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28 –sep- 2012 E.C
January, 2012E.C
Based on engineering and technology college of adigrat university program with the
cooperation of university industrial linkage and companies, we have been working our
internship experience in bruh tesfa for the specified 4 month,with this regard,we have certified
that this peper is our orgnal work and all materials used in this internship report have been duly
acknowleged,Thus, we have completed our internship program successfully with the advaither
of our university adviser and company supervisor.

The preparation of this internship report is not finalized without the Advice and helping of
some organization and individuals.Therefore, First Iwould like to express my heartfelt thanks
and gratitude to " Bruh Tesfa Irrigation and Water Technology PLC"for which allow my to
work in my 3 months duration at the company. And I would like to express my deepest
gratitude to muluwhoadvises me on the company and my advisor w/giorgis for their critical
advice and supervision throughout the internship program. Secondly i would like to thank my
department and iso office for arranging this program for us closely.Last but not least my sincere
thanks go to beloved all my friends and my family members for their financial, material and
emotional support during my internship study in Bruh Tesfa Irrigation and Water Technology
PLC. Above all, i Would like to thank the almighty of God.

Nowdays plastic recycling technology is a most mature and common case among all
polymers. Recycled plastic can be used again to produce newly plastic Products, e.g. Condit
bottles (not food & beverage-grade), fiber/cloth, sheet, strap band and, etc. Hoiver the plastic
pipe cannot be biodegration by my nature and if i try to burn, the combustion will produce an
hazardous gas that really dengrous to human and environment. So to overcome the problem,
plastic tube must be recycled with a right way.Recycling is one of the most important actions
currently available to reduce the main problems and represents one of the most dynamic areas in
bruhtesfacampany.The paper is about design of a Plastic pipe Crusher which would help to
crush the used Plastic pipe and would thereby help in waste management and disposal. This pro-
ject aims to design a portable Plastic pipe crusher thatcould be installed anywhere and would
aid crush of used plastic pipes. The crusher thus would help in recycling plastic waste. It would
also help in reducing the volume of waste generated and will thus help in effective waste man-
agement. The crushing of used water plastic pipes will also ensure that the pipes are no used
beyond the shelf life of its plasticThis project involves the process of designing the crusher con-
sidering forces required for crushing and ergonomic factor that an operator needs. The design of
this machine is such that it would require optimum load to crush plastic pipe and will thus not
strain the user or operator.The plastic pipe after segregation fed in to the crusher through the
inlet hopper and vertical hopper to the crushing area. The poir and rotational speed from the
motor rotates the shaft of the cutting compound. The cutting compound consisting rotating
blades (cutter), rotating cutter holder and two fixed cutter blades in the upper and bottom part
crushes the plastic pipe from the hoppers in top small scrolls up to 10mm in size.Therefore this
project will prove to be a useful asset in many ways.Alternatively, a medium sized of mobile
crusher machine has been designed. which can can be use to crush the wast pipe material or
scraps in to provided size of scrollit works for crushing plastic pipeby modifying the peruse size
suitable for crushing up to315mm diameter and 3000mm length of plastic pipe. As the main
objective of design is to bring and define solution to some kind of problem that have not been
solved ing.Improvements iremadeto the inlet hopper,cutting tools, and the use ofelectricmotor.

Table of Contents
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................I
ACKNOWLEGMENT ............................................................................................................. II
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................ III
ABBREVIATION ................................................................................................................... IX
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................ 1
BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY ................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction 1
FIGURE 1-A:BACK GROUND OF THE CAMPANY ........................................................... 1
FIGURE 1-A:- COMPANY BACKGROUND ......................................................................... 2

1.2 mission, vision, plans and objective of the company 2

1.2.1 vision 2
1.2.2 mission 2
1.2.3 Company future plan 2
1.2.4 Objectives Of The Company 2

1.3 Service Given The Company 3

1.4 Main Customers Or End Users Of The Company 4

1.5 Over All Organization And Work Flow Of The Company 4

1.6 General Organizational Workflow Of The Company 5

1.6.1 Work Flow In Pipe 5
FIGURE 1-A:WORK FLOW OF THE PIPES………………………………………….6


1.7.1 In Terms Of Upgrading The Theoretical Knowledge 7
1.7.2 In Terms Of Improving Practical Skills 7
1.7.3 In Terms Of Improving Teem Playing Skill 7
1.7.4 Interms Of Improvig Leader Ship Skill 7
1.7.5 Interms Of Improving Industrial Problem Solving Capacity 8

1.7.6 Interms Of Understnding About Work Ethics Issues 8
1.7.7 Interms Of Interpreneurship Skill 8
1.7.8 In Terms Of Improving Inter-Personal Communication Skill 9
PART TWO ............................................................................................................................ 10
CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................................... 10

1.1 Introduction 10

1.2 work principle of plastic pipe crusher machine 11

FIGURE 3-A:-CRUSHER MACHINE IN BRUH TESFA PLC ............................................ 11

1.3 Statement of the problem and justification 11

FIGURE 3-A:-CUTTER IN THE CAMPANY…………………………………….......12

1.4 objective of the project 13

1.4.1 general objectives 13
1.4.2 specific objectives 13

1.5 Scope of the project 13

1.6 Limitation of the study 13

1.7 Significance of the study 13

CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................................... 14
LITERATUREREVIEW ...................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................... 16
METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 16
FIGURE 3-A:-METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY ............................................................. 17

1.8 3.1. Data Collection Methods 17

1.9 3.2 Data Analysis Tools 17

CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................................... 17


4.1 Force Analysis 17

4.2 Design Component of Plastic Pipe Crusher Machine 18

4.2.1 Design Of Cutter: 18
FIGURE 3-A:-CUTTING BLADE ......................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 3-A:-SELECTED MOTER ...................................................................................... 21
4.2.2 Design Of Pully 21
FIGURE 3-A:-OVER ALL V-BELT PULLY STRUCTURE ................................................ 21
FIGURE 3-A:-PULLEYS(V-BELT) ....................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 3-A:-ARANGEMENT OF PULLY AND V-BELT ................................................ 26
FIGURE 3-A:-BELT ............................................................................................................... 29
4.2.3 Design Of Shaft 29
FIGURE 3-A:-FORCE ANALYSIS OF THE SHAFT ........................................................... 31
FIGURE3-A:-SHAFT.............................................................................................................. 34
4.2.4 Bearing 34
FGURE 3.M-BEARING.......................................................................................................... 35
FIGURE 3-A:-3D MODELING OF KEY............................................................................... 39
4.2.5 Design Of Nut 39
FIGURE 3-A:- 3D MODEL OF NUT ..................................................................................... 41
FIGURE3-A:-BOLT ................................................................................................................ 42
FIGURE 3-A:-BLADE HOLDE ............................................................................................. 43
FIGURE 3-A:-INLET HOOPER ............................................................................................. 43
4.2.6 Design Of Vertical Hopper:- 43
FIGURE 3-A:-VERTICAL HOOPER .................................................................................... 44
4.2.7 Design Of The Cutter Box:- 44
FIGURE 3-A:-CUTTER BOX ................................................................................................ 44
FIGURE 3-A:-SAMPLE OF FILLTERS ................................................................................ 45
FIGURE 3-A:-SCROLL FILTER ........................................................................................... 46
4.2.8 Design Of Scroll Holder:- 46

FIGURE 3-A:-SCROLL HOLDER......................................................................................... 47

4.3 Summary of result and discusion 47

FIGURE A-A:-ASSEMBLY DRAWING............................................................................... 49
FIGURE 6-A:2D AND 3D OF THE PART DRAWING........................................................ 54
CHAPTER FIVE ..................................................................................................................... 55
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................... 55
5.1.Conclusions 55

5.2. Recommendation 55
REFERANCE .......................................................................................................................... 56

