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How to Design and Optimize Sieve Trays

Key Process Considerations for Pipeline Design Basis

How Does Cycles Increase in Cooling Towers Save Money?

Chernobyl Lessons in Process Safety

Adding Value to the Crude Oil –

Distillation Process Unit


International Association of Certified Practicing Engineers provides a standard of pro-
PRACTICE fessional competence and ethics. Identifies and recognizes those individuals that have
meet the standard. And requires our members to participate in continuing education
programs for personal and professional development.
In additional to insuring a professional level of competency and ethics the IACPE fo-
cuses on three major areas of development for our members: Personal, Professional,
and Networking.
The International Association of ertified Practicing Engineers concept was ormulat-
ed by he any oung professionals and students e eet during our careers
working n the field, running training courses, and lecturing at universities.
During question and answer sessions we found the single most common question
was: What else can I do to further my career?
We found, depending on the persons avail able time and finances, and very often de-
pendent on the country in which the person was from, the options to further ones
career were not equal.
Many times we found the options available to our tudents in developing countries
oo costly and or provided too little of value in an expanding global business

The reality is that most of our founders come from countries that require rigor-
ous academic standards at four year universities in order to achieve an engineering
degree. Then, after obtaining this degree, they complete even stricter government
and state examinations to obtain their professional censes in order to join profes-
sional organizations. They have been fforded he opportunity o continue heir
personal and professional development with many affordable schools, programs, and
professional organizations. The IACPE did not see those same opportunities for every-
one in every country.
So we set out to design and build an association dedicated to supporting those engi-
neers in developing in emerging economies.
The IACPE took input from industry leaders, academic professors, and students
from Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. The goal was to build an organiza-
tion that would validate a candidates engineering fundamentals, prove their
individuals skills, and enhance their networking ability. We wanted to do this
in a way that was cost effective, time conscience, and utilized the latest technologies.


Based on engineering first principles and practical real world applications our curricu-
lum has been vetted by academic and industry professionals. Through rigorous study
and examination, candidates are able to prove their knowledge and experience. This
body of certified professionals engineers will become a network of industry profes-
sionals leading continuous improvement and education with improved ethics.

To become a globally recognized association for certification of professional engineers.

How to... SIEVE TRAY

How to design and optimize Sieve Trays
Part 1
Dr.-Ing. Volker Engel

Tower trays and internals are the heart of all distillation Sieve trays have been used for about a hundred
columns. Their design is an essential part of a process years and are therefore one of the best studied
engineer’s task and determines the process reliability tray type. They can be easily adapted to different
and economy. design scenarios (flow rates) using different perfo-
This article is the start of a series on different kinds of rations, they do not require any special tool in
trays and internals. production and thus are inexpensive to manu-
On a distillation tray vapor enters liquid and forms
On the downside they are quite susceptible to
a two phase regime (bubbling, froth, spray). The
bumps and non-level installation. As the gas flow
tray types differ mainly in the way the vapor gets
passes vertically through sieve holes and froth
into the liquid. For Sieve Trays (also called Perforated
layer, the sieve tray tends more to jet flooding
Trays) the vapor enters through horizontal round
compared to other tray types at the same load.
holes in the tray deck panels.
The perforation hole diameters of common sieve

Fig. 1: Qualitative Operation Diagram for Sieve Trays


trays (for atmospheric applications and standard effects you will have to look at: entrainment, head
physical properties) usually reaches from 5 to loss at downcomer exit (clearance), flow regime,
12.7mm, the relative free area (hole area per ac- throw width over weir (anti-jump baffles), hydrau-
tive area) is about 5 to 15% and the resulting total lic gradients, downcomer residence time, efficien-
pressure drop per tray is advantageously low, cy, sealing, construction issues, statics, …
about 5 to 8mbar. The tray spacing is usually not
Please note, that all free suppliers’ software only
less than 400mm. Please note, that small holes are
show a limited number of these parameters and
preferable due to hydraulic reasons, but higher in
therefore are not save to use for design, rating
fabrication costs. Do not use hole diameters less
and troubleshooting of trays. For save design you
than the material thickness, as they are difficult to
should be able to calculate all parameters! (ref. to
As always, there are exceptions to these rules of
In the following sections, all nine parameter
thumb. There are cryogenic applications with hole
curves of Fig. 1 are described. Each suggested ac-
diameters less than 1mm, cartridge towers with
tion for preventing a certain effect may result in
tray spacings of 300mm and wash trays with a
fertilizing another. The main task for designing
relative open area of about 3%.
trays is to balance these different and contra-
The turndown of sieve trays is significant less than dicting effects.
that of valve trays.
1 System Flood FFSF
The Operating Area of a sieve tray is defined by
There is a system limit set by the superficial vapor
different limits. In Fig. 1 a qualitative operation
velocity in the tower. When the vapor velocity
diagram is shown. Please note, that the position
exceeds the settling velocity of liquid droplets
and shape of all curves depend on the physical
(„Stokes Law Criterion“), vapor lifts and takes
data, the tray geometry and the gas/liquid load.
much of the liquid with it. A well known model
Each curve can be limiting!
was published by STUPIN AND KISTER 2003.
The Operation Point ( Op in Fig. 1) of the under-
This flooding effect cannot be reduced by use of
standing, Jet Flood describes any liquid design case
other tray types or by increasing tray spacing.
(as well as the minimum and maximum load) has
The only way is to enlarge the vapor cross sec-
to stay inside all limiting curves. For stable opera-
tion area (e.g. enlarging tower diameter or reduce
tion and good efficiency there is a useful opera-
downcomer area).
tion area with narrower limits (e.g. 80%-FFCF and
85%-FFJF curves). Jet Flood FFJF 2

The first step for analyzing a design is – of course There are several definitions in literature for the
– calculating all relevant parameters. For a sieve so called Jet Flood. Similar definitions are Entrain-
tray design there are nine main parameters shown ment Flood, Massive Entrainment, Two- Phase Flood
as curves in Fig. 1. These parameters are dis- or Priming. For practical understanding, Jet Flood
cussed in this article. There are some additional describes any liquid carried to the tray

Aerated Downcomer Backup FFAF 4

above by the gas stream. This leads to a shortcut
recycling of the liquid with loss of tray efficiency,
This limiting curve is also known as Downcomer
additional pressure drop and additional down-
Backup Flood. It describes the (aerated) backup of
comer load. For good tray performance, the Jet
the downcomer due to pressure drop effects. It is
Flood value should be less than 75-80%.
important to not mix this up with the
You can reduce Jet Flood by
Choke-Flood-effects (ref. to 8).
a. lowering the gas velocity (higher open area,
The level of the liquid in the downcomer is the
i.e. more holes, larger holes)
result of (i) head loss at the clearance, (ii) the liq-
b. enlarging the tray spacing uid height on the outlet deck, (iii) an inlet weir (if
present) and (iv) the pressure drop of the tray
c. lowering the froth height on the tray deck (by
itself. All these effects can be expressed by “hot
reducing weir height or weir crest height)
liquid height”. This resulting level in the down-
d. enlarging the active area (i.e. the gas flow ar-
comer has to compensate these effects! Taking
ea) by sloping the downcomers
into account the aeration of the liquid in the
e. using push valves (there are special push downcomer, the level has to be less than tray
valves which are used in sieve tray designs) spacing plus weir height.

3 Pressure Drop To reduce a high aerated Downcomer Backup

In most cases there is specified a maximum allow- value:

able pressure drop of a tower (e.g. vacuum appli- a. reduce the pressure drop of the tray (ref. to
cations). You have to ensure that the pressure 3)
drop per tray does not exceed a certain value.
b. reduce the head loss of the clearance (use
This leads to a limiting curve within the operation
higher clearance height or radius lips or re-
cessed seal pans in case of insufficient sealing)
To reduce the pressure drop of a design, you can
c. avoid inlet weirs
a. lower the gas velocity by enlarging the hole
Please note, that it is no option to enlarge the
area (the pressure drop is directly propor-
downcomer area to reduce this flooding effect!
tional to the square of the gas velocity!)
5 Blowing
b. use smaller holes (based on the same absolute
The effect of running a tray deck dry is called
hole area, small holes have a lower pressure
Blowing. It occurs at low froth height and/or high
drop than larger ones)
gas load. The Blowing effect has to be taken into
c. lower the froth height on the tray deck (by
account particularly at low liquid loads – at high
reducing weir height or weir crest height)
gas load other effects are more limiting.
d. enlarge the active area (for more holes) by
To visualize this effect one can imagine that the
reducing the downcomer area or sloping the
two-phase layer is separated from the panel and
carried upwards.

