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Audit Checklist

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ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions- (for initial Audit methods and

20000- item no level system Expected evidences

1:2011 implemented <1 year)
4 4.1 Service Management
4.1.1 101 Management Has the management Look for the date of
commitment -Service established a service release of policy,
Policy, scope policy and objectives? authorisation, evidences
of wide publicity
102 Objectives for service Are objectives derived Look for function/dept
management from the service policy? wise objectives. Check for
a review that objectives
are current and address
the various elements of
103 communicating the How well has the Take the channels of
importance of communication on service communication (web site,
fulfilling service policy been done? notice boards) and look
requirements for the impact. You may
ask 3 persons , preferably
those who have joined
recently and ascertain the
reach of the
104 communicating the What are the means of same as above
importance of communicating the
fulfilling statutory regulatory and legal
and legal requirements ?
105 ensuring provision of How does the top Check annual budget and
resources management provide the allocations made for
adequate resources for improvements related to
the establishment of a service delivery and
service management customer satisfaction.
system ?
106 conducting Have the management check the Minutes of
management reviews reviews been conducted Meeting and the presence
as required by the of top management
manual? among attendees. check
for actions.
107 Ensuring risks are How well the process of Is there a risk assessment
assessed and risk assessment been system for each service in
managed deployed? place?
4.1.2 111 Establishment of Has the service policy Check with people how
service policy as per a been reviewed for well they understand the
to e adequacy? In what policy and how they have
periodicity is it reviewed? internalised it in their
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions- (for initial Audit methods and
20000- item no level system Expected evidences
1:2011 implemented <1 year)
4.1.3 121 Defining authorities Is the present Select a few aspects of
and responsibilities organisation chart service management like
comprehensive enough to Information security and
include all responsibilities check whether the roles
as envisaged by the have been clearly defined.
standard? Look for all locations and
check for overlaps and

122 documented Is a documented Check for the instances in

procedure for procedure for internal which the procedure has
communication communication available? been deployed. Like
appointment of MR or
internal audit schedule.
4.1.4 131 Appointment of MR Has the MR been Look for the appointment
appointed from the letter and check whether
internal staff? the role is reporting is to
the top management.
132 MR's work (see a to Does MR have the Take two or three areas
e) required mandate to carry from standard like a)
out his/her planning of internal audits
responsibilities as defined b) reports to top
in the standard? management on
implementation of
standard or c) the status
of licenses for software
products used as part of
service delivery

4.2 133 Governance of How is the Governance Check that the a) service
processes under process led by top providers and vendor
others ( see a to d) management? Which are selection mechanism
the internal groups and exists b) vendors have
vendors who are covered defined the service
by the Governance delivery processes c)
process currently? accountability exists for
processes. This has to
overlap with cl no 7.2for
external suppliers and 6.1
for internal groups.
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions- (for initial Audit methods and
20000- item no level system Expected evidences
1:2011 implemented <1 year)
4.3.1 141 Establishing and is there a master list of Check a few entries in
maintaining documents? Are the master list verify with
documents release of documents actual documents , and
done after due approval? check a few documents
Is there a system for and trace it to the master
version control? list for correct version.

4.3.2 151 Control of Is there a procedure for Take some key documents
Documents- control of documents and like Service level
Procedure is it followed? agreements or service
catalogues and check for
all aspects of conformance
to documents control

4.3.3 161 Control of Records- Is there a procedure for Take some key records like
procedure control of records and is it back up records or audit
followed? reports and check for all
aspects of conformance to
4.4.1 171 Determination of How timely the resources Take a few resource
resources and are provided to enable requests from associates
provision the company to improve like requirement for
service management software and check that
system and customer they have been approved
satisfaction? depending on priority.
Note any case of customer
dissatisfaction due to
inadequacy in provision of

4.4.2 181 Competency Is there a process for Check for 10% (20 which
determination for determining the ever is lesser) of the key
personnel competency of existing resources across functions
people and providing the that competencies are
necessary training (or mapped and if there are
taking other actions) to gaps, actions are taken.
improve them?

