Daman Wound Care Mangment
Daman Wound Care Mangment
Daman Wound Care Mangment
` Ref: No:
Version Control:
Version No. 3.0
Effective Date:
08 December 2012
Revision Date:
August 2015
Approved by:
Abstract Responsible:
Medical Strategy &
Development Department
For Members
Related Adjudication
Billing Rules are the adjudication rules, which are in compliance with official CPT, ICD-CM Rules:
and HAAD/CCSC coding guidelines. None
A billing rule defines the minimum requirements to be met when a service is claimed for
a Daman beneficiary in terms of frequency, duration etc. Disclaimer
It explains the minimum required documentation to claim a service. It also defines the By accessing these Daman Adjudication Rules (the
“AR”), you acknowledge that you have read and
coverage of a service under a particular insurance plan administered by Daman. understood the terms of use set out in the
disclaimer below:
The information contained in this AR is intended to
outline the procedures of adjudication of medical
For Medical Professionals claims as applied by the National Health Insurance
Company – Daman PJSC (hereinafter “Daman”).
The AR is not intended to be comprehensive,
The scope of this guideline is to describe the proper coding and reporting requirements should not be used as treatment guidelines and
should only be used for the purpose of reference
for wound care management. or guidance for adjudication procedures and shall
not be construed as conclusive. Daman in no way
Daman covers wound care management for all health insurance plans, subject to policy interferes with the treatment of patient and will
not bear any responsibility for treatment decisions
terms and conditions and if billing methodology is clinically appropriate in terms of interpreted through Daman AR. Treatment of
patient is and remains at all times the sole
diagnosis, frequency and duration. responsibility of the treating Healthcare Provider.
This AR does not grant any rights or impose
obligations on Daman. The AR and all of the
information it contains are provided "as is"
without warranties of any kind, whether express
or implied which are hereby expressly disclaimed.
Under no circumstances will Daman be liable to
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damages. Daman also disclaims all liability for
any material contained in other websites linked to
Daman website.
This AR is subject to the laws, decrees, circulars
and regulations of Abu Dhabi and UAE. Any
information provided herein is general and is not
intended to replace or supersede any laws or
regulations related to the AR as enforced in the
UAE issued by any governmental entity or
regulatory authority, or any other written
document governing the relationship between
Daman and its contracting parties.
This AR is developed by Daman and is the
property of Daman and may not be copied,
reproduced, distributed or displayed by any third
party without Daman’s express written consent.
This AR incorporates the Current Procedural
Terminology and Current Dental Terminology
(CPT® and CDT®, which is a registered
trademark of the American Medical Association
(“AMA”), and the American Dental Association
(“ADA”) respectively), and the CPT and CDT codes
and descriptions belong to the AMA. Daman
reserves the right to modify, alter, amend or
obsolete the AR at any time by providing one
month prior notice.
National Health Insurance Company – Daman (PJSC) (P.O. Box 128888, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Tel No. +97126149555 Fax No. +97126149550)
Doc Ctrl No.: TEMP/MSD-004 Version No.: 1 Revision No.: 0 Date of Issue: 08.05.2013 Page No(s).: 1 of 5
Wound Care Management
Wounds can be categorized as traumatic and non- Code the site, degree and extend of burn,
traumatic. documented in the medical record
Traumatic wounds are mainly acute (include Classify burns of the same local site (three-digit
lacerations, abrasions, cellulitis, burns etc) and category level, 940-947) but of different
chronic (like Ulcers) in nature degrees to the subcategory, identifying the
highest degree recorded in the diagnosis. Non-
A non-traumatic wound includes surgical wound healing burns are coded as acute burns
Necrosis of burned skin should be coded as a
The ICD coding and CPT coding rules varies non-healed burn
according to the nature of wound.
Code 958.3, Post-traumatic wound infection, not
elsewhere classified, as an additional code, only
if infected burn site is documented
Adjudication Policy
Category 949, Burn, unspecified, is extremely
vague term and should rarely be used
Eligibility / Coverage Criteria
Wound care management is covered for all health 3. Coding for Cellulitis
insurance plans administered by Daman, subject to
Coding of cellulitis secondary to superficial injury,
policy terms and conditions and if the billing
burn, or frostbite requires two codes, one for the
methodology is clinically appropriate in terms of
injury and one for the cellulitis.
diagnosis, frequency and duration.
Sequencing of codes depends on the circumstances
of the admission.
Requirements for Coverage
Billing and documentation requirements:
ICD diagnosis coded to highest level of specificity
as documented in the medical record of the patient. Code cellulitis only if documented in the medical
National Health Insurance Company – Daman (PJSC) (P.O. Box 128888, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Tel No. +97126149555 Fax No. +97126149550)
Doc Ctrl No.: TEMP/MSD-004 Version No.: 1 Revision No.: 0 Date of Issue: 08.05.2013 Page No(s).: 2 of 5
Wound Care Management
Surgical debridement (Excisional) (11000- instructions provided to the patient on the date
11001 and 11042 – 11047) of the service. Only significantly separately
identifiable service are performed and
Pressure ulcers (15920-15958)
reasonable as well as distinct, from the
Burn wounds (16020-16030) debridement service(s) provided a separate E/M
can be claimed.
Billing and documentation requirements:
Surgical debridement (Excisional)
These codes are normally to be reported by
non-physician professionals (e.g. physician Billing and documentation requirements:
assistants, nurse practitioners, enterostomal
The debridement code submitted should be
therapy nurses, wound care nurses, physical
based on the type and amount and the surface
therapists) licensed to perform these
area of tissue removed, not based on the depth,
procedures. Report these codes by physician
size, or other characteristics of the wound.
only if debridement of skin performed which is
Document should support coded anatomical site,
limited to epidermis and/or dermis.
area of body surface debrided and or extent of
Include assessment of the wound, the technique tissue or foreign material debrided (e.g. if a
of debridement (selective or nonselective) with wound involves exposed bone but the
or without out the use of minimal anesthesia, debridement procedure did not remove bone,
cleansing of the wound, dressing of the wound CPT code 11044 cannot be billed).