To prevent Blowing, you can more than 9 m³/m/h. In case of low weir loads
a. enlarge the two-phase layer (by increasing you will normally have to consider gasketing the
outlet weir height or by using picket fence / tray to avoid any leakage and loss of liquid.
blocked weirs) To ensure these minimum values, you can use
b. reduce the flow path length a. notched weirs
c. enlarge the hole diameter (at same absolute b. blocked weirs
hole area)
Choke Flood 8
Weeping 6
The maximum liquid throughput of a down- com-
Weeping describes liquid raining through the sieve er is limited by the liquid velocity and the effect of
holes. The weeping rate tells you the ratio of liq- overload (so called Choke Flood). The maximum
uid flow lost by weeping. Since the weeping liquid allowable liquid velocity in the down- comer de-
leads to an uneven distribution on the active area pends on the density ratio of gas to liquid, the tray
(danger of gas break-through, unsealing of down- spacing and the system factor. (The system factor
comer, cross flow channeling), weeping rates describes the difficulty of phase separation. For
should be less than 10% and should not occur on common applications it is 1.0.) The most popular
design load. downcomer choke flooding calculation was pub-
Liquid raining through the hole changes all other lished by GLITSCH 1993.
liquid loads on the tray (weir crest height, down- Another effect of Choke Flood at center and off-
comer backup height, froth height, ...). center downcomers is initiated by the mutual in-
To reduce Weeping you have to terference of the two liquid flows into the down-
reduce the liquid head on the tray deck comer.
(by reducing outlet weir height or weir crest To prevent downcomer Choke Flood you have to
height) a. enlarge the downcomer area
reduce the hole diameter (small holes resist bet- b. implement more flow passes (with in sum an-
ter) overall higher downcomer area)
enlarge the gas velocity in sieve holes (by reducing c. enlarge the tray spacing (if limiting)
sieve hole area) d. install anti-jump baffles for center / off-center
7 Minimum Weir Load

The uniform thickness of the two-phase layer is

9 Maximum Weir Load

essential for the successful operation of a tray. The maximum liquid flow handled by a down-
This applies even more to a sieve tray than to comer can also be limited by the weir.
other tray types. To achieve this uniform flow, the If the weir crest exceeds 37mm or the weir load
tray panels have to be in level and the outlet weir 120 m³/m/h, the liquid will not enter the down-
has to be installed accurately. comer properly.
To compensate small tolerances, the weir crest To prevent overload of the weir, you have to ex-
should be higher than 3mm and the weir load tend the weir length by

a. larger downcomers with longer weirs (or References

multichordal downcomers) Glitsch Ballast Tray Design Manual. Bulletin 4900,
b. more flow passes 6th edition, Dallas 1993
c. swept back weirs at the side downcomers
Koziol, A.: Untersuchung zum Durchregnen in
Conclusion Siebbodenkolonnen mit Überlauf, Chem.-Ing.-
There are multiple limiting effects that have to be Tech. 62(1990) Nr. 10, p. 864-865
considered at the design and operation of sieve
trays. Sieve trays can be adjusted very well to a Lockett, M. J.: Distillation tray fundamentals, Cam-
certain design point (the pressure drop is often bridge University Press, New York, 1986
better than for “modern” solutions), just their
operation area is not as flexible as for valve tray Colwell, Charles J.: Clear Liquid Height and Froth
designs and the Jet Flood is not as good as that for Density on Sieve Trays. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process
valve trays. Des. Dev. 1981, 20, p. 298-307

Sieve trays are rarely suggested by suppliers, be- Stichlmair, J.; Bravo, J. L.; Fair, J. R.: General Model
cause they are no proprietary solutions. for Prediction of Pressure Drop and Capacity of
Countercurrent Gas/Liquid Packed Columns, Gas
About the Author Separation & Purification (1989) 3; p. 19-28
Volker Engel studied process engineering at the
Technical University of Munich and did his Ph.D. Stupin, W.J.; Kister, H.Z.: System Limit: The ulti-
thesis on packed columns with Prof. Johann G. mate capacity of fractionators, Chem.Eng.Res.Des.
Stichlmair. Since 1998 he has been the managing 81, January (2003), p. 136-146
director of WelChem Process Technology GmbH
and head of the TrayHeart software. TrayHeart WelChem Process Technology: TrayHeart Soft-
has developed into a state-of-the-art design tool ware. Tower Internals Calculation Software. Inter-
for trays and internals in process technology. net: www.welchem.com; Info: ser-

Key Process Considerations for Pipeline

Design Basis
Jayanthi Vijay Sarathy, M.E, CEng, MIChemE, Chartered Chemical Engineer, IChemE, UK

Prior to venturing into an oil & gas pipeline project, operations, slack flow is a situation where due to
the project team would require a design basis, the elevational & pipeline pressure drops, a por-
based on which the project is to proceed. Oil & tion of the hydrocarbon experiences pressure
Gas Pipeline design begins with a route survey in- below its vapour pressure. As a result, a portion
cluding engineering & environmental assessments. of the liquid vaporizes & reaches the high points
The following document provides a few key consid- in the pipeline. Upon restarting the pipeline, the
erations for process engineers to keep in mind, the vapour pockets experience a compressive rise in
factors that matter when preparing a pipeline de- pressure due to the upstream & downstream liq-
sign basis from a process standpoint. uid pockets, only to collapse & release energy that
can rupture pipelines.
1. Well Production Data/Profile
Reid vapour pressures are critical to liquid petro-
Well production profiles are required as this deter-
leum pipeline design, since the pipeline must main-
mines the size of the pipeline required to transport
tain pressures greater than the Reid vapour pres-
volume/time of fluid. Gases are highly compressible
sure of the material in order to keep the material
and cannot be treated the same as liquids such as,
in a liquid state. Pipelines that handle finished
crude oils & petroleum distillates. The operating
products are preferred to be operated with single
pressures & temperatures are required to be
phase flow regime & fully filled pipes. This ensures
known as they determine the design conditions of
there is no scope for volatilization that reduces
the pipeline.
the scope for fire hazards.
2. Fluid Physical Properties
3. Pumping Costs
The physical properties of the materials being
Viscous fluids require more power to deliver re-
transported dictate the design and operating pa-
quired motive force to the hydrocarbons to
rameters of the pipeline. Specific gravity, compress-
transport them across the pipeline. Waxy crudes
ibility, kinematic & dynamic viscosity, pour point,
can be pumped below their pour point However
and vapour pressure of the material are the prima-
if the flow is stopped, for e.g., after a pipeline
ry considerations. The pour point of a liquid is the
shutdown, the energy required to restart the
temperature at which it ceases to pour. The pour
pipeline would be much higher than what was re-
point for oil can be determined under protocols
quired to keep it flowing. Pipelines also suffer
set forth in the ASTM Standard D-97.
from the formation of hydrates & asphaltenes.
In general, crude oils have high pour points. When Waxes can form crystalline structures that tend
transported hydrocarbons operate below their to agglomerate & is referred to as gelling.
pour point, auxiliary measures such as heating, di-
Gelling is also a phenomenon that is found in
luting with lighter hydrocarbons that are miscible &
storage tanks in production facilities where the
allows lowering the viscosity & pour point temper-
fluid sits motionless for hours or even days, re-
ature, mixing with water to allow the waxes to
sulting in operational difficulties. Hence to attend
slide through the pipe walls, or modifying the
to these limitations, pour point estimation be-
chemical composition of the hydrocarbon. It is to
comes vital to determine if external heating is
be noted that, in the case of finished products,
required. In some cases, if the waxy crude does
(e.g., gas oil or Jet A1 fuel), many of the auxiliary
not gel enough, it can get transported to the
measures like addition of water or mixing with
pump where shear forces & rise in temperature
lighter hydrocarbons becomes infeasible, since they
allow the waxy crudes to stay above the pour
affect the product specification.
Vapour Pressure of a liquid is its capacity to vapor-
ize/evaporate into its gaseous phase. In pipeline

