The South Asian Times: Excellence in Journalism
The South Asian Times: Excellence in Journalism
The South Asian Times: Excellence in Journalism
e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.12 No. 3 May 18-24, 2019 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on May 18-24, 2019
The South Asian Times
e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.12 No. 3 May 18-24, 2019 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on
protest to cybersecurity breach in the latest version of our app, as talks has been Beijing's resist‑
ance to the idea of enshrining in
Hindus and Muslims". The arti‑
cle also recalls the 2002
Facebook's messaging app well as keep their mobile operat‑
TIME magazine W hatsApp le ft users ing system up to date, to protect Chinese law measures about Gujarat riots that claimed many
respecting the intellectual prop‑ lives. Early this month, The
essage for Indian unknowingly vul‑ against potential
erty of US firms operating in Economist of London published
media: I assume you nerable to mali‑ targeted exploits
China, White House chief eco‑ another anti‑Modi op‑ed titled
have read the article in cious spyware designed to com‑
nomic adviser Larry Kudlow “Under Narendra Modi, Indiaʼs
TIME Mag azine portray ing installed on their promise informa‑
said Sunday. ruling party poses a threat to
Narendra Modi as ʻDivider‑in‑ smartphones, t ion stored on
democracy”. Incensed by the
Chiefʼ. This is just to belittle WhatsApp admit‑ mobile devices,”
Trump denies, but US article, BJP supporter Jagdish
India. A biased person has writ‑ ted Monday. the company said
readying military plan Sewhani of New York penned an
ten all wrong things, just to pull The security vul‑ in a statement.
open letter (published in the
down the image and high status nerability af fects “We are con‑ to counter Iran threat
last issue of The South Asian
both iPhone and stantly working Continued from page 3
of our home country and its Times) to The Economist, refut‑
Android devices, alongside industry plan, which does not call for a
prime minister. ing its assertions, and arguing
and W hatsApp is partners to pro‑ land invasion of Iran, was
I suggest many of our Indian why “A strong India under PM
urging users to update their apps vide the latest security enhance‑ ordered by hardliners led by
apex organizations/Editors of Modi is a guarantor of global
as soon as possible. WhatsApp, ments to help protect our users.” National Security Adviser John
Indian publications should seek peace & stability”.
which is used by over 1.5 billion Facebook issued a security advi‑ Bolton, reported the paper, cit‑
time from TIME editors to con‑ Even some liberal commenta‑
people, confirmed the vulnerabili‑ sory confirming the vulnerability ing anonymous sources.
vey our protest for giving space tors and journalists in India are
ty in a statement, but didn't name on Monday that outlines which Over the recent weeks,
to attack India's PM agreeing that this kind of nega‑
the perpetrator. “W hatsApp versions of W hatsApp where Washington has ratcheted up
Prof S. Sitaraman tive coverage of Modi is a
encourages people to upgrade to affected. pressure against Tehran with a
New York 11769 hatchet job.
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business or facilities included in this publication do not imply connection or endorsement of these businesses. All rights reserved. TRISTATE COMMUNITY May 18-24, 2019 5
Trump hosts
Washington: President Donald Trump has
By Surekha Vijh Maharagama Dhammasiri, hosted his second annual iftar dinner at the
The South Asian Times Chie f Pre late of the White House and said it's "been a very
Washington Budd hist rough time" for Muslims around the world.
Washington DC: Sri Lankan Temple; Imam Hammad The dinner, which breaks the daily fast of
American community in the Ahmad, of the American Ramadan for Muslims around the world, on
greater Washington area is contin‑ Fazl Mosque; and Ray Monday night was attended by ambassa‑
uing to raise funds and have can‑ Vickery, of the U.S.‑India dors and members of the diplomatic corps
dlelight vigils for the victims of the Friendship Council. representing Muslim‑majority nations,
Easter Sunday terror attacks in the T he Budd hist Vihar reports ABC News.
island nation which killed over 250 Society in Washington DC The President recognized recent attacks
people including from America and cancelled their biggest festi‑ on places of prayer, specifically noting the
India. Other communities too are val, Vaisak, on May 5 to mosque attacks in New Zealand, the attacks
Congressmen Raja Krishnamoorthi and David Schwikert and on Christians in Sri Lanka, and the syna‑
holding meetings in solidarity. hold a memorial vigil in the
friends from the Sri Lankan Embassy at the interfaith vigil on
U.S. government and civil society National Cathedral instead. gogue attacks in Pittsburgh and California.
Capitol Hill may 10 for Sri Lankan victims. (Photo Twitter)
friends of Sri Lanka gathered at the Students of many D C, “In their blessed memory we resolve to
Capitol on May 11 to express sorrow and U.S.‑India Friendship Council. Virginia and Maryland universities, includ‑ defeat the evils of terrorism and religious
solidarity with the people of the subconti‑ “We, all of us, stand with Sri Lanka in this ing Georgetown and George Washington, persecution so that all people can worship
nental country. Reps. Raja Krishnamoorthi dark time,” said Jason Isaacson, AJCʼs Chief and the Sri Lankan Student Association without fear, pray without danger, and live
(D‑IL) and David Schweikert (R‑AZ) were Policy and Political Af fairs Of ficer. “We hosted candlelight vigils last month to by the faith that flows from their heart,”
joined by Principal Deputy Assistant assure Sri Lanka of our ongoing friendship, remember the lives lost in Sri Lanka. Suicide Trump said.Trump's speech emphasized
Secretary of State Tom Vajda and interfaith our solidarity, and our support.” bombers struck churches and hotels in Sri world peace. "We thank God that America is
leaders in addressing the vigil, organized by Also addressing the vigil were the Chargé Lanka on Easter Sunday in a highly coordi‑ a place founded on beliefs that citizens of
the American Jewish Committeeʼs Asia dʼaffaires of the Sri Lankan Embassy, Sarath nated attack targeting Christians and for‑ all faiths can live together in safety and live
Pacific Institute (API) in partnership with the Dissanayake; Jay Kansara, of the Hindu‑ eigners that left this island nation reeling. together in freedom."
Hindu American Foundation, the Interfaith American Foundation;; Rev. Dr. Christopher Sri Lanka is a predominantly Buddhist He ended his address with a Muslim bless‑
Council of Metropolitan Washington, the L. Zacharias, of the Interfaith Council of nation, but itʼs also home to significant ing: "Wish all the people around the world
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the Metropolitan Washington; Ven. Hindu, Muslim and Christian communities Ramadan Kareem."
