin Your Own Interpretation

Before you even read these chapters, examine each
Major Arcana card in your own deck carefully. Notice
the main figures on the card, their positions (seated or
standing, relationships to each other, how they hold
their hands or position their bodies, etc.), any figures,
human or otherwise, that accompany them, any props
or tools they may have, any points about the back­
ground that stand out in your mind.
Note that every detail on each card is a meaningful
symbol, even something as minor as a clump of grass
somewhere in the background, and that each card con­
tains a number of elements which must be considered
in interpreting its overall meaning. While there are ele­
ments of major importance (those which are, as men­
tioned above, present in all decks), individual decks
add their own symbolism, and this creates a different
slant or perspective in the interpretation of the card.
Teach yourself to notice everything each illustration
Keep in mind, as you study your cards, that many
cultures have contributed to the Tarot. If there is any­
thing in the philosophical symbolism of the illustrations
that you find uncomfortable, you're working with the
wrong deck. For example, there are decks that use obvi­
ously Christian symbology, others that are just as obvi­
ously Pagan, or Feminist, and so forth. If your religious,
or even political, philosophy is in conflict with that of
the designer of your deck, you will not be able to use
that deck for meditation. You may not even be able to
use it for simple fortunetelling.
There are also, unfortunately, some decks that use a
confusion of symbology. (I've seen one in which a Pagan
Trumps · 7

High Priestess, wearing a crescent moon headdress, is fol­

lowed by a Roman Catholic Pope holding a triple cross). I
would suggest that you avoid this type of deck as well.
Find a deck that is consistent in its own symbology, and
that complements your own basic philosophy.
Once you have studied each illustration, write
down your impressions of the card: details of the illus­
trations, what each detail means to you, what you think
the card as a unit has to say.The Major Arcana is a book
of disguised knowledge. Try to decide for yourself what
it is each illustration is trying to tell you.
It may seem like a waste of time to begin your
study unaided when you have a learner's guide avail­
able, but it is very important for you to make this first
examination on your own.This is an opportunity you
will get only once: because once you've read someone
else's impression of the Tarot, that will forever affect
how you see the cards.
After you've looked over each card and noted
down your own impressions, then read the descriptions
in these chapters. See if you identified at least some of
the important elements of each card. You'll probably
find that you did.
You'll also probably find that your first impressions
of what these elements mean will differ from the expla­
nations you find here, or in any other text. It doesn't
mean that your interpretation is wrong. There are as many
interpretations of the cards of the Major Arcana as there are
readers. If your first impression of each card varies from
someone else's, it means that the illustration has reached
something in your own unconscious, in your own per­
sonal experiences, that is unique to you. What you derive
from your own untutored examination of these cards
8 · Tarot for Beginners

will be an extremely significant factor in your later study

of the Tarot.
Don't question it, or even try to understand it at
first. Just keep a record of it. If you do complete an
intensive study of the Tarot, you may be surprised to
find how meaningful your first intuitive impressions of
the cards were when you read them over later.
If you don't get a significant impression from any
of the cards-or even from just some of the cards-then
once again, you're working with the wrong deck. Find
one that does speak to you. It's out there somewhere.

Using Your Deck for Fortune telling

The last section of each chapter is called "In the Read­
ing." This tells you the meaning of the card as it applies
to simple divination. The emphasis here is on for­
tunetelling, not meditation, so there's a slightly differ­
ent viewpoint in the interpretations of the cards.
This section lists a number of statements describ­
ing both the positive and negative aspects of each card
as it applies to a reading. The card does not mean all
these things at once. When doing a reading, you pick
the description which makes the most sense in the con­
text of the question you're answering, and/ or which
relates best to surrounding cards. (See the chapter on
divination for further explanation of this procedure.)
There is also, for each card, a general description of the
querent's mental or emotional state as shown by the
presence of that card in a reading. This may be pre­
sented as a question or a statement or both. In explain­
ing the reading, you can either choose an appropriate
phrase from the list of positive or negative characteris-
Trumps · 9

tics, or use this description as your guide to the mean­

ing of the card.
Note that, in an ordinary reading, when a trump
card comes up it describes how the querent feels, or is
likely to react, in the situation being described. In effect,
the trump card states: "This is the kind of person you
are right now"-or, "This is the kind of person this situ­
ation has turned you into." Naturally, the kind of per­
son you are right now is going to affect how you deal
with any given situation. In a reading, therefore, trump
cards are considered as a major influence on other
cards, and on the situation as a whole.

A Note on the Order of the Cards

In a reading, trump cards may come up one at a time
and in any order, and are considered merely in terms of
their position in the layout, or spread, but in medita­
tion, the cards of the Major Arcana cannot operate inde­
pendently of each other. Each card leads to the next,
and follows from the one before. Which means it is nec­
essary to know their proper order.
Unfortunately, the experts cannot agree even on
this. Some decks, for example, place The Fool at the
beginning, others at the end, and still others as second to
the last. (And as you will see when you get to that chap­
ter, this not only changes its numerical correspondence,
but also the possible underlying meaning of this card.)
In addition, at least two writers on the Tarot (A.E.
Waite and Paul Case) switch the order of two other
cards within the Major Arcana: Strength and Justice.
They number these cards as eight and eleven, respec­
tively, while almost every other Tarot deck shows them
in exactly the opposite order.
lO • Tarot for Beginners

My advice on this issue is simple: don't drive

yourself nuts with the order. If you are only using your
deck for divination, the order of the Major Arcana
doesn't matter at all. The order of the cards will be
important if you intend to use the Tarot as a spiritual
guide, but if you do begin an intensive study of the
Tarot, then as you gather more information, both as the
result of reading this and other texts and using your
deck for meditation, you'll eventually reach your own
conclusions as to which order makes the most sense. If,
in your study of the Major Arcana, it seems that one
step should come before the other, then you can renum­
ber your deck according to that system. But don't let
these scholarly disagreements stop you from learning
the cards in the first place.
What I've done here is list the cards in the order
most decks use; any exceptions to that order are noted
where they occur in other decks. Just take it from there.

The Tarot as a Spiritual Guide

Since the pictures on the Major Arcana are allegories,
let's employ an allegory to explain how to use what
they teach.
The Tarot is one of the paths to spiritual self­
enlightenment. It teaches you not only how to reach this
goal, but also warns you of the wrong turns you can
take along the way.
It is easiest to understand the nature of your jour­
ney if you think of the Major Arcana as an ascending
staircase with twenty-two steps. Each step has a slightly
different configuration; some are wider, some narrower,
some are rougher, some smoother. And each step has its
Trumps · II

own unique obstacles which you must overcome in

order to make your way across it.
The passage between steps varies in difficulty as
well. In some cases, you may have a steep and torturous
climb; in others, passage may be as simple as stepping
through a doorway. There is always a barrier, however,
which you must figure out how to cross in order to
make your way to the next stage upward.
Each step also has a landing, leading off the main
staircase, where the climber can stop and rest-Dr get off
the upward road forever-and here there are no barriers.
What you see on these landings is sometimes terrifying,
sometimes beautiful, sometimes both at once, bu it is
always alluring. Each landing has its own temptations,
drawing you toward it. And whatever you see on any
landing, and however it affects you, it is always easier to
step off onto the landing than it is to make your way
across the step you're on, or upward to the next one.
You begin at the bottom of this staircase as a seeker
trying to find answers to the basic human questions:
Why am I here? What is life really supposed to be all
about? Those who have made this climb before you can
give you a general idea of what you will find on each
step, what the temptations on each landing may be, and
how difficult it is to proceed from one step to another,
but no one can tell you exactly what you will find at any
stage, or how you will react: each seeker is different.
All that you do know for certain is that there are
twenty-two steps, and that you must climb them all to
reach your goal. If you stop at any point less than
twenty-two, you may find what you think you were
really looking for. But you will never find the true
answers to your questions.
12 • Tarot for Beginners

Every path to spiritual self-enlightenment has its

own dangers, and its own opportunities for failure, and
the Path of the Tarot is no exception. There will be times
when you despair, when you're certain you'll never
understand or succeed, when you are tempted to quit.
But if you persevere, you will have one very
important advantage working in your favor. You will
find, at each step, that you already possess the qualities
you need to win through. The Tarot does not give them
to you: it doesn't need to. These qualities exist within
you, and always have. The teachings of the Tarot are
intended only to help you bring them out, so that you
can use them to achieve your own best destiny.
The following are examples of the various decks
used to illustrate each card of the Tarot.

The Healing Earth Tarot, by The New Golden Dawn Ritual

David and Jyoti McKie, Tarot, by Sandra Tabatha
emphasizes Earth as a planet Cicero, follows the Western
of healing through a variety magickal tradition of the
of cultures' shamanistic Golden Dawn. It is distin­
images. It is characterized by guished by its presentation
its geometric border. of the corresponding Hebrew
letter, planetary and zodiacal
The Tarot ofthe Orishas,
The Arthurian Legend
by Zolrak and Diirkon, is
Tarot, by Anna Marie
based on the African
Candomble religion. It is Ferguson, is based in the
labeled in three langu­ old Grail and King
ages, English, Spanish, Arthur legends. It is dis­
tinguished by its Celtic
and Portuguese
style and ornate border.

The Witches Tarot, by

Ellen Cannon Reed, uses The traditional Rider­
pagan and Qabalistic Waite deck, as drawn by
imagery in an explo­ Pamela Coleman Smith,
ration of the Tree of Life. is representative of med­
It is characterized by ieval Tarot. It is charac­
having no border. terised by its heavy black
and white drawings
The individual
pictured in this card
is someone with the
ability to control and
manipulate people,
things, and events.


Trumps One


Le Bateleur (The Juggler), usually called The Magician.

Corresponding to the number One, also to the Hebrew
letter Aleph.

Human intelligence; worldly wisdom. Control of (or,
the need to control and manipulate) the forces that
operate in this world.

In most decks, the Magician is male; in all decks, this
figure stands alone. Male or female, the Magician has a
young face and wise eyes; he is ageless.
Costume varies, depending on the deck, from
Egyptian to Greek to Medieval. The Magician always,
however, wears a belt, and in some decks this belt is a
coiled serpent (possibly Ourobouros, the alchemical

16 · Tarot for Beginners

serpent swallowing its own tail, or perhaps the serpent

that both Moses and the Egyptian magicians were able
to make come alive from their staffs).
The Magician stands with one hand raised, usually
holding a wand, the other hand pointing downward.
The down-pointing hand may or may not be holding
some other object. (Note that this position mirrors the
shape of the letter Aleph.) The symbolism here is "As
Above, So Below." This is the teaching of Hermes
Trismegistus that the smaller world within each person
contains all the elements of the larger universe, and the
study of a single individual-yourself-can lead to an
understanding of all creation.
Spread out before the Magician, usually on a low
table (or possibly an altar), are various objects. In some
decks, these are just miscellaneous objects. In other
decks, there are four distinct shapes which depict the
four suits of the Minor Arcana: a cup, a sword, a wand,
and a pentacle. Here, note that since the world
represented as being under the control of the Magician
is that of the Tarot, it makes sense that the objects be of
the Minor Arcana. If other objects show in your deck,
however, it is not necessarily incorrect.
In any case, the objects represent things which the
adept has under his control. And that is the essence of
this card: control of your Self and of the elements of
your universe.

Whether you think of this card as The Magician or The
Juggler, the allegory is the same. Consider that everything
in the universe is spread out before God like the objects
on The Juggler's table, and these elements of creation are
Trumps One· 17

tossed about by God in the same manner that a juggler

tosses his objects around. The objects themselves are not
important to The Juggler as individuals. The ability to
manipulate and control them is.
If you consider this card as The Magician, then in
occult teachings, a true magician stands at the center of
the universe, and all things radiate out from him.
However he creates, or recreates, the nature of the
universe within his mind becomes the nature of the
universe in fact. So either way, the individual pictured
in this card is someone with the ability to control and
manipulate people, things, and events.
Tarot Arcanum One is the first step on the road to
spiritual enlightenment and self-development. It's also
the place where too many people stop. Because The
Magician, or Juggler, does have control of his world,
and control of others as well, it's tempting to consider
this the goal you're seeking.
You begin on your path with Will-the decision to
grow; the hope of success. In terms of a Magician, the
question is, do you stay with control of the mundane
world, or go on from there to grow spiritually? In terms
of the Juggler, the question is: How many objects can
you keep in the air at the same time, and for how long?

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Strength of will, intuition, self­
control, self-confidence, autonomy, diplomacy. The
positive qualities of humankind: skill, initiative,
intelligence, discernment, and comprehension; freedom
from control by others. All leading to success and the
ability to control your environment.
18 • Tarot for Beginners

Reversed (or Negative): Cleverness, lack of

scruples, trickery, cunning, subtlety. An intriguer, a liar,
a charlatan, a rogue; one willing to exploit the
weaknesses and trust of others. All resulting from a lack
of real self-esteem, and domination by outside forces;
sometimes leading to disgrace or mental imbalance.
In effect, the Magician is one who has the potential
to be like a god. If this card represents the querent, then
you are one who has the power (or the potential for it)
to control your immediate world. Are you developing
this potential or throwing it away on demonstrations of
mundane power? The rest of the cards in the reading
will tell you.
Trumps One· 19
This card represents the
ability to understand
and interpret the word
of God-the under­
standing of the Law
which is the highest
and best use of our
intellectual ability.


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Trumps Two


Junon/La Papesse (The High Priestess, or High Popess)

Corresponding to the number Two; also to the Hebrew
letter Beth.

Divine wisdom; enlightenment. Understanding of (or
the need to understand) the reasons things work the
way they do.

A female figure, either seated or standing. If standing,
she is holding a staff and pointing toward something in
the distance; if seated, in many decks she is holding an
open book, representing the divine law that rules and
orders the universe. Again, costume may vary, but

22 • Tarot for Beginners

however she is dressed, she wears the Crescent crown

(or some variation of it).
In most decks, the priestess stands or is seated
between two pillars, or columns; usually, one pillar is
black and the other is white. This theme repeats on other
cards in the Major Arcana. You can consider the pillars to
represent good and evil, light and darkness, truth and
lies. The best place to start, however, is to look at them as
the portals of a doorway, and the figure between them as
the Guardian of that Gate. In order to pass through the
gate, you do not have to defeat or placate the Guardian.
You have to become whatever that Guardian is.
The High Priestess represents divine wisdom. She
is at once Goddess, Mother, Protector, Teacher. Unlike
The Magician, who uses his skills to manipulate the
universe, The High Priestess exists to protect and teach
rather than control. She is one who understands how
the universe works, and it is that understanding, rather
than simple control of these forces, which is both her
goal and the essence of her being.
The essence of this card is wisdom-understanding of
the laws that underlie the workings of the universe.

If you opt for the right-hand path of spiritual growth,
then The High Priestess is your next step. She under­
stands the workings of the universe, the why of things.
And she uses her understanding not to control and
manipulate, but to nurture, teach, and protect.
This card represents the ability to understand and
interpret the word of God; the understanding of the
Law which is the highest and best use of our intellec­
tual ability.
Trumps Two · 23

As a representation of Divine Law, The High

Priestess is that Law incarnate, or as much of it as can
be comprehended by mortal beings. She is the female
creative force; the mother of all wisdom, the female
aspect of God. She teaches that the knowledge and
understanding you seek is within you; in your subcon­
scious mind. To tap it, you must bypass your conscious
mind, or avoid being deceived by your sensual and
worldly nature.
Note, however, that while the goals of The High
Priestess may be considered more worthy (and cer­
tainly less selfish) than those of The Magician, they are
still not the place where the seeker should stop. The
High Priestess is also one who expends her energy on
nurturing and teaching others. That, too, limits her abil­
ity to grow spiritually in her own right.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Wisdom, serenity, knowledge and
understanding. Judgement, learning, mystery, science,
art. The ability to learn and to teach. Also; possible
secrets that will be revealed in their proper time.
Reversed (or Negative): Superficial knowledge,
even ignorance; inability to judge events and issues
clearly; muddy thinking; prejudice and one-sidedness.
Also, a reluctance, or fear of making decisions.
The High Priestess is the one who knows the
Way-and is willing to lead you there, if you're willing
to go. If this card represents the querent, then you are
one who is able to set others on the right road. But be
careful. Don't be so concerned with their well-being
that you neglect your own opportunities.
The Empress is the
matriarch incarnate,
representing security,
comfort (both physical
and emotional), and


Trumps Three


L'Imperatrice (The Empress). Corresponding to the

number Three, also to the Hebrew letter Gimel.

The Mother, procreation, and domestic harmony-not
just in the individual home, but in society as a whole.

Mature female figure seated on a throne, dressed in fine
robes. She holds a scepter and is wearing an imperial
crown. In some decks, a shield, or coat of arms, is at her
feet, leaning against the foot of her throne. Also, in
some decks, her throne is in a garden; in most decks she
is outside. The Empress is a mother figure, with all that
that implies: she is both a creative force and the one
who insures that the different elements she brings into

26 · Tarot for Beginners

this world work together, not in opposition. The

essence of this card is the harmonious cooperation of
otherwise opposing forces, working together toward a
common goal-domestic harmony and personal fulfill­
ment for all concerned. The Empress is the matriarch
incarnate, representing security, comfort (both physical
and emotional), and understanding.

The Empress is the female ruler of the house-the
Mother. She understands how things have to work in
this world in order for her subjects (whom she treats as
her children) to be safe, happy, and content; she has the
power to make certain things do work in harmony.
She is also the symbol of feminine instinct-intu­
itive flashes that enable you to make the right decision
when there is no time for conscious thought. She is pro­
tection and fertility. She teaches love between people
(the union of souls, as opposed to mere sexual attrac­
tion). As the Mother, she is the door or gate through
which we enter this world; as a ruler, she insures har­
mony and the ability of people to work with each other,
rather than at odds with each other. The Empress is the
ruling force which creates an environment in which each
person is free to develop their own individual potential.
Trumps Three • 27

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Fruitfulness of action, beauty,
personal development and progress. Domestic har­
mony. Marriage, and maternity. Long life. Understand­
ing derived from personal experience. Both emotional
and physical comforts; she provides not only the neces­
sities of life, but also luxuries.
Reversed (or Negative): The unknown. Doubts
and difficulties. Indecision. Selfishness. Loss of power,
inability to solve problems or make useful plans. Vacil­
lation, ignorance.
The Empress is the one who knows how to make
this world run smoothly, if you are willing to listen (to
her) and cooperate (with others). If this card represents
the querent, then you are one who can make things
work smoothly and well for others-if you can make
them listen and understand.
The Emperor represents
a different kind of
worldly wisdom: the
understanding that it
is not enough to want
peace and security, or
even to teach it; some-
times you have to be
willing-<�nd able­
to defend it.

Trumps Four


L'Empereur (The Emperor) Corresponding to the num­

ber Four, also to the Hebrew letter Daleth.

The Father. Worldly power, and protection of those for
whom he is responsible.

Mature male figure (usually with a full beard) either
seated on or leaning against a throne. He wears his
robes over a full suit of armor. He carries a scepter and
wears an imperial crown. In some decks, a shield or
coat of arms rests beside his throne or at his feet. Again,
his throne is outdoors, sometimes with mountains in
the distance. The essence of this card is protection-the
willingness to fight for the domestic harmony that the

30 : Tarot for Beginners

Empress teaches. The Emperor is the male protector of

the home, the father who guards and guides all those
within his care.

The Emperor is also a wise teacher. In this case what he
teaches is the meaning and use of worldly power. There
are forces that no amount of good will or proper train­
ing can overcome: sometimes you have to be willing to
pick up a sword. The Emperor teaches that you cannot
compromise with your conscience; what is worth hav­
ing must also be worth fighting for, if necessary. As the
male protector of the home, The Emperor is ruler and
patriarch, the defender of his world. The Emperor rep­
resents a different kind of worldly wisdom: the under­
standing that it is not enough to want peace and
security, or even to teach it; sometimes you have to be
willing-and able-to defend it.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Authority, accomplishment,
worldly power, stability, wisdom, ambition, reasoned
action. Leadership, and ability to govern wisely. Com­
passion. Protection. Aid. Goals reached and won.
Reversed (or Negative): Immaturity and confu­
sion. Loss of power. Problems with enemies. Inability to
reach your goals; dissipation of energy.
As the Empress teaches people to work together,
the Emperor guards this safe home against dangers
from outside. If this card represents the querent, then
you are one who is able to defend-and willing to die
for-the people and things you treasure. Make certain
that whatever you are defending is worth dying for.
Trumps Four 31

The High Priest in the
Tarot specifically rep­
resents religious
authority-the search
for truth, the inter­
preter ofsecret myster­
ies, the one who points
the way to salvation
(or whatever your ulti­
mate spiritual goal
may be).



Trumps Five


The Hierophant (The High Priest). In some decks

Jupiter (or Zeus); in others, the Pope. Corresponding to
the number Five, also to the Hebrew letter He.

Divine Will; interpretation of the Law of God in terms
of personal and social codes of behavior.

A male figure, seated on a throne. He is dressed in
priestly vestments, crowned, and holding a scepter,
usually in his left hand. The High Priest's accou­
trements depend on which deck you are using. His
scepter bears the representative symbol of whatever
religion the deck's designer follows; his crown and

34 · Tarot for Beginners

robes are also identifiable as part of the priestly vest­

ments of that particular faith. The High Priest's free
hand is raised in blessing. Standing before him, or
seated at his feet, are two (in some decks three) lesser
priests, either paying him homage or in some way peti­
tioning him. In some decks, The High Priest has a very
young face, even somewhat effeminate; in others he is
old and bearded.
In almost all decks, this figure, like the High Priest­
ess (Arcanum Two), is seated between two columns.
The essence of this card is religious authority. This
is the personage who has the power-given him by his
followers or believers-to decide what you must do to
be "saved."

Whatever your supreme deity, it is evident that he or
she does not descend from the heavens at regular inter­
vals to speak directly to the general populace. So most,
if not alt religions have individuals whose task it is to
interpret the divine will for their followers. The more
organized or structured the religion, the greater the
authority of its High Priest.
The point to remember here is that it is not only in
organized religion that some human representative
possesses this kind of authority. The High Priest in the
Tarot specifically represents religious authority, the
search for truth, the interpreter of secret mysteries, the
one who points the way to salvation (or whatever your
ultimate spiritual goal may be).
But this figure also symbolizes any organized
philosophical or educational institution, be it religious
or temporat that exerts that kind of mind control over
Trumps Five • 35

its followers. In all such institutionalized philosophies,

there is someone, or some controlling group, who
insists that they are the only ones who know the truth,
and you either obey their word or are damned.
In Arcanum Five, you are being challenged to
decide. At this particular stage of your spiritual develop­
ment, you are given the opportunity to uncover the ulti­
mate mystery-to discover the Will of God as it applies
to you. Again, the High Priest is the Guardian of a Gate:
to get through you must become him. Do you decide for
yourself what is the road to your salvation, or do you let
some other authority-even that of the Tarot!-think for
you? What you decide now will affect the rest of your
spiritual development from this point on.
Note that this is not always a favorable card.
Unlike The High Priestess, who uses her wisdom and
understanding to enable others to find their true path,
The High Priest uses his power to increase his own
authority over others. This card presents you with the
choice of exploring your own soul's needs, or adapting
your Self to the requirements of others.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Mercy, goodness, kindness,
alliance (including possible marriage). Creativity. The
search for Truth. Understanding and inspiration. Reli­
gious needs and inclinations. Moral courage; the ability
to go your own road if you believe it's right, despite
Reversed (or Negative): Extreme conservatism;
over-kindness or over-conformity. Servitude, captivity,
weakness. Need to be socially approved and accepted.
The need to conform. Loss of personal authority (or,
36 • Tarot for Beginners

acceptance of authority only when there's someone to

blame if things go wrong.)
This card represents someone who has the actual
power to advance or defeat you. You must decide if the
advancement you want is worth placating this individ­
ual. If this card represents the querent then you are
someone who insists on deciding vital issues for others,
usually in a way that enhances your own ability to con­
tinue to do this. You run the risk of surrendering real
authority and personal growth to a belief in your own
Trumps Five 37

The Lovers allegory
is of a union of
opposites, pictured
here as male and
female, and of the
mystical bond
between those who
are alike in spirit.


Trumps Six


L'Amoureux (The Lovers). Corresponding to the num­

ber Six, also to the Hebrew letter Vav.

Union of opposites; commitment.

Not counting supernatural figures (described below),
some decks show only two young lovers, who may be
either clothed or nude. Others show a third person
either observing or in some way influencing the out­
come of their match. In several medieval-style decks the
third party is an older man; he may be either an
observer, or a parental figure to whom the young cou­
ple are evidently explaining themselves. In Egyptian­
style decks, the trio shows a young man and two young
women between whom he obviously has to choose.
40 · Tarot for Beginners

In decks which show three human figures, there is

a winged cupid-style figure leaning out of a cloud
above them, whose arrow points toward the woman (or
one of the two young women). In decks that show only
two young lovers, the supernatural influence above
them is a winged angel with its hands outspread in
blessing; the choices necessary for them to make are
shown in other imagery (for example, Waite's deck
depicts an Adam and Eve pair standing before the Tree
of Knowledge and the Tree of Life, respectively)
The necessity of making a choice is as much a part
of the allegory behind this card as is the union of two
young lovers.

The Lovers allegory is of a union of opposites, pictured
here as male and female, and of the mystical bond
between those who are alike in spirit. It can refer to
romantic love, or an ideal friendship, or some other
close bond between two people, especially when there
has been some kind of barrier or opposition which the
two souls involved must or will overcome in order to
join. If this is the case, then it is mutual commitment
that is the essential element which unites those whose
lives must run together.
But there are other kinds of "marriage," and other
kinds of opposites that need to be reconciled. As an alle­
gory of your personal spiritual development, The
Lovers depicts the union of opposites within yourself.
Each of us has qualities which we perceive as positive
or negative, and traits which are apparently in conflict.
And for each of these qualities or traits, there are those
Trumps Six • 41

which we accept and others which we would p�er to

eliminate; some, in fact, which we don't even want to
admit we have.
The Lovers asks you to explore and reconcile these
opposites within yourself rather than attempting to elim­
inate or change them. By understanding and utilizing
both sides of your own nature, you become a coherent
whole, no longer in conflict with yourself. And because
this is a difficult task, once again it is commitment which
is required of you in order to reach your goals.
You are not simply being asked to accept the pres­
ence of these different traits. You are being asked to
understand that even the ones you don't approve of are
necessary to your continued growth and well-being.
Opposite does not mean one is good and one is evil.
The opposite traits within yourself-or within the other
person with whom you are trying to bond-are mirrors
of each other, which complement and can support each
other. What needs to be accomplished here is a union of
these opposites: a way of making them work together
which eliminates their conflicts and creates a whole
greater than the sum of its parts.
The reward for resolving the disparate elements
within yourself is an increase in your own strength and
will. You no longer waste time and energy struggling­
uselessly!-to eliminate qualities in yourself or others
that disturb you. Instead, you integrate them into your­
self and then can use them to further your own control
of situations and events.
42 • Tarot for Beginners

In th@'Reading
Upright (or Positive): Attraction, love, problems or tri­
als overcome by harmony, union, cooperation. Wise
decisions: the correct choice made (perhaps between
two equally worthy goals); a possible struggle, but with
happiness as the outcome
Reversed (or Negative): Failure, conflict, division,
immature planning, frustration. Unrealistic goals. Poor
choices. Unhappiness.
As the High Priest card suggests that your best
road is to develop your own will rather than accept the
requirements of others, The Lovers reminds you that
those others--either people or forces-have characteris­
tics or elements that you need to survive and grow. If
this card represents the querent, then you are about to
be faced with an important choice that will influence
the course of your life from now on. You must decide­
hopefully wisely-what you are going to do. And
whatever you choose, you must commit your energies
to making it work if you expect to succeed.
Trumps Six • 43
The Chariot pictures
mastery of real
opposites, control over
and use of those things
which are by their
nature in conflict.

Trumps Seven


Le Chariot (The Chariot). Corresponding to the number

Seven, also to the Hebrew letter Zayin.

Victory. Mastery of opposing forces by decision and
strength of will.

A royal male figure driving a chariot. In most decks he
is crowned, and usually wearing full armor. The chariot
has a canopy so constructed that this figure is also
between two pillars.
The chariot is pulled by two beasts, which may be
either real or mystical-horses, sphinxes, sometimes
unicorns or winged horse-like creatures. In some decks,
the two draft animals are opposite colors (as white and

46 · Tarot for Beginners

black). In most, if not all, decks they appear to be

moving in opposite directions (one to the right, one to
the left), yet both pulling the same chariot. This
symbolizes aspects of your own nature which may
work in opposition to each other, but are driving
toward the same goal, as in your spiritual and physical
natures. They also represent the opposing forces that
you reconciled and mastered in the last stage of your
progress (Arcanum Six), now being used to pull you
forward to victory.
The meaning of this card is stronger than that of
The Lovers. Where Arcanum Six depicts a union of
apparent opposites, The Chariot pictures mastery of
real opposites, control over and use of those things
which are by their nature in conflict.

Having reconciled the opposites within yourself to the
point where you are able to draw on them at need, you
are now in a position to overcome your real enemies.
Just as a chariot in battle runs down enemy forces,
The Chariot in the Tarot symbolizes victory over all
who oppose you. These are not elements (as in
Arcanum Six) that can be made to reconcile and work
together. They are forces which are by their nature
enemies: good and evil, positive and negative, right and
wrong. In some cases, they may still be factors within
yourself which you must force to work in tandem, if not
in agreement. Just as often, these opposing forces
represent people or events in your life which are
working to prevent you from reaching your goals.
Because you have drawn strength from the
opposites within yourself by making them work
Trumps Seven · 47

together, you can now recognize your true enemies and

use their own weaknesses-and your strength-against
them. This is the victory The Chariot pictures. All your
enemies have been confounded; all your aims have been
fulfilled; nothing can stand in the way of your success.
The level of The Chariot is another point where it
is very tempting for the seeker to stop. After all, you
have not only made peace with yourself, but you have
overcome everything in your way to reach and master a
major goal. In fact, what you have achieved is
important enough that it may seem to be the goal you
were seeking, or even the only goal worth seeking. It
can be very difficult to convince yourself that there is
even more you can accomplish, if you will only
continue your search.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Conquest. Triumph over enemies
or obstacles. May sometimes mean revenge. Victory over
great odds; also, mastery of opposing forces. Can also
mean that you will receive help or advice in a moment of
great need (like the cavalry coming over the hill).
Reversed (or Negative): Conflict, war, trouble.
Defeat or disharmony. Quarrels, disputes. Being
overpowered by enemies or obstacles.
The Chariot offers you the means to take what
you've learned so far and use it to overcome anyone or
anything trying to prevent you from reaching your
goals. If this card represents the querent, then whether
or not you are aware of it, you are now in a position to
defeat your enemies and force them to accept your
terms. Look within yourself. The strength is there.
This is divine
justice as opposed to
human justice:
absolutely impartial
and strictly fair.


�U.ST I C E .
Trumps Eioht


La Justice (Justice). Corresponding to the number Eight,

also to the Hebrew letter Cheth.
[Note: Waite and Grey show this card as number
eleven, and Strength as number eight. In most decks,
however, this card is shown as number eight.]

Impartial and unbiased justice. Strict fairness.

A female figure, either standing or seated. In most
decks, she is also shown between two pillars. She is
crowned, and in some decks wearing armor, in others
wearing robes. In one hand she holds a sword upright;
in the other, she holds scales in perfect balance.

50 • Tarot for Beginners

The important imagery in this card is that Justice

in the Tarot, unlike the Lady Justice in modern imagery,
is not blindfolded. Her eyes are large and open, and she
looks straight out at the viewer. Divine Justice is not
blinded by human limitations.

This is divine justice as opposed to human justice­
absolutely impartial and strictly fair. She stands in
direct contradiction to human justice which is
influenced by factors that make it imperfect. True
justice, divine justice, cannot be swayed by either
influence or personal preferences, or by the simple
limitations of human ability to judge between right and
wrong. That which should be, will be, and no one can
change it.
Her scales are absolutely in balance, and she sees
clearly what must be done. The sword in one hand and
the scales in the other symbolize the dual nature of
Justice: accuracy and severity.
In this stage of your spiritual development, this is
the type of vision that is required of you to learn as an
initiate. To pass through these portals you must learn to
look outward at the world and inward at yourself
without bias, with your eyes open, seeing only and
precisely what is there, rather than what you want to see,
or hope to see, and judging it only and exactly for what it
truly is.
Trumps Eight · 51

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Equity. Victory of the right in
general; also, triumph for the deserving side in legal
matters. Ability to judge without being swayed by
personal considerations or bias. Fairness, reasonableness,
proper balance. Impartiality. This card also indicates (and
sometimes influences) lawsuits and legal matters.
Reversed (or Negative): Bigotry, inequality, bias.
Abuse of justice, complications in legal affairs. Unfair
punishment; excessive severity.
This is Justice as an ideal-to do what is right
despite opposition, or personal inclination, or the
vagaries of human law. If this card represents a
situation, you will get what you deserve; the outcome
will be what is strictly fair and absolutely right under
the circumstances. If this card represents the querent,
then your perception of the situation in which you find
yourself, or of the people you're dealing with, is ab­
solutely accurate. You have made, or are capable of
making, the correct decision here. Don't let anyone
convince you otherwise.
The imagery here is
of a search, done
alone, and requiring
light (the lantern
understanding or
knowledge) to discover
its goal.


Trumps Nine


L'Ermite (The Hermit). Corresponding to the number

Nine, also to the Hebrew letter Teth.

Self-examination. A vision quest.

An old man, usually bearded, dressed in robes. The
robes here, however, are very plain and unadorned,
though they may also hint at the deck's religious affilia­
tion: Egyptian or Old Testament garments, medieval
monk's robes in some decks, in others the kind worn in
Wiccan Circle. The robe is often hooded and may be
bound at the waist by a knotted cord.
The Hermit is always standing; in most decks, he
is also walking. Any background shows desert or other

54 · Tarot for Beginners

open spaces, though there may be mountains in the far

distance. He carries a lantern in one hand, held out
before him to light the way; in some decks, he may also
be leaning on a staff.
The imagery here is of a search, done alone, and
requiring light (the lantern representing understanding
or knowledge) to discover its goal. The Hermit takes
nothing with him but what he has; he requires no trap­
pings of royalty or position (the plain robe) . He has only
the need to complete his search-and the means within
himself to accomplish that goal.

Almost all religions have their own legends of a vision
quest, or of a great teacher or prophet who searches the
world seeking truth-or God.
The Hermit teaches that there comes a point in
your spiritual self-development when you must with­
draw from the temptations and demands of civilization
and go out into the desert to search your soul for the
meaning of your own existence-and to find your God.
The Deity cannot speak clearly to you when you're dis­
tracted by the demands of day-to-day existence. The
search for truth must be pursued alone.
This is as much a search for Self as for God, but the
imagery suggests that you will receive divine inspira­
tion in your search, if it is an honest one. The lantern
represents your own knowledge and understanding,
which you must use to light your way in your search .
The staff may be understood to represent God, a
strength you can lean on to keep you steady throughout
your search, and protection against enemies you may
Trumps Nine • 55

meet on the way. Leaving behind the trappings of civi­

lization and seeking only for the truth, The Hermit alle­
gorizes the experience of self-initiation.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Self-examination, moderation,
wisdom, silence. Hidden truth. Prudence, withdrawal,
circumspection, caution, solitude. Learning through
experience; a seeker. May also foretell an upcoming
Reversed (or Negative): Deception, lies, misinfor­
mation. Corruption, concealment. Misguided ideals.
Disguise or even fraud.
As Arcanum Eight depicts Justice in its pure form,
Arcanum Nine is a search for truth in its pure form,
uncorrupted by ideologies, preferences, or needs. If this
card represents the querent, then you are going
through, or are about to undergo, a period of self­
examination. This will be a time when you re-evaluate
your life, your associations, and your goals. The possi­
ble changes that this will create in your life (and/ or
possible conclusions you may arrive at) will be sug­
gested by the other cards in the reading.
The Wheel of Fortune
teaches you that there
are things in life that
just happen, and over
which not you, and not
even Blind Fate herself,
have any real control.