182 Training for people is there a structured plan Take the training
for training people and is plan/calendar and check
it well deployed for the successful
completion of
programmes, nominations
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions-( for initial Audit methods and
20000- item no level system Expected evidences
1:2011 implemented< 1 year)

183 evaluation of How does the Take a few training

effectiveness of management evaluate the programmes conducted
training effectiveness of the recently and check for the
training programmes ( or evaluation of
other actions taken)? effectiveness. If the HR or
L&D dept has any other
actions like mentoring or
on the job training
intended to improve
competencies those also
are to be checked for

184 ensuring awareness How does the Check with a few

of the service management ensure that associates about their
management all the associates and awareness of Service
service providers are policy and objectives and
aware of the Service about the understanding
management objectives of their role in service
and contribute to them? management system.

185 Maintaining records What are the records check the training records
maintained to and also the updating of
demonstrate the other personnel records
achievement of skills by for the competencies they
training, education and had gained recently.
other actions?

4.5.1 191 scope definition of Scope should cover Check the scope for its
SMS location of customers , comprehensiveness and
location wherefrom for any change made
service is delivered and recently.
the technology used.
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions- (for initial Audit methods and
20000- item no level system Expected evidences
1:2011 implemented <1 year)
4.5.2 201 service management In an organisation which is For IT organisations which
plan see a to l a captive IT dept their are providing services to
service Quality manual will market at large, look for
be adequate as a service key customers who
management plan but for account for significant
IT organisations which are revenue and check
providing services to the whether service
world at large the service management system has
management plan is been customised (like in
required to be existing. incident management) to
suit their priorities.
4.5.3 211 Operation of SMS as For the captive IT In the IT organisation
per a to f organisation, this is which is providing services
audited as a part of to market at large, look
auditing other for key customers and
requirements of standard. check atleast two aspects
For IT organisations which from a to l (like limitations
are providing services to of meeting SLAs, risk
market at large, how well management , technology
these aspects a to f are in terms of customisation)
understood from
customers and
customised? 221 Internal audit Are internal audits Look for the internal audit
conducted as per plan? schedules and check for
competence of auditors,
timely completion of
audits and filing of
reports. 231 Management review are management reviews Look for action points in
conducted as per plan ? management reviews and
check whether they are
acted upon by attendees
and others. Check
whether the agenda is
up to date. 241 Management of Is there a service Check that the service
Improvements. improvement plan (or improvement plans are
plans?) updated with latest
incidents or NCRs and
other inputs for
improving the service
management system.
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions-( for initial level Audit methods and
20000- item no system implemented< 1 Expected evidences
1:2011 year)
5 Design and transition
of new or changed
5.2 301 Plan new services How the planning for Take a service which is
Introduction see a to introduction of a new changed or a service which
j- service go on? is new and check whether
302 Plan for changed how the planning has been the planning activities are
service introduction done for changed service? demonstrated. New means
see a to j -make a the service spec is different
demo plan and change means that the
scope is changed. Planning
will be evident in a.
timelines 2. Project plan. 3.
Review meetings. 4. Team
formation. 5. Finalising the
requirements and
validation criteria.
303 Plan for removal of How is the planning done Take any instance of
service for removal of service? Or removal of a service or
incase of transitioning to transitioning to others and
other service providers? check whether the removal
was done according to a
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions-( for initial level Audit methods and
20000- item no system implemented< 1 Expected evidences
1:2011 year)
5.3 311 Service specification How is design and Design and development
apply a to k development of service of service is seen as the
selectively carried out? preparation of service
specs ie what customers
can expect at their
interfaces and service
delivery specs ie what are
the elements designed to
be in place like the
availability of server. Take
any one new service and
check how the service
specs are developed .
these include SLAs,
response time for tickets ,
criticality of backups, BCP
312 Service Delivery Take the same two new
specification (apply a services changed or new
to k selectively) and check whether the
service delivery specs
which are consisting of
those elements about
which customer is not
aware but at the same
time are important for
customer satisfaction.
These could be people , IT
infrastructure or
communication link.
313 Quality Control Take any elements which
Specification are hardware or material
which go to augment the
service and check whether
they are inspected .
5.4 321 Transition of How does the organisation take any service and check
new/changed service verify the service before it whether the team verified
is launched? the service with service
spec and service delivery
spec for a planned period
and then released the
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions-( for initial Audit methods and
20000- item no level system Expected evidences
1:2011 implemented< 1 year)
6 Service level
6.1 401 Catalogue of Is the service catalogue Check whether the
services available? catalogue is updated with
the latest changes in
service specifications
402 SLAs for each service Are SLAS documented for
each service individually? Check the tracking of SLAs.
403 Reviews of SLAs with Are these SLAs being What is the frequency in
customer reviewed with customer? which SLAs are reported ?
Who in customer's side
participates in the reviews?
404 Trends of what are the trends ? are Take a few services and go
performances targets for the SLAs through last six months
against targets available? trends check whether the
trends have been analysed
for instability.
405 causal analyses of How instances of non Check whether in instances
non conformities conformities in meeting of failure to meet SLAs
SLAs are dealt with? causal analysis have been
carried out.
406 Review of other How are other groups' check whether the
groups' performances reviewed? performance of other
performances groups which contribute to
the service are monitored
regularly. In case of gaps,
do the findings trigger
some SIPs?
6.2 411 Service report for How does the IT report Select two services and
each service about the status of its two months and go
service to the customers? through to see whether the
report contained all
relevant information. Like
backlogs, incidents, risks
and workload changes. .
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions-( for initial Audit methods and
20000- item no level system Expected evidences
1:2011 implemented< 1 year)
6.3 Service continuity
and availability