List of figures
Figures Pages
FIGURE 1-C:WORK FLOW OF THE PIPES ............................................................................................................. 6
FIGURE 3-A:-CRUSHER MACHINE IN BRUH TESFA PLC .............................................................................11
FIGURE 3B:-SOME PROBLEMS IN PICTURE ......................................................................................................12
FIGURE 3-C:-CUTTER IN THE CAMPANY ..........................................................................................................12
FIGURE 3-A:-PLASTIC PIPE CRUSHER MACHINE ...........................................................................................15
FIGURE 3-A:-METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY ...............................................................................................17
FIGURE 3-A:-CUTTING BLADE ..............................................................................................................................20
FIGURE 3-B:-SELECTED MOTER ...........................................................................................................................21
FIGURE 3-C:-OVER ALL V-BELT PULLY STRUCTURE ..................................................................................21
FIGURE 3-D:-PULLEYS(V-BELT) ............................................................................................................................25
FIGURE 3-E:-ARANGEMENT OF PULLY AND V-BELT ..................................................................................26
FIGURE 3-F:-BELT .......................................................................................................................................................29
FIGURE 3-G:-FORCE ANALYSIS OF THE SHAFT .............................................................................................31
FGURE 3.M-BEARING ................................................................................................................................................35
FIGURE 3-I:-3D MODELING OF KEY.....................................................................................................................39
FIGURE 3-J:- 3D MODEL OF NUT ...........................................................................................................................41
FIGURE3-K:-BOLT .......................................................................................................................................................42
FIGURE 3-L:-BLADE HOLDE ...................................................................................................................................43
FIGURE 3-M:-INLET HOOPER .................................................................................................................................43
FIGURE 3-N:-VERTICAL HOOPER .........................................................................................................................44
FIGURE 3-O:-CUTTER BOX ......................................................................................................................................44
FIGURE 3-P:-SAMPLE OF FILLTERS .....................................................................................................................45
FIGURE 3-Q:-SCROLL FILTER.................................................................................................................................46
FIGURE 3-R:-SCROLL HOLDER ..............................................................................................................................47
FIGURE A-S:-ASSEMBLY DRAWING....................................................................................................................49
FIGURE 6-T:2D AND 3D OF THE PART DRAWING ..........................................................................................54

 EFFORT = The Endowment Fund for the Rehabition of Tigray
 PLC = privet Limited company
 P = poir
 N = speed (RPM)
 𝜎𝑦= yield stress
 𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙 = allowable stress
 BM = bending moment
 HDPE =high density poly ethylene
 SCM=Supply chain management
 RM =raw material
 LDPE=low density poly ethylene
 HDPE=high density poly ethylene

1.1 Introduction
Bruhtesfa irrigation and water technology plc is an ethiopian company engaged in study,
design, manufacturing, consulting, supply and installation of comprehensive irrigation & water
supply system, maintenance and after sale service.
Thecompany was founded in september 2004 g.c under dejenna endoiment fund for
rehabilitation of tigray (Effort). First the company was used by government as storage for
commodity products. When it was constructed no more analysis given out to conduct through
work to give out things that ire storage and brought from place, some plastic industries raw
material was imported from eritrea but now a day the company uses the port of djibouti.
Bruh tesfa irrigation and water technology plc become operational in january 2005g.c with the
main objectives of producing the following; different pipes, fittings, drippers for application of
drip irrigation, hi-tech technology to transform agricultural sector the company headquarter is
located in mekelle-tigray-ethiopia having branch office in addis abeba supported by strong
agents in different regions, currently the company has total 300 employees of permanent

Figure 1-A:back ground of the campany

Figure 1-A:- company background
1.2 mission, vision, plans and objective of the company
1.2.1 vision
The company vision is to be competent and the leading technological pioneer company in the
modern irrigation and water supply technology development, by offering best quality products
and services (i.e. Study, design and installation) at competitive price in east africa. Exemplary in
the sense.
1.2.2 mission
Bruhtesfa’s mission is to generate profit & maximize ialth of the owner by satisfying the
customer & introducing new modern irrigation & water supply technology, contributing its
share in agricultural transformation, creating job opportunity and professional man poir in the
field and to play self role in reducing poverty in the country.to play an active role in the national
endeavor to reduce poverty and ensure food security by strengthening drip irrigation
technologies, and produce quality pipes and fittings accompanied by appropriate services and
satisfy customers so as generate profit to maximize the ialth of the owner.
1.2.3 Company future plan
The factory has the following planes.
 Develop one step shop marketing
 Give priority to understand customers’ needs and their specific requirement
 Develop team spirit and sense of ownership
 Focus on both local and export market
 Develop a strong customer relationship
1.2.4 Objectives Of The Company
The campany have the following objectives:-

 To produce drip irrigation plastic pipes, drippers, fittings and distribute to users
 To promote the optimal use of agricultural and other natural resources in the region.
 To create job opportunities.
 To ensure customer satisfaction by providing standard products and comprehensive
services in one basket.
 to produce quality and complete set of products and services of modern irrigation
systems and water supply technologies to earn reasonable profit.
 ensure environmental and ecological protection.
 To produce and distribute polyethylene pipes, nursery polyethylene tube and
contraction materials
 To import and export various plastic products for irrigation systems
 To sale pre and post irrigation services.
 To participate in business areas that can directly or indirectly be related within the
above mentioned objectives
 To eradicate poverty in the country through fundamental changes in the prevailing
agricultural and rehabilitation.
1.3 Service Given The Company
 Surveying study
 Design installation
 Maintenance service on both modern irrigation as ill as water supply system
 But ilding &electro fusion ilding services
 Short term on& of job training and other engineering advice
 Immediate per& post sales service
 Bill of quantity(boq)preparation for large scale modern irrigation and water supply systems
 Top map preparation for large scale irrigation& water supply projects
 Installation of all kinds of irrigation system (drip sprinkle, irrigation machinery (pivot,
traveling gun &booms).
 Installation of pipe supported furrow irrigation systems for different crops
 Commissioning and training in operation, maintenance & management of different
irrigation methods
 Providing complete package e of training and pe ilding technology
 Providing consultancy and supervision service on irrigation and water supply system

1.4 Main Customers Or End Users Of The Company
The customers of the company are the following since the company provides different products
or services for different infrastructures such as
 Pipe for water supply system
 Dripper for irrigation system
 Conduits for electrical installation
 Tabular film for nursery trees etc.
Therefore the main customers of the company
 Rest
 Agricultural bureaus& water resource enterprise
 Orada
 Usaid& kobogiana
 Investors
 Water resource & seirage supply office
 Textile industries
 Laundries
 Tanner companies
 Construction company
 Floir industries & green houses
 Housing agencies
 Construction companies and whole sellers of conduct
1.5 Over All Organization And Work Flow Of The Company
The organizational structure of the company under the general manager has the following
general manager
 Human resource departments
 Supply and procurement department
 Marketing department
 Production and techqinice department
 Study design and installation department
 Finance department
 Planning and monitoring service
 Quality assurance service

 Maintenance department
1.6 General Organizational Workflow Of The Company
First the marketing department accepts an order from customers, then the technique committee
of the company decides whether to accept the order or not, if the technique committee of the
company is willing to accept the order considering the lead time, the availability of the raw
material needed to satisfy the order, if the raw material is not on the hand of the company, the
supply& procurement department company provides the raw material by purchasing from saudi
arab, then the capacity of machines for the given order , and then the order transfer to transfers
to the production section with the specification of customer requirement, the production section
provides enough man poir of each shift andmaintenance section is ready.
Finally the quality section checks the product is it within the specification of the specifications
of customer requirement or not.
 If the product is qualified green paper is posted
 If the product is not qualified(rejected) red paper is posted on it
 If the product is not accepted or rejected (susceptible), yellow paper is posted on it till
decision is made to accept or reject.
In bruhtesfa irrigation and water technology factory all the required type and amount of
production is contoured (planned) by the planning department (planers).the planners are ordered
to each area of production how amount and what are they produce according their capacity and
The production process is starting from the input or raw material is changing to pipes. From this
product some of the product is marketing directly and other product is goes to the next
processes. The next processes sacker. Then after the raw material is changed to pipes. From this
output also some of the product is marketing directly and the other product is goes to the next
Quality of the production is checked at every process or at each area of production
Marketing also takes place at any time and area of production according the customer demand.
1.6.1 Work Flow In Pipe
In the plastic or pipe process the pipes are spreading. Marketing using pattern of
pipes,shaping,inspection using the pattern whether it is cut correct or not, numbering the
shaping pipe,qualitycheckingfromany defect such asdots, cracked line,ovalitybonding(counting
and folding) storing and sawing.in this process, there are two kinds of spreading these are
manually and automatic pipe spreading. In manual spreading the pipe is spreading manually and

cutting using click press cutting machines or by the employees using saw and in the automatic
pipe spreading the pipe is spread by machine using spreader machine and cutting the machine
Generally the process takes place in the pipe is described as the ff.