Trumps Ten


La Roue de Fortune (The Wheel of Fortune). Correspond­

ing to the number Ten, also to the Hebrew letter Yod.

Chance. Blind fate. A situation over which you have
no control.

Most decks show a wheel whose axle is supported by
two uprights; in some decks, the wheel is at the edge of
a cliff. There are generally three figures on the wheel or
bound to it; one at the top, one ascending the wheel,
one descending. In some decks, the descending figure is

58 • Tarot for Beginners

falling off the wheel, usually over the cliff. The figures
on the wheel may be either human or animal; if animal,
they have some kind of symbolic form, such as a sphinx,
or clothed, monkey-like beings. The figure at the top of
the wheel is depicted as significant in some way­
crowned, or bearing a sword, or evidently celebrating.
In some decks the wheel stands alone, though it is
obviously turning. In others, a blindfolded young
woman is turning the wheel. Note that none of the fig­
ures on the wheel are aware of her, even the one who is
falling. In fact, no one, including the blindfolded
woman, is watching or really consciously controlling
the results of the wheel's turns. In a few decks, the
wheel is simply a disc suspended in the sky, with letters
or symbols written around it. In these decks, in addition
to the three figures bound to the wheel, there are also
four symbolic figures in each of the corners of the card:
at the top a human and a bird or griffin, at the bottom a
lion and a bull. All four figures are winged.

We are all bound to the Wheel of Fortune. Some of us
are fighting our way upward; some of us fall by the
wayside. Some sit on top of the heap, apparently unaf­
fected by the vagaries of fortune. But the wheel is turn­
ing for everyone, whether or not we are aware of it.
What results for everyone is pure chance, and has noth­
ing to do with individual worth, or lack of it. The mes­
sage here is in direct contrast to Justice (Arcanum
Eight). In both cards, each individual is treated with
strict impartiality. In Justice, however, the result is fair:
you get what you deserve. In Fortune, you get whatever
Trumps Ten • 59

happens to come, no matter what you deserve. What's

worse, the forces controlling your life don't consider
you, or anyone else, at all; they don't even see you. In
effect, you become like the objects on The Juggler's
table, tossed about at random. In fact, you are even less
than that, for at least The Juggler watches what he's
working with, even if he doesn't care about anyone
except himself.
Arcanum Ten teaches you that there are things in
life that just happen, and over which not you, and not
even Blind Fate herself, have any real control. You must
be aware that the Wheel is constantly turning, and that
your life is being affected by it. If you want success, you
have to fight to take control of the uncontrollable; to
force Fate to give you what you choose, whether or not
you deserve it.
The secret of good fortune is to learn to use your
psychic, or inner, powers to control your fate, rather
than allowing yourself to be shifted around by any
wind that blows. Blind Fortune has no interest in who
wins or loses; she simply turns the Wheel at random. If
you want to come out on top, you have to learn to care
enough about what happens to you to take control of
the Wheel of Fortune.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Good luck. Destiny; fortune. Suc­
cess. An unexpected turn of events. Promotion or eleva­
tion. Victory; obstacles overcome by good fortune.
Reversed (or Negative): Surplus of acquisitions,
dragging at your coat tails. Failure. Bad luck, problems,
unexpected harm.
60 · Tarot for Beginners

Your future is being decided NOW. Take control of

your life, or wind up wherever blind fortune chooses to
send you. If this card represents the querent, then what
is happening to you-good or bad-has nothing what­
soever to do with what you deserve. It's just happening.
If you like it, let it proceed. If you don't, then fight it, but
you are not being either punished or rewarded in this
situation. In fact, you are not being considered at all.
TrumpsTen 61

The Strength card
symbolizes the inner
strength required to
overcome obstacles
placed in your path.


Trumps Eleven


La Force (Strength; or, Fortitude). Corresponding to the

number Eleven, also to the Hebrew letter Kaph.
(Note: Waite and Gray show this card as number
Eight, and Justice as Number Eleven. Most decks num­
ber the Major Arcana as shown here.)

Overcoming obstacles. Spiritual strength and force of
will. Victory over overwhelming odds.

Many decks show a young woman wrestling with a
lion; she is fighting bare-handed and winning. In some
decks it appears that she is closing the lion's mouth; in
others, she is pulling its jaws apart.

64 · Tarot for Beginners

Either way, she is forcing the lion to act according to

her wishes rather than its own. In these decks, the infinity
symbol (oo) is shown above the woman's head; some­
times it appears in the shape of her headpiece or hat.
A few decks show a strong young man wrestling
bare-handed with a lion; he may represent a figure such
as Heracles or Samson. In this case, the man's club is
lying on the ground at his feet; either dropped or thrown
down so that he can wrestle bare-handed . He may or
may not be handling the lion's mouth in some way.
Where the card shows a male wrestling with the
lion, there is definitely a battle in progress whose end is
victory or death. Where the card shows a woman, it
often appears that she is not so much wrestling with the
lion as taming it, by the sheer force of her will.
In either case, the imagery is of a single individual
winning over a much more powerful opponent with no
weapon except his or her own fortitude and determina­
tion on which to rely.

This card symbolizes the inner strength required to
overcome obstacles placed in your path. Brute force is
not conquered by brute force; rather, it is spiritual
strength that overcomes physical strength. In almost all
the legends of humans overcoming some powerful
beast, be it a lion or a dragon, or anything else, victory
is won by right, not by might-by the individual's inner
fortitude and trust in God.
The beast in this case may represent external obsta­
cles to your spiritual progress. It also represents the
beast within, however, your own fears and passions,
Trumps Eleven • 65

and other qualities within yourself which may seem to be

stronger than you are, but which can be changed and
tamed if you persist in the belief that it is you who are the
stronger. The lion symbolizes any apparently unbeatable
opponent which can be conquered if you have faith in
yourself and the will to succeed. (Just as an example:
anyone who has ever given up smoking, or stayed with a
strict diet, has conquered this kind of beast.)
The allegory here is also, as mentioned above, of a
battle between the physical and the spiritual. You are on
the road to spiritual enlightenment. To achieve your
ends, you must overcome or tame your base passions
and force them to surrender to your higher self.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Force of will, moral strength. Per­
sonal vitality. Courage, triumph. Fortitude, determina­
tion, energy, defiance. Ability to endure hardship.
Reversed (or Negative): Abuse of power, despo­
tism. Failure, disgrace. Weakness (either physical or
spiritual), discord, lack of harmony.
You are facing a test of your endurance. If your will
is stronger than whatever opponent you battle, you will
survive and succeed. If not, your dreams end here. Forti­
tude is your key to victory; do not despair. If this card rep­
resents the querent, then you are facing a test of your own
determination and will. The battle will not be an easy one,
but you can win if you make up your mind to see this
through. You will lose only if you choose to surrender.
� .@;,

The Hanged Man

tells you that personal
sacrifice is required in
order to attain
your goal.



Trumps Twelve


Le Pendu (The Hanged Man). Corresponding to the

number Twelve, also to the Hebrew letter Lamed.

Self-sacrifice, with the object of attaining wisdom, spe­
cial insights, or personal growth.

A male figure hanging upside down from a kind of gal­
lows. Sometimes two uprights are shown on either side
of the figure, supporting the beam from which he
hangs, a repetition of the theme of the two pillars, or
doorway. Just as often, only the horizontal beam itself is
shown. Note that if two uprights are shown, they are
trimmed trees with roots in the living earth; if only the
horizontal is shown, it has leaves at various points

68 · Tarot for Beginners

along its length . So in either case, the "gallows" from

which he is suspended is living wood.
The Hanged Man is suspended by a leather or rib­
bon tie around one foot or ankle . His other foot dangles
free and is bent behind the leg by which he is sus­
pended. In most decks, his hands are either bound or
clasped behind his back .
The point to note here is that this figure does not
appear to be in any pain or distress. Some cards show a
peaceful expression on his face, others contemplative,
or even exalted, but it is evident that this particular
ordeal is his own choice, and that he is getting from it
whatever goal he is suffering it for.

As with the Hermit (Arcanum Nine), many religions
and myths describe a divine or semi-divine figure who
chose to endure some form of personal sacrifice in order
to attain divine wisdom or even godhood . In Norse
myth, for example, Odin, ruler of the gods, hung for
nine days and nights from the sacred tree, Y ggdrasil, to
attain the wisdom of the runes. In the case of the Her­
mit, seeking in solitude is the means to understanding
your goal; in The Hanged Man, the message i� that per­
sonal sacrifice is required of you in order to attain it.
The Hanged Man is not being sacrificed by or for
others. The choice is his, and so are the rewards; that is
the message here. There are goals for which you must
perform some kind of personal sacrifice, that is, for
which you must endure an uncomfortable or unpleasant
experience . If you do, the benefits to you personally are
well worth the price . (If others happen to benefit too, as
Trumps Twelve • 69

in the case of Odin's runes, that's just icing on the cake­

but it's not the reason for the sacrifice .)
The point is that the choice must be yours, and the
sacrifice must be a willing one, because the goal is
worth it to you . Both sacrifice and goal may be on any
level; physical, intellectual, or spiritual. But whatever
your goal, there is the need to sacrifice your childish or
selfish illusions to achieve your adult dreams . Just as
God created humans in the divine image, you must re­
create your Self in the image of the man or woman you
choose to be .
There is also another message in this card . The
only person you are entitled to sacrifice to attain your
goals is yourself.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Self-sacrifice, growth of wisdom,
intuition. Devotion, surrender, renunciation. Giving
something up for the sake of something better. Prophecy.
Reversed (or Negative): Selfishness, self-interest.
Political machinations. Petty sacrifices, lack of ties. May
mean a loss of something you want or need.
The Hanged Man requires that you be willing to
suffer some loss or surrender some pleasure in order to
attain your goal. The greater the goal, the greater the
sacrifice required to win it. If this card represents the
querent, you are going to have to pay-and pay
dearly-for whatever it is that you want. If you're will­
ing to pay the price, you can attain your goal . Just
remind yourself throughout this difficult time that the
choice is yours: pay the price, or sacrifice the goal .
Death symbolizes a
complete severence
with the past; the
ending ofyour life
as it was.

Trumps Thirteen


La Mort (Death). Corresponding to the number Thir­

teen, also to the Hebrew letter Mem.

Abrupt change; an end to things as they are or were.

In many decks, Death is pictured traditionally as a
skeleton with a scythe. In some decks, Death may be
depicted as a skeleton in black armor, riding a horse.
The figure is sometimes grinning, sometimes appearing
angry or vengeful.
Background also varies. Sometimes the ground is
sparse and bare, as though the earth itself is dead. Other
decks show parts of bodies: heads, hands, feet, and

72 • Tarot for Beginners

bones. Some decks show different degrees of people (a

king, a maiden, a child, a priest), either already dead or
facing death. The imagery here is that no one is spared,
from the highest to the lowest.

Death symbolizes a complete severance with the past,
the ending of your life as it was. It can be interpreted as
giving up old ideas, and old ways of acting. It can also
be interpreted as a complete change in your life or
lifestyle, a crossing over from one mode of existence to
another. It also represents the end of close associations,
either because you move on or others do.
Death's sickle symbolizes reaping; you have sown
your seed, it has grown to this point, and now it is time
for the harvest. You take what you have learned and
move on to the next (and, if you've learned what you
should, higher) stage of existence.
In any case, there is an actual death here, but with
it the beginning of a new life. The Death card allegorizes
the end of the person you were, but this is not some­
thing to fear. It's something you've earned; in fact, it is
something you've worked for. The end of who and what •

you were comes because of the sacrifices you've made

(Arcanaum Twelve) and all you've learned until now.
From here you go on to a life completely different from
anything you've known before, or can even imagine.
Though I haven't included numerological inter­
pretations so far, it's important to at least touch on it in
this case. The number thirteen is neither lucky nor
unlucky in itself. It represents transformations-on the
material plane, usually a change for the better-and
rebirth: a boundary between what was and what will be.
Trumps Thirteen • 73

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Sudden change; an end to things
as they were. Mortality; inevitability. A situation or
event that cannot be avoided. May mean actual death,
your own or that of someone close to you, or sudden
collapse of your plans. Failure.
Reversed (or Negative): Destruction, loss, failure
of plans. Apathy, loss of hope or faith. Changes for the
worse (though not necessarily fatal).
A major change is about to happen in your life.
Whatever it is, good or bad, it cannot be avoided. Note
that while this card represents a positive transformation
in the stages of spiritual enlightenment, in a reading, it
is a very unfavorable card.
If this card represents the querent, you are facing a
complete break with your old life, and there is little or
nothing you can do to stop it . Be sure to interpret the
other cards in your reading carefully to determine
exactly what that change is. It can mean anything from
material change, such as divorce or loss of a job, to
actual death. If the change is in your material status or
relationships, being prepared may help you salvage
something, or at least go on from there. If this card pre­
dicts your own death, or that of someone close to you,
the other cards will tell you how and why it will come.
There may be something you can do to prevent it (as in
avoiding a deadly situation, or anticipating a potential
suicide). Or it may simply mean that you can only
accept and prepare for the inevitable.

Cl 0 The lesson Temperance
z: >
< :z teaches is among the
z: most important-and
< 0
C5 () probably the most
� c:
< (/)
-1 difficult-of lessons
::I 0' you need to learn:
0 0
0 patience.

Trumps Fourteen


Temperance. Corresponding to the number Fourteen,

also to the Hebrew letter Nun.

Patience, self-control, willingness to learn understanding.

A winged angel stands by a stream. In some decks, the
figure has one foot in the stream and one on the shore.
The angel may be either male or female; it's not always
possible to tell, nor does it matter. Some decks show the
angel with a halo and/ or a crown, or some form of
symbolic disc worn on the forehead.
The angel holds two cups or pitchers, one in each
hand, and is pouring liquid, probably water, from one
to the other. The background shows countryside and

76 · Tarot for Beginners

mountains in the distance; in some decks, the stream (at

the angel's feet) flows down from the mountains. Some
decks also show a barely visible crown over the mountains.
The use of an angel as the primary figure in this
card symbolizes the idea that we have the ability to
raise ourselves to the angelic level, if we can learn the
lesson Temperance teaches.

The lesson this card teaches is among the most impor­
tant-and probably the most difficult-of lessons you
need to learn: patience. There are times in your life
when it seems like nothing is happening, nothing is
moving; you've come to a standstill, and there's noth­
ing you can do about it.
This is not a matter of someone or something
deliberately holding you up. It is a necessary waiting
period, and though it may seem like a delay, things are
happening. To use a very mundane example: Once
you've made your batter, poured it in the pan and put it
in the oven, you have to wait until it's baked. It does no
good to pace up and down and frustrate yourself. There •

is a certain amount of time you MUST wait for your

cake to bake properly. The fact remains that while
you're waiting, the cake is baking. Efforts you have
made, projects you have put into motion, are coming to
fruition. You just have to be patient.
Temperance also teaches that you can make con­
structive use of those times when all you can do is wait.
You use them to consider what you've done and what
you will do, to explore your own needs and motives, to
let learning become understanding.
Trumps Fourteen • Tl

Most important, however, you use them to force

yourself to learn patience. We are so accustomed in this
life to doing something. It is important to learn that
there are times when there is simply nothing-or at
least nothing more-you can or need to do.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Patience, accommodation, mod­
eration, frugality, temperance, reflection. Diplomacy;
impartiality. Good management; economy. Ability to
Reversed (or Negative): Disunion, lack of har­
mony. Competing interests; unfortunate combinations
or alliances (such as socially unacceptable marriages or
partnerships). Frustration, impatience.
Even though it seems you are stalled, things are
proceeding toward their proper ends and will arrive in
their proper time. Don't push it. There's nothing you
can do right now. If this card represents the querent and
you are impatient for results, the message is the same. If
you are sitting back and waiting for results, then you're
doing exactly the right thing. In fact, you're doing the
only thing possible in this situation.
The allegory here is not
independent will, but
of an intelligence that
works to destroy for the
sake of upsetting the
divine balance.



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w 0
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I 0
Trumps Fifteen


Le Diable (The Devil). Corresponding to the number

Fifteen, also to the Hebrew letter Samekh.

The struggle between the supreme good and the supreme
evil; a choice or conflict between order and chaos.

Some decks show a traditional devil, complete with
horns, hooves, tail and pitchfork. In these, he is shown
exalting over a single weeping figure; his stance, with
one arm raised like a puppet master, parodies the
standing figure of the High Priestess.
Most decks show a larger devil with two smaller
figures, male and female, standing at the foot of his

80 • Tarot for Beginners

throne. The small figures may be demons, humans, or

homed humans; in all such decks they are chained or tied
to the foot of the Devil's throne. Note that the position of
these three figures is an echo-or a mockery-of the illus­
tration shown in Arcanum Five (The High Priest).
The central Devil figure in these decks may take a
variety of forms, from the Homed Goat to a more
human shape; he may be either an attractive figure or
really frightening. Whatever his shape, in most cases he
is also winged and homed; he sometimes wears the
inverted pentagram on his brow or as a crown.
In almost all decks, The Devil has one hand
upraised and/ or extended over the two souls chained
to his throne. The main figure is usually seated, but
may be standing; his expression ranges from tempting
smile to angry frown. His attitude directly affects the
other two figures in the illustration. If The Devil is smil­
ing, so are his two acolytes; if he is frowning, then his
two slaves are either sorrowing or afraid.
Again, the imagery of this powerful figure whose
gesture affects or controls those who come within its
influence can be read as either a reverse or a sarcasm of
the benediction given by the Hierophant in Arcanum
Five. It can sometimes be difficult to tell whether the two
smaller figures are his prisoners, his servants, or his pets;
in any case, they are unquestionably bound to his will.
Note that by standing on either side of the main
figure, and despite the fact that they are on a lower level
and much smaller than the Devil, the two smaller fig­
ures not only echo the smaller priests of Arcanum Five,
but are also in the position and thus echo the two pillars
shown in other cards of this Arcana.
Trumps Fifteen • 81

The Devil represents the antithesis of good, the forces that
strive to upset the harmonious order of existence. It is not
simply being an individualist, or wanting his own way,
that makes this being evil. The Magician (Arcanum One)
also tries to impose his own will on the universe, and, in
fact, one of the results of completing the Path of the Tarot
is to enable you to truly control your own destiny.
The allegory here is not independent will, but of
an intelligence that works to destroy for the sake of
upsetting the divine balance. His purpose is to defeat
Divine Law and return the world to a state of chaos.
The ancients taught that there is an order to the
universe, within which all living beings could find their
own best destiny. Divine Law seeks to establish and
maintain that order; The Devil works to upset and
undermine it. He may operate as a tempter, or he may
command by fear, but either way his purpose is to offer
irresistible inducements to stray from the true path.
The True Path, as taught by the Tarot, is to become
as close to the divine as possible. At this stage in your
spiritual development you have become adept enough
to be a valuable servant for the forces of evil. This is the
point at which you can chose either to continue toward
your ultimate goal, or take the left-hand path, which
ends here. The inducements are especially tempting to
the seeker at this time. You've just been forced to wait
for fulfillment of your purpose(s) (Temperance). The
Devil seems to offer a way to achieve those purposes
without any more waiting, or any further work.
The power offered is tremendous, but the price
demanded is even greater. Never forget that you can
82 · Tarot for Beginners

achieve your goals without The Devil's help. In fact, the

only reason he's interested in you is because your
potential exceeds anything he can hope to achieve­
unless he can stop you.
You are not being offered an easier way. The sig­
nificance of the chained figures teaches that what you
must surrender to take the power The Devil offers is
your own free will.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Hatred, violence, destruction.
Turmoil, fatality, bad luck. Willing bondage. Your own
authority and will removed and given to another. Also,
that which is predestined and therefore unescapable,
but not for that reason necessarily evil.
Reversed (or Negative): Pettiness, weakness.
Blindness, jealousy, illness. Evil fate. Wrong choices.
Disaster for you which benefits others.
You're being offered a quick fix for your problems.
If you are impatient enough to take it, you may see the
destruction of all your dreams and plans. You can suc­
ceed on your own. Don't be tempted by shortcuts, how­
ever attractive; or dismayed by the hard work involved
if you continue alone.
If this card represents the querent, beware. The
power you are exercising over your subordinates is
heady, and you may find it satisfying to manipulate,
control, and even destroy their lives. But even the real
Devil has no place to go but down.
Trumps Fifteen 83

This card represents
destruction resulting
directly from your own
lack of understanding
and good judgement,
and/or from the misuse
ofyour free will.



Trumps Sixteen


La Maison de Dieu (The House of God; also the Falling

Tower, or the Tower of Destruction). Corresponding to
the number Sixteen, also to the Hebrew letter Ayin.

A setback; the ruin of all your plans; disaster resulting
from your own misuse of power or divine gifts.

A stone fortress or tower; the top of it is sometimes shown
as a crown. The tower is being struck by lightning from
the heavens, which represents divine wrath. The top of
the tower is sheared off, and the tower itself is falling to
pieces. Debris and sparks are falling from the tower. The
illustration also shows two human figures, usually both
male, falling to their deaths from the top of the tower.

86 · Tarot for Beginners

The allegory here is of a construction represent­

ing human power and vanity being destroyed by
divine wrath.

The most familiar story corresponding to the symbol­
ism in this card is that of the Tower of Babel. The people
of Babel came very close to accomplishing what could
be humanity's greatest goal: a complete unity of pur­
pose. They all spoke one language; they all worked
together to accomplish one end. The result of their
cooperation was that their work was destroyed, their
language was confused, and they were scattered to the
four corners of the earth.
It's important to understand that it was not the
actual building of the tower that was wrong; and cer­
tainly not the fact that they cooperated in building it.
Where they erred was in the reason the tower was built.
Rather than using their united strength to reach toward
the divine in themselves, they used it to challenge God
and to attempt to rule the earth in God's stead.
This card follows from Arcanum Fifteen (The
Devil). The purpose of your path toward spiritual self­
enlightenment is to become like God. But, says the
Tarot, you don't become like God simply by having
power over the material plane. If you are tempted by
the possibilities in controlling this world instead of
striving for wisdom and spiritual growth, you will lose
all you gained. The reason for the disaster is not
because you developed great powers, but because you
misused them. It is destruction resulting directly from
Trumps Sixteen · 87

your own lack of understanding and good judgement,

and/ or from the misuse of your free will.
The Falling Tower can represent actual material
loss, as in finances, relationships, prestige or personal
influence. It can also be understood as a warning that
your powers are not as great, or your understanding of
them as complete, as you believe. In this sense, it illus­
trates the disaster which can and does happen to those
who use magick without understanding its true pur­
poses, the destruction of the person who plays with
powers beyond their control or understanding.
In the spiritual sense, The Falling Tower symbol­
izes the result for the seeker if you take the path The
Devil offered-even though, in this case, you strike out
on your own to do it.
Although it has been hinted at along the way, this
is the first direct statement in the Tarot of how you must
view your ultimate goal. It is not this world you are try­
ing to conquer.
At this point in your search, it is still tempting to
evaluate success according to the terms of this world, to
impress others, to rule this plane, or in some other way
to attain mundane status. What makes it even more
tempting is that you now have attained the power to
twist the world to your will-at least for a time. But
your goal is greater than that. You must learn to see
beyond the obvious to a higher level of attainment. If
you surrender your spiritual progress for material
power, you will lose everything you've gained.
88 · Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Disruption, adversity, calamity,
misery, deception. Unforeseen ruin, termination. Dis­
grace, misery. A financial or personal loss, such as the
destruction of your home or business, the breakup of a
marriage or relationship, any disastrous change in your
personal or financial affairs; in particular, an unforeseen
Reversed (or Negative): Still foretells calamities
and losses, but of a lesser importance in your life; they
will disrupt your life while they're going on, but they
don't mean the end of everything you've built. A sud­
den, unexpected change. Oppression, adversity, decep­
tion, tyranny.
That which you have built is ending in disaster. In
most cases, these disasters could have been prevented
had you acted wisely to begin with. If you act wisely
now, you may be able to alleviate at least some of the
problems about to occur.
If this card represents the querent, you've over­
stepped yourself and are about to pay the price. But
even in this case, it is not a punishment for hubris. It is
disaster resulting from the fact that you believed you
had powers or authority that in fact you don't, or
because you used your powers or authority unwisely or
for the wrong reasons. In simple terms: you blew it, and
your resulting downfall is your own fault.
Trumps Sixteen • 89
The allegory of the
Star card is not of
simple patience, but
ofputting back
something ofyourself,

Trumps Seventeen


L'Etoile (The Star). Corresponding to the number Sev­

enteen, also to the Hebrew letter Pe.

Wisdom, immortality, accomplishment of your goals,
generosity and understanding.

A female figure kneels on one knee at the edge of a
stream. In most decks, her knee is on the land and her
other foot is in the stream. She is holding two pitchers,
one in each hand, from which she is emptying the water.
In all decks, she is pouring water from at least one of
those pitchers back into the stream; in many decks, the
water from the second pitcher is being poured onto the
ground beside the stream, and only some of it returns to

92 · Tarot for Beginners

the stream. Note the corresponding imagery to Arcanum

Fourteen (Temperance). But the allegory here is not of sim­
ple patience (ie: occupying yourself while waiting for a
goal to come to fruition), but of putting back something of
Above her head there are stars, though their number
and arrangement varies from deck to deck. Some decks
show seven stars, arranged in a circle over her head, in a
halo-like effect. Other decks show seven smaller stars in
various configurations, and one much larger star which is
always directly over the figure's head. Often the decks
which show this second symbolism configure the
smaller stars in two columns on either side of the larger
star, echoing the portal theme. There are also decks
which show only the larger star, again, directly over the
woman's head.
The background shows an open, country-like setting.
Many decks show one or two trees in the distance, with a
bird alighting on the topmost branches of one tree. If there
are two trees shown, they are on either side of the figure,
just as the columns in other cards of this Arcana.
The significant symbolism is that the woman is
pouring water back into the stream. She is returning to
its source a portion of what she has or was given.

Consider the imagery of the stars. From earliest times,
people have been fascinated and guided by these signs
in the heavens. Astrology teaches that the positions of
the stars influences our lives, but even those with no
knowledge of Astrology pay heed to these distant bea­
cons. Travelers use the North Star (or, below the equator,
Trumps Seventeen · 93

the Southern Cross) to find their way. People have always

seen pictures in the arrangement of the stars and created
legends about them. Now, in our own time, the stars
take on yet another important meaning as slowly but
surely we make our way toward them .
The stars represent the universe in all its mystery
and potential for growth, learning, and power. They
symbolize what is out there, still on the material plane,
but yet beyond the confines of this world . In many
ways, not just in Astrology, the stars direct our lives . In
this Arcanum, the seeker is given the opportunity to
assume control of that direction .
Just as The Tower (Arcanum Sixteen) showed the
disastrous results of power used unwisely, The Stars
shows the potential of that wisdom and understanding
which is true power. Greek myth relates that the
Olympian deities set humans among the stars to
immortalize them . Arcanum Seventeen shows the
beginning of your own immortality.
At this point in your quest, you become a teacher
as well as a seeker. The stars arrange themselves at your
direction, giving you the power that The Magician only
attempts to employ: to be at the center of the universe,
to change the heavens at your will .
But to gain and keep this power, you must put
something back. The young woman in this picture is
pouring the life force, symbolized by the water, back
into the earth plane, even as the stars above her head
arrange themselves to pour their power into her. It is
the beginning of a transformation: the stars above her
do what she does, because she is beginning to become
what they are. It is a prime example, if a different defin­
ition than The Magician's, of "as above, so below."
94 • Tarot for Beginners

The young woman represents eternal youth and

true beauty. The stars above her symbolize the potential
to achieve your goals-and, more importantly, true
understanding of what those goals should be. The water
in the stream symbolizes serenity (greater than patience);
born of the knowledge that you will overcome all obsta­
cles. It is a generous portion of both her knowledge and
her power that she returns to the earth to revitalize that
from which she sprang. The stars teach that even as you
prepare to go on to a higher plane of knowledge and
achievement, it is important to remember that your
roots-and therefore the basis of your strength-are in
this plane. You must consider not only where you are
going, but those who will come after you.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Wisdom, immortality, spiritual
enlightenment. Hope, happiness, intellectual fulfillment.
Satisfaction, hope, bright prospects, destiny, insight.
Progress toward your goals; understanding of what
those goals should be.
Reversed (or Negative): Frustration, impotence, theft.
Unfulfilled expectations, disappointments, abandonment.
Arrogance leading to losses instead of gains.
You have found the path which will enable you to
achieve your own form of immortality, however you
may define it. Use your power wisely, serene in the
knowledge that that which you seek is within your
grasp. If this card represents the querent, what you
have or are about to accomplish will enable you to
make your mark on the world. You need no longer fear
any rivals; no one has the ability or even potential to
Trumps Seventeen • 95

take this success from you. If you are wise and gener­
ous, you will also realize that you can increase your
influence and the memory of your name by teaching at
least some of what you have learned to others.
The Moon tells you
that you want to
learn to shape events,
not be shaped by


Trumps Eighteen


La Lune (The Moon). Corresponding to the number

Eighteen, also to the Hebrew letter Tzaddik.

Mystery, intuition, psychic ability, deception and danger.

This is usually a divided card. The upper half shows the
moon at top center. It is within a full circle, but the
moon is actually a crescent, increasing to what is called
the "side of mercy" (to the right of the observer); in
effect, the moon is shown in both its crescent and full
form. There is a face in the moon, on the left side of the
crescent, looking down at the scene below. In some
decks, the full circle is rayed; where there are rays
around the moon, there are usually also water-drop

98 · Tarot for Beginners

shapes falling from the moon onto the earth below,

symbolizing the descent of spirit into matter.
[Note that the crescent and disc is a very ancient
representation of the moon deity. Ancient steles (monu­
ments bearing inscriptions) from the Mideast, inscribed
in Aramaic and Phonecian, repeatedly show the symbol
in this form (with the crescent inside the disc); in North
Africa, specifically the area which was the center of
Punic culture, the disc was shown inside (or suspended
below) the crescent. In any case, it is direct archaeologi­
cal evidence that at least some of the symbolism of the
Major Arcana is much older than fourteenth or fifteenth
century European culture.]
Also in the upper half of the picture, below the
moon, there are two towers on either side of the picture
(again, echoing the portal theme). Two animals, usually a
dog and a wolf, are positioned between the towers,
howling up at the moon. They represent our animal
nature, both fascinated by and fearful of the effects of the
moon, but ever affected by it rather than controlling it.
In the bottom half of the picture there is a pool or
lake, from which is climbing a lobster, crab, or crayfish.
(It is probably a crab, the sign of Cancer.) The symbol­
ism here, as in the droplets descending from the moon,
is of water, which is of course also affected by the cycles
of the moon.
The illustration shows that while there is power to
be derived from the moon, stronger than that is the pull
of the moon, its control over the earth and our selves.
Again, water is the life force, but in this case, what is
emphasized is its fluidity: its ability to take on the shape
of whatever container it is in.
Trumps Eighteen · 99

This is the danger you must avoid: you want to

learn to shape events, not be shaped by them.

There is tremendous power to be gained here, but there
is also a danger of which the seeker must always be
aware. The Moon represents the lure of the unknown,
hidden knowledge, truth obscured. A lack of complete
information causes misunderstanding and conflicts,
and makes it difficult if not impossible to arrive at cor­
rect conclusions. Be sure you understand exactly what
you want and what you're doing before making your
next move. Also be aware that the word "lunacy"
comes from the word for moon, luna: there is the danger
here of madness, desperation, even suicidal tendencies.
All these things can interfere with your search for the
hidden knowledge and power which is also contained
in all aspects of The Moon.
The Moon has a magnetism which attracts and
controls. It speaks to our animal nature, and draws on
the subconscious, inducing volition without conscious
thought. The only way to avoid its dangerous aspects is
to deliberately assume conscious control: you must
resist its pull and retain your own control. In short, to
avoid the dangers in this card, you must learn to use
your mind, your conscious intelligence, at all times. You
may not surrender to your instincts; you dare not give
in to your emotions. You are learning, in the paths of
the Tarot, to draw on your subconscious and develop
your psychic abilities. But this is the point at which you
must put those abilities under conscious control. What
differentiates people from animals (which are affected
100 · Tarot for Beginners

by the moon without knowing why) or from non-con­

scious elements (like the sea, which is affected by the
moon without thinking at all) is our intelligence. Use
your intelligence now, and from now on, or fail in your
quest. You can no longer operate solely on your instincts.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Caution, hidden danger, hidden
enemies. Scandal, error, disillusionment, deception,
strife. Also: intuition, latent psychic abilities possessed
by the querent, occult forces in operation around you.
Reversed (or Negative): Deception and danger to a
lesser degree of importance. Instability, unimportant
errors, silence.
There are hidden forces of tremendous power
operating around you. You may not be able to control
them, but you can avoid being controlled by them.
Watch your step.
If this card represents the querent, then you are
being told that, whether or not you are aware of it, you
possess tremendous psychic ability, most of it latent. Up
until now, you have probably made little or no use of
this ability. This is the best time for you to develop and
learn to control it; you will need it in the times ahead.
But act wisely. Either your misuse of this ability, or your
refusal to use it at all, can lead you dangerously astray.
Trumps Eighteen · 101
The Sun card
symbolizes the
transition between the
visible light of this
world, and the
spiritual light of the
world for which you are

Trumps Nineteen


Le Soleil (The Sun). Corresponding to the number

Nineteen; also to the Hebrew letter Quoph.

Happiness, contentment, success. Fulfillment. Gifts

At the center top of the picture is a large sun, usually
with a face looking out at the observer and always with
beams radiating out from it. Some decks also show
droplets raining down. Just as in The Moon card, this
shows the descent of spirit into matter.
The scene below varies. Some decks show two
young children, seated with their arms around each
other, or a young male and female couple standing in a

104 • Tarot for Beginners

circle and holding hands. Other decks show two

children standing together before a seawall-a Gemini­
type representation. In still other decks, there is only
one child, seated on a horse and obviously very happy.
Again, there is a stone or brick wall behind him (her?);
beyond the wall are large sunflowers.
However the figures are represented, the general
feel of the illustration is of contentment, peace and
safety, even joy. That it is children in these illustrations
symbolizes a childlike (not childish!) happiness; the
ability to simply enjoy life's gifts as they are given.
In The Moon card, you were warned to make full
use of your adult intelligence and reasoning ability in
order to survive. In this card, you can simply bask in the
rays of a warm summer sun and enjoy the results of your
accomplishments and what you are being freely given.

