GRADE 5 Mathematics DLL Whole Year Grade 5
GRADE 5 Mathematics DLL Whole Year Grade 5
GRADE 5 Mathematics DLL Whole Year Grade 5
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent
whole numbers up to 10 000 000 in whole numbers up to 10 000 000 in whole numbers up to 10 000 000 in whole numbers up to 10 000 000 in
various forms and contexts. various forms and contexts. various forms and contexts. various forms and contexts.
2. is able to apply divisibility, order 2. is able to apply divisibility, order 2. is able to apply divisibility, order 2. is able to apply divisibility, order
of operations, factors and multiples, of operations, factors and multiples, of operations, factors and multiples, of operations, factors and multiples,
and the four fundamental and the four fundamental and the four fundamental and the four fundamental
operations involving fractions in operations involving fractions in operations involving fractions in operations involving fractions in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each finds the common factors and the finds the common factors and the finds the common factors and the finds the common factors and the
GCF of 2–4 numbers using GCF of 2–4 numbers using GCF of 2–4 numbers using GCF of 2–4 numbers using
continuous division. continuous division. continuous division. continuous division.
II. CONTENT Finds the common factors and the Finds the common factors and the Skip counting and Number series Skip counting and Number series
GCF of two - four numbers using GCF of two - four numbers using Listing Method and Prime Listing Method and Prime
continuous division continuous division Factorization
The group who first reaches the top The group who first reaches the top
is the winner. is the winner.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Compute the GCF of the given Compute the GCF of the given Identify the multiples of a given Identify the multiples of a given
numbers using continuous division numbers using continuous division number number
Find the common multiples and LCM Find the common multiples and LCM
of two – four numbers using of two – four numbers using
continuous division continuous division
Write the LCM of the given numbers Write the LCM of the given numbers
using continuous division using continuous division
C. Presenting examples/instances of Show a picture of a girl helping her Show a picture of a girl helping her Show a picture of a boy and a girl Show a picture of a boy and a girl
the new lesson
mother in their garden. Ask the mother in their garden. Ask the collecting used plastic bottles. Ask collecting used plastic bottles. Ask
pupils to tell something about the pupils to tell something about the the pupils to tell something about the pupils to tell something about
picture. Elicit the value of picture. Elicit the value of the picture. Elicit the value of the picture. Elicit the value of
helpfulness. helpfulness. recycling used objects. recycling used objects.
Ask: how do you show helpfulness at Ask: how do you show helpfulness at Ask: What are the objects that can Ask: What are the objects that can
home? In school? Is it good to be home? In school? Is it good to be be recycle? What do you do in the be recycle? What do you do in the
helpful? Why? helpful? Why? used objects like plastic bottles, used objects like plastic bottles,
used papers, glass bottles etc,. What used papers, glass bottles etc,. What
are the good effects of recycling in are the good effects of recycling in
our environment? our environment?
D. Discussing new concepts and Present this problem to the class. Present this problem to the class. Present this problem to the class. Present this problem to the class.
practicing new skills #1
Kendra helps her mother Kendra helps her mother The Richard and Francis The Richard and Francis
in their garden. They sold 36 in their garden. They sold 36 collected used plastic bottles for collected used plastic bottles for
bougainvillea plants and 60 rose bougainvillea plants and 60 rose recycling. They arranged the bottles recycling. They arranged the bottles
plants. They need to delivery those plants. They need to delivery those in boxes of 8 and 12. What is the in boxes of 8 and 12. What is the
plants in the resort. What is the plants in the resort. What is the least number of bottles they least number of bottles they
biggest number of bougainvillea and biggest number of bougainvillea and gathered in all? gathered in all?
roses that can be placed in delivery roses that can be placed in delivery
trucks if these are of the same trucks if these are of the same
number? number?
Have the pupils read the problem. Have the pupils read the problem. Have the pupils read the problem. Have the pupils read the problem.
Then ask: How many bougainvillea Then ask: How many bougainvillea Then ask: What did Richard and Then ask: What did Richard and
plants were sold? How many rose plants were sold? How many rose Francis collected? What does the Francis collected? What does the
plants were sold? What do Kendra plants were sold? What do Kendra problem ask for? How will you solve problem ask for? How will you solve
and her mother needs to do with the and her mother needs to do with the for the answer to the problem? Can for the answer to the problem? Can
bougainvillea plants and rose plants? bougainvillea plants and rose plants? you think of ways to solve it? you think of ways to solve it?
How will you solve for the answer to How will you solve for the answer to
the problem? the problem?
Using the same given numbers 36 Using the same given numbers 36
and 60, find the GCF by using and 60, find the GCF by using
continuous division. continuous division.
Guide the pupils to get the GCF of Guide the pupils to get the GCF of
the given numbers. the given numbers.
Ask the pupil to write the number Ask the pupil to write the number
horizontally. horizontally.
36 60 36 60
What prime number can divide 36 What prime number can divide 36
and 60? (12) and 60? (12)
36 60 36 60
Ask the pupils to divide the numbers Ask the pupils to divide the numbers
by the given prime number. Write by the given prime number. Write
the quotients below the dividends. the quotients below the dividends.
36 60 36 60
18 30 18 30
Continue the process until none of Continue the process until none of
the numbers have a common the numbers have a common
divisor. divisor.
36 60 36 60
18 30 18 30
9 15 9 15
3 5 3 5
Therefore the GCF is 2 x 2 x 3 = 12. Therefore the GCF is 2 x 2 x 3 = 12.
What is the GCF of 36 and 60? What is the GCF of 36 and 60?
How did you get the GCF of 36 and How did you get the GCF of 36 and
60? 60?
By getting the product of all the By getting the product of all the
prime divisor or the common prime divisor or the common
factors, we obtain the GCF of the factors, we obtain the GCF of the
given numbers. given numbers.
E. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils into 4 working Group the pupils into 4 working Group the pupils into 5 groups. Give Group the pupils into 5 groups. Give
practicing new skills #2
teams and have them perform the teams and have them perform the each group a Manila paper and each group a Manila paper and
task using continuous division. task using continuous division. pentel pen for their solutions and pentel pen for their solutions and
Richard bakes 42 cupcakes and 54 Richard bakes 42 cupcakes and 54 answers. Tell the pupils that there answers. Tell the pupils that there
cookies. He plans to pack them cookies. He plans to pack them are three ways of getting the LCM are three ways of getting the LCM
separately in small boxes. What is separately in small boxes. What is the listing, prime factorization and the listing, prime factorization and
the biggest number of cupcakes and the biggest number of cupcakes and the continuous division. the continuous division.
cookies that can be placed in boxes cookies that can be placed in boxes
if these are of the same number? if these are of the same number?
There are 12 grade V and 18 grade There are 12 grade V and 18 grade
VI pupils who will join the basketball VI pupils who will join the basketball
team. What is the greatest number team. What is the greatest number
of Grade V and Grade VI pupils that of Grade V and Grade VI pupils that
can be grouped together if all pupils can be grouped together if all pupils
are to be included? are to be included?
If the numbers are 81 and 99, what If the numbers are 81 and 99, what
is the GCF? is the GCF?
Name the common factors of 39, Name the common factors of 39,
65, 11 65, 11
F. Developing mastery Ask the groups to present and Ask the groups to present and Let the groups present their outputs. Let the groups present their outputs.
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
discuss their answers on the board. discuss their answers on the board. Ask: How did you solve the correct Ask: How did you solve the correct
Expected answer: Expected answer: answer? Which multiples are answer? Which multiples are
We solved problem by continuous We solved problem by continuous common to 8 and 12? What is the common to 8 and 12? What is the
division, we multiply the prime division, we multiply the prime smallest multiple common to 8 and smallest multiple common to 8 and
divisors to get the GCF. divisors to get the GCF. 12? 12?
Expected answer: Expected answer:
We solved problem by listing We solved problem by listing
method method
We get the LCM using prime We get the LCM using prime
factorization factorization
We solved problem using continuous We solved problem using continuous
division; getting the product of all division; getting the product of all
the prime divisor and the last set of the prime divisor and the last set of
quotients we get the Least Common quotients we get the Least Common
Multiples (LCM). Multiples (LCM).
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation on top of Discuss the presentation on top of Discuss the presentation on page 4 Discuss the presentation on page 4
concepts and skills in daily living
page 1 of LM Math Grade 5. page 1 of LM Math Grade 5. of LM Math Grade 5, and then give of LM Math Grade 5, and then give
the following exercises. the following exercises.
Find the least common multiples of Find the least common multiples of
the following pairs of numbers using the following pairs of numbers using
continuous division. continuous division.
25 and 50 25 and 50
7 and 14 7 and 14
4, 6, 8, and 9 4, 6, 8, and 9
6 , 9 and 18 6 , 9 and 18
3, 8 and 15 3, 8 and 15
7, 9, 21 and 63 7, 9, 21 and 63
H. Making generalizations and What is Greatest Common Factor What is Greatest Common Factor Summarize the lesson by asking: Summarize the lesson by asking:
abstractions about the lesson
(GCF) of two given number? (GCF) of two given number? What is Least Common Multiple What is Least Common Multiple
How do we find the Greatest How do we find the Greatest (LCM) of two given number? (LCM) of two given number?
Common Factor (GCF) of two given Common Factor (GCF) of two given How do we find the Least Common How do we find the Least Common
numbers using continuous division? numbers using continuous division? Multiple (LCM) of two given Multiple (LCM) of two given
numbers using continuous division? numbers using continuous division?
I. Evaluating learning Find the Greatest Common Factor Find the Greatest Common Factor Find the Least Common Multiple Find the Least Common Multiple
(GCF) of the given pairs of numbers (GCF) of the given pairs of numbers (LCM) of the given pairs of numbers (LCM) of the given pairs of numbers
by continuous division. by continuous division. by continuous division. by continuous division.
1. 16 and 24 1. 16 and 24 11 and 18 11 and 18
2. 20 and 30 2. 20 and 30
11 and 99 11 and 99
3. 21 and 35 3. 21 and 35
5, 10 and 30 5, 10 and 30
4, 5 and 16 4, 5 and 16
9, 54, 90 and 108 9, 54, 90 and 108
J. Additional activities for application Provide more exercises. Provide more exercises. Provide more exercises. Provide more exercises.
or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages k-12 TG MATH5 P.54 k-12 TG MATH5 P.54 k-12 TG MATH5 P.54 k-12 TG MATH5 P.55
2. Learner’s Material pages LM Math Grade 4 pages 122 - 125 LM MATH 5 pp.1-2 LM MATH 5 pp.1-2 LM MATH 5 pp.1-2
LM Math Grade 5 pages ___ to ___ Ateneo
Lesson Guide pages 44 – 48
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources flashcards, strips of cartolina, coins, boxes, ruler cards with numbers pairs for flash card, drill board, chart flash card, drill board, chart
the drill activity, problem
written on the chart.
A. Reviewing previous lesson Present “Explore and Discover” LM p.1 How do we get the LCM of Have a drill on solving Have a review on how to A. Setting of standards
or presenting the new numbers using the continuous problems involving finding create word problem B. Giving directions
lesson division? the GCF and LCM. involving GCF and LCM in of 2- C. Administering the test
3 given numbers. D. Checking
E. Recording of scores
B. Establishing a purpose for the What is Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two Present a picture of a boy Discuss the Explore and Ask the pupils if they love to
lesson given number? helping her mother in a flower Discover! On p. 1 of LM eat pizza?
shop. Ask the pupils to tell Math Grade V Ask: What do you notice
something about the picture. about the size of the pizza?
Elicit the value of helpfulness. How it divided into parts?
C. Presenting examples/instances Present the problem to the class. Present each problem to the Ask the pupils to work on Present problem to the class
of the new lesson class. exercises under Get Moving
on page ____. Check their
D. Discussing new concepts and Have the pupils read the problem. Then ask: How will you solve for the Process the answers of the How will you solve for the
practicing new skills #1 What did Richard and Francis collected? answer to each problem? pupils. problem?
E. Discussing new concepts and Answer “Challenge Yourself With the Problem “ Discuss the 4-step plan in Present more similar Group the pupils into four
practicing new skills #2 LM p. 3-4 solving word problem. problems. working teams. Ask the
Ask the pupils to solve the groups to solve the problem.
problems under Get Moving
on p. 1 LM Math Grade V.
F. Developing mastery Answer “Keep Moving (B) LM p. 3 For mastery, have them solve For more practice, let them Ask the groups to present and
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) the problems under Keep answer the exercises under discuss their answer on the
Moving on Page_____of LM Keep Moving on page board.
Math Grade V. Check the ______ of LM Math V. Check Ask: How did you solve for the
pupil’s answer. on the pupil’s answers answers?
Ask the pupils to answer the
activity under Get Moving on
page ___ LM Math Grade V.
G. Finding practical applications of Have the pupils do the Have the pupils do the Ask them also to answer the
concepts and skills in daily living exercises under Apply your exercises under Apply your activity under Keep Moving
Skills on page 99 LM Math Skills on p. 2 LM Math on page ____ LM Math Grade
Grade V. Encourage some Grade V. V.
pupils to show and discuss the Have the pupils do the
answers. exercises under Apply your
Skills on page _____ LM Math
Grade V.
H. Making generalizations and How do we find the Least Common Multiple How do we solve problem How do we create problem “How do we add fraction and
abstractions about the lesson (LCM) of two given numbers using continuous solving GCF and LCM of two or involving GCF and LCM of mixed fraction with and
division? three given numbers? two or three given without regrouping?
I. Evaluating learning Ask pupils to work on exercises A and B under Answer “assessment” in TG Answer “assessment” in TG Answer “assessment” in TG Teacher – made Test
Get Moving on pages 4 and 5 LM Math Grade 5.
Check the pupils’ answers
J. Additional activities for have them answer the exercises under Keep Provide more practice on Let the pupils copy their Let the pupils copy their Give remediation activity to
application or remediation Moving on page 5 of LM Math Grade 5. Check on finding the GCF and LCM of assignment from slide. assignment from slide. those who failed to get 80%
the pupils’ answers. two numbers. Then, give above correct responses
problems similar to those given
in the lesson.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
II. CONTENT Subtracting fraction and mixed Solving routine and non- routine Solving routine and non- routine Creating problems (with reasonable
fractions without and with problems involving addition and/ or problems involving addition and/ or answers) involving addition and/or
regrouping subtraction of fractions using subtraction of fractions using subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem solving appropriate problem solving appropriate strategies
strategies and tools. strategies and tools.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Quarter 1 week 6 pp. Quarter 1 week 6 pp. Quarter 1 week 6 pp. Quarter 1 week 6 pp.
2. Learner’s Material pages Quarter 1 week 6 pp. Quarter 1 week 6 pp. Quarter 1 week 6 pp. Quarter 1 week 6 pp.
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources flash cards, manila paper and Drill cards, activity sheets flash cards, paper for folding, flash cards, paper strips, activity
marker pen. problem chart cards, fruit and vegetable cut-outs
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review on adding mixed fractions. Have a review on changing dissimilar What are the steps in solving word What are the steps in solving word
presenting the new lesson Provide exercises written on flash fractions to similar fractions problems? In what steps will the problems? In what steps will the
cards. dissimilar fractions to similar following questions fall? following questions fall?
Changing fraction to lowest terms fractions. .Change the following -What is asked? -What is asked?
dissimilar fractions to similar -What are the given facts? -What are the given facts?
fractions. -What is the process to be used? -What is the process to be used?
-What is the number sentence? -What is the number sentence?
-Show the solution and complete -Show the solution and complete
answer answer
B. Establishing a purpose for the How many of you have brothers or Give this situation for the pupils to How often do you spend time with Read and study the following
lesson sisters. Do you share anything with think about and provide answers. your family? What activities do you problems.
them? When you give something to Jun’s family is making sweet do together? Is it important that we
somebody what happen to the tamarind candies to earn extra spend time with our family? Ask: Can we solve these problems?
things you had before? (Wait for income and sustain the family’s daily Why and why not?
some response). What do you feel expenses. Is it important to learn
when you share something to how to earn extra money especially
others? Why? during vacation time? Why? What
other income- generating projects a
family may engage in to earn extra
C. Presenting examples/instances of Present the situation to the class. Presentation One afternoon, Mr. Cruz brought
the new lesson There was 1 1/2 melon left for Present this problem. Ask the class home one whole pizza. He made 8 Post the jumbled parts of a word
dinner. At dinner time, the family to read and understand it. slices. His daughters Lily, Lenie and problem on the board. Ask some
ate 2/3 of the melon. What part of Justine bakes an apple Luz got their share. Mr. Cruz and his pupils to read them.
the melon was left for the next cake for her mother’s birthday. Her wife ate theirs too. How much pizza
meal? brother ate 3/5 while her sister ate was left?
Ask:What is asked in the situation? 2/4. Who ate more? How much Ask the following
What are the given facts? more? questions:
What is asked?
-What are the given facts?
-What is the process to be used?
-What is the number sentence?
-Show the solution and complete
D. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils into four working Ask the pupils to solve the problem Tell the pupils to do paper Can you arrange the sentences to
practicing new skills #1 teams. Let them think to solve the by pairs. folding/cutting to answer the form a word problem?Let the pupils
problems. Expected answer : 3/5- 2/4 = 12/20- problem. give different suggestions until the
Possible Solution: 10/20 class arrives at the correct answer.
1 1/2-2/3= N
After all the groups have finished, Understand
ask them to display their output on Know what is asked in the
the board and ask them to discuss problem? Who ate more? By how
their answers. much?
Know the given facts, 3/5
and 2/4
Plan: Determine the
operation to use. Subtraction
Draw a picture to represent
the problem.
Solve: Think of the solution to the
E. Discussing new concepts and After all the groups have presented After sharing the answers, let the Ask pupils if they have other ways of How do we know that the problem is
practicing new skills #2 their answers, ask: “How did you pupils express their thoughts about solving the problem. now correctly arranged?What must
find the activity? How were you able the activity. Appreciate the thoughts Say: There are times some problems a problem have for us to know that
to subtract dissimilar fractions? then ask: How did you solve the can be solved in other ways like: it is complete?
What did you do?” problem? Guess and Test Strategy, Using an
operation, Drawing a picture, etc.
Understand the problem
Plan , Solve
Solution to the problem
Check and Look Back
We stated the complete answer
F. Developing mastery Discuss the presentation Discuss the presentation under Solve this problem using a strategy Collaborative Activity
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) under Explore and Discover on page Explore and Discover on p. ____,LM you may choose. 1. Divide the class into three
, LM Math Grade 5. Then, give the Math Grade V. Then, ask the pupils Bessie baked a banana cake. Her groups.
following exercises. to answer Get Moving. brother ate 3/10 of the cake while 2. Give each group an activity
Ask the pupils to subtract. her sister ate ¼.Who ate more and card with data to be used in creating
by how much? a problem.
5 1/5-2/3 3. All members must
8 2/7-10/14 cooperate in creating the problem.
3 1/2- 1 5/6 4. The group leader will
6 1/6-5/9 report to the class the word problem
they created and the solutionand
answer to it.
G. Finding practical applications of Ask pupils to work on items 1 to 8 Ask pupils to solve the problems Solve the following using the Activity: Role Playing
concepts and skills in daily living under Get Moving and items 1-5 under Apply Your Skills on page strategy assigned to your group. Materials: Cut-outs of fruits and
under Keep Moving on pages , LM _______ • Peter hiked 5/7 of a vegetables
Math Grade 5. LM for Grade V. Check the pupils kilometer. Mike hiked 1/3 of a Mechanics:
answer after a given period of time. kilometer. Who covered a longer • The class will role-play
distance? going to market to buy fruits and
vegetables. That they will create.
• Cut-outs of fruits and
vegetables will be displayed in front
of the class.
• Each cut-out has an
indicated number of kilos.
• Each child will pick 2-3
fruits and vegetables.
• They will use the items
they picked as details in the problem
H. Making generalizations and How to subtract fractions and mixed What are the steps in solving What are the steps in solving How do we create a word problem?
abstractions about the lesson fractions without and with problems? problems?
I. Evaluating learning Answer the following Read and understand the problems. Solve the following problems: Create a problem using the given
Take away 3 1/2 from 6 1/5. Then solve 1. Julius and Edgar harvested data. Then, solve the problem.
6 1/8 less 2 4/5 is equal to _____ 1. Mark washed his car in 4/5 10 kilograms of star apples from the 1. Given: 3 ¾ hours on
of an hour, cleaned the garage in 2/6 orchard. They gave 2 1/3 kilograms Saturday, 2 1/5 hours on Sunday
of an hour, and painted the garden to their friends. How many
fence in 3/4 hours. How long did it kilograms of fruits were left for the
take him to do all the tasks? family?
J. Additional activities for application Read and analyze the question then Read and analyze the question then Solve each word problem. Arrange the given details to create a
or remediation solve. solve. 1. Amor weighs 50 1/8 kilos. problem. Then, answer the problem.
Find the difference of 4 Pia spent ¾ hours in her Lolo Ben’s Marife weighs 36 3/8 kilos. 1. -She used 2 ½ meters for
2/3 and 2 5/6. farm. This was 2/3 of an hour more a. How heavy are they her project.
What is the difference than the time she spent at the mall together? -How much cloth was left?
between 10 1/2 and 6 4/6? .How much time did she spent at the b. Who is heavier? By -Fay bought 6 ¾ meters of cloth.
mall? how many kilos?
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
II. CONTENT Multiplication of fractions Multiplying fraction and a whole number and Multiplying fraction and a whole number and Multiplies mentally proper
using models another Fraction another Fraction fractions with denominators up
to 10
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Quarter 7 week 6 pp. Quarter 7 week 6 pp. Quarter 7 week 6 pp. Quarter 7 week 6 pp.
2. Learner’s Material pages Quarter 7 week 6 pp. Quarter 7 week 6 pp. Quarter 7 week 6 pp. Quarter 7 week 6 pp.
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Flashcards, strips of paper, Flash card, chart, activity sheets, strips of Flash card, chart, activity sheets, strips of flash cards/window cards, charts,
cartolina paper, two cubes with all faces of numbered. paper, two cubes with all faces of numbered. activity sheets
A. Reviewing previous lesson Read and Solve Use drawing to help you Use drawing to help you Give the multiples of the
or presenting the new Mother bought 5 kg of meat. find the answer to the following find the answer to the following following numbers 3, 6, 9
lesson She cooked 1 ½ kg on 1. 3/5 of 1/3 = 1. 3/5 of 1/3 =
Saturday and 2 1/3 kg on 2. 2/3 of 1/5 = 2. 2/3 of 1/5 =
Sunday. How many Kilograms 3. 3/5 of ¼ = 3. 3/5 of ¼ =
of meat not cooked? 4. 2/5 of ½ = 4. 2/5 of ½ =
5. 2/4 of ½ = 5. 2/4 of ½ =
B. Establishing a purpose for the What is ½ of a whole? Show it How many of you asked by your mother to go How many of you asked by your mother to go Who among you likes to eat
lesson through your piece of pad to the Market? What do you buy from the to the Market? What do you buy from the pizza? What will you do to the
paper. If you find ½ of that market? Did you help your mother preparing market? Did you help your mother preparing pizza before eating it?
part again, what answer will food? food?
you get? (Let them fold the
paper once more in half and
shade that part). How is the
result compared with ½?
C. Presenting examples/instances Using problem opener and Using problem opener Using problem opener Present the situation to the class.
of the new lesson Visual presentations Ask these questions Ask these questions
What ingredients did Caty’s buy from the What ingredients did Caty’s buy from the
market? market?
What kind of a girl is Caty? What kind of a girl is Caty?
Will you obey your mother? Will you obey your mother?
D. Discussing new concepts and Ask these questions: To answer the first problem, let us draw a To answer the first problem, let us draw a Group the pupils into five
practicing new skills #1 a. How big is father’s figure to represent 1/6 of a piece of cheese figure to represent 1/6 of a piece of cheese working teams. Tell them to
land? think of methods on how to solve
b. What part of it was the problem mentally.
planted with sweet corn?
c. What are given in
the problem?
d. What is asked?
Guide the pupils in
planning how to solve the
problem by asking them these
What is 1/3 of ¾?
What is the number
sentence? ( 1/3 x ¾ = N )
E. Discussing new concepts and Group Work: Let the pupils to We can also express as … 5 x 1 = 5 or we We can also express as … 5 x 1 = 5 or we By mental computation
practicing new skills #2 visualize the multiplication multiply 5 by 1 multiply 5 by 1 ½ × ⅓ - Multiply numerator
problem using model by How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity? to numerator and multiply
presenting one hectare by How did you multiply the fraction to another How did you multiply the fraction to another denominator to denominator.
whole piece of cartolina. Say, fraction? fraction? ½ × ⅓ = 1/6
“ if this is 1 hectare, how will How did you multiply fraction to a whole How did you multiply fraction to a whole
you represent the ¾ hectare number? number?
piece of land owned by
(Pupils may fold the piece into
4 equal parts and shades ¾ ).
F. Developing mastery After performing the activity A. Discuss the presentation under A. Discuss the presentation under How did you go with the activity?
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) the pupils answer the Explore and Discover on page ____ of LM Explore and Discover on page ____ of LM How did you get the
following questions through Grade Five Grade Five product without paper and
the visualization multiplication B. Ask the pupils to work on the B. Ask the pupils to work on the pencil?
of fractions using models exercises under Get Moving on page ____of LM exercises under Get Moving on page ____of LM For the solution: We
Grade Five Grade Five multiply both numerators and
C. For Mastery, have them answer the C. For Mastery, have them answer the denominators to get the product
items under Keep Moving on page ___ of LM items under Keep Moving on page ___ of LM of the fractions mentally.
Grade Five Grade Five
G. Finding practical applications of Show the product: Ask the pupils to do items 1 to 3 under Apply Ask the pupils to do items 1 to 3 under Apply A. Solve each item mentally.
concepts and skills in daily living a. One half of one and your Skills on page 153 of LM Grade 5 your Skills on page 153 of LM Grade 5 1. 2/3 × 4/5 = _____
one half of the farm is planted 2. ½ × 2/3 = _____
with corn. Illustrate the area. 3. ¾ × 2/3 = _____
b. Have the pupils do 4. 5/7 × 7/8=_____
their under Apply your Skills 5. 7/10 × 1/5 = _____
on Page --- LM Grade 5 Math. B. Solve for N mentally.
1. 5/6 × 7/8 = N
2. 3/8 × 5/6 = N
3. 3/10 × ½ = N
4. 2/3 × ½ = N
For more exercises, let the
pupils answer exercise B under
Keep Moving on page__ LM
Math Grade 5.
H. Making generalizations and How do we visualize How do we multiply whole number to fraction? How do we multiply whole number to fraction? Lead the pupils to give the
abstractions about the lesson multiplication of Fraction How do we multiply fraction to fraction? How do we multiply fraction to fraction? generalization by asking: How do
using model. you multiply the proper fractions
Multiplication equation for with the denominators up to 10?
each visualization by paper
folding drawing and the like.
I. Evaluating learning A. Discuss the Understand the questions carefully Understand the questions carefully Let the pupils answer
presentation under Explore then write your answers in the blanks. then write your answers in the blanks. exercise Aunder Apply Your
and Discover on page ___ of 1. In the equation 2/3 x ½ x 5 = N 1. In the equation 2/3 x ½ x 5 = N Skillson page__ LM Math Grade 5
LM Math Grade 5 2. If you multiply 3 , ¼ and 2/3, what 2. If you multiply 3 , ¼ and 2/3, what
B. Let the pupils work will be the product will be the product
on exercises under Get 3. Multiply 2/3 , 2 and 4/5 . It will give a 3. Multiply 2/3 , 2 and 4/5 . It will give a
Movingon page___ on page of product of __________. product of __________.
LM Grade 5. For more Practice 4. What is the product of 2/7 , 3/8 and 4. What is the product of 2/7 , 3/8 and
give exercises under Keep ½ ? _______ ½ ? _______
Moving on page of LM Grade 5. Multiply 2, 5/6 and ¾. The answer is 5. Multiply 2, 5/6 and ¾. The answer is
5 _____. _____.
J. Additional activities for Prepare an album showing the Find the product. Express your answer in Find the product. Express your answer in Answer exercise B underApply
application or remediation following equations. Use lowest terms if possible lowest terms if possible Your Skillson page__ LM Math
paper – folding methods. Dan bought 6 kilos of rice in the Dan bought 6 kilos of rice in the Grade 5
1. 21 market. He shared 1/3 for their picnic. How market. He shared 1/3 for their picnic. How
3 x 2 = many kilos of rice did he share? many kilos of rice did he share?
Phiel planted pineapple on the ¾ of Phiel planted pineapple on the ¾ of
2. 13 the 5/6 sq. hectares of farm, what part of the the 5/6 sq. hectares of farm, what part of the
10 x 4 = farm was planted with pineapple? farm was planted with pineapple?
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
operations involving operations involving operations involving operations involving
fractions fractions fractions fractions
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to recognize The learner is able to recognize The learner is able to recognize The learner is able to recognize
and represent whole and represent whole and represent whole and represent whole
numbers up to 10 000 numbers up to 10 000 numbers up to 10 000 numbers up to 10 000
000 in various forms 000 in various forms 000 in various forms 000 in various forms
and contexts and able to apply and contexts and able to apply and contexts and able to apply and contexts and able to apply
divisibility, order of divisibility, order of divisibility, order of divisibility, order of
operations, factors and multiples, operations, factors and multiples, operations, factors and multiples, operations, factors and multiples,
and the four fundamental and the four fundamental and the four fundamental and the four fundamental
operations operations operations operations
involving fractions in involving fractions in involving fractions in involving fractions in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives solves routine or non-routine solves routine or non-routine
Write the LC code for each problems involving multiplication problems involving multiplication creates problems (with reasonable creates problems (with reasonable
without or with addition or without or with addition or answers) involving multiplication of answers) involving multiplication of
subtraction of fractions and whole subtraction of fractions and whole fraction fraction
numbers using appropriate problem numbers using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools. solving strategies and tools.
M5NS-Ih-93.1 M5NS-Ih-93.1
M5NS-Ih-92.1 M5NS-Ih-92.1
II. CONTENT Solving Routine or Non-routine Solving Routine or Non-routine Creating Problems (with reasonable Creating Problems (with reasonable
Problems Involving Multiplication Problems Involving Multiplication answer) Involving Multiplication of answer) Involving Multiplication of
Without or With Addition or Without or With Addition or Fractions Fractions
Subtraction of Fractions and Whole Subtraction of Fractions and Whole
Numbers Using Appropriate Problem Numbers Using Appropriate Problem
Solving Strategies or Tools. Solving Strategies or Tools.
LM Grade 4 pp. 131-132 LM Grade 4 pp. 131-132
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Using flash cards give the product of Using flash cards give the product of Conduct a review on solving Conduct a review on solving
presenting the new lesson
the following fractions mentally. the following fractions mentally. multistep routine and non-routine multistep routine and non-routine
3/5 X ½ 3/5 X ½ problems involving multiplication problems involving multiplication
6/7 X 1/3 6/7 X 1/3 fractions using appropriate problem- fractions using appropriate problem-
7/9 X 4/5 7/9 X 4/5 solving strategies and tools. solving strategies and tools.
9/10 X ¼ 9/10 X ¼5. 8/10 X 3/
B. Establishing a purpose for the Solves routine or non-routine Solves routine or non-routine Create problems (with reasonable Create problems (with reasonable
lesson problems involving multiplication problems involving multiplication
answer) involving multiplication of answer) involving multiplication of
without or with addition or without or with addition or
subtraction of fractions and whole subtraction of fractions and whole fractions fractions
numbers using appropriate problem numbers using appropriate problem
solving strategies or tools. solving strategies or tools.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Do you know how to save your Do you know how to save your Show a picture of a boy/girl putting Show a picture of a boy/girl putting
the new lesson money? How do you save your
money? How do you save your coins on a piggy bank. coins on a piggy bank.
money? Ask: What is the boy/girl doing? Is it Ask: What is the boy/girl doing? Is it
necessary for a child like you to learn necessary for a child like you to learn
how to save money? Why? how to save money? Why?
D. Discussing new concepts and Present this problem. Let the pupils Present this problem. Let the pupils Present this problem. Present this problem.
practicing new skills #1
read and understand it. read and understand it.
Everyday Shane’s mother gives her Everyday Shane’s mother gives her
Php 50 for her allowance. She only Php 50 for her allowance. She only
Marlon earned ₱150 by selling Marlon earned ₱150 by selling
spend ¾ of it and save the rest on spend ¾ of it and save the rest on
newspapers. If he puts 2⁄5 of his newspapers. If he puts 2⁄5 of his
her coin bank. If she saves her her coin bank. If she saves her
money in his piggy bank, how much did money in his piggy bank, how much
money religiously every day, how money religiously every day, how
he save? did he save?
much money will she have in 4 much money will she have in 4
Ask: What is asked in the problem? Ask: What is asked in the problem? weeks? weeks?
What are given in the problem? What are given in the problem?
Guide the pupils in solving the Guide the pupils in solving the
What word clue would help you What word clue would help you
problem. Refer to the questions. problem. Refer to the questions.
solve the problem? solve the problem?
What is asked in the What is asked in the
What operation needed to solve the What operation needed to solve the
problem? problem?
problem? problem?
What is the number sentence? What is the number sentence? What are the given facts? What are the given facts?
Call one pupil to show his/her Call one pupil to show his/her What is the word clue? What is the word clue?
solution on the board. solution on the board. What is the operation to What is the operation to
be used? be used?
What is the mathematical What is the mathematical
sentence for the problem? sentence for the problem?
Solve and explain the Solve and explain the
answer. answer.
12.50 x 20 (number of 12.50 x 20 (number of
school days in 4 weeks) = school days in 4 weeks) =
Php 250.00 her savings in Php 250.00 her savings in
4 weeks 4 weeks
Ask: Can you create a Ask: Can you create a
problem similar to the given problem similar to the given
problem? problem?
E. Discussing new concepts and Ask: Why do you think Marlon saved Ask: Why do you think Marlon saved Group the pupils into five working Group the pupils into five working
practicing new skills #2
money in his piggy bank? Is it proper money in his piggy bank? Is it proper teams. Encourage them to create a teams. Encourage them to create a
to save money? Why? What kind of to save money? Why? What kind of similar problem to the one given. similar problem to the one given.
boy is Marlon? boy is Marlon?
Say: Let us have another problem. Say: Let us have another problem. Create a problem with the given Create a problem with the given
This time you will group yourselves This time you will group yourselves data. data.
into 5. into 5. 15 kilograms of mangoes- harvested 15 kilograms of mangoes- harvested
Group 1-A metro Aide can clean 10 Group 1-A metro Aide can clean 10 by John from the orchard1/3 by John from the orchard1/3
2/3 meters of the lawn per hour. 2/3 meters of the lawn per hour. kilograms-shared by John to his kilograms-shared by John to his
How manymeters can he cleans in 4 How manymeters can he cleans in 4 neighbours neighbours
½ hours? ½ hours? 5 ½ litres of paint- amount of paint 5 ½ litres of paint- amount of paint
Group 2- A man owned a parcel Group 2- A man owned a parcel to be used for painting the fence to be used for painting the fence
of land that was 1 4/5 hectares in of land that was 1 4/5 hectares in ¾ of the total paint- the amount of ¾ of the total paint- the amount of
area. He used 2/3 of the land for a area. He used 2/3 of the land for a paint consume to paint the entire paint consume to paint the entire
garden. What fraction of the land garden. What fraction of the land fence. fence.
area is the garden? area is the garden?
Group 3- Julius sold 3 ½ sacks of Group 3- Julius sold 3 ½ sacks of
rice. Each sack weighs 50 kilograms. rice. Each sack weighs 50 kilograms.
How manyKilograms of rice did How manyKilograms of rice did
Julius sell? Julius sell?
Group 4- Precy answered ¾ of the Group 4- Precy answered ¾ of the
test correctly. If there is a total of 20 test correctly. If there is a total of 20
test items, how many items did she test items, how many items did she
get correctly? get correctly?
Group 5- Ricky painted 3/5 of the Group 5- Ricky painted 3/5 of the
side of the garage. When he side of the garage. When he
repainted ½ of this part, what part repainted ½ of this part, what part
of the side of the garage of each ad of the side of the garage of each ad
he painted twice? he painted twice?
Call a representative of each Call a representative of each
group to report the outcomes of group to report the outcomes of
their activity. their activity.
F. Developing mastery Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) A. Discuss the presentation C. Discuss the presentation
Explore and Discoveron page 1 of Explore and Discoveron page 1 of
on page ___of LM Math on page ___of LM Math
LM Math Grade 5. LM Math Grade 5.
Grade V. Grade V.
Read and solve the problems Read and solve the problems
B. Have the pupils create a D. Have the pupils create a
carefully. carefully.
problem with the problem with the
Nelson wants to paint one of the Nelson wants to paint one of the
information given. information given.
walls of his bedroom with a color walls of his bedroom with a color
1. Php 25,000- Ericka’s 3. Php 25,000- Ericka’s
different from different from
monthly salary from her monthly salary from her
that of the other walls. The wall he that of the other walls. The wall he
online tutorial class online tutorial class
will paint is 5 ½ metres long and 4 ½ will paint is 5 ½ metres long and 4 ½
1/8 - she puts on 1/8 - she puts on
metres high. What is the dimension metres high. What is the dimension
her savings every month her savings every month
of the wall? of the wall?
2. 5/6- part of the house to 4. 5/6- part of the house to
Joshua had a piece of tape 4 1/3 m. Joshua had a piece of tape 4 1/3 m.
be cleaned be cleaned
long. He used ¾ of it. How many long. He used ¾ of it. How many
½- part of the house ½- part of the house
metres of metres of
finished in cleaning finished in cleaning
Tape did he use? Tape did he use?