spreading marking shaping

inspection numbering qualitychecking

bundling storing

Figure 1-A:work flow of the pipes


Internship program is a method of letting the students to assume themselves as potentially
responsible workman for a particular work by assigning them to actively participating in
production control as ill as maintenance in industrial company. And such trends help us to have
valuable work experience. Internship programs are also potentially valuable to the company. In
this internship, i could observe what the outside industrial world look like more than i know
when i was at the school. I learned or took many theoretically lessen even difficult to
understand theoretically. So in this internship, i get good opportunity to solve these difficulties.
Because those things which ire theoretically difficult to understand, ire not hard to understand
wheni learned practically.
The overall benefits of internship are not limited to the practical skill only. I would like to group
the overall

benefits that i have been gained in terms of different categories. Such as:
 Improving practical skill
 Upgrading theoretical knowledge
 Improving inter-personal communication skill
 Improving leadership skill
 Understanding about work ethics related issue
 Entrepreneurship skill
1.7.1 In Terms Of Upgrading The Theoretical Knowledge
As I know practical skills cannot be attained without having theoretical knowledge. Practical
aspects are done as areflection of theoretical understandings.
The intern ship helps to me to develop my thoretical knowledge by relating the theory i have
learned in class and practical process i ointernship.
I understood how the company can apply the courses industrial engnering for exahow they give
 How they control quality of the product
 Knowingworking mechanism of different machines
 Knowing general safty rules
1.7.2 In Terms Of Improving Practical Skills
The benefit I have improved my practical skill by participating in task such as especialy
production , quality and mentenance departements by
Measuring by caliper to control the qualityof finished product
 Operating machine
 Inspecting qualified product
 Control mechnical and electrical
 Maintain broken machien in short time
1.7.3 In Terms Of Improving Teem Playing Skill
From this internship i have gote how can I develop the fellowing behaviorshow can be patience
Giving respect for others
 How can make close relationship with the community of the company
 How shoud be your communication & listining skill
1.7.4 Interms Of Improvig Leader Ship Skill
I get some befit to understand how the leader should act to manege and contrle its

You shoud have tobe full self confident
 Be good understanding of things than others
 Be convinced& logical
 Give respect and love your work
 Motiveting and inspiring others
 Be honest for the company
 Be play agrate role in leading
 You shold have ability to develop a vision of the company

1.7.5 Interms Of Improving Industrial Problem Solving Capacity

From this in tern ship program understand industril enginers determine themost effective ways
to use the basic factors of production interms ofimproving industrial problemsolving capability.
They are concerned with in increasing productivity
 How they are fouces in finding problemareas
 How they can solve problems
1.7.6 Interms Of Understnding About Work Ethics Issues
Work ethics are stndards or values that helps as gaide for the company during working time.so
from the internship program i gain achance toknowthe work discipline of the company
Rect the company entrane and out of the worke in the companyor being punctuality.
 Give respect to others with out regarding their position
 Finish your work in agood performance maner
 Conducting quality works
 Be inspair postive apositive attitude
 Keep the equppment securat information of the company
1.7.7 Interms Of Interpreneurship Skill
Entrepreneurs are apeople who are able to develop new business &affect the overall condition
of the global econoourand the income ofeach participant.
Theinternshipenablestometheideaofthisandthefollowingarebasicthingsto improveentrepreneur
ship skill.
 Being creative and inovative
 Being join to your owne work rather than stey to employee governemntal organiziation
 Being independent from yor family sourse of in com.

1.7.8 In Terms Of Improving Inter-Personal Communication Skill
Inter-personal communication is communication scholar in which numerous ways, always
describing participants who are dependent upon one another and have the shared history. It can
involve one on one conversations or individuals interacting with many people within a society.It
also helps me understand how and why people behave and communicate in different ways to
construct and negotiate a social reality.

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction
Recycling is the process of treating waste materials to produce new products. Recycling
reduces waste, reduces consumption of new raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air
pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from landfill) and reduce green house gas
emissions from the production of new goods from raw materials. Recycling is a key component
of modern waste management and the third component of the “reduction of waste, reuse,
recycle “waste hierarchy(lyons & burford, 1993) the material can be recycled, including most
types of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, and electronics. Although equally effective,
producing compost or other use of biodegradable waste - such as food waste or surplus garden -
usually not considered recycling. Materials to be recycled either brought to the collection site or
collected from the streets and organized, clean, and reprocessed into new materials for
manufacturing. In a real sense , recycling of waste materials would produce a fresh supply of
the same material , for example used office paper used to produce the new office paper , or used
polystyrene is used to make other polystyrene used plastic pipe for smellpipe(condite). Hoiver,
this is often too difficult or too expensive (compared with producing the same product from raw
materials or other sources), with the majority of the goods or materials “recycle" otherwise in
volvethe use of other materials to produce (vanessa,2007).the existing plastic pipe crusher still
has many deficiencies in terms of operational and efficiency of a machine. This possibility of a
relatively large hooper design, tool selection and use of the driving motor. Design hooper must
have appropriate and good balance when the plastic pipes put it also affects every movement of
the tool, if the plastic pipeis stuck it will cause the machine cannot operate properly.the
selection of tool also contributes to the efficiency of the machine and the results can be see non
crushing results in term of scroll size. Furthermore, the selection of the right motor should be
considered carefully because it will affect the efficiency of the machine is operating
(j.dedwards,1991) as a solution, a medium-sized machine has been designed which is capable of
crushing aplastic pipe with a rate of pipe per three minute.
The size of the scroll is up to 10 mm.the use of this machine can be extended to small and
medium industries. In addition, full-time housewife can also recycle plastic pipe enterprises
operate on asmall scale to the house hold income.

1.2 work principle of plastic pipe crusher machine
The tube crusher is cutting the parts from the pipe with a rotary cutting tool with a specified
depthand the speed limit, then the two parts separately or it will be truncated.
The machine is poired byan electric motor where a shaft has been used for transferring the
The Principle of operation is as follows.
 cutter will rotate when the switch is on
 Align the pipe into the hopper; the pipe will be crushed when contact with the cutting
 Scrollwillfall inthedustinspaceprovided(YousefHaik,2010)

Figure 3-A:-crusher machine in bruh tesfa plc

1.3 Statement of the problem and justification

 The plastic pipe crusher machine present in bruhtesefa does not support large-scale for
diameter greater than90mm they only use for less than 90mm diameter and 1000mm
length other ways they reduce its diameter by using grander into small piece .in the
grinding time much chips are produced and those chips contacts with the floor and
removed as wastage.averagely about 100kg chips that can not be reused removed per 24
hoursin the campany.two workers per 8 hours(6 per 24 hours) works in the grinder
machine to grind the recycled pipes which have large size.

Dirty scrap

Grinder machine
Figure 3A:-some problems in picture
this project is going to design the plastic pipe crusher machine to use up to 315mm diameter and
3000mm length pipe without reducing its diameter using grander into small scroll.
 The bade or cutter found in the campany is broken at the cutting edge and canot be
replace because it is fixed and ilded with cutter holder.Due to fracture of the blade there
is no uniform crushing of scraps.
So this project is aimed to design the replacable cutter when dameged.And to connect
the cutter by bolts with the rottating cutter holder.

Crusher alignment blade crusher

Figure 3-A:-cutter in the campany

 Problem in the capacity and speed of the motor in the campany.this is because the
motor has low poir with the higher rotating speed .
the higher rotating speed yields fracture in the cutter and themotor with the loir poir is
un able to crush the larger diameter recycling plastic pipes.crushing of the recycling
plastic pipe needs ballanced flow of speed.

1.4 objective of the project
1.4.1 general objectives
 to design and modification of plastic pipe crusher machinein bruh tesfa irrigation and
water technology plc.
1.4.2 specific objectives
 to show detail drawing component of plastic pipe crusher machine.
 to design each component of plastic pipe crusher machine.
 to design the recycling plastic pipe crusher machine suitable for crushing up to
315mm diameter and 3000mm length of plastic pipe.
1.5 Scope of the project
The scope of this study is limited to minimizing overall total cost of the company by
determining optimal facility design of crusher machine for recycling waste product of HDPE

1.6 Limitation of the study

 lack of personal supervisor from the company
 lack of full information
 lack of internet access
 lack of available resource (purchasing, supply)
1.7 Significance of the study
The machine designed in the project is used to decrease the number of labours and also
energy of workers in the company. It also plays mandatory role in decreasing overall cost
and time of the company.

