36 Vol 12 Epaper
36 Vol 12 Epaper
36 Vol 12 Epaper
e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol. 12 | No. 36 NEW YEAR SPECIAL
January 4-17, 2020
80 Cents
n the Indian community, dip-
lomatic circles and on Capitol
Hill, Ranju and Ravi Batra are
known as the power couple who
channel their standing and influ-
ence for the good of the com-
munity and the world. Ravi Batra
is an eminent lawyer who has
become the voice of concerned
citizens everywhere against ter-
rorism. Ranju Batra’s determined
campaign secured the release of
the USPS Diwali FOREVER stamp.
That success morphed into her
founding the ‘Diwali - Power of
One’ awards, now called the ‘Os-
cars of Diplomacy’.
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4 January 4-17, 2020 LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER TheSouthAsianTimes.info
arm greetings for a joy‑ Associations‑NY‑NJ‑CT, Amb. Foundation USA, which year after excellence in journalism: value
ous, healthy, peaceful Hardeep Singh Puri and many year brings dozens of countries based content, clean display and
and prosperous New more in the previous year as "The together favoring India as a qualitative advertising.
Year. Hope the year 2020 brings South Asian Times ‑ Person of the nation. Our unique vision has continu‑
more happiness in everyone's life. Year. A powerful advocate against ously set new trends and stan‑
The Team @ The South Asian This year, it was somehow much global terrorism, Ravi Batra has dards in South Asian media frater‑
Times is proud to present our easier to select a powerful duo, become the voice of concerned nity of America, both in print and
New Year Special issue. who have truly made difference citizens worldwide as he testified online.
With your esteemed support, in the lives of the Indian‑ on Capitol Hill and addressed We, the team at The South Asian
your favorite newspaper has com‑ American Diaspora, and continue many international forums. The Times, sincerely thank all our
Kamlesh C. Mehta
pleted 11 years of its glorious to do so, so quietly that many of extraordinary and courageous readers and supporters who have
Chairman & Publisher
publication, soon entering in the us don't even notice the impor‑ vision of Ravi has created a posi‑ been integral partners in our gra‑
12th year. tant impact of their contributions. that is not the reason behind hav‑ tive impact on national and inter‑ cious success.
As every year, we start our New We are proud to present Mrs. ing them as Persons of the Year; it national lawmakers. He is also an Hope you enjoy the hard work
Year with a very special edition Ranju & Mr. Ravi Batra as The is because of their achievements indefatigable votary for strength‑ put in by our editorial team in
concluding the year gone along South Asian Times ‑Persons of the and decades of service to the ening India‑US relationship. New Year Special issue. Your
with featuring The South Asian Year 2019. The dynamic & pow‑ community at large at the highest Forsythe Multimedia Group is comments and suggestions are
Times ‑ Person of the Year. erful couple also happen to be possible forums & platforms. pleased and honored to have the always welcome,
Zeroing in on and finalizing the long time friends of mine. Each of Ranju Batra is Chairperson of accomplished duo as "The South
Person of the Year is never an the them individually or together the Diwali Foundation USA, and Asian Times ‑ Persons of the Year Kamlesh C. Mehta
easy task ‑ there are always so has frequently graced the pages Ravi Batra, the eminent attorney 2019". Chairman@
many people who really have con‑ of The South Asian Times, but and loud & clear voice for global Our New Year & Person of the TheSouthAsianTimes.Info
R obin Ra
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built a repu-
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is eexemplary
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helping the underprivileged.
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w orth $$1515 m million
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3,500 children,
childreen, providing them educa- educa-
tion, food, shelter
shhelter and medical aid.
Man of the
Man of the Year Ed Mangano
Year 2012
Vol. 2 | No. 37 | January 2-15, 2010 | 60 Cents
Edward P. Mangano always looks cool and composed, but he has engineered
one of the biggest upsets in politics by defeating a confident incumbent in
the election for Executive of Nassau County, which in terms of importance
Robin Raina
Chairman & CEO, Ebix Inc
and budget is bigger than a dozen American states.
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More escalation averted with and Iranian blood." On Friday he said that ment documents for trial because it was said he delayed the aid to make sure the
Iran "imminent threat" from Iran might involve "phony." His supporters took up the call. new government stomped out corruption.
Continued from page 3 planned attacks on four US embassies. The House managers for the Senate Trump's refusal to provide documents to
The admission comes after Iranian of fi‑ "We will tell you that probably it was trial, who will act as prosecutors, will also the House investigation and allow wit‑
cials vehemently denied claims that they going to be the embassy in Baghdad," be appointed next week Pe losi said. nesses to testify brought the obstruction
mistakenly shot the jet and accused the Trump said in an interview with Fox News Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts charge.
US of "spreading lies" about intelligence when asked about what had been specifi‑ will preside over the trial and the Senators
suggesting they did. Of the 176 people cally targeted by Iran. will act as jurors. Indian Americans honored by
killed in the crash, most were Iranian and While all sides appeared to be pulling Although the Senators are supposed to the Consulate to mark Pravasi
Canadian nationals. back from the brink of a greater military be neutral like jurors in a court trial, the Bharatiya Divas
While Iranʼs missile attacks on US bases confrontation for now, Trump again Senate impeachment trials are political Continued from page 3
in Iraq marked the latest escalation with pressed to block Iran's nuclear path. "As with most Senators following the party gubernatorial candidate; Ankur Vaidya,
Tehran in the precarious aftermath of a long as I am president of the United line. Republicans hold 53 seats in the member, FIA Board; Dr. Neeta Jain,
U.S. drone strike that killed the top States, Iran will never be allowed to have a 100‑member Senate and on procedural Democratic district leader in New Yorkʼs
Iranian general, they appeared to open nuclear weapon," he vowed. matters they have the majority to set the 25th Assembly District; Jagdish Sewhani,
the door to reducing tensions after it Meanwhile, US State Department said rules, even if a couple of Republicans president, American India Public Af fairs
became clear that no American forces that any US officials going to Iraq would defect. Committee; Sushma Kotahwala, past presi‑
were killed. Trump indicated Wednesday not discuss US forces withdrawal, reject‑ Two Republican Senators, Susan Collins dent of AIA‑NY, broadcast journalist
that he indeed considers the nature of the ing the Iraqi government's earlier request and Lisa Murkowski, have expressed con‑ Renee Mehrra; Mohan Nannapaneni,
strikes as a sign that Tehran has taken an that the two sides start to work on such a cern over how the party leaders want to founder and volunteer, Team Aid Inc.;
of f‑ramp. “Iran appears to be standing process. hold the trial. Collins has said that Jitendra Muchhal, Friends of MP ‑ NY NJ;
down, which is a good thing for all parties Senators should remain neutral and not and Minesh Patel who raised over $1 mil‑
concerned,” he said. Stage set for Trump's Senate prejudge the case. lion for vict ims of Pulwama attack
He added: “No American or Iraqi lives trial as Pelosi relents Trump has said that he wants a full‑ through a Facebook fundraiser.
were lost.” Continued from page 3 fledged trial with witnesses, which Pelosi Since 2003, the Government of India
At the same time, he said the U.S. contin‑ from office. The nation is equally divided also wants, but McConnell has indicated has been celebrating Pravasi Bharatiya
ues to evaluate options. Trump said he on whether the Senate should convict him. that he prefers a quick trial. This will be Divas on Jan. 9 to recognize the contribu‑
would immediately impose economic According to RealClear Polit ics, the only the third time that a US president tion of the overseas Indian community
sanctions "until Iran changes its behavior," authoritative aggregators of polls, 47.2 would be tried after impeachment in the toward the development of India as well
called on other world powers to break per cent of Americans want him removed nation's 243‑year history and Trump can as their contributions to their adopted
away from the Iran nuclear deal and from of fice, while 47.4 per cent are expect to be acquitted like his two prede‑ country. T he day commemorates the
called on NATO to become more involved against it. cessors, Bill Clinton in 1998 and Andrew return of Mahatma Gandhi from South
in the Middle East. The offer to send the impeachment doc‑ Johnson in 1868, because there won't be Africa to India on Jan. 9, 2015.
The president's statement, while stress‑ uments signals a setback for Pelosi's a two‑thirds majority to convict and Jaishankar began his address by remem‑
ing American military might and marking attempts to force Republican Senate remove him from office. The House voted bering his predecessor, the late Sushma
new sanctions, nevertheless represents a Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to intro‑ to impeach Trump after proceedings Swaraj, for whom PBD was a particularly
move toward de‑escalation after days of duce new evidence and witnesses at the spread over three months that included special occasion. “I would like to begin by
fiery threats from both sides. It was the Senate trial and to break the GOP in secret and public hearings by House com‑ recognizing her unique contribution and
latest in a series of world‑altering devel‑ majority on the trial procedures. mittees. The charges against Trump stem tireless work for the Indian diaspora and
opments that began with an Iran‑linked Although the Democrat‑majority House from a July phone call he had w ith those working and traveling abroad. We
strike that killed an American contractor, had impeached Trump last month, Pelosi Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky all miss her very much,” he said.
escalated with an American retaliatory held on to the documents in order to in which he asked him as a "favour" to Lauding the 17.1 million strong Indian
strike and went into uncharted territory delay the trial as she and Chuck Schumer, investigate former Vice President Joe disapora for its success in science, cre‑
when militia supporters stormed the U.S. the Democratic Party leader in the Senate, Biden and his son Hunter. ative arts, technology, medicine, enter‑
Embassy in Baghdad ‑‑ ultimately leading bargained with McConnell and tried to Democrats say that this was an abuse of prise, engineering or in spreading Indian
to the stunning strike ag ainst Gen. build pressure against him. power and amounted to inviting foreign values, traditions, habits and soft power,
Qassem Soleimani. Global fears of a new McConnell rejected their requests and to interference in US elections as Biden is Jaishankar said the “members of the dias‑
war in the Middle East had built in recent pressure Pelosi to send the impeachment the leading candidate for the Democratic pora have achieved great success in dif‑
days, as Washington was gripped by new chargesheet, he backed a Republican reso‑ nomination to run against Trump in this ferent walks of life and by doing so, define
partisan fights ‑‑ this time, over the lut ion in the Senate to dismiss the year's election. both Indiaʼs capabilities and branding.” He
Soleimani strike. impeachment if she did not send the docu‑ They also say that he withheld crucial said the Indians settled abroad, have,
Trump continued to stand by that deci‑ ment within a specified time. military aid to Ukraine, a US ally against “each in their own way, like drops of water
sion Wednesday, saying: "Soleimani's Meanwhile, Trump taunted Pelosi saying Russia, to pressure Zelensky and this coming together, have created a vast
hands were drenched in both American that she was "afraid" to send the impeach‑ endangered US national security. Trump reservoir of goodwill for India.”
Kudos to the Power Couple
Ravi Batra shares his vision of indivisibility between US & India, with 3-way comfortable handshake that permits “sunlight” between
Ranju Batra, Chairman Engel, Amb. Shringla and Congressmen Raja 2 sovereigns, even as the goal is freedoms across the world,
Krishnamoorthy & Juan Vargas, and Amb. Sandeep Chakravor and “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” for all.
Many more pictures from this prestigious event will be published in the next week’s issue of The South Asian Times.
10 January 4-17, 2020 COV E R S T O RY
American Exceptionalism.
ed, then decide, if they still want
So, terror and trade make you Trump’s Impeachment to lawfully transmit the Impeach-
ment Articles to the Senate. This
supportive of President Trump.
conundrum, created by Mitch
sage of Hope (Yes we can!) and saw
mpeachment by the House House members complained that with Ukraine’s oligarch, was ob-
in him great talent and intellect.
of Representatives of a sit- the House Impeachment process viously a move seen and fully ap-
Grateful that he finally brought
ting president, and removal of was unfair - as they repeatedly preciated by Speaker Nancy Pe-
Osama bin Laden to Justice on
the impeached president by the compared it to the legal process losi, and who then preemptively
Law Day, May 1st. I, however, op-
US Senate is authorized by Sec- in courts for criminal cases - the armed herself legally - with the
Ravi Batra: I have a been a Demo- posed him on Benghazi and the
tion 4 of Article Two of United Senate GOP Leader now, in stark power to decide - when to
crat all my life except once when I impotent Red Line. The Lakshman
States Constitution. contradiction, says Impeachment is transmit Impeachment Articles.
flirted with the Republicans. I was Rekha was potent; it was Sita who
The Trump Impeachment, a political process, he isn’t an im- It will better serve the Repub-
invited by the New York Repub- violated it. President Trump has
given nearly-equal split of the partial juror and is fully coordinat- lic not to have President Trump
lican Chairman Tony Colavita in grown into being our President -
voting-public in our nation, is ing with President’s lawyers. The stand trial in the Senate, when
1988 and I went to New Orleans as he tries to do the right thing, in
essentially a Mexican standoff - American voters are confused, as recalcitrant witnesses - from
as an honorary delegate for Bush an unusual way. But, he does act.
when subpoenas get objected-to that smacks of a “fixed trial.” It is of Bidens to all the President’s men
One. I know that both Republicans Nobody, especially me, wants Mi-
and courts have to decide - from no moment that Impeachment is a - will need court orders to com-
and Democrats are patriotic Amer- chelangelo’s David - The Thinker
district court, appeals court and political process, authorized by the pel, with their attendant lengthy
icans first, and they both want to - as our leader, as actions speak
Supreme Court - if a Witness highest law of the land - the Con- delays for judicial review gaunt-
do good for their fellow Ameri- loudest, not unlimited thinking.
can be compelled to appear and stitution. Mitch McConnell’s public let to run its course, that “Let the
cans. And while they agree on a spill his guts, or spill something admission of being a biased juror Voters Decide” is simpler and
lot of things, there are a few things What is your stance on BJP vs
less due to confidentiality, na- for the Senate Trial has made him fairer to all Americans. Indeed, it
they disagree on. So, it’s a matter Congress issues in India, such as
tional security and inter alia,
of choice – which road you take to the Citizenship Amendment Act
lawful privileges-based omertà.
get to the same destination: to help (CAA) which drew a big backlash?
Singularly honoring my oath
form a more perfect union. to defend the Constitution from
Yet, I understand that this Ravi Batra: I don’t meddle in the
enemies foreign and domestic, I
hyper-partisan politics can either internal affairs of India. I am an
acted on Thanksgiving. Given my
give us the “nectar of dissent” or American. It is true that my father
legal representation of Ukraine
be corrosively destructive. I al- was an influential Congress party
and her crown jewel, Antonov,
ways found that power rules better leader in Delhi in the 1950’s at
and after conducting an internal
nation-building time. That reminds
privileges review, consistent with
me, when I was about five years
The entrance old, I was at an election rally in
principles of consent and pre-ex-
isting public record, I wrote on
ramp - left, right Delhi, where hundreds of thou-
Thanksgiving Day to House For-
or center - to power sands of people showed up - noth-
eign Affairs and House Judiciary
ing unusual for India. I was on top
is different for the of a big truck with my father, and
Chairmen Engel and Nadler, re-
spectively, warning them that
two main political people were chanting his name
there was a substantial question
parties in United even though he was not the can-
raised by facts I knew to be in
didate that year. And with him, I,
State, but the road the public record in Ukraine - if
too, waved back to the supportive
of power is the the $391 million holdback of se-
crowd. Leadership is about being
curity aid to Ukraine was due to
same and when it an honest and effective fiduciary,
an unrelated China-Ukraine 1B
is not, our country as my late great Dad was.
dollar deal that was stopped (re-
So, I have seen how democracy
is being ill-served. is in the DNA of every Indian - even
call, China has a history of buy-
ing a carrier ship from Ukraine
way back then. Critically, it is the
under false pretenses, and and Sen. Lindsey Graham the focal will unify the nation rather than
from the center. You get elected ultimate jewel of India. It does not
then using it to jump-start her point, rather than the Impeached continue the fraying. “E Pluribus
from a party and where the party matter which party is in power to-
navy’s carrier-based capacity). President. That’s bad, as neither Mc- Unum” has a new meaning, with
position is - center, left or right of day or tomorrow. Each party tries
If this is true, then the July Connell nor Graham are as popular added value, a la Impeachment.
center, ultra-left or ultra-right. But to do their best and they should
25, 2019 Trump-Zelensky call as President Trump, and the Court As an American, I don’t see
once elected, you must drive on be given due credit for doing what
could be “perfect,” as the hold- process being impartial is well gifting - directly or by omission
the same road. The entrance ramp they do right, and they should be
back would not be “pressure” known to the American Voter. That - Ukraine to President Putin as
to power is different for the two given respectful opposition, when
being applied by POTUS for is why, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has being consistent with any le-
main political parties, but the road you disagree with them. But bring-
a non-governmental purpose. legally - consistent with the House gitimate policy of these United
of power is the same and when it is ing chaos is not helpful to any-
Chairman Nadler after receipt Rules passed by Chairman Jim Mc- States; especially, after the testi-
not, our country is being ill-served. body, because then you unleash
of my email, very next day is- Govern - delayed sending the Im- mony of inter alia Fiona Hill, the
So, as a Democrat, I have main- something that’s really bad: exces-
sued yet another letter to PO- peachment Articles to the Senate. coal miner’s daughter. Ukraine
tained honest and candid relations sive police force; as the police ev-
TUS inviting more information Last week I suggested to a mem- is stuck in political limbo as she
with both parties. When Newt Gin- erywhere have a very simple menu
and presidential participation in ber of the House leadership that cannot, and must not, pick sides
grich was Speaker, or later, John to restore law and order.
the Impeachment proceedings. they do a “reverse Merrick Garland” in America. Since we are the No
Boehner, we texted on important The opposition of a country,
That, was then. Now, after to Mitch McConnell, and “let the 1 Superpower, our actions - right
topics; sometimes, even silly ones. I any country, and am I not picking
President Trump stands im- voters decide” who the next Presi- or wrong - have much impact,
have little interest in domestic poli- on India, owe loyalty to the country
peached - during which the GOP dent, and only if Trump is re-elect- not all of which we wanted.
tics which is where the two parties by having a civil discourse. Promot-
differ the most. My primary inter- ing violence on the streets and (un)
est is America’s foreign policy - as civil disobedience is not OK. This is Law,” because when you are legal- of India,” who went on to become time trying to make India America’s
I want our allies and adversaries not Gandhian philosophy. This is izing illegals who came to India be- the President of India: Hon. Abdul best friend. I don’t care who is in the
to treat us with respect - and, on not Martin Luther King, nor Nelson cause they were persecuted from Kalam (hat tip to Sir Elton John’s White House and who is the Prime
that score, I am saying we need to Mandela. Indeed, while politically three countries, well, India should “Rocket Man”). In the final analy- Minister. Each one offers a unique
protect the homeland, we need to opportunistic, its dishonorable. get a medal for that. You should sis, it is the problem of people, and opportunity because human dy-
protect America from terror, from not get beat up for that. But if you parties, not serving the greater namic is unique to each character.
unfair trade, and from enemies for- Maybe the Citizenship Bill was are getting beat up, it is because of good honestly and wisely. So, when Modi is with Obama, or
eign and domestic. America must wrongly named by the Modi misinformation - that Indian Mus- Modi is with Trump, they are two
remain the strongest, and wisest, government . . . lims are now going to become non- You watched growing US-India different relationships. When In-
with calibrated proportionality - as Indians. Well, that doesn’t com- relations over five decades . . . dira Gandhi came here, I was there.
we are Humanity’s last best hope, Ravi Batra: I think it should have pute. Indian Muslims are proud to
been called a “Refugee Welcome Continues on page 12
enabled, like none other, due to be Indian. Recall the “Missile Man Ravi Batra: I have spent my life-
12 January 4-17, 2020 COV E R S T O RY
to get out of the sweeping-the-gut- and that it was not a fixed fight; and for the crooked Jerry Garson who were both my clients, in re
ter business because that is the job otherwise our system, any system, character, they even changed the the shameful 1984 Anti-Sikh Ri-
I had at JCOPE as an anti-corrup- would break down. Corruption in gender to cast a woman so as ots. India saved billions of dollars.
tion NYS Commissioner. The gutter the courts is the one place which is not to defame an admitted crook. As a result of my pleadings and
will never run out of sewage. Some akin to child molestation, you just Had they cast a “Robert Redford” argument in court, Rahul Gandhi
years ago, having a discussion can’t tolerate it in court. It is one to play “Ravi Patel,” there would gave an interview to Arnab Gos-
on public corruption with a dear thing for a bureaucrat or an elected have been no lawsuit. But they wami admitting that “some Con-
friend, the late great Wayne Bar- to be corrupt; but never the court. rejected the Redfords, and chose gressmen” were involved. India,
rett, I said, “I am exhausted by all The Court, like a stove, must cook Erick Avari, my look-alike, so as to like us here, has a right to identify
this’. He said, “Ravi, it’s a perpetual every pot without fear or favor - to target their reckless and malicious her misdeeds, and remedy them.