4. Thermal Stresses 6. Max Hydro Test & Leak Pressure Test

Petroleum pipelines are normally buried unless lo- The maximum allowable operating pressure
cal regulation prevents them. To do so, trenches [MAOP] is taken as 90% of the design pressure &
are dug & are laid below grade/frost line level. Such for an 8 hour minimum test pressure, the hydro
measures also provide the advantage of maintaining test pressure is based on the location class and
relatively constant temperature in line with the maximum test pressure becomes the lower value
ambient/season soil temperature, thereby ensuring of 8 hour minimum test pressure & test pressure
the pipeline expansion does not occur to the point at low point. The leak test pressure is taken as
of deflection. Expansion joints as well as in some 80% of the design pressure. Liquid Pipelines are
cases, trenches are dug extra wide to accommo- quite prone to surge/liquid hammering. For this
date any lateral movement. In case of river cross- reason at the design stage itself, a surge analysis is
ings, the pipeline is to be laid above ground. In lo- conducted to ensure, the pipeline can withstand
cations that are prone to landslides, buried pipe- surge at 110% of the MAOP/design pressure.
lines option is preferred to avoid direct impact of
7. Valve Spacing
rock structures. But this does not necessarily mean
buried pipelines are free from structural damage, Pipelines need valves to placed & spaced taking
since the weight of the soil/rock structures depos- into consideration – Rapid Isolation/Shutdown of
ited above the pipeline can also crush the buried pipeline sections to minimize inventory breach,
pipelines. maintain pipeline design integrity, and facilitate
maintenance, repairs & hot tapping operations.
5. Pipeline Pressure Drop
Pipelines would also be subjected to pigging oper-
Pipelines are designed keeping in mind, the material ations – Cleaning/Intelligent pigging & hence the
and construction costs as well operating costs. Ma- valve placement must enable recovery of stuck
terial costs are determined by the pipeline weight, pigs.
whereas operational costs are largely impacted by
8. Hydrocarbon Flares
the pressure drop experienced which is a function
of the flow regime. The two key forces dictating Pipelines would sometimes have to be blown
the pipeline total pressure losses are – Hydrostatic down of any hydrocarbons (liquid or liquid mixed
pressure drop due to the pipeline elevation & fric- vapours) during events of over pressure. Burn pit
tional pressure drop which depends on the flow lines serve this purpose. It is important to moni-
rate. In multiphase pipelines across hilly terrains, tor pilot flames and provide pilot flame failure
hydrostatic pressure drop decreases while friction- alarms. Since burn pit lines are a source of open
al pressure drop increases with flow. The sum of flame, they are to be located at least 150 m away
both these pressure losses gives the total pressure from roadways, process & storage facilities. In
loss. The pipeline size chosen should be preferably, cases of pipeline in remote locations requiring
the point at which the total pressure loss is the maintenance or repair, mobile flare units can be
least. used.
However not all occasions would allow open flar-
ing, as a result of which, enclosed ground flares
can be used. These conform to the requirements
of flaring & disposal in populated areas or process
facilities that are in close proximity to the flare
system. The flaring is smokeless with no visible
flame & noiseless due to insulation of the combus-
tion chamber. To attend to the flare capacities
required, a flare study report is to be made part
of the design basis.
9. Pipeline Standards/Codes1
ASME has been a pioneer in developing industry
Fig 1. Pipeline Total Pressure Loss – Hilly codes & standards for oil & gas pipelines. The
Terrain scope of the first draft of the ASME Code for
Pressure Piping, which was approved by the
From the above figure it can be seen that operating American Standards Association in 1935, included
a multiphase line at a lower flowrate can actually the design, manufacture, installation, and testing of
cost more to pump.

oil and gas pipelines (ASME B31.4). As the needs of are entrained in the flow stream.
the industry evolved over the years, rules for new
Pipeline Mechanical Design
construction have been enhanced, and rules for
operation, inspection, corrosion control, and As an example to perform Gas Pipeline mechani-
maintenance have been added. In addition to cal design, ASME B31.8 is used. The requirement
ASME, several other organizations, including the to be met for pipeline wall stresses as per ASME
API and NACE International, also developed stand- B31.8 is Design factor [F], Temperature De-rating
ards used by the pipeline industry. Some of the [T], Longitudinal Joint Factor [E] for the chosen
ASME/API/ANSI standards are, pipeline joining methods. This is shown below as
1. “Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Sys-
tems,” ASME B31.8, 1999. Table 1. Reference Mechanical Design
2. “Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid
Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids,” ASME -
B31.4, 1998.
3. “Power Piping”, ASME B31.1, 1998; Addenda
B31.1A, 1999; Addenda B31.1B, 2000
4. “Process Piping” ASME B31.1, 1999; Addenda
B31.3A, 1999
5. “Slurry Transportation Piping Systems” ASME
B31.11, ‘89; Addenda B31.11A, 1991
6. “Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid
Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids” ASME -
B31.4, 2002
7. “Gas Transmission and Distribution Systems,”
ASME 31.8, 2003 £ £
8. “Specification for Line Pipe”, API 5L, Mar
2004 / Errata 1, Jan 2005
9. “Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and High-
ways” API 1102 (1993)
10. “Specification for Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug,
and Check Valves)”, 21st edition, API 6D1,
June 1998 Supplement 2
11. Pipeline wall thickness (API B31.G)
Velocity Considerations 3
Gas line velocities should be less than 60 to 80 ft/s
to minimize noise & allow for corrosion inhibition.
A lower velocity of 50 ft/s should be used in the
presence of known corrosives such as CO2. The
minimum gas velocity should be between 10 and 15
ft/s, which minimize liquid fallout. The minimum
fluid velocity in multiphase systems must be rela-
tively high to keep the liquids moving in order to
prevent/minimize slugging. The recommended mini- The pipeline specification requirement as per API
mum velocity is 10 to 15 ft/s. The maximum rec- 5L plain end line pipe specifications, ranges from
ommended velocity is 60 ft/s to inhibit noise & 50 6” ND to 80” ND. The product pipeline specifica-
ft/s for CO2 corrosion inhibition. In two-phase tion (PSL) with its respective Specified Minimum
flow, it is possible that the flow stream’s liquid Yield Strength (SYMS) to be used as per API 5L
droplets can impact the pipe wall causing erosion are PSL 1 and PSL 2. The pipeline grades are as
of the corrosion products. Erosion of the pipe wall follows,
itself could occur if solid particles, particularly sand,

Table 2. Product Specification Level (PSL) 6. Class 4 Location - This is any 1-mile section
of pipeline where multi-storey buildings are
prevalent, traffic is heavy or dense, and where
there may be numerous other utilities under-
ground. Multi-storey means four or more
floors above ground including the first, or
ground, floor. The depth of basements or
number of basement floors is immaterial.
Line Specification of Gas Pipelines – API 5L
1. PSL1 pipes are available through size 2/5” to
80” whereas the smallest diameter pipe availa-
ble in PSL2 is 4.5” & the largest diameter is
80”. PSL1 pipelines are available in different
types of ends, such as Plain end, Threaded
end, Bevelled end, special coupling pipes
whereas PSL2 pipelines are available in only
Plain End.
2. For PSL2 welded pipes, except continuous
welding & laser welding, all other welding
- - methods are acceptable. For electric weld
welder frequency for PSL2 pipeline is mini-
Location of the Gas Pipelines mum 100 kHz whereas there is no such limi-
1. Class 1 location - A Class 1 location is any 1- tation on PSL1 pipelines.
mile pipeline section that has 10 or fewer 3. Heat treatment of electric welds is required
buildings intended for human occupancy includ- for all Grades of PSL2 pipes whereas for PSL1
ing areas such as, wastelands, deserts, rugged pipelines, grades above X42 require it. All
mountains, grazing land, farmland, sparse popu- kinds of welding method are acceptable to
lations. manufacture PSL1; however, continuous
2. Class 1, division 1 Location – A Class 1 welding is limited to Grade A25.
location where the design factor, F, of the pipe- Gas Pipeline Wall Thickness Estimation
line is greater than 0.72 but equal to, or less
than 0.80 and which has been hydrostatically The B31.8 code is often used as the standard of
tested to 1.25 times the maximum operating design for natural gas piping systems in facilities,
pressure. such as compressor stations, gas treatment facili-
ties, measurement & regulation stations & tank
3. Class 1, division 2 Location - This is a Class farms. The B31.8 wall-thickness formula is stated
1 location where the design factor, F, of the as,
pipeline is equal to or less than 0.72, and which
has been tested to 1.1 times the maximum op-
erating pressure. (1)
4. Class 2 Location - This is any 1-mile section Where,
of pipeline that has more than 10 but fewer
than 46 buildings intended for human occupan- t = Minimum design wall thickness [in]
cy including fringe areas around cities and DP = Pipeline Design Pressure [psi]
towns, industrial areas, and ranch or country
estates. OD = Pipeline Outer Diameter [in]