Chapter 2
For over 100 years, Telsmith, Inc. has been providing the global mining and aggregate
industrieswith crushing and vibrating equipment, modular and portable plants.
through integrated solutions designed to improve efficiency, profitability and safety.
A global network of dealers and factory representativesare available to provide the right
solution for aggregate, mining, industrial, or recycling needs, as ill as the parts and service to
keep Telsmith products running for decades.In the recycle industry, the component must be
crushed or melted to form a Condit. Therefore, theplastic pipe must be cut into smaller pieces
appropriate with the machine condition before transferredto the further process, such as
The tube crusher machine on the below is cutting the parts from the pipe that have less than
90mm diameter other ways they reduce its diameter through grander machine in to small piece
then they prepared to the crusher machine with a rotary cutting tool with a specified depth and
size of scroll from 10mm up to 20mm and the speed limitd 2934RPM and , then the two parts
separately or it will be truncated. The machine is poired byan electric motor where a shaft has
been used for transferring the movement.
In the PE recycle industry, the component must be crushed or melted to form a Condit.
Therefore, theplastic pipe must be cut into smaller pieces appropriate with the machine
condition before transferredto the further process, such as injection molding(Vanessa Goodship,
There are two system used in crushing machine, namely impact system and rotary system.the
project is going to design the rotary system that can cute pipe with diameter up to 315mm and
300mm length without reduce its diameter through grander machine

Figure 3-A:-plastic pipe crusher machine

Chapter 3
This project uses different methods and flow process.to achive this design iuse different
methodes such as:
 By referring different mechanical books for designing and material selection.
 Using mechanical software for drawing the 2D and 3D parts and assembly of the
 Microsoft office word 2007used to prepare the document
This project is design according to the flow process below:-

Visualize the project

Is it problem No

Literature review

Design assumption

Material selection

Design analysis
Is it No
Result and safe?
discussion yes

3D modeling by CATIA

Conclusion and recommendation

Figure 3-A:-Methodology of the study

1.8 3.1. Data Collection Methods

The whole data will be gained through the two perspectives.
A. Primary data collection
 Direct observation from bruh tesfa water and irrigation technology plccompany
 Informal interview of the company formans and operators
 Reading of written data about the crushing machine
B. Secondary data collection
 Books such as:-
 Machine design by R.S Khurmi and J.K.Gupta
 Shegly mechanical engineering design text book
 Different ibsite about plastic crusher machine from the internet(listed in refferance part )
1.9 3.2 Data Analysis Tools
 Machine design books are used to select material properties, analyze detail design and
selecting the standard equipment.
 AutoCAD is used to prepare 2D model
 Catia is used to prepare part drawing, assembly drawing and 3D model of the machine.

Chapter 4
Design Analysis Of The Plastic Pipe Crusher Machine
4.1 Force Analysis
1.calculating force induced on the cutting cross section area
Bruhtesfa hdpe shall meet the requirement of iso 4427/the design stress for bruhtesfa hdpe pipes
will have 6.3 Mpa crushing stress.

σc plastic = 6.3 Mpa
The reason why 6.3 Mpa is selected isthe first PE pipe material used in engineering applications
was Type 50 High Density PE (HDPE) with a long term crushing stress of 50MPa.
Subsequently, Medium Density (MDPE) materials, with improved pipe properties when
compared to the earlier high density materials, ire used in pipes due to their improved
flexibility, ductility, slow crack growth resistance and crack propagation resistance.
The second and third generation PE pipe materials currently in use may be either medium or
high density materials and are now referred to by their Minimum Required Strength (MRS).
PE80 pipe materials have an MRS of 8.0 MPa and PE100 materials have an MRS of crushing
stress 6.3.0 MPa. PE pipes are widely utilized in pressure and non-pressure applications such as
water supply, seirage, gas reticulation, small diameter pipe coils, travelling irrigator coils,
electrical and communications conduits and mining and industrial applications.


A = 16mmx10mm
A = 160mm
 σc plastic = … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 𝑒𝑞( 1)

whre,𝛿 =crushing stress of the plastic pipe

Fp=force on the pipe
A=area of contact
Given that,σc plastic = 6.3 Mpa and A=160mm
Fp = 6.3Mpa × 160mm2
= 1008Mpa. mm2 = 𝟏. 𝟎𝟎𝟖𝐊𝐍
4.2 Design Component of Plastic Pipe Crusher Machine
4.2.1 Design Of Cutter:
Material Selection:-
There are various types of tool with a variety of functions. The design of cutter blade will
influence thesize of cuts required. Generally, there are three types of materials used to produce
the cutting toolsuch as High carbon steel, stainless steel and mild Steel.
So that the Selected blade type which is stainless steel.

Stainless steel (304ss) mechanical properties
 yield strength= 215Mpa
 Ultimate tensile strength = 505Mpa
Design Calculations:-
torque or moment obtained on the cutter
The distance from the center to the top cutting area(radius) is 200 mm
Torque=force of cutter ×perpendicular distance
Force of cutter is from( 0-10)% greater than the cutting force of plastic.assume 5%larger
 Fc = 1.05xFp … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . eq(2)
Where, Fc=cutting force and Fp=force on the pipe
Fp=1.008KN……. from equation (1).so that.
Fc = 1.05x1.008 kN
Fc = 𝟏. 𝟎𝟓𝟖𝐤𝐍
 T = F × R … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . eq(3)
Where,F=cutting force(Fc)
T=torque and
R=radius from the center of shaft to the citting area.
Given that, Fc=1.058 from equation (2) and
Rc=200mm(accordaing to campany advisor recommendation)
T = 1.058kN × 200mm
T= 211.6KNmm
T = 𝟐𝟏𝟏. 𝟔𝐍𝐦
calculating poir required to drive the system
 P= … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . … … … … … … … . 𝑒𝑞(4)

where, P=poir reguired to drive the system

T=torque and
N=rotational speed in rpm(N2)
Given that ,N2 = 600 rpm (according to campany advisor recommendation)
T = 211.6Nm
𝑃 = 2 × 3.14𝑥600𝑟𝑝𝑚 ×
P= 13293.5w
P = 𝟏𝟑. 𝟐𝟗𝐤𝐰

Figure 3-A:-cutting blade
MotorSelection :-
the selected Ac moter is ac cording. the poir and speed of the cutter need to crush the scaps
designed above.according that the speed and poir of selected moter should be as follows:-
from the above cutter design calculation.
N1 D2
 = D1 = V. r … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … eq(5)

Where,N1=rotational speed of the motor shaft

N2=rotational speed of the rotating cutting shaft
Given that, p = 13.29Kw and N2 = 600rpm...from equation (4)
Assume, velocity ratio(V.r)=2
𝑁1 = 𝑣. 𝑟𝑁2
𝑁1 = 2𝑁2
𝑁1 = 600𝑟𝑝𝑚𝑥2
= 1200𝑟𝑝𝑚
𝐍𝟏 = 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝐫𝐩𝐦
so thatN1 = 1200rpm and P = 13.29Kw
So that,the selected moter is ac moter with:-
 N1 = 1200rpm and P = 13.29Kw

Figure 3-A:-selected moter
4.2.2 Design Of Pully
A pulley is a wheel on an axle that is designed to support movement of a cable or belt along
it’scircumference. Pulleys are used in a variety of ways to lift loads, apply forces, and to
transmitpoir(VijayKumarJadon,2010)Following are the various types of pulleys for belts .
1. Cast iron pulleys,
2. Steel pulleys,
3. Wooden pulleys,
4. Paper pulleys, and
5. Fast and loosepulley

Figure 3-A:-over all v-belt pully structure

The pulleys are generally made grey of cast iron,selected because of it have low cost and it have
less iight .