battle.” Literally, the message of paraphrase my late great friend animus. The Complaint is a public And to your question, Krittika
Diwali is “good over evil,” but, it’s and mentor, the Hon. Robert Mor- document, as are the many mo- Biswas was accused of cyberbul-
a perpetual battle. You can never ris Morgenthau - one of America’s tions, and the reputation-validat- lying and arrested criminally in
Continued from page 11 say, good won permanently; good the jurisdiction of the late great
must beat evil every day, because Queens District Attorney Richard
When Rajiv Gandhi came, I evil never goes away. It’s the good
The sequence built in ‘Life, Liberty and Brown. It was early 2011. I got a
was on larger-than-life Speaker that gets tired of fighting evil; evil, the Pursuit of Happiness’ is very relevant call from Consul General Prabhu
Tip O’Neill’s Club. I received Nara- as in Terror, never gets tired of get- to Kashmir, where Indian PM Modi’s action Dayal that one of his consul’s
simha Rao in the South Portico of ting up to fight another day. makes perfect sense. Because when there daughter had been arrested the
Congress along with Harry Barnes, I also quit as special counsel day before. Several members of
then US ambassador to India. to then Nassau County Executive is cross-border or home-grown terror, the consulate along with Kritti-
I was in puppy love with the Ed Mangano because I was not there are no human rights. You have to ka’s mom had tried and could not
American Congress - Democracy’s comfortable that everything was first get rid of the terror, restore even meet or see her. They were
Bipartisan Jewel - and would go OK. Life has taught me that being not getting the rights of consular
down to DC every two weeks or so “kosher” is not enough, as its not
public safety, restore law and order. access guaranteed by the Vienna
to meet with the Speaker or chair- self-authenticating; so, only Glatt Convention on Consular Rights of
persons of various committees. It Kosher will do, as it is. finest sons, from one of America’s ing Stipulation of Discontinuance. 1963, Article 36 in particular.
started, when I was a business law In my full-time practice since finest dynasties. So, I sued ‘Law & Order,’ its Prabhu asked me for help. I ar-
professor at Pace University in the 1986, I have done the legal topi- The crooked judge in the case, executive producer Dick Wolf and rived at the Criminal Court at 12
1980s. I was never a lobbyist, never cal waterfront, from criminal to Jerry Garson, admitted to being NBC for libel (in fiction) and I said noon, and there were nine of them
got paid for doing any of that; more civil, and in civil from commercial, crooked. He was hand in glove there’s only one Ravi, the lawyer sitting there since the day before,
importantly, not seeking to be paid matrimonial, malpractice, estate, with a crooked lawyer named in New York, and none other. The including, DCG Ajay Gondane. I said
gives freedom to be a better patriot. sovereignty, torture, to fraud, with Paul Siminovsky, both of East Eu- courts agreed as everybody knows I want to see Judge Brown (RIP), as
That’s why FARA is an important fraud upon the court the worst ropean descent. At the time ‘Law me, and it was clearly aimed at me the DA was fondly known. He was
law to prevent sovereignty breach of all cases. Fighting fraud upon & Order’ was in New York; they and you can’t do that. a real American hero throughout
and catch treasonous people. the court is protecting the court’s are no longer here, because of my In the end, I’m delighted that his life of public service - including,
I want Indians in India, and sanctity and honoring the noble case, but still a profitable fran- there was mutually satisfying vin- as counsel to Governor Mario Cuo-
particularly the Indian govern- bench, like the scholar Justice Ste- chise, given its creative genius: dication; the resolution was con- mo, and all New Yorkers are in his
ment, to be the best friend of, and phen G. Crane is. Exposing fraud, ripped from the headlines, and fidential, so I can’t get into that. debt. Within five (5) minutes, we
to, the United States - as deserv- is the same as fighting corruption. rushed to the viewers to see their “Law & Order” may have target- were all ushered into a conference
ing of family ties, for the dura- room, and then I was taken to see
tion of the human family. Judge Brown. We had a very warm
But yes, I have always wanted meeting; and a mutually respectful
to see India having a ‘special re- meeting befitting our joint love of
lationship’ with the United States, law and justice. I told Judge Brown
which otherwise is a term used be- that this was a problem case as Krit-
tween the US and England. I see In- tika, a diplomat’s daughter, was ac-
dia as an appropriate counter-par- tually innocent and I don’t want it
ty to the special relationship. We mushroom into a problem - locally,
are closer to that goal today than or bilaterally between two friend-
we’ve ever been. The fact that the ly nations. He asked me if I was
6th Fleet has been re-christened as aware of her unhappy comments
Indo-Pacific is wonderful. It says on Facebook. I said, yes I was, but
to the world that we are partners. she didn’t do the cyber-bullying. On
We share democracy, we share the the strength of my statement, he, a
freedoms, we share the problems man of honor who comprehended
of democracy, which is, you know, mine, issued orders to administra-
inept leaders who like to get 15 tively dismiss the case. So, Krittika
minutes of fame by pandering to Biswas never had to even appear
one ethnic group or another. in court to say, “Not Guilty, Your
Honor.” Moreover, her arrest was
As an eminent lawyer, you have sealed so she could legally say, she
famously fought corruption. has never “been arrested.” Pre-
cisely two hours after I arrived, I
Ravi Batra: Corruption is a hu- walked out of the Criminal Court’s
man characteristic. Corruption is holding cell with a dazed Krittika,
Ranju & Ravi Batra had attended PM Manmohan Singh visit at Obama White House in 2009.
a battle that each one of us need Here, Ravi Batra is with PM Singh at UNGA. a free girl, and turned her over to
to fight, starting within ourselves. her adoring parents and CGI team.
I was a founding commissioner Why did ‘Law and Order’ TV late night news come to life. ed me, because Indian-Americans The next day, the arrogant
of the Joint Commission of Public program take a swipe at you? We alleged that for the episode have a reputation of not fighting Howard Kwait, Principal of the
Ethics (JCOPE) of New York State called ‘Floater,” based on the real- back. But this time, they picked on John Bowne High School in Flush-
- the enabling law was pushed by Ravi Batra: In real life, a 2nd judge life Jerry Garson-Paul Siminovsky the wrong Indian; because I am not ing, called me up and said, “I don’t
my friend, blue-blood Prince of on Supreme Court in Brooklyn had case, they maliciously and pur- that Indian. (Laughs), Pun intended. care who you are, I don’t care who
Power, Governor Andrew Cuomo, gone rogue and was indicted for posefully targeted me by scripting you know, but Krittika is not al-
who, to paraphrase Mark Twain, corruption. It was really an upheav- and casting the role of the crooked The Indian American community lowed to come back; she is sus-
“never cracked walnuts with the al for the courts system because for lawyer, when they knew that I had remembers you for winning pended and I am sending her to
Great Seal of New York.” I resigned the justice system to work, we need nothing to do with any of this. This the Krittika Biswas case. “reform school,” where “criminals”
in 2012 after one year. I quit, be- respect and confidence of the pub- was like a targeted Hit & Run, as if go, as a disciplinary matter.”
cause by watching my father in lic: so that when a person loses in you can pick on a “meek & timid” Ravi Batra: Yes; and I also won So, I was sucked back into a
honest-power I know what people court, and in every case there is a Indian-American, because they the dismissal of Sikhs for Justice case I had just finished.
in power must do; I know the rules loser, that loser must feel that they won’t fight back. They made the cases against Indian National
they must live by. So, I just decided got a fair and honest shake in court, Siminovsky character “Ravi Patel,” Congress and Hon. Sonia Gandhi, Continues on page 15
TheSouthAsianTimes.info NEW YEAR SPECIAL January 4-17, 2020
14 January 4-17, 2020 COVER STORY TheSouthAsianTimes.info
blood, of Indian ancestry (recall spectfully lived the recipe. Not ev- Ravi Batra: It is unlimited, so long Unum. The mosaic has caused the
“N.I.N.A.” - No Irish Need Apply, ery conquering invader may have. as we embroider America, and nev- great dissension, other than the
then No Italians, and then No Indi- er, ever, seek to conquer her. My American Dream being in the ICU
ans) the most expensive. No more How much of an Indian-American biggest worry for any immigrant of history for most Americans, that
NINA-third class citizens, but First you think you are? community, and not just the Indi- resulted in President Trump being
Class all the way to Heaven. an-Americans, is that America is a elected in 2016 (apart from foreign
There is a footnote to this. In Ravi Batra: I didn’t change my unique country. Generally, America unlawful meddling). Trump is not
2012, Ranju is in her second year name to Robbie or Robert. It’s Ravi, is where people came to, when they wrong when he says, “When I go
as AIA President, and she’s walking like Ravioli; just cut off the “oli.” I’m were unhappy in their own land. to France, I want to hear French.”
around with a gaggle of reporters an American of Indian ancestry. I And they cut the umbilical cord Globalization has always existed
and her team. I am there in a sup- have nothing against people who with their home country to become for commerce. People always loved
porting capacity. After a while, I are hyphenated, but I don’t see my- an American. But since the 1960s Chinese silk or Indian spice or In-
peeled off and Ranju went on. While self as hyphenated because I have civil rights laws, and when in 1965 dian silk; indeed, that’s why Colum-
Continued from page 12 standing alone, a Sardarji, with a
flowing beard, comes up to me and
I told Kwait that if Judge Brown, says, “Are you Ravi Batra?” When I
a brilliant jurist, was comfortable confirmed, he shakes my hand, and
enough to dismiss the case, then tells me, “I’m a taxi driver, and every
you are barking up the wrong tree, day I drive by your office (in Man-
and I’m gonna bite you. He proceed- hattan) and I salute your office - be-
ed to do what he did, and I proceed- cause I know if anybody messes with
ed to do what I had to do. I cracked me, there’s someone here to protect
the case, and solved it. Krittika me.” A person I don’t know and nev-
never did the cyberbullying; it was er met before, has full faith in me:
another kid, a Chinese-American, that I will move heaven and earth
threatening a Chinese-American to get justice done in full measure.
Teacher! Out of compassion, I re- That’s the biggest award I’ve
fused to release the actual guilty ever received in my life; while the
kid’s name, so as not to ruin his biggest honor I’ve ever had was to
life forever. Every kid is entitled be loved by my late great parents,
to make a mistake, and not suf- Mama San & Daddy Jee, and my
fer the problems, like now-Justice family: Lovingly supportive & tire-
Brett Kavanagh so famously did. less Ranju, and our kids, Miracle
Krittika was allowed back into Angela and Precious Neal. That I’ve
the school. (Subsequently some sa- been lovingly nurtured and sculp-
lacious details came out about Prin- tured with love from so many - fam-
ily, friends, strangers, history, law
and God - is why I am so Blessed.
The melting pot
was the correct You see India as the birth
mother of America . . .
recipe for America,
the mosaic is not. Ravi Batra: I want Americans, and
President Trump is especially in government of the
not wrong when he United States, to realize that with-
out India, Columbus would never
says, “When I go to have discovered America. Without
France, I want to India there would be no tea in the
hear French.” Boston Harbor in 1773 and that
without India, Lord Cornwallis
would have come back to America
cipal Kwait.) I sued the City of New to reargue with George Washing-
York, I sued Principal Kwait, and a ton. Instead, he went to India and
whole bunch of people. After defeat- Indians paid the price - in terms
ing the City of New York in SDNY, of 5,000 people being killed-by-
and later, the Second Circuit Court of mandate upon Cornwallis landing
Appeals, we settled for a whopping there to rule with an iron fist.
$225,000, when the normal settle- I have always seen India as the
ment is between $1,500 to $7,500 birth mother of America. What
for a night-in-jail without injury - makes American Exceptionalism is
10 times the price of a hotel stay. the Separated Powers regime and Ambassadors to UN are at the 2019 Holiday Party hosted by Angela, Neal, Ranju & Ravi Batra at
their Manhattan Townhouse, who were felicitated by NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, NYS Attorney
I also did Prabhu’s crazy maid the Bill of Rights. What is most im-
General Tish James, HFAC Chair Eliot Engel, and Rep. Yvette Clarke and Rep. Adriano Espaillat.
case, the first leg: getting the plain- portant in the First Amendment is
tiff drop the fraudulently fabricat- not freedom of speech, but freedom different clarity. I have adopted this immigration was permitted from bus was looking for India. It is the
ed sexual harassment claim. We of religion, and the separation of country almost like an intellectual Asia, people came on a plane and migration of people that’s a prob-
have legally represented various Church and State. Well, guess what, graft. I consider myself an intellec- there was a telephone. Forget about lem. As long as everybody stays in
countries’ missions and their PRs India, as a Hindu nation or Hindu tual descendant of Thomas Becket WhatsApp now, with its no separa- their own home and they do com-
in the diplomatic corps, as reputa- kingdoms 2000+/- years ago, was and Sir Edmund Burke, Thomas tion at all. But with the plane and merce, this is welcomed by every
tion to persons-of-honor is every- secular. There is 2000-year-old Jefferson as well as of C. Rajagopal- with the telephone – AT&T at the country, in every millennium.
thing, and I repel with extreme synagogue in Cochin. Buddhism achari (the last Governor-General of time – new immigrants never cut off When people start moving, now
prejudice those who frivolously and other faiths were born there. India) for his version of Ramayana the link; they took legal citizenship you are challenging sovereignty in
commit fraud upon the court. Some people believe that even Jesus and Mahabharata. I am at home with of America but never became 100% different ways. You’re challenging
Christ was there for a while in Kash- Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. I un- American emotionally. And this is it culturally, and you can take over
The Krittika Biswas case boosted mir. Christianity has flourished in derstand the issues that existed with a problem I have with every dias- with just making babies who vote.
Indian Americans’ pride . . . India. Hinduism is a very absorbing Julius Caesar and Cicero. The prob- pora, including the Indian diaspora. Movement of people is a pregnant
culture, a very welcoming culture lems of humanity have not changed problem, because of which Angela
Ravi Batra: Along the way, a very - just look at the happy Muslims over time. And that is a comprehen- But times change - from a Merkel has lost Germany, and the
experienced federal magistrate there. So, Hindus need not feel any sion I have thanks to my great Dad, melting pot to a mosaic . . . European Union is falling apart:
judge said to me, I will get you a shame when it comes to separation and the adoration of my mother. Brexit. Trump got elected, in part,
hundred thousand, way more than of Church and State or freedom of Ravi Batra: The melting pot was because of this.
five thousand. I said not enough. religion. I think Indians wrote the How do you see the rise of the the correct recipe for America, the
Because I want to make American governance recipe; and they re- Indian American community? mosaic is not - it violates E Pluribus Continues on page 16
16 January 4-17, 2020 COV E R S T O RY
koon’ (peace).” This is love and af- great pride. President Richard Nix- Little John, when Richard the Li-
who are still looking to go higher
fection of the highest order. I reject on called her a bitch. Worse, when onhearted was away, gave some
can stay on the same drumbeat of
this holy war / clash of civilizations he was told that Hindus were being of the sovereign’s, the King’s, ab-
how they got there; but those who
nonsense, because it is practiced slaughtered in then-East Pakistan solute rights to the Barons and the
have already achieved the highest
and taught by people who were (recall, Blood Telegram) in commu- Counts. So, there was some devolu-
position -- once on the Supreme
never really loved - wow, never nal riots, he said, “What do I care..” tion of power. The next big leap
Court you can’t go any higher -
loved - and don’t know the real pow- I, however, look at it from the came with the birth of America.
their soul settles down, and they
er of living is in “love,” not “hatred.” American lens and as an American, What does “We the people” mean?
start to commune with God “to do
I support whoever is leading I find it wrong of Nixon to say that It is separation of powers: the leg-
justice” that is worthy of God.
Pakistan. I have no problem with - as it was a missed opportunity for islative branch, the executive, and
For example, “Roe v Wade”
the ISI or the army of Pakistan, be- American leadership to help form a the noble judiciary; and “we the
(making abortion legal) was done
cause the country has had too many more perfect world. people,” have our Bill of Rights.
by Justice Harry Blackmun, a con-
lousy leaders since its birth. But for servative Republican. So, the labels
So, you got to live it to know
Continued from page 15 the army, there will be no Pakistani How can more Indian are applicable upon appointment
it. Until immigrants don’t find the
sovereignty. So, give them their due. Americans break into the or election, but lose their efficacy
real America, the new America, the
Modi got elected, in part, be- The fact that they are on the Indian mainstream like you did? and value as a judge stays longer
new mainstream America, which is
cause of this. In the current fight border, well that is a problem be- on the bench. For they are serving
post-2016, America will not accept
going on in India, on the CAA and tween India and Pakistan. I want Ravi Batra: Love America. You God in a very unusual way of Amer-
them. America now demands more
the NRC, Modi is absolutely cor- to see the subcontinent terror-free see, not until one become Ameri- ican Exceptionalism of separated
purity of one’s soul, as no one ought
rect because no country can ex- powers. Faith doesn’t
ist with porous borders, and not touch everybody the
knowing who her citizens are. same way, but it touch-
Have you ever heard of a mother es. It was Chief Justice
who didn’t know her kids? Roberts, no liberal, who
People being legal and not found Obamacare law-
emotional Americans can make ful. It was the late great
them unregistered foreign agents Justice Scalia, the King of
- potentially, either treasonous, or conservative judges, who
spying. And that is why on my la- in “Washington vs Craw-
pel pin, I don’t have the joint flags ford” overturned the de-
of USA & India. portation of an admitted-
criminal immigrant, as
Some countries like Australia he was wrongly advised
will have their economies falter to accept a criminal plea
without immigration. deal, which made him de-
portable - bad lawyering.
Ravi Batra: Right, so we’ll have So here you have a judge,
immigration that will allow the who killed the living con-
people to come in and work, with- stitution and went back
out offering them citizenship; no to original intent, giving
voting rights. Japan does not give non-citizens migrants
citizenship, or UAE. Sovereignty is accused of crimes more
something that must be protected. rights to avoid deporta-
The wave you are seeing across tion. But since reason-
the world is going in the direction able minds can differ
we’re talking. When social media (something that Jethro
was unleashed, this is the natu- told Moses), we have ap-
ral consequence. While the Arab peal courts. If you think
Spring occurred, the American that your judge made a
Spring is saying. “Hey, stop it, who mistake, take an appeal
are you? Are you really an Ameri- – win, lose or draw. But
can? Ilhan Omar’s ‘some people just because you lost
did something’ is that said by an doesn’t mean that you
In 2009, Amb. Hardeep Singh Puri met Ravi Batra and his family, and they become inseparable friends.
American? Or should we want to are wrong, and the court
send you back to Somalia?” How and prosperous, maybe an EU type can; it is not enough to wear an lie to a priest in a confessional. is right. “Plessy vs Ferguson” said
can any American, let alone an of arrangement where goods can American flag on your lapel, and it “separate, but equal” was legal, un-
American Leader elected to Con- come and go, and people can come is not enough to pledge allegiance What do you think of the Supreme til decades later, it wasn’t. Which
gress, minimize 9/11 like that? and go with visas too. The Kartar- to the American flag. America is an Court being packed with conserva- means, sometimes you could lose in
Similarly, it is only fair that if pur corridor could be the entire idea, and if you have not digested tive judges by President Trump? court and simply be slightly ahead
India is a Hindu majority nation, line of control. I have great hope the idea and made it your own, you of your time - like Columbus look-
Hindus should not feel unwelcome in Imran Khan, a world class rules- may be an American, but America is Ravi Batra: The makeup of the ing for India, or Panasonic.
in their own country. However, In- based athlete with a fan following not you. I have no sunlight between court is the ultimate fruit, the
dia has a glorious history, which all over, including, India. An asset, me and the idea that is America, as ultimate jewel of being elected a How did you come to make
has been its crown jewel, that it not to be wasted on the altar of we have between us the love of the President or a state Governor be- Law your Lord, and what next?
was always welcoming of other hate, or worse, cross-border Terror. ages and civilizations. cause you get to pick judges - gen-
religions and faiths. So, I don’t see erally, with advice and consent of Ravi Batra: Life is a puzzle, and
a contradiction in Hindustan, and Much before Ranju Batra came And what is that ‘Idea of America? the Senate. People speak through who we are allows us to open cer-
still, respectfully, secular. on the community scene, you were the people they elect, as to the tain locks, and unable to go past
I don’t have a problem with the active in Indian community . . . Ravi Batra: A chance at self-de- kind of people who end up on the certain other locks. My father
big percentage of Indian population termination. America is the next bench. It is no accident that you wanted me to go into business.
being Muslim. My dad’s best friend Ravi Batra: Well, my father was step after Magna Carta in the have during this time in American By age 12, I told him I want to
was Haji Meih Meherali in Delhi af- involved in starting/supporting the progression of humanity. United history, conservative judges com- be a lawyer and no more a gen-
ter the needlessly bloody Partition Hindu Center and Gita Temple Man- States or Western civilization is ing. In the 1960s and 70s, after eral (not a soldier, because I was
of 1947. “Judge a man by his char- dir in Queens. Do you know one of Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian. Nixon-Watergate, more liberals exposed to power being my fa-
acter; not his tailor,” my Dad would the founding meetings of AIA (As- Most of the laws that are now uni- got appointed. But you know, ther’s son). I became a lawyer be-
say, quoting Swami Vivekanand. sociation of Indians in America) in versal, and which we follow are Chief Justice Earl Warren was cause Mark Twain said, “the pen
When I was 9 years old and visiting 1968 was in my father’s basement. Jewish laws and they come from a Republican conservative, who is mightier than the sword,” and
India, Meih Meherali would rock And in 1981-82 I served as Nation- the Torah. I could tell you a story turned out to be very liberal. partially, because of Raymond
me on his knee, like a baby, rubbing al AIA’s executive vice president. I about Rabbi Samuels, with heavy Who you are when you go on Burr played “Perry Mason” so
my head and tell me: “When I am was also part of Indian Overseas packages, trying to board a ferry... the bench, has almost nothing to do well on TV in the sixties.
dead, if my skin could be of some Congress as EVP. We hosted Indira another time, perhaps. with what you become once you are
use to you, my soul will have ‘su- Gandhi, the Iron Lady of India, with Magna Carta: in 1215, King on the bench. This is because those Continues on page 18
18 January 4-17, 2020 COV E R S T O RY
“greater good,” not the “individual good.” humanity. Because after all, what does every prosecu- the good for the most of human-
The judicial branch has to take care of the “individual tor do - prosecute a murderer, a rapist, a robber and ity in one fell swoop.
good” that got left behind by the first two branches, not these days, the corrupt ones too. It’s a constant coming It’s befitting that my favorite
because they wanted to screw the individual good - but together of the best and the worst of humanity in court. song is Paul Anka’s “My Way,”
when you’re trying to do maximum good, some people Yes, I’m getting tired of this. Law has given me much sung by the Chairman of the
are left behind. So, lawyers make it fair for everybody. joy and validation for living. But when life itself starts Board, Frank Sinatra, even as I
So, I went to law, like Perry Mason, to protect the to dim out, I am less and less willing to give it all to the cherish “The Impossible Dream,”
victim or falsely accused, and to get a full measure of law. As a young man, I was blessed to love and worship sung by Robert Goulet (to right
justice - often by cracking the case. To be protective of the law. With less and less time in front of me, I am de- the unrightable wrong, ... to try
someone else, permits one an enhanced joy of living, be- lighted to still be blessed to love and worship it, but not when your arms are too weary...
cause none of us can really live just for ourselves. When to spend all of my limited time on this mortal soil in its to reach the unreachable star).
we live for somebody else, even a little bit, the joy we service. Now I want to serve the “greater good,” not one All this, when I’m at equally at
get from that far exceeds anything we do for ourselves. “individual good,” for one victim at a time. Think of it as home with Steppenwolf ’s “Born
Continued from page 16 But as life has progressed 40 years later, and I say going from retail, to wholesale or manufacturing. Deal- to be Wild.” I am contradictions,
that with great joy, and not sour grapes -- because as ing with nations and geopolitics, is seeking to maximize living in peaceful harmony.