6 May 18-24, 2019 TRISTATE
Golf champ Malini Rudra Atlanta and the World Affairs Council
of Atlanta, and he has been active
“Anything that is unprecedented
always feels like another major mile‑
honored by Nassau County advising international governments
and policy makers including the U.S.
stone in lifeʼs journey,” notes Sheth,
who turned 80 last year. “It means
Department of Transportation and that the business school is an integral
Malini Rudra, a senior at Syosset High School received a
the government of Singapore. part of the university. It also means
citation from the County Executive Laura Curran on May
For Sheth, who has won a number that the ʻOne Emoryʼ vision of the
9th as a continued celebration of Asian American
Heritage Month. The awards were presented to Asian of honors, the Jefferson Award holds new leadership is successfully imple‑
Americans whose contributions and efforts have been particular meaning. mented with respect to diverse facul‑
instrumental in the progression of Nassau County. At the “T his award is really special ty talent and expertise. Most impor‑
ceremony Farrah Mozawalla the Executive of Asian because it is selected by a committee tantly, this award will pave the way
American Affairs said, “Through your hard work, you of university‑wide peers,” says Sheth. for others to be recognized for their
have inspired many others to follow in your footsteps and “Also, it is special because the talent and dedication to Emory and
have become a trailblazer for the community.” Jef ferson Award reinforces the mis‑ scholarship.”
sion of an academic, which is to (Source: NATIONAL May 18-24, 2019 7
Over $600,000 raised for teen Sadhguru to lead spiritual discourse during
struck by car in hate crime AAPIʼs 37th annual convention in Atlanta
Washington, DC: More than Atlanta, GA: Understanding the programs.
$600,000 has been raised for the inherent humanity that unites all "We need to create a culture of
treatment of a 13‑year‑old Indian‑ nations, religions and cultures, Health in society, instead of invest‑
American hate crime victim who Sadhguru is recognized for his pio‑ ing in just healthcare,” Sadhguru
remains in coma after being neering ef forts to nurture global says. “What we call feeling healthy,
struck down intentionally in April harmony, Dr. Naresh Parikh, is not just the absence of disease,
by a motorist who thought she President of American association but having a sense of wholeness
was a Muslim. T he GoFundMe of Physicians of Indian Origin within us. If we feel like a complete
page, created to he lp seventh (AAPI), said, while announcing spiri‑ being in our body, mind and spirit,
grader Dhriti Narayan's family tual discourse led by Sadhguru dur‑ that is when we are truly healthy."
Dhriti Narayan is Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
cover the medical costs, had raised ing AAPIʼs 37th Convention in New An author, poet and international‑
fighting for her life
more than $600,000. The target York. T he 37th Annual AAPI and act as a bridge to the deeper ly renowned speaker, Sadhguruʼs
was $500,000. On April 23, Dhriti a huge medical bill and potential Convention & Scientific Assembly dimensions of life, will make the wit and piercing logic provoke and
and other members of her family rehab costs are expected for her will be held from July 3rd to July convention and the delegates from broaden our thoughts and percep‑
were crossing a road in Sunnyvale, recovery. 7th, 2019 at Omni Atlanta at CNN across the nation richer, in so many tion of life. Sadhguru has been an
California. Suddenly a motorist "We, friends of Dhriti's family, Center and Georgia World Congress ways,” said Dr. Sreeni Gangasani, influential voice at major global
struck them down intentionally. who were touched by her and her Center. Expected to have a record Chairman of the Convention. “His forums including the United
The family was targeted because family's caring and helpful nature, attendance of more than 2,000 del‑ approach does not ascribe to any Nations, World Economic Forum,
the motorist, Isaiah Peoples, are actively working with family egates including physicians, acade‑ belief system, but of fers methods the UK House of Lords, TED among
thought they were Muslim. members and other friends along micians, researchers and medical for self‑transformation that are many others.
Seven others, including Dhriti's with appropriate organizations students, “the annual convention both proven and powerful,” Dr. Just as he has stated, “Your suc‑
father Rajesh Narayan and her and organizing this fund‑raising offers extensive academic presenta‑ Gangasani added. cess in this world essentially
nine‑year‑old brother Prakhar campaign to support the family at tions, recognition of achievements Named one of India's 50 most depends on how well you can har‑
were injured in the incident. this difficult time." and achievers, and professional net‑ influential people, Sadhguru is a ness the prowess of this body and
Dhriti is currently in coma fol‑ Peoples was arraigned in Santa working at the alumni and evening realized Yogi and mystic who works this mind,” Sadhguru believes in
lowing severe trauma and head Clara County Superior Court in social events,” Dr. Parikh added. tirelessly towards the physical, dedicating his life for the service of
injuries. San Jose on May 3. He was “Having Sadhguru at the mental, and spiritual wellbeing of humanity. He established Isha
The fundraiser on the site reads: charged on eig ht counts of Convention with his unique ability all. Sadhguruʼs work has deeply Foundation, a non‑profit organiza‑
"While our hearts and prayer go to attempted murder. His next hear‑ to make the ancient yogic sciences touched the lives of millions world‑ tion supported by over three million
Dhriti for her speedy recovery but ing will be on May 16. relevant to contemporary minds, wide through his transformational volunteers worldwide. DIASPORA May 18-24, 2019 9
there's a printed copy of a poetry interview, which earlier drew a lot
also has a printed question on the of criticism for what is now com‑
top," Sinha posted on Twitter. monly referred to as Modi's "cloud
The post was accompanied by an theory" on the Balakot air strike.
image that showed part of that Modi was trolled on Twitter for
question ‑‑ I want to know from his remarks that he had asked the
poet Narendra Modi if he's written Air Force to carry out Balakot air
OF DEMOCRACY anything in the past five years? ‑‑ strike on Fe bruary 26 in bad
as well as the poem. weather as his "raw wisdom" said a
New Delhi: Prime Minister "The part of question that is visi‑ cloud blanket would he lp the
Narendra Modi's interview to News ble in the papers he ld by PM Indian fig hter planes escape
Nation may have already caused @narendramodi matches word‑to‑ Pakistani radars.
enough embarrassment to the word to the question asked by the The prime Minister also came
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) sup‑ anchor Deepak Chaurasia," Sinha under attack for claims of using
porters, but the fact‑checking web‑ said. He also posted a "slowed digital camera, email in 1987‑88.
site Alt News now suggests the PM down" version of the video (sans "An interview clouded by radar
had prior knowledge of questions audio) in which the Prime Minister claims, email claims, digital pho‑
to be asked. flips through the papers present in tography claims. Now this ‑‑ evi‑
Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Alt News Co‑founder Prat ik his file. dence that the interviewee already
Sinha created a thread on Twitter "PM Modi is asked to recite a HIS file, which is duly handed over, Sinha's "thread" was retweeted had the questions given to him,"
that suggested that the interview recent poetry of his in the and he starts fiddling with a bunch thousands of t imes as people former Jammu and Kashmir Chief
was scripted. @NewsNationTV intvw. He asks for of papers. The paper on which found new fodder for fun in the Minister Omar Abdullah tweeted.
