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‘Uu‘ un'v Ul‘ anhna

1One Of the following characteristics of dacion en pago is a characteristi a contract of sale. Which is it?
“or a. There is pre-existing credit. 1). Obligations are extinguished. C. There is less freedom in fixing the
price. d. Ownership of the object is transferred to the other party;

2. The following are the characteristics of a contract of sale, except: a. Principal, which means that a
contract of sale can exist by itself b. Real, which requires the delivery of the object of the contraq0f

sale for its perfection. c. Onerous, where rights are acquired in exchange of a valuable

consideration. d. Bilateral, which means that both parties are bound reciprocally

to each other.2

3. The following are the essential elements of a contract of sale, except: Consent of the contracting

Subject matter which should be determinate

Price which is certain in money or its equivalent Warranty against eviction and against hidden defects3

9-!" Fr!“

4. S sold shares of stock of X Corporation to B at P2.00 per share. The transfer of the ownership of the
shares of stock may be made through any of the

following means, except: a. Exec ‘on of the sale in a public instrument.

b. The giving by S to B of the power to vote in the stockholder's meeting of X Corporation and the actual
exercise thereof by B.
c. _ The endorsement by S of the stock certihcate covering the 500 shares of stock and placing it in the
possession of B.

d. The issuance by S of the official receipt for the full paymentOW

purchase of the shares by B.4

5. Which of the following may not be the object of a contract of sale? 3. Things having potential
existence b. The acquisition of things which depends upon a contingency which may or may not happen.

c. Vain hope or expectancy d. Things subject to a resolutory condition;

6. When the delivery takes place by mere consent or agreement of the 1333:? as when the vendor
merely pomts to the thmg sold which shall there


be at the disposal of the vendee if the thing sold cannot be transferred to the possession of the vendee
upon the sale?

a. Traditio symbolica

b. Traditio brevi manu

c. Traditio longa manu

d. Traditio constitutum possessorium6

7. A seller sold to a buyer a piece of jewelry at a price of P1,000,000. The contract provides that the
buyer will pay the seller cash P400,000 and deliver the buyer's car worth P600,000. The contract is:

a. Barter

b. Sale

c. Partly sale partly barter d. Commodatum7

8. A delivers B his parcel of land worth P1,000,000 in exchange for the car of

B worth P500,000 and cash in the amount of P500,000. The contract is: a. Barter

b. Sale c. Partly barter partly sale (1 Innominate contract8

9. A sold his land to B who began to possess it. Later, C, a stranger sold the same land to D, who in good
faith registered the sale and thus obtained the title in his name. The owner is:

a. D is the owner for he was the first to register in good faith.

b. A remains to be the owner because C had no authority to sell.

c. A is still the owner because B did not register the sale.

d. B is the owner because the owner is his seller and he has taken possession of the land.9

10. S sold to B a shoes with brand name “Adidasnike Armour”. After delivery, it Was discovered that the
shoes does not function well prompting B to Complain. Therefore:
a. B does not have the right to complain for breach of warranty against hidden defect because the right
has a brand name when sold.

B has the right to complain for breach of warranty against hidden

defect despite the thing being sold under a patent name or trade


6S is not liable for hidden defect even if the thing sold is unlit for

the particular purpose for which it is sold.


d. S is liable for hidden defect only if it was stipulated.”

11. The buyer is obliged to pay interest on the price from the time of delive

of the thing sold up to the time of payment in three of the i’ollowin instances, except:

a. Should it have been stipulated b. Should the thing produce fruits or income

c. Should the vendee be in default in the payment of the price d. Should the vendee be insolvent11

12. A, guardian of B, sold B’s house and lot worth P480,000 for P 240,000. a. The contract can be
rescinded because of inadequacy of price b. The contract cannot be rescinded because there is no fraud
mistake or undue influence. ' CThe contract cannot be rescinded because all the elementoft}1e contract
are present. dThe contract can be rescinded by A.12

13' A C(mtl‘act of sale is in stage of conception when: a. There is meeting of the minds. bNegotiations are
in progress. c. The parties come to an agreement. dThe contract is perfected.13

14' OWNEI‘Ship of the thing sold is 3Retained by the seller in “sale or return." bTransferred to the buyer
upon constructive or actual delivery of the thing sold. CAcquired by the buyer upon perfection of the
contract (1Transferred to the buyer upon acceptance of the price.“

15. A sold her specific car to B for P200,000 payable in 5 equal installments. A delivered the car to B but
a mortgage was constituted on the cart0 answer for the unpaid installments. B paid the first 2
installments but failed to pay the last 3 installments. A foreclosed the mortgaged propefti and sold it at
public auction for P100,000. Which is correct?

a. A can recover from B the balance of P20, 000 even if there isno stipulation to that effect.

b. A can recover from B the balance of P20, 000 if there is stipulation to that effect.

c. A cannot recover the deliciency except if there is stipulationw that effect.