So, aside from Twain and Burr, much as I love the law, and the law has loved me back
it was Thomas Becket (in 1163, – that I’m essentially a monk in the monastery of law,
separation of church and state but too often the practice of law can be like a brothel.
from a Norman King Henry II) and And the monk in me now tires. I remember the scene
Sir Edmund Burke (“all that neces- in a movie on Jesus Christ, where He in a synagogue
sary for evil to triumph, is for some
good men to do nothing”). To serve
Justice, is to serve God.
I see law as the very frame-
work of society. The freedom
for men and women, and corpo-
rations, is that they can fill the
structure - be it the contradiction
of “no-death” by pro-lifers at birth,
but “death penalty” for those liv-
ing. This, and ineffective counsel,
may have contributed to Justice
Blackmun’s refusal to tinker with
the machinery of death. Nothing
makes it clearer in the age of im-
peachment than the Constitution
gives America structure. The Con-
stitution is our skeleton, the stat- Ravi Batra, along with the Ukraine ambassador
utes that are passed by Congress Volodymyr Yelchenko, visiting then Secretary
or states is the muscles, if you will. of State Rex Tillerson and then US
Then you got case law, which al- ambassador to UN, Nikki Haley.
lows you to do “individual justice,” and there are all these money lenders and their stuff.
which is 99% of the job of the 3rd Jesus walks in and starts kicking them, “Get out of My
branch of government. The job of Father’s house.” Because that’s not what a house of wor-
the first and second branches of ship should be for. Well, the purity of law happens to
the government is enhancing the exist, perhaps because it is the antidote to the worst of
David Dhillon
(760) 353-6666
January 4-17, 2020 COV E R S T O RY 19
bond between the United hard work and professionalism.
y congratulations to
States and India. As a
Ravi Batra and his
member of the Congres-
lovely wife, Ranju, for the
sional Caucus on India
wonderful honor being be-
and Indian Americans,
stowed upon them. It has
I also applaud Ranju’s
been a privilege knowing
campaign to convince
this couple for over 30 years.
the U.S. Postal Service to
Grace Meng As a former Speaker of the
issue a postage stamp commemo-
City of New York, I know
Congressional Caucus on India rating Diwali, an initiative that I
how important Ravi Batra
and Indian Americans was pleased to work on with her.
was during the 9/11 tragedy
in the city. Similarly, Ravi
was there and helped dur-
I am thrilled Ranju and Ravi Ba- ing the Safe City Safe Streets
tra are being recognized as The Program that turned this city
South Asian Times Couple of the around to become one of the
Year! I worked very closely with safest cities in our beloved
both of them to advocate for the country. We look forward to
approval and issuing of the first Peter F. Vallone Sr. hearing more about Ravi and
Thomas P DiNapoli
ever commemorative Diwali stamp, Former Speaker of the New Ranju Batra in the future of
and celebrate the virtues Diwali es- York City Council this great country. New York State Comptroller
pouses - light over dark, goodness THE CITY OF NEW YORK
over evil and knowledge over ig- OFFICE OF THE MAYOR
norance. The US Postal service did NEW YORK, NY 10007
not make it easy to get the stamp,
but Ranju and Ravi never stopped
advocating alongside me. I had to
introduce three separate Congres- January 2020 January 2020
sional resolutions in support of the
FOREVER Diwali stamp. All of our THE CITY OF NEW YORK
hard work paid off and now Diwali OFFICE OF THE MAYOR
has its rightful place among the NEW YORK, NY 10007
USPS Holiday Stamp collection. I’m
Carolyn Maloney Dear Friends: Dear Friends:
truly delighted Ranju and Ravi are Chair of the House Oversight
It is a great pleasure to join
receiving this high honor. Committee It is a great pleasure to join with the readers of The South Asian Times in congratulating
January 2020 my dear friends, Ranju and Ravi B
my dear friends, Ranju and Ravi Batra, as they are named Couple of the Year 2019.
I am proud to lead a city tha
I am proud to lead a city that embraces the incredible diversity on values whichthe it rises
hard and
I t is my pleasure to congratulate work and commitm
Ranju and Ravi Batra as The
values the hard work and commitment to service that has long-defined its decades residents.thatInI have
the two
known them, th
South Asian Times’ 2019 Couple of decades that I have known them, the Batras have always embodied these ideals,
Dear Friends: gratefuland I have
for their been and leade
the Year. For years, they have been grateful for their support and leadership in our shared efforts to keep the five boroughs
forward. From moving
Ranju’s efforts to es
dedicated to representing and forward. ItFrom
is a great pleasure
Ranju’s to join
efforts with the readers
to establish the Diwaliof The South Asian
Foundation Times
and in congratulating
her create a Diwali
successful Foreverto
campaign stamp with
my dear friends, Ranju and Ravi Batra, as they are named Couple of the Year 2019.
create a Diwali Forever stamp with the U.S. Postal Service, to Ravi’s advocacy against global to buildin
terrorism and dedication
serving South Asian communities
terrorism and dedication to building a safer, more peaceful future for people the around
Batras arethechampions
globe, of progre
in New York and across the coun-
I am proud to lead a city that embraces the incredible diversity on which
the Batras are champions of progress and they have both left an indelible mark on our it rises
communities. and I am delighted to tak
try. Together, Ranju and Ravi have
values the hard work and commitment to service that has long-defined its residents. In thefor
thank them twomany years of wond
made exceptional accomplish- communities. I am delighted to take this opportunity to celebrate their accomplishments and to
decades that I have known them, the Batras have always embodied these ideals, and I have been
ments throughout their careers. thank them for many years of wonderful friendship.
grateful for their support and leadership in our shared efforts to keep the five boroughs Onmoving
behalf of the City of Ne
From Ranju’s leadership as Chair- forward. From Ranju’s efforts to establish the Diwali Foundation and her successful campaign
Ranju and Ravi onto this tremendous
person of the Diwali Foundation createOn behalfForever
a Diwali of the stamp
City ofwith
NewtheYork, I onceService,
U.S. Postal again offer my sincere
to Ravi’s advocacycongratulations
Yorkers global toachieve in the y
sure to
USA to Ravi’s work as an attorney Ranju and Ravi on this tremendous honor, and look forward to all that these outstanding
terrorism and dedication to building a safer, more peaceful future for people around the globe, New
and advocate, the Batras’ commit- Yorkers areare
the Batras sure to achieve
champions of in the years
progress and to come.
they have both left an indelible mark on our
ment to the South Asian commu- communities. I am delighted to take this opportunity to celebrate their accomplishments
Sincerely, and to
nity is evident in all they do. thank them for many years of wonderful friendship.
Thank you to The South Asian Sincerely,
Times for recognizing Ranju and On behalf of the City of New York, I once again offer my sincere congratulations to
Scott M. Stringer
Ravi Batra. Please accept my best Ranju and Ravi on this tremendous honor, and look forward to all that these outstanding New
Bill de Blasio
New York City Comptroller wishes for continued success. Yorkers are sure to achieve in the years to come. Mayor
Bill de Blasio
January 4-17, 2020 COV E R S T O RY 21
By Parveen Chopra
due diligence into the “weeds,” - so I
can be like a bullet going through a
out of the box thinking, un-broad-
casted personal contributions, and
The true Spirit of Diwali
keyhole. But the secret of how I and doggedness she pulled it off.
ambassador to the UN, was positive, tion was positive and upbeat, not overdelivered, paving way for en- less dedication and who have
‘You can succeed if you put your whiny or accusatory. It said, we are tering a higher orbit of public life. made exemplary contributions in
mind to it.’ Shiv Dass, leader of the happy that USPS has issued stamps upholding the values of the Unit-
Jackson Heights Indian Merchants to honor holidays of other major Diwali - Power of ed Nations Charter and standing
Association, told me I could count religions, now it is time for the Di- One awards up for the timeless spirit of Diwali.
on him any time and always, and wali stamp, for a festival that gives The first Power of One awards
he did help and guide all the way.” the message of peace in the world, Diwali stamp success organi- event was held in December
Since the stamp had to be ap- an ideal of the UN Charter. She cally led to the Diwali - Power of 2017, and 6 diplomats were hon-
proved by USPS, a federal agency, designed a petition asking for the One awards at the United Nations. ored including Lakshmi Puri, then
one critical decision Ranju Batra Diwali stamp, and like a possessed Recalls Ravi Batra, “It was the then- Assistant Secretary-General at the
made was to bring a Congress woman wherever she went – includ- Ambassador of Belarus (an East UN and Deputy-Executive Direc-
member on board. They turned ing, at lunch, or even to her grocer European country) to the UN, An- tor of UN Women, Egypt’s Maged
to Rep Carolyn Maloney (D-New and hairdresser – she would plead drei Dapkiunas, who upon hearing Abdelaziz, Moldova’s Ion Botnaru,
Continued from page 21
York), a friend of the Batras, who with people to sign the Petitions
agreed to provide national political she was carrying, and after getting
Diwali Stamp – leadership, and introduced three them signed, mail them to USPS’s
such a long journey House resolutions in support of Stamp approval committee herself.
- before and after the Diwali stamp. Some other Con- In the second meeting with
AIA presidency gress members Ranju approached USPS, she took along 2,000 signed
for support were: Rep. Eliot Engel petitions, and had in addition to her-
What she ended up dealing with (D-New York), Rep. Greg Meeks self presenting them, had Carolyn
next turned out to be a tough cookie. (D-New York), Rep. Grace Meng (D- and Ami Bera do so as well in Caro-
She took it on because it was a long- New York), Ami Bera (D-California) lyn’s Office. The people from USPS
cherished wish and dream of the and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) were appreciative. “We thought the
Indian American community. Ranju also helped. Ranju, and her family, Diwali stamp was almost done, but
recalls that she would often hear including, Angela and Neal, went nothing happened this time too. So,
many people talk about the Diwali to Capitol Hill seeking out support to keep the issue from dying, we
stamp, and that for over 20 years from many others, including the Civ- held press conferences, got people
other well-meaning community il Rights era icon, Rep. John Lewis. to come and support the effort, and
leaders had worked on persuading Ranju and Carolyn had their continued to keep the pressure on -
USPS to issue it. Making no head- first meeting with USPS in Wash- then-Consul General Dnyaneshwar
way, they would give up. The com- ington where, she says, “we dis- Mulay even wrote the official Poem
munity’s argument was that if there cussed and showed them drafts for my Diwali Stamp Project.”
can be a separate stamp for Christ- of the design of the stamp, not Diwali turns darkness to light,
mas, Hanukkah, Eid and Kwanza, knowing that they themselves cre- and Ranju also finally saw light at
why not one for Diwali too - which ate the final design for stamps.” the end of the tunnel. Advocacy on
is celebrated by a billion people in But after the meeting there was Capitol Hill, letters to the White
India, the US and all over the world. complete silence from USPS for a House and PM Modi, and over
Ranju dared to take it up as a long time. Why no response and 20,000 paper-petitions and post-
project around 2010: “I believed what do we do differently now? cards written to the postal service
myself to be good at improving Ranju wondered. The answer came bore fruit. USPS made the announce-
things, so I spoke to a couple of that the stamp goes on paper, and ment in mid-September 2016, it
people I knew well for guidance we had to give them paper peti- was to be a Forever stamp, which
and encouragement. Ambassador tions - not online petitions. The means it will be perpetually in print
Hardeep Singh Puri, then India’s language she created for the peti- and is inflation-proof. The design of
the stamp has the Diwali earthen (Top) At the Silver Diwali in 2012 under Ranju Batra, 3 flags flown
diya brightly lit. To select the venue over Capitol Hill dome were presented by Rep Carolyn Maloney to
for the first-day-of-issue dedication India’s PR to UN, Amb Hardeep Singh Puri, and Pakistan’s PR Amb
Abdullah Hussain Haroon. (Above) Bill de Blasio, then NYC Public
ceremony, USPS people came to
Advocate, now Mayor, presented a Proclamation to Ranju.
New York to meet her and Ravi. Af-
ter initial hesitation, they agreed to Ranju’s story a few days after the Lebanon’s Nawaf Salam, England’s
the Indian Consulate as the venue. Stamp Dedication - at a dinner host- Matthew Rycroft and Ukraine’s
One pitch Ranju had made to ed by Georgia’s PR Kaha Imnadze, Yuriy Sergeyev. In 2018, another
the USPS - from the beginning - was that he decided, all by himself that six were honored: Greece’s Cath-
that the stamp will sell very, very, Ranju deserved to be honored, as erine Boura, Slovenia’s Andrej
well. So, she took it upon herself well as the Diwali Stamp she suc- Logar, Azerbaijian’s Agshin Me-
to individually presell the stamp, ceeded in getting. Next day, Belarus hdiyev, Thailand’s Virachai Plasai,
which required many permissions. confirmed the Trusteeship Council Tunisia’s Khaled Khiari, and Viet-
She got orders from all over Amer- Chamber for the event that would nam’s Nguyen Phuong Nga.
ica. To spur sales, Ranju made Van- honor Ranju. 24 countries signed In December 2019, the four dip-
dana Sharma, Regional Manager of on to honor Ranju. During the UN lomats honored at the UN Headquar-
Air India in America, announce that honorific ceremony on December 5, ters with the Power of One awards
the airline would donate up to 10 2016, then-DFM Valentin Rybakov were former foreign minister and
round-trip tickets to India, some for said that getting the Diwali stamp Permanent Representative (PR) of
a draw in a Free Raffle, while others exemplified Ranju’s endless Power Kazakhstan to the UN Kairat Ab-
for free when buying $10,000 worth of One, and she was being justly drakhmanov, former PR of Cyprus
of stamps. A half dozen generous honored for that. That the lead in to the UN Nicholas Emiliou, former
people came forward, apart from honoring Ranju was taken by the Chef de Cabinet to the President of
the so many persons who bought ambassador of Belarus, an Ortho- the 72nd UN General Assembly, and
a few stamps to a lot of stamps. dox Christian country, shows their, PR of Slovakia to the UN Frantisek
Ranju personally sold over 170,000 and Christian, big-heartedness. Ruzicka and PR of Ukraine to the UN
stamps for Day One, a record for This, then, is how Diwali became Volodymyr Yelchenko. Meanwhile,
the most First Day sale of a stamp the ultimate metaphor for United the number of nations kept climb-
in USPS history! The dedication cer- Nations Charter and its ideals. ing, and there were over 35 nations
emony took place on October 5 at It was that “Power of One” ver- who were now supporting the Di-
the Consulate, with Amb. Puri and biage that in 2017 morphed and wali Power of One awards.
then Consul General Riva Ganguli became the Diwali Foundation The awards, soon, came to be
Das, along with Carolyn Maloney, USA, Inc., and since then, under known as the “Oscars of Diplo-
Grace Meng, and Ranju speak- Ranju the foundation has had an- macy.” In 2020, the 75th year of
(Top) Ranju along with Ravi Batra met Indian PM Narendra Modi
ing, and Ravi was Master of Cer- nual events to honor world class United Nations, the Diwali Power
at UN to seek support for the Diwali stamp. (Above) Ranju Batra joined
Reps Ami Bera and Carolyn Maloney to present signed petitions emonies, in addition to his remarks. diplomats who enhance world of One awards will see a historic
for Diwali stamp to a USPS official on Capitol Hill. Ranju had under-promised and peace and security by their self- tribute, promises Ranju Batra.
24 January 4-17, 2020 COV E R S T O RY
of the Community
Individually and together they have tried
to spread goodwill about India and improve
the relations between our two countries. Di-
wali stamp is just one such example.
Person of the Year award to both of them eartfelt congratula-
endorses their contribution and recognizes tions to Ravi and
their distinguished work both in the legal Ranju Batra, The South
area as well as in social area. I wish that Asian Times - Couple of
they continue to play their role of bring- Dnyaneshwar Mulay the Year 2019. Ravi Ba-
I have known Ravi and Ranju Indian community, and re- good times skills as working long Batra is a true leader and now with
since 1981 when Ravi was spected in the legal and dip- and memories hours with determina- this recognition by a major me-
teaching law at Pace, Since then lomatic communities. More together filled tion to help our commu- dia group, she has added another
Ravi has always been a man of im- importantly, they have re- with laughter nity get the Diwali stamp. jewel to her crown. I am sure we
mense integrity and substance. I mained kind-hearted friends and cheer, as Chummu & Kamal I have seen her resolve will be seeing more and hearing a
have watched him grow his love- who are there for you when our dinners
Dandona conflicts and handle dif- great deal about her new achieve-
of-law into one of the leading law you need them. usually are! Family friends ficult situations with re- ments in the future.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info COVER STORY January 4-17, 2020 25
hatever I am and have berʼs razor, a crochet needle to ex‑ body else was doing that.
achieved is because of tract the bullet and a sowing nee‑ Around this time my father
my father. And I am not dle to stitch up. Luckily, she went into textiles and opened the
saying this because of a sonʼs love, healed. first saree store, named Uma Sa‑
but my father was the greatest The family then moved to Delhi. rees in Queens. I went to Pace,
man I ever met, and I have met My father went into the business and then Fordham law school.
many great men and women in of exporting animal casing Dad was one of few who started
my life. (sausage coverings). He intro‑ the Hindu Center in Flushing, and
My father, Hon. Sada Nand Ba‑ duced quality control – something the Geeta Ashram, but he never
traʼs life had many twists and rare in those times – and got a took a position ‑ ever. All the do‑
turns with outside events inter‑ good demand overseas. Others nations he gave was never publi‑
secting often. But he lived a life of would sell it by weight, he sold it cized for “kovet.”
conviction, on his terms, and was by diameter and length, a value Even before I could settle down,
hugely successful and influential, addition. He was selling the stuff in 1979 my father decided to re‑
but he would give it all up at the at 10 times the price, and the tire at 65. He donated his fortune
drop of a hat. I was his project business grew. By the time I was to various causes, donated the
though, and he saw me as a sculp‑ born in 1955 he had about Delhi home I was born in to All‑In‑
tor sees a piece of marble. Any‑ 10,000 employees across India. dia Institute of Medical Sciences
way, this is not mine but his story. In India it was the time for na‑ as a free eye clinic. He moved to
When my father was only 13 tion building, a special time, as it Haridwar as a semi‑recluse, where
years old, my grandfatherʼs death is the maternity ward of sover‑ my mother and father lived in two
shaped his life. He was enjoying eignty, when corruption takes a separate cottages. He passed
normal life playing cards with vacation. Because of his success, away in 1996 and my mother in
other kids as entitled kids do, with my dad too was called upon to
contribute back to society in
Whatever Good I do, is what I learnt 1998. My dad was the closest
man I know to Saint Francis of As‑
not a care in the world. They were
living in a place called Jung building a nation. It was then a from my father, Hon. Sada Nand Batra. sisi who never accumulated any
Mighiyana near Lahore and after nation by decree, not in fact, as property. We also know the ex‑
my grandfatherʼs death several there were no local, state or fed‑ And my mother, Raj Kaur, loved me ample of Mahatma Gandhi, who
things happened at personal level eral budgets for want of real tax had no possessions. (Even as I was
even as the world was moving to‑ collection. My earliest memories
as the sky the Sun. pro bono lawyer for Jim Otis of
wards World War II. He noticed are of people in the hundreds Gandhi items auction.)
that at family gatherings where coming to see my dad, who had ther was giving me all kinds of ex‑ because he felt that he could not One advice my father gave me I
my grandfather used to sit at the the title of municipal commission‑ posure, like making me talk to discipline me, busy as he was with still remember and live by: “When
head of the table, he and his sib‑ er ‑ now, a Councilman. He would powerful people. everything he was doing for poli‑ in life you donʼt know what the
lings and our grandmother were give money to people left, right Then he saw somebody bad in tics and the public. He felt nobody right road is, which is often the
now relegated to a lesser position. and center. He hated money be‑ me. Son of a great man, I started would hold me to the rules, be‑ case, pick the road which is hard‑
People who had borrowed money cause of the experience he had as to walk with swagger, baby‑tipsy cause I was his son and they er and with less money and you
from my grandfather said they al‑ a 13‑year‑old watching his rela‑ with power. I had achieved noth‑ would give me leeway and that will never be in trouble.” I have
ready paid back. My dad grew up tives not treat his family with the ing, yet was clothed by the mantle leeway was going to be my de‑ used that recipe many times be‑
an angry young man, angry at rel‑ same respect as when my grand‑ of his success and his power. struction. He wanted to prevent cause more often than not I'm not
atives, whose respect and af fec‑ father was alive. Heady! that. He saw something in me like sure which is the right road, and
tion changed. So, he felt that their So, he saw money purely as a He made a trip to London and a sculptor sees in a block of mar‑ when I'm not sure, I take the road
respect was for money and not for tool, as a vehicle, not as a goal. on his return, he said he was ble. which has less money and
the person. That was the secret of his success struck by the dignity of labor in In Hong Kong we roughed it out tougher. Greed is bad.