(including application of topical ointments,
When performing debridement of a single
wound bed protection and bulk dressing), and
wound, report depth using the deepest level of
any patient/family instruction.
tissue removed. In multiple wounds, sum the
Examination of wound to assess the drainage, surface area of those wounds that are at the
color, texture, temperature, vascularity, same depth, but do not combine sums from
condition of surrounding tissue, and size of the different depths.
area to be targeted for debridement of necrotic
For debridement of skin, i.e., epidermis and/or
dermis only, see 97597, 97598.
When debridement is performed, the
Dressings applied to the wound are part of the
debridement procedure notes must document
service for CPT codes 11000-11001 and 11042-
tissue removal (i.e. skin, full or partial
11047 and they may not be billed/ reimbursed
thickness; subcutaneous tissue; muscle; and/or
bone), the method used to debride, and the
character of the wound (including dimensions, The use of CPT codes 11042-11047 is not
description of necrotic material present, appropriate for the following services: washing
description of tissue removed, degree of bacterial or fungal debris from feet, paring or
epithelialization, etc.) before and after cutting of corns or calluses, incision and
debridement. drainage of abscess including paronychia,
trimming or debridement of nails, avulsion of
Do not report both selective and nonselective
nail plates, acne surgery, destruction of warts,
debridement codes for techniques performed on
or burn debridement. Report these procedures,
the same devitalized tissue area(s) of a wound
when they represent covered, reasonable and
on the same date of service.
necessary services, using the CPT code that
The application and removal of dressings most closely describes the service supplied.
associated with these debridement techniques is
E/M codes are not usually billed in conjunction
considered part of the work associated with the
with a surgical debridement code. Surgical
procedures and, therefore, would not be
debridement code includes the pre-debridement
reported separately. If a dressing change is
wound assessment, the debridement, and the
performed without any active wound care
post-procedure instructions provided to the
management (debridement), then it is not be
patient on the date of the service. Only
appropriate to use the wound care management
significantly separately identifiable service are
codes to describe the service.
performed and reasonable as well as distinct,
Generally, 97022 (whirlpool) and 97597/97598 from the debridement service(s) provided a
should not be reported during the same separate E/M can be claimed.
encounter, since the whirlpool is a component of
Codes 11040-11044 are considered complex
the 97597/97598 codes.
surgical services performed by physicians.
Do not report 97597-97606 codes with 11042 –
11047. Pressure Ulcers
E/M codes are not usually billed in conjunction Billing and documentation requirements:
with an active wound care management code
Selecting the code depends on, whether it was
Active wound care management code includes
excision or a debridement.
the pre-debridement wound assessment, the
debridement, and the post-procedure
National Health Insurance Company – Daman (PJSC) (P.O. Box 128888, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Tel No. +97126149555 Fax No. +97126149550)
Doc Ctrl No.: TEMP/MSD-004 Version No.: 1 Revision No.: 0 Date of Issue: 08.05.2013 Page No(s).: 3 of 5
Wound Care Management
If physician debrides the ulcer, effectively or general anesthesia. Document should justify
removing it and allowing the wound to stay open medical requirement for performing dressing
to heal, then code (11040-11044). If the under anesthesia. E.g. severe crush injuries
physician excises the ulcer, clears all infection where serial tissue debridement is required and
and closes the wound, then the appropriate code also for certain types of infection.
from the decubitus ulcer category should be
Evaluation and Management Codes:
When service provided is only a non-surgical
Pressure ulcer is differentiated by location
cleansing of a wound without sharp
(coccygeal, sacral, ischial and trochanteric),
debridement, with or without the application of
primary suture or flap closure with skin flaps
a surgical dressing, the appropriate Evaluation
and with or without ostectomy.
and Management (E/M) codes should be used.
The document should support the anatomical
The selection of the E/M service should be
site, flap, graft, closure and or ostectomy.
supported by the documentation of the
E/M codes are not usually billed in conjunction appropriate components; and the non-surgical
with a pressure ulcer excision code. CPT code cleansing of a wound will be considered bundled
includes the pre-debridement wound in the E&M reimbursements, and has no
assessment, the debridement, and the post- entitlement for separate payment.
procedure instructions provided to the patient
on the date of the service. Only significantly 3. Service codes for Non-surgical cleansing of
separately identifiable service are performed a wound (51-01, 51-02 and 51-03)
and reasonable as well as distinct, from the
debridement service(s) provided a separate E/M Billing and documentation requirements:
can be claimed. Report only when performed in the “Follow up
Dressings applied to the wound are part of the within one week” period, non-surgical cleansing
CPT code and need not to be reported. of a wound without sharp debridement with or
without local anesthesia.
Denial codes
Code Code description
MNEC-004 Service is not clinically indicated based
on good clinical practice, without
additional supporting diagnoses/activities
A. References
1. CCSC Coding Manual 2012
2. AMA CPT Assistant,2007
3. AMA CPT Book 2012
4. HAAD Claims and Adjudication Rules V2012-
5. American Health Information Management
Association - Audio Seminar/Webinar 2008
6. ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and
Reporting 2011
National Health Insurance Company – Daman (PJSC) (P.O. Box 128888, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Tel No. +97126149555 Fax No. +97126149550)
Doc Ctrl No.: TEMP/MSD-004 Version No.: 1 Revision No.: 0 Date of Issue: 08.05.2013 Page No(s).: 5 of 5