' ”w 0N SALES

d A cannot recover the deficiency even if there is stipulation t0 the contrary.15


sold his land to B. Later, A sold the same land to C. B in turn, sold the jé me land to D, who took
possession of the land in good faith. C, 3 urchaSer in good faith, registered the sale in his favor. Decide. p
a. B is the owner of the land because he was the first buyer. h C is the owner of the land having
registered the sale in good faith. c. D is the owner of land being the transferee of the rights of B and who
is in possession in good faith. (1. D is the owner because after A sold the land to B, A had no more right
to transfer ownership to C, the second buyer.16
17 A 90” to B in a private instrument a parcel of land for P5,000. B now

'wanIS A to place the contract in a public instrument so that B could register the sale with the Registry of
Deeds and secure the Transfer mhcate of Title in his name. Decide:

a. A may not be forced or compelled to execute the public instrument since the sale is unenforceable
being in private instrument only.

b. A cannot be required to place the contract in a notarized deed of sale because the contract is void not
being in public instrument

c. A can be required to execute the public instrument only if B has paid the purchase price.

d. A has the obligation to execute the public instrument because the contract of sale is enforceable.17

18.Abought a pair of shoes from a shoe store and repair shop. It was later discovered, however, that the
shoes did not belong to the store but a customer who had left the same for repair. Did A acquire good
title to the shoes? 3. No, because it was sold by the store which is not the owner thereof. b. No, because
it is the fault of A in not exercising diligence in buying the shoes as to its real ownership. c. Yes, because
it was bought from a store in good faith and for value. (L Yes, because the owner of the shoes was
precluded from setting up want of authority of the store in selling the shoes.18

19"»? and C are co-owners in equal shares of one hectare rural land, the adJoining owners to which are
D and E, the latter owning the smaller area

'_ '_ " " UI‘ anuna

A donated his share of the land owned in common to X who is a landowner_ Upon the proper notice of
the sale, B, C, D and E Soughtra' exercise the right of legal redemption over the shares sold. Who 3M
have the right to do so? ' a. A and B are preferred to D and E to redeem because com,n have preference
to adjoining owners. ‘2" b. E shall have the right to redeem because he has smaller area land than D. 0'
CThe first one between A and B to request redemption shallbQ preferred in case both demand. d» None
of them has the right to redeem because the land alienatEd was not by onerous title.19
20X, the OWner of a certain jewelry, delivered it to Y, “on sale or return” upon a S{Pecified period of
time. Y sold the said jewelry to Z, but retaiinsmE PHCe. Can X recover the jewelry from Z?

a. X can recover the jewelry from Z being an unpaid seller who;e ownership was not transferred to Y
upon delivery to him

b. X can recover the jewelry from Z but after reimbursementofthe price paid.

C. X cannot recover the jewelry from Z because his seller Yha; transferred ownership to him.

(1. X cannot recover the jeweIry from Z because it was sold byhjs agent, Y to Z his only recourse is to go
after Y for his failureto remit the payment to him.”

21. Which of the following cannot be an object of a contract of sale?

a. lncorporeal property b. Young animal not yet conceived at the time of perfection

c. Land which the seller expects to buy (1. Object outside the commerce of man21

22. Which is not an element of the seller’s right of stoppage in transit? a. The goods must be in transit. b.
The buyer must be insolvent. c. The seller must be in possession of the goods. (1. The seller must be

23. If redemption is to be made by the seller, one of the following need not” given to the buyer. a.
Expenses of the contract b, Interest on the price of the sale

W ' M idecessary expenses on the thing sold :2 (rice of the sale23

implied warranty in a contract of sale: twat” Right to sell the thing at the time of perfection of the
contract Reasonably (it for the purpose for which they are acquired ‘ Memhantable in quality ¢ Free from
charges or encumbrances not declared or known to
me buyer“

