LeppertCV 042018
LeppertCV 042018
LeppertCV 042018
Post-docs (2) – Lilian Davila (7/6 – 6/8, UC Merced, Asst. Prof., Engineering, UCM), Jacek
Jasinski (3/4 – 6/8, UC Merced, Materials Characterization Theme Leader, Center for
Renewable Energy, U. Louisville)
Graduate (7) – Kennedy Nguyen (M.S. UC Merced 2016 “Speciation and Health Risks of
Atmospheric Nanoparticles”, UC Merced), Aaron Cowles (M.S. UC Merced 2015, Avogy),
Kevin Mercurio (M.S. UC Merced 2014 “Guiding Cell Behavior in 2D, 3D, and Dynamic
Environments”, Northrup-Grumann), Gayatri Premshekharan (Ph.D. UC Merced 2012
“Inflammatory mechanism induced by natural and engineered silica particles in human-derived
macrophages at low non-cytotoxic doses”, Post-doctoral Researcher, UCSF), Ashley Harvey
(Ph.D. UC Davis 2005 “Synthesis and atomic-level characterization of rare earth oxide
nanoparticles with EELS and XAS”, Quallion), Rebecca Chacon (M.S. UC Davis 2004
“Characterization of electrochemically deposited PbTe thermoelectric nanowires”, Intel), Geoff
McCool (M.S. UC Davis 2004 “Synthesis and characterization of sulfide and selenide
nanoparticles”, Nanostellar)
Undergraduate (37) – UC Merced: Paul Sherrill, Ben Sherrill, Anthony Hayes, Ryan Dewitt, Kip
Hensley, Nathan Graves, Matthew Nelson, Cameron Hoyle, Brian Kelley, Anita Ghia, Jaime
Mendez, Mario Tirado, Kwyn Meagher, Jacob Peterson, Jose Mendez, Kevin Mercurio, Heather
Jackson, Alex Yuen, Deborah Corvaglia, David Maginetti, Ariel Parker, Michael Urner, Shelby
Skelton, Omee Herr, Joseph Silva, Moses Chun, Ian Ojeda-Vasquez, Matthew Robinson,
Maeve O’Brien, Salvador Padilla, Annaliza Torres
UC Davis: Christina Zhang, Bridget Bonner, John Tseng, Cameron Shelton, Derek Shon, Jack
UC Merced: PhD - Rob Root, Emily Reed (Chair), Alicia Blancas (Chair), Gayatri
Premshekharan, Miguel Diaz, Tessa Pinon, Silin Sa (Chair), Anley Tefera, Jasmine Armstrong;;
MS – Anley Tefera, Theresa Stelter, Aaron Cowles (Chair), Yang Liu, Kevin Mercurio (Chair),
Kennedy Nguyen (Chair), Erin Ray
UC Davis: PhD - Kathy Pettigrew, Jill Johnson, Ivy Chu, Lia Stanciu, Joseph Woolman, Dan
Hewitt, Robert Wright, Erik Woodbury
2018 Outstanding Woman Faculty Award, Women’s Programs, UC Merced
2017 Selected Participant, Kinetic Keynote Speaker, National Academies Keck Futures
Initiative Workshop – Beyond Boundaries: 15 Years of Exploring Intersections in
Science, Engineering and Medicine, Irvine, CA
2017 Participant, National Academy of Engineering 3rd Global Grand Challenges Summit,
Washington, DC
2015 Invited Participant, National Academics Workshop on Integrating the Arts and
Humanities into Science, Engineering and Medicine, Washington, DC
2015 Selected Participant, National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Workshop – Art,
Science, Engineering and Medicine Frontier Collaborations: Ideation, Translation and
Realization. Irvine, CA
2015 Participant, National Academy of Engineering 2nd Global Grand Challenges Summit,
Beijing, China
2014 Selected Participant, Executive Leadership Academy: “Ten Years From Now: Leading
In a Multicultural Environment”, Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley
2013 Dr. Fred Spiess Award for Distinguished Senate Service, UC Merced
2008 Invited Participant, National Academy of Engineering Japan-America Frontiers of
Engineering Symposium, Kobe, Japan
2008 Invited Participant, “Senior TechLeaders: Leadership, the Final Frontier”, Anita Borg
Institute 2008 Senior TechLeaders Workshop, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia
2005 Research Fellowship, International Center for Young Scientists, Japan National Institute
for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan
2004 Invited Participant, National Academy of Engineering 10th Annual Symposium on
Frontiers of Engineering, Irvine, CA
2003 Finalist, UC Davis Academic Federation Award for Excellence in Research
2002 NSF Advance Fellows Award “Electron Microscopy of Nanomaterials”
1992 Alpha Sigma Mu - National Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Honor Society
1987 Graduation with Distinction in Chemistry, SSU
- Materials Research Society
- American Chemical Society
- American Society of Engineering Education
1. F. Xiong, Y.Y. Wang, V. Leppert and R.P.H. Chang, Pulsed Laser Deposition of Amorphous
Diamond-like Carbon Films with ArF (193 nm) Excimer Laser at Room Temperature, J.