The Moon shines with reflected light, and not enough
light to illuminate hidden knowledge. But the Sun,
however, is the source of light, bringing brightness and
warmth, illuminating understanding, giving compre­
hension, clarity, and happiness.
Halfway between Heaven and Earth, The Sun
serves as the mediator between God and humanity. It is
at the same time the lowest aspect of the divine, and the
highest aspect of the mundane. The Sun card
symbolizes the transition between the visible light of
this world and the spiritual light of the world for which
you are striving. If you can approach the gifts it offers
with the heart of a child-which has its own wisdom in
innocence, simplicity and simple enjoyment of life­
you take your next step toward the divine.
Trumps Nineteen · 105

This is not an injunction to stop using your mind!

Far from it. Children are constantly learning. What it is,
is an injunction to follow the teachings of your heart as
well. You are being given a great gift. What you have
learned up until now allows you to simply enjoy it
without the need to analyze it.
The lesson taught here is also one that may be as
difficult to put into practice as that of Temperance
(Arcanum Fourteen). Through all the stages of your
search thus far, you have been under the necessity of
striving and growing toward a very important goal.
The Sun teaches that sometimes it's necessary to stop
and smell the roses. You are permitted to enjoy what
you've learned and what you are becoming!
As midpoint between the divine and material
planes, The Sun allegorizes the seeker's identification
with and appreciation of life in the here and now, as
well as the hope and possibility of lives to come in a
higher state of being.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Triumph, success� happiness,
accomplishment, contentment. Achievement; success
and honors. A new beginning, a birth (as of a child, a
project, an idea, a career). Material blessings, a joining
(such as marriage) which will be happy.
Reversed (or Negative): All the same things, but to
a lesser degree. This is never a negative card.
You can see your way clearly now. That which you
have worked so hard for is about to come to fruition.
You may even receive gifts which you haven't earned
and perhaps didn't even expect.
106 · Tarot for Beginners

Don't analyze them; don't question them; don't

pick them into little pieces trying to figure out what
they really mean. Just accept and enjoy them.
If this card represents the querent: You've worked
very hard; you deserve to enjoy what you've earned,
and what you've been given. Take the time now to at
least sample the fruits of your labors. There's nothing
wrong with taking pride in what you've accomp­
lished-and getting some fun out of it as well. If you
don't already know this basic truth, then now is the
time you must make yourself learn it: You don't live to
work. You work to live.
Savor your life. If you can't, there's no point in
living it.
Trumps Nineteen · 107

Judgement symbolizes
the end ofyour old
life and the begin­
ning of a new one,
but in this case,
whatever change is
about to happen will
be for the better.



Trumps Twenty


Le Jugement (Judgement, or The Last Judgement). Cor­

responding to the number Twenty, also to the Hebrew
letter Resh.

Final decisions made; a new life beginning; results, out­
comes, conclusions. The end of your doubts; answers to
your questions.

At the top of the picture a divine figure, usually repre­
sented as a winged angel, leans down from a cloud,
blowing on a trumpet. Below, nude human figures rise
out of coffins or out of the earth itself, their faces
expressing wonder and awe.

110 • Tarot for Beginners

The number of human figures on the card may

vary from three to six. They include both men and
women and sometimes children as well. In some decks,
the people stand in a circle with their hands clasped
together; in others their arms are raised toward the
angel, or there may be a combination of both attitudes.
Other than those slight variations, most decks show a
similar illustration.
The symbolism this card represents is that of the
raising of the dead, the Last Judgement. This is the time
when all souls will be called to account for their actions
during their life's journeys, and when they will finally
be told what they can expect as a result.
Note the use of the future tense here, however.
They have not been told yet; they are simply receiving
assurance that they will be told. The allegory is that of
an awakening. And what they find upon waking is that
the beliefs they held that brought them to this point
were based on fact. There is indeed something beyond
this life worth striving for.

Like the Death card, Judgement symbolizes the end of
your old life and the beginning of a new one. But in this
case, whatever change is about to happen will be for the
better. Your questions will be answered; your doubts
resolved. You will know the truth at last.
These answers may happen on either the spiritual
or the mundane plane of your life. On the mundane, for
example, it may be that you can expect a new career, a
new romance, a change for the better in your general
Trumps Twenty · Ill

On the spiritual level, the answers are even more

important. Up until now, you have been striving to­
ward a goal sustained only by your faith that it must
exist and that it's worth striving for.
Now you will be shown that it does in fact exist,
and that nothing could be more worth striving for.
Judgement promises the reward for your faith and your
striving: proof that there is a reason and a purpose for
both your existence and that of the universe from which
you sprang, and through which you moved to reach this
goal. From now on, you no longer have to believe. You
know. Note that despite the type of illustration used
here, this card does not actually refer to the Last Judge­
ment in the sense of the end of the entire world. But it
does mean the end of an old world for the seeker: and
what is coming to an end is puzzlement, despair, and
doubt. Judgement is a positive card, symbolizing regen­
eration, rebirth, understanding. Most importantly, you
have a right to these rewards, because you earned them
by your faith and your striving despite doubts. It is by
our personal behavior and character that we are judged.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Determination, decision, result,
outcome. An introduction; a fresh start, a new begin­
ning. Expect news, an important announcement, which
will positively affect your progress. Problems resolved;
questions answered. Change, rebirth, renewal: a radical
but positive change in your life or circumstances.
Reversed (or Negative): Delay, deliberation, results
postponed, weakness, cowardice. Also possibly punish­
ment for any or all of these traits.
112 · Tarot for Beginners

You've been stumbling blindly toward your goals;

now is the time when your success and understanding
is assured. Don't be afraid. Grasp this opportunity with
both hands. If you delay, if you hesitate, the greatest
opportunity of your life may slip through your fingers.
If this card represents the querent, be assured that
you have been on the right track all along. No matter
what doubts you may have had-or may still have­
and no matter what negative feedback you may have
received along the way, you did in fact make exactly the
right choices for your own life and the lives of any oth­
ers who were affected by those choices. Expect positive
results very soon. Important questions will be ans­
wered, assurances received, doubts resolved. You will
be rewarded for your efforts.
Trumps Twenty • 113
The World symbolizes
complete mastery
and understanding
ofyour own inner
nature and of the
forces surrounding you.

Trumps Twenty-One


Le Monde (The World). Corresponding to the number

Twenty-One, also to the Hebrew letter Tav.
[Note: Waite's deck places The Fool here (though
this card is still numbered Twenty-one, and The Fool is
still numbered Zero). In terms of correspondence to the
Hebrew alphabet, inserting The Fool here is correct; Tav
is the last letter of the alphabet, and Shin (the letter cor­
responding to The Fool) second to the last. However,
most decks do not interrupt the progress of the Arcana;
they place The Fool at either the beginning or the end.]

Perfection, attainment. Your goals have been reached,
your development or learning (in this area) is completed.

ll6 · Tarot for Beginners

In almost all decks, the central figure is a young nude
woman, draped modestly with a long flowing scarf. She
is surrounded by a wreath, made of either leaves, or
leaves and flowers. In some decks, she is holding
wands or staffs in both hands. The position of her
hands varies; but a few decks show her gesturing in the
same manner as The Magician: one hand upward, the
other pointing down.
At the four comers of the card there are four differ­
ent figures: upper left, a winged human or angel, upper
. right a hawk or eagle, lower left a bull, lower right a lion.
Some decks show only the faces of these four figures; oth­
ers show enough of the figures so that you can see that all
four have wings. Note that the positioning of these four
figures is similar to those sometimes found in Arcanum
Ten (The Wheel of Fortune).

This is the last numbered card of the Major Arcana. In
this representation, you are the adept you have tried to
become throughout your journey. Your transmutation
(shown in the previous card, Judgement) is complete,
and you have achieved the perfect synthesis of body
(material), mind (intelligence), soul (self-awareness),
and spirit (subconscious).
The World symbolizes complete mastery and under­
standing of your own inner nature and of the forces sur­
rounding you. You know what is good and right in the
universe and understand its intended order. And you can
trust your judgement regarding what actions to take in
Trumps Twenty-One • 117

the circumstances currently surrounding you. You have

attained the status of a full adept.
This card is the reverse of the Falling Tower. In
Arcanum Sixteen, destruction resulted from misuse of
power; the failed adept assumed an authority which he
or she did not in fact have, and reached for a goal to
which he or she had no right.
But here, you attain an even greater goal than any­
thing you could have wished for, or even imagined, at
that earlier level.
There is no possibility of destruction, because it is no
longer possible for you to make wrong choices. Every­
thing you do is right. And you have a right to everything
you have. You know who and what you are; you know
why you are; and you know the reason for existence. And
all of these answers serve to prove your own individual
worth. This is the reward for your efforts.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Completion, perfection, synthesis,
ultimate change. Honesty and truth; assured success,
harmony, attainment. Graduation; completion of a
cycle. Recognition, reward, acclaim.
Reversed (or Negative): Negation, sacrifice of
love or goals. Flight. Stagnation, inertia. Payback for
evil deeds.
You have learned the lessons required for this incar­
nation (or situation, if the question involves mundane
things). You are what you need to be; you know all you
need to know; you have accomplished all you need to
accomplish. You can now go on to other things, knowing
that this task has been completed to perfection.
118 • Tarot for Beginners

If this card represents the querent, you have

achieved the ultimate success in your endeavor, and
without any of the drawbacks that lesser successes so
often bring. Everything you do, everything that happens,
will only serve to prove your worth in this area.
But there is one caution. At this level of attain­
ment, there is no place or need for further development
in this area. But someone who has accomplished what
you have accomplished cannot just sit back and do
nothing with it. If you sit on your laurels, rather than
finding another area to grow in, the result will be stag­
nation. As above, the job is done; it's time to move on.
Trumps Twenty-One • 119
The Fool represents
someone walking
blindly to his fate
without heeding any
warning signs
along the way.





Trumps Zero


Le Mat (The Fool). Corresponding to the number Zero,

also to the Hebrew letter Shin.
[Note: Waite's deck places The Fool between
Judgement (XX) and The World (XXI). Paul Case puts
the Fool at the beginning of the Major Arcana, as do a
number of others. MacGregor Mathers places it here, at
the end, as do many others. This card, which may pos­
sibly be the most important in the Major Arcana, is def­
initely one for which you will have to make your own
decision as to where it properly belongs. I've placed it
at the end, because in order to make such a decision,
you will also have to determine what you consider to be
the correct interpretation of this card. And at this point,
you know enough about the Tarot to do so.]

122 • Tarot for Beginners

Unavoidable mistakes, due to your own (often deliber­
ate) ignorance. Complete folly.

A male figure stands at the edge of a cliff. He is walking
toward the edge of the cliff, but not watching where he
is going. He may be either looking back over his shoul­
der or staring up into the sky, but while his next step
will take him over the edge of the cliff, he is totally
unaware of his danger.
In some decks, The Fool is dressed in the parti-col­
ored costume and cap and bells of a court jester; in oth­
ers, he's wearing the plain and sometimes travel-worn
costume of a wanderer. In most decks, The Fool carries
a hobo's sack on a stick over one shoulder, and may or
may not be leaning on a traveler 's staff (like The Her­
mit, Arcanum Nine). Many decks also show a small dog
in the picture, raised up on its hind legs and either bark­
ing at the figure, or actually grabbing at his clothes with
its teeth to pull him back. Whatever the case, the dog is
attempting to give The Fool warning of his danger. The
Fool is so involved in his own thoughts, however, that
he is paying no attention to the warning either.
It is important to note that it's not always clear, in
this card, if the young man is actually a fool and about
to take this dangerous step without knowing what he's
doing, or if he is in fact aware of his danger and simply
has no fear of it. In either case, the step he is about to
take is a very drastic one.
The point to remember is that his folly is deliber­
ate. Even starting the Path of the Tarot requires a blind
Trumps Zero • 123

leap of faith. There is no guide at all for what lies

beyond it.

Don't underestimate The Fool. He may appear to be a
ridiculous figure. But you need to understand the les­
son he teaches.
The overt symbolism in this card is of unmitigated
folly. Like The Hermit (Arcanum Nine), The Fool is a
traveler. But rather than using his own intelligence, or
any other aid, to light his way, he is deliberately refus­
ing to watch where he's going.
Note also the imagery relative to Arcanum Ten (The
Wheel of Fortune). Like the figure falling off the Wheel,
The Fool is headed over the edge of a cliff; but where in
that case it is blind and uncaring Fate that causes that
disaster, in this case, it is your own blind folly.
In mundane terms, The Fool describes the individ­
ual who is so determined to travel down a particular
road no matter what that he is going out of his way to
ignore all warning signs, or even watch his step. With
that attitude, says Arcanum Zero, it is inevitable that you
will walk blindly into making a really stupid mistake.
In terms of your personal development, The Fool
tells you that you are missing the point-and in fact
walking into very great danger because of it-simply
because you refuse to see the truth which is right in
front of you.
However, in terms of your progress through the
Path of the Tarot, there are two possible interpretations
for this card. If The Fool does in fact belong at the
beginning of the Major Arcana, then the message is that
124 · Tarot for Beginners

you are a fool because you have not yet started your
progress toward spiritual self-enlightenment. Without
the understanding that such a study brings, you walk
blindly through life, missing all the important signs and
warnings, missing the point of life at all. Further,
should you attempt to walk this road without watching
where you're going (i.e.: to use the skills of an adept
without understanding where they can lead you), you
could be headed for the ultimate disaster.
But if The Fool belongs here, at the end, then per­
haps this figure is not, after all, such a fool as he seems.
It may simply be that you must make a blind leap of
faith to achieve the final step in your path to enlighten­
ment, frightening though it may be. And though it may
appear to the observer that you are walking blindly
toward your doom, perhaps what you are really head­
ing for is a transformation so far outside the limits of
this world that it cannot be imagined even by the most
accomplished adept.
I leave it to you to decide for yourself if The Fool is
simply someone too stupid to watch where he's going,
and who is therefore headed for disaster. Or if he is
someone whose faith is so great that he is willing to take
a major step without questioning where it may lead him.
Either way, he's walking blindly to his fate. Arcanum
Zero asks if you would-or could-do the same.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Folly, thoughtlessness, extrava­
gance, lack of discipline, delirium, frenzy.
Reversed (or Negative): Carelessness, negligence,
apathy. Hesitation, instability.
Trumps Zero · 125

If this card describes a situation, then you are

being told that it would be foolish to get involved in
that situation, or spend any effort resolving it. If it
describes or is near a person, then that individual is a
fool, or involved in some foolish enterprise.
If this card represents the querent, then just ahead
of you lies a choice of the greatest importance to you
and your future. If you continue in the way you've been
going, your greatest possibility is almost certain
destruction. If you pay attention to the warning signs,
there is still a chance that you can avoid this disaster.
In effect, however, if this card comes up, you are
being told to watch your step, to use your head, to stop
being a deliberate idiot.
[Note: In most cases, the querent for whom The
Fool comes up in a reading knows very well that he or
she is being foolish, but is refusing to acknowledge it
because they just don't want to see it.]
126 • Tarot for Beginners



There is even more that you can learn from and accom­
plish with the Major Arcana than I've covered here, or
that can be covered in a book of this nature. Before mov­
ing on, however, let's take at least a brief look at one of
the ways you can make practical use of these cards.
Spiritual progress is important, but you have to
live in this world, too. As you may have already con­
cluded on your own by this point, it is possible to use
the Major Arcana for temporal personal progress as
well as spiritual. To accomplish this, you need to select
the appropriate card for your purpose. Then you use its
imagery to create changes in yourself that will enable
you to cope better and function more effectively in your
day-to-day life.

128 · Tarot for Beginners

This is also a meditation use of the Tarot, but one in

which you use the cards of the Major Arcana to help you
reach a single, specific goal. For example: Strength
(Arcanum Eleven) is a card of endurance and triumph
against opposition. Its function is to enable you to defeat
not only enemies outside your Self, but the enemies
within, to overcome your own base passions and flaws.
Now let's say you have a habit or behavior pattern
that you haven't been able to change, no matter how
hard you tried. Your problem may be a character trait,
such as extreme shyness, or it may be an addiction, as to
smoking, or overeating. Using whatever meditation
technique works for you, focus your attention on the
imagery of the Strength card. Place your image of your­
self (i.e., whatever shape or picture best illustrates the
way you see yourself) in the position of the figure who
is fighting-and overcoming!-the lion. Then create a
visual image of your habit or trait, and put it in the pic­
ture in place of the lion. See yourself bending this prob­
lem to your will and finally breaking or defeating it.
When you know that you are the master of this particu­
lar passion, you will be.
If that doesn't work for you, try a different card.
Every person and every situation is different, and there
are a variety of approaches available to you through the
Major Arcana. For example, let's say that the real reason
you haven't eliminated a particular habit, such as
smoking, is not because you can't, but because you
don't really want to. Yet you do recognize that you
would be better off without this habit. If that is the situ­
ation you're in, you don't have an enemy to overcome.
But there is something you have to give up in order to
Notes • 129

attain a greater good, such as better health. The Hanged

Man (Arcanum Twelve), with its symbolism of sacrifice
for the purpose of attaining a greater goal, might serve
your purpose better.
However, whether or not you can use a particular
card also depends on whether or not you can put your­
self in that picture. If visualizing yourself in a given sit­
uation makes you uncomfortable, then no matter how
appropriate the card for your purpose, you can't use it.
In such a case, it is completely legitimate to bypass
even a card which specifically states your problem, and
select another one whose imagery is less threatening
and / or more personally satisfying. For example, The
World (Arcanum Twenty-One) could also be used to
help break a habit or change a character trait, in this
case as a picture of the end result-your success and
feelings of total attainment-rather than the process of
working toward it. Or you may want to visualize your­
self as The Magician (Arcanum One), easily and confi­
dently manipulating your trait or habit and thereby
bending it to your will.
So the criteria for selecting the right card for your
purpose depends on three factors: what imagery you
can relate to best in these circumstances; a clear under­
standing of the goal you want to reach; and an even
clearer understanding of exactly where you're starting
from and why.
Note that even with the right card for the right job,
none of these changes in your basic Self will take place
overnight. What you're doing is altering your mindset;
literally making yourself over from the person you
were into the kind of person you would rather be. How
130 · Tarot for Beginners

long it will take you to succeed in your effort depends on

the nature of the situation, on your meditation technique
and how well you use it, and on how long it takes you to
learn this technique. But the change will come more eas­
ily, and be more lasting, with the help of the Tarot.
And each change you make in your own psyche
will be easier than the one before. As you learn more
about the Tarot, and more about yourself as a result,
you'll eventually begin to almost instinctively choose
the card you need, and employ the best way to use it.
In the meantime, experiment. We can all use a little
help in reaching-and sometimes even in identifying­
our personal goals and needs.
The Tarot, more than any other tool, gives you an
effective means to control, improve, direct, and even re­
create the most important element in your world­
yourself. There are unquestionably situations where
forces outside your personal control are responsible for
your problems. But in more cases than not, a change in
yourself can work an almost miraculous change in your
The Magician stands at the center of the universe
and all things radiate out from there. You are the center
of your universe: the focal point. Change the focus, and
everything else will follow.
Now let's take a look at the other deck of the Tarot:
the Minor Arcana.
The Minor
The Minor Arcana


The Minor, or Lesser, Arcana of the Tarot deck consists

of fifty-six cards. These are divided into four suits of
fourteen cards each: Swords, Cups, Coins (also called
Deniers or Pentacles), and Wands (also called Batons, or
Clubs, the name by which they are known in modern
playing decks).
Each suit is further divided into number (or pip)
cards, and face cards (or court cards). There are ten pip
cards (Ace through Ten) and four court cards (King,
Queen, Knight, and Page) per suit.
As we discussed earlier, it is the cards of the Minor
Arcana that were eventually transformed into our mod­
ern deck of playing cards. The relative "strength" of
each suit has also carried over into at least some of
today' s card games. In the game of Bridge, for example,
the rank of suits is Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs.
This is the same order of precedence they follow in the
Tarot: Swords, Cups, Coins, and Wands, respectively.

134 · Tarot for Beginners

Many books on the Tarot pay very little attention to

the Minor Arcana. Usually you will get no more than a
brief list of meanings for each of the cards. And even
these sketchy definitions vary widely from book to book.
Part of the problem in establishing definitive inter­
pretations may exist because in most decks these cards
do not have anything like the storytelling illustrations of
the Major Arcana. The pip cards simply display the cor­
responding number of their suit symbol; the arrange­
ment is usually symmetrical, but basically arbitrary, and
does not reflect the interpretation of the cards. What's
more, the intrinsic design of the suit symbols varies from
deck to deck, and often within a single deck as well.
The court cards also lack any real clues as to the
character of the individuals depicted. These are not illu­
minated drawings; the people in them are not shown
performing any distinctive activity, nor do they have
any symbolic props or distinctive background art. They
are simply straightforward pictures of a King, a Queen,
a Knight and a Page. While there may be some varia­
tions in costume, the only real way to tell one suit from
another is that each court card is labeled at the bottom,
and each of the four individuals named is shown with
the symbol of their suit.
At least one exception to this is Waite's deck,
where the pip cards do show some kind of activity
involving each suit's symbols, though the court cards
are still fairly standard. Even Waite admits, however,
that these illustrations are somewhat apocryphal. There
was a time when all the cards of the Tarot were deco­
rated with illustrations, but it was evidently just a way
of making the decks more attractive. The illustrations
were largely the inventions of individual artists, and
The Minor Arcana: Introduction • 135

did not explain (and in some cases flatly contradicted)

the divinatory meanings of the cards.
So whether or not a deck is illuminated, there are
few, if any, traditional elements in the design of the Minor
Arcana. Many generations of many Tarot adepts working
with these cards have produced some agreement on their
interpretation, but they have also produced a great deal of
disagreement as well. Also, without a standard to refer to,
such as exists for the Major Arcana, it can be very difficult
to determine exactly what these cards are meant to reveal.
There is also the possibility that the reason there is
no definitive art is because there were no definitive
meanings for the Minor Arcana to begin with. These
cards are not, after all, a record of ancient magical teach­
ings. In fact, not only did they evolve into common play­
ing cards, but they probably started out that way as well!
And while they do make an extremely accurate divining
tool when read correctly, the number of contradictory
interpretations sometimes makes it seem as though it's
up to each reader to decide what the cards really mean.
Whatever the reason for the difficulty, there is a lot
of disagreement as to just how these cards should be
interpreted, and even what they are doing in the Tarot
deck at all.

Understanding the Minor Arcana

Most research evidence points to the probability that the
Minor Arcana of the Tarot is in fact a second, separate
deck, which was appended to the Major Arcana some­
time in the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries. The way
these cards are usually interpreted supports this theory.
There is generally no reference to arcane learning or
136 · Tarot for Beginners

spiritual growth. Instead, interpretations focus on this

world and recount mundane situations and events.
Throughout the centuries, attempts have been
made to find some higher philosophical meaning in the
Minor Arcana, probably because of the obvious spiri­
tual significance of the Major Arcana. But these cards
are simply not a meditation device. Within the context
of the Tarot, there is little reason to suppose that the
Minor Arcana is, or ever was, anything but a for­
tunetelling tool.
None of this means, however, that the Minor
Arcana has no real significance. If you understand the
reason for the incorporation of these cards into the Tarot
deck, you'll realize that it's not necessary to try to find
or invent some mystical meaning for them. Their own
meaning is valid enough.
The function of the Minor Arcana is to describe the
everyday world. It provides both an historical and cul­
tural background to the individual's struggle to come to
terms with his or her inner reality. In effect, while the
Major Arcana explores the soul, the Minor Arcana
places the individual within the context of society.
Since it is in our interactions with the outside
world that we need to know what will happen, it is
appropriate to include in the Tarot a way to discover
just what that world has in store for us. It is this
combination-a picture of personal striving set against
a background of actual events-which makes the Tarot
the accurate and specific divination tool that it is.
The Major Arcana is built on the premise that each
individual is a microcosm: an entire universe contained
within one self-aware being. But there is also a macro­
cosm-a larger and often indifferent universe-within
The Minor Arcana: Introduction • 137

which each of us lives and moves. And no matter what

steps you may take to improve yourself, or to build on
your own personal potential, everything you try to do
is inevitably going to be influenced by that larger world
of which you are only one part. It is the Minor Arcana
which reveals and describes just what that larger world
is up to at any given time, and exactly how that will
affect you.
The lessons of the Minor Arcana, therefore, are no
less important than those of the Major Arcana. It
teaches that no event happens in a vacuum, everything
follows from something else. The more sincere a seeker
after truth you are, the more you need this lesson,
because it is a fact that people who focus on the mag­
ickal and the mystical often tend to overlook or even
forget that there is a real world out there that has to be
dealt with at the same time. By combining within itself
the mystical and the mundane, the Tarot reinforces the
lesson that though you may be striving for the other
world, you still have to live in this one.

How to Begin Your Interpretation of the Minor Arcana

The four suits of the Minor Arcana originally represented
the four main classes of people in medieval society. With
very slight adjustments, they can be understood as they
correspond to modern society as well. Times may change
and technology may advance, but people stay pretty
much the same.
Swords represented the nobility, with all their
absolute temporal power, their ability (and tendency!) to
wage war and to control, often capriciously, the lives and
deaths of all other classes. In the reading, Swords have
138 · Tarot for Beginners

come to represent the power and forces of hatred and

violence. These cards describe your enemies, whether
individuals, organized groups, or impersonal forces;
anyone or anything that wants to harm you, or to control
you for their own ends.
Cups represented the clergy, the second most
influential class in medieval society. It refers primarily
to the local priests, who did what they could to alleviate
at least some of the evils that afflicted their parish­
ioners. The suit of Cups has come to represent the
power of love and faith. The presence of these cards in
a reading indicates that there are individuals, groups, or
forces who will work in your favor for no other reason
than that they care about you.
Coins represented the merchant class. Neither
nobility nor serfs, the merchants bought and sold,
opened trade routes, provided financing for many ven­
tures, and made a lot of money for themselves. They con­
trolled the power of money, and this suit represents the
influence, for good or bad, of material wealth in your life.
Lowest on the social scale was the peasant or serf
class, represented by Wands. Virtual slaves, serfs had lit­
tle hope of improving their position in life, except by join­
ing the church or successfully running away; either of
which rarely happened. Wands in a reading describes the
ability or potential to succeed despite tremendous odds.
Basically, then, the Minor Arcana divides the mun­
dane world into four main categories: forces that work
against you, forces that work for you, the influence of
material possessions, and the ability and determination
to succeed. On the surface, this may seem an oversim­
plification. There is more to the physical universe, after
all, than hate, love, money, and ambition.
The Minor Arcana: Introduction · 139

But these four elements are the basis of any social

grouping, simple or complex. Therefore, these are the
forces that directly affect you, either because they are
directed at you, or directed by you. Like the Major
Arcana, it is the individual with whom the Minor
Arcana is primarily concerned. While you're pursuing
your own personal goals, says the Minor Arcana, these
are the factors in your social environment that will
either aid or impede you.
The four suits of the Minor Arcana also correspond
to the four elements. Here the historical connection
reaches back to the rituals of the ancient Druids: Sword
of Fire, Cup of Water, Dish of Earth, and Spear or Wand
of Air. It is partly because of this more ancient associa­
tion that Tarot scholars feel that the Minor Arcana must
be older than it appears.
Within each suit, the relationships of the cards are
similar. The pip cards describe events or situations.
These events progress in a logical and coherent order:
each one results from the ones before and causes those
which follow.
The court cards sometimes describe situations as
well. But they can also describe specific people who will
influence the outcome of a series of events.
When the court cards represent situations, they give
the reading its "story line": i.e., they explain the nature of
the state of affairs in which the querent, the person for
whom the reading is done, is involved. For example, if
court cards from the suit of Cups appear in the reading,
then the querent' s emotional reactions to people or
events, or the feelings of other people toward the quer­
ent, will have the greatest effect on the outcome of the sit­
uation. The higher the rank of the court card, the more
influence this state of affairs will have on the querent's
140 · Tarot for Beginners

judgement, and/ or ability to resolve the situation.

When the court cards represent people, then those
people possess some or all of the characteristics of their
suit. But they also possess an operating intelligence
which deliberately puts those characteristics into play.
In all cases, therefore, cards which represent people
have a much stronger influence on the reading than
cards which describe situations or events.
The reason is easy to understand. If a given situa­
tion is simply happenstance, some other happenstance
can negate it. But if an intelligent individual is deliber­
ately planning or causing a situation, it will take at least
an equal and opposite intelligence to change it. So when
the court cards signal the active interest of other people
in your life, whatever they're planning, for good or bad,
must be taken into careful consideration by the reader.

The Tarot's Royal Court

The court cards are named King, Queen, Knight (or
Cavalier), and Page (or Valet). These designations
should be understood as a literal description of the type
of authority each of these personages has within their
own domain (or their own suit).
A King is a powerful man who exercises absolute
control over the territory he rules. Even if there are
other powerful people within that same territory, the
King outclasses them all. He has greater authority than
anyone else in the same domain; he holds the highest
position; he is acknowledged as ruler even by his com­
petitors. In the Minor Arcana, the King of any suit is the
ruler of that suit: a powerful man who not only pos­
sesses all the knowledge, abilities, and characteristics of
The Minor Arcana: Introduction · 141

his suit, but who has those attributes to a superior

degree. He also has the necessary authority to make
things happen the way he chooses.
The Queen is the female counterpart of the King.
She also personifies the characteristics of her suit and
has an absolute monarch's power over her subjects.
Where the King of the same suit is present, she is his
consort; that is she takes the wife's role, supporting and
strengthening the King's actions and decisions. Where
there is no King in a given domain (in this case, in a
reading), she rules in her own right.
In most older interpretations of the Tarot, the same
qualities which, in the King, are considered virtues or
strengths became vices or weaknesses in the Queen.
This tendency to resent strengths in a woman that are
admired in a man exists even in our own time, but it is
not an accurate interpretation.
The Queen of any suit has exactly the same
strengths and weaknesses as the King of the same suit.
While she does possess and use a feminine perspective
which contrasts and complements the King's masculine
approach, her power and authority are equal to those of
her consort. She should be understood as a woman who
embodies within herself all the qualities of a born ruler.
A Knight is a man who has been elevated to that
position by his monarch because of services he per­
formed which benefit the crown. Once knighted, he is
expected to continue to render those services. In the
Tarot, the Knight is not only a loyal subject of the crown,
he is also the allegorical son of the King and Queen. This
card, therefore, depicts a young man who possesses
qualities and characteristics similar to those of his royal
142 • Tarot for Beginners

The Knight has these qualities to a lesser degree,

however. He certainly lacks the absolute authority of the
King and Queen, and in many ways, he lacks their
maturity as well. Because of the Knight's les�er ability
and experience, he can sometimes be either more dan­
gerous or less effective, depending on the suit, than his
royal parents.
He should not be underestimate, however. He
does have the potential to become what the King and
Queen now are, and he has every good reason to
believe in and fight for the prerogatives and position of
his house. He is, after all, the heir apparent; anything
that forwards the goals and purposes of his allegorical
parents also serves his own ends.
Because the Knight is usually depicted as wearing
armor and riding a horse, this card also carries several
additional interpretations, either relating to the charac­
ter of the Knight, or (if the card does not represent a
person) describing current or upcoming situations. The
Knight may be seen as a warrior (specifically one pre­
pared to do battle on behalf of his house); or the card
may indicate that there is or will be some kind of con­
flict. The Knight may also be a messenger or go­
between; or the card may indicate messages sent or
received. It can also be interpreted as having to do with
travel, change of scene, or movement from one place, or
one type of situation, to another. Which of these inter­
pretations apply will usually be made clear by the other
cards in the reading.
Note also that in modern readings, it has some­
times happened that the Knight card represents a
young woman rather than a young man. If so, she has
the exact same qualities as described here.
The Minor Arcana: Introduction · 143

A Page is the personal attendant of the royal fam­

ily. In a medieval monarchy, this young servitor held a
higher position in the household than merely hired
help. The page was generally a younger son or daugh­
ter who was serving an apprenticeship: in the process of
waiting on parents or older siblings, he or she was also
being taught proper behavior and the ins and outs of
the family business.
This is the case in the Tarot. The Page is a younger
child of the King and Queen and has the same charac­
teristics as other family members, though again, to a
lesser degree. This card may represent either a male or
female; he or she will be someone younger or less expe­
rienced than the Knight. The Page also often has many
of the characteristics of a child, or exhibits a child's
behavior. He or she is very proud of being part of the
royal family; and this pride, depending on the suit, may
result in either endearing characteristics or the obnox­
ious behavior of a spoiled brat. Either way, this is still
someone who wants to see the purposes of their house
(their suit) succeed.
Taken together, the court cards constitute a royal
family. Their relationship to the querent is that of family
members, or of people who have the status of family
members in the querent's life. This gives them additional
authority, over and above their own personal ability to
control events, because, in this situation at least, they also
have a very strong personal influence on the querent.
The King and Queen, for example, are parental fig­
ures. They may be either your actual parents, or some­
one who stands in loco parentis such as an employer, a

teacher, an advisor, even a police officer, any person you

respect, fear, and/ or are likely to obey, especially in the
144 · Tarot for Beginners

situation covered by the reading. Given the social posi­

tion of the King and Queen, the person represented by
these cards may actually have even greater authority
than a parent, or than your parent usually does, at least
in these circumstances.
Whoever they are, they will always be mature
individuals. They must be old enough to be firmly
established in their positions of authority and influence;
they are also old enough to have full-grown children.
This would put them, at the very least, in their forties or
early fifties, and possibly older.
The Knight is also an adult, but one generation
younger than the King or Queen; his age range is any­
where from late twenties up to early or mid-thirties. As
far as social position is concerned, the card represents a
young man (or woman) who has reason to believe,
rightly or wrongly, that he is next in line for the throne.
He may be the actual son of a powerful individual, or he
may be the heir apparent in some other way. For exam­
ple, in a reading having to do with finance, the Knight
could be a rising young executive in a company with
which the querent must do business in this situation.
Whether or not the Knight is actually related to the
King or Queen, he is someone they will listen to­
because they can trust him to understand their goals
and help them accomplish their purposes. This means
that, in addition to any abilities or influence of his own,
he can also act as an intercessor for the querent, to get
the attention or favor of the rulers of his house. Or, if the
reading shows him in opposition to the querent, he may
be someone who will deliberately use his influence
against you.
The Page has some influence as well, but generally
much less than he or she thinks they do. This is someone
The Minor Arcana: Introduction • 145

who can be helpful, or spiteful and malicious in a petty

way, but who does not have even the degree of author­
ity possessed by the Knight. If we use the example of the
Knight as a rising young executive, the Page would be in
an entry-level position in the same company. He or she
may be someone whose potential and loyalty is recog­
nized, and who may be given important duties to per­
form, but who is unlikely to be consulted, or even told,
when there are important decisions to be made.
Most of this has to do with youth and inexperi­
ence. The Page may be either a young child, or a half­
grown one, but will rarely, if ever, be older than late
teens or early 20s. As a result, even if the Page is related
to, and indulged by, the King or Queen, this person's
opinions and advice are not always taken seriously by
other members of the royal family.
Nonetheless, the Page should be taken seriously
by the querent. He or she may not be the top gun, but
this is still someone whose friendship can benefit and
enmity can hurt you.
The relationship of each of these people to the
querent would depend, then, on the querent' s own age
and social position. If the querent is fairly young (less
than thirty), then either the King or Queen would be
someone old enough to be their parents. If the querent
is old enough to have grown children, then either the
Knight or the Page could represent their child, or some­
one young enough to be their child. If the querent is in
the same age range as a person represented by a court
card, then obviously that individual is someone in their
own generation; or the card may represent the querent.
Bear in mind, however, that since the court cards
may not represent actual family members, age relative
146 · Tarot for Beginners

to the querent is not always a determining factor in

establishing exact relationships. The King, for example,
is a father figure, but if the querent is mature, then the
actual person the King represents may not be old
enough to be the querent's father. What he will be is
someone in a position to exercise a father's authority or
influence over the querent.
A number of sources on the Tarot also give general
physical descriptions for the members of the four royal
families as an aid to establishing their exact identities.
But while telling someone that they are soon to meet a
tall, dark stranger can be impressive, it's been found
that an attempt to give specific physical descriptions
can sometimes be more misleading than helpful in
determining just who these cards represent.
For example, people in the Swords suit are usually
described as being dark in coloring; people from the
Cups suit are usually described as fair. But in real life,
the good guy doesn't always wear a white hat, nor does
the bad guy always have a black mustache. Physical
descriptions of the people in the court cards are more
useful as a guideline for choosing a card to represent the
querent, or identifying one that does. Otherwise, it's
more accurate to consider this "coloring" to be a
description of character or personality, rather than actual
physical appearance. In most cases, age, social position,
and character traits are all the information you need to
give you a clue to the identity of these individuals.
When these cards appear in a reading, then, your
first task is to determine whether they represent people
or situations, and if they represent people, to find out
who they are in real life. How easy or difficult either
task will be depends on the circumstances of the read-
The Minor Arcana: Introduction · 147

ing. If the card represents a person the querent has

already met (i.e.: if the card appears as an influence in
the querent's past or present), then once you've
described that person's character and influence on the
situation, the querent will usually be able to identify
them. If, after you've given all possible descriptions, no
one in the querent's life resembles that person, then the
court card describes a situation.
When the card appears as a future influence, you'll
just have to wait to find out who or what it represents.
If it's a person, the querent will recognize them when he
or she meets them. If it's a situation, then when it starts
to happen, at least the querent will know just what
they're getting into.