G. Finding practical applications of How do you find with the activity? How do you find with the activity? After all the groups have presented After all the groups have presented
concepts and skills in daily living
Did you enjoy doing it? Did you enjoy doing it? their work, ask the following their work, ask the following
How were you able to solve it? How were you able to solve it? questions: questions:
How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity?
How were you able to create a How were you able to create a
problem? problem?
H. Making generalizations and How do we solve routine and non- How do we solve routine and non- Summarize the lesson by asking: Summarize the lesson by asking:
abstractions about the lesson
routine word problem? routine word problem? How do we create problems How do we create problems
The steps in solving routine The steps in solving routine involving multiplication of fractions? involving multiplication of fractions?
problems are: problems are: We familiarize ourselves We familiarize ourselves
Understand – Know what is asked, Understand – Know what is asked, with the different with the different
what are given. what are given. Mathematical concepts. Mathematical concepts.
Plan – Know what operation. Write Plan – Know what operation. Write Analyse the data first and Analyse the data first and
the number sentence. the number sentence. think of the type of think of the type of
Solve – Write the correct units/label Solve – Write the correct units/label problems you want to problems you want to
your answers. your answers. create. create.
Check and Look back – Review and Check and Look back – Review and Study some sample Study some sample
check your answers. check your answers. problems and be familiar problems and be familiar
To solve non- routine problems To solve non- routine problems with the organization of with the organization of
involving multiplication without or involving multiplication without or data on the problem. data on the problem.
with with
addition or subtraction of fraction addition or subtraction of fraction
and whole numbers, read and and whole numbers, read and
analyze analyze
the problem carefully. Tell what is the problem carefully. Tell what is
asked and what are given. Then, use asked and what are given. Then, use
other other
strategies like act out the problem, strategies like act out the problem,
listing/table method, guess and test, listing/table method, guess and test,
drawing/making a diagram, using drawing/making a diagram, using
patterns, working backwards, etc. to patterns, working backwards, etc. to
solve. solve.
I. Evaluating learning Read and solve carefully. Read and solve carefully. Have the pupils do the exercises Have the pupils do the exercises
1. Albert is taking a 60- 1. Albert is taking a 60- under Apply your Skills on page under Apply your Skills on page
item multiple choice item multiple choice ____, LM Math Grade V. Encourage ____, LM Math Grade V. Encourage
test. He knows the test. He knows the some pupils to show and discuss the some pupils to show and discuss the
correct answers to correct answers to answers. answers.
all, all,
xxcept 1/5 of the xxcept 1/5 of the
items. If he guesses items. If he guesses
correctly on ¾ of correctly on ¾ of
these questions, how these questions, how
many items will he many items will he
answer correctly? answer correctly?
2. A farmer has 3 sons and 2. A farmer has 3 sons and
10 ¾ hectares of rice 10 ¾ hectares of rice
field. He gave 2/7 of field. He gave 2/7 of
the land to the the land to the
oldest, 3/5 of what oldest, 3/5 of what
remained to the next remained to the next
oldest, and what still oldest, and what still
remained to the remained to the
youngest. How much youngest. How much
land did each son land did each son
receive? receive?
3. Mang Celso caught 50 3. Mang Celso caught 50
kilograms of fish. He kilograms of fish. He
sold 4/5 of these to sold 4/5 of these to
his neighbors and his neighbors and
brought the rest to brought the rest to
the market. How the market. How
many kilograms of many kilograms of
fish were sold in the fish were sold in the
market? market?
4. Jose harvested 45 ½ kg 4. Jose harvested 45 ½ kg
of squash from his of squash from his
garden. He gave 5/8 garden. He gave 5/8
of these to the of these to the
visitors. How many visitors. How many
kilograms of squash kilograms of squash
were left? were left?
5. A car travel at a speed 5. A car travel at a speed
of 2 ¼ kph. How far of 2 ¼ kph. How far
can it go in 3 1/3 can it go in 3 1/3
hours? hours?
J. Additional activities for application Let the pupils answer exercise A Let the pupils answer exercise A Write a question for the given Write a question for the given
or remediation under Apply Your Skills on page_ LM under Apply Your Skills on page_ LM
problem. problem.
Math Grade 5 Math Grade 5
1. Rudy earns Php 500 each 1. Rudy earns Php 500 each
day working in an office. day working in an office.
He spends 3/4 of it for He spends 3/4 of it for
food. food.
2. Jen bought 3 ¼ meter 2. Jen bought 3 ¼ meter
ribbon for her dress. The ribbon for her dress. The
dressmaker used only 2/3 dressmaker used only 2/3
of it. of it.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
M5NS-Ii-96.1 M5NS-Ii-96.1
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Conduct a review on multiplication Conduct a review on multiplication Write the following as mixed Write the following as mixed
presenting the new lesson numbers or whole numbers numbers or whole numbers
of fraction using flash cards. of fraction using flash cards.
Group 1 Group 1
2 3 4 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 12 23 13 19 14 12 23 13 19 14
1. × = 2. × = 3. × 1. × = 2. × = 3. × 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3. 4. 5.
3 4 5 7 3 3 4 5 7 3 3 4 4 4 5 3 4 4 4 5
5 2 3 3 4 5 2 3 3 4
= 4. × = 5. × = = 4. × = 5. × =
6 9 4 8 5 6 9 4 8 5
B. Establishing a purpose for the Visualizes division of fraction Visualizes division of fraction Divides simple fraction and whole Divides simple fraction and whole
lesson number by a fraction and vice versa number by a fraction and vice versa
C. Presenting examples/instances of Present a picture of a girl sharing a Present a picture of a girl sharing a Present a picture of a boy helping his Present a picture of a boy helping his
the new lesson parents in doing household chores. parents in doing household chores.
slice of bread to her playmate. Ask slice of bread to her playmate. Ask
Ask the pupils if they also help their Ask the pupils if they also help their
the pupils to tell something about the pupils to tell something about parents at home in doing household parents at home in doing household
chores. Elicit the value of helping. chores. Elicit the value of helping.
the picture. Elicit the value of the picture. Elicit the value of
sharing. sharing.
D. Discussing new concepts and Present each problem to the class. Present each problem to the class. Present each problem to the class. Present each problem to the class.
practicing new skills #1
Grace has 4 meters of cloth. She Grace has 4 meters of cloth. She 5 5
A m wire is to be cut into pieces A m wire is to be cut into pieces
6 6
1 1
wants to make hand towels for her wants to make hand towels for her Lito helps his father cutting it into Lito helps his father cutting it into
12 12
EPP project. How many hand towels EPP project. How many hand towels meter long. How many pieces can he meter long. How many pieces can he
cut from the wire? cut from the wire?
can she make if each hand towel can she make if each hand towel
meter? measures
meter? Analyze the problem: Analyze the problem:
2 2
What is asked? What is asked?
Analyze the problem. Ask “What are Analyze the problem. Ask “What are
What facts are given? What facts are given?
the given facts?” the given facts?” What is the needed operation? What is the needed operation?
Write the equation. Write the equation.
What is asked? What is the What is asked? What is the
operation to be used? operation to be used?
E. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils and have them Group the pupils and have them Group the pupils and have them Group the pupils and have them
practicing new skills #2 perform the task. perform the task.
perform the task. perform the task.
Find each quotient. Find each quotient.
÷ = n 3. 6. ÷ = n 3. 6. 56 = n
2 1 5 1 5 2 1 5 1
÷ = n 2. 6 =n ÷ = n 2.
3 3 6 8 3 3 6 8
4. 5 84 = n 5. 24 6
8 =n 4. 5 84 = n 5. 24 86 = n
3 1 4 3 1 4
6. ÷ =n 7. 12 ÷ = n 6. ÷ =n 7. 12 ÷ = n
4 4 5 4 4 5
1 1
8. 9 ÷ 8. 9 ÷
6 6
F. Developing mastery Let the groups present their outputs. Let the groups present their outputs. Let the pupils present their work. Let the pupils present their work.
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) How did you find the activity? How How did you find the activity? How
How did you find the activity? Were How did you find the activity? Were
did you find the quotient of simple did you find the quotient of simple
you able to visualize division of you able to visualize division of fraction? whole number and fraction fraction? whole number and fraction
vice versa? vice versa?
fraction? In how many ways were fraction? In how many ways were
you able to show the answer? you able to show the answer? To divide simple fractions To divide simple fractions
Change the divisor to its reciprocal. Change the divisor to its reciprocal.
Change the division sign to Change the division sign to
multiplication sign. multiplication sign.
Multiply the numerators then Multiply the numerators then
multiply the denominators. multiply the denominators.
Express in lowest terms if necessary. Express in lowest terms if necessary.
To divide whole number and a To divide whole number and a
fraction vice versa: fraction vice versa:
Step 1. Write the number sentence. Step 1. Write the number sentence.
Step 2. Rename the whole number Step 2. Rename the whole number
in fraction form in fraction form
Step 3. Get the reciprocal of the Step 3. Get the reciprocal of the
divisor then proceed to divisor then proceed to
Multiplication of fractions. Multiplication of fractions.
Step 4. Write the product of the Step 4. Write the product of the
numerators over the product of the numerators over the product of the
denominators; and denominators; and
reduce the fractions if needed. reduce the fractions if needed.
. .
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation. On page Discuss the presentation. On page Discuss the presentation. On page Discuss the presentation. On page
concepts and skills in daily living ___ of LM Math Grade V, ___ of LM Math Grade V,
___ of LM Math Grade V, ___ of LM Math Grade V,
Have the pupils solve the following Have the pupils solve the following
Have the pupils solve the following Have the pupils solve the following problems. problems.
problems. problems. 3 3
Lita found of a big birthday cake in Lita found of a big birthday cake in
5 5
Use a fraction chart to show: Use a fraction chart to show: 1 1
the refrigerator. She served piece the refrigerator. She served piece
5 5
a) 3 d)
a) 3 d)
of the cake to each of her friends. of the cake to each of her friends.
9 9
1 How many of her friends ate the How many of her friends ate the
3 1 3 1 cake? cake?
3 3
b) 5 e)
b) 5 e)
How many
-meter long pieces can How many
-meter long pieces can
12 12 5 5
1 1 8 8
2 1 2 1 be cut from an 10 -meter ribbon? be cut from an 10 -meter ribbon?
3 3
c) 6 c) 6 12 ÷ ¼ 12 ÷ ¼
6 ÷ 4/5 6 ÷ 4/5
2 2
3 ÷ 2/8 3 ÷ 2/8
3 3
Ask the pupils to solve the problems Ask the pupils to solve the problems
under Get Moving on page ____ LM under Get Moving on page ____ LM
Math Grade V. Check their Answer. Math Grade V. Check their Answer.
For mastery, have them solve the For mastery, have them solve the
problems under Keep Moving on problems under Keep Moving on
Page _______ of LM Math Grade V. Page _______ of LM Math Grade V.
Check the pupil’s answer. Check the pupil’s answer.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to generalize that: Lead the pupils to generalize that: Lead the pupils to generalize that: Lead the pupils to generalize that:
abstractions about the lesson To divide simple fraction: To divide simple fraction:
To visualize division offraction we To visualize division offraction we
Change the divisor to its reciprocal. Change the divisor to its reciprocal.
use the illustration, fraction chart use the illustration, fraction chart Change the division sign to Change the division sign to
multiplication sign. multiplication sign.
and number line and number line
Multiply the numerators then Multiply the numerators then
multiply the denominators. multiply the denominators.
Express in lowest terms if necessary. Express in lowest terms if necessary.
To divide whole number and a To divide whole number and a
fraction vice versa: fraction vice versa:
Step 1. Write thee number sentence. Step 1. Write thee number sentence.
Step 2. Rename the whole number Step 2. Rename the whole number
in fraction form in fraction form
Step 3. Get the reciprocal of the Step 3. Get the reciprocal of the
divisor then proceed to divisor then proceed to
Multiplication of fractions. Multiplication of fractions.
Step 4. Write the product of the Step 4. Write the product of the
num numerators over the product of the num numerators over the product of the
den denominators; and den denominators; and
reduce the fractions if needed. reduce the fractions if needed.
I. Evaluating learning Solve the problem using illustration: Solve the problem using illustration: Find the quotient: Find the quotient:
1) Jayra bought 3 pineapples. She 1) Jayra bought 3 pineapples. She 5 1 9 1 7 5 1 9 1 7
1. ÷ = n 2. ÷ = n 3. 1. ÷ = n 2. ÷ = n 3.
8 3 10 2 8 8 3 10 2 8
1 1 2 1 1 2
cut each into ½ pieces. How many cut each into ½ pieces. How many ÷ = n 4. 10 ÷ = n 5. 8 ÷ = ÷ = n 4. 10 ÷ = n 5. 8 ÷ =
2 8 3 2 8 3
halves did she have? halves did she have?
2) Rico has to pack 4 kg. of rice in 2) Rico has to pack 4 kg. of rice in
bags that can contain 4/5 kg per bag. bags that can contain 4/5 kg per bag.
How many bags will he need to pack How many bags will he need to pack
the rice? the rice?
J. Additional activities for application Illustrate the following division Illustrate the following division Find the quotient. Write the answer Find the quotient. Write the answer
or remediation in your notebook. in your notebook.
problems. Write the answer in your problems. Write the answer in your 1 5 4 1 1 1 5 4 1 1
1. ÷ = n 2. ÷ = n 3. 6 ÷ =n 2. ÷ = n 2. ÷ = n 3. 6 ÷ =n
3 9 5 2 3 3 9 5 2 3
notebook. notebook. 1 7 1 7
4. 24 ÷ =n 5. 3 ÷ =n 4. 24 ÷ =n 5. 3 ÷ =n
4 10 4 10
3 3
1.) 6 4 =N 4.) 6 4 = N
2 2
2.) 12 3 = N 5.) 12 3 = N
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
demonstrates demonstrates
understanding of understanding of
divisibility, order of operations, divisibility, order of operations, factors
factors and multiples, and the
and multiples, and the four fundamental
four fundamental operations involving
operations involving fractions
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to recognize The learner is able to recognize
and represent whole and represent whole
numbers up to 10 000 numbers up to 10 000
000 in various forms 000 in various forms
and contexts and able to apply and contexts and able to apply
divisibility, order of divisibility, order of
operations, factors and multiples, operations, factors and multiples, and
and the four fundamental the four fundamental operations
operations involving fractions in
involving fractions in mathematical problems and real-life
mathematical problems and real- situations.
life situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each solves routine or non-routine creates problems (with
problems involving division without reasonable answers) involving
or with any of the other operations division or with any of the other
of fractions and whole numbers
operations of fractions and whole
using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Checking of Assignment Checking of Assignment
presenting the new lesson
Review the steps in solving word Review the steps in solving word
problems. problems.
Ask: What are the steps in solving a Ask: What are the steps in solving a
word problem word problem
In what steps will the following
questions fall?
What is asked?
What are the given facts?
What is the process to be used?
What is the number sentence?
Show the solution and complete
B. Establishing a purpose for the Solves routine or non-routine Create problems (with reasonable
problems involving division without answers) involving division or with any
or with any of the other operations of other operations of fractions and
of fractions and whole numbers whole numbers
using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Do you drink pineapple juice? Do Read and study the problem.
the new lesson you share it with your friends?
Malou is making a placemats for her
mother. How many placemats can she
cut from 4 meters of linen cloth?
D. Discussing new concepts and Present a problem opener Post the jumbled word problems on the
practicing new skills #1
Pauline prepared ¾ liter of board.
pineapple juice for her 3 visitors.
How much juice were served to They have 48 cups of buko
each of her friends if she served salad.
equally among them?
How many servings can be
Ask: What is asked in the problem? made?
What are the given facts?
A cafeteria is offering buko
What word clue would help you salad for desert.
solve the problem?
What operation is to be used?
Each serving is 2/3 of a cup.
Ask a pupil to show his/her solution Let the pupils read the sentences
written on the strips.
on the board.
E. Discussing new concepts and Ask: Which of the problems is Ask: Get a partner and try to arrange
practicing new skills #2
easier to solve? What operation did the sentences to form a word a
you use to get the answer? problem.
A cafeteriais offering buko
How were you able to solve it? Did salad for desert. They have
48 cups of buko salad. Each
you work with your group
serving is 2/3 of a cup. How
cooperatively? many serving can be made?
When your group solved the
problem easily, how did you feel? Ask: Did you arrange the sentences
correctly to form a word problem?
Say: Let the pairs solve the problem and
ask someone to show the solution on
the board.
G. Finding practical applications of Divide the class in four groups. Let Ask pupils to work on the exercises
concepts and skills in daily living
them choose a leader and a under Keeping Moving on page___ of
secretary. Give each group an LM Math Grade 5. Check the pupils’
activity card with problems written answers.
on it. Then each group will post
their work on the board. The leader
will explain their answers and
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils generalize the Lead the pupils generalize the following.
abstractions about the lesson
following. To create a word problem,
Be familiar with the concepts
The steps in solving routine
of Math.
problems are:
Think of the type of problem
Understand –Know what is asked,
what are given to be created.
Plan- Know the operation. Write the Read some samples of word
number sentence. problems and study their
Solve- Write the correct units/label solutions.
your answer. The following are necessary
Check and Look back – Review and when creating a problem.
check your answer.
To solve non-routine problems To check if the answer to the problem
involving division, read and analyze you have created and solved is correct;
the problem carefully. Tell what is All the given data needed to
asked and what are given. Use solve the problem should be
other strategies like act out the there.
problem, table method, The answer must be the
drawing/making a diagram to solve. answer to what is asked for
and must be reasonable.
I. Evaluating learning Solve the following problems. Create a problem using the given data.
Mrs. Gibe had 4 bars of laundry Then, solve the problem.
soap. In how many days did she use 2
Given: 6 collected pails of water
the bar of soap if she used 1 1/3 3 big containers filled equally
bars a day? Asked: Number of pails of water each
There are 5 pieces of silk cloth. Each container hold
piece is 8/9 meters long. It takes Problem:
4/9 of a meter to make one décor. _________________________________
How many decors can be made Solution and answer:
from all the pieces?
A tailor has a bolt of cloth 50 Given: 12 m long of stick
meters long. If a uniform needs 2 7 equal parts
2/3 meters of cloth, how many Asked: the measure of each stick
uniforms can he make from the Problem: _________________
cloth? Solution and answer:
Rayne has 5 meters of cloth. She
will use it for making scarves. How 6
Given: of 100 pupils
many scarves can she make if each
3 groups
scarf needs 2/3 meter?
Asked: the number of members in each
Mark bought 30 2/3 meters of rope
and cut it into equal pieces. If he is
Problem: _____________________
to divide it equally among 16
Solution and answer:
children, how many meters of rope
will each receive?
J. Additional activities for application Solve each problem. Create your own problems.
or remediation
After harvesting 20 sacks of corn, 3 Solution and Answer:
sacks were divided by Mang Jun. He
gave ¼ of a sack of corn to each of
his neighbors. How many neighbors
shared Mang Jun’s good harvest?
Mother has 6 kg of boiled peanuts.
She wants to repack these into
small plastic bags which weigh 3/8
kg each. How many plastic bags
does she need?
Hannah and Mother can sew one
table cloth in ¼ hour. How many
table cloths can they finish in 5
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time August 22-26, 2016 Quarter
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and 1. is able to recognize and
decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and contexts. represent decimals in various represent decimals in various
contexts. forms and contexts. forms and contexts.
2. is able to apply the four fundamental
2. is able to apply the four operations involving decimals and ratio and 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four
fundamental operations involving proportion in mathematical problems and fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving
decimals and ratio and proportion in real-life situations. decimals and ratio and proportion decimals and ratio and proportion
mathematical problems and real-life in mathematical problems and in mathematical problems and
situations. real-life situations. real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each gives the place value and the value of gives the place value and the value of a digit reads and writes decimal numbers reads and writes decimal
a digit of a given decimal number of a given decimal number through ten through ten thousandths. numbers through ten
through ten thousandths. thousandths. thousandths.
M5NS-IIa-101.2 M5NS-IIa-101.2 M5NS-IIa-102.2
II. CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages K to 12 Grade 5 Curriculum Guide p. K to 12 Grade 5 Curriculum Guide p. 57 K to 12 grade 5 Curriculum p. 57. K to 12 grade 5 Curriculum p. 57.
(M5NS-IIa-102), Growing Up with (M5NS-IIa-102), Growing Up with
57 MN5NS-IIa-101.2 Lesson Guide in MN5NS-IIa-101.2 Lesson Guide in
math pp. 163- math pp. 163-
Elementary Mathematics VI pp.38-42 Elementary Mathematics VI pp.38-42 166. Lesson Guide In 166. Lesson Guide In
Mathematics 5 pp. 310-315, Mathematics 5 pp. 310-315,
MISOSA Module 6- Reading and MISOSA Module 6- Reading and
Writing Decimals Writing Decimals
B. Establishing a purpose for the Gives the place value and the value of Gives the place value and the value of a Reads and writes decimal Reads and writes decimal
lesson numbers through ten thousands numbers through ten thousands
a digit of a given decimal number digit of a given decimal number through ten
through ten
C. Presenting examples/instances of When you see 5, what does it mean When you see 5, what does it mean to you? Are you all aware of what is Are you all aware of what is
the new lesson happening in our country? Are happening in our country? Are
to you? (5 objects or 5 units) (5 objects or 5 units)
you aware of the economic you aware of the economic
How about 0.5? Do we read it simply How about 0.5? Do we read it simply as
situation in the Philippines? situation in the Philippines?
as “point 5”? “point 5”?
Is there a way to read it correctly? Is there a way to read it correctly? What is the implication to our What is the implication to our
economy of the dollar exchange economy of the dollar exchange
rate? rate?
D. Discussing new concepts and Present the problem: Present the problem: Problem: Problem:
practicing new skills #1
Raul and Joey love studying. Even Raul and Joey love studying. Even though Every morning Atty. Arcigalreads Every morning Atty. Arcigalreads
though their houses are far from their their houses are far from their school, they
the newspaper. He takes note of the newspaper. He takes note of
school, they still attend their still attend their classeseveryday. The
classeseveryday. The distance of distance of Raul’s house to school is 2
Raul’s house to school is 2 kilometers kilometers while joey’s house is 2.25 the dollar exchange. One morning, the dollar exchange. One
while joey’s house is 2.25 kilometers kilometers away.
he read that the exchange rate of morning, he read that the
The pupils will answer the following a dollar is P 46.468. How does we exchange rate of a dollar is P
The pupils will answer the following questions;
read this number? 46.468. How does we read this
questions; What numbers are given in the situation?
What numbers are given in the What kind of number is 2? Present the decimal number in a number?
situation? How about 2,25?
place value chart. Present the decimal number in a
What kind of number is 2? Do you know the different place value
How about 2,25? positions of a decimal? place value chart.
Do you know the different place value
positions of a decimal?
E. Discussing new concepts and Based on the numeral 0.4786 answer Based on the numeral 0.4786 answer the A. Flash cards one at a time. Let A. Flash cards one at a time. Let
practicing new skills #2 the pupil read and write decimal the pupil read and write decimal
the following: following:
numbers. numbers.
What is the position of zero? When What is the position of zero? When do we
7-tenths 7-tenths 2. 3-tens 2. 3
do we used zero? used zero?
2-hundredths 2-hundredths 6-ones 6
What is the digit in the tenths place What is the digit in the tenths place and
4-thousandths 4-thousandths 5- tenths 5- tenths
and what is the value? what is the value?
5-ten thousandths8- hundredths 5-ten thousandths8- hundredths 9-ten thosandths 9
What digit is in the hundredths place? What digit is in the hundredths place? What
Have pupils work in pairs. Each Have pupils work in pairs. Each
What is the value? is the value?
pair works on every station pair works on every station
What digit is in the thousandths What digit is in the thousandths place, what
simultaneously. Each of them will simultaneously. Each of them will
place, what is the value? is the value?
check their answers and present check their answers and present
What digit is in the ten thousandths What digit is in the ten thousandths place,
their output. their output.
place, what is the value? what is the value?
Station 1. Write five and three Station 1. Write five and three
hundred ten thousandths in hundred ten thousandths in
decimal form. decimal form.
Station 2. Write 24 and 6 hundred Station 2. Write 24 and 6 hundred
ten thousandths in decimal form. ten thousandths in decimal form.
Then write in words. Then write in words.
Station 3. Write 46 and sixty-three Station 3. Write 46 and sixty-
hundredths in decimal form. Then three hundredths in decimal
write in words form. Then write in words
Station 4. Write 92 ten Station 4. Write 92 ten
thousandths in decimal form and thousandths in decimal form and
write in words. write in words.
Station 5. Write four thousand Station 5. Write four thousand
fifteen and forty-one thousandths fifteen and forty-one thousandths
in decimal in decimal
F. Developing mastery Have each group presents their Have each group presents their output. Let the class check their answers Let the class check their answers
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
output. Check their answer. Check their answer. by pairs and present their outputs by pairs and present their outputs
one at a time. After the class one at a time. After the class
Say; how were you able to determine Say; how were you able to determine the
presented, ask, “How did you find presented, ask, “How did you find
the place value and value of a digit in place value and value of a digit in a decimal the activity? How did you read the activity? How did you read
a decimal number? number? and write decimal numbers? and write decimal numbers?
Say: We read decimal numbers Say: We read decimal numbers
like reading whole numbers. Then like reading whole numbers. Then
say, the place value of the last say, the place value of the last
digit. The decimal point is read as digit. The decimal point is read as
“and.” We use 0 as placeholder. “and.” We use 0 as placeholder.
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation on Explore Discuss the presentation on Explore and Discuss the presentation on Discuss the presentation on
concepts and skills in daily living Explore and Discover on page ___ Explore and Discover on page ___
and Discover on page ______ of LM Discover on page ______ of LM Math Grade
of LM Math Grade 5. of LM Math Grade 5.
Math Grade 5. Ask the pupils to work 5. Ask the pupils to work on items 1 to 10
The teacher will give other The teacher will give other
on items 1 to 10 under Get Moving on under Get Moving on page ______. exercise: exercise:
page ______. Check the pupils’ answers. For the mastery, Write the decimals that the Write the decimals that the
have them answer items 1 o 10 under Keep teacher will dictate teacher will dictate
Check the pupils’ answers. For the
Moving of LM Math Grade 5 on page ____. 267.249 267.249
mastery, have them answer items 1 o
Check the pupils’ answer 138.5611 138.5611
10 under Keep Moving of LM Math
Grade 5 on page ____. Check the 3984.06 3984.06
pupils’ answer 34.6823 34.6823
450.65 450.65
Ask the pupils to work on items Ask the pupils to work on items
under Get Moving on page ___ of under Get Moving on page ___ of
LM Math Grade 5. LM Math Grade 5.
For mastery, have them answer For mastery, have them answer
the items under Keep Moving on the items under Keep Moving on
pages ____ to ____ pages ____ to ____
of LM Math Grade 5. of LM Math Grade 5.
H. Making generalizations and How do you know the value and place How do you know the value and place value Elicit from the pupils the rules on Elicit from the pupils the rules on
abstractions about the lesson reading and writing decimals. reading and writing decimals.
value of each digit in a given decimal? of each digit in a given decimal?
Let them explain how the decimal Let them explain how the decimal
point is to be read. point is to be read.
I. Evaluating learning Give the place value and the value of Give the place value and the value of the Write in words. Write in words.
the underlined digit. underlined digit.
36.5438 36.5438
Number Place Value Number Place Value 140. 569 140. 569
Value 9.2345 9.2345
1. 6. 08912
6. 6. 08912
2. 392. 035
7. 392. 035
3. 80.5487
8. 80.5487
4. 0.96582
9. 0.96582
5. 175.6734
10. 175.6734
J. Additional activities for application Write the digit in each place Write the digit in each place Write the following in words. Write the following in words.
or remediation 1. Twenty-four and six thousand 1. Twenty-four and six thousand
0.34607 0.34607
three hundred forty-eight ten three hundred forty-eight ten
_______ hundredths _______ hundredths thousandths. thousandths.
2. Six hundred twelve and five 2. Six hundred twelve and five
_______ tenths _______ tenths
hundred-six thousandths hundred-six thousandths
_______ thousandths _______ thousandths 3. Three hundred thirty-seven and 3. Three hundred thirty-seven and
three hundred eight thousandths three hundred eight thousandths
0.00642 0.00642
4. Eighteen and nine hundred ten 4. Eighteen and nine hundred ten
_______ thousandths _______ thousandths thousandths thousandths
5. Forty-six and one thousand 5. Forty-six and one thousand
_______ hundredths _______ hundredths
three hundred ninety-four ten three hundred ninety-four ten
_______ ten thousandths _______ ten thousandths thousandths. thousandths.
5.06789 5.06789
_______ tenths _______ tenths
_______ ten thousandths _______ ten thousandths
_______ hundredths _______ hundredths
_______ thousandths _______ thousandths
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent
decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and
contexts. contexts. contexts. contexts.
2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four
fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving
decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives rounds decimal numbers to the rounds decimal numbers to the compares and arranges decimal compares and arranges decimal
Write the LC code for each nearest hundredth and thousandth. nearest hundredth and thousandth. numbers. numbers.
II. CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
D. Discussing new concepts and Present the problem in the class. Present the problem in the class. Encourage the pupils to work in Encourage the pupils to work in
practicing new skills #1 “Of the 100% total molecules “Of the 100% total molecules pairs. Give them time to solve for pairs. Give them time to solve for
present in the total molecules present in the total molecules the answer to the problem by the answer to the problem by
present composition of the Earth’s present composition of the Earth’s illustration. illustration.
atmosphere, only 0.0325 percent is atmosphere, only 0.0325 percent is
carbon dioxide.’ carbon dioxide.’
Ask: What number is closest to Ask: What number is closest to
0.0325? Why? Why not? 0.0325? Why? Why not?
What are the other possible What are the other possible
numbers closest to 0.325? numbers closest to 0.325?
What are the rules in rounding off What are the rules in rounding off
decimal numbers? decimal numbers?
E. Discussing new concepts and . Encourage the pupils to work in . Encourage the pupils to work in After all groups presented their After all groups presented their
practicing new skills #2 pairs. Give them time to solve for pairs. Give them time to solve for answers, ask: Which group/s answers, ask: Which group/s
the answer to the problem by the answer to the problem by was/were able to give all correct was/were able to give all correct
answers? Which group/s missed an answers? Which group/s missed an
illustration. illustration.
answer? Which group/s was/were answer? Which group/s was/were
not able to give any correct answer? not able to give any correct answer?
Ask: Ask:
How do we compare decimals? How do we compare decimals?
How do we order decimals? How do we order decimals?
F. Developing mastery After the group have played, ask,” After the group have played, ask,” Let the pupils study Explore and Let the pupils study Explore and
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) How do you find the activity? How How do you find the activity? How Discover on page ___ of the LM Discover on page ___ of the LM
did you round decimal number did you round decimal number Math Grade 5. Emphasize the use of Math Grade 5. Emphasize the use of
nearest to hundredths and nearest to hundredths and the number line to compare and the number line to compare and
thousandths?” thousandths?” order decimals. Let the pupils order decimals. Let the pupils
Expected answer: Expected answer: observe that the value of numbers observe that the value of numbers
By using number line By using number line at the right part of the number line at the right part of the number line
By following the rules in rounding off By following the rules in rounding off is greater than the value of numbers is greater than the value of numbers
numbers. numbers. on its left. on its left.
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation on Explore Discuss the presentation on Explore Allow pupils to answer exercises A Allow pupils to answer exercises A
concepts and skills in daily living and Discover and the other and Discover and the other and B under Keep Moving, pages and B under Keep Moving, pages
examples, LM examples, LM ____ and LM Math Grade 5. Check ____ and LM Math Grade 5. Check
Math Grade 5. Check their answer. Math Grade 5. Check their answer. the pupils’ answer. the pupils’ answer.
For mastery, have them answer the For mastery, have them answer the
answer the answer the
Items under Keep Moving on page Items under Keep Moving on page
_____ of LM Math Grade 5. Check _____ of LM Math Grade 5. Check
pupils answers. pupils answers.
H. Making generalizations and What is the rule to be followed What is the rule to be followed In comparing and ordering decimals: In comparing and ordering decimals:
abstractions about the lesson when rounding decimals? when rounding decimals? Line up decimals. Write Line up decimals. Write
1. Identify the digit to be rounded- 1. Identify the digit to be rounded- equivalent decimals if equivalent decimals if
off. off. necessary. necessary.
2. Inspect the digit to the right of the 2. Inspect the digit to the right of the
Begin at the left. Compare Begin at the left. Compare
required place. required place.
a. If the digit is greater than 5, add 1 a. If the digit is greater than 5, add 1 to find the first place to find the first place
to the digit at the required place. to the digit at the required place. where the digits are where the digits are
b. If the digit is less than 5, retain b. If the digit is less than 5, retain different. different.
the digit at the required place. Then the digit at the required place. Then Compare the digits. Compare the digits.
drop all the digits to the right of the drop all the digits to the right of the
required place. required place. Order the decimals if there Order the decimals if there
c. Copy all the digits to the left of c. Copy all the digits to the left of are 3 or more given are 3 or more given
the required place if there are any. the required place if there are any. decimals from least to decimals from least to
greatest or from greatest greatest or from greatest
to least. to least.
I. Evaluating learning Round off the following to the Round off the following to the B. Compare these decimals by B. Compare these decimals by
nearest place indicated. nearest place indicated. writing <, > or = in the blank. writing <, > or = in the blank.
Hundredths Thousandths Hundredths Thousandths
1. 0.823 6.5864 1. 0.823 6.5864 1. 0.162 _____ 0.106 1. 0.162 _____ 0.106
2. 1.376 35.0465 2. 1.376 35.0465 6. 0.61 6. 0.61
3. 0.937 74.3091 3. 0.937 74.3091 _____ 0.601 _____ 0.601
4. 0.608 49.1719 4. 0.608 49.1719 2. 0.036 _____ 0.031 2. 0.036 _____ 0.031
5. 0.381 35.0007 5. 0.381 35.0007 7. 9.2 7. 9.2
_____ 9.200 _____ 9.200
3. 0.4 _____ 0.40 3. 0.4 _____ 0.40
8. 8.
10.021 _____ 0.045 10.021 _____ 0.045
4. 3.53 _____ 3.59 4. 3.53 _____ 3.59
9. 9.
0.7562 _____ 0.7559 0.7562 _____ 0.7559
5. 7.01 _____ 7.103 5. 7.01 _____ 7.103
10.8.627 10.8.627
_____ 8.649 _____ 8.649
J. Additional activities for application Round 85.81267 to the nearest place Round 85.81267 to the nearest place Order the numbers from least to Order the numbers from least to
or remediation greatest. greatest.
indicated. indicated.
1. 0.0990, 1. 0.0990,
a. hundredths a. hundredths 0.0099, 0.0099,
0.999, 0.90 0.999, 0.90
b. thousandths b. thousandths 2. 3.01, 2. 3.01,
3.001, 3.1, 3.001, 3.1,
3.0011 3.0011
3. 0.123, 3. 0.123,
0.112, 0.12, 0.112, 0.12,
0.121 0.121
4. 7.635, 4. 7.635,
7.628, 7.63, 7.628, 7.63,
7.625 7.625
5. 4.349, 5. 4.349,
4.34, 4.3600, 4.34, 4.3600,
4.3560 4.3560
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time September 5-9, 2016 Quarter
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent
decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and
contexts. contexts. contexts. contexts.
2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four
fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving
decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives visualizes addition and subtraction visualizes addition and subtraction adds and subtracts decimal numbers adds and subtracts decimal numbers
Write the LC code for each of decimals. of decimals. through thousandths without and through thousandths without and
with regrouping. with regrouping.
M5NS-IIb-105 M5NS-IIb-105
M5NS-IIb-106.1 M5NS-IIb-106.1
II. CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
Mathematics Grade 6 p. 48, 274 Mathematics Grade 6 p. 48, 274 Mathematics Grade 5 p. 251-254, Mathematics Grade 5 p. 251-254,
MISOSA Module Mathematics 6 No. MISOSA Module Mathematics 6 No. 264-267 264-267
42 42 Growing Up with Math p. 173, 176 Growing Up with Math p. 173, 176
MISOSA Module Mathematics 5, MISOSA Module Mathematics 5,
Nos. 41, 42 Nos. 41, 42
D. Discussing new concepts and Mang Dodong is an architect. He has Mang Dodong is an architect. He has Charlie decided to go to the nearest Charlie decided to go to the nearest
practicing new skills #1 plan to place a 100 square side by plan to place a 100 square side by church in the succeeding town by church in the succeeding town by
side to make his room looks elegant. side to make his room looks elegant. biking. He knew that it was 7.529 km biking. He knew that it was 7.529 km
He wants to have a variation on the He wants to have a variation on the from his current location. For the from his current location. For the
colors of the tiles, so he puts 15 red colors of the tiles, so he puts 15 red first few minutes, he recorded that first few minutes, he recorded that
tiles, 35 blue tiles and the remaining tiles, 35 blue tiles and the remaining he had biked 2.097 km for the first 7 he had biked 2.097 km for the first 7
tiles are green? How many tiles are tiles are green? How many tiles are minutes and 3.618 km for the next minutes and 3.618 km for the next
green? green? 10 minutes. How far will he need to 10 minutes. How far will he need to
bike to reach his destination? bike to reach his destination?
Ask: Ask:
What is the total number of tiles What is the total number of tiles Ask: Ask:
does Mang Dodong have? Tell the does Mang Dodong have? Tell the How far is thechurch from Charlie’s How far is thechurch from Charlie’s
pupils that total number represents pupils that total number represents current location? current location?
the whole which is equivalent to the whole which is equivalent to What is the total distance covered What is the total distance covered
one. Explain to the pupil that each one. Explain to the pupil that each by Charlie for 17 minutes? by Charlie for 17 minutes?
squares are equivalent to 0.001. squares are equivalent to 0.001. How will you know the distance he How will you know the distance he
What is the total number of tiles What is the total number of tiles still needs to cover to reach the still needs to cover to reach the
whose color are red and blue? How whose color are red and blue? How church? church?
will you be able to find the total will you be able to find the total
number? number?