‘ of sale whereby the seller acquires the right to redeem of " ”manage“ the object of the sale from the
buyer within a certain period

Maw Equitable mortgage : Absolute sale c. on sale or return ¢ Pacto de retro sale35

‘1” right of the seller to stop goods in transit upon discovering that the buyerdoes not have the funds to
pay for the goods. ; Pre-emptive right 5. Appraisal right c. Voting right 4. Right of stoppage in transitu26

m: case of doubt, a sale with a right to repurchase or without a right to reputhase shall be construed as
an equitable mortgage. The seller metefom:

a. May ask for the reformation of the instrument;

b. May ask for the annulment of the contract.

t. May ask the court for the declaration of nullity of the contract 4. Shall be bound to perform his
obligation as seller.27

3Ascid to X his '5 share of the parcel of land he coowns with B C owns the parcel of land adjoining that of
A and B. Both B and C want to redeem die share of A which the latter sold to X.

a. C shall be preferred to B' In the redemption from X.

1! 8'5 right as co-owner excludes that of C, the latter being only an adjoining owner.

e. C has a better right to the redemption as an adjoining owner.

\ d B and C shall equally redeem the share of A.“

29, [f immovable property should have been sold to different vendees’ul ownership shall be transferred
to the person \ a. Who have first taken possession in good faith. b. Who presents the oldest title in good
faith. c. Who in good faith first recorded it in the Registry of Pmpeny d. Who have paid in good faith the
purchase price in full.29

30. Action by the vendee against the vendor to nullify the sale due to so,“ vices or defects which render
the object of sale unfit for the use intende or knowledge to which, the vendee would not have bought
the thing

Accion quanti minoris

Accion reinvindicatoria

Accion pauliana

Redhibitory action3°


31. Action to seek a corresponding reduction in price by reason of somevms or defects in the thing
purchased. a. Accion quanti minoris b. Accion reinvindicatoria c. Accion pauliana d. Redhibitory action31

32The redhibitory action based on the faults or defects of animals mustbe brought within a. 30 days
from delivery to the vendee b. 40 days from delivery to the vendee c. 45 days from delivery to the
vendee d. 6 months from delivery to the vendee32

33. In contract of sale, if the price is absolutely simulated, the sale is a. Unenforceable b. Voidable c. Void
d. Rescissible33
34‘ [n a contract of sale of personal property, the price which is payableil’ mmllments, the vendor may
exercise any of the following remedxey

exwpti _ 7 A Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should the vendee fail t0 P8

any installment.

V” .1} Cancel the sale, should the vendee's failure to pay cover Mo 01

‘ more installment. Fondose the chattel mortgage on the thing sold. if one has been “ constituted should
the vendee’s failure to pay cover two or more installments. ‘ Resdnd the sale should the vendee fail to
pay any installment”

““5 special form of payment is conveyance of the ownership of the thing f‘ equivalent of performance.

“ Dadon in payment or dacion en pago

._ Assignment of property or cession en page

G. Application of payment

¢ Tenderof payment and consignation35

“,9“ Mint to Y for P50. 000. No date was fixed for the performance cl I’m of the seller and the buyer. The
obligation of X' 13: e. To deliver the car immediately because the sale is a perfected W h. “deliver the car
only after Y writes to X demanding the delivery of the at. c. To deliver the car after Y pays X the P 50,000.
1 To lesdnd the contract anytime.36

austere is stipulation to the contrary, the expenses for the execution I'M of the sale shall be borne by: l
Thevendee .The vendor l‘Ihe vendee and the vendor ‘The agent or broker?‘7
mm“ his horse to Z for P50, 000. No payment has yet been made and the “Shannen does not provide the
date of delivery. Before delivery and "M the horse gave birth to a baby horse

3Z is entided to the baby horse which was born after the perfection of the contract.

3. V is entided to the fruit (baby horse) as Z has not paid the price Yet

t. Y is entitled to the fruit (baby horse) because it was born before his obligation to deliver the horse.

1. Z should pay additional amount for the baby horse to be entitled to it.“3

39Mr. 8 sold his car to Mr. G for P150,000. No date is fixed by the parties f0k

Is: a.

b. c.


the Performance of their respective obligations. The obligation of MW

To deliver the car immediately as there is a perfected contract~ To deliver the car upon payment of Mr. G
of P150,000.

To rescind the contract since there is no time fixed for thQ delivery and payment of the car.