Growing up, my father trained ‑ that he passed on to me. Unlike the West. That the socio‑econom‑ for a few years. And then we had My father gave up power, posi‑
to be some kind of an instructor him, I donʼt hate money but like ic classifications in Asia ‑ not just to leave Hong Kong because Chi‑ tion and money and left India to
for public safety and then he went him, money does not dictate what in India ‑‑ are based upon eco‑ na was taking over. Dad gifted his protect and make me. A fatherʼs
into business. It was time of I do. I see money as gasoline, so I nomic strength and power, while business to his Chinese friends. near‑ultimate sacrifice. So, no
scarcity of commodities and ra‑ donʼt need it if Iʼm not going the West is more democratic and Eventually, he moved the family matter what I did or achieved I
tioning, and he ended up with li‑ somewhere. more upwardly (or downwardly) to the United States as Green Card never felt worthy of my great Dad.
censes for certain items. He was My dad had the mightiest heart. mobile based upon your ability immigrants ‑‑ good for me, other‑ I felt I never paid off my fatherʼs
doing fine but had a sense that In‑ He was adventurous and having and effort and integrity. He found wise I would not have known mortgage on my soul till some
dia was soon to be partitioned. survived the Partition and refugee it very refreshing. In 1961 or 62 American Exceptionalism up years ago an intervention I ac‑
So, my father with my mother and camps, completely fearless. He he went to Hong Kong. In January close and intimately. Coming to complished in international af‑
four siblings moved to what is impacted the lives of thousands. of 63 he had us all leave India to New York, I saw a huge super‑ fairs impacting the lives of 100s
now India. And they saw all the About a hundred thousand people join him in Hong Kong. I was 7 market, where you move around of millions of people ‑ and I did it
vestiges of communal violence came to my eldest sisterʼs wed‑ years old at the time. My dad left freely – that showed me the open‑ with then‑HFAC Chairman Ed
and carnage of the worst kind. ding ‑ they were from all strata of India to become poor, and gave ness of America. Royce and Ranker Eliot Engel.
They were on a refugee train society. He was no aristocrat, his business as a gift to his close Within a few months, my father That is when I had proven him
packed like sardines when the more like Mr. Democracy, Mr. Re‑ friend Haji Mien Meherali ‑‑ ani‑ wrote a check and bought a house right that I was worth saving and
Muslim “soldiers” came and start‑ public. mal casings is overwhelmingly a in Elmhurst, Queens. It was the sculpting, and have exceeded the
ed shooting. My father helped As his power as a peopleʼs Muslim trade.” He believed that time of Vietnam war, of flower cost to make me.
people to use luggage to block leader grew, he was meeting oth‑ poverty builds character. children and of questioning au‑ There is not a thing that I do
windows to protect themselves; a ers with power all the time, and It was several years later, when thority. Feeling peer pressure, I, which is not from a lesson from
real hero. But upon his return, would often take me with him. I we were having a heart‑to‑heart, who was wearing custom‑made father. And from my mother, Raj
found my mother bleeding with a have sat in the lap of Pt Nehru, In‑ that he told me that he had decid‑ suits and going to Newtown H.S., Kaur, I got love ‑ like the Sky loves
bullet in the foot. The Indian diaʼs first prime minister. My fa‑ ed to leave India because of me, wanted to grow my hair. During the Sun.
26 January 4-17, 2020 COV E R S T O RY
T he South Asian Times is to support of Ranju, to look beyond Mamta and Ash Tewari, Chairman, Mount Sinai
Department of Urology, with Ranju-Ravi Batra
be congratulated for its wis- the law and exercise his talents
dom in selecting Ranju and Ravi
Batra as your Persons of the Year
2019. I have known and admired
in the business and diplomatic
realms. In those pursuits, they
have enjoyed sterling successes
W e are delighted that Mrs Ranju Batra and Mr
Ravi Batra have been chosen for The South Asian
Times Persons of the Year 2019 honor. The South Asian
the Batras for decades. and have earned the approbation community is fortunate to have such a forceful and com-
Ranju, besides being a devoted and affection of numerous diplo- passionate representation in the couple to defend its
wife and mother, has been a vital mats, business people and public cause or voice its concern at international forums.
assistant in Ravi’s law practice. In officials around the world. Their tenacity and resourcefulness in getting the Diwa-
addition to her domestic life, she They are the proud parents li Stamp issued by USPS anchored India and its culture as
devoted her energies to the Diwali of Angela and Neal, who like his integral part of American experience. As their friends and
Foundation culminating in her father is a lawyer with a larger as Americans of Indian heritage we are proud and grateful
The Hindu Center Board
stunning success creating and see- horizon. I congratulate Ranju and of their spirit and their contributions. We applaud and sup-
ing into print a Diwali stamp that Ravi with fondness and affection. Flushing, NY port their continued success as champions of South Asians.
having the USPS issue a Diwali Ukraine Mission at the ity to members of Congress and
Sudhir Vaishnav
stamp came to fruition. It was UN. Having served on Senate to bring goodwill & close-
Director, Globosat Entertainment, a proud moment for the Indian many prominent commit- ness in India-US relations. He is a
LLC; President & CEO New Age diaspora. I had the pleasure of tees and taken on impor- true patriot and leader.
Communications and Marketing supporting her for that project tant global issues, Ravi Ravi and Ranju are both ac-
he world has seen spectac‑ gela and Nealʼs father. And that is tirely because of Ranju. She has
ular success of Ranju and completely satisfying. Had I run rounded of f many of my edges,
Ravi Batra. But people who for office, by now I would be in a but she does it like a river does to
know the couple share that it is leadership position, then Iʼd know stones ‑ gently. She holds me to
because the two encourage and Washington but not my kids. account for the things she be‑
support each other to the hilt. Dit‑ Along the way various other posi‑ lieves I do wrong. Yet I acknowl‑
to when it comes to their two chil‑ tions were offered, but each time edge that she has the full measure
dren, miracle daughter Angela I kept declining. I came very close of love for me and I too have the
and son Neal. to considering Attorney General full measure of love for her. In
Says Ravi with emotion: “The of New York state.” our law building she has a floor
most insolvable riddles of life are Adds Ranju, “Angela is a bless‑ by herself. And I am on a different
made easier to understand and to ing for us, she is spectacular, her floor. So, we are not in each oth‑
grasp and to solve because of An‑ emotional intelligence is amaz‑ erʼs way. Because without that
gela. For example, in 1985 I was ing.”Neal, the younger son, is also neither can blossom; only when
of fered nomination to Congress an attorney, and works with dad you both blossom can you em‑
when Tip OʼNeill was Speaker and and has his own entertainment brace the other.”
law firm, representing talent – ac‑ Ranju and Ravi with their children Angela and Neal, Chimes in Ranju: “We even drive
was King of the Hill. I came back
tors, musicians. He just an‑
and their family pet. in separate cars even if we are go‑
from Washington very excited. I
discussed the of fer with Ranju, nounced to his parents that he is only son: “Neal is blue blood when enhances the public good. So, I ing to office at the same time.”
but Angela was then 2 years old executive producer of a new it comes to family honor and per‑ feel enhanced by my son.” Concludes Ravi: “The founda‑
and her baby‑ness we had become movie coming out. He has already sonal integrity. His compassion What is the secret of Ranju and tion of our marriage is unshake‑
aware was not baby‑ness, it was been associate producer of a knows almost no limits. He is ex‑ Raviʼs enduring marriage? Says able because of the investment of
to continue. She was the miracle movie and an off‑Broadway play. tremely hardworking. The Head‑ Ravi: “Ranju is a go‑getter in her her life and her dreams into my
born barely 1 pound 13 ounces. Say Ranju, “He is a son that every master of the Prep school at grad‑ own right and very much her own life and my dreams in a very nur‑
So we decided that it was more mother will dream of ‑ and is an uation spoke about Nealʼs zest for person. She achieved the Diwali turing way and accepting my
important for me to be a father amazing brother.” life, his passion for knowledge Stamp, an impossible dream, and dreams as her own. That gives us
than a politician. That has been a Ravi too is very proud of their and to make a mark in a way that which is immortal. Being married two bodies in one soul.”
28 January 4-17, 2020 LOOKING AHEAD TheSouthAsianTimes.info
he year 2020 will be for 40 per cent of the global GDP identity driven movements are hand you have separatist groups outraged nationalism," it added.
dominated by the Ameri‑ of $90 trillion," it added. Ac‑
India to be a bigger
can presidential election cording to the report, the global
and a global slowdown, says The slowdown is a supply side slow‑
Economist, adding that the most down since it has been primarily
Indian-Americans who
made headlines in 2019
Abhijit Banerjee on articles of impeachment against President
Donald Trump in December. Gabbard has
said that she won't seek re‑election to her
House seat in order to focus on the primary
race. Former Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, a
Democrat, called on her to resign from Con‑
gress ahead of the 2020 election in part be‑
cause of her "present" vote.
Kiran &
and up by almost 65% from the year before.
And going by what Microsoft chairman John
Pallavi Patel
Thompson has to say, it's worth every penny.
Indian‑American economist Abhijit Baner‑ Kamala Harris closed out this yearʼs historic pageant circuit,
jee won the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics, marking the first time the titles for all five top
along with Esther Duflo of the Massachusetts beauty contests were won by black women.
Institute of Technology and Michael Kremer Born to Indo‑Caribbean father Bradshaw
of Harvard University “for their experimental Singh and African‑Caribbean mother Jahrine
approach to alleviating global poverty.” Bailey, Singh is a student of women's studies
Banerjee is the only second Indian to re‑ and psychology at Florida State University
ceive Nobel Prize in economics after Amartya and she aspires to be a medical doctor.
Sen. He wore a white silk dhoti with a gold During the competition, she earned a re‑
border and a black bandhgala, while his econ‑ sounding applause from audiences for
omist wife Esther Duflo wore a blue‑green singing Whitney Houston's hit "I Have Noth‑
sari, as they received the Nobel Prize in Eco‑ ing."
nomic Sciences in Stockholm setting the so‑
cial media abuzz. The duo along with Kremer
donated their prize money to the Weiss Fund
Zambia‑born India‑educated cardiologist 7 US Spelling Bee
Kiran C. Patel and his wife, pediatrician
for Research in Development Economics, ad‑ Pallavi Patel gifted $250 million to the Nova co-champions
ministered by Harvard University to support Southeastern University's (NSU) new region‑
economic research for the next 15 years. Seven Indian‑origin kids, along with
Indian‑origin Senator Kamala Harris al campus built with their donation.
an American, were declared co‑champi‑
The single largest donation made by an In‑
Sundar Pichai dropped out of the 2020 US Democratic pres‑
idential race. The sudden and surprising an‑ dian‑American individual or family in the US
ons of the US National Spelling Bee af‑
ter the tie among the eight couldn't be
nouncement by Harris, 55, came during a call included a $50 million gift and an additional
broken even after 20 rounds of the fi‑
with her campaign staffers in December. Har‑ $150 million real estate and facility invest‑
nals held in May 2019.
ris, of mixed Indian and African heritage, had ment by the Patel family foundation.
The unprecedented decision to de‑
been polling poorly in weeks leading up to The new three‑storey 311,000 square foot
clare eight co‑champions was taken af‑
the announcement. According to the latest medical education complex built in just 17
ter the organisers ran out of their se‑
poll data, her percentage dropped to a mere months in Tampa Bay was inaugurated with
lection of difficult words to challenge
3 per cent indicating that her campaign was a ribbon‑cutting ceremony by the Patels and
them further.
not going in a good direction to make an im‑ will also serve as a satellite campus for four
The 10‑year monopoly of Indian‑ori‑
pact. Harris was among the first major Dem‑ other colleges, including Dr. Pallavi Patel Col‑
gin children was finally broken with a
ocratic Party leaders to announce her presi‑ lege of Health Care Sciences, and the D.r Ki‑
non‑Indian girl from Alabama, Erin
dential run in last January, which was at‑ ran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Howard, becoming a co‑champion.
Satya Nadella
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella earned $42.9 Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the Hawaii
million in total pay during the company's fis‑ Democrat running for her party's 2020 pres‑
cal year 2019. This is 249 times more than idential nomination, saw her favorability slip
that of the median employee at the company among primary voters after voting "present"
TheSouthAsianTimes.info NEWSMAKERS January 4-17, 2020 31
Indian-Americans who
made headlines in 2019
Dr. Monisha Ghosh versed the temperate rainforests of Washing‑
ton state. And as part of her most recent ad‑
dian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar
for declining a congressional meeting she
Hudson's Bay Company, Lord & Taylor's par‑
ent company, Le Tote will now effectively op‑
venture, Nadkarni helped advise Mattel on was slated to attend, with the lawmaker call‑ erate all remaining 38 stores and online busi‑
the creation of a line of National Geographic ing the move a "sign of weakness." In a Wash‑ nesses.
explorer Barbies in an effort to inspire chil‑ ington Post op‑ed she alleged that the minis‑ Founded in San Francisco in 2012, Le Tote
drenʼs interest in trees, conservation and ca‑ ter was slated to meet with a bipartisan was an early entrant to the subscription
reers in science. The line of dolls ̶ which in‑ group of lawmakers, but refused to do so be‑ clothing market, following the debut of com‑
cludes a marine biologist, astrophysicist, na‑ cause Jayapal was part of the group. panies like Rent The Runway in 2009.
ture photojournalist, wildlife conservationist
and entomologist ̶ is available from Na‑ Shekhar Mehta Jhumpa Lahiri
tional Geographicʼs website, as well as retail‑
ers like Walmart and Target.
Neomi Rao
hood” during the assault. American‑dominated district of
he three‑hour “Howdy, Great Again” slogan as he hailed the core. Representatives Tom Suozzi, Loudon and Prince William.
Modi!” event in which Pres‑ the state of the US economy and Dhaliwal was shot multiple Grace Meng, and Carolyn Mal‑ In California, Indian‑American
ident Donald Trump joined the US‑India relationship. times in the head from behind oney came out in full support of Mano Raju won his election to re‑
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during a midday traf fic stop on the local Hindu community. The main San Francisco's Public De‑
was organized at Houstonʼs
sprawling NRG Football Stadium,
First US Sikh September 27, 2019. office of Mayor Bill de Blasio also fender.
Deputy in Houston's Harris
one of the largest in the US on cop shot dead County Sherif f's Department
sent community liaison of ficer
Rohan Narine to the temple.
Raju attended Columbia Univer‑
sity as an undergraduate where
September 22, 2019.
A crowd of 50,000 thronged the
in Texas, a Dhaliwal had joined the force 10
he researched Critical Race Theo‑
Stadium in a patriotic celebration priest in NY years ago and became a national
figure after convincing the De‑
Four Indian ry under Professor Kendall
for both countries.
assaulted partment to allow him to wear re‑ Americans win Thomas.
After an influential fellowship at
The Howdy Modi event was the
largest gathering ever for an While there were several racial‑
ligious attire and grow a beard
while on patrol.
US state, local the Oxford Center for African
elected foreign leader visiting the
US, other than the Pope.
ly motivated assaults on Indian A father of three young chil‑ elections Studies, he relocated to Berkeley
in the 90s to pursue his Masters
Americans across the country, the dren, he was also very active at
Members of the Texas India Fo‑ in South Asian Studies and later
death of the first US Sikh law‑en‑ his Gurudwara.
rum and other local groups or‑ his JD at Berkeley School of Law,
forcement officer, Sandeep Dhali‑ Thousands mourned the loss of
ganized the event with more than where he interned in the San
wal, 42, shook the community to an inspiring of ficer and humble
1,000 volunteers and 650 Texas‑ Francisco Public Defender's Of‑
based organizations helping. The fice. In North Carolina, incumbent
crowds came despite the city be‑ Dimple Ajmera won convincing
ing paralyzed the day before by re‑election to Charlotte City Coun‑
the tropical storm Imelda. cil.
Trump and Modi heaped praise A former Certified Public Ac‑
on each other in their respective countant, Ajmera immigrated to
speeches. They used the platform Suhas Subramanyam was the US from India along with her
elected to Virginia State House parents when she was 16. At that
to showcase their respective ad‑
of Representatives
ministrationsʼ achievements. time, she spoke no English.
Modi underscored his personal Four Indian Americans, includ‑ Proving her tenacity, she went
friendship with Trump. ing a Muslim woman and a for‑ on to graduate from the Universi‑
The duo held hands as they en‑ mer White House technology pol‑ ty of Southern California (USC)
tered the arena and Modi invoked icy advisor, won state and local and later became a Certified Pub‑
the presidentʼs “Make America elections held in November 2019. lic Accountant (CPA).
The Impeachment
of a President –
Donald J. Trump
By Shaker Nelanuthala
ednesday the 18th of De‑
cember 2019 will be
etched in the history
books as the day President Donald
Trump was impeached by the US
House of Representatives on
charges of abuse of power and ob‑
struction of Congress. In strict uni‑
son almost all the congressional De‑
mocrats voted for the two articles of There should be at least 67 of the try completely. primary race and if one should con‑ MPs) of Indian origin conservatives
impeachment while all the Republi‑ 100 senators voting for a convic‑ The current political reality is, the vict him, he or she very well could got elected. If 30% of Indian Ameri‑
cans voted against. It is a divided tion. This is a watershed moment in country is extremely divided and is lose the moderates in the general cans should support the President
country! the history of this country as only 2 going towards a road to perdition, election. in battleground states, he will win
In laymanʼs terms, an impeach‑ other Presidents were impeached ‑ with the left rooting to remove the Since the impeachment, the Presi‑ re‑election easily. As most Indian
ment is equivalent to an indictment Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. President from office and the right dent has been steadily increasing Americans know, Indian PM Modi
by a grand jury so that the prosecu‑ Subsequently both were acquitted offering unwavering support to his approval ratings currently hov‑ already endorsed the President for
tion can advance a case to a court of in the Senate trials (Richard Nixon him, despite his shortcomings, idio‑ ering around 44%, with an addition‑ the 2nd term. The Indian Diaspora
law, where a trial will take place resigned before an impeachment). syncratic and some over the top be‑ al 3 to 5 percent silently supporting is no longer a silent, irrelevant mi‑
(Senate) and the jurors (US Sena‑ As far as the impact of governance havior. him. His support in the battle‑ nority. Politicians from both sides
tors) decide if a person should be by President Trump is considered, The people that are in the middle ground states is around 50%. With must compete to win their votes.
convicted or set free. The presiding he seems to be very resilient. He of the political spectrum are evenly numbers like this, it would be very
judge for the impeachment trial will gets high marks for a booming divided on impeachment and re‑ difficult to beat him in 2020. A lib‑
be the Chief Justice of the US economy with unemployment moval. As to the question of impact eral, progressive movie maker
Supreme Court Hon. John Roberts. around 3.5%; high home ownership; in the 2020 elections, the odds are, Michael Moore recently predicted
Impeachment is only an accusation low interest rates; low inflation; and that in the Senate trial the President that the President will win re‑elec‑
and does not convict the President. increased real wage growth. He will prevail with at least 56 to 60 tion today via electoral college and
The US Senate has the sole power inked a new deal with Canada and Senators exonerating him, including that he will lose the popular vote for
to conduct impeachment trials Mexico called the USMCA. He a few defections from the Democ‑ the 2nd time. The firewall and the
based on the articles of impeach‑ brought the Chinese to the negoti‑ rats that are in Red states like Jones only way to possibly beat the Presi‑
ment, after they are transmitted ating table with tariff threats for a (AL); Sinema (AZ); Manchin (WV). dent that the Democrats have is, for‑
from the House. The Senate con‑ new trade deal. On societal issues This trial also puts leading Demo‑ mer VP Joe Biden with Klobuchar or
ducts a trial where all the senators his signature issue of criminal re‑ cratic Senatorial Presidential candi‑ Butitgieg or Yang as a running mate.
will vote as jurors to determine if form justice is being applauded by dates Warren, Sanders and Since 2015, a bigger slice of the Shaker Nelanuthala, a
the President is to be convicted and most Americans. Illegal immigra‑ Klobuchar in a quandary. If one Indian origin Americans and British centrist on political views,
removed from office or exonerated tion / building a border wall is one should exonerate the President, he have been voting for conservatives. lives in Glen Cove, NY
for the crimes he is accused of. issue where he polarized the coun‑ or she would most likely lose the In 2019, in UK, a record number (17
y humble opinion is that making the human existence for CEO and Founder of magazine UAE group.
the Impeachment of Pres‑ Americans better. The Giving Back Two weeks ago, she
ident Trump is taking up I am not sure the impeachment of Foundation. Last year was in Puerto Rico with
too much energy on Capitol Hill. President Trump is the best thing among many accolades singer Marc Anthony’s
This energy should be devoted to for America. I think Democrats and she won, she was foundation Maestro
the actual improvement of the Republicans would be better off voted most influential Cares, opening a boys
country and the development of in‑ working together to make an hon‑ humanitarian 2019 by orphanage.
frastructure, prison reform, no cash est and sincere push for creating
bail, employment, upgrade of high policies and making policies so ALL
school education, creation of a Americans can have a better life
ʻhappiness cabinetʼ to address the than the daily grind which is what
level of mental un‑wellness in most are putting themselves
America as well as social reform. through!
