Advanced Adapters
Advanced Adapters
Advanced Adapters
July 15, 2006
P.O. Box 247
4320 Aerotech Center Way
Paso Robles, CA 93447
This FOURTEENTH edition of the Advance Adapters Toyota Land Cruiser Conversion manual is an accumulation of our
experiences and knowledge in performing various types of conversions. The information and photos are directly related to the
products offered by our company. We have put this manual together for your reference in either performing the actual conversion
or trying to establish an estimate on tools required for your specific type of conversion. There are several major sections covered
in this manual along with several reprint articles that have been supplied to us through the courtesy of various magazines. The
information in this guide is constantly being updated and we ask that you verify any information that may be critical to your
application. We highly recommend that you acquire the individual shop manuals for your particular vehicle as support for torque,
gasketing, and assembly specifications which pertain to your vehicles requirements.
SPECIAL NOTE: Catalog Contents
This manual has been put together with the best possible information available to us. Advance Adapters cannot accept the responsibility for vehicles
and applications that are not standard. The contents of this brochure have been proofread before printing to minimize errors. We cannot be held
responsible for errors overlooked. Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions or comments you may have regarding any portion of this
manual. The information that you provide us could be useful in assisting other customers.
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3-4
Engine Selection ............................................................................................................................................................... 5-6
Engine Conversion - General Information ................................................................................................................. 7-12
Identify Your Stock Transmission ................................................................................................................................. 13-15
Bellhousing Adapters .............................................................................................................................................. 16-19
Clutch Components ................................................................................................................................................ 20-22
Land Cruiser Transfer Cases & Transfer Case Considerations .................................................................................... 23-25
Transfer Case Linkages .......................................................................................................................................... 25-27
Optional Transfer Case Items ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Transfer Case Adapter Selection Chart ...................................................................................................................... 29
Transmission-to-Transfer Case Adapters ..................................................................................................................... 30-37
Rock Box Applications .................................................................................................................................................. 38-39
Orion Transfer Case ....................................................................................................................................................... 40-42
Saginaw Steering Conversions ...................................................................................................................................... 43-48
Pumped Up, by Harold Pletschmann (Courtesy of 4WD Sport Utility - McMullen Pub.) ................................................. 49-52
Toyotally Crawling, by John Cappa (Courtesy of 4 Wheel & Off-Road - Emap-USA) ................................................. 53-55
Featured vehicle on front cover and page 3: David Gaebe’s 1972 Toyota Land Cruiser equipped with a Rock Box.
bly. This new housing provides a new engine location that The passenger side mount has been re-manufactured and
simplifies the drivetrain positioning for the popular V8 con- will offer an ideal engine location without driveline modifica-
version. This new design incorporates the use of a stock tions.
Chevy 168 tooth flywheel, Chevy pressure plate, clutch disc,
original Toyota release bearing, throw out arm, and slave
cylinder. This kit is a little more expensive than the our No matter what your drivetrain or conversion needs
bellhousing design, but offers some distinct advantages may be, we are fully capable of supplying the neces-
which makes it a good option for a V8 conver- sary components for your Toyota Land Cruiser.
sion. We supply the necessary components to This manual will help you to identify your stock
adjust the engine position to accommodate the drivetrain components and give you your conver-
North American steering configuration. sion options. It also supplies information of steer-
ing upgrades, as well as reprint articles about con-
When using the Mark's bellhousing, you will be verted vehicles. If you should have any questions or
able to retain the bellhousing support on the driver's need clarification on your specific application, please feel
side by simply spacing it away from the original bellhousing. free to contact our trained technical sales staff.
Toyota Land Cruisers are put together with all metric fasteners. If you do not have a good selection of metric and standard wrenches,
then we would suggest that you purchase the appropriate wrenches before you start your conversion. Along with these tools, it is
advised that you have an engine hoist and a torque wrench to complete the conversion properly. Some conversions require some
welding or cutting for mounting of the engine. Please refer to your specific vehicle application listed in this manual for further
information concerning modifications. For electrical wiring diagrams and Toyota torque specifications, you will need a Toyota Land
Cruiser service manual.
High-performance modifications, accessories, vehicle history and tips you should know when buying a new or
used vehicle, are just a few of the many topics covered by the well known technical writer Moses Ludel. When
ordering this Owners Bible, the Advance Adapters Toyota Land Cruiser Instruction manual is included at no charge.
Part # TLCB
The next step is to define the use of the vehicle and then select a motor which best fits those needs. We manufacture motor
mounts, headers, and bellhousing adapters for most Chevy and Ford engines. Depending on what motor you choose, every
practical need can be met. The overall size of your Land Cruiser provides you an easy installation with a minimum amount of
The bellhousing bolt patterns on these block are all identical. (This is known as the 90 degree bolt pattern). These engines use
a dowel pin alignment. The stock starter bolts to the bottom of the block except on some early blocks like the 265. (Note: These
early blocks, in which the starter bolts to the bellhousing, should not be used for conversions). The flywheel can either be 153 tooth
measuring 12-3/4” in diameter, or 168 tooth measuring 14” in diameter. The 1985 & earlier flywheels are not interchangeable with
the 1986 & later flywheels due to a change on the flywheel crank bolt pattern and balancing. The Chevy Vortec Generation III blocks
used yet another crank bolt pattern and balance different than any of the other GM blocks.
The Chevy starters have two different bolt patterns on the bottom of the block. The straight bolt pattern is normally used with the 153T
flywheel, and the offset or staggered starter bolt pattern is normally used with the 168T flywheel. Many Chevy blocks today offer both
starter bolt patterns on the block. Some of our conversion bellhousings require a special GM starter nose cone. If your stock starter
is interfering with our bellhousing, you may need to grind on the bellhousing a bit or purchase a hi-torque starter which does not
have a nose cone: GM# 1968122 (for use with a 153T flywheel). The Vortec Gen. III blocks had their own unique starter bolt pattern.
WARNING: Do not use one of our full bellhousings with a diesel engine. The starter will not fit the bellhousing pocket on our
The oil pans on Chevy blocks have gone through a few changes. Blocks 1985 & earlier
are all the same, except the dipstick access is either on the driver’s side or passenger
side. In 1986, GM changed their gasket design to a one piece rear main seal. The earlier
style oil pans will not fit the newer blocks. The Vortec engines use an aluminum oil pan.
NOTE: The LT1, LT4, ZZ4 or LS1 blocks all use angle port heads which are not compatible
with most of our headers. These blocks also require a steam release port on the radiator.
LS1 mount P/N 713088 installed The radiators we offer do not have this steam release provision.
The Chevy V8 is an excellent choice for an engine upgrade into a Toyota Land Cruiser. The benefit of a Chevy engine conversion
is that a large number of parts are readily available. One disadvantage is that the rear mounted distributor will sometimes create
firewall clearance problems.
Chevy 292 In-line 6 Cylinder:
If you are not looking for the power increase of a Chevy V8 but want the availability of Chevy components, the installation of a Chevy
in-line 292 cubic inch 6 cylinder engine is a good choice. When using this engine, costs can be minimized since the location is
identical to that of the original 6 cylinder. We do not offer any type of motor mounts to install this engine, so some fabrication will
be required.
NOTE: When acquiring a Chevy 292, make sure that the engine has starter provisions located directly on the block.
Chevy V6 Blocks:
This block can either be the 3.8 (229) or 4.3 V6. These engines are identical to the Chevy V8 application with reference to the
bellhousing, starter, and flywheel. The oil pan has the same year differences like the Chevy V8. The 1996 & newer 4.3 blocks use
an aluminum oil pan.
The motor mounts are also the same as the Chevy V8 with the exception of the location of the triangular bolt pattern in reference
to the back of the block. The motor mount location on the V6 is approximately 4-1/2” closer to the backside of the block than on the
Ford V8 Blocks:
Ford conversions are becoming more popular. The Ford V8s have a front mounted distributor and are eighty pounds lighter than
the Chevy V8. The oil pan sump on the Ford engine is normally in the front. When using a Ford engine, you will be required to change
to a rear sump design similar to the early Bronco V8 vehicles.
When selecting a Ford block, take the following information into consideration: Ford blocks used three different block bolt patterns.
We only offer motor mounts and adapters for the small block Ford 289, 302, and 351W; the Ford 302 being the most commonly used
block for conversions.
Small block Fords had the option of utilizing two different flywheel diameters. These flywheels can be identified by a tooth count of
157 or 164 tooth. It is critical that you match the flywheel diameter with the proper bellhousing and dust cover shield. For example:
A bellhousing designed for a 164 tooth flywheel cannot use a 157 tooth flywheel. Since the starter bolts and indexes directly onto
the stock bellhousing, the starter would not properly engage the incorrect flywheel. Therefore, make sure you verify the compatibility
of these components.
When obtaining your flywheel, you must also verify that the flywheel has
the proper balance. Blocks 1982 & newer use a different
weight for balancing than the earlier blocks. Some
applications may require the flywheel to be rebalanced
for the block.
General Information
Once the selection of your engine has been made, there are now a number of items that you must consider. The information listed
in this section will cover most of your conversion considerations.
Your next requirement will be to purchase the proper engine mounts. The motor
mounts we offer are for the Chevy V6/V8 and Ford V8. The V6/V8 mounts are a
complete frame-to-block mounting system that uses a dual rubber donut design
fastened together with a hardened bolt. This combination offers a positive
means of securing the engine for the most severe offroad conditions.
Our engine mounts are provided with multiple hole locations for assembly between the block mount and
frame support bracket. The holes on the engine mount will not always line up perfectly over the "L"
support bracket. When your engine is lined up in the desired location, it may be necessary to elongate
one of the holes on the engine mount.
P/N 713124 - Chevy V6/V8 motor mounts P/N 713002 - Ford V8 motor mounts
P/N 713088 - Chevy LS1 & Vortec Gen. III motor mounts
Depending on your engine selection and transmission type, you will find that the Toyota Land Cruiser chassis has ample room.
We have established some guidelines for the most popular conversions, but due to the various combinations we suggest that you
consider all of the options before final drivetrain location is established. Keep in mind that the original driveshaft length can be
maintained - provided the transfer case is kept in the original location. Many times customers will sacrifice engine location to eliminate
driveshaft modifications. We highly recommend that you position the engine in a location similar to the measurements to follow.
Driveline modifications are cheaper in the long run than improper engine placement.
The correct engine location on a FJ40 is easily determined by measuring from the rear edge of the shock tower. The placement
of the “L” bracket will vary because there are several drivetrain combinations. An ideal location for the “L” bracket is between 8” to
12” from the rear of the stock tower to the center of the “L” bracket. When placing the engine between the frame rails, it should be
offset 1/2” to 1” (depending on which transmission is being used) toward the driver’s side to allow for proper front driveshaft clearance.
When positioning the engine, the height of the “L” bracket should be either flush and/or up to 1/2” above the frame rail. This varies
due to the lateral location of the “L” brackets. Ideally, the engine should have a 3 to 5 degree tilt towards the rear once the engine
and transmission are installed. NOTE: These are only guidelines to assist you. Not all engine conversions are the same.
Measuring from the rear of the stock tower to determine the “L” bracket location Engine placement offset toward driver’s side
On 3 speed conversions, the same rules apply with regard to the Mark’s adapter or Ranger Torque Splitter. The 3 speed can also
be retained by reversing the front and rear drivelines and then locating the engine placement accordingly. However, you will have
floorboard modifications, and the engine placement may not always be in the ideal location.
When converting to a new engine and transmission, it is impossible for us to determine whether or not driveline modifications will
be required on your application. By using the engine placement suggestions, place the engine in a location that best suits your needs.
As a reminder, driveline modifications will sometimes simplify a conversion verses an incorrect engine placement, which could
cause other problems and expenses. Whatever engine is being installed (Ford or Chevy V8), we highly recommend that the frame
rails have a scab plate welded into position. This material is 1/8" thick flat steel and should be positioned directly between the frame
rail and our support mount. To make sure that you select and position your Land Cruiser drivetrain in a suitable location, you should
consider the following:
Radiator Clearance
Oil Filter Accessibility
Transmission Adapter
Steering Box Clearance
Exhaust System Allowance
Transmission Shifter Location
Transfer Case Shifter Location
Hood Clearance for Air Cleaner
Firewall Clearance for Distributor
Front Axle Clearance for Balancer
Driveshaft Angles for Starter Motor
Optional Ranger 2 Speed Installation
Optional Saginaw Steering Conversions
Optional Headers for Strg. Box Clearance
Heater Clearance around Transmission Shifter
A V8 engine fits well into the Land Cruiser engine compartment. Most applications do not require any firewall modifications. When
positioning the engine in the most rearward location and using a large H.E.I. distributor cap, firewall modifications may be required
on this type of Chevy application.
The battery mounting plate and support will need to be relocated behind the passenger side headlight or the passenger side
firewall if the heater is not going to be used. The stock battery tray can be used, or some companies offer an aftermarket battery
mounting tray that could be used as an alternative.
Most applications can retain the stock radiator for cooling the
new V8 engine; however, for the ultimate cooling option we
offer our own band of aluminum Rad-A-Kool radiators. Our
2 core radiator can be ordered with or without a transmission cooler (P/N 716697-AA for automatics
or P/N 716697-AB for manuals). These radiators fit the 1960 to 1983 FJ40 and FJ45 Land Cruisers.
The radiators measure 20-1/2” tall, 20-1/4 wide, and 3” thick. NOTE: These radiators will not fit later
model FJ40s with factory air conditioning. Please specify if your vehicle was equipped with factory air
conditioning. A special radiator measuring 19” tall, 22-1/2” wide, and 3” thick can be ordered to fit your
application at no additional charge. P/N 716697-AA
Aluminum Radiator Features:
*1” wide core tubes *No Epoxies,100% TIG Welded *Air Pressure Tested
*18 Fins per inch *Temperature Sensor Provision *.083” Mounting Flanges
*Billet Filler Neck *Cross Flow Design *LT1 or LS1/Vortec order option
Our billet filler neck requires a standard GM overflow system style cap (3/4" depth). We recommend a 15 lbs. to 22 lbs. cap
pressure. A higher pressure cap increases the boiling point. A higher pressure cap keeps the fluid in the cooling system, not the
recovery tank. We offer a new 22 lbs. radiator pressure cap. This cap, P/N 716679, fits our Aluminum radiators. Our Toyota
radiator can be ordered with or without a transmission cooler. The radiator has two 1/4" NPT fittings welded into the tank. We also
Our radiators are designed to fit standard GM engines. Newer blocks such as the LT1, LS1, and Vortec Gen. III blocks will require
some additional features to be added to the radiator. A steam return option and smaller water inlets and outlets must be
incorporated to our radiator when using it to a newer block. When ordering, please add LT1 to our part number when using a LT1
block, and add LS1 to our part number when using a LS1 or Vortec Gen. III block. An additional $20.00 is added to the price of the
radiator for these options.