Mater. Res. 8, 2265 (1993)
2. C. Jelen, S. Charriere, M. Razeghi, V. Leppert, R.P. Van Duyne and R.P.H. Chang, Growth
of InSb/GaAs Layers on YIG-Coated GGG Substrate, in Symposium D: Semiconductor
Heterostructures for Photonic and Electronic Applications, edited by Derek C. Houghton,
Charles W. Wu, and Raymond T. Tung (Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. 281) Warrendale, PA, 381
3. S. Mahamuni, B.S. Bendre, V.J. Leppert, C.A. Smith, D. Cooke, S.H. Risbud and H.W.H.
Lee, ZnO Nanoparticles Embedded in Polymeric Matrices, Nanostructured Materials 7, 659
4. T.J. Goodwin, V.J. Leppert, C.A. Smith, S.H. Risbud, M. Niemeyer, P.P. Power, H.W.H. Lee
and L.W. Hrubesh, Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Gallium Nitride in Silica Aerogels, Appl.
Phys. Lett. 69, 3230 (1996)
5. V.J. Leppert, S.H. Risbud and M.J. Fendorf, High-Resolution Electron Microscopy and
Microanalysis of ZnSe Quantum Dots in Glass Matrices, Phil. Mag. Lett. 75, 29 (1997)
6. T.J. Goodwin, V.J. Leppert, S.H. Risbud, I.M. Kennedy and H.W.H. Lee, Synthesis of
Gallium Nitride Quantum Dots Through Reactive Laser Ablation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 3122
7. A. Navrotsky, S.H. Risbud, J.J. Liang and V.J. Leppert, Thermochemical Insights Into Rapid
Solid-State Reaction Synthesis of Beta-SiAlON, J. of Phys. Chem. 101, 9433 (1997)
8. N. Kumbhojkar, S. Mahamuni, V. Leppert and S.H. Risbud, Quantum Confinement Effects in
Chemically Grown, Stable ZnSe Nanoclusters, NanoStruct. Mat. 10, 117 (1998)
9. S. Guha, V.J. Leppert, S.H. Risbud and I. Kang, Observation of Excitonic States in PbSe
Nanocrystals, Solid State Commun. 105, 695 (1998)
10. V.J. Leppert, S. Mahamuni, N.R. Kumbhojkar and S.H. Risbud, Structural and Optical
Characteristics of ZnSe Nanocrystals Synthesized in the Presence of a Polymer Capping
Agent, Mat. Sci. and Eng. B 52, 89 (1998)
11. V.J. Leppert, C.J. Zhang, H.W.H Lee, I.M. Kennedy and S.H. Risbud, Observation of
Quantum Confined Excited States of GaN Nanocrystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 3035 (1998)
12. S. Guha, V.J. Leppert and S.H. Risbud, Identification of the Electronic States of Se2`
Molecules Embedded in Borosilicate Glasses and in Se-Based Nanometer Sized Crystals, J.
of Non-Cryst. Sol. 240, 43 (1998)
13. S.H. Risbud and V.J. Leppert, Nanometer Characterization of Rapidly Densified Ceramics
and Glass-Semiconductor Composites, in Ceramic Microstructures: Control at the Atomic
Level, edited by Antoni P. Tomsia and Andreas M. Glaeser, Springer Publishing Company,
New York, NY, pp. 199-207, (1998)
14. S. Mahamuni, K. Borgohain, B.S. Bendre, V.J. Leppert and S.H. Risbud, Spectroscopic and
Structural Characterization of Electrochemically Grown ZnO Quantum Dots, J. Appl. Phys.