How to Use This Guide

Since the Minor Arcana is primarily a fortunetelling
tool, the focus in the following section is on what these
cards mean in a reading.
There are five chapters in this part of the book. The
first chapter (Interpreting the Minor Arcana) is a general
guide to understanding and reading the cards. It
includes a brief explanation of how the interpretations
given for each card were selected, and how to use them
in a reading. There is also a detailed description of an
alternate method which you can use for interpreting the
cards. And finally, there is an overview of the advan­
tages and disadvantages of different types of decks.
The next four chapters cover the suits of the Minor
Arcana in detail. As with the section on the Major
Arcana, all four suits are described according to the
same system. First, there is an explanation of the cul-
148 · Tarot for Beginners

tural and personal experiences the suit represents,

beginning with its historical background and then giv­
ing its application to modern times.
Next there is a brief description of the various
ways the suit symbols are drawn, and the symbolic
meanings of those designs.
Finally, there is a card by card listing for each suit.
First the court cards are described, beginning with the
King, then the pip cards, beginning with the Ace. For
every card, two separate but corresponding interpreta­
tions are given. The first ("Meaning") gives you the basic
interpretation of the card, explaining what it means inde­
pendently of any reading. For the court cards only, this
explanation includes a description of the kind of person
each card portrays; for both court and pip cards, the gen­
eral situation the card reveals is also outlined. The sec­
ond section ("In the Reading") is a list of the various
interpretations each card has in a Tarot layout.
Because there are no standard illustrations for the
Minor Arcana, no great attempt has been made to
describe the cards. I have included a general descrip­
tion of each of the court cards. This is primarily a way to
help you distinguish the cards of each suit, and espe­
cially to differentiate them from any cards in the Major
Arcana which may be slightly similar (for example: the
King and Queen court cards often resemble the Emperor
and Empress in some respects). As explained above,
however, there is usually no symbolic significance in the
portrayal of the Tarot's royal courts.
For the pip cards, only the Ace is described; the
arrangement of symbols on the remaining cards, and
any decorations that may be included, are usually the
invention of the artist who designed the deck, and,
The Minor Arcana: Introduction · 149

again, have no mystical significance. Because of the lack

of a standard which does have mystical significance, I
have not included in these chapters a description of any
illuminated deck.
As you read through each of these chapters, exam­
ine the cards in your deck, just to familiarize yourself
with them. Don't expect or try to memorize the inter­
pretations all at once. You'll learn to use them with
practice, and over time. Until you do, these chapters are
arranged so that you can use them as a reference while
you do your first Tarot readings.
Minor Arcana


When you begin to do your own research on the Minor

Arcana, you'll find a curious mix of agreement and dis­
agreement on the meaning of these cards. Some expert
readers have their own unique interpretations; others
seem to echo what everyone else says. Sometimes, two
separate sources which disagree on the meaning of one
card will agree on the interpretation of another. Even if
you use only one source, however, it still seems as
though you can't get a straight answer about how to
interpret the cards, because in most cases all you do get
is simply a long list of disconnected words and phrases
for each card, with no explanation of how to apply them
to any given reading.
Time and experience will teach you which defini­
tions, from the many sources available, best describe
the meaning of any given card. As you work with the
Tarot, you will also learn how to decide, given a list of
workable definitions, which one applies to a specific read-

152 · Tarot for Beginners

ing, and how it should be interpreted in that situation.

None of this is helpful, however, if you've never read
Tarot before. You need a place to start making your own
determinations of what the cards are trying to tell you.

Getting Started
Since this is a beginner's text, it would not be helpful to
simply give you yet another list of interpretations, with­
out at least some reference to what you'll find in other
sources. What I've done, therefore, is to survey a num­
ber of sources on the Tarot, both texts and expert read­
ers, to find out where they agree and where they don't.
After some consultation (and not a little bit of argu­
ment), I selected those interpretations on which most of
my sources agree, eliminating any definitions which
vary widely (though they, too, may possibly have been
accurate in some circumstances).
I have not, of course, included all sources on the
Tarot in this research. But the list of meanings provided
for each card does give you a kind of summary of those
definitions which many readers and researchers of the
Tarot (including myself) have found to be accurate and
workable. You'll find this list of definitions under the
heading "In the Reading" for each card.
But that still leaves you with just a long list of
words and phrases. How do you make a choice as to
which definition applies in a given reading? How do
you even know what these definitions are intended to
mean in the first place?
For the Major Arcana, you at least have a sound
understanding of what each card means in its own
right. That's enough to help you adjust the divinatory
Minor Arcana: Interpretation · 153

meanings to suit a given situation.

For the Minor Arcana, all you have is a general
description of each suit as a whole. If you could get an
idea of exactly what kind of event or situation each card
describes, it would be easier to determine what part of
it applies to a reading you're doing.
So along with the list of definitions, you'll also find
a general interpretation of each card, under the heading
"Meaning." This interpretation explains the nature of the
situation which the presence of that card in a reading
reveals. For the court cards, it also includes a description
of the kind of person you're dealing with. When you
begin doing readings, you can use either the list of defin­
itions, or this overall interpretation, or both, as a guide to
understanding the message each card is trying to reveal.
Even with all these explanations, learning to read
the Minor Arcana isn't easy. Because the cards offer so
few visual cues, it can often be difficult for beginning
readers (and even some experienced ones!) to remem­
ber their meanings.
But there is a way to understand and remember
the various interpretations, and adjust them accurately,
without waiting until you have years of experience
behind you to give you an expert reader's instinctive
understanding of the cards.
As with the Major Arcana, there is a correspondence
between the Minor Arcana and the general precepts of
numerology. Even more than for the Major Arcana, the
definitions of the numbers clarify and agree with the most
commonly accepted interpretations of these cards.
Numerological correspondences can be used to
interpret cards of the same rank, independently of their
suit. Because they are the same for each suit, they
154 · Tarot for Beginners

serve as a useful mnemonic for remembering the basic

meanings of the cards. They also provide a means for
adjusting the interpretations as the necessities of any
reading demands. This method of interpreting the
Minor Arcana has proven, over time, to be an accurate
system for determining a working meaning of the cards.

By the Numbers
You don't have to know a lot about numerology to use
it as a guide to interpreting the pip cards of the Minor
Arcana. All you need are the cyclical meanings of the
numbers. This will give you, for each card, a picture of
the events taking place or the situation which is cur­
rently in the process of playing itself out. It will also tell
you what stage of the game you're at, how far along
this series of events has progressed, and, therefore, how
deeply involved the querent is at this point in time.
The suit of the card will tell you the nature of the
situation: what kind of forces, attitudes, or needs are
controlling or defining this series of events. Add the
two together, and you have a workable interpretation of
the card.
ONE is the number of beginnings, of original
action, or of creativity. If the Ace in your reading is
upright, or the reading is generally favorable, then the
beginning in question will be auspicious. If the card is
reversed (or the reading unfavorable), then the series of
events now beginning-or their results, if nothing is
done about it-will be unfortunate.
TWO is the number of union, imagination, and
conception. In a reading, the deuce indicates that some
new factor is about to be introduced into the current sit­
uation-another person, an event, a circumstance-
Minor Arcana: Interpretation · 155

which will have a profound impact on the course of

events. If the indications are favorable, that new factor
will be of benefit to you. It will help you reach a desired
outcome or avoid an unwanted one. If the indications
are unfavorable, then that new factor will work against
you. It will make difficult or prevent the accomplish­
ment of a desired goal, or increase the chances of an
undesirable outcome.
THREE is the number of expression, or self-expres­
sion. It is also the response to, .or outcome of, events in
one and two: new beginnings, plus union or concep­
tion. It is at this point that some situation which you've
recently initiated or gotten involved in will begin to
take on a form and direction of its own. If the reading is
unfavorable, then this is when everything is going to
start turning sour; even if things originally started off
well, they're going downhill from here. If the reading is
favorable, then you're off to a running start. Even if
things started out badly, they are now more likely to
bear positive fruit.
FOUR is a number of hard work, and careful plan­
ning. By this time, you have a basic understanding of
the situation you're in. Now is when you have to work
effectively to make it all come out as you want it to. If
you like the situation you're in, you have to work and
plan to make it continue to grow; if you don't, then now
is when you have to work and plan to end or alleviate it.
But FOUR is also a number of unconventional behavior
and sudden, unexpected events. You must also be aware
that some new factor can suddenly enter into the situa­
tion which will change everything for better or worse­
no matter how hard you work and plan. The position of
this card in the reading, and of surrounding cards, will
156 · Tarot for Beginners

tell you whether it's better or worse that you can expect.
FIVE is the number of movement, excitement, and
adventure. While this may seem to be an advantageous
indicator, never forget there is also an old curse which
states: "May you live in interesting times." People who
get drafted into the military during a war also have
excitement and adventure, but it is unquestionably of a
type they could do without! If a FIVE card adds favor­
able indications to a reading, then your plans are mov­
ing toward a particularly exciting result, and/ or you can
expect to really enjoy upcoming situations and events. If
unfavorable, then you can expect upheaval and disor­
der, and even ruin of everything you've worked for.
SIX is the number of harmony, of balance and
adjustment, of quiet circumstances and activities. It is
also the number of love and romance. In a favorable
reading, it means you can expect a bit of peace after all
the activity and excitement. Misunderstandings can or
will be cleared up at this time, either between people or
within your own mind. In effect, you have a chance to
stop and catch your breath. You made your plans, you
took your chances; now you can tie it all together in a
coherent state. If the card or reading is unfavorable,
however, there are still some rocky shoals ahead. Fortu­
nately, SIX indicators are never as unfavorable as other
cards. But the circumstances you face can still, nonethe­
less, be very uncomfortable.
SEVEN is the number of solitude, and of soul­
searching. This need not necessarily be on the spiritual
level; you can search your soul with psychoanalysis, too!
However, it indicates a period when you'll find it neces­
sary to seriously consider how and why specific events
come to pass. If the reading is favorable, that course of
events could be almost miraculous, and you may have
Minor Arcana: Interpretation · 157

occasion to wonder how it is that all of a sudden things

worked out so well. If unfavorable, then the possibility
is strong that you're deluding yourself, making bad
decisions, and getting into deep waters. In any case, you
are in a position where you're literally taking a flyer on
faith. It's necessary to be certain that your faith-in oth­
ers, in events, or even in yourself-is justified.
EIGHT is the number of energy and efficiency, of
using wisdom learned through experience. It is also a
number of caution, self-discipline, and personal secu­
rity (financial and otherwise). If the reading is favor­
able, then whatever your goal, go for it; this is your time
to get ahead in the world, and you should grasp the
opportunity with both hands. If the card or the reading
is unfavorable, then those same responsibilities and
challenges will be a burden, bringing unhappiness, per­
haps even despair.
NINE is the number of completeness. The series of
events has reached or is reaching its inevitable outcome,
for good or bad, and everything is about to be made
clear. NINE is also a number of originality and initia­
tive, but with them the contradictory traits of vulnera­
bility and naivete. If the reading is favorable, then even
though things have reached their conclusion, there is
still time to take some further action, if necessary, to sal­
vage something from the ruins of a bad situation. If the
reading is unfavorable, then even though you've com­
pleted the task, done everything you should or could
do, the possibility exists that there was something vital
you overlooked, and/ or that someone or something is
going to step in at the last minute and bring everything
down in ruins.
TEN is both an end and a beginning. It's an end
because, for good or bad, the situation you've been
158 · Tarot for Beginners

involved in for so long is now complete. It's time to

move on. This is especially good advice if you're partic­
ularly satisfied with your current circumstances; people
do have a tendency to rest on their laurels. It's also
something you need to know if the series of events up
to this point has been personally devastating. At least
now it's all over.
It's a beginning because life itself is cyclical, a
never-ending saga, and everything that we experience
along the way changes us to a greater or lesser extent.
The person who initiates or gets involved in the next
series of events will not be the same person who just
completed this one.
As a compound number, TEN has a greater impact
than ONE. It's a number of rise and fall, of good and
evil, of extreme responses like love or hate, pride or
fear. It allows no middle ground. If the reading is favor­
able, then you know that you can go on from here in
security and honor. If unfavorable, then any gains will
be illusionary and the next series of events coming up
will be adversely affected as well.
When the court cards represent people, then you
interpret their influence on the reading based on the
characteristics of those people. If they represent situa­
tions or events, then they can also be read by the num­
bers. Here again, you'll find that the numerological
interpretations match the characteristics of either the
people or events these cards ordinarily describe. As with
the TEN, however, these are compound numbers; so
their influence on the reading has an added dimension.
ELEVEN (The Page): As the compound of TWO,
this is a number of conflict and opposition, even of treach­
ery. It may indicate two people whose goals co�flict, or
Minor Arcana: Interpretation · 159

two opposed situations. If the reading is favorable, the

conflict can be resolved, either on your own initiative,
or with help from a friend or relative. If unfavorable,
then you're in for a lot of worry and complications.
Expect bad news.
TWELVE (The Knight): This is a number of sacri­
fice. Either you'll be asked to give up something that
matters to you, or perhaps a friend or relative will per­
form an unselfish act on your behalf. But there are plans
and intrigues going on in the background of which you
may or may not be aware, and in which you are about
to become involved-whether you want to or not. If the
reading is favorable, you'll learn something positive or
benefit in some other way from all this. If unfavorable,
then the people involved are working for their own
ends, and the possibility exists that you're being used.
In either case, it's necessary to be alert to the real situa­
tion. People who are actually working for you may
appear to be enemies; people who are actually enemies
may pretend to be on your side. Be alert and be cau­
tious; and beware of false flattery from those who use it
to gain their own ends. Forewarned is forearmed.
THIRTEEN (The Queen): As before, this is not an
intrinsically unlucky number. And while it is the num­
ber of upheaval, that upheaval exists so that new
ground can be broken. THIRTEEN is a number of
regeneration and change. But it's also a very powerful
number, and you are well advised to walk carefully; if
the power is used selfishly, it can bring its own destruc­
tion. In a favorable reading, bad is being swept away to
allow good to come in. In an unfavorable reading,
destruction is the result, with malicious forces working
against you. Upheaval even for a good end is still
160 · Tarot for Beginners

uncomfortable, but if you can at least see where it's

going you can live with it. But if your world is about to
be turned upside down just for spite, you have to
gather all your forces to fight back.
FOURTEEN (The King): This is a number of chal­
lenges and change. It is also a number of luck. Both
gains and losses can be temporary, because of the con­
tinual change; you will also be challenged to your full
extent. Be cautious in dealings with those in authority;
they may be for you or against you, but they have their
own agendas to deal with first. The challenge here is
that you should rely on yourself, rather than depending
on the word or assistance of others. The "luck" of
FOURTEEN includes money dealings and speculative
projects (like betting), but there's always a danger of
loss due to wrong advice from others, or misplaced
overconfidence. If this card adds favorable indicators to
a reading, then you will meet the challenges ahead and
succeed; and, in the process, become stronger and more
self-reliant. If unfavorable, you will either let yourself
be used, or fail in your efforts; either way, you face
almost certain defeat.
If you do learn to read the Minor Arcana "by the
numbers," it will give you an additional divinatory tool
as well. Should you find yourself without your Tarot
deck, you can use any ordinary deck of playing cards to
foretell upcoming events. Your forecasts will not be as
detailed, because you'll lack both the input from the
Major Arcana and four cards from the Minor Arcana
(the four Knights); but they will be accurate.
When you use a regular deck, all you have to do is
drop the last compound number: the Jack is eleven, the
Queen is twelve, and the King is thirteen. For the suit
Minor Arcana: Interpretation · 161

meanings, substitute Spades for Swords, Hearts for

Cups, Diamonds for Coins, and Clubs for Wands.
On a personal note: don't do it too often. It's a lot
of fun, and it can be very impressive to tell accurate for­
tunes with an ordinary deck. But there are disadvan­
tages as well. Teach yourself to automatically recognize
the messages in an regular deck of playing cards, and it
can really spoil a friendly game!

Choosing Your Deck

Whether you use a standard deck or one in which the
pip cards are illuminated must be your choice. There are
advantages and disadvantages to both deck designs.
For some Tarot readers, illustrations on the pip
cards of the Minor Arcana can clarify the meaning of
the cards, or at the very least act as a mnemonic to help
you remember their meaning. But they can also be con­
fusing, since sometimes the interpretation of a card
seems to contradict whatever is going on in the picture.
On the other hand, the standard decks offer no
clues at all, contradictory or otherwise. In most cases,
only the court cards even have an obvious upright and
reverse. And while the pip cards are usually numbered,
there are decks in which these labels are left off as well.
It can sometimes seem as though the Tarot is going out
of its way to make the Minor Arcana even more of a
mystery than the Major Arcana.
But the lack of visual cues can actually be an
advantage. If you use a standard deck, the static repre­
sentations on the pip cards allow you to evoke your
own images, different for each reading, of what is going
on in the situation being described. People do react very
162 · Tarot for Beginners

strongly to pictures. (As you'll find when you start doing

readings. The illustrations on the Major Arcana distract
and even upset those querents who don't understand
their symbolism.) There also are Tarot readers who find
illustrations on the pip cards distracting as well.
For those readers who prefer a standard deck, the
primary disadvantage is the lack of a definable upright
or reverse for most of the cards. If you're more comfort­
able using upright and reverse in your readings, how­
ever, there are ways to get around that problem. You
can use a deck where the pip cards are not designed
symmetrically, so that you can tell top from bottom. Or,
you can arbitrarily establish a top and bottom on your
cards by simply marking one side.
If you find a deck where the Minor Arcana is illu­
minated, and you're comfortable with the symbolism,
by all means use that deck. Keep in mind, however, that
these pictures should not necessarily be taken at face
value. Be sure you choose a deck where the pictures
illustrate your interpretation of the cards (or, at least,
don't contradict it).
And never forget that the Minor Arcana is not a
meditation tool. Illustrations on illuminated decks are
not derived, insofar as is known, from any ancient mys­
tical knowledge; the symbolism employed is generally
the invention of each deck's designer. Don't let the illus­
trations interfere with your ability to understand and
interpret the divinatory meanings of the cards.

Readin� the Cards

No matter what kind of deck you use, or interpretation
system you follow, you have to learn the meanings of
Minor Arcana: Interpretation · 163

the cards in order to do a reading. But there is one very

important thing you don't have to learn.
The Minor Arcana describes social conditions and
events. You don't need any kind of special training, or
any scholarly or mystical background, to understand
those situations. This is your culture that is being
described, after all; you grew up in it, you live with it
every day of your life. And so you know what a given
social situation is like; you can easily visualize the cir­
cumstances described in a reading.
The only element in a reading that is not part of
your personal experience is the nature and reactions of
the querent. Should you need to know that to under­
stand a specific situation, the cards of the Major Arcana
will tell you what kind of person you're dealing with.
(In fact, even if you do a reading for yourself, which is
one of the hardest to do, you should follow what the
Major Arcana tells you about the "querent.")
For everything else, you have the knowledge that
you need to interpret the information the cards will
give you. Don't be afraid to make your own adjust­
ments as you learn more about Tarot applications! Your
own insights are the most valuable tool you have in
interpreting the Tarot.


Of all four suits, Swords is the most powerful-and the

most dangerous. It represents true worldly power, but
power which is often misused and abused for selfish
purposes. In a reading, Swords warns of enemies, dan­
ger, misfortune, even violence and death.
Originally the suit of the nobility, or warrior class,
Swords allegorizes the worst aspects of this hereditary
upper class. The medieval nobility ruled their world
with (literally!) an iron fist. Anyone not a member of
their class was totally unworthy of their consideration.
The lower classes especially were there to be used and
exploited, or brushed out of the way; they had no
rights, no recourse (unless their overlord deigned to
grant it), and were often not even really considered to
be people at all. The warrior class did fight primarily
among themselves-but this was of little advantage to
the peasant who happened to be caught in the middle,
since they also destroyed anything that got in their way.

166 · Tarot for Beginners

There are parallels to this type of person in modern

society. In terms of a class of people, Swords can repre­
sent powerful political figures such as dictators, extrem­
ist groups such as terrorist organizations (or the power
interests who sponsor and use them), organized crime; in
short, anyone or group who feels that their ends are all
that matter-especially if they are in a position of power,
or if they will use force or any other means available to
get and keep power. On a personal level, Swords cards
represent false friends, treacherous business associates,
or others dangerous to the querent. In any case, the suit
describes people who will always do what is best for
themselves, rather than what is fair or just, and rarely if
ever caring who gets hurt in the process.
People represented by Swords are those who are
self-centered, and either carelessly or deliberately cruel.
They are certainly not to be trusted, and may be violent
as well. These are people who are out for their own
interests, and have no concern for what happens to you
as long as they get what they want. They will harm you
for their own pleasure and help you only if doing so
helps themselves more.
Events or situations represented by Swords are not
merely obstacles in your path, but actively dangerous,
and perhaps even deadly. In general terms Swords rep­
resents illness, natural disaster, or other serious and
sometimes violent problems, including death. Even if
the problem is not that serious, or obviated by other
cards in the reading, Swords will at the least indicate
frustration, anxiety, arguments, or tension.
If this suit represents the querent, then let the
reader beware. The querent is not a nice person--cer­
tainly not in this situation, and perhaps in other ways as
Swords · 167

well. Note, however, that the rage and vindictiveness

indicated by this suit may be caused by the situation.
Other cards in the reading will tell you if the querent
has a legitimate reason to be this angry (for example, if
he or she has been badly wronged and is simply fight­
ing back), or if this person is by nature a dangerous and
untrustworthy individual.
In general, Swords is an ominous and unlucky
suit, and when cards from this suit show up in a read­
ing, something unpleasant is in the offing. What makes
them even more dangerous is that Swords cards carry
with them not only indications of trouble and misfor­
tune, but also elements of power and authority. Swords
people and situations have not only the willingness, but
the means, to cause great harm.

Description of the Suit Symbol

Except for the Ace, Swords are most often depicted as
double-bladed sabers, curved blades with a guard at
the point or sheathed. Single swords, such as the Ace
(or those in decks which are illuminated), are usually
shown as unsheathed broadswords.
The swords are never shown as rapiers (a weapon
of finesse!), but as battle swords, hacking and killing
weapons, powerful military swords, and so forth. The
symbolism is that there is enough power here that
finesse is hardly necessary.

The Royal Court

The suit of Swords allegorizes absolute power corrupt­
ing absolutely.
168 · Tarot for Beginners


The King of
Swords represents
a man ofpower
and authority, or
a situation that is


Most decks show a mature man en garde on a throne or
chair. He is fully armored and wearing a helmet with a
crown atop it. He holds a sword upright in his right
hand; and his position seems to indicate that he's ready
at any time to stand up and attack. His expression is
grim and determined.

The King of Swords is a man of authority and power,
often in his own right, and certainly in terms of the
querent's personal or professional life. He is someone
accustomed to giving orders and seeing to it that they
are obeyed. The querent will see him as someone whose
Swords • 169

motives are not always clear; he sometimes seems a

powerful ally and at other times an unscrupulous enemy.
Be warned, however, that whatever this man says or
does, he is out to forward his own interests first, and will
ride roughshod over anyone who gets in his way. This is
a man who sits in judgement, both of situations and of
those under his authority. Unlike the symbol of Justice in
the Major Arcana, however, he holds no balanced scales.
Justice in his view is whatever benefits himself.
If this card does not represent an actual person,
then it does indicate that you are in an extremely pre­
carious situation, perhaps even one of life and death.
You are well advised to guard yourself diligently; there
is a real and present danger.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A man of power, authority and
intelligence. A man in a position to issue and carry out
judgements; perhaps someone with legal authority or
political connections, etc. If the querent is male, the King
of Swords may represent an ambitious man who can and
will prove a dangerous rival, injuring either business or
personal relationships. If the querent is a woman, she is
warned not to get personally involved with this man: at
the least, he will be worthless or incompatible; at the
worst, potentially physically dangerous to her. The
accompanying cards will define the nature of the danger.
If the card does not represent a person, then the sit­
uation itself is potentially harmful. Expect worry, grief,
chagrin, even physical danger.
Reversed (or Negative): An evil man, or one of
evil intent. Cruelty, perversity, barbarity. In effect, the
same power and authority, but definitely used with
intent to harm.
170 Tarot for Beginners

The Queen of
Swords represents
a woman ofpower
and authority, or
a symbol of
personal loss,


A mature woman, crowned and regally robed. She may
be either standing or seated on a throne. Like the King,
she holds a sword upright in her right hand. Her left
hand is usually raised in a gesture of judgement. Her
expression is intent and may be seen as either stern and
unyielding, or angry.

Like the King, this is a woman of power and authority,
with the intent of using it to forward her own purposes.
She will be perceived by the querent as a woman who is
malicious, domineering, or selfishly spiteful. If this card
does not represent a person, it is a symbol of widow­
hood, personal loss, emotionally devastating situations.
Swords • 171

(Note that the card of the King represents physical dan­

ger; the card of the Queen emotional danger.)

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A malicious, spiteful woman, and
one who is in a position to do you great harm. She is
both ruthless and cruel. If the querent is male, he is well
advised not to establish any kind of personal relation­
ship with this woman if he can help it. If the querent is
female, the card is an indicator of betrayal by someone
she thought was a friend.
If this card does not represent a person, then the
indications are of bereavement and sadness, separation
and privation, widowhood and mourning.
Reversed (or Negative): An evil woman, with the
power to do harm and the evil intent as well. Malice,
bigotry, deceit. A situation which will cause you intense
unhappiness or, at the least, great embarrassment.
172 · Tarot for Beginners


The Knight of
Swords represents
someone who will
undermine or hurt
you, or a warning of
enmity and


Most decks show a fully armored knight on a charging or
rearing horse. He is challenging or charging an attacker
or enemy; his expression is grim or even angry and indi­
cates that he is determined to win in this confrontation.
He carries his sword raised high in attack position.

The Knight of Swords is a younger man with the same
attributes as his symbolic parents; selfish, treacherous,
self-serving and cruel. Because he is younger, it may not
seem that he has the kind of power and authority
needed to do harm. But within his own sphere of influ­
ence he does, and he is also likely to backed by others
Swords • 173

who can help him do even more harm (or escape the
consequences of the harm he does). This is someone
who is testing his ability to become what the King and
Queen already are, so he is likely to be less subtle and
more violent. A spy, an enemy, a bigot; someone who
will undermine or hurt the querent. If this card does not
represent a person, it does warn of enmity and opposi­
tion. If neighboring cards in the reading are negative,
the Knight of Swords warns of destruction or death.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A treacherous young man. A false
friend. An individual who is clever and brave, and very
active in his own interests. He is prepared to ride down
anyone he sees as being in his way. He has distinct lead­
ership qualities, and can convince others to follow him
(willingly or otherwise), which makes him all the more
dangerous to those he chooses to consider enemies.
Note that one of the things that makes him dangerous is
that even the querent may admire this person. It is best
that you oppose rather than follow him if you can; his
followers benefit no more than his enemies. If this card
does not describe an actual person, it predicts conflict,
opposition, and possibly destruction and death.
Reversed (or Negative): Wasteful extravagance.
Imprudence, incapacity, poor leadership. A foolish or
conceited person (or a warning against conceit or fool­
ishness). Again, you are warned to watch your back;
you have an influential and dangerous enemy, or are in
a potentially explosive situation.
174 Tarot for Beginners


The Page of Swords

represents a person
pretending to be a
friend, bad news.



Most decks show a young man standing confidently,
holding a sword upright in his right hand. Sometimes
he holds the sword upright with both hands on the
pommel. He usually is not shown wearing armor, but is
well-dressed and often wears the same colors as the
Knight. Many decks attempt to depict a sense of self­
importance in this figure; the Page also tends to be
somewhat effeminate. His attitude appears to be, in
many decks, that of someone who is looking for an
enemy, or expecting one to appear at any moment.

A younger man or woman, less mature, but otherwise
with the same qualities as the other court cards. The
Page is not as powerful as the other court cards, but can
Swords • 175

be just as unpleasant: the qualities he or she displays

are those of a prying, spiteful, malicious individual.
Like his symbolic parents and the Knight, the Page can
be attractive in his own way; eager, confident, active.
But this young person is a master of innuendo, under­
handedness, and the undercutting remark. The Page is
a "hanger-on"; someone who attaches him or herself to
power hoping it will rub off, or pretends to be con­
nected to influence and power. He or she will pretend
to be a friend, as long as it suits their interests; as a part­
ner in any enterprise will hinder the querent either
deliberately, or through carelessness and laziness.
If this is not a person, expect bad news, malicious
rumor, betrayal, and treachery.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A malicious, treacherous young
man or woman. Someone who will hurt (or try to hurt)
the querent out of envy or spite. If you are not their
enemy, they are perfectly capable of making you one,
whether or not you're aware of it (or do anything to
warrant it). If the card does not represent a person, then
beware of spying, malicious rumor, bad news coming
or received. May also indicate sickness.
Reversed (or Negative): The same bad intentions,
or bad news, intensified. Also, that they will happen
when you are least prepared, and from a direction least

The Pip Cards

The following ten cards are the number cards, or Pip Cards
176 · Tarot for Beginners


The Ace of Swords

represents triumph
by force.


Most decks show a hand gripping an upright sword by
the hilt. Near the top of the illustration, around the
point of the sword, is a crown. Either the sword, or
crown, or both are decorated with some form of living
vines or branches, sometimes just with leaves, some­
times with fruit or berries as well.

A card of triumph, in an almost excessive degree. It car­
ries with it the concept of triumph by force: physical
force, force of will, force of position or circumstances.
You start this cycle as king of the mountain: you've won
a tremendous victory or attained a high position, and
Swords · 1Tl

you are (or will soon be) feeling both the euphoria and
the power of your conquest. This is also a card of pros­
perity and fertility. The triumph can refer to any area of
your life: profession, love, money, whatever endeavor
you were engaged in. In effect, in this suit you (seem
to!) start off where others finish: with what appears to
be, and perhaps is for now, all your goals achieved.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Triumph, prosperity, conquest,
fertility. A birth (of a child, or an idea, or a new
endeavor). Tremendous power used and/ or now avail­
able, in any area you chose to use it, from love to hatred.
Extreme feelings, both regarding this situation and oth­
ers around you; excess in everything connected to it.
You are riding high on the crest of the wave.
Reversed (or Negative): The same, but with disas­
trous results for the querent. You have still won a great
victory, but you will very soon have reason to wish you
hadn't, if you don't already. The beginning of tense
relations and emotional conflicts with others and even
178 Tarot for Beginners


The Two of Swords is

generally favorable,
indicating friend­
ship and union.