resident of Xavier University projects. He is the founder of the Bhooplapur took
School of Medicine “Gift of Life, India” and has been over as President of
(XUSOM), Ravishankar instrumental in saving over 1500 Xavier University School of
Bhooplapur has many feathers in his children’s lives by providing heart Medicine (XUSOM), Aruba in universities accredited by
cap. A very active Rotarian for four surgery to children under the age of 2008 and within a decade has both CAAM‑HP and ACCM. It
decades, he served as Governor of 15. He has actively lobbied in United transformed it to become one is registered with NCFMEA
Rotary Dist 7250 in 2009-10. For his States Senate and House for the of the Top 10 Caribbean and WFME. They have recent‑
commitment to humanitarian work advancement of India for the past Medical Schools in 2019, as ly achieved a 100% First Time
worldwide, the Rotary Foundation two decades. He was recognized by listed by! For pass rate on the USMLE Step 1
has given him its highest “Service the US Congress and presented an the accomplishment, Ravi, of exam. They also offer scholar‑
above Self” award. He is a Hall of award by Congressman Gary course, likes to thank their ships to well qualified stu‑
Fame Member at the Rotary Ackerman for his outstanding con- hard working faculty mem‑ dents and have recently
Foundation. Currently he serves on tributions to local & international bers and staff. announced special scholar‑
the Rotary Investment Committee to humanitarian causes. With admissions office in ships for Sikh heritage stu‑
manage and advice for $1 billion in In 2012, Ravi was awarded the Woodbury, NY, XUSOM is dents to celebrate the 550th
foundation donations. prestigious “Ellis Island Medal of chartered by the government birth anniversary of Guru
Bhooplapur is a board member of Honor,” which honors recipients for of Aruba with authorization Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of
numerous charities, hospitals, and professional contributions to by the Ministry of Education Sikhism.
businesses. He travel at his own cost America and their immigrant of Aruba.
to many countries for humanitarian heritage. XUSOM is one of the few Website:
16 May 18-24, 2019 ULTIMATE BOLLYWOOD
The film
actors Tiger
Shroff and
Tara Sutaria
A still from the movie ʻStanley ka Dabbaʼ.
ʻChildren's films
ignored in Bollywoodʼ By Troy Ribeiro
angs of Wasseypur" fame screen‑ ment industry does not provide more con‑
play writer Zeishan Quadri, who tent for children, Quadri said: "I think chil‑ et's not talk what is novel or original he delivers his standard chops along with
has made his debut as a writer‑ dren's films are an ignored genre because in this film. Let's not talk intelligent his flamboyant moves, with ease. Equally
director on the digital platform with the for the last few decades, we have stopped stuff too. If you are fine with this, impressive is Aditya as Manav. But both by
web series "Bhoot Purva", says writing a providing content for them. Their parents then let's proceed. Needless to say, ʻSOTY2ʼ no stretch of imagination appear to be col‑
fantasy story keeping children in mind is a are taking them to watch mainstream is a fluffy, well‑packaged rehash, inspired lege students.
tough task, and perhaps that is a reason masala films and that is why the new gen‑ from various films of its genre. Tara as the sweet and ambitious Mridula
why children's films is an ignored genre in eration would rather watch a Salman A predictable underdog story moves at a aka Mia, and Ananya as the perky and
Bollywood. Khan film than a children's film. rapid pace. The narrative focuses on Rohan spoilt brat Shreya, debut with this film.
The story of the show revolves around a "Making content for children which is (Tiger Shroff ) a student of the LS (low soci‑ Both are cute and capable actors.
youngster and his friendship with a ghost, commercially viable is also a task. We still ety) Pishorilal Chamandas College, who Samir Soni fills in Rishi Kapoor's boots as
and how the world of the ghost is inter‑ love watching 'Mr. India'. But we are not dreams of getting into St Teresa's college the Principal of St Teresa's. With his car‑
twined with the reality of Purva, the cen‑ making such films where the reality and because his childhood sweetheart, the awe‑ toonish demeanor who is always screeching
tral character. fantasy meet in one narration. Children struck Mridula (Tara Sutaria) has taken on the microphone or getting stumped for
It has been garnering children's interest films are also good family entertainment... admission there. words, he is such a let‑down.
as well. Asked why the Hindi entertain‑ we just need to package them well." While he has been accepted with open The songs are well choreographed and
arms into this prestigious college, there are they mesh into the narrative seamlessly.
undercurrents of hostility between him and Hollywood actor Will Smith's uncalled for
'O WOMANIYA': BOLLYWOOD the other students of the college namely;
Manav (Aditya Seal) and Shreya (Ananya
appearance does not up the number, "Yeh
jawaani hai diwani".
ollywood, hitherto fueled by its The film is naturally Tiger's canvas and lacks chutzpah.
favorite ingredient ‑hypermasculini‑
ty and machismo ‑ seems to be
changing as filmmakers are taking a step
forward by doubling up woman power in
Acting guru Roshan Taneja
dead, 'students' pay tributes
movies and going beyond the usual formula
of a boy fighting baddies to save women.
Some films that are yet to release this
year or later such as “Good News", "Saand oshan Taneja, the man behind the
Ki Aankh" and "Bala", showcase not just one treasure trove of talent in
but two female leads. Bollywood including the likes of
Bhushan Kumar, head honcho of T‑Series, Shabana Azmi, Naseeruddin Shah, Jaya
who is bank‑rolling female lead films Bachchan, Anil Kapoor and Shatrughan
including movies like "De De Pyaar De", Sinha, is dead at 87. His students paid
"Bharat" and "Pati Patni Aur Woh", told emotional tributes.
IANS: "Women are playing important roles "My father passed away in his sleep on
across all walks of life. As a result, what is Friday (May 10) at home after prolonged
happening in the outside world will sooner illness," the acting guru's son Rohit Taneja
or later find its way to mirror itself in A still from the upcoming said. Roshan Taneja was diagnosed with
pancreatic cancer in February this year. He Roshan Taneja was known to many as
films." movie ʻSaand ki Aankhʼ.
the 'pioneer of method acting' in India.
"De De Pyaar De" stars Tabu along with women in any domain. Writers are writing is survived by his wife Mithika and sons
Rakul Preet Singh; "Bharat" stars Katrina about contemporary characters irrespective Rohit and Rahul. the 1960s, first at the Film and Television
Kaif and Disha Patani; "Pati Patni Aur Woh" of their gender. There is no escaping that. Roshan Taneja's passion for acting took Institute of India (FTII) in Pune and later at
will have Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya "Today, the industry is infused with writ‑ him to New York at The Neighborhood his private school in Mumbai, the Roshan
Panday; "Saand Ki Aankh" has Bhumi ers who are bringing new thinking and Playhouse School of the Theatre to train Taneja School of Acting.
Pednekar and Taapsee Pannu; and "Good fresh ideas and perspectives to the stories under the famous Sanford Meisner & Shabana paid condolences, and tweeted:
News" has Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kiara they bring on board. It's not to say that Sydney Pollack, who went on to become an "He was my Guru at FTII and the only per‑
Advani. women will not be playing glamorous char‑ Academy Award winning director. son whose feet I touched. I was privileged
"Today's writers are writing stories that acters anymore in films, but as I see it, Known to many as the 'pioneer of to be trained in acting by him."
talk about issues that they see around glamor will not necessarily be the only hall‑ method acting' in India, Roshan Taneja Among Bollywood's younger talent,
them. Whether we like it or not, we cannot mark of a character essayed by an actress was held in high regard in the Hindi film Abhishek Bachchan and Ranbir Kapoor
escape the presence and influence of in our movies," Kumar added. industry. He had been training talent since have trained under the master actor. ULTIMATE BOLLYWOOD May 18-24, 2019 17
giving projects about people of color the
ndia's love for cricket may not eclipse tent is good, people come out in numbers
importance they
its love for films after all in the forth‑ to watch their favorite stars. With a line‑ Oscar‑
coming World Cup season. While up like 'Bharat', 'Kabir Singh' and 'Toy winning
At an Inclusion
Bollywood's slate includes Salman Khan's Story 4', we don't see the World Cup hav‑ actress
Summit in Los
"Bharat", Shahid Kapoor's "Kabir Singh" ing any impact on business," Umrotkar Viola Davis.