How will you know the number of How will you know the number of
tiles which are not red or blue? tiles which are not red or blue?
Make the pupils realized that the Make the pupils realized that the
tiles left are green tiles left are green
E. Discussing new concepts and 1. Count a 10 x 10 squares on a 1. Count a 10 x 10 squares on a Ask the pupils to work in groups in Ask the pupils to work in groups in
practicing new skills #2 graphing paper. graphing paper. solving the problem. solving the problem.
2. Cut four sets of 10 x 10 squares to 2. Cut four sets of 10 x 10 squares to
be used to solve the problem. be used to solve the problem. 2.097 km 2.097 km
3. Color two sets of 10 x 10 squares 3. Color two sets of 10 x 10 squares + 3.618 km + 3.618 km
based from the number of squares based from the number of squares Arranged the numbers vertically. Arranged the numbers vertically.
tiles on the given problem. tiles on the given problem. Then add the numbers from Then add the numbers from
4. For the third set of 10 x 10 4. For the third set of 10 x 10 5.715 km right to left. Put the 5.715 km right to left. Put the
squares colored it with both red and squares colored it with both red and decimal point on its corresponding decimal point on its corresponding
blue as indicated in the problem. Let blue as indicated in the problem. Let place. place.
them count the total number of them count the total number of Arranged the numbers vertically. Arranged the numbers vertically.
square which are both red and blue. square which are both red and blue. Subtract the numbers from 1.814 Subtract the numbers from 1.814
5. Let the pupils colored the 5. Let the pupils colored the km right to left. Put the decimal km right to left. Put the decimal
remaining numbers of squares with remaining numbers of squares with point on its corresponding place. point on its corresponding place.
green. Do it on the fourth set of 10 x green. Do it on the fourth set of 10 x
10 squares. 10 squares.
F. Developing mastery After all groups presented their After all groups presented their After the group presented and After the group presented and
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) answers, ask: How did you find the answers, ask: How did you find the checked their work, call on the checked their work, call on the
activity? How did you solve the total activity? How did you solve the total leader to relate what they have leader to relate what they have
number of red and blue square tiles? number of red and blue square tiles? done to solve the problem. done to solve the problem.
How about the green tiles? How did How about the green tiles? How did
you do it? you do it? Ask: Ask:
How do we add decimals through How do we add decimals through
Ask: Ask: thousandths with or without thousandths with or without
What strategy was used in solving What strategy was used in solving regrouping? regrouping?
the problem? the problem? Did you move the decimal point of Did you move the decimal point of
Does it help you to clearly see the Does it help you to clearly see the the sum of decimals? the sum of decimals?
addition and subtraction of decimals addition and subtraction of decimals How do you subtract decimals How do you subtract decimals
through visualization? through visualization? through thousandths with or through thousandths with or
without regrouping? without regrouping?
Did you move the decimal point of Did you move the decimal point of
the difference of decimals? the difference of decimals?
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under
concepts and skills in daily living Explore and Discover and the other Explore and Discover and the other Explore and Discover of page __, LM Explore and Discover of page __, LM
examples, LM Math Grade 5 on page examples, LM Math Grade 5 on page Math Grade 5. Then give these Math Grade 5. Then give these
___. ___. exercises. exercises.
Ask the pupils to work on the Ask the pupils to work on the Arranged the decimals vertically and Arranged the decimals vertically and
exercises under Get Moving on page exercises under Get Moving on page does the indicated operation. does the indicated operation.
___ of LM Math Grade 5. Check their ___ of LM Math Grade 5. Check their
answers. For mastery, have them answers. For mastery, have them 1. 2.589 + 1.051 1. 2.589 + 1.051
answer the items under Keep answer the items under Keep 2. 16. 603 – 8.546 2. 16. 603 – 8.546
Moving on page 153 of LM Math Moving on page 153 of LM Math 3. 620 – 2.915 3. 620 – 2.915
Grade 5. Check the pupils answer. Grade 5. Check the pupils answer. 4. 20.12 + 8.621 4. 20.12 + 8.621
5. 12. 958 + 9.834 5. 12. 958 + 9.834
H. Making generalizations and In adding/subtracting decimals: In adding/subtracting decimals: In adding/subtracting decimals In adding/subtracting decimals
abstractions about the lesson Write the decimals in a column, Write the decimals in a column, follow these steps: follow these steps:
aligning the decimal points. Use 0 as aligning the decimal points. Use 0 as Arrange the numbers in Arrange the numbers in
place holder when needed. place holder when needed. column. Align the decimal column. Align the decimal
points. Use 0 as points. Use 0 as
Add/subtract as you would Add/subtract as you would placeholder if needed. placeholder if needed.
add/subtract whole numbers. add/subtract whole numbers. Add/subtract as you would Add/subtract as you would
Regroup if necessary Regroup if necessary add/subtract whole add/subtract whole
numbers from right to left. numbers from right to left.
Place the decimal point in the result Place the decimal point in the result
Place a decimal point in Place a decimal point in
aligned with the other decimal aligned with the other decimal
the sum/ difference. Align the sum/ difference. Align
points points
this with the other decimal this with the other decimal
points. points.
I. Evaluating learning Complete the illustration by shading Complete the illustration by shading A. Perform the indicated operation. A. Perform the indicated operation.
or coloring them correctly showing or coloring them correctly showing
the given addition or subtraction the given addition or subtraction 1. 16.00 1. 16.00
statements. Take note that each statements. Take note that each
squares represents 0.001. squares represents 0.001. 15.47 15.47
+ 0.324 + 0.324
2. 24. 63 2. 24. 63
18. 914 18. 914
+ 55. 892 + 55. 892
3. 248. 79 3. 248. 79
36.71 36.71
+42.845 +42.845
J. Additional activities for application Draw an illustration that will Draw an illustration that will A. Add or subtract. Match with the A. Add or subtract. Match with the
or remediation represent the following. represent the following. correct answer. correct answer.
1. 0.085 – 0.076 1. 0.085 – 0.076 1. 0.257 + 0.212 a. 0.525 1. 0.257 + 0.212 a. 0.525
2. 0.928 – 0.403 b. 0.766 2. 0.928 – 0.403 b. 0.766
2. 0.063 + 0.009 2. 0.063 + 0.009 3. 0.754 – 0.22 c. 0.469 3. 0.754 – 0.22 c. 0.469
4. 0.316 + 0.45 d. 0.987 4. 0.316 + 0.45 d. 0.987
3. 0.098 – 0.075 3. 0.098 – 0.075 5. 0.863 + 0.124 e. 0.534 5. 0.863 + 0.124 e. 0.534
4. 0.025 + 0.018 4. 0.025 + 0.018
D. No. of learners who continue to require
2. demonstrates understanding of 2. demonstrates understanding of 2. demonstrates understanding of the 2. demonstrates understanding of the
the four fundamental operations the four fundamental operations four fundamental operations involving four fundamental operations involving
involving decimals and ratio and involving decimals and ratio and decimals and ratio and proportion. decimals and ratio and proportion.
proportion. proportion.
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and 1. is able to recognize and 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent
represent decimals in various forms represent decimals in various forms decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and
and contexts. and contexts. contexts. contexts.
2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four
fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving
decimals and ratio and proportion decimals and ratio and proportion decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in
in mathematical problems and real- in mathematical problems and real- mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
life situations. life situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives estimates the sum or estimates the sum or solves routine or non-routine solves routine or non-routine
Write the LC code for each difference of decimal difference of decimal problems involving addition and problems involving addition and
numbers with reasonable numbers with reasonable subtraction of decimal numbers subtraction of decimal numbers
results. results. including money using including money using
appropriate problem solving appropriate problem solving
M5NS-IIc-107 M5NS-IIc-107 strategies and tools. strategies and tools.
M5NS-IIc-108.1 M5NS-IIc-108.1
II. CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Teacher flashes decimal number Teacher flashes decimal number Check the assignment Check the assignment
presenting the new lesson
and its rounded off number: and its rounded off number:
Review the steps in solving word Review the steps in solving word
problems. problems.
Ex.: 84.815 = 84.5 = Ex.: 84.815 = 84.5 =
tenths tenths Ask: What are the steps in solving Ask: What are the steps in solving
a word problem? a word problem?
42.583 = 42.58 = 42.583 = 42.58 = In what steps will the In what steps will the
following questions fall? following questions fall?
hundredths hundredths * What is asked? * What is asked?
1.53863 = 1.5386 = 1.53863 = 1.5386 = * What are the given facts? * What are the given facts?
* What is the process to be * What is the process to be
ten thousandths ten thousandths used? used?
* What is the number * What is the number
sentence? sentence?
* Show the solution and * Show the solution and
complete answer. complete answer.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Estimates the sum or difference of Estimates the sum or difference of Solve routine or non-routine problems Solve routine or non-routine problems
lesson decimal numbers with reasonable decimal numbers with reasonable involving addition and subtraction of involving addition and subtraction of
results. results. decimal numbers including money decimal numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools strategies and tools
C. Presenting examples/instances of You were asked by your mother to You were asked by your mother to Show a picture of a hill? Show a picture of a hill?
the new lesson Ask: Have you been to a hill? What did Ask: Have you been to a hill? What did
buy some groceries after class. buy some groceries after class.
you do there? Share some of your you do there? Share some of your
Without computing, how would Without computing, how would experiences. experiences.
Ask: Is it necessary to conserve our Ask: Is it necessary to conserve our
you know that the money given to you know that the money given to
environment? environment?
you is enough or not? Why? you is enough or not? Why?
D. Discussing new concepts and Role Playing Role Playing A total of 357 Grades IV, V, and VI A total of 357 Grades IV, V, and VI
practicing new skills #1 pupils of Pook Elementary School pupils of Pook Elementary School
Divide the class into 2 groups. Divide the class into 2 groups.
joined a tree-planting program. They joined a tree-planting program. They
planted Narra seedling that cost planted Narra seedling that cost
Provide an activity card in each Provide an activity card in each 1,230.67 and and Apitong seedlings 1,230.67 and and Apitong seedlings
group for them to act out or role group for them to act out or role cost 2,968.78 How much seedlings did cost 2,968.78 How much seedlings did
they plant in all? they plant in all?
play. play.
Ask: What is asked in the problem? Ask: What is asked in the problem?
Ex.: Ex.: What are given facts? What are given facts?
What word clue help you What word clue help you
Ron has Php.12,720 in his savings Ron has Php.12,720 in his savings solve the problem? solve the problem?
account. He wants to buy a stereo account. He wants to buy a stereo What operation is to be What operation is to be
used? used?
and speakers while they are on and speakers while they are on Ask a pupil to show his/her Ask a pupil to show his/her
sale. The stereo cost Php.9,889.99 sale. The stereo cost Php.9,889.99 answer on the board. answer on the board.
and the speakers cost Php.915.50. and the speakers cost Php.915.50.
About how much of his savings will About how much of his savings will
be left after the purchase? be left after the purchase?
They have to act out also the They have to act out also the
following: following:
What information is given in the What information is given in the
problem?(savings Php12 720, cost problem?(savings Php12 720, cost
of stereo Php9 889.99, speaker of stereo Php9 889.99, speaker
Php915.50) Php915.50)
What should be done first so that What should be done first so that
Ron will have an idea in the Ron will have an idea in the
following: following:
About how much will he pay? ( About how much will he pay? (
Php10 000 and Php900 ) Php10 000 and Php900 )
About how much will be left of his About how much will be left of his
savings? savings?
( Php13 000 – Php10 900 = Php2 ( Php13 000 – Php10 900 = Php2
100 ) 100 )
Have them compute the actual Have them compute the actual
answer and compare it with the answer and compare it with the
estimated answer. estimated answer.
E. Discussing new concepts and Teacher prepares the following: Teacher prepares the following:
practicing new skills #2
Situation card: Situation card:
Your group has Php.15,395.20. You Your group has Php.15,395.20. You
will order 3 items from a mail order will order 3 items from a mail order
catalog. catalog.
Mail Order Catalog Mail Order Catalog
Items Prices Items Prices
Stand fan Php.2,485.00 Stand fan Php.2,485.00
Printer Php.6,000.00 Printer Php.6,000.00
CD/Cassette player Php.5,750.00 CD/Cassette player Php.5,750.00
Computer table Php.2,500.00 Computer table Php.2,500.00
The class should be grouped by The class should be grouped by
column. column.
The first pupil in the row selects 3 The first pupil in the row selects 3
items and writes these with the items and writes these with the
corresponding prices on the order corresponding prices on the order
card, then passes this to pupil next card, then passes this to pupil next
to him. to him.
The second pupil writes the The second pupil writes the
rounded off amount for each item, rounded off amount for each item,
then passes the order card to his then passes the order card to his
teammate. teammate.
The third pupil gives the estimated The third pupil gives the estimated
sum of all the items. sum of all the items.
The fourth pupil gives the The fourth pupil gives the
estimated difference. estimated difference.
The fifth pupil computes the actual The fifth pupil computes the actual
sum and difference, then, sum and difference, then,
compares it with the estimated sum compares it with the estimated sum
and difference. and difference.
The first group to finish with correct The first group to finish with correct
answers wins. answers wins.
F. Developing mastery How did you find the activity ? How How did you find the activity ? How Ask: Is it necessary to conserve our Ask: Is it necessary to conserve our
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) environment? Why? How can you environment? Why? How can you
were you able to find the answer to were you able to find the answer to
help conserve our environment? help conserve our environment?
the problem? the problem?
Discuss with the pupils how to find Discuss with the pupils how to find
the estimated sum/difference of the estimated sum/difference of
decimals. decimals.
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation under “ Discuss the presentation under “ The pupils will form 3 groups and will The pupils will form 3 groups and will
concepts and skills in daily living be given a problem written on the be given a problem written on the
Explore and Discover “ in LM. Explore and Discover “ in LM.
bond paper. They are going to solve bond paper. They are going to solve
the problem and answer the questions the problem and answer the questions
For more practice, Have the pupils For more practice, Have the pupils on the problem. on the problem.
work on “ Get Moving “ work on “ Get Moving “
Problem 1. Group 1 Problem 1. Group 1
Jacob brought a pair of shoes for P245 Jacob brought a pair of shoes for P245
Ask the pupils to work on the Ask the pupils to work on the a pair of sacks for P42.75 and trousers a pair of sacks for P42.75 and trousers
exercises under “ Keep Moving “ exercises under “ Keep Moving “ for P 526.99. He gave the cashier a for P 526.99. He gave the cashier a
thousand –peso bill. How much thousand –peso bill. How much
change did he receive? change did he receive?
a. What is asked? a. What is asked?
b. What are the given facts? b. What are the given facts?
c. What is the process to be used? c. What is the process to be used?
d.What is the number sentence? d.What is the number sentence?
e. Show the solution and complete e. Show the solution and complete
answer. answer.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils to give the The steps in solving routine The steps in solving routine
abstractions about the lesson problems are: problems are:
following generalization by asking : following generalization by asking :
How do we find the estimated sum How do we find the estimated sum a. Understand- Know e. Understand- Know
what is asked? What what is asked? What
or difference of decimals? or difference of decimals?
are given? are given?
b. Plan-Know the f. Plan-Know the
operation. Write the operation. Write the
number sentence. number sentence.
c. Solve-Write your g. Solve-Write your
answer with correct answer with correct
units /labels units /labels
d. Check and Look back- h. Check and Look back-
Review and check your Review and check your
answer. answer.
To solve non- routine To solve non- routine
problems, read and problems, read and
analyze the problems. analyze the problems.
Tell what is asked and Tell what is asked and
what are given. Use what are given. Use
other strategies like act other strategies like act
out the out the
problem,listing/table problem,listing/table
method, guess and test, method, guess and test,
drawing /making a drawing /making a
diagram, using diagram, using
patterns, working patterns, working
backwards etc. backwards etc.
I. Evaluating learning Solve the following problems. Solve the following problems.
Arrange the numbers in column. Arrange the numbers in column.
Study the following menu in the Study the following menu in the
Round off the numbers to the Round off the numbers to the
canteen and answer the question that canteen and answer the question that
nearest hundredths then find the nearest hundredths then find the follows. follows.
estimated sum and difference. estimated sum and difference.
Spaghetti- Gulaman- Spaghetti- Gulaman-
P 23.75 P6.00 P 23.75 P6.00
Palabok - Nilaga(pork)- Palabok - Nilaga(pork)-
P21.50 P22.50 P21.50 P22.50
36.5 + 18.91 + 55.41 = N 36.5 + 18.91 + 55.41 = N
Lugaw- P Pinakbet- P Lugaw- P Pinakbet- P
8.50 15.00 8.50 15.00
Php.285.15 + Php.27.35 + Php.285.15 + Php.27.35 + Rice- P Fried Fish- P Rice- P Fried Fish- P
Php.627.30 = N Php.627.30 = N 5.00 12.00 5.00 12.00
Mango Mango
Juice- Juice-
8.941 – 8.149 = N 8.941 – 8.149 = N P7.50 P7.50
639.27 – 422.30 = N 639.27 – 422.30 = N Arnel paid P 50.00 for pork nilaga and Arnel paid P 50.00 for pork nilaga and
rice. How much was his change? rice. How much was his change?
Mrs. Lopez ordered rice,pinakbet and Mrs. Lopez ordered rice,pinakbet and
fried fish. She gave P100. How much fried fish. She gave P100. How much
was her change? was her change?
Kate gave P 50 for mango juice and Kate gave P 50 for mango juice and
spaghetti. How much is her change? spaghetti. How much is her change?
It was Tina’s birthday. She ordered It was Tina’s birthday. She ordered
spaghetti, palabok, mango juice and spaghetti, palabok, mango juice and
gulaman. If she paid P100 peso-bill and gulaman. If she paid P100 peso-bill and
she gave a tip of P 5.00 , how much she gave a tip of P 5.00 , how much
will be her change? will be her change?
J. Additional activities for application Solve the problem. Solve the problem. Solve the following problems. Solve the following problems.
or remediation 1. AJ earned P 35.50 in selling 3. AJ earned P 35.50 in selling
Rhoda bought 2.5 kg of lanzones. Rhoda bought 2.5 kg of lanzones.
newspapers and he earned newspapers and he earned
She found that her brother bought She found that her brother bought P32.50 for selling pandesal in P32.50 for selling pandesal in
home 1.75 kg of lanzones. Her home 1.75 kg of lanzones. Her the morning.He paid P 52.75 the morning.He paid P 52.75
family ate around 2.75 kg. About family ate around 2.75 kg. About for a pad paper and a for a pad paper and a
ballpen. How much money ballpen. How much money
how many kg of lanzones were left? how many kg of lanzones were left? had he left? had he left?
2. JM visits his dentist every six 4. JM visits his dentist every six
Mother bought 4.75 kg of fish. She Mother bought 4.75 kg of fish. She month. Hepaid his dentist month. Hepaid his dentist
cooked 1.25 kg of escabeche and cooked 1.25 kg of escabeche and P500 for dental treatment P500 for dental treatment
and P450 for prophylaxis. and P450 for prophylaxis.
roasted .5 kg of fish for their family roasted .5 kg of fish for their family
How much change did he get How much change did he get
gathering. About how many kg of gathering. About how many kg of from P 1,000? from P 1,000?
fish were uncooked? fish were uncooked?
Jethro has Php.250 for his daily Jethro has Php.250 for his daily
allowance. He spent Php.95.50 for allowance. He spent Php.95.50 for
fare, Php.75.75 for food, and saved fare, Php.75.75 for food, and saved
the rest. About how much is his the rest. About how much is his
savings? savings?
Shane ran 3.75 km and Cathy ran Shane ran 3.75 km and Cathy ran
7.09 km. About how much farther 7.09 km. About how much farther
did Cathy ran? did Cathy ran?
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent
decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and
contexts. contexts. contexts. contexts.
2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four
fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving
decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives creates problems (with creates problems (with visualizes multiplication of visualizes multiplication of
Write the LC code for each reasonable answers) involving reasonable answers) involving decimal numbers using decimal numbers using
addition and/or subtraction of addition and/or subtraction of pictorial models. pictorial models.
decimal numbers including decimal numbers including
money. money. M5NS-IId-110
M5NS-IIc-109.1 M5NS-IIc-109.1
II. CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Check the assignment Check the assignment Solve the following mentally: Solve the following mentally:
presenting the new lesson 1.) Sophia bought 0.8 kg of hotdog. 1.) Sophia bought 0.8 kg of hotdog.
Review the steps in solving word Review the steps in solving word She placed 0.25 kg of it in the She placed 0.25 kg of it in the
problems. problems. refrigerator and cooked the rest. refrigerator and cooked the rest.
How much hotdog did she cooked? How much hotdog did she cooked?
Ask the learners to tell what they Ask the learners to tell what they
understand about the following understand about the following 2.) A Math book is 0.6 dm thick. A 2.) A Math book is 0.6 dm thick. A
essential guide questions to essential guide questions to Science book is 0.2 times as thick as Science book is 0.2 times as thick as
problem solving. problem solving. the the
Math book. How thick is the Science Math book. How thick is the Science
book? book?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Create Problems (with reasonable Create Problems (with reasonable Visualize multiplication of Decimals Visualize multiplication of Decimals
lesson answers)Involving Addition and answers)Involving Addition and Using Pictorial Models Using Pictorial Models
Subtraction of Decimal Numbers Subtraction of Decimal Numbers
Including Money Including Money
C. Presenting examples/instances of Talk about fruits and vegetables Talk about fruits and vegetables Using building blocks. Try to solve Using building blocks. Try to solve
the new lesson grown in the school garden. grown in the school garden. this problem. this problem.
Ask: Have you been to our school Ask: Have you been to our school Baby Isabel plays with blocks. Each Baby Isabel plays with blocks. Each
garden? What did you see there? garden? What did you see there? block measures 3.7 inches tall. She block measures 3.7 inches tall. She
What are the plants grown there? What are the plants grown there? has a collection of 41 blocks. If she has a collection of 41 blocks. If she
Let the pupils share their Let the pupils share their could stack all the blocks up one on could stack all the blocks up one on
experiences in the garden. experiences in the garden. top of the other. How many inches top of the other. How many inches
tall would her tower be. tall would her tower be.
D. Discussing new concepts and The table shows the number of The table shows the number of Present this situation. Present this situation.
practicing new skills #1 kilograms of vegetables harvested kilograms of vegetables harvested Mr. Dizon’s farm is 0.3 km long and Mr. Dizon’s farm is 0.3 km long and
by the pupils. by the pupils. 0.1 km wide. How big is his land? 0.1 km wide. How big is his land?
Prince Mustard 5. 12 Prince Mustard 5. 12 The pupils will answer in groups. The pupils will answer in groups.
kilograms kilograms a. Into how many parts is the whole a. Into how many parts is the whole
Aldrin Pechay 8.48 Aldrin Pechay 8.48 divided? divided?
kilograms kilograms b. How is 0.3 shown in the grid? b. How is 0.3 shown in the grid?
Loren Carrot 12.6 Loren Carrot 12.6 What about 0.1? What about 0.1?
kilograms kilograms c. How many squares are double c. How many squares are double
Based on the table presented , how Based on the table presented , how shaded? shaded?
will you create problems involving will you create problems involving In fraction form write 1/10 of 1/3 = In fraction form write 1/10 of 1/3 =
addition and subtraction of decimals addition and subtraction of decimals 1/10 x 3/10 = 3/100 1/10 x 3/10 = 3/100
including money? including money? Another way of writing fraction is in Another way of writing fraction is in
decimal form. 0.1 of 0.3 = 0.1 x 0.3 = decimal form. 0.1 of 0.3 = 0.1 x 0.3 =
Ask: What is asked in the problem? Ask: What is asked in the problem? 0.03 0.03
What are given facts? What are given facts? d. How many decimal places are d. How many decimal places are
What word clue help you solve the What word clue help you solve the there in both factors? How about in there in both factors? How about in
problem? problem? product? product?
What operation is to be used? What operation is to be used?
Ask a pupil to show his/her answer Ask a pupil to show his/her answer
on the board. on the board.
E. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils into three. Let the Group the pupils into three. Let the After all the groups have presented After all the groups have presented
practicing new skills #2 group work collaboratively on group work collaboratively on their answer, ask: Which group their answer, ask: Which group
station 1 for group 1, station 2 for station 1 for group 1, station 2 for was/were able to give all correct was/were able to give all correct
group 2 and station 3 for group 3. group 2 and station 3 for group 3. answers? Which group/s missed an answers? Which group/s missed an
Let them present their output one Let them present their output one answer? Which group/s did not get answer? Which group/s did not get
at a time when done. at a time when done. any correct answer? any correct answer?
Provide immediate Provide immediate
Station 1 – Addition of decimals Station 1 – Addition of decimals feedback/remedial measures to feedback/remedial measures to
Direction: Based on the table of data Direction: Based on the table of data those incorrect. those incorrect.
presented, create a problem presented, create a problem
involving addition of decimals. involving addition of decimals. Ask: How did you find the activity? Ask: How did you find the activity?
Was using horizontal and vertical Was using horizontal and vertical
Station 2 – Subtraction of fraction Station 2 – Subtraction of fraction lines place over the lines place over the
Direction: Based on the table of data Direction: Based on the table of data other helps you visualized other helps you visualized
presented, create a problem presented, create a problem multiplying decimals? multiplying decimals?
involving subtraction of decimals. involving subtraction of decimals.
Station 2 Station 2
Prince and Loren harvested Prince and Loren harvested
vegetables. Prince harvested 2.5 kg vegetables. Prince harvested 2.5 kg
of pechay and Loren harvested 1.9 of pechay and Loren harvested 1.9
kg. of carrot. How many more kg. of kg. of carrot. How many more kg. of
vegetables were harvested by Prince vegetables were harvested by Prince
than Loren? than Loren?
Station 3 Station 3
Prince and Loren harvested Prince and Loren harvested
vegetables. Prince harvested 2.5 kg vegetables. Prince harvested 2.5 kg
of pechay and Loren harvested 1.9 of pechay and Loren harvested 1.9
kg. of carrot. If Aldrin harvested 5 kg kg. of carrot. If Aldrin harvested 5 kg
of Mustard, How many kg.more is of Mustard, How many kg.more is
his harvest than the total amount his harvest than the total amount
harvested by Prince and Loren harvested by Prince and Loren
F. Developing mastery After all the groups have presented, After all the groups have presented, a. Discuss the presentation on a. Discuss the presentation on
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) ask How did you find the activity? ask How did you find the activity? Explore and Discover on page ___ of Explore and Discover on page ___ of
How did you create problems How did you create problems LM in Math Grade 5 LM in Math Grade 5
involving Addition , Subtraction or involving Addition , Subtraction or
addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of
decimals. decimals.
Expected answers: Expected answers:
We familiarized ourselves with the We familiarized ourselves with the
concepts of addition and subtraction concepts of addition and subtraction
of decimals. of decimals.
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under b. Ask the pupils to work on Get b. Ask the pupils to work on Get
concepts and skills in daily living Explore and Discover on page of LM Explore and Discover on page of LM Moving on page ____ of LM in Math Moving on page ____ of LM in Math
Math Grade V. Math Grade V. Grade 5 Grade 5
Ask the pupils to work on the items Ask the pupils to work on the items
under Get Moving LM Math Grade 5 under Get Moving LM Math Grade 5
page __ . page __ .
Check the pupils answer. For Check the pupils answer. For
mastery, have them answer items mastery, have them answer items
under Keep Moving, LM Math Grade under Keep Moving, LM Math Grade
V page __. Check the pupils answer V page __. Check the pupils answer
H. Making generalizations and To create word problems involving To create word problems involving Lead the pupils to generalize that: Lead the pupils to generalize that:
abstractions about the lesson addition and subtraction of fractions addition and subtraction of fractions Multiplying decimals can be Multiplying decimals can be
do the ff. do the ff. visualized by representing each visualized by representing each
Familiarize yourself with the concept Familiarize yourself with the concept factor with the horizontal factor with the horizontal
Think of the problem you want to Think of the problem you want to and vertical lines placed over the and vertical lines placed over the
create. create. other. The double shaded part other. The double shaded part
Consider the character, cite the Consider the character, cite the represents the answer to the represents the answer to the
situation, /setting, data presented, situation, /setting, data presented, equation. equation.
word problem to be created, and word problem to be created, and
the key question. the key question.
Ensure that the word problem is Ensure that the word problem is
clearly stated and practical clearly stated and practical
Read some sample problems and Read some sample problems and
study their solutions. study their solutions.
To solve non- routine problems, To solve non- routine problems,
read and analyze the problems. Tell read and analyze the problems. Tell
what is asked and what are given. what is asked and what are given.
Use other strategies like act out the Use other strategies like act out the
problem,listing/table method, guess problem,listing/table method, guess
and test, drawing /making a and test, drawing /making a
diagram, using patterns, working diagram, using patterns, working
backwards etc. backwards etc.
I. Evaluating learning Using the data below, create 3- two Using the data below, create 3- two A. Write the correct multiplication A. Write the correct multiplication
step word problem involving step word problem involving equation for each of the following equation for each of the following
addition and subtraction of decimals addition and subtraction of decimals numbers represented by the shaded numbers represented by the shaded
MENU MENU region region
Spaghetti- Gulaman- Spaghetti- Gulaman-
P 23.75 P6.00 P 23.75 P6.00
Palabok - Nilaga(pork)- Palabok - Nilaga(pork)-
P21.50 P22.50 P21.50 P22.50
Lugaw- P Pinakbet- P Lugaw- P Pinakbet- P
8.50 15.00 8.50 15.00
Rice- P Fried Fish- P Rice- P Fried Fish- P
5.00 12.00 5.00 12.00
Mango Mango
Juice- Juice-
P7.50 P7.50
J. Additional activities for application Using the data below ,create a two- Using the data below ,create a two- Illustrate the following number Illustrate the following number
or remediation step word problem involving step word problem involving sentences. sentences.
addition and subtraction of fraction. addition and subtraction of fraction.
1.) 2 x 0.5 = N 1.) 2 x 0.5 = N
2.) 0.6 x 0.7 = N 2.) 0.6 x 0.7 = N
Name Fruits Quantity Name Fruits Quantity
bought in Kg. bought in Kg. 3.) 4 x 0.3 = N 3.) 4 x 0.3 = N
4.) 0.2 x 0.9 = N 4.) 0.2 x 0.9 = N
Sharon Banana 12.65 Sharon Banana 12.65
5.) 0.8 x 0.4 = N 5.) 0.8 x 0.4 = N
kg. kg.
Anna Guava 23.16kg. Anna Guava 23.16kg.
Josefa Lanzones 9.16kg. Josefa Lanzones 9.16kg.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time September 26- 30, 2016 Quarter
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent
decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and
contexts. contexts. contexts. contexts.
2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four
fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving
decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each multiplies decimals up to 2 decimal multiplies decimals up to 2 decimal multiplies decimals with factors up multiplies decimals with factors up
places by 1- to 2-digit whole places by 1- to 2-digit whole to 2 decimal places. to 2 decimal places.
numbers. numbers.
M5NS-IId-111.2 M5NS-IId-111.2
M5NS-IId-111.1 M5NS-IId-111.1
II. CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
Module- Multiplication of Decimals Module- Multiplication of Decimals Mathematics Grade 5 p.279-282, Mathematics Grade 5 p.279-282,
and Whole Numbers. and Whole Numbers. MISOSA Grade 5, MISOSA Grade 5,
Module Multiplication of Decimals Module Multiplication of Decimals
ThroughHundreths ThroughHundreths
Mechanics: Mechanics:
a. Distribute 2 cubes to each group. a. Distribute 2 cubes to each group.
b. One pupil rolls the cube and the b. One pupil rolls the cube and the
other records the face up digit. other records the face up digit.
c. The group who gives the most c. The group who gives the most
number of correct answers wins the number of correct answers wins the
game. game.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Multiplies decimals up to 2 decimal Multiplies decimals up to 2 decimal Multiplies decimals with factors up Multiplies decimals with factors up
lesson places by 1 to 2 digit whole places by 1 to 2 digit whole to 2 decimal places. to 2 decimal places.
numbers. numbers.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Which are decimals? Which are decimals? How many of you have gone to How many of you have gone to
the new lesson Which are whole numbers? Which are whole numbers? Luneta? Fort Santiago? What do you Luneta? Fort Santiago? What do you
usually see in these place? usually see in these place?
D. Discussing new concepts and Rudolf lives 2.4 km from school. Rudolf lives 2.4 km from school. The park is rectangular in shape and The park is rectangular in shape and
practicing new skills #1 How far does he ride in going to and How far does he ride in going to and measures 0.3 km long and 0.2 km measures 0.3 km long and 0.2 km
from the school? from the school? wide. wide.
a. What picture do you have in your a. What picture do you have in your
a. How far is Rudolf’s house from the a. How far is Rudolf’s house from the mind when you read the problem? mind when you read the problem?
school? school? b. What are the signs that you b. What are the signs that you
b. What is being asked in the b. What is being asked in the usually see in the park? usually see in the park?
problem? problem? c. As a good boy or girl what must c. As a good boy or girl what must
you do with signs that you see in the you do with signs that you see in the
problem? problem?
d. What is asked in the problem? d. What is asked in the problem?
e. How shall we solve it? e. How shall we solve it?
E. Discussing new concepts and After the activity, see to it that the After the activity, see to it that the To find the area, we multiply the To find the area, we multiply the
practicing new skills #2 teacher immediately sets remedial teacher immediately sets remedial length and the width. length and the width.
for those who got the wrong for those who got the wrong
answers. answers. Step 1: Step 1:
Multiply the digit as if you Multiply the digit as if you
Ask: Did you learn something from Ask: Did you learn something from are multiplying whole numbers. are multiplying whole numbers.
the activity? the activity? Step 2: Count the number of Step 2: Count the number of
How did you get the answer? How did you get the answer? decimal places in the multiplicand decimal places in the multiplicand
Did you follow the steps? Did you follow the steps? and multiplier. The sum of the and multiplier. The sum of the
number of decimal places in the number of decimal places in the
factors is equal to the number of factors is equal to the number of
decimal places in the product. decimal places in the product.
G. Finding practical applications of Ask the pupils to work on Get Ask the pupils to work on Get a. Discuss the presentation on a. Discuss the presentation on
concepts and skills in daily living Mowing and Keep Moving page ___ Mowing and Keep Moving page ___ Explore and Discover on page ___ of Explore and Discover on page ___ of
of LM Math Grade 5. of LM Math Grade 5. LM Math Grade 5 LM Math Grade 5
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to generalize that: Lead the pupils to generalize that: Lead the pupils to generalize that: Lead the pupils to generalize that:
abstractions about the lesson To multiply decimals by whole To multiply decimals by whole In multiplying decimals with factors In multiplying decimals with factors
numbers, multiply like whole numbers, multiply like whole up to 2 decimal places, multiply like up to 2 decimal places, multiply like
numbers then count the number of numbers then count the number of multiplying whole numbers. Place multiplying whole numbers. Place
decimal places in the factors. The decimal places in the factors. The the decimal point In the product the decimal point In the product
sum of the number of decimal places sum of the number of decimal places equal to the sum of the number of equal to the sum of the number of
in the factor is equal to the number in the factor is equal to the number decimal places in both factors. decimal places in both factors.
of decimal places in the product. of decimal places in the product.
I. Evaluating learning Copy and give the product. Copy and give the product. Answer Apply Your Skills, page ___ Answer Apply Your Skills, page ___
of LM Math Grade 5. of LM Math Grade 5.
1. .76 x 4 = 4. .76 x 4 =
2. 90 x .30 = 5. 90 x .30 =
3. 34 x .5 = 6. 34 x .5 =
J. Additional activities for application Marina's car gets 44.8 miles per Marina's car gets 44.8 miles per A. Find the products. Write in A. Find the products. Write in
or remediation gallon on the highway. If her fuel gallon on the highway. If her fuel column. column.
tank holds 15.4 gallons, tank holds 15.4 gallons,
then how far can she travel on one then how far can she travel on one 1.) 6.5 x 0.7 = 1.) 6.5 x 0.7 =
full tank of gas? full tank of gas? 2.) 0.8 x 0.3 = 2.) 0.8 x 0.3 =
3.) 9.3 x 0.8 = 3.) 9.3 x 0.8 =
4.) 0.9 x 0.9 4.) 0.9 x 0.9
5.) 0.7 x 0.6 = 5.) 0.7 x 0.6 =
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time October 3-7, 2016 Quarter
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent
decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and
contexts. contexts. contexts. contexts.
2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four
fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving
decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each estimates the products of decimal estimates the products of decimal solves routine and non-routine solves routine and non-routine
numbers with reasonable results. numbers with reasonable results. problems involving multiplication problems involving multiplication
without or with addition or without or with addition or
M5NS-IIe-112 M5NS-IIe-112 subtraction of decimals and whole subtraction of decimals and whole
numbers including money using numbers including money using
appropriate problem solving appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools. strategies and tools.