Instead, the airwaves and attention Last but not the least, I think
are being diverted to a ʻwitch huntʼ there might be forces from other
of sorts. countries whose interests might
Whether some people like it or not be served by current policies
not, Donald Trump is the current who might also be pushing the im‑
President of USA and he is trying to peachment agenda so I think we all
bring about transparent change need to take a step back to careful‑
through the use of the internet as a ly assess before following blindly.
platform as the TV and press have Wishing peace and love and pros‑
shown inherent bias. perity to all readers of The South
I am not a political person but am Asian Times.
a peace‑loving Aquarian who ob‑ Happy New Year 2020 to all!
38 January 4-17, 2020 I N D I A - U S R E L A T I O N S TheSouthAsianTimes.info
t was a year when trade tensions between Trump, with a crowd‐size
India and the United States came to a
head. And it was also a year President
that the latter continues
Donald Trump stoked Indiaʼs sensitivity on to marvel at to this day.
the Kashmir issue with his repeated offers to
mediate, and it was also a year that ended President Trumpʼs avowed goal to end Amer‑
with testy showdown precipitated by a law‑ icaʼs trade imbalances by weaponizing tariff.
maker of Indian descent. Failing to get access to Indiaʼs dairy and med‑
More than anything else, year 2019 will be ical‑devices sectors, the Trump administra‑
remembered by policy wonks and the public tion announced in March its intention to ter‑
for a joint‑outreach to the Indian diaspora by minate Indiaʼs access to a US trade program
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President designed to help developing economies ̶
Trump, with a crowd‑size that the American ̶ walking hand in hand around the arena, the American president ̶ was a milestone in called the Generalized System of Preferences
leader continues to marvel at to this day, im‑ with aides and security personnel struggling relations between the two countries that ̶ with zero import duty. But it held off the
pressed and, perhaps, a little envious. to keep up with, and more than 50,000 peo‑ could became the gold standard for the rela‑ announcement till May at the request of the
The image of the two leaders ̶ one of ple cheering was made for history. tionship, along with the 2008 India‑US civil Modi government. India has been the top
them a prickly germophobe who loathes un‑ And it was. The Howdy, Modi! event ̶ as it nuclear deal. It mattered even more, perhaps, beneficiary of this scheme, with $6.3 billion
wanted physical contact (President Trump) was called, with not as much as a tiny nod to to Indian Americans. “This is historic,” M Ra‑ of the total of $54.3 billion in total goods ex‑
maswami, a former tech‑titan who has since ports in 2018 ̶ 9%.
founded an advocacy group called Indiaspo‑
ra, had said then. “Trumpʼs presence here Defense ties on course
mainstreams the Indian community, sends all
Defense ties continued on the upswing un‑
AmericanCommunityBank sorts of signals in all directions.”
disrupted though. The growing convergence
and interoperability between the militaries of
Fake university sting the countries received a significant boost
Year 2019 started badly. Ties were flung with the signing of the Industrial Security An‑
into a crisis in January by the apprehension
Celebrating Our 1 Year Anniversary of Our of more than 600 Indian students of a fake
nex, a foundational agreement that allows US
private sector manufacturers of defense ma‑
US university set up by authorities to bust a
New Hyde Park Branch! pay‑to‑stay scam of people entering the Unit‑
terial to share confidential and proprietary
information with private sector partners in
ed States, or extending their stay, by enrolling India. The two sides also concluded three
as students. India angrily slammed the use of agreements under the Defense Technology
a fake university as “entrapment”, which is
Free Personal and not allowed in India, but worked quietly to
and Trade Initiative and agreed to hold an‑
nually a bilateral tri‑services military exercise
enable the students to go home. “We dropped that first took place in November called
Business Checking everything else,” said an Indian diplomat
closely associated with these efforts.
“Tiger Triumph”.
No minimum balance requirements.
No monthly service charges. Kashmir and CAA
No per check or item charges. Pulwama consensus The second 2+2 ministerial dialogue, which
Unlimited check writing. The sense of panic and despair that hit bi‑ concluded December 18 and delivered these
Unlimited cash deposits and change orders. lateral ties ̶ marked by some testy ex‑ pathbreaking defense outcomes, was also
Free ATM access at 9,000+ 7-11 locations. changes between officials of the two coun‑ marked by growing skepticism and suspicion
tries over entrapment ̶ was dissipated a of the Modi government among the young
fortnight later by unequivocal US support af‑ and emerging leaders of the progressive cau‑
New Hyde Park ter the February 14 terrorist attack in Pul‑ cus of the Democratic party on human rights
799 Hillside Avenue wama that killed 40 CRPF personnel. The issues concerning the situation in Kashmir af‑
(Corner of Hillside & Lakeville) United States threw its full weight behind a ter the abrogation of Article 370 and the en‑
New Hyde Park, NY 11040 French proposal for the UNSCʼs 1267 sanc‑ actment of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act
P: (516) 502-6611 tions committee to designate the founder‑ specifically, and religious freedom generally.
leader of the Pakistan‑based terrorists outfit, Pramila Jayapal, an Indian‑American Demo‑
Jaish‑e‑Mohammad that had claimed credit
For more information about our accounts, for the attack, to quash another attempt by
cratic lawmaker from Washington state, who
please contact us or visit one of our five locations! has been most vocal. An Indian diplomat ac‑
China to kill it by threatening to call a full and knowledged this group as an emerging chal‑
open meeting of the Security Council to ex‑ lenge but expressed confidence in the con‑
pose Beijingʼs egregious defense of a terror‑ tinued support of the partyʼs leaders: Speak‑
- New Hyde Park- Mineola - Glen Cove -East Northport – ist mastermind. er Nancy Pelosi was the chief guest at the
Commackwww.acbalways.com 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma
Trade tensions, GSP gone Gandhi, and Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat
Tensions over trade, in the meantime, were in the House of Representatives, was the sen‑
escalating rapidly, feeding on festering unre‑ ior‑most Democrat at the Howdy, Modi!
Member FDIC. Equal Opportunity Lender. Equal Housing Lender
solved issues going back several years and on event.
40 January 4-17, 2020 OP-ED TheSouthAsianTimes.info
hen one considers how sciously eschewed the British way flirted with Russia who, traditional The Affordable Care Act had a party. The Republicans, believing
America has done in when they drafted their Constitu‑ foreign policy experts believe, will twin in the shape of making Amer‑ in free enterprise, were against
things that matter to tion and chose their mode of gov‑ sooner or later betray the United icans come out of the Great Reces‑ government bailouts; whereas the
most readers of this newspaper, Democrats, while supporting free
the economy, healthcare and na‑ market, nevertheless believed it
tional security probably rise to the
In 2008, major banks and lender of individual mortgages were about to go belly was governmentʼs responsibility to
top. How has America done in the up, With the help of excellent economists, President Obama rescued both the step in and help when gigantic
last ten years during Presidents banks and the auto industry. And Obamacare would prove to be as historically businesses, like the auto and the fi‑
Obama and Trump? For reply, one nancial industry, get into severe fi‑
may have to come up with the fa‑
significant and long lasting as President Roosevelt’s Social Security Act. nancial crisis affecting the fi‑
mous opening lines of Charles nances of the whole country. How‑
Dickensʼ A Tale of Two Cities: "It ever, middle‑of‑the‑road Republi‑
was the best of times, it was the cans like Bush and McCain also be‑
worst of times." lieved in governmental interven‑
The best of times, because Amer‑ tion. Bush being lame duck, the
ica passed the Affordable Health‑ wrath of the extreme Republicans
care Bill by which all Americans fell upon poor McCain. They
with previous health conditions wouldnʼt vote for Obama but did‑
qualified for health insurance. nʼt support McCain either. Bush did
More than half of 41 million of the whatever he could as lame‑duck,
hitherto uninsured were able to get but was left to Obama to pull up
health insurance. The worst of the country.
times, because never before was an By some estimates, the Obama
ethnic community like the Muslims government pumped in 130 billion
in America discriminated against, dollars which included 80 million
and even targeted, by the Federal by President Bush. The industry
Government, never since the na‑ though paid back most of the mon‑
tional persecution of Japanese im‑ ey by 2016. Obama is largely cred‑
migrants in the Second World War. ited for having saved the auto in‑
President Trump, by the dint of his dustry from serious, even irrepara‑
Executive Order, forbade the entry ble harm although President Bush
of Muslims from certain Islamic also helped to keep GM and
countries notorious for terrorist Chrysler afloat.
activities into this country. Those The country should be grateful
were the darkest of days. It is the best of times because America now enjoys the lowest unemployment to President Obama for the Afford‑
The best of times, because the able Care Act and restoring the na‑
country elected the first Black
rate of 3.5% and a stable economy with the Stock Market rising steadily. tionʼs finances. President Trump
president after nearly 150 years It is the worst of times because President Trump has become only the third deserves credit for continuing the
when African Americans became president to be impeached in US history by the House of Representatives. economic improvement although
free citizens of America; worst of the nation will one day not too far
times, because that first Black ernance, consciously leaning to‑ States. Vladimir Putin, the Russian sion of 200‑9. The financial crisis away will have to pay back the
president was succeeded by one of ward French. The United States, despot has the same ambition for that started during the tail‑end of enormous amount of money the
the most despotic and racist presi‑ while maintaining good relations Russia as the Americans have of the Bush administration in 2008 government borrowed in order to
dents in the history of this country. and partnership with the British, themselves: be the single super‑ engulfed the nation and created give the wealthy huge tax breaks.
The best of times, because Amer‑ nevertheless, has always been cor‑ power. Trump doesnʼt seem to be the Recession. Hindsight is always 20/20. But
ica now enjoys the lowest unem‑ dial and mutually respectful with aware of that. Late in 2008, even as the two as 2020 approaches, should we
ployment rate of 3.5% and a stable Europe. That is, until now. The sud‑ As America struggled with these presidential candidates, Barak not take stock about the two or
economy with the Stock Market den advent of Donald J. Trump has issues of foreign policy, foreign Obama and John McCain were three most important economic
rising steadily. The worst of times, shaken up many of the traditional trade and the economy, Republi‑ criss‑crossing the country canvass‑ events that happened to our coun‑
because in terms of Americaʼs Eu‑ foreign policy premises that U.S. cans in Congress continuously ing, the Bush administration an‑ try during these past ten years un‑
ropean policy Donald Trump has presidents up to Obama had ob‑ waged war on trying to repeal he nounced that the country was in a der the stewardship of two presi‑
alienated our traditional allies in served. Trump, approaching the Affordable Care Act passed in dire financial crisis, so much so dents. This article is an attempt to
NATO, refused to take an aggres‑ whole thing strictly from “a busi‑ 2010. Ever since 2016, since the that the two candidates had to sus‑ do just that.
sive stance against Russia and, ness perspective,” challenged Trump presidency, there have pend their campaigns and rush to
most recently, flirted with danger America's European partners, de‑ been numerous efforts by Republi‑ Washington to be briefed by the
withholding over $300 M in mili‑ Shivaji
manding why this country should cans, spearheaded by the president Bush administration. The auto in‑
Sengupta is
tary aid to Ukraine who are at war pay more than the European na‑ himself, but it hasnʼt proven easy dustry was already at the point of
VP Academic
with Russia, and struggling to tions for NATO, and why in matters to dismantle completely, although bankruptcy. Now the major banks,
Affairs at
maintain its sovereignty. Worse, by of trade should Europe always be some of its features were found to lender of individual mortgages, Boricua
doing so President Trump has be‑ at an advantage in terms of Tariffs, be unlawful by biased courts. The were about to go belly up, plung‑ College: Bronx
come only the third president to be the Americans paying consider‑ hope for those who support the ing the nation into a “Great Reces‑ Campus and
impeached by the Democratic‑ma‑ ably more than the European al‑ law – such as myself ‑ is that a sion.” regular
jority House of Representatives. He lies. strong Democratic Congress would President Obama inherited all contributes
now awaits trial. According to him, money is be‑ restore some of them. It is my con‑ this in 2009 and with the help of op-eds to this
Charles Dickens wrote A Tale of ing wasted on Europe. It is time the tention that the Affordable Care excellent economists was success‑ newspaper.
Two Cities, about London and Paris United States abandoned the glob‑ Act would prove to be as histori‑ ful in rescuing both the banks and
The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.
44 January 4-17, 2020 OP-ED TheSouthAsianTimes.info
t is good that Prime Minister breath, the protests would not
Narendra Modi has in his have taken the form of a country‑
speech at Ramlila Maidan Delhi wide agitation.
categorically declared that there Indian Muslims, who are part of
was no discussion on a National a sovereign India and who were
Register of Citizens (NRC) so far supposed to have no political links
and that what had been done in with Pakistan, might have even
Assam alone was under the orders found a certain degree of accept‑
of the Supreme Court. This will be ance of the Act if there was proper
taken to mean that the recent explaining done about how a 'non‑
statements of Home Minister Amit communal' India was compelled to The anti‑NRC stir, if it continues, will deepen the BJP‑Congress‑led opposition divide on the minority issue.
Shah in and out of Parliament deal with a communal dispensa‑
about a country‑wide NRC repre‑ tion ruling these neighboring fy the 'illegal' migrants. Since Hin‑ the illegal arrivals would be de‑ Hindu constituency.
sented at best a loud thinking of countries. du refugees from Bangladesh are fined in course of time. There Some voices heard, meanwhile,
the government for the future. However, the opposition as it is, being given the assurance of citi‑ should be an assurance that the in the UN and the US against the
The standalone Citizenship was able to spread the view that zenship, the focus would undoubt‑ state policy on this matter will be action of the Modi regime are like‑
Amendment Act (CAA) getting the CAA is only a facet of the NRC edly be on Bangladeshi Muslims in keeping with a democratic gov‑ ly to encourage Pak agencies to try
linked to the projected idea of NRC that was a measure designed to present not only in the North East ernance and the yardsticks of a to fish in troubled waters here. A
had, meanwhile, predictably target Muslims alone as illegal mi‑ including Assam and West Bengal humane approach. firm and professionally efficient
worked up sections of the Muslim grants. This triggered the protests but in the rest of the country as The anti‑NRC stir, if it continues, handling of the anti‑NRC agitation
minority but more than that, it had ‑‑ the fact that it all started with well. will deepen the BJP‑Congress‑led should combine with a political di‑
given a handle to the opposition to Jamia Millia Delhi proved the This is an exercise of astronomi‑ opposition divide on the minority alogue with all communities to dis‑
whip up street protests in a large point. The community‑based do‑ cal scale that could, in effect, make issue. The CAA was ‑‑ even if it had pel any misgivings about the CAA.
number of places across India. mestic politics of India has in‑ even the well‑settled Muslims feel just referred to the persecuted mi‑ Continuance of street protests
Most of the protesters inter‑ evitably overtaken the debate. vulnerable. In the light of the clar‑ norities instead of specifying the with incidents of law and order in
viewed by TV journalists were The NRC is, no doubt, a different ification given by the Prime Minis‑ religion‑based communities ‑‑ between, would make the situation
Muslims who made no distinction ball game involving a process ‑‑ ter himself, the government would bound to produce the same politi‑ look 'disturbed' when seen from
between the CAA and the NRC, re‑ yet to be fully defined in terms of do well to announce that the pa‑ cal impact here as it would be in‑ outside and encourage inimical
ferred to their fear of being policy ‑‑ of a total check out on rameters governing the future terpreted by the opposition as a forces to raise the bogey of 'sup‑
thrown out since they would not every body's citizenship to identi‑ screening process for identifying move of the BJP to enlarge its pression' against the regime.
he New Year will see Britain for students to work while studying two prominent world leaders of
leaving the European Union in Britain. His trade commissioner that persuasion ̶ Justin Trudeau
(EU). How has this happened for South Asia has said trade be‑ of Canada and Emmanuel Macron
and what will it indicate for the fu‑ tween the two countries may not of France ̶ may still be more pop‑
ture of Britain, India and the rest of be affected after Brexit. But the bal‑ ular than Right‑wing populists, but
the world? Itʼs happened because ance of trade is currently in favour they are not standing on firm
Boris Johnson, the populist leader of Britain. ground.
of the Conservative Party, has Realizing Johnsonʼs vulnerability So, Johnsonʼs victory adds to the
trounced Labourʼs Jeremy Corbyn because of his need to show that itʼs evidence that there is no challenge
in the election. The nationalist better to trade outside Europe than to popularism at present. But
Johnson fought on one issue: “Get inside, India may well insist on con‑ trends in politics donʼt last forever.
Brexit done”. Corbyn offered a re‑ cessions that swing the balance the When I was young in Britain, so‑
turn to old‑fashioned socialism, other way. Recently, a delegation of cialism seemed the only moral op‑
with a long list of promises, but few British industrialists and business tion. Then the socialists went too
were convinced that he would ever came here. Among their interests far to the Left, and there was the
be able to find the money to fund was the possibility of collaboration Margaret Thatcher reaction. Now
those. between the two countries to win the glaring gap between then pros‑
Although Britain will leave the lucrative contracts in oil‑rich West perous and the poor, created by the
EU, Johnson will still have to nego‑ Asia. neo‑liberal economics of Thatcher
tiate a new trade relationship with Boris Johnson with Narendra Modi. What might be the global conse‑ and former United President
Europe. This could be easier than quences of Johnsonʼs victory and Ronald Reagan, has created a back‑
was being suggested because his of Scotland, and her Scottish Na‑ means that Johnson will certainly the downfall of Labour? It means lash, leading to those who have suf‑
sizeable majority means he can tionalists party, won all but seven come knocking on the door, asking that parties of the Left and the Cen‑ fered most voting for Right‑wing
make concessions to Europe, with‑ seats in her country. She has for a trade deal. He has sold Brexit tre have to find more convincing nationalism. So, there is bound to
out fearing a reaction from hard‑ warned Johnson that he has no with the promise of wonderful ways of attracting voters. Corbyn be a reaction against nationalist
core anti‑Europeans. But he will mandate to take Scotland out of Eu‑ trade deals Britain will be able to has shown that Leftwing populism populism when it doesnʼt deliver on
have to walk wearily with the Scots. rope. do, once it is free of the deals Eu‑ is not an adequate response to the exaggerated promises its
Nicola Sturgeon, the first minister What does this mean for India? It rope binds it to. Johnson has shown Right‑wing populism. This election charismatic leaders make.
The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info CONTROVERSY January 4-17, 2020 45
Atrocities committed by
Op-Ed by Narinder
Kukar M.D.
Pakistan & Bangladesh
not Indian citizens of any faith. Bangladesh, you can find signs of
The law is meant to save reli‑ reverence to any other religion.
hat does a man like me gious minorities, who are already Moving forward, the illegal
and most of you readers illegally in India, from deporting Bangladeshi and Pakistanis of mi‑
living in USA for them back to Pakistan, Bangladesh nority religions in India should:
decades, got to do with this new and Afghanistan they ran away 1. Ask for restitution for the val‑
Indian law called CAA (Citizenship from. The barbaric treatment at ue of their properties left behind
Amendment Act) 2019? the hands of these neighboring Is‑ in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Hu‑
A lot! As a caring human being. lamic countries that they faced manitarian organizations in India
The law gives Indian citizenship and endured for a long time is for and the west should help them fi‑
to those illegal religious minority the horror story books. Why this nancially and legally to file class
immigrants who have been living Act is only meant to help Hindus, action suit in the International
in India illegally since 2014. It pro‑ Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Parsis Court of Law for restitution and
vides permanent shelter to the dis‑ and Jains, but not Muslims. Be‑ compensation.
franchised and persecuted reli‑ cause Muslims are not a minority 2. The government of India with
gious minority communities (non‑ in these Islamic countries, so no the help of human rights group
Muslims) on the basis of their reli‑ question of persecution. should file criminal cases against
gion from three neighboring Mus‑ The west and the rest of the onsite officials and individuals in‑
lim countries of India: Pakistan, world and the demonstrating Indi‑ volved in crimes against these per‑
Bangladesh and Afghanistan. ans in India should applaud this Usually when a nation or an organization comes to the aid of the secuted individuals in Pakistan
What is it that these three Islam‑ humanitarian effort (enacting CAA disenfranchised and the minorities, they are applauded. But when and Bangladesh as collective ac‑
ic countries are doing to their non‑ 2019) on part of the Indian Gov‑ India comes to the help of these oppressed Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, tion.