Angeles, Davis spoke
and Sonam Kapoor's "The Zoya Factor", added. In distributor Rajesh Thadani's
about the impor‑
Hollywood buffs have a heady mix of opinion, some impact may be seen on the
tance of taking a
franchise entertainers to look forward to. movie business.
firm stance about
The World Cup begins on May 30, and "But if the content of these films is
fostering inclusive
will end on July 14 in England. good, they will not have any issue, except
content, reports vari‑
Bollywood has lined up supernatural a slight dip on the days when India is
horror film "Khamoshi", starring playing," Thadani said.
Asked why execu‑
Tamannaah Bhatia, for May 31, which is An interesting Bollywood release would
tives and casting
also when "Godzilla II: King Of The be "The Zoya Factor", as its plot hinges
Actor Salman Khan‑starrer ʻBharatʼ agents in Hollywood
Monsters" will release. on a girl who turns out to be a lucky
is set for a June 5 release. still refrain from giv‑
The much‑awaited "Bharat" is Salman's charm for the Indian team during a
ing projects about
Eid treat for his fans. Directed by Ali is essential. Salman hopes to get maxi‑ World Cup. The movie, featuring Sonam
people of colour the
Abbas Zafar and co‑starring Katrina Kaif, mum eyeballs with the show," producers and Dulquer Salmaan, will hit the screens
same attention as
the movie will release on June 5. Atul Agnihotri and Bhushan Kumar said on June 14.
those toplined by
Salman knows India's heart beats for in a joint statement. After that, the Bollywood box office
non‑person of color,
cricket, and he ensured he made use of "The World Cup will not have any awaits: "99 Songs" (June 21), Shahid's
Davis said: "Fear".
the finale of the T20 cricket league adverse impact on business. India is a rugged avatar in "Kabir Singh" (June 21),
The "Widows" actress echoed the sentiments of many
Indian Premier League (IPL) fever to be cricket loving nation, but it also loves Ayushmann Khurrana‑starrer and
participants throughout the day, which was that the
on a show with Katrina and Sunil Grover Bollywood. Cricket is still not a (source Anubhav Sinha‑directed "Article 15"
"people in power" were the ones who needed to make
to promote his film, which will release in of) family entertainment, but films are (June 28), Karan Johar's production
the change. "They're not being asked those hard‑hitting
the midst of the World Cup. the only source of family entertainment. "Drive" (June 28), starring Sushant Singh
questions," Davis said.
"It is important to be part of all the Considering it's the holiday season, we Rajput and Jacqueline Fernandez, and
Davis explained how she doesn't believe inclusion rid‑
major shows and events to ensure a wide see films will do better business than last "Jabariya Jodi" (July 12) featuring
ers are an entirely adequate solution to the diversity
reach for the film. 'Bharat' being one of year,” said Mohan Umrotkar, CEO, Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra
problem in the industry.
the biggest films of this year, promoting Carnival Cinemas. once again. The Hollywood calendar is
"I do not want to be a part of any piece of paper that
our film on India's biggest cricket league "Recent past trends suggest that if con‑ enticing with franchise films.
has to force people to see me."
ith Bharat iya Janata Party over.
(BJP) leader Ram Madhav now However, it is the belief among the
saying that his party will get a opposition parties that the BJP may get
majority of its own in the Lok Sabha and the first chance to form a government,
not fall short of the requisite number as which has persuaded them to consider
he had said earlier, the opposition will writ ing to the President, Ramnath
probably have to redouble its unity Kovind, that they are ready to give letters
efforts. of support for an alternative government.
Madhav's earlier comment had appar‑ While the Telangana chief minister
ently galvanized the opposition parties to wants someone from the south to be the
try yet again to come together. First off PM ‑ is Rao thinking of himself ‑ Naidu
the block was Telangana chief minister K. seemingly has a preference for Mamata
Chandrashekhar Rao, who spoke to his Banerjee although he has been equally
counterparts in Kerala and Karnataka, friendly with Rahul Gandhi.
Pinarayi Vijayan and H.D. Kumaraswamy The West Bengal chief minister herself
to sound them on his ideas of forming a is believed to nurture such ambitions if
non‑BJP, non‑Congress front. only at the behest of her party men who
However, he now seems to have want a Bengali prime minister.
become softer towards the Congress, pre‑ However, her major dif ficulty at the
It is the belief among the opposition parties that the BJP may get the
sumably because both Kumaraswamy moment is the challenge which she faces
first chance to form a government so they are ready to give letters of
and Stalin have told him that they have support for an alternative government. from the BJP in West Bengal which
earlier supported Rahul Gandhi's claim to appears to have replaced the Left and the
be the prime minister. Banerjee as a Bengal tigress. What is The ever‑active grapevine of Lutyens Congress as the Trinamool Congress's
In any event, Rao himself may have obvious from these smoke signals is the Delhi has it that Odisha chief minister main adversary in the state.
realized that since he raised the issue of a realization that the non‑BJP parties have Naveen Patnaik tops the list of such Mayawati has also thrown her hat in
forming a non‑BJP, non‑Congress federal a chance if they can get their act together potential allies followed by YS Jagan the ring by saying that if she gets a
front w ith Mamata Banerjee a few because the BJP, in their view, is faltering. Mohan Reddy of the YSR Congress Party chance to be the prime minister, she will
months ago, it is not possible to keep the However, they are also scared that if in Andhra Pradesh, who is on record for stand for the parliamentary elections
Congress out of the equation, especially if they do not move quickly, then the BJP saying that he will support the BJP in a which she is not contesting at present.
it gets 100‑odd seats, more than any may use its status as the largest party in "hung" Parliament if it promises granting The khichdi image, therefore, remains
other non‑BJP party. the House ‑ which is a certainty ‑ to form special status to his state ‑ the issue on valid about the opposition, confirming
After Rao's endeavors, And hra a government by wooing allies from out‑ which Naidu quit the NDA. Arun Jaitley's fear of "chaos" overtaking
Pradesh's N. Chandrababu Naidu has side the Nat ional Demo crat ic Front Ironically, Rao's name was also men‑ the country if the opposition comes to
entered the fray with praise for Mamata (NDA). tioned in this context some time ago power.
he Trump‑driven trade mango juice and so on. However, where India possesses a compar‑
war does not seem to India is not alone in doing so ative advantage of labor cost.
relent. In the latest devel‑ and, in fact, it is also not close to The US, on the other hand,
opment, the US has raised tariffs the highest tariffs charged by finds similar advantage in export
on $200 billion worth of Chinese other countries in the global of high‑end manufactured goods
imports to 25 per cent, up from economy. As per the World Tariff like aircraft, medical devices,
10 per cent imposed last year. Policies 2018 published by WTO, patented drugs and so on as it
China, on its part, has threatened the highest tariff charged by has a comparative advantage in
to retaliate. India has never been some of the major economies their production. Tariffs have
far from the skirmish. are: 736 per cent by Japan, 807 evidently played little role in
In fact, just a few days ago, US per cent by South Korea, 350 per defining such a trade portfolio.
