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Unit Assessment B

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Skills & Student and Assessment Instructional Resources

Big Ideas Standards Family (Formative & Strategies &
Knowledge Summative Material
What important How will you What is meaningful What instructional What
skills/standards draw on evidence that practices resources
What are the will stud students’ students will best
enduring and strategies will
ents ideas, have understood the support convey the
understandings/ learn, practice, interests big big ideas
essential students to meet the
or apply and ideas and reached standards and
questions to be the student will experiences proficiency on the concepts to
addressed? and grasp the big
be able to: to connect skills/standards? ideas? support skill
Explain how students to Formative Lesson one: attainment?
Why assess current the big L Module
student 
trends in ideas? 1) Diagnostic -
learning? Course overview
assessment Lesson one: assessment based

and  of student materials
How do Community building
accountability Students prior knowledge Diagnostic
teachers (introduce a partner)
influence share related to assessment
decide policy and course  of
on what practice in objectives Diagnostic course and
they have
and how to schools today. assessment objectives
assess (linked to course
 assessment. 2) Brainstorm Powerpoint
student objectives)
Compare and  of pres
learning? students’ prior Lesson two: entation on
contrast Diagnostic
assessments knowledge  RSVP,
Interpretation and
“for” and “of” of of varied formative
assessment tools analysis of and
learning and module
justify their L2) Group diagnostic summative
objectives to
use in presentation assessment data assessment
classrooms student prior on Ormrod graphic  (Whittaker,
and knowledge organizer Brains 2002 based
schools. and L2 torm list of on
Collect and experience ) Quick write assessment tools Ormrod,
use multiple with on and 2000 cited
sources of assessment assessment categorize as “of” below)
information to tools and for learning and “for”
their app : learning
assess student lications. “What is one thing  Guiding
learning  you a Mini questions
 Instructor re - for
Understand queries doing in your class lecture on RSVP, readings on
and use a students that is formative and standards
variety of about assessment for summative (se
informal and rationale for learning? assessment tools Unit
formal, conducting What is one thing  planning
formative and a diagnostic you could Jigsaw activity on matrix and
summative assessment. be doing that is assessment types assignment
assessments Lesson two: assessment for (based on rubric with
to determine  learning?” Ormrod reading) sample unit
progress and Students L3) Write your own  planning
plan instruction use their EQ Quickwrite on matrices in
 prior and objective Assessment specific
Explain and knowledge – Lesson Three subject
justi to peer  areas (for
fy with brainstorm a critique Quickwri critique)
examples from st of various of UDT te on Standards
your own assessment L3 formative/summative Subject
teaching and tools. ) Quickwrite assessment Matter
the teaching Lesson on  Standards
of others how three: formative/summative Small group and (provided
standards,  assessment whole class by
assessment, Students L4 discussions using students)
curriculum, examine ) Quickwrite guiding Samples of
and instruction content on RS questions on the various
are standards in readings types of
integrated for their o Summative about standards standards
the purpose wn 1) Unit planning . used in
of supporting subject matrix  interactive
student area. and rationale Interactive lecture lecture
learning.  reveals on CIAS Texts
 Students students links and standards, Or
Construct and write their ’ goals, mrod, J.
provide a own application of objectives and (2000)
rationale for a EQs and CIAS to a unit essential Assessing
variety of objectives design in questions
assessment Lesson four: their own subject -- Student
tools  area. defining terms Learning,
(in Students This includes: and examining From
cluding rubrics bring in their  of samples. Educational
or other own how standards, C, I,  Psychology
scoring guides, ideas about and Pair activity ,3
portfolios, instruction A are integrated for – rd
quizzes, and and the 1) examine Ed., Merrill:
tests) in assessment purpose of state content Columbus
in supporting standards and Ohio
pecific subject discussing student learning eva
area the case. (how luate level of of
teaching and why select specificity

Apply concepts

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