M5NS-IIe-113.1 M5NS-IIe-113.1
II. CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages M5NS – II e – 112 pp. 59, Lesson M5NS – II e – 112 pp. 59, Lesson M5NS – II e – 113.1 pp. 59 , Lesson M5NS – II e – 113.1 pp. 59 , Lesson
Guide 6 pp.70 Growing Up with Guide 6 pp.70 Growing Up with Guide 6 pp.96 Guide 6 pp.96
Math 5 pp.197 Math 5 pp.197
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
D. Other Learning Resources Number Cards, problem cards Number Cards, problem cards dartboard, activity cards, dice dartboard, activity cards, dice
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Estimating the sum/difference Estimating the sum/difference a. Present a problem on the a. Present a problem on the
presenting the new lesson Ask: How do you estimate the Ask: How do you estimate the board. board.
sum/difference? sum/difference? b. Leaders will throw a die on b. Leaders will throw a die on
Round to the nearest whole number Round to the nearest whole number the board placed on the table. The the board placed on the table. The
and estimate the sum/difference. and estimate the sum/difference. corresponding points if they can corresponding points if they can
How many can you do orally? How many can you do orally? answer correctly the questions are answer correctly the questions are
Flash problem cards for the pupils to Flash problem cards for the pupils to the following: the following:
solve. solve. Bull’s eye – 10 points Bull’s eye – 10 points
2nd circle – 5 points 2nd circle – 5 points
Big circle – 1 point Big circle – 1 point
c. Failure to give the correct c. Failure to give the correct
answer means a deduction from answer means a deduction from
their points. their points.
d. Teacher gives emphasis on d. Teacher gives emphasis on
analyzing 2–step problems. analyzing 2–step problems.
Ex. In a class of 27 boys and 25 Ex. In a class of 27 boys and 25
girls, 16 joined the choir. girls, 16 joined the choir.
How many are not members of the How many are not members of the
choir? choir?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Estimates the products of decimal Estimates the products of decimal Solves routine and non-routine Solves routine and non-routine
lesson numbers with reasonable results. numbers with reasonable results. problems involving multiplication problems involving multiplication
without or with addition or without or with addition or
subtraction of decimals and whole subtraction of decimals and whole
numbers including money using numbers including money using
appropriate problem solving appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools strategies and tools
C. Presenting examples/instances of You were asked by your mother to You were asked by your mother to Present the following problem Present the following problem
the new lesson buy some groceries after class. buy some groceries after class.
Without computing how would you Without computing how would you Rico saves 4.50 on Rico saves 4.50 on
know that the money given to you is know that the money given to you is Monday, 7.25 on Monday, 7.25 on
enough or not? Why? enough or not? Why? Tuesday, 5.15 on Tuesday, 5.15 on
Wednesday, 3.90 on Wednesday, 3.90 on
Thursday, and 8.20 on Thursday, and 8.20 on
Friday from his daily Friday from his daily
transportation allowance transportation allowance
for 3 weeks. From these for 3 weeks. From these
savings, he wants to buy a savings, he wants to buy a
t-shirt which costs t-shirt which costs
P195.00. How much more P195.00. How much more
must he save? must he save?
How much money was saved by How much money was saved by
Rico? Rico?
How much is the t-shirt he would How much is the t-shirt he would
like to buy? like to buy?
How much more money must he How much more money must he
save? save?
What is the number sentence? What is the number sentence?
How many hidden questions are How many hidden questions are
there in the problem there in the problem
D. Discussing new concepts and Present the following problem Present the following problem Each group will give an activity Each group will give an activity
practicing new skills #1 card. They will work together in card. They will work together in
Carlo bought 5 notebooks at ₱38.95 Carlo bought 5 notebooks at ₱38.95 solving the problem ,following the solving the problem ,following the
each. About how much did he pay in each. About how much did he pay in guided questions below. guided questions below.
all? all?
c. Discuss the importance of c. Discuss the importance of
estimation and its practical estimation and its practical
applications in real life. Elicit applications in real life. Elicit
examples of situations where examples of situations where
estimation is needed. estimation is needed.
d. Why is it important to make d. Why is it important to make
sound and logical decisions? Have sound and logical decisions? Have
you done any? How did it affect you done any? How did it affect
you? you?
E. Discussing new concepts and GAME GAME How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity?
practicing new skills #2 Materials: number cards, calculator Materials: number cards, calculator How did you estimate product of How did you estimate product of
Mechanics: Mechanics: decimals? decimals?
Organize the pupils in pairs. Shuffle Organize the pupils in pairs. Shuffle How were you able to find the How were you able to find the
the number cards. Have both pupils the number cards. Have both pupils answer to the problem? answer to the problem?
select a number card and place select a number card and place In how many ways were you able to In how many ways were you able to
them on the table. Then have each them on the table. Then have each arrive at the answer? arrive at the answer?
pair estimate the product of the two pair estimate the product of the two Discuss with the pupils the ways on Discuss with the pupils the ways on
numbers by rounding the factors. numbers by rounding the factors. how they were able to solve for the how they were able to solve for the
After recording the original numbers After recording the original numbers answer to the problems. answer to the problems.
and the product, the pupils use a and the product, the pupils use a
calculator to check the exact answer calculator to check the exact answer
and to determine whether the and to determine whether the
estimate is good or reasonable. estimate is good or reasonable.
F. Developing mastery How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity? a. Discuss the presentation under a. Discuss the presentation under
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) How did you estimate product of How did you estimate product of Explore and Discover on page __of Explore and Discover on page __of
decimals? decimals? LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 42 LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 42
Were you able to estimate the Were you able to estimate the b. Ask the pupils to answer the b. Ask the pupils to answer the
product correctly? product correctly? exercises under Get Moving on exercises under Get Moving on
Before getting the product, what Before getting the product, what page__ of LM Grade 5 . page__ of LM Grade 5 .
was the first step? was the first step? Check their answers and provide Check their answers and provide
immediate remedial measures. immediate remedial measures.
G. Finding practical applications of a. Discuss the presentation under a. Discuss the presentation under For more practice, have the pupils For more practice, have the pupils
concepts and skills in daily living Explore and Discover on page __of Explore and Discover on page __of do more exercises by solving the do more exercises by solving the
LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 41. LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 41. problems under Keep Moving on problems under Keep Moving on
b. Then give the following activities. b. Then give the following activities. LM Grade 5 page __ LM Grade 5 page __
Estimate the product. Complete the Estimate the product. Complete the Let the pupils show their solutions Let the pupils show their solutions
table. table. on the board. on the board.
H. Making generalizations and How do you estimate the products How do you estimate the products Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils to give the
abstractions about the lesson of decimal numbers? of decimal numbers? generalization generalization
questions? questions?
d) What operation will you d) What operation will you
use to solve the problem? use to solve the problem?
e) What is the number e) What is the number
sentence? sentence?
f) What is the answer? f) What is the answer?
J. Additional activities for application Estimate the product: Estimate the product: Read, analyze, and solve for the Read, analyze, and solve for the
or remediation 1. 33 x .65 = 3. 33 x .65 = answer. answer.
2. 26 x 18 = 4. 26 x 18 =
a. Mother bought 3 kg of a. Mother bought 3 kg of
sugar at 23.70 per kilogram and 2 sugar at 23.70 per kilogram and 2
kg of rice at 21.50 per kilogram. kg of rice at 21.50 per kilogram.
How much change did she receive How much change did she receive
from her 500 bill? from her 500 bill?
b. Roy’s allowance is 500 a b. Roy’s allowance is 500 a
week. He spent 80 for week. He spent 80 for
transportation and 225 for meal transportation and 225 for meal
and snacks. How much money can and snacks. How much money can
he save in 4 weeks? he save in 4 weeks?
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent
decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and
contexts. contexts. contexts. contexts.
2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four
fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving
decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives visualizes division of decimal visualizes division of decimal divides decimals with up to 2 divides decimals with up to 2
Write the LC code for each numbers using pictorial numbers using pictorial decimal places. decimal places.
models. models.
M5NS-IIf-116.1 M5NS-IIf-116.1
M5NS-IIf-115 M5NS-IIf-115
II. CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
Using the numbers on their cards, Using the numbers on their cards,
ask the groups to form a division ask the groups to form a division
equation that will satisfy the equation that will satisfy the
question you will dictate. question you will dictate.
Form a division equation that gives Form a division equation that gives
the greatest possible quotient. the greatest possible quotient.
Form a division equation that gives a Form a division equation that gives a
quotient multiple by 10. quotient multiple by 10.
The group who can first give the The group who can first give the
correct answer gets a point. correct answer gets a point.
The first group to earn 3 points win The first group to earn 3 points win
the game the game
B. Establishing a purpose for the Visualizes division of decimal Visualizes division of decimal Divides decimal with up to 2 decimal Divides decimal with up to 2 decimal
lesson number using pictorial models number using pictorial models places places
C. Presenting examples/instances of Number Scramble Number Scramble What projects do you do in your EPP What projects do you do in your EPP
the new lesson Materials: 4 sets of cards with the Materials: 4 sets of cards with the class? Do you make these yourself? class? Do you make these yourself?
following digits 0 to 9 following digits 0 to 9 Do you submit these on time? Do you submit these on time?
Mechanics: Mechanics:
Divide the class into four groups. Divide the class into four groups.
Distribute the sets of cards to the Distribute the sets of cards to the
different groups. different groups.
Using the numbers on their cards, Using the numbers on their cards,
ask the groups to form a division ask the groups to form a division
equation that gives the smallest equation that gives the smallest
possible quotient. possible quotient.
Go around the room to check the Go around the room to check the
group’s answers. group’s answers.
Repeat the activity, this time have Repeat the activity, this time have
the groups form a division equation the groups form a division equation
with the greatest possible quotient. with the greatest possible quotient.
D. Discussing new concepts and Present the following situation in Present the following situation in Present this problem to the class. Present this problem to the class.
practicing new skills #1 class. class.
Aldy bought a piece of rattan 0.36- Aldy bought a piece of rattan 0.36-
Kiko went to the market. He bought Kiko went to the market. He bought metre long for his EPP project. He metre long for his EPP project. He
an egg pie for his snack. He sliced an egg pie for his snack. He sliced cut it into pieces of 0.12 metre each. cut it into pieces of 0.12 metre each.
the pie into ten equal parts and gave the pie into ten equal parts and gave How many pieces did he make? How many pieces did he make?
5 parts to his friends. What decimal 5 parts to his friends. What decimal
part of the pie was given to his part of the pie was given to his Help the pupils understand the Help the pupils understand the
friends? friends? answer by asking some answer by asking some
comprehension questions. Then ask: comprehension questions. Then ask:
Ask: What trait did Kiko show? Ask: What trait did Kiko show?
How will you answer the question in How will you answer the question in What is asked? What are given? What is asked? What are given?
the problem? the problem? What operation should you use to What operation should you use to
solve the problem ? Why is division solve the problem ? Why is division
the operation needed to solve it? the operation needed to solve it?
Let the pupils write the number Let the pupils write the number
sentence on the board. sentence on the board.
E. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Group Activity Study the problem, then answer the Study the problem, then answer the
practicing new skills #2 questions . questions .
Activity 1: Cooperative Learning Activity 1: Cooperative Learning
Jenny bought 0.75 meter of pink Jenny bought 0.75 meter of pink
Activity 2: Coins Model Activity 2: Coins Model ribbon, which she will cut into 0.25 ribbon, which she will cut into 0.25
meter strips for her meter strips for her
Activity 3: Number line Model Activity 3: Number line Model
Project in EPP. How many pieces did Project in EPP. How many pieces did
she make? she make?
What is asked? What is asked?
What is the answer? Present your What is the answer? Present your
answer in a flowchart showing the answer in a flowchart showing the
sequential steps in dividing decimal sequential steps in dividing decimal
by a decimal. by a decimal.
Why was the decimal point moved Why was the decimal point moved
two places to the right in both the two places to the right in both the
dividend and the divisor? dividend and the divisor?
F. Developing mastery After all teams have presented their After all teams have presented their
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Let the groups present their output Let the groups present their output output, ask the questions : “ How output, ask the questions : “ How
one at a time. After all groups have one at a time. After all groups have did you find the did you find the
presented, ask “How did you find presented, ask “How did you find Activity? How were you able to find Activity? How were you able to find
the activity? How were you able to the activity? How were you able to the answer to the problem? Discus the answer to the problem? Discus
visualize 0.25? in how many ways visualize 0.25? in how many ways with the pupils thesteps in dividing with the pupils thesteps in dividing
were you able to show the answer?” were you able to show the answer?” decimal with up to 2 decimal places. decimal with up to 2 decimal places.
Expected Answer: We used blocks, Expected Answer: We used blocks,
grids, number lines and money to grids, number lines and money to
visualize visualize
G. Finding practical applications of A. Illustrate the quotient using the A. Illustrate the quotient using the Discuss the presentation under “ Discuss the presentation under “
concepts and skills in daily living following models below. Refer to lm. following models below. Refer to lm. Explore and Discover “ in LM. Explore and Discover “ in LM.
For more practice, have the pupils For more practice, have the pupils
work on items 1-5 under “ Get work on items 1-5 under “ Get
Moving “ Moving “
Ask the pupils to work on the Ask the pupils to work on the
exercises under “ Keep Moving exercises under “ Keep Moving
“using calculator. “using calculator.
H. Making generalizations and How will you divide decimals by How will you divide decimals by Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils to give the following
abstractions about the lesson decimals? decimals? generalization by asking : generalization by asking :
How do we divide a decimal with up How do we divide a decimal with up
to two decimal places? to two decimal places?
When dividing decimals by decimals, When dividing decimals by decimals,
In dividing a decimal with a two digit In dividing a decimal with a two digit
change the divisor to a whole change the divisor to a whole decimals : decimals :
number. To do this, multiply both number. To do this, multiply both
the divisor and dividend by a power the divisor and dividend by a power First, make both divisor First, make both divisor
of 10. Then divide as with whole of 10. Then divide as with whole and dividend a whole and dividend a whole
numbers. numbers. number by multiplying 100 number by multiplying 100
Note: When multiplying by Note: When multiplying by or by moving decimal or by moving decimal
point two times going to point two times going to
power of ten, move the decimal power of ten, move the decimal
the right. the right.
point to the right as many places as point to the right as many places as Then, divide as in dividing Then, divide as in dividing
the number of zeros in the power of the number of zeros in the power of with a whole numbers with a whole numbers
ten. ten.
I. Evaluating learning A. Visualize the quotients. A. Visualize the quotients. Find the quotient. Find the quotient.
2. 0.8 7. 0.8 1). 0.24 ÷ 0.06 1). 0.24 ÷ 0.06
1. 0.2 0.4 6. 0.2 0.4 2). 0.56 ÷ 0.08 2). 0.56 ÷ 0.08
0.048 0.048
3). 0.88 ÷ 0.11 3). 0.88 ÷ 0.11
4. 0.009 9. 0.009
3. 0.07 3.5 8. 0.07 3.5 4). 4. 55 ÷ 0.05 4). 4. 55 ÷ 0.05
0.027 0.027
5. 0.6 0.24 10. 0.6 0.24
J. Additional activities for application A. Find the quotients using A. Find the quotients using Answer these questions: Answer these questions:
or remediation illustration model. illustration model. How many 0.31 meter are there in 9 How many 0.31 meter are there in 9
1. 0.05 0.85 1. 0.05 0.85 61 meters? 61 meters?
2. 0.30 9.35 2. 0.30 9.35
3. 0.05 27.65 3. 0.05 27.65 How many 0.12 cm are there in 6.48 How many 0.12 cm are there in 6.48
cm? cm?
How many 0.26 m are there in 5.98 How many 0.26 m are there in 5.98
m? m?
How many 0.47 m are there in 6.11 How many 0.47 m are there in 6.11
m? m?
How many 0.08 kg are there in 6.48 How many 0.08 kg are there in 6.48
kg? kg?
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time October 17-21, 2016 Quarter
A. Content Standards 1.demonstrates understanding of 1.demonstrates understanding of 1.demonstrates understanding of 1.demonstrates understanding of Weekly Test
decimals. decimals. decimals. decimals.
B. Performance Standards
1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent 1. is able to recognize and represent
decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and decimals in various forms and
contexts. contexts. contexts. contexts.
2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four 2. is able to apply the four
fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving fundamental operations involving
decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in decimals and ratio and proportion in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives divides whole numbers with divides whole numbers with estimates the quotients of decimal estimates the quotients of decimal
Write the LC code for each quotients in decimal form. quotients in decimal form. numbers with reasonable results. numbers with reasonable results.
II. CONTENT Numbers and number sense Numbers and number sense Numbers and number sense Numbers and number sense
Lesson Guide in Elementary Lesson Guide in Elementary
Mathematics 6, p. 100-102 Mathematics 6, p. 100-102
Place equal stacks of cards with Place equal stacks of cards with
identical problems. identical problems.
As the teacher says “ Go “ the first As the teacher says “ Go “ the first
player for each team goes to the player for each team goes to the
board and solves the first problem board and solves the first problem
on the first card. on the first card.
As soon as the first player is finished, As soon as the first player is finished,
the second player takes the next the second player takes the next
card and solves the problem card and solves the problem
correctly. correctly.
The team that got the most number The team that got the most number
of correct answer declared a winner. of correct answer declared a winner.
Example : Example :
Darwin will cut strips of paper 0.25 Darwin will cut strips of paper 0.25
dm wide from a sheet 1.50dm wide. dm wide from a sheet 1.50dm wide.
How many strips of paper will he How many strips of paper will he
have? have?
A bamboo pole 0.80 m long was cut A bamboo pole 0.80 m long was cut
into pieces, each 0.05 of a meter into pieces, each 0.05 of a meter
long. How many pieces of bamboo long. How many pieces of bamboo
were there? were there?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Divides whole numbers with Divides whole numbers with Estimate the quotients of decimal Estimate the quotients of decimal
lesson quotients in decimal form. quotients in decimal form. numbers with reasonable results. numbers with reasonable results.
C. Presenting examples/instances of How many are you in the family? How many are you in the family? Present a picture of a carpenter. Present a picture of a carpenter.
the new lesson What do carpenters do before What do carpenters do before
Have you experienced bringing Have you experienced bringing
buying materials for building a buying materials for building a
home something which is not home something which is not house? house?
Would it be alright to estimate the Would it be alright to estimate the
enough for your family? enough for your family?
needed materials ahead of time? needed materials ahead of time?
What did you do? What did you do? Why? Why?
How did you share it equally to How did you share it equally to
everyone? everyone?
D. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity( Group of 4 ) Group Activity( Group of 4 ) Present this situation to the class. Present this situation to the class.
practicing new skills #1
Ana brought home 3 suman. If she Ana brought home 3 suman. If she
Tina and Rose volunteered to Tina and Rose volunteered to
has 4 sisters, how will she divide it has 4 sisters, how will she divide it donate ballpens as prizes for a donate ballpens as prizes for a
contest in school. They have ₱100. contest in school. They have ₱100.
equally among her sisters? equally among her sisters?
They want to know about how many They want to know about how many
Task for each group Task for each group ballpens they can buy if each ballpen ballpens they can buy if each ballpen
costs ₱4.75. costs ₱4.75.
Use strips of paper to represent the Use strips of paper to represent the
Ask : What did Tina and Rose Ask : What did Tina and Rose
3 suman. 3 suman. volunteered to donate in school? volunteered to donate in school?
What kind of students are they? What kind of students are they?
Divide each strip into 4 equal parts. Divide each strip into 4 equal parts. Are you willing to help your school? Are you willing to help your school?
Why? Why?
Analyze the problem. Analyze the problem.
Give one piece to each member of Give one piece to each member of What are the given facts? What are the given facts?
the group. Do the same with the the group. Do the same with the What is asked in the problem? What is asked in the problem?
What operations are you going to What operations are you going to
other strips. other strips. use? use?
Do we need the exact/ actual Do we need the exact/ actual
Answer the following : Answer the following : answer in the problem? answer in the problem?
What words suggests that we need What words suggests that we need
only to estimate? only to estimate?
What do you call each part? ( ¼ ) What do you call each part? ( ¼ )
How many fourths did each one How many fourths did each one
receive? ( 3 ) receive? ( 3 )
form? ( 0.75 ) form? ( 0.75 )
E. Discussing new concepts and Read, analyze and solve the Read, analyze and solve the Say : “ Estimating is an educated Say : “ Estimating is an educated
practicing new skills #2 guess. There are times when an guess. There are times when an
problem. problem.
estimate is needed and not the estimate is needed and not the
A dressmaker has a bolt of fabric A dressmaker has a bolt of fabric actual one.” actual one.”
Say : “ Let us solve and analyze the Say : “ Let us solve and analyze the
that is 49 meters long. She plans to that is 49 meters long. She plans to
solution to the problem.” solution to the problem.”
make 50 table runners. How long make 50 table runners. How long ₱100 ÷ 4.75 → ₱100 ÷ 5 ( the divisor ₱100 ÷ 4.75 → ₱100 ÷ 5 ( the divisor
is rounded to the nearest whole is rounded to the nearest whole
will each piece be? will each piece be?
number number
What is asked in the problem? What is asked in the problem? So 100 ÷ 5 = 20 → estimated So 100 ÷ 5 = 20 → estimated
quotient quotient
What are given? What are given?
So, Tina and Rose can buy about 20 So, Tina and Rose can buy about 20
ballpens as prizes for a contest in ballpens as prizes for a contest in
What operation will you use to solve What operation will you use to solve schoolSay “ There are times when schoolSay “ There are times when
it? it? compatible numbers are used to compatible numbers are used to
estimate quotients.” Let us study estimate quotients.” Let us study
this example: this example:
Write the number sentence. Write the number sentence. 625 ÷ 2.5 = N 625 ÷ 2.5 = N
625 ÷ 2.5 → 600 ÷ 3 → 600 is 625 ÷ 2.5 → 600 ÷ 3 → 600 is
What is your answer ? Show your What is your answer ? Show your compatible with 3 since 600 ÷ 3 = compatible with 3 since 600 ÷ 3 =
200 200
solution. solution. So 600÷ 3 = 200 So 600÷ 3 = 200
F. Developing mastery How did you find the activity ? How How did you find the activity ? How Ask: How is estimation done in the Ask: How is estimation done in the
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) solution we have in the problem? solution we have in the problem?
were you able to find the answer to were you able to find the answer to
What was done first to the divisor What was done first to the divisor
the problem? the problem? and the dividend? and the dividend?
Then, what was cancelled in the Then, what was cancelled in the
Discuss with the pupils the steps in Discuss with the pupils the steps in
rounded divisor and dividend? rounded divisor and dividend?
dividing whole numbers by whole dividing whole numbers by whole Then, what was done next? Then, what was done next?
Expected answer : We round the Expected answer : We round the
numbers withdecimal quotients? numbers withdecimal quotients?
divisor and the dividend to the divisor and the dividend to the
nearest whole number. Cancelled nearest whole number. Cancelled
zeroes in the decimal places then zeroes in the decimal places then
proceed to dividing. proceed to dividing.
Say : “ Now, let us compare the Say : “ Now, let us compare the
actual answer to the estimated actual answer to the estimated
one.” one.”
Ask: Are the quotients the same or Ask: Are the quotients the same or
different? different?
How far or near is the estimated How far or near is the estimated
answer to the actual one? answer to the actual one?
What will you do if the estimated What will you do if the estimated
answer is too large or too small answer is too large or too small
compared to the actual one? compared to the actual one?
Expected Answer:” There are times Expected Answer:” There are times
that the estimated answer is too that the estimated answer is too
large or small if we round both the large or small if we round both the
divisor and the dividend to the divisor and the dividend to the
highest place value. One way to highest place value. One way to
make our estimated answer make our estimated answer
reasonable or close to the exact reasonable or close to the exact
answer is by using answer is by using
compatible numbers.” compatible numbers.”
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation under “ Discuss the presentation under “ Let the pupils study Explore and Let the pupils study Explore and
concepts and skills in daily living Discover on page ___ of the LM Discover on page ___ of the LM
Explore and Discover “ in LM. Explore and Discover “ in LM.
Math Grade 5. Math Grade 5.
Ask the pupils to do exercises under Ask the pupils to do exercises under
For more practice, Have the pupils For more practice, Have the pupils Get Moving on page ___ of LM Get Moving on page ___ of LM
work on “ Get Moving “ work on “ Get Moving “ Math Grade Math Grade
Five. Five.
Ask the pupils to work on the Ask the pupils to work on the
exercises under “ Keep Moving “ exercises under “ Keep Moving “
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils to give the following To estimate quotients, round the To estimate quotients, round the
abstractions about the lesson divisor to the highest place value divisor to the highest place value
generalization by asking : generalization by asking :
and use compatible numbers for the and use compatible numbers for the
How do we divide whole numbers How do we divide whole numbers dividend to divide. This will make dividend to divide. This will make
your estimated quotient reasonable. your estimated quotient reasonable.
with decimal quotients? with decimal quotients?
divisor must be bigger divisor must be bigger
than its dividend than its dividend
write the equation in write the equation in
fraction form, dividend fraction form, dividend
as numerator and as numerator and
divisor as denominator divisor as denominator
divide numerator by divide numerator by
its denominator, since its denominator, since
numerator is smaller numerator is smaller
than denominator it than denominator it
can’t be divided can’t be divided
add zero to the add zero to the
numerator but before numerator but before
that add a decimal that add a decimal
point before zero point before zero
quotient must then quotient must then
have a decimal point. have a decimal point.
I. Evaluating learning Find the quotient. Round your Find the quotient. Round your Find the best estimated quotient. Find the best estimated quotient.
1. 4 308 ÷ 61.75 1. 4 308 ÷ 61.75
answer to the nearest place value answer to the nearest place value
4. 559.8 ÷ 785 4. 559.8 ÷ 785
indicated. indicated. 2. 1 019 ÷ 51.5 2. 1 019 ÷ 51.5
5. 19 785 ÷ 30.8 5. 19 785 ÷ 30.8
Tenths Hundredths Tenths Hundredths 3. 88.975 ÷ 968 3. 88.975 ÷ 968
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time November 3-4, 2016 Quarter
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each
C. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. Performance Standards is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe
polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures polygons, circles, and solid figures
. .
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each visualizes, names, and describes visualizes, names, and describes describes and compares describes and compares
polygons with 5 or more sides. polygons with 5 or more sides. properties of polygons (regular properties of polygons (regular
and irregular polygons). and irregular polygons).
M5GE-IIIc-19 M5GE-IIIc-19
M5GE-IIIc-20 M5GE-IIIc-20
210 210
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Chart Chart flashcards, paperclips, graphing flashcards, paperclips, graphing
paper paper
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review meaning of percent Review meaning of percent Matching Game Matching Game
presenting the new lesson Materials: 3 charts (having ratio, Materials: 3 charts (having ratio,
decimal, or fraction), number decimal, or fraction), number
cards cards
Mechanics: Mechanics:
1. Teacher post the 2 charts on 1. Teacher post the 2 charts on
the board. the board.
2. Divide the class into 3 group. 2. Divide the class into 3 group.
Give each group a well shuffled Give each group a well shuffled
set of a number cards. set of a number cards.
These cards are then distributed These cards are then distributed
to the group members with each to the group members with each
receiving one Card. receiving one Card.
3. When the signal is given by the 3. When the signal is given by the
teacher, a pupil from each group teacher, a pupil from each group
simultaneously goes to the board simultaneously goes to the board
and places the number card in the and places the number card in the
correct slot. correct slot.
4. The pupils will go to their group 4. The pupils will go to their group
and tap the next player. Continue and tap the next player. Continue
this until the chart has been this until the chart has been
completed. completed.
5. The group that finishes first, 5. The group that finishes first,
with the most number of correct with the most number of correct
answers win. answers win.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Visualizespercent and its relationship to Visualizespercent and its relationship to Defines percentage, rate or Defines percentage, rate or
lesson fractions, ratios, and decimal numbers fractions, ratios, and decimal numbers percent and base. percent and base.
using using
Models. Models.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Who among you have baby brother and Who among you have baby brother and Showing a paper clips. Where do Showing a paper clips. Where do
the new lesson sisters who still take milk from bottles? sisters who still take milk from bottles? we used these paper clips? we used these paper clips?
Do Do
You know how to prepare their milk? You know how to prepare their milk?
How many ounces of water do you use? How many ounces of water do you use?
How many scoops of milk do you put? How many scoops of milk do you put?
(Pupils may say for every 4 ounces of (Pupils may say for every 4 ounces of
water they put 2 scoop of milk before water they put 2 scoop of milk before
shaking the bottle.) shaking the bottle.)
Why is it necessary to follow the Why is it necessary to follow the
instruction in preparing milk for your instruction in preparing milk for your
youngerbrother/sister? youngerbrother/sister?
D. Discussing new concepts and Survival Game Survival Game Problem Opener Problem Opener
practicing new skills #1 Mechanics: Mechanics: Rafaela has 10 paper clips. She Rafaela has 10 paper clips. She
1. Let 5 boys and 5 girls stand in front of 1. Let 5 boys and 5 girls stand in front of gives 2 paper clips to her gives 2 paper clips to her
the class forming a circle. While the the class forming a circle. While the seatmate and keepsthe rest for seatmate and keepsthe rest for
music is being played the participants music is being played the participants the future use. Is it right for her to the future use. Is it right for her to
move around. move around. say that she keeps 80% of the say that she keeps 80% of the
2. When the music stops the teacher will 2. When the music stops the teacher will paperclips? paperclips?
say “The boat is sinking group yourselves say “The boat is sinking group yourselves Questions to answer: Questions to answer:
into2.” into2.” 1. Who has 10 paper clips? 1. Who has 10 paper clips?
3. The group continues till the described 3. The group continues till the described 2. To whom does she give 2 paper 2. To whom does she give 2 paper
players necessary to form the ratio is players necessary to form the ratio is clips? clips?
achieved. achieved. 3. if you were Rafaela will you also 3. if you were Rafaela will you also
Discuss the following to the pupils; Discuss the following to the pupils; keep materials for the future? keep materials for the future?
For instance, the first group there are 3 For instance, the first group there are 3 Why? Why?
girls and 1 boy left. girls and 1 boy left. a. Get 2 paper clips from 10 paper a. Get 2 paper clips from 10 paper
Then the ratio of boys to girls is 1;3The Then the ratio of boys to girls is 1;3The clips. Express in fraction form the clips. Express in fraction form the
ratio of girls to boys is 3;1 ratio of girls to boys is 3;1 paper clips partedin relation to paper clips partedin relation to
If we are to write the ratio 1;3in fraction If we are to write the ratio 1;3in fraction the total paper clips. Change the the total paper clips. Change the
which will be the numerator? the which will be the numerator? the fraction form to rate or percent. fraction form to rate or percent.
denominator? denominator? Relate the number of 2s in 10. Let Relate the number of 2s in 10. Let
If we are to get how many percent of the If we are to get how many percent of the them think aloud on the number them think aloud on the number
pupils are boys, in relation to the group, pupils are boys, in relation to the group, of 20% in 100% and in relation to of 20% in 100% and in relation to
divide divide 2s in 10. 2s in 10.
The numerator by denominator. The numerator by denominator. b. Ask them what part of the total b. Ask them what part of the total
number of paper clips describing number of paper clips describing
There are 33% in relation to the girls in There are 33% in relation to the girls in the number of paperclips for the number of paperclips for
the group. In decimal, change percent to the group. In decimal, change percent to future use. Require them to relate future use. Require them to relate
fraction with denominator of 100. Ten fraction with denominator of 100. Ten 80% to the number of paper clips 80% to the number of paper clips
express the fraction as a decimal. express the fraction as a decimal. for future use. for future use.
c. Let the pupils identify rate, c. Let the pupils identify rate,
Or simply drop the % symbol, Then move Or simply drop the % symbol, Then move base and percentage. base and percentage.
the decimal point 2 places to the left. the decimal point 2 places to the left. The rate is the percent of the The rate is the percent of the
whole. It has the percent symbol whole. It has the percent symbol
(%). (%).
The base is the whole we’re The base is the whole we’re
talking about. It is written after talking about. It is written after
the word “of” or thephrase the word “of” or thephrase
“percent of”. “percent of”.
The percentage is the portion of The percentage is the portion of
the whole based on the rate. It is the whole based on the rate. It is
usually followed by the word “is”. usually followed by the word “is”.
E. Discussing new concepts and A. Using pictures the pupils will give the A. Using pictures the pupils will give the A.Let the pupils work in pair. Each A.Let the pupils work in pair. Each
practicing new skills #2 ratio of the number shaded parts to the ratio of the number shaded parts to the pair works on every station pair works on every station
unshadedpart. Then change them to unshadedpart. Then change them to simultaneously. Each of simultaneously. Each of
fractions, decimal and percent. fractions, decimal and percent. them will check their answers and them will check their answers and
present their output. present their output.
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation on Explore and Discuss the presentation on Explore and Discuss the presentation on Discuss the presentation on
concepts and skills in daily living Discover on page ____ of LM Math Discover on page ____ of LM Math Explore and Discover on page____ Explore and Discover on page____
Grade 5 Grade 5 of LM Math 5. Ask thepupils to of LM Math 5. Ask thepupils to
Ask the pupil to work on Get Moving on Ask the pupil to work on Get Moving on work on items 1 to 5 under Get work on items 1 to 5 under Get
page ____ of LM Grade 5. Check the page ____ of LM Grade 5. Check the Moving on page ___ of LM Math Moving on page ___ of LM Math
pupils’ pupils’ 5. Check the pupils’ answers. For 5. Check the pupils’ answers. For
answers. For mastery, have the pupils answers. For mastery, have the pupils mastery, have them answer the mastery, have them answer the
answer the items under Keep Moving on answer the items under Keep Moving on items under Keep Moving on page items under Keep Moving on page
page page _____ of LM Math Grade 5. Check _____ of LM Math Grade 5. Check
____ of LM math Grade 5. ____ of LM math Grade 5. the pupils’ answers. the pupils’ answers.
H. Making generalizations and Lead he pupils to give the following Lead he pupils to give the following What is the meaning of What is the meaning of
abstractions about the lesson generalization by asking: generalization by asking: percentage? Rate?Base? percentage? Rate?Base?
What is the relationship of ratios to What is the relationship of ratios to
fractions? Topercent? fractions? Topercent? Percentage is a part of a whole. It Percentage is a part of a whole. It
If your data is written in ratio form, can If your data is written in ratio form, can is the resulting fractional part of is the resulting fractional part of
you write it in fraction form? How can you write it in fraction form? How can the base. Rate is the number the base. Rate is the number
we get percent equivalent of a ratio and we get percent equivalent of a ratio and written with the word “percent” written with the word “percent”
a fraction? a fraction? or with the symbol “%”. Base is or with the symbol “%”. Base is
the total or whole and it is the the total or whole and it is the
Ratio is a comparison between two or Ratio is a comparison between two or number that usually follows the number that usually follows the
more quantities. It can also be expressed more quantities. It can also be expressed phrase “percent of” or “% of”. phrase “percent of” or “% of”.
as fraction, the first number being the as fraction, the first number being the
denominator. Through ratios and denominator. Through ratios and
fractions we can get the percent fractions we can get the percent
equivalent by dividing the numerator by equivalent by dividing the numerator by
the denominator. The result is a decimal the denominator. The result is a decimal
but move the decimal point two places but move the decimal point two places
the right and affix the percent sign. the right and affix the percent sign.
I. Evaluating learning Ask the pupils to do the activity Ask the pupils to do the activity
Write the name for each shaded part as Write the name for each shaded part as under Apply Your Skills on page under Apply Your Skills on page
fraction, ratio, percent and decimal. fraction, ratio, percent and decimal. ___ of LM Math 5. ___ of LM Math 5.
J. Additional activities for application Identify the R, B, and P in the Identify the R, B, and P in the
or remediation Remediation Remediation following statements: following statements:
Complete the table below using the Complete the table below using the 1. 180% of 200 is 360 1. 180% of 200 is 360
given data given data 2. 35% of 90 is 31.5 2. 35% of 90 is 31.5
3. P100 is 4% of P2 500 3. P100 is 4% of P2 500
1. The set of even numbers from 1 to 20. 1. The set of even numbers from 1 to 20. 4. 20% of 50 is 10 4. 20% of 50 is 10
2. The set of odd numbers from 1 to 20. 2. The set of odd numbers from 1 to 20.
3. The set of composite numbers from 1 3. The set of composite numbers from 1
to 20. to 20.
4. The set of prime numbers from 1 to 4. The set of prime numbers from 1 to
20. 20.
Ratio Fraction Decimal Percent Ratio Fraction Decimal Percent
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time November 14-18, 2016 Quarter
B. Performance Standards is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe
polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures .
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources hundred grid cardboards, crayons, hundred grid cardboards, crayons, strips of cartolina, flash cards strips of cartolina, flash cards
fraction strips fraction strips
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Concept Development Concept Development a. Divide the class into 4 groups. One a. Divide the class into 4 groups. One
presenting the new lesson Material: fraction strips Material: fraction strips representative from each group representative from each group
Mechanics: Mechanics: stands at the back of the classroom. stands at the back of the classroom.
a. Form 5 groups. a. Form 5 groups. b. Flash the strips of cartolina with a b. Flash the strips of cartolina with a
b. Distribute fraction strips equally b. Distribute fraction strips equally short problem written on it. The short problem written on it. The
among the groups and place them among the groups and place them representative from each group will representative from each group will
face down in a pile. face down in a pile. identify the missing/unknown identify the missing/unknown
c. Pupils look at the top card, name c. Pupils look at the top card, name part in the problem. part in the problem.
fraction and the name percent for fraction and the name percent for
the fraction. the fraction. c. The first one who gives the correct c. The first one who gives the correct
d. The group with the most number d. The group with the most number answer will get the point. answer will get the point.
of correct responses wins the game. of correct responses wins the game. d. The game continues until all the d. The game continues until all the
pupils from each group have pupils from each group have
participated. participated.
e. The group with the most number e. The group with the most number
of points wins. of points wins.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Identifies the base, percentage, and Identifies the base, percentage, and Finds the percentage in given Finds the percentage in given
lesson rate in the problem. rate in the problem. problem. problem.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Action Song (Body Exercise) Action Song (Body Exercise) What’s your target score in a 20- What’s your target score in a 20-
the new lesson Tune: Are you Sleeping Tune: Are you Sleeping item test? What passing grade is it? item test? What passing grade is it?
Title: Fraction to Percent Title: Fraction to Percent (75%, 80%, 90% or 100%? The pupils (75%, 80%, 90% or 100%? The pupils
have the freedom to choose. have the freedom to choose.