Commerce Secretary Wilbur cent by the US, 163 per cent by The US is also an exporter of cap‑
Ross accused India of following Australia and 150 per cent by ital to India in the form of for‑
restrictive trade policies that cre‑ India. Merely looking at the high‑ eign direct and portfolio invest‑
ate significant market access bar‑ est tariff rate provides only a ment. These provide huge
riers for foreign companies. The limited view to the country's tar‑ returns to investors back in the
evidence of this claim, according iff structure. A better representa‑ US.
to him, lay in the fact that the US tion that takes into account all That being said, India must
was India's biggest export mar‑ imported goods can be obtained also make sure it reduces import
ket, accounting for a fifth of its by assessing the average tariff duties and tariffs wherever it
total exports, while India was and trade‑weighted tariff of the possible. In the automobile sec‑
Narendra Modi with President Donald Trump.
only the 13th largest market for (Photo: White House/IANS) country. India's average tariffs at tor, for instance, Indian auto
American exports. 13.8 per cent turn out to be makers need not be protected
India has been called out many products from developing trade deficit that the US has with higher than most major trading with 60‑75 per cent import
numerous times by the Trump countries like India to enter the India to the tune of $24.2 billion economies like China (9.8 per duties.
administration before for its tar‑ US duty‑free. in 2018. The question, thus, cent) and US (3.4 per cent). The bilateral trade between the
iffs and duties on imports. In Although the decision to remains whether there is any The Trump administration also two countries has grown over
October last year, Trump himself revoke the GSP has been post‑ truth to the claims of Trump and needs to understand that trade six‑fold in the last two decades
dubbed India the �tariff king'. poned until after the new govern‑ Ross with respect to India's tariff imbalances are rarely a result of from $20 billion in 2000 to
In March, he even expressed his ment comes into power in India, structure. policy rather than competitive $126 billion in 2017. A contin‑
intent of ending the favorable the trade war is beginning to There is no second opinion and comparative advantage. The ued growth of this trade relation‑
treatment that India enjoyed impact the country more directly. about the fact that India imposes bulk of Indian exports to the US ship will be a big win‑win for the
under the Generalized System of The fact that has particularly high duties on many items of comprise goods like gems and largest economy in the world and
Preferences (GSP), which allows irked Trump is the substantial import ‑ 150 per cent on whiskey jewelry, textiles and apparel, IT the fastest‑growing one. SUBCONTINENT May 18-24, 2019 21
life long New Yorker, I of an
moved to Sri Lanka in
2008, when it was in the American of
midst of a brutal and seemingly
never‑ending civil war. I quickly Indian origin
became accustomed to carrying my
passport and stopping at check‑
living in
points every few miles, where army Colombo
of ficers would point their rifles
into my car, checking for anything during the Sonia Dandona Hirdaramani,
suspicious. I internalized the fear
that a bus next to me could possi‑ horrific Easter 2002 graduate, continues to
be involved with Columbia
bly explode with a bomb ̶ a com‑
mon tactic employed by the mili‑ Sunday through her roles as member of
the Young Advisory Council for
tant organization, LTTE, in those
days ̶ only sometimes caving and
attacks in the College, Class Agent
International Vice‑Chair,
naively requesting that my driver Sri Lanka. Regional ARC Chair and
avoid buses, a futile request on Class Correspondent.
crowded Sri Lankan roads. My hus‑
band worked in the capital, at hardest parts for me. My first expe‑
Colomboʼs World Trade Center; the rience with terrorism was when I
eerie similarity in name with NYCʼs was a Columbia College senior; I
World Trade Center used to haunt distinctly remember being in my
me. Broadway dorm room when my
It is still hard for me to reconcile parents called me, completely dis‑
the peaceful nature of this predom‑ traught. I rushed to the common
inantly Buddhist country with its room to watch the news with my
violent history, because I really did floormates, all of us huddled
not live through it for very long. around the screen watching the
Within a year of moving, the civil towers fall. All of it seemed surreal
war was suddenly over. The emo‑ and incomprehensible to me at the
tional scars remain for those who age of 20. My children are, unfor‑
did live through it, but the physical tunately, having to grapple with it
reminders of the war were gone ̶ at the tender ages of 5 and 7.
no more checkpoints and no more They have, until this point, only
rifles. seen the seemingly happy co‑exist‑
Slowly, Sri Lanka began to be ing of faiths. In my home, when
unearthed as the hidden gem that one accounts for my household
it was. Instead of having to implore staff, we have all four of the major
friends to visit me, Sri Lanka was religions of Sri Lanka living happi‑
appearing on all sorts of travel hot ly under one roof, my own little
lists, including T he New York melting pot.
Times, Condé Nast Traveler and Speaking of melting pots, I have
Lonely Planet. Sri Lanka was final‑ never been prouder to be an
ly having its long overdue moment American citizen. Since the attacks
and tourists were pouring in. first unfolded, our American
Pristine beaches, breathtaking Embassy has been available to all
safaris, lush tea country, cultural of those directly af fected and to
and religious treasures ̶ so many those of us simply seeking infor‑
experiences, all wrapped into one mation. News alerts have been
small teardrop‑shaped island. informative, accurate and consis‑
After 10 years of this fanfare, we tent; everyone I meet seems to
are back to the tears. Tears shed want to know what the American
for more than 250 innocent lives alert level is. We hope that the FBI
lost due to terrorism, again. It and other American agencies here
could have been me and my family helping with the investigation will
at those brunches ̶ those were be able to assist in finding the per‑
hotels that we frequented ̶ or any petrators of these heinous attacks
of my Christian friends at those so we can begin to rebuild ... again.
churches. Back are the security Sri Lanka is bleeding, but if it can
checkpoints, back are the guns and emerge after 30 years of war, it
back are the curfews. Imagine, for will most certainly rise again, safer
an American, to be told that you and stronger. America, the country
cannot leave the house until cur‑ of my birth, did after 9‑11, as did
fews have been lifted. I could not India, the country of my familyʼs
access Facebook or WhatsApp, my origin, after 26/11 [the 2008
primary methods of communica‑ Mumbai attacks]. Once the dust
tion with my loved ones. The limi‑ settles and the path to reconcilia‑
tations on personal freedoms have tion recommences, I invite all of
been a lot to digest, but something you to visit our beautiful paradise
I accept, considering the intent. island, the country that has my
My childrenʼs school will remain heart.
closed indefinitely. Answering my Reprinted with permission from
sonsʼ questions has been one of the Columbia College Today.