To deliver the car within a reasonable time after the demand of Mr. 6.39
40Mr. R and Mr. V are good friends. Mr. R sold and delivered his car to Mr. V. It was agreed and
understood that on Sunday, Mr. R will name and the price of the car. Sunday came. Mr. R called Mr. V by
telephone and stated and fixed the price at P150,000. Is the sale perfected?

b. c d.

Yes. The price was stated and fixed on the date agreed upon. No. The price was left to the discretion of
the seller.

No. At the time of the sale, the price is not fixed.

No. The price fixed by the seller was not accepted by the buyer."0

. Mr. G sold his owner-type jeep to Mr. M for P100,000. There was no fixed

date for the performance of the obligations of Mr. G and Mr. M. The obligation of Mr. G is:

a. b. c.


To deliver the jeep immediately as there is a perfected contract To wait for Mr. M to pay P100,000 and
deliver the jeep.

To rescind the contract because no time is fixed for the performance of their respective obligations.

To deliver the jeep after Mr. M demands for the delivery of the jeep.41
42. Mr. B sold a parcel of land to Mr. ] for P200,000. Mr. B delivered the Transfer Certiiicate of Title of the
land to Mr. ]. Later, Mr. I wanted to register the land in his name and he needed a Deed of Sale. What can

] do? a. b.


M11] may compel Mr. B to execute a Deed of Sale.

Mr. ] cannot compel Mr. B to refund the P200,000 because the contract is not enforceable.

Mr. I can sue Mr. B for enriching himself at the expel“e d another.

Mr. I can possess and utilize the land as :hum:. mad 6:

pp" . W, "yer ofa thing has the nght to the fruits of the thing. 11"” From the time the thing bought is
delivered. 5 5 mm the time the sale is perfected.

mm the time the obligation to deliver the thing bought arises : From the time the fruits are delivered.43

ofthe following are option money. Which is the earnest money? ‘11"? Given when contract of sale is
perfected Given when there is no contract of sale Given to bind the offer or in unilateral promise to sell
or buy ‘ Given as a separate consideration from purchase price“

this is actual delivery 5““ Execution and signing of the sales document. it When the goods sold are
placed in the control and possession of the buyer. c. Delivery by the seller to the buyer of the key where
the goods are kept. I. The buyer is already in actual possession of the goods}:5

““5313, the buyer is entitled and has the right to the fruit of the thing sold from the time: a. The
obligation to deliver the thing sold arises u The sale is perfected c. The thing sold is delivered (1. The fruit
of the thing sold is delivered46
i'lhdistinguishing earnest money from option money, earnest money is: a. Given when there is no
contract of sale. h. Given only when there is a perfected contract of sale c. Given to bind the offeror in a
unilateral promise to sell or buy d. Given as a separate consideration from the purchase price?7

Miom oi dehvery which takes place after seller of the property continues in possession of said property
no longer as owner but as a mere Wssor:

a. Traditio constitum possessorium \. Traditio symbohca

t. Traditio brevi manu

t Quasimdmow

49. When goods are delivered to the buyer on "sale or return" for seven days; ownership of the goods
passes to the buyer period 8. Upon delivery of the goods b. Upon expiration of seven days c. Upon
acceptance by the buyer of the offer of the seller d. Upon perfection49


50 A sold 8 a parcel of land for P30, 000. The sale is evidenCed memorandum of agreement of sale. One
week later, A sold the parcel of land to C for P40, 000 which was evidenced by a forma] the 8am: sale.
Upon buying the property, C, who was aware of the first; 01 immediately took possession of the land and
registered the deed 0f 8&9] in her favor with the Registry of Deeds. When informed of the gem 8;“ tale,
B subsequently registered an adverse claim to the property con“

barcel of land shall belong to: Th a. B, because she has got an older title b. C, because the sale was made
on a formal deed of sale c. C, because she is the first to register the deed of sale

d. C, because she is the first to take possession of the land50

51l1'1 case of redemption, which of the following will not be paid by the seller to the buyer? a. Expenses
incidental to the sale paid by the buyer b. All necessary expenses on the thing sold and to be redeemed
c. The consideration of the sale paid by the buyer d. Interest on the price paid by the buyer51

52Dacion en pago as distinguished from sale a. The object is always existing and specific b. There is a
greater degree of freedom in fixing the price c. There is no pre-existing obligation d. The cause is the