(One-fourth) 4x (Twenty-five) 2x (One-fourth) 4x (Twenty-five) 2x
(One-fourth change to percent) 2x (One-fourth change to percent) 2x Ask: Do you study your lesson every Ask: Do you study your lesson every
(Twenty-five percent) 2x (Twenty-five percent) 2x day? Do you listen well and day? Do you listen well and
participate in class discussion? participate in class discussion?
One-half = 50% One-half = 50% Ask: Why do you need to study? Will Ask: Why do you need to study? Will
One-fifth = 20% One-fifth = 20% it help you prepare for your future? it help you prepare for your future?
Three-fourths = 75% Three-fourths = 75% Emphasize the value of being Emphasize the value of being
Two-fifths = 40% Two-fifths = 40% studious and participative. studious and participative.
D. Discussing new concepts and Acting Out: My Favorite Fruit Acting Out: My Favorite Fruit Vincent, a boy from a fishing village Vincent, a boy from a fishing village
practicing new skills #1 Mechanics; Mechanics; is a diligent and studious pupil. He is a diligent and studious pupil. He
1. Divide the class into 8 1. Divide the class into 8 goes to school and every day and goes to school and every day and
groups. groups. does his work well. He never skips does his work well. He never skips
2. Teacher will presents a 2. Teacher will presents a studying his lesson every night. studying his lesson every night.
question: If you were to choose question: If you were to choose When he took their 50-item quarter When he took their 50-item quarter
which fruits would you like to eat which fruits would you like to eat examination he got 96% of it examination he got 96% of it
everyday? everyday? correctly? What is his score? correctly? What is his score?
3. Each group decides on 3. Each group decides on Ask: Ask:
their favourite fruit among the fruits their favourite fruit among the fruits Who is the boy from the fishing Who is the boy from the fishing
posted on the board. posted on the board. village? village?
4. Teacher request the 8 4. Teacher request the 8 How is he as a pupil? How is he as a pupil?
group leaders to stand at the back of group leaders to stand at the back of Did he do well in school? How do Did he do well in school? How do
the classroom. the classroom. you know? you know?
5. As the teacher gives the 5. As the teacher gives the How many items is their test? How many items is their test?
signal, the leaders go to the fruit the signal, the leaders go to the fruit the What rating does Vincent get in the What rating does Vincent get in the
fruit chose. fruit chose. test? Is this a high rating? How do test? Is this a high rating? How do
6. The teacher ask the 6. The teacher ask the you know? you know?
leaders to explain their choices. leaders to explain their choices. Will you do the same? Why? Will you do the same? Why?
7. Let the pupils form the 7. Let the pupils form the
ratios for each fruit chosen: number ratios for each fruit chosen: number
of groups who chose the fruit of groups who chose the fruit
To the total number of To the total number of
groups. groups.
8. Convert the ratios to 8. Convert the ratios to
fractions then to percent. fractions then to percent.
Discussion Discussion
a. How many group are a. How many group are
there? 8 there? 8
b. How many chose b. How many chose
apple? 6 apple? 6
c. How do we write it in c. How do we write it in
percent? 75% percent? 75%
Say: We can write: Say: We can write:
75% of 8 = 6 75% of 8 = 6
We deal with the three We deal with the three
elements: rate, base and elements: rate, base and
percentage: percentage:
75 75
a ratio of fraction . a ratio of fraction .
100 100
8 is called the base. The 8 is called the base. The
total or whole and it is the number total or whole and it is the number
that usually follows the phrase that usually follows the phrase
“percent of” or “percent of” or
“% of”. “% of”.
6 is called percentage. It is 6 is called percentage. It is
the part of the whole. the part of the whole.
E. Discussing new concepts and A. Using flashcards. Identify the rate, A. Using flashcards. Identify the rate, Ask the pupils to work in groups in Ask the pupils to work in groups in
practicing new skills #2 base and percentage. base and percentage. solving the problem. solving the problem.
B. Have the pupils work in group. B. Have the pupils work in group.
The teacher gives problem The teacher gives problem
statements wherein the pupils statements wherein the pupils
Identify the rate, base and Identify the rate, base and
percentage: percentage:
Group 1: Group 1:
Paolo listen very well to the teacher Paolo listen very well to the teacher
during the discussion of the lesson. during the discussion of the lesson.
When they were given a 5-itm test When they were given a 5-itm test
he got 4 correct answer. He has a he got 4 correct answer. He has a
grade of 80%. grade of 80%.
Group 2: Group 2:
There are 40 pupils in a class. There are 40 pupils in a class.
Seventy-five percent of them are Seventy-five percent of them are
present. 30 present. 30
pupils are present. pupils are present.
Group 3: Group 3:
Monique invited 300 kids to her Monique invited 300 kids to her
party. Only 15% of the kids did not party. Only 15% of the kids did not
showed up.Forty-five kids did not showed up.Forty-five kids did not
attend the party. attend the party.
Group 4: Group 4:
Shiela got 90% of a 20-item test in Shiela got 90% of a 20-item test in
Science. She answers 18 item Science. She answers 18 item
correctly. correctly.
F. Developing mastery Let the group present their output. Let the group present their output. After the group presented and After the group presented and
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Check their work one at a time. How Check their work one at a time. How checked their work, call on the checked their work, call on the
did you find the activity? How can did you find the activity? How can leader to relate what they have leader to relate what they have
we identify the rate? base? we identify the rate? base? done to solve the problem. done to solve the problem.
Percentage? Percentage?
Say: We can identify the rate easily Say: We can identify the rate easily Ask: Ask:
because it is the number with the because it is the number with the How do we solve for the How do we solve for the
symbol % or number with the word symbol % or number with the word percentage? percentage?
“percent”. Base is the whole number “percent”. Base is the whole number Did you move the decimal point of Did you move the decimal point of
which you take thepercent while which you take thepercent while the rate from right to left? the rate from right to left?
percentage is the part of the whole. percentage is the part of the whole. How many move of decimal point do How many move of decimal point do
We can also use Techan’sTriangle to We can also use Techan’sTriangle to we move? we move?
identify the rate, base and identify the rate, base and
percentage. percentage.
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation on Explore Discuss the presentation on Explore Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under
concepts and skills in daily living and Discover on page ____ of LM and Discover on page ____ of LM Explore and Discover of page __, LM Explore and Discover of page __, LM
Math Grade 5. Math Grade 5. Math Grade 5. Then give these Math Grade 5. Then give these
Ask the pupils to work on items 1 to Ask the pupils to work on items 1 to exercises. exercises.
10 under Get Moving, on page ___ 10 under Get Moving, on page ___
of LM Math 5 of LM Math 5
Check the pupils’ answers. For Check the pupils’ answers. For
mastery, have them answer the mastery, have them answer the
items under Keep items under Keep
Moving on page _____ of LM Math Moving on page _____ of LM Math
Grade 5. Grade 5.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils to generalize as Lead the pupils to generalize as
abstractions about the lesson generalization by asking: generalization by asking: follows: follows:
How can you identify the rate, base How can you identify the rate, base
and percentage? and percentage? In finding the percentage of a given In finding the percentage of a given
Rate is the number written with the Rate is the number written with the number follow these steps: number follow these steps:
word “percent”. It is express in word “percent”. It is express in Find the rate in the given Find the rate in the given
percent form. percent form. problem. problem.
Base is the total or whole and it is Base is the total or whole and it is Arrange the numbers in Arrange the numbers in
the number that usually follows the the number that usually follows the
vertically. vertically.
phrase “percent”. phrase “percent”.
Percentage is the part of the whole. Percentage is the part of the whole. Move the decimal point of Move the decimal point of
Techan’s Triangle is also used in Techan’s Triangle is also used in the given rate twice from the given rate twice from
identifying rate, base and identifying rate, base and right to left. right to left.
percentage. percentage. Multiply the numbers Multiply the numbers
following the steps in following the steps in
multiplication. multiplication.
Count the number at the right of the Count the number at the right of the
decimal point which will decide decimal point which will decide
where to put the corresponding where to put the corresponding
decimal point decimal point
I. Evaluating learning Identify the rate, base, or Identify the rate, base, or B. Solve the following percentage B. Solve the following percentage
percentage in the following percentage in the following problems. problems.
problems. problems.
1. 50% of 78 = 39 1. 50% of 78 = 39 1) Forty-six percent of people 1) Forty-six percent of people
2. 10% of 60 = 6 2. 10% of 60 = 6 surveyed said that they exercised on surveyed said that they exercised on
3. A 20% or P 4 600 is the down 3. A 20% or P 4 600 is the down a fairly regular basis. If 12 a fairly regular basis. If 12
payment for a brand new TV set. The payment for a brand new TV set. The 100 people were surveyed, how 100 people were surveyed, how
original price of the TV set is P 23 original price of the TV set is P 23 many of them exercise? many of them exercise?
000. 000.
1 1 2) The price of gasoline decreased 2) The price of gasoline decreased
4. Carlo invest P 750 000 at 6 % 4. Carlo invest P 750 000 at 6 % by 18%. If a liter of gasoline sold P by 18%. If a liter of gasoline sold P
2 2 21.15 before 21.15 before
simple interest a year. His interest is simple interest a year. His interest is the decrease, what was the the decrease, what was the
P 48 750. P 48 750. amount of the decrease? amount of the decrease?
5. Melissa has 120 kilograms of rice. 5. Melissa has 120 kilograms of rice.
Her mother sold 105 kilograms. Is Her mother sold 105 kilograms. Is 3) In a certain city, about 25% of the 3) In a certain city, about 25% of the
she right to tell her mother sold she right to tell her mother sold people are between the ages of 20 people are between the ages of 20
87.5% of what she sold? 87.5% of what she sold? and 40 years. If the city and 40 years. If the city
population is 1 430 000, how population is 1 430 000, how
many people are between those many people are between those
ages? ages?
J. Additional activities for application Identify the R, B, and P in the Identify the R, B, and P in the A. Answer the following. A. Answer the following.
or remediation following statement. following statement.
1. 180% of 200 is 360 1. 180% of 200 is 360 1. What is 25% of 4? 1. What is 25% of 4?
2. 35% of 90 is 31.5 2. 35% of 90 is 31.5 2. N is 50% of 2. 2. N is 50% of 2.
3. P 100 is 4% of P2 500 3. P 100 is 4% of P2 500 3. 200 % of 3 is what number? 3. 200 % of 3 is what number?
2 2 4. 75% of 12 is ____? 4. 75% of 12 is ____?
4. 51 children, 66 % of them are 4. 51 children, 66 % of them are 5. 60% of 30 is N. 5. 60% of 30 is N.
3 3 6. 30% of 600 is what number? 6. 30% of 600 is what number?
boys, 34 are boys boys, 34 are boys 7. 230% of 90 is N. 7. 230% of 90 is N.
5. 16 is 20% of 80 5. 16 is 20% of 80 8. 150% of P 400 is _____. 8. 150% of P 400 is _____.
9. 36% of 95 is N. 9. 36% of 95 is N.
10. 48% of 290 is what number? 10. 48% of 290 is what number?
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time November 21-25, 2016 Quarter
A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of polygons, circles, demonstrates understanding Weekly test
polygons, circles, and solid polygons, circles, and solid and solid figures. of polygons, circles, and solid
figures. figures. figures.
B. Performance Standards is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe polygons, circles, is able to construct and
polygons, circles, and solid figures polygons, circles, and solid figures and solid figures . describe polygons, circles, and
. . solid figures .
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives visualizes and describes a circle. visualizes and describes a circle. identifies the terms related to a circle. identifies the terms related to
Write the LC code for each a circle.
M5GE-IIId-23.1 M5GE-IIId-23.1 M5GE-IIId-23.2
A. Reviewing previous lesson or A. Checking of Assignment A. Checking of Assignment Conduct a review on solving routine and non- Conduct a review on solving
presenting the new lesson B. Review the steps in solving B. Review the steps in solving routine problems involving percentage using routine and non-routine
word problems. word problems. appropriate strategies and tools. problems involving
Ask: What are the steps in solving Ask: What are the steps in solving percentage using appropriate
a problem? a problem? strategies and tools.
In what steps will the following In what steps will the following
questions fall? questions fall?
What is asked? What is asked?
What are the given facts? What are the given facts?
What is the process to be used? What is the process to be used?
What is the number sentence? What is the number sentence?
Show the solution and complete Show the solution and complete
answer. answer.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Solves routine and non-routine Solves routine and non-routine Create problems involving percentage with Create problems involving
lesson problems involving percentage problems involving percentage reasonable answers. percentage with reasonable
using appropriate strategies and using appropriate strategies and answers.
tools. tools.
C. Presenting examples/instances of How much money do you spend How much money do you spend What is your plan/ dream in the future? How do you What is your plan/ dream in
the new lesson in school every day? Do you save in school every day? Do you save plan to achieve it? the future? How do you plan
some of it for future use? Why some of it for future use? Why to achieve it?
did you do it? Share your did you do it? Share your Ask: Is it important to make plan before doing any
experience. Let the pupils realize experience. Let the pupils realize activity? Ask: Is it important to make
theimportance of being thrifty. theimportance of being thrifty. Ask: Does making a plan contribute in achieving plan before doing any activity?
one’s goal? Why?Lead the pupils to appreciate Ask: Does making a plan
planning ahead of time in any activity. contribute in achieving one’s
goal? Why?Lead the pupils to
appreciate planning ahead of
time in any activity.
D. Discussing new concepts and Reyes family has a monthly Reyes family has a monthly What is your plan/ dream in the future? How do you What is your plan/ dream in
practicing new skills #1 income of P 15 850. They allotted income of P 15 850. They allotted plan to achieve it? the future? How do you plan
40% of for food, 25% for 40% of for food, 25% for to achieve it?
education, 15% for water and education, 15% for water and Ask: Is it important to make plan before doing any
electricity fare, 8% for electricity fare, 8% for activity? Ask: Is it important to make
transportation, 7% for transportation, 7% for Ask: Does making a plan contribute in achieving plan before doing any activity?
miscellaneous expenses and 5% miscellaneous expenses and 5% one’s goal? Why? Why not? Ask: Does making a plan
for savings. How much money is for savings. How much money is Lead the pupils to appreciate planning ahead of contribute in achieving one’s
allotted for their savings? allotted for their savings? time in any activity. goal? Why? Why not?
Lead the pupils to appreciate
Ask: Ask: Guide the pupils in solving the problem. Refer to the planning ahead of time in any
What is asked in the problem? What is asked in the problem? questions. activity.
What are the given facts? What are the given facts? What is asked in the problem?
What is the operation to be used? What is the operation to be used? What are given? Guide the pupils in solving the
What is the operation to be used? problem. Refer to the
What is the number sentence? questions.
What is the answer? Does it make sense? What is asked in the problem?
What are given?
What is the operation to be
What is the number sentence?
What is the answer? Does it
make sense?
E. Discussing new concepts and Ask the pupils to work in groups Ask the pupils to work in groups Guide the pupils in solving the problem. Refer to the Guide the pupils in solving the
practicing new skills #2 in solving the problem. in solving the problem. questions. problem. Refer to the
What is asked in the problem? questions.
What are given? What is asked in the problem?
What is the operation to be used? What are given?
What is the number sentence? What is the operation to be
What is the answer? Does it make sense? used?
What is the number sentence?
What is the answer? Does it
make sense?
F. Developing mastery After the group presented and After the group presented and After the group presented and checked their work, After the group presented and
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) checked their work, call on the checked their work, call on the call on the leader to relate what they have done to checked their work, call on the
leader to leader to solve the problem. leader to relate what they
relate what they have done to relate what they have done to have done to solve the
solve the problem. solve the problem. Ask: problem.
How did you find the activity?
Ask: Ask: How were you able to create a problem? Ask:
Which of the two problems is Which of the two problems is How many move of decimal point do we move? How did you find the activity?
easier to solve? easier to solve? How were you able to create a
In which problem did you enjoy In which problem did you enjoy problem?
solving? Why? solving? Why? How many move of decimal
How many operations did you use How many operations did you use point do we move?
to solve problem 1? to solve problem 1?
What operation is it? How did you What operation is it? How did you
solve it? solve it?
What is your number sentence? What is your number sentence?
What is your final answer? What is your final answer?
What about problem number 2? What about problem number 2?
How were you able to solve it? Do How were you able to solve it? Do
you have a number sentence to you have a number sentence to
solve it? solve it?
Did you work in group Did you work in group
cooperatively? cooperatively?
When your group solved the When your group solved the
problem easily, how did you feel? problem easily, how did you feel?
G. Finding practical applications of Say: Let us solve more problems. Say: Let us solve more problems. A. Discuss the presentation under Explore and A. Discuss the presentation
concepts and skills in daily living Ask pupils to do the exercises by Ask pupils to do the exercises by Discover of page __, LM Math Grade 5. under Explore and Discover of
pairs under Get Moving on page pairs under Get Moving on page page __, LM Math Grade 5.
___ 69 of LM Math Grade 5. ___ 69 of LM Math Grade 5. B. Ask pupils to create problems with the
Check the pupils’ answer. Check the pupils’ answer. information given. B. Ask pupils to create
problems with the information
1. P 18 920 – monthly income of Guevarra Family given.
15% - allotted for clothing
20% - allotted for transportation 1. P 18 920 – monthly income
25% - allotted for education of Guevarra Family
4o% - allotted for food 15% - allotted for clothing
20% - allotted for
2. 600 – total number of farm animals transportation
65% - four-legged animals 25% - allotted for education
4o% - allotted for food
Allow pupils to answer exercises A and B under
Keep Moving, pages ____ and LM Math Grade 5. 2. 600 – total number of farm
Check the pupils’ answer. animals
65% - four-legged animals
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to generalize as Lead the pupils to generalize as Lead the pupils to give the generalization by asking: Lead the pupils to give the
abstractions about the lesson follows: follows: How do create problems involving percentage with generalization by asking:
reasonable answers. How do create problems
The steps in solving routine The steps in solving routine involving percentage with
problems involving percentage problems involving percentage Lead the pupils to give the generalization by asking: reasonable answers.
are: are: How do create problems involving percentage with
Understand – Know Understand – Know reasonable answers. Lead the pupils to give the
what is asked, what are what is asked, what are generalization by asking:
given. given. How do create problems
involving percentage with
Plan – Know the Plan – Know the
reasonable answers.
operation. Write the operation. Write the
number sentence. number sentence.
Solve – Write the Solve – Write the
correct units/ label your correct units/ label your
answer. answer.
Check and Look back – Check and Look back –
Review and check your Review and check your
answer. answer.
I. Evaluating learning A. Directions: Create a problem using the given A. Directions: Create a
A. Directions: Solve the following A. Directions: Solve the following information. problem using the given
percentage problems. percentage problems. information.
1. 50 – numbers of pupils in Grade 5 – Jose
1. On their family 1. On their family Rizal 1. 50 – numbers of pupils
budget, Mariano family allotted budget, Mariano family allotted 12% - failed in the quarter examination in in Grade 5 – Jose Rizal
45% for the education of their 45% for the education of their Mathematics 12% - failed in the
children. children. quarter examination in
If the family has a If the family has a 2. P 480.00 – weekly allowance of Jed Mathematics
monthly income of P 13, 540.00, monthly income of P 13, 540.00, 7% - savings per week
how much is allotted for the how much is allotted for the 3. 500 – number of people included in the survey 2. P 480.00 – weekly
education of their education of their about the new shampoo product. allowance of Jed
children? children? 12% - nurses 7% - savings per
35% - teachers week
2. If 25% of 80 is 10% of 2. If 25% of 80 is 10% of 15% - policemen 3. 500 – number of people
a number? What is number? a number? What is number? 24% - vendors included in the survey about
14% - government official the new shampoo product.
3. A regular fare of P 3. A regular fare of P 12% - nurses
8.00 is implemented in a public 8.00 is implemented in a public 4. 2000 – number of people asked as to their 35% - teachers
jeepney. Students are given a jeepney. Students are given a favorite ice cream flavor 15% - policemen
12.5% discount. If the 12.5% discount. If the 24% - vendors
jeepney drivers have 12 student jeepney drivers have 12 student 58% - chocolate 14% - government
passengers, how passengers, how 26% - mango official
much discount are given much discount are given 12% - strawberry
to all 12 student passengers? to all 12 student passengers? 4% - avocado 4. 2000 – number of people
asked as to their favorite ice
4. A group of 150 4. A group of 150 5. 300 – number of high school students cream flavor
students are asked as to their students are asked as to their interviewed as to what course to pursue in college
favorite pets. 36% chose cat as favorite pets. 36% chose cat as 32% - education 58% - chocolate
their their 24% - engineering 26% - mango
favorite, 48% chose dog, favorite, 48% chose dog, 15% - nursing 12% - strawberry
12% chose birds and 4% chose 12% chose birds and 4% chose 20% - tourism 4% - avocado
fish. How many students fish. How many students 9% - agriculture
chose birds as their chose birds as their 5. 300 – number of high school
favorite pet? favorite pet? students interviewed as to
what course to pursue in
5. Jenny has a monthly 5. Jenny has a monthly college
allowance of P 4, 800.00. She allowance of P 4, 800.00. She 32% - education
allotted 60% of it for his studies. allotted 60% of it for his studies. 24% - engineering
From this 60%, she From this 60%, she 15% - nursing
allotted 25% of for his books. allotted 25% of for his books. 20% - tourism
How much is allotted for books? How much is allotted for books? 9% - agriculture
J. Additional activities for A. Solve the following problem. A. Solve the following problem. A. Study the story problem given below. Complete A. Study the story problem
application or remediation the problem by creating a question for given below. Complete the
1. Of the 40 members of 1. Of the 40 members of what is asked. Then solve the problem. problem by creating a
Mathematics club, 35% are also Mathematics club, 35% are also question for
member of Science Club. member of Science Club. 1) Kenneth took a 200-item high school what is asked. Then
How many members of the club How many members of the club entrance test. He got 85% of the test correctly. solve the problem.
are also members of Science are also members of Science Question: __
Club? Club? Solution and Answer: 1) Kenneth took a 200-
item high school entrance test.
2) Father harvested 500 kilograms of different He got 85% of the test
2. In a group of 200 teachers, 72% 2. In a group of 200 teachers, 72% kinds of vegetables. 28% of it were correctly.
are right-handed. Of these are right-handed. Of these tomatoes,64% of it were egg plant and the Question: __
numbers 25% are musically numbers 25% are musically rest were squash? Solution and Answer:
inclined. How many teachers are inclined. How many teachers are Question:__
musically inclined? musically inclined? Solution and Answer: 2) Father harvested 500
kilograms of different kinds of
3. There are 580 pupils enrolled 3. There are 580 pupils enrolled B. Create a word problem by completing the data vegetables. 28% of it were
as Grade Six pupils in Labangan as Grade Six pupils in Labangan needed. Fill in the data to complete the tomatoes,64% of it
Elementary School. If 15% of Elementary School. If 15% of problems below. Then solve the problems. were egg plant and the rest
them are members of Pantawid them are members of Pantawid were squash?
Pamilyang Pilipino Program, how Pamilyang Pilipino Program, how 3) There are _____ books in the bookshelves. Question:__
many pupils many pupils ______ of it are literary books? How many Solution and Answer:
are not members of the Pantawid are not members of the Pantawid books were not literary books?
Pamilyang Pilipino Program? Pamilyang Pilipino Program? B. Create a word problem by
4) 150 respondents were asked to what they do completing the data needed.
as a form of exercise. _____ said that they Fill in the data to complete the
enjoy biking, _____ said that they go on problems below. Then
swimming, _____ said that spent walking and solve the problems.
___ likes running. How many chose
swimming as a form of exercise? 3) There are _____ books
in the bookshelves. ______ of
5) Mira asked her 60 classmates as to their it are literary books? How
favorite color. ____ chose red, ____ chose many
blue, ____ chose green, ___ chose yellow and books were not literary
____ chose pink. How many chose books?
blue as their favorite color?
4) 150 respondents were
asked to what they do as a
form of exercise. _____ said
that they
enjoy biking, _____ said
that they go on swimming,
_____ said that spent walking
___ likes running. How
many chose swimming as a
form of exercise?
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time November 28- December 2, 2016 Quarter
B. Performance Standards is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe
polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures .
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Let them identify the name of line in Let them identify the name of line in Review the previous lesson. Give 2 Review the previous lesson. Give 2
presenting the new lesson a circle shown below. a circle shown below. examples. examples.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Drawing of circles with different Drawing of circles with different Visualizes and describes solid figures Visualizes and describes solid figures
lesson radii using a compass radii using a compass
C. Presenting examples/instances of Let the pupils sing a song, about Let the pupils sing a song, about Play the "Concentration Game." Play the "Concentration Game."
the new lesson circles like circles like Teachers prepares 12 cards Teachers prepares 12 cards
(Note: Teacher draws while pupils (Note: Teacher draws while pupils consecutively numbered. consecutively numbered.
sing.) sing.) b) Teacher divides the class into 2 b) Teacher divides the class into 2
groups. groups.
c) A student from a group chooses c) A student from a group chooses
2 numbers, say 1 and 9. 2 numbers, say 1 and 9.
Teacher opens the number cards Teacher opens the number cards
and finds out if the drawing word and finds out if the drawing word
match. If they match, another match. If they match, another
student from the student from the
same group chooses another pair of same group chooses another pair of
numbers and so on. numbers and so on.
e) If the contents of the numbers e) If the contents of the numbers
don't match, the teacher flips the don't match, the teacher flips the
cards again to show the numbers cards again to show the numbers
(not the word or (not the word or
drawing). Then a player from drawing). Then a player from
another group chooses the next pair another group chooses the next pair
of numbers, and so on. of numbers, and so on.
f) The group with the most number f) The group with the most number
of correctly matched pairs wins. of correctly matched pairs wins.
D. Discussing new concepts and A circle is a set of points in A circle is a set of points in a) Showing videos introducing a) Showing videos introducing
practicing new skills #1 a plane that are the same distance a plane that are the same distance spatial figures spatial figures
from a fixed point (called the from a fixed point (called the b) Activity b) Activity
centre). These set of points form centre). These set of points form 1) Introduce the different spatial 1) Introduce the different spatial
the perimeter of the circle. the perimeter of the circle. figures figures
Let the pupils describe the Let the pupils describe the
The radius is the distance from the The radius is the distance from the characteristics of each figure. characteristics of each figure.
centre of the circle to any point on centre of the circle to any point on 2) Ask what is common among all 2) Ask what is common among all
its perimeter. its perimeter. the spatial figures? the spatial figures?
3) Present a paper robot whose 3) Present a paper robot whose
parts are made3 up of spatial parts are made3 up of spatial
The circumference of a circle is the The circumference of a circle is the
figures. figures.
perimeter of the circle. perimeter of the circle.
4) Ask the pupils to identify the 4) Ask the pupils to identify the
spatial figures represented by each spatial figures represented by each
These parts of a circle are indicated These parts of a circle are indicated part completing the chart below. part completing the chart below.
in the accompanying diagram. in the accompanying diagram.
a. Ask the pupils to be ready to draw a. Ask the pupils to be ready to draw
a circle using compass. a circle using compass.
b. Tell them b. Tell them
that compass is an instrument used that compass is an instrument used
to draw circles or the parts of circles to draw circles or the parts of circles
called arcs. It consists of two called arcs. It consists of two
movable arms hinged together movable arms hinged together
where one arm has a pointed end where one arm has a pointed end
and the other arm holds a pencil. and the other arm holds a pencil.
c. Draw a circles using c. Draw a circles using
compass and label its part. compass and label its part.
E. Discussing new concepts and GAME GAME Use of Real Situation Problem Use of Real Situation Problem
practicing new skills #2 Materials: number cards, Materials: number cards, 1) Bring the students outside the 1) Bring the students outside the
calculator calculator classroom. classroom.
Mechanics: Mechanics: 2) Let them observe their 2) Let them observe their
Organize the Organize the surroundings and jot down the surroundings and jot down the
pupils in pairs. One member will pupils in pairs. One member will different spatial figures they see. different spatial figures they see.
draw a circle using compass, and the draw a circle using compass, and the 3) Let them tabulate the answers. 3) Let them tabulate the answers.
other one will label its part other one will label its part 4) Afterwards they go back to the 4) Afterwards they go back to the
completely. After they finish their completely. After they finish their classroom and share what they have classroom and share what they have
work one member will present their work one member will present their listed on paper. listed on paper.
work in front of the class work in front of the class 5) Discuss the importance of being 5) Discuss the importance of being
3. Processing the Activities 3. Processing the Activities aware of different spatial figures as aware of different spatial figures as
How did you find the How did you find the seen and experienced through the seen and experienced through the
activity? activity? environment. environment.
How did you draw a circle How did you draw a circle
(or arc) with a compass? (or arc) with a compass?
Were you able to draw a Were you able to draw a
circle (or arc) with a compass circle (or arc) with a compass
correctly? correctly?
Did you follow the proper Did you follow the proper
handling of compass? handling of compass?
F. Developing mastery a. Discuss the presentation under a. Discuss the presentation under How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity?
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Explore and Discover on page __of Explore and Discover on page __of How did you visualize spatial How did you visualize spatial
LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 68. LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 68. figures? figures?
Were you able to differentiate Were you able to differentiate
spatial figures correctly? spatial figures correctly?
Did you identify the common Did you identify the common
characteristics of spatial figures? characteristics of spatial figures?
G. Finding practical applications of b. Ask the pupils to answer the b. Ask the pupils to answer the a. Discuss the presentation under a. Discuss the presentation under
concepts and skills in daily living exercises under Get Moving on exercises under Get Moving on Explore and Discover on page __of Explore and Discover on page __of
page__ of LM Grade 5. For extra page__ of LM Grade 5. For extra LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 69. LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 69.
practice, give the exercises under practice, give the exercises under b. Ask the pupils to answer the b. Ask the pupils to answer the
Keep Moving on LM Grade 5 page __ Keep Moving on LM Grade 5 page __ exercises under Get Moving on exercises under Get Moving on
page__ of LM Grade 5. For extra page__ of LM Grade 5. For extra
practice, give the exercises under practice, give the exercises under
Keep Moving on LM Grade 5 page __ Keep Moving on LM Grade 5 page __
H. Making generalizations and REMEMBER: REMEMBER: What are the different spatial What are the different spatial
abstractions about the lesson figures. Describe each one. figures. Describe each one.
A circle is a set of points in A circle is a set of points in What are their common What are their common
a plane that are the same distance a plane that are the same distance characteristics? characteristics?
from a fixed point (called the from a fixed point (called the Give examples of real life objects Give examples of real life objects
centre). These set of points form centre). These set of points form that represent each spatial figure. that represent each spatial figure.
the perimeter of the circle. the perimeter of the circle.
The radius is the distance from the The radius is the distance from the
centre of the circle to any point on centre of the circle to any point on
its perimeter. its perimeter.
A chord is a line that joins two A chord is a line that joins two
points on the circumference of a points on the circumference of a
circle. circle.
The diameter is a chord that passes The diameter is a chord that passes
through the centre of a circle. through the centre of a circle.
A tangent is a line that touches the A tangent is a line that touches the
circle at only one point. circle at only one point.
Parts of a Circle Parts of a Circle
A segment is the part of a circle that A segment is the part of a circle that
is between a chord and is between a chord and
the circumference. the circumference.
Compass Compass
Note that a compass is also called a Note that a compass is also called a
pair of compasses. pair of compasses.
I. Evaluating learning 1. Use a compass to draw a circle of 1. Use a compass to draw a circle of B. Name the spatial figures that B. Name the spatial figures that
radius 5.5 cm. radius 5.5 cm. resemble the following objects resemble the following objects
2. Draw a diameter and label it PQ. 2. Draw a diameter and label it PQ. below: below:
3. Draw a triangle PQR where R is 3. Draw a triangle PQR where R is
on the semicircle. on the semicircle. 1) box 1) box 6) tin can 6) tin can
4. Use a protractor to measure the 4. Use a protractor to measure the
size of angle PRQ. size of angle PRQ.
2) ball 2) ball 7) camping tent 7) campin
J. Additional activities for application Bring objects that resemble to the Bring objects that resemble to the
or remediation 1. Use a compass to draw a circle of 1. Use a compass to draw a circle of following Spatial Figures: following Spatial Figures:
radius 5 cm. radius 5 cm. 1. Cube 2. Cylinder 1. Cube 2. Cylinder
2. Use a compass to draw a circle of 2. Use a compass to draw a circle of 3. Pyramid 4. Cone 3. Pyramid 4. Cone
diameter 12 cm. diameter 12 cm. 5. Rectangular prism 5. Rectangular prism
3. Use a compass to draw a circle of 3. Use a compass to draw a circle of
radius 4.5 cm. radius 4.5 cm.
4.. Draw the diameter of the circle; 4.. Draw the diameter of the circle;
and use a ruler to measure the and use a ruler to measure the
length of the diameter. length of the diameter.
5. Write an equation to represent 5. Write an equation to represent
the relation between the radius, r, the relation between the radius, r,
and the diameter, d. and the diameter, d.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time December 5-9, 2016 Quarter
A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of Weekly test
polygons, circles, and solid figures. polygons, circles, and solid figures. polygons, circles, and solid figures. polygons, circles, and solid figures.
B. Performance Standards is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe is able to construct and describe
polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures . polygons, circles, and solid figures .
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives makes models of different solid makes models of different solid makes models of different solid makes models of different solid
Write the LC code for each figures: cube, prism, pyramid, figures: cube, prism, pyramid, figures: cube, prism, pyramid, figures: cube, prism, pyramid,
cylinder, cone, and sphere using cylinder, cone, and sphere using cylinder, cone, and sphere using cylinder, cone, and sphere using
plane figures. plane figures. plane figures. plane figures.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Makes models of different solid Makes models of different solid Makes models of different solid Makes models of different solid
lesson figures: cube, prism, pyramid, figures: cube, prism, pyramid, figures: cube, prism, pyramid, figures: cube, prism, pyramid,
cylinder, cone, and sphere using cylinder, cone, and sphere using cylinder, cone, and sphere using cylinder, cone, and sphere using
plane figure plane figure plane figure plane figure
C. Presenting examples/instances of 1) Group the pupils into Learning 1) Group the pupils into Learning 1) Group the pupils into Learning 1) Group the pupils into Learning
the new lesson Barkada Barkada Barkada Barkada
2) Provide each group pieces of 2) Provide each group pieces of 2) Provide each group pieces of 2) Provide each group pieces of
used folders, pair of scissors, and used folders, pair of scissors, and used folders, pair of scissors, and used folders, pair of scissors, and
paste paste paste paste
3) Let them make some spatial 3) Let them make some spatial 3) Let them make some spatial 3) Let them make some spatial
figures out of these materials. figures out of these materials. figures out of these materials. figures out of these materials.
4) The first to make 3 will be 4) The first to make 3 will be 4) The first to make 3 will be 4) The first to make 3 will be
declared the winner. declared the winner. declared the winner. declared the winner.
D. Discussing new concepts and Present the lesson through this Present the lesson through this Present the lesson through this Present the lesson through this
practicing new skills #1 activity: activity: activity: activity:
a) Call the winner a) Call the winner a) Call the winner a) Call the winner
1) Let them show their finished 1) Let them show their finished 1) Let them show their finished 1) Let them show their finished
products to the class. products to the class. products to the class. products to the class.
2) Have them describe each and 2) Have them describe each and 2) Have them describe each and 2) Have them describe each and
identify its parts. identify its parts. identify its parts. identify its parts.
b) Call the 2nd placer. b) Call the 2nd placer. b) Call the 2nd placer. b) Call the 2nd placer.
1) Let them show the spatial figures 1) Let them show the spatial figures 1) Let them show the spatial figures 1) Let them show the spatial figures
they made that are different from they made that are different from they made that are different from they made that are different from
the first group. the first group. the first group. the first group.
2) Have them describe each and 2) Have them describe each and 2) Have them describe each and 2) Have them describe each and
identify its parts. identify its parts. identify its parts. identify its parts.
c) Do the same with the other group. c) Do the same with the other group. c) Do the same with the other group. c) Do the same with the other group.
Valuing: Did you make use your Valuing: Did you make use your Valuing: Did you make use your Valuing: Did you make use your
materials wisely? How? materials wisely? How? materials wisely? How? materials wisely? How?
What are the things you have that What are the things you have that What are the things you have that What are the things you have that
can still be recycled? Why? In what can still be recycled? Why? In what can still be recycled? Why? In what can still be recycled? Why? In what
way can you recycle them? way can you recycle them? way can you recycle them? way can you recycle them?
E. Discussing new concepts and Matching Game Matching Game Matching Game Matching Game
practicing new skills #2 1) Divide the class into 2 groups. 1) Divide the class into 2 groups. 1) Divide the class into 2 groups. 1) Divide the class into 2 groups.
2) The first group will be given 2) The first group will be given 2) The first group will be given 2) The first group will be given
activity cards with the name of activity cards with the name of activity cards with the name of activity cards with the name of
spatial figures. spatial figures. spatial figures. spatial figures.
3) The second group will be given 3) The second group will be given 3) The second group will be given 3) The second group will be given
activity cards with descriptions of activity cards with descriptions of activity cards with descriptions of activity cards with descriptions of
particular spatial figures. particular spatial figures. particular spatial figures. particular spatial figures.
4) Let the activity card holders raise 4) Let the activity card holders raise 4) Let the activity card holders raise 4) Let the activity card holders raise
the activity cards they holding. the activity cards they holding. the activity cards they holding. the activity cards they holding.
5) Each of them will try to find their 5) Each of them will try to find their 5) Each of them will try to find their 5) Each of them will try to find their
partner. partner. partner. partner.
6) The first to match their cards 6) The first to match their cards 6) The first to match their cards 6) The first to match their cards
correctly wins. correctly wins. correctly wins. correctly wins.
7) Let each pair stand in front and 7) Let each pair stand in front and 7) Let each pair stand in front and 7) Let each pair stand in front and
read their activity cards. read their activity cards. read their activity cards. read their activity cards.