22 May 18-24, 2019 SUBCONTINENT
Trade row: Trump, Xi fleeing India
in larger
likely to meet next month numbers: Report
Washington: US President Hours after Liu le ft New Delhi: All the chest thumping over a big
Donald Trump and his Washington, Trump leap forward in the ease of doing business index
Chinese counterpart Xi announced that he had and the tag of the world's fastest growing econo‑
Jinping are likely to meet in ordered US Trade my in the world may not be of much worth, as a
Japan next month during Representat ive Robert new report suggests that Indians who have the
the G20 economic summit Lighthizer to draw up plans to means to quit the country are doing so and in
amid rising trade tensions extend tariffs to an additional increasing numbers.
between the world's two $300 million worth of Chinese India saw the third highest outflow of wealthy
largest economies, a senior imports. individuals last year. Nearly 5,000 millionaires,
White House of ficial has Kudlow said Sunday that or high‑net‑worth individuals (HNWIs), left the
said. while there were "no concrete, country, which is 2 per cent of the total number
There is a "strong possi‑ definite plans" for the resump‑ of HNWIs in India, says the Global Wealth
bility" that the two presi‑ t ion of discussions, the Migration Review (GWMR) 2019 by AfrAsia
dents will hold talks on the Chinese have invited Mnuchin Bank and research firm New World Wealth.
sidelines of the conference and Lighthizer to Beijing. The net outflow of HNWIs that India saw in
in Osaka, Efe news quoted "T he talks will continue," 2018, was even faster than the UK, which is in
White House chief econom‑ Kudlow told Fox's Chris the middle of a political turmoil owing to Brexit.
ic advisor Larry Kudlow as Wallace. "I will say this: There For the migrating millionaires, the US and
saying during a TV pro‑ is a G20 meet ing in Japan Australia topped the list of the most sought after
gram on Fox News. toward the end of June next country destinations.
Negotiators failed last month and the chances that Nevertheless, India's total wealth is set to grow
week to reach an agree‑ President Trump and at a handsome rate in the next 10 years. The
ment to end the trade war President Xi will get together GWMR notes that India will outperform the UK
Negotiators failed last week to reach an agreement to end the
that began in 2018 with trade war that began in 2018. at that meet ing are pretty and Germany in terms of wealth generation to
Trump's decision to impose good." become the fourth largest wealth market in the
a 10 percent tarif f on $200 Premier Liu He, the leader of deeply regrets that it will have The Trump administration world by 2028.
billion worth of goods from the delegation that traveled to take necessary countermea‑ increased the tarif fs because Among the cities which will drive this growth
China, which retaliated with from Beijing to Washington for sures," the Chinese govern‑ Beijing was resisting the idea in the next 10 years are Delhi, Bangalore and
levies on $60 billion worth of the two‑day round. ment said in a statement after of enshrining in Chinese law Hyderabad. Delhi would do so on the back of its
US products. At 12.01 am last Friday, the higher tariffs took effect. some of the concessions well‑diversified economy and strength in a num‑
"T here were constructive between the first and second Though both sides spoke of Beijing has of fered, such as ber of key sectors, Bangalore on its prowess in
conversations," US Treasury sessions of those talks, the US their readiness to continue the measures to respect the intel‑ the fields of IT and R&D, and Hyderabad on the
Secretary Steve Mnuchin told raised the tarif fs on af fected negot iat ions, Mnuchin lectual property of US firms base of its being the "Pharmaceutical Capital of
reporters last Friday as his bid Chinese imports from 10 per acknowledged Friday that no operating in China, the White India" and its many special economic zones, the
farewe ll to Chinese Vice cent to 25 per cent. "China further talks were scheduled. House adviser said. report said.
tudents will soon be able edge systems. On April 5, in the new subjects and then global average of 35 percent. ness is st ill far from being
to pursue higher education Chancellor Mridula Sinha assent‑ expand by of fering MPhil and The U.S. trailed only Greece (59 understoo d, but this report
programs of fered by Goa ed to the formation of four schools doctoral degrees in Sanskrit and percent), the Philippines (58 gives global thinkers an idea of
University in ancient Indian under the university, of which the Indic knowledge systems. percent) and Tanzania (57 per‑ who is living the best and worst
knowledge systems like vaastu School of Sanskrit and Indic T he late Goa chie f minister cent) on the stress table and is lives in the world," wrote Jon
shastra (architectural design ) and knowledge systems is one. Under Manohar Parrikar had first prom‑ tied with Iran, Albania and Sri Clifton, Gallup's global manag‑
jyotish shastra (astrology), as also the school, programmes will also ised to set up a Sanskrit Lanka at 55 percent. The poll ing partner in a preface to the
take up study of the ancient be offered in the ancient texts like Mahavidyalaya to promote educa‑ also reported that 45 percent of report.
Indian languages of Sanskrit, Pali manuscriptology, and Vedic and tion in classical Indian languages
and Prakrit. puranic knowledge, practices like in his 2014 budget and repeated
T he courses are expected to
begin from the academic year
yoga and panchkarma, and classi‑
cal Indian philosophy, literature,
the promise in the subsequent
budget speeches. “The Sanskrit Shun these 4 triggers to
2019‑2020, making Goa universi‑ poetics, grammatics and computa‑ language and yoga have been pil‑
ty rare among varsities to of fer
higher education in Indic knowl‑
tional linguistics. The university
plans to offer a masters program
lars of Indian culture and educa‑
tion,” Parrikar had said.
limit smartphone addiction
esearchers have decoded
personal encounter with the “Although modern Western medi‑ cupied moments, like waiting for a
“ultimate reality” or God̶ cine doesnʼt typically consider ʻspir‑ friend to show up; before or during
spontaneous or under the itualʼ or ʻreligiousʼ experiences as tedious and repetitive tasks; when
influence of a psychedelic drug̶ one of the tools in the arsenal in socially awkward situations and
can bring positive changes in psy‑ against sickness, our findings sug‑ when people anticipate getting a
chological health even decades gest that these encounters often message or notification. that teens use their phones the
after the initial experience, says an lead to improvements in mental "For a couple of years, I've been same way adults do. But I think
interesting study. health,” he argued. looking at people's experiences this compulsive itch to turn back
In a survey of thousands of peo‑ The researchers say a majority of with smartphones and listening to to your phone plays out the same
ple who reported having experi‑ experiences may have healing prop‑ respondents attributed lasting posi‑ them talk about their frustration way across all these groups,"
enced personal encounters with erties. tive changes in their psychological with the way they engage with Hiniker noted.