53. When things are delivered to the buyer on approval, trial, or satisfaction. the ownership passes to
the buyer: a. Upon delivery of the things b. Upon meeting of minds c. Upon conception of the sale (1.
Upon return of the things to the seller53

54 P orally appointed A as his agent to sell the farmer’s land. 0n lanmn‘y’3 2018, A sold the land to B
who forthwith took possession thereoi"

av wmed out however, that on January 1, 2018, P, without informing A. had [ready sold the same to land
to C. Neither of the sales was registered: Whose contract shall prevail? The sale to B for he was the Hrst
in possession in good faith. The sale to C for the land was first sold to him by the owner. The sale to B for
the agent was duly authorized to sell the land. The sale to C because the sale to B was void, A was not

authorized by P.54


0" january 1, S orally sold to B a specific ring for P4500. The parties 55‘ d that S shall deliver the ring to B
on lanuary 5, while B will pay the

rice on January 7. The contract is perfected on lanuary 5 when the ring is delivered

9 a. by S to B.
b. The contract is perfected on January 1 when the parties had a meeting of minds on the object and

c. The contract is perfected on January 7 when the price is paid. since both parties would then have
performed their obligations in the contract.

d. There is no perfected contract because the sale was made


56. The price in a contract of sale is certain except: When the parties have fixed or agreed upon a
definite amount.

If the price is certain with reference to another thing certain. if the fixing of the price is left to the
discretion of one of the

contracting parties. if the price fixed is that which the thing sold would have on a

definite day or in a particular exchange or market.“

a. b. c.


57. S and B entered into a contract whereby S transferred to B a specific car for the price of P200,000,
while B gave to S P90,000 cash and a diamond ring worth P1 10,000. The heading of the written contract

"Contract of Sale.” a. The contract is void because the intention of the parties is void

since the value of the diamond ring is more than the monetary
consideration given. b. The contract is a valid contract of sale as intended by the parties

regardless of whether the monetary consideration is more or less

than the value of the property consideration. C The contract is a valid contract of barter since the value
of the

property is more than the monetary consideration. The intention of the parties is immaterial


d” The contract is partly a contract of barter and partly a contra

Sale.S7 ct! 58. :88 and C are co~owners of a parcel of land pro-indiviso. A sold his she in Mi absolute
deed of sale. Which is correct? ii a. The deed of sale between A and B is void since it was made not favor
of a third person. b' C may exercise his right of redemption on the interest of A 80] c to B.

C may redeem only 1/5 of the share sold by A to B.

d~ C cannot exercise the right of redemption since the sale w made to a co-owner.58

SQ ‘8 8““ his cat to B for P2,000. No payment has been made and the Mment does not provide for the
date of delivery. Before delivery

a Payment the cat gave birth to a kitten. "d

3‘ B is entitled to the kitten which was born after the perfection of the sale.

13S is entitled to the fruit as B has not yet paid the price.
0S in entitled to the fruit because it was born before his obligation to deliver the cat.

dB should pay an additional amount for the kitten to be entitledto itsg

60A and B entered into a contract of lease with option to buy the car of the former for a term of two
years. For three months B failed to pay the rentals and by reason thereof, A repossessed the car. Hence,

a A can collect the unpaid rentals for three months.

13A can collect the unpaid rentals for the duration of the term of the lease of two years.

When A deprived B the possession of the leased car, he has no

further action against the latter for any unpaid rentals.

(1. A shall return the rentals without deductions to B by virtue of the rescission of the contract of lease
with option to buy."0


61. A offered in writing to sell his house and lot for Php 1M to B on January 20,2018. B requested to give
him one month to raise the amount. 0n lanuary 25,2018, A informed B that he has raised the price to
Php1.5M Can B compel A to accept the payment of Php 1M for the sale of the house

and lot? a. Yes. because A is already estopped by his written offer of Php 1” b. Yes, because the one
month option period has not yet expired. c. No, because there is as yet no perfected sale.

' mbecause the seller has the soie discretion in fixing the pried ¢ with orwithout the concurrence of the

we at P50 per liter 300 liters of gasoline stored in his truck tank.

;. “unknown to the parties contains 500 liters. What is the status dh‘d' “tract of sale between S and B?

d” The sale is void because the quantity available is more than the ‘ quantity sold.

‘ ‘l‘he sate is valid up to 500 liters of gasoline. B must pay for the additional 2001iters.

t. The sale is valid up to 300 liters of gasoline. B becomes the owner

of 3/5 of the whole stock, while 5 becomes the owner of 2/5 meteof.