Muslim citizens which made mil‑ ernment in providing shelter to Buddhists, Parsis and Jains from Paksitan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, 3. India is secular today because
lions of educated, financially sta‑ millions upon millions of these
Indian Government is being castigated as intolerant and selective. 80% of its population is Hindu. In‑
ble Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, persecuted people. time of partition in 1947 to a mere his sword.” Does the world and dia must remain secular for the
Christians, Parsis and Jains to As regards conversions Mahat‑ 1% today. Let this be an awaken‑ the demonstrators in India want to benefit not only of India but hu‑
leave everything behind and en‑ ma Gandhi pleaded, “Stop all con‑ ing call to Indians in India who are say, “If you give shelter to the op‑ manity at large, especially south
ter India illegally. versions. It is the deadliest poison demonstrating against CAA 2019. pressed, you must provide the and southeast Asia.
Physical brutality, subjugation, that ever sapped the fountain of Paraphrasing, what President Bill same shelter and privileges to the 4. However, for India to remain
forced conversion to Islam, rape, truth”. Clinton said, “one should not be executioner?” In the name of tol‑ secular, it must not allow the exis‑
annexation of property may not For Hindus the last couple of consumed by history, however erance? Maybe they should tence of theocratic states around
convey the meaning to public at decades have been disastrous in those who ignore history do so at demonstrate against the treatment its borders, forcing Pakistan,
large. However, fear of living daily Bangladesh (Elisa Griswold, NYT their own perilʼ. of these religious minorities Bangladesh and Afghanistan to de‑
with the prospect of abduction and Jan 2005). Islam is becoming a le‑ Quoting Sir Winston Churchill: against Pakistan, Bangladesh and clare themselves to be secular na‑
rape of your daughter and or wife gitimizing political discussion in "Individual Muslims may show Afghanistan in front of their em‑ tions. India should do everything
based on your religion, if this is Bangladesh (Christina Fair, NYT splendid qualities, but the influ‑ bassies and consulates all over In‑ possible within its power to
not considered a reason enough to Jan 2005). ʻBangladesh is of great‑ ence of the religion paralyses the dia. achieve these goals for the sake of
leave these est concern to the Hindusʼ (NYT, social development of those who Why did the same demonstra‑ humanity.
countries, then what else would Feb 2005) and plight of "Hindus in follow it. No stronger retrograde tors remain silent on the plight of The moral essence of CAA 2019
be. Unfortunately, it has been hap‑ Bangladesh” as per Immigration force exists in the world”. close to half a million Hindus of has been long overdue, now legal‑
pening for decades and the world and Refugee Board of Canada. After the war of Bangladesh Lib‑ Kashmir? ly it is imperative to implement it
just sat by, giving lip service. For the open‑minded reader, I eration in 1971 with the help of Muslims of India are citizens of right now.
On Nov 1, 1971 late Senator Ed‑ give here a few references India, a new country was estab‑ India and have the same rights,
ward Kennedy (D‑Massachusetts) (Bangladesh: A Portrait of Covert lished as a secular democracy. The privileges and responsibilities like
wrote: “The hardest hit have been Genocide ‑‑ Sanatech Printing, first CAA (Citizenship Amendment any other Indian citizen; they
members of the Hindu community Woodside, NY. Pakistan is not far Act of India) was enacted then to should have nothing to fear. “The
who have been robbed of their behind. These atrocities have also accommodate millions of refugees best way for India to integrate
lands and shops, systematically been reported over the past many of all religious faiths who had them (Muslims) is to strive to treat
slaughtered, and in some places, years in Time magazine (October crossed over into India. However, them as individuals, not members
painted with yellow patches 16, 2002), Wall Street Journal, in 1988 Bangladesh declared itself of a group”. (Sadanand Dhume,
marked ʻHʼ. All of this has been of‑ The Guardian, BBC news and by as an “Islamic republic”. (What a WSJ ‑ July 21, 2012)
ficially sanctioned, ordered and Amnesty International. reward to secular India for liberat‑ The Hindu majority India has
implemented under martial law The following statistics should ing East Bengal from the clutches over the centuries given shelter to
from Islamabad.” convince even the skeptics. Ac‑ of Pakistan!) the oppressed of all religions from
Usually when a nation or an or‑ cording to the Bangladesh census Now comes the 2nd CAA. all over the world: the Persians Dr. Narinder Kukar is
ganization comes to the aid of the of 1951 and of 2001, the Hindu The public demonstrations, open from Iran, the Jews, and the Bud‑
disenfranchised and the minori‑ population declined by 20 million. discourse and even outright defi‑ dhists from Tibet. Needless to say, the director of
ties, they are applauded. When In‑ Another statistic cites ʻreduction ance is the hallmark of any democ‑ Hindus are the most tolerant peo‑ Endocrinology at a
dia comes to the help of these op‑ of Hindu population from 30% of racy. Indians and India as a nation ple. Hinduism respects all reli‑ major teaching
pressed Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, the total in 1947 to 9% today in should be proud of the liberties gions, and we do not convert peo‑
Buddhists, Parsis and Jains, Indian Bangladeshʼ. According to Prof that its citizens enjoy. Notably, ple of other faiths. Hindus have Hospital in New York.
Government is being castigated as Sachi Dastidar of SUNY, well over however, it is only a small per‑ been the founders of other reli‑ He has served as
intolerant and selective. 49 million Hindus are missing to‑ centage of ill‑informed and misled gions: Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism national president
day in Bangladesh as compared to people in India who are agitating and have coexisted as a family In
A brief look at 1971. This was clearly covert against CAA 2019. As far back as Hindu households you are likely to and chairman, board
the history genocide. 1931, in a speech titled “Abandon‑ find pictures of reverence to other of trustees, of
The fate of the Hindus is no bet‑ ing India” Churchill warned religious prophets, including
First and foremost, CAA applies Association of Indians
ter in Pakistan. The Hindu popula‑ “….While the Hindu elaborates his Christianity. I wonder if in any
to illegal immigrants in India, and tion has shrunk from 27% at the arguments, the Muslim sharpens Muslim household in Pakistan or in America (AIA).
46 January 4-17, 2020 LOOKING BACK & AHE AD
He is active in media as a
The year 2014 was a watershed ciple “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” several Middle East and African commentator on various
moment in the history of the coun- as One Sun, One Earth , One Grid! countries threaten the concept of platforms, providing insights
try with Narendra Modi emerging The one question Indians must nation state in Europe. The entire The discovery in sciences and on the political, economic and
as its Prime Minister. India had for ruminate and think about is if they Western Hemisphere today lives seemingly impossible drifts in technology issues that chal-
long suffered from the “obesity of want a country big and strong as in uncertainty of terrorism and a technology has made tectonic lenge us in the world, with a
corruption” when Congress party the US, China and Russia or they serious trust deficit with Muslims. shifts in the way we live. It has focus on India and the US.
48 January 4-17, 2020 INDIA ROUNDUP TheSouthAsianTimes.info
diplomatic duel at FATF claim and said that the former Navy officer was kidnapped
from Iran. He was awarded the death sentence by a Pak‑
istani military court in 2017.
Even as India celebrated the verdict, Pakistan said it
would proceed as per the law. India got consular access to
Jadhav only in the first week of September.
While Pakistan ruled out any deal with India to ensure
Jadhav's release, reports emerged that the Imran Khan
government may amend the Army Act to allow the Indian
prisoner to appeal against his death sentence in a civilian
Kartarpur Corridor
brings joy for Sikh
ing October 10‑11 in Tamil Nadu's coastal town of Maha‑
The Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering balipuram. PM Modi and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jin‑
or FATF became the next stage of the India‑Pakistan duel. ping held a series of talks on a range of issues to strength‑
Immediately after the Pulwama terror attack, India ap‑ en the bilateral relationship. Both the leaders agreed to in‑
proached the anti‑terror watchdog to keep its neighbor on crease bilateral engagement in the defence and security
the 'Black List'. The Imran government, in order to save its spheres.
skin, allegedly registered fake and weak FIRs in July Xi also assured Modi that China will be taking measures
against terror groups operating from its soil. to check the increasing bilateral trade deficit, apart from
While the Imran Khan government submitted its action forming a new mechanism to discuss trade, investment and
plans against terror groups to FATF during August, Sep‑ services at an 'elevated level'. The mechanism will com‑
tember and October, it didn't help matters as the anti‑ter‑ prise Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua and Indian Fi‑
ror watchdog's Asia Pacific Joint Group first put Pakistan nance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.
on the 'Enhanced Expedited Follow Up List' on 23rd August On December 21, the two countries met again for the
and then the country was kept in the 'Grey List' till Febru‑ 22nd meeting of the special representatives' summit in
ary 2020 and was told to complete its full action plan New Delhi and agreed to maintain peace at the border ar‑
against the terror groups operating from its soil by that eas for the overall development of their bilateral ties. The
timeframe. Indian side was led by National Security Advisor Ajit Doval
The FATF has again sought more clarifications and data and the Chinese delegation was led by Minister of Foreign
from Pakistan on actions taken by it against madrassas be‑ Affairs Wang Yi.
longing to the banned terror outfits. At least 150 questions On the economic front though, the two countries faced a
were posed in response to a Pakistani government report roadblock in the form of the RCEP (Regional Comprehen‑
comprising answers to 22 questions to the FATF, submit‑ sive Economic Partnership) as India, in November, decided
ted on December 6. not to join the China‑backed economic grouping, saying
that the proposed trade deal would have an adverse impact
Big win for India on on the lives and livelihoods of Indians.
On November 9, PM Narendra Modi inaugurated the
Kulbhushan Jadhav Kartarpur Corridor, the link between Sikhism founder Kalapani creates a rift
Guru Nanak Dev's final resting place Gurdwara Darbar
Sahib in Pakistan and the Dera Baba Nanak shrine in Pun‑ in India-Nepal ties
jab's Gurdaspur. While he thanked Imran for ensuring the
During the first week of November, India issued its new
timely completion of the pilgrimage project, Congress
political map after the bifurcation of J&K into two Union
leaders Navjot Singh Sidhu and Manmohan Singh hoped
Territories. It quickly became a center of controversy as
that the corridor would forge better ties between the
the Kalapani area, situated in Nepal's far West, appeared
as part of Indian territory.
Pakistan, however, chose to politicize the occasion. Dur‑
As per media reports, Kalapani, located in Nepal's
ing the corridor launch on the Pakistan side, Imran again
Darchula district, was shown inside Uttarakhand's Pithor‑
raked up the Kashmir issue, while Foreign Minister Shah
agarh, going by the Indian map.
Mehmood Qureshi joined the bandwagon by criticising the
Nepal lodged a strong protest, with its PM K P Sharma
Indian Supreme Court's Ayodhya verdict (in which the
Oli saying that he would ask India to withdraw its forces
court paved the way for the construction of a Ram temple
On July 17, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) di‑ from Kalapani, apart from asserting that his government
at the disputed site at Ayodhya and directed the Modi gov‑
rected Pakistan to review the death sentence awarded to would not allow anyone to encroach on Nepalese
ernment to allot a five‑acre plot to the Sunni Waqf Board
former Navy of ficer Kulbhushan Jadhav and grant him territory.
for building a mosque) which also came out on November
consular access. The court also nullified the death sen‑ However, on December 30, Nepal Foreign Minister
tence given to Jadhav and said that Pakistan informing In‑ Pradeep Gyawali said that his government would look to
dia about the former Navy officer's arrest only after three
weeks was a clear violation of the Vienna Convention. The
Modi hosts Xi Jinping solve the issue diplomatically, adding that he had sought
dates from India for a meeting. India has so far maintained
court pointed out that Pakistan also deprived India of the
right to communicate with Jadhav and arrange for his le‑
at Mahabalipuram that the new map accurately depicts its sovereign territo‑
ry and it had in no manner revised its boundary
gal representation. India and China held their second informal summit dur‑ with Nepal.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info ANALYSIS January 4-17, 2020 51
ike every year, there were aced the court. Messi dribbled and the paragon of public service, net to build a peaceful, pragmatic Their new bottom line is ‑ itʼs not
several contenders for Per‑ with Balls of fame. will always “rule” American and prosperous India. the bottom line alone that mat‑
son of the Year. The planet Paris saw fumes from Notre‑ hearts. The Indian economy needs the ters. Be as particular about the
recorded its highest ever temper‑ Dame on one side and yellow Ranting investors demitted boldness and precision of a surgi‑ Planet and People as about Prof‑
ature and the highest decibels on vests coming out on streets. De‑ founder Neumann from We‑ cal strike. Rate cuts, liquidity and its. Abhijit and Estherʼs “Poor Eco‑
climate change. Greta Thunberg, spite his falling popularity, my Workʼs of fice. SoftBank had a now operation Twist, RBI is show‑ nomics” may help companies do
the young Rebellion against macro bet is still on Macron. His hard time while Uber and Lyft had ing its fist to take the economy as much for sustainable value cre‑
mankindʼs Extinction was a manual seems right for Europe. a tough ride on bourses. out of mist. My wish for financial ation as review of “Project Eco‑
strong candidate. How Dare We US Scientists revived brain cells of Satya Nadella reached Cloud system ‑ May the Shakti be with nomics”. Investors are future
let the Amazon burn, Venetian al‑ a dead Pig, he can do that with nine with Microsoft making a tril‑ you. A lot that others need to do proofing their portfolios with ESG
leys flood, Australian bushfires NATO. Multilateralism has been lion‑dollar Power‑point while Tim what Das Kanʼt do. Corporate tax (Environmental, Social & Gover‑
rage and Delhi choke? Odds of a on the wane, we need leaders who has Cooked an equally large Ap‑ cut makes the cut. RCEP or no‑ nance) screeners. Sustainable in‑
catastrophe may not be Evened by are sane. ple pie. Google founders had their RCEP, Indian businesses should vesting crossed $30 trillion and
retiring cars, moving the COP 25 Boris bore the brunt of judges best moonshot in Sundar Pichai. build biceps of innovation and ef‑ counting. Gen‑Z will hasten this
from Chile to Madrid or by chang‑ for bypassing Westminster and Can he Doodle the next trillion ficiency to be future‑ready. With transition. What their money does
ing capitals (Jakarta to Kaliman‑ the might of millions of Gully is as important to them as what it
tan). With wit and boys, $5 trillion could be in sight. earns. Investing bulls of tomor‑
There are a few good signs – rhyme and keen I am sure, Apna time ayega. row will charge at Green‑Bonding,
EUʼs push for a circular economy, Nifty axed 12000 walls of wor‑ Community‑Binding and Values‑
democratic candidatesʼ green new
understanding of ries. Those holding mid and small Abiding businesses. The glowing
deal, the rise of green parties and geopolitics and caps lost their caps. Itʼs time for story of human prosperity has
innovations funded by the likes of the arena of bottom fishing. Telecomʼs trunk been written with the invigorating
Bill Gates. Christine Lagarde gets business and call got attended. Time will reveal ink of capitalism; communism and
full marks for joining Mark Car‑ whether Essar deal was a steal for socialism were too dull for that.
ney in making green finance a
finance, the Arcelor. A big leap for bankruptcy Challenges like rising inequality
central agenda for central banks. author looks at process for sure. Yes, stressed fi‑ and pompous populism are test‑
For lasting change, we must stop the events and nancial entities need faster reso‑ ing the tenacity of capitalism.
flying private jets to inconclusive personalities of lution. Naresh Goyal lost a Jet Businesses need societal permit
Climate conferences. As Yoda privilege. I sympathize with to operate, hence, sense of Pur‑
says, Do or Do not, there is no try.
the year gone by lenders, crew and flyers. Corpo‑ pose will be pivotal to earn profits
ʻChernobylʼ was the highest rated to assert what our rate Dewans need to perk up their in perpetuity. Business as usual
TV show, hope the climate story world needs. CG power (Corporate Gover‑ will no longer be usual. ʻCapital‑
doesnʼt end like that. nance). Azim Premjiʼs bequest ism with Conscienceʼ is my Person
Carrie Lam must be lamenting boxing his way into a no‑bargain dollar Alphabet. You bet. Libra touched $21 billion, I salute his of the Year. Standing ovation!
the cost of extradition bill. Hong Brexit. Now, he is back with a didnʼt find currency with regula‑ Aseem Prem for society. Navneet.munot@sbimf.com
Kongers are honking loudly, tear bang in Downing Street, Labor is tors. Mark my words, public I wish the barbarous mindset
gas canʼt tear apart their Victori‑ broken under Corbynʼs feet. UK wrath on data privacy issues will that wounded us in Pulwama, As CIO of SBI Funds
an determination. Dealing with has entrusted this hairy Tory but continue. Coordination among Khartoum, New Zealandʼs Christ Management, Navneet
these bulls in China shop may put negotiation with EU and SNP may scientists brought first images of Church, Colombo and Congo Munot
Jinping in a soup. Events in Hong not be so hunky dory. Baby Archie black holes. Tides of de‑globaliza‑ learns the message of universal oversees
Kong will have repercussion on brought Pounds of luck, Britain tion and cyber risks are dark mat‑ brotherhood from sages like Guru invest‑
Taiwan, Tibet and the mainland. won cricket world cup. ters. Ask Jack Dorsey. Nanak and Gandhi. In a polarized ments
China is dealing with a slowing Jokowi is back in Jakarta while Boeing facing turbulent weath‑ world, bereft of many true lead‑ worth
economy, ageing population, Rajapaksa Dynasty will run the er deplaned its CEO. United Tech‑ ers, Gandhi remains the glowing
leveraged system, tarif f troubles Ceylon tea party. nologies is uniting with Raytheon. lighthouse. His advice on seven
and deteriorating international Despite hazy clouds, equity mar‑ BMS‑Celgene and Abbvie‑Allergen sins are as relevant for business
relations. But, make no mistake, kets kept dancing like BTS and in‑ will create new bio‑concoctions. leaders, especially against “com‑
lion across
China is an 800‑pound gritty Go‑ dices rose like their followers. Philip Morrisʼs proposed mar‑ merce without morality”. He re‑
rilla as nimble as a Gazelle with Commodities are entering the riage with Altria went in smoke mains relevant in his 150th an‑ asset
ambitions taller than its Great party. Greece and Italy issued bills while LVMH ringed Tiffany. What niversary, hence a strong con‑ classes in
Wall. at negative yields. Forget bulls a Juul! tender. It has been 30 winters mutual fund and segre‑
Ukraine chose a young comedi‑ and bears, even PIIGS made mon‑ MBS & Co saw Yemeni drones since Capitalism celebrated the gated accounts. Earlier
an as President. Nancy Pelosi pelt‑ ey. Lenders paying bond issuer, hitting their wells and ESG‑infect‑ fall of the Berlin Wall. Many invis‑ he served as Executive
ed Trump for biding with him to what a bonding orchestrated by ed investors not taking Aramco ible walls continue to grow taller. Director & Head –
stall Joe Bidenʼs bid. President got central banks. Inverted yield well. Oil apart, Middle east re‑ Listen to the loud chorus in multi‑strategy boutique
a Hunter of impeachment. curve subverted Fedʼs agenda. mains one of the boiling flash‑ protests in Hong Kong, Gilets with Morgan Stanley
Trumpʼs tweets kept markets on Japanification of developed world points. Will Smith sings rightly in Jaunes, Chile or Extinction Rebel‑ Investment
tenterhooks. Mocking the Canadi‑ can create risks for pension funds. Aladdin ‑ Arabian nights like Ara‑ lion. Before we criticize our pre‑ Management. Navneet is
an president or UK Ambassador, Hangover of excessive debt is be‑ bian days are hotter than hot. miers, what about the wall be‑
the Chairman of Indian
leaving Syrian Kurds or the Paris ing treated by more monetary al‑ Texas – a promising oil‑field was tween those corporate moguls
Association of
agreement, picking a fight with cohol. In a savings glut world, fis‑ chosen by Howdy Modi to drill a who can prevent climate change
Investment Professionals
Jerome Powell or Jeff Bezos, deal‑ cal policy (promoting capex) must well of partnership. Rafale jets and the other earthlings who bear
ing with Government shutdown take the reins. Building a sustain‑ backfired on Rahul in election the consequences. Would it be
and Nominee Director
or China, he may look like playing able economy with new Infra‑ WAR as BHARAT voted with Josh long before the protests are at on the board of SBI
Birdbox challenge, but Don has structure can cure several social ‑ Phir Ek Baar, Chowkidaar. India their gates? Millennials and Gen‑ Pension Funds.