5. Class 3 Location - This is any 1-mile section SMYS = Specific Minimum Yield Stress [psi]
of pipeline that has 46 or more buildings in- F = Design Factor [-]
tended for human occupancy except when a
Class 4 Location prevails, including suburban E = Longitudinal Weld Joint Factor [E]
housing developments, shopping centres, resi- T = Temperature De-rating Factor [-]
dential areas, industrial areas & other populat-
ed areas not meeting Class 4 Location require-

“Standard for Gas Transmission and Distribution
Piping Systems”, ANSI/ASME Standard B31.8, 1999
“Overview of the Design, Construction, and Oper-
ation of Interstate Liquid Petroleum Pipelines”,
ANL/EVS/TM/08-1, Argonne National Laboratory

About the Author

Vijay Sarathy holds a Master’s Degree in Chemical
Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology &
Science (BITS), Pilani, India and is a Chartered Engi-
neer from the Institution of Chemical Engineers,
UK. His expertise over 12 years of professional
experience covers Front End Engineering, Process
Dynamic Simulation and Subsea/Onshore pipeline
flow assurance in the Oil and Gas industry. Vijay
has worked as an Upstream Process Engineer with
major conglomerates of General Electric, ENI Sai-
pem and Shell.

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

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How does Cycles increase in cooling

towers save money?
Shahzeb Hassan, Process Engineer (ME, AIChE Professional Member & Guest Speaker)

As we all know that the water conservation is a big changed from 8.2-8.6 to 7.8-8.2. This low pH will
challenge to the Process industries these days. help to reduce the alkalinity & calcium hardness.
Most of the industries are recycling the waste wa- Due to less blowdown & increased cycles, cooling
ter from effluent treatment plant & use it to fulfill tower chemical consumptions will also be lower
the purpose that can be used as a makeup for cool- which ultimately reduce the chemical cost.
ing tower after proper treatment & sterilization.
The cooling water PH monitoring need to be in-
Cooling water cycle of concentration (COC) run-
creased or install an online PH analyzer at makeup
ning in every process industry normally in the
line of cooling tower. Accidentally or unintention-
range from 4 to 6. Most of the plants are receiving
ally increase in sulfuric acid dosage at cooling tow-
water from government at different rates i.e. 64
er will turn the system towards corrosion, low
PKR/m3. If you are running at 4 then u can save
PH. The other option to manage acid dosing is to
money for the company.
test sulfates in cooling water and against PH set
What is cycle of concentration, COC? the maximum limit of sulfates in cooling water.
Like RSI or LSI indexes are calculated to check
An important concept related to Cooling Towers
either the system is stable or towards scaling/
is the Cycles of Concentration (also known as Cy-
Corrosion. Corrosion coupon can also be in-
cles or Concentration Ratio). Cycles of Concentra-
stalled at recirculation line to identify any upset &
tion is monitored with a conductivity meter and it
monitor the system performance during opera-
is a measure of the concentration of dissolved sol-
tion. This is all the monitoring techniques to do
ids in the Cooling Tower process water. As water
better optimization of cooling water system.
evaporates from a Cooling Tower it leaves behind
dissolved solids. These dissolved solids will there- What is RSI?
fore increase in concentration in the process wa-
The Ryznar stability index (RSI) attempts to cor-
ter, until there is a Blow-down. As the dissolved
relate an empirical database of scale thickness
solids increases, so does the Cycles of Concentra-
observed in municipal water systems to the water
chemistry. Like the LSI, the RSI has its basis in the
Water is typically removed from a Cooling concept of saturation level. Ryznar attempted to
Tower in one of the following ways: quantify the relationship between calcium car-
bonate saturation state and scale formation. The
1. Evaporation
Ryznar index takes the form:
2. Drift
RSI = 2(pHs) - pH
3. Blow-down or Bleed-off
4. Basin Leaks and/or Overflows
· pH is the measured water pH
Make-up Water = Evaporation + Blowdown +
· pHs is the pH at saturation in calcite or calci-
Drift + Leaks/Overflows
um carbonate
COC = TDS ppm in Cooling water/TDS ppm in
pHs = (9.3 + A + B) - (C + D)
Makeup water.
If we increase the COC from 4 to 6 then we can
conserve water to such extent that It can be uti- · A = (Log10 [TDS] - 1) / 10
lized either in desalter water injection & conserva-
· B = -13.12 x Log10 (oC + 273) + 34.55
tion. However, we need to increase sulfuric acid
(98%) dosage to convert the carbonate hardness · C = Log10 [Ca2+ as CaCO3] - 0.4
into sulfate hardness. The pH range will also be · D = Log10 [alkalinity as CaCO3]

The empirical correlation of the Ryznar stability the ratio of equivalents per million (epm) of sul-
index can be summarized as follows: fate (SO42-) & chloride (Cl-) to the epm of alka-
linity in the form bicarbonate plus carbonate:
RSI << 6 the scale tendency increases as the index
decreases Larson-Skold index = (epm Cl- + epm SO42-)/
(epm HCO3- + epm CO32-)
RSI >> 7 the calcium carbonate formation probably
does not lead to a protective corrosion inhibitor Index >> 1.2 the tendency towards high corro-
film sion rates of a local type should be expected as
the index increases
RSI >> 8 mild steel corrosion becomes an increas-
ing problem. The most notable parameter is PH but these in-
dexes should be calculated on weekly basis to
What is LSI?
monitor the system.
The Langelier saturation index (LSI) is probably the
The cooling system will remain scale & corrosion,
most widely used indicator of cooling water scale
trouble free. Also, best micro-biological & algae
potential. It is purely an equilibrium index and deals
control is achieved at low cooling water pH (7.8
only with the thermodynamic driving force for cal-
to 8.2), since, the efficiency of chlorine to kill Al-
cium carbonate scale formation and growth. It pro-
gae & micro-organism is more/ increased at lower
vides no indication of how much scale or calcium
cooling water PH.
carbonate will actually precipitate to bring water to
equilibrium. This below graph explains the range of COC vs
makeup, the most feasible range is 4 to 6 as u see
LSI can be calculated as
that if we increase the cycle makeup water is de-
LSI = (pHs) - pH creasing.
If LSI is negative: No potential to scale, the water
will dissolve CaCO3
If LSI is positive: Scale can form and CaCO3 precip-
itation may occur.
If LSI is close to zero: Borderline scale potential.
Water quality or changes in temperature, or evap-
oration could change the index.
What is Larson-skold index?
The Larson-Skold index describes the corrosivity
Demonstration in detail that how CW cycles can
of water towards mild steel. The index is based
actually save water. Detailed analysis & calcula-
upon evaluation of in-situ corrosion of mild steel
tions on each cycle are as follow.
lines transporting Great Lakes waters. The index is

COC AT 4.0

At cycle 4.0 the makeup water is 53.6 m3/hr and
pH to be maintained is 8.4 so that the actual con-
sumption of acid is 62.1 Kg/day. Conductivity to be
maintained in cooling tower is 3312 Microsiemens/
cm (2100 ppm TDS).

COC AT 6.0

At cycle 6.0 the makeup water is reduced to 48.3
m3/hr and pH to be maintained at 8.1 so that the
actual consumption of acid is increased to 86.4 Kg/
day. Conductivity to be maintained in cooling tow-
er is 4968 Microsiemens/cm (3200 ppm TDS).
Blowdown is automatically reduced to maintain the
required conductivity.



By increasing the COC of cooling tower, the Total
estimated saving per day is 7615 PKR (2.79 Million
per year). This amount can also be increased by
optimizing the chemical dosing rates against the
cycle increased. This saving cost varies from organ-
ization to organization & the cooling water system.

About the Author:

Shahzeb Hassan holds a master degree in chemical
engineering From NED Institute of Technology,
Karachi, Pakistan. He is AIChE Professional mem-
ber & speaker. His expertise over 6 years of ex-
perience Covers Shell refinery operations and
technical services. His Major role is Process simu-
lation support, optimization & Troubleshooting.
Currently working as Lead Engineer Process for
Reformer & Utilities.