When using the stock Land Cruiser radiator in a Chevy application, a lower hose from a 1973 V8 Chevy pickup can be used. For
the upper hose, DAYCO P/N 70858 works well. The thermostat housing must be a straight design. For a Ford engine swap, a trip
to your local auto parts store will be necessary since we do not have any suggestions for these applications.
On most conversions, you will be able to use a stock engine-driven fan. Most custom Land Cruiser aftermarket companies offer
fan shrouds that work well with the engine-driven fan. We have seen a few engine-driven clutch fans that are too large in diameter
to allow access for the radiator hoses. These can be switched out for either a flex fan or electric fan. Electric fans have become
a popular addition to aid in cooling most engine swaps. Electric fans can be positioned in front or behind the radiator and offer efficient
engine cooling.
The Spal fans we offer are the high performance straight bladed pusher or puller fans. These 16” fans are 16.3” tall, 15.75” wide,
and 3.39” deep at the fan’s motor. The fans are rated at 2360 CFM and, being that they are pre-shrouded, they are ideal for cooling
larger engines. The only down side of these fans is the noise they generate that can be heard
from the driver’s seat (worse on a pusher than a puller). Our fan kits come complete with the
needed wiring harness which is compatible with both positive and negative ground vehicles.
The 3/8” pipe thread sending unit is designed to turn the fan on at 185 degrees and off at 170
degrees. The kit comes with a 40 amp relay, a fuse holder, and all other necessary hardware.
In addition, our kit also includes mounting brackets for the fan to the radiator. The mounting
brackets are designed for our aluminum radiators, however; we can supply you with brackets
to fit our copper/brass radiators upon request. Part No. 716670 is our puller fan kit and Part
No. 716671 is our pusher fan kit.
When installing a Chevy engine, P/N 716023 will allow you to retain your stock sending unit. With this bushing you can reinstall
the original Land Cruiser temperature probe back into the intake manifold or head of most Chevy blocks. This special bushing has
a metric female thread for use with the original probe. The outside diameter of this bushing is 1/2” with a pipe thread. Ford engines,
Chevy LT1, LT4, LS1, Vortec engines have a smaller diameter hole in the block for the sending unit. These blocks will require the
bushing listed above plus an in-line temperature sensor adapters. These adapters fit on the radiator hose and allows you to retain
your vehicle stock temperature sending unit and stock gauge. These units are offered in either 1-3/8” or 1-1/2” hose diameter.
P/N 716673A - 1-3/8” with 1/2” sensor hole.
P/N 716674 - 1-1/2” with 1/2” sensor hole.
Chevy & Ford blocks can usually retain a stock serpentine belt system. They will normally provide sufficient clearance for your radiator.
Be careful if you replace the water pump on a Serpentine system since they usually rotate in the opposite direction.
P/N 25-1668 - GM short water pump (1955-91 Chevy). This water pump is 5-11/16” long.
(GM short water pump has limited accessory mounting bracket options)
P/N 25-1759 - GM long water pump (1955-91 Chevy). This water pump is 6-15/16” long.
FLOWKOOLER Thermostats:
P/N 25-1600 - 160 degree high flow thermostat P/N 25-1759
P/N 25-1800 - 180 degree high flow thermostat
(All brass and copper construction with a “balanced sleeve”)
On most conversions, you will have the option of using a custom exhaust header or stock manifold. If headers are to be used, you
will need to verify your State’s emission requirements since the headers we supply are not smog legal. The Chevy headers are
offered in both a “fender well” or “inside-the-frame rail” design. Due to vehicle variations, some modifications may be required when
using our exhaust header systems. For example: Part No. 717006 headers can be used, requiring slight modifications to the lower
fender skirting. The headers go up and over the stock Land Cruiser steering system and directly downward on a slight slope to the
rear. Our headers are designed around conversions using our motor mounts. These headers are available in chrome or non-plated.
When ordering specify (NP) for non-plated after the part number.
P/N 717006 - Fender well Chevy V8 headers
P/N 717011 - Ram horn style Chevy V8 headers (inside-the-frame rail)
P/N 717015 - Ram horn style Chevy V8 (std port head w/ angle plugs)
P/N 717016 - Ram horn style Chevy V8 (D-port head w/ angle plugs)
P/N 717011
P/N 717012 - Inside-the-frame rail Ford V8 header
For smog legal conversions, stock manifolds will be required. For Chevy applications, most late model
manifolds are a rear dump. Fitting these rear dump manifolds into a Land Cruiser can sometimes be
a tight fit when using the original Land Cruiser steering box. You will find that the clearance between
the two will be very limited. When selecting stock manifolds, we suggest a Chevy passenger car-style
which will allow a bit more clearance. If you are not required to be smog legal but wish to use a stock
manifold, we recommend the use of the Centerdump or Rams horn style (GM Rams Horn P/N 717006
centerdump manifold #372243). Select manifolds that have alternator mounting bracket holes.
On Ford applications, the exhaust manifolds off a Mustang or Explorer V8 should provide ample clearance for the stock steering
and frame rails. Smog exempt vehicles could use manifolds off of an early Maverick or Comet. These manifolds, however, are rear
dump and can cause some clearance problems with the stock Land Cruiser steering box.
Some Land Cruisers are equipped with an emergency brake drum on the back side of the transfer case. When installing a V8
engine with the original transmission, the drivetrain will either remain in the same location or extend forward. Modifications to the
brake cable in either case will not be required. On conversions using a longer transmission combination than stock (such as an
automatic), you will be required to reroute this cable, and/or possibly extend it.
The speedometer is connected to the backside of the transfer case. When installing a V8 engine with the original transmission,
the drivetrain will either remain in the same location or extend forward. On conversions using a longer transmission combination
than stock (such as an automatic), you may be required to reroute the speedometer cable. If the cable is still too short, we offer a
12” extended cable, P/N 716186-C.
Your stock throttle pedal can easily be connected to a universal cable linkage. We offer a few custom cable linkages to aid in this
connection. These cut-to-fit assemblies work great with most conversions.
P/N 23-0010 - 24” SS Hi-Tech throttle cable P/N 23-0012 - Tuned Port SS throttle cable
P/N 23-0011 - 24” Universal black throttle cable P/N 23-0015 - Stainless Steel carburetor bracket.
We also offer a new custom throttle pedal for Land Cruisers, P/N 23-0013. This new adjustable pedal can be offset
to either side of the pivot mount. The pedal can be installed into a 1974-84 Land Cruiser with the use of our bracket
(P/N 715565), or it can also be mounted to the stock bracket with a few small modifications. Land Cruisers
1973 & earlier must fabricate a mounting bracket.
Land Cruisers (1963 to August 1980) supported the stock transmission & transfer case by using a set
of bellhousing mounts. Most engine conversions will require the removal of these stock
bellhousing mounts. To properly support the drivetrain, a new crossmember is
normally required. We offer two types of crossmember designs.
Transfer case crossmember: This popular design bolts on the back of the stock transfer case. For most conversions,
crossmember P/N 716022 works well. This crossmember replaces the 6 bolt cover on the rear of your stock transfer case. By
removing the stock cover, our new crossmember bolts in its place. This crossmember kit comes with a gasket and 6 stud bolts.
These new studs will provide a much stronger connection between the new crossmember and the back of the transfer case. The
crossmember support has a special welded cup that allows for clearance of the transfer case output shaft. Position the
crossmember onto the back of the transfer case and secure it using the nuts provided. This crossmember extends outward to each
frame rail. It is supported by “L” brackets that must be welded to the frame rail (similar to the motor mount installation). The frame
rails should be scabbed-in using the scab plates provided with the kit. These components are insulated on rubber cushions. This
crossmember is recommended with all transfer case adapters except when using a TH350, 700R & TH400.
FJ55 & longer tranny assemblies: On FJ55 wagons and longer transmission assemblies such as the TH400 or NV4500,
you will need to use a different crossmember assembly, P/N 716022-TSW. The frame rails start to taper outward, so it is
necessary that you have longer frame brackets on these particular applications.
TH350, 700R & TH400 automatics: When installing an automatic transmission to your transfer case, we recommend the
use of a new crossmember, P/N 716004, underneath the adapter housing. All of the Advance Adapter tailhousings have two
tapped holes for this standard rubber support. This provides an excellent support, although it does take away some of the ground
clearance necessary for 4-wheeling. This crossmember kit comes com-
plete with frame brackets and the crossmember support mount neces-
sary for the adapter connection. The crossmember for the TH350 & 700R
bolts to the bottom of the adapter housing using a stock GM rubber mount.
This tubular crossmember extends to the inner frame rails. It is sup-
ported by “L” brackets that must be welded to the frame rail.
1981-1990: Vehicles with the split-style 19 spline transfer case used a crossmember that was located underneath the stock
transmission. Some of our transfer case adapters will allow you to retain this stock crossmember; however, it will need to be relocated
on the frame rails. Some of our other transfer case adapters for applications like the NV4500 & TH400 require you to fabricate a
new crossmember.
A conversion crossmember for the FJ60 and FJ62 Land Cruisers is also
available. Although the adapter for the GM 700R or 4L60E transmission
allows you to retain the stock rubber crossmember mount, it still requires you
to modify it to fit the stock crossmember to fit the transmission mount in the new location
in the frame rails. The new crossmember mount, P/N 716183, is a weld-in kit that will increase your ground clearance. This
mount reuses the factory rubber mount and is adjustable to fit the frame rails with the newly installed transmission.
If using a “points” type distributor, you will need to install the GM coil and resister (listed below) and wire as illustrated.
GM Coil GM# 1115202
GM External Resistor GM# 1957145
Mark’s 4WD Adaptors offers a new interface kit designed to calibrate you existing Toyota 6 cylinder gas engine tachometer. This
kit works with the GM V8 engine and eliminates the inconvenience of removing your tachometer from your dashboard to have it re-
calibrated. The unit is easy to install and only requires a couple of wire connections.
This kit can be ordered under P/N 716242.
Land Cruiser vehicles were manufactured in numerous configurations, having thousands of different model classifications.
These numerous classifications came about from the various countries that the Land Cruiser was exported to. This section of the
manual mainly deals with Land Cruisers found here is the United States and some vehicle found in Canada. Some of the major
differences between the different model classifications are the body types and stock engine options. For instant, the stock
drivetrain on a FJ40 and a BJ40 are basically the same with reference to the transmission and transfer case; however, the F in FJ
designates a gas in-line 6 cylinder engine and the B in BJ designates a diesel 4 cylinder engine. The information listed below was
put together as accurate as possible. We recommend that you verify your drivetrain components and vehicle type before ordering
conversion components. There are a couple of models that we have left out due to the low production number of these vehicles
or if the vehicle model has not been a popular application for doing a conversion.
A. FJ25 (1958-59): This early Land Cruiser came equipped with a 4 speed transmission and a single speed transfer case.
There are no adapters available for this model transmission or transfer case. The engine found in the FJ25 is the in-line 6 cylinder
“F” motor. This vehicle looks like a FJ40 but it had no front turn signals on the fenders.
B. FJ40 (1960-63) (J30) 3 Speed Transmission: This transmission is very similar to the 3 speed found in the 1964-73
vehicles. This 3 speed transmission was normally shifted by a column shifter and was coupled to a 2 speed, 10 spline transfer
case. This transmission is considered light duty. You should consider changing
transmissions for added strength. If you wish to retain this 3 speed transmission,
the column shift linkage must be changed out to a floor shift. The engine found in
this FJ40 is an in-line 6 cylinder “F” motor.
D. FJ40 (July,1974-80) (H42) 4 Speed Transmission: This transmission has a case length of
12”. This heavy-duty 4 speed transmission is capable of handling most V8 engines. The 1st gear ratio
on this transmission is 3.5:1; 2nd 2.3.1; 3rd 1.4:1, and a 4th gear ratio of 1:1. The input shaft size on this
transmission is a metric 10 spline that will interchange with a standard Chevy 1-1/8" 10 spline
clutch. The stock bellhousing used two dowel pins for alignment to the stock transmission.
This Toyota transmission is equipped with a 16 spline output shaft which coupled to a 2 speed
transfer case with a 16 spline input. The engine found in this FJ40 is an in-line 6 cylinder “F” motor in
1974, and then switched to a 2F in-line 6 cylinder from late 1974 to 1980.
E. FJ40 (August 1980-83/84) (H42) 4 Speed Transmission: This transmission is very similar to the previous 4 speed
transmission listed above except that a 19 spline output shaft was used in the transfer case. The Land Cruiser got an upgraded
heavy-duty transfer case which was nicknamed the split-case. The gear ratios remained the same as the previous 4 speed. This
transmission/transfer case combination did not use bellhousing mounts, but now used a crossmember support that bolted to the
transmission case. The engine found in this FJ40 is an in-line 6 cylinder 2F engine.
F. FJ45 (1963-67) J30 3 Speed Transmission: This 3 speed transmission is 8-1/2” long and easily adapted to both the
Chevy and Ford V8 conversions. The input shaft size on this transmission is a metric 10 spline that will interchange with a standard
Chevy 1-1/8" 10 spline clutch. The stock bellhousing indexed to the transmission by utilizing the front bearing retainer. The 1st
gear ratio on this transmission is 2.7:1; 2nd 1.65:1, and a 3rd gear ratio of 1:1. The transmission output shaft coupled to a 10
spline, 2 speed transfer case. The engine found in this FJ40 is an in-line 6 cylinder “F” motor. The FJ45 is the pickup version on
the Land Cruiser. There were various truck bed lengths on the FJ45 which were designated by a letter after the “5” in this vehicle.
These various models of the FJ45 can all be treated the same with reference to the drivetrain.