F. Developing mastery How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity?
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) How did you make spatial figures? How did you make spatial figures? How did you make spatial figures? How did you make spatial figures?
Were you able to create spatial Were you able to create spatial Were you able to create spatial Were you able to create spatial
figures correctly? figures correctly? figures correctly? figures correctly?
Did you give the description of Did you give the description of Did you give the description of Did you give the description of
particular spatial figures? particular spatial figures? particular spatial figures? particular spatial figures?
G. Finding practical applications of a. Discuss the presentation under a. Discuss the presentation under a. Discuss the presentation under a. Discuss the presentation under
concepts and skills in daily living Explore and Discover on page __of Explore and Discover on page __of Explore and Discover on page __of Explore and Discover on page __of
LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 70. LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 70. LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 70. LM Math Grade 5 Lesson 70.
b. Ask the pupils to answer the b. Ask the pupils to answer the b. Ask the pupils to answer the b. Ask the pupils to answer the
exercises under Get Moving on exercises under Get Moving on exercises under Get Moving on exercises under Get Moving on
page__ of LM Grade 5. For extra page__ of LM Grade 5. For extra page__ of LM Grade 5. For extra page__ of LM Grade 5. For extra
practice give the exercises under practice give the exercises under practice give the exercises under practice give the exercises under
Keep Moving on LM Grade 5 page __ Keep Moving on LM Grade 5 page __ Keep Moving on LM Grade 5 page __ Keep Moving on LM Grade 5 page __
H. Making generalizations and What is prism? What are the kinds What is prism? What are the kinds What is prism? What are the kinds What is prism? What are the kinds
abstractions about the lesson of prisms? Describe each? of prisms? Describe each? of prisms? Describe each? of prisms? Describe each?
What is pyramid? What are the What is pyramid? What are the What is pyramid? What are the What is pyramid? What are the
kinds of pyramids? Describe each. kinds of pyramids? Describe each. kinds of pyramids? Describe each. kinds of pyramids? Describe each.
I. Evaluating learning
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time December 12-16, 2016 Quarter
B. Performance Standards 1. is able to apply the knowledge of 1. is able to apply the knowledge of 1. is able to apply the knowledge of 1. is able to apply the knowledge of
sequence in various situations. sequence in various situations. sequence in various situations. sequence in various situations.
2. is able to use different problem 2. is able to use different problem 2. is able to use different problem 2. is able to use different problem
solving strategies. solving strategies. solving strategies. solving strategies.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives formulates the rule in finding the formulates the rule in finding the formulates the rule in finding the formulates the rule in finding the
Write the LC code for each next term in a sequence. next term in a sequence. next term in a sequence. next term in a sequence.
II. CONTENT Pattern and Algebra Pattern and Algebra Pattern and Algebra Pattern and Algebra
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Guessing Game
presenting the new lesson
Divide the class into 4 groups.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Formulates the rule in Finding the Formulates the rule in Finding the Formulates the rule in Finding the Formulates the rule in Finding the
lesson next term in a sequence. next term in a sequence. next term in a sequence. next term in a sequence.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Have a game on identifying whether Have a game on identifying whether Have a game on identifying whether Have a game on identifying whether
the new lesson
a number is odd or even. a number is odd or even. a number is odd or even. a number is odd or even.
Group the pupils into 2. As group 1 Group the pupils into 2. As group 1 Group the pupils into 2. As group 1 Group the pupils into 2. As group 1
gives a number, Group 2 answers gives a number, Group 2 answers gives a number, Group 2 answers gives a number, Group 2 answers
odd or even, then have them do it odd or even, then have them do it odd or even, then have them do it odd or even, then have them do it
vice-versa. vice-versa. vice-versa. vice-versa.
Ask: Have you tried answering a Ask: Have you tried answering a Ask: Have you tried answering a Ask: Have you tried answering a
number pattern with missing terms? number pattern with missing terms? number pattern with missing terms? number pattern with missing terms?
Let them know that odd or even Let them know that odd or even Let them know that odd or even Let them know that odd or even
numbers are used in number numbers are used in number numbers are used in number numbers are used in number
patterns. patterns. patterns. patterns.
D. Discussing new concepts and Mrs. Reyes presented these number Mrs. Reyes presented these number Mrs. Reyes presented these number Mrs. Reyes presented these number
practicing new skills #1
patterns to his Math class. patterns to his Math class. patterns to his Math class. patterns to his Math class.
1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63
Ask : What do you think is the Ask : What do you think is the Ask : What do you think is the Ask : What do you think is the
rule/pattern used to find the 2nd rule/pattern used to find the 2nd rule/pattern used to find the 2nd rule/pattern used to find the 2nd
term? 3rd ? 4th? 5th? 6th? term? 3rd ? 4th? 5th? 6th? term? 3rd ? 4th? 5th? 6th? term? 3rd ? 4th? 5th? 6th?
1x2+1=3 1x2+1=3 1x2+1=3 1x2+1=3
15 x 2 + 1 = 31 15 x 2 + 1 = 31 15 x 2 + 1 = 31 15 x 2 + 1 = 31
3x2+1=7 3x2+1=7 3x2+1=7 3x2+1=7
31 x 2 + 1 = 63 31 x 2 + 1 = 63 31 x 2 + 1 = 63 31 x 2 + 1 = 63
7 x 2 + 1 = 15 7 x 2 + 1 = 15 7 x 2 + 1 = 15 7 x 2 + 1 = 15
Patterns : ( x 2 + 1 ) or ( +2, +4, Patterns : ( x 2 + 1 ) or ( +2, +4, Patterns : ( x 2 + 1 ) or ( +2, +4, Patterns : ( x 2 + 1 ) or ( +2, +4,
+8, +16, +32 ) +8, +16, +32 ) +8, +16, +32 ) +8, +16, +32 )
E. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils into 4. Let them Group the pupils into 4. Let them Group the pupils into 4. Let them Group the pupils into 4. Let them
practicing new skills #2
answer items a to d by answer items a to d by answer items a to d by answer items a to d by
formulating/finding the rule in formulating/finding the rule in formulating/finding the rule in formulating/finding the rule in
finding the next term in a sequence. finding the next term in a sequence. finding the next term in a sequence. finding the next term in a sequence.
Group 1 will answer a, Grp.2 for b, Group 1 will answer a, Grp.2 for b, Group 1 will answer a, Grp.2 for b, Group 1 will answer a, Grp.2 for b,
Grp. 3 for c, Grp. 4 for d. Let the Grp. 3 for c, Grp. 4 for d. Let the Grp. 3 for c, Grp. 4 for d. Let the Grp. 3 for c, Grp. 4 for d. Let the
pupils present their work on the pupils present their work on the pupils present their work on the pupils present their work on the
board. board. board. board.
2, 5, 14, 41, 122 (x3–1) 2, 5, 14, 41, 122 (x3–1) 2, 5, 14, 41, 122 (x3–1) 2, 5, 14, 41, 122 (x3–1)
1, 5, 13, 29, 61 (x2+3) 1, 5, 13, 29, 61 (x2+3) 1, 5, 13, 29, 61 (x2+3) 1, 5, 13, 29, 61 (x2+3)
1, 12, 34, 78, 166 ( +5 x 2 ) 1, 12, 34, 78, 166 ( +5 x 2 ) 1, 12, 34, 78, 166 ( +5 x 2 ) 1, 12, 34, 78, 166 ( +5 x 2 )
6, 9, 15, 27, 51 (-2x2+1) 6, 9, 15, 27, 51 (-2x2+1) 6, 9, 15, 27, 51 (-2x2+1) 6, 9, 15, 27, 51 (-2x2+1)
F. Developing mastery How did you find the activity ? How How did you find the activity ? How How did you find the activity ? How How did you find the activity ? How
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
were you able to find the answer to were you able to find the answer to were you able to find the answer to were you able to find the answer to
the the the the
number pattern? number pattern? number pattern? number pattern?
Expected answers : Expected answers : Expected answers : Expected answers :
Determine the order of numbers if it Determine the order of numbers if it Determine the order of numbers if it Determine the order of numbers if it
is ascending or descending. is ascending or descending. is ascending or descending. is ascending or descending.
Find the difference between the Find the difference between the Find the difference between the Find the difference between the
consecutive terms. consecutive terms. consecutive terms. consecutive terms.
To find the rule of the next term, use To find the rule of the next term, use To find the rule of the next term, use To find the rule of the next term, use
the difference between terms. the difference between terms. the difference between terms. the difference between terms.
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation under “ Discuss the presentation under “ Discuss the presentation under “ Discuss the presentation under “
concepts and skills in daily living
Explore and Discover “ in LM. Explore and Discover “ in LM. Explore and Discover “ in LM. Explore and Discover “ in LM.
For more practice, Have the pupils For more practice, Have the pupils For more practice, Have the pupils For more practice, Have the pupils
work on “ Get Moving “ work on “ Get Moving “ work on “ Get Moving “ work on “ Get Moving “
Ask the pupils to work on the Ask the pupils to work on the Ask the pupils to work on the Ask the pupils to work on the
exercises under “ Keep Moving “ exercises under “ Keep Moving “ exercises under “ Keep Moving “ exercises under “ Keep Moving “
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils to give the following
abstractions about the lesson
generalization by asking : generalization by asking : generalization by asking : generalization by asking :
How do we find / formulate the How do we find / formulate the How do we find / formulate the How do we find / formulate the
rules in finding the next term in a rules in finding the next term in a rules in finding the next term in a rules in finding the next term in a
sequence? sequence? sequence? sequence?
Determine the order of numbers if it Determine the order of numbers if it Determine the order of numbers if it Determine the order of numbers if it
is ascending or descending. is ascending or descending. is ascending or descending. is ascending or descending.
Find the difference between the Find the difference between the Find the difference between the Find the difference between the
consecutive terms. consecutive terms. consecutive terms. consecutive terms.
To find the rule of the next term, use To find the rule of the next term, use To find the rule of the next term, use To find the rule of the next term, use
the difference between terms. the difference between terms. the difference between terms. the difference between terms.
I. Evaluating learning Write the rule used for each Write the rule used for each Write the rule used for each Write the rule used for each
sequence, then write the missing sequence, then write the missing sequence, then write the missing sequence, then write the missing
number. number. number. number.
3, 7, 11, 15, ____ 19 ( 3, 7, 11, 15, ____ 19 ( 3, 7, 11, 15, ____ 19 ( 3, 7, 11, 15, ____ 19 (
+4 ) +4 ) +4 ) +4 )
5, 9, 17, 33, ____ 65 ( x 5, 9, 17, 33, ____ 65 ( x 5, 9, 17, 33, ____ 65 ( x 5, 9, 17, 33, ____ 65 ( x
2–1) 2–1) 2–1) 2–1)
20, 12, 8, 6, ____ 5(÷ 20, 12, 8, 6, ____ 5(÷ 20, 12, 8, 6, ____ 5(÷ 20, 12, 8, 6, ____ 5(÷
2+2) 2+2) 2+2) 2+2)
2, 8, 26, 80, ____ 242 ( 2, 8, 26, 80, ____ 242 ( 2, 8, 26, 80, ____ 242 ( 2, 8, 26, 80, ____ 242 (
x3+2) x3+2) x3+2) x3+2)
36, 69, 135, 267, ____ 531 ( 36, 69, 135, 267, ____ 531 ( 36, 69, 135, 267, ____ 531 ( 36, 69, 135, 267, ____ 531 (
x2–3) x2–3) x2–3) x2–3)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of the demonstrates understanding of the demonstrates understanding of the CHRISTMAS BREAK CHRISTMAS BREAK
concept of sequence and solving concept of sequence and solving concept of sequence and solving
simple equations. simple equations. simple equations.
B. Performance Standards 1. is able to apply the knowledge of 1. is able to apply the knowledge of 1. is able to apply the knowledge of
sequence in various situations. sequence in various situations. sequence in various situations.
2. is able to use different problem 2. is able to use different problem 2. is able to use different problem
solving strategies. solving strategies. solving strategies.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each uses different strategies (looking for uses different strategies (looking for uses different strategies (looking for
a pattern, working backwards, etc.) a pattern, working backwards, etc.) a pattern, working backwards, etc.)
to solve for the unknown in simple to solve for the unknown in simple to solve for the unknown in simple
equations involving one or more equations involving one or more equations involving one or more
operations on whole numbers and operations on whole numbers and operations on whole numbers and
fractions. fractions. fractions.
M5AL-IIIf-14 M5AL-IIIf-14
II. CONTENT Pattern and Algebra Pattern and Algebra Pattern and Algebra
Teacher will flashes cards with Teacher will flashes cards with Teacher will flashes cards with
number pattern. Let them guess the number pattern. Let them guess the number pattern. Let them guess the
missing term. missing term. missing term.
The group that first guess the The group that first guess the The group that first guess the
correct answer will get a point. correct answer will get a point. correct answer will get a point.
The group with the highest score The group with the highest score The group with the highest score
wins the game. wins the game. wins the game.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Uses different strategies ( looking Uses different strategies ( looking Uses different strategies ( looking
lesson for a pattern, working backwards, for a pattern, working backwards, for a pattern, working backwards,
etc ) to solve for the unknown in etc ) to solve for the unknown in etc ) to solve for the unknown in
simple equations involving one or simple equations involving one or simple equations involving one or
more operations on whole numbers more operations on whole numbers more operations on whole numbers
and fractions.. and fractions.. and fractions..
C. Presenting examples/instances of Who will give you your daily Who will give you your daily Who will give you your daily
the new lesson
allowance? How much was it? Did allowance? How much was it? Did allowance? How much was it? Did
you spend them all? Why or why you spend them all? Why or why you spend them all? Why or why
not? What character traits did you not? What character traits did you not? What character traits did you
show? show? show?
D. Discussing new concepts and Carla received a weekly allowance of Carla received a weekly allowance of Carla received a weekly allowance of
practicing new skills #1
Php250.00 from her parents. She Php250.00 from her parents. She Php250.00 from her parents. She
wants to save some money for her wants to save some money for her wants to save some money for her
future use. On Monday, she future use. On Monday, she future use. On Monday, she
deposited Php15.00 in her piggy deposited Php15.00 in her piggy deposited Php15.00 in her piggy
bank. She deposited twice as much bank. She deposited twice as much bank. She deposited twice as much
on Tuesday and Friday. How much on Tuesday and Friday. How much on Tuesday and Friday. How much
money did Carla deposit? money did Carla deposit? money did Carla deposit?
Do you think Carla can easily solve it Do you think Carla can easily solve it Do you think Carla can easily solve it
showing a solution? Let us try to showing a solution? Let us try to showing a solution? Let us try to
help Carla to show the complete help Carla to show the complete help Carla to show the complete
solution. Let’s do it backwards. solution. Let’s do it backwards. solution. Let’s do it backwards.
Friday twice as much - ( 2 x Friday twice as much - ( 2 x Friday twice as much - ( 2 x
Php15.00 ) Php15.00 ) Php15.00 )
Tuesday twice as much - ( 2 x Tuesday twice as much - ( 2 x Tuesday twice as much - ( 2 x
php15.00 ) php15.00 ) php15.00 )
Monday - ( Php15.00 ) Monday - ( Php15.00 ) Monday - ( Php15.00 )
( 2 x 15 ) + ( 2 x 15 ) + 15 = n ( 2 x 15 ) + ( 2 x 15 ) + 15 = n ( 2 x 15 ) + ( 2 x 15 ) + 15 = n
30 + 30 + 15 = Php75.00 30 + 30 + 15 = Php75.00 30 + 30 + 15 = Php75.00
Carla deposited/saved Php75.00 Carla deposited/saved Php75.00 Carla deposited/saved Php75.00
from her allowance. from her allowance. from her allowance.
What kind of pupil was Carla? Are What kind of pupil was Carla? Are What kind of pupil was Carla? Are
you doing the same of what Carla you doing the same of what Carla you doing the same of what Carla
did? did? did?
E. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils into 4. Let them Group the pupils into 4. Let them Group the pupils into 4. Let them
practicing new skills #2
answer this problem. Write your answer this problem. Write your answer this problem. Write your
solution and present your work solution and present your work solution and present your work
when all the groups have done. when all the groups have done. when all the groups have done.
At a bake sale Mrs. Smith sold 6 At a bake sale Mrs. Smith sold 6 At a bake sale Mrs. Smith sold 6
dozen cookies before lunch. After dozen cookies before lunch. After dozen cookies before lunch. After
lunch, Mrs. Smith sold another 7 lunch, Mrs. Smith sold another 7 lunch, Mrs. Smith sold another 7
dozen cookies. When it was time to dozen cookies. When it was time to dozen cookies. When it was time to
leave, they had 2 dozen cookies left. leave, they had 2 dozen cookies left. leave, they had 2 dozen cookies left.
How many cookies did she have at How many cookies did she have at How many cookies did she have at
the start of the bake sale? the start of the bake sale? the start of the bake sale?
2 + 7 + 6 = 15 2 + 7 + 6 = 15 2 + 7 + 6 = 15
She had 15 dozen of cookies at first. She had 15 dozen of cookies at first. She had 15 dozen of cookies at first.
F. Developing mastery Ask the groups to present and Ask the groups to present and Ask the groups to present and
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
discuss their answers on the board. discuss their answers on the board. discuss their answers on the board.
How did you find the activity? How How did you find the activity? How How did you find the activity? How
do you solve the problem? do you solve the problem? do you solve the problem?
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation under “ Discuss the presentation under “ Discuss the presentation under “
concepts and skills in daily living
Explore and Discover “ in LM. Explore and Discover “ in LM. Explore and Discover “ in LM.
For more practice, Have the pupils For more practice, Have the pupils For more practice, Have the pupils
work on “ Get Moving “ work on “ Get Moving “ work on “ Get Moving “
Ask the pupils to work on the Ask the pupils to work on the Ask the pupils to work on the
exercises under “ Keep Moving “ exercises under “ Keep Moving “ exercises under “ Keep Moving “
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils to give the following
abstractions about the lesson
generalization by asking : generalization by asking : generalization by asking :
How do we solve a problem using a How do we solve a problem using a How do we solve a problem using a
working backwards strategy? working backwards strategy? working backwards strategy?
I. Evaluating learning Read, analyze and solve the Read, analyze and solve the Read, analyze and solve the
problems carefully. problems carefully. problems carefully.
After finishing her shopping, Chelsea After finishing her shopping, Chelsea After finishing her shopping, Chelsea
wants to have Php25 left. She plans wants to have Php25 left. She plans wants to have Php25 left. She plans
to buy sandals for Php45 and a purse to buy sandals for Php45 and a purse to buy sandals for Php45 and a purse
for Php20. How much money does for Php20. How much money does for Php20. How much money does
she need? she need? she need?
Hannah ordered 2 suits for Php175 Hannah ordered 2 suits for Php175 Hannah ordered 2 suits for Php175
each and a pair of shoes. The total each and a pair of shoes. The total each and a pair of shoes. The total
cost was Php395. What was the cost cost was Php395. What was the cost cost was Php395. What was the cost
of the shoes? of the shoes? of the shoes?
It snowed twice as much in January It snowed twice as much in January It snowed twice as much in January
as in December. December had 1 as in December. December had 1 as in December. December had 1
inch less snowfall than March. inch less snowfall than March. inch less snowfall than March.
March had 4 inches of snow. How March had 4 inches of snow. How March had 4 inches of snow. How
much snow fell in January? much snow fell in January? much snow fell in January?
Jack walked from Santa Clara to Palo Jack walked from Santa Clara to Palo Jack walked from Santa Clara to Palo
Alto. It took 1 hour 25 minutes to Alto. It took 1 hour 25 minutes to Alto. It took 1 hour 25 minutes to
walk from Santa Clara to Los Altos. walk from Santa Clara to Los Altos. walk from Santa Clara to Los Altos.
Then it took 25 minutes to walk Then it took 25 minutes to walk Then it took 25 minutes to walk
from Los Altos to Palo Alto. He from Los Altos to Palo Alto. He from Los Altos to Palo Alto. He
arrived in Palo Alto at 2:45 P.M. At arrived in Palo Alto at 2:45 P.M. At arrived in Palo Alto at 2:45 P.M. At
what time did he leave Santa Clara? what time did he leave Santa Clara? what time did he leave Santa Clara?
Mary has some jelly beans. Joan had Mary has some jelly beans. Joan had Mary has some jelly beans. Joan had
3 times as many as Mary but ate 4 3 times as many as Mary but ate 4 3 times as many as Mary but ate 4
and now she has 5. How many jelly and now she has 5. How many jelly and now she has 5. How many jelly
beans does Mary have? beans does Mary have? beans does Mary have?
J. Additional activities for application Show your solution in solving this Show your solution in solving this Show your solution in solving this
or remediation
problem. problem. problem.
Dave, Nora, Tony, and Andrea are Dave, Nora, Tony, and Andrea are Dave, Nora, Tony, and Andrea are
members of the same family. Dave is members of the same family. Dave is members of the same family. Dave is
2 years older than Andrea, who is 21 2 years older than Andrea, who is 21 2 years older than Andrea, who is 21
years older than Tony. Tony is 4 years older than Tony. Tony is 4 years older than Tony. Tony is 4
years older than Nora, who is 7 years older than Nora, who is 7 years older than Nora, who is 7
years old. How old are Dave, Tony, years old. How old are Dave, Tony, years old. How old are Dave, Tony,
and Andrea? and Andrea? and Andrea?
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of time and is able to apply knowledge of is able to apply knowledge of is able to apply knowledge of
circumference in mathematical time and circumference in time and circumference in time and circumference in
problems and real-life situations. mathematical problems and mathematical problems and mathematical problems and
real-life situations. real-life situations. real-life situations.
cartolina strips
A. Reviewing previous lesson or How many hours in 1 day have? How many hours in 1 day have? Checking of assignment Checking of assignment
presenting the new lesson According to the 12 hours clock system, According to the 12 hours clock
each day is divided into two, how many system, each day is divided into Showing of Word Clock (Table Showing of Word Clock (Table
parts of 12 hours each? two, how many parts of 12 of Different Times of Countries) of Different Times of Countries)
hours each?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Measuring time using a 12-hours and Measuring time using a 12- Calculates time in the different Calculates time in the different
lesson 24-hours clock hours and 24-hours clock world time zones in relation to world time zones in relation to
the Philippines the Philippines
C. Presenting examples/instances of Show a picture of a bus station. Have Show a picture of a bus station. How many among you loves to How many among you loves to
the new lesson you been to a bus station ? What did Have you been to a bus station travel? Do you know that when travel? Do you know that when
you do there? Share some of your ? What did you do there? Share you travel to other you travel to other
experiences. some of your experiences. country you will notice that country you will notice that
there time is different from our there time is different from our
time. So, today we will find out time. So, today we will find out
how are these things how are these things
happened? happened?
D. Discussing new concepts and Present a dialog in the class “In the bus Present a dialog in the class “In Present the time zone map. Let Present the time zone map. Let
practicing new skills #1 station”. the bus station”. the pupils read and understand the pupils read and understand
it. it.
In 24 hours clock system, time is In 24 hours clock system, time
written as the number hours that have is written as the number hours
passed since that have passed since
midnight. In the 24 hours system the midnight. In the 24 hours
day is not divided into 2 parts of 12 system the day is not divided
hours each but it’s a continues periods into 2 parts of 12 hours each
of 24 hours. The 24 hours system of but it’s a continues periods of
time written in 4 digits. 24 hours. The 24 hours system
of time written in 4 digits.
E. Discussing new concepts and Lets help Jessie find the answer in his Lets help Jessie find the answer Group Activity: Group Activity:
practicing new skills #2 problem. in his problem. Tell the time of the countries Tell the time of the countries
Lets the pupils work by pairs. Give them Lets the pupils work by pairs. given. given.
enough time to answer the activity. Let Give them enough time to
the pupils show and explain their answer the activity. Let the
findings. pupils show and explain their
In the 24 hours system of time –time findings.
starts at 12 o’clock midnight 00.00 (zero In the 24 hours system of time
hour ) –time starts at 12 o’clock
1 am 0100 hours 2 am midnight 00.00 (zero hour )
0200 hours 4 am 0400 hours 1 am 0100 hours 2 am
In 4:30 am ,how could it write that in 24 0200 hours 4 am 0400
hours time format ? hours
What time is it in the 24 hours format In 4:30 am ,how could it write
when it is 8:15 pm? that in 24 hours time format ?
What is the equivalent time of 17.24 in What time is it in the 24 hours
the 12 Hours Clock System ? format when it is 8:15 pm?
What is the equivalent time of
17.24 in the 12 Hours Clock
System ?
F. Developing mastery Let the pupils present their answer Let the pupils present their Disscuss the presentation Disscuss the presentation
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Ask: How did you find the answer? answer under Explore and Discover on under Explore and Discover on
Ask: How did you find the page of LM Math Grade 5. page of LM Math Grade 5.
5:30 a.m. in a 12 hours clock system will answer?
be written as 05.30 (5 and 30 hours) in
the 24 hours clock system. 5:30 a.m. in a 12 hours clock
(In 24 hours clock system, the time is system will be written as 05.30
written in 4 digits) (5 and 30 hours) in the 24
9:15 p.m. in a 12 hours clock system will hours clock system.
be 21.15 (20 and 15 hour) in the 24 (In 24 hours clock system, the
hours clock system. time is written in 4 digits)
(In transforming 12 hours time format 9:15 p.m. in a 12 hours clock
to 24hours time format add 12 to the system will be 21.15 (20 and 15
hours and keep the minute same.) hour) in the 24 hours clock
17:24 time is the equivalent of 5:24 time system.
in the 12 hours clock system. (In transforming 12 hours time
( In transforming 24 hours time format format to 24hours time format
to 12 hours time format subtract 12 add 12 to the hours and keep
from the hours and keep the minute the minute same.)
same ) 17:24 time is the equivalent of
5:24 time in the 12 hours clock
( In transforming 24 hours time
format to 12 hours time
format subtract 12 from the
hours and keep the minute
same )
G. Finding practical applications of Ask the pupils to do exercises under Get Ask the pupils to do exercises Have the pupils perform the Have the pupils perform the
concepts and skills in daily living Moving on page ….. LM Grade 5 under Get Moving on page ….. exercise under Get Moving __ exercise under Get Moving __
For further practice, ask the pupils to LM Grade 5 LM Math Grade 5. LM Math Grade 5.
work on exercises under Keep Moving For further practice, ask the
on page..LM Grade 5. pupils to work on exercises
under Keep Moving on
page..LM Grade 5.
H. Making generalizations and Let the pupils to generalize Let the pupils to generalize Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils to give the
abstractions about the lesson generalization by asking : generalization by asking :
If the two digit to left is less than 12 If the two digit to left is less How to calculate time in the How to calculate time in the
time shows the morning hours that is than 12 time shows the different world time zones in different world time zones in
before 12 o’ clock noon or am. But if the morning hours that is before 12 relation to the Philippines? relation to the Philippines?
digits are more than that, means the o’ clock noon or am. But if the To calculate time in the To calculate time in the
time is the 12 noon or pm. digits are more than that, different world time zones in different world time zones in
While converting 12 hours time to 24 means the time is the 12 noon relation to the Philippines, we relation to the Philippines, we
hours time, add 12 to the hours and or pm. need to use the world time need to use the world time
keep the minutes same While converting 12 hours time zone map for as to easily zone map for as to easily
While converting 24 hours time to 12 to 24 hours time, add 12 to the understand their time understand their time
hours time, subtract 12 hours from the hours and keep the minutes differences. differences.
hours and keep the minute same. same
While converting 24 hours time
to 12 hours time, subtract 12
hours from the hours and keep
the minute same.
I. Evaluating learning Ask pupils to answer exercise under Ask pupils to answer exercise Let the pupils answer exercise Let the pupils answer exercise
Apply your Skills on page…of LM Grade under Apply your Skills on A under Apply Your Skills on A under Apply Your Skills on
5 page…of LM Grade 5 page__ LM Math Grade 5 page__ LM Math Grade 5
J. Additional activities for Change the following time from 24 hour Change the following time from Tell the time difference and the Tell the time difference and the
application or remediation system. 24 hour system. actual time of the following actual time of the following
1. 0715 6. 0715 countries. countries.
2. 0400 7. 0400 USA – Australia - USA – Australia -
3. 1232 8. 1232 Indonesia Indonesia
4. 1645 9. 1645
5. 1315 10. 1315
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of is able to apply knowledge of is able to apply knowledge of is able to apply knowledge of time
time and circumference in time and circumference in time and circumference in and circumference in mathematical
mathematical problems and mathematical problems and mathematical problems and problems and real-life situations.
real-life situations. real-life situations. real-life situations.
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives solves problems involving time. visualizes circumference of a measures circumference of a derives a formula in finding the
Write the LC code for each circle. circle using appropriate tools. circumference of a circle.
M5ME-IIIh-67 M5ME-IIIh-68 M5ME-IIIi-69
B. Establishing a purpose for the Solving Problems Involving Visualizes circumference of a Measures circumference of a Derives a formula in finding the
lesson Time circle circle using appropriate tools. circumference of a circle
C. Presenting examples/instances Show a picture of a boy reading Sing this song about circles. Present this problem opener. Let the pupils sing a song, about
of the new lesson in a study table. (Note: Teacher draws while circles like.
Talk about the boy show in the pupils sing) In the middle of the park, there (Note: Teacher draws while pupils
picture. is circular flower garden that sing)
Ask: What do you usually do as has a diameter of 10 meters.
a student before going to bed What is the distance around
at night? How do you manage the garden?
doing all the assignments.
Projects and other home Ask: How can we protect the
activities ? garden in a park?
( Connect the value of proper What is ask in the problem?
time management ) What is/are given/s?
How will you answer the
D. Discussing new concepts and Present this problem to the Present the problem under Cooperative Learning Present a situation to the class.
practicing new skills #1 class. Explore and Discover on page
Divide the class into four
__, LM Math Grade 5.Have them Celso wants to find the distance
Jeffrey started his homework at read the problem groups. Each group will have 3 around their circular table. He
7:21 pm. measured its diameter to be 1.4 m.
different sizes of jars or cans.
Jeffrey finished his homework a. Values Integration Can you help him?
at 8:40 pm. Ask: How can you show your See to it that each group will
How much time did Jeffrey care and concern to santan Ask:
have all the required materials
work in his homework? plants? What is the shape of the table?
What is ask in the problem? for the activity. How long is its diameter?
What is/are the given/s? What will you do to solve the
With a piece of string, measure
How will you answer the problem?
around each circle to find its
question in
the problem? Then, measure the string with
your ruler and enter the data in
the table.
Measure also the diameter and
enter the measure in the table.
Compare the measures of
diameter to each
E. Discussing new concepts and Ask: What did Jeffrey do ? At Divide the class into three Divide the class into groups. See to
practicing new skills #2 what time did she start making Let the groups present their it that each group has all the
groups. See to it that each group
her homework? output one at a time. After all required materials for the activity.
At what time did he finished ? has all the required materials groups have presented, ask
How do we solved the problem “How did you find the activity? Let the pupils measure the distance
Let the pupils draw a circle with
? How will you measure the around the circular objects by
Is there a need to follow a a diameter of 2 meters circumference of a circle? Does winding the string on a tape around
procedure ? the circumference of the circle the object. Let them also measure
representing the circular
What are the usual steps we increases as the diameter the diameter of the object. Allow
use to solve the problem ? garden.(See to it that pupils get increases? Is it easy to measure them to use a calculator to solve for
the circumference of a circle? c ÷ d or the ratio of the
the correct measurement for the
circumference to the diameter.
diameter by letting them trace Let the pupils find the distance
around the circular garden. Note: For any circle, the ratio of the
the circular object on a piece of
circumference to the diameter is
manila paper and fold it in half.) 1 22
about 3 or or a number
Place the string around the 7 7
circle. very close to 3.14.)
G. Finding practical applications of After all the groups have Discuss the other examples For extra practice, give Ask pupils to answer A and B
concepts and skills in daily living presented, ask,” How did you under Get Moving on page ___ exercises under Get Moving exercises under Get Moving, pages
find the activity? How were you of LM Math Grade 5. and Keep Moving on pages ____ LM Math Grade 5. After the
able to find the answer ? What given time, check the pupils’
were the steps followed to __to __, LM Math 5. answers.
come up with the answer ? For extra practice, give exercises Allow pupils to answer exercise A
Encourage the pupils to check under Keep Moving on pages under Keep Moving, page ___ LM
if their answers make sense by Math Grade 5. Check the pupils’
__to __, LM Math 5.
checking their answer. answers.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils give the Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils to generalize as
abstractions about the lesson following generalization by following generalization by following generalization by follows:
asking : asking: How do you visualize asking: How do you measure
How do we solve word The formula in finding the
circumference of a circle? the circumference of a circle?
problems involving time ? circumference of a circle are:
What tools were use in C = 3.14 x d or C =
To solve word problems To visualize the circumference of measuring circumference of a πd or C = 2πr
involving time, we follow the a circle, we use string to wind circle?
steps in solving word problems. around the circle and count the (The circumference is equal to π
Use the different ways to find number of markings on it with To measure the circumference times the diameter.)
the time such as subtracting / the help of its diameter.. of a circle, we can use string, (The circumference is equal to π
adding the time started from multiplied by twice the radius.)
ruler, meter stick or tape
time ended, using a number
line, and counting the minutes measure.
or seconds from the time
started to the time ended.
I. Evaluating learning Solve the problem: A. Visualize the circumference of Measure the following objects Find the circumference of these
Carla left school at 3:15 pm. the following circles with (or any available objects) inside circles using π = 3.14.
She walked to the school the classroom using
library to work on her 11. d – 2.5 cm 12. d – tools
appropriate 5 cm then, record 1. 6cm
assignment .It took 15 minutes the results
14. r -in1.5
table. 2. 15cm
13. d – 6 cm
to walk to the school library. 3. 14cm
Carla’s mother picked her up at 1.electric fan 4. 2m
the school library one hour 2. number wheel 5. 150 cm
after he arrived. What time did 3. wall clock
Carla’s mother pick her up ? ( 4. speaker
4:30 pm ) 5. jar
J. Additional activities for Read and solve the problem Visualize the circumference of Measure 5 circle objects at Using = 3.14, find the
application or remediation using number line home using the appropriate circumference:
the following:
tools and record the results in 1) d = 10 cm
Emily is driving to Cabuyao 1. plate the table. 2) r = 4.5 cm
City. She leaves at 5:50 am. She 3) r = 6 m
2. basin
arrives at 9:20 pm. How long 4) d = 9 m
did she drive for ? 3. water jag 5) d = 2.5 m
4. cup
5. saucer
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time January 16-20, 2017 Quarter
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of time is able to apply knowledge of time
and circumference in mathematical and circumference in mathematical
problems and real-life situations. problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each finds the circumference of a circle. finds the circumference of a circle.
M5ME-IIIi-70 M5ME-IIIi-70
B. Establishing a purpose for the Written (Use drill boards for Solves routine and non-routine
lesson maximum participation) problems involving circumference of
Write the product. a circle.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Present the problem. Let the pupils sing an action song
the new lesson about circles like.
Mrs. Nicolas planted dwarf santan
around her circular flower garden Small circle, small circle,
which has a diameter of 8 metres. big circle
How many metres did she plant with Small circle, small circle,
dwarf santan? big circle
There’s mama, there’s
Ask: papa waiving at me
What did Mrs. Nicolas planted in her There’s mama, there’s
garden? papa smiling at me
What is the shape of the garden of 6 x 6 is 36, 6 x 6 is 36
Mrs. Nicolas? 6 x 6, 6 x 6, small pig
How will you solve the problem?
D. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils in 5 working teams. Alice is making a circular table cloth.
practicing new skills #1 Ask the teams to work together in It has a diameter of 2 meters. How
looking for the solution to the many meters of lace are needed to
problem. decorate the sides of the table
Expected answers cloth?
Solution 1:
To find the circumference, multiply Know: What is asked?
the diameter by 3.14 What are the
d = 8m given?
C = π x d Decide: What will you do
= 3.14 x 8 m to answer the problem?
= 25.12 m planted with dwarf C= 𝜋𝑥𝑑
santan Solve: Show the solution
𝐶 = 𝜋𝑥𝑑
= 3.14 x 2
Solution 2: = 6.28 meters
If radius is given use this formula, C Check: How will you check it?
= 2πr
Given: 4 metres radius
C = (2 x 3.14) 4
= 6.28 x 4
= 25.12 m
E. Discussing new concepts and How did you find the activity? Group Work- Give each group an
practicing new skills #2 How were you able to find the activity card and different sizes of
answer to the problem? circles.
Discuss with the pupils the formula a. Find the center of the circle.
in getting the circumference of a b. Measure the diameter of the
circle. circle.
c. Find the radius of the given circle.
d. Solve for the circumference.
e. Report to the class how you found
the answer.
F. Developing mastery Discuss the presentation under Analyze and solve for the answer.
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Explore and Discover on page _____ (To be done in pair)
of LM Math Grade 5. Then, give 1. Mr. Reyes is laying out a circular
the following activities: playground. Its radius is 50 meters.
Ask the pupils to answer the activity What is its circumference?
under the Get Moving on page 2. What is the circumference of the
____, LM Math circle if the diameter is 24 meters?
Grade 5. 3. A bicycle tire has a radius of 30
cm. Find the distance around the
G. Finding practical applications of Ask them also to answer the activity Group Activity
concepts and skills in daily living under Keep Moving on page ___,
LM Math Grade 5.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the following How do we solve problems on
abstractions about the lesson generalization by asking: “What is circumference?
the formula in finding the In solving problems
circumference of a circle?” involving circumference measure,
know the diameter/radius and the
To find the circumference of the formula,
circle, use the formula: C= 𝜋𝑥𝑑 or C= 2 𝑥𝜋𝑥𝑟
C = 2πr or
C = πd
I. Evaluating learning Find the circumference of the circle Read, analyze and solve.
with the following radius or 1. Lorna’s circular garden is 5 meters
diameter. in diameter. How many meters of
1) r = 11 m wire are needed to put a fence
4) r = 9.5 m around it?