85, 2861 (1999)
15. Y. Yang, V.J. Leppert, S.H. Risbud, B. Twamley, P.P. Power and H.W.H. Lee, Blue
Luminescence from Amorphous GaN Nanoparticles Synthesized In Situ in a Polymer, Appl.
Phys. Lett. 74, 2262 (1999)
16. C.A. Smith, H.W.H. Lee, V.J. Leppert, and S.H. Risbud, Ultraviolet-Blue Emission and
Electron-Hole States in ZnSe Quantum Dots, Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 1688 (1999)
17. J. Liang, A. Navrotsky, V.J. Leppert, M.J. Paskowitz, S.H. Risbud, T. Ludwig, H.J. Seifert, F.
Aldinger and M. Mitomo, Thermochemistry of Beta-SiAlON (Si6-ZAlZOZN8-Z, Z= 0-3.6)
Materials, J. Mat. Res. 14, 4630 (1999)
18. J.C. Ostrowski, A.K. Murali, D.J. Duval, V.J. Leppert and S.H. Risbud, Processing of GaN
Powders Suspended in a Silica Sol-Gel, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical
Society 217, U492, (1999)
19. H.W.H. Lee, C.A. Smith, V.J. Leppert and S.H. Risbud, Quantum Confined Electron-Hole
States in ZnSe Quantum Dots, in Semiconductor Quantum Dots, edited by S.S. Moss, D. Ila,
H.W.H. Lee and D.J. Norris, (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 571), Warrendale, PA, 259
20. I. Molodetsky, A. Navrotsky, M. Paskowitz, V. Leppert and S. Risbud, Energetics of X-ray
Amorphous Zirconia and the Role of Surface Energy in its Formation, J. of Non-Cryst. Sol.
262, 106 (2000)
21. Y. Yang, C. Tran, V. Leppert and S.H. Risbud, From Ga(NO3)3 to Nanocrystalline GaN:
Confined Nanocrystal Synthesis Inside Silica Xerogels, Mat. Lett. 43, 240 (2000)
22. A.K. Murali, V.J. Leppert and S.H. Risbud, Gallium Nitride Quantum Dots in a Silica Xerogel
Matrix. Mat. Sci. and Eng. B 76, 206 (2000)
23. M.R. Ranade, F. Tessier, A. Navrotsky, V.J. Leppert, S.H. Risbud, F.J. DiSalvo and C.M.
Balkas, Enthalpy of Formation of Gallium Nitride, J. of Phys. Chem. B 104, 4060 (2000)
24. B.R. Madewell, S.M. Griffey, M.C. McEntee, V.J. Leppert and R.J. Munn, Feline Vaccine-
Associated Fibrosarcoma: An Ultrastructural Study of 20 Tumors (1996-1999), Vet. Path.
38, 196 (2001) - cover article
25. A. Murali, A. Barve, V.J. Leppert, S.H. Risbud, I.M. Kennedy and H.W.H. Lee, Synthesis and
Characterization of Indium Oxide Nanoparticles, Nano. Lett. 1, 287 (2001)
26. V.J. Leppert, A.K. Murali, S.H. Risbud, M. Stender, P.P. Power, C. Nelson, P. Banerjee, and
A.M. Mayes, High-Resolution Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis of Ordered Arrays of
Size-Controlled Amorphous Gallium Nitride Nanoparticles Synthesized In-situ in a Block
Copolymer Matrix, Phil. Mag. B 82, 1047 (2002)