Summit Technology Management is a technical consultancy group, providing specialized

services and training to improve process plant operational efficiency, profitability and safety. We
provide engineering solutions by offering training, technical services, best practices, and equip-
ment to meet the specific needs of our partner clients.

ÿ Basic Design Packages ÿ Singapore & Malaysia Company

ÿ Detailed Design Packages Registration & Set Up
ÿ Commissioning of Process Units ÿ Specialty Equipment: Distillation
ÿ Process Engineering Studies Equipment, Filter Skid Packages,
ÿ Bench Marking of Process Units Compressor Knockout/Scrubber
ÿ Regional Training Conferences & In Skid Packages, Mercury Removal
-House Training Skid Packages


Chernobyl Lessons in Process Safety

Karl Kolmetz

Executive Summary delivered from the running down turbine fell off
too rapidly, so it was decided to repeat the test
· What we learn from a study of history is that
using the new voltage regulators that had been
the humans do not learn from their history.
· The reactor design was inherently unsafe. The
Unfortunately, this test, which was planned to test
engineers installed safety shutdowns to keep
the non-nuclear part of the power plant, was car-
the reactor out of the unstable operating re-
ried out without a proper exchange of infor-
mation and coordination between the team in
· The operations group was conducting a transi- charge of the test and the personnel in charge of
ent test that had previously failed. the safety of the nuclear reactor.
· The operations group that was trained on the Therefore, inadequate safety precautions were
procedure was not conducting the procedure included in the test program and the operating
due to the test being delayed 10 hours to personnel were not alerted to the nuclear safety
01:24 AM. The shifts changed at 24:00 implications of the electrical test and its potential
· Critical Emergency Shutdowns for the unstable danger. On this fourth attempt, the test was de-
operating regions were bypassed. layed by 10 hours, so the operating shift that had
been trained and prepared was not present.
· The operations group on the following shift did
not follow the written procedures. As the shutdown proceeded, the reactor was op-
erating at about half power when the electrical
à The minimum number of graphite control load dispatcher refused to allow further shut-
rods was 15 to 18 and it was estimated down, as the power was needed for the electrical
there were only 7 to 8 control rods in- grid. In accordance with the planned test pro-
stalled due to low MWt at the time. gram, about an hour later the ECCS was switched
à The minimum Rate of the Reactor was 700 off while the reactor continued to operate at half
MWt and the test was conducted at 200 power. The ECCS is the reactor's emergency
MWt. core cooling system, which provides water for
cooling the core in an emergency.
· The operations group did not understand the
critical purposes of the unit shutdowns that It was not until about 23:00 on 25 April that the
were bypassed. grid controller agreed to a further reduction in
power. [4] At 24:00 shifts changed
Chernobyl Time Line
For this test, the reactor should have been stabi-
Late at night (1 AM) on 26 April 1986 in the then lized at about 700-1000 MWt (megawatt thermal)
USSR, a team of nuclear workers prepared to con- prior to shut down, but due to operational error,
duct a test on Reactor 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear the power fell to about 30 MWt at 00:28 on 26
power plant as part of an otherwise routine shut- April. The operating procedures stated that op-
down. [1] eration below 700 MWt was forbidden, but sus-
The test was a simulation of an electrical power tained operation of the reactor below this level
outage, to aid the development of a safety proce- was continued.
dure for maintaining cooling water circulation until Efforts to increase the power to the level original-
the back-up generators could provide power. This ly planned for the test were frustrated by a com-
operating gap was about one minute and had been bination of xenon poisoning, reduced coolant void
identified as a potential safety problem that could and graphite rod cool-down.
cause the nuclear reactor core to overheat.
Many of the control rods were withdrawn to
Three such tests had been conducted since 1982, compensate for these effects, resulting in a viola-
but had failed to provide a solution. This type of tion of the minimum operating reactivity margin.
test had been run the previous year, but the power Calculations performed after the accident showed

that at 01:22:30 was equal to seven or eight manual "01:24: Severe shocks; the RCPS rods stopped
control rods. The minimum permissible stipulated moving before they reached the lower limit stop
in the operating procedures was 15 rods. switches; power switch of clutch mechanisms is
At 01:03, the reactor was stabilized at about 200
MWt and it was decided that the test would be The exposed reactor core continued to burn for
carried out at this power level. The test com- approximately 10 days with continued releases of
menced at 01:23:04; the turbine stop valves were radioactivity into the atmosphere over this peri-
closed and the four pumps powered by the slowing od.
turbine started to run down.
Since the accident, the other three Chernobyl
The slower flowrate, together with the entry to reactors, an additional Russian RMBK and both
the core of slightly warmer feed water, may have Lithuanian RBMKs have permanently shut down.
caused boiling (void formation) at the bottom of Chernobyl's Unit 2 was shut down in 1991 after a
the core. This, along with xenon burnout, could serious turbine building fire; Unit 1 was closed in
have resulted in a runaway increase in power. November 1996; and Unit 3 was closed in De-
cember 1999, as promised by Ukrainian President
An alternative view is that the power excursion
Leonid Kuchma.
was triggered by the insertion of the control rods
after the Emergency Shutdown button (AZ-5) was In Lithuania, Ignalina Unit 1 was shut down in De-
pressed (at 01:23:40). cember 2004 and Unit 2 in 2009 as a condition of
the country joining the European Union.
When the AZ-5 button was pressed, the insertion
of control rods into the reactor core began. The Test Description
control rod insertion mechanism moved the rods
The experimental procedure was intended to run
at 0.4 meters per second (1.3 ft/s), so that the rods
as follows: [5]
took 18 to 20 seconds to travel the full height of
the core, about seven meters (23 ft). 1. The reactor was to be running at a low power
level, between 700 MWt and 800 MWt
A bigger problem was the design of the RBMK con-
trol rods. Each of which had a graphite neutron 2. The steam-turbine generator was to be run to
moderator section attached to its end to boost full speed
reactor output by displacing water when the con- 3. When these conditions were achieved, the
trol rod section had been fully withdrawn from the steam supply for the turbine generator was to be
reactor. closed off
Consequently, injecting a control rod downward 4. Turbine generator performance was to be rec-
into the reactor in an emergency initially displaced orded to determine whether it could provide the
(neutron-absorbing) water in the lower portion of bridging power for coolant pumps until the emer-
the reactor with (neutron-moderating) graphite. gency diesel generators were sequenced to start
Thus, an emergency initially increased the reaction and provide power to the cooling pumps auto-
rate in the lower part of the core matically
At 01:23:43, the power excursion rate emergency 5. After the emergency generators reached nor-
protection system signals came on and power ex- mal operating speed and voltage, the turbine gen-
ceeded 530 MWt and continued to rise. Fuel ele- erator would be allowed to continue to freewheel
ments ruptured, leading to increased steam genera- down
tion, which in turn further increased power.
Operations Actions
Damage to even three or four fuel assemblies
would have been enough to lead to the destruction Before pressing the AZ button, used to initiate an
of the reactor. The rupture of several fuel channels emergency shutdown, the operators were im-
increased the pressure in the reactor to the extent mersed in the conduct of a special test. The pro-
that the 1000 ton reactor support plate became cedure was designed to prove that the reactor
detached, consequently jamming the control rods, would be provided with sufficient cooling water
which were only halfway down by that time. even if a complete loss of power to the large elec-
tric generating complex occurred while the emer-
As the channel pipes began to rupture, massive gency cooling system was inoperable. [3]
steam generation occurred because of depressuri-
zation of the reactor cooling circuit. A note in the According to engineering calculations, the inertia
operating log of the Chief Reactor Control Engi- of the plant’s big 500 MW electric turbines would
neer reads: allow them to generate enough electricity to keep