2) d = 2 cm 2. The diameter of a tricycle tire is
5) d = 16 cm 60 cm. How far will the tire go in one
3) d = 20 m rotation?
3. Find the circumference of a circle
with a diameter of 21 meters.
4. Your friend is finding the
circumference of a circle with a
radius of 25 cm. help him solve for
the answer.
5. If the circumference of a circle is
250 meters, how long is its radius?
J. Additional activities for application Answer activity on LM. Copy and solve this problem.
or remediation 1. Rixen’s bicycle wheel has a
diameter of 70 cm. What is the
circumference of the wheel?
2. A circle is half the radius of a
larger circle. If the circumference of
a larger circle is 100 meters, what is
the radius of the smaller circle?
a. number sentence
b. solution
c. complete answer
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of is able to apply knowledge of
volume and temperature in volume and temperature in area, volume and temperature in area, volume and temperature in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real- mathematical problems and real-
situations. situations. life situations. life situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives visualizes area of a circle. visualizes area of a circle. derives a formula in finding the derives a formula in finding the
Write the LC code for each area of a circle . area of a circle .
M5ME-IVa-72 M5ME-IVa-72
M5ME-IVa-73 M5ME-IVa-73
B. Establishing a purpose for the Visualize the area of a circle Visualize the area of a circle Derives a formula in finding the Derives a formula in finding the
Illustrates circle with different radii Illustrates circle with different radii area of a circle area of a circle
Find enjoyment in doing the activity Find enjoyment in doing the activity Illustrates circle with different Illustrates circle with different
orientation orientation
Find enjoyment in doing the Find enjoyment in doing the
activity activity
C. Presenting examples/instances of Ask the pupils Is a circle a polygon? Why? Ask the pupils Is a circle a polygon? Why? Ask the pupils If the shape of the Ask the pupils If the shape of the
the new lesson
and why not? and why not? circle can be parallelogram circle can be parallelogram
D. Discussing new concepts and Have the pupils observe the circles below Have the pupils observe the circles below iscuss with students practical iscuss with students practical
practicing new skills #1
Take a look at each of the circles. Do you Take a look at each of the circles. Do you applications for finding the area of applications for finding the area
find any line segments? find any line segments? a circle. Explain the problems of a circle. Explain the problems
associated with partitioning a associated with partitioning a
A circle is a plane closed figure. That is A circle is a plane closed figure. That is circle into unit squares to find its circle into unit squares to find its
not made out of line segments so, it is not made out of line segments so, it is
not a polygon. A circle is named by its not a polygon. A circle is named by its area. Elicit suggestions on how area. Elicit suggestions on how
center. center. the area might be determined. the area might be determined.
Pass out the paper circles, Pass out the paper circles,
scissors, rulers and colored scissors, rulers and colored
markers or crayons. markers or crayons.
Have students draw a diameter (it Have students draw a diameter (it
does not need to be exact), and does not need to be exact), and
use two different colors to fill in use two different colors to fill in
the resulting semicircles. the resulting semicircles.
Instruct students to cut the circle Instruct students to cut the circle
in half along the diameter. Then in half along the diameter. Then
have them cut each of the have them cut each of the
resulting semicircles in half again. resulting semicircles in half again.
There are now a total of four There are now a total of four
pieces, two of each color. pieces, two of each color.
Ask students to assemble the four Ask students to assemble the four
pieces, alternating colors, so that pieces, alternating colors, so that
they form a shape which they form a shape which
resembles a parallelogram resembles a parallelogram
E. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity. Divide the class Group Activity. Divide the class
practicing new skills #2
Divide the class into five groups. Divide the class into five groups. into three groups. Distribute the into three groups. Distribute the
Distribute the cue card and let them Distribute the cue card and let them activity card and let them follow activity card and let them follow
answer the cards. Let them discuss. answer the cards. Let them discuss. the direction written in the the direction written in the
Use circle cero to complete the following Use circle cero to complete the following activity card. activity card.
statements: statements:
The distance from point O to point F is The distance from point O to point F is Group A.Have students cut each Group A.Have students cut each
__________. __________. of the sectors in half, once more, of the sectors in half, once more,
The distance from point O to point M is The distance from point O to point M is resulting in a total of 8 equal resulting in a total of 8 equal
__________. __________. sectors, four of each color. Ask sectors, four of each color. Ask
The distance from point O to point G is The distance from point O to point G is students to assemble the eight students to assemble the eight
__________. __________. pieces, alternating colors, so that pieces, alternating colors, so that
If point G, O and F lie on one line, the If point G, O and F lie on one line, the they form a shape which they form a shape which
distance from point G to F is _______. distance from point G to F is _______. resembles a parallelogram. resembles a parallelogram.
F. Developing mastery After the presentations of each group, After the presentations of each group, After the presentations of each After the presentations of each
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
ask: how did you find the activity? Did ask: how did you find the activity? Did group, ask: how did you find the group, ask: how did you find the
you able to visualize the area of the you able to visualize the area of the activity? Did you able to derive a activity? Did you able to derive a
circle? What value is developed in circle? What value is developed in formula in finding the area of the formula in finding the area of the
performing the activity? performing the activity? circle? What value is developed in circle? What value is developed in
Expected Answers: Expected Answers: performing the activity? performing the activity?
A little bit confusing A little bit confusing Expected Answers: Expected Answers:
Yes by listening to the teacher Yes by listening to the teacher A little bit confusing A little bit confusing
explanation explanation Yes by listening to the teacher Yes by listening to the teacher
Enjoyment and Cooperation Enjoyment and Cooperation explanation explanation
Enjoyment and Cooperation Enjoyment and Cooperation
G. Finding practical applications of Ask the pupils to answer the activity Ask the pupils to answer the activity Ask the pupils to answer the Ask the pupils to answer the
concepts and skills in daily living
under Get Moving on page ___ LM Math under Get Moving on page ___ LM Math activity under Get Moving on activity under Get Moving on
Grade V. Ask them also to answer the Grade V. Ask them also to answer the page ___ LM Math Grade V. Ask page ___ LM Math Grade V. Ask
activity under Keep Moving on page activity under Keep Moving on page them also to answer the activity them also to answer the activity
____ LM Math Grade V. ____ LM Math Grade V. under Keep Moving on page ____ under Keep Moving on page ____
LM Math Grade V. LM Math Grade V.
H. Making generalizations and A circle is a set of all points in a plane A circle is a set of all points in a plane Now we can use the area formula Now we can use the area formula
abstractions about the lesson that are at fixed distance from a point that are at fixed distance from a point for a parallelogram to help us find for a parallelogram to help us find
called center. called center. the area of the circle. the area of the circle.
A radius is a line segment from the A radius is a line segment from the The original circle’s outside The original circle’s outside
center to a point on the circle. center to a point on the circle. perimeter was the distance perimeter was the distance
A diameter is a line segment which A diameter is a line segment which around, or the circumference of around, or the circumference of
passes through the center of a circle passes through the center of a circle the circle the circle
whose endpoints are on the circle. whose endpoints are on the circle. Half of this distance around goes Half of this distance around goes
The length of radius is one half the The length of radius is one half the on the top of the parallelogram on the top of the parallelogram
length of a diameter of a circle. length of a diameter of a circle. and the other half of the circle and the other half of the circle
A compass is an instrument used to draw A compass is an instrument used to draw goes on the bottom. This is goes on the bottom. This is
circles. circles. known as the base of the known as the base of the
parallelogram. parallelogram.
The height of the parallelogram is The height of the parallelogram is
just the radius of the original just the radius of the original
circle. circle.
Now let’s substitute the Now let’s substitute the
information into the formula for information into the formula for
the parallelogram. the parallelogram.
I. Evaluating learning Use a real compass or an improvised one Use a real compass or an improvised one Do another guided activity. Let Do another guided activity. Let
to draw circle with these given radii. to draw circle with these given radii. them make their own circle, cut it them make their own circle, cut it
1 cm 1 cm out into parallelogram and try to out into parallelogram and try to
1.5 cm 1.5 cm find the area of a circle. find the area of a circle.
2.5 cm 2.5 cm
6 cm 6 cm
5 cm 5 cm
J. Additional activities for application Provide exercises similar to those given Provide exercises similar to those given Find another polygon that can be Find another polygon that can be
or remediation in the lesson. If the problem is on the in the lesson. If the problem is on the derive in finding the area of a derive in finding the area of a
mastery of the area of a circle. mastery of the area of a circle. triangle. triangle.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time January 30-February 3, 2017 Quarter
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area,
volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives finds the area of a given circle. finds the area of a given circle. solves routine and non-routine solves routine and non-routine
Write the LC code for each problems involving the area of a problems involving the area of a
M5ME-IVa-74 M5ME-IVa-74 circle. circle.
M5ME-IVb-75 M5ME-IVb-75
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages XL Excelling in Mathematics 5 XL Excelling in Mathematics 5 M5M-IVb-75 M5M-IVb-75
M5ME –Iva 74 M5ME –Iva 74 Growing up with Math 5 pages 299- Growing up with Math 5 pages 299-
301 301
Ateneo Lesson Guide pages 382-386 Ateneo Lesson Guide pages 382-386
B. Establishing a purpose for the Manipulate and measure the Manipulate and measure the Solves routine and non-routine Solves routine and non-routine
diameter and radius of the circle diameter and radius of the circle problems involving the area of a problems involving the area of a
Find enjoyment in doing the activity Find enjoyment in doing the activity circle circle
C. Presenting examples/instances of Show real circular objects, ask them Show real circular objects, ask them Name any round objects inside the Name any round objects inside the
the new lesson
to give examples of circular things, to give examples of circular things, classroom or any round object that classroom or any round object that
ask them how circle differ from ask them how circle differ from you brought. Show the diameter and you brought. Show the diameter and
other objects? other objects? the radius. the radius.
D. Discussing new concepts and Present a problem. Present a problem. Present the situation under Explore Present the situation under Explore
practicing new skills #1
and Discover on page ___, LM Math and Discover on page ___, LM Math
Every time it rains, Mrs.Flores saves Every time it rains, Mrs.Flores saves
water in a big clay jar called water in a big clay jar called Grade 5. Discuss the situation with Grade 5. Discuss the situation with
“Tapayan”. She covers them with a “Tapayan”. She covers them with a
the class. the class.
circular galvanized iron with a radius circular galvanized iron with a radius
of 5 dm. What is the area of the of 5 dm. What is the area of the
circular cover? circular cover?
Ask: How will you solve for the Ask: How will you solve for the
problem? problem?
Look at the figure of the circle. Look at the figure of the circle.
Explain to the pupils that the ratio of Explain to the pupils that the ratio of
the circumference of a circle to the the circumference of a circle to the
diameter is the same for all circles. diameter is the same for all circles.
The circumference of any circle is The circumference of any circle is
about 3.14 times the diameter. The about 3.14 times the diameter. The
ratio is represented by the Greek ratio is represented by the Greek
letter 𝜋 spelled pi and pronounced letter 𝜋 spelled pi and pronounced
as pie. as pie.
Let the pupils find the area Let the pupils find the area
A = 𝜋r2 A = 𝜋r2
= 3.14 x 5 x 5 = 3.14 x 5 x 5
= 3.14 x 25 = 3.14 x 25
Area = 78.50 dm2 Area = 78.50 dm2
E. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils into six to eight Group the pupils into six to eight Divide the class into four groups and Divide the class into four groups and
practicing new skills #2
members per group. members per group. instruct them to bring out the instruct them to bring out the
Distribute cut outs of circle with Distribute cut outs of circle with materials that they brought like materials that they brought like
dimensions and let the pupils find dimensions and let the pupils find paper plate, ice cream cup cover or paper plate, ice cream cup cover or
the area. the area. any round object. Let the pupils any round object. Let the pupils
Call as many pupils to solve for the Call as many pupils to solve for the measure the diameter. Divide the measure the diameter. Divide the
area of the circle on the board. area of the circle on the board. diameter by 2 to get the radius. Tell diameter by 2 to get the radius. Tell
the pupils that the value of π is the pupils that the value of π is
approximately 3.14 and that the approximately 3.14 and that the
formula in finding the area of a circle formula in finding the area of a circle
is A= π𝒓 is A= π𝒓𝟐
Solve for the area of the circle. Ask Solve for the area of the circle. Ask
the leader to report their answers. the leader to report their answers.
F. Developing mastery After the presentations of each After the presentations of each After the presentation of the groups, After the presentation of the groups,
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
group, ask: how did you find the group, ask: how did you find the ask: ask:
activity? Did you able to find the activity? Did you able to find the How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity?
area of the circle? What value is area of the circle? What value is How did you go about the task? How did you go about the task?
developed in performing the developed in performing the What did you do with the objects What did you do with the objects
activity? activity? before getting their areas? before getting their areas?
How did you solve the area? How did you solve the area?
Expected Answers: Expected Answers:
Happy and curious Happy and curious
Yes by solving the area of a circle Yes by solving the area of a circle
using the given formula using the given formula
Cooperation and camaraderie Cooperation and camaraderie
G. Finding practical applications of Ask the pupils to answer the activity Ask the pupils to answer the activity Say: Let us solve more problems. Say: Let us solve more problems.
concepts and skills in daily living
under Get Moving on page ___ LM under Get Moving on page ___ LM Ask pupils to do the exercises by Ask pupils to do the exercises by
Math Grade V. Ask them also to Math Grade V. Ask them also to pairs under Get Moving on pages pairs under Get Moving on pages
answer the activity under Keep answer the activity under Keep _____ of LM Math 5. Check the _____ of LM Math 5. Check the
Moving on page ____ LM Math Moving on page ____ LM Math pupils’ answers. pupils’ answers.
Grade V. Grade V.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils to give the following Lead the pupils generalize the Lead the pupils generalize the
abstractions about the lesson
generalization. generalization. following. following.
The area of a circle with pi, radius or The area of a circle with pi, radius or Steps in solving problems involving Steps in solving problems involving
diameter can be solved by the diameter can be solved by the the area of a circle the area of a circle
formula formula The formula in finding the area of a The formula in finding the area of a
Always remember that radius is half Always remember that radius is half circle circle
of the diameter. of the diameter. A = π𝒓𝟐 A = π𝒓𝟐
Area of Circle = pi x radius x radius Area of Circle = pi x radius x radius
A = 𝜋r2 A = 𝜋r2
I. Evaluating learning Ask the pupils to solve the following Ask the pupils to solve the following Solve the following problems. Solve the following problems.
Find the area of a given circle Find the area of a given circle Find the area of circular playground Find the area of circular playground
whose radius whose radius
measures 6 meters. measures 6 meters.
An extension of a house is An extension of a house is
semicircular in shape with a radius semicircular in shape with a radius
of 4 meters. Can you find its area? of 4 meters. Can you find its area?
A circular fountain has a radius of 12 A circular fountain has a radius of 12
meters. What is the area of the meters. What is the area of the
circular fountain? circular fountain?
The diameter of the drum is 70 cm. The diameter of the drum is 70 cm.
What is the area covered when the What is the area covered when the
drum stands? drum stands?
Ana’s circular bed cover has a Ana’s circular bed cover has a
diameter of 2.25 m. How many diameter of 2.25 m. How many
square meters is it? square meters is it?
J. Additional activities for application Ask the pupils to solve these Ask the pupils to solve these Solve each problem. Solve each problem.
or remediation
problems. problems. Every time it rains, Mrs. Lapis saves Every time it rains, Mrs. Lapis saves
water in a big clay jar called water in a big clay jar called
What is the area of a circle with What is the area of a circle with ‘tapayan’. She covers them with a ‘tapayan’. She covers them with a
a diameter of 5 meters? a diameter of 5 meters? circular galvanized iron with a radius circular galvanized iron with a radius
1. If a circle has a diameter 3. If a circle has a diameter 14 m. What is the area of the 14 m. What is the area of the
recipe for blueberry recipe for blueberry
pancakes. She can make 8 pancakes. She can make 8 What is the area of a circular pool What is the area of a circular pool
pancakes that are each 18 pancakes that are each 18 with the diameter of 15 m? with the diameter of 15 m?
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time February 6-10, 2017 Quarter
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area,
volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives creates problems involving a circle, creates problems involving a circle, visualizes the volume of a cube and visualizes the volume of a cube and
Write the LC code for each with reasonable answers. with reasonable answers. rectangular prism. rectangular prism.
Distance Education for Elementary Distance Education for Elementary
School (Volume of a Cube and School (Volume of a Cube and
Rectangular Prism) pages 2 – Rectangular Prism) pages 2 –
3 3
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources cutouts of circles, chart, flashcards, cutouts of circles, chart, flashcards, cubes (big and small), rectangular cubes (big and small), rectangular
real objects, manila paper, real objects, manila paper, prism, ruler, flash cards, marbles, prism, ruler, flash cards, marbles,
ruler/meter stick, ruler/meter stick, worksheet, 1 transparent worksheet, 1 transparent
pentel pen, show me board pentel pen, show me board rectangular container rectangular container
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Have a review on solving the area of Have a review on solving the area of Have a review on the meaning of Have a review on the meaning of
presenting the new lesson
a circle. a circle. volume. volume.
Volume is the amount of space Volume is the amount of space
occupied by any quantity. occupied by any quantity.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Create problems involving a circle, Create problems involving a circle, Visualize the Volume of a Cube and Visualize the Volume of a Cube and
lesson with reasonable answers. with reasonable answers.
Rectangular Prism Rectangular Prism
C. Presenting examples/instances of Let the pupils find any circular Let the pupils find any circular Show a transparent cube and Show a transparent cube and
the new lesson
objects inside the classroom. Ask objects inside the classroom. Ask rectangular prism filled with rectangular prism filled with
them to record the area of each them to record the area of each marbles. Ask pupils to guess the marbles. Ask pupils to guess the
object. object. number of marbles inside the cube number of marbles inside the cube
and rectangular prism. Let a and rectangular prism. Let a
volunteer count the marbles to find volunteer count the marbles to find
out the answer. Elicit from them out the answer. Elicit from them
how they can make a good guess of how they can make a good guess of
the total number of marbles. Instill the total number of marbles. Instill
the value of patience and the value of patience and
orderliness. Relate this to the orderliness. Relate this to the
concept of volume. concept of volume.
D. Discussing new concepts and Let the pupils present their answers. Let the pupils present their answers. a. Tell the class that the number of a. Tell the class that the number of
practicing new skills #1
Ask them how they got the area. Ask them how they got the area. small cubes that make up the small cubes that make up the
Rubik’s cube is its volume. Rubik’s cube is its volume.
b. Activity – Group Work b. Activity – Group Work
Materials: worksheet, 1 transparent Materials: worksheet, 1 transparent
rectangular container, small cubes rectangular container, small cubes
Procedure: Fill the container with Procedure: Fill the container with
small cubes until its upper portion. small cubes until its upper portion.
Guide Questions: Guide Questions:
1) What kind of solid figure is the 1) What kind of solid figure is the
container? container?
2) How many cubes did you put 2) How many cubes did you put
inside the rectangular container? inside the rectangular container?
3) How can you find the number of 3) How can you find the number of
cubes in the container without cubes in the container without
counting them all? counting them all?
a) Count the cubes in one layer. a) Count the cubes in one layer.
Example Example
4 x 2 = 8 cubes 4 x 2 = 8 cubes
b) Count the layers. Ex.: 3 layers b) Count the layers. Ex.: 3 layers
c) How many cubes in all? 8 x 3 = 24 c) How many cubes in all? 8 x 3 = 24
cubes cubes
4) When we get the total number of 4) When we get the total number of
cubes that the container has, what cubes that the container has, what
have we looked for? (Answer: have we looked for? (Answer:
Volume) Volume)
5) What kind of polygon is the base 5) What kind of polygon is the base
of the container? What are its of the container? What are its
dimensions? dimensions?
6) How many cubes fit the length? 6) How many cubes fit the length?
the width? the width?
7) What other dimension does the 7) What other dimension does the
rectangular container have? How rectangular container have? How
many cubes fit the height? many cubes fit the height?
8) Can you give the volume of the 8) Can you give the volume of the
rectangular prism by just using the rectangular prism by just using the
dimensions (length, width, height)? dimensions (length, width, height)?
How? How?
(Note: Teacher must tell the pupils (Note: Teacher must tell the pupils
that by multiplying the length x that by multiplying the length x
width x height will give the volume width x height will give the volume
thus, Volume = L x W x H)) thus, Volume = L x W x H))
E. Discussing new concepts and Divide the class into four groups. Let Divide the class into four groups. Let Group the pupils into 4 working Group the pupils into 4 working
practicing new skills #2
each group discuss how will they each group discuss how will they teams and have them perform the teams and have them perform the
make a problem based on the given make a problem based on the given task. task.
situations. The groups 1 and 2 will situations. The groups 1 and 2 will Activity 1. They need small cubes, Activity 1. They need small cubes,
discuss situation 1, while groups 3 discuss situation 1, while groups 3 big cubes and rectangular prism. big cubes and rectangular prism.
and 4 will focus on Situation 2. and 4 will focus on Situation 2. If each is a cubic unit, how If each is a cubic unit, how
many cubic units are in the figures? many cubic units are in the figures?
How many cubic units are there in How many cubic units are there in
one row? one row?
How many cubic units are there in How many cubic units are there in
one layer? one layer?
How many layers are there? How many layers are there?
What have you notice in the number What have you notice in the number
of layers and rows of cube and of layers and rows of cube and
prism? prism?
What can you say about the number What can you say about the number
of layers and rows of a cube? of layers and rows of a cube?
What have you notice in the length, What have you notice in the length,
width and height of a cube? width and height of a cube?
What can you say about the number What can you say about the number
of layers and rows of a prism? of layers and rows of a prism?
What have you notice in the length, What have you notice in the length,
width and height of a prism? width and height of a prism?
Have pupils count the number of Have pupils count the number of
cubes in the figures. cubes in the figures.
Define volume as the number of unit Define volume as the number of unit
cubes in the solid figure. Mention cubes in the solid figure. Mention
the correct label (cubic units) the correct label (cubic units)
Have them imagine filling up the Have them imagine filling up the
classroom with such cubes. Then we classroom with such cubes. Then we
find the volume of the classroom. find the volume of the classroom.
Elicit similar application of volume in Elicit similar application of volume in
daily situations. daily situations.
F. Developing mastery After the activities have been done, After the activities have been done, Ask the groups to present and Ask the groups to present and
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
let the groups post their formulated let the groups post their formulated discuss their answers on the board. discuss their answers on the board.
problems in each of the situations problems in each of the situations Expected answer: Expected answer:
given and let them do the tasks given and let them do the tasks Cube is a solid whose length, width Cube is a solid whose length, width
below. below. and height are equal. and height are equal.
Read the problem and ask the class Read the problem and ask the class Rectangular prism whose length, Rectangular prism whose length,
to solve the problem. to solve the problem. width and height are not equal. width and height are not equal.
Illustrate and solve the problem with Illustrate and solve the problem with
the solution. the solution.
G. Finding practical applications of Ask the pupils to do the exercises in Ask the pupils to do the exercises in Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under
concepts and skills in daily living
the Get Moving and Keep Moving the Get Moving and Keep Moving Explore and Discover on page 1 of Explore and Discover on page 1 of
pages_____ and ____, LM Math pages_____ and ____, LM Math LM Math Grade 5. Ask pupils to LM Math Grade 5. Ask pupils to
Grade 5. Grade 5. work on exercises under Get Moving work on exercises under Get Moving
on pages 2 and 3 of LM Math Grade on pages 2 and 3 of LM Math Grade
5. Check the pupils’ answers. For 5. Check the pupils’ answers. For
mastery, have them answer the mastery, have them answer the
exercises under Keep Moving on exercises under Keep Moving on
page 3 and 4 of LM Math Grade 5. page 3 and 4 of LM Math Grade 5.
Check on the pupils’ answers. Check on the pupils’ answers.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils to give the Summarize the lesson by asking: Summarize the lesson by asking:
abstractions about the lesson
generalization by asking: How did generalization by asking: How did How can we visualize the volume of How can we visualize the volume of
you create problems involving area you create problems involving area cube and rectangular prism? cube and rectangular prism?
of a circle? of a circle? Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils to give the
generalization. generalization.
Steps in Creating Problems Steps in Creating Problems
1. Familiarize yourself with 5. Familiarize yourself with
Volume is the amount Volume is the amount
the mathematical the mathematical
concepts. Think of the concepts. Think of the space a solid figure space a solid figure
application to everyday life application to everyday life occupies. occupies.
situations. situations. We can visualize volume We can visualize volume
2. Think of the type of the 6. Think of the type of the of cube and rectangular of cube and rectangular
problem you want to make problem you want to make prism prism
and the formula to be and the formula to be
used. used. using more units to fill the container using more units to fill the container
3. Read and study more on 7. Read and study more on
math problems. Study the math problems. Study the (like the used of marbles, pebbles, (like the used of marbles, pebbles,
solutions. solutions. rice grains, seed, etc) this is what we rice grains, seed, etc) this is what we
4. Make your own 8. Make your own called non-standard units. Non called non-standard units. Non
styles/strategies to justify styles/strategies to justify
standard units do not give consistent standard units do not give consistent
the solutions. the solutions.
and accurate measure of the volume and accurate measure of the volume
of a container. of a container.
Using standard units, to find the Using standard units, to find the
volume o a space figure, count the volume o a space figure, count the
number of cubic units needed to fill number of cubic units needed to fill
the space. Standard units are the space. Standard units are
consistent and accurate. consistent and accurate.
I. Evaluating learning Let the pupils do the exercises in Let the pupils do the exercises in Let the pupils do the exercises in Let the pupils do the exercises in
Keep Moving on page ___, LM Math Keep Moving on page ___, LM Math Keep Moving on page ___, LM Math Keep Moving on page ___, LM Math
Grade 5. Check pupils’ work. Grade 5. Check pupils’ work. Grade 5. Check pupils’ work. Grade 5. Check pupils’ work.
J. Additional activities for application Ask the pupils to create problems Ask the pupils to create problems Ask the pupils to create problems Ask the pupils to create problems
or remediation involving area of a circle. involving area of a circle. involving area of a circle. involving area of a circle.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area,
volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each names the appropriate unit of names the appropriate unit of derives the formula in finding the derives the formula in finding the
measure used for measuring the measure used for measuring the volume of a cube and a rectangular volume of a cube and a rectangular
volume of a cube and a rectangle volume of a cube and a rectangle prism using cubic cm and cubic m. prism using cubic cm and cubic m.
prism. prism.
M5ME-IVc-78 M5ME-IVc-78 M5ME-IVc-79 M5ME-IVc-79
5 Curriculum 5 Curriculum 5 Curriculum 5 Curriculum
Integrated Mathematics I pages 177 Integrated Mathematics I pages 177 Integrated Mathematics I pages 177 Integrated Mathematics I pages 177
- 178 - 178 - 178 - 178
LM Math Grade 5 pages 1 to 3 LM Math Grade 5 pages 1 to 3 LM Math Grade 5 pages 1 to 3 LM Math Grade 5 pages 1 to 3
Ateneo Lesson Guide Chapter IV Ateneo Lesson Guide Chapter IV Ateneo Lesson Guide Chapter IV Ateneo Lesson Guide Chapter IV
Measurement/Volume pages 6 -18 Measurement/Volume pages 6 -18
Measurement/Volume pages 6 -18 Measurement/Volume pages 6 -18
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources flash cards (mm, cm, dm, m, etc.), flash cards (mm, cm, dm, m, etc.), flash cards (mm, cm, dm, m, etc.), flash cards (mm, cm, dm, m, etc.),
real objects, pictures real objects, pictures real objects, pictures real objects, pictures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or What is difference between cube What is difference between cube Memory Game Memory Game
presenting the new lesson
and rectangular prism? and rectangular prism? Materials: pocket chart, flash cards Materials: pocket chart, flash cards
What are the dimensions of cube What are the dimensions of cube Mechanics: Mechanics:
and rectangular prism? and rectangular prism? a. Teacher prepares flash cards with a. Teacher prepares flash cards with
figure and dimensions on a set of figure and dimensions on a set of
cards and the corresponding area of cards and the corresponding area of
the figure on another set of cards. the figure on another set of cards.
Teacher then place the shuffled Teacher then place the shuffled
cards into pocket chart slots. At the cards into pocket chart slots. At the
back of each card, label them with back of each card, label them with
letters. letters.
Ex. front back Ex. front back
b. Divide class into 3 groups. b. Divide class into 3 groups.
c. Have a member of group 1 choose c. Have a member of group 1 choose
2 letters corresponding to 2 cards. 2 letters corresponding to 2 cards.
Teacher turns over the cards. If the Teacher turns over the cards. If the
cards match (figure and its area), cards match (figure and its area),
then the team gets the point and the then the team gets the point and the
cards taken out of the pocket chart. cards taken out of the pocket chart.
If the cards do not match, then the If the cards do not match, then the
cards are turned over again in the cards are turned over again in the
same place/position in the pocket same place/position in the pocket
chart. chart.
d. Have a member of group 2 call d. Have a member of group 2 call
out another pair of cards. Continue out another pair of cards. Continue
the game until all the cards have the game until all the cards have
been used up. Team with the most been used up. Team with the most
number of points wins. number of points wins.
e. Teacher may divide set of cards e. Teacher may divide set of cards
into a) finding area of parallelograms into a) finding area of parallelograms
and trapezoid making sure that the and trapezoid making sure that the
dimensions given are manageable by dimensions given are manageable by
the pupils, or b) finding the missing the pupils, or b) finding the missing
side/dimension given the area. side/dimension given the area.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Name the unit of measure for Name the unit of measure for Derive a formula for finding the Derive a formula for finding the
measuring the volume of cube and measuring the volume of cube and volume of a cube and a rectangular volume of a cube and a rectangular
rectangular prism. rectangular prism. prism using cubic centimeter and prism using cubic centimeter and
meter. meter.
Appreciation of application of Appreciation of application of
volume in daily life situations volume in daily life situations
C. Presenting examples/instances of Richard has a rectangular box with Richard has a rectangular box with Show a transparent plastic container Show a transparent plastic container
the new lesson
sand inside. He wants to know the sand inside. He wants to know the filled with balls. Ask pupils to guess filled with balls. Ask pupils to guess
amount of space the sand occupied. amount of space the sand occupied. the number of balls inside the the number of balls inside the
He wants to know also what unit of He wants to know also what unit of container. Let a volunteer count the container. Let a volunteer count the
measure he will use. Elicit the value measure he will use. Elicit the value balls to find out the answer. Elicit balls to find out the answer. Elicit
of accuracy. of accuracy. from them how they can make a from them how they can make a
good guess of the total number of good guess of the total number of
balls. Relate this to the concept of balls. Relate this to the concept of
volume. volume.
D. Discussing new concepts and Present a rectangular box with sand Present a rectangular box with sand Let a pupil fill a rectangular box with Let a pupil fill a rectangular box with
practicing new skills #1
inside. inside. cubes. For purposes of having exact cubes. For purposes of having exact
Ask the following questions: Ask the following questions: measurements and no half-cubes, it measurements and no half-cubes, it
a. How can we be able to measure a. How can we be able to measure is ideal that teacher prepares boxes/ is ideal that teacher prepares boxes/
the capacity of the box? the capacity of the box? rectangular prisms that have rectangular prisms that have
b. What will you use? What do you b. What will you use? What do you corresponding measurements as the corresponding measurements as the
think are we looking for? think are we looking for? cubes that are going to be used in cubes that are going to be used in
c. What unit of measure will you c. What unit of measure will you the activity. the activity.
use? use? Ask the pupils the following Ask the pupils the following
The volume of a solid is the amount The volume of a solid is the amount questions: questions:
of space the solid occupies. Volume of space the solid occupies. Volume How many cubes did it take to fill How many cubes did it take to fill
is measured in cubic units. One way is measured in cubic units. One way the prism? How many cubic units is the prism? How many cubic units is
to find the volume of a rectangular to find the volume of a rectangular the length? The width? The height? the length? The width? The height?
prism is to multiply the 3 prism is to multiply the 3 What similar situations require you What similar situations require you
dimensions: dimensions: to fill up a solid such as the to fill up a solid such as the
Volume = length x width x height Volume = length x width x height rectangular rectangular
prism? prism?
Define these situations as finding Define these situations as finding
the volume of solids. Define volume the volume of solids. Define volume
as the number of cubic units (unit as the number of cubic units (unit
cubes) used to fill up a space. Use cubes) used to fill up a space. Use
correct unit of measure. correct unit of measure.
Using this definition, ask the pupils Using this definition, ask the pupils
the volume of the rectangular prism. the volume of the rectangular prism.
Ask: Without actually counting the Ask: Without actually counting the
number of unit cubes in the solid number of unit cubes in the solid
how can you find its volume? What how can you find its volume? What
formula can we use to find the formula can we use to find the
number of cubic units in it or the number of cubic units in it or the
volume of the rectangular prism? volume of the rectangular prism?
Elicit from the pupils that Elicit from the pupils that
→ To find the volume of an object → To find the volume of an object
means to find the number of cubic means to find the number of cubic
units it contains or holds units it contains or holds
Lead them to state the formula for Lead them to state the formula for
the volume of a rectangular prism as the volume of a rectangular prism as
V = l x w x h. V = l x w x h.
Define volume as the number of unit Define volume as the number of unit
cubes in the solid figure. Mention cubes in the solid figure. Mention
the correct label (cubic units). the correct label (cubic units).
Using this definition, ask the pupils Using this definition, ask the pupils
the volume of the cube. the volume of the cube.
Ask: Without actually counting the Ask: Without actually counting the
number of unit cubes, how can you number of unit cubes, how can you
find the volume of the cube? What find the volume of the cube? What
formula can we use to find the formula can we use to find the
number of cubic units in it? number of cubic units in it?
Try to elicit from the pupils that to Try to elicit from the pupils that to
find the volume of a cube, the length find the volume of a cube, the length
of its side is multiplied by of its side is multiplied by
itself three times. itself three times.
Lead them to state the formula for Lead them to state the formula for
the volume of a cube as the volume of a cube as
V=SxSxS or V = S³ V=SxSxS or V = S³
Let pupils apply the rule by actually Let pupils apply the rule by actually
measuring and finding the volume of measuring and finding the volume of
some rectangular prisms and cube some rectangular prisms and cube
inside the room. inside the room.
Present situations like how much Present situations like how much
water does it take to fill the water does it take to fill the
aquarium, how far does it aquarium, how far does it
take to run around the park, etc. and take to run around the park, etc. and
distinguish perimeter/circumference distinguish perimeter/circumference
from area and volume. Elicit similar from area and volume. Elicit similar
applications of volume in daily applications of volume in daily
life situations. life situations.
E. Discussing new concepts and Group the class into four. Let them Group the class into four. Let them Group the pupil into four working Group the pupil into four working
practicing new skills #2 team and let them do the tasks. team and let them do the tasks.
perform the give activity. perform the give activity.
Give the appropriate unit of Give the appropriate unit of
measure to be used in finding the measure to be used in finding the
volume of(Select from the given volume of(Select from the given
choices: mm3, cm3, dm3, m3) : choices: mm3, cm3, dm3, m3) :
a) room m3 a) room m3
b) shoe box cm3 b) shoe box cm3
c) globe cm3 c) globe cm3
d) refrigerator dm3 d) refrigerator dm3
e) ice cream cone cm3 e) ice cream cone cm3
f) dice mm3 f) dice mm3
G. Finding practical applications of Ask pupils to work on exercises A Ask pupils to work on exercises A Answer the exercises A and B under Answer the exercises A and B under
concepts and skills in daily living under Get Moving on pages 1 LM under Get Moving on pages 1 LM
Keep Moving on page 2 and 3 of LM Keep Moving on page 2 and 3 of LM
Math Grade 5. Math Grade 5.
Math Grade 5. Check on the pupils’ Math Grade 5. Check on the pupils’
answers. answers.
H. Making generalizations and What do you call the capacity of What do you call the capacity of How can you find the volume of a How can you find the volume of a
abstractions about the lesson
things or the total space within a 3- things or the total space within a 3- cube and a rectangular prism? cube and a rectangular prism?
dimensional figure? dimensional figure? The formula in finding the Volume of The formula in finding the Volume of
What unit of measure will you use in What unit of measure will you use in a cube is; a cube is;
measuring volume? measuring volume? Volume = side x side x side or V = S Volume = side x side x side or V = S
Volume is the amount of space Volume is the amount of space x S x S or V = S3 x S x S or V = S3
occupied by a space figure. occupied by a space figure. In rectangular prism we need L = In rectangular prism we need L =
Volume measured in cubic units, Volume measured in cubic units, Length, W = Width and H = Height, Length, W = Width and H = Height,
such as such as the formula in finding the Volume of the formula in finding the Volume of
cubic centimeter (cm3) cubic centimeter (cm3) a rectangular prism is; a rectangular prism is;
cubic meter (m3) cubic meter (m3) Volume = Length x Width x Height Volume = Length x Width x Height
cubic millimeter (mm3) cubic millimeter (mm3) V=LxWxH V=LxWxH
cubic decimeter (dm3) cubic decimeter (dm3) Volume is measured in cubic units, Volume is measured in cubic units,
such as cubic centimeters ( cm3), such as cubic centimeters ( cm3),
cubic meters (m3), and millimeters cubic meters (m3), and millimeters
(mm3) (mm3)
I. Evaluating learning Use cm3, m3, dm3 to tell which cubic Use cm3, m3, dm3 to tell which cubic Draw the figure with their Draw the figure with their
unit of measure is appropriate to be unit of measure is appropriate to be measurements and find their measurements and find their
used. used. volume. volume.
a) box of chocolate a) box of chocolate L=9m W=4m H = 3 L=9m W=4m H = 3
b) tent b) tent m m
c) glass c) glass L = 10 m W = 7 m H = 15 L = 10 m W = 7 m H = 15
d) gymnasium d) gymnasium m m
e) math book e) math book L = 14 m W = 10 m H = 9 L = 14 m W = 10 m H = 9
m m
S = 12 cm S = 12 cm
S = 7 cm S = 7 cm
J. Additional activities for application Give the cubic unit of measure for Give the cubic unit of measure for Draw the figure with their Draw the figure with their
or remediation
finding the volume of the following: finding the volume of the following: measurements and find their measurements and find their
a) a box 44 cm by 9 cm by 6 cm a) a box 44 cm by 9 cm by 6 cm volume. volume.
b) a room 4m by 5m by 6 m b) a room 4m by 5m by 6 m L=2m W=3m L=2m W=3m
c) a cabinet 1.2 m by 0.9 m by 0.5 m c) a cabinet 1.2 m by 0.9 m by 0.5 m H=4m H=4m
d) a ball with radius 10 cm d) a ball with radius 10 cm L = 11 m W=2m L = 11 m W=2m
e) a cylindrical tank 25 dm long and e) a cylindrical tank 25 dm long and H=5m H=5m
radius 8 dm radius 8 dm S = 10 cm S = 10 cm
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time February 20-24, 2017 Quarter
A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of Weekly Test
area, volume and temperature. area, volume and temperature. area, volume and temperature. area, volume and temperature.