G. FJ55 (1968-73) J30 3 Speed Transmission: This 3 speed transmission is 8-1/2” long and easily adapted to both the
Chevy and Ford V8 conversions. The input shaft size on this transmission is a metric 10 spline that will interchange with a standard
Chevy 1-1/8" 10 spline clutch. The stock bellhousing indexed to the transmission by utilizing the front bearing retainer. The 1st
gear ratio on this transmission is 2.7:1; 2nd 1.65:1, and a 3rd gear ratio of 1:1. The transmission output shaft coupled to a 10
spline, 2 speed transfer case. The engine found in this FJ55 is a in-line 6 cylinder “F” motor. The FJ55 is the early station wagon
version on the Land Cruiser.
I. FJ60 (1980-84) (H42) 4 Speed Transmission: This transmission is identical to the 1980-84 FJ40 4 speed transmis-
sion listed previously. This transmission has a 19 spline output shaft to the transfer case. The Land Cruiser got an upgraded
heavy-duty transfer case which was nicknamed the split-case. The gear ratios remained the same as the previous 4 speeds. This
transmission/transfer case combination did not use bellhousing mounts, but now used a crossmember support that bolted to the
transmission case. The engine found in this FJ60 is an in-line 6 cylinder 2F engine. The FJ60 has a square body with 2 pair of
round headlights.
J. FJ60 (1985-87) (H42 Long) 4 Speed Transmission: This transmission is identical to the
1980-84 FJ60 4 speed transmission listed previously. This transmission has a 19 spline
output shaft to the transfer case. This 4 speed used a 3-1/2” factory spacer adapter
housing between the transmission and transfer case. This was to simplify the
production, keeping the 4 speed the same length as the 5 speed transmission found
in the FJ60s overseas. The transmission gear ratios are the same as the shorter
version H42 transmission. This split transfer case had the cluster pin diameter upgraded to
38mm. This transmission/transfer case combination did not use bellhousing mounts, but
used a crossmember support that bolted to the transmission case. The engine found in this
FJ60 is an in-line 6 cylinder 3F engine. The FJ60 has a square body with 2 pair of round headlights.
K. FJ60 (1985-87) (A440F & A440L) 4 Speed Automatic Transmission: This transmission was the first automatic
used in Land Cruisers. The transfer case that coupled to this transmission was still the split-case 19 spline unit. This split
transfer case also had the cluster pin diameter upgraded to 38mm. This transmission/transfer case combination did not use
bellhousing mounts, but used a crossmember support that bolted to the transmission case. The engine found in this FJ60 is an
in-line 6 cylinder 3F engine. To convert this vehicle and retain the automatic, the stock engine must be the 3F. The transfer case
adapters we offer for the split transfer case all fit this transfer case; however, be aware of crossmember support considerations.
The stock crossmember may have to be modified or a new one fabricated to support your new transmission. The FJ60 has a
square body with 2 pair of round headlights.
L. FJ62 (1988-89) (A440F & A440L) 4 Speed Automatic Transmission: This is the same transmission used in the
FJ60s. The transfer case that coupled to this transmission was still the split-case 19 spline unit. This transmission/transfer case
combination did not use bellhousing mounts, but used a crossmember support that bolted to the transmission case. The engine
found in this FJ62 is an in-line 6 cylinder 3F-EFI (electronic fuel injected) engine. To convert this vehicle and retain the automatic,
the stock engine must have been the 3F with or without the EFI. The transfer case adapters we offer for the split transfer case all
fit this transfer case; however, be aware of your crossmember support. The stock crossmember may have to be modified or a new
one fabricated to support your new transmission. The FJ62 has a square body with 2 pair of rectangular headlights.
M. Imported 5 Speeds 1983 & up (H55F): These transmissions are only used in Australia and Japan, but we’ve also seen
a few come out of Canada. Some of the specialty Land Cruiser companies also import these 5 speeds. This transmission is
found in both the FJ60 and FJ62 Land Cruisers. This transmission looks identical to the long H42 transmission. This transmis-
sion has a good 1st gear ratio of 4.84:1, and an overdrive ratio of 16 percent. These transmissions are a great upgrade for FJ60s
originally equipped with a long H42 4 speed transmission. The adapters we manufacture for the 4 speed will also work the same
on this H55F 5 speed.
NOTE: Land Cruisers that were originally equipped with a diesel engine have a longer input shaft. These vehicles
were called BJs (if the Land Cruiser had a 4 cylinder diesel) and HJs (if the Land Cruiser had a 6 cylinder diesel).
Transmissions that were previously equipped to a diesel engine will require the installation of a new input shaft. The
input shaft from a gas version transmission with the same tranny code is your best choice. We can also special order
bellhousing adapters from Mark’s 4WD that are designed for the diesel engine replacements and would not require an
input shaft swap. The BJ and HJ transfer case applications match the FJs for the most part.
SPECIAL NOTE: Vehicles (Nov. 1984 & Up) equipped with a 3F engine had a transmission bolt pattern that was
rotated clockwise 7 degrees. This was done to improve front driveshaft clearance. The stock
transfer case was also rotated accordingly and was usually fitted with a vacuum operated shift
linkage. When using one of our bellhousing adapters or Ranger Torque Splitter on vehicles origi-
nally equipped with a 3F engine, this rotation will cause installation difficulties.
If you plan on replacing the stock automatic transmission with one of the GM transmission adapters, we only offer the adapter to
replace the stock automatic transmission. This adapter allows the transfer case to remain in the stock location and the crossmember
is the same position. If you have a FJ80 replacing a 5 speed, driveshaft modifications will be required because this transmission
was a different length than that of the automatic. We can also special order adapters with the correct adapter length for vehicles
replacing the 5 speeds. Toyota updated the square body style to a rounded body with the FJ80 models.
O. FZJ80 (1993-97) 4 Speed Automatic Transmission (A442F): This transmission was found coupled to the new 4.5L
6 cylinder engine. The automatic transmission in these vehicles was still coupled to the new full time transfer case (HF2A). The
FZJ80 had an option of a 5 speed transfer case and a part time transfer case; however, these were only found in non-U.S. vehicles.
There is no bellhousing adapter for this automatic as of yet.
To convert this vehicle, you must replace the stock automatic transmission with one of the GM transmission adapters. We only
offer the adapter replacing the stock automatic transmission. This adapter allows for the transfer case to remain in the stock
location and the crossmember is the same position. If you have a FJ80 replacing a 5 speed, driveshaft modifications will be
required because this transmission was a different length than that of the automatic. We can also special order adapters with the
correct adapter length for vehicles replacing the 5 speeds. The FZJ80 was still the rounded body style.
P. 100 SERIES (1998-02) 4 Speed Automatic Transmission (A442F): This transmission was found coupled to the
new 4.5L 6 cylinder engine. The automatic transmission in these vehicles is still coupled to the new full-time transfer case (HF2A).
The Series 100 Land Cruiser had an option of a 5 speed transfer case and a part time transfer case; however, these were only
found in non-U.S. vehicles. There is no bellhousing adapter for this automatic as of yet.
To convert this vehicle, you must replace the stock automatic transmission with one of the GM transmission adapters. We only
offer the adapter replacing the stock automatic transmission. This adapter allows the transfer case to remain in the stock location
and the crossmember is the same position. If you have a Series 100 replacing a 5 speed, driveshaft modifications will be required
because this transmission was a different length than that of the automatic. We can also special order adapters with the correct
adapter length for vehicles replacing the 5 speeds.
These transmissions were offered in both column and floor shifted models.
In order to use the original 3 speed transmission, you must have a floor
shifter because the column shift mechanism will not have sufficient clear-
ance between the new engine and firewall. The floor shifter stick will need to
be slightly modified for clearance beneath the heater. If your transmission is
column shifted, you will need to change the transmission top cover over to a
floor shifter style. Conversions using the GM 292 in-line 6 cylinder engine will
not require a new floor shifter.
To obtain the proper firewall clearance, the transmission and transfer case
assembly will need to be relocated a minimum of 3-1/2” forward. On many of
these applications, you have the option of reversing the driveshafts (front to
rear, rear to front); however, the Chevy V8 distributor will be forced into the The floor shifter modified to provide heater clearance
firewall and modifications will be required. On Ford V8 conversions, this can
be accomplished with very little difficulty because the distributor is on the front of the engine.
The adapter kits for both the Chevy & Ford conversions come complete with an adapter spacer plate, custom retainer, pilot
bushing, oil seal, and necessary hardware.
We also carry the Mark’s 4WD bellhousing adapter that can be used against the original Land Cruiser 3 speed bellhousing. Their
bellhousing adapter will permit the original 3 speed and transfer case to remain in their original location, eliminating the need for
the 3 speed floor shifter conversion. The Mark’s bellhousing adapters for both the Ford and Chevy applications consist of a new
adapter housing that is approximately 4-7/8” thick, and bolts directly to the front side of the original Land Cruiser bellhousing. This
added length provides an ideal engine location and only requires engine mounts for the side of the new V8 engine. The rear
crossmember support is eliminated, since the original Land Cruiser bellhousing supports are maintained.
NOTE: Due to the short length of the 3 speed transmission along with the new bellhousing mount supplied in the kit, we have had
a couple of instances where interference occurred between the front driveshaft and bellhousing mount. A modification to the
bellhousing mount was required to achieve proper clearance. Other considerations included, a longer slave cylinder hose to
mount the slave cylinder to the passengers side of the bellhousing, removal or modifications to the transfer case linkage gating,
and slight floorboard modifications.
Chevy V8 conversion kit 713025-EK*: Ford V8 conversion bellhousing:
P/N 712525 - Bhsg. adapter P/N 712526 - Ford bellhousing adapter
P/N 713124 - Motor mounts P/N 713002 - Motor mounts
P/N 713038 - Bhsg. mount P/N 713038 - Bhsg. mount
*The 713025-EK kit consists of the following items which are also available individually.
(For the recommended clutch requirements, refer to the Clutch Components section of this manual)
The Ranger Torque Splitter can also be used when retaining the stock Land Cruiser 3 speed. This unit acts as the adapter between
the 3 speed and the GM or Ford bellhousing. The Ranger will allow the 3 speed and stock transfer case to remain in their stock
location. It also provides the additional length for an excellent engine location. The unit is available in either a 27% overdrive or 17%
underdrive. When using this unit, the input shaft may need to be slightly shortened.
In order to assemble the 4 speed transmission to a Chevy or Ford V8, it was necessary to manufacture a completely new
bellhousing. Since Ford V8 conversions are not as popular as the Chevy V8, we only manufacture a full bellhousing for the Chevy
V8 engine. The bellhousing we manufacture is specially machined to accept the Land Cruiser 4 speed dowel pin alignment to
assemble it directly to a Chevy V8 or GM 292 in-line 6 cylinder engine. This bellhousing can only be used with the later model
Chevy engines that have the starter motor mounted directly to the engine block. The bellhousing is not compatible with the 265
model GM V8 engine.
When using this bellhousing, all of the original clutch controls can be retained. The original ball
pivot, release arm, release bearing collar, and slave cylinder are all remounted to the conversion
bellhousing. The new bellhousing will permit the use of a 168 tooth GM flywheel, along with an 11"
pressure plate assembly. In order to make sure that the slave cylinder has the proper clutch throw,
we recommend only the Centerforce 11" clutch pressure plate, P/N CF165473S. With each new
bellhousing kit, we include a new release bearing that is identical to the late model Land Cruiser 4
speed release bearing. By using this large release bearing with the Centerforce pressure plate,
the slave cylinder will have sufficient travel for proper clutch disengagement.
Our bellhousing will require the transfer case to be relocated forward a minimum distance of 3-1/2".
This relocation is required for clearance necessary around the Chevy V8 distributor. This kit also
requires driveshaft & floorboard modifications. Be aware that placing the engine too far forward can
cause excessive clearance issues with the 4 speed shifter and heater vent. Also, most shifter
handles will need to be modified to provide heater vent clearance.
Be sure that the original dowel pins from the stock Land Cruiser bellhousing are reused with our new housing. FAILURE TO USE
Chevy V8 conversion kit 713024-EK: (This kit should not be used on FJ60 vehicles)
(This kit consists of the following items which are also available individually.)
P/N 712532 - Bhsg. adapter
P/N 713124 - Motor mounts
P/N 716022 - Crossmember
P/N 716023 - Temperature bushing
(For the recommended clutch requirements, refer to the Clutch Components section of this manual)
To retain the stock 4 speed, another option is to use a Mark’s 4WD adapter kit.
They offer conversion bellhousings for both the Chevy and Ford engines. Their
bellhousing adapter is 4-7/8” thick and mounts directly onto the engine side
of the original Land Cruiser bellhousing. Although the Mark’s kits are
slightly more expensive than our design, their special housings provide
a very distinct advantage:
The biggest advantage of their kit is that it retains the drivetrain in the stock
location, eliminating any relocation of the transfer case. The original
driveshafts, transmission, and transfer case location all remain unchanged.
The kit is supplied with a new bellhousing mount for the passenger side and three spacers that must
be used between the bellhousing and the original bellhousing support on the driver’s side. By using
these components, you are able to move the engine centerline back to 12”. Both of the Mark’s 4WD
kits retain the stock clutch linkage & slave cylinder and includes a new release bearing.
The Ranger Torque Splitter can also be used when retaining the stock Land Cruiser 4
speed. This unit acts as the adapter between the 4 speed and the GM or Ford bellhousing.
The Ranger will allow the 4 speed and stock transfer case to remain in their stock location.
It also provides the additional length for an excellent engine location. The unit is available
in either a 27% overdrive or 17% underdrive. The rear plate on this unit bolts directly to the
4 speed and uses the front input shaft bearing for proper alignment.
NOTE: On some Land Cruisers (1987 & newer), we’ve found that Toyota had used
a few odd size input shaft bearings. Since our rear plate requires proper
indexing over this front bearing, a special rear plate may be necessary.
If your vehicle is within this year series, you will need to measure the
diameter of the front input shaft bearing. The measurement that our rear
plate is machined at is 3.544”. If your bearing measures larger than this
(3.625” - most common), a special rear plate can be machined for your application.
NOTE: Vehicles (Nov. 1984 & Up) equipped with a 3F engine had a transmission bolt pattern that was rotated
clockwise 7 degrees. This was done to improve front driveshaft clearance. When using one of our bellhousing
adapters or the Ranger Torque Splitter on vehicles originally equipped with a 3F engine, this rotation will cause some
installation difficulties.
These transmissions were found in both the FJ60, 62, 80 & 100 series Land Cruisers. They were found coupled to either a 3F or
Diesel engine. Mark’s 4WD offers kits to fit either an early or late model Chevy V8 directly to these transmissions.
The Land Cruiser automatic transmission is quite capable of handling the torque of most V8 engines. The adapter housing for the
automatic is similar to that of the 4 speed housing. The new adapter housing will space the engine away from the firewall, eliminating
any need to modify the firewall or reposition the original automatic transmission. The only area that we are not familiar with is the
computer control requirements of these automatics when coupling to a Chevy block. The early automatic found in the FJ60 were
non-computer controlled transmissions. The FJ62 may or may not be computer controlled, and the
FJ80 had a stand along computer control system. The two input readings that the FJ80
transmission computer requires are the throttle position sensor reading and the tachometer
output reading. We offer an interface tachometer kit which is listed on Page 12.
This kit uses a GM standard 168 tooth flywheel, as well as a standard GM starter motor. A GM
flexplate (used for most GM automatics) is not sufficient for this conversion. The kit comes
with a specially machined crank adapter that bolts to the rear of the GM flywheel. This crank
adapter changes the rear crank shaft bolt pattern from the GM configuration to a standard Land
Cruiser pattern. This allows the custom flexplate to be bolted to the rear of the Chevy engine
and uses the original Toyota torque converter. NOTE: When ordering one of these kits, be
sure to specify the year of the block since there are two Chevy crank patterns (depending on the year
of the block). The FJ80 & 100 series also requires a tachometer interface kit, P/N 716242.
Whether you are retaining your stock transmission (3 speed, 4 speed or 5 speed), or upgrading to a new GM or Ford manual
transmission, clutch considerations will need to be addressed.
When retaining the stock 3 speed or installing a new Chevy transmission and/or using the
Ranger Torque Splitter, the use of a stock GM bellhousing is required. GM bellhousings have
been produced in both cast iron and aluminum. Our bracket, P/N 716287, will fit either
bellhousing. This bracket positions the stock Land Cruiser slave
cylinder to line up with the GM release arm. Due to the variations of P/N 716287 installed
GM bellhousings, this bracket may require some modifications to
obtain proper fit. It may also be necessary to modify the length of the stock slave cylinder push rod.
P/N 716287 - Chevy bellhousing to Land Cruiser slave cylinder bracket
P/N 716176 - Chevy release arm
When using either our 4 speed conversion bellhousing or the Mark’s 4WD bellhousing adapter,
provisions have been provided to retain the stock Land Cruiser slave cylinder. No additional
brackets should be necessary.
When installing a NV4500 transmission, a conversion bellhousing to adapt the NV4500 to a Chevy
engine may be required. The bellhousings we manufacture do not have provisions to mount the
stock Land Cruiser slave cylinder. These bellhousings will require the following slave cylinder
P/N 716288 - Conversion bellhousing to Land Cruiser slave cylinder bracket
P/N 716286 - Vortec V8 conv. bellhousing to Land Cruiser slave cylinder bracket
P/N 716288
We offer a new replacement Land Cruiser slave cylinder, Part No. 716119. This stock
Land Cruiser component comes with both the slave cylinder and the hose. The slave
cylinder and hose can also be purchased separately.
P/N 716119 - L/C Slave cylinder and hose assembly
P/N 716119S - L/C slave cylinder only
P/N 716119H - L/C slave cylinder hose only
When using the Toyota slave cylinder with a GM clutch release arm, we’ve found that the
GM clutch wedge, P/N 716139 (GM# 3765322), works excellent for keeping the push
Slave cylinder installed on P/N 712532 bhsg.
rod in its proper location. The hole in the clutch wedge will need to be enlarged
slightly for the Toyota push rod.
On Chevy engine conversions using a stock Chevy bellhousing or NV4500 conversion bellhousing, we recommend release
bearing P/N 716316. This bearing is a 2-piece assembly which uses a large diameter, radius face bearing resembling the stock
Land Cruiser bearing. We prefer to use this assembly, since the stock Land Cruiser slave cylinder has a short release. This bearing
allows for a quicker release than a standard GM bearing. This bearing is
designed to fit the stock GM release arm.
On Chevy engine conversions retaining your stock Toyota 4 speed, the stock
release bearing is a 2-piece setup - a collar that connects to the release arm and
the bearing. The stock bearing must be removed from the collar and Part No.
716314 installed in its place. This bearing diameter has a radius face and is similar
to the stock Land Cruiser bearing. This bearing is supplied in our kit as well as
the Mark’s 4WD adapter kit. On the inside of the bearing collar, you will find a small
cavity that must be packed with grease to ensure smooth clutch operation.
On Ford engine conversions retaining the stock Toyota 3 speed transmission or upgrading
to a Ford transmission, release bearing P/N 716311 will be required. When retaining your
stock Toyota 4 speed with a Ford engine conversion using the Mark’s 4WD adapter kit, the kit will
be supplied with release bearing P/N 716313. Both these bearings are flat-face and are designed to work with the Centerforce
high diaphragm pressure plate.
In order for the Toyota slave cylinder to properly disengage the GM release arm, you must fit the Toyota push rod into the inner slot
of the release arm. This will provide additional movement of the clutch release lever.
The pilot bushing that supports the tip of the transmission shaft should be inspected for excessive wear. On Chevy V8 conversions,
the original GM pilot bushing diameter will require no changes since it is compatible with the Toyota 3 & 4 speed transmissions.
On Ford V8 conversions to the stock Toyota 3 & 4 speed transmissions, you will need to install the new pilot bushing supplied with
your kit. When using a GM 4 speed transmission with the stock Land Cruiser 6 cylinder engine, you will need to install our special
pilot bushing into the 6 cylinder crankshaft.
P/N 716170 - Pilot Bearing (GM engine to Toyota 3 & 4 speed transmissions)
P/N 716153 - Pilot Bearing (Ford engine to Toyota 3 & 4 speed transmissions)
P/N 716157 - Pilot Bearing (Toyota 6 cylinder to GM transmission)
Under no circumstances should you EVER reuse the original Toyota clutch disc with these recommended pressure plates. Be
sure to align the clutch disc with the pilot bearing prior to assembling the pressure plate to the flywheel. A clutch alignment tool is
available for this procedure from most auto part stores. In the 20 plus years that we have been performing V8 engine conversions
into Toyota Land Cruisers, the most common problem that we encounter is that the customer does not select the proper clutch
assembly for use with the Toyota slave cylinder. For your clutch to operate properly, please verify that the correct clutch components
have been selected.
We highly recommend using the Centerforce clutch components listed below. This combination is proven to work with the Land
Cruiser hydraulic clutch system. If clutch components of other manufacturers are used, we cannot guarantee proper
clutch operation.
Chevy engines: P/N CF165473S - Centerforce 11” low profile pressure plate
P/N 383735 - Centerforce 11” clutch disc
P/N CF700120 - Centerforce 168 tooth flywheel (up to 1985 blocks)
P/N CF700160 - Centerforce 168 tooth flywheel (1986 & up blocks)
Chevy Vortec
engines: P/N 712500T - 11” Flywheel and clutch assembly kit
Ford engines: P/N CF260000 - Centerforce 11” pressure plate (3 sets of 2 bolt pattern)
P/N CF360049 - Centerforce 11” pressure plate (6 bolts evenly spaced)
P/N 281226 - Centerforce 11” clutch disc
L/C 6 cylinder: P/N CF043518 - Stock L/C 6 cylinder clutch assembly for Chevy transmissions
P/N CF315518 - Stock L/C 6 cylinder clutch assembly for Dodge H.D. NV4500 transmissions
(These stock L/C clutches fit the stock flywheels from the years of August 1974 through 1987). On earlier
applications, you must change the flywheel and clutch fork to use these clutch assemblies.
Photo courtesy of William Leaman and taken at Guardrail hill in Tellico, TN.
Application using our NP435 adapter kit & Ford motor mounts.
We offer conversion components for the 1963 to 2002 Land Cruiser mod-
els. Between these years, several different style transfer cases have
been designed for use in Toyota Land Cruisers. It is extremely important
that you know which model you have before switching transmissions. The
Transfer Case Adapter Selection Chart in this section highlights the various
transmission-to-transfer case options. Some of the newer Land Cruiser
transfer case adapters are not listed on the adapter chart, but the adapters
are listed under the transmission options that follow.
Pre-1963 Transfer Cases: Early Land Cruisers produced before 1963 used a small cast iron single speed transfer
case. There are no adapters available for these early models. We suggest that you purchase a transfer case from a later model
Land Cruiser.
1963 to 1973 Transfer Cases: Between the years 1963-73, Toyota began equipping Land
Cruisers with a 3 speed transmission and a one-piece aluminum transfer case. This transfer case
has a low ratio of 2.12:1. The input side of this transfer case has two gears: a main drive gear and
a P.T.O. gear. Both of these gears have 10 internal splines and a diameter of 1.375". These cases are
equipped with a vacuum style shifter for operating the transfer case controls. Later on, this transfer
case was switched to a mechanical-type shifter link-
age, which eventually evolved into the later model 4
speed linkage design.
When replacing the stock 3 speed transmission, you will lose the stock bellhous-
ing mounts that supports your drivetrain. Refer to the Crossmember subheading
Stock 3 speed & vacuum contolled transfer case in the Engine Conversion section for your options.
1974 to July 1980: Beginning in 1974, Toyota started using a 4 speed manual transmission. The transfer case still had
two gears on the input, but the input gear was changed to 16 splines and was 1.259" in diameter. The transfer case low gear ratio
was a 1.95:1. This transfer case was only available with a mechanical linkage. The transfer case bolt pattern was the same as
the earlier 3 speed aluminum models.
When using one of our transfer case adapters, our output/spud shaft is exactly the same length as your original output. The gears
and spacer will all be reused, but the old rear nut and washer will need to be replaced (items provided in kits).
When replacing the stock 4 speed transmission, you will lose the stock bellhousing mounts that supports your drivetrain. Refer
to the Crossmember subheading in the Engine Conversion section for your options.
The Orion kits come with a new cast iron case, four new gears, a new larger cluster pin, and a complete gasket bearing and seal
kit. This transfer case, however, is not a complete ‘ready-to-bolt-in’ unit like the Atlas. The transfer case does require the use of
your stock front and rear output shafts and housing. The new unit also requires the use of the stock P.T.O. and inspection covers.
The unit can be used to replace either the stock 3 or 4 speed transfer case. The new case is exactly the same size and bolt pattern
as the stock Land Cruiser transfer case, so no driveline modifications are required. It will fit to any transmission that a stock transfer
case was coupled too. For additional details on the Orion see Pages 40-42.
August 1980 to 1989: In August of 1980, major drivetrain changes occurred in both the FJ40 and FJ60 models. The
transfer case design was changed to a split-case configuration with a 19 tooth internal spline on the input gear. The low gear ratio
was 2.27:1 in these transfer cases. There are three different models of this transfer case; however, the differences are very minor.
The transfer case adapters we offer will work with all three models. See Page 28 for low gear options for this transfer case.
When using one of our transfer case adapters, our output/spud shaft is exactly the same length as your original output shaft. The
gears and spacer will all be reused, but the old rear nut and washer will need to be replaced (items provided in kits). The photos
below show the proper assembly.
REPLACING THE STOCK 4 or 5 SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION: The crossmember is located under the transmission.
When installing a different transmission, this mount may need to be relocated or replaced. This depends on the transfer case
adapter. Some of our adapters have provisions to retain the stock mount while others require a custom one to be fabricated.
REPLACING THE STOCK AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION: The stock crossmember was bolted under the stock adapter
housing. None of our adapters have the provisions to use this crossmember without modifications. We have not seen a great
deal of these transmissions being replaced and, therefore, cannot offer much assistance in this area.
NOTE: Our rear transfer case support, P/N 716022, will not work on a 19 spline split transfer case.
1990 to 2002: In 1990, a new transfer case model was introduced, the HF2A. This transfer case is a full time 4WD unit. We
import a few transmission adapter housings from Mark’s 4WD Adaptors that retain this transfer case. Most applications do not
require driveshaft modifications, nor do they require crossmember modifications. The adapters we carry for this transfer case are
designed around replacing the A442F automatic transmission only.
SEALED BEARING (Early 10 spline & 16 spline transfer cases only): Most of the adapters on the Transfer Case Selection
Chart come with a new 307 sealed bearing. On some of the manual transmission adapters, this bearing is not provided because
the two gear boxes use the same type of lubrication. If you would rather isolate your gear box fluids, a sealed bearing can be purchased
under P/N 716301.
BOLTS FOR TRANSFER CASES: The stock Land Cruiser transfer case bolts are metric. Most of the transfer case adapter housings
we manufacture are drilled and tapped for 7/16”-14 fasteners. These bolts are a little smaller in diameter than the stock metric bolts;
however this will not cause any problems when fastening the units together. We also produce a few adapter housings that retain
the stock metric fasteners.
The mechanical linkages on late model 3 speed and 4 speed transfer cases are all in a
relative location from the front of the transfer case. If you are using an adapter that requires
the relocation of your transfer case, a new hole through the floorboard will be required for
your transfer case linkage. On some transmission retrofits (such as TH400 or 700R), we
have had customers bend the transfer case shift handle to fit back through the original hole
in the floorboard to alleviate this floorboard modification (photo right).
On some engine conversions, we have seen the mechanical shift linkage location end up being directly beneath the passenger
side seat. This is usually caused by the engine location, which is sitting too tight against the firewall. The only remedy is to modify
the shift handle of the transfer case control lever so that it comes forward of the seating area. Before final engine and drivetrain
locations are set, we recommend test fitting your transfer case linkage.
The 1975-80 FJ40 vehicles used a different type of mechanical transfer case linkage than the earlier Land Cruisers. The early
mechanical linkage used a bellcrank system to operate the high/low shift lever. The 1975-80 linkage simplified the shifter by
eliminating the bellcrank and having a rod fasten directly to the High/Low lever, thus making this linkage easier to install and better
suited for the transfer case. Whenever possible, we recommend using this later model designed mechanism for an easier
In August 1980, the transfer case linkage on the FJ40s and the
newer FJ60 vehicles (equipped with the split-case aluminum trans-
fer case design) used a pivot pin similar to the 1975-80 four speed
design. Most of our transfer case linkage brackets were not de-
Early model stock 3 & 4 signed for the split-style transfer case; however, most of our brack-
speed Land Cruiser
transfer case linkage ets can be modified to accommodate this linkage. Before install-
ing the drivetrain back into the vehicle, you should test fit your trans-
fer case linkage and make the necessary modifications. Make
sure that your linkage prop-
erly shifts into all ratios and
that the installation into the
vehicle permits the transfer case lever to properly engage
and disengage 4WD.
GM automatic to Split-case transfer case linkage pivot bracket
3 & 4 Speed Mechanical Linkages Brackets:
The pivot shaft for these mechanical transfer case linkages was located on the side of the stock transmission. This pivot shaft
location is roughly 2” different between the 3 speed transmissions and the 4 speed transmissions. The 3 speed linkage pivot was
closer to the front of the transfer case than that of the 4 speed. The brackets listed below are mainly designed around the 4 speed
pivot position. When using one of our brackets listed below on a vehicle previous equipped with a 3 speed, the transfer case
bracket may require some modifications to fit your linkage.
The 10 spline (3 speed transmission) transfer case used either a vacuum or mechanical linkage. On the transfer case adapter
kits replacing the stock 3 speed transmission, a shifter bracket for both of these types of linkages is not supplied in our adapter
kits. On 10 spline transfer cases that are a mechanical linkage, you can call and receive a bracket at no charge. (Note:
These brackets are designed around the 4 speed applications. Some modifications to your stock linkage may still be necessary).
On vacuum operated linkages, we offer pivot bracket P/N 716024.
The 16 spline (4 speed transmission) and the 19 spline (split-case) transfer cases are both mechanical linkages. Most kits for
these transfer cases include a transfer case shifter bracket to retain the mechanical linkages. Some problems retaining these
linkages do occur. The most common problem is the mode lever (2WD to 4WD shifter). Due to the various transmission widths,
this portion of the shifter sometimes requires modifications to fit properly into the transfer case Mode shifter shaft.
To simplify the transfer case shifter mechanism we have designed a new adjustable twin stick Land Cruiser transfer case shifter.
Our new linkage kits still require the pivot brackets listed below, but allow
you a cleaner installation with a few additional options. The following
page describes these new twin stick shifter kits.
TH400 transfer case shifter bracket SM465 transfer case shifter bracket SM465 transfer case shifter bracket
SM420 transfer case shifter bracket NV4500 transfer case shifter linkage
P/N 715571 1) Chevy V8 with a SM420 or SM465 transmission and a Rock Box
2) Chevy V8 with a SM420 or SM465 transmission and our transfer case adapter YES
3) Chevy V8 with the stock 4 speed
P/N 715571B 1) Chevy V8 with the stock 4 speed transmission using our conversion bellhousing and a Rock Box YES
P/N 715573 1) Chevy V8 with TH350, 700R, & NV4500 transmission using our transfer case adapter YES
P/N 715573B 1) Chevy V8 with a TH400 transmission using our transfer case adapter YES
P/N 715574 1) Stock 6 cylinder with a SM420 or SM465 transmission and a Rock Box NO
Each kit requires the installation of a new Mode shaft which is part of the kit. These kits include a new pivot shaft and all new
linkage components. The shift handles are not painted to allow you the option to do slight modifications or welding if your kit
requires such.
Land Cruiser transfer cases have used three different front output spline over the years. The early transfer case used a coarse 10
spline, the 1978 to 1980 transfer case used and 27 fine spline front output, and the late model used a 19 spline front output. The
kits and descriptions below will help identify the correct kit for your application. We recommend that you verify your spline count.
P/N 716370 - Coarse spline yoke (10T) for June 1977 & earlier Land Cruisers
P/N 716371 - Fine spline yoke (27T) for July 1978 to July 1980 Land Cruisers
P/N 716369 - Split style transfer case (19 spline yoke) for August 1980 to 1989 Land Cruisers
STOCK TUBULAR CROSSMEMBER: When installing some of the longer transmission assemblies, the transfer
case must be moved rearward. The stock emergency brake housing located on the back of the transfer case will likely interfere with
the stock tubular crossmember. In most cases, this crossmember must be relocated. We recommend that you cut this tubular
crossmember as close to the inner frame rail as possible. This will allow the crossmember to be relocated further back and then
rewelded to retain the structural integrity of the frame rails.
TRANSFER CASE REBUILD KITS: We offer transfer case rebuild kits that include the necessary seals, gaskets, and
bearings for both 3 & 4 speed transfer cases. When performing an engine or transmission swap, it is usually a good time to inspect
and replace possible wear items. These kits can be ordered under P/N 401310 (3 speed kit) & P/N 401416 (4 speed kit).
TRANSFER CASE OUTPUT SHAFTS: We offer new transfer case output shafts. We carry these shafts for both the
Orion transfer cases and for worn out stock units. We have found that most stock transfer case output shafts have excess wear on
the gear journals. These new shafts provide a closer tolerance install for the Orion gears. P/N O40500 (T/Cs up to 4/1975) &
P/N O40501 (T/Cs 4/1975 to 7/1980)
TRANSFER CASE STEPPED THRUST WASHERS: The thrust washers are an important and critical area when
installing transfer case gears on your Toyota shaft. The first step is to inspect the transfer case output shaft for excessive wear and
to make sure the gears fit the shaft. If your shaft is worn excessively, the gear will be a loose fit and/or will be able to wobble. If this
is the case with your shaft, replace it. The end play of the gear on the shaft must be set. The shaft and gears should be set at .008"-
.012" of end play. These thrust washer are stepped. One side has a recess of .015" - .017" and the other side of the washer has
a .008" - .010" recess. By using one side of the washer or the other or by using your stock washers, you should be able to get close
to the required tolerance. On some stock applications, the end play ends up to be close to .030".
FJ60 & FJ62 TRANSFER CASE GEARS: Mark’s 4WD offers two ratios of gear sets for the FJ60 transfer cases August
1980 to January 1990. These gear set have either an 8% overdrive and a 2.81:1 low range, or an 8% underdrive and 3.05:1 low range.
Part No. 716920 (8% overdrive) and 716920UD (8% underdrive) fit FJ60s with the 34mm cluster pin transfer case gear sets (Aug.
1980 to Oct. 1985). Part No. 716921 (8% overdrive) and 716921UD (8% underdrive) fit FJ60s with the 38mm cluster pin transfer
case gear sets (Oct. 1985 to Jan. 1990). The overdrive gear sets are ideal for the FJ60 models since they improve fuel economy; and
the underdrive gear sets are ideal those vehicles running 35” & upward size tires and require more engine RPMs. The best addition
is the low gear reduction for off-roading. The installation of this gear set requires a small amount of internal case modifications;
however, it does not require any floorboard, driveshaft, or crossmember modifications.
FJ60 GEAR REDUCTION BOX: If you’re looking for a even lower gear ratio, there is yet another option. We have worked
closely with one our Land Cruiser distributors to developed a NP203 crawl box for the FJ60s. This crawl box can be mounted to
either the stock 4 or 5 speed transmission and/or the GM TH350, TH400, 700R & SM465 transmissions. This product is manufactured
by Advance Adapters exclusively for Colorado Offroad Xpress. For information on this reduction box or to purchase one of these units,
please contact Jerry Nichols at (719) 576-0616.
Both GM & Ford offer many automatic transmissions to choose from. The GM transmissions you can use are the TH350, TH400,
700R, 4L60, 4L60E & 4L80E. The Ford transmission that you can use is the C4 automatic. Automatic transmissions are excellent
for 4WD conversions since they eliminate the need for clutch linkage modifications. The added length of the transmission can
sometimes be limiting and, at other times, is an asset towards the elimination of driveshaft modifications. The automatics usually
are equipped with only a 1st gear ratio of around 2.5 to 3.0-to-1, which does not provide the gear reduction holdback that a manual
truck transmission provides. Some of the transfer case adapters will require a new transmission output shaft to be installed.
A cable operated shifter for the automatics is usually recommended. We carry the B & M sport shifter, which can
be purchased under P/N 715680. We also carry the Lokar automatic shifter which is a rod type linkage. These
shifters can be purchased under P/N 23-T350 (TH350 transmissions), P/N 23-T400 (TH400 transmissions)
and P/N 23-R700 (700R transmissions).
On certain installations, transmission pan modifications may be required for front driveshaft clearance. If these modifications are
too extensive, refer to the Front Driveshaft Clearance subheading in the Transfer Case section of this manual.
This GM automatic was commonly found stock in vehicles from 1969 to 1981. It was used in both the 4WD
pickups and 2WD applications. These transmissions are identical except when it comes to the output shaft
stickout length. The 4WD transmission used an adapter to bolt this transmission to its stock transfer case.
With this adapter removed, the stock output shaft protrudes from the back of the transmission case
approximately 1”. On 2WD vehicles, these transmissions used 3 different tailhousings. The lengths of these
tailhousings are 6”, 9”, and 12”. The output shafts lengths correspond
with these tailhousing lengths.
This transmission is one of the most popular choices for engine and transmission conversions due
to the overall length of 21-1/2”. The 1st gear ratio is 2.52:1; 2nd 1.52:1, and a 3rd gear ratio of 1:1.
TH350 Adapter Kits: Because of the various output shaft lengths, we have designed our kits around the 2WD TH350 output shaft
stickout of 6”. If you obtained a TH350 with a longer output shaft or a 4WD version, you will be required to install a new output shaft.
If you have the correct stickout on your transmission, you will only be required to shorten the shaft as illustrated on your instruction
sheet; however, the adapter kits we offer are also supplied with a modified TH350 output shaft, cut to the proper length. This shaft
is provided as a convenience item only and has a limited value of $10 if returned for credit.
P/N 50-7300 - TH350 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 3 speed (10 spline) Adapter length of 5.250”
P/N 50-7400 - TH350 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 4 speed (16 spline) Adapter length of 5.250”
*P/N 50-7401 - TH350 replacing FJ40/FJ60 Land Cruiser 4 speed (19 spline split-case) Adapter length of 6.750”
*This kit comes with a shifter bracket to connect the transfer case shifter linkage. The housing has provisions to retain the stock
transmission crossmember. Relocation of this crossmember on the frame rails may be required.
This is the first automatic overdrive that GM produced. Introduced in 1982, this transmis-
sion is offered in two different bellhousing / case designs (60 & 90 degree bolt patterns).
All 4.3 V6 & GM V8 installations will require the 90 degree version. The internal
components of these 700Rs can be interchanged if necessary. When this transmission
was first introduced, it quickly developed a bad reputation for certain weaknesses. In 1987,
GM resolved all of the problems that previously existed.
In the 1990s, the name of the 700R transmission changed
to 4L60. These transmissions are ideal for many conver-
sions because of the 30% overdrive. The overall length of
this transmission is 23-3/8”. It has a 1st gear ratio of 3.06:1;
The 700R & 4L60 are similar to the TH350 with reference to the bolt pattern and the various output shaft lengths. The adapters
we offer for these transmissions work in conjunction with the 2WD version output shaft length which has an approximate stickout
of 8”. If the proper transmission is obtained having this stickout, you will be required to shorten the stock output shaft to work with
our adapter housing. The kits for these transmissions also come with a pre-modified shaft that can be installed in your transmission
if necessary. This shaft is provided as a convenience item only and has a limited value of $10 if returned for credit.
P/N 50-8901 - 700R / 4L60 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 3 speed (10 spline) Adapter length of 6.750”
P/N 50-8902 - 700R / 4L60 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 4 speed (16 spline) Adapter length of 6.750”
*P/N 50-8903 - 700R / 4L60 replacing FJ40/FJ60 Land Cruiser 4 spd. (19 spline split-case) Adapter length of 6.750”
*This kit comes with a shifter bracket to connect the transfer case shifter linkage. The housing has provisions to retain the stock
transmission crossmember. Relocation of this crossmember on the frame rails may be required.
**P/N 50-8904 - 700R / 4L60 replacing Land Cruiser automatic FJ80 HF2A transfer case. Adapter length of 9.170”
**This kit is machined to accept the FJ80 transmission mounting rubber. The crossmember mounting holes may need to be slotted to
allow it to be moved rearward slightly. The transfer case shifter mounts to the top of the adapter housing. The bracket provided
in the kit allows for the HI/LOW lever to come though the original hole.
This transmission is identical to the 700R / 4L60 except that it is an electronically controlled transmission. GM manufactures this
transmission in two versions. Both of these transmissions use a reluctor ring connected to the GM
engine computer for proper shifting points.
The first version of this transmission is a mirror image of the 700R, but it requires a reluctor ring.
For these kits we adapt around the 2WD version of this transmission. The kits require the use of
a stock 2WD output shaft with the stock reluctor ring. You will be required to shorten this shaft as
indicated on the instruction sheet provided in your kit.
This housing is drilled and tapped for the stock reluctor ring pickup. The GM sensor for this housing is included in this kit and allows
the proper signal to operate your transmission. These kits provide the bracket necessary for the mechanical transfer case linkage.
For the early style 3 & 4 speed transfer cases, rear transfer case mount P/N 716022 is the only rear support option. The early transfer
cases will also require an additional 10mm x 1.5 hole to be drilled and tapped into the adapter housing. This hole has been started
on the housing, but is not completed due to the various applications this housing fits. On the later model split transfer case, the
adapter has provisions to retain the stock crossmember; however, relocation on the frame rails may be required.
The second version of the 4L60E is found mostly in 1997 & newer GM vehicles. The transmission main case and bellhousing on
this version are no longer cast together (now a removable bellhousing design), and no longer had the square bolt pattern on the
output side. This version of the 4L60E is now equipped with a hex bolt pattern similar to a TH400. This transmission is 21-7/8”
long and is used in both 2WD & 4WD vehicles. We manufacture an adapter plate that bolts to the output side of this transmission,
giving it both the reluctor pickup and the same overall length as the 700R.
To use this transmission, you must purchase two kits. The first kit is a 700R / 4L60 that was mentioned above.