cooling water pumps operating during the 30 to 50 Chernobyl Process Safety Management
second delay required to start the emergency die- Lessons
sel generators.
Late Night Operations
The engineers who designed the test were special-
One does not function the same at 2 AM as 2 PM.
ists in electric generators, not in nuclear reactors.
Many accidents happen when startups and transi-
The historical record indicates that there was little
ent operations are conducted late at night or ear-
consultation with nuclear reactor specialists during
ly morning. Studies has shown that from 2 AM to
the procedure preparation. The test was planned
6 AM, productivity is very low and safety risk is
for a time when the plant was to be shut down for
high. Many maintenance turnarounds now run of
routine maintenance and its power output was not
two 10-hour shifts instead of two 12-hours shifts
needed for the national electrical grid.
and avoid the 2 AM to 6 AM window.
Establishing the initial conditions for the test
A. In 2000 two operators were killed lighting a
proved difficult and more time consuming than ini-
boiler in Singapore at 2 AM
tially planned. The first problem was that the grid
needed the power longer than expected. It was B. In 2005 fifteen contractor were killed while
after midnight when the plant was finally allowed to commissioning a refinery unit in Texas City,
begin the test, and a new shift of operating person- Texas starting at 1 AM, across multiple shifts.
nel had just taken over. The new shift was not very Lessons for Learning
familiar with the test and did not get a complete
briefing by the off-going shift operators. Any time there is a new procedure, transient op-
eration or commissioning of a unit, these items
The actions of the off-going shift operators had put should not be conducted after 11 PM. It is best
the plant into an unusual situation because the to postpone the work until the next morning.
power history and the resulting concentration of
fission product poisons was different than any situ-
ation considered during the design of the control
The man in charge of the test, the deputy chief en-
gineer of the plant, had been involved in the test
preparations and in setting the initial conditions.
The new operators deferred to him for decisions,
because of his experience, his official position and
his familiarity with the specific test protocol.
Much has been made of the fact that RBMK reac-
tors can develop what is known as a positive void
coefficient of reactivity. What that long phrase
means is that increasing boiling caused by increas-
ing core temperature can lead to an increase in
core reactivity, an increase in core power and even
more boiling. This positive feedback mechanism is
assiduously avoided in most reactor plant designs.
What has not been so well understood is that the
shutdown button of an RBMK could, under very First of a Kind and Transient Operations
special initial conditions, initiate a short-term in- Many incidents happen in initial unit commission-
verse response that could increase core tempera- ing, first-of-a-kind trials and transient operations.
ture rapidly enough to cause a steam explosion. Special reviews and very senior people need to be
No nuclear reactor plant can explode in a manner involved in these types of operations. Written
similar to an atomic bomb, but, as boiler operators procedures should be developed for these types
have known for well over a hundred years, a steam of operations and training should be conducted.
explosion can destroy a boiler.
This exercise was to test a modified safety sys-
tem, and determine how long the reactor’s steam
turbines would continue to power to the main
coolant pumps following a loss of main electrical
power supply. Three such tests had been

conducted since 1982, but had failed to provide a design are automatic shutdown system also call
solution. emergency shutdowns. Since 1998 due to the im-
plementation of Process Safety Management,
On this fourth attempt, the test was delayed by 10
there are strict guidelines for the by passing of
hours, so the operating shift that had been pre-
pared was not present. The test supervisor then
failed to follow procedure, creating unstable oper- At Chernobyl, in order to achieve the test condi-
ating conditions that, combined with inherent tions, automatic shutdown devices were by-
RBMK reactor design flaws and the intentional dis- passed and the emergency core cooling system
abling of several nuclear reactor safety systems, shutdown. There were at least two issues here;
resulted in an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction
This action was particularly high risk because the
It was certainly true the operators placed their re-
particular RMBK-1000 reactor design is unstable
actor in a dangerously unstable condition, in fact in
at the low power levels being tested.
a condition, which virtually guaranteed an accident.
It was also true that in doing so they had not in fact There was a fundamental lack of understanding
violated a number of vital operating policies and for the ESDs and the proper analysis to by-pass
principles, since no such policies and principles had them.
been articulated in the 1980s. The test supervisor failed to follow procedure,
Lessons for Learning creating unstable operating conditions that, com-
bined with inherent RBMK reactor design flaws
A. Initial Unit Commissioning Procedures should
and the intentional disabling of several nuclear
be developed for the initial startup.
reactor safety systems, resulted in an uncon-
B. First of a kind test should have a Job Safety trolled nuclear chain reaction
Analysis which includes a Hazard review such
During preparation and testing of the turbine gen-
as a “What If” study.
erator under run-down conditions using the auxil-
C. A Transient Operation should have a Transient iary load, personnel disconnected a series of tech-
Operation HAZOP. nical protection systems and breached the most
important operational safety provisions for con-
D. Written Procedures should be developed for
ducting a technical exercise.
Special Operations
The operator error was probably due to their
E. Operations groups should be trained on the
lack of knowledge of nuclear reactor physics and
engineering, as well as lack of experience and
F. If the operations groups are not trained on the training. According ton one analysis, at the time of
procedures, the test should be halted the accident the reactor was being operated with
Automatic Shutdown Systems (ESDs) many key safety systems turned off, most notably
the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS),
One of the layers of protection in a plant safety LAR (Local Automatic control

system), and AZ (emergency power reduction sys- Unfortunately, we also apply this double jeopardy
tem). rule in a formal HAZOP. In many incidents dou-
ble failures have occurred.
The reactor operators disabled safety systems ex-
cept for the generators, which the test was really Lessons for Learning
about. The main process computer, SKALA, was
A. There should be strict guidelines for bypassing
running in such a way that the main control com-
ESDs that limit the ESD outage.
puter could not shut down the reactor or even
reduce power. B. There should be an understanding by the op-
erations personnel of the underlying design
Normally the computer would have started to in-
and reasoning for the ESDs
sert all of the control rods. The computer would
have also started the "Emergency Core Protection Shift Handover
System" that introduces 24 control rods into the Any time there is an initial unit commissioning,
active zone within 2.5 seconds, which is still slow first-of-a-kind and transient operations it would
by 1986 standards. All control was transferred be a good idea to hold over at least one lead op-
from the process computer to the human opera- erator to the next shift to make sure there is a
tors. smooth shift hand over. Most operators at the
The last human action completely broke the most end of a shift are looking to return home, not to
important safety limit. It was determined that 204 stay and explain in detail the operations state.
control rods out of 211 regular ones (i.e. more Three such tests had been conducted since 1982,
than 96%) had been drawn out from the reactor but had failed to provide a solution. On this
core. The reactor safety regulations required that fourth attempt, the test was delayed by 10 hours,
“When the operational reactivity margin be re- so the operating shift that had been prepared was
duced to 15 rods, the reactor should be shut down not present. [2]
Lessons for Learning
Personnel had an insufficiently detailed understand-
ing of technical procedures involved with the nu- A. Plan in advance any issues at change of shift
clear reactor, and knowingly ignored regulations to personnel.
speed test completion. B. You can plan shifts where there is a 4 hours
The developers of the reactor plant considered overlap between complete shift change over.
this combination of events to be impossible and C. Do not conduct an operational test without
therefore did not allow for the creation of emer- proper training
gency protection systems capable of preventing the
combination of events that led to the crisis, namely Low Rate Issues
the intentional disabling of emergency protection All process equipment have minimum flow re-
equipment plus the violation of operating proce- quirements to be stable. For pumps, it is typically
dures. 60%. A pump produces heat within the pump and
Thus, the primary cause of the accident was the the fluid being pumped removes this heat. Below
extremely improbable combination of rule infringe- a minimum flow, the pump will over heat and
ment plus the operational routine allowed by the damage the pump. Many other unit operations
power station staff. are unstable at low operational rates.