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area,
volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each converts cu. cm to cu. m and vice converts cu. cm to cu. m and vice finds the volume of a given cube and finds the volume of a given cube and
versa; to L and vice versa. versa; to L and vice versa. rectangular prism using cu. cm and rectangular prism using cu. cm and
cu. m. cu. m.
M5ME-IVd-80 M5ME-IVd-80
M5ME-IVd-81 M5ME-IVd-81
written on the chart. written on the chart.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Give the equivalent: Conversion of Give the equivalent: Conversion of Find the area of the following Find the area of the following
presenting the new lesson
linear measure. linear measure. figures. Write the answer on your figures. Write the answer on your
6cm= ____ mm 6cm= ____ mm notebook. notebook.
5m= _____cm 5m= _____cm
____dm= 4m ____dm= 4m
____cm= 9dm ____cm= 9dm
____dm= 3m ____dm= 3m
B. Establishing a purpose for the Converts to cu.m and vice Converts to cu.m and vice Finds the volume of a given cube Finds the volume of a given cube
lesson and rectangular prism using and rectangular prism using
versa; to L and vice versa versa; to L and vice versa
and cu.m and cu.m
C. Presenting examples/instances of A truck delivers sand weighing A truck delivers sand weighing Show a transparent plastic container Show a transparent plastic container
the new lesson
54000 dm3 or L, what is the weight 54000 dm3 or L, what is the weight filled with balls. Ask pupils to guess filled with balls. Ask pupils to guess
of the sand in cubic metre (m3)? In of the sand in cubic metre (m3)? In the number of balls inside the the number of balls inside the
cubic centimetre (cm3) ? cubic centimetre (cm3) ? container. Let a volunteer count the container. Let a volunteer count the
balls to find out the answer. Elicit balls to find out the answer. Elicit
What is asked in the problem? What
What is asked in the problem? What from them how they can make a from them how they can make a
are given?
are given? good guess of the total number of good guess of the total number of
What must we know to be able to
What must we know to be able to balls. Relate this to the concept of balls. Relate this to the concept of
change 54000 dm3 to cubic
change 54000 dm3 to cubic volume. volume.
centimetres and to cubic metre?
centimetres and to cubic metre?
Which is larger a cubic decimetre or
Which is larger a cubic decimetre or
a cubic centimetre?
a cubic centimetre?
How many cubic centimetres are
How many cubic centimetres are
there in cubic decimetres or L ?
there in cubic decimetres or L ?
To change cubic decimetre to cubic
To change cubic decimetre to cubic
centimetre we multiply by 1000.
centimetre we multiply by 1000.
Since: 1dm=10cm Since: 1dm=10cm
Therefore: 1dmx1dmx1dm= 10cm x Therefore: 1dmx1dmx1dm= 10cm x
10cm x 10cm 10cm x 10cm
Thus, 1dm3 = 1000cm3 Thus, 1dm3 = 1000cm3
54000 dm3 = ____ cm3 54000 dm3 = ____ cm3
54,000x1,000 = 54,000,000 cm3 54,000x1,000 = 54,000,000 cm3
How will you compare cubic How will you compare cubic
decimetres to cubic metres? Since a decimetres to cubic metres? Since a
cubic metre is larger thana cubic cubic metre is larger thana cubic
decimetre, we divide by 1000. Using decimetre, we divide by 1000. Using
conversion 1m3= 1000dm3 conversion 1m3= 1000dm3
54000dm3= 54m3 54000dm3= 54m3
1000 1000
D. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils into three working Group the pupils into three working Using concrete objects Using concrete objects
practicing new skills #1 teams and have them perform the
teams and have them perform the Let a pupil fill a rectangular box with Let a pupil fill a rectangular box with
task. cubes. cubes.
Ask the pupils the following Ask the pupils the following
questions: questions:
How many cubes did it take to fill How many cubes did it take to fill
the prism? the prism?
How many cubic units is the length/ How many cubic units is the length/
the width? the height? the width? the height?
Define these situations as finding Define these situations as finding
the volume of solids. Define volume the volume of solids. Define volume
as the number of cubic units used to as the number of cubic units used to
fill up a space. Use correct unit of fill up a space. Use correct unit of
measure. measure.
Using this definition, ask the pupils Using this definition, ask the pupils
the volume of rectangular prism. the volume of rectangular prism.
Let them state the formula for the Let them state the formula for the
volume of a rectangular prism as volume of a rectangular prism as
V=lxwxh. V=lxwxh.
E. Discussing new concepts and How do we change and convert a How do we change and convert a Solve for the volume of these Solve for the volume of these
practicing new skills #2
smaller unit to a higher unit? smaller unit to a higher unit? rectangular prisms, given their rectangular prisms, given their
when converting from larger unit to when converting from larger unit to measurements. measurements.
a smaller unit, use multiplication a smaller unit, use multiplication l=9m l=9m
when converting from a smaller to a when converting from a smaller to a s=12cm s=12cm
larger unit, use division larger unit, use division w=4m w=4m
h=3m h=3m
l= 10cm l= 10cm
s=6m s=6m
w=7cm w=7cm
h=15cm h=15cm
l=14 m l=14 m
w=10m w=10m
h=9m h=9m
F. Developing mastery Group Activity Group Activity What is volume? What is volume?
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
What is the formula in finding the What is the formula in finding the
volume of a cube? Rectangular volume of a cube? Rectangular
prism? prism?
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation. On page Discuss the presentation. On page Discuss the presentation. On page Discuss the presentation. On page
concepts and skills in daily living
___ of LM Math Grade V, ___ of LM Math Grade V, ___ of LM Math Grade V, ___ of LM Math Grade V,
Have the pupils solve the following Have the pupils solve the following
exercises. exercises.
Supply the missing number. Supply the missing number.
1. 6700 dm3= ____m3 1. 6700 dm3= ____m3
2. 28 dm3= _____cm3 2. 28 dm3= _____cm3
3. 11500 cm3 =_____ m3 3. 11500 cm3 =_____ m3
4. 4 m3 =______cm3 4. 4 m3 =______cm3
5. 8m3 =______dm3 5. 8m3 =______dm3
H. Making generalizations and In converting from a larger unit to a In converting from a larger unit to a Volume of a rectangular prism= L X Volume of a rectangular prism= L X
abstractions about the lesson
smaller unit, use multiplication smaller unit, use multiplication WXH WXH
In converting from a smaller to a In converting from a smaller to a Volume of a cube=S X S X S or S3 Volume of a cube=S X S X S or S3
larger unit, use division larger unit, use division
I. Evaluating learning Change to smaller units. Change to smaller units. Draw the figure with their Draw the figure with their
1. 15 cm3= _____mm3 1. 15 cm3= _____mm3 measurements and find their measurements and find their
2. 61 dm3= _____cm3 2. 61 dm3= _____cm3 volume. volume.
3. 64 cm3 = _____dm3 3. 64 cm3 = _____dm3 1. l=4m 6. l=4m
4. 25 cm3= _____mm3 4. 25 cm3= _____mm3 w=1m w=1m
5. 87 dm3= _____cm3 5. 87 dm3= _____cm3 h=3m h=3m
2. s=14cm 7. s=14cm
3. 3=20cm 8. 3=20cm
4. l=8cm 9. l=8cm
w=3cm w=3cm
h=10cm h=10cm
J. Additional activities for application Change these units to larger or Change these units to larger or Measure object at home and find Measure object at home and find
or remediation their volume. their volume.
smaller units: smaller units:
1.7cm3= ______mm3 1.7cm3= ______mm3
2. 5000 dm3= _____m3 2. 5000 dm3= _____m3
3. 5m3 = _____cm3 3. 5m3 = _____cm3
4. 20000 cm3 = ____m3 4. 20000 cm3 = ____m3
5. 17m3= ____dm3 5. 17m3= ____dm3
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time February 27-March 3, 2017 Quarter
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area,
volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each estimates and uses appropriate units estimates and uses appropriate units solves routine and non-routine solves routine and non-routine
of measure for volume. of measure for volume. problems involving volume of a cube problems involving volume of a cube
and rectangular prism in real-life and rectangular prism in real-life
M5ME-IVd-82 M5ME-IVd-82 situations using appropriate situations using appropriate
strategies and tools. strategies and tools.
M5ME-IVe-83 M5ME-IVe-83
B. Other Learning Resources flash cards, model cubes and flash cards, model cubes and meter stick, ruler, manila paper and meter stick, ruler, manila paper and
marker pen marker pen
rectangular prisms set, aquarium. rectangular prisms set, aquarium.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Find the volume of these prisms. Find the volume of these prisms. Have a review on estimating and Have a review on estimating and
presenting the new lesson
1. L=9m 2. L=9m using appropriate units of measure using appropriate units of measure
W=6m W=6m for volume. for volume.
H =3m H =3m
B. Establishing a purpose for the Estimate and use appropriate units Estimate and use appropriate units Group the pupils into four. Give each Group the pupils into four. Give each
of measure for volume of measure for volume group a set of steps in solving group a set of steps in solving
problems. Let them arrange the problems. Let them arrange the
steps in correct order. steps in correct order.
(This can be done in the form of (This can be done in the form of
game) game)
Ask: What is the shape of the Ask: What is the shape of the
swimming pool? swimming pool?
Call a pupil to draw the figure of the Call a pupil to draw the figure of the
swimming pool and put the swimming pool and put the
dimensions. dimensions.
How will you solve the problem? How will you solve the problem?
D. Discussing new concepts and Using concrete object (present an Using concrete object (present an Let pupils solve the problem by Let pupils solve the problem by
practicing new skills #1
aquarium) aquarium) pairs. pairs.
An aquarium is 35 cm. long, 25 cm An aquarium is 35 cm. long, 25 cm Problem A Problem A
wide and 33 cm high is to be filled wide and 33 cm high is to be filled Solution: Use the 4-step plan in Solution: Use the 4-step plan in
with water. How many cubic with water. How many cubic solving the problem. solving the problem.
centimetre of water will be needed? centimetre of water will be needed?
1.What is asked in the problem? 1.What is asked in the problem?
2.What data are given? 2.What data are given?
3. Is the unit of measure appropriate 3. Is the unit of measure appropriate
with the data given? with the data given?
E. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils. Give rectangular Group the pupils. Give rectangular Call some pupils to show their Call some pupils to show their
practicing new skills #2
prism to each group. prism to each group. solutions and answers on the board. solutions and answers on the board.
Have each pupil first guess which Have each pupil first guess which Ask: How did you solve the Ask: How did you solve the
prism has the greatest and which prism has the greatest and which problem? problem?
prism has the least volume. prism has the least volume.
Give the unit of measure to be used. Give the unit of measure to be used.
Have the students estimate the Have the students estimate the
volume of the rectangular prisms. volume of the rectangular prisms.
F. Developing mastery What is volume? What is volume? the presentation under Explore and the presentation under Explore and
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Discover on page , LM Math Grade Discover on page , LM Math Grade
How do we estimate volume of a How do we estimate volume of a
5. 5.
prism? prism?
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation. On page Discuss the presentation. On page Let the pupils do the activity under Let the pupils do the activity under
concepts and skills in daily living Get Moving on page , LM Math Get Moving on page , LM Math
___ of LM Math Grade V, ___ of LM Math Grade V,
Grade 5. Grade 5.
Have the pupils solve the following Have the pupils solve the following
exercises. exercises.
Write the best unit of measure Write the best unit of measure
to find the volume of the to find the volume of the
following: (mm3, cm3, dm3, m3) following: (mm3, cm3, dm3, m3)
1. water in a rectangular pool 1. water in a rectangular pool
2. an ice before it melts 2. an ice before it melts
3. a dice 3. a dice
4. a blackboard eraser 4. a blackboard eraser
5. oil in a rectangular box 5. oil in a rectangular box
H. Making generalizations and How do we use appropriate unit of How do we use appropriate unit of Ask the following questions: Ask the following questions:
abstractions about the lesson
measure for volume? measure for volume? How do you solve problems How do you solve problems
How do we estimate volume? How do we estimate volume? involving a cube or a rectangular involving a cube or a rectangular
prism? prism?
What are the steps in solving word What are the steps in solving word
problems? problems?
I. Evaluating learning Answer the following: Answer the following: Let the pupils solve the following Let the pupils solve the following
1. Marilou’s sewing box is 3 1. Marilou’s sewing box is 3 problems: problems:
dm long, 2.5 dm wide and dm long, 2.5 dm wide and A flower box is 4.3 m long, 0.6 wide, A flower box is 4.3 m long, 0.6 wide,
4.3 dm high. What is its 4.3 dm high. What is its and 0.53 m high. How many cubic and 0.53 m high. How many cubic
volume? volume? meters of soil will fill the box? meters of soil will fill the box?
2. Find the volume of a 2. Find the volume of a A rectangular container is 0.4 m A rectangular container is 0.4 m
closet which is 2.5 m closet which is 2.5 m long, 0.3 m wide and 1 m high. What long, 0.3 m wide and 1 m high. What
long, 5m and 2m high long, 5m and 2m high is its volume in cubic centimeters? is its volume in cubic centimeters?
A water tank is 0.8 m long, 0.6 m A water tank is 0.8 m long, 0.6 m
wide and 1 m high. If the tank is half wide and 1 m high. If the tank is half
full, how many cubic centimeters of full, how many cubic centimeters of
water does it hold? water does it hold?
J. Additional activities for application Draw the figure with their Draw the figure with their Analyze then solve the problems. Analyze then solve the problems.
or remediation
measurements and find their measurements and find their A box of milk is 9 cm long, 8 cm wide A box of milk is 9 cm long, 8 cm wide
volume. volume. and 18 cm high. Find its volume? and 18 cm high. Find its volume?
1. l=9m 1. l=9m Each book of a set of encyclopedia Each book of a set of encyclopedia
w=4m w=4m measures 2.85 dm by 2.15 dm by 0.4 measures 2.85 dm by 2.15 dm by 0.4
h=6m h=6m dm. The encyclopedia has 19 books. dm. The encyclopedia has 19 books.
What is the total volume of all 19 What is the total volume of all 19
2. s=18cm 2. s=18cm books? books?
The toy hat of Alex is in the shape of The toy hat of Alex is in the shape of
3. 3=30cm 3. 3=30cm a cone. Its base area is 72 cm2 and a cone. Its base area is 72 cm2 and
its height is 21 cm. What is its its height is 21 cm. What is its
4. l=12cm 4. l=12cm volume? volume?
w=5cm w=5cm
h=8cm h=8cm
5. s=14cm 5. s=14cm
H. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area,
volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives creates problems (with reasonable creates problems (with reasonable reads and measures temperature reads and measures temperature
Write the LC code for each answers) involving volume of a cube answers) involving volume of a cube using thermometer (alcohol and/or using thermometer (alcohol and/or
and rectangular prism in real and rectangular prism in real digital) in degree Celsius. digital) in degree Celsius.
situation situation
M5ME-IVf-85 M5ME-IVf-85
M5ME-IVe-84 M5ME-IVe-84
II. CONTENT Measurement Measurement Measurement measurement
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Have a review on solving problems Have a review on solving problems Give the equivalent. Conversion of Give the equivalent. Conversion of
presenting the new lesson
on volume. on volume. linear measure. linear measure.
Ask: What are the steps in solving Ask: What are the steps in solving
word problems? word problems?
Let the pupils solve this problem. Let the pupils solve this problem.
Leo has a box measuring 15 cm long, Leo has a box measuring 15 cm long,
20 cm wide and 10 cm high. Find its 20 cm wide and 10 cm high. Find its
volume? volume?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Creates problems (with reasonable Creates problems (with reasonable Reads and measure temperature Reads and measure temperature
lesson answers) involving volume of a cube answers) involving volume of a cube
using thermometer (alcohol and/ or using thermometer (alcohol and/ or
and rectangular prism in real-life and rectangular prism in real-life
Digital) in degree Celsius. Digital) in degree Celsius.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Group the pupils into four and let Group the pupils into four and let Mother wants to find out if her son Mother wants to find out if her son
the new lesson
them read the problem and ask them read the problem and ask has a fever. has a fever.
them to draw the solid figure them to draw the solid figure What is the best thing mother can What is the best thing mother can
described in the problem. described in the problem. use to find the body temperature of use to find the body temperature of
A rectangular garden is 25 cm long, A rectangular garden is 25 cm long, her sick son? her sick son?
15 cm wide and 10 cm thick. What 15 cm wide and 10 cm thick. What
its volume? its volume?
Ask: Can you create a problem on Ask: Can you create a problem on
volume similar to the one given? volume similar to the one given?
Say: This time you will create Say: This time you will create
problems involving the volume of a problems involving the volume of a
cube and a rectangular prism. cube and a rectangular prism.
D. Discussing new concepts and Each group will present the solid Each group will present the solid Present a model of an improvised Present a model of an improvised
practicing new skills #1
figure formed. figure formed. thermometer. It has a movable red thermometer. It has a movable red
Ask: What is asked in the problem? Ask: What is asked in the problem? ribbon which resembles the mercury ribbon which resembles the mercury
What are the given data? What are the given data? in an actual thermometer. in an actual thermometer.
What process is needed to solve the What process is needed to solve the Ask: Ask:
problem? problem? What does the red ribbon What does the red ribbon
What is the number sentence? What is the number sentence? represents? represents?
What is the correct answer? What is the correct answer? Give each group an improvised Give each group an improvised
thermometer, announce the thermometer, announce the
temperature temperature readings, readings,
The pupils will reflect it in their The pupils will reflect it in their
thermometer model. thermometer model.
Check if the temperature reading Check if the temperature reading
each group is showing is correct. each group is showing is correct.
E. Discussing new concepts and Divide the class into four groups. Let Divide the class into four groups. Let Divide the class into four groups. Divide the class into four groups.
practicing new skills #2
each group discuss how they will each group discuss how they will Distribute activity sheets in each Distribute activity sheets in each
make a problem based on the given make a problem based on the given group. group.
situations. The first two groups will situations. The first two groups will Provide group 1 with digital Provide group 1 with digital
discuss situation 1 and the discuss situation 1 and the thermometer, Group 2 with set of thermometer, Group 2 with set of
remaining two groups will focus on remaining two groups will focus on pictures showing temperature pictures showing temperature
situation 2. situation 2. readings and Group 3 using readings and Group 3 using
Situation 1: Situation 1: pictorials, Group 4 with alcohol pictorials, Group 4 with alcohol
Ana has a front yard measuring 15 m Ana has a front yard measuring 15 m thermometer. thermometer.
long and 8 m wide. long and 8 m wide. Group 1 - Using digital thermometer Group 1 - Using digital thermometer
1 1
She wants to elevate it by meter. She wants to elevate it by meter. Group 2 - Using pictures of Group 2 - Using pictures of
2 2
temperature readings temperature readings
Lito’s business is to deliver water to Lito’s business is to deliver water to Group 4 – Using alcohol Group 4 – Using alcohol
Her water tank measures 4 meters Her water tank measures 4 meters Let them discuss how they read and Let them discuss how they read and
long, 2 meters wide, and 2 meters long, 2 meters wide, and 2 meters measure the temperature measure the temperature
high. high. Group 1- Measure and read the Group 1- Measure and read the
Every morning, he delivers a tank full Every morning, he delivers a tank full pupils body temperature by putting pupils body temperature by putting
of water to each of the schools of water to each of the schools the digital the digital
thermometer under their armpits. thermometer under their armpits.
Guide and assist the pupils when Guide and assist the pupils when Record and compare the results with Record and compare the results with
doing the activity. Ask each group to doing the activity. Ask each group to the other pupils. the other pupils.
show its work and to explain its show its work and to explain its
output. output. Group 2 - Read and record each Group 2 - Read and record each
thermometer reading thermometer reading
Group 3 - Give pictures and write if it Group 3 - Give pictures and write if it
is HOT or COLD is HOT or COLD
Picture of Baguio city Picture of Baguio city
Picture of a dessert Picture of a dessert
Picture of a glass of cold glass of Picture of a glass of cold glass of
water water
Picture of cup of coffee Picture of cup of coffee
Group 4 - Give 2 glasses of water, Group 4 - Give 2 glasses of water,
one has cold water and the other one has cold water and the other
has hot water, has hot water,
using alcohol thermometer measure using alcohol thermometer measure
the temperature of each the temperature of each
glasses. Read and record. glasses. Read and record.
F. Developing mastery After the activities are done, let the After the activities are done, let the How did you find the activity? How How did you find the activity? How
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
groups post their created problems groups post their created problems were you able to read and measure were you able to read and measure
from the given situations and let from the given situations and let the temperature? Discuss. the temperature? Discuss.
them follow the task below. them follow the task below. Emphasize that ◦C is read as “degree Emphasize that ◦C is read as “degree
Read the problem and ask the class Read the problem and ask the class Celsius” it is used to express Celsius” it is used to express
to solve the problem. to solve the problem. temperature. Discuss the difference temperature. Discuss the difference
Illustrate and solve the problem with Illustrate and solve the problem with between an alcohol and a digital between an alcohol and a digital
its solution. its solution. thermometer. thermometer.
Ask: How did you create problems? Ask: How did you create problems?
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under
concepts and skills in daily living Explore and Discover on page , LM Explore and Discover on page , LM
Explore and Discover on page _____ Explore and Discover on page _____
Math Grade 5. Math Grade 5.
of LM Math Grade 5 of LM Math Grade 5
H. Making generalizations and Ask the following questions: Ask the following questions: Ask the following questions: Ask the following questions:
abstractions about the lesson
What did you do to be able to create What did you do to be able to create What is a temperature? What is a temperature?
problems involving the volume of problems involving the volume of How can we measure temperature? How can we measure temperature?
cube and a rectangular prism? cube and a rectangular prism? What are the parts of a What are the parts of a
What are the steps in creating What are the steps in creating thermometer? thermometer?
problems? problems? What is the metric unit for What is the metric unit for
measuring temperature? measuring temperature?
I. Evaluating learning Let the pupils make problems Let the pupils make problems Ask the pupils to find the Ask the pupils to find the
involving the volume of a involving the volume of a temperature of the following. temperature of the following.
rectangular prism with rectangular prism with A kettle of water was made to boil A kettle of water was made to boil
corresponding answers based on the corresponding answers based on the for 5 minutes more than after it for 5 minutes more than after it
given situations. given situations. reached itsboiling point. What is the reached itsboiling point. What is the
In constructing a new building, a In constructing a new building, a temperature of the water? temperature of the water?
hole 4 m deep, 10 m wide, and 115 hole 4 m deep, 10 m wide, and 115 What is the room temperature if the What is the room temperature if the
m long was dug in the ground. m long was dug in the ground. red liquid (mercury) rose to 30◦ red liquid (mercury) rose to 30◦
A room is 15 m high, 4 m wide and A room is 15 m high, 4 m wide and above the freezing point? above the freezing point?
10 m long. 10 m long.
A bar of gold is 25 dm long, 3 dm A bar of gold is 25 dm long, 3 dm
wide, and 2 dm high. wide, and 2 dm high.
J. Additional activities for application Let the pupils create problems Let the pupils create problems Record your body temperature Record your body temperature
or remediation
involving volume, then provide involving volume, then provide every hour. every hour.
solutions. solutions.
Ana’s sewing box is 7 dm long, 4 dm Ana’s sewing box is 7 dm long, 4 dm
wide and 3 dm high. wide and 3 dm high.
An antique wooden chest is in the An antique wooden chest is in the
form of a cube. Its edge is 20 cm. form of a cube. Its edge is 20 cm.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area,
volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in volume and temperature in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives estimates the temperature(e.g. estimates the temperature(e.g. solves routine and non-routine solves routine and non-routine
Write the LC code for each inside the classroom). inside the classroom). problems involving temperature in problems involving temperature in
real-life situations real-life situations
M5ME-IVf-86 M5ME-IVf-86
M5ME-IVf-87 M5ME-IVf-87
B. Establishing a purpose for the Estimate the Temperature (e.g. Estimate the Temperature (e.g. Solves routine and non- routine Solves routine and non- routine
inside the classroom) inside the classroom) problems involving temperature in problems involving temperature in
real-life real-life
C. Presenting examples/instances of How do you know if you have a How do you know if you have a Give the temperature when the Give the temperature when the
the new lesson
fever? fever? liquid or digital thermometer is: liquid or digital thermometer is:
One has a fever if one’s body One has a fever if one’s body at the freezing point of water at the freezing point of water
temperature is above the normal temperature is above the normal 10◦C below the normal body 10◦C below the normal body
body temperature. The normal body temperature. The normal temperature temperature
body temperature is 37◦C? body temperature is 37◦C? 25◦C above the boiling point of 25◦C above the boiling point of
What will you do if one of the What will you do if one of the water water
members of your family has a fever? members of your family has a fever? between 30◦C to 40◦C between 30◦C to 40◦C
at the boiling point of water at the boiling point of water
D. Discussing new concepts and Present the situation to the class. Present the situation to the class. Show 2 glasses of water, one has Show 2 glasses of water, one has
practicing new skills #1
Mother wants to find out if her son Mother wants to find out if her son cold water and the other has hot cold water and the other has hot
Rommel has fever. She got her Rommel has fever. She got her
water. water.
thermometer and found out that the thermometer and found out that the
mercury level in the thermometer is mercury level in the thermometer is Let the pupils get the actual Let the pupils get the actual
at 38.5◦C, If the normal body at 38.5◦C, If the normal body
temperature of the 2 glasses of temperature of the 2 glasses of
temperature is 37.5◦C, how much temperature is 37.5◦C, how much
higher is her son’s temperature than higher is her son’s temperature than water. Record the results. water. Record the results.
the normal body temperature? the normal body temperature?
Ask: Which of 2 has a higher Ask: Which of 2 has a higher
Ask: What did Mother wants to find Ask: What did Mother wants to find temperature? lower temperature? temperature? lower temperature?
out? out? How much higher is the temperature How much higher is the temperature
What did she do? What did she do? of one glass than the other? of one glass than the other?
What kind of mother is she? What kind of mother is she? Valuing: Getting the actual Valuing: Getting the actual
Is your mother as kind as Rommel’s Is your mother as kind as Rommel’s temperature of one’s body is temperature of one’s body is
mother? mother? important. important.
Why is it important to know one’s Why is it important to know one’s Why should we read the Why should we read the
temperature? temperature? thermometer with accuracy? thermometer with accuracy?
Ask: What are the given facts? Ask: What are the given facts?
What is asked in the problem? What is asked in the problem?
What operation are you going to What operation are you going to
use? use?
Do we need the exact/ actual Do we need the exact/ actual
answer in the problem? answer in the problem?
What word/s suggests that we need What word/s suggests that we need
only to estimate? only to estimate?
E. Discussing new concepts and Say: Estimating is an educated Say: Estimating is an educated Present a problem opener. Present a problem opener.
practicing new skills #2
guess. There are times when an guess. There are times when an The weather report in one The weather report in one
newspaper predicted the lowest newspaper predicted the lowest
estimate is needed and not the estimate is needed and not the
temperature for the day to be 24◦C temperature for the day to be 24◦C
actual one. actual one. and the highest at 32◦C. What was and the highest at 32◦C. What was
the difference in the predicted the difference in the predicted
temperatures for that day? temperatures for that day?
Ask: How are you going to solve Ask: How are you going to solve
each problem? each problem?
F. Developing mastery Ask: How is estimation done in Ask: How is estimation done in Group the pupils into four learning Group the pupils into four learning
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
the solution we have in the the solution we have in the teams. Ask the groups to work teams. Ask the groups to work
problem? problem? together in together in
What was done first to the What was done first to the Solve for the answer to each Solve for the answer to each
numbers? numbers? problem. Give the learning teams problem. Give the learning teams
Then, what was cancelled in the Then, what was cancelled in the enough time to do the task. enough time to do the task.
rounded numbers? rounded numbers? Solution to Problem B : Using the 4- Solution to Problem B : Using the 4-
Then what was done next? Then what was done next? Step Plan Step Plan
Say : Now, let us compare the Say : Now, let us compare the Understand : Know what is asked : Understand : Know what is asked :
actual answer to the estimated one. actual answer to the estimated one. What was Marina’s temperature at 7 What was Marina’s temperature at 7
Ask: Are the difference the Ask: Are the difference the A.M.? A.M.?
same or different? same or different?
How near or far is the estimated How near or far is the estimated
answer to the actual one? answer to the actual one?
What will you do if the estimated What will you do if the estimated
answer is too large or small answer is too large or small 39.9◦C - 1.3◦C 39.9◦C - 1.3◦C
compared to compared to
the actual one? the actual one?
Say: There are times that the Say: There are times that the
estimated answer is too long or estimated answer is too long or
small if we round both the numbers small if we round both the numbers
to the highest place value. One way to the highest place value. One way
to make our estimated answer to make our estimated answer
reasonable or close to the exact reasonable or close to the exact
answer is by using answer is by using
compatible numbers. compatible numbers.
G. Finding practical applications of Let the pupils study Explore and Let the pupils study Explore and After all groups have presented their After all groups have presented their
concepts and skills in daily living
Discover on page ________of the Discover on page ________of the output, ask these questions. output, ask these questions.
LM Math Grade 4. Emphasize the LM Math Grade 4. Emphasize the How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity?
estimating of temperature. estimating of temperature. How were you able to find the How were you able to find the
answer to the problem? answer to the problem?
In how many ways were you able to In how many ways were you able to
arrive at the answer. arrive at the answer.
Discuss with the pupils the ways on Discuss with the pupils the ways on
how they were able to solve for the how they were able to solve for the
answer to answer to
The problems. ( Use the 4- step plan The problems. ( Use the 4- step plan
and illustrating a diagram) and illustrating a diagram)
Ask: Are there was by which you can Ask: Are there was by which you can
solve the given problems? solve the given problems?
The first problem is an example of a The first problem is an example of a
routine problem. Routine problem routine problem. Routine problem
solving concerns solving problems solving concerns solving problems
that are useful for daily living ( in the that are useful for daily living ( in the
present or future). present or future).
The second problem is an example The second problem is an example
of a non routine problem. Non of a non routine problem. Non
routine problem solving is mostly routine problem solving is mostly
concerned with developing pupil’s concerned with developing pupil’s
mathematical reasoning mathematical reasoning
power and fostering the power and fostering the
understanding that mathematics is a understanding that mathematics is a
creative endeavour. This
kind endeavour.
of problem helps the teacher toThis
kind ofand
the teacher
Using patterns, Working Backwards. Using patterns, Working Backwards.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to generalize as Lead the pupils to generalize as Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils to give the
abstractions about the lesson
follows. follows. generalization by asking generalization by asking
To estimate temperature, round the To estimate temperature, round the How do you solve routine and non- How do you solve routine and non-
number to the highest place value number to the highest place value
routine word problem solving routine word problem solving
and use compatible numbers for the and use compatible numbers for the
number to be estimated. This will number to be estimated. This will involving temperature in real life involving temperature in real life
make your estimated temperature make your estimated temperature
situation? situation?
reasonable. reasonable.
I. Evaluating learning Estimate the temperature. Give the Estimate the temperature. Give the Solve the following problems: Solve the following problems:
estimated sum or difference. estimated sum or difference.
3.5 ◦C higher than normal body 3.5 ◦C higher than normal body The recorded temperatures for 5 The recorded temperatures for 5
temperature temperature days were 21◦C, 27◦C, 29.2◦C,29.8◦C days were 21◦C, 27◦C, 29.2◦C,29.8◦C
10.5◦C below 0◦C 10.5◦C below 0◦C and 30◦C.What was the average and 30◦C.What was the average
Halfway between 78.6◦C and 80.2◦C Halfway between 78.6◦C and 80.2◦C temperature? temperature?
The sum of 32.4◦C and 33.8◦C The sum of 32.4◦C and 33.8◦C A freezer is set at 0◦C. Corina reset it A freezer is set at 0◦C. Corina reset it
The difference between 98.2◦C and The difference between 98.2◦C and to 8.5◦C. Did the temperature in the to 8.5◦C. Did the temperature in the
72.8◦C 72.8◦C freezer rise Or drop? By how many freezer rise Or drop? By how many
degree? degree?
J. Additional activities for application Estimate the temperature by Estimate the temperature by Solve the following problems; show Solve the following problems; show
or remediation
rounding method. rounding method. the solution in your notebook. the solution in your notebook.
36.2◦C 36.2◦C From the normal body temperature, From the normal body temperature,
43.7◦C 43.7◦C Joseph’s temperature rose by 2,5◦c Joseph’s temperature rose by 2,5◦c
19.25◦C 19.25◦C due to high fever. What is Joseph’s due to high fever. What is Joseph’s
29.2◦C 29.2◦C body temperature? body temperature?
18.6◦C 18.6◦C The temperature reading is 42◦C. It The temperature reading is 42◦C. It
changed to 53.5◦ how much changed to 53.5◦ how much
temperature was increased? temperature was increased?
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
GRADES 1 to 12 School Grade Level
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Areas
Teaching Dates and Time March 20-24, 2017 Quarter
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of area, is able to apply knowledge of area,
volume and temperature in volume and temperature in
mathematical problems and real-life mathematical problems and real-life
situations. situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
Write the LC code for each interprets data presented in interprets data presented in
different kinds of line graphs (single different kinds of line graphs (single
to double-line graph). to double-line graph).
M5SP-IVh-3.5 M5SP-IVh-3.5
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Conduct a review on interpreting Conduct a review on interpreting
presenting the new lesson
data presented in a bar graph. data presented in a bar graph.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Interprets data presented in Interprets data presented in
lesson different kinds of line graphs (single different kinds of line graphs (single
to double-line graph) to double-line graph)
C. Presenting examples/instances of How many of you are observant with How many of you are observant with
the new lesson
the day’s temperature? the day’s temperature?
Why does a weatherman inform us Why does a weatherman inform us
about temperature readings? about temperature readings?
Why do you think there is a need to Why do you think there is a need to
check the day’s temperature from check the day’s temperature from
time to time? time to time?
D. Discussing new concepts and Present a line graph with complete Present a line graph with complete
practicing new skills #1
parts and let the pupil interpret the parts and let the pupil interpret the
data. data.
Ask: Ask:
What are the parts of a line graph? What are the parts of a line graph?
Looking at the data, can you Looking at the data, can you
interpret what is presented by the interpret what is presented by the
graph? How? graph? How?
How does a line graph help in data How does a line graph help in data
presentation? presentation?
Is it important to have an accurate Is it important to have an accurate
data? Why? data? Why?
E. Discussing new concepts and Group the pupils into five. Group the pupils into five.
practicing new skills #2
Give activity sheets involving line Give activity sheets involving line
graph to each group for graph to each group for
interpretation. interpretation.
Ask each group to work together in Ask each group to work together in
interpreting the data on the graph. interpreting the data on the graph.
Once finished, the assign member Once finished, the assign member
will post their work on the board will post their work on the board
and discuss their answer. and discuss their answer.
F. Developing mastery Each group will present their Each group will present their
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
interpretation of the graph. Then interpretation of the graph. Then
ask: ask:
How did you find the activity? How did you find the activity?
How were you able to interpret the How were you able to interpret the
graph? graph?
Discuss with the pupils how to use Discuss with the pupils how to use
the data to interpret the graph. the data to interpret the graph.
G. Finding practical applications of Discuss the presentation under Discuss the presentation under
concepts and skills in daily living
Explore and Discover on pages ___of Explore and Discover on pages ___of
LM Math Grade V. LM Math Grade V.
Have the pupilswork on items under Have the pupilswork on items under
Get Moving and the items under Get Moving and the items under
Keep Moving on pages ____, LM Keep Moving on pages ____, LM
Math Grade 5. Check the pupil’s Math Grade 5. Check the pupil’s
answers. answers.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to give the Lead the pupils to give the
abstractions about the lesson
generalization of the lesson by generalization of the lesson by
asking: What are the parts of a line asking: What are the parts of a line
graph? Why is it useful? How do we graph? Why is it useful? How do we
interpret data presented on a line interpret data presented on a line
graph? graph?
I. Evaluating learning Study the line graph, and then Study the line graph, and then
answer the question below. answer the question below.
What is the title of the graph? What is the title of the graph?
How many mangoes were harvested How many mangoes were harvested
for the first two weeks? for the first two weeks?
In what week was there the greatest In what week was there the greatest
amount of harvest? amount of harvest?
What is the least amount of mango What is the least amount of mango
harvested? harvested?
What is the total amount of harvest What is the total amount of harvest
for six weeks? for six weeks?
J. Additional activities for application Make a bar graph on your own. Make a bar graph on your own.
or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation