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Principles and Strategies of Formative Assessment

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Principles and Strategies

of Formative Assessment
The Research and Practice
of Classroom Assessment
Learning Objectives:
•What is Formative Assessment?
•Does research support formative
assessment practices?
•What is needed to support
formative assessment practices?
•What are formative assessment
classroom strategies ?
Crucial Distinction

Assessment OF Learning (Summative):

How much have students learned as of
a particular point in time?
Assessment FOR Learning (Formative):
How can we use assessment to help
students learn more?
Inside the Black Box

Read pgs. 10 – 16

Highlight important ideas

that support formative
assessment practices for
student learning.
Research on Effects

Study S.D. Gains

 Bloom (1984) 1.0 to 2.0 *
 Black and Wiliam (1998) .5 to 1.0**
 Meisels, et al. (2003) .7 to 1.5
 Rodriguez (2004) .5 to 1.8**

*Rivals one-on-one tutorial instruction

**Largest gains for low achievers
1.0 Standard Deviation Score
Gain Equals:

* 35 Percentile Points
* 2-4 Grade Equivalents
* 100 SAT Score Points
* 5 ACT Composite Score Points
U.S. TIMSS scores; move from
the middle of the pack to top 5
Inside the Black Box

Triad discussion using quotes from the

article Inside the Black Box.

Read all quotes.

As a group, choose one quote. Reflect on the
meaning of the quote and the implications
for teaching and student learning.
Our Assessment Future:
Comparing Assessment of and for Learning
R. Stiggins video clip

Assessment for Learning Assessment of Learning

Focus of
on State



What are the Big Ideas of
Formative Assessment Practices?

Table Discussion:
 As a table, discuss the big ideas about formative
assessment practices based on your notes from
the article and video clip. Choose one big idea
about formative assessment practices to share
with the whole group.

Whole Group Discussion:

 Chart Big Ideas
Alignment of the Principles of Formative Assessments
to the Learning Team Continuum of Work for Mathematics
Nine Principles of Assessment for Learning
(1) Teachers understand (2) Students are informed (4) Classroom teachers (6) Feedback given to a (8) Students keep track of
and can articulate in daily about the targets in transform those targets student is descriptive, their own learning over
advance of teaching the terms they can into assessments that frequent, and timely. time (e.g., journals,
Principles of Assessment for Learning

achievement targets understand (i.e., student- yield accurate Feedback provides insight portfolios) and
students are to hit. friendly language) and information about student on a current strength and communicate with others
which clarify what they learning of the content. focuses on one facet for (e.g., students, teachers,
are expected to learn. (5) Teachers use revision linked directly to parents) about what they
Students study the criteria classroom assessment the intended learning. understand and what they
by which their work will information to revise and (7) Students actively and need to understand better.
be evaluated by analyzing guide teaching and regularly practice using (9) Teachers understand
samples of strong and learning. Students use descriptive feedback to the relation between
weak work. assessment information in improve the quality of assessment and student
(3) Students can describe ways that require them to their work. Students motivation and use
what targets they are to think about their own develop skills of self- assessment to build
hit. Teachers can describe progress. assessment to monitor student success and
what comes next in their learning. confidence rather than
student learning. failure and defeat.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Learning Targets Align State Framework Common CABS Student Work on CABS Descriptive Feedback
Learning Team Continuum

and Math Program on CABS

Understand importance of Develop meaning for the Provide a measure of Examine student work to Use student work to
identifying and math embedded in the consistency of student monitor achievement and inform instructional
articulating big ideas in targets and alignment to learning based on progress toward the decisions, and to provide
mathematics to bring state standards and standards/descriptors and targets and descriptors. students with appropriate
consistency to a school’s descriptors and to the targets. descriptive feedback.
math program. school’s math program.
Alignment of the Principles of
Formative Assessment to the
Learning Team Continuum of
Work for Mathematics

How will you use this resource in your

work as a Math Teacher Leader?
Learning Objectives:
•What is Formative Assessment?
•Does research support formative
assessment practices?
•What is needed to support
formative assessment practices?
•What are formative assessment
classroom strategies ?

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