27. V.J. Leppert, A.S. Harvey, G.D. McCool, F.T. Quinlan, J. Feng, G. Shan, P. Stroeve, S.H.
Risbud, B.D. Hammock, and I.M. Kennedy, Long-wavelength-emitting nanocrystals for
bioassay applications, in Nanoscale Optics and Applications, edited by G. Cao, W.P. Kirk
(SPIE Proceedings 4809), Bellingham, WA, pp.110-121 (2002)
28. L.P. Davila, V.J. Leppert, and S.H. Risbud, Microstructure and Microchemistry of Silicon
Particles Formed During Electrical-Discharge Machining, J. of Mat. Sci. – Mat. in Elect. 14,
507 (2003)
29. Y.M. Zhou, C.Y. Zhong, I.M. Kennedy, V.J. Leppert, and K.E. Pinkerton, Oxidative Stress
and NFKB Activation in the Lungs of Rats: A Synergistic Interaction Between Soot and Iron
Particles, Toxic. and Appl. Pharm. 190, 157 (2003)
30. Y.M. Zhou, A. Aust, I.M. Kennedy, V.J. Leppert, S.V. Teague, and K.E. Pinkerton, Reduced
Lung Cell Proliferation Following Short-Term Exposure to Ultrafine Soot and Iron Particles in
Neonatal Rats: Key to Impaired Lung Growth?, Inhal. Toxic.16, 1 (2004)
31. J. Jasinski, I.M. Kennedy, K.E. Pinkerton, and V.J. Leppert, Surface Oxidation State of
Combustion-Synthesized g-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Determined by Electron Energy-Loss
Spectroscopy in the Transmission Electron Microscope, Sensors and Actuators B: Chem.
109, 19 (2005)
32. V.J. Leppert, J. Jasinski, and K.E. Pinkerton, Surface Chemistry of Combustion-Synthesized
Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Determined by Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy, in Electron
Microscopy of Molecular and Atom-Scale Mechanical Behavior, Chemistry and Structure,
edited by David C. Martin, David A. Muller, Paul A. Midgley, and Eric A. Stach (Mater. Res.
Soc. Symp. Proc. 839), Warrendale, PA, P2.7, (2005)
33. A. Harvey, B. Guo, I. Kennedy, S. Risbud, and V. Leppert, A Systematic Study of the
Oxygen K-edge in the Cubic and Less Common Monoclinic Phases of the Rare Earth
Oxides (Ho, Er, Tm, Yb) by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, J. of Phys. Cond. Mat. 18,
1 (2006)
34. S.C. Mui, J. Jasinski, V.J. Leppert, M. Mitomi, D.R. Sadoway, and A.M. Mayes,
Microstructure Effects on the Electrochemical Kinetics of Vanadium Pentoxide Thin-Film
Cathodes J. Electrochem. Soc. 153, A1372 (2006)
35. J. Jasinski, I.M. Kennedy, K.E. Pinkerton, and V.J. Leppert, Spatially-Resolved Electron
Energy-Loss Spectroscopy Studies of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, Microsc. Microanal. 12 ,
424 (2006)
36. J. Jasinski, V. J. Leppert, Si-Ty Lam, G. A. Gibson, K. Nauka, C. C. Yang, Zhang-Lin Zhou,
Rapid Oxidation of InP Nanoparticles in Air, Solid State Comm. 141, 624 (2007)
37. S. Newsam, E. Pernice, J. Jasinski, V. Leppert, Using Transmission Electron Microscopy to
Quantify the Spatial Distribution of Nanoparticles Suspended in a Film, in Computational
Imaging V, edited by C.A. Bouman, E.L. Miller, and I. Pollak (SPIE Proceedings 6498),
Bellingham, WA, 649812 (2007)
38. P. Dagtepe, V. Chikan, J. Jasinski, V.J. Leppert, Quantized Growth of CdTe Quantum Dots;;
Observation of Magic Sized CdTe Quantum Dots, J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 14977 (2007)
39. J. Jasinski, V. J. Leppert, D. Zhang, J. Parra, and V. Katkanant, Application of Channeling-
Enhanced Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy for Polarity Determination in ZnO
Nanopillars, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 093104 (2008)
40. D. Zhang, J. Jasinski, M. Dunlap, M. Badal, V.J. Leppert, V. Katkanant, Synthesis and
Characterization of Silica Nanosprings by a Low Temperature Chemical Vapor Deposition,
Appl. Phys. A 92, 595 (2008)
