Officer Like Qualities AKUN
Officer Like Qualities AKUN
Officer Like Qualities AKUN
Akun Sabharwal
What are OLQs?
• Qualities- “Distinctive attributes or characteristics
possessed by someone”
• Extrinsic
– Dress
– Speech
– Behaviour
– Mannerism
• Something more?
The Fauji Fifteen
4 Es Ethics
Competencies for Civil Services
1 2 3 4
Ethos Ethics Equity Efficiency
1.1 People First 2.1 Integrity 3.1 Consultation and 4.1 Results Orientation
1.2 Strategic Thinking 2.2 Self Confidence Consensus Building 4.2 Conceptual Thinking
1.3 Organisational Awareness 2.3 Attention to Detail 3.2 Decision Making 4.3 Initiative and Drive
Passion for serving people with special care for the marginalised and
1.1) People First disadvantaged. Being approachable, welcoming, caring and rising above bias
while interacting with people. Understands the needs of the people and
constantly strives to improve the services.
1.2) Strategic Ability to understand dynamic internal and external environment and its
Thinking impact. Responds to the opportunities and challenges for the betterment
of society.
1.4) Commitment to Aligns behaviours and interests with the needs and goals of the
the organisation organisations.
1.5) Leading Others Ability to engage, energise, and enable the team to excel.
2. Ethics
Competency Definition
Consultation Ability to identify the stakeholders and influencers, seek their views and
3.1) and Consensus concerns through formal and informal channels. Build consensus through
Building dialogue, persuasion, reconciliation of diverse views/interests and trusting
Makes timely decisions that takes into account relevant facts, tasks, goals,
3.2) Decision Making constraints, risk and conflicting points of view.
Empathy is about being able to accurately hear out and understand the
3.3) Empathy thoughts, feelings and concerns of others, even when these are not made
4.2) Conceptual
Thinking Understanding a situation or environment by putting the pieces together and identifying patterns that
may not be obviously related. Connecting the dots while resisting stereotyping.
4.3) Initiative and Contributing more than what is expected in the job. Refusing to give up when faced with
Drive challenges and finding or creating new opportunities.
4.4) Seeking An underlying curiosity to know more about things, people, or issue. This includes “digging” for
Information exact information and keeping up-to-date with relevant knowledge.
Ability to plan, organise and monitor work with effective utilisation of resources such as time,
4.5) Planning and
Coordination money, and people.
Keeps up-to-date with relevant knowledge and technology, share latest developments with others,
4.6) Desire for
and advocates the application of acquired knowledge.
Open to change, approaches issues differently, offers alternate/out of box solutions and strives
4.7) Innovative
for efficiency by working smartly.
4.8) Problem Solving Understanding a situation by breaking it into small parts, organising information systematically
and setting priorities.
4.9) Developing
Genuinely believes in others’ capabilities to develop and take personal responsibility for their
development. Creates a positive environment for learning and provides developmental
opportunities for individual and team.
4.10) Self-Awareness and
Self-Control Identifies one’s own emotional triggers and controls one’s emotional responses. Maintains sense
of professionalism and emotional restraint when provoked, faced with hostility or working under
increased stress. It includes resilience and stamina despite prolonged adversities.
4.11) Communication Articulates information to others in language that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. It
Skills also includes the ability to listen and understand unspoken feelings and concerns of others.
4.12) Team-Working
Working together as a unit for common goal, building teams through mutual trust, respect and
What is at your “Core”?
My Chosen Nine
1. Accountability
2. Transparency
3. Equity
4. Inclusiveness
5. Participatory
6. Consensus Orientation
7. Following Rule of Law
8. Effectiveness
9. Efficiency