The sale is rescissible because 8 will suffer lesion of more than 1/0 of the value of the whole stock",2

“midlof the following is not a requisite of the object of a contract of 3 d: itmustbe within the commerce
of men. 5. it must be licit.

c. it must be determinate thing.

1 Vendor must have the right to transfer the ownership of the thing atthe time of sale.63

lmioliwing are characteristics of a contract of sale except one which mm the payment by cession.

3. There is no pre-existing credit. h. Tne cause or consideration is the price. c. There is more freedom in
fixing the price.

(I. Assignee of the property acquires the right to sell the thing but not the ownership thereof.“
MAConu'aot to Sell does not sell a thing or property, it sells the right to Mvmpertv. Moonditional sale is
a sale subject to the happening or performance of

acondition, such as payment of the full price or the performance of other prestation to give, to do or not
to do.

vti. Only I is true

is. Only II is true

c. Both are true ' (L Both are false65

' ‘IA Y "1" U" ant,“

66' X granteq Y the BXdllSive right to sell his furniture, the price is payabl within 120 days from the
delivery, and promising Y a commission on0‘ 0“ 3" sa'es. After the delivery of the furniture to Y, but
before he °0ul 99" any of them. Y's store was completely burned without his faul together with all of X's
furniture. ls Y liable for the lost furniture? t, a. No, because the mntract between X and Y is an agency to
sell, I). Yes, heranse the contract between X and Y is a contract of Sale,

c. No, heranse Y is an agent. d No. because delivery here did not transfer ownership.“

67 On iuiv l. 2018. X sold a parcel of registered land to Y. On July 14, 2018 he said the same land to Z.
Who has the better right if the first saleig regictered ahead of the second sale? Y has knowledge of the
sale to z,

a. Z has a better right because knowledge of Y of the second Sale

makes Y in had faith. b. Z has a better right because he is in good faith.

c. Neither of Y and Z has a better right. d. Y has a better right even though Y knew of the second sale.67
68. 0n luiy 1, 2018, X sold a parcel of registered land to Y. 0n Iuiy 14, 2018, he sold the same land to Z.
Who has the better right if the second saleis registered ahead of the first sale. Z has knowledge of the
sale to Y?

a, Z has a better right because knowledge of Y of the second 5319 makes Y in bad faith.

b. Z has a better right because he is in good faith.

c. Neither of Y and Z has a better right.

d. Y has a better right as Z knew of the second sale.68

59. X Corp. has dealt business with Y Corp. for live years. All through the years, X Corp. accumulated an
indebtedness of P1,000,000 with Y Corp Upon demand, X Corp. paid Y Corp. by check the amount owed
which was however dishonored for insufficiency of funds. For and in consideration of P800,000, Y Corp.
assigned the credits to Z Corp. who brought suit against X Corp. for the recovery of the amount owed
which later on was moved for dismissal by X Corp. on the ground that X Corp. has not agreed for
subrogation. Decide.

a. X Corp. is correct. This is a case of subrogation which needsiv consent being the debtor.

b. X Corp. is not correct because this is a case of an assignmentor credit. The debtor's consent is not
essential for the validity ofthi


, D" “ W x Corp. is not correct because this is a case of an assignment of credit. However, assignment of
credit needs the consent of the debtor.

d This is a valid assignment of credit. However, Z Corp. did not acquire a right to sue in his own name.69
Xandywere co-owners of a parcel of land. Last March 31, 2018, when

7“ she paid her realty estate tax, X discovered that Y had sold her share to Z on My 10, 2017. The
following day, X offered to redeem her share from Zbut the latter replied that X’s right to redeem has
already prescribed. Is zcorrect or not?

a, Z is not correct. X can still enforce her right of legal redemption as a co-owner because the law gives X
30 days from written notice of the sale by Y to exercise his right of legal redemption.

b. Z is not correct. X can still enforce her right of legal redemption as a co-owner because the law gives X
60 days from written notice of the sale by Y to exercise his right of legal redemption.

c. 2 is correct because X’s right to redeem has already prescribed because the law gives X 30 days from
date of the sale by Y to exercise his right of legal redemption.

:1. Z is correct because X's right to redeem has already prescribed

because the law gives X 60 days from date of the sale by Y to exercise his right of legal redemption7o

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