41. N. Dahal, V. Chikan, J. Jasinski, and V.J. Leppert, Synthesis of Water Soluble Gold/Iron
Alloy Nanoparticles, Chem. Mat. 20, 6389 (2008)
42. G. Premasekharan, H.J. Forman and V.J. Leppert, Role of Surface Characteristics in the
Production of Reactive Oxygen Species by Ambient Crystalline Silica and Engineered Silica
Particles, J. Free Rad. Bio. Med. 45, S22 (2008)
43. Lilian P. Dávila, Valerie J. Leppert, Eduardo M. Bringa, The mechanical behavior and
nanostructure of silica nanowires via simulations, Scripta Materialia 60, 843-846 (2009)
44. Z.J. Jiang, V. Leppert and D.F. Kelley, Static and Dynamic Emission Quenching in
Core/Shell Nanorod Quantum Dots with Hole Acceptors, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 19161
45. G. Premasekharan, H.J. Forman, and V. Leppert, Role of Particle Surface Characteristics in
the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and Cytokines by Engineered and Ambient
Crystalline Silica, J. Free Rad. Bio. Med 47, S129 (2009)
46. G. Premasekharan, K.D. Nguyen, H.J. Forman and V. Leppert, Engineered nano- and
micron-sized silica particle-macrophage interactions: Effect of particle size and surface iron
impurities on reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation production, Abstracts of Papers
of the American Chemical Society 241, 142-COLL (2011)
47. G. Premasekharan, K. Nguyen, J. Contreras, V. Ramon, V.J. Leppert, and H.J. Forman,
Iron-mediated lipid peroxidation and lipid raft disruption in low-dose silica-induced
macrophage cytokine production, Free Rad. Bio. Med. 51, 1184 (2011)
48. K. Nguyen, G. Premasekharan, A. Yuen, H.J. Forman, and V.J. Leppert, Effect of
Engineered Solid and Mesoporous Silica Particles Physical Properties on In Vivo Toxicity, in
Symposium LL: Biomimetic Engineering of Nano- and Microparticles, edited by D. Discher
(Mater Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1357), Warrendale, PA, 1504 (2011)
49. X. Cai, H. Mirafzal, K. Nguyen, V. Leppert, and D.F. Kelley, Spectroscopy of CdTe/CdSe
Type-II Nanostructures: Morphology, Lattice Mismatch, and Band-Bowing Effects, J. Phys.
Chem. C 116, 8118 (2012)
50. R. Hatano, K. Mercurio, J.I. Luna, D.E. Glaser, V.J. Leppert, and K.E. McCloskey,
Endothelial cells derived from embryonic stem cells respond to cues from topographical
surface patterns, J. Biol. Engr. 7, 1 (2013)
51. K. Nguyen and V.J. Leppert, Analysis of Air Particulate Emissions Collected Downwind of an
Automobile Shredding Operation: Implications for the Environment and Human Health, MRS
Advances 1 (2016) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/adv.2016.520
52. H. Zhang, L. Zhou, J. Yuen, N. Birkner, V. Leppert, P.O. O’Day, H.J. Forman, Delayed Nrf2-
regulated antioxidant gene induction in response to silica nanoparticles, Free Rad. Bio. Med.
108, 311 (2017) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2017.04.002.
53. G. Premshekharan, K. Nguyen, H. Zhang, H.J. Forman, V.J. Leppert, Low Dose
Inflammatory Potential of Silica Particles in Human-Derived THP-1 Macrophage Cell Culture
Studies - Mechanism and Effects of Particle Size and Iron, Chem. Biol. Interact. 272, 160
54. K. Mercurio, W. Turner, K.E. McCloskey, V.J. Leppert, A Dynamic Rotation Device for Cell
Attachment in Circular PDMS Microchannels, Tissue Eng. Part C: Methods, submitted.
55. K. Mercurio, A. Burns, J.I Luna, K.E. McCloskey, V.J. Leppert, Crazing Pre-Stressed
Polystyrene (PSP) Sheets for Cell Culture and Biological Applications, J. of Mat. Sci. C,
56. A. Pattammattel, V.J. Leppert, H.J. Forman and P.O. O’Day, Surface Oxidation and Iron
Speciation on Carbon Nanoparticles for Realistic Environmental Nanotoxicity Assessments,
in preparation.