This kit uses a stock 2WD 4L60E output shaft with a 9.5” stickout that can be either shortened, or
you can install the modified (pre-shortened) output shaft supplied in the kit. The second kit
takes the hex bolt pattern on the 4L60E and converts it to a square bolt pattern to make the 4L60E
look just like a earlier GM automatic. This kit, P/N 50-0405, also includes a clamp-on reluctor
and sensor. The clamp on reluctor in this kit is designed to fit the modified shaft included in
the 700R / 4L60 kit. If you are planning to retain the stock 4L60E output shaft, a smaller reluctor
clamp is required. This part can be substituted when ordering Kit No. 50-0405. The reluctor ring,
Part No. 716072, which comes standard in this kit can be replaced with P/N 716074.
This transmission is known as the heavy duty version of the TH350. We manufacture a full line of adapters to
utilize this transmission. The O.A.L. is 24-1/4” long. It has a 1st gear ratio of 2.48:1; 2nd 1.48:1, and a 3rd gear
ratio of 1:1. When installing this transmission into a Land Cruiser, driveline modifications are always required.
The transfer case shifter handle will normally require additional modifications to position it in a usable location
on your floorboard. Front driveshaft clearance will also be an area of concern due to the width of the TH400
transmission pan assembly.
P/N 50-1500 - TH400 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 3 speed (10 spline) Adapter length of 2.680”
P/N 50-1600 - TH400 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 4 speed (16 spline) Adapter length of 2.680”
*P/N 50-1700 - TH400 replacing FJ40/FJ60 Land Cruiser 4 speed (19 spline split-case) Adapter length of 3.187”
*This is a two piece adapter that does not have provisions to retain the stock transmission crossmember. When using this TH400 adapter,
a custom crossmember will need to be fabricated and the transfer case linkage will require modifications.
This transmission is similar to the TH400 except that it is electronically controlled and has an overdrive. This transmission does
not use a reluctor ring like the 4L60E. The 4L80E transmission is normally equipped with an internal reluctor ring on both the
transmission input shaft and output shaft. The computer takes both of these readings in for the proper shifting and operation
of this transmission. We have always ignored the reluctor ring requirement for this transmission since it is internally
regulated. We have now learned that the rear reluctor ring is not always installed into the transmission. The basic rule of
thumb is 4WD transmissions up to 1996 should have a rear reluctor ring in the main transmission case. All 2WD
transmission should have the rear reluctor in the main transmission case, and the 1997 & newer 4WD 4L80E transmissions
have a sensor provision; however, the reluctor ring in the transmission is left out. The tailhousing bolt pattern is the same as
the TH400, but indexed with a different diameter. There are several lengths of the stock 2WD transmission output shaft and only
one length of the 4WD. When designing our kit, we standardized off of the 4WD output shaft. The 1st gear ratio is 2.482; 2nd 1.482;
3rd 1.1, and a 4th gear ratio of .75. Before installing your transmission make sure it is equipped with the rear reluctor ring.
P/N 50-1501 - 4L80E replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 3 speed (10 spline) Adapter length of 2.680”
P/N 50-1601 - 4L80E replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 4 speed (16 spline) Adapter length of 2.680”
*P/N 50-1701 - 4L80E replacing FJ40/FJ60 Land Cruiser 4 speed (19 spline split-case) Adapter length of 3.187”
*This is a two piece adapter that does not have provisions to retain the stock transmission crossmember. When using this TH400 adapter,
a custom crossmember will need to be fabricated and the transfer case linkage will require modifications.
**P/N 50-1702 - 4L80E replacing Land Cruiser automatic FJ80 HF2A transfer case. Adapter length of 5.240”
**This kit is machined to accept the FJ80 transmission mounting rubber. The crossmember mounting holes may need to be slotted to
allow it to be moved rearward slightly. The transfer case shifter mounts to the top of the adapter housing. The bracket provided
in the kit allows for the HI/LOW lever to come though the original hole.
This 3 speed transmission was used in Ford cars & trucks from 1964 to 1981. We recommend obtaining
a 1970 & newer transmission for conversions. The transmission case length is 11.180”, and with the
bellhousing measures 17.00”. This transmission was used up against small block Ford engines. The
adapters we manufacture will normally require the installation of a new output shaft. This is the most popular
transmission when converting to a Ford engine. The 1st gear ratio is 2.46:1; 2nd 1.46:1, and a 1:1 3rd gear
ratio. We only offer adapters for the 10 & 16 spline Land Cruiser transfer cases. Both these kits come with two adapter housings:
a main output shaft, and a spud shaft. Neither one of these kits have provisions for the transfer case linkage pivot stud, nor do we
offer any bracketry to assist you in this area.
P/N 50-8200 - C4 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 3 speed (10 spline) Adapter length of 7.250”
P/N 50-8300 - C4 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 4 speed (16 spline) Adapter length of 7.250”
This transmission works great in Land Cruisers. The overall length is 10-1/2”. It has the lowest 1st gear available of 7.05:1; 2nd
3.57:1; 3rd 1.7:1, and a 4th gear ratio of 1:1. The transmission was used in GM trucks from 1947 to 1968. This transmission has
a 10 spline output shaft which we couple to using a new spud shaft. (Note: We have seen a few SM420 transmissions with a 32
spline output which we can also adapt to). The cast iron case of this transmission will sometimes require modifications due to
interference with the front driveshaft or transfer case shifter linkage. A transfer case shifter linkage bracket is not included in any
of these kits. As the years progress, it is getting harder to find this transmission and parts.
P/N 50-2601 - SM420 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 3 speed (10 spline) Adapter length of 4.500”
P/N 50-2602 - SM420 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 4 speed (16 spline) Adapter length of 4.500”
*P/N 50-2603 - SM420 replacing FJ40/FJ60 Land Cruiser 4 speed (19 spline split-case) Adapter length of 4.500”
*This is a two piece adapter that does not have provisions to retain the stock transmission crossmember. When using this SM420
adapter, a custom crossmember will need to be fabricated.
Stock L/C 6 cylinder to the SM420: Some customers prefer not to replace the stock Land Cruiser engine. For these
applications, we offer a transmission retrofit option. By using a 1963-73 Land Cruiser 3 speed bellhousing, we are able to adapt
the popular SM420 to your stock engine. The kit includes a new front retainer, pilot bushing, and transfer case shifter bracket. One
of the transfer case adapters listed above will be required.
P/N 712520 - SM420 to Land Cruiser 6 cylinder
Used from 1968 to 1988, this transmission replaced the SM420. It has an overall length of 12”. The 1st gear ratio is 6.58:1; 2nd
3.58:1; 3rd 1.57:1, and 4th gear ratio of 1:1. This transmission was used in both the 2WD & 4WD vehicles. Throughout its 20 years,
the transmission case never changed; however, we have seen three different output shafts. The 1968-79 4WD transmission used
a 10 spline output shaft, which is easy to adapt. The 1968-88 2WD version used a 35 spline output shaft, which is also easily adapted;
however, the output shaft length in this version requires it to be shortened. The 1980-88 4WD tranny used a long 32 spline output
shaft. We do not offer any adapters that couple to this output shaft because of its length. If you have this SM465 version, you can
change the output shaft to the 10 or 35 spline output. As mentioned, we only offer SM465 adapter kits for the 10 or 35 spline output
shafts. These kits come with both a spud shaft and adapter housing which measures 4.625”. The shifter bracket for the transfer
case shift linkage must be purchased separately.
Stock L/C 6 cylinder to the SM465: Some customers prefer not to replace the stock Land Cruiser engine. For these
applications, we offer a transmission retrofit option, P/N 712519. By using a 1963-73 Land Cruiser 3 speed bellhousing, we are
able to adapt the popular SM465 to your stock engine. The kit includes a new front retainer, pilot bushing, and transfer case shifter
bracket. One of the transfer case adapters listed above will be required.
In 1993, General Motors and Chrysler teamed together to manufacture a transmission referred to as the NV4500 transmission.
The Model NV4500 was used in both the GM & Dodge truck applications. This transmission is probably one of the finest options
available for Land Cruiser conversions. We have developed kits for both the GM & Dodge transmission - for all three Land Cruiser
transfer cases. We also offer adapter kits to couple the NV4500 directly to the Land Cruiser straight 6 cylinder engine. The section
that follows will highlight both the transfer case and bellhousing adapters we offer.
GM 4WD NV4500 (1993-94): During the first two years of the NV4500, Chevy offered this 5 speed with a 6.34:1 1st gear; 2nd
3.44:1; 3rd 1.71:1; 4th 1:1 ratio, and a 27% overdrive. It was also the first year that Chevy changed the bellhousing-to-transmission
bolt pattern. This transmission is ideal when converting your vehicle, providing an ultra-low 1st gear. GM, however, only produced
this particular ratio during these years. The major complaint of this 5 speed was stiff shifting and noise in 3rd gear.
GM 4WD NV4500 (1995): This transmission is identical to the 1993-94 transmission, except the 1st gear ratio had been changed
to 5.61:1; 2nd 3.04:1; 3rd 1.67:1; 4th 1:1 ratio, and a 27% overdrive. The noise and shifting problems had been corrected.
GM 4WD NV4500 (1996-2006): This transmission has the same gear ratio as the 1995 version. Chevy once again changed
the bellhousing-to-transmission bolt pattern and went to a larger bellhousing index diameter. This Chevy NV4500 has the same
bellhousing-to-transmission bolt pattern as the Dodge NV4500. These transmissions use a GM internal release bearing.
All of the Chevy version NV4500s listed above have a 1-1/8 “ 10 spline input shaft with a pilot tip of .590. The input shaft protrudes from the
front of the transmission approximately 6-5/8”. We only offer adapters for the 4WD version of the Chevy NV4500. The stock output shaft on
this transmission must be shortened as illustrated on the instruction sheet included with each kit.
Dodge 4WD NV4500 (1993-2000): This transmission is the same as the 1996-99 Chevy version; however, the only difference
is the transmission input shaft which is 7-1/2” long with a pilot tip of .750”. The output shaft on this transmission is 23 spline. To
couple to this output shaft, you will be required to shorten the stickout length to avoid pre-loading the bearings in the transmission.
Dodge 4WD NV4500 (2001-2006): This transmission is the same as the 1993-00 Dodge version; however, The 2001 & newer
Dodge transmission was changed to a 29 spline output shaft.
Dodge 4WD Heavy-Duty (Diesel) NV4500 (1993-2006): This transmission is normally used up to the Cummins
Diesel. This transmission is similar to the standard duty version in reference to the bolt pattern. The input shaft
is the same (7-1/2” long & .750” pilot tip), but the clutch spline is 1-1/4” 10 spline. The output shaft on this
transmission is also larger in diameter, which has 29 splines. To couple to this output shaft, you will be
required to shorten the stickout length.
We designed adapter kits around all three versions of the NV4500 4WD transmission, accommodating whichever transmission
you acquire. Ideally, if you are doing a Chevy or Ford engine swap, the GM or Standard Duty Dodge NV4500s are the easiest to
adapt to. The Dodge Heavy-Duty NV4500 should only be used when retaining the stock 6 cylinder. Any 2WD versions of the
NV4500 will require the main output shaft to be changed. Each of these adapter kits come with a new tailhousing adapter which
replaces the stock tailhousing adapter. These kits also use a spud shaft to couple to the stock NV4500 output shaft. In all the
following kits, this output shaft must be shortened as illustrated on your instruction sheet.
P/N 50-0211 - GM 4WD NV4500 replacing FJ40 3 speed (10 spline) Adapter length of 5.875”
P/N 50-0213 - GM 4WD NV4500 replacing FJ40 4 speed (16 spline) Adapter length of 5.875”
*P/N 50-0214 - GM 4WD NV4500 replacing FJ40/FJ60 4 speed (19 spline split-case) Adapter length of 5.875”
P/N 50-0222 - Dodge 29 Spline NV4500 replacing FJ40 3 speed (10 spline) Adapter length of 6.375”
P/N 50-0223 - Dodge 29 Spline NV4500 replacing FJ40 4 speed (16 spline) Adapter length of 6.375”
*P/N 50-0224 - Dodge 29 Spline NV4500 replacing FJ40/FJ60 4 speed (19 spline split-case) Adapter length of 6.375”
*This adapter does not have provisions to retain the stock transmission crossmember. When using this NV4500 adapter, a custom
crossmember will need to be fabricated.
Besides the transfer case adapters necessary for the NV4500 transmissions, each installation will require some type of bellhousing
adapter to complete the conversion. Since the NV4500 has become a popular transmission when installing a Chevy or Ford engine,
or even retaining the stock Land Cruiser engine, we offer a full line of bellhousing adapters to assist you.
When using one of our full bellhousings, we recommend that you use an 11” flywheel and clutch assembly. A Centerforce clutch
and our large diameter release bearing (listed in the clutch portion of this manual) are recommended in order to achieve proper
disengagement with the Toyota Land Cruiser slave cylinder. The full bellhousing kits come complete with a pilot bushing and stock
GM clutch release arm. On most V8 engine installations replacing the stock Land Cruiser 4 speed, the added length of the NV4500
will normally position the engine in an ideal location to eliminate driveline modifications.
P/N 712577 - GM NV4500 (1993-95) to GM block, full bellhousing (11” clutch recommended)
P/N 712576 - GM NV4500 (1996 & up) to GM block, full bellhousing (11” clutch recommended)
(Dodge NV4500s can use bellhousing P/N 712576 by installing a new input shaft, P/N 52-0221, and modifying the bearing retainer)
The adapter plates are designed to fit a standard Ford or Chevy bellhousing. The adapter plate provides a mounting surface identical
to a Ford or Chevy transmission. These kits are designed around the Dodge Standard Duty 4WD transmission and compensate
for the 1” longer Dodge input shaft. These kits come complete with a pilot bushing and necessary hardware. On most V8 engine
installations replacing the stock Land Cruiser 4 speed, the added length of the NV4500 will normally position the engine in an ideal
location to eliminate driveline modifications.
P/N 712550 - Dodge Gas NV4500 to GM 5.125” indexed adapter plate
P/N 712551 - Dodge Gas NV4500 to Ford 4.848” indexed adapter plate
(See the Clutch Component section for the recommended pressure plate, clutch disc, release bearing, and slave cylinder mount)
For a NV4500 installation retaining the Land Cruiser 6 cylinder, we offer three kit designs. The first two kits listed are designed to
utilize a GM NV4500. These kits come complete with a full bellhousing, steel adapter plate, clutch release arm, and slave cylinder
bracket. These kits fit both the early and late Chevy NV4500 bolt patterns. The third kit listed is specifically designed for the Dodge
Heavy-Duty (diesel) NV4500. This kit uses an adapter plate that bolts to the front of the Dodge NV4500 and then accepts a standard
Land Cruiser 4 speed bellhousing. This kit requires the front retainer of the transmission to be turn down in diameter and also a
special Centerforce clutch assembly, P/N CF315518. This kit, however, retains all of the stock clutch linkage and the slave cylinder.