A generally favorable card, indicating friendship and
union. An alliance with a comrade in arms to achieve a
mutual goal; or, at the least, the recognition that there is
a mutual goal to be attained. Care must still be taken,
though, since Swords are not generally a good sign in
human relationships and affairs; the friendship here is a
qualified one. Consider this more an alliance based on
mutual benefit to the querent and some other (person or
group). At best, the alliance can be maintained only so
long as the two of you don't get in each other's way; at
the least, impartiality on the part of a possible oppo­
nent, or a possible stalemate which is being resolved by
a joining of forces. If the card is negative, beware
betrayal, either in this situation or in one to come.
Swords • 179

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Friendship, union, alliance.
Courage, harmony, even intimacy. Impartiality rather
than open antagonism from a potential opponent, or a
possible stalemate (for the opponent) which leaves you
able to move. Or, opposition which will not last or is not
significant enough to impede you.
Reversed (or Negative): Deceit, disloyalty, false­
hood, disorder. Imposture and duplicity on the part of a
seeming ally. Lies, treachery, dishonor.
180 Tarot for Beginners


The Three of
Swords indicates the
disintegration of


This is a card of severance, of separation. Alliances pre­
viously established will disintegrate due to quarrels,
opposing interests, conflicts between the parties. It was
not a stable alliance to begin with, being based on self­
ish interests for at least one if not both parties involved.
Now it's coming apart. Protect your interests in this
breakup, because that is what your former partner will
definitely be doing. You have to stay on top of things; it
will be a confusing and upsetting time, and things can
go very wrong as a result of this breakup if you don't
keep your head straight.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Separation, severance, removal,
divorce. Delays and ruptures in personal or business rela­
tionships. Dispersion of property and power. Quarrels.
Swords · 181

Infidelity. Sorrow. A possible "love triangle": i.e., some

other party (or some other event or interests) entering
into the picture may be the reason for the breakup. The
breakup will not be amicable; expect quarrels, anger,
even hatred.
Reversed (or Negative): Confusion, mental disor­
der. Errors made, distractions. It may be very difficult to
see clearly what to do; if so, your losses will be that
much greater. This is the breakup of a partnership: keep
your head clear or you could lose more than you should.
182 Tarot for Beginners

The Four of
Swords means
contemplation and
vigilance is needed,
or a period of


You are going to have to work out your problems, and
plan your future actions, alone from here. You need
solitude and quiet; don't avoid it. This is a card of con­
templation and vigilance; almost a hermit's retreat. It
also indicates a necessary period of recuperation from
the situation you just passed through. Take this time to
work things out on your own and plan more wisely.
Don't expect the highs you had up until now; as you've
seen, they proved themselves no good for you. If you
look for the same exaltation, you may find yourself in
the same unpleasant situation.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Solitude and quiet. Exile, retreat,
need to plan and think. Careful planning will bring sue-
Swords · 183

cess against your enemy. Convalescence. Caution and

precaution; economy and circumspection; all are neces­
sary now.
Reversed (or Negative): Greed. Bad dreams. Per­
haps a short illness or temporary financial problems.
Envy and petty jealousy-either on your own part or
that of others-may adversely affect your plans. Minor
misfortunes as a result.
184 Tarot for Beginners


The Five of Swords

foretells the defeat
ofyour plans, great
loss, ruin, or

This is a card of ruin and misfortune. It foretells the
defeat of your plans, an unhappy or tragic situation,
and/ or great loss. Surrounding cards (ie: other events
or people) may mitigate these losses; but you are head­
ing into some very bad times, and about all you can do
is try to get through them as best you can.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Sorrow, mourning, tragic situation.
Degradation, destruction, dishonor and loss in store for
the querent. Possible hidden dangers, as well as those
you can foresee. Discouragement and defeat.
Reversed (or Negative): The same. Your enemy
had been overcome for a time, but is now the winner.
Swords · 185

The Six of Swords
indicates a journey,
or visitor or

Here things begin to change, but whether for better or
worse is uncertain at this time. You may take a journey,
or receive a visitor or a message. Whatever happens,
you are slowly moving out of the bad situation in which
you recently found yourself. Note that some interpreta­
tions of this card also include "a proposal of love":
either in a romantic sense, or in the sense of someone
offering you their genuine allegiance. If the travel is
actually from one physical place to another (as opposed
to a change in your mental or emotional orientation),
most interpretations agree that it will probably be by
(or, considering modern possibilities, over) water.
186 Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A journey whose destination is
uncertain. A change of unknown effect. A message
received. Escape; reprieve. The change may possibly
render your enemy harmless. Sometimes this card
brings luck despite earlier failures.
Reversed (or Negative): A confession, a declara­
tion. Perhaps a proposal of love. In any case, a surprise.
Swords · 187


The Seven of
Swords means
hope and renewed

This is a card of hope and renewed confidence. The
worst seems to be over. If you base your confidence,
and your plans, on your understanding of and experi­
ence with the situation, you may yet succeed. Be careful
of overconfidence, and don't try to bluff. Your experi­
ences have taught you what you need to know and your
own strengths can carry you through. There's no need to
push beyond that. Don't talk too much about what you
need or plan to do; babbling will only aid your enemies.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Hope and confidence. New
attempts at overcoming previous failures which may
very well succeed at this time. Possibly good advice
(either your own or from some other source); instruc­
tion you can use to straighten things out.
188 Tarot for Beginners

Reversed (or Negative): Slander. A plan that may

fail; annoyances. Overconfidence leading to instability
in your affairs.
Swords · 189



The Eight of Swords

warns of unexpected

Another negative and dangerous card. In this case, you
are warned of general and perhaps unexpected calami­
ties, such as sickness or injury. You may also receive bad
news, or take losses. You still have enemies out there,
and they are still trying to defeat you. False friends may
become your enemies. The one advantage of this card is
that the problems are temporary in nature and may be
avoided altogether if you take the proper precautions.
This is a warning that things can go wrong; if you watch
your back, you may keep it only a warning and not a
fact. Check all your affairs carefully, and without delay.
190 Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Sickness, injury. Bad news; a crisis
in your affairs; conflict. Possible losses. The situation is
temporary, however, and may perhaps be one you can
prevent or avoid. Be on your guard.
Reversed (or Negative): Treachery and opposition,
usually unexpected, or from an unexpected direction.
Accident or fatality. Uncertainty.
Swords · 191

The Nine of Swords
foretells death,
failure, utter


The nine of swords is considered, in most interpreta­
tions, the worst card in the deck. It foretells death, fail­
ure, utter despair. Even among the best of cards, it can
mean illness, loss of money or property, unhappiness. It
means the presence of an unrelenting enemy, either an
actual person or in the form of just plain bad luck. Pro­
jects influenced by this card are inevitably bound to
bring you misfortune. The best you can hope for here is
for the inner strength to weather the storm. Note: if
you've done something you shouldn't (or are planning
to) this card means you will be caught and punished:
the unrelenting enemy may not necessarily be the evil
one here if it is the querent who is the wrongdoer.
192 Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Death, despair, utter failure.
Delays and deceptions. An implacable enemy. Evil fate.
Reversed (or Negative): Shame, fear, doubt, suspi­
cion. An unreliable person influencing your situation.
Swords • 193


The Ten of Swords

foretells of sorrow,
tears and affliction
either presently or
soon to come.


The series of events which began in triumph ends
in misery. The Ten of Swords foretells of sorrow, tears,
and affliction either present or soon to come. It is not
necessarily a card of death (as is the Nine), but it is one
of pain, failure, and desolation. At the best, this card
merely nullifies good luck; at the worst, it intensifies
the misfortunes predicted by other unfavorable cards.
Even friendships or other close relationships will be
temporary, or insufficient to help you overcome this
unhappy ending to your plans and schemes. Any gains
will be brief ones. What is worse, this disastrous end­
ing may undermine your confidence in yourself from
now on. You will have to work hard to prevent that
from happening to you.
194 Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Tears, pain and sorrow in store for
the querent. Affliction, misery and desolation. Ruin and
misfortune. Insecure relationships with friends. Expect
your plans to end in failure. All is lost.
Reversed (or Negative): A possible gain, but only a
brief and temporary one. Any profit or success will also
not be permanent.


The second strongest suit in the Minor Arcana, Cups is

the exact opposite of its sister suit, Swords. Called the
suit of love and happiness, Cups represents love in all
its forms, not just the romantic. In a reading, these cards
also signal the presence of genuine caring and concern
for others, of kindness and healing (both emotional and
physical), of friendship and strong attraction.
The symbol of the Cup originally represented the
clergy in medieval society-the cup or chalice being
that which held the sacramental wine. Since most reli­
gions use a cup or chalice in their rites, "clergy" can
refer to any faith in modern reference. Just as Swords
pictures the worst aspects of the warrior class, Cups
describes the best aspects of the religious class. The alle­
gory here is of selfless devotion, and even, in some situ­
ations, of divine protection.
In medieval times, positions of power within the
church were reserved for the nobility, and the rulers of

196 · Tarot for Beginners

the church could be just as selfish and dangerous as the

secular class from which they came. They are not the
people represented by this suit, however. The reference
is to the local, or parish priest, who usually came from
the lower classes himself. The local priest had a per­
sonal understanding of the lives of the people he minis­
tered to; he could, and often did, act as intercessor not
only between his parishioners and God, but also
between the powerless and the barons. He still had to
submit to the authority of the higher-ups, both in the
church and among the nobility-which is why this is
the second strongest suit, not the first-but he did help
those in his care when he could. The church also, for all
its faults, functioned as a charitable institution, and
often served as a sanctuary for members of all classes
when they had no place else to turn.
In modern terms, Cups represents any individual
or class of people who act out of love for others. As a
class, Cups represents philanthropists, charitable orga­
nizations, humanitarian groups, and similar institutions,
with the proviso that the reason for their activities is that
they genuinely hope to benefit others, not because they
have something to gain for themselves. On a personal
level, Cups cards describe close family members, true
friends, or lovers-anyone who sincerely cares about the
querent. In general, the Cups suit reveals unselfish
devotion toward an individual, or toward an ideal.
If a Cups card represents a person, it describes
someone who is generous and affectionate by nature.
This is someone upon whom you can depend in a crisis,
certainly to offer emotional support and, if it is within
their power to give it, other kinds of assistance as well.
This does not mean that you're dealing with a pushover,
Cups • 197

however; it is possible for a nice person to get angry too,

given cause. Their anger, however, will most often be in
defense of someone or something they care about,
and/ or against some actual or threatened danger to
what they love. Note also, however, that just because
someone genuinely cares about you doesn't necessarily
mean their advice will be good for you. Surrounding
cards will reveal whether or not the love is wise as well
as true.
Situations or events described by Cups are gener­
ally fortunate, and the suit represents good things in
your life: love, happiness, good health, true friends,
affectionate and pleasant surroundings or circum­
stances. In a reading, these cards indicate either happi­
ness for the querent or, at the least, mitigation of
unhappy circumstances.
When a Cups card represents the querent, then he
or she is basically a nice person and probably an affec­
tionate one as well (again, certainly in this situation and
possibly in general). This suit also indicates that the quer­
ent is capable of strong positive feelings toward the peo­
ple or situations with which he or she is currently
involved. Again, surrounding cards will reveal if the
querent is wise or misguided in his or .her affections in
this situation.
The curious aspect of this suit is how much it is
affected by the querent's own attitude. While Cups
refers to all aspects of your emotional life, most people
getting readings do want to know about their chances
for love and romance. Yet many of the interpretations of
these cards indicate that people are wary about going
for it. You'll find that Cups interpretations repeat over
198 · Tarot for Beginners

and again that the querent could be happy if only he or

she would recognize and accept it.
In general, these cards are positive in all readings.
At their best, they indicate strong alliances and people
or circumstances surrounding the querent which will
deliberately work in his or her favor. They may also
mitigate the evils shown in ill-omened cards. At their
worst, the love may be misguided, or the help offered
not sufficient to overcome a really bad situation, but
there is no ill-will shown by these cards, however, and
they can often make some very bad situations much
easier to endure.

Description of the Suit Symbol

In most decks, Cups are depicted as large and often
elaborate chalices, richly decorated, and usually gold.
These are standing chalices, with wide mouths, rising
from a stem which can be easily encircled by the hand,
and standing on a stable base. They give the impression
of both richness and beauty; the symbolism suggests
that it is with love that true wealth lies.
Note also that there is rarely any difficulty in
determining upright from reverse in this suit, as the
chalices are usually shown positioned in the same
direction on all cards. Some suits also include depic­
tions of water (this suit's corresponding element), either
actually or symbolically, at least in the court cards and
sometimes in the pip cards as well.

The Royal Court

The suit of Cups allegorizes true love, romantic or
familial, and often selfless devotion.
Cups 199


The King of Cups

represents a just
and good man, or
a situation
involving justice,
intelligence, or

Most decks show a mature man, seated on a throne.
Sometimes the throne is shown at the shore, or actually
floating on water. He may or may not be crowned;
most decks show some kind of elaborate headgear
with or without a crown. Usually this King is not
shown wearing armor; if he is, it's generally only a
token amount, such as just the breastplate. In most
decks he is wearing royal robes.
He holds the cup or chalice in his right hand, held
by the stem. In some decks he is holding it up as though
200 · Tarot for Beginners

displaying it to the viewer; in others it is resting on his

knee. In many decks, he also holds a scepter in his left
hand; whether or not he does, his left arm is resting on
the arm of the throne. His attitude is relaxed and casual;
he appears at ease with himself. The King's expression
is generally mild; in all respects the aspect of this figure
is at the least nonthreatening if not actually friendly.

The King of Cups should bring to mind a paternal man,
one who is just, and kindly disposed toward the quer­
ent. If he is not your father, he does fill the role of a fair
and loving father, or has done so in the past. He is
someone for whom you feel a genuine affection, and
who displays that affection toward you. This is a man
who can be trusted absolutely; he favors the querent,
and tends to be kind and generous in his relationships
in general. Most interpretations also describe the King
of Cups as a cultivated and cultured man as well; inter­
ested in art and science, and possessing a creative intel­
ligence. If this card does not represent an actual person,
then circumstances themselves are highly favorable for
whatever endeavor you have in mind.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A just and honest man, who is or
has been kindly disposed toward the querent. Respon­
sible and mature, he displays paternal feelings toward
the querent. He is intelligent and probably cultured and
well-educated as well; and as a result has skills and con-
Cups • 201

nections which you need at this time. His appearance in

the reading indicates that he is willing to help you in
some way; or will be willing if asked for help. If the
card does not represent a person, then the situation
involves justice, honor, learning and understanding,
intelligence and intelligent action; in short, authority
fairly used.
Reversed (or Negative): A deceitful man; one who
cannot be trusted. A dishonest, double-dealing man
who will trick you, or cause losses in personal relation­
ships or career. Injustice, vice, scandal in the offing.
Note that negative readings on the court cards are
still positive in their own way. They indicate that this is
someone that you do or will love or trust, but you are
being warned not to, for your own good.
202 • Tarot for Beginners


The Queen of Cups

represents a mother
figure, intelligent
and cultured, or an
environment in
which you do, or
feel secure.

Most decks show a mature woman, sometimes stand­
ing, most often seated on a throne. She is richly dressed,
often robed, and almost always wearing a crown. The
Queen holds the cup in her right hand; if she is stand­
ing, she is holding it out toward the viewer as though
offering it. If seated, the cup may be resting on one
knee, or held in both hands. Some decks show the
Queen's cup with a rounded cover. If the Queen is hold­
ing the cup in only one hand, then her other hand holds
a scepter, or some other sign of rank. In almost all
decks, she is looking at the cup, as if contemplating it,
or seeing visions in it. As with the King, her expression
is mild; she is often depicted as smiling, perhaps
friendly, even affectionate.
Cups · 203

The Queen of Cups should evoke the image of a kind
and generous woman who has a maternal interest in the
querent. If she is not your own mother, she is someone
who is prepared to assist, advise, and mother you. She
is a woman for whom you feel affection and even love,
and with whom you feel accepted, protected, and emo­
tionally secure. The Queen of Cups is a loving wife,
good mother, and devoted friend. As a person, she is
intelligent and cultured; she is someone who knows
how to love wisely, and who can (and will if asked)
wisely advise the querent in affairs of the heart. Her
characteristics are a loving intelligence, wisdom, and
personal virtue. She may also be something of a vision­
ary; but her visions are tempered by mature judgement
and tend to be accurate.
If the querent is a man, this card represents a true
and trustful wife, or his current or potential true love. If
the querent is a woman, the Queen may be either a con­
fidant or a rival in love (the surrounding cards will tell
which); but even if she is a rival, she is a kind one, and
will play fair.
If this card does not represent a person, then the sit­
uation is one in which the querent feels, or should feel,
emotionally secure, safe, and even protected. This card
describes a situation in which there are no hidden traps
or unsuspected enmities; you are among people you can
trust, and in a situation in which you can feel at home.
204 · Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive) : A maternal female, who evokes
feelings of affection or love. An honest, devoted female
friend or relative who will perform a service for the
querent. A good mother; a perfect spouse. If not a per­
son, then a situation in which you feel emotionally
secure. Success, happiness, pleasure. Wise choices,
especially in personal relationships.
Reversed (or Negative): An untrustworthy or per­
verse woman. Vice, dishonor, depravity, meddling.
Cups 205


The Knight of Cups

most often
represents a lover, or
the messenger of
true love.


Most decks show a young man riding a horse. The
horse is in parade dress and position. The young man
may or may not be wearing armor; either way, he is
well-dressed. Sometimes he also has a hunting horn
hanging by a shoulder strap; if not, he may have a
winged cap. Either way, the symbolism is of a messen­
ger of some kind. He carries the cup in his right hand,
holding it out to one side, or out in front of him over the
horse's head, and looking at or even into it. The Knight
is generally shown in a country setting.
206 · Tarot for Beginners

A young man with the same qualities as his symbolic
parents. If the card represents a person, this is someone
with a fraternal interest in the querent. He is honest,
intelligent, willing to help you in any way he can; a true
and dependable friend, or even a lover. If the reading
indicates he is a lover, he is someone you can safely
allow yourself to love; even if the relationship should
break up at some future point, this is someone who
would make every attempt not to hurt you. If he is not
a lover, then he is someone who can advise you on the
true nature of the person you are interested in. Like the
Queen, he may also be something of a dreamer; in this
case he is not a visionary, but someone with imagina­
tion, and that allows him to understand other people's
feelings as well as his own.
If this is not a person, then expect a message or an
invitation; either will be positive and the situation one
you can trust. The Knight of Cups is also interpreted for
either sex as being the messenger of true love.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Honest and intelligent young
man who is friendly toward the querent. A brother,
friend, or lover. Good advice, a message, a visit, or an
invitation. True love; reciprocated love.
Reversed (or Negative): A treacherous, deceitful
young man. Trickery, swindling, fraud, lies. Trust
betrayed. Heartbreak; emotional harm to the querent.
Cups 207



The Page of Cups is

a person who will
render a n important
service for you, or
represents a
message or an


Pf\GE o'J C U P.S .

A young man, well-dressed, stands in a relaxed posi­
tion, holding the cup in one hand. Some decks show
him holding the cup out as though presenting it to
someone. Other decks show him obviously in posses­
sion of the cup, holding it up to admire it. He is often
shown smiling, and almost always shown looking at
the cup.

A young man or woman, possibly your son or daughter
(or someone who responds to you in that way) or
brother or sister (usually a younger sibling). A sensitive
young person with generally the same qualities as his or
208 • Tarot for Beginners

her elders, but with not as much "pull." The appearance

of this card in the reading indicates that there is some­
one with whom you are at this time connected, and who
will render an important service for you. If not a person,
read this as a message, an arrival, possibly a birth.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A sensitive young man or
woman, one who is closely connected to you, such as a
son or daughter, a brother, sister or cousin, a long-time
friend, old schoolmate, or childhood sweetheart. He or
she will perform a needed service for you. A studious,
intelligent young person. News, a message, arrival of
someone or something. A birth, either of a child or of an
idea or enterprise. A promising start.
Reversed (or Negative): Deceit, seduction, false
flattery, deception.

The Pip Cards

The following ten cards are the number cards, or Pip Cards
Cups 209

The Ace of Cups
symbolizes fertility,
consummation of a
worthy union.


Most decks show a single large cup. Like the Queen's
cup, it usually has a rounded and often decorated cover.
Some decks simply show the cup; others show a hand
holding the cup, either grasping it by the stem or sim­
ply displaying it resting on the palm. If there is a hand
shown holding the cup, it is usually issuing from a
cloud. If there is any other symbolism in the back­
ground of the illustration, it will have to do with water,
such as a sea beneath the cup and/ or fountains arching
water from the cup.

The Ace of Cups symbolizes fertility, celebrations, and
merrymaking, and consummation of a worthy union.
The beginning here is of a marriage or other partner­
ship which will be happy in its inception and of benefit
210 · Tarot for Beginners

to both parties. The appearance of the Ace in the read­

ing also foretells the possibility of such a union; it pre­
dicts the beginning of a true and lasting love.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Fertility. Abundance in all things,
especially in love. The beginning of love; or consumma­
tion of a union both appropriate and beneficial to all
concerned. True love, joy, contentment. Merriment and
Reversed (or Negative): Instability. A false heart;
disappointments in relationships. A change in relation­
ships, most likely due to these things. Can mean infi­
delity and deceit.
Cups 211


The Two of Cups

symbolizes a
partnership, a
marriage, a union,
all based in


One added to One: the Two of Cups symbolizes a part­
nership, a marriage, a union. Whatever the relationship
described, whether a new one upcoming or an old one
strengthened, it will be based on harmony.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Love, friendship, affinity, affec­
tion. Union, partnership. Mutual sympathy, concord,
harmony. Most often refers to a union of the sexes; can
in some readings refer to other unions or partnerships
which you are considering joining or in which you are
already involved.
212 Tarot for Beginners

Reversed (or Negative): The same positive things.

Negative cards surrounding it can delay this influence,
or put obstacles in the path of the people involved. But
in the end, even negative influences cannot change it.
This is a union that is meant to be, and good for both
you and any other(s) involved.
Cups • 213

Ill de

The Three of Cups is
a card of success
and victory in
business or


This is a card of success and fulfillment. Some affair or
enterprise in which you have been involved has been or
will soon be concluded in plenty and merriment, to the
complete satisfaction of all concerned. If a romantic
relationship began earlier on, it is at this point that you
are told both have fallen in love.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Success, perfection, plenty, merri­
ment. Happy issue, fulfillment. Victory; achievement of
great things.
214 · Tarot for Beginners

Reversed (or Negative): Also success and achieve­

ment, but in purely physical terms. Excess; gratification
of sensual pleasures. Achievement in small things.
Cups 215

The Four of Cups
represents a friendly
warning; your own
negative outlook is
keeping you from
attaining or
everything you need
or could hope for.


This card represents a friendly warning. You are told
that everything you need, every good thing you could
possibly hope for, is available to you, but your own dis­
satisfaction or negative outlook is keeping you from
recognizing, appreciating, or taking advantage of it.
You are so intent on your displeasure that you are miss­
ing fulfillment. One interpretation calls this the "bache­
lor I old maid" card, and states that the reason for the
long-delayed marriage is because of the querent's
"fussy disposition." In effect, the warning is the same.
The reason you are discontent is because you choose to
be, not because your life is truly unfulfilling.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Displeasure, dissatisfaction. Weari­
ness with life. Imaginary vexations, disgust. All leading
216 Tarot for Beginners

to your own unwillingness to accept good things being

offered. Discontent and unwarranted suspicions.
Reversed (or Negative): New relationships, new
acquaintances, new instruction, novelty. An unforeseen
Cups • 217

The Five of Cups
tells you you are see­
ing only the losses
and not the gains;
it's up to you to see
the positive.

Here again, it is your attitude which affects your out­
look on the situation. Five is a card of losses and gains,
but the probability is that you are seeing only the losses
and not the gains. You have the opportunity for happi­
ness, if you will see the positive side of what you have.
Five also predicts a union, possibly a marriage, and
warns that whether or not it's happy will be up to you.
Following from the Four, the Five suggests that the rea­
son you're unhappy is because you deliberately (even if
unconsciously) took the down side to prove that your
discontent or disillusionment was correct. You took the
lesser of two choices, or threw away positive gains; in
effect, you cut off your nose to spite your face. You
could have been happy and fulfilled. You still can be.
It's entirely up to you. This is also a card of indecision;
an inability to make up your mind on important issues.
Sometimes the Five portends a change in surroundings,
218 • Tarot for Beginners

due to your desire to escape these issues; in effect,

instead of dealing with the situation, you run away.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): An upcoming union; a possible
marriage or partnership. There have been losses, but
also gains. The losses are only partial, and the sadness
only momentary. Also, inheritance, but not as much as
the querent wanted or expected. A change of plans, a
change in surroundings or personal situation.
Reversed (or Negative): Bitterness, frustration, an
unhappy marriage; all due to poor choices or unrealis­
tic expectations. Surprises, false promises, false projects.

Cups • 219


The Six of Cups is a

card of memories
and looking back at
when you were
happy; it shows that
you can relearn


Your earlier discontent with current situations leads
naturally to this card. Six describes thoughts of past
loves and past happinesses. It is a card of memories and
looking back, of remembering times when you were
happy, in the way a child is happy. Again, how these
memories will affect you depends on you. Don't brood
over what you've "lost"; if you use these memories to
relearn how to be happy, to regain your innocence,
and-most important-to remind you that you have
been happy, you can be happy again. In a particularly
fortunate reading, the appearance of this card can indi­
cate that someone or some event will force you to rec­
ognize the good in your life.
220 · Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Memories, looking back (espe­
cially on childhood); thoughts of past loves. Happiness
coming from the past, from thoughts of things that have
vanished. A promise for the future; of renewal, happi­
ness and love to come.
Reversed (or Negative): New friends, new knowl­
edge, new environment. Changes in attitudes and rela­
tionships. Things to come soon; something important
soon to happen.
Cups · 221

The Seven of Cups
imagination and
visions, either
fantastic or


This is a card of imagination and visions. Some of the
visions may be on the side of the fantastic: fairy dreams,
castles in the air. Others may be reflective; others close
to, but never quite attaining the status of actual plans.
Basically you're simply daydreaming, not about any­
thing definite, but simply letting your imagination take
its own course. Most interpretations suggest that this is
a necessary process, especially at this time: clearing your
mind of old ideas or misconceptions and examining dif­
ferent possibilities and potentials, however remote. It
can lead to the creation of new and happier goals.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Abundance of fresh but indefinite
ideas or images in the mind of the querent, but nothing
271 Tarot for Beginners

permanent or substantial. Daydreaming; castles in the

air. Unfocused meditation. Contemplation; imagination.
Reversed (or Negative): Determination, resolution,
strong desires and plans, planning and projects.
Cups 223


The Eight of Cups

tells you you will get
what you've hoped
for, but you may
be being

The meanings here are contradictory. The Eight of Cups
refers to a situation, event, or enterprise in which you
have been involved or which you are planning. It sug­
gests that things will turn out well; in fact, you're being
told you will receive what you've hoped for. But it also
indicates that you're displaying too much caution, and
that doing so will lose for you what you hope to gain. In
this case, it's not that you can't see the good things you
have, but because you're too shy, too unsure of yourself
or your personal worth, or too timid to make your
move. And if you don't make your move, you may lose
what you've worked and hoped for for so long.
There is also an interpretation, which has worked
in practical readings, which adds that the matter at
hand is not as important as it appears, for good or bad,
224 • Tarot for Beginners

and that taking action on it will reveal its actual value

and make it decline in importance so that you can get
on with other things. Again, make your move and
you'll find that the situation is not as intimidating as it
seems from a distance. Either way, success is waiting;
whether or not you get what you want is up to you.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Fulfillment of a wish, but also
mildness, timidity, modesty. The querent is advised that
honor might be best served by seizing the day, rather
than backing away from it. A matter which looms as a
large problem in the querent's mind is revealed as hav­
ing much lesser consequence, for good or bad, once
finally acted upon. Disappointment if the querent does
not act on the matter.
Reversed (or Negative): Great happiness and joy.
Feasting, pleasure. Most often refers to an event the
querent knows about and has either anticipated or
planned; surrounding cards will reveal whether other
events or people will make this event as pleasurable as
hoped, or will detract from it.
Cups 225



The Nine of Cups

says everything you
hoped for will soon
come to be, triumph,
complete success.

There is no negative reading in this card at all. It is a
card of triumph, of complete success, almost of satiety.
Everything you hoped and planned for has or will very
soon come to be, and it is or will be as good if not better
than you dreamed it would. This is sometimes called
"the wish card": it promises fulfillment, harmony and
success in the projects described by other cards in the
reading. If there are unfavorable cards in the reading,
they may retard this ultimate success, but the obstacles
will be a only temporary annoyance. You have done
everything right up to now, and people and/ or events
are also conspiring in your favor. This is your hour.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Triumph, victory. Contentment
and even satiation for the querent. Success, advantage,
226 · Tarot for Beginners

complete satisfaction in events and/ or in the comple­

tion and outcome of your plans. Usually refers to mate­
rial success and freedom from want, but can refer to
other types of situations as well. General well-being as
the result. Difficulties surmounted and overcome.
Reversed (or Negative): Interpretations vary for
this reading. Some indicate truth, liberty, and loyalty.
Others indicate disappointments due to imperfections
and mistakes; some interpretations include both. In
effect, all things are going well but you can still muck it
up if you really try hard enough.
Cups 717

X de Agua

The Ten of Cups

X describes real love:
domestic bliss,
satisfaction in your

)( \f ))

This card describes what real love is all about and what
it should lead to: contentment, domestic bliss, satisfac­
tion in your accomplishments and relationships. You
are surrounded by those you love and those who love
you, and the things that matter to you matter also to
them, and vice versa. The Ten of Cups creates a picture
of peace and harmony created by people sharing their
lives and caring for each other. Picture cards in the read­
ing may identify the other people who are involved in
this state of bliss, or reveal a person who is watching
out for your interests. The Ten is not only a favorable
card but an influential one: it strengthens good cards in
the reading and negates negative ones.
228 Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): The perfection of human love and
friendship; true companionship and fulfillment in rela­
tionships. Love of home and satisfaction in your own
accomplishments. Also success, but in this case not nec­
essarily material; a happy family life, honors, esteem.
Reversed (or Negative): Sorrow, strife, disputes.
Indignation and violence, possibly emotional. A false


The third suit of the Minor Arcana, Coins symbolizes

material wealth, enterprise, business and commerce,
and worldly prestige.
Coins originally represented the merchant class in
medieval society. The merchants engaged in manufactur­
ing, dealing in commodities, and trade, both local and
foreign. In these activities, they were also an influence for
change, and their way of doing business not only
impacted on their own society, but still affects the way
people think and act in our own times. It was the mer­
chants, for example, who established and promoted the
concept of international trade. It was the merchants who
evolved our money-based economy. Prior to their influ­
ence, people traded in kind for goods or services, but
merchants dealt in coin and cash; it was a more
convenient and efficient way of doing business. They
were also responsible for the establishment of banks and
bookkeeping systems, as well as commercial law.

230 · Tarot for Beginners

Merchants were originally a kind of middle class

in the medieval social order; they were not bound to the
land, as were serfs, but they were not of royal blood nor
under the protection of the church. Over time, however,
the merchants created their own social status. They
banded together into guilds, which were initially orga­
nized for self-protection and mutual benefit, but which
eventually gave them tremendous power and influence.
Because of the guilds, the merchants had a monopoly
on trade, and that, plus their wealth, gave them a con­
siderable voice in government affairs.
In our modern definition, then, Coins would rep­
resent big business, big banking, national and interna­
tional commerce. These are the powerful commercial
interests whose influence on world affairs can some­
times outweigh that of authorized governments. On a
personal level, Coins depicts very wealthy and influen­
tial people; in general, those who not only have money,
but who understand its power and influence and are
prepared to use it.
If a card from this suit represents a person, he or
she will be an entrepreneur; highly successful in busi­
ness or finance; and/ or someone canny in the ways of
money and commerce. Coins ususally represents some­
one who is personally wealthy, but in any case will sig­
nal the presence of an individual who controls large
amounts of money (as a banker, a broker, a financier). In
a reading, this may be someone who can or will provide
money for the querent. A Coins person is also likely to
be someone the querent admires and respects, primar­
ily because of his or her social status and wealth.
Circumstances represented by Coins are those
involving material wealth, money, or money matters.
Coins • 231

Coins is a suit of wealth, of social status (especially that

derived from wealth or property), possession of mater­
ial things, and prosperity in general. The suit also carries
with it the suggestion or possibility of inherited wealth
or status. The fact that these cards appear in a reading
means that these advantages and influences exist to
some extent in the querent's environment. At best, it
indicates a very good possibility that some of that real
wealth is going to wind up in the querent's possession;
at the least, Coins in a reading predicts relief from debt,
or from other problems caused by lack of money. In
some readings these cards can also indicate that your
current problems can be solved by an infusion of hard
cash; whether that's good or bad depends on whether or
not you can in fact get your hands on some money.
If this suit represents the querent, then he or she is
either very rich or destined to be; or, as above, is some­
one who controls large sums of money in some way
(which doesn't necessarily mean he or she is wealthy.
Bank tellers handle large sums of money too). If the
querent is not in such a position at this time, they are at
least money-smart. This is someone who understands
how to use money, how to make money, and how to
employ its power.
Coins is a very worldly suit, little concerned with
matters of the heart or spirit. It represents commercial
or financial wisdom and usually temporal influence as
well. It also indicates that business and finance, or at
least, the things of this world, are a priority for the peo­
ple or in the circumstances described by the reading.
232 • Tarot for Beginners

Description of the Suit Symbol

Most decks show a golden disc, with a petal-style
design repeated in concentric circles within. Some show
actual pentacles: an upright pentagram in the center of
a circle or disc. A number of decks which do not show a
pentacle do have a five-sided design somewhere within
the Coin, either in the center circle or in the design as a
whole, hence the name Pentacles. The symbolism here
is not only that of actual cash, in the form of gold coins,
but of a degree of magickal power and protection as
well. Remember also the interpretation of the number
Five: adventure, excitement, the influence of worldly
matters, and change.

The Royal Court

The suit of Coins allegorizes real wealth, worldly
affairs, and often political or other forms of worldly
influence and power.
Coins • 233


The King of Coins

represents power
and influence, a
man interested in
sponsoring the arts
and sciences, albeit
profit oriented.


The King of Coins may or may not be crowned; if not,
he is generally represented as a well-dressed, prosper­
ous merchant. He may also be wearing some kind of
jewelry (such as a gold-chain necklace) almost as a
badge of office. He is seated on a throne or handsome
chair; in many decks, his chair is decorated with some
kind of real or mythical animal figure, such as a lion, a
griffin, a bull, or an eagle (again, symbols of royalty,
and temporal or magical power).
His attitude is at the same time proud, yet casual.
This is someone comfortable with his position of power
and who takes it as his due. He usually holds the coin
upright in his right hand, as if showing it off to the
viewer; in some decks, he also holds a scepter in his left
234 · Tarot for Beginners

hand. Many decks, even those which show this figure

crowned and even armored, also show some kind of
pouch at his side, representing a money bag.

The King of Coins should call to mind a mature man,
both wealthy and courageous. Like the King of Swords,
he represents power, but in a more positive sense. He is
firmly established in his own right, and can-and
does--control the reins of government. He is also per­
sonally gifted, and/ or interested in those who are. He
will use his influence to sponsor the arts and sciences,
with, no doubt, profit as his goal in many cases, but also
for their own sake. This is someone who is personally
well-enough established that he can be a patron of the
arts; in that, he also represents the kind of society which
is stable enough that art and science can flourish. If this
card represents a person, he is the personification of the
"enlightened monarch," both wise and powerful. He
will be a man whom the querent admires for both his
successes and his personal refinement. If the card repre­
sents a situation, then it predicts financial security and
the kind of stable situation in which culture can flourish.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A wealthy, powerful, and cul­
tured man, who can provide wise counsel, help, and
inspiration. A man of refinement, knowledgeable about
money and finance, and a true patron of the arts and
sciences. He may be either well-disposed towa_rd the
querent, or indifferent; but he is in either case highly
Coins · 235

unlikely to be antagonistic. The other cards in the read­

ing will reveal his current attitude, and may also reveal
what you must do to acquire this man's patronage if
you need it. If this is not an actual person, the card is a
symbol of enterprise and worldly glory, representing
intelligence and business acumen. It may also represent
personal gifts or talents, especially mathematical, and
success in the areas of finance or social status. One
interpretation also adds success through gambling, or
through inheritance.
Reversed (or Negative): A dangerous man, and
one the querent will do well to avoid. In business, he
can be an absolutely ruthless competitor. If not a per­
son, the card signifies doubt, weakness, fear, despair.
Danger to the querent. Vice and perversity; corruption
and evil intentions; conceit.
236 · Tarot for Beginners


The Queen of Coins

represents a regal
and respected
woman, or security,
wisdom, prudence
and wealth.