52 January 4-17, 2020 WORLD ROUND UP TheSouthAsianTimes.info
sports events dira Gandhi Indoor Stadium complex
here were a few defeats World T20 later in the year in
in New Delhi. Kom came out on top
The World Anti‑Doping Agency during the year but most of Australia. India will be one of the
with a thumping 9‑1 victory over the
(WADA) banned Russia for four years them were account of ex‑ likely tournament favorites, espe‑
Featuring in an episode of Koffee from major global sporting events, in‑ perimenting, resting senior play‑ cially as they have two of the best
with Karan ‑ Hardik Pandya quickly cluding the 2020 Tokyo Olympics 5. Anushka and ers and giving opportunities to In‑ T20 batsmen in Rohit Sharma and
went from the rising star of Indian and the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Farokh Engineer in dian players sitting on the bench. Virat Kohli as well as three of the
cricket to facing the heat from his fan‑ Qatar, over manipulation of doping The most significant moment that top pace bowlers in Jasprit Bum‑
base. His accomplice (KL Rahul) ‑ as data. The suspension was handed to tug of war humbled the strong Indian cricket rah, Mohammed Shami and Bhu‑
he claimed on the show itself ‑ was Russia over falsifying data from a It was one of the most shocking side and the year's performances vneshwar Kumar. At present, the
dragged in for supporting Pandya too. dope‑testing laboratory that was and unexpected controversies of was their semi‑final defeat against likely Indian T20 team will com‑
Thereʼs a thin line between being handed to WADA earlier this year as 2019. Former Indian cricketer New Zealand in the World Cup. prise of a majority of the players
cocky and disgraceful. And Pandya part of the compliance reinstatement Farokh Engineer made some shock‑ The Indian team had played ex‑ who were part of their World Cup
well and truly crossed it. Unfortu‑ process. ing comments in a media interview, traordinarily well to head their 2019 side. The IPL (Indian Pre‑
nately, the cricketer only offered a 4. Nikhat Zareen in which he bashed the Indian selec‑ group in the preliminary stage, mier League) will play an impor‑
shoddy social media apology for his tion committee and said that he had losing only to the ultimate win‑ tant part in the final composition
words. vs Mary Kom seen the members of the panel serv‑ ners, England. Chasing a moder‑ of the Indian T20 side, but playing
2. R Ashwin Mary Kom beat Nikhat Zareen in ing tea to Virat Kohli's wife Anushka ate total of 239 runs for victory, for a franchise is completely dif‑
the 51‑kg final of the women's trials Sharma during 2019 World Cup in India's formidable top order col‑ ferent from when one wears the
‘Mankading’ for the Indian team that will travel to England. On which Anushka Sharma lapsed in just 30 minutes and was Indian colors.
Ravichandran Ashwin, then captain China in February for the Asia/Ocea‑ hit back on the former player with a tottering at 24 for 4 even before With more than a billion people
of the Kings XI Punjab, tried to dis‑ nia Olympic qualifiers. In keeping long post on his social media ac‑ the first 10 overs were bowled. In‑ following every step of the teams'
miss Jos Buttler, as he tried to run him with the build up to the bout which in‑ count. Anushkaʼs reaction was ap‑ dia never recovered from that progress and the added responsi‑
out even before bowling the delivery volved both camps exchanging words plauded by many on social media blow and their dream of winning bility of playing for the nation, the
as Buttler had left the popping crease in public over several months, it was and Farokh took U‑turn on his com‑ another World Cup faded in the pressures are as different as chalk
– “mankading”. In brief, warning a followed by dramatic scenes at the In‑ ments later. horizon. The year 2020 has the and cheese.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info NEW YEAR SPECIAL January 4-17, 2020
56 January 4-17, 2020 NATIONAL SPOT NEWS TheSouthAsianTimes.info
Prof. Joseph M. Chalil to chair Publishing legend Sonny Mehta passes away
IAPC board of directors New Delhi: A legend at Alfred A.
Knopf, where he was only its
"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"
that set in motion a genre known
New York, NY: Prof. ship, Nova Southeastern third editor‑in‑chief in its over as gonjo journalism ‑ written
Joseph M. Chalil, MD, University in Florida and 100‑year history and which he without claims of objectivity.
MBA, FACHE, co‑ a member of the Dr. Kiran considered the "best job in the Moving to Pan Macmillan in
founder and publisher C. Patel College of Allo‑ world", winner of lifetime 1972, he published writers like
of The Universal News pathic Medicine (NSU achievement awards for publish‑ Jackie Collins and Douglas
Network, has been se‑ MD) Executive Leader‑ ing in India, the US and Britain, Adams who went on to become
lected to be the Chair‑ ship Council, in Florida. named Person of the Year by household names. At Pan, he also
Publishers Weekly, and the Sonny Mehta headed relaunched the Picador imprint
man, Board of Direc‑ Formerly, a Physician
brother‑in‑law of Odisha Chief publishing house Knopf and published a clutch of Booker
tors of Indo‑American Executive at Boehringer
Minister Naveen Patnaik, whose Doubleday Prize winners, among them
Press Club (IAPC), the largest ethnic In‑ Ingelheim and a veteran of the U.S. Navy
sister Gita Mehta he was married iting the Granta magazine. Salman Rushdie, Ian McEwan,
dian American media forum, formed to Medical Corps, Dr. Chalil is board certi‑
to, Sonny Mehta died in New Beginning his career in 1965 Edmund White, Julian Barnes
provide a common platform and to be fied in healthcare management and has
York on Dec 31st. He was 77. in London with editor and pub‑ and Graham Swift.
the voice for media personnel of Indian been awarded Fellowship by the Ameri‑
The son of Amrik Singh Mehta, lisher Rupert Hart‑Davis, Mehta In 1987 Mehta moved from
origin, and to help shape the world to be can College of Healthcare Executives, an
one of independent India's first moved to Granada Publishing in London to New York to head Al‑
world that is fair, just and equitable for international professional society of
diplomats, Sonny Mehta was ed‑ 1966 to co‑found a new publish‑ fred A. Knopf as President and
the all today and future generations. more than 40,000 healthcare executives
ucated at the Lawrence School ing house, Paladin. There, he Editor‑in‑Chief, being hand‑
Dr. Chalil, an author of several scien‑ who lead hospitals, healthcare systems
Sanawar and Sevenoaks School commissioned books such as picked by his predecessor,
tific and research papers in internation‑ and other healthcare organizations.
in Britain, where he won a schol‑ Germaine Greer's "The Female Robert Gottlieb. He later became
al publications, is the Chairman of Dr. Chalil is also the Chairman of Glob‑
arship to Cambridge University, Eunuch" and opened up British the Chairman of the Knopf Dou‑
Healthcare Advisory Board and an Ad‑ al Clinical Research and Trial Network of
acquiring degrees in History and readers to American writers with bleday Publishing Group.
junct Professor at H. Wayne Huizenga the American Association of Physicians
English Literature while also ed‑ books like Hunter Thompson's (IANS)
College of Business and Entrepreneur‑ of Indian Origin (AAPI).
TheSouthAsianTimes.info NEW YEAR SPECIAL January 4-17, 2020
India Revisited
A Journey to the Roots expanding on all sides. Crime rate
By Surekha Vijh had gone up, so friends suggested
only to take government prepaid
oing back to India, the taxis and not to venture in un‑
country of my birth and known areas. Beaches were nice
where I spent my forma‑ but people stayed away from the
tive years, was unnerving and yet water as there was some oil spill
it was like discovering my roots then.
all over again. It was shocking as I returned to Delhi to its crowds,
well as soothing. traf fic, pollution and noise, as
I returned to India after over well as to its efficiently run, clean
two decades and found myself al‑ and ef fective metro rail. Though
most lost. I expected to find the each train station was equipped
places as I had left, but everything with metal detectors and handbag
had changed, changed beyond check machines and police pres‑
recognition. When I left it was ence, everything moved fast. Two
simpler, less chaotic and less decades ago, the only transporta‑
noisy. Everything is topsy‑turvy tion available in Delhi was over‑
now, grown beyond recognition. crowded buses, autorickshaws or
Arrival at the Indira Gandhi In‑ ambassador cabs. Now there were
ternational Airport in Delhi all makes and models of cars on
brought a pleasant surprise. What the streets.
welcomed was a spacious, clean, There were many flyovers with
and world class airport, like any many new buildings. I didnʼt even
European or American airport. recognize my old The Times of In‑
People were courteous at the air‑ A country of contrasts: A village scene in India and the author with
dia of fice. Some familiar places
port, although so many western a friend in her sprawling house in Sainik Farms, South Delhi.
were Parliament Street, All India
brand stores there were a little was the noise level ‑‑ all the driv‑ chores. All the same, I welcomed est in the family, had staged this Radio, Mandi House, India Inter‑
disquieting because I wanted to ers blew horns constantly and eating freshly made vegetables, family meet for me as he passed national Center and Inter State
feel I am back home. An Ameri‑ loudly. It took a while to under‑ lentils and chapattis. But I was on. A sad and painful truth. Bus Terminal (ISBT).
can, French or German airport stand the culture of horns in In‑ told youngsters loved outside Mumbai had changed. It was Chandigarh, where I did my col‑
would have their own local sights dia. Everybody seemed to be in junk food and preferred western even more crowded than Delhi. lege and university, had changed
and flavors. competition to get past each oth‑ clothes. Most of the food made Every inch of space inside a house too. Many women rode scooters,
Coming out of the airport is er. Drivers pushed their way into was consumed in one meal. Fridge and outside is put to use. Land in motorcycles and cycles around
when I met real India. A huge little spots, then pitched for an‑ was used to keep milk, yogurt Mumbai is more expensive than the city. Its Rock Garden had
crowd waited outside for the ar‑ other, and the motorcyclists wind‑ and some raw vegetables and even in Manhattan, Tokyo, Paris grown from a small backyard
rival of their friends and relatives. ing their way through any little fruits. The leftovers were fed to or London. It was overwhelming haunt to an internationally
Journey to India from the US was space between cars and animals. renowned tourist place, while its
a long one. The temperatures There are no traf fic rules, what Rose Garden, Sukhna Lake and
were scorching. It was very hot matters is whoever can maneuver university campus had not
and humid, although it was Au‑ better in a mad rush. changed much.
gust. Wonder how hot it gets at I wondered why Indians didnʼt Diwali in India was elaborate.
the peak of summer in May and adopt the better side of western Many tall buildings were illumi‑
June. Living in the United Sates culture, where people drive in nated like here in the US for
had changed me to endure cold, their lanes, do not honk unneces‑ Christmas, yet people also bought
so I had forgotten how hot it used sarily and follow speed limits. An‑ diyas, the traditional earthen
to be in India. Hot air touched my other new sight for me was peo‑ lamps. It was fun to find juice and
face as I got into the aircondi‑ ple on two‑wheelers and pedestri‑ chaatwalas at street corners be‑
tioned car of a college friend who ans wearing facemasks to keep sides many fancy fast food places.
had come to pick me up. I felt re‑ out air pollution, and the masks It was fascinating to see extended
lief. Seeing my friendʼs almost fa‑ were black because white one families enjoying at such places
miliar face after years was sooth‑ would turn dirty very quickly in or people chatting with the paan‑
ing. I also felt proud that she had Delhi, the most polluted place on walla or chaiwalla.
become a judge in the Allahabad earth. Mark Twainʼs “India is the cra‑
High Court. Most people outside Driving through impossibly nar‑ dle of the human race, the birth‑
India still think Indian women are row lanes with traffic of all kinds, place of human speech, the moth‑
not emancipated. the driver brought us to a spa‑ er of history, the grandmother of
Most people outside India still think Indian women are not
As we drove, roads initially were cious posh bungalow in Sainik legend and the great grand moth‑
emancipated. Not true at all.
nicer with two‑way traf fic. Then Farms in South Delhi. If the hous‑ er of tradition” had changed, You
the roads got narrower and we es were big, their yards were the their dogs or street dogs. to see how people survive there would hardly see any name plates
faced traf fic jams. That included size of public parks, with street‑ It was sad to get the news upon under excruciating circum‑ outside houses or shop signs in
cars, tractors, trucks, two wheel‑ light like lampposts. In their yard, my arrival in India of my oldest stances. The roadside vendors Hindi. It was my India I left years
ers, motorcycles, bicycles, cows, peacocks and families of monkeys brotherʼs passing away. I expected were packed, including barbers, ago, and I could not recognize it.
bulls, dogs and more. There were ran around. to meet family and friends, but fruit sellers, shoe repair, flower There was a totally different real‑
people walking on both sides, To be inside the compound, not this way. I took a flight to kiosks or the fish market. Many ity. I wondered if I had changed or
some rushed, and some just hung which was quiet, brought relief. It Mumbai the next morning and women vendors jostled for cus‑ the country.
out. was a little strange to see ser‑ reached my brotherʼs house in tomers. Poet, writer, and senior journal‑
The most alarming reality was vants waiting on us and serving Andheri and met all my siblings, A short visit to Goa came as a ist, Surekha Vijh is the Washing‑
to see cars, cars everywhere and the food, because in the US one nephews, nieces and others in one respite from the crowds and sad ton DC correspondent of The
so many people. And the worst get used to doing oneʼs own go. It was as if my brother, the old‑ events in Mumbai. Goa seemed South Asian Times.
64 January 4-17, 2020 I N S P I R AT I O N
taying fit is a great new “Energy intake (calories) should before sleep, instead read a book
year resolution, but how be in balance with energy expen‑ or listen to slow soothing music,
much activity, nutrition diture. To avoid unhealthy weight taking a bath before sleep may
and rest does your body require to gain, total fat should not exceed help, do not sleep in the day time,
remain healthy? 30 per cent of total energy intake. avoid vigorous exercises in late
Here are some tips: Intake of saturated fats should be evening rather try meditation or
less than 10 per cent of total ener‑ pranayama.
Exercise gy intake, and intake of trans‑fats ‑‑ Dr Madhusudan Singh
less than 1 per cent of total ener‑ Solanki, Senior Consultant
1. At least 30 minutes of exercise gy intake, with a shift in fat con‑ Psychiatrist, Max Smart Super
is required every single day. As per sumption away from saturated Specialty Hospital, New Delhi.
guidelines, people should exercise fats and trans‑fats to unsaturated
five days a week, be it Yoga, brisk
walk or swimming or any other ex‑
fats, and towards the goal of elim‑ Inner Calm
inating industrially‑produced
ercise form. Try walking 10,000 trans‑fats. Yoga and meditation are forms
steps but positively complete at least Limiting intake of free sugars to of exercise as well and it keeps in‑
a minimum of 5,000 steps each day. less than 10 per cent of total ener‑ ner calm and positivity. One finds
‑‑ Neha Pathania, The mantra to physical, mental, emotional and peace while doing yoga. Body or‑
gy intake is part of a healthy diet. spiritual wellbeing is balance and awareness.
Senior Dietitian, Paras Hospital, A further reduction to less than 5 gan function is improved and in‑
Gurugram, Haryana. per cent of total energy intake is should be avoided at any cost. In‑ Daivam Wellness, Gurugram, culcates a positive attitude. Medi‑
2. It is advisable to combine car‑ suggested for additional health clude dry nuts, flax seeds and Haryana. tation should be done 15‑20 min‑
dio and strength training exercises benefits.” pumpkin seeds as they are rich in utes every day.
over the course of the week and
break up your exercise routine
WHO adds that keeping salt in‑ Omega 3 fatty acids, which are Sleep The mantra to physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual wellbeing
take to less than 5 g per day good for heart health.
into smaller bursts (at least 10 ‑Shalini Bliss Garwin, 1. Give your body enough time is balance and awareness, be it
(equivalent to sodium intake of
minutes of each). Avoid sitting for Senior Dietitian, Columbia Asia to rest and recuperate during sleep, food, exercise, yoga or fun.
less than 2 g per day) helps to pre‑
long hours as sitting reduces our Hospital, Bangalore. sleep. Sleep is a vital part of our Never swing to extremes. Wherev‑
vent hypertension, and reduces
metabolic rate. 2. Two and a half liters of water life occupying almost one third of er you are always balance your
the risk of heart disease and stroke
‑Dhara Tanna, is a mandate for everyone. One human life. Major restorative time to be able to achieve your
in the adult population.
Senior Vice President should have 6 ‑ 8 servings of fruits processes in the body take place goals. –
1. Healthy diet is a must. Include
at Fitternity, Mumbai. and vegetables. Take 5 ‑ 7 serving during sleep. Our brain and body ‑ Dr Witty Raina, Director,
fresh fruits and vegetables; whole
of vegetables and 1 ‑ 2 servings of normally require 6‑9 hours of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at
grains and cereals. Limit fats, oils,
Water and sugars and refined products. Drink fruits. sleep for proper functioning de‑ Cloudnine Group of Hospitals,
pending on whether one is a short Bangalore.
food intake at least 8‑12 glasses of water
‑‑ Dr. Manjari Chandra,
Head, Functional and Therapeutic sleeper (requires less than 6
WHO recommends eating 5 por‑ Junk food and unhealthy food Nutrition and Nutrigenomics, hours) or long sleeper (requires Happy resolutions!
Avocado on an edible spoon, American corns mixed with red and green
nd why they say this is that whatʼs
and corn with bell peppers. bell peppers, onions, Indian spices, little
the use of wealth and prosperity
without health. But the truth is that lemon juice served in a small transparent
the health of an individual depends a lot on cup so that the healthy and colorful ingre‑
the food that one eats. While I am writing dients are visible before eating.
this article, I am having very delicious So here is an appetizer which is healthy,
ʻChicken Hunanʼ ordered from a Chinese tangy, tickles your taste buds, crispy and so
restaurant. But I am also feeling guilty presentable and unique that everyone
about it because I can see a layer of oil float‑ wants to try it once and then come back for
ing on it. more.
In the world of innovative culinary, the Says Ajay from Chand Palace. Starting
challenge is to create something which is from October itʼs the season of festivities
both tongue and health friendly. For the for everyone be it Thanksgiving, Christmas,
Thanksgiving and holiday season I thought All Saintʼs Day, Diwali or Dongzhi festival
that the best way to say thanks to God for and then the New year celebration. So
giving us good health should be celebrated can stay away from such a dish and not more potassium than bananas. But if one everyone ends up eating lot of sweets and
with some healthy food. taste it. Well, thatʼs how the Avocado chaat eats avocado in its natural form it is bland. fat but I am a firm believer that ʻluxury has
If a human being has a pure heart and on served on an edible spoon was born in our So I mixed it with very finely chopped to be enjoyed responsiblyʼ.
top of that if heʼs dressed up nicely and kitchens. onions, red and green peppers to make it Contact: Ajay Chaudhry, Martinsville Gar‑
crisply, almost everyone will be attracted Rest is history. We have served almost tangy, sprinkled some taco seasoning to dens & Chand Palace Catering, New Jersey,
towards him / her. Similarly, while creating 21,000 spoons till today in last few months. make it little spicy. Itʼs still not ready as chandpalace.com
TheSouthAsianTimes.info N E W Y E A R C E L E B R A T I O N S January 4-17, 2020 69
New York
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, with his wife Chirlane McCray and guests,
starts the countdown to midnight on stage at the Times Square New Year's Fireworks light up the skies during NY celebrations at Gateway of India,
Eve celebration on Dec. 31, 2019. (Photo courtesy AP) Mumbai on Dec 31st. (IANS)
Georgia Brazil
People view light decorations in Tbilisi, Georgia on Dec 25th, 2019. (IANS) Copacabana beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (cbsnews.com)
70 January 4-17, 2020 BOLLY NEWS TheSouthAsianTimes.info
eʼs an actor with the Midas touch. With 11 step up and remember the process of bearing the untimely
hits in a row since his film Airlift in 2016, child to raising it is a collective effort. death of
the superstar and the box office love each Our film may be based on a real goof up, which actor
other. The versatile actor is closing 2019 on a wit‑ of course happens across all fields of science and Kushal
ty note with his comedy ʻGood Newwzʼ released humans, but we have incorporated it to bring hu‑ Punjabi,
by Zee Studios. Based on the journey of two fami‑ mor to an otherwise stressful situation. and feels
Actor Kushal Punjabi
lies undergoing IVF treatment, he is accompanied IVF is still a hidden topic in India… that she
on this bumpy ride by Kareena Kapoor Khan, Diljit Akshay Kumar's 'Good Newwz' co‑stars I think itʼs a societal problem. If a couple is not failed as she could not help him in
Dosanjh and Kiara Advani. Kareena Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh & Kiara Advani able to have children, it is considered an issue. his struggle with depression.