1. Kevin Mercurio* and Jesus Luna, UC Case No. 2012-619, Crazing Pre-Stressed polymer
sheets for Biological and Cell Culture Applications, dated March 13, 2012
2. Kevin Mercurio* and Jesus Luna, UC Case No. 2012-703, Multifunctional Cell Culture
Platform, dated April 3, 2012
3. Kevin Mercurio* and William Turner, UC Case No. 2014-561, Dynamic Rotational Device for
Biological Studies, dated December 19, 2013
NSF “ADVANCE PLAN IHE: Center for Research, Excellence and Diversity in Team Science
(CREDITS)”, $749,623, (Sub-contract from UCSB), Grant #HRD-1464064, (10/01/15 –
09/30/20). UCM PI, UC Merced
NIH “Human Models of the Nanoparticulate-Induced Inflammatory/Antioxidant Axis in Aging”,
University of Southern California Lead Institution, UC Merced Subcontract $543,343,
R01 Grant #ES023864 (02/09/2015 - 02/08/2020). UCM Co-PI, UC Merced
NIH “Human Models of the Nanoparticulate-Induced Inflammatory/Antioxidant Axis in Aging”,
$42,347 (UC Merced Budget – Subcontract from University of Southern California), R56
Grant #ES023864 (06/01/2014-5/31/2015), UCM Co-PI, UC Merced
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, for Study of SJV Air Particulates, ~10K for
graduate student (07/01/2012-06/30/2015), Characterization of San Joaquin air
particulates to guide mitigation measures. Investigator, UC Merced
NSF “ADVANCE/IT Catalyst GROW-STEM: Gaining Representation of Women (GROW) –
Systemically Transforming Excellence in Merced (STEM)”, $199,962, Grant #HRD-
1008044 (09/01/10-08/31/12). Co-PI, UC Merced
NSF IGERT: “Cellular and Molecular Mechanics and Bionanotechnology”, $450,626 UC
Merced subcontract, Grant #0965918 (08/01/10-07/31/16). Lead institution is the
University of Illinois. Funding for 2 IGERT fellows per year. UCM PI, UC Merced
NSF “Luminescent Solar Concentrators Based on Semiconductor Nanorods”, $1,318,996,
Grant #CHE-0934615 (09/01/09-08/31/14). Co-PI, UC Merced
NSF NSEC “Center Of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems” $12M to UC Berkeley, $525,000
to UC Merced, Grant #EEC-0832819 (09/01/09-08/31/14 - renewal). UCM PI, UC
NSF “Development of a Screening Tool for Nanotoxicology”, $99,923, Grant #CBET-
0854574 (07/15/09-07/14/11), PI, UC Merced
(8/01/04-7/31/06). Funded assessment of UC Merced Engineering Service Learning
program. Co-PI, UC Merced
NASA Graduate Student Research Fellowship for Rebecca Chacon, stipend support to conduct
research under my supervision, 2004, Advisor, UC Merced
NSF Engineering Projects in Community Service, competitive sub-award from Purdue
University to establish UC Merced Engineering Service Learning Program, $112K,
#DUE-0231361 (2/01/03-1/31/08). PI, UC Merced
NSF Major Research Instrumentation: "Acquisition of an Atomic Resolution TEM for
Advanced Analysis of Nanomaterials in the Environment, Agriculture and Technology",
$1.4M, #CTS-0321356, (10/01/3-9/30/06). Co-PI, UC Davis
Keck Foundation grant to Sonoma State University (alma mater) for a new microanalytical
facility to support a new engineering M.S. program, $500K (awarded 4/15/02).
Contributed microscopy expertise and coauthored proposal with Dean of Natural
Sciences Saeid Rahimi. UC Davis
NSF Advance Fellow: “Electron Microscopy of Nanomaterials”, $450K, #0137922 (4/01/02 -
3/31/06). Develop new techniques for characterization of nanomaterials. PI, UC Davis
NSF Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Team: "Applications of Semiconductor Quantum
Dots in Environmental and Cell Biology", $1M, #DBI-0102662 (7/01/01-6/31/06). Co-PI.
UC Davis
Curriculum Development, UC Merced (*led or co-led development): (1) Materials Science and
Engineering*, (2) Biological Engineering*, (3) General Education, (4) Biological Engineering and
Small-scale Technologies Graduate Emphasis, (5) Engineering Service Learning Program*.