The design and general reactivity characteristics of reporting is a two edged sword.
the RBMK Reactor made low power operation
1. Incident and near miss reporting allows the
extremely hazardous. The operating organization
operations, engineering and safety groups to
had not been made aware either of the specific
place safety barriers to limit or reduce future
vital safety significance of maintaining a minimum
incidents and accidents.
operating reactivity margin.
2. A large number of incident and near miss re-
Lessons for Learning
porting indicate that the operating procedures
A. Understand that all process equipment have and training need improvements, which may
minimum stable operating rates. For many be viewed as a lack of proper management.
types of equipment this is about 60% of design
There is sometimes this dichotomy between;
Safety Culture
A. The safety groups, which want to see every
The need to create and maintain a ‘safety culture’ is incident and near miss, reported and investi-
a precondition for ensuring nuclear power and gated.
chemical plant safety. The concept of ‘safety cul-
B. Operations Management, which wants to
ture’ relates to a very general concept of dedica-
show that they have the proper procedure
tion and personal responsibility of all those in-
and training in place and they sometimes view
volved in any safety related activity at an operating
incidents and near misses as a negative.
Past Incidents in RBMK Reactor History
Inculcation of a safety culture requires that, in
training personnel for nuclear plants, particular em- There was a similar accident at the Leningrad nu-
phasis be placed on the reasons for the establish- clear power plant back in 1975. There was no
ment of safety practices and on the consequences investigation or lessons learned.
in terms of safety of failures on the part of person- A similar incident happened in Chernobyl in 1982,
nel to perform their duties properly. Special em- except that there was no release of radioactive
phasis must be placed on the reasons for the estab- material that time. There was no investigation or
lishment of safety limits and the consequences in lessons learned.
terms of safety of violating them.
In 1983, there was a power spike with initial in-
To have a good safety culture, safety must be clear- sertion of control rods in the reactor at Ignalina
ly recognized as a value Nuclear Power Plant. There was no investigation
(a) The high priority given to safety is shown in or lessons learned
documentation, communications and decision mak- General Consensus
Apparently, there was a widespread view that the
(b) Safety is a primary consideration in the alloca- conditions under which the positive emergency
tion of resources scram (emergency shutdown) effect would be
(c) The strategic business importance of safety is important would never occur. However, the
reflected in the business plan widespread view was wrong, and they did appear
in almost every detail in the course of the actions
(d) Individuals are convinced that safety and pro-
leading to the (Chernobyl) accident.
duction go hand in hand
(f) Safety conscious behavior is socially accepted
and supported (both formally and informally) In many major incidents, multiple things align to
cause the incident. This is true for the Chernobyl
Lessons for Learning
A. Documentation, Training and Decision Making
1. Operations did not understand the im-
must be high priority for a good safety culture
portance of the safety shutdowns.
B. Understanding the reasons for the Emergency
2. Operations did not understand the im-
Shut Downs and when they may be by passed
portance of maintaining the minimum number
Incident Investigation of control rods.
The investigation of incidents is a critical part of 3. Operations did not understand the im-
learning from our past. Incident Investigation can portance of minimum operating rates.
prevent future accidents. Incident and near miss
Operating Procedures and Training are critical to

safely operate chemical and nuclear plants. Still References

today, in many Process Safety Management Audits
1. Chernobyl: 30 Years On – Lessons in Safety
Operating Procedures and Operations Training are
Culture - Posted by Aerossurance on Apr 26,
rated low. We should take the lessons from Cher-
2016 in Accidents & Incidents, Human Fac-
nobyl to help up improve the safety of our indus-
tors / Performance, Safety Culture, Safety
2. Eden, Brad; of Technical Services/Automated
Lib, Coordinator (January 1999).
"Encyclopedia Britannica
3. R Adams, The Accident at Chernobyl: What
Caused the Explosion? April 1, 1996
4. World Nuclear Association Sequence of
Events – Chernobyl Accident Appendix 1
5. Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia.html

Adding Value to the Crude Oil –

Distillation Process Unit
Marcio Wagner

Introduction Crude Oil Distillation Process

Despite the efforts to reduce the consume, petro- In the refining complex, the first and principal
leum still represents the major part of the global process applied to add value to the crude oil is
energy matrix and have a strategic role to any na- the distillation. This processing unit defines the
tion that desire reach superior economic and tech- processing capacity of the refinery and, normally
nologic development. the others process units are sized on the basis of
his yields. Figure 1 shows a basic process flow
The crude oil, as found in the reservoirs have few
diagram for a typical atmospheric crude distilla-
industrial use, to become useful and economically
tion unit.
attractive is necessary to separate the fractions in
products that have specific industrial interest like The crude oil is pumped from the storage tanks
fuels (LPG, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, etc.), lubri- and preheated by hot products that leaving the
cants or petrochemical intermediates. To achieve unit in heat exchangers battery, then the crude oil
this objective the crude oil is submitted to a series stream receive an injection of water aim to assist
of physical and chemical processes aim to add value the desalting process, this process is necessary to
to the commodity, to the set of processes we remove the salts dissolved in the petroleum to
called refining complex. avoid severe corrosion problems in the process

Figure 1 – Process Flow Diagram for a Typical Atmospheric Crude Oil Distillation Unit

equipment. The desalting process involves the ap- to the gasoline pool of the refining complex, the
plication of an electrical field to the mixture crude heavy naphtha can be sent to the gasoline pool
oil-water aim to raise the water droplets dispersed and in some cases, this stream can be added to
in the oil phase and accelerate the decanting, as the the diesel pool since not compromise the specifi-
salts solubility is higher in the aqueous phase the cation requirements of this product (Cetane num-
major part of the salts is removed in the aqueous ber, density and flash point). Kerosene is normal-
phase effluent from the desalter, called brine. Nor- ly commercialized as jet-fuel while the atmospher-
mally the petroleum desalting process is carried ic residue is sent to the vacuum distillation tower,
out at temperatures among 120 and 160 oC, higher in some refining schemes it’s possible sent this
temperatures raise the conductivity of oil phase stream directly to the residue fluid catalytic pro-
and prejudice the phase separation, and this can cess unit (RFCC), in this case, the contaminants
lead to drag oil to the brine and result in process content (mainly metals) of the residue need to be
inefficiency. very low to protect the catalyst of the cracking
In the desalter exit, the desalted oil is heated again
by hot products or pump around and fed into a Nowadays, face to the necessity to reduce the
flash drum, in this equipment the lighter fractions environmental impact of the fossil fuels associated
are separated and sent directly to the atmospheric with the restrictive legislations, difficultly the
tower, the main role of this vessel is reduce the straight run products can be commercialized di-
thermal duty needed in the furnace. Following, the rectly. The streams are normally directed to the
stream from the bottom of the flash vessel is heat- hydrotreating units aim to reduce the contami-
ed in the fired heater to temperatures close to 350 nants content (sulfur, nitrogen, etc.) before being
to 400 oC (depending on the crude oil to be pro- marketed.
cessed) and is fed the atmospheric tower where
In distillation units with higher processing capaci-
the crude oil is fractionated according to the distil-
ty, normally the flash drum upstream of the at-
lation range, like example presented in Table 1.
mospheric tower is substituted by a pre-
At the exit of the atmospheric tower, the products fractionation tower. In this cases, the main ad-
are rectified with steam aim to remove the lighter vantage is the possibility of reduction of the at-
components. mospheric tower dimensions that implies in cost
reductions associated with the unit implementa-
The gaseous fraction is normally directed to the
tion and improve the hydraulic behavior in the
LPG (C3-C4) pool of the refinery and the fuel gas
distillation tower, consequently with better frac-
system (C1-C2) where will feed the furnaces and
tionation. This arrangement is shown in Figure 2.
boilers. The light naphtha is normally commercial-
ized as petrochemical intermediate or is directed

– -
– -
– -
– -
– -

Table 1 – Example of Crude Oil Distillation Cuts


Figure 2 – Typical arrangement to Atmospheric Distillation with Pre-Fractionation Tower.

Like aforementioned, the residue from atmospher- column, the atmospheric residue is submitted to
ic distillation column is sent to the vacuum distilla- reduced pressures aim to recover the lighter frac-
tion tower, this strategy is adopted since under tions that can be converted to the high- value
atmospheric column process conditions the conti- products.
nuity of heating lead to the thermal cracking of the
Figure 3 shows a typical process scheme of vacu-
residual fractions. In the vacuum distillation
um distillation unit focusing on producing fuels.