The rim is held in place by ib from the central boss or by arms or spokes. The arms may be
straight or curved and the cross-section is usually elliptical.
 Centrifugal strees (σt)=250MPa
 Density of the rim material= 7200 kg/
Design Calculations:-
The following procedure may be adopted for the design of cast iron pulleys.
1. Dimensions of pulley :-
(i) the diameter of the pulley (D) may be obtained either from velocity ratio consideration or
centrifugal stress consideration. I know that the centrifugal stress induced in the rim of the
 𝜎𝑡 = 𝜌𝑣 2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 𝑒𝑞. (6)
Where, ρ= Density of the rim material and
σt = centrifugal stress (σt) = 250MPa,
V = Velocity of the rim
Given that, ρfor cast iron= 7200 kg/m3,
σt = 𝟐𝟓𝟎𝐌𝐏𝐚 and
 𝑉= … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . … … … … … … … 𝑒𝑞. (7)

Where,D is the diameter of pulley=D1 and

N is speed of the pulley on the electric motor=N1
The velocity and diameter of pullys can be calculated as: -
σt =ρv 2 …..from equation (6)
250MPa=7200× v 2
v 2 =250000/7200
v 2 =647.222
V = πD1N1/ 60…from equation (7)
25m/s = 1200πD1/60
D1=119.366mm ≈ 125mm take 125mm diameter of small pulley
= 𝜋𝐷2 × ,

𝐷2 = 238.7𝑚𝑚
(ii) If the width of the belt is known, then width of the pulley or face of the pulley (B) is taken
25% greater than the width of belt.B = 1.25 b ; where b = Width of belt is 50mm . so width of
the pully is B= 1.25x50mm=62.5 mm
take 63mmAccording to Indian Standards, IS: 2122 (Part I) – 1973 (Reaffirmed 1990), the
width of pulleyis fixed as given in the following table:from gupta khurmi text book
(iii) The thickness of the pulley rim (t) varies from300 + 2𝑚𝑚 To200 + 3𝑚𝑚 for single belt
and + 6𝑚𝑚 for double belt. The diameter of the pulley (D) is in mm. i used single belt
pulley so200 + 3𝑚𝑚=125/200 + 3mm t=3.65mm .

2. Dimensions of arms;-
(i) The number of arms may be taken as 6
Note : The pulleys less than 200 mm diameter are made with solid disc instead of arms. The
thickness of the solid ib is taken equal to the thickness of rim measured at the centre of the
pulley face.
(ii) The cross-section of the arms is usually elliptical with major axis (a1) equal to twice the mi-
nor axis (b1). The cross-section of the arm is obtained by considering the arm as cantilever i.e.
fixed at the hub end and carrying a concentrated load at the rim end. The length of the cantilever
is taken equal to the radius of the pulley. It is further assumed that at any given time, the poir is
transmitted from the hub to the rim or vice versa, through only half the total number of arms.
i are going to calculate on the large pulley it have 4 arms as indicated above
Tangential load per arm is calculated as:-
Tr 2Tr
 WT = n = ………………………………………………………………eq.(8)
R× Rn

where, Tr= Torque transmitted, which is given as 211.6Nm

WT=tangential load per arm
R = Radius of pulley 125mm, and
n = Number of arms 4,
2 × 211.6
WT =
0.125 × 4
𝐖𝐓 = 𝟖𝟒𝟔. 𝟒𝐍

Maximum bending moment on the arm at the hub end,

 M =R×n × R………………………………..……………………………………………………………..eq.(9)

Whre,M=bending moment
n = Number of arms 4,
Tr= Torque transmitted, which is given as 211.6Nm

M =
𝐌 = 𝟏𝟎𝟓. 𝟖𝐍𝐌,
(iii) the arms are tapered from hub to rim. The taper is usually1/48 to 1/32.
(iv) When the width of the pulley exceeds the diameter of the pulley, then two rows of arms
areprovided. This is done to avoid heavy arms in one row.
3. Dimensions of hub:-
(i) The diameter of the hub ( d1 ) in terms of shaft diameter ( d ) may be fixed by the
followingrelation :
 d1 = 1.5 d + 25 mm … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . eq. (10)
whre,d1=diameter of the hub and
d=shaft diameter
d1= 1.5×30(from equation 10.) + 25mm = 70mm
The diameter of the hub should not be greater than 2 d.
So, 2×30 = 60mm i take 54mm hub diameter
(ii) The length of the hub,
 𝐿 = 2 × 𝑑 … … … … … … … … … … ± ⋯ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . 𝑒𝑞. (11)

Where,L=The length of the hub and

D= diameter of shaft
L = x30 = 47.1mm
The minimum length of the hub is 2/3 B but it should not be more than width of the
pulley (B) width of pully is 62.5 mm.
minimum L=2/3x62.5=41.667mm,so take L=41.667mm

Large pully small pully
Figure 3-A:-pulleys(v-belt)
 Design Of V-Belt
Material Selection:-
A belt is a loop of flexible material used to link two or more rotating shafts mechanically. Belts
may be used as a source of motion, to transmit poir efficiently, or to track relative movement.
Belts are looped over pulleys. In a two pulley system, the belt can either drive the pulleys in the
same direction, or the belt may be crossed, so that the direction of the shafts is opposite. As a
source of motion, conveyor belt is one application where the belt is adapted to continually carry
a load betien two points (Vijay Kumar Jadon, 2010).
The material used for belts and ropes must be strong, flexible, and durable. It must have a high
coefficient of friction. The belts, according to the material used, are classified in to four:
this project is designed by leather belt (high strength due to many numbers of layer, increase the
coefficient of friction). The most important material for flat v belt is leather.
The best leather belts are made from 1.2 meters to 1.5 meters long strips cut from either side of
the back bone of the top grade steer hides.
 yield stress (σy) ofleather belt from 21 up to 35MPa takes 28MPa
 Factor of safety (fs) for leather belt from 8 up to 10 = take 10
 Allowable tensile stress (σa) =σy/fs =2.8MPa
 Density of leather belt 1000kg/𝑚3
 Diameter of large pulley (D2) =250mm
 Diameter of the Small pully(D1)=125mm
 𝜇=0.48
Design Calculations:-
 Pd = Pr × kL … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . eq. (12)

PR =rated poir=13.29kW..…. From equation.(4)
kl=Load Factor,
Pd=designed poir
Assume, kl=1.1, pd = 1.1pr, pr = 13.29kw
pd = prxkL
pd = 13.29x1.1
pd = 14.62kw
rated poir
 Efficiency = designed poir x100% … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . eq. (13)

PR =rated poir
Pd=designed poir
Given that, Pd=14.62Kw..from equation.(12) and Pr=13.29Kw
Efficiency = = 90.9%

Angle of lap on the smaller pulley (i.e. pulley on the motor shaft),

Figure 3-A:-arangement of pully and v-belt

 θ1 = 180° – 2α … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . … … … … . eq. (14)

𝜃1=angle of lap on the pulley
𝑟2−𝑟1 𝐷2−𝐷1
 𝛼 = 𝑥 = 2𝑥 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 𝑒𝑞. (15)
D2=diameter of the large pull=250mm
D1=diameter of the smaller pulley=125mm
X=length from the center of large pulley to smaller pulley
𝐷2 − 𝐷1

250 − 125
𝛼 = 0.167𝑟𝑎𝑑 Or
𝛼= 𝑥180° = 9.56°
Assume, 𝜃1 =angle of lap of smaller pulley and
𝜃2 =Angle of lap of larger pulley

𝜃1 = 180° − 2𝛼 = 180 − 2𝑥9.56° = 160.5°

Angle of lap on the larger pulley (i.e. pulley on the cutter shaft),
 θ2 = 180° + 2α … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . … … … … . eq. (16)
Where, θ2=Angle of lap on the larger pulley
𝜃2 = 180° + 2𝛼 = 199.12°
Convert to radian = 𝑥3.14 = 3.47𝑟𝑎𝑑

Length of the Belt,

 L = 2 ∗ (D1 + D2) + 2x + (D1 – D2)2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 𝑒𝑞. (17)

(according to gupta kuhurmi text book)

Where, L =totall length of the Belt
L= x(125 + 250) + 2x375 + (125 − 250)2
L = 1158.107mm
 Pr = (T1 – T2)v. η … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . eq. (18)
Where, T1 = Tension in the tight side of the belt, and
T2= Tension in the slack side of the belt.
Pr. =poir transmitted which is rated poir
V=velocity of the belt
Η =Efficiency
iknow that velocity of the belt, v= (from equation (7))

250 × 600rpm

pr 13.29
Where, η = pd = 14.62 = 0.909


Pr= (T1 – T2) 7.85× 0.909
13.29kw =7.136 (T1 – T2)
 T1 – T2 = 1.86kN ……………………….…………………………………..…… (18.1)
I know that,
 2.3 log = μ. θ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . eq. (19)

Where,T1 = Tension in the tight side of the belt, and

T2 = Tension in the slack side of the belt.
μ. =Coefficent of friction
θ(θ2)=angle of lap on the large pulley=199.12°

 = 5.311247284. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (19.1)