Excerpts from the interview: from Mummy, Friend and Co‑star into a profes‑ Also some may feel ashamed to admit theyʼre "Hope your body joins your soul
You have been unstoppable in 2019, starting sional Queen of cinema. Absolutely love working having issues conceiving naturally and using the in heaven. You have served your
off with Kesari and now Good Newwz. What good with Bebo and I know fans will see that on help of technology. Itʼs a mind‑set problem more time in hell," said Ekta in an emo‑
news will the film bring? screens in Good Newwz. than anything and I hope with time it gets better. tional post on Instagram. Kushal
For us, the best news would be getting the audi‑ Good Newwz will be your second comedy for this I also hope a film like Good Newwz can at the committed suicide at his home in
ence to cinemas and them walking out loving year after a string of films that have talked about very least be a conversation starter. Mumbai's Bandra area late on Dec
every minute of what they have seen! We have social issues. What message does this film give? What are the ingredients of a good comedy script? 26th. As per a statement from the
had such an amazing response to all the units re‑ Whilst Good Newwz is essentially good whole‑ I think the key ingredients would be comic tim‑ police, the actor "committed sui‑
leased till now – from the trailers to the songs some entertainment and comedy, the film has ing and actually being in splits yourself when cide by hanging himself from a
Chandigarh Mein, Sauda, Maana Dil and Lal several underlying themes, emotions and issues youʼre reading a script. Sometimes the situation fan with a nylon rope." Kushal was
Gharara – and I am so thankful to our fans. Good that it deals with. Sadly, there are still several itself is so absurd it ends up being funny and if a popular face on Indian televi‑
Newwz is high on content, itʼs a new and interest‑ taboos associated with child birth and pregnancy. you have great dialogues along with good comic sion. He acted in daily soaps such
ing concept and luckily for us, the audience is I would just say that IVF, surrogacy, adoption are timing, itʼs a home run. as "Dekho Magar Pyaar Se", "Hum
welcoming such subjects. all amazing and incredible ways of giving and What is next after Good Newwz? Tum", "Aasman Se Aage" and his
Good to see you back with Kareena Kapoor… creating life for others. Thereʼs so much that can In 2020 I have Sooryavanshi directed by Rohit last, "Ishq Mein Marjawan". He
I know fans have been waiting for us to reunite be done nowadays that this film I pray gives hope Shetty, followed by Laxmmi Bomb, which is the was also seen in films such as
and this film couldnʼt be more perfect for both of to those that not only need it, but can lean on first comedy‑horror for me, and then I will be as‑ "Lakshya", "Kaal", "Salaam‑e‑ishq"
us right now! Bebo is fabulous at everything she when the time is right. Women definitely do the saying the role of the fearless leader ʻPrithvirajʼ, and "A Gentleman", among others.
does – even when she goofs up sheʼs enigmatic. hard work of bearing the child in their womb for whilst making Bachchan Pandey and Bell Bottom. The actor was 37 and is survived
With one click from the Clap board she switches nine long months and harboring the physical and Courtesy: The Indian Down Under, Sydney by his three‑year‑old son.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info NEW YEAR SPECIAL January 4-17, 2020
72 January 4-17, 2020 BOLLY ROUNDUP TheSouthAsianTimes.info
"Satyameva Jayate" ed version, sung by Tulsi Kumar, Neha
t's that time of the year when Bollywood Her cousin and actress Priyanka Chopra
that helped Dhvani Kakkar and B Praak and featuring Nora
stars fly out of India on vacation, to usher Jonas is living "life as it should be", with hub‑
grab the spotlight. Fatehi, got 327 million views.
a brand new year. This year is no excep‑ by Nick Jonas. The destination of their vaca‑
Since its release in
April this year, it has been viewed 654 mil‑
"APNA TIME AAYEGA" tion. Anushka Sharma with cricketer hubby
Virat Kohli, Varun Dhawan with girlfriend
tion is yet to be revealed. Earlier, they were in
Mammoth Lakes, California.
lion times on YouTube. The song Natasha Dalal, and Parineeti Chopra are Priyanka and Nick Jonas have been giving
made desi rap among celebrities who are out holidaying. a glimpse of their vacation by posting photos.
"SHAITAN KA SAALA" and hip‑hop cul‑ Switzerland seems to be Bollywood's fa‑ The singer shared a loved‑up photo of the
One of the highlights of "Housefull 4" was ture cool among vorite destination this year. Anushka and Vi‑ couple without revealing the destination, and
this song, picturised on Akshay. Inspired by mainstream rat are in the Alpine country, and who should captioned it: "From the snow to the ocean.
Tony Montana's 2015 song "Bala", its hook fans. Composed they bump into but Varun and Natasha! #lifeasitshouldbe."
step became popular. The music is credited by Dub Sharma Varun also ran into sisters Karisma and Ka‑ Actress Taapsee Pannu also hit the beach
to Sohail Sen. It got 201 million views. and DIVINE, it reena Kapoor while they were enjoying during the holiday season.
was sung by ac‑ "snowy days" in Switzerland. Bollywood couple Soha Ali Khan and Kunal
"FILHALL" tor Ranveer Singh for "Gully Boy". The ener‑ Actress Parineeti Chopra is also "chilling" Kemmu are seen taking a walk in Sydney,
getic song has been watched 193 million and braving the cold winter, but in different Australia. "Walks and Talks" Kunal captioned
Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar paired times on YouTube till now. places. the pic.
74 January 4-17, 2020 COLUMNS TheSouthAsianTimes.info
dif ferent ethnicit ies at work,
ew year is all about the cal‑ potluck menu, keep many people
school, college and neighborhood.
endar. Ultimately it is like busy. Some do travel to warmer
New year is one celebration that is
counting 365 days all at destinations.
common for all. No restrictions in
once, and when done, declaring For the new immigrants the story
choosing whom to w ish. It is
that the year ended and the new is quite different. They have fewer
beyond region and religion, and
one is about to begin. Is it that sim‑ options for breaks or work from
has so much of integration to offer.
ple? What about the tummy turns home, and usually end up covering
The feeling of happiness, introspec‑
at the stroke of midnight, the new for the seniors. “I am one of those
tion and promises for a better
year resolutions, taking stock of the unlucky ones,” says Mathura
tomorrow is universal and that
wins and losses in the year gone by, Manickkam, an IT professional who
underlines the celebrations. Of
and the huge shout out for the moved to the US a year ago.
course, we are all just the same
grand entry of the new year? For non‑party goers, temples are
irrespective of where we originally
Wait a bit – is it different when open through midnight on new
came from! Letʼs celebrate this one‑
living in other parts of the globe? year eve and activities like bhajans
ness. Have a wonderful 2020 and
Of course not, as new year is all and cultural events are organized.
about what you want the next cycle “Every year, on 31st night, we
of 365 days to be. Where you live attend the special sahasranama famous. The crystal ball with LED top of excitement list.
hardly matters, especially when puja at the Guruvayoorappan tem‑ lights starts dropping from the top “We loved to watch the ball drop Suchitra
you are living in the land of oppor‑ ple. Itʼs such a divine feeling,” says of the building there during the in the first year. The experience Srinivas is a
tunity. Rajalakkshmi Gopinath of New last one minute of the year. Every was amazing but not thrilling
NJ based
There are choices aplenty to cele‑ Jersey. year, despite sub‑zero tempera‑ enough to see it every year. We
brate the new year in the US. Party The college‑going teens come tures, over a million people gather now settle for celebrating with
at a friendʼs place or at a favorite home for the winter break. They to see the ball drop. Other states friends at home,” observes Ramki She can be
restaurant is the most common hang out in malls and theaters with across the US have their own ver‑ Sharma, a long‑time resident of contacted at
choice for immigrant Indians. It is their buddies. Unlike in India, the sions of the ball drop. The objects New Jersey. suchitrasrinivas@
also vacat ion season for most consequences of drunken driving lowered vary: It is a giant replica of Posting the party pictures, essen‑
offices and educational institutions. are serious. Playing safe is particu‑ peach in Atlanta, acorn made of tially to tell the world how happy
The last 10 days of December usu‑ larly the mantra for H1B visa hold‑ brass weighing 900 pounds in you have been, and making an open Column first published in
ally have light work even if the ers for whom any brush with the Raleigh, NC, and ping pong ball in confession on your new year reso‑ DTNext newspaper.
offices function. Most people take law can become a critical concern. Strasburg, PA. lutions is yet another new year tra‑ Reproduction by special
of f or prefer to work from home. The new year eveʼs ball drop at But for immigrant Indians party‑ dition now for many.
Theme parties and planning for the Times Square is of course world ing among friendsʼ groups is on the With social media groups, the
Immigration column
By Dev Banad Viswanath, Esq.
& Michael Phulwani, Esq.
I-751, Waiver of joint filing due to
I divorce, termination, or annulment
f an individual applied for a
green card based on their mar‑
riage to a U.S. citizen and they
were married for less than two ry. The individual must submit evi‑ After the whole I‑751 packet is riage was entered into in good faith
years when they were granted resi‑ dence to establish that their mar‑ filed, the conditional permanent they will send a request for evi‑
dence, they will receive a “condi‑ riage was a bona fide real marriage resident will receive a receipt dence, which must be timely
tional” green card that is only valid and not just a business transaction notice which also extends their sta‑ answered. Or an interview may be
for two years. Before the two‑year to get a green card. The individual tus. The conditional permanent scheduled. Once USCIS reviews the
mark is up the individual must file must also provide evidence that resident is allowed to continue to whole I‑751 packet it will deter‑
a I‑751 form to remove the condi‑ the marriage is legally terminated. live and work in the US while their mine if the conditional permanent
tions on their green card. If the requirement may be granted: the If the U.S. citizen spouse died than case is being processed, and travel resident qualifies for a waiver of
conditions on their green card are marriage ended in divorce, annul‑ the individual must provide a death the same as before. If USCIS needs joint filing and send a letter to the
not removed, then the green card ment, or death of the U.S. citizen certificate. Evidence to establish a more evidence to prove the mar‑ applicant with their decision.
and their status and right to stay in spouse, the individual will suffer marriage was entered into in good
the U.S. will terminate. extreme hardship if they return to faith would include wedding Dev Banad Viswanath is the Principal
Normally to remove the condi‑ their home country, or the individ‑ records, birth certificates of chil‑ Attorney of The Banad Law Offices PC
tions on a green card, the green ual was abused or treated cruelly dren, joint financial records, pic‑ in the United States,
card holder and their spouse would by their U.S. citizen spouse. This tures, among other items. and Banad Immigration in India for which
jointly file Form I‑751, Petition to article will focus on waiver of the The following is what must be Attorney Michael Phulwani is also affiliated
Remove the Conditions of joint filing requirement due to submitted to USCIS along with as Of Counsel. With Offices in Manhattan,
Residence, within 90 days of the divorce, annulment, or death. Form I‑751: Queens, Bangalore, and Mumbai, the firm is
expiration of the green card. There An individual may request a Copy of the permanent resident able to assist clients with all facets of the
waiver of the joint filing require‑ card, front and back; immigration process, including
are a few circumstances where an
Employment Visas, Consular Visa Assistance,
individual may file Form I‑751 ment for Form‑751 only after their 8 Evidence that the marriage
Student Visas, Removal & Deportation, US
without their spouse; this is when divorce/annulment is final or if the was entered into in good faith and
Citizenship and Green Card Applications
the individual applies for a waiver U.S. citizen spouse died. If the cou‑ that the marriage was genuine; and
based on Family or Employment. Dev B.
of the joint filing requirement. ple are just separated or in 8 Evidence supporting the Viswanath can be reached at
There are three circumstances divorce/annulment proceedings, circumstances that ended the mar‑ Dev@Banadlaw.com and 718‑361‑5999.
where a waiver of the joint filing they cannot file under this catego‑ riage.
76 January 4-17, 2020 ASTROLOGY TheSouthAsianTimes.info
Annual Predictions: For those born in this week (January 11-17 2020)
et Jupiter. You are ambitious, digni‑ py news later in the year. Pilgrim‑ er of literature and intelligent con‑ ly and excuse all those who ap‑
fied, independent and kind hearted. age or a long journey would be high versation, but you need to curb proach you for temporary loans
You enjoy a good position and re‑ on your cards. Sudden help from your tendency to behave erratic and financial assistance. A sudden
spect at your work place, but you some near one or a friend will bring and careless at times. influence of a person from the op‑
need to check your tendency to be‑ a major boost to your professional New proposals and assignments posite sex will give a new and inter‑
have extravagant and dominating career. The months of March, June for you this year. Business will esting twist to your life. Later in the
January 11, 2020 at times. and November will especially prove flourish and financial gains will lift year blessing from a saintly person
Influenced by number 2 and the This year takes you through a lot to be significant. your confidence. Legal matters that will provide comfort and peace of
Moon, you are highly energetic, of good and memorable moments. have been haunting your mind will mind. Friends will be helpful but de‑
imaginative, practical, trustworthy Journey to an exotic location along January 14, 2020 settle to your satisfaction. Promo‑ manding. The months of February,
and a simple person. You are a born with your friends provides you with Ruled by number 5 and the plan‑ tions and increments are likely for July & September will prove to be
leader and you are known for your comfort and pleasure. Elders em‑ et Mercury, you are strong, practi‑ some. Elders and children in the significant.
ability to handle jobs, which require bark on a long pilgrimage. Fantastic cal, active, business minded and a family will demand a lot of your at‑
immense responsibility and returns from business would en‑ diplomatic person. Your handwork tention. Health of your spouse may January 17, 2020
courage, but you need to keep a hance your living standard and and sincerity is appreciated by oth‑ cause concern and anxiety. Sports‑ Ruled by number 8 and the plan‑
check on your tendency to behave make you spend much more on lux‑ ers, but your tendency to be extrav‑ men and artists can look forward to et Saturn, you are dynamic, practi‑
impatient and extravagant at times. uries. Monetary benefits for profes‑ agant and reckless attracts enor‑ some fame towards the end of the cal, responsible, hardworking, au‑
Your coming year promises many sionals. Servants and subordinates mous criticism at times. Donʼt be year. Relationship with somebody thoritative and highly disciplined.
new surprises and rewards for you. may be cause of worry and tension. hesitant in executing your new close might get strained over trivial For you your duties and responsi‑
Your long desires are likely to be Romance will flourish and matri‑ plans in the coming year. Fame and issues. Romance and new alliances bilities take precedence over every‑
fulfilled this year. New sources of monial alliances for some. The fortune will be at your doorsteps look likely for those unattached. thing else, but you need to check
income will improve your financial months of February, May, July and provided you are able to grab the The months of February, June, Oc‑ your tendency to behave stubborn
position and boost your confidence. November will remain eventful. right opportunities. Health will tober and November will be signifi‑ and jealous at times.
Legal matters are likely to be ex‑ show improvement despite the hec‑ cant. This period is good for you to
tended for much longer than ex‑ January 13, 2020 tic hours that you might put in of‑ take important decision. You shall
pected and also prove highly ex‑ Influenced by number 4 and the fice. Foreign transactions or foreign January 16, 2020 gather knowledge, information and
pensive. Children will win laurels in planet Uranus, you are a responsi‑ trips for some. New relationships Influenced by number 7 and the make new and long lasting con‑
their respective fields and will be ble, methodical, friendly, systemat‑ and attachments will develop bring‑ planet Neptune, you are energetic, tacts. You shall leave no stone un‑
supportive and understanding to‑ ic and a creative person. You are ing you good opportunities through ambitious, independent, honest and turned to achieve your desired
wards you. Journeys undertaken highly religious and philosophical, out the year. Gains from specula‑ possess a sharp memory. You are goals. Businessmen will expand
for work purpose would be benefi‑ but you need to check your tenden‑ tion is also quite likely. People look‑ highly innovative and have an in their ventures into new and more
cial and highly rewarding. Invest‑ cy to behave jealous, stubborn and ing for matrimonial alliances will built talent to impress others, but profitable avenues. Investment in
ment in a house and selected stocks self centered at times. A very prom‑ find a suitable life partner. The you need to control your tendency stocks would bring spectacular re‑
recommended. Later in the year a ising and favourable period starts months of February, May, August to behave impatient and erratic at sults. Health would definitely need
distant trip maybe overseas bring this year. Investors who speculate and October will be eventful. times. more attention. Meditation and
new opportunities for growth and a in the stock market will benefit fi‑ This coming year is good for judi‑ Yoga should be practiced for spiri‑
chance to meet old associates. The nancially. Those involved in art and January 15, 2020 cial and govt. favours. Long pend‑ tual as well as physical gains. Some
months of January, May, July and other creative profession should ex‑ Ruled by number 6 and the plan‑ ing disputes will get sorted out and exhilarating news from your chil‑
November will bring prosperity. pect recognition and monetary et Venus, you are simple, philo‑ important contacts will play im‑ dren would boost up your spirits
gains. This is also a good time to in‑ sophical, cooperative, and a talent‑ mense role in improving your fi‑ later in the year. The months of De‑
January 12, 2020 vest in property. Children will be ed person. You possess a sharp nancial standing. Stay away from cember, May, September and No‑
Ruled by number 3 and the plan‑ supportive and bring in some hap‑ memory and you are a great admir‑ strangers who behave extra friend‑ vember will be eventful.
LEO : Buying a new vehicle cannot be ruled out VIRGO: You may need to keep things in perspec‑ LIBRA: A job left half‑done at work may need SCORPIO: Calling a spade a spade on the domes‑
for some. Shifting to a bigger house tive, while making some crucial deci‑ to be completed now, for which tic front will help keep people in
is possible. Footing someone sions. This is a good week, which you may even have to devote their places. You may shy away
e lseʼs expenses may prove promises to keep you entertained extra time. Some tensions on from all the hard work that com‑
extremely painful, but little you on the social front. Meeting your the home front cannot be ruled ing back in shape entails. Bide
can do about it. Your ideas on the childhood friends and old relations out and may prove quite upset‑ you time, if you find the going
professional front may not get the is possible. Keeping those who matter in ting. Your spiritual pursuits are likely tough in your personal sphere.
approval of higher ups and disappoint you. You good humour on the professional front will keep to benefit you in the long run. Remaining reg‑ Marketing personnel may have to increase their
will not be in the right frame of mind for taking your chances of betterment alive. You will be able ular in your workouts will keep you in a fine footwork, if they hope to gain good returns. You
up anything complicated. An outing with lover is to get the study stream you desire on the academ‑ fettle on the health front. Your initiative on will earn well, but the satisfaction may still elude
foreseen, so get set for an exciting time! ic front. A budding romance is possible for some. the financial front may be partially successful. you. A change in travel schedule is indicated.
SAGITTARIUS: Someone is likely to impress you CAPRICORN: Getting romantically linked to AQUARIUS : Preparing for a major event on the PISCES: Moneywise, you manage to remain com‑
by the way he or she tackles a situ‑ someone you had a crush on is pos‑ social front may get you all excited. A fortable by judicious spending.
ation. You will be able to hold sible. An opportunity to travel short trip is possible. Despite some Rescheduling your plans someone
your own in a workplace rivalry. abroad may materialise for some. unanticipated expenditure, you are you like is possible. You will get
A religious ceremony may take Not keeping anything pending on likely to remain in a strong position used to a new mode of conveyance.
much of your time, but nothing your desk will be in your favour. on the financial front. An ailment Health remains good. There is much
you can do about it. Your soft nature Donʼt get oversensitive to someoneʼs that had been recurring in the past is that you need to do to make your
may be taken advantage of. A property matter comments, as he or she means well. You are like‑ likely to totally disappear. You will find it difficult career graph rise. Pursuing higher studies may
may need your full attention. Lending money is ly to make the family front most happening by to avoid overstraining and overstretching yourself. interest you, so go for it as stars appear favourable.
as good as losing it, so be judicious. You may suggesting something exciting. Those in the serv‑ There is practically nothing that can stop you from You will manage to infuse a spirit of bonhomie,
benefit from holistic approach to life. ices sector may find time a bit challenging. excelling on the professional or academic front! even in the most negative situations.
TheSouthAsianTimes.info ASTROLOGY January 4-17, 2020 77
By Dr Prem Kumar Sharma Chandigarh, India: +91-172- 256 2832, 257 2874;
Delhi, India: +91-11- 2644 9898, 2648 9899;
psharma@premastrologer.com; www.premastrologer.com
Sheila Dikshit
by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
As we enter 2020, I wish everyone a happy New Year. Twenty years--one fifth of the 21st
century—is concluding, and the next 20 years is beginning. As we look ahead to the next phase of
the 21st century, our hopes and dreams focus on how to make it a time of peace and happiness.
Life on this planet always poses challenges. At a personal level, we all go through difficul-
ties. At some time or the other, we may face health issues, financial loss, and relationship prob-
lems. There have always been conflicts in the world. How can we find peace and happiness when struggle is a part of
We cannot control what happens to us or others in the outer world. One thing we can control is our inner world.
Meditation provides a key to peace and happiness. Within us is a permanent state of calm and joy. Through medita-
tion, we can find it. We can meditate at any time or place. When life is rough, we can snatch away some moments for
meditation. Outer troubles of life fade as we immerse ourselves in our own peaceful inner retreat.
Meditation on the inner Light and Sound connects us to an ocean of Light, consciousness, and divine love that is
so uplifting, we can forget our outer problems for a while. Just as a vacation helps us take a break from the stress of
daily life, so does meditation offer time away from the outer tension we face. When we emerge from meditation, we
are elevated with a joyfulness that lasts throughout the day. This gives us the strength to face life’s challenges with
balance and equanimity.
When we find the exhilarating joy \within us, we realize there is more to life than just the outer physical world.
Within us are realms reverberating with celestial Music and glowing with radiant Light, filling our hearts with divine
love. We can tap into this inner treasure anytime through meditation. The more we meditate, the more our life is
filled with ecstasy and peace.
We cannot change the outer world or the challenges we face every day. We can choose to find a place free of
May this slogan guide us through the next phase of the 21st century and fill our hearts with lasting peace and joy.
Yours affectionately,
Rajinder Singh
Offer valid through Decemeber 31st 2020