6.3.1 421 service continuity how has the IT team Check for mission critical
requirements collected the services how service
requirements for service continuity requirements
continuity? have been collected.
These include helpdesks,
ticket resolution teams etc
422 service availability How has the IT team Check for mission critical
requirements collected the and other projects how
requirements for service availability requirements
availability?? for service components
like data communication
or mail servers are
6.3.2 431 service continuity what is the plan for service Check whether a BCP
plan continuity and availability (business continuity plan )
? is available which states
the strategy in case of
432 service availability Check for BCP plan and
plan check whether availability
of link etc is available by
providing redundancy.
6.3.3 441 service continuity How are the continuity Check BCP drill schedule
testing and plans getting tested? and how are they carried
monitoring out in the last two
months. Check whether
reviews are taken after
drills and whether the
reports trigger SIPs
442 service availability How are availability plans Check whether
testing and getting tested? redundancy has been
monitoring tested in case of achieving
100% availability
6.4 451 Procedures for what are the procedures Check whether budget
budgeting and for cost accounting and includes key aspects of
accounting monitoring budgets? service like renewal of
license, payments to
external service providers
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions-( for initial Audit methods and
20000- item no level system Expected evidences
1:2011 implemented< 1 year)
6.5 461 Capacity How is the capacity being Look for capacity plan for
management planned in advance? the current year and take
two aspects eg expected
impact of revised SLAs and
forecasted demand for
services and check
whether capacity plan
addresses the same.
6.6.1 471 Information security Is there an information Does the security policy
policy security policy? address the concern of
stakeholders and define a
methodical approach? Has
it been communicated to
472 Risk Management Is the approach to Look for risk registers for
security risk management IT assets.
defined ?

6.6.2 473 Physical security What are the physical Take two areas like data
controls on premises security controls? centre and check whether
physical security controls
are complied with.
474 Security Objectives Are these objectives for IT Check whether IT security
security? objectives are understood
. Are they being
475 controls on external Are controls defined for Choose one or two
organisations external organisations external organisations and
who are involved in look for agreements and
service delivery? implementation of IT
security controls.
6.6.3 476 change request How are security risks Go through some change
analysis analysed for changes requests to check whether
proposed? these changes have been
evaluated from security
point of view
477 Incidents register Is there a system for Check the incident register
registering security for security incidents and
incidents? their resolution.
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions-( for initial Audit methods and
20000- item no level system Expected evidences
1:2011 implemented< 1 year)
7 Relationship
7.1 501 Account manager Are designated account For key customers check
allocation list managers available for whether an individual has
key customers? been designated to
ensure customer
502 Review of what is the system for Is periodicity for reviews
performance with performance review with defined? Are the reviews
customers customers? taking place as per the
defined periodicity?
503 complaint How does the Check whether the
management organisation manage its complaints are recorded,
process complaints? Is there a investigated and acted
documented procedure? upon. Check for two
Is there an agreement complaints the entire
with customer on what is process up to closure.
a complaint? Check whether the
complaints have
triggered a SIP.
7.2 511 List of account Are designated account Check whether the
managers (supplier managers for key organisation as
wise) suppliers available? designated individuals
who are responsible for
managing relationship
and contract with key
512 contract of service Does organisation have a Take two contracts and
documented contract check whether important
with each supplier? aspects (out of 7.2.a to l)
like workload, SLAs,
reporting etc are defined.
513 relationship of lead are the relationship Check whether the lead
to subcontracted between lead supplier suppliers have sub
suppliers and the sub supplier contracts and in that case
documented? check whether the
relationship is clearly
defined like back to back
514 monitoring of the How does the check whether the
performance of organisation monitor the performance of suppliers
suppliers performance of is reviewed regularly.
suppliers? Is here a Check whether the
documented procedure results of reviews are
for resolving disputes? getting recorded for SIPs
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions-( for initial Audit methods and
20000- item no level system Expected evidences
1:2011 implemented< 1 year)
8 Resolution