(This stock L/C clutch fits the stock flywheels from the years of August 1974 through 1987). On earlier applications, you must
change the flywheel and clutch fork to use this clutch assembly.)
When using this new transmission with the original Toyota 6 cylinder, you will normally require driveline modifications of approxi-
mately 5". This will position the transfer case further back requiring removal of the original tubular crossmember. A new cross-
member will be needed to support the transfer case.
P/N 712578 - 1993-95 Chevy NV4500 to Land Cruiser 6 cylinder
P/N 712578-L 1996 & newer Chevy NV4500 to Land Cruiser 6 cylinder
P/N 712579 - Dodge H.D. NV4500 to Land Cruiser 6 cylinder
We offer the 29 spline Dodge transmission under P/N 26-0029, the 29 spline Dodge H.D. Diesel transmission with the 1-1/4”
input under P/N 26-0020, and the GM transmission under P/N 26-0007.
The transmission assembly length on the Dodge transmission will be 25.375”, and 24.875” on a GM transmission. When replacing
P/N 27-0020G - GM 4WD NV4500 to Land Cruiser 10 spline T/C - full bellhousing design
P/N 27-0021G - GM 4WD NV4500 to Land Cruiser 16 spline T/C - full bellhousing design
P/N 27-0022G - GM 4WD NV4500 to Land Cruiser 19 spline T/C - full bellhousing design
P/N 27-0020T- Dodge 29 Spline NV4500 to Land Cruiser 10 spline T/C - full bellhousing design
P/N 27-0020T - Dodge 29 Spline NV4500 to Land Cruiser 16 spline T/C - full bellhousing design
P/N 27-0022T - Dodge 29 Spline NV4500 to Land Cruiser 19 spline T/C - full bellhousing design
Retaining the stock 6 cylinder: We offer complete kits for the Dodge Heavy-Duty (diesel) NV4500 to the stock Land Cruiser
6 cylinder engine. The kits include a transfer case adapter, bellhousing adapter plate, Centerforce clutch disc 1-1/4” 10 spline, and
shifter handle assembly. These kits require the use of a stock Toyota Land Cruiser 4 speed bellhousing. The adapter plate
in these kits are not compatible with a 3 speed bellhousing. The overall assembly length is 26.125”. These kits do not include motor
mounts or a rear crossmember.
P/N 27-0023 - Dodge H.D. NV4500 to Land Cruiser 10 spline T/C - adapter plate design
P/N 27-0024 - Dodge H.D. NV4500 to Land Cruiser 16 spline T/C - adapter plate design
P/N 27-0025 - Dodge H.D. NV4500 to Land Cruiser 19 spline T/C - adapter plate design
Ford T18:
This transmission, found in 1965 to 1985 Ford pickups, is identified by a case length of 11.875”. The 1st gear ratio is 6.32:1; 2nd
3.09:1; 3rd 1.69:1, and a 1:1 4th gear ratio. The adapters we manufacture for this transmission come with a new main shaft. Ford
was not the only manufacturer who used the T18 transmission. When searching for a T18 in salvage yards, make sure the
bellhousing bolt pattern has a dimension of approximately 8-1/2” across the top, and 6-1/4” top-to-bottom. The input shaft stickout
should be approximately 6-1/2”. Our adapters will only work for the Ford T18. When using this transmission, you will have to fabricate
the necessary bracketry to connect the transfer case shifter linkage. We do not offer an adapter kit for the 10 or 19 spline Land Cruiser
transfer case.
P/N 50-8000 - Ford T18 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 4 speed (Adapter length of 3.750”)
Ford NP435:
We manufacture many adapters for the Ford version of the NP435. These adapters do not work on the Chevy
or Dodge NP435. This transmission has a case length of 10.875”. The 1st gear ratio is 6.69:1; 2nd 3.34:1;
3rd 1.66:1, and a 1:1 4th gear ratio. This transmission was used in Ford pickups from 1969 to 1979. It is
easily identified by an aluminum shift cover. This transmission is available with two front input shaft lengths.
The 6-1/2” input shaft stickout length is the ideal version to look for. When using this transmission, you will
have to fabricate the necessary bracketry to connect the transfer case shifter linkage. We do not offer an adapter
kit for the 19 spline split-case.
P/N 50-6201 - NP435 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 3 speed (Adapter length of 3.325”)
P/N 50-6202 - NP435 replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 4 speed (Adapter length of 3.325”)
T & C 4 Speed:
This transmission is mainly found in cars from 1967 to 1982. The case length is 10-1/4”. The 1st gear ratio
is 2.78:1; 2nd 2.92:1; 3rd 1.35:1, and a 1:1 4th gear ratio. The shifting mechanism is external, so a shifter bracket
and a shifter rod kit are normally required. This transmission is sometimes referred to as a T & C or 10 bolt
top cover. We only offer kits for the 10 & 16 spline transfer cases. We do not offer any bracketry to assist you
with the transfer case linkage.
P/N 50-2800 - T & C 4 speed replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 3 speed (10 spline) Adapter length of 1.200”
P/N 50-2801 - T & C 4 speed replacing FJ40 Land Cruiser 4 speed (16 spline) Adapter length of 1.200”
The assembly length of the crawler box is approximately 7” long. A normal installation will
require crossmember and floorboard modifications. Due to the length of this low gear box, your
engine location may need to be adjusted further forward than normal. We have had some
customers adjust their rear axle location to compensate for this extra length. The kit comes with an
adapter housing that couples the NP203 gear box to the Land Cruiser transfer case, and a special output
shaft. The shifter linkage for both the transfer case and the NP203 gear box will need to be fabricated.
P/N 50-8801 - NP203 gear box to Land Cruiser 3 speed (10 spline)
P/N 50-8802 - NP203 gear box to Land Cruiser 4 speed (16 spline)
To install the Rock Box into a Land Cruiser with a stock 4 speed
or a GM SM465, the unit will come with a new transmission
output shaft that must be installed into your transmission. The
SM420 transmission couples directly to your stock 10 spline trans-
mission output shaft. The Rock Box acts as the transfer case adapter
for the SM420 and SM465 transmissions.
The Rock Box requires some assembly for installation. The unit must be installed onto the transmission in two separate pieces.
The front plate or adapter plate bolts to the transmission. This plate provides the mounting surface for the case portion which
houses the drive gear and reduction gears.
We found it easier to couple the Rock Box onto the transmission while the transmission is out of the vehicle. A 1” body lift is
recommended to avoid floorboard modifications. The Rock Box kits come complete with the reduction box, the Rock Box shifter
components, new output shaft for the L/C 4 speed and SM465 transmissions, and a set of installation instructions. There are
some additional items that may be required; however, these items are sold separately.
NOTE: The Rock Box comes with a straight shifter handle. However, for a
drivetrain that is adjusted forward (such as a V8 application), you can substitute
the straight handle (P/N 302058) with an offset handle (P/N FJ4412).
SM420 GM 4 Speed
RB4210 - Fits 3sp. 10spl. T/C 3.44:1 reduction ratio
RB4216 - Fits 4sp. 16spl. T/C 3.44:1 reduction ratio
RB4210-A - Fits 3sp. 10spl. T/C 2.20:1 reduction ratio
RB4216-A - Fits 4sp. 16spl. T/C 2.20:1 reduction ratio
SM465 GM 4 Speed
RB4610 - Fits 3sp. 10spl. T/C 3.44:1 reduction ratio
RB4616 - Fits 4sp. 16spl. T/C 3.44:1 reduction ratio
RB4610-A - Fits 3sp. 10spl. T/C 2.20:1 reduction ratio
RB4616-A - Fits 4sp. 16spl. T/C 2.20:1 reduction ratio
Besides the cast iron case and lower gear set, the Orion has other additional benefits over a stock transfer case. Benefits include
a larger 34mm idler gear shaft, wider needle roller bearings for improved load distribution, and a fully gusseted idler shaft area on
the case. This revolutionary transfer case will keep downtime to a minimum. There is no need to modify either driveshafts for the
installation, since the length and dimensions of Orion are nearly identical to the stock case.
The Orion replaces stock transfer cases in Toyota Land Cruisers built between 1963 and July of 1980. Stock transfer cases built
during this 18-year span are either a 10-spline case coupled with a 3-speed transmission or a 16-spline case coupled with a 4-
speed transmission. Prior adaptations of other transmissions using Advance Adapters conversion products will also be compat-
ible with the Orion.
This case replacement has the same external width, eliminating driveline modifications. The casting contours that outline the low
speed output gear will position the drain plug approximately .500” lower on average. The new low ratio gear set supplied replaces
existing gear sets except for the PTO gear or PTO spacer sleeve. The Orion transfer case requires the complete removal and
disassembly of your stock Toyota transfer case. Once the stock transfer case is removed from the vehicle it becomes a donor for
the new Orion case. This kit requires that you reuse your stock fasteners, front & rear housings, retainers, shafts, shift fork, clutch
sleeves, and cover plates from your original transfer case. You are supplied a full rebuild kit to replace all bearings, races, O-rings,
seals, and gaskets. Shims for the rear output shaft retainer are also supplied to set the bearing pre-load. Do not discard shims,
washers, sleeves, and spacers from your stock yokes and shafts. Although the instruction sheet provided with your new transfer
case will initiate the steps to install the Orion, it is advised that you also obtain a shop or repair manual that covers your specific
Tools required: Metric & standard drive sockets, Metric & standard wrenches, #10 hex
bit, Foot Pound Torque Wrench (Torque Range of 10-125 ft./lbs.), Drift Punch for both HI
& LOW shift rail and the 4 speed TC stake nut, Dead Blow Hammer, Pliers, Hand press,
Universal Puller for stock 3 and 4 speed transmissions, and a Flat Head Screw Driver.
Removal of the stock front housing Removal of the stock rear housing
Most fasteners are metric with a few exception to the bolts that
couple the Orion to one of our adapter kits. The shifter rail and
cluster pin require a light tapping from a dead blow hammer
during installation. This is because of the close tolerances of
machining on the Orion case.
The Orion comes with two new bolts and requires the reuse of the other three that fasten the transfer case to the transmission. These
two new bolts are modified for clearance on the new larger gear set. Due to the various transmission applications, the bolt length
and thread pitch may vary.
10 Spline Orion Transfer Case - OTLC10-A 4.0:1 fits vehicles using one of our adapters
OTLC10-S 4.0:1 fits vehicles with the stock 3 speed transmission
OTLC10-U 4.0:1 this universal kit offers both the metric and standard bolt packs
OTLC3-10A 3.0:1 fits vehicles using one of our adapters
OTLC3-10S 3.0:1 fits vehicles with the stock 3 speed transmission
OTLC3-10U 3.0:1 this universal kit offers both the metric and standard bolt packs
16 Spline Orion Transfer Case - OTLC16-A 4.0:1 fits vehicles using one of our adapters
OTLC16-S 4.0:1 fits vehicles with the stock 4 speed transmission
OTLC16-U 4.0:1this universal kit offers both the metric and standard bolt packs
OTLC3-16A 3.0:1 fits vehicles using one of our adapters
OTLC3-16S 3.0:1 fits vehicles with the stock 4 speed transmission
OTLC3-16U 3.0:1 this universal kit offers both the metric and standard bolt packs
For a complete set of installation instructions, please contact us toll free at 1-800-350-2223.
Before you consider this conversion, we recommend that you thoroughly read and understand the complete installation procedure.
Do not take shortcuts on steering installations. We recommend that these conversions be installed by a qualified
technician. The control of your vehicle depends on your steering performance. Failure of your steering system can result in severe
damage and possible injury.
The Saginaw steering system requires the elimination of the stock gear box and bellcrank. The new
steering box is mounted on the inside of the left front frame rail, just behind the bumper. Although this
sounds simple, there are several things that must be considered before the installation can be completed.
Such things include:
We offer four (4) steering conversion kits. These kits are either power or manual steering conversions, and
either a Borgeson/Flaming River or Spicer yoke design. None of these kits supply the steering box (manual
or power), or steering pump and hoses (power applications).
Both the manual and power steering conversions can be performed with the original 6 cylinder engine or
a new Chevy V8. There may be slight modifications required to the driver’s side engine mount to provide
proper clearance for the steering driveshaft. On 3 speed Land Cruisers equipped with a column shifted
transmission, you will need to change your 3 speed linkage to a floor shifter. The power steering conversions
retaining the stock 6 cylinder will also require a custom power steering pump mounting bracket, P/N
716842. To help identify the kit necessary for your conversion, please consider the following information.
Both Power & Manual boxes can be found in the 1960s & early 1970 GM cars, or Jeep vehicles 1972
& newer. The manual steering box must have a shaft stickout length of approximately 3” long, and
the spline on the shaft approximately 1” long. When using power steering, we recommend obtaining
the pump and hoses off of the same vehicle. We now offer boxes & pumps listed at the end of the
Steering section.
Manual Steering Box
Both Power and Manual boxes have two spline sizes that mate to our spud shaft. Our manual steering kits are supplied with a .730”
dia. 30 spline spud shaft. If your steering box has .730” dia. 36 spline, Part No. 716834-36 can be substituted. On power steering
kits, we supply the most common spud shaft which is a .800” dia. 36 spline. On some of the newer Saginaw boxes, we have found
them to have a .730” dia. 30 spline. Part No. 716834-30 can be substituted.
P/N 716834-30 - Spud shaft .730” dia. 30sp. female
x .730” dia. 36sp. male (power & manual boxes)
P/N 716834-36 - Spud shaft .730” dia. 36sp. female
x .730” dia. 36sp. male (manual boxes only)
P/N 716835 - Spud shaft .800” dia. 36sp. female
Saginaw Steering Installation
x .730” dia. 36sp. male (power boxes only)
These kits are the newest and most recommended style that we manufacture. The steering shaft assembly connects directly to
our steering spud shaft. This collapsible slip steering shaft extends to the firewall and can be adjusted to any length. The 3/4” DD
connection (round shaft having 2 flat surfaces) couples easily to any of the yokes supplied in the kit or listed under the Custom Steering
Column subheading. These kits require welding on the steering box mounting plate, frame enclosures, and firewall mounting plate.