Usually depicted as a mature woman, well-dressed; she
may or may not be crowned. Many decks show the
Queen standing, supporting her weight on one leg or
leaning against a decorative chair or throne. As with the
King, she holds the coin aloft in her right hand, display­
ing it to the viewer; she is generally shown looking at
the coin and totally occupied with it. If seated, she
holds the coin in both hands, and is also contemplating
it, as if seeing images within it. She sometimes holds a
scepter in her left hand.
The Queen is often shown smiling; she is confident
in her role and presents a kindly or pleasant attitude,
but note that in most decks, the queen is paying
absolute attention to the money.
Coins • 237

A regal and respected woman, known for her generous
nature but never someone you can fool or take advan­
tage of. She has respect for money, but is not ruled by it;
a wise and prudent manager who provides an example
to others of how best to use and distribute real wealth
and be comfortable with it. Like the King, she is intelli­
gent, and she has a greatness of soul which commands
respect and admiration among both her peers and those
she rules. If this card does not represent an actual per­
son, then it describes a situation of well-ordered com­
fort, which comes not merely from having financial
security, but in knowing how to use money wisely. The
card also represents hope in the form of the ability­
and knowledge that you have the ability-to overcome
obstacles with prudence and wisdom.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A kind and generous woman, an
excellent and careful manager, with both intelligence
and intuitive knowledge. Like the King, she may either
favor the querent, or she may be indifferent. She is
attractive and very persuasive; she knows how to get
her own way, not through "feminine wiles" but simply
because she knows what she's doing. If not a person,
the card represents security, wisdom and prudence,
wealth, and even opulence.
Reversed (or Negative): A suspicious woman, dis­
trusting all around her, and mistrusted in return. An
interfering woman, one who needs to control situations
at any cost. If not a person, the card represents a situa-
238 • Tarot for Beginners

tion of suspicion, fear, even evil. A suspenseful situa­

tion, one in which the querent cannot be certain who to
trust, or if anyone can be trusted.
Coins · 239

The Knight
ofCoins represents
a young man of
great potential, or


Most decks show a young man on horseback; he is usu­
ally, but not always, wearing armor. In decks where the
King and Queen are .dressed as merchants rather than
royalty, so is the Knight. In many decks he is not hold­
ing the coin; it is suspended in the air either in front of
or behind him. Either way, he is looking directly at it,
even if he has to turn in his saddle to see it. If the coin is
in his hand, he is holding it up as if to exhibit it, but is
not seriously contemplating it. The horse may be shown
walking, or at parade rest; in any case, it is not charging.
This is not a young man doing battle for his family or
ideals; the imagery here is of travel or departure.
240 • Tarot for Beginners

The Knight of Coins exhibits the same qualities as his
parents, but also includes elements of moving, either
arrival, or departure, or travel. This is a less mature
image than the King and Queen; he has their potential,
but lacks their experience. He may still be a nice person,
but not as dependable, and sometimes a disappoint­
ment to himself and others close to him. He may be
impatient at times, and less willing to assume his
responsibilities. Whether this is a permanent trait, or
one he will eventually outgrow, depends on other cards
in the readings. If this card does not represent a person,
then you are being told that you could be more than
you are if you'd simply settle down and work at it.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A young man with an adventur­
ous spirit. Possesses great potential, but does not fulfill
it, at least not yet. A materially minded person, one less
likely to look beyond the surface; an adventurer, a gam­
bler. Given a task to perform, he has courage and can be
responsible, but is not yet able to set his own goals and
follow them. If not a person: a departure or arrival; pos­
sible discord or quarrels, usually concerning unfulfilled
Reversed (or Negative): An idle young man, or one
who is negligent or irresponsible. Carelessness, discour­
agement, stagnation, apathy. If not a person, may indi­
cate being unemployed or discouraged. This card may
also show a lack of focus on the part of the querent; the
inability to choose goals or work toward them wisely.
Coins · 241


The Page of Coins is

a scholary young
man or woman,
artistic and refined,
or it can mean good
news and

Most decks show a young man standing in a field or
other country setting. He is well-dressed and to all
appearances very pleased with himself. His position
varies. In some cases he holds the coin up in one hand
as if showing it off, and he is admiring it. His left hand
is either gesturing at the ground or hooked in his belt;
the stance is almost that of the Magician. In other decks,
he holds the coin up in both hands, or balancing it on
the tips of his fingers. In either case, he is obviously
pleased with himself and engaged in admiring his pos­
session of the coin.
242 · Tarot for Beginners

A young man or woman, or perhaps a child, again with
the potential for the same qualities as his or her sym­
bolic parents. This is a young person of obvious refine­
ment; like his parents appreciative of the arts, but more
sensitive, both in the sense of awareness of others'
needs and in his or her own vulnerability to hurt. The
rapt interest in the coin is generally intended to sym­
bolize the scholar; someone so intent on what he is
learning-and on his ability to learn it-that he is less
aware of reality and somewhat impractical. If this card
does not represent a person it indicates that you are
about to receive some kind of news or message. If the
card represents the querent, it indicates ambition and a
need to succeed, especially on a worldly level.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Scholarly, reflective young man or
woman; a dreamer. Intelligent, versed in and apprecia,.
tive of the arts, refined, and sensitive. Good news,
and/ or the bearer of good tidings; enjoyment, worldly
pleasure or satisfaction, luxury.
Reversed (or Negative): A banal or coarse person;
selfish and self-involved. A prodigal; liberality, dissipa­
tion. A bearer of bad news; disappointment, pain or dis­
tress for the querent; waste of material or potential.

The Pip Cards

The following ten cards are the number cards, or Pip Cards
Coins • 243


The Ace of Coins is

the card of
attainment� new
enterprises are
destined for success.


Most decks simply show a single large coin in the cen­
ter of the card, usually with some kind of decorative
design growing out of the top and bottom. In some
decks, the illustration repeats the theme of a divine rev­
elation: a huge hand coming out of a cloud, holding the
coin balanced in the palm.

The Ace is the card of attainment. The new enterprise
which you are now beginning, or will soon begin, is
de�tined for success; the success will most probably be
measured in material gain of one kind or another (such
as money, status, fame, or some combination of these).
244 · Tarot for Beginners

The card predicts success for your new venture no mat­

ter what the surrounding cards suggest, but with this
proviso: if surrounding cards are negative, your success
will bring with it unhappiness and jealousy; the evil
aspects of wealth and attainment. Either way, however,
it predicts prosperity and material gain.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): The beginning of a new enterprise
whose success is assured. Contentment, attainment,
wealth, great happiness, triumph.
Reversed (or Negative): The same attainment and
prosperity, but with pain, or at the least without peace
of mind.
Coins 245


The Two of Coins
signifies good fortune,
gaiety and fun, or
perhaps good news, a
warning to juggle
financal affairs.


The Two signifies good fortune; also gaiety, and fun. It
also suggests that the querent can expect news of some
kind; most probably a message in writing. In a negative
reading it warns of a necessity to juggle financial affairs,
play off one advantage or situation against another
(such as robbing Peter to pay Paul), with a degree of
uncertainty as to how things will ultimately work out.
Even in a favorable reading, however, this card sug­
gests some difficulties in store for the querent.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Good fortune. Gaiety and fun.
News, messages (most likely written) received or
246 Tarot for Beginners

forthcoming. Obstacles and difficulties; of what nature

and how serious will be shown by other cards in the
reading. Possible embarrassment. Problems in estab­
lishing financial security or wealth.
Reversed (or Negative): A distasteful experience.
Forced gaiety, pretense of enjoyment. Exchange of let­
ters. Juggling of finances and affairs. Doubt, worry,
Coins • 247

Ill de Tierra

-:5 - The Three of Coins

IU ;r

w describes profi-
0 �
ciency in a craft,
- 0> profession or trade,
and that the skill
could prove


� � rtf � 'IS h

Again, this is a card of success, but with a different appli­
cation. The Three of Coins describes proficiency in a
craft, profession, or trade, and predicts the rewards
which can be earned from that proficiency. If this card
describes the querent, then he or she has prepared (or is
preparing, depending on the position in the reading)
themselves to earn a good living, and the presence of this
card in the reading indicates that the choice of profession
will result in success. If the card describes a situation or
future event, you're being told that acquiring a saleable
skill will result in ultimate success. It also suggests that
the querent has the potential to learn such a skill, which
is no small piece of good news in many cases!
248 • Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Enterprise, commerce. Skilled
labor or the acquiring of skills; ability, craftsmanship.
Success in trade or business. Personal nobility; rise in
prestige; renown and glory.
Reversed (or Negative): Mediocrity, in both work
and other areas; pettiness; weakness.

Coins · 249


The Four of Coins

is a card of
possessions, feeling
there is a need to
protect these


Four is a card of possessions and of holding on to what
you have. The possessions are yours by right; you
earned or inherited them. (And note here that "inher­
ited" possessions also include skills or talents). The card
also suggests the feeling, on the part of the querent, that
there is a need to guard or protect these possessions.
Other cards in the reading will indicate whether or not
that feeling is justified. The card also cautions that while
resting on your laurels may be comfortable, it is not a
way to go forward or prepare for the future.
250 Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Possessions, gifts. Holding on to
what you have. Legacy or inheritance. Satisfaction in
personal status; taking pleasure in your current situa­
tion. Also; a settled situation, in business or in personal
affairs; few worries. Good feelings about the future.
Reversed (or Negative): Opposition, suspense,
delays, obstacles. Possible loss. Possible quarrels, par­
ticularly with people close to the querent (such as quar­
rels over possessions or inheritances).
Coins • 251



The Five of Coins

warns there could be
disaster in business,
material trouble,
losses, or poverty.

This card is a warning; there is a slight potential for suc­
cess in business, but there is a much greater potential
for disaster. Even in a positive reading, the Five sug­
gests material trouble, losses, or poverty. The querent is
or soon will be in a situation where money is tight,
and/or where material gains or possessions that he or
she counted on will fall through. In some cases the
problems may be caused by circumstances beyond your
control; in others, they may be your own doing. Either
way, you will have to watch your step to avoid ruin.
252 • Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Possible brief gain in business,
but leading to losses unless great care is taken. Financial
troubles; destitution. Want and poverty, loneliness, sud­
den loss.
Reversed (or Negative): Disorder, discord, chaos,
ruin. Profligacy, imprudence, disgrace.
Coins • 253

® ® ®
@ ® The Six of Coins
says the previous

@ problems are solved;

it describes you as
being a person who
cares about others
and will use your
prosperity to help.

In this card the querent's previous problems are
resolved. The indications are that the querent is about
to begin a projector enterprise which is worthy of
praise (as, for example, performing a charitable act);
but the card also suggests that he or she will have the
ability and wherewithal to do this praiseworthy thing.
The six describes or predicts abundance of material
worth and enough to spare. It also describes the quer­
ent as being someone who cares enough about others
to use his or her prosperity as a means of helping oth­
ers as much as possible.
254 Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A good time to undertake a
praiseworthy action. Hopes fulfilled. Goodness of
heart. Gifts, gratification, abundance, prosperity. Mate­
rial wealth and to spare.
Reversed (or Negative): Desire, jealousy, envy, illu­
sion. Possible loss. Unhappiness, fretfulness.
Coins 255

The Seven of Coins is
a card of profit,
specifically of reap­
ing the rewards of
your labors.

This is a card of profit-specifically of reaping the
rewards of your labors. The profit is usually financial
(given the suit!), but may be in any area in which the
querent has worked long and well. It aJso predicts con­
tinued gradual growth, both personally and in busi­
ness, with attending satisfaction in your work and its
fruit. (In numerical sequence the card also suggests that
at least part of the reason for your success is because of
good deeds performed earlier; the result is or will be
paid in good will toward the querent.)
256 · Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Success, usually financial. Gain in
business or other enterprises. Profit, gain, money.
Rewards for and satisfaction in work done. Gradual
growth of the enterprise. Good fortune. Good will, by
and toward the querent.
Reversed (or Negative): Money worries; specifically
regarding an unwise expenditure or a loan the querent
has been asked to make and which is not sure to be
repaid. Your anxiety is well-founded; be careful here.
Possible bad loans, heavy losses by gambling, bad luck.
Coins · 257


The Eight of Coins

says you know where
you're going now,
and how to get
there, whether or
not you realize it.


Once again, craftsmanship and knowledge is the key to
eventual success, but here the success is closer. The
Eight states that you know where you're going now,
and how to get there; whether or not you realize it, you
have the skills you need and need only employ them.
Here success is based on your own personal training
and experience; you've fairly and wisely earned the sta­
tus you have or will soon attain.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Understanding gained through
experience; sureness of purpose. Employment, commis­
sions, new business; practiced skills paying off and new
258 · Tarot for Beginners

skills developing. Craftsmanship. Your work will be

well rewarded.
Reversed (or Negative): The querent is unsure what
direction to go in, or even has not identified his or her
ambitions; possible lack of ambition. Skill is also
described here, but in the sense of someone being too
clever for their own good; the mind turned to cunning
and intrigue. Also, vanity, greed, false flattery, hypocrisy.

VIII de Tierra

w (!)
0 -::-�·
> 01
Coins 259

The Nine of Coins
signifies order,
security in
possessions and
relationships, the
wisdom and
experience you need
to handle problems.


The Nine of Coins signifies order, security in posses­
sions and relationships, accomplishment and success.
Unlike the Three of Coins, which carried with it the
suggestion that it was not the place to stop striving, the
Nine is what success leads to and feels like. You have
the wisdom and experience you need to properly man­
age your affairs and to handle any problems that may
come up in the future. Your goals are well and truly
accomplished, or soon will be.
260 • Tarot for Beginners

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Order and discipline. Plenty in all
things; material well-being. The ability to plan. Safety,
security, prudence, success, accomplishment, wisdom.
Freedom from want. Sometimes, recreation or a well­
earned vacation.
Reversed (or Negative): Bad faith, deception, trick­
ery, deceit. Plans voided or gone astray.
Coins • 261

de Tierra

The Ten of Coins

·5 >< signifies you are
g. established in both
0 � family and business,
>< ;; well-deserved
feelings of
confidence, possible

This takes the prediction described in Nine one step fur­
ther. You are established, in both family and business;
what you worked for is now in your hands. The card
also describes well-deserved feelings of confidence on
the part of the querent, as well as well-earned honors
received. Ten also carries with it the possibility of inher­
itances and legacies.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Established family and business.
Confidence and security, gain, honor. Emphasis on fam­
ily matters; with business established, there is time for
personal affairs. Inheritances, gifts, pension, wealth.
262 Tarot for Beginners

Reversed (or Negative): Chance, uncertainty, loss.

Possible fatality. Robbery, gambling, hazards. Do not
depend on your luck; it will change like the weather.


Fourth, and last, in the line of precedence of the suits of

the Minor Arcana, Wands in its own way promises the
greatest glory.
In a reading, this suit usually refers to the quer­
ent' s business or financial affairs, but not in the same
way as Coins. Wands describes the potential, ambition,
and personal effort which leads to success.
Wands originally represented the peasant or serf
class in medieval society; the least influential and most
powerless class on the social scale. A peasant had a lim­
ited amount of personal freedom, but his life could still
be disrupted at will by any member of a higher class, and
he could never hope to rise. There was a strict demarca­
tion between classes which was not merely enforced by
the upper classes, but also accepted by the lower classes.
Serfs were slaves. They were bound to the land on
which they were born; no serf could set foot off his
manor without the express permission of the manor lord.

264 · Tarot for Beginners

A serf was required to perform services on demand and

without compensation, and in addition owed to the lord
of the manor a share of whatever he did earn or produce.
Even his-or her-body belonged to the manor lord, to
be used or disposed of as the serf's master wished.
On the other hand, serfs also had certain entitle­
ments. A serf was legally entitled to the protection of
his lord, and to assistance, financial, medical, or other­
wise, if circumstances required it. In most cases, the serf
was also legally entitled to his holding (the plot of land
he worked, or whatever other job he performed), and
could not be arbitrarily dispossessed. Serfs would also
be cared for by their manor lord if they could not work
for such reasons as age, infirmity, or sometimes even
laziness. In fact, while the serf had no personal free­
dom, he or she did have a certain measure of personal
security that was possible to no other class in medieval
society, including the nobility.
So, there were two dangers in running away from
your manor. There was the danger that you might be
caught and punished, and there was the insecurity of
having to try to make it on your own. For a serf to strike
for freedom took not only physical courage, but a type
of personal initiative which those who are born slaves
usually lack.
Translated into modern terms, Wands describes
anyone who started out (in our current sociological jar­
gon) "disadvantaged"-poor, belonging to some group
which is discriminated against, or handicapped in some
way-but who overcame those disadvantages to
achieve notable success. On a personal level, Wands
describes the self-made man or woman: those who
pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps, with lit-
Wands · 265

tle or no assistance and perhaps even against active

opposition. Wands people also tend to be sympathetic
to the struggles of others who are also trying to work
their way up. They understand what you're going
through, and are willing to offer advice and assistance.
Unlike Cups people, if someone from the suit of Wands
is on your side, their advice is always worth taking; it's
not based on blind love, but on personal experience.
Especially when it comes to advice on how to succeed,
these are people who know what they're talking about.
People represented by Wands are those with per­
sonal initiative, especially anyone who started out at the
bottom of the heap and succeeded against all odds to
attain a position of wealth and honor. A Wands person
will be intelligent, personally gifted, ambitious, and hard­
working. This is also someone who can be trusted implic­
itly to do exactly what he or she says they will do-either
good or bad, and either for against some other person.
It is important to note, in this context, that a Wands
person has not only the will but the know-how to
achieve his or her ends.
Another commonly accepted description of Wands
people is that in at least some (not all!) cases their
behavior tends to be nouveau riche: flamboyant in dress,
displaying a love of luxury, and a tendency to show off
what they've accomplished. Most such interpretations
add that any criticism of this behavior is likely to come
from people whose status was inherited rather than
Those Wands people who do indulge in display are
simply capable of enjoying what they've accomplished;
in effect, having worked hard to achieve their success,
they are generous with themselves as well as others.
266 • Tarot for Beginners

Events or situations described by Wands are those

involving the potential for success. Wands in a reading
indicate the ability or opportunity, on the part of the
querent, to achieve despite obstacles; or, they describe
someone or some set of circumstances that favors the
querent and will be helpful in some way. They also
indicate a certain amount of just plain good luck: cir­
cumstances and events will work in your favor; oppor­
tunities will arise when you can recognize and are
ready for them. And here note that while the interpreta­
tions of most of the cards refer to business or finance,
your "business" can be any endeavor in which you are
trying to succeed, whether or not it involves the making
of money.
If a Wands card describes the querent, then he or
she has the qualities of this suit, and can depend on their
own experience, knowledge, and instincts in the situa­
tion being described. This is someone who either has suc­
ceeded or can succeed on their own initiative. If the
querent is just starting out, then you're looking at success
in embryo, and you can assure him or her that whatever
goals they've set for themselves, they will eventually
make it in a big way. In addition, the querent described
by Wands is either a nice person to begin with or will
become a nicer person as a result of his or her success.
As Swords and Cups are sister suits, so are Coins
and Wands. Coins is the suit of wealth; Wands is the
suit of personal achievement. In its own way, this suit
also describes enterprise and worldly glory, and usually
indicates financial success as well. But Wands carries
with it the concept of fulfilling your potential to its
fullest extent. Whether or not that fulfillment will
also bring with it financial rewards depends on the
Wands • 267

circumstances, but the real reward promised by this suit

is personal success in whatever terms you define it.

Description of the Suit Symbol

The depictions of Wands vary widely from deck to deck,
and also, more than in any other suit, tend to be mixed
within a single deck. In some cases, the wands are rods;
finished and turned, with decorative or rounded ends.
In others, they are wooden staffs, obviously cut from liv­
ing wood and with leaves and/ or flowers growing from
at least one end. In still others, the wands are clubs,
heavy, crudely trimmed, (baseball) bat-shaped, thicker
at the striking end, and tapering to a narrower gripping
end. This third depiction is often combined with one of
the other two; for example, in a suit showing either rods
or staffs, the ace may be a club, as well as the symbol
carried by the Knight.
In decks which show the wands as staffs, the sym­
bolism is of continued growth; in those which show fin­
ished rods the symbolism is of success achieved. The
heavy clubs are probably symbolic of both the coarse­
ness of this person's roots and the willingness to fight
for position. Any of the three interpretations, or a com­
bination of them, gives the allegory inherent in this suit:
achievement accomplished and self-earned.

The Royal Court

Wands allegorizes financial or business success, per­
sonal initiative, and sometimes just plain good luck.
26.8 • Tarot for Beginners


The King of Wands

is a man ofstatus
and wealth, or the
time has come to
take action in busi­
ness matters.

In most decks, the King of Wands is shown as a distin­
guished and dignified-looking man, seated on a throne.
He may or may not be crowned or wearing armor:
some decks show him dressed as a king; in others he
appears as a prosperous merchant. He is obviously con­
fident and at ease with himself and his position. His
wand is a full-length staff or rod (nearly as tall as he
would be if he were standing), and he holds it either
leaning against his shoulder, or held out before him.
Either way, its full length is clearly visible to the viewer.
This is a man who is both proud of himself and sure of
his position.
Wands • 269

When the King of Wands appears in the reading, he
should call to mind a man of status and wealth who
excels in the areas of business and finance. He is gener­
ally a man of humble origin who has succeeded either
due to a stroke of good luck or, most often, because of
his own intelligence and determination. He is likely to
be someone whom the querent admires for both his
position and his accomplishments. He is also someone
who deserves this admiration: his word is good, and his
advice can be trusted. If the querent is a man, the King
may represent a rival, but a generous and honest one. If
the querent is a woman, this man is either a relative or
close family friend, but always a good advisor.
If this card does not describe a person, it indicates
that the situation is favorable, or at least fair, to the
querent, and that the time is probably auspicious to
take action in business or financial matters.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A man of status and wealth who
is friendly toward the querent and willing to assist with
either money or advice. He is honest, conscientious,
and intelligent. If he is a rival, he will be a fair and gen­
erous one. If a friend, you are well-advised to take this
man's advice. If not a person, the situation itself is an
honest one: things are as they appear to be. Also, the
possibility of unexpected good news, concerning an
inheritance, a career advance, success in an ongoing or
upcoming (usually business or financial) venture.
Unexpected help or advice which will make your
venture easier.
270 · Tarot for Beginners

Reversed (or Negative): A man of authority and

wealth who is austere but tolerant. He will not go out of
his way to help you, but will not unnecessarily block
you either, and he will approve efforts you make on
your own. If not a person: you will have to work hard
to achieve success, but circumstances are generally
favorable at this time. You may not get much help, but
there is nothing out there trying to stop you.
Wands · 271


The Queen
of Wands represents
an honorable,
intelligent, friendly
woman, confidante,
or valuable

Many decks show the queen standing, holding the
wand in her right hand, straight upward with one end
resting on the ground. In some decks, she is seated on a
throne. In either case, the wand is taller than she is. She
may or may not be crowned; it depends on whether the
deck depicts her as a queen or simply as a well-dressed
woman. In many decks, the Queen also holds some
other symbol in her left hand; sometimes a short scepter
or scroll, sometimes a large flower (often a sunflower) .
Like the King, she is relaxed and a t ease with herself
and her position.
272 • Tarot for Beginners

The Queen of Wands should call to mind a woman of
money and property. Both in the original interpretations
and especially in our own times, it is highly possible that
she owns or earned that financial standing herself,
rather than simply riding on her husband's coattails. She
is generally someone who displays a love of luxury; she
dresses well and enjoys owning material things.
She can be generous and loving, but while her per­
sonality tends to be more magnetic than that of the
King, she also tends to be more careful about the people
she is willing to help or even to love. She is as sensi­
ble-and practical-in personal relationships as in busi­
ness. She will expect value received for value given;
love received for love given: almost a marketplace stan­
dard. However, when she gives her love, it will be sin­
cere. If the querent is a man, this woman may represent
his wife, or the woman he should marry (especially if
he intends to succeed financially and needs someone to
carry her share of the burden). If the querent is a
woman, the Queen represents a long-time confidante
and friend.
If this card represents a situation, then the time is
right to initiate a new enterprise, especially one dealing
with finances. You can expect help and advice along
your way, and people who will assist you, and whose
assistance will be valuable. This card can also indicate
that you have the qualities within yourself that you
need to succeed in your endeavor.
Wands · 273

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): An honorable, friendly, and intel­
ligent woman. Displays a love of luxury. Sympathetic
toward the querent and someone willing to help with
either money or advice or both. A businesswoman or a
woman of property; one who knows how to manage
her money to the advantage of herself and her family.
Economical, serious, a good counselor. A good time to
make your move in an important endeavor, especially
one involving business or finance.
Reversed (or Negative): A dangerous enemy, since
she operates on intelligence more than emotion in her
opposition. Especially dangerous if her own position,
business, or family are threatened. If not a person, a
time to be cautious, especially in important relation­
ships (business or otherwise); don't step on any toes if
you can avoid it. Deceit, infidelity, jealousy. Greed and
274 · Tarotfor Beginners


The Knight
of Wands is a
trustworthy, faithful
young man, or a
journey or move,
change of job or

Most decks show a young man on a rearing or charging
horse. In some decks, he is holding the wand as a
weapon (and many decks which show the wand as a
finished rod may show it here as a club), and is either
attacking or warding off an enemy. In other decks, his
position indicates that he is showing off more than
charging; and in some, he appears to be admiring the
wand or club he holds.

If this card represents a person, it will be a young man
whom the querent sees as a helpful relative or friend.
As before, this individual has the same qualities as his
Wands · 275

symbolic parents; he is trustworthy, unselfish, and faith­

ful; someone who will give up something for you. If this
card does not represent a person, it generally indicates a
journey or a move of some kind; a change of residence,
change of job, or change in personal relationships.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A male friend or relative who is
willing to help the querent. He is a young man but
mature in his behavior, and one who has an almost
instinctive understanding of business and financial
affairs, which is he is working to augment with training
and experience. Also, an unselfish friend. In any case,
someone whose advice you can trust and whose help
you can take if you are in doubt. A journey, a change of
residence or situation.
Reversed (or Negative): Arguments, discord in
personal relationships. Breakup of a friendship; separa­
tion, or flight.
276 • Tarotfor Beginners

The Page of Wands
indicates a message
is coming from a
young friend, or
information that
will affect your
current enterprise.


Most decks show a young man standing in a country
setting, leaning on a wand or staff. Also in most decks
the staff is taller than he is. Usually his attitude is
casual; he holds the wand with one hand at his side,
and his position is relaxed. In some decks he holds the
wand with both hands out in front of him. In almost all
decks (except those which show the wand as a shorter
club), he is looking at the top of the staff. The Page is
well-dressed and wearing clothes similar to those of the
King and Queen.
Wands · 2Tl

The Page of Wands may represent either a young man
or young woman, but with the same qualities as the
King and Queen. He or she is likely to be sensitive in
nature, but faithful. The appearance of this card in the
reading indicates that you can expect some kind of
news or message. If the card represents a person, the
news will come from a young friend or relative; other­
wise, it will just be information or an event that will
strongly affect your current enterprise. The possibility
also exists (if the card is reversed, or in an unfavorable
reading) that this individual could be a rival.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Possible help, or at least moral
support, from a sensitive young friend or relative. Also,
if you need someone to bear testimony in your favor
(either in business or in family matters), this person will
do so, or may have already done so. A faithful friend, a
lover. Expect a message. A possible contract likely to be
Reversed (or Negative): If a person, this is some­
one who wants what you have or want, and who there­
fore cannot be trusted. A dangerous rival. Bad news.
Instability and indecision. Flattery, which may put you
off your guard.

The Pip Cards

The following ten cards are the number cards, or Pip
278 · Tarot for Beginners

The Ace of Wands
beginnings, possibly
an inheritance,
feelings of
contentment or


Almost all decks, including those which show no art­
work on the Aces of other suits, show a hand holding the
wand or club at its base. In some decks, this hand is issu­
ing from a cloud. Also in almost all decks, including the
ones where the wands are finished rods, the Ace is club­
shaped, or at the least has a heavier knob on one end; the
symbolism being determination and willingness to fight
if necessary. Note also almost all decks show leaves and
branches growing out of the club, or somehow symbol­
ized in the picture (such as floating alongside). The sym­
bolism here is of new growth, despite, or perhaps
because of, being cut off from its roots.
Wands · 279

The beginning of an enterprise, most probably involv­
ing business or finance. Creation, invention, and/ or the
source of these. A birth, usually of a business or an idea.
Possibly an inheritance, which may be either of money
or property, or of the ability needed to make the enter­
prise begun successful. The querent's state of mind is
also appropriate; some decks read this card as feelings
of contentment and triumph. This interpretation is sim­
ilar to that of the Ace of Swords, but in a more positive
sense. The implication here is not conquest or the defeat
of enemies but rather of bonds broken and restraints
put aside, enabling you to make your start; in effect, an
escape to freedom.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): An auspicious start of a new busi­
ness or enterprise. Also a good time to start. The cir­
cumstances are right, and the ideas and planning are
also right. A state of contentment and triumph.
Reversed (or Negative): Ruin and decline. The pro­
ject begun was either ill-conceived or else you did not
have enough information or ability to do it, or the time
was wrong. The other possibility is that your state of
mind is less than appropriate. The reading, for example,
may show that you could or should do this, but that
you lack sufficient confidence or belief in yourself
and/ or in your enterprise. The result in any case will be
failure unless the proper steps are taken.
280 Tarot for Beginners


The Two of Wands

portends something
unexpected will
happen or enter the
picture, or loss or
failure in your new


The Two of Wands is not an auspicious card. Something
unexpected is going to happen or enter into the picture.
It is something you did not or could not allow for in
your plans. At the least, it will catch you by surprise. But
it could mean a loss or failure in your new enterprise.
Note that some interpretations reverse this mean­
ing entirely and claim for the Two of Wands wealth,
ownership, fortune, and magnificence. But most of
these include the statement that there will be unhappi­
ness along with it.
Wands 281

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Unforeseen problems with your
new enterprise. Obstacles and opposition, possibly
from the very people you were counting on for support.
Possibilities include loss of money, failure of a marriage
or partnership, general unhappiness or discontent with
the way things are gofng or with the new business
itself. Chagrin; an apparent success that turned sour.
Reversed (or Negative): Surprise, wonder, strong
feelings evoked. You're in for a surprise of some kind.
Whether it's a good or bad one will be revealed by sur­
rounding cards. It's most likely to bring you trouble.

II de Aire

282 Tarot for Beginners


Ill de Aire

The Three of Wands

indicates problems
can be resolved if
the person remains
calm, dignified,


The Three of Wands indicates problems can be resolved
if the person in question remains calm and operates in a
dignified, intelligent, and mature manner. Whatever
problems were introduced earlier on can be overcome
by the querent. Don't act impulsively; you know what
to do. Use your experience and common sense.
In effect, if your earlier troubles were caused by
your own mistakes or even your own feelings of inade­
quacy, acting in a mature and responsible manner will
resolve them. If your problems were caused by the inter­
ference or opposition of others, you can still resolve
them by taking things firmly in hand at this time. You
may also expect people other than those who caused your
problems to step in and help or advise you.
Wands 283

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A dignified approach to your
business or enterprise will result in financial gain. You
may also get help from an advisor or business associate.
The card indicates cooperation as well as maturity as
the key to successful action. More generally: success in
business or trade; negotiations. A solid foundation can
be or has been established.
Reversed (or Negative): Your problems resolved;
the trouble you were having in this situation is over.
You can expect either the end, or at least a suspension
of, arguments and adversity. It should be fairly smooth
sailing for a while.
284 • Tarot for Beginners


The Four of Wands

shows you are out
of trouble; relax
and enjoy life for a


Almost a sense of relief: you had some sticky times for
a bit and then your troubles were suddenly resolved.
Now you feel like it's time to relax and enjoy your life
for a while. This card generally indicates happiness,
harmony in business and personal partnerships, and
enjoyable social activities.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Enjoyment and gaiety. The plea­
sures money can buy; a material outlook on life; spend­
ing money you have on things you want. Harmony
with others around you; a general situation of prosper­
ity and comfort.
Wands · 285

Reversed (or Negative): Almost the same meaning,

but possibly less flamboyantly (and less expensively)
expressed. Personal satisfaction in a job well done. Pros­
perity. Adding to your property or business.
286 · Tarot for Beginners


The Five of Wands

signifies greed,
competition for
financial gain,


As follows from a period of wild spending and less
than mature financial handling, you are spending most
of your time trying to figure out how to win or earn or
get more money and material things. This is not simply
a matter of trying to make your business grow; it is
greedy competition for material gain. Expect hardship
for a time, based on this hand-to-hand struggle. If
you're doing this yourself, you may be able to ease your
situation by easing off. If it's caused by other people, you
will have to fight them to keep what you have.
[Note: Some interpretations call this the card of
gold, gain, or wealth. You may get the riches you're
after if other signs are favorable.]
Wands · 287

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Greed and competition for finan­
cial gain or material goods. "Keeping up with the
Jones"'; a struggle for wealth and fortune. Hardship.
Immature decisions or goals.
Reversed (or Negative): The competition is neither
fair nor honest. Expect trickery, disputes, and even legal
problems and litigation.
288 Tarot for Beoinners



The Six of Wands

represents very
good news, a
message of hope
and victory, may
indicate gifts about
to be received.


Here again, the querent can expect something new to
enter into the picture, but in this case, the news is good.
Expect very good news, a message of hope and victory.
Also may indicate gifts about to be received. In either
case, something you've hoped for will come to pass.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Good news is on the way. A hope
will be fulfilled or desires gratified. Gifts received.
You've made, or are about to make, a significant con­
quest; you will win some issue. You've carried your
affairs to a successful point and are about to receive
your rewards and recognition for your efforts.
Wands • 289

Reversed (or Negative): Delays, most possibly

caused by treachery. Your fears are justified. Prepare for
battle: the enemy is at the gate. Disloyalty, infidelity,
obstacles that may overcome or defeat your enterprise.
290 Tarot for Beginners

The Seven of Wands
foretells success
achieved by courage
and determination,
profit and gain.


The Seven of Wands is a foreteller of success achieved by
courage and determination. The indications are of profit
and gain; some interpretations call this card "the trea­
sury symbol." You have faced off your competition and
will emerge the victor. If this card comes up in answer to
a question, it can also indicate a good time to take a risky
gamble; again, especially one involving money.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Financial gain. Success. At least
one major part of your enterprise achieved. There will be
competition and strife, but if you stand your ground you
can stand off your enemies. Even though it may look as
though you're outnumbered, you have the advantage.
Wands • 291

Reversed (or Negative): Consider this a warning

not to hesitate. Make up your mind now, and take
action. You're confused as to what moves to make, but
the situation is such that even the wrong action, if taken
decisively, will be better than doing nothing at all. This
is not the time for uncertainty or indecision.
292 Tarot for Beginners

de Aire

The Eight of Wands
says this is a time
to take action, to
be hopeful, to plan
your next moves.

Make speed toward your goals; this is your moment.
You're on the road to almost assured success. Don't be
precipitate, just active. It is also a time for planning
your next moves from here.
Be prepared not just for the single upcoming
event(s) but what will follow from them. Things are
going to start to move now. Note that though this suit
usually concerns business and finance, this card can
also indicate arousal of love; though love in this case
may be either between people or love for your work.
Wands • 293

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): A time to take action; to start on
the next phase of your enterprise. A time to be hopeful,
and to make haste. Things are on the move; move with
them. Also: good luck, arousal of love.
Reversed (or Negative): Quarrels, jealousy, inter­
nal disputes (as between spouses, business partners,
etc.), opposition. Things are still moving, but either the
situation or the consequences or both can be unpleasant
to go through. Again, be prepared; know exactly what
you're doing. The times are right not just for you but for
others, and that means somebody is likely to get hurt in
the free-for-all.
294 Tarot for Beginners


The Nine of Wands

represents a job
well-done, the
ability to plan
wisely, courage
under fire.

The task is performed successfully; the job is done. The
person to whom this card refers has learned discipline,
the ability to plan wisely, and courage under fire. Even
if there are problems (which may be shown by other
cards in the reading), you know how to deal with them;
they no longer defeat you just by happening. If there is
opposition, your skills, strength, and courage will make
you a formidable opponent.

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Strength, boldness. Ability to deal
with problems or delays. Strong opposition to wrongs.
Self-discipline, order. Final success in your endeavors.
Wands • 295

Reversed (or Negative): Failure, calamity. The pos­

sibility that you have learned nothing from all your
efforts; your success injured or stalled due to your own
obstinacy. Loss of money; disputes among friends or
partners. Obstacles and delay. Expect the worst.

IX de Aire

296 • Tarot for Beginners

Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands

represents the
feeling you can do
anything, but also
warns not to take
things for granted.