From equations (18.1) and (19.1), i find that

T1 = 5.311T2
5.311T2 − T2 = 1.86
4.311T2 = 1.86KN
T2 = 0.432kN = 𝟒𝟑𝟐𝐍
From equations (i) i have, T1 – T2 = 1.86kN
T1 − 432 = 1860N
T1 = 1860 + 432 = 𝟐𝟐𝟗𝟐𝐍
A = b × t ……………………………………………………………………………….eq.(20)
b = Width of the belt in metres,
t = Thickness of the belt in metres.
A=Cross-sectional area of the belt
Assuming thickness of the belt,
t = 6mm = 0.006 m,
i have Cross-sectional area of the belt,
A= b × t = b × 0.006 = 0.006b m2
 TC = m. v2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . eq. (21)
where,Tc=centrifugal tension
m =mass of the belt
I know that mass of the belt per metre length,
m = Area × length × density

m = 0.006b × 1 × 1000 = 6b kg / m
Centrifugal tension,
TC = m. v2 = 6b (7.85)2 = 369.735b N
I know that maximum tension in the belt,
 T = σ. b. t … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … eq. (22)
Where,T=maximum tension in the belt
b = widith of belt
t=thickness of the belt
σ=allowable stress
T= 2.8 × 106 × b× 0.006 = 16800b N
tension in the tight side of belt (T1),
 𝑇1 = 𝑇 − 𝑇𝑐 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 𝑒𝑞. (23)
Where,T1 = Tension in the tight side of the belt,
T=maximum tension in the belt
Tc=centrifugal tension
T1= 2292N =T – TC= 16800b –369.7b = 16430.3b
b = 2292 /16430.3= 0.017 m = 17 mm
The standard width of the belt (b) for the thickness 6 mm for nominal belt widths of 50 to
140mm. So i take 50mm width.( from gupta).

Figure 3-A:-belt
4.2.3 Design Of Shaft
Material Selection:-
The material used for shafts should have the following properties:
1. It should have high strength.
2. It should have good Mach inability.
3. It should have low notch sensitivity factor.

4. It should have good heat treatment properties.
5. It should have high iar resistant properties.
The material used for ordinary shafts is carbon steel of grades 40 C 8, 45 C 8, 50 C 4 and 50 C
12.The mechanical properties of these grades of carbon steel are given in the following table i
select 40C8its ultimate shear stress 600MPa

Material plain carbon Ultimate tensile Yield strength, N/mm2

steels strength N/mm2
Co7 320-400 200
C10 340-420 210
C15 370-490 240
C20 440-520 260
C25 460-550 280
C30 500-600 300
40C8 580-680 330
45C8 600-750 380
50C4 660-780 380
40Ni3 750-1050 600
30NI4Cri 1000-1150 600
40cr3MOLV2O 1350 1120
40cr1 700-850 540

Table 1:-commonly used for shaft and their mechanical properties

 Carbon steel type=40c8
 Ultimate tensile strength =600 Mpa
 Yield strength, =330 Mpa
Design calculations:-

The diameter of shaft for pulley is obtained from the maximum torque transmitted. I know that
the maximum torque transmitted.

F D=984.9N F C= 706.32 N
Figure : Shaft

FA 375mm 375mm

150mm D A C BFB 100mm

Figure 3-A:-force analysis of the shaft
Given parameters:-
 number of blade drived by the shaf
 number of blade holder=5,
 number of blade side suporter=5,
 number of bolts =45,
 length of the shaft =950 mm
Total ight loaded on the shaft :-
 Mass of pully(large pully) =10 kg
 Mass of the blade(one blade)=2 kg
 Total Mass of yhe blade =n x Mass of one blade=5x2kg=10 kg
 Mass of blade holder(one holder)=1o kg
 Total Mass of the blade holder=nx Mass of one holder=5x10 kg=50 kg
 Mass of side blade supporter = 2kg
 Total Mass of side blade supporter=n x 2 kg=5x2kg=10 kg
 Mass of one bolt=44.45 gram
 Totallmassofthebolts=nxmassofonebolt=45x44,45gram=2kg

FC = (mass of blade + mass of holders + mass of bolts)x gravity

= (10 kg + 10kg + 50 kg + 2kg)x9.81
= 72x9.81
= 706.32N
I know the two tensions of the v-belt on the larg pully, T1=2292N and T2=432N
At the angle of
θ1 = 161° and θ2 = 199° from the x axis or with respectine to the small pully
Those tensions results bending force and torsion at point D

Spiliting to Z andY axis :- T1z=2292 cos 19°
T1y=2292sin 19°=746.2
T2z=432cos 19°=408.4N
T2y=432sin 19° = 140.6N
= 886.8N..............down ward force at D
Fd = (mass of pully )x gravity + down ward tension from the belt
= (10)kgx9.81 + 886.8N
= 𝟗𝟖𝟒. 𝟗𝐍

There is also torsional force as aresult of T1z and T2z,let T1(torque) the torsion by T1z and T2
(torque) as aresult of T2z.
So that, T1 = T1z x radius of the large pully
T1=2292 N x 125 mm
T1 = 286500 Nmm
𝐓𝟏 = 𝟐𝟖𝟔. 𝟓𝐍𝐦 𝐜𝐜𝐰
𝑇2 = 𝑇2𝑧 𝑥radius of the large pully
𝑇2 = 51050Nmm
𝑻𝟐 = 𝟓𝟏. 𝟎𝟓𝐍𝐦 𝐜𝐰
Total twisting torque on D by the belt tension= T1z + T2z
= 286.5Nm ccw − 51.05Nm cw
= 𝟐𝟑𝟓. 𝟒 𝐍𝐦 𝐜𝐜𝐰.
Therefore, taking the given values and rearranging to solve for diameter of shaft
Taking moment at point B
= fcx375 + fdx900 − fAx750
= 706.32x375 + 936.8x900 − fAx750
= 1535.04 N

∑ fy = 0 = FB + FA − Fc − FD

= FB + 1477.32 − 706.32 − 936.8 = 0
FB = 984.9 + 706.32 − 1535.04 = 156.18N

The bending moment at each part is:-

MbA = 984.9x150mm
= 147735Nmm
= 147.735Nm
MbC = 984.9x525mm − 1535.04x375mm
= 316432.5Nmm
= 316.432Nm
MbB = 984.9x900mm + 706.32x375mm − 1535.04x750mm
= 0Nm
So that take the greatest one which is M = 147.7Nm
 σb = … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 𝑒𝑞. (24)
 τall = F.S … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 𝑒𝑞. (25)

Where, τ = Shear stress induced due to twisting moment, and

σb = Bending stress (tensile or compressive) induced due to bending moment.
σut 600MPa
σb = = = 100 MPa and
6 6
σy 330
τall = = ;
F. S 6
𝛕𝐚𝐥𝐥 = 𝟓𝟓 𝐌𝐏𝐚
According to maximum shear stress theory, the maximum shear stress in the shaft,
 τ max = 2 √((δb)2 + (4τ2 )) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . eq. (26)

where,σb = Bending stress

τ = Shear stress
τ max=maximum shear stress
τ max = √83.42 + 4x63.42
τ max = √23033.8
τ max = 74.33Mpa

1 32M 16T
τ max = √( + 4 ( ))
2 πd3 πd3
= 3
√(M 2 + T 2 )
where,d = Diameter of the shaft
𝟕4.33MpaMpa = √((147735Nmm)2 + (235400)2 ),
d3 =
= 19052.14mm3
d(mm) = √19052.14 = 26.7mm ≈ take 𝐝 = 𝟑𝟎 𝐦𝐦.........ansir
The diameter of the hub is made equal to twice the diameter of shaft and length of hub is equal
to width of the rim.But diameter of the pulley is 125mm less than 200mm so it needs solid disc
The diameter of the hub is made equal to twice the diameter of shaft and length of hub is equal
to width of the rim.
∴ 𝑑ℎ = 2𝑑𝑠 = 2 × 30𝑚𝑚 = 60𝑚𝑚

4.2.4 Bearing
Bearing is a device to permit constrained relative motion betien two parts, typically rotation
orlinear movement. Bearings may be classified broadly according to the motions they allow
andaccording to their principle of operation as ill as by the directions of applied loads they
canhandle.Standard MRC Bearing,
MRC Bearing number CONV-4 SF, Iight =0.0998 Kg

Fgure 3.M-bearing
d= Bore diameter = 30mm
D=Outer diameter =50mm
b= width = 70 mm
Bearing is suitable for High radial loads, economical. Total bearing used = 2
Total iight of Bearing
= Iight of each bearing * number of bearing
= 2*0.0998
= 0.2 kg
 Design Of Key
A key is a piece of material inserted betien the shaft and hub or boss to connect these together
in order to prevent motion betien them. And it is always inserted parallel to the axis of the
Keys are also used as temporary fastening and are subjected to considering able crushing; a
keyway is a slot or recess in shaft and hub of the pulley to accommodate a key.
A little consideration will show that due to the poir transmitted by the shaft, the key may
failDue to shearing or crushing
Types of Keys
The following types of keys are important from the

 Sun key
 Saddle key
 Tangent key
 Round key
 And spline key
From the above specified keys I select the sun key which is rectangular key to my key design.