UC Merced Courses (*led or co-led development): Core 1: The World at Home I*, Core 100:
The World at Home II*, ENGR 045: Introduction to Materials*, MSE 095: Lower Division
Undergraduate Research, ENGR 097/197 EPICS – Engineering Service Learning*, MSE 110:
Solid State Materials Properties*, MSE 113: Characterization of Materials*, MSE 195: Upper
Division Undergraduate Research, ENGR 170: Introduction to Electron Microscopy*, ENGR
170L: Introduction to Electron Microscopy Laboratory*, BEST 210: Structure and Properties of
Materials*, ENGR 270: Introduction to Electron Microscopy*, ENGR 270L: Introduction to
Electron Microscopy Laboratory*, BEST 292: Group Meeting, QSB 292: Group Meeting, BEST
293: Journal Club, BEST 295: Graduate Research.
UC Davis Courses (*led or co-led development): E-45: Structure and Properties of Materials,
EMS-230: Electron Microscopy Lecture*, EMS-230L: Laboratory for Electron Microscopy*,
EMS-232L: Laboratory for Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy*, California State
Summer School for Mathematics and Science*.
Journals: ACS Nano, Inorganic Chemistry, Scripta Materialia, The Journal of Physical
Chemistry, Tissue Engineering, Journal of Luminescence Journal of Colloid and Interface
Science, Journal of Materials, Journal of Physics A, Journal of Materials Research, Journal of
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Analyst, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Environmental
Science and Technology, Journal of Materials Research, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of
Chemical Engineers, Journal of Tissue Engineering, Crystal Growth and Design,
Ultramicroscopy, Nanotechnology, Atmospheric Environment.
Funding Agencies: National Science Foundation (Panel and Mail-In), Petroleum Research
Foundation, National Center for Electron Microscopy (LBL), Molecular Foundry (LBL), Center for
Functional Nanomaterials (BNL), Stanford Linear Accelerator, UC President’s Postdoctoral
Fellowship Program
Committees Chaired (Selected)
Chair Venture Lab Atwater Facility Advisory Committee 2016-pres.
Chair Graduate Education, School of Engineering Strategic Planning 2016-2017
Chair and/or UC Merced Faculty Search Committees for Chemistry, 2003-2017
member Bioengineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Adaptive and
Functional Matter (Cross-Disciplinary in Natural Sciences and
Chair UC Systemwide Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs 2015-2016
Vice-Chair UC Systemwide Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs 2014-2015
Co-Chair Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women 2014-2015,
Chair UC Merced Graduate (and Research) Council 2012-2014,
Chair Biological Engineering and Small-scale Tech. Graduate Emphasis 2010-2013
Vice-Chair Executive Committee, School of Engineering 2009-2010
Vice-Chair Graduate and Research Council 2006-2007
Committees Served (Selected)
Member Search Committee for UC Vice-President for Research and 2016
Graduate Studies
Member UC President’s UC Mexico Workgroup on Innovative Energy 2015-2016
Member UC Systemwide Academic Planning Council 2015-2016
Member UC Systemwide Academic Council 2015-2016
Member UC Systemwide Committee on Academic 2015-2016
Member UC Systemwide Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources 2014-2016
Member UC Systemwide Advisory Committee on the Status of Women 2015-2016
Member CCGA Representative, UC Council of Graduate Deans 2014-2015
Member UC Systemwide Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs 2013-2014
Member Senate-Admin. Taskforce on Strategic Academic Focusing 2013-2014
Member Academic Honesty Task Force 2013-2014
Member Senate Administration Enrollment Management Committee 2012-2014
Member Senate Administration Council on Assessment & Planning 2012-2014
Member Divisional Council 2012-2014
Member Graduate Dean Search Committee 2012-2013
Member UC Systemwide Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs 2012-2013
Member Science and Engineering II Building Committee 2005-2013
Member Provost/Executive Vice-Chancellor Search Committee 2012
Member School of Natural Sciences Dean Search Committee 2011
Member School of Engineering Dean Search Committee 2010
Member School of Engineering Resources Committee 2009-2010
Member School of Engineering Executive Committee 2008-2009
Member UC Systemwide Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs 2008-2009
Member Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation 2008-2009
Member Divisional Council 2008-2009
Member Committee on Committees (mid-year replacement) 2007-2008
Member Rules and Elections 2005-2006
Member UC Systemwide Strategy Group on Civic and Academic 2005
Member Graduate and Research Council 2004-2006
Member Core Course Planning Committee 2003-2006
Member Holiday Parade Planning Committee 2003-2004