Figure 3 – Schematic Process Flow Diagram for Vacuum Distillation


Figure 4 – Vacuum Distillation Process to Produce Lubricants

The light vacuum gasoil (LVGO) is normally sent to separate the lubricants fractions requires higher
the hydrotreating units to be incorporated into the fractionation quality in the column and some con-
diesel pool of the refinery while the heavy vacuum figurations rely on two columns, as presented in
gasoil (HVGO) is directed to catalytic cracking Figure 4.
units or hydrocracking, depending on refining
The distillation unit design is strongly dependent
scheme adopted by the refiner, another possibility
by the characteristics of crude oil that will be pro-
is to use this stream like dilutant to produce fuel
cessed by the refinery, for extra-heavy oils nor-
oil. In some processes configurations, there is still
mally the crude is fed directly to the vacuum col-
a withdrawn of the stream called residual vacuum
umn. The design is generally defined based on a
gasoil aim to keep the quality of heavy gasoil in re-
limited crude oil range that can be processed in
lation of carbon residue and metals content to
the hardware (Contaminant content, API grade,
avoid the rapid deactivation of the catalyst of this
Innovative Technologies
The vacuum residue is normally directed to pro-
duce asphalt and fuel oils, however, in most mod- The crude oil distillation is a consolidated tech-
ern refineries this stream is sent to bottom barrel nology, however, researchers and technology li-
units as delayed coking and solvent deasphalting to censors have devoted his efforts to studies aim to
produce higher-value products. mainly reduce the operational costs of the unit
related to energy consumption and utilities. An
example of this development is the technology
In refineries optimized to produce lubricants, the called Progressive Distillation®, developed and
distillation process is modified face to the paraffinic licensed by the companies TECHNIP and TOTAL,
characteristics of the crude oil processed, mainly as presented in Figure 5.
the vacuum distillation step. The necessity to

Figure 5 – TECHNIP-TOTAL Progressive Distillation Technology®

The progressive distillation technology applies a References:

series of distillation columns at different tempera-
tures, this configuration avoids that the lighter frac-
Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining.1st ed. Else-
tions are heated unnecessarily leading the save en-
vier Press, 2010.
ergy in the process unit, this reduces the atmos-
pheric emissions (CO2), due to the lower quantity GARY, J. H.; HANDWERK, G. E. Petroleum Re-
of fuel burned in the unit furnaces. fining – Technology and Economics.4th ed. Marcel
Dekker., 2001.
ROBINSON, P.R.; HSU, C.S. Handbook of Petro-
leum Technology.1st ed. Springer, 2017.
The distillation process is the first step of the
crude oil is submitted, the others process units are
strongly impacted by the quality of products from
the distillation unit, mainly in relation to fractiona-
tion quality achieved in the distillation columns, a
bad fractionation can lead to an off-specification
products (color, Sulfur content, corrosivity, etc.)
or irreversible damages to catalysts or process
equipment, thus this unit requires special attention
by the refiner once every chain of value generation
to the crude oil processing depends on this pro-

Getting into the mind of an OSHA Compliance Officer is quite easy, when you understand what they look
for and how their observations apply to evaluating potential safety concerns in your workplace.
Compliance Officers are strictly trained to use five basic elements to determine if an employer will receive
a violation. Understanding the five elements of an OSHA citation is critical to whether or not you are in
compliance. The greatest benefit of understanding these elements becomes evident in the mediation pro-
cess with OSHA, once your company has already been cited. If you apply these 5 elements I’m about to
share with you, to any potential hazards in your work place, you can reduce risks and avoid OSHA cita-
tions. OSHA needs all 5 elements to be solidly present in order to hold a citation against you. If you can
remove just one of the five in a mediation, you are able to gain an advantage in having the citation reduce
or otherwise removed from your record.
The 5 Elements I'm about to share with you, can apply to nearly any hazard exposures discovered in your
workplace or any found by an OSHA Compliance Officer. You must understand that hazard conditions
(in order to become citations) must first, have some type of employee exposure to harm and second,
must violate laws, regulatory standards, consensus standards or the general duty clause to be valid. As a
matter of clarity, consensus standards are industry written rules that OSHA recognizes as law, simply be-
cause they don’t have a written government standard to follow.
Consensus standards become useful for OSHA in situations where they observe a workplace hazard but
do not have a written doctrine on the operation, equipment or industry. Some good examples would be
the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) rules, the NEC (National Electrical Code) such as 70E
for Arc Flash Requirements, or perhaps the CGA (Compressed Gas Association) standards for safe han-
dling of compressed gas cylinders.
Remember that hazard situations are dynamic in every work place. These 5 Elements can vary, depending
on your industry and rules that govern your business and the type of work being done.

So, let’s look at the 5 Elements of a Citation:

1. Is a hazard present?

Well, as an example, if a Compliance Officer witnessed one of your employees working on an electrified
piece of equipment, without a Lock-Out Tag-Out procedure in place, then the answer would have to be
yes, there is a serious hazard potential present. So this one is rather easy to unlock, simply by determining
if a hazard is exist.
2. Is an employee or employees exposed to the existing hazard?

Have you ever wondered why Compliance Officers interview employees? This is one of the primary rea-
sons they talk with your people. All the Compliance Officer needs is one, “yes, I was working on that
piece of equipment today changing a blade”, or “yes, I serviced that the machine last week without locking
it out” or, “yes, I use that machine approximately three times a day and sometimes operate it while the
guys are working on it”. Once the employee validates the human exposure to the hazard, this element is
locked in.
3. Is the hazard a violation of a law, regulation, standard or consensus standard?

This is a hard element to unlock. It is never wise to go toe-to-toe with a Compliance Officer on the inter-
pretation of OSHA standards during an inspection. You will lose that battle. Research the laws after the
inspection and save your battle for the mediation, if you think OSHA is wrong.

Compliance Officers are constantly in the regulation books. Your only hope is that perhaps the Compli-
ance Officer’s interpretation of your operation or the standard is wrong or, your operation may be ex-
empt, as defined in the scope and application of the regulations.

I have a great example of how to unlock this element from a citation using the regulations as your lever-
age. A risk management consultant and colleague called me saying that one of his construction clients was
cited by OSHA for a fall protection violation.

The employee was working approximately 14’ from the ground. The OSHA 1926 construction standards
say that if a construction employee is working over 6’ from a solid surface the employee is required to
have fall protection. I asked the colleague, "What was the employee doing at the time of the inspec-
tion"? He said, “Steel Erection”. Well that just changed everything. The OSHA steel erection standards
say that a steel erection employee working over 15’ or greater must have fall protection. The 6 foot rule
didn't apply! The serious citation was withdrawn at the mediation. OSHA did the right thing in this case,
because the Compliance Officer made an error. And believe me, this doesn’t happen often.

The best advice I can give any Safety Professional is to read the OSHA Regulations and Industry Standards
relevant to your operation from cover-to-cover. Use a highlighter, make notes and tab the pages, so you
can quickly reference safety topics as the needs arise in your workplace. Chance will favor the prepared
mind when deliberating with OSHA against this element. On to #4
4. Does the Employer have knowledge of the existing hazard?
I always found this element to be fascinating. When asked this question, “Did you know that your employ-
ee was working on a hot machine”? Most employers are quick to respond with, “NO, I didn't know he
was working on a hot piece of equipment”! Well, this type of response typically gets you another Cita-
tion for, “Failure to conduct frequent and regular inspections”. Either way you lose.

In my experience, the only way to confront this element is if you can validate that the exposure was due
to “Employee Misconduct”. To do that you will need at-the-least the following:

Records of training, stating that the employee was taught that it is mandatory to Lock-Out all hot equip-
ment before working on it.
Records of your inspections to prove that you audit employee’s safety practices to assure that they are
working safely and following the company lock-out tag-out rules.
Employee accountability or discipline records that indicates that this employee or others have violated
rules in the past and have been disciplined for those actions.
Remember, if it's not documented, it didn't happen.
OSHA expects discipline to be served progressively. For example: First a documented verbal warning,
then a written warning, then lost time and/or the ultimate fate, dismissal. I believe that workplace safety
should be a condition of employment. That has always been my philosophy.
5. And finally, is the hazardous condition reasonably abatable?

In most situations the answer is always yes. The job safety analysis for each job in your workplace should
spell out the hazards associated with all work tasks and should provide the controls your company has in
place to minimize the risk of exposure to potential harm. The only way you can judiciously contest this
element is if the abatement was unreasonable due to it be overly burdensome or financially because of an
extraordinary high cost to mitigate.

In closing, we have discussed the 5 elements of an OSHA citation and learned that it is possible to unlock
them in order to reduce the cost and severity of a citation. Also, we can use these elements in the work
place, to help us understand if a hazard is present, if it is a violation of the law and how to remedy the sit-

Remember these 5 elements and if you can show that one or more of these elements are not present in a
citation, you will have the leverage you need to fight the good fight in a mediation. Use these elements
during your routine inspections. It will be a great learning tool for you and your employees and help eve-
ryone understand their responsibilities in reducing risks.

Chris is a Professional Risk Management Consultant, a former Philadelphia Fire Department Lieutenant and former
OSHA Compliance Officer. He is the creator of the InSite GHS Hazcom Workplace Labeling System for Secondary
Chemical Containers. https://stop-painting.com/ghs-secondary-labels-roll-of-100/ For questions about this article or
his workplace chemical labeling system to meet the OSHA’s GHS June 2016 requirement, you can reach Chris at:
ChrisAPal@aol.com or at LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-palmisano-696b3b6/

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