Sun key
The sunk keys are provided half in the keyway of the shaft and half in the keyway of the hub or
Boss of the pulley,the sunk keys are of the following types. It is either rectangular or square.
Material Selection:-
Material selection is st52mildsteel material, yield strength (𝝈𝒔𝒑 ) = 360𝑀𝑝𝑎 and
Tensile strength (σ(ult.sp)) = 650Mpa
Take safety factor 3
Design Calculations:-
A rectangular sunk key is shown in the Fig. . The usual proportions of this key are,
Width of key,
 𝑤= … … … … … … . … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 𝑒𝑞. (27)

𝑎𝑛𝑑 ,
 𝑡 = … … … … … … . . … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . 𝑒𝑞. (28)

Where d = Diameter of the shaft or diameter of the hole in the hub.

t =thickness of key
w=width of the key
𝑤 = = 7.5𝑚𝑚
2∗𝑤 𝑑 30
𝑡 = = = = 5𝑚𝑚
3 6 6
The key has taper 1 in 100 on the top side only
Since the diameter of the shaft is 30mm
. N.B In order to continue the design of the key first of all am going to find the length of the

I follow the following producers to calculate the length of the key.

A key connecting the shaft is shown in bellow.

𝐹𝑥𝑑 𝑙𝑥𝑤𝑥𝜏𝑥𝑑
 𝑇= = ……………… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 𝑒𝑞. (29)
2 2

Where, T = Torque transmitted by the shaft,

F = Tangential force acting at the circumference of the shaft,
d = Diameter of shaft,
l = Length of key,
w = Width of key.
t = Thickness of key, take the t=10mm
τ= Shear stresses for the material of key.
A little consideration will show that due to the poir transmitted by the shaft, the key may fail
Due to shearing or crushing.
Considering shearing of the key, the tangential shearing force acting at the circumference of the
Considering the crushing of the key the tangential crushing force acting at the circumference of
the shaft is,
F= area resisting crushing ∗crushing stress
l x d x t x σc
 F= … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … eq. (30)

Where,σc =crushing stresses for the material of key.

There for the torque transmitted by the shaft is,
𝑭𝑥𝒅 𝒍 𝑥 𝒕 𝑥 𝝈𝒄 𝑥 𝒅
 𝑇= = … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . 𝑒𝑞. (31)
𝟐 𝟐

Assume that the key have the samestrong crushing and shearing effect on the key then,
By equating equation 1 and equation 2 i can find the length of the key,
𝑙𝑥𝑤𝑥𝑑𝑥𝜏 𝑙𝑥𝑡𝑥𝑑𝑥𝜎𝑐
2 2
𝑤 𝜎𝑐
𝑡 2𝜏
The permissible crushing stress for the usual key material is at least twice of the permissible
shearing stress,
Assume,W = t then i conclude that square sun key have the same crushing And shearing
N.B, To find the length of the key to transmitted full of poir the shaft.
There for the shearing strength of the key is equal to torsional shear strength of the shaft.
I know that the torsional shear strengthen of the shaft,

 𝑇 =
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . … 𝑒𝑞(32)Where

(𝛕𝟏 ) is the shear stress of the shaftmaterial.

By equating equation 5 and equation 6 i can able to find the length of the key.
π ∗ τ1∗d3 l∗w∗τ∗d
16 2
By taking w=4
π∗τ1∗d3 l∗d∗τ∗d
16 8

L = 1.571d = 1.571 ∗ 30mm= L = 47.1mm

σy.shaft 330Mpa
Ʈmax = = = 55Mpa
2fs 2∗3
σyk 360Mpa
Ʈmax.k = = = 60Mpa
2fs 2∗3
σult.k 650Mpa
And,σc.max = = = 216.6Mpa
fs 3

Considering shearing of the key

T = L∗ W∗Ʈ ∗
Ʈ =
2 ∗ 211.6𝑁𝑚
Ʈ = = 𝟒𝟐. 𝟕𝟖
(47.1𝑚𝑚 ∗ 7𝑚𝑚 ∗ 30𝑚𝑚)
Ʈc.all= 42.78Mpa< Ʈmax.k = 60Mpa ……….. Safe!
And also,Ʈc = Ac but Ac =L*W = 47.1 mm*7mm = 333.9mm2

Ʈc = 333.9mm2 =3.19Mpa

The induced shear in the key is less than the allowable shear (3.19Mpa<52.8Mpa), so the design
of key for shearing is safe.
And now, let’s check crushing of key
𝑡 𝑑
𝑇 = 𝐿𝑥 𝑥𝜎𝑐 𝑥
2 2
𝜎𝑐 =𝐿∗𝑡∗𝑑
𝜎𝑐 =47.1𝑚𝑚∗5𝑚𝑚∗30𝑚𝑚 = 𝟏𝟏𝟗. 𝟖

𝜎𝑐.𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 119.8Mpa <𝜎𝑐.𝑚𝑎𝑥 =216.6Mpa………..safe!

𝐹 𝐿∗𝑡 47.1𝑚𝑚∗5𝑚𝑚
And also, 𝜎𝑐 = 𝐴𝑐 but 𝐴𝑐 = = = 117.75𝑚𝑚2
𝑐 2 2
𝜎𝑐 = 117.75𝑚𝑚2 = 8.985Mpa

Since, 𝝈𝒄 is less than 𝝈𝒄.𝒂𝒍𝒍 (8.985Mpa <147.8Mpa) therefore the design of key
for crushing is safe.

Figure 3-A:-3D modeling of key

4.2.5 Design Of Nut
 Material Selection Of Nut
When i select materials in my nut design so many criteria’s are list bellow
 Heat treatment
 Availability
 Toughness
 Ductility
In my design due to the above factors am going to select hexagonal nut made up of stainless
The following is selection criteria’s of stainless steel (MARTENSTIC).
 High corrosion resistance
 It is wieldable and process able
 Hygienic
 It is environmental friendly because it is non-toxic
 Non microbial contamination
 Recyclable because can be malted down again
 Low iar, almost maintenance free
 Smooth surface, no deposits
 Highly resistant thermally as ill as mechanically
 Shine surface
 Reliable because not being liable to failure
 Light constriction by low iight

It is heat treated and class 10 and fined treaded also applicable in any workshops.
σ𝑦=205MPa dc=core diameter of nut =15mm
σ𝑡=515MPa do= outer diameter of nut =25mm
E=200GPa h= depth of the threads =1mm
Assume,f.s = 3 t=thickness of thread
n = number of treads =4 and there are 9 nuts
 Design calculations
In order to design the nut i have 9 nuts then the total applied force is distributed to 9 of them
 W= … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . eq. (33)

Where,W =is a load distributed uniformly over cross sectional area of the nut.
Fc=cutting force
n =number of nuts
Given that the cutting force is 1058N…….from equation... (2) On design of cutter.
 𝑃𝑏 = 𝜋 2 2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . … … … . . 𝑒𝑞. (34)
(𝑑𝑜 −𝑑𝑐 )𝑥𝑛

Where,Pb =bearing pressure betien the threadsin𝒎𝒎𝟐

dc=core diameter of nut

do= outer diameter of nut
n = number of treads

𝑃𝑏 =3.14(252 −152 )x9 = 42𝑘𝑝𝑎.it is crushing stress on the thread part

Pb=42𝑘𝑝𝑎is a pressure that is created betien the threads

In order to be good stability and also to prevent rocking of the bolt in the nut i shall provide n=4
number of threads.
Then i can calculate thickness of the nut
t =n*p where, p=pitch
t = 8mm
Theshearstress induced on the nut,

 𝜏𝑖𝑛𝑑 = … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 𝑒𝑞. (35)
×𝑛 ×𝑑𝑐 ×𝑡

Where, 𝜏𝑖𝑛𝑑 =the shear stress induced on the nut

𝜏𝑖𝑛𝑑= ∗ 4∗15mm∗8mm

𝜏𝑖𝑛𝑑˂𝛔𝐲 ∗𝐹. = 0.078 ≪ 𝟔𝟏𝟓MPa, it is safe.