P/N 716807 - Land Cruiser conversion kit, Manual Saginaw box
P/N 716808 - Land Cruiser conversion kit, Power Saginaw box (shown)
(These kits do not include boxes or pumps)
These kits utilize Spicer yokes and crosses. We have used this design for many years and it works well for these vehicles. The
yokes use a setscrew or spline connection from the steering shaft to the yoke. On these applications, the steering column yoke
must be cross-drilled and possibly welded. Welding is required on the steering box mounting plate, frame enclosures, and firewall
mounting plate.
P/N 716803-NS - Land Cruiser conversion kit, Manual Saginaw box
P/N 716804-NS - Land Cruiser conversion kit, Power Saginaw box
(The kits do not include boxes or pumps)
The stock steering column is the easiest option when installing the Saginaw steering. If you are planning to use a custom steering
column, some fabrication will be necessary for mounting.
The stock steering column protrudes through the firewall and into the engine compartment. There are two basic steering column
configurations. Vehicles prior to September 1972 were one style, and vehicles after this date were another. The biggest difference
between these steering columns is the anchoring of the column to the firewall.
Steering Columns September 1972 & Earlier: These earlier models are equipped with a steering mechanism that clamps
directly onto the Toyota gear box. The firewall mounting plate bolts through the firewall with either four bolts or six bolts, depending
on the actual year. In order to install the Saginaw steering, you must install a Universal yoke on the end of the steering column.
We suggest that you follow this step-by-step procedure:
Step 1: Using a hacksaw or torch, remove the steering column and shaft from the original steering box. Make the cut as close as possible
to the steering box so that an adequate amount of the steering column shaft will be available.
Step 2: Remove the original Land Cruiser gear box, Pitman arm, drag link, bellcrank, stock stabilizer, and front tie rod.
Step 3: Remove the turn signal switch.
Step 4: Remove the firewall dust boot and retainer plate.
Step 5: In order to relocate the steering column after it has been removed, we suggest that you wrap a piece of masking tape around the
column as a guide to the original location. This will provide a means of relocating the column back to the original location.
Step 6: Using the column mounting plate provided, you can now slip the plate onto the column, making sure that it can be adjusted to the
proper angle for reassembly onto the firewall.
Step 7: Slip the column and the plate back into the vehicle to the original location. Tack weld the column and column mounting plate into
position. Using the nut plate on the engine compartment side of the firewall, you can now locate the hole locations required for
bolting the mounting plate into position.
Step 8: Once again, remove the column and finish welding the mounting plate to the column tube. Drill the mounting holes out to a larger
size for use with the original bolts.
Step 9: Determine the length of the column tube and the 3/4" column shaft and cut to the necessary length. We recommend that the column
protrude 2" from the face of the firewall, and the shaft protrude 2" beyond the end of the tube. On various installations, this length
may vary to allow for engine mount and steering driveshaft clearances.
Step 10: Install the brass/teflon bushing provided with the steering kit into the bottom of the steering column tube. Make sure the clearance
between the bushing and the shaft is sufficient. You may need to sand the column to obtain the proper fit. In our experience with
the stock Land Cruiser column shaft, we found the size to be approximately .007" larger than the 3/4" yoke.
Step 11: In order to retain the brass bushing in the end of the column, you will need to weld a flat washer or use a set collar on the steering
column shaft. This washer or set collar must be flush with the bushing. If a washer is used, weld it 360 degrees around the shaft.
Steering Columns October 1972 & 1979: These later models are equipped with a steering column that uses a 4-bolt mounting
plate to the firewall, and a special coupler for connecting to the stock steering box. Vehicles equipped with this particular model
will be able to leave the column in the vehicle while making the necessary modifications. We suggest that you follow this step-
by-step procedure as listed below.
Step 1: Using a hacksaw, remove the special coupler from the end of the shaft. Make the cut as close as possible to the coupler.
Step 2: Remove the 4 nuts that hold the column mounting plate in position and install the new Advance Adapters bearing assembly. New
bolts have been provided for use with our new support bearing.
Step 3: Check to make sure that the bearing and shaft have sufficient clearance for a smooth operation. You may need to clean and sand
the steering column shaft to obtain the proper fit. At this point, you should lock the bearing onto the shaft using the set screw provided.
Step 4: Determine the length of the steering column shaft that is best suited for your engine location. Cut the shaft to the appropriate length
and, once again, debur and clean for a slip fit of the 3/4" Universal yoke.
Step 5: On the Flaming River kit, a 3/4" Double "D" yoke has been provided for this application. The 3/4" column shaft will need to be modified
to fit the Double "D" yoke. With a disk grinder, grind 2 flats about .100" deep on each side of your stock column shaft. There are
two set screws in the new Universal yoke assembly. Mark the location on the steering shaft where these two set screws are
located. Remove the Universal yoke and spot drill two recesses for the set screw installation, approximately 3/16" deep. Reinstall
the universal yoke and set both of the two set screws and lock nuts. Loctite should be used on both set screw installations. On
Spicer Yoke kits, a keyway yoke is supplied. We recommend using an 1/4” end mill to slot your steering shaft. This yoke also uses
a set collar to secure the yoke in place. Only on the Spicer yoke kit should you weld this yoke to the steering column shaft.
Flaming River / Borgeson: Universal joints are available to match nearly every style steering column available. The special
spline size on some of the custom columns will require a different U-joint than supplied in our kits. We offer a selection of the
various sizes. The new universal joint is supplied with a mating connection that will fit the new 3/4” DD steering shaft. If a custom
column is being used and you have already purchased the stock Toyota 3/4” diameter column yoke, you will then need to
exchange your universal joint for the one that will be required on your installation. The special yoke assemblies to connect a
custom steering column to our Saginaw steering components are as follows.
P/N 716848 - 1” 48 spline Universal yoke (GM columns)
P/N 716849 - 1” DD Universal yoke (GM and Ford)
P/N 716850 - 3/4” x 36 spline Universal yoke (GM and Ford)
(The dimensions represent the column side of these yokes only. The opposite side of these yokes is a 3/4” DD)
Spicer Kits: We do not recommend the use of custom columns with these kits unless the proper connection can be made.
You must make sure that the yoke connection to the bottom of the custom steering column be equipped with a
special output yoke that can be attached securely in position. We recommend that you do not weld on custom steering
column installations. If the proper yoke connection cannot be made, then you should not use a custom column with this kit.
The control shaft between the end of the column and the steering box spud shaft is defined as the steering driveshaft.
Flaming River / Borgeson: With each kit, we have provided a 3/4” DD shaft that has a length of 36”, and a special U-joint is
included to fit the bottom of the shaft. The shaft will have to be shortened to the necessary length for your installation. The new
shaft assembly has a 3/4” DD end that will need to fit into the steering column universal joint. Use the same procedure to spot
drill both of the set screws, and Loctite the connections with the two lock nuts.
Spicer Kits: With each kit, we have provided a shaft with a standard length that will work for various installations. Each end
is splined. The shaft can be shortened to the necessary length for your installation. One end of the shaft has already been
machined to couple to the new universal yoke. A groove has been machined so that the yoke bolt can prevent the universal yoke
from slipping off the shaft. Since various installations have different length requirements, we have provided 4” of splines at the
opposite end of the driveshaft without a groove. Once the length of this shaft has been determined and cut to proper length,
this end of the driveshaft will need to have a groove ground or machined so that the yoke can be secured into position. (If a shorter
steering shaft is needed, please call with the necessary measurements and we can make a custom length).
To connect the yokes to the driveshaft, you must use the special bolts provided in this kit. Never reuse an old bolt, and torque
all bolts to 70 ft./lbs. Be sure to check that the head of the bolt has ample clearance when making a 360 degree turn. NOTE:
The groove on both the spud shaft and steering shaft may need a slight modification for the bolt clearance on Part No. 716403
On both kits, the set screw bolts should be check and, if necessary, re-torque at every oil change.
When installing the Saginaw conversion, the front crossmember will require an access hole that
is roughly 3” in diameter to provide clearance for the steering spud shaft clamp. This access hole
allows the steering spud shaft to extend through and into the engine compartment. In most cases,
the front crossmember must be reinforced on both the top & bottom because of the diameter of the
access hole.
The steering box mounting plate must have a solid surface for welding and positioning. We have provided a extra 3/16” thick steel
frame enclosures to box the passenger side of your frame rail. The extra plate is simply supplied for boxing of the passenger side
frame rail. On vehicles equipped with winches, it may be necessary to offset the winch bumper to allow for the steering box clearance.
Before the box can be mounted to the frame rails, you will need to torch or drill two large clearance holes into the front crossmember.
These holes will provide clearance for the steering box spud shaft to go beneath the radiator and enter into the engine compartment
area. The hole on the front side should be at least 3” in diameter, while the backside hole can be 1-1/2” in diameter. If you have
moved your radiator from the original location, you may require radiator modifications. The upper bumper gusset may need to be
sectioned for the mounting of the steering box plate.
When using the mounting plate and frame enclosures (P/N 716839), you will be required to have these components welded onto
your frame rails. These welds should be made only by a qualified welder. Do not short change your installation with a poor quality
weld of these mounting plates to your frame rail. The plates should be welded along the complete perimeter.
Power: On power steering boxes, you will be required to use four bolts when using our mounting
plate, P/N 716839. The 4 bolts must be installed from the bracket side into the steering box. Some
of the newer Chevy boxes come only with a 3 bolt mounting flange. This is similar to the manual steering boxes. P/N 716839
will still work on these boxes. DO NOT drill out the threads in the power steering box assembly.
Manual: The manual steering box mounts to the mounting plate with only three bolts. These bolts come through the mounting
plate and fasten to the steering box. We use the same mounting plate, P/N 716839, as we do for the power box.
Saginaw Steering Box: We offer a custom rebuilt heavy-duty power steering box. This box offers you a variable 16-13 to 1 ratio
which produces better steering characteristics for both on and off road. This box offers a 3-3/8” turn lock-to-lock ratio, a heavier
torsion shaft for a better feel of the road, a 30 spline input, and uses the o-ring style hose fittings. This box can be ordered under
P/N 716882.
Each of our kits include the necessary short tie rod for your conversion. This tie rod has a
special left hand metric thread and one right hand American thread. The tie rod connects
to the Saginaw pitman arm and then to the stock Land Cruiser tie rod end located on the
passenger side. Care should be taken for the proper fit of the tie rod end’s taper and threads
when installing into the Pitman arm. In some cases, it may be necessary to use two or three
washers on the top side of the Pitman Arm so that the threads on the tie rod end will secure
the proper taper fit. All tie rod ends must be secured with a castle nut and cotter pin. All tie
rod-to-tie rod end connections must have a tie rod clamp installed with a bolt, lock washer,
and nut. We DO NOT find it acceptable to cut and weld the tie rods.
The steering box Pitman arms vary from power to manual, and are not interchangeable. The Pitman
arm supplied in each kit is for use on vehicles that are not equipped with a suspension lift.
If your vehicle requires a dropped Pitman Arm, then we suggest that you contact a suspension lift
company. We DO NOT find it acceptable to cut or bend our Pitman arms.
The purpose of the caster adjustment is to provide steering stability, which will keep the front wheels in a straight ahead position.
It also assists in straightening the wheels after making a turn. If the angle of the caster is found to be incorrect, correct it to the
specifications given in your service manual. The correct angle is obtained by installing caster shims between the axle pad and the
springs. If the camber and the toe-in are correct and it is known that the axle is not twisted, a check may be made by testing the vehicle
Lift the front of the vehicle to raise the front tires off of the ground. Turn the wheels to the straight ahead position. Using a pencil
or chalk, scribe a line in the center of each tire tread. The mark should circle the entire diameter of the tire. Measure the distance
between the scribe lines at the front and rear of the wheels, using care that both measurements are made at an equal distance from
the floor level. The distance between the lines should be greater at the rear then at the front by 3/64" to 3/32”. To adjust, loosen the
clamp bolts and turn the long tie rod with a small pipe wrench. The tie rod is threaded with right hand and left hand threads to provide
equal adjustment at both wheels. Do not overlook the retightening of the two clamp bolts. It is a common practice to measure between
the wheel rims. This is satisfactory providing the wheels run true. By scribing a line on the tire thread, a measurement is taken between
the road contact points reducing error caused by wheel rim run out.
It is recommended to have the alignment done by a qualified technician.
Although we manufacture and sell complete kits for Saginaw steering conversions, we do offer the individual components.
P/N 716811 - Stock Land Cruiser column bushing (up to 1972)
P/N 716812 - Tie rod clamp
P/N 716814 - Spud shaft clamp
P/N 716816 - Manual pitman arm
P/N 716817 - Power pitman arm
P/N 716821 - Right hand thread tie rod end
P/N 716822 - Land Cruiser column mounting plate
P/N 716831 - Land Cruiser tie rod 25-1/2”
P/N 716833 - Land Cruiser column bushing (1972 &1979)
P/N 716834-30 - Spud shaft .730” dia. x 30T (manual & power)
P/N 716834-36 - Spud shaft .730” dia. x 36T (manual)
P/N 716835 - Spud shaft .800” dia. x 36T (power)
P/N 716836 - Land Cruiser (Spicer) steering shaft 29”
P/N 716839 - Power and Manual steering box mounting plate (with passenger side frame enclosure)
P/N 716840 - Land Cruiser (Spicer) steering shaft 26-1/2”
P/N 716842 - Land Cruiser 6 cylinder power steering pump bracket
P/N 716851 - Land Cruiser column yoke with a 3/4” DD (Flaming River)
P/N 716860 - Steering shaft support bushing (for a pillow block assembly.)
P/N 716862 - Flaming River collapsible steering shaft and yoke assembly
P/N 716880 - Saginaw power steering box Pre-1980 with flare fittings .800 dia., 36 spline input shaft
P/N 716881 - Saginaw power steering box After 1980 with o-ring fittings .800 dia., 36 spline input shaft
P/N 716882 - Saginaw power steering box After 1980 with o-ring fittings .730 dia., 30 spline input shaft
P/N 716884 - Power steering pump Pre-1980 with flare fittings, press on pulley & SAE mounting holes
P/N 716885 - Power steering pump After 1980 with o-ring fitting, press on pulley & metric mounting holes