The feeling that you can do anything, win at anything.
This may encourage a gamble for high stakes, and such
a gamble can result in great gain.
[Note: if surrounding cards are inimical, the gain
may happen anyway, but will bring unhappiness and
This card also contains a warning not to take
things for granted; you have succeeded in your initial
enterprise, but it puts you in a position to achieve
greater things, and these things will be just as hard to
achieve as the one you have just accomplished.
Wands · 297

In the Reading
Upright (or Positive): Fortune, gain, success, but also
possible unhappiness from these things. Possible uncer­
tainties in your enterprise, but if you assert yourself,
honor, security, opposition swept away.
Reversed (or Negative): Intrigues and difficulties.
These may be legal (as a lawsuit), or between people. A
great possibility of loss; if surrounding cards are nega­
tive, you may lose all you've gained. Treachery. Note: if
this card is reversed but surrounding cards are positive,
the negative influences are still there, but you will be
able to ward them off. In that case, this card is a warn­
ing against trouble or false friends.
Divinino with
the Tarot
Reading the Tarot


There are many different systems used to read the Tarot

cards, and there's no reason to suppose that one system
is better than the rest. Some Tarot readers will use an
alternate layout, or spread, for different kinds of cir­
cumstances; others settle on one spread that they find
works best for them and use it all the time.
How you ultimately decide to lay out your cards is
entirely up to you. As long as your system gets you
answers, it's the best one for you to use.
This chapter gives you the basic procedure for
doing a Tarot reading, with explanations, for both quer­
ent and reader, of how to get the most information from
what the cards are trying to tell you. The next chapter
describes three different Tarot spreads. Each spread
includes a sample reading, done specifically for the

302 · Tarot for Beginners

purpose of this book, as an illustration of how to inter­

pret and correlate the meanings of the cards. Let's start
with some basic definitions.
There are two people involved in any Tarot read­
ing--even one you do for yourself. The first is the per­
son who lays out the cards and interprets their meaning
(variously called the Reader, the Diviner, or the Seer).
The second is the person for whom the reading is done
(the Querent, Consultant, or Questioner).
For both reader and querent, your purpose is to get
an understanding of a situation which is in progress or
about to happen. You're looking for information which
is not readily available by ordinary means. That infor­
mation-if you play your cards right!-will be provided
by your divining tool, in this case, the Tarot deck.
As the reader, your first priority-before you even
take out your deck-is to make sure the querent under­
stands what's going on.
If the querent is familiar with Tarot readings, there's
not much you need to explain up front. At most, and
only if you've never read for this person before, you will
need to tell him or her how you want them to handle the
cards; and, depending on the type of reading, how you
want them to phrase their question. You can explain how
your system works (the significance of individual cards
in your spread) as you are doing the reading.
If the querent has never had their cards read
before, then there's a great deal more you have to ex­
plain. You should begin by telling them what kinds of
questions the Tarot will-and won't -answer. One way
to do this is simply to say that the Tarot can reveal infor­
mation about your past, present, and future, and/ or
about people or situations you're involved with. But it
Reading the Tarot • 303

will not predict your state's lottery number-past, pre­

sent, or future! Then make certain the querent under­
stands these basic facts about how a Tarot reading
First: You can do a generalized reading (i.e., one in
which no question is asked, just a description of what's
happening in the querent's life at this time). But if there
is a question, it must be phrased properly. The more spe­
cific your question, the more specific and accurate your
answer will be.
Second: Whether or not you ask a question, the
cards will tell you what you need to know. And that
may not, necessarily, be what you want or hope to hear.
Third: The future is mutable. You don't get your
fortune told to find out the inevitable; if that were the
case, any divining operation would be pointless, and
even depressing. The cards will tell you what is most
likely to happen, given the current and past circum­
stances. If the question has been properly phrased, they
will also tell you why these events are occurring or
likely to occur, and suggest a possible course of action.
It is then up to the querent to decide what steps he or
she is prepared to take to either make sure this event
does occur, or to prevent it.
Fourth: It can happen that the question you asked,
no matter how well-phrased, is not the one that's
answered. This is most likely to occur if the querent has
never had their cards read before, or if it's been a long
time since they've had them read. I call it "We interrupt
this program for an important announcement." What
happens in this case is that the cards ignore the question
that was asked, and instead address an entirely differ­
ent situation. In all cases where I've seen this happen,
304 • Tarot for Beoinners

the question that was answered instead was of much

more vital importance to the querent. It's almost as if
Something had been trying to get through to this per­
son and grasped the opportunity of a Tarot reading as a
means of communication.
Should this happen, complete the reading anyway,
giving the querent as much information as you can.
Then, if your querent still wants their initial question
answered (and there have been times when people have
been too shaken up to ask!), you can do a second read­
ing. In that second reading, you will generally get the
answer to their first question.
Finally: Sometimes you won't get an answer to
your question at all. Assuming the reader is not having
an off-day (and no one can be clairvoyant all the time!),
there are generally two reasons why the cards won't
answer. The first reason is because the question was not
specific enough. The old axiom "If you want to find an
answer, first you have to know the question" certainly
applies to Tarot readings. If you think this might be the
problem, simply rephrase the question and try again.
Over time, you will learn how questions should be
worded to elicit the best information.
Another reason the cards won't answer is because
the querent is not supposed to know the answer at this
time. There are some situations that people have to take
on trust. And there are also times when it is unwise or
even dangerous for someone to know in advance what
the outcome of a given situation will be. The answers
you get from the Tarot cards will be whatever informa­
tion is currently available to the querent-and that
means information the querent is allowed to know.
If the cards refuse to answer, you can try again at
a later date; say, in a few days or a week. By that time
Reading the Tarot · 305

the situation may have changed just enough that the

Tarot will be willing to give you at least a hint of what's
going on.
There is also a third reason an answer may be con­
fusing or entirely off-base-or seem to be. This gener­
ally happens in a reading that you do for yourself,
though it can also happen when you read for someone
you know very well.
In this case, it's very likely that you are getting an
accurate answer, but that you're simply not "listening. "
Tarot readers are human too-and like everyone else
have a tendency to make snap judgements or draw con­
clusions that are not based on either the facts or their
own intuitive abilities. When you know, or think you
know, too much about the situation or the querent,
there is a tendency to make assumptions, or to read
things into the cards that simply aren't there. This is the
primary reason that the hardest reading to do is one
you do for yourself,
That doesn't mean you can't learn to read for your­
self, however. After all, if you're putting this much work
into learning the cards, it's only fair that you should be
able to make direct personal use out of what you've
learned! In order to read for yourself, or a close friend,
you have to learn to separate reader and querent-in
effect, to "disconnect" your conscious, decision-making
faculties and let the cards lead you where they will.
Remind yourself that the reason you're using the
cards in the first place, rather than making a decision on
your own, is because you want an independent judge­
ment of the situation. Simply interpret the cards as you
see them and accept what they tell you as though you
were being told by someone else.
306 • Tarot for Beginners

Now let's review the procedure for doing a Tarot

reading. No matter what kind of system you use, for
almost all readings the first card you will lay out on the
table is the one which Tarot readers call the Significator.

Choosing the Significator

The basic concept behind the Tarot is that each individ­
ual is the center of his or her own microcosm. So when
you do a reading, you place the querent at the center of
the spread. Before you shuffle, go through the deck and
choose a card to represent the querent (or, if the ques­
tion calls for it, which describes some other person, or
the nature of the situation about which the question is
being asked). This card is called the Significator.
There are a number of ways to choose a Significator.
For a Significator that represents the querent, some readers
use one of two cards from the Major Arcana: the Magician
if the querent is a man, or the High Priestess if the querent
is a woman. This expresses the querent as the central, or
controlling, factor in the situation under discussion.
If you prefer to use a Significator which specifi­
cally describes your querent (or if the question is about
some other person), you can use one of the court cards
from the Minor Arcana.
You begin by selecting a card that describes the
individual's age and sex. The choices here are standard.
If the querent is a man forty years old or older, use a
King. If he is less than forty, use a Knight. If the querent
is a woman of forty or older, use a Queen; for a younger
woman, use the Page. The Page may also be used for
teenagers or children.
You have more leeway in your choice of a suit,
but also more of a decision to make. You want to
Reading the Tarot • 307

choose the suit that best describes this individual's

personal characteristics.
If you know, or have a feeling, about what kind of
person you're dealing with, choose the suit which in
your judgement best represents the querent's character.
Next best would be to base your choice on his or her
emotional state or attitude in this situation; or, you can
select a suit to represent the querent's primary concern.
And finally, you can simply choose a suit which
describes the querent's physical appearance.
Note that you choose your suit to meet only one of
these criteria: don't try to match all of them. For exam­
ple: an energetic person should be represented by
Swords, even if he or she is fair in coloring. Someone
whose primary concern involves business or profession
should be represented by Wands, even if their hair is
black and their skin is dark. Basing your choice on
physical appearance is a last resort in any case; it's
always best to select on the basis of character traits if
you can.
Here are the traditional guidelines for selecting the
most representative card. Because this particular
sequence makes the descriptions easier to remember,
I've arranged the order of the suits from lightest color­
ing to darkest:
Physical Appearance: People with very light coloring.
This includes those with blond or light auburn hair,
very fair skin, and blue eyes.
Character or Emotional State: A self-made or ambitious
person. A generous person, or one concerned about or
willing to help others. A successful, self-assured, or
confident person. Also, a flashy dresser.
308 • Tarot for Beginners

Primary Concern: If the question involves career

choices or abilities, personal ambition, or the probabili­
ties of success in some venture.
CUPS (Water)
Physical Appearance: For someone slightly darker in
coloring. A person with blue or gray eyes and light
brown or dull blond hair. Skin may still be fair, but tans
rather than burns.
Character or Emotional State: A loving or affectionate
person. Someone who avoids arguments, tries to make
peace whenever possible. Someone "laid-back," lethar­
gic, even lazy. Good-natured, good-tempered, happy,
pleasant or kind.
Primary Concern: If the question involves the querent's
emotional life or emotional state. Any situation where the
key to a solution is how the querent feels, or should feel,
about people or events involved. Includes spiritual issues.
Physical Appearance: People with dark brown hair and
hazel or gray eyes, who have a dull, or darker complex­
ion or skin tone.
Character or Emotional State: A dominant or a domi­
neering person. Someone who is strong, healthy,
and / or energetic. Someone who is physically brave.
Someone impatient, angry, vindictive, or contentious
(even if only in this situation). Also, someone who is
cold or uncaring.
Primary Concern: If the question involves mental or
intellectual state. If the question involves decisions to be
made, especially if those decisions require dear-think­
ing and lack of emotional entanglements. Note: Use this
Reading the Tarot · 309

suit to represent enemies only if the Significator is cho­

sen to represent the querent's enemy rather than the
querent. Otherwise see below: Major Arcana
COINS (Earth)
Physical Appearance: People darkest in coloring. Those
with dark-brown or black hair, dark eyes, and sallow,
swarthy, or dark complexions.
Character or Emotional State: An earthy person.
Unspiritual; very worldly-min!led. Money or material
minded; very rich or having money troubles. Also;
someone who is well-dressed.
Primary Concern: If the question involves physical or
material status, money matters, or questions of prop­
erty or inheritance.

Keep in mind that these descriptions are only

guidelines which you can use until you become more
familiar with the cards, and more adept at doing read­
ings. You will eventually get to the point where you
know which card represents the querent; you'll be able
to assess the person for whom you're doing a reading
and pick a Significator on feel. But even as a beginner, if
you have a feeling about which card would make the
best Significator, then use it, no matter how it may con­
tradict these definitions, and even if you can't explain to
yourself or anyone else why you chose it.
For some readings, it's better to use as your Signi­
ficator a card that describes the situation or the
question. In that case, choose your card from the Major
Arcana, based on which trump card best illustrates the
circumstances. For example, if the situation involves
matters of law, or the basis of the question is whether or
310 · Tarot for Beginners

not justice will be served (though not necessarily

whether or not your querent will win!), choose the Jus­
tice card as the Significator. If your querent is involved
in an uphill struggle of some kind, or is faced with ene­
mies or opposition, and wants to know how or if he or
she will be able to handle it, choose the Strength card.
Use your best judgement as to how the basic interpreta­
tions of the cards fit the situation.
Finally: sometimes the Significator will be chosen
for you. In some readings, you may find that while the
question is being answered, the final, or outcome, card
is inconclusive or puzzling. If that is the case, use that
card as your Significator when you do a second reading
to clarify the answer.

Dealing the Cards

Once you've chosen the Significator, the cards must be
shuffled and cut for the reading. The basic method for
doing this is fairly simple. Different readers, however,
add their own variations, and in each case for some
very good reasons.
To try to include all, or even most of those varia­
tions here would result in a convoluted and unneces­
sarily confusing dissertation (I know, because I did try).
What I've done instead is simply give you the basic
method as a starting point. But should you find, or
invent, any embellishment to this method that makes it
work better for you, by all means use it. As with
everything else, the definition of the best way to prepare
your deck is simple: use whatever method consistently
results in accurate readings. That said, here's how you
shuffle and cut:
Reading the Tarot · 3ll

Keep the deck face down throughout.

With the Significator removed from the deck, the
cards should be thoroughly shuffled by the reader. This
serves two purposes: it insures that the cards are well
mixed, and it "clears" the deck of any influences that
may have remained from prior readings. When you
shuffle, don't try to keep all the cards facing in one direc­
tion. Remember that a card which comes up reversed, or
upside down, in the layout can change its meaning.
Next, the querent should ask his or her question.
(If this is a general reading, you can skip this step.) The
question should be formulated as clearly and precisely
as possible, and stated aloud.
If the querent has trouble formulating a question,
then ask him or her to explain the problem, until you
have enough details for you to suggest how the ques­
tion should be phrased. Try not to elicit too much infor­
mation: you want to get your answers from the Tarot
cards, not from your own preconceived ideas of what
must be the case.
With the question in mind, the cards are now shuf­
fled for the reading. Shuffle at least three times; more if
you feel the need (or until the deck "feels right"). This
may be done by either the querent or the reader,
depending on your preference. Note, however, if you
choose to shuffle the cards yourself, it should not be
because a given querent doesn't know how to handle a
deck of cards. The order in which the cards come up during
a reading is not accidental. No matter who shuffles or
how poorly, the cards you deal into your spread will be
the right ones for that reading.
After shuffling, the deck must be cut. No matter
who shuffled, this operation should be performed by
312 · Tarot for Beginners

the querent. The usual procedure is to cut the deck

twice, into three stacks; it doesn't matter whether or not
the stacks are even.
You'll find that many books on the Tarot specify
that the deck be cut with the left hand. The reasoning
here is that the right, or dominant, hand is more
involved in conscious activities, and so the left hand is
more attuned to the subconscious or psychic level. I've
seen no comments on whether or not this means that a
left-handed person should cut with their right hand.
Even those readers who include this step in their
instructions do agree that it is not essential to getting an
accurate reading. Again, try it and see if it makes any
difference in the results of your readings.
After the querent cuts the deck, the reader takes
the three stacks and recombines them into one, in what­
ever order seems best at the time. Then you deal the
cards in order from the top of the deck until you have
enough to complete your spread. The rest of the deck
will be put aside; it will not be used for this reading.
You can turn the cards face up one at a time as you
interpret them, or you can turn them all up at once, to get
a general impression of the major influences at work
before you begin your interpretation. When you turn the
cards up, don't "flip" them: tum them over from left to
right, rather than bottom to top, so that they continue to
face in their original direction. This is especially impor­
tant if you are using upright and reverse in your reading.
[Note: It doesn't matter whether the querent is
seated across from you, or next to you; the relative posi­
tion of any card in the reading depends on where you are
sitting. The cards are always read as they face the reader.]
Reading the Tarot • 313

Doing the Reading

And now that you finally have your cards spread out
for a reading, here are some basic guidelines for deter­
mining what they're trying to tell you.
First: In a reading, each card is considered sepa­
rately first, and then in relation to surrounding cards.
The nature of those surrounding cards will alter the
meaning of an individual card; either strengthen or
diminish it, or help to clarify its intent.
For example (and please take into account that
these are only generalizations. An actual interpretation
would depend on which cards come up in a specific
reading, and how they are positioned):
The King of any suit has a strong influence on the
outcome of a situation. However, the influence of a
King card can be either increased or diminished if the
King of another suit appears in the same reading. The
presence of the King of Wands, especially in a reading
heavy with Wands and/ or Coins, indicates that some­
one influential may be willing to help you on a profes­
sional level. If the King of Cups also appears, the
indications are even stronger that someone is working
in your favor, or is at the very least friendly toward you.
But if the King of Swords appears, you have a powerful
enemy. That enemy may be the King of Wands, or it
may be someone else who will turn him against you.
What kind of situation is under discussion also
clarifies the meaning of an individual card. For exam­
ple, the Six of Wands predicts gifts received, a hope ful­
filled. The question is, what is the nature of the gift? If
surrounding cards are Coins, then expect money or
property; if they are Wands, expect a promotion or
career advancement. If surrounding cards are Cups,
314 · Tarot for Beginners

however, then the gift will have to do with love rather

than money: look for flowers and candy--or an engage­
ment ring.
The nature of the question should also affect the
way you interpret the cards. For example, if the ques­
tion is about love, then a material gain-even if pre­
dicted by Coins-refers to an improvement in the
relationship. If the question involves someone's health,
then that same card predicts healing. Money may, or
may not, have an influence in both cases, but focus pri­
marily on the circumstances described by the question.
And don't forget that the most important factor
that will affect your interpretations is the querent. For
example, if a reading predicts that the querent is going
to receive money, where it will come from depends on
that person's situation. For someone looking for work,
it may mean they'll find a job; for someone with a job, it
may mean a raise, promotion, or bonus. For someone in
business, it may mean an increase in sales; for a student,
it may mean financial assistance with tuition or a schol­
arship. Always adapt the conventional meanings of the
cards so that they relate to the question, or the person
for whom you're doing the reading.
Second: Once all the cards in your spread are face
up, check to see if any one suit dominates the reading. If
so, you have a ruling suit. This means that the type of
circumstances described by that suit is of such vital
importance in the querent's current situation that it will
affect everything else he or she does or is involved in. If
out of ten cards, for example, four or five of them are
Cups and the others are divided among other suits
(including the Major Arcana), then Cups is the ruling
suit. It means that emotional issues are the key to the
Reading the Tarot • 315

querent' s current situation or question-even if the

question is about career or money.
In the same respect, if a single card is flanked by
two cards of the same suit (and especially if it is sur­
rounded by them), then whatever may be the interpreta­
tion of that card, its influence will be tempered by the
flanking suit; it will be ruled by that suit. Your interpre­
tation of the individual card, or of the reading as a whole,
must be tempered by the influence of ruling cards.
Here are the influences imposed on the reading by
each suit if it is the ruling suit:
If the Major Arcana predominates in a reading,
then it is the querent's own psychological or spiritual
condition that will determine the outcome of the situa­
tion. The Major Arcana explains the personal changes
or growth (or lack of growth!) the querent is going
through which will affect either his or her outlook or
the way he or she deals with the situation. In effect, the
querent has control of everything that's happening or
going to happen-if he or she can control themselves.
If the ruling suit comes from the Minor Arcana,
and especially if it primarily involves court cards, then
the primary influences come from outside, and may
very well be circumstances over which the querent has
no personal control.
If the ruling suit is Swords, then enemies, bad luck,
or other adverse influences are hard at work, and good
influences will find it much more difficult to operate.
This is a very unpleasant and possibly dangerous situa­
tion; you are being warned that people and/ or circum­
stances are working against you. Be very careful.
If Cups is the ruling suit, then emotional issues,
such as love, friendship, or other strong and usually
316 • Tarot for Beginners

positive feelings influence the progress and outcome of

the reading. In general, a preponderance of Cups also
indicates that good will, toward the querent or in gen­
eral, will modify the circumstances, strengthening good
influences and softening adverse ones.
Coins dominating the reading indicate that practi­
cal matters, including those involving money and prop­
erty, rule the progress of this situation. A predominance
of cards from this suit does not necessarily mean that
the querent is going to become very rich; it is more
likely to indicate that success will be achieved or prob­
lems resolved only if money is available or can be
These cards also sometimes point to business or
personal competition or friction over matters of money
or property. In any event, for good or bad the reading is
concerned with worldly matters and the influence or
building of wealth.
Wands as the ruling suit may also indicate that
business matters, especially those involving training,
education, or career advancement, rule the situation.
But for the most part, a preponderance of Wands indi­
cates that friendship and/ or influence will have the
greatest effect on the outcome of the situation. With
good cards, Wands mean that friends can help assure
success; with bad ones that they may help to overcome
problems. In any case, you're being advised not to go it
alone, and that you don't have to. Rely on your friends
and contacts-and keep thein happy!
You should also look for a combination of "sister
suits" as a possible ruling influence on the reading. A
combination of Swords and Cups indicates that strong,
and opposing, feelings are the key to the problem under
Reading the Tarot • 317

discussion: love and hate, friendship and enmity,

friends and foes will take a hand in things. If Coins and
Wands combine to rule the reading, then money and
business matters are the most important issue and must
be resolved before you can go on to anything else.
Third: Trust your own insights when interpreting the
The impressions you get, instinctively or clairvoy­
antly, while you're handling the cards must and should
affect your interpretations. The Tarot is a means of free­
ing your unconscious psychic abilities. And the accu­
racy of any answer you get will depend more on your
own skill and insight than on the cards themselves.
Some people are naturally clairvoyant and can
automatically use the Tarot cards as a kind of channel­
ing device to a higher level of consciousness. But even if
your intuitive abilities are limited, or-in your opin­
ion-missing altogether, the cards will help you
develop the insights you need to forecast the future.
Start by using intellectual observation: by making
deductions based on the combinations of cards that
come up in a reading, and on your personal experience
with similar situations in your own life. In the begin­
ning, you may feel like you're just guessing, and per­
haps you will be. With time and practice, however, you
will access the instincts you need to see clearly. A rule of
thumb I've found to be true is this: if you truly had no
psychic ability at all, you would also have no interest in
learning how to read the Tarot. Just the fact that you've
gotten this far proves that you have a gift for prophecy
waiting to be developed.
Fourth: If you're really puzzled, very often the
querent can help clarify the meaning of individual
318 • Tarot for Beginners

cards, or the reading as a whole. It's the querent's life

that is under discussion after all; so he or she will be able
to make an association that you would not be aware of.
If the meaning of a card is unclear, give the querent the
interpretation and ask what it means to him or her. It's
not your purpose to astound or mystify (at least, I hope
not!), but to help the querent get at the truth.
Fifth: You have to tell the truth as you find it in the
reading. Yes; be as pleasant as you can in revealing the
meaning of the cards. You're not doing this to frighten
or upset anyone; so if you can emphasize the positive,
then do so. But again, you are trying to help the querent
get at the facts. So if a reading reveals an unpleasant set
of circumstances in the works, you have to say so.
It can be very tempting, especially if a reading pre­
dicts some kind of disaster, to just ignore the cards and
predict sweetness and light. But you do your querent
no good by glossing over the facts. If you're really dis­
turbed by what you see in a given spread, you can
reshuffle and try again; it's always possible that a mis­
take was made somewhere along the line. But if the
same type of prediction appears again, then make sure
you tell the querent exactly what you see. The future
can be changed by anyone willing to make the effort­
but only if they have the facts.
Sixth: How many times should you repeat a read­
ing? You will find people who ask you to re-read the
cards over and over again at the same sitting. Some­
times it's because they have more than one question­
but very often, the reason they want the cards read
again is because they didn't like the answer they got the
first time.
Reading the Tarot · 319

You can consult the cards as often as you need to.

But in general, they should only be read two, or at the
most three, times at one sitting for the same querent. If
you are re-reading on the same question, your purpose
should be only to clarify something that was unclear the
first time. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time: you
are not going to get the Tarot to "change its mind." Even
if the querent has more than one question, there is still a
limit as to how many readings you can do for the same
person at one sitting. (For no other reason, you as the
reader may find yourself getting impatient with this per­
son, and that means your ability to interpret the cards is
going to slip.) It's generally best to wait at least a week
before repeating a reading. This is true even if repeat
readings at the first sitting still didn't fully clarify an
answer. When you re-read at that later date, interpret the
cards in terms of recent events. The lag time gives the
situation some time to change or develop.
Seventh: If the same card comes up in repeated
readings, either at the same sitting or within a few days
of the initial reading, it acquires additional impor­
tance-whether or not successive readings involve the
same question. And both you and the querent must pay
special attention to whatever person or set of circum­
stances the card describes.
Figure it out yourself. There are seventy-eight cards
in the Tarot deck; and most spreads use only a small
fraction of the cards. Even if you use the same basic lay­
out every time you do a reading, there are literally mil­
lions of possible combinations that can come up. If you
vary your spreads for different kinds of questions, the
number of possible combinations increases. Assuming
320 · Tarot for Beginners

the cards have been well-shuffled, the statistical proba­

bility of the same card repeating itself is very low.
Obviously, then, if a given card does repeat, the sit­
uation or person it represents is going to have a signifi­
cant impact on the course of events within the
immediate future. A card that repeats in successive
readings, and especially if it repeats more than once,
acquires the status of a ruling card.
Finally: The divinatory meanings you've been
given for the cards were expressed as "Upright or Posi­
tive" and "Reversed or Negative." Here's what it
When you deal out your spread, those cards which
face the reader (i.e., which are right-side up from the
reader 's perspective) are upright; those which face
away from the reader are reversed.
Each of the cards in the Tarot deck has both a posi­
tive and a negative interpretation. In most cases, it can
seem that a positive interpretation means good things
are going to happen, and a negative one means bad
things are going to happen. But that's not true all the
time. For a card like The Tower of Destruction, for exam­
ple, the positive interpretation is absolute disaster. If the
card is reversed-or, if the meaning is negated-you've
still got problems, but they're not as serious. The posi­
tive interpretation of a card, then, is its strongest mean­
ing; a negative interpretation results when the influence
of the card has been weakened, delayed-or reversed.
The reason that the positive meanings of each card
have been assigned to the upright position and the neg­
ative meanings to the reverse is because many Tarot
readers feel that how a card comes up in a spread is not
a random occurrence, but portends a change in the situ-
Reading the Tarot · 321

ation it reveals or affects. For those who do interpret the

cards this way, it seems logical to assume that if a given
card is dealt out reversed, that indicates that its mean­
ing has also been reversed-or at least altered to some
degree-as well.
However, you will also find interpretations for the
cards that do not take into account their possible upright
or reverse position in the spread. These readers feel that
it is the nature of the situation at hand, or the influence
of other cards in the reading, which strengthen or
weaken the effect of any individual card. In this case, the
reader decides the relative meaning of a card based on
its association with surrounding cards and/ or on the
interpretation of the reading as a whole. (Most people
who interpret the cards this way also turn all the cards
in their spread upright, or facing the reader, before they
begin their analysis.) As with everything else you've
been told so far, there is no best way to decide this. You
can use the upright or reverse position of a card as a clue
to which part of the interpretation applies in any read­
ing, or you can base your analysis conclusions solely on
associations with other cards. Both systems have their
advantages. Assuming an upright/reverse association
makes it faster and easier to decide which set of mean­
ings applies at the time of the reading. Assuming posi­
tion is unimportant gives you that much more leeway
in deciding which interpretations you will apply to the
card. Again, try it both ways. Whichever system you find
works best for you is the one you should use! And it will not,
in the long run, adversely affect your ability to correctly
interpret the cards. As long as you use the same system
every time you do a reading, your deck will go along
322 • Tarot for Beginners

with you. The cards have a way of arranging them­

selves in the order needed for the reading.
And now that you have all your instructions,
exceptions, and explanations, it's time you had a chance
to practice doing some actual readings. Let's take a look
at three different ways to lay out the Tarot cards.
Tarot Spreads



Tarot spreads range from very simple to extremely com­

plex. Most spreads don't use the entire deck; but there
are some that use half the deck or more, just as there are
some that can be completed with ten cards or less.
Obviously, the more cards you need for your spread,
the more complicated and time-consuming it will be to
use-and to learn.
Even for experienced readers, simpler is often best.
Fewer cards make the spread easier for the reader to
interpret and the querent to understand. Less data to
correlate also means less chance for errors in interpreta­
tion, so the smaller spreads can sometimes be more
accurate. And in the long run, the information you get
can be just as detailed as in more complex systems. For
these reasons, all three spreads described in this chapter
use a minimal number of cards.
324 • Tarot for Beginners

Simple or complex, however, the explanations of

what each of the cards in a spread is intended to show
you can still be confusing if you've never done a read­
ing before. An actual reading demonstrates, better than
any explanation, how the cards relate to each other in a
real-life situation, and how to understand their mean­
ings in terms of surrounding cards and the question
asked. So for each of the spreads described here, you
will get a complete explanation of how it works, and
then an example of how it did work.
The sample readings in this chapter were selected
from a series of readings done for actual people, with
the needs of this book in mind. I chose as samples those
readings which best illustrate how the Tarot answers
questions, the way you choose which interpretation
applies, and how you need to adjust those interpreta­
tions within the context of the reading. However, even
in a spread that uses a limited number of cards, very
often the results can be complex. So from those "best
illustrations," I also selected those three which were
easiest to explain.
Because these sample readings are intended to
illustrate how to interpret the combinations of cards in
a reading, you'll be given a little bit more information
than the reader would normally ask for. Explanations of
the interpretations include the querent's perceptions
and feedback as well; where applicable, I'll also tell you
not just what the cards said, but what eventually hap­
pened to that person in the situation described.
No information which would reveal the identity of
any querent is given. Each of the sample readings in
this chapter are included with the permission of the
person for whom they were done.
Tarot Spreads · 325

Now let's get started. Here are three ways to lay

out your cards for a reading.

A Ten-Card Spread
One of the most commonly used Tarot spreads is called by
most readers the Ancient Celtic Method. This spread uses
just enough cards to give a fairly detailed picture of the
querent's current circumstances. The Celtic spread can be
used for a general reading; it is also one of the best spreads
to use if you want an answer to a definite question.
Once the deck has been shuffled and cut, the Sig­
nificator is placed face up in the center of the table. With
the deck face down, take the first ten cards in order
from the top of the deck and place them into the spread
as described below (see Figure One).
The position of each card in this spread has a defi­
nite reference to a specific area of the querent's life or
current circumstances.
FIRST CARD: This covers you. Take the first, or top,
card of the deck and place it face up on top of the Signi­
ficator. This card describes the basis of the situation or its
present influences. It tells you the general atmosphere in
which the querent is currently operating, including the
querent' s state of mind in this situation, and/ or the peo­
ple or other influences presently at work.
SECOND CARD: This crosses you. The second card
is placed horizontally across the first. If you are using
upright and reverse in your reading, the side facing the
reader should be toward the right.
This card either strengthens or weakens the effects
of the first card. It shows obstacles or ameliorating cir­
cumstances; events and situations which currently exist
326 • Tarot for Beginners

or are coming up in the immediate future, and which

will have a direct effect on the situation in question. If it
is a favorable card, then any good influences in the first
card will be strengthened, any bad will be weakened. If
it is an unfavorable card, it will weaken or cancel out
any good influences in the first card, or increase the
chances of bad influences.
THIRD CARD: This crowns you. The third card is
placed above the Significator and first card. It describes
the querent' s goals in this matter, and the probability of
achieving them at this time. Specifically, this card
explains the querent's ideal aim (what he or she hopes
to accomplish in this situation), and/ or the best that can
be achieved under the circumstances-whether or not
it's what the querent wants. It also represents the imme­
diate future, in that the situation described by this card
has not yet occurred.
FOURTH CARD: This is beneath you. This card is
placed below the Significator. It describes the founda­
tion of the situation under discussion; a specific event
or series of events in the immediate past which, because
of their influence on the querent, are the reason, or
direct cause, of the current situation.
[Note: By the time you've read these four cards, you
will know what question your spread is answering.
You've been told what the situation is about; what can
either help or hurt the querent in these circumstances;
what the querent wants; and what happened previously
that got him or her into this situation in the first place.
The querent will now be able to tell you if the cards are
answering the question that was asked, or if they have
decided to address another set of circumstances instead.]
FIFTH CARD: This is behind you. Place this card to
the right of the Significator. It gives the influence or set
Tarot Spreads · 327


s 8

Figure One: Ten-Card Spread or Celtic Cross

of circumstances that is in the process of being com­

pleted; the situation which has just passed or is now
passing. In effect, events or circumstances in the quer­
ent' s past, as shown in the first four cards, created a
general personal environment in which he or she was
operating. This environment is now changing, either
because the querent has taken steps to change it, or
because some outside influence is forcing a change.
SIXTH CARD: This is before you. Place this card to
the left of the Significator. It describes the future influ­
ence or set of circumstances the querent can expect; the
328 • Tarot for Beginners

change in personal environment that either should (if

the querent is being advised what to do) or will (if he or
she is just going with the flow) take place. The past,
described by card five, is giving way to this new situa­
tion as a result of the actions the querent is taking, or
goals to which he or she aspires, or any influences,
internal or external, as described by the previous cards.
[Note: Cards five and six can also be used as a
"time-check"; a way to determine how long a period of
time the reading covers. ]
This can be very helpful, since one of the questions
you will be asked about the results of a reading is when
all of this is actually going to happen. Your clue is in
card five: if you can determine when those circum­
stances occurred or existed, you'll have a fairly good
idea of when future events will take place as well.
To use these cards as a time-check, explain the
nature of the situation described by card five, and ask
the querent how long ago it occurred or existed. The
events or situations described by card six will happen
approximately that far in the future-and so will the
general outcome of the reading as a whole.
Since card five describes something in the quer­
ent's past, it should not be difficult to identify it. How­
ever, you have to make certain that you describe it
clearly enough so that the querent understands exactly
what incident or set of circumstances you're talking
about. Be obscure, and they may pick the wrong situa­
tion-and therefore the wrong period of time-as their
answer. Only the querent can tell you how long ago
these changes or events took place; if their information
is inaccurate, so will be your prediction of how long
they have to wait for everything to be resolved.
Tarot Spreads • 329

If you don't use these cards as a time-check, you

can still get an idea of the approximate time range for
the reading. Before you start the reading, specify the
amount of time you want it to cover-anywhere from a
few days up to 12 months. You can't force the future to
resolve itself within a specified period of time! But you
can ask the cards to confine their predictions to that
period of time.
And, of course, there are readings in which you
don't need a time-check at all. If the querent is asking
about a specific event he or she expects to be involved
in, then you already know when it's going to happen,
and all you need to know is how it will come out.
With the first six cards on the table, your spread is
now arranged in the form of a cross, with the Significa­
tor in the center, under the first card. The last four cards
will be laid out to the right of this cross, starting at the
lower right, and placed one above the other.
CARD SEVEN: This is you. This card represents the
querent. In general, it places the querent in perspective
in terms of the circumstances of the reading. It shows
the querent's stance, or attitude toward him or herself
and/ or toward the situation. As a result, it also reveals
how the querent is likely to behave or react in this situ­
CARD EIGHT: This is your house. Card eight is
placed directly above card seven. It represents the quer­
ent's environment, or surroundings, in this situation;
what is going on around the querent at this time. It
shows the querent' s effect on other people, especially
those close to him or her, or closely involved in the situ­
ation, and the querent's effect on events in general.
330 · Tarot for Beginners

More important, it also reveals what kind of effect

those other people or events will have on the querent or
on the outcome of the situation; what they're doing,
how they're reacting, and/ or what their intentions are
in these circumstances.
CARD NINE: This is your hopes andfears. Place this
card above Card Eight. This card reveals the querent's
innermost thoughts regarding this situation. It shows
how the querent feels about the people, events, and cir­
cumstances surrounding him or her at this time includ­
ing the querent' s feelings about self and his or her
chances for success or failure.
There are two facts about this card which you need
to make sure the querent understands. First, the card
describes how the querentfeels; not what has happened,
is happening, or will happen. Not everyone's emotional
perspective is accurate! The querent' s reaction may be
reasonable given the circumstances, but it could also be
entirely off-base (in which case, you tell them that they
can't see the forest for the trees!).
Second, whether the querent' s emotional perspec­
tive is accurate or not, it will still affect the outcome. If
the querent has to take action on something, for exam­
ple, and is afraid to, then even if the cards predict a
good possibility for success, he or she may stili fail­
because they can't make a move. The other cards in the
reading will reveal whether or not the querent's percep­
tions of the situation are justified.
CARD TEN: This is the result. The final card in the
reading is placed directly above Card Nine. It reveals
what is going to happen; the culmination which will
result from the influences shown by all the other cards
in this reading.
Tarot Spreads · 331

As the reader, this is the card on which you focus

your attention. The other cards in the reading explain
how and why the querent will get to this point-and
how and if this result can be encouraged or avoided.
But card ten contains the answer to the querent's ques­
tion: the final outcome of all of the influences described
by the reading. It concludes and explains the informa­
tion you've gained from all the other cards in this read­
ing, including the card you chose as the Significator.
And note here: if card ten is a Minor Arcana court card,
then it does represent a person-and that person holds
the outcome of this situation in his or her hands.
If the reading is obviously answering your ques­
tion but the meaning of card ten is obscure in any way, it
is a valid reason to repeat the reading, in order to clarify
the answer. In that case, you use this card as your Signi­
ficator in the repeat reading, instead of the card you ini­
tially used. Note: If you repeat the reading, put the other
ten cards back in the deck (your original Significator,
and cards one through nine), then reshuffle and cut the
entire deck (minus your new Significator) as before.