God, researchers from Johns “Experiences that people describe health̶life satisfaction, purpose their phones," said study co‑author To the team, the finding pointed
Hopkins University report that as encounters with God or a repre‑ and meaning̶even decades after Alexis Hiniker, Assistant Professor to a more nuanced idea behind
more than two‑thirds of self‑identi‑ sentative of God have been reported their initial experience. at the University of Washington's people's relationships to their
fied atheists shed that label after for thousands of years, and they For the new study, the scientists Information School. phones.
their encounter, regardless of likely form the basis of many of the used data from 4,285 people world‑ "But on the flip side, when we "If the phone weren't valuable at
whether it was spontaneous or worldʼs re ligions,” said lead wide who responded to online ask people what they find mean‑ all, then sure, the lockout mecha‑
while taking a psychedelic. researcher Roland Griffiths, profes‑ advertisements to complete one of ingful about their phone use, nism would work great. We could
The findings, described in a paper sor of psychiatry and behavioral sci‑ two 50‑minute online surveys nobody says, ʻOh, nothingʼ.” just stop having phones, and the
in the journal PLOS ONE, add to evi‑ ences at Johns Hopkinsʼ School of about God encounter experiences. Researchers conducted in‑depth problem would be solved," Hiniker
dence that such deeply meaningful Medicine. ‑IANS interviews to learn why people said. "But that's not really the
compulsively check our phones. case".
US stores install cameras that guess people's shopping habits They found a series of triggers,
common across age groups, that
Instead, the researchers saw that
participants found meaning in a
wo US retailers are testing agency reported. The cameras guess Washington. Instead of using usual start and end habitual smartphone diverse set of experiences, particu‑
cameras that could guess peo‑ a shopper's age and gender, but the clear glass doors that allow cus‑ use. The team also explored user‑ larly when apps let them connect
ple's age, sex or mood to deter‑ information is anonymous and the tomers to see inside, the retailer put generated solutions to end unde‑ to the real world.
mine their buying habits. Grocery data is not being stored, Kroger said. video screens that display ads along sirable phone use. These were: Hiniker recommends that next
store chain Kroger is testing cameras If the tests work out well, the compa‑ with the cooler's contents. This new Competing demands from the real wave smartphone designers shift
embedded in a price sign above ny said it could expand it into other technology, which could help physical world, like meeting up with a away from system‑wide lockout
shelves in two stores on the outskirts locations. stores to better compete with online friend or needing to drive some‑ mechanisms. Instead, apps should
of Cincinnati and Seattle. Video Drugstore chain Walgreens rivals like Amazon, has raised con‑ where; realizing they had been on let users be in control of their own
screens attached to the shelves can installed cooler doors with cameras cerns over privacy as people may not their phone for half an hour and engagement and people should
play real‑time ads and show dis‑ and sensors at six locations including realize that they are being watched coming across content they'd decide whether an app is worth
counts to shoppers, Xinhua news New York, San Francisco and while picking their groceries. already seen. "This doesn't mean their time. IMMIGRATION May 18-24, 2019 27
U.S. for tourism purposes. Some
qualifying tourism purposes will join the B‑2 visa holder to
include: the U.S. must apply separately
4 Vacation; for their own B‑2 visa.
4 Visiting family and friends; This is the appropriate visa for
4 Enrolling in a short recre‑ most, short term, visitors to the
ational course of study such United States for pleasure and it
as a two‑day cooking class; is a convenient way to come
4 Participating in a musical,
Am I Eligible quickly to the US. For more infor‑
sports, or similar event if not for a B‑1 Visa? mation to see whether the B‑2
being paid for participation; visitor visa is right for you or
In order to be eligible for a B‑2
4 Medical treatment; or your family or friends you should
visa an individual must meet the The steps of the application 2 nonimmigrants, spouse and
4 Tourism contact an experienced immigra‑
following criteria: process for a B‑2 visa vary children under the age of 21, are
Travel activities not allowed to tion attorney with consular expe‑
4 The visit must be for a legit‑ depending at which U.S. Embassy not allowed to obtain a depend‑
take part in on a B‑2 visa: rience.
imate visitor purpose; or Consulate you apply at. It is
4 Employment, whether paid
4 The trip must be for a spe‑ recommended that applicants
or unpaid; Dev Banad Viswanath is the Principal Attorney of
cific limited period of time; NOT make firm travel plans to
4 Receive education which The Banad Law Offices PC in the United States,
4 You must be able to finan‑ visit the US until they have their
credits to a degree or diplo‑ and Banad Immigration in India for which
cially fund the trip and stay B‑2 Visitor Visa in hand after Attorney Michael Phulwani is also affiliated as Of
on your own; interview and approval. Counsel. With Offices in Manhattan, Queens,
4 Arrive in the U.S. as a part
4 You can show proof that Under a B‑2 visa an individual Bangalore, and Mumbai, the firm is able to assist
of a crew of a ship or an air‑
you have a residence out‑ may stay in the U.S. between one clients with all facets of the immigration process,
side of the U.S. and you and six months, six months being including Employment Visas, Consular Visa
4 Work as a journalist, for‑
have an intention of return‑ the maximum. After the initial Assistance, Student Visas, Removal &
eign press, or other infor‑
ing at the end of the visit; period of stay ends, an extension Deportation, US Citizenship and Green Card
mation media;
and Applications based on Family or Employment.
4 Perform before a paying of stay may be granted for up to
4 You donʼt have any other Dev B. Viswanath can be reached at
audience; an additional six months. The
restrictions that would not and 718‑361‑5999.
4 Manage a business located maximum total amount of time
allow you to be admitted in He will be in India from April 21 through
in the U.S; or permitted in B‑2 status on a sin‑ May 10 and able to meet people for
to the U.S. such as an arrest gle trip is one year, with limited
4 Permanent residence in personal consultations.
or previous visa violation. exceptions. Any dependents of B‑
the U.S.
Unseasonal rain damages
No "large" structural damage to
Hyderabad's iconic Charminar
Hyderabad: Konark Sun Temple after cyclone: ASI
Charminar, the sym‑ Puri: A team of senior officials from
bol of Hyderabad, the Archaeological Survey of India
has suffered damage (ASI) on Friday reported no "large"
as a piece of lime structural damage to the Konark Sun
stucco work on one Temple in the cyclone‑ravaged
of its minarets fell Odisha, and that it would open to the
down following public in "2‑3 days".
unseasonal rains. On request of the state govern‑
A portion of the ment, the ASI was sent to assess the
stucco work quantum of structural damages to
detached from the the Jagannath Temple in Puri and
granite slab on the the Sun Temple in Konark in wake of
minaret facing Mecca Cyclone 'Fani'.
Masjid side and fell "The team observed that by and
off late on large, there is no structural damage
Wednesday, sending to the monument. There is some dis‑
panic among the peo‑ location in the scaffolding provided
ple around the mon‑ for chemical cleaning at upper level
ument. which is being set right. The ASI sent a team to assess the quantum of structural
Police cordoned off "More than 200 trees have been damages to the Jagannath Temple in Puri and the
the area where the damaged which are being cleared. Sun Temple in Konark in the wake of Cyclone 'Fani'.
debris fell. A large The electric and illumination system
number of onlookers Director General Usha Sharma, Archaeologist of ASI Bhubaneswar
including internet access has gone
gathered near the accompanied by a team of senior Circle inspected the monuments and
out of order, restoration of which
monument. of ficials, is assessing the damages "found no major damage to the
will take some time," the ASI said in
The Archaeological caused to the heritage temples by structure of the temple".
a statement.
Survey of India (ASI) Charminar was built in 1591 by the cyclone. The state government had sought
It also said that the heritage tem‑
had undertaken restoration work Mohammed Quli Qutb Shah, the The ASI is also visiting Jagannath direction to the ASI for deputing a
ple will be opened to the public in
on the monument sometime back. fifth king of the Qutb Shahi dynasty. Temple at Puri to assess the damage. high level team to assess damage
next 2‑3 days. "The monument will
While the incidents of lime plasters The 428‑year‑old edifice, stands It will suggest restoration exercise and implement remedial measures
be restored to normal within about a
peeling off are not new, the latest at a staggering 160 feet from needed for the monuments and the ahead of important cultural event of
damage raised new concerns about ground level. It has four minarets surrounding areas. Rath Yatra in Puri, which is slated
The Union Culture Ministry on
the safety of the iconic structure. after which it is named. Earlier, the Superintending for July 4.
Friday said in a tweet that ASI
28 May 18-24, 2019 HUMOR
PAKISTAN audience?
It turns out that it is indeed possible, as
mals through positive reinforcement. After
performing a task, the animals hear a click
long as chickens are given an opportunity to and then receive a reward, such as a morsel of
learn music at an early age. Jokgu, a two‑year‑ food.
New York Head Quarter old chicken of the Buff Brahma Bantam breed, “Because you can click faster than give a
422‑S Broadway lives in a Maryland coop that is well‑stocked reward, they immediately associate the click
with toy musical instruments, such as a key‑ with the wanted behavior which then leads to
board, drums and xylophone. Some of the reward,” Myers said.
NY 11801 chickens in the coop have even formed a This is exactly how my wife trained me to
band. Tour dates will be announced soon. do the laundry. Every time I put clothes in the
516‑827‑1010 Perhaps theyʼll even make a trip to India, like washing machine, she made a clicking sound
Justin Bieber did recently. and handed me a reward: the TV remote.
Jokgu, in case youʼre wondering, didnʼt Jokgu is obviously a talented chicken, but I
learn to play “America the Beautiful” all by canʼt help feeling a little sorry for her.
herself, although she did come up with a tune Perhaps I misread her body language on
called “America the Wormful.” Americaʼs Got Talent, but I donʼt think she
really wants to be a celebrity. I donʼt think she
wants to pose for selfies with all her fans. I
Laughter is the Best Medicine donʼt think she wants to learn how to write
autographs. And most of all, I donʼt think she
wants to go on a concert tour.
Chickens, in general, do not like to travel,
whether itʼs in the cargo hold of a plane or on
a tour bus. Theyʼre especially leery about per‑
forming at venues that serve food. Imagine
By Mahendra being on stage, trying your best to entertain
Shah everyone with your musical talent, and some
rude person in the audience is eating fried
chicken. Itʼs just not right.
Mahendra Shah is
Whatever she does with her career, Jokgu
an architect by
should serve as an inspiration to everyone. If
a chicken can play a musical instrument, what
entrepreneur by
excuse do humans have for not even trying?
profession, artist
Jokgu shows that not only are we failing to
and humorist,
maximize our own abilities, weʼre also failing
cartoonist and
to harness the abilities of the animals around
writer by hobby. He
us. Take my dog, Legacy, for example. What
has been recording does she do at night? She sleeps. What does
the plight of the she do in the morning? She sleeps. What does
immigrant Indians she do in the afternoon? She sleeps.
for the Imagine if I could teach her to play a musi‑
past many year in cal instrument or two. Instead of sleeping all
his cartoons. Hailing day, she could entertain me.
from Gujarat, he But even if a musical instrument is too
lives in Pittsburgh, much for Legacy to learn, surely I could get
Pennsylvania. her to master the washing machine. It would
be a great service to our family – as long as
my wife doesnʼt reward Legacy with the TV
remote. ASTROLOGY May 18-24, 2019 29
f we were to look down upon this physi‑ denied to us, it is usually because we are
cal world from a high vantage point, we asking for something that is not good for
would find the light of billions of souls us ultimately.
shimmering throughout the world. Like a There have been many instances in
foaming sea, they move about from one life which people prayed to God for something,
to another, from one form of living thing to and God did not grant their wish. Later
another. All the souls, when seen in their they came to learn that receiving the wish
true perspective, are the same. They are all would not have been a good thing after all.
a part of God's consciousness; they are all Will a mother allow the child to have poi‑
Light, and they all have an innate bliss. son? The child may cry for it and throw a
But if we look at the condition of our tantrum, but if it is poison, the mother will
world, we are appalled and shocked by the not grant it. Instead the mother will give
suffering and pain each form of life is the child what is best for him or her. The
undergoing. We find strife and dissension child may not realize it at the time, but as
throughout the world. We find countries at the child grows and learns, the child is
war. Many nations are embroiled in inter‑ grateful for all the things the mother
nal conflicts. We see religious groups at denied him or her that were ultimately not
odds with each other. Community strife is good.
widespread. Even within families we find Many people are anxious about making
discord and disharmony. We find human choices. The way to be sure we make the
beings killing various forms of life, includ‑ right choices about what to pray for is to
ing other human beings. pray that God gives us what is best for us.
We wonder how there can be so much God makes no mistake. Rather than pray
pain and turmoil caused by people who for something that may or may not be the
have within them the same divinity of God. best for us, let us pray for Godʼs will for us.
This seeming "fragmentation" of God into If we relax and rest in Godʼs will, we will
so many souls was meant to bring an find that everything works out for the best
increase in the Lord's happiness. in the long run. Meditation is a process of
Just as a couple bear children to increase (Image courtesy: relaxing in Godʼs will. Meditation provides
their mutual love and joy, so did God bring a time when we can let go of all clutching
about the creation of so many souls, so
many children. Yet the result is far from MEDITATION IS A PRACTICAL METHOD IN WHICH and praying for this thing and that. It is a
time in which we sit in a state of stillness
what was intended. We who are moving
packets of bliss and all‑consciousness are
WE CAN DISCOVER OUR TRUE SELF AS SOUL AND and surrender to Godʼs will. It is a chance
to let go of all our wants and desires. We
aware of great pain and torment. ACHIEVE SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS BY merely sit in a receptive mood and ask God
If we could return to our true state and
realize we are soul, we would find lasting
REUNITING OUR SOUL WITH THE HIGHER POWER. to grant what is best for us. We will find
that God will give us much more than we
peace and ecstasy. If we could tap deeply IT IS A WAY TO DISCOVER OUR TRUE PURPOSE IN had expected.That is the secret to enlight‑
within ourselves, penetrating beyond the ened living.
outer form of this physical body and mind, LIFE AND TO REACH THE GOAL OF ENLIGHTEN‑ Through meditation, we will find the
we would find a wellspring of eternal peace
and happiness. We would discover the
MENT IN THIS LIFETIME. IN THIS WAY, WE CAN treasure of spiritual pearls to enlightened
living that will bring us peace, happiness,
secret of unity underlying this Universe. UNCOVER WHO WE REALLY ARE BAND CAN TRULY and bliss. God wants us to live in eternal