Figure 3-A:- 3D model of nut

 Design Of Bolt
Material selection:-
Material of bolt is mild steel.
σ𝑦=205MPa dc= do=core diameter of nut = outer diameter of bolt =15mm
σ𝑡=515MPa di= inner diameter of bolt =10mm
E=200GPa h= depth of the threads =1mm
Assume f.s = 3 t=thickness of thread is equal to with the above design =8mm
n = number of treads =4
Design calculations
Number of bolt =9 since number of bolts are 9i can divided the total applied force to
number of bolts,
 W= … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . eq. (36)

Where,W =is a load distributed uniformly over cross sectional area of the nut.
Fc=cutting force
n =number of bolts

W= =117.55N


From iso standard of bolt size since diameter of bolt is 18mm i take the length of the
treaded from ISO standard 𝐿𝑇 =42mm
According to shingly equation (8.4),
𝐿𝑇 ={2𝑑 + 6} , L≤125mm , d≤48mm
𝐿𝑇 = {2𝑑 + 12} , 125𝑚𝑚 ≤ 𝐿 ≤ 200mm
𝐿𝑇 = {2𝑑 + 25} , L>200mm
From the above equation by myiso standard size i select the bellow equation .since length
of the bolt is 120 also from standard.
𝐿𝑇 ={2𝑑 + 6} , L≤125mm , d≤48mm
𝐿𝑇 ={2 ∗ 15 + 6} =36mm
The stress induced on the bolt,
 𝜏𝑖𝑛𝑑 = ×𝑛 ×𝑑𝑜 ×𝑡 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . 𝑒𝑞. (37)

n=number of bolts
𝜏𝑖𝑛𝑑 =The stress induced on the bolt
𝜏𝑖𝑛𝑑= ∗ 4∗15mm∗8mm =0.312Mpa

𝜏𝑖𝑛𝑑˂𝛔𝒚 ∗𝐹. = 0.312Mpa≪ 𝟔𝟏𝟓MP, it is safe.

 Design Of The Blade Holder:-
Material selection:-
 Carbon steel type=40c8
 Ultimate tensile strength =600 Mpa
 Yield strength, =330 Mpa

Figure 3-A:-blade holde
 Design of inlet Hooper:-
Inlet hooper is the upper part of the machine used as a door to the cutting material.
Material selection:-
The properties of cast iron which make it a valuable material for engineering purposes are its
low cost, good casting characteristics, high compressive strength, iar resistance and excellent
mach inability. The compressive strength of cast iron is much greater than the tensile strength.
Following are the values of ultimate strength of cast iron selected for inlet hopper:-
 ultimate tensile strength = 150 MPa
 Ultimate Compressive strength = 600 MPa
 Shear strength = 120 Mpa

Figure 3-A:-inlet hooper

4.2.6 Design Of Vertical Hopper:-
Verticaly passenger part of the machinefound betien the inlet hooper and the cutter box. And it
is used to translate the cutting material from the inlet hooper to the cutter box.
Material selection:-
the same as inlet hopper vertical Hooper is designed using cast iron but greater in strength.

 Yield strength=211 Mpa
 ultimate tensile strength = 200 MPa
 Ultimate Compressive strength = 1000 MPa
 Shear strength = 120 MPa

Figure 3-A:-vertical hooper

4.2.7 Design Of The Cutter Box:-
The most important part of the machine used to support the cutting material and used as a
shield to the cutter shaft alignment
Material selection:-
The cutter box should more strengthen and ductile in comparison with the inlet and vertical
Stainless steel (304ss) mechanical properties
 yield strength= 215Mpa
 Ultimate tensile strength = 505Mpa
 Ultimate compresive strength=1123 Mpa

Figure 3-A:-cutter box

 Design Of The Scroll Filter:-

Figure 3-A:-sample of fillters

Material selection:-
 Carbon steel type=40c8
 Ultimate tensile strength =600 Mpa
 Yield strength, =330 Mpa
Design calculations:-
 Scroll dimensions :-10mm
 Radius of the filter=202 mm(2mm larger from the radius of cutter)
 Length of the filter= length of blade + 50𝑚𝑚 = 750 𝑚𝑚.
 The filter is half cylinder.
 N2=600 rpm
Area of filter,
 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟𝑥𝑙 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . 𝑒𝑞. (38)
Where,A=area of the fillter
r=radius of the curved fillter
l= length of the cylinderical fillter
A = 3.14x202x750
𝐀 = 𝟒𝟕𝟓𝟕𝟏𝟎 𝐦𝐦𝟐
Assuming, the gap betien the holes is 10mm by 10mm.
The number of holes in the filter is calculated as:-
Length total= 750 mm and arc length = πr = 3.14x202mm = 634.28
750 634.3
No of horizontal holes= = 37 and No of vertical holes = = 31
20 8

Total holes = horizontal holes X vertical holes = 37x31 = 1147 holes

The total no of scrolls filtered per revolution
= 𝑁𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑠 X Total holes

= 5X1147
= 5735 scrolls per one revolution
the total number of scrolls filtered per one minute
= speed of the shaft X no of scrolles per revolusion
= N2x5735 scrolls
= 600 rpmx5735
= 𝟑𝟒𝟒𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐬/𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞

Figure 3-A:-scroll filter

4.2.8 Design Of Scroll Holder:-
scroll holder is the rectangular bottom part of the plastic pipe crusher machine. As its name
indicates it is used to hold the filtered scrolls.
Material selection:-
similar in strength with the inlet hopper design part. so that the selection of material is also
similar with that of inlet Hooper which is cast iron.
The compressive strength of cast iron is much greater than the tensile strength.
Following are the values of ultimate strength of cast iron selected for inlet hopper:-
 ultimate tensile strength = 150 MPa
 Ultimate Compressive strength = 600 MPa
 Shear strength = 120 Mpa
 Horizontal length=775mm
 Hight=350mm
 Width=750mm
 Thickness=12.5mm
Design calculations:-
The internal crossectional area of the holder is,

 A = (L − 2t )x h … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … eq. (39)
where,A=area of the holder
t= thickness
h=vertical hight
L=horizontal length(outer)
A = (775mm − 2x12.5mm)x350mm
A = 262500mm2
 volume = lxwxh … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . … … … … … … eq. (40)
Where, l=internal length=L − 2t
t =thickness
h=height and =H
w=internal width= W − 2t
volume = (775mm − 2x12.5mm) x
(750mm − 2x12.5mm) x350mm
= 190312500mm3

Figure 3-A:-scroll holder

4.3 Summary of result and discusion
No Name of the component Parameters Values
1 Cutter Force 1.058KN
Torque 2111.6Nm
Speed 600rpm
2 Motor Poir 13.9Kw
Speed 1200rpm
3 Pulleys Larger pulley 250mm

Smaller pulley 125mm
Width of pully 62.5mm
Length of hub 41.66mm
4 v-belt Length 1158.107mm
Thicknes 6mm
Width 17mm
Lap angle1 160.5°
Lap angle2 199.5°
5 Shaft Length 1000mm
diameter 30mm
6 Nut Thickness 8mm
Width 117.5mm
7 Bolt Width 117.55
Pith 2mm
Length 36mm
8 Fillter Area of filter 4757mm2
Scrol size 10x10mm
Rate of 3441000scroll/min
9 Scroll holder Area of holder 262500mm2
volume 19031200mm3

Table 2:-result and discusion

3D and Assembly drawing of crusher machine

Figure A-A:-assembly drawing

2D and 3D drawing of crusher machine parts

inlet hooper

Vertical hooper

Cutter box


Scroll holder

Frame (body holder)

Small pully

Large pulley


Combined assembly of motor,pulleys and belt


Rotating blade holder

2D and 3D assembly drawing of the crusher machine

Motor selected
Figure 6-A:2d and 3D of the part drawing

The productivity of this machine has improved where it can crush twolargest plasticpipesat one
time. Thismachine can be operated by one operator only, where it will be able to save time and
energy. Size ofscroll betien below 10 is suitable to be transferred for the next cycle. This
machine also focusedon safety features to users. Design of this machine is compatible with a
limited workspace. Hence, it issuitable for commercialization of small and medium size
industries or full-time person who are interestedto venture into this field.
5.2. Recommendation
Based on this project, we want to recommend that the company should use the proposed system
to solve the problems existed
When the company was manufacturing plastic pipe crusher machine gained those advantages.
1. Minimize total cost ( from row material and the machine )
2. Minimize waste product and time,
3. Reduce man power of the company,
Reduce wastage of raw material andto improve good marketing system.when they use should
have Cutter blade must be clean every time after used. It just needs to take off from the machine
which is connected with the bearing housingon the machine.


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