8.1 Incident and service


8.1 601 procedure for Is there a documented Take a few service

dealing with service procedure for dealing incidents and track as per
incidents with incident the requirements a to g.
management ? Does it check whether customers
define major and minor kept informed about the
service incidents? status of resolution of
incident are major
incidents reviewed and
taken up for
improvement through
602 Procedure for Is there a documented Track two service
dealing with service procedure for dealing requests whether they
requests with service request ? have been dealt with as
per the procedure
8.2 611 Procedure for is there a documented Problems are causes for
problem procedure for resolution major incidents or
management management? repeated minor
incidents/chronic service
requests. Check two of
the above and look for a
problem solving process
in place to prevent their
recurrence. Look for
effectiveness by tracking
the incidents post
resolution. Look for
KEDB. (Known error data
ISO Checklist Brief Description Questions-( for initial Audit methods and
20000- item no level system Expected evidences
1:2011 implemented< 1 year)
9 Control processes
9.1 701 Configuration Is there a documented Check for list of CIs .
management procedure for Whether each CI is
configuration uniquely identified and
management? recorded in a CMDB.
Check whether the
organisation is auditing
the CMDB regularly.
702 Configuration How are changes to CIs check traceability of CIs.
management-CMDB handled? Are master copies of CIs
recorded in CMDB stored
in secure physical
9.2 711 Change is there a documented Are change requests
Management- procedure for change handled according to
change requests management? procedure?
712 Emergency changes How does the Check whether the
organisation handle organisation has agreed
emergency changes? about what is an
emergency change with
713 Change management Check whether the Check whether the
- Deploying the deployment of changes is approved changes are
changes taking place as per the developed and tested. Is
procedure. schedule of changes
available with dates for
deployment? Are
unsuccessful changes
investigated? Do such
investigations lead to
9.3 721 Release and Has the organisation check whether the plan
Deployment Policy formulated a release for new releases are done
policy? with agreement of
722 definition of Is emergency release Check what constitutes an
emergency release defined? Is there a emergency release and
documented procedure? whether they are handled
according to the
723 monitoring success How does the Check whether the
and failure of release organisation monitor lessons learnt from
success or failure of its failures are documented
releases? and are taken up for
service improvement .
Abbreviations used in checklist:

1. CMDB Configuration management data base

2. CI- Configuration item
3. ISO – International organisation for standardisation
4. MR- Management Representative
5. SIP- Service Improvement plan.
6. SLA- Service level agreement.
7. SMS- Service Management system
8. For all terms used, definitions are as per clause no 3 of the ISO 20000-1:2011 standard.


For information on conduct of Internal audits, Please refer to ISO 19011. The above checklist is
intended only for organisations which are at the start of the journey of implementation. Hence, the
auditors need to spend more time even in questions related to the documentation part of the
system. As the organisations mature, such questions are not essential and instead auditor can spend
more time in checking effectiveness.

In checklist, time allocation is not given and it is expected that the auditors customise the checklist in
terms of the time allocation for individual areas.

Author Profile:

C P Chandrasekaran is a practising Quality management consultant and an empanelled third party

auditor for IT organisations. He has about 15 years experience in Quality system consulting and
auditing. He lives in Pune, India and his email address is cpchandrasekaran@gmail.com

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