8.chapter 1
8.chapter 1
8.chapter 1
Automation has played a vital, not only in modern industrial processes, but also in
agricultural crop processing systems. It is characterized by self-acting machine and devices with
integrated control systems that are often arranged in complex industrial processes or systems.
The necessary of automation is to reduce the human effort and to save time. As the world is
emerging with various type of technology for better quality of life and efficient production of
food, automation and mechanization technology for agricultural machines are used for faster,
lesser labor agricultural production for sustainable agriculture. The agricultural industry is
already adopting the modern way of crop production and processing. One of the agricultural
crops that need modern machines for more efficient production and processing is the coconut
Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is widely cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical countries. In
the Philippines, statistics indicated that areas planted with coconut covers 3.517 M hectares
equivalent to 26% of the total agricultural land (PSA, 2015). Sixty-eight (68) out of 81 provinces
are considered coconut areas, representing 1,195 coconut municipalities. In 2015, the recorded
number of bearing trees reached 329.9 million with an average production of 14.902 billion nuts
in the last three years (PCA, 2017). Dar (2017) stated that the coconut lands host about 3.4
million farmers who are mostly below the poverty line even as coconut exports reached $2.0
billion in 2016. Coconut can be considered as one of the major crops in many provinces in the
Philippines because of its abundant supply in the market. Many surveys conducted and have
shown the entire parts of the coconut may be used for different purposes. Its fresh grated meat
has many uses to food processing and households, particularly in preparation of pastries, cakes,
production of coconut milk and oil to be used as important ingredients for many goods that can
be seen in the markets. It was revealed by Banson (1982) that the fresh grated coconut is often
Coconut is one of the most important tree crops in the tropical region of the world
securing food and shelter for millions of people. It is of economic importance, cultural
significance and many useful uses to humankind providing food, drink, fiber, wood, medicine,
energy, shelter and many more uses. It is a remarkable tree giving more than 300 products (C
Coconut milk extractor is a device to extract fresh coconut milk. The extraction of
coconut meat is usually done manually by small industries and mechanically by some medium
scale industries. The high cost of mechanical coconut extractors makes small industries turn back
to the usual manual means which is time and effort consuming and often times unsanitary
because of the direct use of hands. The existing coconut milk extractor makes use of
compression as means of extraction. The process does not efficiently extract the coconut milk
because of the difficulty of machine to compress small particles of the grated coconut. In order to
minimize the laborious involvement in the extraction of coconut milk, high cost of the devices
and energy needs hence the driving force for this research (Claudio et. al, 2007).
In current practices on the market today, to produce the coconut milk must be used two
separate machines such as coconut grater machine to get the small pieces of coconut and then use
the coconut extracting machine to get the coconut milk. Have two works must be done before
getting the coconut milk. Currently available machines are semi-automatic, time consuming and
cutting of coconut and holding them in our hands for grating is not safe. The aim of this research
is to reduce size and cost of the machine than the one which is used in this industry. Thorough
extracting methods and market studies are discussed in order to improve the design. Material
availability and fabrication utilities are considered in the machine prototype construction
Coconut milk is highly demanded especially by industry users. There are some needs to
obtain the fastest way of extracting coconut milk at rural communities. The existing traditional
way of extracting coconut milk involves a lot of process such as shredding, grating and
squeezing. It seems that, this method is time and energy consuming. Furthermore, by doing a lot
of different process, this method requires a lot of tools such as knife, grater and containers. These
tool especially the knife and grater can be harmful for users because of the sharp edges. Besides,
by having too many tools, it will make the place become messy and the user need to do a lot of
cleaning afterwards. The conventional method explained earlier requires a lot of involvement of
bare hands in the process. Hygiene factor is a main concern since the bacteria from the hands
will contaminate the milk. The bacteria will affect the quality of the milk thus making its hard to
keep the milk for a long time. The use of gloves is cleaner but this way is not practical and quite
fussy to be implemented. The traditional method of coconut milk extraction is associated with
numerous problems, such as, time consuming, tediousness and unhygienic products (Claudio et
al, 2007).
In line with these problems and citations, the researchers proposed a design and
innovation of an automated coconut grater with milk extractor machine that will improve the
quality and quantity of coconut milk production. The proposed automated coconut grater with
milk extractor machine is designed in such a way that it is easy, safe and quick to grate and
extract coconuts. In this research the study will be conduct in mechanical mechanism area and
electrical mechanism. The materials that will use in this research are fully stainless steel as
required for food industry and the target market for this product is the Small and Medium
The design could help the society in a better way by reducing the time and by increasing
the safety of people. This research was therefore carried out to design, innovate and test the
Automated Coconut Grater with Milk Extractor Machine for coconut milk production in the
The Automated Coconut Grater with Milk Extractor Machine seeks answers on the
following question:
What design parameters should the researchers consider to develop the Automated Coconut
What development and innovation strategy should the researchers utilize to ensure that the
What evaluation parameters should the researchers assess in order to measure the
performance and acceptability of the Automated Coconut Grater with Milk Extractor
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to come up with the Automated Coconut Grater with
Milk Extractor Machine. Here are the specific objectives of the study:
Specifically, this project aims to design and innovate an automated coconut grater with
milk extractor machine. The technologists came up to innovate the said project to help the people
in solving the coconut industry problem, which is grating and extraction of coconut meat that
usually done manually by small industries and mechanically by some medium scale industries.
To the student, the proposed study will serve as one of their reference in innovating more
machines that can truly help humankind. This study will help the students to think beyond their
capabilities that there is so much more that they can do to the existing things around them.
To the agriculture industry, this will serve as a help for faster, lesser labor agricultural
shown in Figure 1.1, Gather data, Ponder things that relevant to the existing innovations and
Tools and equipment for coconut process are the inputs. Designing, Development and
Fabrication, Assembly and Implementation and Evaluation then followed as the process while
the Integrated Coconut Extractor Processing Machine are identified as the outputs.
The scope and limitation of this study is only applied to a specific good which is the
coconut. The study will focused on coconut production processes through a conventional
integrated machine. As mentioned in the background of the research, the current conventional
coconut machine has not yet stretched and is only limited to two processes, namely; grating and
extracting. The study will add up a new process and then integrated to the current researches
which are vital for research innovation and essential for time and energy convenience.
The scope of the study will revolved around cutting, grating and extracting the coconut
from a conventional machine. It is bounded within the factor of coconut sizes and the grater
The study is limited to coconut sizes ranging from 4.5 inches to 5 inches diameter only.
Automation - the creation of technology and its application in order to control and
monitor the production and delivery of various goods and services. It performs tasks that
such as manufacturing, transport, utilities, defense, facilities, and operations and lately,
information technology reprogrammed while the computer is in use, the life of the
design consideration.
Mechanization – is the process of changing from working largely or exclusively by hand
or animals to doing that work with machinery. In some fields, mechanization includes the
Grater – is a kitchen tool which has a rough surface that you use for cutting food into
very small pieces. This a native traditional implement used for scraping the tough
coconut flesh off its shell. The blade is attached to the end of a wooden bench on which
Stainless Steel/Plate - A type of metal product that is more resistant to rust, staining and
corrosion than regular steel. It is an alloy of iron and carbon. Stainless steel/plate is
versatile and used in a variety of application. It is primarily selected for its resistance to
Innovation – its modern meaning is a new idea, creative thoughts, and new imaginations
in form of device or method. Innovation is often also viewed as the application of better
solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs. Such