An Example of a Celtic Spread

This reading was done for a young man in his early 30s.
He put a lot of work into preparing for his chosen pro­
fession and building his business, and his social life suf­
fered as a result.
He admits that he's always been socially inept
(you have to learn to be popular, too!); he also admits
that he's spent more time developing his professional
skills than seeking relationships. But he's wondering
now about missed opportunities. His stated question:
332 · Tarot for Beginners

Has anyone ever been in love with me? Despite the fact
that the question involves love and romance, the Signi­
ficator chosen to represent the querent was the Knight
of Wands. The choice was based on the type of person
this young man is; a self-starter, ambitious, hard-work­
ing, and beginning to see some prospects of success. It
is, after all, his involvement with career, and the resul­
tant neglect of social opportunities and skills, which is
the basis of this situation.
Here are the cards that came out. [Note: Cards are
upright unless otherwise specified.]
FIRST CARD (This covers you): Page of Cups,
reversed. A card from the suit of love which describes
seduction and deceit.
With a court card, the first thing you want to estab­
lish is whether or not the card represents a person, and if
so, who. There have been young women in this man's
life, some of whom he has been very fond of, and he has
had some tentative relationships which have fallen
apart. There is no one, however, who meets this descrip­
tion: a friend or lover who deliberately deceived him.
This card, then, does not represent someone else.
However, the covering card describes the basis of the
situation, including the querent's attitude, which is that
he has not paid serious attention to developing rela­
tionships. This card, then, represents the querent-and
answers his stated question! If he's trying to convince
himself that some woman from his past is desperately
in love with him, he's only deceiving himself. And then
the reading goes on from there.
What do you do when the first card answers the
question? One very good possibility is that the stated
question was not what the querent really meant to ask,
or really needed to know.
Tarot Spreads • 333

This turned out to be the case. This young man feels

the lack of someone to share his life. But he has trouble
meeting new people, and he hasn't really been willing,
yet, to put the time into looking. So he was hoping that
the woman of his dreams was looking for him. The cards
say it's not going to be that easy.And then they go on
from there to tell him what he does have to do.
SECOND CARD (This crosses you): Eight of
Swords, reversed; a card of sickness and injury. This card
explains why, in his past, he has not had any serious
relationships. Translating "sickness" to mean some­
thing that weakens you, the card refers partly to his
own social ineptitude, and partly to his prior unwill­
ingness to work at establishing a lasting relationship.
The injury is the one he's done to himself, and he's pay­
ing for it with loneliness.
THIRD CARD (This crowns you): Seven of Coins,
reversed. This card provides a good example of how
suits can switch their perspective. Cards from the suit of
Coins generally refer to money matters; the seven
reversed indicates an uncertain or unwise expenditure.
But since the question involves love, the expenditure
here is most probably emotional. Yes, it costs money to
go out on dates, and he has spent some on that activity.
His real problem is that he needs to find someone to
love, and what he's wasting is time and energy hoping
it will just happen for him. As the song goes, he's look­
ing for love in all the wrong places. And evidently, since
this is the best he can expect under the circumstances,
this "unwise expenditure" will continue unless he
changes his ways.
FOURTH CARD (This is beneath you): The Knight
of Swords; a treacherous and malicious enemy. Again,
since no one, male or female, has ever deliberately set
334 • Tarot for Beginners

out to hurt him in the area of relationships, the question

is: who's the real enemy here? Remember that the lack
of relationships in his past has been mostly his own
doing. In this situation, then, the Knight of Swords sug­
gests that his worst enemy is himself.
FIFTH CARD (This is behind you): The Four of
Swords, reversed; greed. So his past was one in which he
was evidently expecting something to which he was not
entitled. He expected love to happen to him without
having to work at it. Greed indeed! We know, however,
from the position of the card that this is changing.
What's it changing to?
Time Check-Since we're talking about an emo­
tional state rather than a specific event, it's difficult to
establish an exact time frame. The best thing to do in
this case is to allow a little leeway, by going back to the
origin of the situation on which the question is based.
To the querent's best recollection, then, it was about six
months prior to the date of the reading that he began to
realize that success in business was not all he wanted
out of life; and also around that time he began wishing
he had someone to share his life with. If we've identi­
fied the right set of circumstances, the changes shown
in the next card should be fully established sometime
within the next six months; and the final outcome pre­
dicted by the reading should be within his reach at that
time as well.
SIXTH CARD (This is befroe you): The King of
Wands reversed; describes an austere but tolerant man.
Note that this card is from the same suit as the Significa­
tor, and that it appears in a future-outcome position.
Court cards from the same suit as the Significator show up
in readings more often than can be ascribed to coincidence.
Tarot Spreads • 335

In general, such a card definitely refers back to the quer­

ent; it shows him in a different position or set of circum­
stances than the original card. In this case, because it
describes his new personal environment, it also describes
the change in him that is beginning to happen.
So what does this card tell us? The Significator was
the Knight of Wands, and this is a young man who is on
his way to professional success. The King card in this
position-describing something that will happen in the
future-suggests that he will get there, but also indi­
cates a definite change in his general attitude. He is
changing from the self-destructive Swords behavior to
a more tolerant, mature attitude. In effect, he's going to
grow up emotionally. And that should have a positive
effect on his future relationships.
SEVENTH CARD (This is you): Seven of Cups;
fresh but indefinite ideas in the mind of the querent,
indicating a change of attitude but no concrete plans at
this time. He knows he's been going about this the
wrong way and that he has to change his approach, but
he's not quite sure exactly what to do. Specifically, he's
beginning to realize that if he wants love, he'll have to
work as hard at that as he does at his business. Now all
he has to do is figure out how.
But it is a beginning. And it's also the reason that
the change of attitude or personality, from the one
shown in card five to the one predicted by card six, is
likely to happen.
EIGHTH CARD (This is your house): The Chariot.
The divinatory meaning which best applies here is mas­
tery of opposing forces; and since this is Major Arcana,
the victory must be as much over himself as over cir­
cumstances. He has to reconcile his business interests
336 · Tarot for Beginners

and his social needs; to be willing to give at least as

much time and effort to a woman he might care about
as he does his business concerns. But that, for this quer­
ent, is the least of it.
In order to succeed in this situation, he has to over­
come his own diffidence, to make himself able to func­
tion in social settings. Since this card appears in his
present environment, evidently he is beginning to take
steps in this direction-and will eventually be success­
ful at it.
CARD NINE (This is your hopes and fears): Ace of
Wands, reversed; a card of ruin and decline. Again, based
on the choice of Significator, this is a card from the quer­
ent's own suit-and it expresses his feelings about this
new beginning he's making. He expects to fail.
Based on the other cards in his spread, however, he
should not fail; these feelings come from his own basic
insecurities. Understand that what we're dealing with
here is not a selfish workaholic, but someone who is
basically shy. If he's put all his effort up until now into
his profession it's because that's something he knows
he can do. He's not sure at all that even if he makes the
effort he'll be able to find someone to love him.
CARD TEN (This is the result): Justice; a victory of
the right. The outcome is in his own hands; he will get
what he deserves. And since other cards in the reading
show that he's willing to make the effort, and that vic­
tory is within his grasp, the .chances are very good that
what he deserves is what he wants and hopes for: he
will find someone to love.
Now let's take a look at the reading as a whole.
What kind of cards came up here?
Two Major Arcana (self-change and development).
Three court cards, not counting the Significator, which
Tarot Spreads • 337

in this reading also describe the querent, even though

they're all from different suits. Swords (self-destruction)
in his past; love in his heart; and justice in his future.
The one suit that appears more than any other is
Swords, though these destructive influences are all in
his past. But note the Justice card also carries a sword, in
this case obviating the negative influence in the future.
He's no longer on the self-destructive course; now he's
fighting for himself instead of against himself.
There is no real ruling suit in this reading, but
there is a general theme. The court cards describe the
querent, plus the Major Arcana tells us that the key to
this situation is the querent' s own personal develop­
ment. He's been going through some serious problems
and personal changes, but now he's beginning to come
out the other end.
So what is the answer to his question? No, he's
never been loved before, nor has he ever really been in
love. In fact, he's expecting something to which the per­
son he was is simply not entitled (greed card). But that
is all in his past, because the person he was is changing.
The King of Wands especially in this reading is a
very positive sign. Maturity and experience result in
abilities and attitudes that youth lacks. He's still shy
and unsure of himself (Card Nine), but not in the same
way or to the same extent as when he was younger.
And as he matures-as he develops his. own inner con­
fidence-he will be able to improve his ability to initiate
and participate in relationships as well.
So the answer-to his unspoken question-is yes.
He will be able to find the love he's looking for, and in
the foreseeable future.
I know you want to know what happened next.
338 • Tarot for Beginners

The reading was done about three months before it was

written into this book. That puts us about halfway
through the time-frame suggested by card five. If both
the reading and the time-check are accurate, the querent
should be making some progress toward his goal. So
where is he now?
Well, he hasn't become a social butterfly in that
short time! But he has made the effort to get involved in
purely social activities. As a result, he's met several
young women he finds compatible, and one in particu­
lar who in his eyes stands out from the crowd. There are
no wedding bells planned as yet. On the other hand,
he's happy enough in his current situation that he
doesn't feel the need for another reading on this same
question. And that's the best sign of all!
As you can see, even a reading using only ten
cards can tell you a lot about the person's circumstances
and expectations. Now let's see what we can get from a
spread that uses even fewer cards.

A Five-Card Spread
This is an even simpler spread that works very well for
minor inquiries. It uses only the twenty-two cards of
the Major Arcana; Minor Arcana cards are removed
from the deck before shuffling.
It's generally not necessary to use a Significator,
since the reading as a whole refers directly to the quer­
ent. You would need a Significator only if the question is
being asked for or about someone else. In that case, it is
the only card you'll take from the Minor Arcana.
Preparation of the deck is also simpler. With the
Minor Arcana cards removed from the deck, the cards
Tarot Spreads • 339

are shuffled by the reader. They do not have to be cut,

nor does the querent have to handle the cards. The
querent' s input will be in the selection of the cards used
for the spread.
If you use a Significator, place it in the center of the
table above where you will lay out your cards; none of
the cards in this spread will cover the Significator. Lay
out the five cards of the spread in a single horizontal
line from right to left; the rightmost card is Card One
(See Figure Two).
When the cards are shuffled, the querent is asked
to pick a number from one to twenty-two. If the querent
chooses ten, for example, the reader counts down
through the cards and takes out the tenth card. This is
laid on the table as Card One.
Then the cards are shuffled again, and the querent
is asked for another number (which, obviously, must be
twenty-one or less). The second card is chosen by the
same process as the first. Continue this process, shuf­
fling the deck each time and asking for a different num­
ber each time. You may shuffle for these subsequent
picks either once, twice, or three times, as long as you
do it the same for each of the four remaining cards.
In this spread each of the five cards has its own
name, and its own effect on the interpretation of the
reading. They are read as follows:
CARD ONE: Affirmation. This is what is going to
happen. Note: this is not an answer to the question, as
happened in our first reading. The cards are simply
telling you that no matter what you asked, or what you
hope for, this is what you're going to get.
CARD TWO: Negation. This is what can or will
prevent it from happening.
340 · Tarot for Beginners

CARD THREE: Discussion or Explanation. This is

why you're in this situation.
CARD FOUR: Solution. This is what you can do
about it, to either encourage or change it.
CARD FIVE: Determination, or Synthesis. Depend­
ing on what steps you take, this is what will happen­
or what you can make happen-instead.
This spread does not have an outcome, or answer,
card as does the Celtic spread. The five cards as a unit
provide an answer to your question.

An Example of a Five-Card Spread

Here's a sample reading, utilizing this method. For this
reading, the querent did not ask a question; he simply
chose five different numbers, not in any particular
order. The result (and interpretation) of the reading was
as follows:
CARD ONE (Affirmation): The Falling Tower. You
are heading for absolute and total destruction of all
your plans and dreams.
CARD TWO (Negation): The Fool. You can avoid
this disaster if you stop acting like a jerk.
CARD THREE (Discussion): The Devil. What is the
foolish thing you're doing? You are putting your hopes
for your destiny into the power of a force that cares
nothing at all for you.
CARD FOUR (Solution): The High Priest. What
should you do? Stop hoping that this other force will
solve your problems and take your destiny into your
own hands.
CARD FIVE (Determination): The World. The
result, if you get your act together, will be absolute
attainment and success.
Tarot Spreads • 341

2 3 4 5

Figure Two: Five-Card Spread

Well that's good enough advice in a variety of

situations. The question is, what does it mean in terms
of this querent?
Before this reading can make any sense to you, you
have to understand what happened. The friend I read for
did not ask a definite question; however, he also couldn't
think of five random numbers. So he used the numbers
that he plays every week in the state lottery to select the
cards for this reading. Three of the numbers he normally
plays were higher than twenty-two, so he added the two
digits together. He also normally plays a series of six
numbers, but two of them added to the same single-digit
number, and that gave him five numbers.
This particular reading illustrates a couple of inter­
esting facts about the way the Tarot works. Fact One: As
we saw in the Celtic reading, no matter what question
you ask aloud, the cards will answer the one you're
really thinking about. In this case, no question was
342 · Tarot for Beginners

stated aloud, but since the querent used his lottery

numbers, obviously somewhere in his mind was the
question of whether or not he was ever going to win.
Fact Two: If you ask a stupid question, you're
going to get an uppity answer. The Tarot cards-at
least, the ones in my deck!-really resent being both­
ered with questions about the possibility of winning at
games of chance.
So here's what the reading really means, in terms of
this querent and his unspoken/ unconscious question:
If you keep putting your money on the lottery,
you're going to keep losing it. Instead of pinning your
hopes for wealth on the lottery, if you want to have lots
of money, stop wishing for it and start working for it.
Short, sweet, and to the point, and, because the
spread utilizes only the Major Arcana, brutally honest.
The Tarot doesn't pull a single punch!
The next spread uses seven cards, but it's actually
the simplest of all.

A Seven-Card Spread
As you've seen, very often the Tarot provides an expla­
nation, rather than a straightforward answer. You're
told not only what can happen but why, and what will
change it and how, plus a wealth of other comments
and insights into both the situation and the personal
attributes of the querent.
Not all questions require that kind of detail. Some­
times you just want a quick and simple answer. This
last spread can be interpreted in detail if you choose, or
simply used to answer yes or no. Note: This spread can­
not be used for a general reading; you must ask a defi­
nite question, and it must be phrased so that it can be
answered yes or no.
Tarot Spreads • 343


1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure Three: Seven-Card Spread

Once the deck has been shuffled and cut, lay out
the first seven cards into your spread from right to left
(see Figure Three). If you are going to interpret the
cards individually, the first three cards represent the
past, or the events leading up to this situation. The last
three cards reveal the future, or how the situation will
conclude. The center card is called the Focus Card; it
will give you the most information about the situation.
The focus card should be placed on top of the Significa­
tor when it is dealt out.
Note: If you are going to interpret the cards indi­
vidually, the focus card can also serve as a Significator
chosen by the Tarot; i.e., rather than choosing a Signifi­
cator up front, you interpret the center card as the rea­
son for the spread's answer to your question.
Here's how it works. The querent asks his or her
question, and the cards are shuffled and cut for the
reading. The cards are laid out in order from right to left
344 • Tarot for Beginners

(the focus card will be the fourth card placed into the
spread). Any cards which appear upright in the spread
mean yes; reversed cards mean no. The first three and
last three cards are valued at one point each; the focus
card is worth two points. A simple bit of arithmetic
does the rest; add up the yes and no points and you
have your answer.
This spread also provides a quick and easy way to
determine whether or not the cards will answer a par­
ticular question for the querent. If the results come out
even, then the querent must make his or her own deci­
sion on this matter without any help from the Tarot.

An Example of a Seven-Card Spread

Here's a sample reading. This question was asked by a
mother about her daughter. The daughter, a young
woman in her early twenties, was scheduled for
surgery in less than two weeks; the mother wanted to
know if she would come through it all right.
Of the seven cards in the spread, four of them,
including the focus card, were reversed; three were
upright. That made five negative points and three posi­
tive-a definite no.
With an answer like that, and especially consider­
ing the seriousness of the situation, we naturally wanted
to know what was going on. The type of surgery the
daughter was facing was not that dangerous a proce­
dure, and the young woman herself was basically in
good health, except for this one problem. Why the dire
warning? Here's what the Tarot had to say about it.
The Significator chosen was the Page of Wands,
since "saucy and mischievous" certainly describes this
young woman's character. These were the cards dealt
into the spread:
Tarot Spreads · 345

CARD ONE (Past Influences): Six of Swords,

upright: a journey of uncertain destination. Obviously
this refers to the surgery itself, since the querent didn't
know how it was going to work out. But it could have
another meaning in this context:
CARD TWO: The Falling Tower, reversed: calamities
of a lesser importance in kind. This could refer to the
operation itself: the surgery was not supposed to be that
serious, and-except for the fact that any surgery is a
risk-not life-threatening. But what if the meaning of
this card is that the daughter 's illness was not serious
enough to require surgery in the first place?
CARD THREE: Justice, reversed. Abuse of justice;
bigotry. That possibility would seem to be confirmed by
this card. The family involved here are immigrants.
They've done well in this country, and they can afford
medical treatment, but they are not entirely knowledge­
able about how the system works. A smooth-talking
doctor with priorities of his own could talk them into
something that they don't need.
CARD FOUR (Focus Card): Two of Wands, reversed;
a surprise of some kind; some unexpected factor enter­
ing into the situation. And note that here, too, the focus
card is from the same suit as the Significator. The two of
Wands is generally not a fortunate card, and the sur­
prise may be either pleasant or unpleasant (or, as it
turned out in this case, both). But obviously, something
new is going to affect this situation-and, since it is
from her suit, it has to do specifically with the daughter.
CARD FIVE (Future Results): Death, upright.
Death, failure. As far as the Tarot is concerned, if this
young woman has the surgery, she's running a mortal
346 • Tarot for Beginners

risk. She may not die on the table, but the surgery is
bound to cause more problems than it solves.
CARD SIX: Ten of Wands, upright. A gamble for
high stakes. The meaning here is clear. What this young
woman is gambling with is her life. And the question at
this point is whether or not she should have this
surgery at all.
CARD SEVEN: Four of Cups, reversed. New rela­
tionships; an unforeseen event. A confirmation of the
focus card; something is going to change. In this case,
however, it will change because of new people, and
potentially friendly ones, given the suit, that either the
querent or her daughter are soon to meet.
This reading illustrates just how definitely a Tarot
reading can change your future.
The first question I asked after getting these results
was how many doctors they had seen before scheduling
this surgery. The answer was only this one. Over the
next week, however, they consulted three more-and
not one of them recommended surgery for the daugh­
ter 's medical problem. The problem was real, but all
three "second opinions" prescribed a course of medica­
tion for her condition. With the proper medication, it
took a little more than three weeks for her condition to
clear up entirely, and she never had the totally unneces­
sary surgery.
And I hardly need add that this was one of the
most satisfying readings I'd done in a long while.
Results like this are why you take the time and trouble
to learn to read the Tarot cards.
Tarot Spreads • 347

So where does all this leave you? You start with a pecu­
liar-looking deck of seventy-eight cards and a book that
lists pages of interpretations for each one of them. You
know that this deck holds within it the answers to your
important questions. How do you make it render up
those answers to you?
In order to do an accurate reading, you have to know
the meanings of the cards, but unless you have total
recall, simply memorizing all that information is an
impossible task. And even with a photographic mem­
ory, it's a pretty pointless one. The lists of words and
phrases given as divinatory interpretations are mean­
ingless in and of themselves. You have to use them in a
reading to understand how they apply to real-life situa­
tions. Which makes it a kind of Catch-22: in order to use
them you have to know them, but in order to know
them you have to use them.
In addition, for both the Major and Minor Arcana,
I told you that not all of the definitions given for any
one card apply at the same time. You not only have to
know all the definitions, you have to know how to pick
the one that makes sense in the context of the reading.
Determining the exact interpretation of any card in
a reading is simply a matter of experience. You learn,
over time, what each of the listed interpretations actu­
ally mean as they apply to real situations. And you also
learn how to determine what the most logical interpre­
tation is in a specific reading.
However, that kind of explanation does you little
good. This is a beginner's book after all!-it is no help
to be told, as you have been told throughout this book,
348 · Tarot for Beginners

that "With experience you'll be able to... " So before we

close, let's talk about how you get that experience.
You'll find that most people are intrigued by the idea
of having their cards read. And many of them are also
willing to be patient with a neophyte reader. If you don't
try to set yourself up as an expert diviner from the begin­
ning, you can use input and feedback from your first con­
sultants to teach you how to understand the cards.
So, when you start doing readings, just tell people
that you're a beginner. They'll wait while you look up
the meanings of the cards. And they'll tell you how
those interpretations apply to their questions. If you're
willing to stumble at first, if you're willing to admit that
you're not infallible even once you become more expert,
you can learn to understand what the Tarot is trying to
tell you. Work with the querent, learn from other peo­
ple's lives and experiences as well as your own, and I
guarantee you that before you know it, you'll be making
the right associations on your own. It's as simple as that.
There are two other points to keep in mind that
will help you figure out what you're seeing in a spread.
First, not every situation-in fact, very few of them at
all-will be world-shaking. It is a fact that sometimes,
as you saw in the third sample reading, the information
you uncover can be a matter of life and death. But just
as often, as you saw in the second reading, it will not
involve a life-changing experience even for the querent.
Don't "reach" for extraordinary explanations of what
you see in the cards. You're reading for ordinary people
after all. Their problems and questions are important,
never doubt it, ; but the answers they need, and will get
from the cards, are not likely to be mystical revelations
of enormous import. Expect the ordinary, not the
Tarot Spreads • 349

unusual. Or, as the old medical saw goes: When you

hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.
The second point is this: very often, and especially
when you're working with a spread that focuses on the
Major Arcana, interpreting the Tarot cards can be like
interpreting your dreams. You won't get the messages
spelled out in plain English; you get images, symbol­
ism, and hints which you then have to relate to the peo­
ple involved and to the question that was asked. In
short, you have to think about the message you're get­
ting to understand what it means, and how it applies to
your life.
But again, the more that you practice reading the
cards, the clearer these images will become. And even­
tually you will reach the point where you know, just by
looking at a completed spread, what the answer is. And
the only reason you'll need to interpret each individual
card is to get the details.
The hard part is getting started. It's not easy to
learn to read the Tarot cards, but it can be done. Don't
get discouraged if it takes you a while to develop the
skills you need; it's not because you haven't got the
ability, it's because it's a difficult and complex skill!
Whether you use the cards for meditation only, or
for getting answers to your own questions, or to read
for others, it's worth the time and work you'll put into
it. Enjoy the trip. When you arrive, you'll find that the
Tarot can be your best and most faithful Guide.


Despite the mass of information you've been given in

this text, this is not by any means a conclusion to your
study of the Tarot; it is only a beginning.
One flaw that all explanations of the Tarot have in
common is that each system is, perforce, self-contained.
Even those which, like this text, advise you to examine
other sources as well can only take you just so far. There
may · be an infinite number of interpretations of the
cards, but there is, after all, only a finite number of
cards to interpret. And once each text has detailed its
own system for understanding and using the Tarot,
there is no place else for it to go.
But there's no limit to how far you can go, because
the Tarot itself can take you anywhere you choose.

352 · Tarot for Beginners

My best advice for growing with the Tarot is this.

Once you've learned the basics, as outlined here, inves­
tigate as many different systems as you can get your
hands on (or afford!). Read other books on the subject;
examine a number of decks. You may have to take some
wrong turns along your path; that is, wrong for you.
Until you've seen at least some variety in both interpre­
tations and deck designs, however, you won't be able to
decide what works best for you.
There are a lot of options available for you to
explore. Tarot texts range from the sketchy and incom­
plete versions you find in occult compendiums to
highly detailed (and occasionally incomprehensibly
mystical) volumes explaining every possible aspect and
use of the cards. Tarot deck designs range from simple,
straightforward depictions, some of them profession­
ally drawn and some delightfully primitive, to ex­
tremely complex works of art, covered with magical
symbols which sometimes heighten and sometimes
obscure the basic meaning of the allegory on each card.
Among all the systems you examine, there will be
some you feel more than reward you for your efforts,
and some which you consider a complete waste of your
time. But each deck, no matter how it's drawn, and each
text, no matter how well or poorly written, has some­
thing to offer the serious scholar. Don't be impatient
with other peoples' view of the Tarot, even those that
seem to wander far afield, and even when your
instincts tell you that a given explanation must be
wrong. (In fact, it's when you start getting a feeling that
someone is right or wrong that you know you're finally
beginning to understand the Tarot and to arrive at your
own unique interpretations of the cards.)
Conclusion • 353

Most especially, don't be impatient with those

writers whose overall perspective on the Tarot is very
different from your own. You need them most of all.
Because their needs are so different and their personal
goals so unrelated to what you would seek, they open a
window that you would not find on your own. Use
them to discover how many different visions the Tarot
makes possible. This ancient book of wisdom can be
made to fit any version of reality; and the more versions
of reality you see, the more likely it is that you will be
able to find your own truth someday.
It is a fact that there are a few writers on the Tarot
who are dogmatic, from those who claim to have the
only valid interpretation of the cards to those who "cor­
rect'' the meaning of the cards to fit a single, narrow
vision. In every generation, there have been interpreters
who had a political point to make, and so explained the
Tarot either to support one or another of their century's
philosophies or to refute them.
Although such writers have always been with us,
they are also very much in the minority. Most of the
variant explanations you'll find are simply written by
interpreters who have found in the Tarot a voice for
their visions, and are trying to share it with you. You'll
find some of these interpretations illuminating, and
some confusing, some fascinating and some ridiculous.
Some may disturb or perhaps anger you, even if they
don't claim superior insight; but even if a given vision
of the Tarot is not one you can accept, it is still a valid
vision. It is more than worth your time to see the many
roads down which the Tarot can take you.
One thing is certain: no matter how different one
interpretation may be from another, there is ultimately
354 • Tarot for Beginners

no right or wrong explanation of the cards. They're

ALL right-and they may all be wrong, depending on
your focus.
The reason everyone reacts differently to the Tarot
is simple: every person is different. Your individual per­
sonality and set of life's experiences as well as spiritual
needs give you a unique perspective on how you
respond to what you see. In the Major Arcana espe­
cially, each picture contains such a richness and variety
of symbolism that very few people can take it all in at
once. So we each focus on some aspects to the exclusion
of others. And sometimes that means that you can over­
look something important, or overemphasize some­
thing minor.
Whatever the author's perspective, any text on the
Tarot can only point out what you may miss without
instruction; what you may overlook because it doesn't
connect with your personal experience and needs. Any
writer on the Tarot can only give you his or her own per­
sonal understanding of the meaning of the cards. But
there is no complete and definitive guide to the Tarot,
because there is no single, absolute definition of the cards.
The link to tie it all together, the final determina­
tion of the true meaning of the Tarot, is you.
The Tarot is a key-and where there's a key, there's
a door. And somewhere on the other side of this partic­
ular door you will find the answers to all your ques­
tions, simple and complex, secular and religious,
spiritual and mundane. Let those who have gone before
you show you what doors the Tarot has opened for
them. Gather as much information as you can; explore
as many other viewpoints as you can. Learn to take
from each what you need to heighten your own under­
standing of the Tarot.
Conclusion • 355

And then go on your own path from there. Let the

Tarot take you where it will; let it help you create your
own vision of what is true and what is real. And if that
vision continually changes each time you pick up your
cards, that's only because you are also changing as you
grow and as you learn. Don't let it confuse you. Take it as
a sign that you're growing closer to the answers you need.
One day, if you're lucky, it will all come together,
and you'll see the path that you need to recreate yourself
and your understanding of the universe. When that hap­
pens, you will finally be a master of the Tarot.

Divining with the Tarot

This book is divided into two sections; let's divide the
conclusion the same way.
It should be clear by this point that my emphasis is
on using the Tarot for meditation, and for spiritual self­
development. But if all you want is a simple fortune­
telling method, that's fine, too. I certainly use my deck
for divination, and I've done so for years. The Tarot is,
after all, a superb divination tool, and it would be fool­
ish to overlook or belittle that use of the cards.
Assuming that you will use your cards for divina­
tion, then there is one very important message I want to
leave you with. I mentioned it earlier, but I want to stress
it now. Because if you don't remember this-and if you
don't make sure the people you read for are aware of
this-it can make others doubt your abilities, and worse,
it could make you doubt yourself.
There is no absolute destiny: there is only cause
and effect. Sometimes the process is clear. If you mix
blue and yellow, you're going to get green. If you add
two and two you're going to get four. Cause and effect.
356 • Tarot for Beginners

Most of life's situations are so complex that it's dif­

ficult if not impossible to determine what effect your
actions will cause. And those are the situations for
which you need a means of prophecy; a way to see
clearly what will happen.
The point to remember is that if you change the
cause, you change the effect. And that means that if a
future result you predicted changes, it doesn't necessar­
ily mean the prophecy was wrong.
If I tell you that mixing blue with yellow will give
you green, and green is something you cannot endure
for whatever reason, you can mix blue with red instead
and get purple. You've changed the effect-but you
haven't changed the accuracy of my prophecy. Because
if you had mixed blue with yellow, you would have got­
ten green. YOU decided not to cause the green; you took
steps to replace one result with another. All I did was tell
you what would have happened had you continued, all
unknowing, on the course you originally meant to take.
If you use your cards for fortunetelling, you will see this
effect again and again. You will predict-accurately!­
what lies in someone's immediate future. Then, because
that individual was forewarned, they will be able to
take steps to change their future. If they indeed change
their future, it doesn't mean you were wrong. It means
you served your purpose. You fulfilled the function of a
true prophet.
A familiar story which illustrates this is that of the
prophet Jonah.
According to Jewish teachings, Jonah was ordered
by God to go to Nineveh and warn the people there that
the city would be destroyed because of their sin. Jonah
did not want to go. (This is why he ran away, and how
Conclusion • 357

he wound up in the belly of a whale. Read the original

story for these details; we don't need them here.) He
didn't want to go because he knew what would hap­
pen, because it had happened to him before, and he
didn't want it to happen again.
What did happen? After his slap on the wrist from
God, Jonah grudgingly trekked over to Nineveh,
marched into the city, and announced that the entire
population and everything they possessed would be
destroyed by God because they were sinners.
Well, both the king and the people of Nineveh had
had some experience with such prophecies in the past,
and they believed every word. So they put on sackcloth
and ashes and declared a period of fast during which
they repented their sins.
And God, seeing that their repentance was gen­
uine, withdrew the judgment previously passed against
Nineveh and did not destroy the city after alL
Now this was exactly what Jonah knew would
happen, and exactly why he didn't want to go in the
first place. It wasn't that he wanted to see the people of
Nineveh destroyed; the story makes it clear that he
didn't care about them one way or the other. But he
was, after all, a genuine prophet; a man who actually
spoke to God. And he felt that when these genuine
prophecies didn't come true as stated, it made him look
like a fraud or, worse, like a fooL
Jonah missed the point. Don't you miss it, too. The
point is that even divinely decreed decisions about your
future are not immutable. If you take steps to change your
actions, even God will change the decree. How much
simpler, then, must it be to change relatively minor events
for which you, and not God, are the deciding factor?
358 • Tarot for Beginners

The future is not predetermined; you can control

what direction your life will take-if you have accurate
information on which to base your decision.
With the Tarot, you have it within your power to
gather the information you need, both for yourself and
for others.
The reason for prophecy is not to show off how
accurate the prophet is. It's to give the person for whom
the prophecy was made an opportunity to see what
effect they're causing. Change the cause and you
change the effect.
So be aware that just the fact that you tell someone
their possible future can alter that future. As the Tarot
reader, don't worry, as Jonah did, about looking like a
fool because your prophecy will be changed. And most
important, you must not begin to doubt your own gift
of prophecy, simply because the person for whom you
prophesied was able to take the information you gave
them and use it to change their destiny. Just remember
that it was your (accurate!) information that enabled
someone to get themselves out of a bad situation that
they wouldn't have even seen coming if not for you.
So here are the rules for telling fortunes. First: call
it as you see it. Never downplay what you see in the
cards, never hedge your explanations. If what you see is
disaster, don't predict sweetness and light just to make
the person feel better. Explain clearly whatever you see
coming, and, as much as you can, why. The querent
needs to know what you can tell them, important or
minor, good or bad. They need the facts, so they can
make a viable decision.
Second: if, as a result of your reading, the effect
you predicted doesn't happen, don't begin to doubt
Conclusion • 359

your abilities-and certainly don't feel bad when some­

one comes back and tells you that they were able to
make a change. If your prediction enables someone to
avoid a disaster, or even just to make things a little bit
better than they might have been, that's certainly no
reason to feel you failed!
Yes; tell every person for whom you read that they
can use this information to change their future if they
choose. That's part of the information they need. But if
the querent does in fact change his or her future, it sim­
ply means you've been of greater help to them than in
any reading you do that comes out exactly as predicted.
You haven't erred. You've served your purpose.
Be true to yourself, and be truthful to those for
whom you read. You have in your hands a tool that you
can use to change your own life, or that you can use to
enable others to make changes in their lives as well.

One Final Note

The Tarot offers a richness of experience and insight to
anyone willing to approach it with an open mind; not
only in the variety of paths it opens to the Seeker, but also
in the irony and even humor in many of the cards. The
originators of the Tarot were wise; they saw the wacki­
ness in the human condition as well as its potential.
The Tarot is unquestionably a serious and impor­
tant tool for both meditation and divination, but don't
cheat yourself by missing the fact that, just like the
human condition it pictures, it can simply be fun, too.
Learn from your cards, and grow with them, but
don't forget to enjoy them as well. And may you find
what you are seeking.
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